R EMOVA L. PORTER & DONALDSON, WHOLESALE MILIINERY Have He mo veil to NEW BUILDING. 260, 262 and 264 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa' Elevator Enlrauc?. 2t>). Special altentiou given to Pattern Bonnets and Trimmed Hat*. Full lue of Straw Good?, 1111- Lonu, Silks, Flov ers, Nets and LaCCJ. Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Crapes and Ladle? Neck Wear, SPECIALTIES. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. LARGEST STOCK. LATEST STYLES. LOWEST PRICES. mar22,3in t IB3Z OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE OF 1882. JAMES SHIDLE & SON, No. 59 Smithfield Street. Pittsburgh, Penn'a. GETER C. SHIDLE. Art Paper Hangings, Embossed Bronzes, Dadoes, &c. u!ii>B2,r>m IT U R N I T IT R TC. ' A COMPLETE LINE OF Krt-iiilii ptiil i.oall l.illß I j i ri-ufiiai.st., Allegheny, "RETWEEN IDE POT ID BIR/UDG-IE-- raarls.3iuos D. <Sr W. S. WELTY, JOUBKHS A Nil DEALERS 1 . CARPETS AND WALL PAPER, OILCLOTHS, MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES. &c. The oldest, largest and most complete House in the Trade in tlx* City, m 15,3iiioa. 115 niid 117 Federal St., Allegheny City. I'fl EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Cor. Robinson and Anderson St., % ALLEGHENY CITY. M. SITVIOIV, Agent. MILL, SINil, lIOOIt ASI> SIUTTKH PAf TOHY. Flooi lug Hoard!', Weathei boarding, Planed Roar< s, f':i?li, Monidlug*, Shingles, l.nih iilid all kinds ol Building f.umber, fgr A liberal redaction lor cafli orders. Send lor price list. All work de'ivered to railroads, steun uoats, &e., lice of charge. Communications solicited. Siu:> CHRIS. ©TOOK, Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware and dealer in Stoves, Ranges, Pressed, Japanned and Enameled Ware, Granite War.-, WooUen Ware, Bird Cages, and general housekeeping goods. Rooting, Spouting and Repairing done on short notice and at lowest market rates. The ouly authorized agent for the sale of A. Bradley & Co.'s well known Stoves and Ranges, and the only place to get the original and genuine odd plates for their stoves, made expressly by them for liiiu. Beware of sham plates being sold in Butler, made of old and inferior metal, none gen uine but from the Agent, CUIUS. STOCK, june 8, 'Bl. Near Wick and Sclireiber House*, Main street, Butler, Pa. PERRY DAVIS' I \ VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER f A Never-Failing Core for Barns, Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Mores, etc. . After forty years of trial, Perry Davis* Pain Killer stands unrivaled. • f( Is safe! It acts immediately! It never fails! Editor Of the St. John (N. B.) News, says: In dean wounds, aches, pains, sores, eta., It Is the most effectual remedy we know of. No family should be without a bottle of It lor a single hour. From the Cincinnati Dispatch: We have men. lt» magic effects, and know It to be a good article. From I. 8. Potter, U. 3. Consul at Crefeld, Rhenish Prussia: Alter long years of use, X am satisfied It Is positively efficient as a healing remedy | fa wounds, bruises, and sprain*. PURT DAVIS' PAIX KIM.EK IS not a new untiled reined). For forty veara It HA 1 ; boeu iu ' constant use ; and those who lia ve used It the longest are Its best friends Its success la entirely because of Its nielli Every fauillv should have a bottle ready tor use. Much pain and heavy doctors'bins may or ten be saved by prompt apph atu.n of tha PAIN KII.I.EH. Unlike most medicines, It is perfe< tlv safe even in tho hands or a child. It/ It once thoroughly, and it«IU prove lis .alue. Youi druggist has it at 2Sc-, iO;» icd wI.UJ perhowia PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietor*. Providence, R-1. M. c. HOCKENSTEIN, DEALER 11V TRGMONT COOK STOVES AND RANGES. ALSO, AGENT FOR CRYSTAL PA I. At K STOVES AND REPAIRS FOR SAME. Bird Cages, Tinware, Wood and Willow Ware, Enameled and t tranite Ware, Sewer Pipe, Eire Clay Stove Pipe, Orate Tile, Eire] Brick ami Clay. Roofing, Spouting and ll«avy Sheet-iron work done at short notice below market prices for c.uth. I am also having manufactured to my order, nice clean and smooth odd Plates to fit Bradley's Stoves, which I sell at six cents per pound, and I "will guarantee fhetn to last longer and give better satisfaction than the so-called original and genuine plates sold by another party at ten cent* per pound. Give me a call and be convinced. M. C- ROCKENSTEIN, iune!s:ly Main Street, Butler, Pa. W. W. Bharper, Valdosta, Oa., says: It is a panacea for all bruises and burns. From R. W. Adams, Saco, Me.; - It gave me Immediate relief. *. Lewis says: In forty years' use it. never luia failed m<». W. W. Lum, Nlcholvllle, N. Y., says: I use >our I'AIM Ku I.KH rr> iiuentl>-. It relieve* pain and soreness, and heuin wounds llko magic. J. W. Dee says: For aeslds and Inu ll- It bus no etpiul. pe iitttUu : Untie*?, P«.. sVp»it 2ft, Iss2. I n»e Lawreucc ('«. District At loruvj' (Froiu tin* Guariian of In-t urefk.) Aft or the Grand Jury bad been ;j tW'rn ou Monday, Judge Hredin in- j , formed thorn the investigation of , tlu* charges against District Attorney j lrvin would it- a part of their business. The Judge appointed .1 M Mart us. . Esq., to t ike eharge of the Common- I wealth's-ease in the matter. Wednes day afternoon the (Jrand Jury return ed the following pr hutment 7'" the Honorable th> Judya "" i Court of (j nirter ori. or Law . retire Cot n '</ : The Grand Inquest <>i th county • 1 Lawrence, iuquiriug in and tor the ; body of said county, upon tlx ir sol emn oath.- and affirmation* do present j that I 1 rvin, District Attorney in; and for snid couut\, did, on or about | the Ist day of April, A. 1)., 1831, in! t£»c city of New Castle, in tin* said : county unlawfully euffeuvor to ;iiiln- j tuce one S. L> Marshall, then and : there a public officer, to wit : County j Detective in and for said county doly , appointed, in the discharge and per formance of his law ful duties and obli gations us such officer, to wit; . iu the procuring of evidence for the duo and proper prosecution of the hereinafcer named defendants in cases then and there depending, wherein the Common wealth was pfaiatiff, od the part ol said fjoiiuiion wealth, by offers and promises of mom'y to be paid to h;in, the said Marshall, by other person Q? parsons to the Inquest unknown; to wit: to the eaid Marshall if.>oo ami to the said J. 3. Irviu §OOO. The following are the names of the defendant? and the cases depending. Com. vs. Robert Voegle and James 13. Shaw ; Com. vs. C. Koch and Lewis Ko?h; Com. ye. D. Roberts and James Hannon ; Com. vs. L- S. Nickum and Frank Xickum; Com. vs. Barbara Genkinger and Jake Genkinger; Com. vs. lieios Pierce, Thomas McWilliams and \Y m. McMathews; Com. vs. Samuel Smith and Carbon Fplkerson ; Com. vs. Jacob Sigle and Ueor&e ljoljiiger. All of said cases were depending at April sessions, 1881, of your Honorable Court, and Wtsre for the illegal sale of liquors. And the Inqaept aforesaid, on their oaths and affirmafctopa ktW said, do further present that the said J. Irvfn, District Attorney in and for said county', did unlawfully, will fully and corruptly solicit, dei»aud, charge and receive while iu the dis charge of his official duties and under cover and by virtue of hi* oflice and in violation ofhisoath of office, money other than the compensation allowed by law in the settlement of the fallow ing cases, viz : Com. vs. Klijah Rey nolds, No. 2J, September sessions, 1881, Lawrence county. Fees charg ed and received sl2 Received Octo -13, IBBJ. Com. vs. William Woods; three cases before Alderman Samuel Bowman for illegal liquor selling. Fees charged and received Re ceived on or about November 1, 1881. Com* vs. Matthew Amphlet, charged before Alderman Bowman with horse stealing. Fees charged and received 812. Received on or about- August 20, 1882. The Inquest would further present that the aaid .J. S. lrvin. Dis trict Attorney as aforesiid, in the above mentioned cases of the Commonwealth vs William Woods, settled *ai<l cases alter they were certified to your Hon orable Court by said Alderman, Samu el Bowman, and without his, (he said Alderman's permission, or without leave of your Honorable Court. [Signed] A. 11 I TT'IN, Foreman. April 12, 18S2, New Castle, l'.t» Tnc presentments ate endorsed as follows: 188J, April 1?, tlie Court direct the County Detective to make infor mation against J. S. Irvin /or viola tion of his official oath, as District At torney, in knowingly receiving money other than theVompennation allowed by law for the performance or t e nou-p<.r formance of the duties of his said oflice of District Attorney in the with in-named cases as mentioned in said presentment, viz : Com. vs. William Woods—three informations for illegal sales of liquors before Alderman Bow man, settled without leave of Court— s 26 ; Com. vs. Matthew Aniphlet, in formation before Alderman Bowman, horse stealing, sl2. [Signed] BY THE COURT. Addenda —And for misdemeanor in office in settling cases against Woods without leave of Court; and the Court do appoint Janes M. Martin attorney to prepare indictments against said District Attorney, and to prosecute the game upon behalf of the Common wealth to final judgments as provided by law. [Signed] BY THE COURT. It takes over one hundred pairs of gloves to assuage the grief of the Brooklyn officials over the death of an a'dcrman, whose ife might have been saved by a single bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. The new law against profanity in New York State will go into effect on the Ist of May. The Philadelphia News is of the opinion that the date was deferred until s-pring house clean ing was over _ An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and saves doctor bi'ls— take Peruna. Barnum says that although Jumbo cost him $30,000, yet he paid for him self in one week. No doubt of that. Mr. Barnuiu couldn't have got the same amount of advertising f>r twice that amount of money. If you take our advice you will lose no time in calling on your druggist for 'Dr. Seller 'Cough Syrup'—without an equa'. A letter carrier in Meriden, Conn., whose wifo has inherited £60,000, goes his rounds, though the postmaster has several applicants for his place He probably wants to accumulate ennrgh money to spend two days at Nispara Falls this summer Overworked men* lind women, per sons of sedentary habits, and others whose system needs recuperation, nerves toned, and muscles strengthen ed, should use Brown's Iron Bitters. A sealing 11earner has arrived at Newfoundland with 24,000 seals, and the catch of the whole fleet off Labra dor is reported to lie as great as 136,- 000 These, however, are not the genuine fur seal, which, although once found ever a large region, are now al most wholy restricted to a few islauds in the Behring sea. There is no use talking ! 'Lindsey's Blood Searcher' is taking the lead for curing all blood diseases. Bed parasols are now sometimes made of velvet. Misnlareti C:i»nfl<lt'it('c. Wasihnoton. April 14 —ll W llow crate, who lias been lying for son e rnontl s in jail n this city, oil account of his inabilityito procure the amount ~f )j iil require by the court for Lis j appearance to answer the charge made ' u**aiust Lim in connection with his j administration <>f th" financial afliirs j of the United States Signal S-rvi-v, , escaped from his guard yesterday af- j ternoon, while visiting his family, j and has in.t been sa-.u since. Tin «ir euiiistane's were a- follows . In ne j eurdauce with prwdents alr«-ad; > J -\ tablished in similar cinci, HoVgtt6 lias, at various times daring the pr-.-t j Hiiir «.r five months, applied to the | court f«>r temporary have <>f absence . from the jail to vi-'it his family. These , applications have generally Iweii grant- | ed, the court sending ftn olliccr with the prisoner to prevent his escape, and limiting to a few hours Lis ab scence from jail. Yesterday, for the first time in two month.- or more, Mr. Howgate asked leave to go to his house for the purpose of seeing his daughter, who has recently returned from Vassar College, and of looking over cmain pnp Tf. .ludgo Wylle, \u whom application was made, granted the request and sent with tbo prisoner Mr. Doing, one of the oldest and most trustworthy of the court bailiffs, with or ders to bring him back to the jail in two hours. It was then about throe o'clock. At Mr. Ifowirate's house the bailiff, for some reason which lb not fully ex plained, lost sight of the prisoner for a moment, and when he turned around Mr. Howgate was not in the room. The bailiff asked Miss llowgate where her father had gone. She replied that he * had stepped out. but would re turn in a moment, and asked the bail iff to sit down. The officer suspecting that something was wrong, rushed out of the bo»se bnt.could see nothing of the prisoner. The bouse was searched the police headquarters notified and the police everywhere put on the alert, but up to 11 r. m. no clue to the fugi ti.es Vi'hpfe!>bouts had been obtained. Marshal Henry tlitnKS that i,e ij still in the city, but as precautionary meas ure the police authorities of Baltimore, [jjchmond, New York, Philadelphia and Uottou Law been notified of Lis escape. If he should not be arrested before to-day a reward of SSOO will be offered for his apprehension. Don't worry any jongcr with pain ; take I'eruna. Partridge feathers are used to cover parasols. Rheumatism, disordered blood, gen eral debility, and mauy chronic dis eases pronounced incurable, are often cured by Brown's Iron Hitters The murderers of Jes-e .James were convictetl and sentenced to be banged, but the Governor promptly granted them an unconditional pardc.ii. f Daily Chicago Times.] Mr. George Barnes, t>f Bagnall A Barnes, South Water Street, said tliat his wife had been a sufferer with neu ralgia for years and had tried many remedies in vain. St. Jacobs Oil is the only thing that brought her relief. 'Patience' pokes r.re worn by young ) if dies. The highest h»pes and interest of the race rest on the purity, health and strength of womanhood. We take pleasure in referring our readers to the remarkable efficacy of Lydia E. Pink harm's Vegetable Compound in all that class of diseases from which women sutler so much. Look to your cellars, and be sure that their sanitary arrangements are good. At this season of the year a considerable amount of decaying vege tables is likely to be found iu cellars that have not been carefully watched. It is a well known fact that disease is frt qucntly caused by lack - of attention to some of these little matters .about the premises. Brain and Xerve. Wells' Health Renewer, greatest remedy on earth for impotence, lean ness, sexual debility, &e. sl. at drug gists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6 for $5. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J lowa lawyers are said to be notori ous among their brethorn of the bar for the length of their arguments, and it is even charged that this habit has assumed the dimensions of a calamity. One of the judges recently said : 'The State of lowa is paying annually a quarter of a million dollars for unnecessry gab—for these long speeches that do no one any good, that wear out the court, tire out the jury, and hurt rather than help the clients for whom they are made. It is an outrage, and ought to be stopped.' Catarrh or the ISladdor. Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupaiha. SI. at druggists. Prepaid by express, sl.2;'), (J for E. S. Wells. Jersey City, N. J. Philadelphia is now agitated over the relative sizes of the big elephants of Forepaugh and Barnum. A Kcniarkable Coincidence. It is a matter of journalistic record, that some years since, a schooner set sail from Baltimore, having on board a crew of thirteen men. By a most singular freak of nature, the entire force was attacked by a skin disease, which manifested itself in large ulcera ted sores on the arms and hands, wholly incapaciating the men from du ty. The result was that the vessel was towed back to the city where tin men were placed in a hospital. Moral! Had Swaync's Ointment for skin dis ease been used in the first place, the eriw wouill have recovered in from 12 to -'t hours. The private claims before Congress foot up iu the neighborhood ol s(*oo,- 000,000. Ely's Cream Balm Co., Owego, X. V. —Please send us at once two gross Ely's Cream Balm. We take pleasure in congratulating you on the success you are having with the ,Cream Balm' Catarrh and Hay Fever cure. Its sale i' steadily increasing with wonderful rapidity as you can see by our frequent orders. It is evidently an article of great merit. Very truly, JOHNSTON, IIOI.I.OWAY tfc Co., GO2 Arch St., Phila delphia. March 19, 1881. Mr. C. B. Porter, Druggist, Towan da. Pa. For several years I have been troubled with Catarrh; have tried manv remedies without much re lief. Ely's Cream Balm has proved to be the aticle desired, having won derful results in my case. J believe it to be the only cure. L. B. CORBORN, Towanda, Pa. May 14, 1870.- Price 50 cents. FIR. IT«, U»T», / AV , OINTMENT. — DOWNS' ELIXiHr^HBHj fl H. DOWNS' I L <? Vegetable Balsamic Li? This valuable is purely Topotable: B* ffljtho discovery of which was the result oipKa gg m.iny years' clo-3 study, ia order to discover H9 33 tho cause, tho symptoms, and tbo cure—viz: *5 B Consumption, Coughs, Cold?, Catarrh, 9 jy droup, Asthma, Plsurisy, Hoarseasss, K gj Influenza, Spitting Eloci, Bronchitis,Bj Wm ar:i every speHeq of opprpMion '-t Cl*e«t and In all ca. ea where thid Elixir has p^i JJ2 l>oen duly administered its eiticacy has been invariaMy manifested, convincing the mo6t in —■ credulous that w CONSUMPTION * ■» 13 not IF ait tided to.— SO Consumption, at Itß commencement, Is but fi SB flight irritation of the iwwbrabu whichoovers P the Lungs; then ail Inflomation, w hen the J* cough is more olfcervahle, hut rather dry; then >4 O becomes local fever anil the pulse more fro- Q queut, tbecheeka flashed andchillsmoracofn- '•** BB moo. This Elixir in curing the above com-Sa| 9 PIAI; id, oeer >TW> »•-. as to 1 . ui.iv,< NIL morbid IB n| irrttiitk.uaant INGUINAL 101 l from IBCH HR lungs to tho snrlare, and finally expel themflH RS from the system. It facilitates expectoration. SB H It heals the ulcerated surfaces N Kj and relieves the coiich and mnVe* the breath- |H it supports the strength au<l at the Ml ®9m:i:etlin# re-hicua the fever. It is free from |H H strong opiate ami astringent articles, which arc IS drying u nature as to i.eir.i;reatdantrerofßjj ■Hdestroying the patient; tvlieroas this medicine jsg never dries or stops tho cough, but, by rtmov- H9 ing the CAI'SK, generally destroys the hectic Jj9j before tho cotiuh is entirely gone. BS qußiitiy, wli*ti the cough is cured the ESP is v. li. Sj ml mltlri'sa lor pamphlet givingH ■■full iliiectiuiiif.irc.ueof pulmonary diseases. k&J I'rico S5 cls.,si)cts., arid SI .OO per Little. EH |gj SOLD EVERYWHERE. rl H HEJ'RT, JOIUSOI * LORD, Props., Burlington, Vt. ■ mm DOWNS' ELIXIR.HH MRS. LYDIA L PINKHAM, OF LYNN, MISS., "" vl | s 5 ' - £ C xS Q ■ p / /^ r 5 jt <. c.f-tsu&v***' x LYDIA E. PINKHAM'B VEGETABLE COMPOUND., I^IPOSITIVIHPIIRE rural 1 tlio«e t'olaplnlnta and W e»kn«SS«« lowmmu tikui'k' !•*-»( r< IUIIIC i>ui>ulatlon. IT will cure entirely Uio WORST form of Female Com plslnts, nil ovarian troubles, .lnllammation and TJleera Hon, Falllmr NNTL Dispioomcnta, andtho consequent FI;.|NHI Weakness, and is particularly adapted to tho Ciianga I-f r.ifc It will dissolve and eipel tumors from tho utorus In an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous homors there Is checked very speedily by its use. It removesfaintnens, flatulency, destroysall craving forsthnulnnts, and relieves weakness of tho rtcmcch. It runs Xllirating, Headaches, Nervous Trobtrrtion. General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression aud ludl gaatlon. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always jicm cured by its u?e. It will at ail times and under all circumstances act in harmony with tho 1 iwa that covci n the female system. Forthocure<f'L.'li'ney Compjcints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. LYNIA F.. PISKHAM'S VEGETABLE TOM POVXDB prepared at 233 NIV 1 2T»J \\est**rn Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price sl. Six bottlesfor »5. Sent by mall In the form of pills, also IN tho form of loscngcs, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. I'inkham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Jfcwfion this J"aper. NO family should bo without LYDIA E. PINKIIAM'S IJVER I'LLLS. They euro constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of the liver. cents per box. HF Mold by nil Urugginta. "6» Beware Fraud BENSON'S OAPCINt PLASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And their excellent reputation in jured by worthless imitations. Tho Public are cautioned agaiust buy ing Plasters having similar sound ing names. See that tho word O-APCINBis correctly spelled. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters tho only improvement ever mado in Plasters. One is worth more than a dozen of any other kind. Will positively cure where other remedies will not even relieve. Pnco 25 cents. Beware of cheap Plasters mado with lead poisons. SEABURY & JOHNSON, Manufacturing Chemists. New York. A-RUI: KI:UI:I>Y AT J.A-T. 'I-rk.--.-r. is. MtAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASftR. ASSHSSSST # 198 LiaERTY ST. □ PIT:'-t.'BUKGH, Dr. Frease's Water Cure. A health institution in lis 28th year. For nearly all kind of Clironlc (iifeases, and espe ei.iliy tile ill-eases ol Women, invalids are in vited to correspond with ns. Circulars !rce. Address, 8. VHEASE, M. D., New Hritrlitnu, beaver Co., i'a. Iyjuue29 B. C. HUBELTON. daily arrival ok all THE NEWEST SPRING STYLES IN Tills IS THE LARGEST STOCK I HATR EVER OFFERED AND Prices % Styles Defy Competition. Don't Fail to See tliis Stock and have Prices Quoted before you buy. USCI SIOCK OF Lfimtß IHD (ISDISGS. Repairing. —All Kinds Done at Reasonable Rates. B. C. HUSELTON, MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. S2O. BUS PHILADELPHIA SINGER MACHINE Kijmtl In ami Silir/rr hi t/tr Ttlnrkft. The above out represents tlie most popular s-tvle for the people which we offm/or von for the very low price oi'>'_'o. Reme^i)>er, we do ii.'t ask you t.. pay until you have seen the machine. After having examined it, if it is mil all we represent, return it to us al our expense. Consult yur interests and order at 'nice, or send tor eir. ulars ami testimonials. Address CHARLES A. \VOOI> & CO., No. 17 N. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. iq aria,lCt TITE FAMOUS Edison MUSICAL TELEPHONE. You can Laugh, Talk, Snip and flay Times through it at a io-ig distance. Children that can read figures can play tunes at once. The Tone is evual to any Flute or Clarionet. So knowledge of Music required to tilay it. To enablp any one. without the slightest knowledge of Instrumental Music, to perform at once ou the instrument, we have prepared a series of tunes embracing all the popular Airs, printed in simple tlgures on cards to suit the Instrument at a convenient distance from the mouth-piece, so that it can he easily read, and by means of which, any one, without the least musical knowledge, can perform on this Instru ment and play tunes at sight. I'ersotis a little familiar with airs can play hundreds' of tunes without any cards whatever. The Musical Tele pnono is more wonderful than the Sneaking Tele phone as it does all that will do besides instructing persons who do not understand notes to play tunes. "N. Y. Si x." The Musical Telephone is reeogi-ized as one or tlicmost novel inventions of the age. "X. Y. HKKAI.h." I'nces2so. i'riceby mail postage paid and registered £!.<»>. No instru ment sent by mail without b'-ing registered. Send money by 1". O. order or registered letter. SI'KCIAI. N'oTK'K.—The Musical Telephone can KIII vbe purchased <>t the manuiacturers, The KKISON MC'Sli' ( t)., '215 and -17 Waiuut street. I'hiladelphia, l'a.. or through their several branch houses throughout the United Stales. I\ o\i: HOUR YOU CAN I'LAY ON TIIK Piaiw, Organ or Melodeon, with EDISON'S INSTANTANEOUS MUSIC. To any child who enn read numbers from I to 100 il is as plain a.s daylight. So teacher required. All the popular tunes. Millions of our pieces now in use. Never fails to give satisfaction and amuse ment. Complete instructions, with seven pieces of music sent hy mail for (INK DOLLAR. Send stamp for catalogue of tunes. To those who live in tin- country away from teachers thev are a never-failing source <>f couilort. Agents wanted. For SI,OO we will mail you "KI»I8OV» I>K\ IKW" for one year and one of Kdlson's Musical Tele phone's registered by mail. When-irderiiigplease mention i he paper von saw this advertisement in. EDISON MUSIC CO. 215 it 217 Waiuut Street, PIIII.APKI.PIIIA, PA. HHAXCII I 11-'FU'KS Jo West ltaltlmore St., Italtim.ire, Mil., 30S X, nth si . SI. I.ouis. Mo. s'i i;th avenue. Pillsbiir::, l'a...XT Washington s| , liosloii. M.iss., ss. tjuei'ii s|.. Lancaster, l'a . Cor. ;»tli and Walnut, ('anuh n. N. J. lin-J Old Established Carriage Factory | ESTABLISHET» 183'J.J Spnnjr WaganH and Buggies iu stock and made to order of ali styles and description. Our wmk is of the I ext and late?t style, well m ele and finely linished. Wc give speci il at lentil n to rcpaiiing, painting and trimming. When in want of anything iu out line wc ask you lo .-.ill aud ex..mine our stock. I.OUUEN & PAKK, Duijuesne Way, hetwien Sixth and S.\enlh streets, above Suspension Bridge, Pitlnburgh, Pa. aps,ou | jTc buffdm & co.r CITY BOTTLING HOUSE 39 & 41 Market St., Fittsburgh. Host Brands of (lenuine Milwaukee, Cincinnati, and other BOTTLED BEERS. Bottled Soda, Syrups, and the Genuine Imported Ales Stout, and (linger Alen. K Pure Goods for family use and med ical purposes. Send for Price List. Small lots in two dozen eases sent C. O. D. aprl9,3tn BROWN LEGHORNS. EGGS for Hatching from a Breeding Pen of a No. 1 B>ds (Bonney Strain). For i-alu at $1.50 per 13. #2.80 per 20, safely packed and delivered to Express Oniee on receipt of price. for sale in the Fall. WILLIS COLLINS, ,aprl9,3t I'arkor's La i.ling. FJJGR"Subßcribc for the CITIZEN. Sccfcis, Harrison & Parker, DEALERS IN Implements, Seeds and F erlilizers, NO. 125 I.IBKKTY STKKKT. PITTBHUH«H, l*A, GENERAL AGENTS FOR Scobie, Harrison & Parker. SITtLE IVI Itl. HA 11. TIES Always on hand. OTHER SPECIALTIES, Dedorirk'N Hay Presses, The celebrated "(Goshen Pumps," Adriance Single Reaper,-Adriance Mower, "Aiiltman-Tay lor" Threshers. BueUer, Gitibs Co. Ohio ('lulled Plows, lUieher <;il>l>s & Co. Imperial Plows, Chie ftain Self-Dumping Rake, Buffalo Super Phosphate, Clover and Timothy,* Garden Seeds. [J'Jg?" Write for Circulars of any of the above, giving full information. . u nature's gretftest remedy.'* Dr.' llarunau L l>r»scrlhed it to 41,000 patients, nil of vetioin g - recovered or wero rnurn Improved. J'EUUNV c.ui he taken by every one—lliel - yourar, the niiflillc-r.gi'd. the oM. the lia!*'lr ami <iio mother. i PKRUN A always agrees with tho j>. Rl^-nt . fl it eljanf-M the system of nil Its Impurities, I " tones tlio stomach, regulates tho heart, un-jr locks the socretinnsof th 3 liver, gtrengtli-nsß the nerves and Invigorates the brain. ■■■■] Pr.urx v la tho frrcatest anpetizor, miike*»_ bipod, ami to tho weary a id tired /rem t'usll - tolls and cares of tlio day It gives sweet mid p. refreshing biocp, l|nnnnK|iWK.\ii'l 3 PE urx V Rhi hi lit N' t.ikcnl.y every body he- - fore each meal, when well, to prevent slclc - ness; when s!< It, to cure, *ihtq will liepiiH " for h case It will lint euro or Iv.-lp. BJBWHSEi" PEUUJfA Isconu'osednf nil vegetable - (Units: cadi ouo a great remedy In Itself. L ■ [See pamphlet], g-jpgai 1111*11—i ,1 IIHII I It Is pleasant t3 lUo taste, and will in lp Hit RtMU:\<ih to digest any article of fo« *l. ■■■■ Vera book which will enable you to treat yourself, address ». B. HAItTMAN A CO., - OSIIOUN. Olllu. AI ways regulate thoJj&v.ols - anil pelvic organs with OTRVS ttfifefei fialSl BlTj 111 Lim M B B and niKALIH FOR SALE BY ZinnEltnAW A W ULLEII BUTLER, PA. A * IO * TH * OR TEACHERS sn^ Young Men. Latin s and Agents, taking Orders rF.iisTo'coL. ingersoll,:;:.!,, linked and Troth Victorious*" now the riost popular NEW' BOOK in the Held. Both a S'IIELI) and a SWORD. Everybody wants it Low Price, (Juiek Sales. S, nrl for circular ami terms. P- W. XI EGl.Ejj it CO., Ini3 915 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pit. AGENTS WANTED—A Rare f'hnnee to make money rapidly, telling oui New Book, New York by Sunlight and Gaslight, Allowing up Hi" New Yolk ol to-day, w itli its palaces, its crowded thorotighfah , Its nulling elevated trains, ils conM'i ss t-i.ihl*, ii- romance, it* mystery, its dark crhues an I terrible tram dies, its charities, and in fuel, every l »La e ol life iu the Krcit eily. Dont waste time selling slow Iktoks. lon st i,<l for circulars giving lull t .bits ol eo. tculs, terms to agent -, ele. Pros, pectus now n . v, and territory iu great de mand. Addre. s I>. X OI.ASS BitOs , f>:; North SevenliiSt., Phil iSelphia, Pa. nprolt. Union Woolen ]Vlill, BUTLER, I'A. 11. FDLLKKTO.V. Prop'r. Manufacturer of BLANKETS, KI.ANSEI.. . YAKNS, &c. Also custom work done to order, such ap carding Rolls, makinr Blankets, Knit ting and Weaving Yarns, Ac., at very low prices. Wool worked on the shares, it de *iied. m>*7-ly lI7WNTED— # One Good Agent in Every County *' in this and adjoining States, to sell onr Family Bibles. Alliums and other publications. Send for circular and secure a territory at once, HOME PUBLISHING CO.. Pittsburgh, Pa. aprl9.3m. fl-TQA WEEK. sl2 a day at home easily made Out lit free. Address Tin K & Co. Augusta, Maine. manat.ly rr.ltHIH ARMOR, Justioe ot the Peace Maiu street, opposite Postofflee, ZELIENOPLE .PA. |cy Advertisein the CITIZEN. TBAVELEHS' GUIDE. BVJTLBR, KAKXS CIII AND FAKKEIt KAILKC AD Trains leave Butler for St. Joe, Millerstown Karns City, Petrolia, Parker, etc., at 7.27 a. m and and 7.25 p. m. Trains arrive at Itutler from the above named ; oinl-' at 7.17 a. m., and 8.15, and 7.15 p. m- The 2.lft 11'> in connect* with train ou the West Penn imd through to Pittsburgh. •IIENAKOO ASM ALI.EiiUENT K AILKOAD. Trains leave Milliard's Mill, Butler county, l r Harrmillc, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m. Mid 2.25 p. nj. Train- arrive at Hilliard's Mills at 1:45 A. m., i nd 5:55 P. M. Hacks t«. and from Petrolia, Martinsburj, ' airview, Modoc aud Troiitnian, connect at Hii i .ud with all trains oil the S & A roaa. I'KVN-VI.VAM A KAII.ROAD. : rain« leave Uniler (Rntler or Pittsburgh Titue. Mai k,i »t 5.(n: a. IU., goes through to Alle luci y, arr. vinj; at '.•.01 a. rn. This train eon i.ects at Kreeport vilb Frccport Accotnmoda' tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 5.20 a. m. f lailro&d time. Express at 7.16 a. m., connecting at Butler .'miction, without change of cars, at 8.26 with express wcit, arriving In Allegheny at tf.so a. ia., and Express east arriving at Blairsville at 16.55 a. iu. railroad time. \Jri' at 2 26 p. m., connecting at Bntler Juuc :ion without chance ot cars, with Express west, .rrlvmg in Allegheny at 501 p. in., and Ex irvss east arriving at Blairsviile intersection •.t 5.55 p. aj. railroad time, which connects w.'th Philadelphia Kspri»s eaut, when on time. The 7,3 la. in. train connects at Blairsville it 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2.36 p.m. train at 6.5» with the Philadelphia Ex press cast. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. R. at '.56 a. ra., 4.5s and 7.01 p. m., Butler time. The »,. r >6 and 4.56 trains connect with trains on the Butler <S Parker R. R. Ai'.jiu Line. Through trains leave lor the East a 2.56 and 8.26 a. ra. aud 12 51, 4.21 and 8.06 p. n., arriving at Philadelphia at 3.40 and 7.20 t >. iu. aud 3.00, 7.00 and 7.40 a. in.; at Baltimore ibout the same time, at New York three boars ater, and at Washington abont one and a hall aours later. Time of Holding Courts* The several Courts of the county of Butler commence on the iiiet Monday of March, June, September aud December, aud coutinue two weeks, or so long as necessary to dispose of the business. No causes are put down for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the first week of the several terms. ATTORN EYS AT LAW. BUTLER, PA^ _ R7 P.SCOTT, Attorney at Law. Butler, Pa. Office In Ruff's buildintr, Main street. JOHX~ K. KELLY, ~~ Office with E. U. Miller, Esq., in Brady Law Building. augl7'Bl A. M. CORNELIUS, Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, Main ' Street, Butler, Pa. J. F. BRITTAIN, Office with L. Z. MitcheH, Diamond. A. M. CUN NINGiI AM^ Office in Brady's I.aw Building. Butler, Pa. S. 11. PIERSOL. Office on N. E. corner Diamond, Riddle build ing. novl2 JOHN M. GREER. Office on N. E. corner Diamond. novl2 WM. 11. LUSK, Oflice with W. 11. Ft. Riddle, Esq. NEWTON BLACK, Office on Diamond, near Court House, south s'.de. E. I. BRUGII, Office in Riddle's l,aw Building. S. F. BOWSER. Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'7B J. B. McJUNKIN. Special attention given to collections Office opposite Willard House. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond, Butler Pa. H. H. GOUCHER, Office in Schueideman's building, up stabs. J T. DONLY Office near Court House. • " 74 W. D. BRANDON, ebl7-75 Office in Berg's building, CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady building- marl7—t FERI) REIBER, Office in Reiber's building, Jifierson St. ap#lj F. M. EASTAJAN, Office in Brady building. ~~j LEV, McQUISTION, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court Hons* JOS. C. VANDERLIN, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court House. Wm A. FORQUER, (iT Office on Main Btrcet opposite Yogeley House. GEO. R. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond ~j7iiT M^JUXKIN, Office in Sclineideman's building, west side of Main street, 2nd square from Court House. ~ 7 T. C. CAMPBELL, Office in Berg's now building, 2d floor, east side Main st., a few doors south of Lowry Bouse. marS —tf. h WA. SULLIVAN, riiay7 Office 9. W. cor. of Diamond. A T. BLACK, Office on Main street, one door south oi Brady Block, Butler. I'a. (Sep. 3, lriY4. ~ EUG ENE G. M ILLT^~ Office in Brady's *Law Building, Main streot, south of Court House. 260ct81 THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER, PA. JOHN 11. NSGLKT particular attention tc ransactiona in real estate throughout the couu.y. OFFICE os DIAMOND, NEAII COZ,»T HOUSK, iw CITIZEN roh.DINO E. R. ECKLKT, KENNEUT MAHSUAU, [Late of uiiio.)j ECKLEY & MARSHALL. Office in Brady's Law Building. Bept.lt,7l C O. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal lm.-inoss carefully transacted. Collections made aud promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. JOHN B BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURG EON, my2l-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klintfler's Flour Store. DENTISTS. DENTISTB *. 0 1# WALDRON. Graduate ot the PblL fl adclpbia Dental College,is prepared ■ II ■to do anything in the line of his profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Maiu street, Butler, Union Block, up stairs, apll jce week in vour own town. Terms and 35 free. "Address H. IIALI.KTT & Co., Portland. Maine. mar*>,lf. MAKYI AND FARMS.—Book and Map free By O. K. 8H AN AH AN, Att'y. Eastou, Md [3ETAd vertiseiia the CITIZEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers