NIBMIRI PTIQy BATES; Per year, in advance tj 50 Otherwise 1 uo No subscription will be discontinued until ill arrearages »re paid. Postmasters neglecting to notify us when subscribers do not take out their papers will be tiold liable for the ttubscripticn. nt>scribcrs removing from one postotlice to another should give us the name of the former an well as the present office. All coinmunicati ms intended for publicatioi n this paper must be accompanied by the real name <>f the writer, not for publication but as a guarantee of good faith. Marriage and doath notices must be accompa nied by a responßiblc name. Address THB BI T T l, er CITIZF.N. BOTLER. PA. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ASSIGNEES SALE. The undersigned will expose to pnblic sale or outcry, on the premises, in Buffalo township. Butler county, Pa. only 2 miles from Freepo.t, oil the Freeport and Butler turnpike, on TUESDAY. MAY Oth. 1883. At one o'clock. P. M. All that fine valuable farm with buildings an? improvements, contain ing 33 acres, 2 perches, under good ►.tate of cultivation, having thereon erected a largo, 2 story frame dwelling, frame barn, wagon shed, spring houee. and other conv mient out-build ings. The entire place i* well supplied with water, having a good spring adjoin- the dwel ling, large spring-house near and an excellent trough at the barn for stock. Al.Bo—The following personal property : 1 sorrel Marc, with foal, 1 >earling Colt, 2 Jersey Milch Cows, 4 Jersev yearling Heifers, 1 full blood Jersey heifer calf 5 months old, 1 two seat Jagger wagon, with shafts and pole, 1 fun ning mill, fodder cutter, corn planter, cultiva tors, plows, Ac.,* Ac. ... TERMS : On sale of farm. M cash, balance in 9 months. On all other purchases to tha amount of •100 a credit of 6 months will be given with approved apl9-3i Assignee) of Thou. H. Maher. MARSHALS SALEr By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponat issued out of the Circuit Court of the United States lor the Western District of Pennsylvania and to me directed, I will expose to Public Sale, at the office of the United States Marshal, in tho city of Pittsburgh, fa., Tuesday the 2d day of May. 1882, at 11 o'clock, a. m., all the right, title, claim, and interest of THE BUTLER GAS CO., of. in. ani to the following described property, to-wit: All that certain piece of land situate in tho borough of Butler, Butler county, Pennsyl vania, bounded and described ae follows: On the- North by the Butler Branch of the West Penn sylvania railroad track ; East by lot of C. Otto; South by Connoqueneasing creek, and West by lot of Charles Duffyj containing one acre of lan-J, more or less, and having erocted thereon a brick gas house, meter, boiler, purifiers, scrubbers, a gas tank of ten thousand feet capacity; to gether with all mains, feeders, street pipes, con nections, meters, and the property fixtures, rights, franchises, privileges, claims and de mands, of said Gas Company-, , Seized and taken in execution as the property of the Butler Ga* Compa-.y, at the suit of John N. Purviance, Receiver of the First National Bank of Butler, Pi. JOHN HALL. U. S. Marshal. Marshal's office, Pittsburgh, Pa., April 10, 'B2 Eftfate of feterali Miller. Letters of administration having been granted to the uudersigned on the entate of Sarah Mil ler, deceased, late of Washington township, Butler county, Pa., all p-rsons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make - payment and those having claims against the • same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. PHILIP MILLIARD, Adm'r. Hilliards, Butler Co., Pa. Estate of Isaae Miller. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Isaac C. Mil ler, deceased, late of Washington township, Butler county, Pa., all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make payment and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. PHILIP HILLIARD, Adm'r. maa Hilliards, Butler Co., Pa. Efttate of Robert Love. Letters testamentary on the estate of Robert Love, deceased, late of Clinton township. Butter county, I'a., having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate w ill please make Immediate pay ment, and anv having claims against said estate will present lliem duly authenticated for payment. JOHN S. LOVE, Riddles X Roads P. O. Ex rs. JAMES M'CAFFERTY, Sarvertyllle P, 0.. Uutler Co., Pa. folate or Jainet* McDeavltt. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of James deDea vttt, deceased, late of Brady township, Butler Co., Fa,, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make oayment and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for payment. DANIEL McIJEAVITT. I Adm'rs J NO. A. GLENN' ( AOm • West Liberty, Butler Co., Pa, 8m Estate of Wm. G. Nliorls. Letter* of admiuiutration having been granted tp tbe undersigned on the etlate of William G. Short*, deceaaed, late of Connoqueneaslng twp., Butler county, Pa., all peraoua knowing them selves Indebted to said estate will pleaae make Immediate payment, and any having claim* against the mine will present them duly authen ticated for payment. T. F. SHORTS, Ex'r. Connoquenessing P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. lm Estate of William Fleming. (LATS or BUIFALO TOWNSHIP, D*C'D.) Letters or administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Wm. Flem ing, deceased, late ol Buffalo township, Butler county. Pa., all persons knowing thomselve* Indebted to said estate will please m ike pay ment, and those having claims at'aimt t' e same will present thein duly authentic tfed for settlement. EDWAKD 8. FI.BMINO, ) 11. M. HARBISON ) Adm'rs. Sarvcrsville P. O- Butler county, Pa. Estate of Philip Melvin. [t,.VTR OF Mt'DDYCKBEK TWP., DEC'D.J Letters testamentary on the estate of Phillip Melvin, dee'd., late of Muddycreek twp., Butler county. Pa., having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves Indebt ed to said estate will please make Immediate pay incut, aud any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. WM. MIBRS.),, , J. W. SCOTT. \ li * ccutors - Portersvllle P. O , Butler county, Pa. FiHliueofSimannali MllliMon. (LiTE OF MCDDYCREF.K TWP , DEC'D") Letters testamentary on the estate of Susan nah Millison. dee'd., late of Muldycreak twp. Butler connty, Pa., having been granted to the j undersigned, all persons knowning themselves indebted to s»id estate will please make immed iate pavment and any having claims against the j same will present them duly authenticated for pavment. JAMES MOHBISON, Ex'r. Middle Lancaster, Butler connty, Pa. EtUate of John K. Hays. (I.ATE OF FBANKLIS TWV., DEc'D.) Letter* of administration on the estate of Jfohn K Hays, dee'd. late of Franklin twp.. But ler county, Pa , having been granted to the un dersigned, all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will please mako immediate paymert and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for payment. J. PAl'tK HAYS, Adm'r, Prospect, Butler connty, Pa. Estate of Aliee Dougan. (LATE OF OAKJ.AND IWP., DEC'D. Letters testamentary with the will annexed, having been granted to the on the estate of Alice Dougan, dee'd, late of Oakland twp , Butler, Pa., all persons knowing them selves indebted to slid estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against the same will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. ELEANOR DOUGAN, Adm'x. St. Joe P. O , Butler county, Pa. FOll MALE. The following described valuable pieces of property situated in the borough of Butler are offered for sale by the German National Bank of Millerstown, Pa., to-wit: One lot of ground on Fulton street, between properties of Mm. Louisa McClnre and H. H. Goncher, E*q., containing one aero, more or less, being one of the best building sitos in the town. ALSO.—One lot of ground near the Wither spoon Institute, and formerly owned by L. G. Linn, Esq , containing one acre, more or less, on which there is a good two-story frame house and stable. This property is uleasantly located near the depot and commands a munificent yiew. ALSO Lot on McKean street, formerly own ed by H. J. Mitchell, Esq., on which there is a good two-story framo house and stable. Possession given in 30 days after purchase. F.r further particulars enquire of CLARENCE WALKER. VOL. XIX. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. J. C. ROESSIXG, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL. TKEASUKER H. C. HEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: | J. L. Purvis, E. A. Ilelmboldt, 1 William Campbell, J W, Bmkhart, J A. Troutraan, Jacob Schoece, 8. C. RoeaMug. John Caldwell, I Dr. W. lrvin, J J. Croll A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Heineman. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ae't- BUTLERPA. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., MANCFACTt'BBKS AND DEALERS 15 Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH. DOOMS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Vear German Catholic Church jan7-80-ljr Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the pnblic to the Union Woolen Mill. Butler, Pa., where I have ne*.v and improved machinery for tho manufacture of Barr6d and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as lx'ing very dura ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be Bold at very low prices. For samples and prices, address, H. FULLERTON. Jul34.'7R-ly) Bntlor. Ta If you wish to I GARDENING | grow vegetables for \,, „ „ C , T B Sale, read J FOR PROF I ! ■ If vou wish to \ PRACTICAL become a Commercial L. IF . D I MTITIMR ! Florist, read j FLORICULTURE J If you wish to Garden I T! ARDENINO . for Amusement or for , UR Home (Jse only, read j "OFT PLEASURE. ( All by Peter Henderson. ! Price sl.. R IO each, postpaid by mail. Our Combined Catalogue of SEEDS AMI ■ PLAINTS For 1882, sent free on application. PETER nENDEKSON & CO 35 Cortlandt St., New York. H WANTED. Two good agents to solicit orders in Butler county, on an article that all Blacksmiths will buy. A good com mission will be paid. No capital re quired and a steady job if wanted. Address in sealed letters. I will not answer postal cards. JOHN RAIBLE, Yerona, Allegheny county, L'a. aprl2lm. ETRL OF INQLESTON. JFT- The Earl of Ingleston an Import - ed Clydesdale Stallion will make FLT . ,V_V the boawon of ISB2 at Batler, on TKSI IJ ,LlO ® RMT three days of each RV _ N week, and at Prospect on tho KWVUL last three days of each week, Commencing April 17tli and ending July Ist. Circulars free. JULIAN A. CLARK. aprl2,loW. JA ST LOCKHARt; GROCER, ]%'o. 10S Federal Nt., ALLEGHENY CITY, Has in stock a full liuc of FAMILY GROCERIES, Consisting of every article in the line, both Foreign :md Domestic. I hive been formerly located on South Dia mond street, but now can be lound at No. 10U FEDERAL STREET, a lew doors above depot, and will be pleased to see any of our old [ at rous. np5,M REMOVAL! The undersigned lias removed his place of busi lIESS TN iii- II biuldin* onesqnaresouthol < "TUT House, .Main Street, east side. o|»|Kisite Donaldson House, where he lias a full stock ot • Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, ete. I Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacle*, etc., ' promptly repaired and sat section guaranteed. D L; CLFEI,A\D, 11 i:\Kl ». HALE, flit MEBCH&IT MOB, COR, PENN AND SIXTH STIIEETS, Pittsburgh, Pa. FOR SALE. The undersigned lias on hands at Prospect. Butler county, fa., one of the latest improved F. 4 11. Brandy's Portable Saw Mills, mounted on six inch tread wagon. under boiler and all necessary fixtures. board wagon, patent guide, Jacks, 140 feet of pipe, cant uotks and everything pertaining to a mill that w.LL make work light, which he will sell at a low T.picnandon time- C. M. EDMUNDSON, »prl2,fit Frospict. Butler county, Pa. WA NTED-WALNUT LOGS—IN SM.CCT or large lots, medium and Co >d prices will be ollered. W. F. WAGNER, P. O. B,)x 85(1, Pittsburgh, Pa., (54 Ninth el.) A) 5,1 in CEiSlil FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sora Throat, S wet Unas and Sprains, Burns end Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals PT. JACOBS OIL US A »aff,suro. simple and chrap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 CENTS, an<l every one suffering with paiu can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions iu Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL D3CG6ISTS AND DEALEEB IK MEDICINE. A.VOGELER Sc CO., Baltimore, Md. f JJ. 3. A. PLAIN TRUTHS - -tjri. . The bloorl is the foundation of life, it circulates through every part of the body, and unless it is pure and rich, good health is impossible. If has entered the system the oufv r.ure and <]uick way to drive it out is to purify and enrich the blood. These simple facts are well knov. •. the highest medical ai'.lh' -s agree that nothing but iron v.ill restore the blood to its natural condition; and also that all the iron preparations hitherto made blacken the teeth, cause head ache, and are otherwise injurious. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will thor oughly and quickly assimilate with the blood, purifying and strengthen ing it, and thus drive disease from any part of the system, and it v ill not blacken the teeth, cause head ache or constipation, and is posi tively not injurious. Saved his Child. 17 N. Lutaw St., Baltimcre, Md. Feb. 12, 1880. Gents: — Upon the recommenda* tion of a fi.end I tried BKOWN'S IRON BITTERS as a tonic and re storative for my daughter, whom I was thoroughly convinced was wasting away with Consumption. Having lost three daughters by the terrible disease, under the care of eminent physicians, I was loth to believe tnat anything could arrest the progress of the disease, but, to my great surprise, before BV ttaugh- TER had takeu one bottle of BROWN'S IRON BITTERS, she began to mend and now is quite restored to former health. A fifth daughter began to SHOW signs of Consumption, and when the physician was consulted lie quickly said " Tonics were re el ui red and when informed that the elder sister WAS taking BROWN'S IRON BITTERS, responded "that is a good touic, take it." ADORAM PHELPS. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS effectual ly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Weakness, and renders the greatest relief and benefit to persons suffering from such wasting diseases as Con- - sumption, Kidney Complsiuts, etc. 3SFT&RA Chills and Fover. M J-L * ■-'IL Simmons Liver Regu »>lll I<I»IIKLA bit or soon breaks the Chills and carries the , fever out of the system, j H TTY&K&Z' It cures when all other Sick Headache. J IS For the relief and cure of this distressing af- I "7 Miction tak- Simmons ' Uver Regulator. DYSPEPSIA. The Regulator will positively cure ttiis terrible disease. We assert emphatically what we know to be true. CONSTIPATION should not be regarded as as a trifling ailment. Nature demands the utmost regularity of the bowels. Therefore assist Nature- by taking Sim mons Liver Regulator. It is harmless, mild and effectual. PILES. Kelief is at hand for those who suffer day after day with Files. It LUW cured hundreds, and will c ire you. MALARIA. Persons tuay avoid all attacks by occasionally takii g U dose of Simmons Liver Regulator to ke< |> THI' L,l\er in healthy action. BAD BREATH generally arising Irom a disordered stomach, can be corrected hy taking Simmons Liver Regulator. JAUNDICE. Simmons Liver Regulator soon eradicates this disease from the s_weni, leaving Ihcskiu clear and free from all impurities. COLIC. Children suffering wilh folic soon experience relief WHEN Simmons Liver Regulator is adminis tered. Adults also derive great benefit from ML* medicine. TF not unpleasant, it is harmless jtfid effective. I'urely vegetable. CAUTION- Be careful that you get tne genuine Simmons Liver Regulator in our engraved White Wrapper with red "Z" Trade-Mark, Stamp and Signature unbroken. . PREPARKD ISY J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Sold by all Druggists. PHII.ADKI.I-IIIA, FA. To Butler County House, kerpen. I would respectfully call your attention to the fact that 1 am Sole Agent in Butler county for the sale of the WALK Kit WASHER, the best and cheapest washer made. Orders respectfully so licited. For further particulars, address WM, J. PEAOO, Local agents wanted. Bakerstow n, I'a. CI CONI"' R day at home. Samples worth IU free. Address STINHOW & Co., Porttai.d, Maine. mar29,ly' Advertise in the CIUIZJEN. BIjTLKH. V\„ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26,1882 SELECT. Miss Brewster's (Jreen Silk. Mrs. Deacon Lewis and Mrs. Davis, the postmistress, were conferring to gether in mysterious whispers as they leaned over their mutual backyard fence. Said Mrs. Deacon Lewis : 'Seein'is believin', or else I should say, just as you do, that it couldn't be true ; but I just stepped into Miss Badger's to see what she'd charge to fix over my black alpaca—l wa'u't in any hurry for the alpaca, but J kind of got an idea that there was somethin' in the wind, and I thought mebbe I could find out what it was there—and there I saw it with my own two eyes, all over pleatin's and ruffin's that it seemed a burnin' shame to cut up good thick silk into, and fixed up in the back so't I couldn't have the heart to set down on it. And Miss Badger, for all she's so close-mouthed, she up and told me who it belonged to, and says I, 'You don't say so!' and says she, 'Yes, I do,' and then she pursed her lips up kind of provokin', as if she could tell a great deal more if she was a mind to. But I've got wit enough to put two and two together, if folks is close-mouthed, and says I light out —for there ain't nothin' slj about me —says I, 'Then Cordilly Brewster is a-goin' to get married. And Miss Badger she never denied it. 'Well, it does beat all,' said Mrs. Davis. 'This has been a sing'lar year, what with the comet and the terrible happenin's all round, and now Cordilly Brewster settin' up to have a green silk dress, when she hasn't worn any thing but bombazine aud alpaca and her one old black silk for nigh upon twenty years. It's enough to upset anybody's ideas altogether, and make 'em think the world's comiu' to an end Thuugh I can't say that such extravagauce looks much like the mil lenium.' Mrs. Deacon Lewis shook her head in solemn censure 'A good black silk would have been much more suitable and becomin' to a woman most forty years old, to say nothin' of the wear and tue makiu' over, and for a minister's wife—' 'You don't say that she is goin' to marry the minister!' exclaimed Mrs. Davis. 'Why, I suppose so, of course. Who can it be, if it isn't the minister V • 'I never saw any sign of their keep ing- company. Parson Greely is too speritual to marry a lonian that crimps her front hair with hot slate pencils ; and she never put more than three eggs into those custards that she carried to the donation party. I should think more likely 'twas somebody that she picked up when she was down to Haverhill visitin,, or John Parmenter that used to company with her when they was young,'and has kind o' been doin' it, off and on, ever since.' 'Oh, she wouldn't have John Par menter, even if be had spunk enough to ask her, which he hain't. He's a good fellow, John is, but he'll never set the world afire, and he's been run nin' down hill terribly lately ; has had to mortgage his farm, they do say.' 'Cordilly's money would come in just right, then; but, as you say, 1 "don't suppose she would have him. It's likely that's what's' made John turn out so poorly, her not havin' him. But I can't really believe it's the minister. There's Sammy; let's ask him.' Sammy Greeley, the minister's youngest hopeful, who was engaged in 'shinning up' a neighboring tele graph pole with the ambitious design of attaching his kite to the wire, de scended somewhat reluciantly to the earth ; and obeyed Mrs. Davis' beckon ing finger. Sammy was a freckled faced urchin, with a turned up nose, the expression of which was contra dicted by a pair of preternatural ly solemn and innocent looking blue eyes. In spite of his eyes, Sammy was gener ally regarded as a 'limb,' and he and his three brothers, Moses, llosea and Joseph, caused '.he old proverb con cerning ministers' sons to be often re peated with solemn head-shakings by the towns-people. 'Sammy, is your father goin' to be married V asked Mrs Davis, with her hand affectionately placed on Sammy's shoulder. 'The old gent? He couldn't remem ber to. Nobody would have him, either. He's as bald as a door-knob, and he asks a blessin' anywhere along between the meat and puddin'. And Joe and me would fix her, anyhow.' 'Wouldn't you like to have him marry a nice, kind lady like Miss Cor dilly Brewster? She would teach you how to behave—' 'Know how good enough now, and I'd wring her old parrot's neck! 1 don't believe it, anyhow, but I'm goin' to find out.' And olf went Sammy, regardless of his kite, and burst, breathless, into his father's study. 'Yon ain't goin" to marry M : ss Brewster and her old green parrot that swears, and have her always cl.-arin' up and dustin' and losin' your papers, are yerT demanded Sammy minister turned from his ser mon-writing, and regarded Sammy with wild amazement. Gradually his expression changed to one of perplexi ty. lie removed his spectacles from his eyes to the top of his head, and then he tapped his forehead with the tips of his fingers, as if to summon forth some straying recollection. 'That must be the very thing that I was trying to remember! Wait v. mo ment. I must have set it down some where.' And Parson Greely drew from one of the pigeon-holes of his desk some loose sheets of foolscap paper which had evidently been used as a diary. Several pages were devoted to memo randa ; these the pjjnister read aloud: " 'Mem. —To confute the infidel ped dler's argument by St. Paul, and— " 'Minn. —To tell Deborah, mildly but firmly, that so much saieratus is not conducive to health. "'Mem. —To punish Joseph and Samuel for unseemly conduct at prayer-time. " 'Mem. —To admonish Brother Bates (gently) that he is becoming un sound in doctrine. " 1 Mem. —To endeavor so far as l'es in me to restore peace to the siuging seats. " 'Mem.To endeavor to exercise such a measure of wholesome restraint over Moses and Samuel that they may not become a cause of scandal to the neighborhood. '• 'Mem. —To devote a greater meas ure of attention to worldly matters, such as applying blacking to my boots, and brushing my raiment. '• 'Mem —To consider prayerfully whether the use of hair-dye is incom patible with the principles of the Christian religion or the duties of the Christian ministry. " 'Mem. —That the singing seats are in the hand of God, and that He causes even the wrath of man to praise Ilim. " 'Mem. —To consider prayerfully the subject of contracting a matrimon ial alliance with Miss Cordelia Brews- ter.' 'That's It! I knew I was not mis taken; and I felt that I had leadings from the Lord in that direction ; and yet, in the midst of manifold cares and distractions, it wholly slipped my mind, weak and erring mortal that I am. But it may not yet be too late.' And the minister seized his hat, giving it a hasty brush with his sleeve, and hurried to the door, turning, however, to lav his hand with unwonted tender ness upou his son's head, saying, solemnly, 'Samuel. I thank you for this suggestion, and I would that I could perceive in you as lively signs of the workings of grace as I do of wisdom and discernment beyond your years.' Samuel, left alone, looked after his father with a most lugubrious face. 'For a feller to go and do it himself, that's the worst of it ! 1 hadn't better let on to Mose and the rest that I did it. Xo more fun if she comes here; she'll want a feller not to tear his clothes, and have his hair brushed every minute, and no pie or cake be tween meals. We'll make it lively for her, though—Mose and Hose and Joe aud I.' All unconscious of what was in store for her, Miss Cordelia Brewster was engaged in inspecting and admir ing her green silk dress, which had just been sent home from the dress maker's. Miss Cordelia was a plump little woman, with a pinkish bloom still lingeriug upon her cheeks, and no trace of Time's frosting upon her chest nut locks. Why she bad never married was a mystery. For ten years after her father, the village doctor, had died, leaving her a modest competence, the gossips had been on the lookout for signs of matrimonial intentions on her part. When she had passed thirty, and was still Miss Cordelia, people gradually ceased to speculate about her. For some inscrutable reason, they decided that Miss Cordelia meant to be an old maid to the end of the chapter. It was observed that even John Parmenter, whe had somewhat indefinitely 'hung round' her for years, kind o' dropped off;' he no longer sat in the singing seats, where Miss Cor delia still serenely kept her place, de spite the rivalry of younger choristers; so they were not so frequently thrown together, and he was seldom seen to walk home with her from the weekly prayer-meeting; his old sorrel mare was very rarely seen fastened to the hitching-post before Miss Cordelia's door of a Sunday night*; and only once or twice hail he been seen shyly to ofler her a nozegay of southernwood and cinnamon pinks, which grew to great perfection in his garden, and of which, in her girlhood, Miss Cordelia had been very fond. Many other admirers had Miss Cor delia, but she had turnad a cold shoul der upon all, and seemed perfectly con tented to live on in her comfortable old house, with' trim box-bordered flower beds in the front yard, and lilac bushes crowding in at the windows with her handmaiden Tryphosa, who was not, as her name suggested, a blooming and romantic young maiden but an ancient spinster, who believed u signs and omens, and alwavs 'felt' coming events 'in her bones.' Try phosa was now gazing at the green silk with a melancholy expression of countenance. 'Green' means forsaken; there ain't no denyiu* it. And Seliny Wilson, that was married in green, was laid out a corpse in it before the end of the year; and Mertildy Lyman, that was merried in a white muslin sprigged with green, and green bunnit strings, she had a drunken husband that fell off the haymow, and dislocated his spinal column, and everybody knew her twins wa'nt bright, and—' 'But I am not going to be married in it, you know, Tryphosa,' said Miss Cordelia, turning a merry face up to Miss Tryphosa's doleful one. 'Per haps it is only unlucky as a wedding dress. As for being forsaken, there doesn t t seem to be anybody left to for sake nie but you, and 1 am not afraid that all the green dresses in the vorld could make you do that ' 'There ain't no luek about nohow,' said Tryposa. 'lf 'twas lay lock, now, or handsome brown—" 'I suppose I really ought to have had black,' said Miss Cordelia, medita tively; 'but some way the spring on, with everything so fresh and bright, made me feel as I used to long ago, and I've made believe to myself—l wouldn't own it to anybody but you, Trypnosa—but I've made believe I was a girl again. And that's why 1 had this green silk.' 'And that's why you have been put ting posies in your hair. Well it beats all, what a difference there is in folks. Now spring puts me in mind of house cleanin' and soap-bilin' and bitters— Land sakes! if there ain't Parson Greeley a comin' up the walk, and nottin' but the old cropple-crown for ; dinner, and all skin and bones at that, and he a-comin' in the yard this bles- I sed minute!' Miss Cordelia whisked the green silk out of sight, and smoothed her crimps demurely down, as she hastened to gree her visitor. It happened that Miss Polly Wat ; kins, who went about the village ped ling a ccncoction known as Watkin's Unapproachable Liniment, was so for tuuate as to be passing just as the min ister opened Miss Cordelia's front-yard gate. "There, I knew well enough that there wa'ut never so much smoke without some fire. Miss Badger needn't think that she could make me believe that green silk gown with a train didn't something. So it's the minister. Well, men-folks is terri ble short-sighted creturs. There is them in Westficld that would make him a good sensible wife.' Miss Polly was so uuhappv as to go on for nearly a quarter of a mile before she met anybody to whom she could tell her news, and then it was only Dr. Ramsev, jogging along behind his old white horse, and between him and Miss Polly 'there wa'nt' as she ex pressed it, 'no great likin', no mor'n there was apt to be between two of a trade.' Ist>t still news was news, and Miss Polly could not resist the tempta tion to share it. 'Well, things do turn out queer!' said the doctor to himself, meditative ly (licking a fly off his old white horse as he jogged along again. '1 wouldn't have thought she would have had any body, let alone the old parson. If I had thought— Why, I'm ten years younger'n he is, and a sight better cal culated to please the fair sex. And that's a snug bit of property of Miss ; Cordillv's, and she's a wholsome-look ing good-natured woman, to say noth ing of being handsome, which don't signify. I believe 1 can cut out the parson if I try. I always said that I would die a batchelor, but its a wise man that changes bis mind.' And the doctor actually whipped his horse out of his accustomed jog in- ■ to a lively trot, and everybody ran to , the window, for the doctor in a hurry J was a sight that the oldest inhabitant , had never seen. In the meantime Miss Polly had met Abner Phillips, one of the 'back folks,' who three miles from the village. But Abner could not have been more interest ed in Miss Polly's news if be had lived next door to the possessor of the green silk. His homeward way led him past John Parmenter's house, and John was hoeing in his trarden. 'Wa'al, now, Parson Greely is goin' to do a pretty good thing for himself, ain't ho?' drawled Abner, after the usual comments and inquiries concern ing crops had been exchanged, 'lie knows which side o r his brend is but tered on. Parsons ginerally does.' 'What is he going to do?' inquired .Joltn Pariuenter. 'You don't mean to say you ain't heard? Wa'al, I declare, you don't know what's goin' on as well as us back folks does! He's a-goin' to marry Miss Cordilly Brewster, lie's tum ble tejus, the old parson is, and she'll have to step around lively to fetch up them boys. But women-folks always does set lots by a minister.' After Abner had gone, John Por menter drcJpped his hoc, and stood wiping his forehead with his handker chief with a bewildered look. 'I don't know I shouldn't have ex pected she marry, but somehow I didn't. I never thought of such a thing. I don't know wby I should feel so about it. If I hadn't the cour age to ask her when I was young and prosperous, surely I couldn't now. I always began to be a coward the min ute I came in sight of her. 1 never felt so before any other woman; but then I never cared anything about any other. 'Anyway, I can't rest until I find out whether it's true or not. Cor delia can't object to telling an old friend. Madam Ilumor rules this vil lage, and she's very apt to be mis taken.' So John set out to call on Miss Cor delia. As he passed the bed of cinna mon pinks, he found that, although it was early in the season, three had blossomed that very morning, and he made them into a little nosegay with some sprays of And he was in such haste that he for got to hide them from the public gaze by a bit of paper—feeling that it was somewhat ridiculous for a stout old batchelor of forty-five to be carrying about little boquets—as hehadjon other occasions. The doctor was driving away from Miss Cordelia's door as John approach ed it, the horse going at his old-fash ioned jog, as if there was nothing in the world, thut was worth hurrying for. 'I hope she isn't ill!' thought John, and then a sudden suspicion seized him. llere might be another rival, and a more formidable one than Par son Greeley. Were rivals springing up arouud him like mushrooms, when he had never thought of the possibility of the existence of one ? Miss Cordelia's cheeks were very much flushed, and they grew redder still at s-ight of John's nosegay. John, strange to say, did not blush or stammer as he presented it. Rivals see.ued to be a wonderful stimulus to his courage. 'Cordelia, I heard that you were go ing to marry Parson Greely. It isn't true, is it?' There was something in the tone of his voice thut made Miss Cordelia start. Was John going to speak, after being dumb so long? 'No, it isn't true,' said Miss Cor delia, and cast down her eyes. 'Nor—nor anybody else?' John was stammering now. Was his courage going to fail? 'No, nor anybody else.' said Miss Cordelia. 'That is—' Tryphosa, coming into the kitchen from the back-yard at that moment, saw a sight which caused her to drop the cropple-crowned rooster, but just deceased, into her pan of dough. 'Elviry Kimball needn't have knock ed me up at five o'clock this mornin' to inquire if that green silk dress had a train. I should think it did have a train!' said Tiyphcsi, grimly.—Har per's Bazar. I Kalamazoo, (Mich.) Daily tiazctte.] It is an unprecedented success said Mr. C. S. D'Arca tubal, the well-known Burdick Hou-e druggist, when asked for his views in regard to the St. Ja tobs Oi\-, it is highly extolled, and is giving general satisfaction. feen*uliun in Cliuioii Tup. [For the ClTlZfcN.] I MESSRS KDITORS: —During a recent visit into the neighborhood indicated in the heading of this article, we were informed of certain curious visitors who had liecn tailing upon parties living in the nlor-aid neighborhood. As we were informed, the visitors tailed u} o i parties living near Glade Mill, Middlesex twp , but as to the re sult of their visitation o-' tie reception I they met with we were not informed. ' Hut in the more immediate neighbor hood where your correspondent was they made calls, the circumstances of which we are better acquainted with. | Iu one instance they called to see Mr. Steward one evening while he and his family were away. They set down to wait cn him coming home, aud as th« evening was cool and the fire low, one put on Mr. Steward's 1 gam coat aud the other his Sunday , coat to keep warm until he would come ; but as Mr. Steward was long ' in coming aud (be fire had gone out, ( they concluded not to wait, and start id, forgetting that they had Mr. Stew \ ard's coats on. On another occasion they called to see Jim Maisland, and mistaking the spring-house for the dwelling house they went in aud see ing no one about they concluded they were not at home, and proceed ed to get their own supper. They were very hungry, for there was a crock of apple-butter and a can of jelly which tbey eat, and even the crock and can tbey were in; then they took two acres of his farm, carrying it away with them. If the land alone had been tikon and the spring-house not been meddled with, 'Jim.' would have blamed it on Charlie Woods, as Charlie has a 100 acre farm that he can't work, because 'Jim.' has bis on top of it. Another timo they went to John Quinn's ,but did not take anything except a~ morning paper. John said he didn't care tor tbe paper only he would like to have looked at tbe births and see if any person was born that he knew. Jim Maisland says he wishes they had never been born. At no place were they had been was there an effort made to catch them and find out who tbey were, excepting at Mr. Bicket's house where Ilarvey bearing them at the cellar window, got up and gave chase, butbe wa3 unsuccessful in catching nnv excepting a little boy who could not run fast enough to ket'p up. He caught him and brought him to his house, but it showed no light in fiuding out the rest, save that it shows that they do not live in the neighborhood as the little boy cannot be identified by anybody in the neighborhood, though several went there to see him and identify him lie also refuses to tell who bis asso ciates are; who he is; where he is from or to answer any other questions put to bim. Ollie Myers says be isone of tbe 306 at Chicago. Harvey says if he is, there will only be 305 tbe next time, but tbe neighbors say Ollie's sugges tion is groundless, for while ,he has every appearance of a Stalwart, yet be is entirely too young to have been a delegate to a National Convention as early as 1880, and even if he had Came ron would have taken better care of hiui and bad him appointed to some important office. There is much speculation aboutwho the intruders are. Some would have it Wolfe, and say anybody tbat would be complicated as he was in that G. Y. insurance jbusiness would'nt mind taking butter. . Others cast tbe blame on Arthur's Cabinet: they think Ar thur sent them out to bunt up some good butter for the great dinner parties he is giving. Others say it was Ar thur himself, and tbat Conkling would have been along bad his great law practice permitted him to leave New York; # but all this is merely conjecture. Wc do not believe Arthur would do anything of the kind. The opponents of tbe administration are very anxious to get an issue to help them in this fall's campaign, should Wolfe decide to bolt. This information is gathered from rumors coming from various sources, and may not, in every instance, be cor rect. Perhaps the regular correspond ent of the CITIZEN in that place, who is better acquainted with the facts, can give a more accurate account of the work of those unknown parties. „ A SLBSCBIBKB. Dank stock «H Collateral. Banking iustitutions generally are interested in the decision which Judge Acheson rendered last Thursday in the U. S. Circuit Court in the case of John X. Purviance, Receiver of the First National Hank of Butler, against the Fifth National and the Citizens' Na tional Banks of Pittsburgh. The lat ter were holders of stock of the Butler bank, which had been placed with them by President Riddle, of tho But ler institution, as security for loans ad vanced by them to his bank. The di rertory of the bank bad given him this stock to bring to Pittsburgh to negotia ate a loan W hen the bank failed and tb»> receiver made assessments to meet its losses, he assessed over $5,000 against the Citizens' Bank as its pro portion on the stock in its possession, and nearly $5,000 against the Fifth National Bank. They fought the assess ments on the grouud that the stock was not taken by regular transfer, but as security for loans ; that they were never published as stockholders, as re quired by law ; that they had sufficient original security for the loans, and did not care about the stock as collateral, which was only left with them. Judge Acheson decided in favor of the plaintiff, lie savs that the banks, having taken the stock, r.o matter what the consid eration, nor whether they got the bene fit of the stock, nor whether they were ever published as stockholders, they stand in the samo position as to the liabilities of the bauk as any of the other stockholders, and must therefore pay the assessments. Don't Die in llic llouMe. Ask druggist for 'Rough, on Rats.' It clears out rats, mice, ljedbugs, roach es, vermin, Hies, ant», insects. 15c. per box. • iOVEKTISIWti KATES, One square. one insertion, (1 ; each subse quent insertion. 60 cents, Yearly advertiaemei U etcee-Lug one-fourth of a column, $6 \er inch. Figure work doul le tlieeo ratce; additional charges where, wee ily or monthly changes era made. Local adve -tiaenicuts 10 ccnte per tin* for Sr>t insertion, taid 6 cents per line for each adiiitionaliuserti: 11. Marriages and deaths pub lished free nl charge. Obitnvr notices charged as advertisements, and im aMe win n handed ui Audit'-.rv Notices. 41; F.xcci:U.ib' ai.d Adroinii' Notices. fS c*ch; Katray, Caution an* PiSfHjJutii.ii Notices, not e\ceedii k ten lines, each. . . ; Vroin the fact tlifct the (Jittt.fn is 'he oldcat established and mnet (aleiwiitl; circulated Re public.™ newspaper in Jiutler county, (a Iteput licaii county ) it rnitet be apparent to buniiieea men that it id the medium they fthould nee in advertising their biisiiiew. NO. M It«. in it ii co of the llrooltiju Bridge. By the end of March of next year the great Brooklyn bridge will probably be ready for use, says a New York letter. Tbe trustees want $1,250,000 to finish it with. If they keep within their present estimate, which is against all probability and precedent, the bridge will have cost in all just $14,793,»47.- 19. Leaving the finances of the bridge out of eight, and the question of its public usefulness, there is no disputing its triumphant success as a piece of en gineeriug. There is nothing like it in the world. Few people who wonder at tbe twiu giants of granite that face each other across tbe river, or admire tho line curve of the massive cables, know anything about the romance of its construction. The storv of the great engineer who designed and made the bridge is an interesting, and in some" respects, a wonderful one. His health was wrecked in the compressed atmosphere of the caissons used in laying the pier foundations. A most distressing nervous malady confined him for years to his room and bed. Instead of becoming a vic tim of the bridge, his resolute will made bim its conqueror and hero. His bed was at window- over looking the river, and from this observatory, with a telescope always in bis trembling fingers, and plana and projections all around him, he watched and directed the slow pro gress of an army of workmen. A faithful and intelligent woman was bis lieutenant. She mastered all tbe com plicated details of the work of con struction—listened to reports, gave commands, solved difficulties, lightened in a thousand wrys the labors of tbe invalid. If the truth were engraved on the surface of one of the granite piers of the bridge, the legend would read: 'Designed by John A. Itoebling, and Built by John A. Itoebling aud his Wife.' * Mercer county, according to the re port of-her Poor Directors, expended for the retief of the poor during 1881 the sum of sl7;BTl,' an increase over 1880 of $ 1,341; - Of this $7,541,24 was for out door.relief, being $802,58 more thau last year. The total num ber of inmates in the Poor House dur ing the year was 145, nu" increase of 13 over 1880. Of these 4(J left, 5 we're bound out, and 9 died, lea?ing the pries-" ent niimltrr 85. The products of..the farm amounted to s2,(>6t>, an increase of SSB7. An Interesting Fact. - Iu France, all patent medicines must be endorsed by an official board of physicians before they can be sold. In lieu of such a law in a America, tbe people have resolved themselves into a National committee which has endorsed Swayne's Ointment for allay ing the itching accompanying the Piles, an the only reliable reuxei'y. in the market. Its a poor rule that won't work both ways. Some weeics ago a Western burglar, while on his way to 'crack a crib,' dropped into a prayer meeting, and while there became impressed with his wicked life and renounced sin. His good example has just been follow ed by a well-known New York profes sional, who surprised the little congre gation at Cremorne Mission Church the other evening by suddenly advan cing to the pulpit and handing over a kit of burglar,s tools. He confessed tbat he in company with several oth ers, had planned to enter a Fifth ave nue residence that night. A Faultless Family inedleine. 'I have used in my family Simmons Liver Regulator for the last eight or ten years, and- found it to supercede anything recommended for chills, fover and ague. I have given up calomel, qui nine and all other mercurial treatments. I give it to my children, from those one year old to those twenty-five years old. * It is ail you could wish in a family. Please" use my name as you wish. Very truly, J5. H. Urbanks, Crawford Co., Ga.' _ An aged lady who had buried tl;ree husbands during her lifetime finally died at South Granville, ans her last request was that her mortal remains might repose Inside those of her first husband. An investigation showed that No. 1, who had been twice mar ried, was peacefully resting between his two wives, whereupon resort was had to No. 2. Singularly euougb, his dust was found to occupy a precise ly similar position. Only one chance now remained, and it was with some uneasiness that the mourners visited the grave of "No. 3. But the last of tbe trio bad been more considerate. Upon bis right lay his first wife, but upon his left there was a Vacant space, and there a mound wirt- quickly raised above the earthly, tabernacle of his second ami last consort. II you are suject. te. cbillj, a.certain cure is Peruna. Regulate jrnur bowels with Manalin 0 Wilde is in Denver. Wouldn't that hair of his be a bonanza for an Indian ? 1 always keep your medicines in stock. Downs' Elixir is selling better than any Cough Medicine I have, and with good results.—C. M. Smith, drug gist, Clarkston, Mich. Dr. Baxter's Manurake Bitters give the best satisfaction of any medicine 1 sell. They have advertised themselves aud I warrant every bottle.—-N.. De- Krief. Druggist, Zeeland, Mich- Henry & Johnson's Arnica and Oil Liniment, for external use is equaljy good. The new bustle resembles a large pin cushion. Diseased kidneys and costive bow els are prevalent ills. Peruna and Manalin their cure. Terra cotta gloves are among Ihe novelties. |3fP Advertise in the CITIZEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers