Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 12, 1882, Image 4
R EMOVA L. PORTER & DONALDSON, WHOLESALE MILLINERY Have Removed to NEW BUILDING. 260, 262 and 264 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Elevator Entrance. 2GI. Special attention given to Pattern Bonnets and Trimmed Hats. Full line of Straw Goods, Rlb- Urn*, Silks, Flowers, Nets and L;icei. Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Crape* and Ladies Neck Wcar, SPECIALTIES PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. LARGEST STOCK. LATEST STYLES. LOWEST PRICES. mar22,3m W32. OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE OF 1882. JAMES SHIDLE & SON, No. 59 SMITHFIFID STREET, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A. GKET.EKC. SHIDLE. Art Paper Handings, Embossed Bronzes, Dadoes, &c. IT U R IST I T CJRE. A rnMPT.F,TE LINE OF 'gfjWrtl Fine_and MeriiumClassed Goods paid on all bills over $25 BI3TWEBIT ZDH) POT -A-JN TD B!RyIIDG-E. marls,Buios D. & E\ ©. WELTY, CARPETS AND WALL PAPER, OILCLOTHS, MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, &c. The oldest, largest and most complete House in the Trade in the City. m15,3m05. 115 and 117 Federal St., Allegheny City. Pa. EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Cor. Robinton and Anderson St, ALLEGHENY CITY. 31. HIMON, Agent. PLANING 911Mj, &ASM, DOOR AND NIIUTTEK FACTORY, Flooring Board*, Wtathci boarding, P,aned Boar «, S;ibb, Mouldings, Shingles, Laih and all kinds of Builiilrg Lumber, ify A liberal redaction for carli orders, bend lor price list. All woik delivered to railroade, •teaii.boat», Ac., free of charge. Coriimunlentious solicited. Btn;i C H R IS. STOCK, Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware ami dealer in Stove*, Ranges, Pressed, Japanned •ud Enameled Ware, Granite Ware, Wooden Wore, Bird (-'ages, and general housekeeping good*. Rooting, Spouting and Repairing done on short notice and at lowest market rates. Th» only authorized agent for the sale of A. Bradley it Co.'s well known Stove* and Itanges, and th< • only place to get the origin il and genuine odd plates for their stoves, mado expresslv by then, for htm. Beware of sh:im plates being sold in Butler, mode of old and inferior metal, none gen nine but froai the Agent, CIIKIS. STOCK, June 8, 'Bl. Near Wick and Schreiber Houses, Main street, Butler, Pa. PERRY DAVISV VEGETABLE. J PAIN KILLER A Never-Falling Ottre for Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, etc. . After forty years of trial, PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER stands unrivaled. It is safe! It acts immediately 1 It never fails 1 Editor of the St. John (N. B.) News, says: In flesh wounds, aches, pains, gores, etc., It la the moti effectual remedy wc Icnow of. No family should be without a bottle of It for a single hour. From the Cincinnati Dlroatch: We have ttn lis magic effects, and know It to be a good article. From L I. Potter. V. I. Comral at Crefeld, fHiniati Prussia: After long years of use, I am satisfied It la positively efficient as a healing remedy for wounds, bruises, and sprains. PSKRT DAVIS' PAIN KILLER IS not a new untried remedy. For forty years it has l*>en In constant use; and those who have used It the longest are Its best friends. Its success Is entirely because of Its m'Tlt. Every family should have a bottle ready for nse. Much pain and heavy doctors'bills may often DO saved by prompt application of DM PAI* KIM.ER. Unlike most medicine*, It Is perfectly safe even In the hands of a child. Try it once thoroughly, and It will prove Its value. Your druggist has It at 25c., 50«-., and •i.oo *er bottle. PERRY DAVIB A 80N, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. M. G.BQCKENSTEIN, I>l£:A LKR IN TREMONT COOK STOVES AND R,AlVC*l<>4. ALSO, AGENT FOR CRYSTAL PALACE STOVES AND REPAIRS FOR SAME. Bird Cages Tinware, Wood and Willow Ware, Enameled and Granite Ware, Sewer I'ipe, Fire clay Stove ripe, Grate Tile, Fire JSrick anil Clay. Roofing, Sfiouting and Heavy Sheet-iron work done at short notice below market prices for each. I am also having manufactured to my order, nice clean and smooth od<l Platen to (it Bradley' Stoves, which I sell at six cent* per pound, and I will guarantee them lo last longer and give better satisfaction than the so-called original and genuine plates sold by another party ut ten ocnts per pound. Give me a call and he convinced. M. C. ItOCKENHTEIN, junel j;ly Main Street, Itutler, Pa. V. W. Sharper, Valdosta. Oa., says: It Is a panacea for all bruises and burns. Prom B. W. Adams, Baco, Me.: It gave me Immediate relief. B.Lewis says: In forty years' use It never has failed roe. W. W. Lum, Nlcholvllle. N. T., says: I use your I'AIN KILIJCK frequently. Tt relieve» pain and soreness,and heal* wounds like magic. J.W.Dee says: For scalds and burns It has no equal. fit Piuiljwc t2» 1882« An innocent person asked au editor the difference between prose and poet- ( ry, and the editor replied that prose was read. The Governor of North Carolina said to the Governor of South Carolina; •Sir, the best remedy in the world is Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup' and the lat ter seconded the assertion. A lecturer is telling 'How we h»-ar. It is easily told. Somebody tells a friend of ours and tells him not to tell. That's the way we hear. The man who lets his wife or child suffer from coughs or colds without {retting 'Sellers' Cough Syrup,' is lost to common reason. The alligators of Florida appear to be doomed. A Fort Ogden man has a contract to deliver 5,000 alligator J}i(Jes by May Ist. •Lindsey-s Blood Searcher' enriches the blopd, drives out all disease, and will give you excellent health. 'Why is a fool in high station like a jrian in" a balloon ?' 'Because every body appears little to him, and he ap pears little to everybody.' It is true other remedies can praised, but Peruna has the unequal pd proof. And bow do you know, mv dear, that you ha»'£ been christen ed Scholar—"Please, mum, 'cos I got the marks on me arm now, mum. [Saginaw Daily News.] Mr. George Bhick informed our re porter, that he bad beep suffering with rheumatism in his feet so badly, that for weeks at a time he would be unable to leave his bed- He tried various remedies without relief, and concluded to use St Jacobs Oil. It acted like magic. In iwo days, he was entirely cured. A Maine man who wanted to vote against a projected high school, wrote his ballot 'know.' IVhaps lie don't No anv better; and it may bp thftt he New Josh Billings made a fortune by that kind of spelling. We are disposed to regard that per son as the best physician who does most to alleviate human suffering. Judged from this standard, Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Ave, Lynn, Mass., is entitled to the front rank, for her Vegetable Compound is daily working wonderful cures in female dis eases. Send for circular to the above address. An article in a Chicago newspaper is headed: 'Cheating in Gambling.' It doesn't seem possible. Even the high toned game of gambling is not free ffom the polluting influence of fraud. If the writer of the article took seventeen chances in a gold watch at a church fair, and drew all blanks, he should have kept quiet about it. It may have been conducted with as much fairness as a Louisiana lottery. To the hesitating Peruna gives cour age. When a Kentuckey congressman was informed that be could have all the garden seeds be wanted from the Agricultural Department, he exclaimed: 'Seeds! what do I want seeds for But hold on ! Yes, yes; I believe I do want a few ' And he forthwith sent for a half bushel of cardamon seeds, the only seeds he had cny use for. A true assistant to nature In restor ing the system to perfect health, thus enabling it to resist disease, is Brown's Iron Bitters. The leading Celestial residents ot San Francisco have sought the golden mean so dear to the disciples of Confu cius by suggesting by cable that, as there is great excitement on the Pacific coast over the rapid influx of China men, the shippers at Hong I long should prevent trouble by arresting the rush There was a time when China raised an immense wall to keep the barbarian out; now Chinese com mercial policy would seem to demand a wall to keep the natives in. Ely's Creain Balm Co., Owego, N. V.—Please send us at once two gross Ely's Cream Balm. We take pleasure in congratulating you on the success you are having with the ,Cream Balm' Catarrh and Hay Fever cure. Its sale is sfeadily increasing with wonderful rapidity as you can see by our frequent orders. It is evidently an article of great merit. Very truly, JOHNSTON, 11 ci.i.< (WAY k Co., 602 Arch St., Phila delphia. March ID, 1881. Mr. C. B. Porter, Druggist, To wan da. Pa. For several years I have been troubled with Catarrh; have tried many remedies without much re lief. Ely's Cream Balm has proved to be the atiele desired, having won derful results in my case. I believe it to be the only cure. L. B COUUORN, Towanda, Pa. May 14, 1870 Price 50 cents We have in this country 905 daily newspapers against 157 in (Jreat Brit ain. The circulation of 57<> newspa pers in ten States reaches an aggre gate of 1,967,601,040 copies. For aged men, womeu, weak and sickly children, without a riyal. Will not cause headache. Brown's Iron Bitters. 'ln what condition was the patri arch Job at the end of his life V asked a Sunday school teacher of a quiet looking boy at the foot of the class 'Dead,' calmly replied the quiet-looking boy. II THIM KM Own Story. LANCASTER, N. 11. Dec. 3, '7O. By the way I will say that I think Down's Elixir the best cough remedy that I can find at our Druggist's. We always use it.—J. S. Peavey, Pub. Republican. Somebody has calculated that Van devl ill's income would allow him to, in one day, visit 8 000 circuses, cat 10,- 000 pints of peanuts, and drink 5,000 glasses of lemonade. It is hoped, ho vever, that Mr. Vanderbilt will not do it. Illphi hertn attacks all classes, at all ages and at all seasons of the year. As the seed of this terrible disease is in the throat it is directly reached by Darbys Proph ylactic Fluid used as a gargle or by swabbing out the mouth with a cloth saturated with the Fluid. Articles used about the sick should be rimed in water containing a small quantity of the Fluid, it will absolutely destroy the germs of contagion. Now is the time for every man who never knew anything about Daniel Webster to rush into print with remin isences of him and original stories of the first edition of his famous diction ary. Public Life and C ivil Service. In an address delivered in 1853 by Hon. Benjamin 11. Brewster, Attorney General of the United States, before the students of Princeton College, he said : The time was, in the early his torv of this county, when great men were wanted in public places to estab lish our institutions. Good men are needed now in all the walks of quiet li!e to strengthen them All the world over the trade of a politician is the occu pation of a gamester; it is the business of a man whose time is spent in envy and strife. Public stations can confer j no rank and bring no distinctions to men who run after them A'l great public occasions command the men : best fitted for the necessities of the | time. The emergencies that excite great men to action having passed by, tranquility having been restored, order having been established, new men, in ferior men of doubtful parts succeeded tUbir masters, managed with ease, if not with skill, the vast machine which wisdom created and iudnstry set in motion. All history has afford ed a constant example of this. Our history may yet do so Sir Robert Walpois, in h's time 3, with a masterly resolution—'with a power raightie.' than the storm, the power that binds the storm—the calm'—plucked up the crown of England from the hedge yhefeia contending factions had Hung it, established the Hanoverian succes sion, suppressed conspiracy, quieted religious discord, and secured that sta bility and dignity to public affairs, and tfiat fepoae to private life which nur tured the strength of England and gave her the po ver to resist a world jn arms. With inflexible purpose he resisted all attempts to embroil his country in a war, aud for Hyenty long years, as the first Minister of the Crown, governed with heroic will. He was succeeded by inferior men ; but when th*3 exigencies of public life again required a man, the Pelhams gave way for a Pitt, as politicians and placemen must hereafter give way for patriots and statesmen. The highest public distinctions in this country haye not attraction for right minded men, unless thpy tbp the unsought reward of personal worth, dignity of character, mental ability and a blameless life—obtained in any other way they disgrace those who hold them. They were intended to be great honors, not rich sinecures. The com pensations attached to the best of them will not equal the ipconje that any mnn can earn who is fit to have them and discharge their duties. If men crawl to high placps by craft and low contrivance—if they hold th«m at the cost of all love of truth and practice of heroic virtue—if they accept stations which they are unequal to, from want of proper training, from want of infor mation, and want of mental capacity, and which th'-y fill like impostors aud usurpers, puffed up with vanity and meanly greedy for the pay of the place—they are in pillory. Brain and Nerve. Wells' Ilealt h Benewer, greatest remedy Gn Garth for impotence, lean? ness, sexual debility, &c. sl. at drug gists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, ti for $3. E. S. Wells, jersey City, N. J. —Large importations of potatoes from Europe are a peculiar feature of this year's trade, the receipts at the port of New York amounting at times to 3,000 tons a week. The potatoes cost in Liverpool from sls to S2O a ton, and are sold in New York at 90 cents to SI a bushel, domestic potatoes bringing aboutsl.2s a bushel. Includ ing freight and other expenses, the foreign potatoes cost about §.'53 a ton. Most of the imported potatoes are rais ed in England and Scotland, but a few come from Ireland and Germany. Those that come from the last named country are of an inferior quality and do not sell very readily. They are soft, greenish in color, and watery when boiled or baked. The dealers re gard the present trade in imported potatoes as being only temporary. The high price of cabbages—from #ls to s.'lo a hundred, wholesale—has led to large importations from Germany. They are brought in crates; and some sauerkraut is imported ready pickLd in tierces. Turnips, celery, carrots, are also to be seen among the freight of incoming vessels. While we are importing vegetables we arc exporting large cargoes of hay, that crop having been a comparative failuTe in Kngland and Scotland. Calnrrli of (lie ISlsuliicr. Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupaiba. sl. at druggists, l'repaid by express, $1.25, (j for $5. E. S. Wells. Jersey City, N. J. C«o»tH and In some parts of the west goats are placed in sheep pens to drive away wolves, a service for which their su perior butting powers peculiarly fit them. The experiment has been tried in Hunterdon and Somerset counties N. J., with complete success, as a pro tection for sheep against dogs. Two goats, it is said, can drive away a dozen dogs, and two are about all that is necessary to keep with a moderate sized flock. As soon as a dog enters the field at night the goats go at him, and send him rolling over ar.d over in short order. A few doses of this heroic treatment prove quite enough tor his dogship, and he is glad to limp howl ing away as nest he can. Formerly, the farmers say, whrn a dog entered a sheepfield at night, the timid crea tures would run wildly about and cry piteously. Since the goats have been used to guard them, they form in line behind their sturdy defenders, and seem to enjoy the fun. A Remarkable t'oineidenee. It is a matter of journalistic record, that some years since, a schooner set sail from Baltimore, having on boa d a crew of thirteen men. By a mt st singular freak of nature, the force was attacked by a skin disease, which manifested itself in ulcera ted sores on the arms and hands, wholly incapaciating the men from du ty. The result was that the vessel was towed back to the city where the men weie placed in a hospital. Moral ! Had Swayne's Ointment for skin dis ease been used in the first place, the ere w would have recovered in from 12 to 24 hours. The Medical Neun says that if a first-class surgeon were called from New York to Washington in a cat-e his fee would be from SHOO to §I,OOO, and s.'oo per day while he staid there, and argues that the President's ad visers should be paid on a larger j scale. *8? /JnUnFAILMG * FORALLShIfN I Remedy s«jcha« Diseases] I TETTER.ITCM. SORES. PIMPLES./ K^NGWOPM^ FDR MM PILES Byuiptjm= art .njiature, stinging, itching, uorae it night; leemsas if pin-worms v.eie crawling about the rectum; the pri vato parts are ofti n affected. Asa pleasant, economical and positive cure, SWAYNE'S QINTMEN 1 i-» superior to any article in the market, g. ld livdrucgists.or send'*) cts. in 3-ct. Stamps. 3 Uoxct. GL Address, V.t. SWATKE J: SON, I'hila., Pa. OHIDOWNS' ELIXIRJBHH 1 N. H. DOWNS' | a Vegetable Balsamic V ELIXIR This valuable is purely vegetable: discovery of which the rpsult of H| close study, in order to discover SHihocutlsc, ILo K'iiis, and the cure— viz;E| ■ Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, I B Croup, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, B ra InSuensa, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, H cfllamt ciuif specleg of ppprenlon ofthe Cheat p| rZ and Lungs. ir» all casts niicis tliuKlixii lims r*l been duly administered its efficacy baa bean ps X invariably manifested,convincing theinost in- tS —■ credulous that S5 UJ - CONSUMPTION * » ia not incurable, if properly attended to.— Consumption, at Its commencement, is but a SB tl i giit irritation of the menibraae which covers J Jfeati.e £utigs; Ibea uu inftamntion, when the CoQiih is more olwervaWe, but rather dry; then X 0 becomes local fever and tlio pulso luore fre-JJJ Q ijuent, the cheeks fltiihe.land>iiillsmorecom-5W ■ mon. This Klixir in curing the al>< vo coin-M plaints, operates so as to remove all morbid H ™ iri itut ions iu.l influmatlon from the lungs to the surtmis, and finally exppl them H from tii&'tf itU'iU. It facilitate* expectoration. ■ 1 heals the ulcerated surfaces H and relieves the cougli and makes the breath wduces |lia fevur, jt is free from strong opiate and astringent articles, which are of so drying a nature as to bo in great danger of ■■destroying the patient; whereas this medicine ■ never dries or stops the cough, but, by remov ing the CAUSE, generally destroys the hectic the cough is entirely gone. Conse-^J ■ ouuncly, »lit 4 the cptjjjh if cured the pptient^| ■is well. yei.U aadieM fpr Jauiijlilat (flvUig H H full directions for euro of pulmonary dtaeaaee. H Price 35 eta, 50 cts., and SI.OO per bottle. H GL £OLL> EVKRYWUKKK. B ■ HEIRT, JOPKM * LORD, Pr«pt., Bnrllnet«, W. ■ mam DOWNS* lum.mmm MRS. LYDI& L PINKHIM, OF LYNN, MASS., | I LYDIA E. PINKHAM'B VEGETABLE COMPOUND. I^^PosiUvc^nre foral' these Painful t'oniplnlnt s end Weaknesses • oeoinmoil toourbest fewnle lutlon. It will cure entirely the worst form of Female Com plslnts, ail ovarian troubles, Indammetlon and nrera Hon, Tallin# and Dlnplareroents, and tlie consequent Bphial WeakiK ss, and Is particularly adapted to the Change of I.ife, It *lll dissolve and eipel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. Tho tendency to can cerous humors there Is checked very s|«edily by Us us*. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroysall craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of tho stomach. It cures Moating, Headaches, Nervout Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, IXpresalon and ludl ffentlon. That focllnjf of !>raHr.|r down, c«u*lnfc pa!n, weight an I backache. Is always permanently cured by its u«e. It will at all times and under all circumstances act in harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For tho cureof Kidney Complaints of either sei this Compound Is unsurpassed. I.YIU V K. I'ISKIIAM H VECKTABLr. COH POI'NDis prepared at 23J and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price (I. Six bottlesfor sa. Sent by mall in tho form of pills, also i n tho form of lozenges, on lecelpt of price, $1 per box for cither. Mrs. I'inkliam freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Rend for pamph let. Address as above. Mention thit J\iper. So family should bo without I.YIjIA K. riNKHAM*B I.IVEH i'l 1.1.5. They cure coustipation, biliousness, and torpidity "f the liver, ii cents i>er box. IJT Mold by ull Drugiilals. "SI Bensons —AWARDED— Caprine 6 Porous —MEDALS,— Plaster. Tho Best Known Remedy for Backacho or Lame Back. Rheumatism or Lamo Joints. Cramps or Sprains. Nouraicia or Kidnov Diseases. Lumbaco, Sovore Aches or Pains Female Woaknoss. Arc Superior to all other Plasters* Arc Superior to Pacts. Arc Superior to l.lnlments. Arc Superior to Oiiituiriir-* or Salves. Arc superior to Electricity ergalvauisa They Act Immediately. Tliey Strengthen. They Soothe. They Relievo Pain at Once. They Positively Cure. ADS ITI All Bcnsou'e Caprine PiWma Pla»- I fl I N ters have been imitated. l)o vHU I IVJ lis not allow your druggist to p.'.lm off nomc other plaster having a similar sounding name. See that the word ia spelled C-A l'-C-I-N K Price 25 eta. SEABURY A. JOHNSON, Manufacturing Chemists. New lorfc. SllltK IIKMKI) Y AT CANT. Price ttc. MEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER. A R c®'S§£ T I \ 198 LIBERTY ST. H T'B CJ KOH. T? L*. . WANTED— W A i.Ni'T f.OHH IN HMALL or l:>rtr«* lots, riicrihiin and large Mtca. (iood |ule<s will be ollcrc<l- W K WAtINKK, i'. O. liox 050, I'illsburgb, Pit, (54 Nlntli el.) a|<s, lin iSubucribe for the OITIZU. 1882. A. TROUTMAN, 1882. Dry Goods. Notions and Trimmings! Large Stock ! Lowest Prices ! Extra good value in all kinds of Dress Goods, from the cheap est Calico up to Silks and Satins. Shawls of all kinds in Wool, Cashmere and Broshae. Cassimere, Jeans, Tweeds, Ladies' Cloths, Flannels, Shirtings. MMM FOR MUDIES MID CHILDREN ! SPECIAL FOR EARLY SPRING. EMBROIDERY AND INSERTING. I I have received and am showing one of the largest stocks of Embroideries and Insertings that is to be found, extra quality and patterns, at the very lowest prices. Table Linens and Napkins, in bleached, half bleached, unbleached and Turkey red. Towels, Toweling, Sheeting. All the popular makes of BLEACHED MUBLIN, Lonsdale, Pocohontas, White Anchor, Fruit of the Loom, Wa masuta, Unbleached Muslin, &c. New White Goods, White Spreads, Lace Curtains, Yarns, Zephyrs, Hosiery. GLOVES OF ALL KINDS, in Caslmjere, Silk, Berlin, Kid, Foster (genuine), Foster Patent, Seamless, Undressed Suede, and other popular makes. Corsets, all prices, largest assortment. All of the above goods at the very lowest prices. Please call and examine. TROUTMAN, Aug. 24. BUTLER, PA. P. S.—l have two Dolmans, two Black Beavers, and two light Cloaks, which I will sell at a bargain to close. bTOuselton. DAILY ARRIVAL OF ALL THE NEWEST SPRING STYLES IN BOOTS ill SHOES. THIS IS TIIE LARGEST STOCK I HAVE EVER OFFERED AND Prices § Styles Defy Competition. Don't Fail to See this Stock and have Prices Quoted before you buy. URGE STOCK OF LEATHER AND FINDINGS. Repairing,—All Kinds Done at Reasonable Rates. B. C. HUSELTON, MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. ) Health & Beauty. I Iteml nml you will not regret. » fl Tho renowned beauty. A'inon de VEncloi, u\- 9 tonished the world by rntainiiiK the wonderful S ('.learaesa and brilliancy of mind and complex fl ion throughout her lite. At the age of OR tor flj sk!n was as h It, blooming and fresh, as * girl of IG. ('lho secret was tho discovery of thefamons s-ife and chemist, I'Ahbo <l'l£tliat.) At her do- 1 raise she bequeathed this most valuable s< Tret to a pt ysi' ian, who supplied it to the court ertrbritln .<(.///. At tile downfall < f tho empire it camo in pos i»slon of a celebrated pAyrician, who ha= bueueiniuontly sucoeesful iu the Ireatmentof Jilocd mil Skin <I»»e«s«i; and that the public generally viay enjoy theboneflta of this marvrloum prrjxir*j ion, the Doctor has placed tho recipe with the Uell 'III 1111 Co. of New York, who are prepared to supply the demands of the thousands of eager applicants. It speedily eradicates all in»nn<-r of HMHIU POIS»)\l N O such as Merofkilat, Malt II he«i in , Koema, Pimples, Moth Patches, Frerkles, Black Heads, Roaj(h Hkln. Catarrh, Liver Complaint, In flamed ICyes, 4e., *o. It Is an absolute antidote for j^ALARIA t u<l restores troe circulation throughout the system. It Is called D'EFFIATjESI Price $1 per package, or 0 for $5. H Bentby insil In letter f .rm, ]>ostage paid. S The 801 l Mann Co.,Bl2B'way.NewYork. I For sale by druggists. B f.ABT A9IKTS WAK7BS. Bond stamp for circular. J Mont ton this paper. g Jill A FOR VW TEACHERS, ~S. Men. Ladies and tnkitijf Orders TKRBTT(COL. INGERSOLL,Z„.;'K°: linked mid Truth VicUirious " now the riott popnlar NEW BOOK In the Held. Bolli a S'IIKI.D and n BWORU. Everybody wnnta it Low Price, Quick Sales. Si nii for i-irrular untl lams. i'. W. ZIEOLEJI IT CO , Ima 915 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. To ISuller County IIOIINC. keepers. I would r»'si«'dfully call vonr alli'iillon to I lie fact that I am Sole AifVnt In lluller county for the sale of |lie WAI.KKK WASIIKH, the licit and cheapest waaber nuule, Orders respectlullj so iicltcd. Kor further particiditrs. :uldr» H.s WM. J. PKACO, Local anenU wanted. Bakeratown, Pa. AtiKNTS WANTED.—A Hare Chance to make moniy tapidly, telling our New Book, New York by Sunlight and liaslight, Showing up the New York ol to day , with its palaces, its crowded thorough lares, Its rushing elevated trains, its count'.css xlehl*, its romance, its mystery, its dark crimes and terrible traue dies, its charities, and in fact, every phiue of tile in the great oity. Dont waste time selling slow books, but send for circulars giving lull tible ol eon tents, terms to agents, etc. Pro#- pectus now icady, and territory iu great de mand. Addrees DOUGLASS Buo*., 58 North ScvenlhSt., Philadelphia, Pa. ai>rs4t. HENKY O. HALK, HIE MEICIIIT TilLOl, COB. PENN ANDIBIXTH BTBEETB, Pittsburgh, Pa. Scobie, Harrison & Parker, DEALERS IN Implements, Seeds and Fertilizers, NO. I'-ifi LIRF.ItTY STKKKT, PITTBBUMGII, PA, CENERAL AGENTS FOR Scobie, Harrison & Parker. NI'EELE HIKE Rill, TIES Always on hand. OTHEK SPECIALTIES, Dedcrick'n Kay PreNMeN, Tin- celebrated "Goshen I'miips," AdnuneeSmjclc Reaper, Adrlance Mower, "Aiiltman Tay lor" Thresher*. liiietier, (iibbs .* Co. Ohio (lulled I'lowH, liueher (iibbs & Co. ImjH'rlal I'lows,Clilff talli Self-lhimiiliiK Itake, Itnllalo Super Phosphate, Clover ami Timothy, Garden Seeds. Write for Circulars of any of the above, giving full information. /] In I k, / lirex r .t, dl lii or bliqii! hr tako i'a- \ /j "For cranio of thn sto r.xch, relic, dlar- '/ nirt-.k, orwwlllng, t.iko I'LiiDSA." \ ;/ "Forcou«h, ant lima, night gweatn. short- \ nessof br.vih,tako I'kihj.N.'.. RAMHBMH 0 / "For rlironle ratarrh, hrom hltlii. pleurisy, \ / and »uro tliroalof any kluii—l'luuna. " ■■ V . "I'HRtTNA Is tti'i purest, tnnst prompt nnd , / e(Il> luut liieilh Ino Liiu.. a loiuan. " HBiHB \ / "Pmhina I* tlio In st appetizer, purest \ < tnnle, (lnest Invlrorator of tho tw*ly and / mind.'• ■BaHHUBBaBBH \ ) "If you enn't rleep, tako I'eiwvai ir i / weak or worried menially, can't rext, tako \ j l'tuu.vx." BHESiHEBWi V ' "SIOOO will lm |ial(l for the Imwt Impurity or i / niliu ral that may l>o found In 1 'EUI. N'A. 1 ' \ J Sold everywhere. Fur pamphlet wrttn to V ' ». It. lIAKI MAN .V C 0., Oxturu. Ohio. > / If yoa aro sick, feel badly, or lu any way \ , unwell, Ukol'ltuua A aud ngulalo Uio Ujw- v I eU Willi ___ PERIIIV4 and 91 ANA LIN FOR SALE BY ZIMMERMAN A WULLER BUTLEK, PA, TRAVELERS' GUIDE. BUTLBR, KiBNS CITT AND I'AKKER RAILftCAD Trains leave Butler for St. Joe, Millerstown Karns City, Petrolia, Parker, etc., at 7.27 a. m and 2.25 and 7.25 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler from the above named points at 7.17 a. m., and 2.15, and 7.15 p. m- The 2.15 train connects with traiu on the West Penn road through to Pittsburgh. BHBNANGO AND ALLEGHENY KAILKOAD. Trains leave Hilliard's Mill, Butler county, for Harrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7AO a. m. and 2.25 p. m. Trains arrive at Hilliard's Mills at 1:45 A. m„ and 5:55 p. M. Hacks to and from Petrolia, Martinsbari?, Fairview, Modoc and Trontman, connect at Hil liard with all trains on the S & A road. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time. Market at 5.0P a. m., goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at 9.01 a. in. This train con nects at Frefport with Frecport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. m., railroad time. Express at 7.16 a. m., connecting at Butler Junction, without change of cars, at 8.28 with Express west, arriving In Allegheny at 9.50 a. m., and Express east arriving at Blairsvllle at 15.55 a. m. railroad time. Mail at 2.26 p. m., connecting at Butler Junc tionwithout change ol cars, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 501 p. m., and Ex press cast arriving at Blairsviile Intersection at 5.55 p. m. railroad time, which connects w.'th Philadelphia Express east, when on time. The 7.21 a. m. train connects at Blairsviile at 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2.36 p. m. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. R. at 9.56 a. m., 4.58 and 7.01 p. m., Butler time. The 9,56 aud 4.58 trains connect with trains on the Butler & Parker R. R. Main Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh lor the East at 2.56 and 8.26 a. m. and 12.51, 4.21 and 8.06 p. m., arriving at Philadelphia at 3.40 and 7.20 p. m. and 3.00, 7.00 and 7.40 a. in.; at Baltimore about the same time, at New York three hours later, aud at Washington abont one and a hall hours later. Tiuie of Holding Courts* The several Courts of the countv of Butler commence on the fiist Monday of March, June, September and December, and continue two weeks, or so long as necessary to dispoee of the business. No causes are put down for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the first week of the several terms. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BUTLER, PA. &. P. SCOTT, Attorney at Law. Butler, Pa. Office In Ruff's building. Main street. JOHN K. KELLY, Office with E. O. Miller, Esq., In Brady Law Building. augH'Sl A. M. CORNELIUS, Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, Butler, Pa. J. F. BRITTAIN, Office with L. Z- MitcheH, Diamond. ~ ATM. CUNNINGHAM, Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. S. H. PIERSOL Office on N. E. corner Diamond, Riddle bond ing. no vl'i JOHN M. GREER. Office on N. E. comer Diamond. novl2 WM. H. LUSK, Office with W. H. H. Riddle, Esq. NEWTON BLACK, Office on Diamond, near Conrt House, south side. ~ E. I. BRUGH, Office In Riddle's Law Building. S. F. BOWSER. Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'76 J. B. McJUNKIN. Special attention given to collections Office opposite Willard House. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond. Butler Pa. n. n. GOUCHER, Office in Schneideman'e building, np stalls. J, T. DONLY Office near Court House. 1 - 74 W. D. BRANDON, ebl7-75 Office in Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady building- marl 7—t FERD REIBER, Office in Reiber's building, Jeflerson St. ap9ly F. M. EASTMAN, Office in Brady building. • LEV. McQUISTION, Office Main street, 1 door south of Conrt House JOS. C. VANDERLIN, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court House. Wra A. FORQUER, tar Office on Main street opposite Vogeley House. GEO. R. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond J. D. McJUNKIN, Office in Schneidcman's bulldinp, west side ol Main street, 2nd square from Court House, T. C. CAMPBELL. Office in Berg's new building, 2d floor, east side Main St., a few doors south of Lowrv House. mar3—tf. C. A. SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond. A7T. BLACK, - Office on Main street, one door south ot Hrr.dy Block, Butler. Pa. (Sep. 2, 1874. EUGENE G. MILLL^, Office in Brady's Law Buil-ling, Main street, south of Court House. 260ct8l ROBIN SON, ~ BDTLER, PA. JOHN H. NEGLEY Waives particular attention to Tans actions 1h real estate throughout the coumy. OrnccoN DIAMOND, NBAR OOCKT House, IM CITIZEN BUILDING E. R. ECKI.BR, KENNEDY MARSHALL (Late of Ohio.)] ECKLEY & MARSHALL. Office iu Brady's Law Building. 8ept.9,74 C. O. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully transacted. Collections made and promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN a*D SURGEON, myai-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Kliugler's Flour Store. DENTISTS. * . o|# WALDRON, Graduate ol the Phil ■ adelphla Dental Collegers prepared ■ ilito do anything in the line of hia profession lu a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, up stairs,