SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Per year, in «dvaaoe tl 50 Otherwise * 00 No lOD will be diacontinned antil ill irreiruM ire paid. PwtiM*ierii negiectuig to notify na when aubecribe™ do not tike oat their paper* will be hell liable for the wubecripticii. SUDBCrisers removing from one p-mtoffice to knother should give ua the name of the former M well M the present office. All oommunicatinna intended for publicatioL i n this paper moat be accompanied by the r«al namo of the writer, not for publication but aa a guarantee of good faith. Marriage aud death noticea moat be accompa nied by a responsible name. Address THK BOXI)BB . CITIZKW. BCTLEIt. PA. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Wain and Cunningham Sts. J. C. ROESSIXG, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASURER H. C. IIEINEMAN. SECKETABT. DIRECTORS: J. L. PurvU, | E. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Buikhart, A. Trontman, Jacob Seboene, G.C. Roeusing, ' JOHN Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvin, J. J. Croll, A. B. Rhodes, i H. C. Heineman. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, (Jen. Ae't BUTLER 3?-A~ Planing Mill —AND- Lumber Yard. 3. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., MtWCTACTTTBIHS ASD DBAI.WBS I* 'Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, • MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Hear German Catholic Church Jan7-*O-ly 0R& QHMHTOPY II TIM great CtriUTe Agent*. I |AOAIVAIIIC BATTERY B bbotedrfadtelfctolMfeatml I H adm4 by Miy«lcUn« to b « th« roust •eUntlflc B odof upllrallim of tho«e mibtlu and mjrterloui tlfflMnU of nklan* for the pwttl** and spisdj emra WM of It* followll If complaint-, viz.: • B BH«n»TL»ni|««ur»l«U|*lekH««l --■ whc| Weak and Inflamed Ky«i| All XVoetlona ot the Braiai) Spln»L C»M- C'alaUi Kldnrjr «*D LL»»r Complalnta; Utlea, P»r»ly»L» and Lumba|O; Dyo . MMUI JUthma and bang DL«E»««»l OU IUM OR tbe Heart, lirrtmi Pro«lr»- B lloajt Ac, ■ PRICE ONLY »1.00. H ' THE BELL MAX IT CO., PR«p'ra, I Ml WnUwtf, 0». 13th St., tsw T«t • ■ AGENTS WANTED.I LAXF (TAAR FUN uiacvLaaa. . H rOB a*T.g BX ALL DBCOOISTB. ■ If— »■—- TBLI PAPER. Union Woolen Mills.. I would deeire to call the attention of DHE public to THA Onion Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannel*, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and 1 ean recommend them aa beinK TER 7 dura ble, aa they are manufactured of ptire Butler oonnty wool. They are beautiful in color, »u --penor in Uxture, and wIU be aald at rery low prte-. POR^PLEAANDG^A^.-., JOW4.7G-ly) Butler, Pa If ynu wl»h to | GARDENING *"' W FFOK PROFIT. Ifvou wlnh to 1 PRACTICAL beoome AC«miii«-rrlaJ , V .| UL . KlortMt. r»-ad J FLORICULTURE IF you wt*h to Oardi-n I GARDENING f«>r Auiiwemefit or for '> Home UM only, read J FOB PLHAHUKK All by Peter Ilrndorvon. Price SLHO each, POSTPAID by mall. Our Combined Cataloxue of AN Hj PLANTS ; For IFIXS, MIIT free on application. PETER BEKDEBSON & CO I 25 Cortlaiidt St., New York. 03STI,Y S2O. PHILADELPHIA SINGER MACHINE Jh/unt to ntty Hhiffrr In ih* Market. The above cut reprenents the moat jKipular *tyle for the pi-ople which we offer for you FOR the very low price O f .!> A CO., No. 17 N. Tenth Ht., Philadelphia, Pa. MARIS, IOt Dr. Fraate't Water Cure. A health luetttutlon In It* 3Hth year. For nearly alt kind of Chronic DLAENAEA, and cape -dally the dUcaao* ol Wotutm. Invalid* arc in vited to corr««pon(l with U*. Circular* Irec. AddreM, TT. KKKATTLC, M. D., New Briirlilon, Beaver Co., Pa. Iyjune2tt FKKRIH ARMOR, Justice of tlie Peace Ham elreet, oppoalte Poatofflce, ZEUBNOPLE , PA. VOL. XIX. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. . r SHERIFFS SALE. i E. D., No. 5, June term. E. G. Miller, nttoriiey. By vii tue of a writ of rend exporuil, issued out ol the Court ol Common Pleas of Buller county, IT. d to me directed, there will he exposed to public sale, at tLeCourt Huote, in the borough ol Buller, on Monday the 34th day of April A. D., 1882, st oue o'clock, p. in., the following described property, to wit: All therijrht, tiile, interest and claim ol But ler Gas Company of, in and to ail tha certain piece or parcel ol land situated In the borough ot Butler, Butler county. Pa., hi-unded on the North by fie West Penn. R. R.. East t>y lands of Charles Dntfv. South hv CounoqiieneMinK creek, and West by lands of Charles Duffi; con taiulug one acre more or less, having thereon erected a brick gas house, coal house, gas tank, together with all the main 6, pipes, retorts, jras metres, riirht ot way, tranchiee, rights and priv ileges to said kos company »ci7."d and taken in execution as the proj>erty ol Buller Gas Company, at the suit ol Butler Savings Bank. TIIOS. DONAGHY, Slu rltl. SheriU's office, Butler, Pa., Apiil 3d, 1882. NOTICE. Petition for Miftfloliitlon ot Bonanza Oil Company. In the Conrt of Common I'leaw of lJutler county: In the matter of the application of the Bonanza Oil Company for a decree of dis aolution. Notice is hereby given that the Ilonanzo Oil Company, a corporation organized under the Act of Assembly of April 2!*, 1874, entitled, "An act to provide for the incorporation aud regulation of certain corporations," will, on the twenty-fourth day of April, A. D., 1882, present to the Conrt of Common Plea* of Butler coun ty, under the seal of the said corporation, and by and with the consent of a majority of a meeting of its corporators duly convened, a petition praying for a decree of dissolution of the said corporation under the provisions of the actof Assembly in such case made and provided. EUGENE G. MILLER, Solicitor for the Bonanza Oil Company. m2l^-3t. EMtatc of Narali Miller. Letter* of administration having been granted to tbe UDerems knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment, anil any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for pa)iuetit. JOHN S. U»VE, Kiddles X Boads P. <>. Ex'rs. JAMKS M'CAKFEKTY, Harversvllle P. 0., Butler Co., l'a. Eiitate of Jamen McDeavltt. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of James McDea vltt, deceased, late of Brady township, Butler Co., l'a . all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate will please make twymeiit and any having claims against the same will present tin in duly authenticated for payment DANIEL Mi.DKAVITT. ' \di.rr*- J NO. A. GI.KNN, < A West Liberty, Butler Co., Pa, *'» Estate ot Mary Ward. Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the estate ol Mary Ward, deceased, late ol l'nrkcr township, Buller Co., Pa., all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment aud those having claim* against the sale will present them duly authenticated for settlement. J D. HOOVER, Ex'r. P. O. North Hope, Butler Co., Pu. ltu Kalate of Wm. O. ftliortw. Letters of administration having been granted to tbe undersigned on the estate of William O. Shorts, deceased, late of Connoqiienesslug twp., Butler county, Pa., all persons knowing them selves Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against the suiue will present them duly authen ticated for payment. T. P. SHORTS, Ex'r. Connoquencsslng P. 0., Buller Co., Pa. lm Entate or William Fleming. (I.ATE OF BUFFALO TOWHSIIIP, DEC'D.) letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Wm. Flem ing, deceased, late ol BUIIJIO township, Buller county, Pu., all persons knowing themselves Indebted to Siild estute will please make pny n>eut, aud lliotc having claims ngalutt t' e same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. EI>WAKI> S. ) K M. lUnnisoN <) Ailiu'rs. Sarvcrsvillc P. 0.. Butler county, Pa. Knlate of Geo. Whitenlden. Letters testamentary having been granted to tbe undersigned on the estate ol Geo. White sides, dee'd, late ol Middlesex township, Buller county, Pa., all j>crsoiiß knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are hereby notified that Immediate payment Is required, and those hav ing claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN A FORSYTHE, Ex'r. Glade Mills P. 0., Butler Co, Pa. K«(ate ol I'll 11 i|> Mrlvln. [I.AT* or MVDNRRRKRK TWI*., DIC'D.| Letters testamentary ou the estate of Phillip Melvlu, dee'd., lute of Muddjcrcek twp , Butler countv, P»-, having been granted to the under signed, nil persons knowing themselves Indebt ed to said estate will please make immediule paymeut, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly aullu-uMcatcd for settlement. Portersvllle P. O , Butler county, Pa. JAS. LOCKHART, GBOCEB, Xo. 103 Federal Ht., ALLEGHENY CITY, Has in stock a full line of FAMILY GROCERIES Consisting of every article In the line, both Foreign and Domestic. 1 hive been forme*ly located on South Dia mond street, but now can be found ut No 10.'} FEDERAL STREET, a few doors above depot, aud will Ire plmsod to see any of our old (al rons. ap6,n» Old Established Carr'age Factory | RSTAHI.ISIIKIL IHTTLL.J Spring Wagons and Buggies In stock and made to order of all styles and description. Our work Is of the best and latest style, well made and finely finished. We give special at ' tent lon to repairing, painting and trimming. When in waul ot anything In out Hue we ask ; you to call and examine our stock. LOUDEN ' A PARK, Duquesne Way, Uitwcen Hlxth and Seventh streets, above Suspension Bridge, Pittsburgh, Pa. aps,Bm Itf-R. 4a Oilier day at home. Samples worth 10 Address STINMON & Co., Portland, Maine. mar2»,iy' FO«. RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals ST. JACOB* Oil ai a sii/'r, mirr. simjtle und rftrap External Remedy. A trial entaili but llic comparatively trilling outlay of 30 Cents, and every one Buffering with pain an have cheap and positive proof of its claims. directions in Eleven I-anguages. SOLD BY ALL DSUQGISTB AND DEALEBB Iff MEDICINE. A.VOGELER & CO., Jialtlmore, Md., U. 8. A. No Whiskey! BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is one of the vtry few tonic medicines that are not com posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G. W. RICE, editor of the American Christian Re view, says of Brown's Iron Bitters: Cin.,o.,Nov. 16,1881. . Gents:—The foolish wast ing of vital force in business, pleasure, and vicious indul gence of our people, makes your preparation a necessity; and if applied, will save hun dreds who resort to saloons for temporary recuperation. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, weakness, debil ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c., and it never fails to render speedy and permanent relict Chills and Faver. Simmons Liver K«-KU - n!m, H ''u!!l 'eames [he Q It cures when all other LF: K Headache. CBRirii ijrS For t lit- relief and cure LLLMIIVLLULIV y taking Sim mons Liver Kegnhttor. It Is harmless, mild anil effectual. PILES. Keller Is at hand for those who suffer day after day with Piles. It has cured hundreds, and will cure you. MALARIA. persons may avoid all attacks by occasionally taking a dose ol Simmons l.lver Regulator to keep the l.iver In healthy action. BAD BREATH generally arising from a disordered stomach, can lie corrected by taking Simmons l.lver Regulator. JAUNDICE. Simmons l.lver Regulator soon eradicates this disease from the S)Steui, leaving the skin clear ami free from all Impurities. COLIC. Children snlTerlllg with Colic soon experience relief when Simmons l.lver Regulator Is adminis tered. Adults also derive great In iietll from tills medlelue. It not unpleasant, It Is harmless and effective. I'utely vegetable. CAUTION- Hi-careful that you Ret tne genuine Simmons l.lver Regulator in our engraved White Wrapper, with nil "//'Trade Mark, Stamp and Signature unbroken. I'ItKPAItKI) nv J. H ZEILIN & CO., Sold by all Oruggists. I'IIII,\I»KI.I IIIA, PA. "BEMOVALT The undersigned bait removed his place of busi ness to Ills own building one Si|ii.aresouth of Court House, Malli Street, east side, omiosllc Donaldson Mouse, where he lias a full slock ol H' A I «'li CM. C'lorltN, Jewelry, KpcciaclcN, el«*. Watches, Clock*, Jewelry, spectacles, etc., promptly repaired anil salmlacllnii guaranteed. I> t; CLEKI.ANU. MAKYLAND KAItMH Hook and Map free. By 0. £. HHANAIIAN, Alt y, Etston, Md. BIJTLER, PA., V POETRY. IIA XOH .4 1.1. ICOI XO. Mr. Tennyson's new patriotic ballad, runs as follows: First pledge onr Queen, my friends, and thft A health to England's every truest; He best will serve the lace of men Who loves his native country test! May freedom's oak forever last. With larger life from day to day ; lie loves the present and the past Who lo|»s the raoulder'd branch away. Hands all round ! God the traitor's hope con found ! To the cause of Freedom drink, my friends, And the great name of England round and round. To all the loyal hearts who long To keep our English Empire whole! To all our noble sons, the strong Xew England of the Southern Pole ! To England under Indian skies ! To those dark millions of her realm ! To Canada, whom we love and prize, Whatever statesman hold the helm. Hands all round ! (iod the traitor's hoj>e con found! To the great cause of Freedom drink, my friends, And the great name of England round and round. To ali our statesmen so they be True leaders of the land's desire f Te both our Houses, may they see Beyond the borough and theshirc. We sailed wherever ship could sail, We founded many a mighty State, Pray God our greatness may not fail Through craven fears of being great! Hands all round ! God the traitor's hope con found ! To the great cause of Freedom drink, tnv friends, And the great name of England round and round. SELECT. ~ The Career of a Noted Outlaw, A dispatch from St. Joseph, Mo, dated April 3rd, said that a great ex citement was created in that city that morning, by the announcement that Jesse James had been assassinated in a house in that city, by one of his own gang, who had joined the detective force, and who killed James to get the large rewards offered for him, dead or alive, by the Governor of the State and by the railroad and express com panies. A look at tbe body while it was be ing photographed at the undertaker's showed that Jumes was a fine-looking man, apparently forty years old, with broad forehead, and bis physiognomy was that of an intelligent as well as a resolute and daring man. The bouse where James lived, and in which he was killed, has tbe ap pearance of an arinorv. A number of guns and pistols, including a repeating rifle, a needle gun, and navy revolvers, with a good store of ammunition, were found there. Jesse was in the habit of wearing two belts, with a brace of very fine revolvers and twenty-five ex tra cartridges. In a small stable near the bouse were discovered several fine horses, the property of James. Jesse James is tbe elder of the two James boys. Frank, the younger, is understood to be living in Texas under an assumed name. lift is married and has abandoned his old ways of life. They were the sons of a Baptist clergy man of Kentucky, and were educated at Georgetown College, Scott county, Ky. Jesse was born in 1845, and Frank in 1841. In 1840 the Itev. Mr. James removed to Clay county, Mo., where he purchased a farm and per formed ministerial duties for a small Baptist congregation. In 1840 he went to California and died there. In 1857 bis widow married Dr Ueuben Samuels, a physician of Clay county, Missouri. When tbe war opened Jesse and Fra*ik endeavored to enlist in the Con federate army, but wore rejected as being too young for the service. It is stated that Dr. Samuels was or-.ce ter ribly beaten by a party of Union men who came to the bouse, and that it was a desire for vengeance that started the boys on their career as desperadoes. At auy rate they joined (Juantrell's guerillas, and took part in the murder ous work of the gang. Jesse James has made a brag of tbe number of peo ple ee killed at the sacking of the town of Lawrence. In 1805 Quaotrell was killed in a fight with a body of Federal troops, und the gang was broken up, tbe James boys returning to their homes in Clay county, Mo., where they lived quietly. In 18(18, with the Vounger brothers and George Sheppard, who bad been with them in Quantrell's band, tbe James boys went to the races at Lex ington, Ky. On their way home they visited Ilussellville, in that State, rob bed the bank of $14,000, and fled to Texas. In December, 18('»1), they resumed criminal operations, and robbed tins bank at Gallatin, Mo., in connection with the Younger brothers ami others of their old associates in guerilla war fare. Here they murdered several per sons, and again went to Texas. In May, 1870, the two brothers bad a fight with some Texans at a dance house, which resulted in several mur ders, the victims being men of their own profession, and tbe result was that they were compelled to fly for their lives. They returned to their old home in Missouri, and again resumed agricultural pursuits. In thi' spring of 1870, together with the Younger brothers, they made a rade into lowa ; entering the town of Corydon, where, in broad daylight, they dasiied up to the bank on tbeir horses, seven in number, dismounted, entered with drawn revolvers and find ing the cashier alone, demanded all the money he had. The safe was open, and the cashier was totally powerless. After emptying several thousand dol lars into a sack, they quietly remount ed their horses and rode away. They were followed for a hundred miles or more by a posse of eiti/.ens, but disap peared, and were not seen again for several months. In the latter part of the same year (1870) the two James brothers and the four Vounger brothers again attended the races at Kentucky, and there con ceived the plan of robbing a bank at Columbus. In the afternoon, after spending the day around the tavern in that town, the six men mounted tbeir horses, rode over to the bank, which was only a few rods distant, leisurely dismounted and entered the building, where they found the cashier, the WEDNESDAY. APRIL 12,1882 President and a citizen engaged in con versation. Without losing any time, three of them levelled their revolvers upon the occupants of the room, while I the other three unceremoniously com menced to open the safe. They gath ered together all the money in sight, and, after shooting the cashier, who made an outcry, they mounted their horses and rede away. An alarm was immediately given, and they were pur sued by the .Sheriff and a large posse of men, but they reached the Cumberland Mountain in safety, and there disap peared. On the 2ecn In onr employ. Ten thousand dollars ! You may be sure we were astonished. But he hatl only told the truth in the matter. We took him into partnership very readily, you may be assured. 'We bail another boy—an appren tice. lie was with us from about thirteen until lie was twenty one—in dentured until that time. Well, ho was a different sort of a boy. Ho nev er was on time in the morning, and whenever wanted during the day like as not be was on the top floor reading a novel. He took no interest in the business—a heedless, floppy fellow, who didn't know where anything was, and didn't care to know When liis apprenticeship expired I called him in to my office and said, ss I paid him what balance of money wasdue : 'James, 3'our time is up and you are free to go. You've not been worth much to us, and unless you turn over a new leaf you'll never be worth much to anybody else. 1 then paticulamed his faults, and ended bv telling hi u that he could stay in our employ for a time provided he turned over an entirely new leaf. If he couldn't do that we didn't want him around. I confess I had no faith in his promise, but he ageed to stay, and agreed to turn over a 'new leaf.' The surprising part of the story is that the follow diil turn over a new leaf, and from that day on became an entire -1« changed man, and one of the most valuable men in the establishment. He is with us yet.' I have thought this business man's tnlk worth repeating, as the career of both boys in interesting and may be of Hervice to Homo other buy, mid especial- Iv to tin' good for-nothlng boy, who can turn over n new leaf if he only will. Also to that hydra-headed eoun try boy, who longs for a situation in the eity. _ I»oirt tlip IIUIIMC. Ask lor 'Hough ou Hats.' It clears out rats, mice, ficdbngs, roach es, vermin, flies, ants, insect*. 16c. per box. The Lorraine is the largest of the large spring hats. ADVEKTfHIXfI ItATEB« Oue «iu«r«, one iunorttou, fl ; each enhn<. quent iiim-iticn, 00 rente. Yearly •dvertux-itei tt. eiccedti'n ono-fourih of • ci>liinin, tijer ii.ib, Figaro work ilou) le these tatec; additioi ai charges whtie wee .ly or moutbJy changes trt made. I.ocal aJvc tiiHUibule 10 cents jer tins tor liit t insertion, uid 5 cents per line for each additional insertion. .Mai napes and deaths pub lished free of charge. Obit inn notices charged as advertisements. and payable when handed in Authors' Notice ecial uses in supplying wants before unfelt. It is but one of the evidences of the advance of civiliza tion that exact methods of dividing and measuring time are now in de mand, not only by scientists and pro fessional men as formerly, but by per sons in tho ordinary pursuits of life. To railroad men and watch-makers as a matter of necessity, to manufacturers and business men as a mattor of economy, and to individuals as a mat ter of convenience, it has come be high ly Important to know what is the ex act time of day to tho second, in cir cumstances where half a century ago it would have quite sufficed to know tho minute or even the hour. This may l»e duo to the increased value of time when measured by the number of events or the magnitude of operations which modern ingenuity is capable of crowding into a given interval; there can be no doubt that o seeond to-day records a greater stride in tho world'* progress than did many hours in tho days of our ancestors. 01 so groat im portance, for many evident reasons, has the knowledge of the exact time be come, that much thought of some of the Ix-st heads has l>een devoted to methods of ascertaining it and making it available by distribution for public use. To the weak Peruna gives strength.