" —REMOVAL PORTER & DONALDSON,: WHOLESALE MILLINERY > Have Removed to < NEW BUILDING, *2BO, 282 and 264 Liberty Pa. ger. Elevator Entrance. 261. 'gU'SSTiion given t« Pattern nS?fecJ."" ** °' Hoop Skirts, CorwU, Onipee and Ladle* Neck Wear, BPKCIA.LTIES. PAKTICVLAS. ATTBNTION PAID TO ORDERS. IAHGEST STOCK, LATEST STYLES. LOWEST PRICE.. niar22,3m 1092 OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE OF 1882. JAMES SHIDLE & SON, 59 SMITHFTILD STREET, PITTHBUBGII, PENN'A. GETEK O. SHIDLE. Art Paper Hangings, Smbossed Bronzes, Dadoes, &c. ~ O RE. ■A COMPLETE LINE OF Freight paid on all bills over $25.' BUTWEEN DEPOT TD BRIDGE. mnrtS.Suso*. —— BTS W. S. WELTY, JoH! EKS AMI lIEALEBS IS CARPETS AND WALL PAPER, OILCLOTHS, MATTINGS, WIMDOW SHADES, &c. The oldeßt, largest and most complete House in the Trade in the City. mls,£moß. 115 and 117 Federal St > Allegheny City, I'a. MM=a —— _——j— —— —-— '■ - - EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Cor. Robinson and Anderson St., - ALLEGHENY CITY. >l. SIMON, Apent. PLANINCS MILL, SASH, DOOIL ASI) SHUTTER FACTORY, Flooring Board*, Weathei boarding, Planed Boards, Hash, Mouldings, Shingles, Lotb and all kinds ol Uuildiug Lumber. «V A hfecwl redaction for c., noc., and Hl.oo per bottle. PERRY DAVIS A. SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. M. C. RQCKENSTEIN. TREMONT COOK STOVES AND RANG EH. ALSO, AGENT FOR CRYSTAL PALACE STOVES AND REPAIRS FOR SAME. Bird Cages, Tinware. Wood and Willow Ware, Enameled ami Granite Ware, Sewer l'ipe, Fire Clay Stove Pipe, Grate Tile, Fire llriok and ( lav. Roofing, S]>outiug and Heavy Nheet-iron work done at idiort notice below market prices fur •ash. I am alito having manufactured to my order, nice clean and smooth odd Plates to lit Bradley'i Stove*, which I sell at six cents per pound, ami I will guarantee fhem lo last longer anil give better natinluctiou than the jo-called original and genuine plates sold by another party at ten eonU per pound. Give me a call and be convinced. IVI. C. ROCKENHTEIN, junels:ly Maia Street, ffutler, Pa. W. W. Sharper, Valdotsta, Ga., says: It to u panacea lor all onilivti una burn*. I Fromß-W. Adams, Saco,Me.: 11. gave me Immediate relief. *. Lewis says: In forty years' use It never has fall< d inc. W. W. turn, Nlcholvllle, N. Y., says: I use your I'AIN KILLER frequently, it reUercn pain and soreness, and lieuU wounds llko magic. 3. W. Dee says: For scalds and burns it has no equal. %k* $ML*r s $«.» SlpeU 1882 Death ol a Noted !»iilll»in»l«*e. ; Jchn BenninghofF, famous for his, wealth—more for that which was tor- ; ciblv taken away from him than for , that which was left—died at his home i in Greenville. Thursday morning, aged eighty one years, of pneumonia. This event will bring to mind the then greatest event in the annals 01 burgla ry 4 the Benningboff robbery'of fifteen; ve'ars ago, which was committed in the oil regions, where the deceased j then resided with his fa raily, on the farm that flowed wealth into his pocket j faster than be could take care of it, and of about $200,000 of which the bold | road agents relieved him. The news- ] paper student will recall the tactics of i the robbers, how they surrounded the , house, then entered, paged the old man and other members of the family pi es- j ent, and preceded at their leisure to go through his strong box, making the I immense haul above indicated. Ihe intruders got away with their plunder, and as far as its history is known, lived to enjoy it. A large portion of it is now doing service on the Western plains tn the cattle business. After tbe robberv Mr. Benninghoff came j here with bis family to live, and has , been a useful citizen, especially to those in need of money. Privately he was a quiet, inoffen sive citizen, working ever about his farm in tbe west side of the town as industriously as when he was a poor man. To have seen him on bis farm or on the streets one would never have picked him out as a milionaire, for it is understood that he died worth half a million, notwithstanding the hole which his unceremonious callers made in his fortune. — Mercer Republican. litems of Tli»ugl»t. When my reason is afloat, my faith cannot long remain in suspense, and I believe in God as firmly as in any other truth whatever; in short a thou sand motives draw me to the consola tory side, and add the weight of hope to the equilibrium of reason.—Rous seau. 'Tis no use of bewailing, Our want of success; And all unavailing Are tears of distress. The sc.iif that is cheerful Will struggle through all; But the heart that Is foarful Is fated to fall. Kind words produce thei:' own image in men's souls, and .a beautiful image it is. They soothe and comfort the hearer. Thcv shame him out of bis unkind feelings. We have not yet be gun to use them in such abundance as they ought to be used. Poverty is uncomfortable, as 1 can testily ; but nine times out of ten the I jest thiug that can happen to a young mau is to be tossed overboard and com pelled to sink <.k fci'A'ir;} for himself In all my acquaintance 1 fcijpw a mau to be drowned who was worth tbe saving.— James A. Garfield. On oce&nilGUfc of grcut griof it always appears as if tiuio stood still All things appear to stand still, or slowly and painfully to roll on, in dark circles; but it is not so. Hours and days go on in an interminable chain; 'hey rise and sink like the waves of the seu, und carrv along with them the vessel of our "life; carry it from the island of joy, it is true, but carry it also away from the rocky shores of grief.—Fred erika Hremei. Not a (lower But shows some touch, in freckle, streak, or stain, Of His unrivalled pencil. He inspires Their balmy odors, and imparts their hues, Auii halhps their eyes with nector, and in clude* In grains as counties* as (tie seiuide SJH)qs, The forms with which lie sprinkle* all the earth. Happy who walks with Him ! whom, what He finds Of flavor or of scent in fruit or flower, Or what he views of beautiful or grand In nature from the oroad majestic oak To the green blade that twinkles in the sun, Prompts with remembriuet of ! J present God. ■—CoWPKft, ExtractM from llie vaiila (jiame I-awn. No person shall kill or pursue any wild deer save only between the Ist of October and the Hist of December of any year, under penalty of sf>o. No person shall, at any time, kill anv fawn, when in its spotted coat, or have the fresh skin of such fawn in his possession, under penalty of SSO. Dogs pursuing deer or fawn may be killed by any person, and the owner of such dog shall be liable to a penalty of $lO for each deer killed by such dog, except in Centre, Clinton, Fayette, Lycoming Schuylkill, Union aud Wyoming coun ties. No person shall kill, or have la pos session after being killed, any gray, black or fox squirrel between January 1 and September I—penalty, sf> for each squirrel ; hare or rabbit, between January 1 and November I—penalty, $5 foreach rabbit; wild turkey, between January I and October l. r >—penalty, >lO for each plover; woodcock, be tween January 1 and Julv 4—penalty, $lO for each woodcock; quail or par tridge, between January I and Octo ber lf>—penally, $lO for each quail; milled grouse or pheasant, between January 1 and October I—penalty, $lO for each pheasant. No person shall, at any time, kill or take any wild turkey, grouse or pheas ant, quail or partridge, or woodcock, by means of any blind, torchlight, trap snare, net or device whatever, under penalty of $lO for each bird. No person shall hunt or permit the hunting of hares or rabbits with ferrets, under penalty of $lO for eech rabbit caught or killed by such means. It is illegal to kill, trap, or expose for sule, or have in possession after be ing killed, any night-hawk, whippor will, sparrow, thrush, lurk, (inch, mar tin, swallow, woodpecker, flicker, robin, oriole, red-bird, cedar bird, cat-bird, blue-bird, under penalty of $5 for each bird. No pcrsop shall rob or destroy the egg# or nests of any wild birds what soever (only prudatflry birds, such as are destructive of game or insectivorous birds), under penalty of $lO. No person shalf catch, kill or disturb wild pigeons while on nesting grounds, under penalty of sf>o. No person not a citizen of Pennsylvania may trap or net wild pigeons in any county, unless he shal have first taken out a license from the treasurer of the said county, and paid therefor the sum of SSO, for the use of the county. No person sha'l hunt pheasants during the night-time, in any manner whatever, under penalty of $lO f>»r each ofiense. [Mt. Clemens, (Mich.) True Beoord.J W. T. Lee, Esq., of this paper says: Being convinced of the efficacy of St. Jacobs Oil in curing rheumatism, I have no hesitancy in recommending it. Pernna will make your blood pure and healthy. A Dresden maker has made a watch out of paper. It can't keep better time than a thirty-days' note. "I>r. Lindsey's Blood Searcher' cured my son of erysipelas." Mrs. E. Smellzer, Larimer, Pa. It cures all blood diseases. That's right; take down your store aud put on your thin flannels this nunth. Give "the poor undertaker a chance. Why suffer sleepless nights, with a distressing cough, while a quarter of a dollar invested in "Sellers Cough Svrup"' will give instant relief. The man who is curious to know ho .v the world could get along without bini, can find out by sticking his Snger ' into a river, then withdrawing it and | looking for the hole. Once it i 9 known that Peruna cures disease and prevents its return, it \\ ill be neglect of duty to be without it. Thefore keep a bottle in your cupboard. 'Mules kick because of combined ignorance and viciousness,' says a Boston payer Yes, viciousness on the part of the mules, and ignorance on the part of the person who gets behind them. The eminent physician, J. Marion Sims, M. D., New York: I am con vinced that Prof. Darby's Prophylactic Fluid is a most valuable disinfectant.' We are sure our motive will be ap preciated by a grateful public in calling attention to the fact that a Canadian speculator is paying from }0 to 40 cents for cat skins, which he says are to be cured and manufactured in the same manner as fox, mink and other furs. For smallpox and other contagious diseases use Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. Persons waiting on the sick should use it freely. It will prevent smallpox, scarlet fever, diphtheria or any other contagious disease from spreading, and tbe worst cases will yield to its purifying and cleansing ef fects. A most atrocious custom is the newly introduced 'powder and paint' party, to which young ladies are spe fially asked to come with their hair powuored ftG'4 cheaks painted, but in modern dress. 'Patches' are, of course, in order with powder and paint. And yet we make fun of Oscar Wilde. Mrs. Kimball, of Chicago, has final ly discovered the chief cause of the evil of intemperance—'poor bread and poor house-keeping.' Now, if the young lady about to wed doesn't un derstand the secret of making bread ; and keeping house, she may anticipate tbe result. The Frenchman says the hog is the kyjy animal that will be 'dosed un grudgingly u-jth alcohol.' Perhaps he's right. There are men, to be sure, who love to be 'dosed ungrudgingly' with the same beverage, but their wives generally refer to them as the kind of animal named by the French man. A poet writes from ludiana to say that, after u heavy storm out there, he broke his back shoveling through a ten-foot snow bank. Thus the uni versally condemned snow has proved itself to possess a salient virtue, aj well as to make us happy in knowing thP r P ' s something that can ef fectually settle a Noah Webster wr.9 a celebrated uutbor. He was a quick and ready writer, and in one of his inspired mo ments he dashed off a dictionary. He took it to several publishers, but they shied at it, saying the stylii was dull, turgid, dry, hard, and uninteresting, and besides that he used too many big words. But at last' Noah succeeded, ami the immortal work is in daily use, propping up babies at the dinner table. .4 Work Pf Thrilling Interest, 2Vr:o York by Sunli'jhi (iit'i A work descriji/irr of tl,r g/ rat Aviesicuh il'trapQlit. /,*>/ Jamtt />. McC"be. Messrs. Douglass Hroih-rs, of Philadelphia' have juu published oue ol the most Interest ing aud attractive books of the day, bearing the above title. It is comprised In one large octavo volumu ofMO pages ; Is Illustrated with over j.f/0 fjlje, new engravings ou wood, of famous localities, scenes at.d incidents ol lile in New- York ;is clearly printed on |jne (?:>!>;,T, rnfl elegantly and tastefully bound, 'ilw bqqjt is Irom the pen of .li roes 1> McOabe, tbe well known author, whose long residence in New York, aud intimate knowledge ol the life and ol that city have fully qualllled him to nuke this, bis latest pioduetion, a brilliant aud vivid piauru o( tjjc (Jreat Aiuerieau Metrop olis. The book Is as faclnatlug as a novel, and lully attests the reality ol tbe oil-quoted snj ing that "That truth in stiuugcr than Qctiou." The author draws no faucy ski tell, but presents to hU render* uti accurate picture drawn Irom real lile. He Introduces us to all kinds ol people ; the high and the low, tlu> good and the bad. He p:esents to us ti.e w.irld ol fashion; lays bare ihe follies aud frivolities ol Klfth avenue and the Upper Ten, and by a change of scene conducts us through the slums of Baxter street and the Five ,I'oiuls, aud the c!ark dens ol Water street. In the brilliant pages ol this re in u kable book we are brought lace with every phase ol New York life. Weare made acquaint ed with the ways of the bulls and boars ot Wall street ; the tiieks of the sharpers and swindlers who nourish in the Metropolis; the terrible lives of the lost sisterhood ; the devious devices o> tbjeves, river pirates, gamblers, tramps and udveiiturerg ; thp police and lire department, detectives, pawnbrokers, politicians, merchants, clergymen, actors aud aclretises, editors, public men, and all of the various poplc who mike u|> the most remarkable phase ol our eiviliza t'oir The splendors and attractions ol the great city arc glowingly described. Its marble ;> .laces, nre.it house* of trade, swill, rushing, elevated ra Iroad I rain*, stately churches, grand blruem, gorgeous thcatie, and terril'le J> r l -« JUS appear before us as In life. And the dm Iter wide of the city ; Its vile deus, low haunts, re sorts of crime and vice, gaudy dance halls, and lourpes ol temptation and danger, are sketched with eijual l»uUtl y. The work, covering so wido field, and abounding in such senrp and staitling con trasts, cannot fail to he deeply interesting to all classes of readers, it full ol usefujand valu able information, and abounds in eloquent warnings against the dangers which are so al luring to strangers. it Is, in short, New York in miniature, and oilers to the readers an op portunity ot obtaining a better acquaintance with the great city than could lie gained by any thing short of a long residence in it. ii is writted Jrom on elevated rtandpoint, and is pure in*tone while dealing willi the darkest leatutus of city lile. We cordially eoiurnend it to our readers as the best description of New Yoik in print. The low price at which the book Is Issued brings it within I lie reach of all, and no one who wants 10 know New York as it really exi-tls should fail to buy It. It U sold by subscription pujy, tnd offers agents a rare chance to make niijm.y rupiijly. Bee advertisement la another column. m:W,U. FurmcrN Look Here, The undersigned is now taking or ders for fruit trees for spring planting. He represents one of the most reliable nurseries in Rochester, N. Y. I'lease send your orders in immediately, ulfitf JOIIN BEIDERMAN. Utxitl House ami 1.0 l lor Siilf, Any person wanting to buy a first class house of seven rooms, well fin ished, good cellar, excellent well of water, with pump, splendid stable, large grapery, brick walks, all necessa ry outbuildings, etc., located in Butler, can hear of same by inquiring at this office. utar22,Um GREAT OrERM DESTROYER DA ICItl'S PSOPHYLACTIC FLUID. I. '"""g Pitting of SMALL SMALL FOX I FOX Prevented. ERADICATED. |^l-aT ! " ,nfleaa, ' ,lIK ' :i1 ; | Gangrene prevented ana I)v nil rv cured. ( onUigion destroyed. wVuihis lieaied rapidly. Sick rooms purh-d and scum y eureu in >!iort made pleasant. time. Fevered a:»l Sick IVr- Tetter dried up. sons relieved and re- | t perfectly harmless, freshed by bathing p or s„ ri . Throat it is a with Prophylactic Flu- sur( . euro. Id added to thc^water. secured liy Its i.>> 1 i DIPTHtRIA S rll uii.&3 PREVENTED. 9 Fluid at out. 1 1 To purify the Itreatli. Cleanse the Teetli, it . can't be surpassed. < lm'.era dissipated. C':ii;irrli relieved and Miip frever 1 re\euUdl>> ntred *t s use. Erysipelas cured. In cases of death in the Burns relieved instantly, house. it should always Scars |>r vented. '»• used about the Removes all unpleasant corp .- it, wnl prevent any unpleasant smell. h Ail Antidote for Animal ■— —a——M "r \'es«-lahle Poisons, SQPARI FT I l)au«eroiis ellluvias of HOOan LL i ■ vifk rooms and lios- H FEVER i pitaU jt'iuoved by its I CURED.| v - owFkvkk KHAUICATKP. In fact It is the (Treat Disinfectant and Purifier, PRKPARED BV J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Manu facturiiig Chemists, SOLE PROPRIETORS ■■■DOWNS' EUXIIt^H In. h.downs' I S Vegetable Balsamic r ELIXIR This valuable medicine is purely vegetable: discovery of uhich vas the result HI many years' close study, in order to discorar S|tho the symptoms, and the care—viz:^l ■ Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, H B Croup, Asthma, F.ourisy, Hoarseness, ■ I Influenza, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, ■ ■ and every specleg of oppression of the Ch««t H 33aud Lungs. In all oa»u« where this Elixir has SJ; been diily administered lis efficacy has boen 55 j nv'iHiil 1 y manifested, convincing the zaoet in •g ereduluu. that ui CONSUMPTION % m. Ja not incurable, if properly attended to.— <• Consumption, at its commencement, ia but Z Blight irritation of the membrtiue whichcoron p Langs; then an inflanialion, when the CM * cough ia more observable, but rather dry; then X O becomes local fever and the pulse more fro- 0 quent, the cheeks flushed andchdlsmorecom- KSBrrnn. This Elixir in curing the above com-h| H wa BO !UI to remove all morbid M H Irritationsnr. We«kii»M»S ' FHCOIfllt-o* loonrliwil fenmle population. It will run. rnttriiy inu worsf form ..f Fenmlo C»m rlnluts, oJI orarlau troublon, lulliiinnia(l'>il (M'd b tlon, Full IUK and Pisplacewenla, and Uw e>n«-.|uenl Bplnal We*kneH«, and is particularly adsptod to tha C'lianifo of Life. It will and expel tumors from the uterus in an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there Is checked very sfssKllly by its us«. It removes falntness, flatulency, destroys all craving for Stimulants, and relieves weakness of the ►tomorh. iiloatlng Mr ndnches, Nervous Prostration, General I>cblUty, BleeWe«>MW. f>epre».lon and luill gctition. Tlii»t frellnjr ef bearlntf down, ratiainfT p*ln. aiimuou»d Is unsurpusseiL I.VIHA K. ri N K IIA *VFOF.TABLC COM- I'Ol' N I> is prejsired at 233 and 235 Western Avenue. I.ynn, Man. Price »1 Bli l.ottlesfor |t. Sent by mall 111 the form of pills, also In tho form of lotengrs, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkhain freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Bend for pamph let. Address as above, ffrnttun Ihit J'aytr, Jfo family should bo without J.YPtA E. piNKHAM'# LIVKIt J'll-I-H. They euro eoustlpation, bUlousnsss, and tori>idlty of tho liver. J5 cents per bo*. tr Hold by nil l>ru««lsts. It* Benson's -AWARDED- Caprine 6 Porous MEDALS.— Plaster. Tho Best Known Remedy for Oackaclio or Lamo Back. Rheumatism or Luivio joint*. Cramps or Sprains. Nouraluia or Kidnov nisoaso*. Lumbnuo, Sovoro Achos or Pains Fomalo Woaknoss. Arr Huperlor lenll other i'loati ra. Arc Superior to Puds. Are Superior so l.lniinents. Aro Superior to Ointment* or Hnl*ea. Ar*superior loFlertrlcity orsalvaaiaaa They Ant InnuodlAiely, Thry St renal lieu. They Htiotlio. They Relieve Tain at Once. They Positively Cure. Ma (ITIAII Benson'st'upclneToronsTlss- I 1111 ! lira Icrs hnve been imitated. Do uHU I lulls not allow your ilrngid't to pi.hn off some other piaster having a similar eoimdine name. Hee that the word is spelled C-A-I* C-I-N K i'rico V> cts. SEABURY A JOHNSON. _ Mnn'ilm turlng Cheiniste. Nr-w lork. ■MI Hl£~Hi..>l !-:■»% AT 3. AST. I'm e vac. AMLAD'S Mudii-ated CORN and BUNION PU3TE«. MARYLAND FARMS. Rook and Map free. Rv 0. K. MI ANAIIAN, Atfy, Ki-stou, Aid J-gT* Subscribe for the CIXIISEM. TAICETHE THE CREAT BURLTXGTOX IiOVTJJ. TV So other lino run- Throe Through Pas senger Trains Unity between Chicago, I>es Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaha. Lincoln, St. Joseph. Atchison, Topeka and Kansas City. Direct connections for all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Ne vada. few Mexico. Arizona, lilaho.Oregou and California- Tito Shortest, Speediest and Most Comforts bio Itoute via Hannibt.i to Fort Scott, Denison, Dallas. Houston, Austin. Sun Antonio, Galves ton and all points in Texas. The uncqualed inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Tourists, arc as follows: The celebrated Pullman (IC-wheel) Palace Sleeping- Cars, run only on this l ine, C., 11. A K. Palace Drawing-ltooni Cars, with Morton's ccllninsr Chairs. No extra chnrge for Seats in lloclining ('hairs. The famous C.. B. A Q. Palace Dining Cars. Oorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Elegant High-Hacked llattau Ite volvlng t hairs for the exclusive use of tlrst cla*s passengers. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment, makes this, above all others, the favorite Route to the South, South-West, and the Fur West. Try it, and you will find traveling a luxury instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celt brated I.ine for sale at all offices In the United States and Canada. All inKirtuation about Itatcs of Fare, SK ing Car Accommodations, Timo Tables, £ Will be cheerfully given, and will send tri any address an elegant Oiuntu Map ol I v elatcs. in colors, by applying to J. Q. A. BEAN, Gen's Eastern Agent. 306 Washington St . Boston. M aqd 317 Broadway, New Yi ' T.J.PQTtm Gen. Manii*er. t'hiwu l PEKCEVAL LOWELL, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. S «|^j HAvS NO 9 ) order LIFETI ME S=\< \ . SURPASSESJ.O* OTHERS 7, \ JofynsoigfarK&Gii y y 30 UNION SQ.NEW YORK '/ Chicago ILL.-e- \ MAWHINNEY & CHATFIELD, GENERAL AGENTS, 28sep*)in 10i Sixth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. THE FAMOUS ON 1J MUSICAL TELEPHONE. You can Laugh. Talk, Sing and Play Tunes thruiiL'll It at a lo'ig distance. Children that can feart figures can play tunes at once. The Tone Is evtial to any Flute or Clarionet. No knowledge of Music required to play it. To enable any one. without the slightest knowledge of Instrumental Music, to iH'rforin at once on the Instrument, we have prepared a series of tunes embracing all the popular Airs, printed in simple figures on cards to feuit the Instrument at a convenient distance from tlip mouth-piece, so that It can be easily read,and by means pf wlilph, apy one. without the least musical knowledge, can iterfnrm on this Instru ment and play tunes at sight. Persons a little familiar with airs can play hundreds of tunes without any cards whatever. The Musical Tele pnoic? Is more wonderful than the Speaking Tele phone as it does all that will do besides Instructing persons who do not understand notes to play tuiius. "N. V- Sun." The Musical Telephone Is recovered as one or the lyosl novel inventions of the age. "N. Y. HKKAI.O." Price WHO. Price by mall postage paid ami registered ®:t.oo. No Instru ment sent by mall without being registered. Send money l»v 1". O. order or registered letter. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Musical Telephone <'.'iu onlv be purchased <>l the manufacturers. The EDISON MCSIC CO., 218 and 217 Walnut street, Philadelphia, I'a., or through their several branch houses throughout the Untied Stales. Ift ONE -HOUR YOU CAN PLAY ON TIIK Piano, Onjan or Melodron, with EDISON'S INSTANTANEOUS MUSIC. To any child who can read numbers from I to 100 it Is as plain us daylight. No teacher required. All the popular limes. Millions of our pieces now In use. Never falls to give satisfaction and amuse ment. Complete instruction*, with seven pieces of music sent hy mall for ONE DoLLAI!. Seipl slump lor catalogue ISO.\'H KI VIKW" for one year and one of Edison's Musical Tele phone's registered l»y mall. V lien ordering please mention the paper you saw this advertisement in. EDISON MUSIC CO. 215 A 217 AValuut Street, I'll II.ADKI.I'IIIA, I'A. IIKANCII OFFICES 'Mi West Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md., ;ms N.iith st., St. I.oms, Mo. 25Ki1l avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.,.'l5 T Washington st., Boston. Mass., s s. Queeu st., l.ancastcr, Pa., t'or. :Hh and Walnut, Camden, N. ,1. liu'J A/tCostly Outfit free. Address I'm K. K Co. Augusta, Maine. niar. M .M> , t*T Advcrtiae iu tbo CITIZEN. , (Health & Beauty.> a Road and you ulll not regret. » *ll The renowu-d Wa'itr, A"»w>h de I'Enclns. i ■ tonixhod the uurld by retait.iUK the wonderlul H clearness an 1 brilliancy of mind and complex- H ion throng limit her li e. At the ago of 95 h*r ■ skin v. as as *. it. blooming an I fresh. a> a girl oI I | 16. (The -e re f was the diacwerf of tbefam rns s gv and chemist, d'Ffiiat.) At Lt r de- J mf*e f>tie b»jn---athed thin rao«t valuable t to a p! yaician. who supp'iel it to the court c< Itbriticn At the downfall ( t the empire it came in p. -ession oft celebrated Am-.-ir POISON INGench asHerolula, salt llheuin, Eczema, Pimple*, Mofh I'atihes. Frcrklttf, XSlack 11 rails, Honch skin. I Htnrrli, L.i\er Complaint, In flamed E)>s. ftc., 4c. It I* an absolute antidote for MALAREA f and restores free circulation throughout the system. It is called (ITFFIAT™! A# L 8 3 lAN A REMEDY. £ Price $1 per package, or 6 for $5. r Sont by mail in letter f »rm. poatace p:*M. H THE Bell Har.NC:. 612 B 'WAY, New York. 9 Far sa'.o by drutgira. i> UtT A3SHTI TyjTtZ. Soinl6tamp lor circular. J llaution tliU pai* r. Scobie, Harrison & Parker, DEALERS IX Implements, Seeds and Fertilizers, NO. 125 I.IKF.RTY STRKKT, PITTeHHUBGH. PA, GENERA I. AGENTS FOR Sco bi e Harr Is en & Parker. STEELE HIRE BAIL TIES Always on hand. OTHEII SPECIALTIES. Dederick'H IS ay Presses, Tin- celebrated "Goshen Pumps," Adriance Single Reaper, Adriance Mower. "Anltmaii Tay lor" Threshers. Burlier, Gibbs »* Co. Ohio Chilled Plows. Bucher Gibbs & Co. Imperial Plows, Chie ftain Self-Dumping Rake, Buffalo Super Phosphate, Clover and Timothy, Garden Seeds. JCgT* Write for Circulars of any of the above, giving full information. 0 HOUSEHOLD WORDS. 0 ♦ Tor rick Btomnrh, twd taste. sinking n spells and palpitation, rely wholly on rg- Q I«J •:For want of appetite, dyspepsim rnrtlM- n 2 Hon, «jirl llvcf complaint, taso PKUiJfo, it u never fails." CTWijOHSBSHH "Those In literary, professional or com- r * mercial pnrnulls constantly iicwjftJUlU. For constliiatlon, 11 \N.U.IN." MB 0 **For sick headache, pain In tTio head, U dizziness, and low spirits, take PEIU XX * * r Kead nnd stud v our book on the (Us of life, Q follow Its teai-l.' IRS. ami you will IK; liappy. A and MAXALIN FOII SALE BY ZI!H»EIINAX «V WULLEK BIITLER, PA. MARTIN'S RED JACKET Double Aetiug Frost Proof Force Pump Always ready and reliable in case of rtre, quick and easy to operate for 1 washing buggies Ac. It is the I Only doable art fug frost proof forco A pump that ran l*> repaired without J\ rem »vii»g pump fVom piatfom m It Is cheap, uuraMe, efficient und r\ suitable for wells of any depth,—No V farmer or householder should be without a pump of this kind. 11. IIOUHtOII & ( 0,, k Sole Agents, 157 Smitlilield Street* PimHUltitH, PA.. | ®ea".Sfiiil for Catalogue aqd A|| A MOXTII FOR V IWW TEACHERS, Young Mpn. Ladje* nnd Agents, taking Orders ftuffiCOL. MGCRSOLUwit linked and Truth Victorious - " now the most popular NKW HOOK In the Held. Hoth a SWIKLD and a SWORD, Everybody wants it Low Price, Quick Sales. Send for circular and term*. P- VV. ZIEOLEu CO., lui2 J»ls Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. To Butler County House, keepers. 1 would respectfully call your attention to the fact that ( am Hole Agent in ltutler county for the sale of the WALK Kit WASHPK, the best and Cheapest washer made, Orders respectfully .so licited. For further particulars, address WM. .1. PKACO, Local agents wanted. Bakerstown, l'a. is I N in G, IIAM:, FINE MERCHANT TAILOR, COB, PENN ANDISIXTU STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa Union Woolen j\lill, BUTLER, PA. 11. FITLLEKTOX. Prop'r. Manufacturer ol BLANKETS, KI.VNNKI.S, YAHNS, Jtc. Also custom work done to order, such as carding Rolls, making blankets, Flannels, Knit ting and Weaving Yarns, Ac., at very low prices. Wool worked on the shares, II de sired. my7-ty A fk We sell Sheet Music (no difference vy where published) al a reduction of K per cent, from Publishers or Import ers marked price, order* by mall ae- panted l.y ea-.1l promptly tilled. <-» We have a line «luiuU at 7.17 a. m., and 2.15, and 7.15 p. m rhe 2.15 train connects with train on the West I'enn road through to Pittsburgh. RIIENANGO AND A 1.1. EG II EN T KAILKOAP. Trains leave Hilliard's Mill, Butler county, r or Harrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m. ind 2.25 p. u. Trains arrive at Hilliard's Mills at 1:45 A, M., icd 5:55 p. M. Hacks to and from Petrolia, Martinsburr, Fairview, Modoc and Trontman, connect at llil iard with all trains on the S