Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 05, 1882, Image 2
BUTLER CITIZEN JOHJI H. 4 W. C.~WEQLEV, PBOTM. Entered at the Pottoffice at Butler as gecond-classs matter. THE Democratic State Convention will be held on the 28tb of June, at Har rifcburg. IT is complained that President Arthur is more fond of padding than politics, and thinks more of his cook than his country. IT is said there is likely to be a rup ture between Governor Hoyt & Co., and Senator Cameron St Co. This certain ly would result in bene6t to the Re publican party of this State. "Barrr and the babythe wife and child of Sergeant Mason, are borne in tender remembrance, and ten cent subscriptions are being sent them from all parts of the country. Coi* Oscxa L. JACKSON, of Law rence county, is the latest Congression al aspirant to appear in the district of which that county is a part. He is an active Republican, an able lawyer, a good speaker, and is popular. THI President is likely to veto the recent act of Congress restricting Chi nese immigration to this country. The principle contained in the act is con trary'to all our traditions as well as to the policy of our government since its origin. That policy has been to invite foreign immigration to our shores, and we cannot well discriminate in the matter by forbidding any, even for a time. How. JAMES E. MCFARLAXD, of MeadviUe. is announced as a candidate for the Republican nomination of Con gwwman at large. The Crawford county Republicans strongly endorsed him last year for the office of State Treasurer, which he declined. He is represented ai a competent and good «nd one whose nomination would give very general satisfaction not only in Crawford county but in the State. MAJOR BROWN, of Pittsburgh, has already forty-six delegates instructed for him tor Judge of the Supreme Court. It is confidently believed the Republicans of every western county will be solid for him. Our County Committee when it meets, on Friday, if it decides to appoint the delegates to the coming 10th of May State Con vention, will, we have no donbt, take pleasure in addiog this, the native county of Maj. Brown, to the list of counties already instructed in his favor. CONQBEBSMAN "AT LARGE." We have been enquired of as to when the law was passed giving a State the power to eloct a Congressman """at large," or by the whole State. In an swer, we would say, that the recent act of Congress, making a new appor tionment of members among the States under the late census, provided that in case the Legislature of any State was not in session, or had failed to redis trict the State if in ression, that In that case the people of such State might elect the additional member or mem bers "at large," or by the whole State. This is why Pennsylvania has one snch to elect this fall, having received an additional member and the Legis lature not being in session to remodel the State into new districts. The man nominated for this position should be one of State reputation, or at least of high character and good ability. As he for the time represents the whole State he should have the ability to speak for the whole State. This year will likely be the only occasion such an election will be had for some lime to come. CHINESE CONUNDRUM. TB« Expected Veto. WASHINOTOK, April 9L —lt is stated upon good authority by an intimate friend of the President that the Chi nese bill will be finally considered at the special Cabinet meeting called for to-morrow, and that bad the bill ex cluded Chinese immigration for a period of ten years instead of twenty J ears, the President would not have esitated to approve it; but since the passage of the bill numerous communi cations have been received from all parts of tbe country urging him to veto it, and he has been compelled to iiroeeed cautiously in the mstter. It B also stated that tbe President takes tbe gronnd that tbe provsions of tbe bill are to sweeping in their character, and in' some instancos appear to con flict with tbe treaty between tbe Uni ted States and China. Tbe opinion is entertained that tbe bill will be return ed to Congress accompanied by a mes sage explaining its objectionable fea tures and suggesting certain alterations, which idea seems to be agreeable to certain members of Congress who bave called upon tbe President since tbe Cabinet meeting on Friday. It is very positively stated that Attorney General Brewster will read an opinon at tbe Cabinet meeting to-mor row declaring the Chinese bill in con flict with our treaty obligations Fre- Hnghuysen, it is understood, will also present reasons against the signing of tbe bill. Tbe. latter gentleman received letters from Boston and New Yqrk im porters urging him to oppose the bill in tbe Cabinet. The various rumors in circulation as to the President's views upon the Chinese bill are founded upon remarks which he is said to have made to mem bers of Congress, but nothing is defin itely known as to his intentions. The Post to-morrow will say : 'There is hardly any doubt tbe Presi dent has made up bis mind to return the Chinese bill to tbe Senate with his disapproval.' —Strawberries are selling at thirty cents a box in Baltimore. Editors as Postmaster*. One of the earliest forms of the abase of patronage was that of sub sidizing the country press by appoint ing the editor to office. Ihe natural consequence was that the weekly news paper was always very friendly to the Administration. It was not the im partial editor, but the office holder, who spoke. Attention was called to this evil more than forty years ago. But there is a recent illustration of it in a late letter from Ohio to the New York Times: Speaking of the impression produced, by the nomination of Mr. Conkling, in the Congressional District which was so long represented by General Gar field, the correspondent says; "Sine out of ten Republicans were hurt and indignant, and sucb expressions of favor as have been heard have come either from the politicians or from such newspaper* as have political ends to serve. One Ohio editor has a Postoffice, and approves the nomination, an other has just had a brother-in-law appointed to a large Postoffice, and he approves it; an other has a son-in-law connected with an im portant legation, and ftfl associate editor from this paper in a consulship, au4 he approves it. The only Republican newspaper i« " Congressional District that has not denounced it is edited by a man engaged at Washington as clerk of a special committee. It is in this way that patronage may be used to bribe even tbe press ' into betrayal of its chief function by a false expression of public opinion. When an editor is appointed to an of fice, it is inevitable that his comments upon tbe general conduct of the ap pointing power should cease to have any value in the community which knows his relation to it. It is another stroDg argument for a careful reorder ing of the whole system of sucb apr pointments.— Harper 's Weekly. This just presentation of the case has a good illustration here at home. The hope of getting the postoffice has made the Meadville Republican entire ly oblivious to tbe facts, editorially, that Conkling was appointed Judge of the Supreme Court, that Blaine de livered a eulogy on Garfield, and that . the Stalwarts have- opened fire upon the dead President. A newspaper which has no soul of its own, which is no more an organ of public opinion than a cow bell, is given a postoffice because an aspiring politician "must bave an organ of my own."— Mead ville Journal, March 24. To the above it should be added, that where there are two papers of the same party in the same town, it is certainly giving an undue advantage to appoint tbe editor of one to tbe post office of the place, as thereby be can exercise a surveillance and espionage over tbe mail matter of tbe other. Bribery In the New Jersey Legislature. For some time past some railroa d companies have been trying to get possession of the river front at Jersey city, N. J. A bill was passed by both Houses of the New Jersey Legislature, some days ago, making the companies a present of it, but this was vetoed by the Governor. The State Senate pass ed .the bill over the Governor's veto, and during the discussion of the bill in the House of Representatives, last Wednesday, the following affidavit, which explains itself, was read to the House: ! New .frr*ry, Mrrcer County, s*. —Joseph H. Shinn, being duly sworn on his oath, saith that i he is a member of the General Assembly of thi* State from the county of Atlantic; that during Monday night, 27th inst., he was called , upon Dy a man well known to him, who said that he had come to talk about Senate bill No. ' 167, and during the conversation he offered I this deponent S3OO to vote tore Senate bil' No. 167 over the Governor's veto ; that this depo -1 nent refused, and he was then asked to call at . a certain room on Tuesday morning, 28th inst., at half-past eigh o'clock, bat did not do so, and • ' later he was met by the same party, who com plained because this deponent did not call at the room as agreed upon ; that this deponent , then stated that he would vote to sustaiu the Governor , that in the meantime this deponent ' had called upon William McAdoo, from the county of Hudson, and after informing him of the facts above stated it was agreed that if any i more offers of money were made to this depo- I nent for his vote on Senate bill No. 167 that the ' money should be accepted and tbe whole affair exposed in the House of Assembly, that while this deponent was in his seat he was told that a man wanted to see him, and went out into the lobby, where he found the party first referred to in this affidavit, who said that he had a mathematical problem to submit to this depo . nent, which was as follows :—Your vote is to 187 as SSOO is to your auswer. That this depo- I nent stated that (louble the amount might make him answer, at which the party who submitted 1 the problem stated that tbe other members whe were voting for the bill only received S6OO, ex cept those who were engaged as attorneys for ' the bill, but that he would see me again ; that this deponent then went to his seat and remain ad a short time when he was again called out by a messenger, who informed him that a party wanted to see him; that this depoi.ent then went out and found the party there who had submitted the mathematical problem, and he snbaitted it again iu the following shape:— As your vote is to 167 so is SI,OOO to vour answer. That this deponent answered all right, if tile money is left in my room at din ner time. Jbat after this deponent returned to his seat again ; he was told he was wanted again, 'and on going oat was told that he would get SSOO in his room at dinner time and SSOO after the bill was passed ; that he would get it all now but that the party who furnished it had used more among others than he had ex pected. Tbis deponent said 'All right,' and on going to his rdom in his hotel after the adjourn ment he sat down, when a man came there with a package, saying he w.n instructed to give it to Mr. Shinn. That this depanont then opened the envelope and found that it contain ed five SIOO bills, which this deponent still has in bis possession. JOSEPH H. SHINN, Sworn and subscribed before me this 2!* th day of March. ALLEN L. McDERMOTT, Master in Chancery, New Jersey. The reading of this created great ex citement in tbe House, an investiga tion was ordered, and the discussion of of tbe bill postponed. It is not likely that it will now pass the House and become a law, over tbe veto. The Iron-clad Oath In Force. HARRISBURG, PA., April 3.—The act of 1874, requiring municipal as well as other officers to take the iron-clad oath, and the Supreme Court never having decided that tbe act is unconstitution al, Attorney General Palmer will be gin proceedings against certain officers who shall fail to comply with the law. It is held that the old oath will not answer for city any more than for county and State officers. This will determine fairly the constitutionality of the act. Those elected in February will do well to be on the safe side, as they will be too late should tbe ques tion be decided against them. . j» The Lancaster Inquirer propounds a pertinent inquiry to the committee recently appointed to urge the nomina tion of Judge Livingstone for Su preme Judge. Nothing having been heard of the committee or the subject they were appointed to look after the Stalwart organ wants to know what become of tbe matter. A confidential note addressed to the office of the Ex aminer might illumine tbe dark subject. —Gents' fine white and colored shirts, low prices, at Heck & Patter son's. Slf* UtitLtit 5» 1882* LOMGFELLOW'S POETIC CHARACTER. Extracts from a Sermon hy R«v. F. A. Noble at Chicago East Sunday. Another silver cord is loosed ; anoth er golden bowl is broken. Another voice which forafull round halfcentury now has been making music in all our hearts and homes has ceased its sing ing and melted away into the everlast ing silence. Longfellow is dead. It does not seem possible. lie was a. part of the literary life of America when the most of us were born. Through all the years he has kept company with us," and we hare fouud him as fresh, as sweet, and companionable in the aftermath of his grand career as when the (Jews of the morning where on him and men awi women were pausing to catch the delicate straiqs Qf his prelude notes. At the fireside, in the invalid chamber, out under the stars in the soft summer time, away in the solitudes of the forest or by the sea, in the little log school house out on the frontier, in the stately lulls of learn ing best, and vast libraries holif ajl the rarest treasures of the past, he has been a familiar presence, and his name hag bad a like sound. Jf by any chance, or at any ®ot»eut the dpor had opened and be had walked in to be one of their circle, it would not have seemed like a visit from some of the great ones gone forever and ever by, as Homer, or Dante, or Milton, or Goethe, but like the coming of a dear friend whom we have not seen much, ajjd yet with whom, in one way or an other, we had manned to keep up a tender intimacy through all thv- and to walk if) a sweet fellowship. Rulers come and go, H'e expect it. Fitful geniuses drop down into the midst of ijs and utter their one thought, or strike the!* IWQ 9 r three notes, or do their strange, daring 4 e P43> while we are yet wondering what it all means, and If tberp is to be more of it, they disappear. We eipect it. Longfellow has been a star, shilling in on us out of the clear heavens witn a steady light ever since the hour our eyes first opened OP literary excellence, and we have walked ic the warmth and ruddiness of his beams; and it »s hard to think he has gone down be hind tbe western bijls—has sunk below the western horizon to rise upon us no more. His own words have a fresh signifi cance as we try to trace them out un der the shadow of his own death: Tbere is no death! What seems so is transition. This life of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the life elyelan Whose poitU we call death. We see b#t dimly through the mist and vapors; Amid these earthly damps What seem to us but s»4 funeral tapers May be heavon'd dstant lamps. • ««#•»» f f • And though at times Impetuous with emotiou j And anguish loug suppressed, The swelling heart heaves like the ocean That cannot be at rest, We will be patient, and assuage the feeliug We may uot wholly stay; By silence sanctifying, uot concealing, The grief that must have way. Kven to the most casual reader of his books it will be evident that Mr. Longfellow kept his heart open and his voice attuned to a living faith in God. The atmosphere in which he had bis home was sifted full of the fine seeds of doubt; be was intimate with men who cunningly and obsti nately questioned everything ; schol ars illustrious for their scientific attain ments, and of world wide reputation for ability and learning, were his friends; he was up in all the latest phases of German thinking, so far as this thinking had effected German literature; but no sophistries and plausabilities of atheism, no shrugs and groans of agnostic despair, no mys teries of providence ever confused his thought or dimmed his vision of the Divine Father. To him humanity was the suggestion and pledge of di vinity behind. Trees, fields green with verdure, sweet blossoms, moun tains, streams, oceans, the insect's wing, birds' songs, stars far away, and smiles, and tears, and human voices pitched to the accents of love, were all eloquent of a living God. From first to last the held his place amongst those whom he so tenderly addressed in his introduction to the song of Hiawatha : Who have faith in God and nature, Who believe that in all ages Every human heart is human, That iu even savage bosoms There are longings, yearnings, strivings, For the good they comprehend not, That the feeble bands and helpless, Groping blindly in the darkness, Touch God's right haud in that darkness. And are lilted up and strengthened. Another element revealed in a study of Mr. Longfellow's writings which brings him into accord with a lofty Christain faith, and takes him right along the line of Christian inspiration, is the estimate he puts upon life. The first note with which he captured the ear of the world was bis "Psalm of life." The deepest and most stirring utterances in that early production was the stanza: Life is real, life is earnest, And the grave it not its goal : Dust thou art, to du«t returneat, Was not spoken of the soul. But the crowning service rendered by Mr. Longfellow on his moral side is the fine and ennobling purity in which he walked and did his work. Purity was the sentine' he put on guard over his speech, and no tainted utterance could escape detection and arrest. It was an instinct with him to be delicate and sweet; and both his conception of character and his conception of the poet's mission kept him true to the best sentiments of his nature. He never seems to have im agined that his genius gave him license to outrage decency and soil his fair pages with the slime and filth of the pit. This is much. With our Swin burnes writing poems so shamelessly eratic that publishers feel constraiued to reca'l and suppress them ; with our Walt Whitmans weltering in the slums of a riotous imagination, and with our Oscar Wildes using the sacred vehicle of verse to parade before the world their own prodigalities and vices—it becomes an occasion of devout grati tude to the lover of all good that the foremost poet America has yet pro duced, and whose reputation, wide as it now is, is distined still to grow, has issued no line which the purest soul need blush to read. Devout and loviDg, and severely chaste, he may well be read by all who set themselves forward in sweetness and nobility of life.— Chicago Times. py Adrertiae in the CIUZSN. THE CASE OF QUITEAU. On Sunday last Messrs. Scoville and Reed, the counsel of Guiteau, visited him in his prison. The follow ing is an account of the visit and the present position of the case: Guiteau greeted Mr. Scoville in a surly, careless manner, and as soon as the conversation was begun he upbraid ed him for not being more discreet in talking about a commutation of the sentence. "I want you to understand, Scoville," said Guiteau, "that I don't want my sentence commuted to imprisonment for life. If Arthur can't give me a FREE, FI LL PARDON, 1 don't want any favors from him. I don't want any more interference in this matter. When I want a pardon | sfyall send word to the President, at the same time prpspnt him with a copy of the new e'dition of my book. That will fix it.' He then asked if anything definite had been learned regarding the inten tions of General Butler or Messrs. Merrick and Cook, and when told it was doubtful if either could attend to fiis case, hp 9&i4 it did not matter much; that he would sponej: attend tq fcis own affairs. Then, in a generous spirit, he called Mr. Seoyille and plac ing $1:25 in his hand, said : 'Here is a of the money that I received from the sale of my old clothes. You have been pretty kind to me after all, and I guess you need some money.' Mr. Scoville and his client conversed in a low tone for several minutes, and when they concluded Guiteau smiling ly announced that he had buried the hatchet and didn't intend to quarrel with his friea.d? sny more, 'Although,' be added, 'Seoyille should not have Sjji4 that I should be hung or my sen tence commuted to iiaprjsonment for life.' GREEDY FOR GOLD. Guiteas sepmed very anxious to as certain the progress that as helng made with his book, stating tjiai, h2 had frequent requests for copies from visitors to bis cell, aod hp concluded the interview by charging Mr. Scovilje to hurry the matter up, in order, as he said, 'that his receipts might be in creased.' The a»i»s£in's greed for money has not abated in the slightest, an 4 he was very bitter against Warden Crocker for refusing to allow visitors to come to bis celf Bifnd&vs. 'I could make more money tbat day than ftU tbP F e s l of the week days put together, for strangers in the city who can't go any place else would be glad of the oppor tunity to come over and see Patriot Guiteau.' STATUS OF TUB CASE. Mr. Scoville seemed much affected at the action of the prisoner towards him, and stated, while crossing the in the direction of the Lincoln Park: 'J piake up my mind to abandon (yuiteaij ; 6> cssp, for lam satis fied that he will not be able to sccurp anyone to argue bis case if you and I leave him,' speaking to Mr. Reed. He was asked if anything remained to be done with the bill of exceptions, and replied that, so far as he knew, they were in good condition for the present ment to the court in banc. He stated also that District Attorney Corkhill had proposed to him to have the argu uieat begin the second Monday of the term ; but he had not yet been able to agree to a date. The record of the trial has not all been printed yet, he aaid, although the papers are »n jthje printer's bands. 'I will havp to go over the proofs very carefully to spp that nothing has been omitted tbat would in any way help my client. My owa business is suffering by my neg lect of it, but I do not anticipate any freedom from the Guiteau case till af ter the argument is finished before the court in bana. I know that it will re quire a strong case to be made out to produce any good results, but I feel assured that I have enough law points to sustain me in the position I shall take.' A Terrible Aralnuche. The avalance that came down the mountains at Genoa, Nevada, last Thursday morning was of great extent. Occurring as it did at 5:30 in the morn ing, when most of the people where in bed, the wonder is that more of the residents did not lose their lives, The first intimation had by the people was a rumbling sound like tbat of an earth quake. Bells were rung, and cries for assistance passed along the streets by those who happened to be up. The slide came down the gorge immediate ly south of of Genoa Canyon and swept everything before it as far as Main street. No obstacle checked this mov ing mountain of snow until it spread out and lost its force on the nearly level piece of land on which Genoa is built, fully a quarter of a mile from the base of the mountain. At this time it is impossible to esti mate the loss of property. Everything is chaos. Broken timber, splinters of furniture, pine and fruit trees, hay clothing, kitchen ware and bedding are distributed through a body of snow and ice from ten to fifty feet in depth and several acres in extent. The "Long" building, which stood nearest the mountain, was occupied by Indians driven from their wigwams by the severity of the storni. As near as can be ascertained, but seven were in the house at the time of the catastrophe No traces of the building can be recog nized and as yet no search has been made for its occupants. Next came the residence and barn of Miuerod Bowers, which was complete ly crushed to pieces and carried into the adjoining lot of D. W Virgin. Minerod and his wife were found still in their bud and almost on top of the snow and debris, both dead. The resi dences of I). W. Virgin, \V. I). Gray and that of 11. Boerliu were on the next street below Bowers'. Boerlin's house was completely demolished. The occupants were Mr. and Mrs. Boerliu, their two children and Mr. Chisholm and wife. All were buried in the ruins.— Genoa Courier. A Dlshonent Nlicrlft'M Fair, DANVILLE, Va., April I —Sheriff William Estes, of Stokes county, N. C., was shot on Thursday while rob bing his own office. He left the safe key with his wife, and ostensibly left home for several days. That night two men appeared at the house and demanded the key of the woman. Mrs. Estes notified friends, who repaired to the office and shot and killed the two men while robbing the safe. Upon ex amination it was found that one of them was the sheriff who had disguis ed himself. Holacunst on the Mississippi. MEMPHIS, March 30. The steamer Goldeu City, of the Southern Trans portation Company's line, when ap proaching the wharf this morning at 4:30 o'clock, was discovered oil fire by the second engineer, Robert Kelly, who immediately notified Captain Brice Purcell, Sr., the pilot on watch. The boat's bow was at once headed for the shore, and in four minutes after wards she touched the wharf at the foot of Beale street, where the coal fleet is moored. A line was hastily thrown aud made fast to one of the coal barges, but the current being swift it soon parted aud the burning steamer floated on down the river, a mass of flames, with many of her passengers and crew aboard who were unable to reach shore, and were lost The Gold en City left New Orleans last Satur day enroute to Cincinnati. She car ried a prew of aboijt sixty. S|ie had aboard forty cabin passengers, fifteen of whom were ladies and nine children. Her cargo consisted of 300 tons, among which was a lot of jute The fire is said to have had its origin in this com bustible material. Thirty-five persous perished in the flames on the burning boat, A Big Pot ot Money. ST. LOCXS, MO., April I—As two laborers were digging a drain yester day on tbp premises pf James E. IJag; gerty, on Collins street, to connect with the street sewer, they unearthed a large pot lightly sealed, which on examination was found to contain a large amount of English sovereigns, American silver dollars and about a hatful of Continental currency. The money has not been counted, but there is probably SfiQ.QQQ snd pob in coin, which js'dated in the last century. Tb e currency bears the date of ITfY- The house was occupied by Montgomery I}lair many ypars ago, but subsequently passed into the pos session of Samuel Gatty. The Clarion Democrat doesn f t anything alput geography in the se- Jpptipp of a Democratic candidate for Governor, but believps that the nomi nee will be elected and then succeed to the Presidency in 1884, on which ac count he ought to be a man who com mands, because he deserves, the confi dence pf the solid Democracy of the Commonwealth. —Carpets, a fine stock, at lo\y prices, at Hepk & Paterson's- B. 0. HUSELTON. DAILY ARRIVAL OF ALL THE NEWEST SPRING STYLES LIST BOOTS A 1 SHOES. THIS IS THE LARGEST STOCK I HAVE EVER OFFERED AKD Prices § Styles Defy Competition. Don't Fail to See this Stock and have Prices (Quoted before you buy. URGE STOCK OF LUTHER HD FINDINGS. Repairing.—All Kinds Done at Reasonable Rates. B. C. HUSELTON, MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. 1883. A. TROUTMAN, xssa Dry Goods. Notions and Trimmings! Large Stock I Lowest Prices ! Extra good value in all kinds of Dress Goods, from the cheap est Calico up to Silks and Satins. Shawls of all kinds in Wool, Cashmere and Broshae. Cassimere, Jeans, Tweeds, Ladies' Cloths, Flannels, Shirtings. UHDERWUR FOR MEN UDIESIRD CIILDREI! SPECIAL. FOR EARLY SPRING. EMBROIDERY AND INSERTING. I have received and am showing one of the largest stocks of Embroideries and Inserting)? that is to be found, extra quality and patterns, at the very lowest prices. Table Linens and Napkins, in bleached, half bleached, unbleached and Turkey red. Towels, Toweling, Sheeting. All the popular makes of BLEACHED MUSLIN, Lonsdale, Pocohontas, White Anchor, Fruit of the Loom, Wa masuta, Unbleached Muslin, &c. New White Goods, White Spreads, Lace Curtains, Yarns, Zephyrs, Hosiery. GLOVES OF ALL KINDS, in Cashmere, Silk, Berlin, Kid, Foster (genuine), Foster Patent, Seamless, Undressed Suede, and other popular makes. Corsets, all prices, largest assortment. All of the above goods at the very lowest prices. Please call and examine. 111 OUT IVI IST, Aug. 24. • BUTLER, PA. P. S.—l have two Dolmans, two Black Beavers, and two light Cloaks, which I will sell at a bargain to close. A Prayer Cure In Hutler County. A dispateh from Harmony dated April Ist, states that the people there are excited over the wondertul cure by prayer of a six year old girl. "The child, ever since it was a few months old, has been unable to help itself owing to an affection of the spine, and had to lie fed by her parents. Learn ed physicians have been waited upon by the father of the child, but without avail. The poor emaciated little suf ferer has for six long years been com pelled to lie helpless in its crib. Re cently, however, the parents and other members of the family have been re joicing over the child's improved con dition and the little one is now able to waik for the first time in its life. This happy state of affair was brought about, it is said, by prayer and the anointing with oil, the Rev. Bratlebaugh, of the Wiuubrenarlfin church being the gen tlemen offieating. Just how long they had to pray, whether it was crude, re fined or sweet oil they used, we are upable to state, but that the child is able to walk we know to be a fact, as we witnessed her first attempt, and it was a grand success. It might do to mention in connection with the above tbpt the Rey. is the min ister who played a conspicuous part in the cure of a Franklin lady some months ago, by the same process. <'ffongj| op H»U." The thing desired found at last. Ask Druggists for "Rough on Rats." It clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, bed-bugs. 15c. boxes. Lawrence, Beaver snd Washington counties have been in the same Con gressional district for oyer twenty yearg, but Lawrence bag only had the member two years, though the nominee was defeated once when taken from tbat county. Tb>s 'Ma moves the {jawrgnce Gfuardiai} to say tbat the present would be a good time to give Lawrence county a phaicp. Man's InscraMtud*. This is an ungrateful world to say the least. A mt*n will act lil?e a luna tje wheft has {.he ftpbjqg Pljps, »nd declare tbat pe knows he can't live an other day, yet be applies Swavne's Ointment, the intense itohing is allayed at once, he gets cured, and goes down : to the lodge with out one whit of grat itude. When asked why h8 looks so cheerful, he dodges the question by an indifferent answer. Its just like a man though, ig'nt it? TREASURER'S SALES. All persons interested will take notice that on Monday, June 12, 1882, and each succeed ing dav until all are sold, there will be offered at public outcry, at the Court House, in the borough of Butler, bv the County Treasurer, the following lands for taxes entered and re turned by collectors, the owners having refused or neglected to pay said taxes to the collectors for two or more years : WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. Kelly Patrick, 86 acres $69 61 Fowier Charles, 10 acres £6 I lavs David, 1 lot 32 Miller W P, 1 lot 32 MillerS A, 1 lot 31 Fogle Adam, 1 acre 1 11 Daubenspeck P L 2J acres 1 22 Conn James L, 100 acres 14 28 Aikin William, 1} acres 5 51 Anderson Jane, 49 acres 6 14 F.mery S E, 1 lot 30 Mercer Mining Co, 180 acres 22 17 Redick Sarah E, 2 acres 20 BUTLER TOWNSHIP, Mitchell L 40 acres.... 10 00 Wcisman Susan, 75 acres 12 38 GREECE CITY AND CONCORD TOWNSHIP. McKibbcn & Co, 8 acres 41 32 Craig James S, 14 acres 17 85 Caldwell A Cleminger, 12 acres 23 96 Mellingcr James, I acre 97 Wilson Allen, 20 acres 13 36 Wilson Allen, 45 acres 17 14 Conway Edward W, 42 acres 7 20 Carlin <i Colden, 1 acre 11 48 Morrison David, 27 acres 26 28 O'Connor PennU, 4 aores..,., 13 51 Pollock John, 30 acres 7 81 Seep J & Co, 1 acre...,,.., 3 68 Conway G P, 50 acres 14 08 Conway Clinton, 62 acres 14 08 Bushnell <& Co, 20 acres 30 16 <k>K}oq SH.I acre.., 46 Leonard RL & Co, 28 acres 21 76 Mitchell Alex, 30 acres 7 61 Morrison James, 6 acres 1 86 Nesbit & Co, 40 acres 12 56 Shepard Jacob, 124 acres 4 77 VENANGO TOWNSHIP. McLaughlin J B, 50 acres 20 66 Duffy Ellenor, I acre 19 Carry William Francis, 1 acre „ 18 Murrin Nettie, 1 acre 18 Briceland Ale*, 65 acre 12 84 Duffy and Thompson, 12 acres 2 03 Martin Rev, 107 acres 81 15 Goast George 2 94 lUHKER TOWNSHIP. Fleming WA 3 acees. .. 262 Alverson Sarah, 70 acres..,.,, 21 17 Byers Daniel, house and 10t..,,,, 6 73 Fuller J C, 10 acre 5.,,,,,,,, 23 49 Gillespie 4k Co, 1 sore. 4 36 Kelly Thompson D, 10 acres 21 83 Mortimer David, 55 acre 5....,,..,,, 13 28 Shyrock John, dee'd, 122 acres., 27 18 McKissick Hannah, house and 10t......... 4 16 Stehle James, 3 aOW-.,. 11 73 Wilson MM Joseph, house and 10t.7 82 Widger L, house and"10t...,,...,,, 7 82 Ward Emily, 1U acres 11 71 Wally M A, 80 acres..,,, 39 71 pE|NS| TOWNSHIP. Miles Green, 165 acres 21 37 Marshall Thomas, 26 acres 4 94 BRADY TOWNSHIP. Wilson Allen, 50 acres 5 36 Agnew E J, 47 a0re5..,,.,,,...,,,,, 32 35 WINFIELD TOWNSHIP. Campbell William & Co, 40 acres 20 23 CI.EARFIEI.I) TOWNSHIP. Goldinger M P, 70 aorea ~-37 38 Kelly Pafriok, 3 10t5..,,,,,,, 1 46 Thompson John M, 45 acre 5.,,,,,18 04 BUFFALO TOWNSHIP. Ilaslett Isabella, 45 aores 5 26 Brown & Campbell, 17 aores 9 78 SUMMIT TOWNSHIP. O'Donnell Philip, of Felix, 4 acres 1 34 McCandless Wilson, 50 acres 9 20 McCandless Sarah, 50 acres 6 40 Scott R P, 50 acres 10 19 CHERRY TOWNSHIP. Christy J W, 90 acres 7 45 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP. Bingham Peter, 2 lots 75 Cameron James, 1 lot 37 Dougherty Frank, 1 lot 37 Snyder John's widow, 1 lot 8 Gr'ibben John, 12 acres "Jj Schyyalin Jacob, house ant] 10t....,,.,. 36 MARION TOWXSHIP, Karns W, 5 acres 85 Campbell.Samuel, 36 acres 8 78 Donaldson Henry, house and 2 aores 6 85 Frazier George, 75 acres 11 70 Maxwell J J, 45 acres 11 43 FAIRVIEW TOWNSUIP. Collins Hugh, 50 acres 9 20 Messimer W F, 1J acres 1 88 McClung & Co, li acres 1 69 Summerville S M, 4 lots 5 44 Scott R P, 1 lot 1 55 Bredin & Walker, 1 acre 96 Browu James E, 1 acre 96 Coudon Mrs M M. 1 lot 1 52 Dillon Samuel, 1 lot 1 33 Forcht Henry, house and lot 3 80 Fleeger Robert, 1 lot 48 Gartraftd Aiulrpih 1' 10t....... 48 James SW, house and 10t...,,,;...,,;,,,,..., 77 Jack J H, 14} acre 19 23 Jack A J, 13) acres 12 83 Millroy Nathan, house and lot 96 Osborn Elizabeth, 2 acres 76 Rumberger C C, house and lot 3 80 Butler Savings Bank, 1 lot 1 91 Shook C Mrs, house and lot 76 OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. Huselton Theodore, 200 acres 86 04 Hutttn Conley, 611 acres 23 04 Jack Joseph, 1 lot 43 Bdrtoti & Sons. 1 lot t 28 PeirfcolSH, I"M»:V.'. 28 Purvianoe John N, 1 lot 32 Purviance John N, 140 acres 32 76 Byers Eli, 1 lot 19 Boyd J A, house and lot 1 02 Black J B, 1 lot 9 Black J F, 1 lot 20 Robb Isaac, 1 lot 9 Thompson John M, 10 acres 1 32 Hutchison William, 1 lot 9 Miller D Q, 1 lot 20 Shakely John, 1 lot 20 DONEGAL TOWNSHIP. Graham George, 52 acres 25 58 Prentiue tfc Wtjeeler,' 2 aci.es;.- 83 SUNBUBY BOROUGH. Hall Patterson, house and lot 3 00 ALLEGHENY TOWNSHIP. Jolly James E, 13 acres 6 55 Reiser Nehemiah, 1 acre 2 92 FORWARD TOWNSHIP. Peirsol S H,Bl acres 17 72 Ashton Joseph, 100 acres 3 60 D >dds J R, 37 acres 3 50 Thompson J M, 30 acres 2 83 Huselton William, 1 lot 52 SLIPPERYROCK TOWNSHIP. Douglass Samuel—acres 8 37 CONNOWLKKRSSING TOWNSHI^. Dodds John A, 46 acres 4 33 Garvey Thomas. 15 acre?........,............. I 85 PROSPECT BOROUGH. McLaughlin Dunlap, 1 lot 21 Reed George, house and lot 1 50 Roth A J, liouse and lot 1 97 FAIRVIEW no ROUGH. Adams M S, 1 lot 2 88 Riddle and Peirsol, house and lot 8 63 BUTLER BOROUGH. Haney John Mrs, 1 acre 9 98 Harley Christian, house and lot 14 40 Spangenburg Mrs Mary, house and 10t... 4 80 Dickey Henry, house aud lot 1 75 Johnston George, house and lot 14 90 Hildebrand Henry, 1 lot 70 Slator Valentine, house and lot 1 40 Trapv James, house and lot , 5 80 Mc</uistion W W, house *n<j Io» 2 .Hi} Ttmmouy Joseph, 1 lot \ '. 3 43 Ferrero Eugene, house and lot 47 77 Irviu Mrs Matilda, house and lot 21 25 Linn L G, house and lot 25 17 Sarver George, housa and lot 16 25 Truxal William, Sr, house and lot 2 30 Truxal William N, 1 lot 2 30 Cowden W R, 1 lot 4 25 Gibson B, house and lot 7 00 Leedom Mrs Ellenor, house and lot 23 80 Miller Mrs Lewis, houso aud lot 6 75 McCurdy Shields, 1 10t..,,,,,,..,., „,... 68 Rankin Peter, house and lot 2 25 Riddle W H H, 1 lot 1 75 Riddle W H H, house and lot 5 25 Riddle W II 11, house and lot 1 35 Riddle W II 11, house aud lot 1 35 Riddle W H H, 1 lot 1 75 Brediu James M, 3 lots 15 15 Bredin James M, 10 lots 30 00 Bredin James M, 24 lots 15 15 Boreland Alex, hou>e and 10t,17 32 First National Bank, 7 lots 25 23 Crawford Lydia, li acres j 10 88 Oliver David's heirs, 24 aires 12 55 Fitzsimuions Andrew, bouse and lot 10 10 Fennel Thomas, house and lot 7 80 Grief Frederick, house and lot 22 68 Graham Mrs John, houso and lot 25 25 Glenn James, deceased, house and 10t.... 20 20 Glenn William, 1 10t,,,., 1 96 Truxall Mrs J A, house and lot 5 20 Kelly Patrick, house and lot 34 80 Kelly Patrick, house aud 2loU 38 80 Kelly Patrick, hotel lot 34 80 1 Moore Charles, 1 lot 5 05 McCandless Moore, house and lot 15 15 Neidle George W, 1 lot 2 48 Ponieroy Mrs Mary, house and lot 1 96 Roth Lether, house and lot 3 10 Roke James, house and lot 5 20 Rigger John, lot No. 50 1 30 Stehle Jerome, house and lot 1 60 Smith Mrs Conrad, house and lotl "1 lot " 2 acres v 85 73 1 lot '• 2 lots Shorts William, 1 lot 2 60 Eastman Frank, 24 acres 6 50 MILI.ERSTOWN BOROUGH. Tebay James M, house aud lot 25 60 Yeardon Aaron, house and lot 20 30 Coolan Frank, house and lot 9 59 Grossman E, house and lot 13 25 Bowser A F, house and lot 2 05 Boyl J M, house and lot 6 13 Flickuer Sarah, house aud lot 4 10 Keefe E E, house and lot 8 20 Livingston James, house and lot 4 10 Titus William, house and lot 9 70 Th< rn Levi, house and lot 3 08 Reeves W H. house and lot 1 03 Kalb Charles, 2 lots 1 75 Weaver Mrs J A, house and lot 10 25 J. H. MILLER, Treasurer of Butler County, Pa. Andltors' Report Of Fairview twp., Butler countv, Pa., for the vear ending March 13, 1882. Account of Jas. R. Jackson and Chas. Ellenbarger, Super visors. DR. To amount of Duplicate $3 915 41 DR. Amount of road tax worked 2 752 50 Exonerations granted 606 85 Cash paid out for labor and material bv Chas. Ellenbarger 119 68 Cash paid out for labor and material by Jas. R. Jackson 22 15 Services of Chas. Ellenbarger for 76 iavs work on roads 152 00 Services of Jas. R. Jackson for 137 days work on roads 274 00 Amount paid bv Jas. R. Jackson for „ costs 12 88 Cash paid township by Chas. Ellen barger 75 35 $3 915 41 POOR ACCOUNT. Account of G. H. Gibson and R. W. Barn hart, Overseers of Poor. Dr. Balance in hands of R. W. Barnhart at last settlement $ 18 50 March 16th, 1881. R. W. Barnhart re oeived of B. S. Rankin 100 00 June Bth, 1881. R. W. Barnkart received of B. S. Rankin 100 00 Nov. Bth, 1881, R. W. Barnhart received of B. S. Rankin 100 00 Jan. 18th, 1882, R. W, Barnhart receiv ed of B. S. Rankia 275 00 April Ist, 1881, G. H. Gibson received of BS Rankin 150 00 Mav 17th, 1881, G H Gibson received of B S Rankin 100 00 Sept. 7th, ISBI, G H Gibson received of B S Rankin 60 00 Oct. 4th, 1881, G H Gibson received of B S Rankiu ' 300 00 Jan. 21st, 1882, G H Gibson received of B S Rankin 125 00 Jan. 28th, 1882, G H Gibson received of B 8 Rankin 200 00 March 7th, 1882, G. H. Gibson received of B 8 Rankin 98 00 Balance in hands of G H Gibson at last settlement..... 34 40 $1 654 90 Balance due Overseers from twp 37 06 $1 691 96 CR. Cash paid W D Kelly for provisions for Mrs. O'Neil (pauper) .$ 20 61 Cash paid B Frederick for provisions for Mrs O'Neil (pauper 9 67 Cash paid T W Hopkins medical ser vices for Mrs O'Neil 5 00 Cash paid J W Ellenbarger ooal for Mrs O'Neil (pauper) 7 50 Cash paid C D Aldinger, drugs for Mrs O'Neil (pauper) 1 50 Cash paid for use of Mrs Richards (pau per to W. D. Kelly provisions 55 40 To D Barnhart house"rent and provisions 29 45 To 1) Hodges nroyjsions... *1 fifl To B Frederick provisions'.,,,',."J,,,.!, Z 60 To C D Aldinger drugs 1 83 To R W Barnhart ooal 16 40 To Westermau Bros., shoes 11 65 To P Harmon ooal 3 60 To A II Simpson, hardware 6 45 To Westerman Bros., books 45 To S Mock, house rent and flour 15 00 Cash paid for use of Mrs Gibson (pau per) to W D Kelly for groceries 25 79 To P Harmon, coal. 10 35 To R W Barnhart, coal 3 80 To B Frederick, provision 34 64 To Westerman Bros., shoes & groceries. 15 63 To C D Aldinger, drugs 1 00 To Samuel Cotton, services reendered... 12 00 To Dr Harper, medical attendance 1 50 To Mrs Glass, boarding 2 00 To Painter, R R fare 13 87 Cash mid for use of I Edwards (pauper) to B Frederick for groceries 2 85 To A A-West, drugs 4 45 To mfeqigal serjiqe?....f (}fi Cash paid for use of Parrel and wffd (paupers) to Mrs. O'Neil, for attend ance 5 00 To Mrs Richards, for attendance 25 00 To C D Auldinger, for drugs 16 20 To Hopkins & Graham, physicians for amputation of limb 100 00 To 'Squire Rattigan, costs 1 25 To W D Kelly, groceries 28 33 To A II Simpson, hardware 2 20 To R W Barnhart, coal- 1 60 To S Mock, coal 6 64 To P Harmon, coal 2 60 To Graham, M, D., medical services 25 00 ToMriConiejr.rtilk.. $ pa To John Riggle, Crutches 2 60 To B Frederick, groceries 55 To E Bradely, meat 8 78 Cash daid for use of W. Kennedy (pau per) to W D Kelly, for provisions.... 807 To W F Coyle, for boarding 12 75 To Painter, for R. R. Fare 39 70 Services of R W Barnhart for 12 daya... 24 00 To cash paid for use of Mrs Oliver (pauper) to R S Wallace, M D medi service 12 00 Cash paid M N Miles, attorney fees 15 00 Cash paid for use.of Mrs Fetterer (pau per) pq <j Scott fjour 30 10 Ca*h paid for use of Mrs Hamilton t pan; ' ' per to Klinglesmith for provision*...,, 18 94 To Mrs Hamilton, oash paid 7 00 Cash paid for use of Jaclcson Ross, Dix mont hospital 40 25 Cash paid for use of Mrs Edwards (pau per) to W H Scott, provisions 6 00 Cash paid for use of Mrs Turk 'pauper) to J A Foote, drugs 1 50 To J A Foote, drugs 1 50 | To C C Rumberger, M D., medical ser vices 2 00 To Klinglesmith, groceries 10 00 Cash paid for use of Jacob McNallen (pauper) to J A Foote, drugs 3 75 To Klinglesmith, groceries 10 35 To C C Rumburger, M D., med'eal ser vice 5 00 Cash paid for use 9f Wilder Turk (pau per) to C C ftumburgeri M D.J medi cal service....; 5 00 To J A Irvin for coffin 26 50 To F Travors, clothing 8 55 Cash paid for use of Tnomas B Harvey (pauper) to Jack Harmon, lodging, Ac 32 75 Cash paid for use of Ervin ana Bnaul (paupers) to Frank Grief, meat 3 48 To Klinglesmith, groceries 27 00 To Thomas McLaughlin, labor 13 50 To C Levison, milk 1 85 To D C Backus, hardware 85 To J E Kirchartz, part of funeral ex ]>enses 15 00 To H C Birchard, M D., medical attend ance 160 00 To E O'Donnell, liquor 4 00 Cash paid for use of Ed Parks (pauper) to II C Birchard, M D., medical at: tendance..... §0 00 Cash paid for use of Mrs Patton (pauper) li 00 Cash paid for use D Williams (pauper) to Mrs. White, for boarding 129 00 Cash paid for use of J E Jahnston (pau per) to G W Duck, boarding 30 00 Cash paid for use of Mrs Brothers (pau per) to Marguret Collins, boarding.... 145 00 To Margaret Collins, medical attendance 750 To Margaret Collins, clothing 12 31 To P J Hunt, shoes 2 00 Cash paid to Mrs Maxen and .Amily 70 00 ('as)i paid to Mrs. Maxen f«r transpor tation 20 00 Cash paid P K R 11 for Mrs Maxen 26 09 Cash paid A Cook for Mrs Maxen 1 70 Cash paid for duplicates 1 50 Cash paid for malting out duplicates.... 10 00 Traveling expenses of G H Gibson 8 46 Services of G II Gibson for 16 daya 32 00 $1 691 96 We the undersigned Auditors of Fairview towns),ip, Butler county, pa., oertifr the itiWfS account is correct to the best of our knowledge. Audited this 13th day of March, 1882. W. F. CAMPBELL, ) J. R. RANKIN, }• Auditors. • T. P. MCGRKW. J C7OA WEEK. sl2 a day at home easily made «/£(' o Htiy Outfit free. Address TBUK & Co, Augusta, Maine. mar&My Advertise in the Cuizu.