Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 05, 1882, Image 1
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Per year, in advance •! 8® Otherwise 2 00 No uubacrlption will bo discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Poetmauterß neglecting to notify us when subscriber* do not take out thair papers vilJ be bold liable for tha subscripticn. BaDscribers removing from one pootoffice to another should give us the Dimo of the former ae well a a the present office. All oommunicatijns intended for publicatioi. l n this paper must be accompanied by the real name of the writ or, not for publication but as a guarantee of good faith. liuriage and death notices most be accompa nied by a responsible name. Address THE BUTI.SR CITIZKX, BCJTLEB. PA. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. GK C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASURER H. C. HEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Burkhart, A. Troutman, Jacob Schoene, G. 0. Roessing, John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvin, J. J. Croll. A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Heineman. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen, AE'T BUTLER IE 3 A. Planing Mill —AND- Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVI3, S.Cr. Purvis & Co., J»tKOFACTITB*BS A.HD DBALBRS I* Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD NEAR German CaiUolic Ctonrcb Jan7-SO-ly Webb's Eelectric Medicine- Is a positive and effectual remedy for all Ner yow ifoeasea in every staae °I lite—youn(t w- old, iiiale or leinalfe. Suen as lm potency, 1 Wstratlon, KM Of lafc Of vitality, Defective Memo, wf Impaired Brain Power, and diseases from wliieh an unnatural waste of life spring*, all of whlcli cannot fail to undermine the whole system. Every orjian is weakened,every power prostrated, and manv forms of disease are generated wlucli. If not cheeked, pave the way to an rally death. It retuvinates aae and reinvlgomtes youth. Each packaire contains sufficient for two weeks treatment. Write for pamphlet, which will be sent free, with full particulars. Sold by all Druggists at 50 cents a package, or twelve packages for $.1.00. Will be sent free by MU 00 CO A £ l |3 , b g y Ua D ra H te Wu..er. Butler. Pa. Ay Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the " ie public to the Union Woolen Mill. Botler,Pa.. fchere J hayo and Improved machinery for the manufacture of BARRED AND dray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend tbem as jery dar ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butltr county wooL They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low price.. For sample, and iri^ad^re^ JUM4."TB-1T) Butler. Pa U you wish to I GARDENING ■ GF ° , TOR IROR PROFIT. If you wish to } PRACTICAL b^Flortd! > wad rClaI J FLORICULTURE. If you wish to Garden 1 GARDENING for Amusement or for \ T> T E-AQHP P Home Use only, read J '"K rLtAhUKt. All toy Peter Henderson. ! Price St.CO each, postpaid by mall. Hur Combined Cataloßue oi §EEDB AND rf Fpr 1882, sent free on application- FETER HENDERSON & CO 35 esrllandt St., New York. PISTIL 3SO PHILAI>ELPHI\ SINGER MACHINE j .; Equal (v any Singer tn tint Market. Tl»e above cut represents the most popular ' style fur.thu |>«ople which we offer for you for the very of .*2O. Remember, we do not ask rou to pay until yon have seen the machiue. Alter bavini; examined it, if it is not all we represent, return it to ua at our expense. Consult your interests and order at <*ice, or send lor circulars and testimonials. Address CBARLKS A. WOOD & CO., JJp. 17 N. Tcuth St., Philadelphia, Pa. ' marls,lot FOR SALE, Canadian Bred Stallions, 1 DARK BROWN, TROTS 2:41. I BAY, TROTS 2;37. Good size and weight. Particulars from M. M. Prescott, Box 907, Pittsburgh. Pa. Dr. Frease's Water Cure. A health Institution In Us 3«tb year. For nearly all kind of Cbroulc diseases, nnd espe cially the diseases ol Women. Invalids aro in vited to correspond with us. Circulars tree. Address, 8. KKKASK, M. D., New Brighton, Beaver Co., Pa. Iyjnne2» FfJItHIH ARMOU, , Justice of tlie Peace Hain street, opposite PostofHce, ZRI.IKNOPI.R .PA. CR 4n COni"' r ''«y home. Samples worth free. Address SirswK & Co., Portland, Maine. inar»,iy' VOL. XIX. LEGAL AD VEH TJSEMENTS. Jury JLi»t lor April Term. List of Traverse Jurors drawn for a S|>ecial Term of Court, commencing Monday April 24, 1882. Allen Thomas C, Oonnoquenessing, N farmer. Beck Joseph, Butler twp, farmer. Buckholilt A I', Allegheny'twp, harilware. Coon Samuel, Mercer twp, farmer. Crowl 1' L, Washington tp, I'armeV. Dnffy E, Marion tp, farmer. Dodds \V W, Prospect boro, farmer. Davidson James, Adams tp, farmer. Kmrick John, Summit tp, farmer. Fulton Leslie, Clinton tp, farmer, fiarmin Joseph, Lancaster tp, farmer. Glenn J J, Washington tp, farmer. Gordon Jas, Brady tp,'farmer. Gallagher Andrew, Clearfield tp, farmer. Graham Jos, Brady tp, farmer. Hartzog Casper, Jackson. W, 'gentleman. Hutchinson A M. Concord tp, farmer. Ho fate in Fredrick Lancaster tp, shoemaker. Hartzeli W F, Penn tp, farmer. Knatiff Nicholas, Jackson tp, W, farmer. La wall John Jr, Winfield tp. farmer, Lowry J F, Butler boro, hotel clerk. Lyon D H, Butler boro, laborer. Langhlin \Vm, Marion tp, farmer. McKiwain Nelson, Washington tn, farmer. Martin John, Parker tp, farmer.' Mechling J H, Washington tp, farmer. Mcl.ure John M, Prospect, farmer. McGee W F, Ilarrisville boro, mechanic. Millingcr S 11, Oakland tp, farmer. Martin Jas Sr, Clearfield tp, farmer. McElwain Hcuben, Butler boro, laborer. MeCarnes James, Summit tp, farmer. McElhaney Robert, Cherry tp, J P. Murtland W W, Fairview, farmer. McLaughlin Dom, Karns City boro, black smith. Richards M L, Buffalo tp, farmer. Rose Jacob, Forward tp, farmer. Riehen Jacob, Buller boro, laborer. Wallace Peter, Muddycreek tp, farmer. Wymer John, Muddycreek farmer. Wright Alex, Butler boro, clerk. NOTICE. Petition for Dissolution ol Bonanza Oil C'onipany. In the Court of Common Picas of Butler county : In the matter of the application of the Bonanza Oil Company for a decree of dis solution. Notice is hereby given that the Bonanzo Oil Company, a corporation organized under the Act of Assembly of April 29, l.*r4, entitled, "An act to provide for the incor|>oration and regulation of certain corporations," will, on the twenty-fourth day of April, A. D., 1882, present to the Court of Common Pleas of Butler coun ty, under the seal of the said corporation, and by mid with the consent of a majority of a meeting of its corporators duly convened, a petition praying for a decree of dissolution of the said corporation under the provisions of the actof Assembly insnch ease made and provided. EUGENE G. MILLER, Solicitor for the Bonanza Oil Company. m2y-3t. Estate of Narali Miller. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Sarah Mil ler, deceased, late of Washington township, Butler county, Pa., all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make payment and those having claims against the s&me to present them dqly authenticated for settlement. PHILIP HILLIARD, Adm'r. maß Milliards, Butler Co., Pa. Estate of Isaac €. Miller? .Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of I#aac C. M il ler, deceased, late of Washington township, Butler county, Pa., all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make payment and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. PHILIP HILLIARD, Adm'r. maß Milliards, Butler Co., Pa. Estate of Robert Love. Letters testamentary on the estate of Robert I-ove, deceased, latp fit Clinton TOV'hship, Butler county, Pa., having lieeu granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will nloase make immediate pay ment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for payment. JOHN" H. J.OVE, ltlddles X Roads I*. O. Kx'rs. JAMKS M'OAKI'KRTY, Sarversvllle I'. 0., Kutler Co., I'a. Estate of James JleDcavilt. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate or James McDea vltt, deceased, late of Brady township, Uu'lcr Co.. Pa., I*ll persons knowing tlteinaelws Indebted to said estate will please make nayment and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for payment. DANIEL McDEAVITT. I JXO. A. GLENN, ,-Admrs. West Liberty, Butler Co., l'a, 8m Estate ot Mary Ward. Letters testamentary having bppn granted to the undersigned on till: estate of Mary Ward, deceased, late ol Parker township, Buller Co., Pa., all persons know ing themselves indebted to said ennte will make Immediate payment and those having claims against ibe sane will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. J. p. HOOVER, Ex'r. P. 0. #°rih Hope, Butler Co., Pa. lm Estate of Wni. G. Shorts. Letters of administration baying Uecn grunted to the iindcirjgticd on the estate of William G Shorts, deceased, late of Connoquencsslng twp., itutier comity, Pa., all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims agalpst the same will present thoin duly authen ticated for payment. T. t*. BUORTB, Ex'r. Connoquenetsing P. ()., Butler Co., Pa. lm Estate of William Fleming. (I.ATB OK 711'JKAI.O TOWNSHIP, DEC'D.) Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigued on flic of Win. *'lem 'l"g, deceased, latc'ol BUITJIO township, Butler county, Pa., all persous knowing themselves Indebted to said estate will please make pay n cut, and thofe having claims agaiust t 1 e same will present them duly anthentlciied for settlement. EDWARD 8. FLEMING, ; R. M. IIAHIIISON. > Adin'rs. Sarversville P. 0.. Butler county, Pa. Estate of Geo. tVliitcsides. Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the "state of Geo. White sides, dee'd, late ol .Middlesex township, Hutler county, I'a., all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate arc heteby notified that Immediate payment is required, and thr.ae hav ing claims against the smie to present them duly authenticated for settlement. , JOHN A. KORBYTHE, Ex'r. Qlude Mills P. (J., Butler Co., Pa. ATTENTION. SIIIPPERS and FARMERS. LIVE POULTRY, BUTTER, EGOS. WOOL, GRAIN, VINEGAR, HIDES, FURS, PELTS, LAMBS, ETC. BE3SD EOlt PKICE LINT. REFERENCES: A. K. Messole, Mechanic's Bank, Green point, L. I , New York. J. A. Wtiilmore, Savings Bank, Greenpoint, L- 1., New Yoik. Rev. W. Reid, Greenpoint, L. 1., New York. T. t A. Hatfield, New York. H. GASTON & CO.. General Produce Comu'iseiou Merchants, 5?7 frout Street, New York. mar22,6iu Advertiaein the CITIZEN. aSiw FOR Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sor.i Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals ST. JACOBS OIL as a *■»/>, nil f . simple and cltrap External Remedy. A trial entail* bnt the comparatively trifling outlay of HO Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DEUGGTSTB AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A.VOGEJJER 8c CO., Baltimore, Jf d, $ 17. S, A, BHOWH'S IRON BITTERS will cure dyspepsia,heartburn, mal.i lia, kidney disease, liver complaint, and oilier wasting disLases. OK» BROWN'S IRON BITTERS enriches the blood and purifies the sy-tcm; c , r es weakness, lack of energy, etc. Try a bottle. BMWB BROWN'S mom BUYERS is the only Iron preparation that does not colo "the teeth, r.mi will not cause headache or constipation, as other Iron preparations will. U.IML IRON BITTERS t'il't all suftcrcrs from neu ralgia, hysteria, and kindred com plaint., will find iCu ithout an equal. 1 WHENCE COMES THE UNBOUNDED POP , ULARITY OF Allcoek's Porous Piasters? liecause they have i»roved themselves the Best External Remedy ever in vented. They will cure asthma, colds, coughs, rheumatism, neuralgia, and any local pains. Applied to the small of the back they are infallible in Back-Ache, Nervous Debility, and all Kidney troubles; to the pit of the stomach they are a sure cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Com plaint. ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS are painless, fra grant, and quick to cure. Be ware of Imitations that blister and burn. Get ALLCOCK'S, the only Genuine Porous Plaster. CATARRH Elys' Creamßalm Effectually cleanses ■Pr elv s ysa the nasal p;tssan«'.s of <'tttarrhail virus, caus Iff cold*'l.n 1 allays Inflammation, H K'fK, « H EAO 1 protectathemcmbrane I 1" '111 <<Jl«ls, W»3anmuj*(foZjArfsM '"niplctely heals the sores and re- tori;s the JSM sense ol taste and , sinvll Beneficial rc- Sl / suits arc reali/eil by a mL fow applications, a |HM% t'ncqualril °/o* 1 f"» eohto in the head. WL I Agreeable to use. A|>- II AY- FEVED ply I'.v the littl.- linger n 1 ■ ™* ® mli) the nostrils. 7)u receipt of noc. ..-i" ma'l a package. Hob' bv Rntl ,'n.ovists, KLYS' 01M A.M BAXM CO., OWCRO, N. Y. A CARD. To all who arc suffering from the errors and indiscretions ol'youth, nervous weakness, ear ly decay, loss of manhood, Ac., I will send a recipe that will rare you, FRJSEOFCHARGE. This threat remedy was discovered by a mission ary in South America. Send a ftelf-addrested envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Ixma.n, Sta tion £>. Sew York City. [yn6m BUTLER, PA., WEDNESDAY; APRIL 5, 1882. SELECT. JACOB'S INSURANCE. [From Atlantic Monthly lor April, 13S-.] It resulted in a lawsuit. The culmination was on the sixth day of September, IhSI, —that strange yellow day that attracted so much at tention in the Eastern and Middle .States, —and the place of the trial was Albany. Jacob's farm-house was near the Cove, about seven miles below Albany. From his door he could look down on the Hudson. The Cove, by the old landing, with its decayed houses, was also visible. The cars racing along the farther shore of the river were a lively feature. A dozen miles lower down the valley the river hides behind the Catskills. In the house thus picturesquely situ ated, Jacob and his ancestors had lived for ninety years. The family name was an inheritance. Jacob was forty-two years old, tall, blonde, with a mobile face, and a dash of red in his cheeks. On the seventeenth day of Septem ber, of the year previous to that of the yellow day, Jacob was awakened in the night. He heard his pigs squeal ing and "bucking," as he termed it, against his house. He went out, half dressed, and found the pig-pen a heap of embers. Mary, his wife, and Wil liam, his bov, came out. They found all the pigs, but they were scorched and knocking about, and one died in a few minutes of his burns. The family went to bed again, but did not sleep much. In the morning Jacob got out his in surance policy, and he and Mary and Willie looked it over. They did not see anything about a pig-pen in it, and so he put it away again. A week later Jacob's small barn, four rods south of his house, burned. It was in the day-time, in the afternoon. Jacob came back from Albany at five o'clock, and saw only the vacancy. Willie said that at three o'clock it was on fire. Some of th-; neighbors had come, but nothing could he done. It was of pine boards, thirty years old, and empty. The insurance policy had 'all about the barns' in it. Jacob therefore went down to 'Silas's,' at the Cove, and made an application for an award. They had a local insurance company in town. They had seen 'euough' of large companies; the mutual affair at home was better. Jacob's policy was in the home company. As soon as Jacob told his story, Silas said it was all right. The committee cainc next day. They awarded Jacoba hundred dollars. It was satisfactory. Five days later Jacob's large barn, farther away from the house and on the other side, north (towards Albany), where all his hay and wagons and im plements and crops were, suddenly took fire aud burned up. It was 'astonishing!' What could have caused it ? It was a heavy loss this time. Jacob had hard work to get his horses out and save them ; all else was; consumed. It was a very mysterious fire; all three of the fires had been mysterious. This last fire occurred in the edge of the evening, just as it was growing dark. Jacob was at home in his house, and did not know of the conflagration until a woman oame from the next house, screaming. 'I didn't know you had any enemy, Jacob,' said old William Kamter, just after the fire. '1 didn't, either,' said Jacob gloom ily. There was comfort in the fact that the property had been insured. The day after the burning, Jacob weut again to the Cove and made his appli cation. 'Something seems to be after you, Jacob,' said Silas, eying him keenly. 'Yes,' said Jacob sadly. Silas wrote the required papers, and said the committee would come up soon. The very next morning, at nine o'clock, the committee were on hand and examining the place where the barn had stood. They were 'at it' raore than two hours. There was a great deal of measuring and making inquiries; they said it was a heavy loss. Besides the long examination of the place where the large barn had been, they had the curiosity to go aud look once more where the small barn had been, and took some measurements there, and they poked in the ashes of the hog-pen, aud walked about the premises. One of them carried a book, and jotted down the measurements and other items. The committee delayed making any award. They said it was an import ant matter, and they would take time. After three days Jacob went down to the Cove and inquired of Silas. The answer was that the board would meet before the end of the week, and that then something would be done about it. Some of Jacob's own immediate friends and neighbors belonged to the board. He spoke to them about it; they seemed reticent. There was delay, and another visit of the committee, with more measur ing, and a first and then a second meet ing of the board. After about fifteen days, however, Silas walked up from the Cove, a distauce of two miles, and left a letter with Mary for Jacob. When Jacob came in to dinner he got the letter. It had the insurance company heading, aud said : MB. JACOB W ILSON : SIR, —In the case of the barn on your premises, which burned on the 29th of September, 1880, it is decided, in view of all the circumstances, that no award will be made. This was signed by Silas, as secre tray of the company. A week later Jacob was in a lawyer's office in Albany, in a private consulta tion. 'I don't want no lawing,'3aid Jacob, 'and my wife says so, too, although we cannot stand to lose eighteen hun dred dollars.' 'Are you going to let them say you burned the buildings ?' said the law yer. 'They dar'n't say it,' replied Jacob, fiercely. 'That is the meaning of it,' said the lawyer. Jacob was silent. The old family name, distinguished for honesty, was at stake, as well as the property. The papers were served in Novem ber, and in January the cause was on the calendar at the Albany circuit of the Supreme Court of the State. The calendar is always crowded, and there is delay in coming to trial The cause was not reached until September the sth, 1881, at an adjourned circuit, the day before the famous yellow day, al ready alluded to. The city hall, in which the courts were held, having been destroyed by ; Ore a short time before, the circuit was held in the Assembly chamber of the old Capitol. It seemed to Jacob an imposing scene, as he entered the famous room where so many laws were made, and in which the law was to be administered in his case. He had to wait, hanging arouud the court for three days before his case was reached. The time was not lost to him. He beard several trials, which were as in teresting as storv books. At five o'clock, on the evening of the nth of September, number ninety oa the calendar, which was Jacob's case, was reached. Jacob's lawyer and the opposing counsel announced tt emselves ready. Jacob was invited forward to a seat by the side of his lawyer, and the drawing of a jury be gan immediately. A few were rejected, but before six o'clock—the hour for adjournment— twelve men who were satisfactory to both sides had been secured, and Jacob's lawyer had opened the case, and the trial was fairly begun. The Court accompanied its annouce ment of the recess until morning with a warning to the jury not to allow any one to talk with them about the case. Jacob did not sleep that night. He was at the American hotel, a quarter of a mile down State street, in front of the Capitol. He and his wife were on the third floor, at the end of the ball, in room Xo. 241. As Jacob was going to his room, a large man, with dark, piercing eyes, standing in the door of room No. 239, said, 'Your case is on, hey ?' 'Yes,' said Jacob, as he was passing. 'You'd better look sharp,' said the large man. 'Why?' inquired Jacob, wondering ly, as he paused. 'Hough business, burning down buildings,' said the large man harshl} ; and he closed the door of his room with a bang. Jacob passed on to his own apart ment. There he talked over the events of the day with his wife. When he tried to sleep that night, the Assembly chamber and the face of the large man in room No. 239 haunted him. In the morning, after breafast, down in the front hall, Jacob met the large man again. 'Try a twist at it to-day, I s'pose,' said the large man sharply to Jacob. 'Yes, the trial,' answered Jacob, nervously. 'Somebody has been committing an awful crime,' observed the large man. 'Have you seen the sky ?' 'Yes; it is strange," said Jacob, not perceiving the connection 'They say it is the end of the world, —Sodom and Gomorrah,' said the large man ; and he turned and walked away. At ten o'clock the Court convened. As Jacob approached the Capitol steps, he saw a chubby person, on the brick pavement at the foot of the steps, ex plaining to a group of people his views of the weather. 'I do not think my self,' said the chubby person, glancing at the yellow canopy, 'that it is any thing supernatural, but I have seen fifty people this morning who think it is the end of the world.' Jacob found it oppressive in the Court. The Judge said it was a gloomy room and a gloomy day. and directed the oflicers to light the gas. The artificial light did not relieve the atmospheric pallor very much, although it enabled the Judge and the lawyers to read their paper. Jacob, and Mary his wife, and Willie, aDd the woman who saw the fire first, and came to Jacob's house, screaming, testified to the facts. This, with the documentary evidence, made the plain tiffs case. The short-hand vriter of the Court took down the evidence very rapidly, and at about twelve o'clock the plaintiff's side of the case was be fore the Jury. Then the opposing counsel proceeded to open the defeuse. After a few gen eral statements he began to hint that there was a painful revelation to be made bearing upon th« character of the plaintiff. The intimation was that Jacob had burned his own buildings to get the insurance. 'That is a mean and contemptible insinuation,' exclaimed Jacob's lawyer, springing to his feet, 'and you have no right to suggest such a thing, when you know you can't prove it!' 'Sir,'rejoined the opposing lawyer, uttering the words with a pause after each, and a scathing hiss that made Jacob's flesh creep, 'we will prove it." Jacob felt as if the very ground was opening beneath him, as the lawyer went on, with diabolical coolness, to state that they had, although with some difficulty, secured the very witness who saw 'this miscreant' (indicating Jacob) lire his own buildings. Happening to turn his head just then, Jacob saw the large man sitting within six feetof him, and watching him closely. This com pleted his confusion. The subsequent proceedings upon the trial were not very clearly apprehended by Jacob. The Court took a recess for dinner. As Jacob went to his room the large man stood in the door of room No. 239 again. 'Hard at it, hey ?' he said, as Jacob passed. 'Yes, but they can't prove it,' said Jacob, with a determined accent '.Sir,' said the large man severely, 'they can prove anything, if they have the evidence,' and the large man wen*, into his room and banged the door again. In the afternoon the evidence upon the part of the defense was given. The first witnesses ca'led upyn that side did not seem very important to the case. They were, howeyer, some of Jacob's neighbors and the evidence was very painful to him ou that account. One testified tha' there could not have been as much hay in the barn when it was burned as Jacob insisted there was ' Another thought that Jacob bad exag gerated the size of the bay where the hay was store<f, and he thought, for that reasou, there could not have been as much as was represented. Still an ■ other had walked over Jacob's farm when the hay and grain were growing, and was confident that there wa9 only a 'middliu' crop,' and by no means as ; much as the plaintiff claimed. The opposingcounsel explained, with a glance at the Jury, that this evidence was presented not only as tearing upon j the question of the amount of the loss, but as showing more clearly tho nature of the attempt, 'on the part of this wretched man,' to defraud his neigh bors. There was a significant pause. The opposing counsel held a whispered con versation with his assistant attorney, and with some men whom Jacob recog nized as members of the board; he then rose and said impressively, 'We call Gotlieb Jansen." A short, elderly man, rather thin than full faced, but evidently a Ger man, was sent forward from the back seats. Jacob recognized him; he was a 'hired man,' who worked about the neighborhood at the Cove. Jansen gave his testimony through an officer of the Court who acted as in terpreter. His statement was that, standing 'over beyond' a hollow, a quarter of a mile away, iu the field back of Jacob's large barn, he had seen Jacob come behind the barn, deliber ately strike a match, and set the straw and hay and barn on fire. The cross-examination of this wit nefs by Jacob's counsel was the inter esting feature of the trial. 'Ask him,' said the counsel, 'if he could see how Jacob was dressed.' 'He says 'yes he could," responded the interpreter, after putting the ques tion to the witness. 'Ask him what color his clothes were.' 'He says be wore brown, or a kind of red iron-cloth overalls.' 'Ask hiru whether Jacob had on boots or shoes.' Dey vos poots,—dey vos poots," said the witness, making a cross-lots answer in broken English to save time. 'You understand my question ?' said the counsel. "Yaas, vaas, I untersthan,' said Gotlieb. •Ask him in German,'said the Court to the interpreter. The interpreter complied, and re sponded, 'He says they were boots.' 'Ask him what time of day it was,' said the counsel. "He savs it was just getting dark.' Ask him what Jacob had arouud his neck, when he saw him strike the match and set the fire.' 'He says it was a black handker chief.' 'Ask him if he could see him plain.' 'He says 'yes.' 'Ask him whether he had on stock ings,' said the counsel. This question caused a slight ripple of meriment. Old Gotlieb glanced around, saw the fun, and laughing and shaking his head said, 'Naw, naw, could not tell de shtockings.' There was a brief re-direct examina tion, in which Gotlieb stated stated that he did not mean that he actually saw the match, but only saw Jacob stoop over and strike, as if it was a match, and then saw it kindle, and saw it grow to a large tire. He also explained that the overalls were blue instead of red. It was apparent that Gotlieb's left eye had been injured or lost. His ex amination was concluded by a single question, asked by Jacob's lawyer, which drew out from Gotlieb the ans wer; 'New, naw, can only see from von eye.' As the concluding evidenco in the case Jacob was now recalled formally to deny,as the rules of evidence require, the statements made by the witnesses against him. As be came upon the witness-stand, it was apparent that a great change had come over him. Was there such a pallor upon his face, or was it the strange yellow light of that strange day ? His voice had sunk al most to a whisper, and he seemed weak and uncertain in his steps, lie quietly answered 'on' to the long, for mal questions involving the statements which had been made against him, and that closed the evidence in the case. The counsel summed up:' the oppos ing counsel assuming and urging to the jury that Jacob was the profound cst rascal and hypocrite in the county, and Jacob's lawyer asserting that Got lieb was a perjurer. In a few words the court charged the jury, and they were sent out, in the keeping of three officers, to a committee-room, to delib erate and find a verdict. It was nearly six o'clock; the court adjourned for the the day. It had been a dreadful day to Jacob. He had not imagined that his old and near neighl>ors could look upou him as a rascal, and he had not supposed any man living would have dared to assail his good name as the opposing lawyer had assailed it. The revelation of these facts, the strange story told by Gotlieb, and the gloom of the strange day seemed to mingle in a dreadful night mare as he walked to the hotel. He went to his room, and lay down, and closed his eyes, hoping to rest. The scenes of the day were as vivid before him as a'pieture. And, through theiu, he would remember from time to time, with a sudden sharp throb, the dreadful suspense he he was under. 'Suppose the jury should find against him!' His father had been one of the consistory of a church when living, and Jacob himself had long been a church member. The hurt to his rep utation and to the family name was the sharpest sting. Jacob got up, and went to the 'far end' of hall to ask Willie to come. Willie's room was empty. Jaeobcome back, and with his wife had familv prayers iu their room. It was ten o'clock. His anxiety was intense He knew where the jury-room was. He knew that when the jury agreed th»y wou'd seal up their verdict and se, aratc, lieeause the judge bad told them to do s<>, and to bring in their verdict in the morning. He walked up to the Capitol, and, looking at the windows, saw ibet all wa» dark. On his return the large man was in the hall, up-stairs near bis door. 'I tLink the jury nutt-t bare agreed,' suggested Jacob falteringly. 'I see it is all dark in their room.' 'Sir,' saitl the laige man, glaring at him, nud speaking with a withering ! severity in his tone and manner that ' made Jacob shrink as if be had receiv ! Ed the cut of n whip-lash, 'the jury has ; found against you ; I heard of it half and hour ago.' Jacob's eyes fell, and the jrreat mis ery settled tlown upon his heart He turned silently, and walked away to bis room. What was the night that followed to Jacob Wilson ' Those who have suddenly lost a good name may perhaps understand it. Jacob did not stir out of his room until court-time, next morning Then, as be descended the hotel stairs, every one seemed to him to be looking at him, and shunning him. He wasyery pale and weak, and walked slowly, breathing short. He had a century of family pride behind him ; and he felt that he was going to meet his doom, —to pass under a cloud, that might never lie lifted. As he walked up the Capitol steps, a man near inquired of another, 'Did that jury agree last night?' 'Yes,' was the reply. 'How did they find?' 'Ain't supposed to know,' said the other, indifferently. Jacob passed on iutothe court-room. The judge was just taking his seat. 'Mr. Clerk,' said the judge, 'you may take the verdict of that jury that was out last nigbt. I see they are all here." Jacob had not yet sat down. He stood by a seat, looking. He had steeled himself; he was white and firm. 'Gentlemen,' said the clerk, 'have you agreed upon your verdict ?' 'We have, replied the foreman, ris ing, and handing a buff envelope to an officer. The officer carried it to the , clerk. The clerk offered it to the judge. 'Open it,' said the judge, seutcn tiously. Jacob saw the clerk tear open the envelope, unfold the paper it contained, aud give it a long, earnest look. 'Gentlemen of the jury,' said the clerk, 'you will listen to your verdict as the court hath recorded it.' Jacob held his breath. 'You say you find,' continued the clerk, 'in favor of the plaintiff, in the sum of eighteen hundred and fifty dol lars ; and so you all say.' Thejurj'men nodded. 'You will please vacate the box, gentlemen,'said the judge. 'Mr. Clerk, you may now draw a jury in ninety seven.' Jacob stood, his eyes glassy for a moment, as if unconscious. 'Well, you are all right,' said an of ficer who stood near him ; and tho offi cer offered to shake bauds with him. Jacob put out his hand mechanically, and got a shake. A hot flush was seen starting up from Jacob's neck. His sensitive, mobile face twisted and worked ; his chin quivered; He turned and walked toward the door. He staggered; his step was almost that of an intoxicated person. 'What's the matter with that man that just went out ?' said a lawyer, who came in a moment later, to an of ficer near the door. 'Got a verdict in that insurance case, —full amount. Did n't expect it, I s'pose.' said the officer, iudifferently. 'Kind of upset him, hey ?' said the lawyer, laughing. 'Katherly,' said the officer. Jacob went down the sidewalk tow ar j the hotel. People did In reality look at him now, as bo passed, trying to hide bis flushed face and the tears. He got to the room and told Mar}', and tbey had what the landlord de scribed as 'a time.' The landlord said that he happened up there, and there was more praying aud crying than was allowable in that hotel. As the painful, nervous strain was taken off, Jacob became faint, and lay down, and Mary went out and got him a lemon. Soon there came a knock at Jacob's door. It was the large man. Jacob sat on the edge of the bed, eating the lemon. 'I really must beg, Mr. Wilson, the privilege of making an apology,' said the large man, advancing toward the middle of the room, resting his hand upon a table, and speaking with a courtliness and respect that seemed to lift Jacob up into a position of import ance. Ho continued, 'I must have been misinformed by the officer about that verdict last night. Of course we know there has been to much tampering with juries, and a habit of finding out verdicts before they are rendered. It is all wrong, certainly, though it is often done. We accept the deception which the jury employed to mislead the officer as a yery proper rebuke. I don't want you to lay up anything against me about it.' 'Ob, no,' said Jacob. 'lt's dreadful, ain't it?—burning peoples buildings in this way,' suggest ed the large man, confidentially. 'Yes: seems to be a sort of crime.' ventured Jacob, hesitatingly. 'Seems to be a sort of a crime!' echoed *the large man explosively, 'why, man alive, it's arson, state-prig on, long term ! And I will find him out. He may fool the people down your way, with his blind Dutchman, who ean see the pegs in a man's boots a mile off in the dark, but he can't fool me. There is a villian behind this, and we are after him. I know him now: I am sore of him I am watch ing, and I'll jug him within twenty four hours:' and in saying this, byway of emphasis, the large-man brought his Gst down upon the table in a way that made the whole room jar. 'And that wi s what you were watch ing me for?' a>ked Jacob timidly, shud dering as he saw the gulf. f ADVERTISING RATES, One square, on* insertion, tl ; each subs* • [ qnent innerfiou, SO cents. Yexrly adrertiseiDei ta« exceeding one-fourth of a ooltunn, 96 [er inch, figure worn doul ie these rates; additional charges where wee sly or monthly change* are made. Local ad re -tisenients 10 cents per line for flrrt insertion, kbd 5 cents per line foreacb audit.oiial Insertion. M linages and deaths pub lishod treo of cl.sige. Obi'uiry notices charged as advertisements, and i>avalle whin linndedin* Auditors' Nuticee. <4 ; Executors' and Ad minis ir*tom' Notices. *3 each ; Eotray, Caution an# Dissolution Notices, not exceeding ten lines, each. From the fact that the CITUM is <he oldest established and moot extensively circulated Re publican newspaper in Butler county, (a Repub lican conuty) it must bo apparent' to business men that it is the medium they should use In advertising their business. NO. 20 'Why, my dear, good fellow,' said the large man, softeuing, 'what else on earth did you suppose I was watching you for ? Jacob pondered, and was silent. The large man turned, aud walked out of the room. Within half an hour the president of the insurance company came in. He said be desired to congratulate an hon est man, and explained, mysteriously, that they were on the riglit track at last. He remarked, speaking in a con fidential manner, that he had always told the folks that Jacob was 'not that kind of a man.' ' 'Thank vou.' said Jacob huskily. 'You and your father before you have lived in our town too long to be treated in this way,'said the president, wiping a tear from his eye. The president went away. One by one, Jacobs old neighbors aud various members of the company, dropped in, and went through with about the same formula the president bad indulged in. Each explained so fully and satisfactorily that he bad all the while told the folks {hat it 'could vol be Mr. Wilson' that did it, that Jacob really began to wonder how it had come about that there had been any difficulty. Jacobalso gather ed, from the remarks which were made, that some clue had been gained in con nection with the trial, and that soon all would be made plain. After a good dinner Jacob began to be himself again. With an old friend .and neighbor he went up to the Capi tol once more, as a matter of curiosity. He saw another case on trial, —that of a suitor who was struggling to get his rightß fcom a railroad corporation. He beard the lawyer for the railroad com pany allude to the suitor as the most barefaced, unscrupulous, aud designing villain who had ever perjured himself in that conrt-room. Looking at the party thus described, Jacob saw only a thin, pale face, on wich anxiety was painfully written. Jacob perceived that bis own case was only one of many, and that in the court-room it had already been forgotten. There was no reason why Jacob should remain longer in town. At four o'clock in the afternoon, he and Mary wcro in their wagon, in front of the hotel, about to leave. Just then Willie came running down the side walk in great excitement. He came to the side of the wagon, his warm brown eyes dancing, and said, with what breath he had left, 'Oh, father, father, they have found it all out! It's An drew Venner, and they have got him in jail' 'Andrew Venner ? said Jacob, sur prised ; and he added, turning inquir ingly to Mary, 'I never bad any trou ble with Andrew.' Just then the large man came down the sidewalk, walking very rapidly. He said pleasantly to Jacob, 'Got him sure. I told you so. By the way,' he added, turning back after be had pass ed, 'did you ever have any dfficulty with Andrew Tenner?' 'No,' answered Jacob; 'only he worked for me one time, and my woman here didn't seem to'— ,Oh —oh! that unspeakable wretch !' said Mary, coloring painfully. 'I nev er told ay body, and I never will, only if Jacob'— 'Very proper—very proper indeed, Mrs. Wilson,' said the large man po litely. 'lf we should need you on the trial I will'—and he nodded to com plete the sentence. A boy stopped on the sidiwalk, evi dently listening curiously. 'Drive on, Jacob,' urgod his wife, in a flurry. William climbed in at the back end of the wagon, and Jacob started. Hs had gone but a few steps when he pull ed up his horses, and calling back.eaid, —'Oh say." Tho large man heard it, and came down the walk to where the wagon was. 'Would yould mind telling me, now that it is aM over,' said Jacob pleasant ly, 'whether you really heard anything about that verdict last night, or wheth er you told me jnst to see how I would'— 'My dear sir,' said the large man depreciatingly, 'I beg that you will not think that 1 would willingly distress you by—Hullo, there is a man I mtuft see before lie goes,' and the large man dashed off across the street. Jacob looked after him a few mo ments, then gave his horses a cut with the whip, and started for home. P. DKMIKCI. The Tyrone Herald tells the follow ing bear story: 'Over in Cambria county some men were recently engag ed cutting down a tree which appeared to be hollow near the top. Before chopping many minutes, they heard a noise overhead, and looking up, they saw a large black bear making his way down the tree. There were four men with axes, and when they left, which was rather suddenly, the bear hadn't reached the ground yet—a circumstance that suited them exactly.' [Wausau Central Wisconsin.] Being asked concerning the Oil, Mr. Aug. Kickbusch informed the question er that St. Jacobs Oil had proved an excellent and most useful remedy in every family that had used it. A large number of cases pronounced in curable have been entirely cured. A ball was given in Columbia for the benefit of a young man who was injured by the cars. The profits amounting to twelve dollars were turn ed ovtfr to the young man and his first purchase was two kegs of beer. A second installment of the charity fund went for horse hire. There was noth* ing mean about that young fellow. Peruna cures every time—get some be well—keep it on hand, and sin no more. _ It is said that in Sweden nobody takes small-pox, because the govern* ment enforces vaccination. ThoM persons who affect to believe that there Is no virtue in vaccination can digest tbis at their leisure. "How are you to-day?" Not very well. Go for a bottle of Peruna and be well.