■PIBCBIPfIOI BATES: Par nw, tn advance •£ Otherwise > 00 No snbecription will be dleoontinned until *ll arrearages are paid. PoetmaeUHn neglecting to notify na when subscribers do not take out their papers will be held liable for the snbecripticn. Bnbeoribers removing from one poetoffioe to another should give as the name of the former aa wall aa the present office. All intended for publication n thia paper moat be accompanied by the real name of tke writ*, not for publication but aa a guarantee of good faith. Marriage and death noticee mart be accompa nied by a responsible name. Address THE BVTI.KR CITIZBH, BCTLEB. PA. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. G. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASURER. H. C. HEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, J W. Burkhart, A. Troutmau, Jacob Schocne, G. C. Roeßslng, John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvin, J. J. Croll, A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Heineman. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, den. A«'t BUTLER Planing Mill —AND- Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. " L. O. PURVIS, S.Gr. Purvis & Co., K4WUTACTITBCKI A*DDBAL«B«NI Rough and Planed Lumber OR BVKKT DESCRIPTION, yRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS. FLOOIiBSIO, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Jf«ar German Cstliollo Church janT-W-ljr Chicago & North-Western m ~W Is the OLDEST 1 BEST CONSTRUCTED I BEST EQUIPPED I and hence the LEADING RAILWAY OF THE WEST AND NORTHWEST. It Is the short and best route between Chicago and all points In Northern Illinois, lowa, Dakota, Wyoming. Ne braska, California, Oregon, Arizona. Utah, Colo rado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, aad for COUNCIL BLUFFS, DMAHA DBMVEU. LEADVILLE, SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO DEADWOOD, SIOUX CITY, Cedar Rjpldn, De» Molues, Columbus and all Points 1* the Territories, and the West. Also, lor Milwaukee, (ireen Hay. Oshkosh. Sheboygan, Marquette. Fond du Lac, Watertown, Houghton, Neenah, Meuasba, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Volga, Vargo, Itlsmarck, Winona, Owatonna, ana alltK>lnts in Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago & North-Western and the U. P. R'ys depart from, arrive a land use the same Joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connections are made with the Lake Shore, Michigan Central, Baltimore & Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago • Grand Trunk R'y», and* the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. Close oounoctlons made at Junction Points. It Is the ONLY LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN Chicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman Sleepers on all Night Trains. ' Insist upon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets ▼la this road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to bur It they do not read over the Chicago & North-Western Railway. If yea wish the Beet Traveling Accommodations yon will bar your Tlekets by this route, EP~AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. Ail Ticket Agents sell Tickets br this Line. MARVIN Huailirr, 7A V. P. k Gent Mang'r Chicago. Dr. Frease r s Water Cure. A health Institution In Its liSth year. For •early all kind of Chronic diseases, nnd espe cially the dlreaaea el Women. Invalids are in vited to oorrespond with us. Circulars tree. Address, S. FRKABB, M. D., New Brighton, Bearer Co., Pa. lyjuneM "■ ' MY FRIENDS: N, I am a rambling wreck of - nudity, B. Krogg, Esq., at your advertising igent for the best Jewelry bouse in tbis section. I wish to inform the public WARE.is now being offered at astonishing- 4 y low prices at the'popular and reliable w / itore of QRIFB \ I Hi Butler, Pa. JEWELRY, U. Note What an old and Reliable House can do Regarding Prices. Boom] Nickel Clock.* t1 » A Good Steikl.fC Clock, ».lnu. 2 S with alarm* 150 * . ~ '< closed in the back -150 A Good Striking Clock 2 00 j 2 J^ S^ All kinds of Sewing Machine Needles at 35 cents per dozen, and No. 1 Sperm Oil at 10 cents i>cr bottle. The only place in Butler where you can find a full and complete stock of KNIV ES, HIRES, SI OONS, &< 1847 -Rogers C-A 1-low genuine unless stamped ('1847 -Bogers Bros._A 1") I also carry a full line of Eye Glasses and Spectacles, suitable for all eyes and mounted in the most elegant and substa„ltial"' a "° er ' J™ [{[ fering very superior goods at the most reasonable rutea. Kepainng ol W anc o ' Butler I'a tenUon, end i» done promptly and warranted. E. URILB, Mum btrcit, liutlcr, I a. VOL. XIX MUSIC. 100 Popular SOURS, words and music, 30 ets. 100 Comic Songs, words and music, Si cLs. 100 Sentimental Songs, words and music, 30 ct* 100 Old Favored Song-, words and music, 30 ets. 100 Opera Songs, words and music, 30 ets. 100 Home Songs, words and music, 3o ets. Un Irish Songs, words and music, 30 ets. 100 Ethiopian Songs, words and music, 30 ets. 100 Scotch Songs, words and music, 30 ets. Anv four of the above lots for One Dollar. Allot tho above for Two Dollars. The above comprises iii.isly all of the most popu lar music ever published and is the best bargain ever offered. Order at once. Postage stamps taken. I'ianoettes, Violins, Guitars and Musical Instruments at low prices. World Manuf. Co. 120 Nassau St. New York. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have new aud improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend thom aa being very dnra ble, aa they are manufactured of pure Butier county wool. They are beautiful in color, so perior in texture, and will be sold at yery low nricea. For samples and prices, address. H. FCLLERTON, fu134,'78-ly) Butler. Pa REMOVAL! The undersigned has removed his place of busi ness to his owu building one square south of Court House, Main Street, east side, opposite Donaldson House, where he has a full stock of Watehe*, Clocks. Jewelry, Spcelaeles, etc. i Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, etc., promptly repaired and satisfaction guaranteed. O Li CLEELIND. Webb's Eclectric Medicine. Is a positive and effectual remedy for all Ner vous iilseases in everv stage of life- s'>imK or <> d, male or female. Such as linpotencj, 1 rostral ion, loS of Strength, loss of Vltalfty, Defective Memo ry. Impaired Brain l'ower, and diseases fn.m which an unnatural waste of life springs, all of which cannot fail to undermine the whole system. Every organ is weakened, every power prostrated, and manv fortns of disease are geiieraiej which, if not checked, pave the way to an earl> death, ft reiuvlnates age and relnvigorates youth. Eai'h package contains sufficient for two weeks treatment. Writ* for pamphlet, which will be sent free with full particulars. Sold by all Dniggists at 50 cents a package or twelve packages for s•■>•«>• Will be sent free b> mad <«^jfe?^ c ? d ®gNE CO A £W'R h! Wilier. Butler. Pa. """"jiu.S :iy R Kr ° W »aic e, rea(7 ""jFOR PROFIT.! If you wish to "I PRACTICAL » become A Commercial nr RIUIFIIT TI'II P S Florist, read j F LORICULTL llL.Bj If yon wish to Garden ] GARDENING ! for Amusement or for i T>l VIUFPF I Home I'se only, read j 'W ' LtASUKiv. AH y Peter Ilenderoon. H Trice $1 .SOeach, postpaid by mail. Our Combined Catalogue of SEEDS PLANTS For 1882, sent free on application. PETER HENDERSON k CO ONLY S2O. PHILADELPHIA SINGER MACHINE Mquiil to any Singrr (n the Market. The above cut represents the most popular style for the people which we offer for you for the very low price of s'.'o. Remember, wf da Hot ask you to pay until you have seen the machine. After having examined it, if it is not all we represent, return it to us at our expense. Consult your interests and order at mce, or send for circulars and testimonials. Address CHARLES A. WOOD & CO., No. 17 N. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. tnnrls,lo FF.UHIH AHMOU, Justice of tlie "Peace Maiu street, opposite Postofllce, ZEMKNOPLR .PA. GREAT GERM DESTROYER DA lUtt'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. luammI uammm— 11 ■'* PittingofSMALL SMALL POX i VOX Prevented. ERADICATED. I ,mrifled andlieal * I Gangrene prevented anu ■NNM mm E_ VU. cured. Dysentery cured. Contagion destroyed. Wounds healed rapidly. Sick rooms puritled and s ,., ln ,.y cured in short made pleasant. time. Fevered and Sick Per- Tetter dried up. sons relieved and re- j, j s perfectly harmless, freshed by bathing j.- or sere Throat it is ;t with Prophylactic Flu- sur< > f . ure . id added to the water. Solt While Complexion- oasiflßHamK secured by its use > V Impure sprinkling Darby's I PREVENTED. [ Fluid about. ■ 1 To purify 111.' breath. ■■USiMHHB Cleanse the Teeth, it . can't be surpassed. • holera dissipated, , Catarrh relieved and Slup Fever Ire vented by cured it* use. F.rjsipelas cured. In cases of death m the liiirns relieved instantly, house, it should a ,w | l > s Sears prevented. be used about tne ltemoves ail unpleasant corpse -it will preveut odors any unpleasant smell. An Antidote for Animal mMHBiHBHHMHHHIH owVegetable Poisons, StTllgS, &e. CPARI FT Dangerous elfluvias of nrwrn sick rooms aud hos t tV t n pitals removed by its ERADICATED. In fact it Is the great Disinfectant and Purifier, PREPARED BY J. H ZEILIN & CO., Manufacturing Che mists. SOLE PROPRIETORS GfiVANISM and ELECTRICITY The great Curative Agents. | 1 A GALVANIC BATTERY L i Imb€dd»»d in th!s M« -Heated Plaster, which, m hen -J9 upj.lieri to t».e body produces a conxtant but mUd ■H cui rent of Electricity, which In moat exhilarating, §9 affording immediate relief to the most excruciating ffl paifu or whatsoever nature. They are aeknowF by I'hyHit-iaiia to bo the most scientific meth gtJ ml of application of tho»e subtle and myHterioua gl elements of nature for tho positive and speedy cura p~A of tho followii tr complaints, via.: hi RhonmatUu; Neuralgia; Sick Head. *] urhe; Weak und Inflamed Kyes; All .flVttioui of the Brain; Bptnal Com- Kidney r.nd LiverComplaintu; x'ftr.tira, Parnlysis and Lumbago; I>ys pepala; Asthma and Lung Diseases; Dia •ase< of the lieart; Nervous Prostra- ■ ;loatj H PRICE ONLY SI.OO. H THE PELL MANN CO., Prop'rs, I 842 Broilway, Cor. 13th St., Bit Tori. K AGENTS WANTED. K BK ill S TAJII- KOH CIKCULAKS. E FOR SALE BY ALL DBCGOISTB. E 4<.ntii,u tliti paper. Sent by Mall. fi AfTENTION. BLJIPPERS and FARMERS. LIVE POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, WOOL, GRAIN, VINEGAR, HIDES, FURS, PELTS, LAMBS, ETC. FOR I'ttlCK L.IHT. REFERENCES: A. K. Mcssoli', Mechanic's Bank, Green point, L 1., New Yoik. J. A. Wliitmon:, Savings Bunk, Greenpoiut, L' 1., N' w Yoik. Rev. W. Rcid, Greenpoint, L. L, New York. T. A. Untilcld, New York. H GASTON & CO.. General Produce Commission Merchants, 27 Front Street, New York. DID r*J2,Uia Estate of iNaae C< Miller. Let tern of administration having l»een granted to the undersigned on the estate of I suae C. Mil ler, deceased, late of Washington township, Butler county, I'a., all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make payment and those having claims against the same will present them dulv authenticated for settlement. PHILIP MILLIARD, Adm'r. ma# Hilliards, Butler Co., Pa. Fftlatc of Sarah Miller. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Harah Mil ler, deceased, late of Washington township, Butler county, Pa., all persons knowing them selves indebted to sftid estutc will please make payuieut and those having claims against the tame to present them duly authenticated for settlement. PHI LIP HILLIA 111), Adm'r. mas Hilliards, Butler Co., Pa. Ewtate of Hans Baker. Letters of administration having been granted (o the undersigned on the estate of Hans Baker, dee'd, late of Middlesex township, Butler county. Pa.. ail perx'ins knowing themselves indebted to *air. Cray, Mr. Scoville said: T told him of the affair, but he did not pay any attention to it, as I thought be would. He dismissed the subject with a careless remark and turned to discussing the second edition of his book, 'The Truth.' This has already been given to the printer, and contains as an addenda aIT the letters received bv the prisoner, together with the re sult of the trial. He goes for his coun sel unsparingly and blames all his mis haps upon me. He also took me to task for that Chicago interview, in which I said it would probably be bet ter that lie should be hanged. I want to repeat that assertion. Guiteau is not of any consequence in the world, and probably if a crazy man was hang ed it would be of benefit to people af fiicted in this manner. Even looking at the matter as hopefully as he does, there is no probability that if a new trial is granted that he will be releas ed- The most, that could be expected would be a commutation of sentence to imprisonment in an insane asylum. But I am not at all sanguine this will be the outcome of the matter.' •Wlmt is the prospect for the early settlement of the bill of exceptions ! Mr. Scoville laughed us ho replied: 'lt seems as far off as ever. I had thought to be through with the subject by next Tuesday, but I think it will take another month now to settle the question. I wanted to go to Chicago this week to attend to important busi ness, but this matter has disarranged all my plans. I ain very sick and tired of the ease nnd would gladly wash my hands of it. My law matters are ali mixed up after related postpone ments, and it will take me a long time to straighten them out. I am pretty well convinced of one thing, however, and that is that whatever is done now for the prisoner will have to bo done by me.' The influence of the temperance sen timent received a pood illustration on Friday last in the IT. S. Senate by the passage o( the bill creating a commis sion to consider the alcoholic liquor traffic. The bill was pushed ahead of several others with equal claims to consideration and wai« supported with great zeal by a number of Senators and finally passed by a vote of 34 to 14, every vote but one of those in the negative being Democratic. The Com mission is empowered to examine into the liquor traffic in its relations to revenue taxation, morality, pauperism, the public health and the general wel fare, and to inquire into the results of prohibitory legislation in the several States of the Union. In short, the Commission, which is to be appointed from outside of Congress, is to collect information on the liquor question for the benefit of that body Their in quiries may not result in any positive legislation hut the information thus systematically collected and collaed will be of groat value as an aid to the intelligent treatment of that important subject, the alcoholic traffic, both in Congress and elsewhere. Agnew opposes the nomina tion of Independent temperanco candi dates for the legislature. To secure memln-rd in favor of a Constitutional Amendment he considers more import ant than the carrying on o ' a vain show for empty glory. For constipation and piles take Man alin. ADVERTISING BATES. One square, one insertion, II; eachsubac* qunnt insertion, 60 cents. Yearly advertisemei U exceeding one-fourth of a column, $5 per inch Figure work dou) 1e these rates; additional charges where woeily or monthly changes ara mado. Local advertisements 10 cents per line for flirt insertion, ttid 5 cents per line for each additional inset tion. Marriages and deaths pub lished free of charge. Obituirv notices charged as advertisements, and payable when handed in? Auditors' Notices. #4 ; Executors' and Adminia trators' Notices. $3 esch ; Estray, Caution ai 4 Dissolution Notices, Dot exceeding ten linea, each. From the fact thtt the Cmnx is 'he c>tdeat established and most extensiYi-ly circulated Ba puhlican newspaper in Butkr county, (a Repub lican county) it must he apparent to businaaa men that it is the medium they should use in advertising their business. NO. 19 Tlie C hiiiese Jlust (jo. The bill to restrict Chinese immi gration,'and which virtually prohibits the immigration of Chinese laborers to our shores, was, after a loug and gen eral debate, passed in the Senate of Congress by a vote of '29 to 15. It will doubtless pass the House also. The bill was vigorously opposed by Senators Dawes, lloar, Ilawley and other, but the outside pressure for its passage was too strong. The senti ment of moderate and thoughtful men is perhaps well represented by the position of Senator Edmunds. lie de fended the principle on which the bill was based. He said : The fundamental prosperity of the Republic consists of the homogeneity of its people. Chinamen here did not assimilate socially or politically, and were not homogeneous with our popu lation, and it did not appear that they could assimilate. He favored the limitatiou of the suspension to ten years, as conforming the hill more di rectly to the spirit of the treaty. As thus modified, this legislation would lie equivalent to saying, not that we d'-siy the assimilation of the Chinamen, if he is capable of that, b'.t only that we shall suspend the immigration