Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 22, 1882, Image 3

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-The number of people rendered destitute
by the Mississippi floods is now estimated a
—New Fringes, new Ornaments,
new Passementries, at L. STEIN &
—Next Friday is grand hanging day in this
State. Six worthless specimens of humanity
will then end their lives on the gallows
—New Collars, new Ties, new fichus
choice asssortment, latest styles and
lowest prices at L. STEIN k SON S.
--M r. Jaeob Vogeley, of San Francisco, son
of George Vogeley. of this place, was married
last Thursday. See notice in another place.
New Dress Goods in all the new
shades, from 10 cents a yard up at
-Gen. Purviance, Receiver of the First Na
tional Bank, sold the undivided three-eights of
thirty acres of land in Concord twp., last rri
day to J. B. Mcßride for S3OO.
\ew Spring Hosiery for ladies and
children, all styles at all prices at
Butler Presbytery of the U. P. Church
will meet in Clinton congregation on Ist Tues
day of April at 11 o'clock. Members will fiud
conveyances at Delano station Tuesday morn
—Largest stock of Embroidery in
Butler county at lowest prices at
—The S. G. Purvis A Co.'s planing mill is
nzain in operation. Their new steam drying
house is calculated for curing a car load ot
IUUIIHT each day.
Ladies and childrens' Gossamer
circulars and mens' Gossamer rubber
coats at L. STEIN & SON S.
—Rev W. O. Campbell, of Monongahela city,
sou of James Campbell, of Butler, preached a
good sermon in the Presbyterian church, of
this town, last Sunday.
—A lot of second-handed Watches
cheap for cash, at E. Grieb's
—Mr. Chris. Stock has moved his tinware
store to the storeroom at the corner of Main
and North streets, the room formerly occupied
by Mrs. Koch's grocery.
—Buy the Eighmie patent shirt at
J. F. T. Stehle'e—best in town—fit
—The report of the earthquake in the Cen.
tral American republic oi Costa Rica was ex
aggerated. Costa Rica is said to be the richest
and best cultivated of thote republics.
—Ladies' and Gents' Gossamer Gum
Coats, cheap, at Heck & Patterson's.
—By an act of the last Legislature, school
directors are "required to take an oath before
entering upon tne duties of their ofpee. They
Pftnnot legally contract with a teacher who
tjobs not hold a valid certiticate at the time the
contract Is made.
Wall paper and window shadeß
at J. F. T. Stehle's.
—The safe In the feed iturc of Robert Black
at Pine Grove, Mercer oounty, was broken
open, on Sunday night, sth inst., and SBOO in
monev stolen, S7OO of which belonged to Law
rence'McCoy, a laborer who had earned that
amount bi bard work.
The Pearl shirt, the finest dress
shirt in the market, only sl, at Heck
& Patterson's.
—Board* of director* who contemplate build
ing school houses during the summer, can see,
|,v calling at County Superintendent Murtland'*
office "Practical Plans for District School
Houses,' by A. N. Dabb, Schooj Architect and
Engineer of Heating and Ventilation.
—Hats, Caps and Gents' furnishing
jfoods, cheap, at J. F. T. Stehle's.
—l.abor troubles have lately broken out at
points widely separated. Pittsburgh, Omaha,
Cumberland, Md. and Lawrence, Mass. At
Omaha there was a riot which was auelled by
the presence of regular troops. The Homestead
trouble* are *aid to be aettled.
lleck Patterson are closing
overcoats out, at less than cost to
—At Cairo, 111., where the Ohio joins the
Mississippi, the water on the 2. r ,th of February
yfttt 51 feet and IM inches above low water
j,iark. The city is surropnded by levees 51
feit high and seven mile* in length, and during
the day and night of the 23rd, three thousand
wen built a bulkhead of earth and planks two
fret high on top of the levees, thereby saving
the citv.
Go to J. F. T. Stehle's and see
010 Bull Patent Violin.
—Applicant* fot pensions before the Mercer
. Board of Kxamincrs will take notice that they
must appear on the first Wednesday of the
month, and not on any Wednesday, as has been
the practice since the formation of the Board.
These instructions come from the Commis
sioner of Pensions, and are therefore final.
These meetings will t»e held at the
Pojce of the President, l)r. J. W- Mehard.
—Ladies' Gossamer Gum Coats,
cheapest in Butler, at Heck & Patter
—ln the U. 8, Court In Pittsburgh last week,
an order was issued by Judge Aeheson, direct
ing the First National bank of Kittaning to
pay to Mrs. Linton, the grand-daughter of Jas.
K. Brown, dee'd.. the dividends declared dur
ing 1881, and all dividends now or hereafter
declared, and that Judge Neale, her guardian,
be restrained from attempting the collection of
dividend* declared upon thi* atock. An order
was also granted restraining Judge Neal from
interfering with the estate of Mr*. Linton vest
ed in her dv the will of Mr. Brown.
—Fine Accordians at J. F. T.
p.. , . .
—♦' he entertainment given by the school
children, of tbi* town, last Friday eyeniuK, was
p. great *i)cce*a. All the schools took part and
All (be scholar* did well. The song Ming by
■uroe of the smaller scholar* about
The tally telly oupboard,
Where the Jam pot* grow,
IIBK become quite a popular household song
Hi nee the entertainment. There will be anoth
er entertainment next Friday week.
—Carpets, a fine stock, at low
prices, at Heck k Paterson's.
—The doora of the Depoait Hank, at Free
port, were eloaed last Monday. The reason for
thia. we underatand, waa that some depositor*
gave notire of their intention to call for more
money than the bank had on hand*. The
money, we are told, ix all right, ha* been
loaned and ia in the lianda of good partiea, but
Maiier, Ci'hoa- Malifr.of KuOalo township,)
uui H.,arcd and foolishly ulorud the door* of Uta
bank, when he could have got the money from
Ilia neighbor*, who know that he haa u«t been
speculating, nor haa squandered money in any
way. If thcae are the fact*, we expect to hear
of the bank opening it* door* again in a few
—Drums, fifes, mouth organs and
jews harps, at J. F. T. Stehle's.
—The case of Henry Kreagcr, who
was on trial last week in the Allegheny
county Quarter Sessions Court, on the
Of illegal yoting at the recent
election iu the Sixth ward, Allegheny,
was concluded last Friday. Kreager
was convicted, fined S2OO and senten
ced three months to the workhouse, the
full extent of the penalty in Buch cases.
—See prices on carpets at Heck <fc
Patterson's before buying.
—That there is excitement in the
town of Bethlehem, this State, can
hardly f>p wondered at, considering
lhat On Saturday only three light eases
of smallpox arc known to the Health
Board, while by Sunday night there
were fifty, and the cases were increas
ing HO rapidly that the authorities had
stopped counting them. Friends and
opponents of vaccination will notice
that few of the patients had been vac
—Clothing for Men's, Boys' and
Childrens' wear, cheap, at Heck &
—Last Friday was St Patrick's
birthday,also ''Devil" John Kennedy s,
who is now in bis sixty-third year.
Gents' fine white and colored
shirts, low prices, at Heck Patter
—Three men were killed in a coal
schute near Pittsburg, last Wednesday,
by a coal car breaking loose and'plunging
down upon them while at work.
Gents' Furnishing Goods, full
stock and low prices, at Heck & Pat
This is tbe season when the Flor
ida man, desiring to make a trip north,
puts two strawl>erries in his truak and
on arriving here s-i-lls them for enough
to pay all expenses.
Emlenton Academy opens April
17tb, Rev. J. B. Fox, Principal. Send
for circular. m227t
A bill has been introduced into
tbe Kentucky Legislature to fine every
one who tells a lie, or who '"by word
(■f mouth attempts to deceive his fel
low-man." Tbe bill has been denounc
ed already as a "villainous attempt to
discourage native industry "
—To men desiring permanent em
ployment we would refer them to I).
H. "Patty & Co.'s advertisement for men
to sell trees, which appears in another
column. Ifeb6
—Two York boys were playing with
a revolver, the other day, when one of
them, thinking the weapon was not
loaded, snapped it at his companion.
Ofconrse it was loaded, and the ball
hit in tbe forehead, penetrating the
skull and inflicting & fatal wound.
Onion Sets, onion seed and dwarf
peas, (American Wonder,) all of my
own raising. For sale by Wm. Mar
dorf, West Cunningham street, Butler,
Pa. m15,2t
—About tbis time of year straw
stacks in barn yards, after having their
foundations pretty well eaten away by
the cattle, topple over and occasionally
bury the farmer's best cow. A Con
neaut township, Erie county, farmer,
mourns the loss of a good cow from
tbis cause.
—Spring session of the Pine Grove •
Normal Academy will begin Tuesday,
March, 28th, 1882. For catalogucp ,
and information address tbe Principal, ,
Isaac C. Ketler, Wolf Creek, P. 0.,
Pa. March 15, 3t.
A dispatch from Oil City to a
Pittsburg paper states that some of the ;
members of tbe Oil City Oil exchange
lost quite heavily by the failure of tfoe (
Fairviewbank, and that it is well-known
there that Mr. Ralston, president of
tbe bank, speculated quite heavily.
He took money from the Fairview
bank in large sums, to use at a bank in
Kittanning for margins. A steady de
clining market proved too much for
—lron City College.—This institu
tion affords rare facilities to young
men desirous of obtaining a thorough
practical business education. There is
none better. Circulars giving full par
ticulars can be had by addressing the
Principal, prof. J. C. Smith, Pitts
burgh, Pa 1 t.
—The father of Lieutenant Danen
bower, of the Jeannette expedition,
lately received letters from him in
which he s the rescued boat crew
had to travel seven hundred miles over
the ice from the ship to the mouth of
the Lena ; then landed in shoal water,
and were compelled to wade two miles
to land. They were still a hundred
miles from shelter and succor, and en
dured extreme sufferings, the Lieuten
uut being up five days and four nights
at one time without rest. Out of the
thirty-three composing the Jeannetle'ts
crew, but thirteen are known to be liv
ing, and one is known to be dead. It
is a sad ending of the expedition at
—Carpets, oil cloths and mattings,
cheapest in Butler county, at Heck
—The Simeox Myers well reached
the sand |ast Wednesday eyening,
when it commenced to throw oil aud
salt water, at intervals of about two
hours, as high as the top of the derrick.
The well was shut down, and tubing
and tanking sent for. They commenc
ed drilling again yesterday and we
will likely know by tbe end of the
week, what the well amounts to. The
owners are sure of a twenty barrel
well, at least. The sand is good, much
better than any yet found in that sec
tion The strike has created a great
excitement in the neighborhood, and it
also had a depressing effect, tempo
rarily, on the oil market. We hear
that eight more wells are to be started
immediately in that neighborhood.
—W : Aland, Merchant Tailor, In
now prepared to take your order for
early spring garment*), offering fort}
styles. New designs in fine suitings
at $25 for suits. These goods are
equal to the beat French makes. Also,
fine French worsted in black, blue and
fancy styles at equally low prices.
—Mr. David Ziegler, Jr., of Har
mony, made a deed of assignment of
his property for the benefit of his cred
itors, to Rev. Edmonds, of Harmony,
last week. Mr. Ziegler is the own
er of a large flour mill and other prop
erty, in and about Harmony, and may,
jf hj«i creditors give him a few years
time, be able to pay dollar for dollar.
His mill has lately been furnished with
new machinery and was held by him
at $15,000. His total liabilities are
stated to amount to about $1!),000. On
petition of Mr. Edmonds, the court,
last Thursday, appointed F. It. Covert
and John Enslcn to appraise the prop
erty, as required by act of Assembly.
The Harmony Savings Bank has issued
on David Ziegler, Jr., Abraham Zieg
ler, Daniel and Wm. II-
Stamm, of Beaver county.
—Messrs. Ely Bro., Druggists Owe
go, N. Y.—About a year since a gen
tleman from Orwell, J'a., called my
attention to your Cream Balm as a
remedy for Catarrh, Hay Fever, &c.
He was so earnest in asserting it to be
a positive core, (himself having been
cured by it) that I was induced to pur
chase a stock. I must say that the
]{a|j{i has met bestexpectioiia, hav
ing already effected a number of cures
in this locality. I am using It with
| beneficial effects. Respectfully, I'. F.
j Hyatt, M. D., Bordentown, N. J. Oct.
| 20, IMXO. Mressrs. White .t Burdick,
Druggists, Ithaca, N. Y.—My daugh
ter and myself, great sufferers from
Catarrh, have been cured by lily's
Cream Balm. My sense of smell re
stored and health greatly improved.
C. M. Stanley, dealer in boots anil
shoes, Ithaca," N. Y. Price 50 cents.
: Patter, $!«., 22, 1882.
—Considering tbe simultaneous
discussion of the Chinese and Mormon
questions in Congress, is it not strange
tbat none of the politicians who are
desperately bent upon excluding the
Chinese from tbe privilege of 'mrnigra
tion into our country, propose to exclude
the Mormons also ? From the Scandi
navian and Scotch peasantry, from the
Welsh and Cornish miners, from Man
chester factory hands aad from the
shiftless poor of London there is flow
ing into the United States an inces
sent stream of recruits to the polyga
mous Mormon Church, both males and
females. The number of Mormons in
Utah alone who profess tbat the prac
tice of polygamy is a religious obliga
tion, notwithstanding prohibition by
the laws of Congress, considerably ex
ceeds the whole number of Chinese in
the country, and is steadily on the rise
in a rfitio outstripping tbat of the gener
al increase ot population elsewhere.
—Head advertisement in this issue
Ueter C Shidle, dealer in Paper
Hangings. Mr. Shidle has just re
turned from tbe east with an endless
variety of all the latest patterns of
Wall Decorations in the line. Call
and see his stock. It.
—The New Orleans papers are se
riously discussing the probable effect
of tbe present inundation in the Miss
issippi Valley upon tbe coming crops
in that region, and the Times Demo
crat is decidedly of ttie opinion that if
cotton alone is relied on for tbe recu
peration of tbe planters they will be sad
ly disappointed. It has beard, it says,
a tradition that after the flood of 1*74
the fanners followed up tbe waters step
by step as thev receded, planted cotton
iD tbe mud and raised a tremendous
crop. It does not put any confidence
in tbis story, however, since experience
has shown that cotton may be made,
nnder such circumstances; but it can
not lie relied on as a crop, because, as
a general rule, tbe Southern staple
cannot be successfully cultivated on
lands which have been overflowed dur
ing February, March and April, and
present indications are that tbis year
the waters will not recede before April
or May.
—When you want anything 1 in the
line of Watches Clocks, Jewelry, Sil
verware, Spectacles, &c., do not fail to
call in at K. (Jrich's and examine the
etock ; no trouble to show goods.
—The Fairview Deposit Hank, Ral
ston and McQuaide, of Fa'rview boro.,
this county, closed its doors laat Wed
nesday, on account of a lack of funds.
The failure was a complete surprise to
everybody not connected with the
bank, as it was supposed to be one of
the soundest banking institutions in
this section. Neither of the banks in
Butler lost anything by the failure, al
though had it come a week sooner the
Savings Bank would have been caught
to the amount of $1,600. The cause
of the failure is unknown, although it
is supposed that the deposits, which,
it is estimated, amount to $300,000,
were absorbed by speculations in oil.
The firm has made an assignment to
It. W. McKee, late cashier of the bank,
who, it is staled, feels confident of
paying dollar for dollar. We hope
this may prove to be the case. If the
firm can pay nothing, some of the de
positors will lose their all by the
All diseases arising from Biliousness i
or Torpid Liver, are quickly cured by (
the use of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. (
See notice Arnica and Oil Liniment ]
in another column • t
—The latest census bulletin gives 1
some interesting facts as to the si;gar \
cane production of the United States 1
in 1879. The production of sugar
reached 119,000 hogsheads, and of 1
molasses nearly 17,000,000 gallons. '
This is a remarkable increase over the I
amount reported in 1870, when 87,000 '
hogsheads of sugar and 0,000,000 gal- 1
lons of molasses were produced. But
the present yield does not compare so
favorably with that returned by the
census of 1800, which was 231,000 1
hogsheads of sugar and 15,000,000 gal- '
lons of molass'-s. The bulk both of '
suirar and molasses is the production I
of Louisiana. This is a very small '
proportion, however, of the sugar used 1
by this nation. We import annually 1
nearly two billion pounds of brown 1
sugar, over half of which comes from
Cuba, and also about thirty million :
gallons of molasses, and the same 1
amount of melada and syrup of sugar
cane. For an industry that has been
protected as long as the sugar and
molasses industry has, it does not
seem to be developing very fast.
—Men's, Boys' and Childrens' over
coats, at less than cost, at Hcck &
Centre TOHIIM1II|».
MARCH 17th, 1882.
Messrs Editors; —I'lease publish
the following report of Holyoke School
No. 5 for the six months ending March
17th the second fall months having
been taught by Miss Liiia Christie,
and the four winter months by J. O.
McCullough. Whole No. of pupils en
rolled during the term, 59; total aver
age; attendance .'ls; total percentage of
of attendance 87; 17 pupils 100 per
cent attendance; progress and conduct
were good; the attendance good consid
ering the hindrances, such as sickness,
small-pox scare, rain and mud, yaccjn
nation and indifjerenoe manifested by
aome parents in making arrangements
for their children to attend school regu
lur during its sessions. Some pupils'
progress is hindered by not beiug fur
nished with the necessary books,
slates, pencils and so forth. Directors
should require the parents to furnish
the proper books for their children. In
stating this I do not say that all pa
rents are negligent in this matter I
find parents in the district very careful
to consult teacher in regard ttf supply
ing their children with the necessary
and proper books, but all are not so.
In closing this report I return my
thanks to the citizens and patrons of
Holyoke school for their kindness and
i sympathy shown me as a teacher.
Farewell. J. G. MoCi 1,1,01:011.
II 'IVIIM 11 H Own SI ory,
LANCASTER, N. 11. Dec. .'5, '79.
By the way I Vj ill say that | thinly
Downs' I'jluir the best cough remedy
that I can find at our Druggist's. We
( always use it —.l. S. I'eavey, I'ub.
. (Juoii II.MI-, MILL 1.01 lor Naif.
, Any |H;rson wanting to buy a first
- class house of seven rooms, well fin.
1 ished, good cellar, excellent well of
H water, with pump, splendid stable,
- large grapery, brick walks, all necessa
ry outbuildings, etc., located in Butler,
1 can hear of same by inquiring at this
1. oflice. mar22,-'im
Butler.—Restaurant, Gabriel Koh
ler, Geo. J. Smith, Samuel Sykes, Jor
dan Eyth. Merchant—Geo. A Jacob
Reiber. Tbe County Detective is di
rected to make information in this case
according to presentment of Grand
Jury for selling to persons of alleged
known intemperate habits, and if con
victed, or if it appears to the Court
that petitioners sell or j>ermit liquor to
be drank on their premises their license
will be revoked.
Millerstowu.—Tavern, Henrv Lock
hart, Johnson k Campbell. Both on
conditions as stated last week, of
revoked on conviction of charge pre
sented by Grand Jury.
Zielit nople.—Tavern, James Oester
linff" . , ,
Concord twp.—Tavern John A.
Commonwealth vs. Marv E. Smith,
indicted for concealing the death of a
male bastard child, March 18, 1882.
Jury returned a verdict of not guilty
in manner and form as defeudant
stands indicted and the county to pay
the costs.
This was in many respects one of
the most remarkable cases ever tried in
tbe Courts of Butler county. Tbe de
fondant is a daughter of' Squire John
Smith, of Cherry twp She is a young
lady of tbe age of 21 years, of very
slender form and delicate constitution.
Her personal appearance ud demeanor
all through the trial were such as to
dispel the idea of guilt. It seems that
her father had considerable litigation
with his ueighbors and relatives and
had incurred the displeasure of some
of them. The crime was alleged to
have been committed on the 14th of
April, 1880. Shortly after that time a
number of suits were brought against
persons living in Cherry twp., on ac
count of the neighborhood talk These
cases were finally settled on payment
of costs and a small sum of money.
The matter then rested until Decem
ber 1881 when it was brought to the
attention of the Grand Jury and a pre
sentment made to Court charging the
offense. Upon this presentment the
Court directed the County Detective
to make an information The defend
ant was arrested about the latter part
of December, 1881 and gave bail for a
hearing before 'Squire Walker of But
ler on the 27th of January, 1882. In
the meantime, aud after the arrest, she
was married to Mr. O. S. Bolinger, to
whom she had been engaged for some
time prior to the happening of the cir
cumstances upon which the charge was
based. The hearing took place before
'Squire Walker aud the defendant was
held in S3OO bail for her appearance at
Court. The Grand Jury at the March
term found a true bill agaiust the de
fendant. On Saturday March 11, 1882
in the absence of the defendant and her
father, her counsel made a motion to
quash the array of Grand Jurors, for
reason that the Sheriff and Jury Com
missioners had not been sworn before
drawing the Jury. While this was tak
ing in Butler the defendant, her hus
band and father were in New Castle
consulting Dr. John W. Wallace. The
Court was about to hold that the ob
jections to the Grand Jury were well
taken, but held the matter under advise
ment until Monday. The defendant
and her father came into Court on
Monday morning and earnestly pro
tested against their counsel taking ad
vantage of a legal technicality. The
defendant signed a paper waiving all
informalities and demanded a speedy
trial, saying, Bbc did not want to live
any longer if she could not be vindica
ted. The Court permitted all objec
tions to be withdrawn and on Wednes
day the 15th, she was arraigned, plead
not guilty, and a Jury selected.
The Commonwealth proved by I)r x
Patterson, of Centreville, and Or.
Hockenberry, of Sunbury, that Miss
Smith had applied to them for relief
for suppression of the menses. They
both testified that from i>ersonal ap
pearance and other signs they suspect
ed pregnancy. The Commonwealth
also proved by some ten other witneses,
and among them three aunts and her
grandmother, who were frequently at
the house of 'Squire Smith in March
and April, that from her peculiar shape,
enlargement of the abdomen and
blotches on her face, they suspected
Mrs.. Jennie Maxwell, nee Jennie
Young, daughter of It. 11. Young, ex-
County Superintendent, testified that
Hhe went to the house of 'Squire Smith
to do house-work on the sth of April,
IBHQ. she v/ai there on the 14
of April; she had finished work at
night and went in seareh of Miss Smith
to go to bed, she found her in the par
lor humming a tune; she did not say
anything to her hut went to bod and
the next morning Miss Smith was in
bed with her, and told her that Dr.
Hockenberry's medicine had began to
take effect, and she was not cble to
get up; that she got up and came
down stairs and was horrified to find
blood in the hall loading from the par
lor door out to tin; porch and in the di
rection of the coal house, and down
into the cellar where a large quantity
of bloody clothing was found. The
witness testified to finding niore bloody
clothing In a box in the room and
something else of a suspicious charac
Miss Laura Shull, testified, she went
to live at 'Squire Smith's on the 2tHh of
April, IKSO, when Miss Young left;
that on the first day of May the chil
dren told her there was something un
der the coal house that had toes. She
went out there and found a little baby;
she saw it afterward down in the yard
very much mangled and torn.
This is a brief outline of the evi
dence on part of the Commonwealth.
The defendant was the first wit
ness in her own behalf. She is the
oldest daughter of 'Squire Smith.
Have been in delicate health; my
trouble began about the time I was 15
years old. In 1878 my mother died
suddenly here in Butler leaving a fam
ily of small children, and the cares of
the yo M 3ehoU devolved on me. My
mother gave me medicine for my
trouble. In IS7S my trouble got
worse ; I took medicine from my
grandma llindman in June and -Inly,
1x70; I took medicine from Dr. Cow
den, and in April, ISBO 1 took medi
cine from Dr. Ilockeiiberry. On the
15 of March, ISKO I went to a serenade
with several other young folks and we
ran across the fields about a quarter of
a mile to the place. On the night of
the I 1 of April ' went to bed Jiout 8
i o'clock not feeling well, along towards
morning 1 got relief from my trouble
| fnd was in bed four days. On last
: Miturday I went to New Castle with
my husbaud and father and submitted
to" a personal examination by I>r. Wal
Dr. Wallace testified that he has
been in general practice for 26 years ;
that by examination a practicarsurgeon
can demonstrate to an absolute cer
tanity whether a woman has ever giv
en birth to a child : that he examined
Miss Smith and was satisfied beyond
a doubt that she had never given birth
to a child.
Drs. Cowden of Sunbury and Bre
din of Butler corroborated Dr. Wallace
as to its being possible to determine
by examination to a certainty as to
whether a child had been born or not.
The case was submitted to the jury
on Saturday morning and after an
hours absence thev returned a verdict of
not guilty, and the county to pay the
costs. An account of what followed
will be fouud in another place.
Com. vs. A. C. Weller, forgery,
March 13, 1882. Motion to quash
made and C. V. A., and defendant dis
charged on bis own recognizance in
S3OO until motion to quash is disposed
Com. vs. Daniel Burns, false pre
tense, not guilty; defendant to pay
half the costs, and prosecutor John
Neuber, the other half.
Com. vs. Peter Kline, John Manny,
Jr., larceny; defendants plead nolle
contendre, fined one dollar and costs
each and stay eight more days in jail.
Com. vs. Wm. Schmarker, selling
and furnishing liquor to minors; in
dictment quashed for reasons filed.
Michael Flinner, falsepre tense, 11. M.
Wise prosecutor; settled by the par
ties, and nolle pros., to be eutered on
payment of costs.
Same, false pretense, 11. J Mitcbell
prosecutor; not guilty, and defendant
to pay record costs and bis own wit
nesses, and prosecutor to pay bis own
Austin Fleeter, postmaster at Mill
erstown, has brought suit against P.
A. Painter for slauder, in averring that
ho opens letters. Bail in S3OO as per j
rule of Court.
Abraiu Wilcox and wife haye
brought suit in ejectment against W.
M. Cowan, for land in Mercer twp.
John Berg Co., have brought suit
in ejectment against Alfred McDonald
and wife for laud in Clearfield twp.
Ceil Irevllle Item**.
Mr. Alex Kelly will remove to Law
rence county.
Twelve new members have been
added to the M. E. Church.
The Presbyterians will not repair
their church this year.
The "Lunatic from Centreville" re
turned from Butler on Saturday.
Seasonable wisdom from Simon—
"Cotch mo' flies with ( lasses than vin
No, we will not reply through the
colnmns of the CITIZEN to unmeditated
remarks from the pulpit.
Mr. Luther Crocker has sold his
farm on the New Castle road to Mr.
Thomas Cross, and will go to Oregon
in company with Messrs Thomas Mc-
Coy and Wells Humphrey.
The U. P.'H have secured, tempo
rarily, thejuse of the Covenanter Church
in which to have preaching, and a
room in the school building for prayer
Friends of Messrs. Win. Bigharu
and J. N. Hlair are pleased to learn
that the difficulty existing between the
two gentlemen will be settled by arbi
The Presbyterian congregation of
this place and that of North Liberty,
which are to unite in the support of a
Pastor, have tendered a call to Mr.
James Wright of Hubbard, 0.
Mr. William M. White who has
been with Wilson Son for the past
year and a-half, has accepted a position
in the store of A. M. Kinney of Plain
drove. I|e will bo succeeded here by
Mr. Frank Critchlow of Prospect.
Nkimiy Men.
Wells' Health lienewer. Absolute
cure for nervous debility and weakness
of the generative functions. sl. at
druggists. Prepaid by express, $1.25,
li for s;>. I£. S Wells, Jersey City,
N. J.
Special IlaricKin.
Imported all wool Dress Goods, 48
inches wide, all colors at 50 cents a
yard at L. STEIN & SON'S.
Head advertisement in thin issue of the
leading Wholesale Millinery house of Pitts
burgh, Messrs. Porter & I>onaldaon. They
have recently leaned and taken possession of un
elegant new building, (within three door* of
the Seventh Avenue llotel,) 260, 2t>2 and 2<M
J.ilierty Street.
They were compelled to make this move in
order to secure room for their rapidly growing
business. In so they have not
only double the amount of room they formerly
had, hut one of the most elegant and complete
business hoUHCti to he found in any eity. lioing
un exclusively wliolosale trade, and that a
very large one, buviug always for prompt cash,
they are ahle to otVer as great imiuceuieuts to
clone buyers as any New York house possibly
Quite a feature with them is their manu
facturing department, where the latest ideas in
I'aris lionnets are copied at a moderate price
for the line millinery trade, and where targe
quantities of chea|ier goods are trimmed for the
merchant trade.
iu audition to Millinery, they make a spec
ialty of novelties iu Ladies neck wear, ami of
CorsetU, controlling some extra good makes,
particularly the "('orded Sid and I>r. War
ner's "Coraline."
From the experiencc that Messrs. l'orter <Sc
Donaldson have had in catering to the wants
of this section, the facilities they have for get
ting the latest styles and inside prices the en
viable success that they have aclieivcd, ami the
reputation they enjoy for honorable dealing
we cheerfully commend them to our readers,
who deal iu their class of goods, and say re
member their new Nos., 2»H), 202 anu liOt
Liberty Htreet.
JIIMI Received.
A large stock of all the now shades
of Belding Bros Co.,celebrated Knit
ting Silk, the best in the world at
Thousands of ladies have found sud
den relief from all their woes by the
use of Lydia K. Pinkbam's Vgatable
Compound, the great remedy for dis
eases peculiar to females. Send t0
Mrs. Lydia 10. Pii,khiun, Western
Ave., Lynn, Mass , for pamphlets.
Wanted Imuiedlnlcly.
A few good responsible men to can
vass for Stone's Nurseries, of Roches
ter, New York. Good salary will be
paid. For particulars, apply to JOHN
BICDKRMAN, Butler, Pa. mltf
"Kougl! on Unix."
The thing desired found at last. Ask
Druggists for "Rough on Rats." It
clears out rats, mice, roaches, hies,
boxes. •
—You can have a nice violin for
50 cents at J. F. T Stehle's.
0 Bigelow. attorney of Sergeant
Mnson, Las prepared a petition for a
writ of habeas corpus on the ground
that the court martial had no jurisdic
diction in time of peace ; that, even if
the court had jurisdiction, it exceeded its
powers in imposing the sentence afor
said, as the sentence is in excess of any
punishment authorized by law, and
void on that account. The petition
recites that the statute authorizes the
imprisonment alone. The sentence
imposes both fine and imprisonment
besides a dishonorable discharge from
the military service of the United
Mr. Bigelow visited the prisoner at
the barracks this moruiug, taking
with him the habeas corpus p"tition.
Mason signed and made oathto thepeii
tion and Mr. Bigelow subsequently
filed it and made formal application to
Judge Wy'.ie, of the Criminal Court,
for the writ. Just before the court
adjourned this afternoon, Jr.dge
rendered a decision denying the prayer
of the petetion, but he afterward recon
sidered his judgment, and allowed Mr
Bigelow to withdraw the papers, the
latter wishing to to present them to the
Court in Banc to-morrow. In the
meantime Mason has been sent in irons
to the Albany Penitentiary under
guard of four soldiers.
Sergeant Mason, referring to an ar
ticle printed here yesterday, says in a
card addressed to the Critic.
'"1 must say that the court was
sworn in my presence. I was asked
if I had any objection to any officer—
all in obedience to law. Mr. Bigelow
was not present at that time, yet they
gent for him, and he came in after all
had been sworn. I had made no plea,
only I wanted to plead guilty, for I
knew that the court would find me
guilty, and I am sentenced to eight
years in the. Penitentiary for missing
that wretch Guiteau." In a postscrip
to his letter he says: "I must say
that I do not want to be pardoned bv
no Guiteau President. All I ask is for
my darling wife and baby to be placed
beyond wuut. Right is right, and
wrong is wrong. Yet, if 1 wasn't
right, I could not say that I am treat-
Call me what they may, all I
want is fair play. Mr Bigclow is a
great mau : bo defended all lie could,
yet look at the seutence of eight long
years at hard labor in prison. That is
enough for me."
Buried Alive.
ST. JOSEPH, MO., March 16. —Five
boys, aged from nine to eleven, lost
their lives late this afternoon by the
caving in of a play-house, which they
had dug in a bank in the north part of
the city. The boys attending school
in that vicinity commenced digging
last fall, and having penetrated a few
feet into the bank dug out a room six
feet high and about six by eight iu
dimensions. At 4:30 o'clock this after
noon, after school, a number of boys re
paired to the cave for their usual frolic,
when the bank caved in upon five of
them, crushing and smothering them
to death, some seventeen feet of earth
piling upon them. The alarm was
given and a great crowd of citizens
soon collected, and at (>:3O the lifeless
bodies of the live boys had been dug
New, quick, complete cure 4 days,
urinary affections, smarting, frequent
or difficult urination, kidney diseases.
sl. at druggists. Prepaid by express,
$1,25, 6 for $5. K. S. Wells, Jersey
City, N. J.
Oyster I* I rules Sentenced.
NORFOLK, Ya., March 18. —The pi
ratical oyster dredgers have been sen
tenced to one year in the penitentiary
and forfeiture of their boats. The
judge and jurors have petitioned the
Governor for a pardon because of ex
tenuating circumstances.
It •'Took."
NORFOLK, Ya , March 18. —At Long
Ridge a negro vaccinated himself aud
several others with a smallpox scab
There are fifty cases of smallpox there
now and many deaths have occurred.
Cheap Accordion* Sold at Com.
By sending $1 Ift to II Kleber A
Bro., 122 Wood Street, Pittsburgh,
Pa , you will receive au elegant new
accordion, worth s•'{.. r >o. 11. Kleber &
Bro. Send money or postage stamps.
Niuall|>ox in Ilellilcliciu.
BKTULKIIKM, I'a., March 10.—Small
pox is on the increase in South Beth
lehem. Eighty-live houses are quar
antined. A student ol the Lehigh
University escaped from his nurses
and has not been since found. The
disease is confined to a small tract ad
joining the University.
Nan'ft Ingratitude.
This is an ungrateful world to say
the least. A man will act like a luna
tic when he has the Itching Piles, and
declare that he knows he can't live an
other day, yet he applies Swayue's
Ointment, the intense itching is allayed
at once, he gets cured, and goe* down
to the lodge with out one whit of grat
itude. When asked why ho looks so
cheerful, he dodges the question by un
indifferent answer. Its just like a
man though, is'ut It?
How to Nuioke IlaniM.
A smoke-house should be well ven
tiluted, and the hjtms hung at least
eight or ten feet above the fire, and
the smoke given out in moderate quan
tities, and come from corn-cobs Of
hickory wood. Jt iu important that
ham:; kept cool unci dry through
the whole operation. Proper ventila
tion of the smoke-house secures this.
If they liecome moist by improper
ventilation, or are placed so near tl e
fire as to be heated, their flavor is
greatly injured.— Ploughman.
American Ladlm.
The first impression Sara Bernhardt
received of the American ladh'u man!,
fested itself thualy i—"Oh! ze ladies,
.a are so beautiful, such clear complex
ion 1 nevare see before,"all of which
is due to the universal use of Swayne's
Ointment for skin diseases, which in
sures a clear and clean complexion,
and a healthy color. This recalls to
mind the divine precept "cleanliness is
next to Godliness."
FurinerH l.oolt Here,
The uudersigned is now
dere for fruit trees for
lie re r s,oue of the most reliable
nurseries In' Rochester, N. Y. Please
se¥>d your orders in immediately.
TV/" Advertise iu the CIUZEN.
Xi-mrs. Gam.
Vt liiuin A M<H 'oiol#., ui<rn*likut 14
J J Smith, mrrclitiil 14
Dickey <& Bro, n»erchaut 14
James .V Auderson, merchant 13
N'uucv A dam*, merchaut 14
C W Irwin, merchant 14
A C Parks, mcr.liant 14
J I) Stifi! A Co, merchant 12
W F Hawkius, 3 billiard tables
J it Craig, merchant 14
.1 11 Oraik.'. |>h tent uie>iicioe 4
A P ItuckholJer A Co, merchants 14
Plu-nmer, merchant 14
M W «V>uway A Co, mervbanU 12
I' \S Burnett,
Joseph Thomas, tuet-haut 14
i lVri f Aiken, merchant 14
j J 0 Mart land, mercliaut 12
K G (.'lvttixi, merchant 14
W W Robinson, merchant 14
I M Fieri.initio, merchant 14
G W Cramer, merchant 11
Marshall Bros, merchants 13
A B Ekas, uiercliaiit 14
A Gurkeuheimcr A ltrw, 1
C Stock, merchant 14
Win F Miller, merchant 14
Joseph Rockensieiti, merchant 14
Jac.b Keck, uieichaot 14
A Troutman, iuerchai.l 10
Mrs C Kook, merchant 12
H Beihl A Co, merchant 14
G Ketterer, merchant 14
1. Stein A Sons, merchant 12
Zimmerman A Wulier, merchant 14
Zimmerman A Wulier, patent medicinal 2
B Huselton, meuhant - 11
Bitter A Ralston, merchant.. 8
II Schneideuiail, merchant 11
I) 11 Waller, merchant.... -..13
D H Wulier, patent medicines 2
John Bickel, merchant 12
J 1} Keiupcr, merchant 14
llarvv Colbert, merchant 14
Louis Bishop, merchant 11
John Berir, mercliant 10
J G A W CamplH'll. merchant. . ..12
Wm M Smith, merchant 14
Wn llurvey, merchant 14
S S»k«. merchant ....14
J F T Stehlev, merchant 14
S L l.inn, mecehiiut . >4
S L Linn, patent medicines 3
Jacjb Boos, merchant 10
D L Cleelati-J, merchant 14
H Heineroan, merchant. 1"'
11 Rockenjtein, merchant 14
Geo Vogeley, merchant 14
Berg A Cypher, merchant 10
M Reiber, merchant 11
Jackson & Mitchell, merchant 13
J K linger, merchant - 14
Mrs B Roessins:, merchant 12
Millet Bros, merchant 14
G Wilson Milier A Bro, merchant.-. 9
Ileck A Patterson, merchant 10
Charles Duffy, merchant ....10
M C Rockenstein, merchant 14
Al Ruff, merchant 13
George Reiber, merchant ......14
James Pringle, merchant 13
S S Jamison, merchant .. 14
R J Campbell, merchant -14
S G Purvis A Co, merchant 11
J Niggle A Bro, merchant 13
Charles R Grieb, merchant 14
K Grieb, merchant 14
J 0 Redick, merchant 13
J C Redick, patent medicines - 2
Geo Bulger, 3 billiard tables
Jacob Reilier A Bro, merchant. .-12
J J Feidler, hotel 5
Alex Lowry, hotel - 5
G W Campbell, hotel 5
II Eitenmiller, hotel 6
Jordan'Eyth, restaurant - 5
G J Smith, restaurant 5
Charles Boyle, hotel 5
L Nicholas, hotel 6
D T Pape, merchant 13
R J Anderson, merchant - 14
Andrew M Woods, merchant 14
Samuel Snyder, merchant 14
Wm Garvin, mercliaut 14
I) B Wilson, merchaut 13
A G Ilendrnkson, merchant 14
C Nicholas, merchaut 14
Peter Staff, merchaut 14
J T A W Purviance, merchant 13
Joseph Graham, merchant 13
M J Me Bride, merchaut 14
M J Me Bride, tavern 6
W S MeCrea, merchant 14
W S McCrea, wholesale liquors 13
II L Young, merchaut 14
J Coulter, merchant 14
W T Campbell, merchant 14
A F Fleeger, merchant 14
1) D merchant ....14
D Crawfor J, merchant 14
A l> Kulin, men-hunt —.13
W F R Patterson, merchant 14
W F R Patterson, patent medicine 4
S Mark well, merchant 13
S Mark well, patent medicine 3
II C McCoy A Sou, merchant , 14
II 0 McCoy A Sou, patent medicine 4
A W Christie, merchant 12
Shannon A Book, merchant 13
L J M<-Quiition, merchant 14
J II Walker, merchant... 14
J II Walker, patent inediciue 3
L Owens, merchaut 14
A L Kelso, hotel 5
John A Bailey, merchant 13
Thotnas Wilson A Son, uicrchuut 11
C W Coulter, merchant 14
C W Coulter, patent mediciue*
CO Kingsbury, merchant ...13
J H Wilson, merchant 14
I.nrd A Sons, merchant ..12
J II Walker, merchant II
J II Walker, patent medicines. 2
J P McQuistioii, merchant 14
J II Muntz, men-bant 14
Win Bingham, merchant 14
Über A Son, merchant 14
R C Wilson, men-hant 14
Mrs Sophy Keith, tavern f>
Resner Bros, m'-n-haut* 14
W M Durham, merchant 14
W M Durham, patent medicine 3
Walter Jackson, merchant 14
it.anili ix TC~N;:;ir
William Watson, merchant 12
Iloblet/ou Platte A Co, merchant lo
llobieUou Platte A (V, merchant 10
1) B Douthett, merchant 12
Paul Troutinan, merchant. 13
K Ellenbcrger, merchant 14
W G Hays, merchant 13
N W Krause, merchant 13
C Scott, merchant 13
C Scott, patent medicine 4
CC Alexander, pateut medicine 3
CC Alexander, merchant 14
Graham A Wilson, merchaut* 14
G P Conway, merchant 12
M A McKec. merchant 14
C F Meßride, merchant ..,,.,,....,....14
C F Meßride, patent tuedioiuv 4
I (i Wilson,
Join: A merchant 14
T W Morrow, merchaut 14
T W Morrow, pateut mediciuea 2
J W Cuhhisou, merchant 11
II C Black, merchant 12
S B Bingham, merchaut 14
T W Morrow, merchant 14
T W Morrow, patent medicines 3
J K Curry, merchant 14
Mrs E Black, merchant 13
L Steene. merchant -.14
R R Walker, men-hant 14
W P Bruwu 4 Hon, merchaut 14
A W Ziegler, merchant 14
A W Ziegler, patent medicines 3
White A Boggs, merchant.. 14
l'uter Otto, restaurant 5
A l.aLshaw, merchant 14
Latshaw A Stem, merchaut 12
J II Sellout/., wholesale liipiors 13
Fnslin A llaiues, inerchauts 12
A Foringer, merchant i.,..\4
Swaiu A Beutle, merchant il
C G I. Peffer, merchant 13
J II Wheeler, merchaut 14
Wise, I.ytle A Haiti 12
Jacob Hti-uffi,, v«»fc\iaut Si
BeavU 'X DTi'dinger, hotel 5
L Harkeustein, merchant 11
Michael Shields, tavern 6
J Feidler, hotel . 5
Geo Ifft A Sous, inerchauts ..IV
Boggs A Cooper, merchant .13
Barkey A Allen, merchant I'i
Floyd B Brooks merchaut ~14
Fjovd B Brooks, patent medicines 3
, Wall A Bishop, merchants .7.7.14
0 W Shr-up. ILL reliant
1 11 II Stok-v, hotel ; * 5
Uerbert A Brj, nicichant .......
j L Gantz, merchai.t 14
Theodore merchant 7.7.714
I Theodore Kerning, patentm«xiicittfc*..7...77.7 J
j B Dunlwr, merchaut 14
i Lot* A liambach, merchant IS
; J N Miller, hotel 77.77-5
earns city.
Isaac Roseuberg, merchant 14
Johu McGuire, tavern 5
w C Leulesty. merchant 14
P R Burke, merchant
L Neioman, merchant ......
Scott A Walker, merchants U
A A West, merchaut
A A West, patent medicine 3
.Scott A patent medicine ......77. .77 4
John Wcrsh, merchant 14
John Richev, tavern 5
John Richey, 2 billiard tables .7
F G Brown, merchant ...7*14
A F Metz A Son, merchant 13
A E Metz A Sou, pateut medicines 4
Win Wahl, hotel 5
J Laderer, merchaut 777.14
II C Beatty, merchant .14
Lewis Owens, merchaut 13
W C Bryson, merchaut 'l3
W J Marks, merchant .....14
L I Cooper, merchant
1 B Flick, merchant ...7714
Johu Snyder, merchant ..7.7.14
P Mcßride,'merchant 14
J II Gormley, merchant ...14
Wiu Maybold, merchant 13
Wm Maybcld, patent medicine 3
Joseph Bailey, merchaut 14
A G Frazier, merchant 14
A G Frazier, pateut mediciuea 3
H Heberling, merchaut 14
Wm Williams, merchant 14
William Humphry, mercliant 10
William Humphrey, ]>atcut medicine* 4
Frederick Schwicger, merchant 14
B Frederick, merchant 13
Johnston A Cum-.ihell, tavern 5
Henry l.ockbnrt, tavvrn £
\\ I) Kelly, merchant _l4
W I) Guistord, 4 billianl tables
Henry Lockhart, o billiard tables
C Scharbuck, merchant 14
W P Turner 14
W 1* Turner, patent medicine 2
Wcstermnn Bros, merchant $
Casper Wingles, restaurant ..... 5
James Cogun, restaurant 5
Wm Kern, merchaut 14
D S Wakeuight, merchaut 14
W W liowen, merchant 14
C F Pien-e, merchant 12
George Glass, men-hunt 14
H C Litziuger, merchant 13
Hays ltnis, merchants 14
J M Landers, merchant 14
M Dieter, merchant 14
W L Calupbcll, merchant 13
Campbell A Murphy, merchants 14
C D Aldiuger, merchant _l4
C D Aldiuger, patent medicine 2
D L Sutton, merchant. 14
J A MuKallip, merchant 13
Black A Brown, merchaut 12
J W Orr 14
B E Dennison, merchant— 14
B E Dennison, patent medicine 4
J P Robinson, merchant „14
G W Hicks 14
J H McClure, merchant 14
J H McClure, patent medicines 3
C C Sullivan, merchaut 12
S S Forester, merchant 12
H Youne, merchant 14
W R Riddle, merchant 13
T Critchlow, merchaut 14
I'ETROI.IA ho bough.
J B Kilrov, merchant. 12
Freeman A Marks, merchant* 10
8 E I.annhan, merchant 14
D C Backus, merchant 11
J Benedict A Sons 10
E P Cheesebrough, merchant 11
John Dill, merchant 14
Johu Dill, 4 billiard tables
R J Bottuer, merchaut 14
F Traver«. merchant 13
J B Dougherty, hotel 5
W Huchiugs, '4 billiard tables
J A Foote, merchant 14
J A Foote, patent mediciue 3
H W Koouce, merchant 14
J Aaron, merchant 14
H A KKnginsmith. merchaut 12
A J Hetrick, merchant 14
Ed O'Donnell, hotel £>
F H Cauley, merchant 13
James La-tenby, merchant 14
Thomas Williams, merchaut 14
J M Hawk, merchant 14
Wm Gillisou, hotel 6
P J Hunt, merchant 14
J K Benninger, merchant 14
L J Butler, merchant 14
R H Kerr, merchant 14
R H Kerr, patent medicine 3
A W Root, merchant 14
John Burns, merchant 14
Jamoa ('lark, hotel 5
J Aaron, merchant 14
C G Graham, men-hant 14
Albert Smith, tavern 5
Neal Blaney, tavern 5
Bard Bros, merchants..-. 12
R 1. Wilson, merchant 14
R L Wilson, patent mediciue* 3
K Cannon, merchant 14
J L Renn, merchant 14
H E Wick, merchaut 12
PAS Rhodes, merchants * 14
A B Rhodes, merchant 14
Conway A Brediu. merchaut*. . II
P J Russell, merchant 14
1' J Russell, pntent inediciue. -1
James Pryor A Co., merchants 12
SAXON BUTtO uoitoron.
E F Muder, tavern 5
Joseuh Kornfelder, tavern 5
Francis Ijtube, taveru 5
Theodore Heliubold, merchant 10
Theodore Hi-lmbold, patent medicine 4
E A Hellnbold, merchant 12
E A llelmlmld, patent medicine 4
E A II Mershom, merchant 14
E 4 11 Mershom, patent medicine 4
F \V MaurhnfT, merchant 14
H Seiple, merchant 14
T A Kerr A Co, merchant. .. 14
McCandless A Sloan, merchants 14
G F Kolilmyer, merchant 14
A Burnell A Sous, merchants 12
N Gardner A Son, merchant 13
Geo H Love, merchaut lit
Chas Fau lie, tavern r>
Lewis Wheidhas, tavern ft
Lewis Wheidhas, merchant 14
R A A Krause, merohant 11
Hartier A Gibson, merchant 14
Miftliu Bros., merchants 11
MitMiu Bros, patent medicine 4
T G Campbell, merchant .....„14
N M Hoover, merchant. 14
N M Hoover, patent usedioiue 4
R M llar|«-r, men-hant ; 11
Gillespie A Adams, merchant. 11
J Mc( orkill, merchant 14
John McCorkill, patent medicine 3
Philip Hillianl, merchant 13
J C McKec A Son, mercliaut 14
John Sherman, hotel 5
John Hcott, hotel 5
J L Beatty, merchant 14
J Oesterling, hotel ft
Henry Stokey, h0te1..., ft
Jacob Shelly, hotel ft
D G Bastian, merchant 14 .
F G Kline, merchant 14
H Miller, merchant 14
C H I'assavaut, merchant 14
Philip Milliman, merchant 12
Philip Millimsn, patent medicines 3
Geo Snyiler, merensnt 13
A Siller, merchant „..14
A Sitler, patent medicines 3
lfft A Gelbach, mercliant 12
.((Jin Diudingcr merchant 11
A Winter, merchant 14
E Zehenger, merchant 14
! G Stahl, wholesale liquors 13
1 Mercantile Appraises.
Notice or Appeal.
The above are hereby notiiied that Mntniil
! will be held in the Comiaiaaioneia' otuce u»
' Butler on the Mlh day of April, A. !>., I*M2.
between the honrs of 111 a.m. and 3 piiu , of said
. daj, when and where you miv attend if you
{ think proper. B. DouuUKRTY,
4 Appraiser
4 Advertise iu the Cuukm.