BUTLER CITIZKN. New Advertisement*. 0. M. Bartbersrer, Architect. Jury List for March Special Term. Mercantile Appraisement List for 1882. Eagle Planing Mills, Allegheny City, Pa. Executors' Notice —Estate of Kobt. Love. Administrators' Notices—Estates of James McDeavitt, Isaac C. Miller and .Sarah Miller. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —At 10 cents, half wool Dress Goods at L. ST KIN & Sox's. A Brooklyn man advertises a pow der to "cure cats and dogs of somnambulism." It is put in a gun. At cents the best wide, half wool Cashmere ever sold in Butler county at L. STEIS & SON'S. Rev. W. W. Ralston, of West Bridgewatcr, Pa., will preach in the Presbyte rian church of this place next Sabbath. 4-Button undressed kid gloves at 40 cents a pair at L. STEIN & SON'S. This being there is a boom in the fish market. Messrs. G. W. Miller Bro. have laid in a fine stock for the season. —lmmense stock of embroideries and laces at astonishingly low prices at L. STEIN & SON'S. —An exchange desires to know if three people can keep a secret. We don't know how it is in other places, but three people can keep a secret in Butler, if two of them are dead. —Occasionally it is noted that two children of one family are buried at the same time, having died from diphtheria, but the most sorrowful tale in print for some time is that of the burial in Cleveland of six_ brothers and sisters at the same time, diphtheria having carried them off. —At $1.50 Foster's Patent 5-Hook Lacing Kid Gloves, every pair warranted, at L. STEIN & SON'S. —A Catholic priest of Davenport, lowa, has just died from a singular cause. He was in the habit of wearing his hair very long, and, having it cut oil' the other day, a severe cold settled in the back of his neck, the ailment soon developing into acute rheumatism. He grew rapidly worse, the disease at the end of three days extending to the heart, causing his death. —Since he left the position of a clerk in a dry goods store in New York to engare in the work of suppressing vice, Anthony Com atock has secured the arrett of 582 persons, 251 of whom paid fines aggregating $63,931. He has destroyed 27,584 pounds of immoral books and 203,238 pounds of obscane pictures. He proposes now to wage war against the lottery Dusiness. —We are selling the best side band suitings in the market at l'> cents. L. STEIN ay the costs of the original view to locate, or view to locate, change and supply, when the report has been confirmed and an opening order allowed—and in a view to locate, when confirmed, and in no other." The case mentioned was one to vine t.) assess damages, which the judge decided was "without authori ty of law and void." It seems that there were special road laws passed for this county in 1845 and 1854 which conflict with the general road law of 1836. The new constitution of this State prohibits special laws regarding roads, and we would suppose that a new general road law conforming with the new constitution, and re pealing all special laws, should be passed. —Ladies' and Gents' Gossamer Gum Coats, cheap, at Heck & Patterson's. —The winter which, according to the almanac, closed last Monday, will long be rememl>ered for its mildness, not only in the New but the Old World. Succeeding a winter of almost unprecedented rigor, one effect of which was the blighting of the country's agri cultural prospects to a grave degree, it was pe culiarly welcome. It would be a novel and most instructive inquiry for some future census statistician to ascertain what effects upon the health and wealth ot the people a winter like the past produces. No doubt the results arriv ed at would be startling, revealing vast econo mies of the necessaries of life and an immense reduction in the wear and waste of the human body representing values far exceeding anv pe cuniary estimate we would venture to assign. One of the most remarkable circumstances at tending the winter of 1881-82 was the geograph ical area over which its mi'dness is already known to have prevailed in Europe and Amer ica, and we should not be surprised if later re ports show that it was less severe than might nave been expected in Asia. Should this prove to have been the case, and in any event, such a climate phenomenon is worthy of practical and thorough investigation. To trace it to its real meteorological causes would open the way for ■cience to make a new advance, in predicting •like or contrary phenomena hereafter. CUIIMM Work*. The efforts of those of our fellow citizens who have been so persevering in their endeavors to have a glass manufactory established at this place, have at last been crowned with success. Thej raised enough money by subscription to purchase the old distillery lot and buildings, and an adjoining lot along the railroad, and have articled with Mr. Ihmsen, of Pittsburg, for the completion of the works on their premises. The building on the lot, formerly used as a bonded ware house, has been torn down and will be placed at the west end of the distillery building, and will contain the furnaces. The distillery building itself will be used for packing and storing rooms, and its basement for a mixing room and the storage of sand and lime. These with a small resi dence on the lots, which will be used for an office, will complete the build ings Mr Ihmsen says he will have the works ready for operation by the first of August, but cannot commence until the first of September, as the glass workers, according to the rules of their Union do not work during the months of July and August. About thirty glass workers, blowers and cut ters, will be employed in the estab lishment. These men will work for no less wages in Butler than they can get in the city. By the rules of their Union they dare not do so, and conse quently the advantages to the proprie tors of the establishment from having it located here, instead of in the city are limited almost alone to the matters of taxes and rents, and until the com pletion of the new railroad, at least, these will be counterbalanced by in creased freights, both on the raw material coming here and the manu factured goods going from here. The Pennsylvania Company seems to have a grudge against this town, and dis criminates against it. The principal articles that enter into the composition of glass are, white sand, lime and soda ash. The white sand used by the Pittsburg manufac tories is brought from Huntingdon county, but there are said to be several banks of it in this county, which the 1 new railroad lines may b*ng into the market. The freights on the sand from Huntingdon county to Pittsburg amounts to more than the original cost of the sand. The lime used comes from Tyrone and Duncaosville, and the soda ash from Europe. Soda ash is manufactured in great quantities in England and although there Is a duty of one-fourth of a cent a pound on it the European manufacturers can so far undersell the manufacturers of it in this county that its manufacture in this county has almost entirely ceased. —The moon was full last Saturday night and therein it did not differ from several of our fellow citizens. —Hats, Caps and Gents' furnishing goods, cheap, at J. P. T. Stehle's. —Mrs. Maggie Anderson, wife of Eli Anderson, of Clinton township, died last' Friday morning. She was about 30 years of age. —See prices on carpets at Heck & Patterson's before buying. —A little son of Samuel Fair, of Summit township, aged about two years was drowned last Friday evening by falling into a tub filled with water. —Clothing for Men's, Boys' and Childrens' wear, cheap, at Heck & Patterson's. —John Abernathy, who shot and killed Wm. Leslie, in a Pittsburg saloon, last December, was sentenced, last 'Saturday, to be hanged. The Governor Co fix the date. —Fine Accordians at J. F. T. Stehle's. —The third lecture of the TJ. P course will be delivered in the Court House, on Tuesday evening, March 14th by Rev. W. J Robinson, D. D., of Allegheny city, Pa. Subject, "Un settled Questions." —The Pearl shirt, the finest dress shirt in the market, only sl, at Heck & Patterson's. —A man named Hazael walked one hundred miles a day for six consecutive days, in New York last week and won the first prize of the match, fifty per cent, of all receipts, which, it is esti mated, will amount to $30,000. —Drums, fifes, mouth organs and jews harps, at J. F. T. Stehle's. —The United States steamer Rich mond, from Panama via Samoa Islands for Yokohama, Japan, arrived at the latter port last Wednesday. All aboard well. This vessel was long overdue, and there was great anxiety as to her safety. —Fine neck wear, large stock and low prices, at Heck & Patterson's. —While a little girl was sitting on the track of the narrow gauge railroad, a few miles north of town, last Mon day afternoon, the north bound train came along and knocked her off the track and down an embankment, but did not kill her, although she received some severe bruises about the bead. —Wall paper and window shades at J. F. T. Stehle's. —Two of our exchanges, of last week, staled that the public schools of Harmony, this county, had been closed on account of a peculiar disease of the eyes that had become epidemic. This is a mistake. Some citizens of that town have been troubled with a disease of the eyes, but the schools were not closed. —Gents' fine white and colored shirts, low prices, at Heck & Patter son's. —Tn this country it is said that in 1850 the value of church property was $87,000,000; 1860, $171,000,000; in 1870, $354,000,000. The number of church organizations in 1850 38,000 ; in 1860, 54,000 ;in 1870, 72,000. In 1850 the church accommodations amounted to 14,000,000 people; 1860, 19,000,000; in 1870, 21,000,000. —You can have a nice violin for 50 cents at J. F. T. Stehle's. —The strike, in Pittsburg, of the iron and steel workers belonging to the Amalgamated Association, is becom ing interesting. The troubles began at the Pittsburg steel works,* at Homestead, and at its meeting last Saturday, the asspciation resolved that all mills in the city whose proprietors bold stock in those works be closed on and after the 11th inst. This, if carried into effect, will close seyeral of the largest iron and steel mills in the city. —A lot of second-handed Watches cheap for cash, at E. Grieb's Untiee Citi»n s Wntl*x* |3«.» 33I«tsrjcl? 8. 1882. —Teachers desiring to rise in their profession are invited to write to J. A. Cooper for particulars. The teachers of the school have arranged to spend their spring vacation in visitation and examination. A few advanced students will accompany them. They go out singly and by twos and threes. The following city schools will be visited ; Erie, Meadvlle, Oil City, New Castle, Franklin, Cleveland, 0., Buffalo, N. Y., and Oswego, N. Y. —Gents' Furnishing Goods, full stock and low prices, at Heck & Pat terson's. —Cassimer Wise had the contract for building the pavement fronting the public park and he says he never built a better pavement in his life. He put in an eight inch foundation of coal ashes and he says the pavement will never "swim," as do so many of the pavements of this town every spring, when the frost comes out of the ground. Cassimer was the lowest bidder on this pavement, he furnished the best of materials and made a first-class job of it. —Carpets, oil cloths and mattings, cheapest in Butler county, at Heck & Patterson's. —The series of articles on the Christian Religion, by Col. Robert G. Ingersoll, Judge Jeremiah S. Black and Prof. George P. Fisher, which ap peared recently in the North American Review, is now published in pamphlet form, in response to a very generally expressed demand. Readers of the Re view will be pleased to see these re markable papers collected into one handy volume, and the general public, who have learned of the articles through the comments of press and pulpit, will be gratified to learn that a reprint has been issued. The price of the Volume is 50 cents, and it is for sale at all news-stands and bookstores. Wiflierspoon Institute. The winter term of the Witherspoon Institute will close on Friday, the 10th inst. The examination of the classes will take place on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Patrons of the school and other friends of education are cordially invited to attend. The Washington Irving Literary Society will give its closing performances for the term on Tuesday evening; a literary entertainment will be given by the school on Thursday evening, to both of which the public are invited. All these exercises at the Odd Fellows' building, evening performances to begin at 7:30 o'clock. The Spring term of the Institute will open on Monday, March 20. —At the meeting of the Building & Loan Association, of this town, last Saturday evening, Messrs. G. C. Roes sing, Jos. Gray, Jos. Rockenstein, Henry Biehl, J. Kemper, L. P. Waiker, G. JC. Pillow, Henry Miller, Henry Troutman, F. M. Reno, J. S. Camp bell and H. Grieb, were elected aboard of directors for the ensuing year. The Auditor's Report for last year was read and adopted, without comment, excepting as to the manner of making sales of real estate held in fee by the association. All the real estate owned by the association is always tor sale, and the directors should never refuse a bargain, but as a general thing, we think, that where they have one or two good offers for a property they should give public notice of their in tention to close a sale by a certain date. —The W. C. T. U. met in the Pres byterian church Monday evening, March fith, 1882; was opened by Rev. Ferguson reading the scriptures, Math ew, sth chapter, followed by prayer led by Mr. Campbell. After singing, E. 11. Anderson was elected Secretary pro tern and E. W. Vogeley Treasurer. The following Tesolution was then adopted : "Resolved, That we hereby express our sense of the loss in the tak ing away of our fellow worker in the temperance cause, Mr. Abraham Moyer, who was till his death Treasurer of this Association, and in view of this Provi dential reminder that the night Com eth when no man can work we pledge ourselves anew to the work of temper - ence reform till the Master calls us from labor to reward. Remarks were then made by Rev. Turner, Rev. Fer guson, Mr. Campbell and others. A Committee was appointed to draft a resolution to bo signed and presented to Court on license day. After sing ing, meeting adjourned. E. H. ANDER SON, Sec'y. —On the night of Jan. 31st last or early in the morning of the following day, February Ist, when the snow was heavy on the ground and the mercury standing below zero, a girl named Dis ney, aged about fourteen, who had for some months been living with the family of Mr. A. Porter Glenn, of this place, secretly loft the house and went to the depot with the intention of tak ing the market train for her home in Tarentum. Finding herself too early for the train she walked down the track to Brinker's station, a distance of four or five miles and arriving there knocked at the door of the residence of Mr. Shull. She had on a pair of light shoes and light summer clothing, and after getting) into the warmhouse found that her feet were so badly frozen that her shoes had to be cut from them. About a week afterwards, her mother who had been informed of her misfor tunes, made information against Mr. Glenn, charging him with wilfully re fusing and neglecting to provide neces sary food and clothing for an infant under his charge and control, and some time afterwards against Mrs. Glenn for assault and battery. As the girl was unable to move the hearing in the case was postponed till last Monday, when the case was beard and disposed of by Esq. Walker. On account of a nervous disease, with which she is af flicted, Mrs. Glenn, could not attend the hearing to give her side of the as sault and battery charge, and although there was nothing in the charge, Mr. Glenn had to pay the costs and a small fine to settle it. The charge against Mr. Glenn was heard and disposed of Iby the Esq. discharging him. It ap peared that the girl, who was an ob ject of charity with the Glenns, is of a very wilful disposition and in one of her pouting spells had secretly left the house without clothing sufficient to keep her from freezing, when at any time in daylight, she could have had all her clothing and her way paid to her home, as the Glenns were anxious to get rid of her. Don't Die in the House. Ask druggist for "Rough on Rats." It clears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roaches, vermin, flies, ants, insects. 15c. per box. A Card to the Public : We take pleasure in expressing our gratitude to those who, in the past week, have so cordially received our agent, Mr. J. L and have favor ed him with trial orders for our cele brated Silver Foam Hungarian Patent flour ; and we trust that the excellence of the flour will recompense you for your kindness. To those whose spirit of prejudice or personal dislike and envy has deterred them from giving the flour a trial, we would say that we are sorry for a twofold reason: firstly, because the flour xas well worth their trial ; and secondly and chiefly, because they passed by an opportunity to se cure a sack or two of the best flour they ever used at about mere cost. As our agent was unable to see all, not to be partial, we have concluded to fill the orders of these few, for a trial sack or two, at the reduced price of two dollars per sack, if the orders are left at our office, Jefferson street, or mills, Mifflin street, this week. Longer than this week, we can postively not extend this offer. The reports Mr. Jones gathered from those who have baked during the course of the week has led him to predict, that there will be more smiling housewives in Butler shortly than there has been at one time since the town las been founded on the sloping banks of the winding Conno quenessing. We have demonstrated beyond a doubt, that a flour can be manufactured in Butler that has no superior anywhere, and that if home enterprize is not supported and patron ized it is by no means a fault of the goods. If there should be any who want a flour cheaper than the Silver Foam, we can trustfully refer them to our Klingler's Extra ; which sells 35 cents per sack less and which is the best family flour in this market. It is not as good, of course, as the Silver Foam, though made under the same process, the Hungarian System. Our flours will be found for sale at MRS. C. KOCH'S GROCERY, ADAM TROUTMAN'S. CHAS. DUFFY'S, LOUIS BISHOP'S, KLINULER FLOUR HOUSE, Jefferson street, ORIENTAL ROLLER MILLS, Mifflin street. The following are present price 3 : Silver Foam Hungarian Patent per sack - $2 25 " •• " •• •' •• bbl in sks 8 75 » .. .. •• •• " » "bbls 9 00 Klingler's Extra per sack - - - -I 90 " " bbl in sks - - 73a bbls - - - 700 Favorite per sack - J * " " bbl in sks - - - - -5 55 bbls 5 80 Respectfully, H. JULIUS KLINGLER, Proprietor Oriental Roller Mills BUTLER, PA., Mar. Gth, 1882. Irving's "Rip Vau Winkle." Delightful old Rip Van Winkle, whom Washington Irving and Joseph Jefferson have made one of the most famous of American characters, is just published, with other of Ir vine's choicest "Sketches," in a charming little red-line, gilt edge, richly ornamented volume, for the marvellously low price of 35 cents, or by mail, 40 cents, by The Useful Knowledge Publishing Company, of New York City. They issue an edition of the same, bound in plaiu cloth, for 25 cts, postpaid, and another new in style of binding, appropriation named "Utili ty," for only 13 cents, postpaid. These vol umes are issued especially to show to the book buying millions the character of the literature and quality of workmanship, with the wonder ful economy in cost, which the "Literary Re bellion" proposes to produce, a large number of standard and exceedingly desirable works being announced to follow rapidly, equal in quality and in economy of cost. The red line edition is certainly one of the most exquisite little volumes wjiich has ever found its way into the homes of ordinary mortals, and the "Utility" edition places the famed low prices even of the "Literary Revolution" far in the background - The books will certainly sell by the hundred thousand, and ought to sell by the million. A postal card will secure specimen pages and catalogues from the publishers. The Useful Knowledge Publishing Company, 1(52 William Street, New York City. —When you want anything in the line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sil verware, Spectacles, &c„ do not fail to call in at E. Grieb's and examine the stock ; no trouble to show goods. —W. Aland, Merchant Tailor, is now prepared to take your order for early spring garments, offering fort} styles. New designs in fine suitings at $25 for suits. These goods are equal to the best French makes. Also, fine French worsted in black, blue and fancy styles at equally low prices. —Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound revives the drooping spirits; invigorates and harmonizes the organ ic functions; gives elasticity and firm ness to the step, restores the natural lustre to the eye, and plants on the pale cheek of beauty the fresh roses of life's spring and early summer time. Farmers Look Here, The undersigned are now taking or ders for fruit trees for spring planting. We represent one of the most reliable nurseries in Rochester, N. Y. Please send your orders in immediately. nl6tf JOHN BEIDEBMAN. It Tells Its Own Slory, LANCASTEB, N. H. Dec. 3, '79. By the way I will say that I think Downs' Elixir the best cough remedy that I can find at our Druggist's. We always use it J. S. Peavey, Pub. Republican. All diseases arising from Biliousness or Torpid Liver, are quickly cured by the use of -Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. See notice Arnica and Oil Liniment in another column. Big Results From Little Oauses. 'Do you know?' remarked a man to his friend on Chestnut Street, a day or two since, 'I believe both Conkling and Piatt had a bad case of skin disease when they resigned!' 'What makes you think so ?' inquired the listener in astonishment. 'Well, you see they acted in such an eruptive manner—so rash —ly as it were. Save ? 'Oh! yes, I save,' replied the other, 'they were boil —ing over and merely re signed to humor themselves, I suppose.' If such be the case, the National diffi culty might have been averted by ap plying Swayne's Ointment for skin diseases. Wiuitori Immediately. A few good responsible men to can vass for Stone's Nurseries, of Roches ter, New York. Good salary will be paid. For particulars, apply to JOHN BIEDEBMAN, Butler, Pa. mltf 7TAKDi To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, ear ly decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREEOF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered bv a mission ary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH T. IKMAX, Sta tion V. JVWr York City. [9iit>m —To men desiring permanent em ployment we would refer them to D. H. Patty & Co.'B advertisement for men to sell trees, which appears in another column. Ifeb6 1882. A. TROUTMAN, m± Dry Goods. Notions and Trimmings! Large Stock ! Lowest Prices ! Extra good value in all kinds of Dress Goods, from the cheap est Calico up to Silks and Satins. Shawls of all kinds in Wool, Cashmere and Broshae. Cassimere, Jeans, Tweeds, Ladies' Cloths, Flannels, Shirtings. UHDERWEIR FOR Mill UDKS AND CHILDREN! SPECIAL FOR EARLY SPRING. EMBROIDERY AND INSERTING. I have received and am showing one of the largest stocks ol Embroideries and Insertings that is to be found, extra quality and patterns, at the vtry lowest prices. Table Linens and Napkins, in bleached, half bleached, unbleached and Turkey red. Towels, Toweling, Sheeting. All the popular makes of BLEACHED MUSLIN, Lonsdale, Pocohontas, White Anchor, Fruit of the Loom, Wa masuta, Unbleached Muslin, &c. New White Goods, White Spreads, Lace Curtains, Yarns, Zephyrs, Hosiery, GLOVES OF ALL KINDS, in Cashmere, Silk, Berlin, Kid, Foster (genuine), Foster Patent, Seamless, Undressed Suede, and other popular makes. Corsets, all prices, largest assortment. All of the above goods at the very lowest prices. Please call and examine. A. TROUTMAN, Aug. 24. BUTLER, PA. P. S.—l have two Dolmans, two Black Beavers, and two light Cloaks, which I will sell at a bargain to close. * 8 t /I I A cold or nor.- t'irost I »v.v n $ -» r- « nr»f t ! • JLflUiilUui la X liiLLEn. "jhe pr..iuiit use . r tl.ls Bavcd th Of lives. PK'.IRI DAVIS' I'Air.' 1.7.1C Is let I . XV. 1 . It lu'.i b c.i lj.ljio ihu publl: for forty y«-ur»,; il t> hi si \ulutJ v iuu 1. i, h i j.:; \ A lev. - cxti-ucto from voluntary testimonials read as i ilov/s: PAIN KIL'.EU lias )>een my hou. Roofing, Spouting and Heavy Sheet-iron work done at short notice below market prices for cash. I am also having manufactured to my order, nice clean and smooth odd Plates to fit Bradley's Stoves, which I sell at six cents per pound, and I will guarantee them to last longer and give better satisfaction than the so-called original and genuine plates sold by another party at ten cents per pound. Give me a call and be convinced. M. C. ROCKENSTEIN, junels:ly Main Street, Butter, Pa. EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Cor. Robinson and Anderson St., - ALLEGHENY CITY. M. SIMON, Agent. PL4NLVG MILL, SASH, DOOR AND SHUTTER FACTORY, Flooring Boards, Weatlieiboarding, Planed Boariis, Sash, Mouldings, Shingles, Laih and all kinds of Building Lumber. A liberal reduction for cash orders. Send for price list. All work delivered to railroad#, steamboats, &c., tree of charge. Communications solicited. 8,U;l Union Woolen Mill, BUTLER, PA. 11. FULLERTON, Prop'r. Manufacturer of BLANKETS, FLANNELS, YAKNB, Ac. Also custom work done to order, such as carding Rolls, waking Blankeu, Flannels, Knit ting and Weaving Yarns, &c., at very low prices. Wool worked on the shares, it de sired. my7-ly HENRY G. HALE, FINE MERCHANT TAILOR, COB, PENN ANDtSIXTH STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa I For vliGCi j>rh m.J crcn V. 1 ration 1. tic. Wo v culil ii. X 1 j v UUVM, A. P. l.'vrr •, liberty Mill:'. Vs. I\ r tx.ciit* - ivo yc. r! I h -.\o u 1.1 TAX* 1": jli. for cola i a::«i o*ul c c-v.*U\te it tii«-l-». t L;«.diciuoca-rciiti«.J.—Gi.o.lioOi > iui v \. n. I wxui i uJTcriiitr i evcrely vitli 1 ronchilii;, rnd i.:y tbror.t v.*a.s » » iuflcincd I ecu il »caret ly »mrallcw Luyf -o;L I wit.; to try > our I ALIFF KILLI.K, ana ritcr t;Jdng a few do»cj wao cured— T. V/ILIIIKSO?:. Dr. WALTON v.-ritc • from Ooehoetou: Your Pxru KILLKU curca clii htliorin i lid «orcthroat, toaL.nu i liipiy prevalent here, end Lou Dot fc*.ca known t > fall in n i Inrie infctaucc. This fact you tliould i.i»ko kuovm toll*o world. Mrs. ELT.ES B. MASON write?: My »on wan talrc-n violently H.ck vrith uiwhtlM ria, fever, and cold chilli-, so n 4 any children lia\c died hero, I vaa cfrcid to c-U a \ by. iciau, end tried your KILLER. Ho wan taken on Sundty, ard on Vednesday his tliroat waa clear. It wan a won , drli.l cure, i:m\ I vU.li it t ould be known to tlio I pocr i..others who LTC losiny LO ruiiy children. AC\ ' We sell Sheet Music (no difference tv Where published) at a reduction of 40 per cent, from Publishers or Import ers marked i>rice. Orders by mail ac- T3,_„ conipaiiied by cash promptly lllled. 1 er W,. iiuve a flue stock of Musical In struments, Trimmings and **ujUc BOOKS at low prices. A No. 1 Violin p on i Strings a specialty- Send for cata- V>tlll. loKiie. Address KNARK & CO., Music Publishers, Pittsburgh, l'Hu J # \ 198 LIBERTY ST. ■ PITTSBURGH, PA- Advcrtisein the CITIZKN. MERCANTILE APPRAISER'S LIST FOR 1888. Jfann. Ctau. ADAMS TOWNSHIP. William A MeCoiiih*. merchant 14 J J Small, merchant Dickey A Ilm, merchant ........14 James' A Anderson, merchant 13 Naov Adams, merchant 11 C W Irwin, merchant H ALLEGHENY TOWNSHIP. A C Parks, merchant 14 J I) Site!! A Co, merchant 12 W F I law!; ins. 3 billiard tables J B Craig, merchant....... -14 J B Craig, pateut medicine -4 A P Buck holder A Co, merchant* 14 Plumnier, merchant 14 M W Conway A Co, merchant* 12 C M Burnett, hotel 5 JiM>e|>li Thomas, mcrcliaut -14 Perry Aiken, merchant 14 BRADY TOWNSHIP. J C Murtland, merchant 12 K G Olutton, merchant 14 W W Robinson, incrchaut 14 BUFFALO TOWNSHIP. I M Flemming, merchant 14 G W Cramer, merchant 14 Marshall Bros, merchants 13 A B Ekas, merchant 14 A Guckenheimer A Bro, distillers 1 BUTLER BOROUGH. C Stock, merchant 14 Wm F Miller, merchant 14 Joseph Rockenstein, merchaat 14 Jacob Keck, merchant 14 A Troutman, merchaut 10 Mrs C Kock, merchant 12 H Beihl 4 Co, merchant .14 G Ketterer, merchant 14 L Stein A Sons, merchant 12 Zimmerman A Waller, merchant...... 14 Zimmerman A Wuller, patent medicine* 2 B Iluselton, merchant 11 Kitter A Ralston, merchaut 8 II Schneideman, merchant 11 D II Wuller. merchant 13 D II Wuller, patent medicine* 2 John Bickel, merchant 12 J B Keuiper, merchant 14 Harvy Colbert, merchaut 14 Louis Bishop, merchaut .... 14 John Berg, merchant 10 J G & W Campbell, merchant 1- Win M Smith, merchant 14 Wm Harvey, merchant 14 S Sykes, merchant 14 J F T Stehley, merchant 14 8 L Linn, merchant...... -14 S L Linn, patent medicines 3 Jacjb Boos, merchant 10 D L Cleeland, merchaut -14 H Ileineman, merchant 13 M Bockenstein, merchaut 14 Geo Vogeley, merchaut 14 Berg 4 Cypher, merchant 10 M Reiber, merchant 11 Jackson 4 Mitchell, merchant 13 J Klingler, merchant - 14 Mrs B Roessing, merchant 12 Miller Bros, merchant —l4 G Wilson Miller 4 Bro, merchant 4> Heck 4 Patterson, merchant -10 Charles Duffy, merchant - 10 M C Rockenstein, merchant 14 A 1 Ruff, merchant -13 George Reiber, merchant —.14 James Pringle, merchant 13 S S Jamison, merchant 14 R J Campbell, merchant -14 S G Purvis 4 Co, merchant .....11 J Niggle 4 Bro, merchant 13 Charles R Grieb, merchant .....14 E Grieb, merchant 14 J C Redick, merchant....... 13 J C Redick, patent medicines 2 Geo Bulger, 3 billiard tables - Jacob Reil»er 4 Bro, merchant. 12 J J Feidler, hotel - 5 Alex Lowry, hotel - 5 G W Campbell, hotel 5 II Eitenmiller, hotel 5 Jordan Eyth, restaurant - 5 G J Smith, restaurant - 5 Charles Boyle, hotel - 6 L Nicholas, hotel 5 D T Pape, merchant -13 CLINTON TOWNSHIP. R J Anderson, merchant - 14 Andrew M Woods, merchant 14 Samuel Snyder, merchant 14 CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP. Wm Garvin, merchant 14 D B Wilson, merchant 13 A G Ilendri-kson, merchaut 14 CONNOQUENESSING TOWNSHIP. C Nicholas, merchaut 14 Peter Staff, merchant 14 J T 4 W Purviance, merchant 13 Joseph Graham, merchant -13 CLEARFIELD TOWNSHIP. M J Mcßride, merchant 14 M J Mcßride, tavern 5 W S McCrea, merchant 14 W S McCrea, wholesale liquors 13 CENTRE TOWNSHIP. H L Young, merchant 14 J Coulter, merchant 14 W T Campbell, merchant 14 A F Fleeger, merchant 14 CONCORD TOWNSHIP. D D Quigley, merchant 14 D Crawford, merchant 14 A I' Kuhn, merchant —.13 W F B Patterson, merchant 14 W F R Patterson, patent medicine - 4 S Markwell, merchant 13 S Markwell, patent medicine - 3 CHERRY TOWNSHIP. II C McCoy A Son, merchant 14 H C McCoy 4 Son, patent medicine 4 A W Christie, merchant 12 Shannon 4 Book, merchant .13 LJ McQuistion, merchant. ..14 J II Walker, merchant...... 14 J H Walker, pateut medicine 3 L Oweus, merchant 14 A L Kelso, hotel -5 John A Bailey, merchant 13 CENTREVILLE. Thomas Wilson 4 Son, merchant 11 C W Coulter, merchant 14 C W Coulter, patent medicines 3 C O Kingsbury, merchant 13 J S Wilson, merchant 14 Bard 4 Sous, merchant 12 J II Walker, merchant 14 J H Walker, pateut medicines 2 J P McQuistion, merchant 14 J H Muntz, merchant 14 Wm Bingham, merchant ....14 Über A SOB, merchant 14 R C Wilson, merchant ..14 DONEGAL TOWNSHIP. Mrs. Sophy Reith, tavern 5 Resner Bros, merchants 14 W M Durham, merchant...... 14 W M Durham, patent medicine 3 Walter Jackson, merchant ....14 FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. William Watson, merchant 12 FORWARD TOWNSHIP. Hobletzon Platte A Co, merchaut 10 Hobletzon Platte 4 Co., merchaut 10 D B Douthett, merchaut 12 FAIRVIKW TOWNSHIP. Paul Troutman', merchant 13 E Ellenbergcr, merchant 14 W G Hays, merchant 13 N W Krause, merchant 13 FAIRVIEW BOROUGH. C Scott, merchant 13 C Scott, patent medicine 4 C C Alexander, patent medicine 3 C C Alexander, merchant 14 Graham 4 Wilson, merchants 14 G P Conway, merchant 12 M A McKee, merchant..... 14 C F Mcßride, merchant 14 C F Mcßride, patent medicine - 4 I G Wilson, hotel 5 John A Erwin, merchant 14 HARRISVILLE BOROUGH. T W Morrow, merchant 14 T W Morrow, patent medicines 2 J W Cubbisou, merchaut 11 H C Black, merchant 12 S B Bingham, merchant 14 T W Morrow, merchant 14 T W Morrow, patent medicines .3 J E Curry, merchant 14 Mrs E Black, merchant 13 L Steene, merchant 14 R R Walker, merchant 14 W P Brown 4 Son, merchant 14 HARMONY BOROUGH. A W Ziegler, merchant 14 A W Ziegler, patent medicines 3 White 4 Boggs, merchant _l4 Peter Otto, restaurant 5 A Latshaw, merchant 14 Latshaw 4 Stem, merchant 12 J II Schontz, wholesale liquors 13 Enslin A Haines, merchants 12 A Foringer, merchant 14 Swain 4 Bentle, merchant 11 C G L Peffer, merchant 13 J II Wheeler, merchant A 14 Wise, Lytle 4 Hain, merchant 12 Jacob Stauffer, merchant 5 Beam 4 Dindinger, hotel 5 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP. L Harkenstein, merchant 11 Michael Shields, tavern 5 JACKSON TOWNSHIP. J Feidler, hotel ...5 Geo Ifft 4 Sons, merchant* 12 Boggs 4 Cooper, merchant 12 Barkey 4 Allen, merchant ..12 Floyd B Brooks merchant ..14 Floyd B Brooks, patent medicine*..- 3 Wall 4 Bishop, merchants -13 0 W Shoup, merchant ..14 U II Stokey, hotel 5 Derbert 4 Bro, merchant 14 L Gautx, merchant 14 Th«>>dore Kersting, merchant 14 Theodore Kersting, pateut medicine* J B Dunbar, merchant 14 Ixtlz A Daiubach, merchant 13 J N Miller, hotel .5 KARNS CITY. Isaac Rosenberg, merchant 14 John McGuire, tavern f W C Leufesty, merchant 14 P R Burke, merchant 12 L Neioman, merchant 14 Scott 4 Walker, merchants —l3 A A West, merchaut 14 A A West, pateut medicine. 3 Scott A Walker, patent medicine 4 John Wersh, merchant 14 John Richly, tavern 5 John Richey, 2 billiard table* F G Browu, merchant -14 LANCASTER TOWNSHIP. A E Metz A Son, merchant 13 A E Metz A Son, patent medicine* 4 Wm Wahl, hotel J> J Ladercr, merchant 14 TOWNSHIP. H C Beatty, merchant 14 Lewis Owens, merchant 13 W C Bryson, merchant 13 MIDDLESEX TOWNSHIP. W J Marks, merchaut 14 L I Cooper, merchant ..14 1 B Flick, merchant 14 John Snyder, merchant 14 MARION TOWNBHIP. P Mcßride, merchant 14 J II Gormley, merchant. 14 Wm May bold, merchant 13 Wm Vlaybeld, patent medicine 3 Joseph Bailey, merchaut -14 MUDDYCREEK TOWNSHIP. A G Frazier, merchant 14 A G Frazier, patent medicine* 3 H Heberling, merchaut 14 Wm Williams, merchant....... 14 William Humphry, merchant 10 William Humphrey, patent medicine* -4 MILLERS TOWN BOROUGH. Frederick Schwieger, merchant 14 B Frederick, merchant 13 Johnston A Campbell, tavern 5 Heury Lock hart, tavern 5 W D Kellv, merchant 14 W D Gaislord, 4 billiard table* Henry Lock hart, 3 billiard table* CScharhack, merchant 14 W P Turner 14 W P Turner, patent medicine 2 Westcrman Bro*, merchant 8 Casper Wiugles, restaurant 5 James Cogan, restaurant 5 Wm Kern, merchant 14 D S Wakeuight, merchant ..14 W W Bo wen, merchant 14 C F Pierce, merchant 12 George Glass, merchaut 14 H C Litzinger, merchant 13 Hays Bros, merchants 14 J M Lander*, merchant 14 M Dieter, merchant J4 W L Campbell, merchant IS Campbell A Murphy, merchants 14 C D Aldinger, merchant 14 C D Aldinger, patent medicine 2 PENN TOWNSHIP. D L Sutton, merchant. 14 PARKER TOWNSHIP. J A McKallip, merchant ..13 Black A Brown, merchant _l2 J W Orr 14 B E Dennison, merchant 14 B E Dennison, patent medicine 4 J P Robinson, merchant 14 G W Hicks 14 PROSPECT BOROUGH. J H McClure, merchant 14 J H McClure, patent medicine* 3 C C Sullivan, merchant 12 S S Forester, merchant 12 H Young, merchant 14 W It Riddle, merchant 13 T Critchlow, merchant 14 PETROLIA BOROUGH. J B Kilroy, merchant -12 Freeman A Marks, merchant* ....10 S E Lanahan, merchant -14 D C Backus, merchant 11 J Benedict 4 Sons 10 E P Cheesebrough, merchant 11 John Dill, merchant 14 John Dill, 4 billiard tables „ R J Bottner, merchant 14 F Travers merchant 13 J B Dougherty, hotel 5 W Iluchings, 4 billiard tables J A Foote, merchant 14 J A Foote, patent mediciue 3 H W Koonce, merchant 14 J Aaron, merchant 14 H A Klinginsmith, merchant 12 A J Hetrick, merchant 14 Ed O'Donnell, hotel - 5 F H Caulcy, merchant 13 James Laienby, merchant -14 Thomas Williams, merchaut 14 J M Hawk, merchant 14 Wm Gillison, hotel 5 P J Hunt, merchant 14 J K Benuinger, merchant 14 L J Butler, merchant 14 R H Kerr, merchant...... 14 R H Kerr, patent medicine 3 A W Root, merchant 14 John Burns, merchant -14 James Clark, hotel 5 J Aaron, merchant 14 BUMMIT TOWNSHIP. C G Graham, merchant 14 Albert Smith, tavern 5 Neal Blaney, tavern - 5 SLIPPERYROCK TOWNBHIP. Bard Bros, merchants 12 R L Wilson, merchant 14 R L Wilson, patent medicines .3 K Cannon, merchant 14 J L Benn, merchant 14 H E Wick, merchant 12 BUNBURY BOROUGH. P 4 S Rhodes, merchants 14 A B Rhodes, merchant 14 Conway 4 Bredin. merchant* 11 P J Russell, mercliant 14 P J RusJ-ell, patent medicine 4 James Pryor 4 Co., merchant* 12 SAXONBURG BOROUGH. E F Muder, tavern 5 Joseph Kornfclder, tavern - 5 Francis Laube, tavern 5 Theodore Helmbold, mercliant 10 Theodore Helmbold, pateut medicine 4 E A Helmbold, mercliant 12 E A Helmbold, patent medicine 4 E 4 H Mershom, merchant 14 E 4 II Mershom, pateut medicine 4 E W Maurhoff, merchant 14 H Seiple, merchant.. 14 VENANGO TOWNSHIP. T A Kerr 4 Co merchant 14 McCandless 4 Sloan, merchants 14 G F Koblmyer, merchant 14 A Burnell 4 Sons, merchants 12 WORTH TOWNSniP. N Gardner 4 Sou, merchant 13 WINFIELD TOWNSHIP. Geo H Love, merchant 12 Chas Faube, tavern 5 Lewis Wheidhas, tavern 5 Lewis Wheidhas, merchant. 14 R 4 A Krause, merchant 11 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. Harper 4 Gibson, merchant 14 Mifflin Bros., merchants 11 Mifflin Bros, patent medicine 4 T"G Campbell, merchant ;..14 N M Hoover, merchant 14 N M Hoover, patent medicine 4 R M Harper, merchant 11 Gillespie A Adams, merchant. 11 J McCWkill, merchant 14 John McCorkill, patent medicine 3 Philip Hilliard, merchant 13 J C McKee A Son, merchant 14 John Shermau, hotel 5 John Scott, hotel 5 J L Beatty, merchant 14 ZELIENOPLE BOROUGH. J Oesterling, hotel 5 Henry Stokey, hotel 5 Jacob Shelly, hotel 5 D G Bastian, merchant 14 F G Kline, merchant ... —.14 H Miller, merchant 14 C 3 Passavant, merchant -14 Philip Milliman, merchant. 12 Philip Milliman, patent medicines 3 Geo Snyder, merchant -13 A Sitler, merchant 14 A Sitler, patent medicines 3 Ifft A Gel bach, merchant. 12 John Dindinger. merchant 11 A Winter, merchant 14 E Zehenger, merchant 14 G Stahl, wholesale liquors 13 B. DOUGHERTY, Mercantile Apptikwr. i aa A MOSTH roiT ?fl** WV TEACHERS, Young Men. Ladies and A genu, taking Orders bnked and Truth Victorious-" now ibe most popular NEW BOOK In the Beld. Both a SHIELD and a BWORD. Everybody wants it: , Low Price, Quick Sale*. Send for circular and term*. P. W. ZIKGLKh A CO., Im2 915 Arcb Btreet, Philadelphia. Pa. I EST Advertise In the Citizkm.