Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 08, 1882, Image 2
BUTLER CITIZEN JOHN H. L W. C. NEGLEY, PROP'RS. Entered at the Postoffice at Butler as gecond-classs matter. HON. S. H. MILLER has our thanks for a bound copy of the Congressional Directory and other favors. CROWDED OUT: —Three or four com munications, and other matters, ha\ e been crowded out this week. We will endeavor to insert'some of them next week. REV. J. H. A. KITZMILLER, for some years past pastor of the English Lutheran Church at Freeport, has been elected pastor of the same church at Kittanning. We have not learned if he has accepted the election or not. THE communication of "Omnibus" giving Mercer township items, having been overlooked last week, and being now too late for publication, we will be pleased to hear from our young friend again. BISHOP WHITEHEAD will hold Epis copal Visitation and Confirmation at the Episcopal Church, of this place, on next Sunday and Monday—l2tb and 13th insts. The Bishop will preach on the morning and evening of Sun day, at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m., and on Monday morning at 10:30. He will catechise the Sunday school of the church at 3:30 p. m. on Sunday. THE Pittsburg bar with great unanimity have indorsed Maj. A. Brown, of that qity, for the Supreme Court. This speaks well for him, and will go far toward creating a favorable impression in localities where he is not personally known. Allegheny county is a republican stronghold and is entitled to consideration. Maj. Brown is a gentleman of ability and if nominated will be supported in this county as warmly as any republican who could be nominated. BUSINESS is improving in this place. The demand for houses to rent is re vived. Many laborers are coming in and large numbers are employed upon the railroad making. The glass works are to be built—and other improve ments going on. Machinery for mills and wells is being hauled through the town almost every day. The number of railroad ties now being delivered at this place is immense. Timber for the ties is in great demand and many valuable forests are being invaded. Altogether, the outlook for business in and around Butler this summer is quite good. WE fund the following suggestive article in the current issue of the Pres byterian. Read and act if you are a sinner in that respect: "Having enter ed a pew, move along; be sure and move alone. Do not block up the end of the pew as if you did not intend to have anybody else to enter it, or as if you were holding it for some special friends. Do not rise to let others in, but move along and leave the pew invitingly open so that they will know they are welcome. If a pew holding six has five already in it, do not file out in formal procession to let one poor, scared woman go to the further end, but move along and let her sit down at the end next to the aisle. It is not necessary now for a stalwart man to sit at the end ready to rush out and kill Indians, as possibly it was. GIVING TO GRANT. With the exception of the raising of Conkling to honor, no measure has yet been proposed that is more disapproved of than the one now in Congress to give more money to Gen. Grant. A bill proposing to retire him on a pen sion of $13,500, in addition to all he has received, is actually now pending in Congress. We bear from the people nothing but censure and condemnation of this extravagance. Grant has had all the honors —has received much money from the Government and from many other sources—is now rich, "liv ing upon the fat of the land," —is en gaged in many speculative enterprises with wealthy capitalists—has all he needs, and yet it is proposed to give him more. And all this while there are thousands of poor, crippled soldiers in the land, their widows or children, to whom this money would be a real relief. The people are watching this thing, and that they are indignant about it there is no mistaking, The House bad better call a halt on the project. THE MARTYRED PRESI DENTS. The first and fourth pages of the CITIZEN this week are occupied prin cipally by two articles : one being an important part of Blaine's recent Eu logy upon the martyred Garfield, and the other some "Personal Reminis cences of Abraham Lincoln," the other martyr President. This latter article was sent to us by our friend Mr. Ezra Likin, of Jackson township, this county and will be found very inter esting, as coming from a writer, Rev. Miner, who was a near neighbor of Mr. Lincoln, before the war, and who knew his personal traits of character well. We found something in it new to ns and read it with the same inter est that we think our readers will. much, in our opinion, cannot be written, or said in praise of Lincoln and'Garfield. The mere fact that this Natio* has had, within a little more than fifteen years, two martyred Presi dents, and they both good and great, is one that cannot be dwelt upon too much. ' The horror of such acts must be kept before the people iq order to be guarded against in the future. THE PR O TEST IN VA IN. The people protested against the honoring of Conkling, but their pro test was in vain, in fact was unheeded. "Senatorial courtesy," of which Conk ling himself claimed so much formerly, has confirmed him to a seat of the highest dignity. This whole thing means to yindicate him, and not to re tire him from politics, as some allege. Of the many high handed acts done in the name of Stalwartism, this-is the most offensive of all. The Republi cans of the Nation have suffered and borne much in the hope there was an end coming. But, while the memory of sorrow and sadness yet lingers; in utter disregard of the seDtiments of a vast majority of the Republican party, the man who, above all others, is held responsible for a great bereavement to the Nation, is taken from the private life his own people consigned him and given a seat of the highest judicial im portance. We have written nothing for some time that has been more approved, by many Republicans of this county than the protest we made last week against this attempt to promote a man so odious to our people. There are a few however who seem to glory in the shame of the act, and who boast their approval of it. It is wonderful the effect of holding a little Government of fice has on the minds of some. If a man is in possession of a postoffice, or something else, he deems it his duty to sanction any and everything, right or wrong. The people have been long suffering, and slow to move, but they are now indignant and will seize every opportunity to free themselves from the control of those who inflict such outrages upon them. P. S.—Since the above was in print news came that Conkling has declined the "honor"—which only proves what we say above, that the object was to "vindicate" him only. THE PENSION liWS. During the discussion in Congress, on Feb. 25th, on the bill granting an increase and arrears of pension to the widow of the late General Alexander Hays, of Franklin, Pa., the Hon. S. 11. Miller, member from this district, made the following remarks on the subject of pensions to soldiers and pen sion legislation in general. His views will be generally approved, and were as follows: Mr. Miller—l made the inquiry, Mr. Chairman, which perhaps led in part to this discussion. 1 did not do so be cause I desired to antagonize this bill for the reason that it grauts a pension of SSO per month to the widow of a gallant soldier of two wars, or because it grants her arrears of pension not covered by the original act. I have never been of those who denounced the legislation known as the pension act. I believe the great error in that act is that it limits the arrears to those who filed their applications by or prior to the Ist day of July, 1880' Why should the soldier who, for any cause, has deferred filing his application until to day be only entitled to receive a pension from the date of such appli cation rather than from the date of his disability ? lam free to say, sir, that if a bill was before this House to grant arrears of pension to all those entitled thereto I would freely support such an act I assert that the Government of the United States made a solemn con tract to pay pensions to all those who were wounded or disabled in the ser vice, and to the widows and orphans of such as fell in battle, or died from disease contracted in the service, as it did to pay the soldier his wages. It was clearly a part of the original con tract, and if the soldier saw fit to delay asking the Government to fulfill its part as to pension, why should it not pay the principal ? The interest is not demanded. It is the duty of the Gov ernment to pay to every man who was disabled in the service and to the le fc al representatives of those who died from wounds or disease contracted during their service a pension not only from the date of application but from the date the disability was incurred. But, sir, there is one feature of this bill that Ido not fully indorse. The act under which this pension was originally granted by the Pension De partment limited the pension'to S3O per month. That is all the pensioner could receive by the general law, and more than the widow of the soldier could obtain. I contend that all the soldiers of the-country living and the widows and orphans of those dead should stand on a perfect equality. I contend that if a pension of S3O a month is enough for the widow of the soldier who sacrificed his life fighting in the ranks, it is ample for the widow of the soldier who gallently wore on his shoulder the insignia of a colonel or general; that if $lB is sufficient for the brave fellow who lost his good right arm while gallantly carrying a musket, it is enough for the gallant Colonel or General who lost his carry ing a sword. Mark, sir, Ido not say it is enough in either instance ; for I believe that this country can never pay its wounded and maimed and dis abled heroes enough for the service they rendered or the sacrifices they made. Let those who murmur and find fault with Congress for passing the pension arrears act take time some day to compute what the cost to this nation would have been if these pen sioners had not responded to the call ot the country in the dark days of 1861 to 1865. I contend against making fish of one and fowl of the other. It is not out of place, therefore, Mr. Chairman, that we should inquire into the necessity of the passage of snch bills as this when the attention of Congress is officially called thereto. I know it is urged by some that frauds are practiced under the law. There may have been fraudulent claims pre sented and unwittingly granted by the Department, but is that any argument against the justness of the law ? There is counterfeit silver coin made and cir culated ; therefore shall we close our mints ? There are counterfeit members of religious associations; therefore shall we shut up our churches ? By no means. If there are unjust claims let them be purged. Permit me to say, however, that my personal atten QPJpe W>ntl*K Citlsen s Wntl*K, 3H«k«% S» 1882. tion was called to over two hundred pending claims from the district I rep resent, and I do not know of a single instance among them all where an at tempt has been made to defraud the government. The extravagant allega tions of fraud, so easily and flippantly made, are not justified by my knowledge of a multitude of cases, aud I believe that this opinion will be borne out by the experience of the members of this House. I trust, sir, that this country shall never forget the promise embodied in the golden words of the illustrious Lincoln in his second inaugural, deliv ered at a time when hope and fear al ternated in ever patriotic breast: "With malice toward none and char ity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wound, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his or phans, to do all which may cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.'' Now that peace aud prosperity have blessed our country, let it not be said of us that, when the shadow of danger was removed and our enemies meet us in this Hall and greet us in social gather ings, we have forgotten him who "has borne the battle, or his widow or or phan " Armstrong Conutj's Dishon est Commissioners. Last vear the bonded indebtedness of Armstrong county was increased over $23,000. Suspecting either fraud or gross mismanagement and neglect the people demanded a thorough, fear less and impartial investigation of the finances of the county, and the result shows a most startling state of affairs- From the report made by the County Auditors it appears that in the building of three bridges the Ccrunty Commis sioners, either through intentional fraud or criminal negligence, paid for 1300 cubic yards of stonework which were never furnished. This was paid for at the rate of $5 and $5 50 per yard, although it was proved during the In vestigation that it was worth but $3. For the riprapping they paid $4 per yard, $1.50 being a fair price. Having established the facta the Auditors took most prompt and decided action in the premises. For the stone work actually done they allowed $3 per cubic yard, and for the riprapping thev allowed $1.50 per yard, these be ing" the rates at which competent judges said it should be paid, and the amount paid in excess of these figures, and the amount paid for work which was never done, they charged to the two Commissioners, Corbett Mur phy, who signed the contracts and or ders for the same. The sum thus charged to these two faithless officials, and which the county proposes to col lect, amounts to over $13,000. No charge is made against Mr. White, the other Commissioner, as he refused to sign the contracts for the bridges, or the orders for the payment of the mon ey, but they censure him severely for not protesting unequivocally and effect ually. In commenting upon the matter the Kittanning Union Free Press wisely says; "The lesson to be drawn from this is that the office of Commissioners of the county is the most important office therein The people have come to thiuk that any sort of a man should be elected, and therefore they have exer cised for many years a careless judg ment for whom they should vote for this important office—an office in which they are most deeply interested them selves. The Commissioners hold the purse strings of the county and therefore when the voter comes up to vote for a Commissioner, he should look to his intelligence, his business ability, his in tegrity and energy in attending to his duties." The citizens of every county in the commonwealth may find in the above food for serious thought. There is no more important office in the gift of the people than that of Commission er, and the results of the carelessness and mismanagement, to put it as mild ly as possible, of the Armstrong coun ty Commissioners, prove that too much care cannot be exercised in their selec tion. It is creditable to the citizens of Mercer county that for years they have pursued this course, and have in variably chosen as Commissioners men, the results of whose labors in be half of the interest of their constitu ents are the best proof of their hones ty, faithfulness and efficiency.—Mer cer Dispatch. A Story of Cliict Justice Marshall. John Marshall was not what might be called a' society man" in our ac ceptation of the term. He lived and died iguorant of the "german," and he never learned the abbreviated language of the corner of the visiting card. The country court was his ball room, and the latest legal decisions his fashion plates. In appearance he was awk ward, in dress careless, and in manner simple as a child. All sorts of stories are told about him as a young man. On one occasion a geutleman of large means, having occasion to retain a lawyer, asked a landlord of a country town whom be would recommend. The landlord told him by all means to get Marshall, and just at thst moment along came the rising Virginia lawyer with a hatfull of cherries and no collar on his neck. Poor Marshall fell as a lawyer at once, in. the estimation of the gentleman of large means. His ideas of the eternal fitness of things could never convince him that a man who ate cherries out of his hat, and wore no collar, could be a good lawyer. The gentleman oflarge means selected as his attorney a lawyer in powdered wig and with fine clothes and with age, as his recommendations. Circumstances disastrous to the man of large means placed John Marshall as the opponent of the lawyer with powdered wig, and the result taught the gentleman the homely truth, "Never trust in appearances," and the legal maxim, "better have a poor case and a good lawyer, than a poor lawyer and a good case." How Long Would it Take to Count Two-Millions? Over two million volumes ot the re vised edition of the New Testament were sold on the first day of its issue These figures can only be equaled by the enormous sale of Swayne's Oint ment for Itching Piles, which is uni versally used as a standard remedy for stopping the itching at night, when when one thinks that pin worms are crawling about the rectum. To cal culate the extent of its sale in actual figures, would involve the labor of a life-time. Will you be pestered lon ger from the aggravating Piles ? , DEVASTATING WATERS. Terrible Details ol Ruin Wrought by the Mississippi. MEMPHIS, Tenn., March 2, 1882. The nights of Monday and Tuesdav, February 27 and 28, were two of the most eventful in the history of the Mississippi River. A little after mid night of Monday a high wind arose, ac companied with heavy rain, and as it descended the last hope of keeping the waters from the lowlands died away, leaving the valley planters with noth iug but destruction staring them in the face. Between midnight and day light of Monday morning, when the wind was at its highest, the rain com ing dowc in torrents and the night as black as Egypt, enough breaks occurred in levees between Friar's Point, Miss., and Arkansas City to flood the entire county intervening. In an hour the richest cotton lands in the world were wavy seas, watery solitudes. At Car son's Landing the earthwork gave way in two places about half-past one o'clock in the morning, and the flood rushed in through a gap seventy-five yards wide. Nobody was on watch; the men had worked hard day and night until Mon day evening, and then they threw down their shovels and went to bed. In many places the levee was low, and levelled up with loose earth, and not strong enough to withstand much pres sure. It was in two such places that it gave way first, and the dam age could have been repaired by prompt and energetic action. But nothing was done until too late. A large business is done at this point, the annual shipments of cotton reach ing up in the neighborhood of 30,000 bales. THE RIVERTON DISASTER. Tuesday night was one of the deep est anxiety to the people of Riverton, which is a small place below Terrene, on the Mississppi side. About ten o'clock on Monday night the earthwork began slouching off directly in frout of the town, and another place a few hun dred yards further down looked dan gerous. Here, as everywhere else, the people were worn out, and the levee hands gave up entirely. No effort was made to strengthen either of the weak places, and at five o'clock in the morn ing a portion of a levee, 100 yards long, was swept away and the flood poured in upon the sleeping town. The roar of the rushing waters woke the inhabit ants of the town, which is situated di rectly behind the levee, and they had to flee for their lives. A brick chimney, which stood in the centre of the cata ract, was whirled round and round bodily, like a spinning top, and then went down. A cabin close by was lifted up entire and set o:i end. For tunately it was unoccupied. The peo ple had no time to dress, but, running from their houses, climbed trees or got astride of floating logs, where they re mained until relief came. One old ne gro woman, named Agnes Collins, lost, a purse, containing $250 in mon ey, and sitting down on her bed griev ed over it, while the water rushed in and floated her about the room from place to place until relief came. DROWNED IN THE FLOOD. A negro named "Jim" Kemp put his family on board a float, which broke into halves, and two of his chil dren were drowned. The landing keep er, Ben Haines, got into a skiff and recklessly approached too near the break. The current carried skiff and all under. His body could not be re covered. As there were only two soft's in the place the outlook was a bad one. The people had no way of getting out of their houses, many of which were floated from their blocks and overturned. It was attempted to stretch a rope from the main part of the town to a patch of high levee, so that the poeple could reach a place of safety by that means, but the attempt was unsuccessful. The men did all they could with the two skiffs to trans port the people from the tree tops, roofs of houses and other places of refuge to the levee. PICTURE OF DESTRUCTION. The live stock is all drowned, and there are no provisions for the people to subsist on. The break occurred about one hundred yards above Dun can's. A message has been sent to Terrene for the steamer Plow Boy to take the women and children to Mem phis. They are suffering greatly, hav ing lost every thing they possessed except the clothes on their backs. It is impossible to describe the fearful havoc and destruction the waters have wrought. Besides the break at River ton there are two more one at Wright's one mile below, and another at Judge Miller's place, two miles be low Riverton. Mules, horses, cows, goats and houses pass by continually. Add to these the falling and crashing timber, and you then have the faintest idea of the condition of things. In Duncan's there must be no less than twenty-five women aud children, and a good many more are huddled together on the levee. It is pitiful to see them half naked, frozen and hungry. Every house at Riverton, except Duncan's and Frank and Rening's has either floated off or is so damaged by the washing away of blocks as to be un fit for habitation when the waters de cline. RUINOUS TO THE PLANTERS. Perhaps the most serious breaks, as regards the planting interest, occurred at Bolivar, Miss. One crevasse above Old Bolivar is 200 yards wide, and an other below is about fifty feet ide. The water rushing over the largest break looked like a colossal mill dam and roared like thunder. Here, once again, the people were disheartened and utterly unable to woi k. The levee broke about the same hour as at Riv erton, and the consequences were simi lar as regards the town, though more serious to the planting interest. Sev eral people had narrow escapes. No lives were lost so far as could be learn ed. The people here, as elsewhere along the river, seem to be more at case in a dugout than in the cabin of a steamboat, and unless absolutely reckless, or inexcusably careless, they are not likely to lose their lives by the flood. The Baggot levee, as it is call ed, on one side of Bolivar is twenty feet high, and the main levee where the wide break occurred is five feet higher. The second break spoken of is just below Judge Clark's place. AT ARKANSAS CITY. Arkansas City is like a new Venice. The floods cover the floor of every store and dwelling in the city to a depth of from six inches to four feet, with one solitary exception, the house of a widow lady, which is built nine feet from the ground. The water in the hotel is twenty inches deep, and the guests are floated into the main hall in dugouts. The floor of the new oil mills is about a foot under water. All the prisoners in the jail have been removed to Monticello until the water goes down. THE DE N ADAMS' TRIP. The round trip of the Memphis and Arkansas City mail packet, Dean Ad ams, which left here on Monday even ing and returned at midnight last uight, was an exciting one. She made in all thirty-five landings, some of them ex tremely dangerous, on account of the high stage of the water. Sometimes she tied up to trees, at others to snags and at others went over the main bank directly up to the levees. At River ton she was hailed by a skiff, and a man yelled :—"For God's sake, lend us a boat! We have only two, and can't get the people out of the houses fast enough.' 'Lower that yawl in a hurry !' was Captain Cheek's answer. In a few moments the steamer's lifeboat floated in the water and was rowed off to the rescue. Instructions were left as to where to bring the boat with any per sons who might wish to leave, so that they could be taken up on their return, and the steamer passed on. Just as she was pushing off another skiff came skimming up with a couple of old tents and some new plank, which the owner was anxious to save, for the same rea son that feather beds are carried down stairs at fires. The property was taken aboard, and the steamer passed on to Glencoe, where a number of men were comfortably floating on a huge log raft. The mate called to them to send some one to the relief of the people at Riv erton, as they were about to drown and only had three boats. The reply was that they were not much better fixed, and they seemed utterly indiffer ent. One old fellow on the raft yelled to throw him a paper, for God's sake, as they were famished for news. He got one, and a conference was held among them as to what should be done in regard to Riverton, while the boat passed on her voyage, now no longer a business trip, but a voyage, so to say, of a mammoth lifeboat. RESCUING HUNDREDS. At nearly every landing somebody was taken aboard—little babies, weak women and decrepit old men who were not hardy enough to stand ex posure. Nobody was refused. If they had money they paid it, but if not they travelled free. At Eutaw a man came out in a skiff and said there were twenty or thirty women and children on the levee who wanted to come on board, and was told to go and bring them. At another place a lot of people came aboard in a skiff, and begged that the boat should wait until their bag gage could be braught from the levee. It was done. Numbers of people, however, saved nothiug, and were glad to save themselves. At a good many places where there were no levees the distress did not seem to be great. The people expected it and were prepared f§r it. Their houses were built away above the ground, and heads of people, dogs, cats and chickens could be seen peeping from the nooks and crannies of the upper stories. These people did not want to be moved, as they were well enough off. THE LOSS ON CATTLE. It is impossible yet to estimate the damage to stock on account of the breaks being of so recent a date. Much of that back of the high levee was necessarily lost when they broke. The people don't seem to care much wheth er the cattle are drowned or not. One large planter said he would be glad if the last cow in his county would be drowned, as they were more trouble than they were worth. Wherever it can be done cattle and mules are quar tered on the levees, and when they are drowned their hides are saved. The levees from Friar's Point down are studded with stock which are being fed. Few mules and horses have been lost so far by water, though, as feed is scarce, they will be in poor condition for work when the water goes down. Mr.Suddotb, a prominent merchant and planter at Friar's Front, Miss., vigorously protested against the calls for relief and said there was no neces sity for it. He was feeding his hands and all his meighbors were doing the same thing, and were able to do it. He was afraid of the movemeut toward furnishing rations, as it was likely to to demoralize the darkies. Numbers of planters in the very worst part of the overflow are feeding their hands and do not want any rations issued. Those planters who own farms stores have thrown them open to tbeir hands just as if it was a busy season. It is to their interest to do so. Yet relief is wanted in some localities, and that at once. THE LEVEE SYSTEM. Dozens of leading planters were talked with in regard to the levee sys tem. They were found to be mightily mixed. Some favored levees, while others thought it would be better if they had never existed. It is a fact, however, that the lands now protected by levees would new have been im proved at ail but for ihem and w- uld be uncultivated, as they are subject to overflow every year. Other lands which have no levees and are cultiva ted are not subject to overfl ;w except at extreme high water, and then are benefited by the rich alluvial deposits. It is remarked, universally, that if the amount spent on the levees had been judiciously directed it would have been sufficient to hold the water at bay. The overflowed country embraced in this report comprises two river dis tricts, as they are called. The first runs from Memphis to the lower bound ary of Coahoma county, and has no organized Board, and very little money has been spent on the levees, which are kept up by a tax levied by each county independent of the other. The second district comprises Isaquena, Washington and Bolivar counties, and has a Board of Commissioners, who have power to issue scrip every season, redeemable the next, for $50,000. On account of these last disaslers, however, the Legislature will be asked to pass a law allowing them to issue $250,000 in bonds, redeemable in five years. In the past six years this Board has paid an old debt of $580,000 and has built fifty miles of new levee, besides rebuild ing sixty miles This tax was raised by a levy of $1 per bale on cotton, though as much as $4 a bale has been paid. The revenue from this source last year was $120,000. The loss to planters by the present in undation of the Mississippi River can not fall short of $500,000. It is esti mated that fully forty lives have been lost in the flooded districts between Cairo and Vicksburg. STATE POLITICS. Monroe county has elected A. C. Jansen, an anti-machine Republican, as Representative delegate, and lion. Wru. Davis, also an anti-machine man, as Senatorial delegate to the next State Convention. Crawford, Jefferson and a number of the Western counties have declared in favor of Maj. Brown, of Pi f '3burg, as the Republican candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court. It is generally believed now that Maj. Brown will be the nominee. The Lawrence county Democrats have instructed delegates to their State Convention to support Hon. R E. Pattison, of Philadelphia, for Governor; William Gordon, of New Castle, for Lieutenant Governor, and Judge Bredin, of this county, for the Supreme Court. The Prohibition State Convention met at Altoona on Thursday week last and nominated the following tick et : For Governor, A. C. Pettit, Lawrence couaty ; Lieutenant Gov nor, Alvin Williams, Chester ; Secre tary of Internal Affairs, Ezra Cross man, McKean ; Judge of the Supreme Court, Simeon P. Chase, Susquehanna. The resolutions reaffirm constitutional prohibition as a fundamental principal, declare a prohibition party a necessity, arraign the political parties, reprobate penal labor, indorse protection, and de clare in favor of the political equality of woman with man. The home organ of Treasurer Butler says: "Farmer Butler is cutting a tolerably wide swarth in Pennsylvania just now. If he can rake up all his harvest on May 10th it will be a good days work." The Huntingdon Globe objects to the selection of delegates from that county to the State Convention by the County Committee, which, it says, was named by the chairman in oppo sition to the rules of the party. The Independent Easton Expiess thus delivers itself: "To vote for any man or set of men merely because their names are by some means put upon the Regular ticket or the Inde pendent ticket is to vote as the slaves of a system." MAJ. BROWN ENDORSED. It is a safe conclusion, says the Westchester Republican, to base your judgment of a man's fitness upon the standing he has among his home peo ple and profession. Therefore, Major Brown, is per se, a fit man to succeed Judge Sharswood. BOOMING AHEAD. Maj. A. M. Brown, of Allegheny, is booming ahead "for the Republican Supreme Judgship, like a house on fire. He will not only have a solid home delegation, but he bids fair to have every county in Western Pennsylvnia instructed for him. If so, Don aud his bosses will have to change their program, or there is danger of a collis ion—and may be an explosion. — Bea ver Times. MAJ. BROWN INDORSED IN ARMSTRONG. KTTTANNING, PA., March 4—At a meeting of the Republican members of the Armstrong County Bar at Kittan ning, Pa., March 2d, 1882, the follow ing endorsement of Maj. A. M. Brown as candidate for the Supreme Bench was issued as an address to the voters of the State : To the Citizens of Pennsylvania : Believing that Major A. M. Brown, of the Allegheny County Bar, one of the most eminent lawyers in the State, rightfully claims recognition aud sup port from his fellow citizens, therefore, in acknowledgment of his true worth, legal ability and good moral character, we indorse him as a candidate for the Supreme Bench. Still further testifying to his legal experience that has so well fitted him for this position, we the members of the Armstrong County Bar, unhesita tingly indorse his candidacy and urge his nomination. Brain and Jferte. Well's Health Renewer, greatest remedy on earth for impotence, lean ness, sexual debility, &c., sl. at drug gists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6 for $5. E S. WELLS, Jersey City, N. J. S. A A. Railroad—Extension ot the Road—Election of Officers, dc. At a meeting, says the Greenville Advance Argus, March, 2., of the stockholders of the Connoquenessing Valley R. R. Co., held in this place on the 28th ult., the President and Secre tary were authorized to issue bonds to the amount of $400,000 for the build ing and equipping of the road, and to let contracts for the construction of the same. The officers of the Company are—J. T. Blair, President; Jno. M. Thompson, Vice President; I. D. Stinson, Secretary and Treasurer ; P. E. McCray, Auditor. Directors—Jas. A. Stranahan, A. H. Steele, Thos. P. Fowler, J. P. Green, J- M. Thompson, Chas. McCandless, W C. Stinson. s. & A. R. R. Co. On the following day, March Ist, the stockholders of the S. & A. R. R. Co. met in the Superintendent's office in this place and elected the following officers: A. H. Steele, President; Thos. 11. Wells, Vice President; J. T. Blair, General Superintendent; J. H. Beatty, Secretary; I. D. Stinson, Treasurer and General Ticket Agent; P- E. Mc- Cray, Auditor. Directors—Thos. P. Fowler, Paul Wick, J. T. Blair, T. H. Oliphant, Wm. Achre, James Sheak ley. M. M. 4 M. CO. On the same occasion officers were elected for the Mercer Mining & Man ufacturing Co., as follows : A. 11. Steele, President; J. T. Blair, Vice President; J. H. Beatty, Secreta ry ; I. D. Stinson, Treasurer; P. E. McCray, Auditor. Directors—Thos. H. Wells, Thos. P. Fowler, T. H. Ol iphant, Wm. Achre, Jas. Sheakley, J. T. Blair. After April Ist the Union will take the place of the U. S. Express line on the S. & A. road. Oatarrh of the Bladder. Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupabia. sl. at drug gists. Prepaid by express, $1.25,6 for $4. E S WELLS, Jersey City, N. J —Men's, Boys' and Childrens' over coats, at less than cost, at Heck &, Patterson's. —Heck & Patterson are closing overcoats out, at less than cost to manufacture. —Ladies' Gossamer Gum Coats, cheapest in Butler, at Heck & Patter sou's. JAMES M. GALIIBEATH was admitted to the practice of the law, in this coun ty, on Monday last. Cenlreyille Items. Taffy I Starts off well ; the subscription list of the U. P. building committee. Home; Mr. W. C. liard, who has been attending lectures at a Dental college in Philadelphia. Robt. McKnight will remove to Beaver Falls where he will take part in the establishment of a planing mill. The ball given by the X. D. C. on the 22nd was a success. Mrs. Christ ley, of the Christley Hotel, furnished an elegant repast, and Lightner's Or chestra, of Mercer county, most de-1 lightful music. Our statement last week of the diffi culty at Coalville was not strictly cor rect. The miners received orders to { remove the slack. As this was not in cluded in their contract, they refused to do this and were ordered to take out their tools. This they did and re mained out a week, when thi company gave in and notified them to return at tbe old rates. The members of the Literary Society of the publie"schools took special pains with the program of last Monday even ing, and invited visitors. The exercises which we deem especially meritorious were: Declamations by Messrs. Kings bury, Kissick, McCarnes and Muntz. Essays: Misses Pearson and Muntz. Orations: Messrs. Gill, Patterson and McQuistion. Recitations : Misses Kerr and Wick. The music, as the manager informed us, was a failure. It was a case of talent vs. training. Mr. Mor row acted the Yankee character very well. We would advise that, in gen eral, dialogues be selected introducing characters of a more dignified type than those represented on this occasion. Mr. Morrow is to be congratulated on his success in retaining the interest of the pupil in the literary work and on their very noticable improvement. BILLY WILLIAMS. The Revenue ComuiisHion. This body, at its recent session in Philadelphia, practically completed all the recommendations which it had to make to its sub-committee appointed to draft the bill which is to be report ed to the Legislature. These recom mendations are in brief that building associations, manufacturing corpora tions and limited partnerships engaged in manufacturing, be exempt from all State taxes; that the tax on money at interest be reduced from four to two miles ; that Arms and corporations en gaged in commerce or shipbuilding within the State be relieved from all State taxes. Besides these things a separate bill is to be reported revising the methods of collecting mercantile, liquor and other licenses and taxes, so as to insure better returns. The meth od of returning moneys at interest is also changed, so as to cause the return to be made under oath. If these rec ommendations are carried out by the passage of the bill, taxes will have been reduced to the amount of about $600,000 annually, and yet the reve nues of the State will not have been decreased half that amount. The Commission sought to meet every reasonable complaint, and we believe the result of their labors will be en dorsed by the Legislature.— Ex. MARRIED. CAMPBELL—GIBSON—On March 2. 1882, by the Rev. T. M. Thompson, of North Wash ington, this county, Mr. Washington Camp bell and Miss Hannah Jane Gibson, both of Fairview township, this county. HOGUE—STAMATS—On Feb. 23d, I*B2, at his residence in West Liberty, Mr. W. D. Hogue and Miss Mary E. Stamats, both of Jacksville, Butler county, Pa. MEARS—ALLEN—On Jan. 25,1552, by the Rev. James M. Shields, Mr. Robert Mears, of Yankton, D. T., and Miss Alice Allen, of Zel ienople, Pa. » PONTIUS—SOMMERSVILLE—On .Mar. 1, 1882, at Worthington, Pa., by Rev* R. L. Grove, Mr. S. J. Pontius, of Butler county, Pa., and Miss Sadie C. Sommersville, of Armstrong county, Pa. DEATHS. MELVIN —In Muddycreek township, this county, on March 2d, 1882, Mr. Philip Melvin, in the 80tli year of his age. , GROVE—In Prospect, this county, March 4th inst., Mrs. Grove, aged 84 years. FORBES—Feb. 26th, 1882, Burte Deloss Forbes, second son of I. and M. Forbes, of Al legheny township, Butler county, Pa., aged eight years, ten months and nine days. To Butler County House. keepers. I would respectfully call your attention to the fact that 1 am Sole Agent in Butler county for the sale of the WALKER WASHER, the best and cheapest washer made. Orders respectfully so licited. For further particulars, address WM. J. PEACO, Local agents wanted. Bakers town, l'a. Estate of James HtcDeavitt. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of JainesMcDea vltt, deceased, late of Brady township, KutlerCo., Pa., all persons knowing themselves indebted to sai<l estate will please make payment and any having claims against the same will present thein duly authenticated for payment. DAXIEL McDEAYITT, I A,1„.-~ JNO. A. GLENN, t Aum West Liberty, Butler Co., Pa, 8m Estate of Robert Love. Letters testamentary on the estate of Kobert Love, deceased, late of Clinton township, Butler comity, Pa., having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment, and anv having claims against said estate will present tliein duly authenticated for payment. JOHN S. LOVE, Kiddles X Roads P. O. Ex'rs. JAMES M'CAFFERT Y, Sarversville P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. Estate of Isaac C. Miller. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Isaac C. Mil ler, deceased, late of Washington township, Butler coPnty, Pa., ail persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make payment and those having claims against the same will present them dulv authenticated for settlement. PHILIP HILLIAKD, Adm'r. maß Billiards, Butler Co., Pa. Estate of Sarali Miller. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Sarah Mil ler, deceased, iate of Washington township, Butler county, l'a., all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make pavment and those having claims against the same to present them dulv authenticated for settlement. PHILIPHILLIARI), Adm'r. ma.S Hilliards, Butler Co., Pa. Webb's Eclectric Medicine. Is a positive and effectual remedy for all Ner vous Diseases in every stage of life—young or old, male or female. Such as Impotency, Prostration, loss of Strength, loss of Vitality, Defective Memo ry. Impaired Brain Power, and diseases from which an unnatural waste of life springs, all of which cannot fail to undermine the whole system. Every organ is weakened, every power prostrated, and manv forms of disea.se are generated which, if not checked, pave the way to an early death. It reiuvinates age and reinvigorates youth. Each package contains sufficient for two weeks treatment. Write for pamphlet, which will be sent free, with full particulars. Sold by all Druggists at 50 cents a package, or twelve packages for ia.oo. Will be sent free by mail on receipt of money, by addressing WEBB'S ECLECTRtC MEDICINE CO.. A cure guaranteed, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by D. 1L Wuller, Butler, Pa. jau3 ;ly,, CH< FOH RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals ST. J ACOBS OIL U a suffjsure. simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 CrnlH. and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of Its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS II MEDICIITE. A.VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Md., V. 8. Am GREAT GE&M DESTROYER DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. I Pitting of SMALL FOX Prevented. Ulcers purified and heal- Gangrene prevented and wmmmmm cured. „ A , Dysentery cured. Contagion destroyed. Wounds healed rapidly. Sick rooms punned and Purvey cured in short made pleasant. time Fevered and Sick Per- Tetter dried up. sons relieved and re- it j s perfectly harmless, freshed by bathing y or gore Throat it is a with Prophylactic Hu- sure cure id added to the water. Soft White Complexions secured by its use in bathing. HIPTHFRIA Impure Air made harm- u '' ' "turn less and purified bv nnn iruTrn sprinkling Darby's PREVENTED. Fluid about. To purify the breath, Cleanse the Teeth, it , l; _ can't be surpassed. Cholera dissipated, Catarrh relieved and snip Fever Prevented by cured. its use. Ervsipelascured. Incases of death in the Burns relieved instantly, house, it should always Scars prevented. ' he used about the Removes all unpleasant corpse—it will prevent odors. any unpleasant smell. An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, &c. CpARI CT Dangerous eifiuvias of riri/rn sick rooms and lios t tVLn pitals removed by its CUBED. ERADICATED. In fact it is the great Disinfectant and Purifier, PUEPABED BY J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Manufacturing Chemists, SOLE PROPRIETORS List of Applications for liirense, THE following applications have been filed In the office of the Clerk of Quarter Sessions, and will be presented to the Court for action thereon, on FRIDAY. MARCH 10th, 1882 : BUTLER BOROUGH, Tavern—J .1 Feidler, Geo W Campbell. Henry Eitenmiller. Charles Boyle, A Lowry, Leonard Nicholas. ... ... Restaurant—Jordan Eytli, Geo J Smith, Gabriel Kohler, Geo L Rose, Samuel Sykes, John M Smith, Robert S Millingcr. Merchant —Geo & Jacob Relber. Ml LLERSTOWN BOROUGH. Tavern —Henry Lockhart, Johnston & Campbell, Jonn Glass. Restaurant—James Cogan. PETItOLIA BOROUGH. Tavern—Ed O Donnell, J L Clark, J B Dougher ty, W H Jellison. KARXS CITY BOROUGH. Tavern—John A Richey, John McGuire. ZELIEN'OPLE BOROUGH. Tavern—llenrv Stokey, James Oesterling, Jacob Shelly. Merchant—George Stahl, HARMONY BOROUGn. Tavern—Beam & Dindinger, Jacob Feidler. Merchant—Jacob F Wise. Restaurant—Peter Otto. SAXONBURG BOROUGH. Tavern—Francis Laubie, E F Muder, Jos Kohn felder. EVANSBURG (.JACKSON TWP.) Tavern—J N Miller, Henry W Stokey. BOROUGH FAIRVIEW. Tavern—James T. Wilson. ST. JOE (DONEGAL TWP.) Tavern—Sophia Reitli. COALVILLE (SLIPPERYROCK TWP.) Merchant—George Moon. Tavern—Lafayette Kelso. HILLIARDS STATION (WASHINGTON TWP.) Merchant—John Higgins. Tavern—John Scott, John Sherman, LANCASTER TOWNSHIP. Tavern—William Walil. CARBON BLACK. Tavern—Charles Pfabe. CLEARFIELD TOWNSHIP. Merchant—\\ in S McCrea. Tavern—Michael J Mcßride, Bridget Gateas. DELANO STATION (WINFIELD TWP.) Tavern—Lewis Weidhaas. GREAT BELT (.JEFFERSON TWP.) Tavern—Michael Shields. OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. Tavern—lsaac Hepler. TROI'TMAN FARM. Tavern—Thompson Ciimmings, John A Harding. SUMMIT TOWNSHIP. Tavern—Albert Smith. BYROM CENTRE (ALLEGHENY TWP.) Taveru—C M Burnett. BITENA VISTA. Tavern—O D Adams. Certified from the Record. Feb. 21,1882. W. B. DODDS, Clerk. Jury List lor Special March Term. List of traverse jurors drawn for a special term of Court, commencing on the third Monday ot March being the 20th day, A. D„ 1882 : Lewis Blaine, Franklin township, farmer. R M Black. Cherrv township, farmer. Fred Berry. Frtinklin twp. farmer. Charles Book, Cherry township, fanner. Dixon Bartly, Parker township, farmer. E N Christy, Concord township, farmer. Robert Dunn, Karns City, J. P. Thomas Denny, Middlesex twp, fanner. J W Ekas, Cliiiton township, farmer. George Filmier, Muddycreek twp. fanner. Martin Flinner, Coniioquenessing tp, farme Michael Flinner, Lancaster twp, farmer. A II Faller, Butler borough, clerk. J A Forqucr, Marion twp, farmer. George Graham, Worth township, merchant. James Galbreath, Winfield township, fanner. 11 H Gallagher, Butler hor., ex-recorder, W C Holland, Washington twp, farmer. George King. Mercer township, farmer. Peter Kittle, Butler township, farmer. James H Love, Clinton township, farmer. Samuel McConnell. Siipj>eryroek twp.,fanner. James McGarvey, West Fairview twp, fanner. James McMichael Millerstown bor,eoal dealer C R McGinnis, Venango township, farmer. M D McElwee, Oakland township, farmer. Ilenrv Maurhoff, Forward twp. farmer. J A Mahood, Washington twp. farmer. D R McCullougii, Worth township. James Patterson, Slippervrock twp, farmer. Win ltansel, Millerstown liorough. Win Richards, Karns City, drayman. Benj ltichanlson, Adams township, fanner. Henry Shaffer, Zelienople bor, lal>orer. S. M. Starr, Concord twp., farmer. John Staples, Adams twp., farmer. Robt. Sterrett, Jr., Marion twp., farmer. J. W. Shoaff, lianiy twp., laborer. A J Wick, Mercer township, farmer. Robert Walters, Adams township, farmer. Joseph West. Cranberry twp, farmer. John Witsell, Fairview twp, farmer. Permanent Employment. Wanted—Men of integrity and abili ty to take orders for trees, shrubs and vines from our Geneva (N. Y.) Nur series. Good wages and steady em ployment to good salesmen. Address irith references, D. 11. PATTY & Co., Nurseymen, Geneva, X. Y. fjf-Advertise in the Ci'iltlX. *