Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 01, 1882, Image 2
BUTLER CITIZEN- M. k W. C. ME6LEY, PROP'RS, Entered at the Postofice at Butler as second-classs matter. How. THOMAS M. BAYS*, member of Congress, has our thanks for public documents. Also State Auditor Lem on for a copy of his Annual Report for the year 188 L JOHN W. GARRETT has presented to the State of Maryland a portrait of George Calvert, the first Lord Balti more, c<?pied from a painting made in the reign of James L THE Commissioner of Internal Rev enue reports that the quantity of spirits in distillery warehouses on January Ist, was 73,806,941 taxable gallons, which is about 40,500,000 in excess ot last year. OVRR in the town of Washington, this State, they took a vote on the day of the Spring election, last week, as to cows running at large in the same, which resulted in a majority against the COWB. AFTER having lasted two months, the dead-lock in the New York Legislature, caused by a fight among the Demo crats, has been broken, and the business of the State will now be allowed to proceed. IT is asserted with much positiveness that President Davis, of the Senate, will vote tor the bill admitting Dakota as a State. His vote will give the Repub licans a majority and assure the pas sage of the bill. THR little English sparrows fly around all winter. Throughout the coldest days they are to be seen about, chattering and lively. As an evidence of their hardy nature they have been seen washing themselves in the little pools of water on the pavements or streets 'upon the coldest days this winter THR venerable Ex-Chief Justice Agnew heartily endorses Major A. M. Brown for the Supreme bench. He says; "I feel that the West ought to have the Judgeship and I know none in whom we can rely as a man of the people more than in Major A. M. Brown, a good lawyer and an honest and fearless man." THR memorial services in Congress to the lamented President Garfield came off on Monday. Blaine's eulogy was all that was expected of him. It is a simple narrative of the life and character of a good man. While grand in thought yet it is plain in style, no light sounding terms or words of bitter ness in it. He does not allude to the assassin by name. For the occasion it was appropriate and may be regarded as a model. We will en. deavor to give it to our readers in full. THI HOD. William 8. Garvin, of Mercer, whose death was announced last week, was the veteran editor of the Western Pre M of Mercer, a paper be edited for aboat fifty years. Daring all of this time Mr. Garvin was a prominent Democratic politician in the western part of this State, and was elected to Congress in 1844, from a district of which Mercer county was a part, defeating the now distinguished jnrist, Hon. John J, Pearson, for that office. Although an intense partisan be ia said to kare been an honest and an honorable man in all bis public and private life. He waa in the 76th year of his age. STATK TREASUBEB BUTLER, now a candidate for Governor, is a resident of Uwcblao township, Chester county. His admiring friends call him the "TTwcblan farmer," hoping thereby to win the agriculturalists vote, but "how in—thunder" they expect Penn sylvania Dutchmen to pronounce this jaw-breakiog. Welsh name is a mystery to ns. The Village Record, of Chester county, insists that it is an ea*y name to "tackle" if you only know how, and tagrs it is pronounced Ulce-lan with the acfeftat oa the last syllable, and signifies high land. Why not fhen style Butler the "Highland laddie? It is more poetical as well as more eupboneous. WHAT Butler county needs is a greater development of its agricultural and mineral resources and the estab liahmeat of manufactories within its boundaries. There Is capital enough in the county, if properly invested, to ad- TKice it among the foremost producing counties in the State. The construc tion of new railroads and the improve ment of the old ought to impart a new impetus to every branch of business. We look for an awakening to a proper realization of this among home capital lata. Surely money can be invested to better advantage than in bonds which draw only a low rate of interest.—Pe trolia Record. THE postoffice department at Wash ington city ban made a late decisiou which it will be well for all postmasters to heed. By the decision postmasters Me not allowed to give a paper address ed to a subscriber to one who is Dot a subscriber unless by express permis sion ; nor allow any one to read the pa per and then pat it back in the box for the subscriber. The reason for this de cision is that great complaints have been made from various sections by subscribers to newspapers, that their papers are constantly read by persons who are to penurious to subscribe for them, and that when they got them they were in a condition scarcely to be read. The Postmaster-General says that any postmaster allowing such a practice in his office it will lie just cause for removal. LEGISLATIVE SALARY. It will be recollected a question arose daring the session of the last Legislature as to the amount of pay the members should receive. The new Constitution of 1874 provided that the members should receive "such salary" as might "be fixed by law," for each session, "and no other compensa tion whatever." The evident design of the framers of the new Constitution was to put nd end to a very bad prac tice that had existed, of each Legisla ture fixing its own compensation, and of members also receiving additional amounts for services upon special com mittees, etc. Or, in other words, the object was to have the sum "fixed by law." Ths Legislature that followed the adoption of the Constitution did fix, or attempt to fix, this sum or "salary." This was done by enacting a law that provided that for a session of a hundred days, or less, the members should have a "salary" of SI,OOO ; and if the session exceeded one hundred days, then $lO per day for each suc ceeding day not exceeding fifty days. This was passed in 1874, and since then the legislators have received pay ment under it, the result being that the sessions since then have extended to about one hundred and fifty days, thus giving them the SI,OOO for the hun dred days and SSOO for the additional fifty days, virtually making the "salary" $1,500. If this was not in accordance with the terms of the new Constitution it is most remarkable that it was per mitted to stand as a law for the length of time it did. Our own opinion was and is now, that it was not in accord ance with the true intent and meaning of the new Constitution ; and this for the reason that it was a mixing np of "salary" payment and per day pay ment, this per diem or day part being the very thing it was intended by the new Constitution to prevent But while thinking BO we did not admire the manner in which the question was sprung upon the members of the pres ent Legislature by the Attorney Gener al of the State. As these members had been elected with the understand ing, on their part, that they were to receive the same salary or pay as mem bers of immediately proceeding Legis latures, we thought the question should have been raised in such a manner as to give notice and apply to future Legislators, who, having notice, could not complain if the law on the subject was found to be unconstitutional. However, the question was brought before the Supreme Court of the State as to the present Legislature and that body has just decided that the law of 1874 is constitutional and that mem bers are entitled to the per day part of their ".salary,' being the part in dis pute, SSOO to each member, in addition al to the SI,OOO already received by them. The court decides that both terms mean but "salary," and that un der that word, of "salary" is embraced "pay," "wages," "per dium," or oth erwise. And as the Supreme Court has the last yuess in the matter we suppose this must settle the question, at least for the present. A BOLD, BAD ACT. We were among those disposed to give President Arthur a fair trial, to judge his administration by bis acts, without prejudice from the past or from tho wicked deed that made him President All else to this time that be has done might have been endured. But in picking up Roecoe Conkling, and proposing bis name to the Senate of the United States for a Judge of the Supreme Court,—President Arthur has done an act that shocks the sensi bilities of the Nation. While the wounds are not yet healed ; the tears not yet dry, and Guiteau yet unhung, the man whose political acts are be lieved by the people, in their heart of hearts, to have done more than all else to inspire the foul murderer of Gar field, is to be honored by bis successor. Can there be any questiou that the nomination by the President of Conk ling is a'wrong and an outrage on the Republican party ? Is it not an in sult to the memory of Garfield ? Is it not an outrage on all bis family and friends? And what is the necessity for all this? Let the motive of the President be what it may, nothing can justify the act. It is bold and bad, and will be condemned. The Repub lican Senators who advise and consent to this nomination will also be repu diated by their people. It is made in defiance of public sentiment. It is an attempt to restore to life a justly dead politician, whose ambition and selfish ness sought to disrupt and destroy the Republican party. It is an attempt to honor by the Nation a man rejected by his own State. In every phase it is uncalled for and wrong. A OOOIJ THUAT. The lecture of President Jeffers, of Westminister College, in the Court House here on last Thursday evening, was one of the best intellectual treats our people have had. There was a ready, off band manner with Mr. Jef fers that made him very agreeable. His subject, "Brains," took a wide range and taught us something both of anatomy and of mind. Wit, humor and anecdote were intersjMirsed to the great relish of bis audience. Besides the many other good things he said he was particularly complimentary to the press, classing editors with even church elders. This compliment was soothing to members of the press here and duly appreciated. We lIO[KJ friend Jeffers will be called back here again, as we really enjoyed his matter and style ot lecturing. (Kir* UttiUtt ®it iu*m lßß2, REFORM VICTORIOUS. In Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and other places, at elections last week, the question uppermost with the peo ple was the putting down of rings and boss rule. Anti-ring tickets were nominated in Philadslphia and elected, being the first signal triumph for re form in that ring-ridden city. In other places it was the same. The deter mination to rid the Republican party of Pennsylvania of central boss power and rule is very general. This ap pears to be the favorable year to do so, and all Republicans, having nothing but the purity and good of the party at heart, should see to it that no oppor tunity is lost to free the party from the odium of boss rule. MARCH COURT. The regular term of March Court commences on next Monday, 6th inst., to continue two weeks. •On the first week the grand jury will be in Fession to act upon business brought before it. The applications for license will also be heard on this week. The second week, commencing 13th day, will be for trial ofCommonwealth cases, old and new, for which a traverse jury has been summoned. There will consequently be many people iu town from all parts of the county during these two weeks. Our subscribers, generally, make it a point to call and settle back amounts then due, and many not having occasion to come to Court themselves Bend in the arrears with some neighbor coming. By the first of next month we will have been editing this paper thirteen years, and yet there are some to whom it is sent that we have received nothing from for about half of this time. It is to them we direct this, hoping this notice will cause their attention to the matter during the coming courts and before April first coming. EX-CHIEF JUSTICE AGNEW says that a history of two hundred years has shown all liquor license laws to be failures, that legislators were unable to enact laws upon that subject that could be enforced, even when beneficial, and that the only way to attain the objects aimed at by the Prohibitionists is to haye a fundamental law regard ing prohibition incorporated in the Constitution. THE Lenton season began this year February 22nd—Ash Wednesday— wbicb was also Qeorge Washington's birthday. Lent is a fast of forty days observed by the Roman Catholic and other churches before Easter, in com memoration of our Savior's fasting in the wilderness. The name is derived from the Saxon leny, spring, from the time of the year in which it is observ ed. It is used as a preparation for Easter. The observance of Lent is 'of great antiquity, for from the first ages of Christianity it was usual to set aside some time for humiliation and special exercises immediately before Easter. At first it extended only to for ty hours, then to thirty-six days, and four additional days were added in the ninth century. Blaine MI Uarfleld. The great eulopry of James G. Blaine upon the life and death of James A. Garfield, was delivered before Congress on Monday last. The following is its closing We will try to give other portions of it hereafter : "Great in life he was surpassingly great in death. For no cause, in the very frenzy and wicked edness, by the red hand of murder, he was thrust from the full tide of this world's interest, from its hopes, its as pirations, its victories, into the visible presence of death—and he did not quail. Not alone for the one short moment in which, stunned und dazed, he could give up life, hardly aware of its re linquishment, but through days of deadly languor, through weeks of ag ony,that was not less agony because silently borne, with clear sight.and calm courage, he looked into his open grave. What blight and ruin met his anguished eyes, whose lips may tell— what briliant, broken plans, what baffled high ambitions, what sundering of strong, warm, manhood's friendships, what bitter rending of sweet house hold ties! Behind him a proud, ex pectant oation, a great host of sustain ing friends, a cherished and happy mother, wearing the full, rich honors of early toil and tears; the wife of his youth, whose •vholc life lay in (|is ; the little boys not yet emerged from childhoods day of frolic; the fair, young daughter; the sturdy Bons just springing into closest companionship, claiming every day, and every day rewarding a father's love and care; and in his heart the eager rejoicting power to meet all deinund. Before him, dissolution and great darkness! And bis soul was not shaken. His countrymen were thrill ed with instant, profound and universal sympathy. Masterful in his mortal weakness, he become the center of a nation's love, enshriuned in the prayers of a world. Brit all the love and all the sympathy could not share his suffering." He trod the wine-presß alone. With unfaltering front he faced death. With unfailing tender ness he took leave of life. Above the demoniac hiss of the assassin's bullet he heard the voice of God. With sim ple resignation he bowed to the Divine decree. AB the end drew near his early cruving for the sea returned. The state ly mansion of power had been to him the wearisome hospital of pain, and he begged to be taken from its prison walls, from itH oppressive, stifling tiir, fiom its bomelessness and its bopeless ness. Gently, silently, the love of a great peoplo bore the pule sufferer to the longed-for healing of the sea, to live or to die, as God should will, within sight of its heaving billows, within sound of its manifold voices. With wan, fevered face tenderly lifted to the cooling breeze, he looked out wistfully upon the ocean's changing wonders; ou its fair sails, whitening iu the morn ing light; on its restless waves, rolling shoreward to break and die beneath the noonday sun : on the red clouds of evening, arching low to the horizon ; on the serene and shining pathway of the stars. Let us think that his dying eyes read a mystic meaning which on ly the rapt and parting soul may know. Let us believe that in the silence of the receding world he heard the great wave breaking on a further shore, and felt already upon his wasted brow the breath of eternal morning." [From MeKeesport, (Pa.,) Times of Feb. 15. J For Supreme Court of Penn sylvania; Maj. A. M. urown. 'Historians, briefly, with truth and clearness should relate.' When one sincerely respects an in dividual, it is very hard to write un romantic facts. Our admiration oft times tempts us to extol the virtues of a man for whom we entertain the warmest feelings of regard. The truth- ful adjectives will tell the story much better than would the superfluities of jesthetics. One of the most eminent lawyers in the State now rightfully claims recognition and support from his fellow citizens. The Supreme Court is the conscience of the State, and in November next there is to be elected to this place of trust one new member to take the place vacated by Chief Justice Sharswood, retiring. He who would take upon himself this sa cred trust must be a man of Jorce —a man of acute ability, of legal instinct; a man possessing a strong sense of right; and, besides being an able law yer, he must be capable of being an hon est, conscientious and impartial Judge. Pennsylvania has many very eminent lawyers and many are eager for such a high distinction, yet all unite in ac knowledging Maj. A. M. Brown to be the man most fitted for such a respon sible position. Being a Western man his claims are doubly good—since it is but right, with the present bench com posed of a majority of the Judges re siding in the East, there should be another from the West. "NOW, WHO IS THIS MAN ?" With pleasure we relate the history of Maj. A. M. Brown. He was born 52 years ago in Brownsdale, Butler county, Pa., of staunch okTCovenanter f stock. At the age of 15 years, he was able to successfully contest with men of matured minds." On growing up he became a clerk in the wholesale grocery store of Jamea Marshall, Allegheny city, but afterwards he Btarted up for himself in Brownsdale. While not yet out of his teens he was elected Major of a militia regiment, Col. McLaughlin, commanding. In '49,' having been taken with 'the gold fever,' he set out by the over-land rout for California. The perils of this trip, its humors and its incidents, are set forth in his book, which he wrote of his travels on re turning, with a descriptive power rare ly equaled in the works of our very best literary characters. Here we find him in the role of lawyer. Entering the office ol his uncle, T. M. Marshall, Esq., he began the study of the law soon after his return from 'beyond the Mississippi.' Developing marked abil ity be became his uncle's partner. In 1865 Mr. Brown went into bußinese for himself, and for the past eleven years his practice has not fallen below the handsome net of $25,000, per an num. We were permitted to examine the Twenty Second Volume of bis Cas es argued in the Supreme Court, and to show the methodical habits of this remarkable man, who claims your con sideration, allow us to point you to the great care shown in the compiling of his 'paper books' on many of the most important cases reported in the United States and tried by him. For conve nience he has a 'brief to each volume corresponding to the arrangement of Brightly's Digest. He has, also, a large number of volumes of Bills in Equity, bound. The examination of these volumes will convince any law yer that be who wrote them possessed a master Aristotelian mind, a genius of flashing brilliancy, a memory that holds tor all time the most trivial cir cumstances. And as to his scholar ship. 'The erudition of this man is marvelous!' It is an indisputable fact, whatsoever else may be said, that Maj. A. M. Brown has a larger knowledge of the practice in the Supreme Court of this State than any other man in the entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Few lawyers succeed in filling even one-half the volumes of paper-books in the whole course of their lives, such as Mr. Brown fills each year. He is an able man, a careful man, an honest man, and withal, a refined, cultured, scholarly, gentle mannered man. And now, that one strange coincident, con nected with our candidate must be re lated, to add a little romance to a life spent amidst musty papers and old law books, let us prophesy that Old Mid dlesex township Butler county, may again be represented, this time not by Chief Justice Thompson, but by Chief Justice Brown, whose father's farm ad- joined that of the old Chief Justice Thompson, under whose observation 'young Brown' had been regarded as a youth of good promise and rare capaci ty. Wo wonder does this coincident auger propitiously ? To hia fellow cit izeos he comes recommended by his works, 'By thy works thou shalt be justified.' Maj. Brown is a worthy man, and ho comes claiming your recognition as 'one whom Nature's self had made to mock herself and truth to imitate.' A nci being the candidate of the West, be is certain of the nomination, if this persevering, pushing end of the State can give it to him; and 'nominated' means elected, fur Maj. Brown is, l»c --vond a doubt, a candidate chosen for his worth, by the universal acclamation of an admiring, trusting people. And now for a few words of comment on that which are virtue, magnanimity, as it appears in the character of Mr Brown. No man is more considerate and generous to the faults of others. No lawyer more willing to lend a help ing hand to those struggling to earn an honest living. Encouraging young men by kindly treatment, he is grate fully remembered by many. None es cape his memory. His though tfulness for the interests of others is shown in many instances, as for instance when urged by his friends to contest against the late Judge Hampton for President Judge of the Common Pleas Court of Allegheny county, his idea of justice and the 'fitness of things' prompt ed him to refuse to be a candidate against a friend ; and later, when re quested to 'run' for Mayor of Pitts burgh, under the now constitution, he again refused. Recently the 'bar as sembled' offered to ruu him again for Common Pleas Judge; but he again declined to contest against a friend. Now that he is a candidate for this place of trust we urge his many friends to be active iu his support. The Nomination to the Su preme Bench. Guiteau has made a Supreme Judge, as well as a President; and he is not hung yet. There is not a human being in the countrv so ignorant as to believe that Mr. lloscoe Conkling would have been awarded the highest judicial office in the gift of the President, if a cold-blood ed assassin had not murdered the President whom the people elected. For that horrible murder no man liv ing is thought by the people of the United States more responsible than Mr. Conkling himself. The President gave him five-sixth of the important patronage of this State. He demand ed it all. On the nomination of a single man whom he disliked, he de clared war upon the Administration, fought it in the Senate till he found the struggle hopeless, then betrayed his party and threw the Senate into the hands of the opposition by resign ing, and then besought the Mate of New York to return him w T ith letters of marque as a licensed privateer, to wage war upon his own people. Mean- time on the day after his resignation, his disciple, Guiteau, bought his pistol; and the very physician who was after ward called in to probe the President's wound went about saying that Gar field deserved to be shot. Mr. Conkling was beaten in his own State in the contest he invited—over whelmingly, hopelessly, disgracefully beaten. A Legislature of his own creatures dared not reelect him. The people of the State were as a hundred to one against him. When he return ed, defeated, from Albany, he could not have been elected Road Supervisor or Justice of the Peace in the strong est Republican County of the State. Then Guiteau stole up behind Ga'field and fired bis shot. And now the man whom Guiteau made President makes Roscoe Conkling a Judge of the Su preme Court of the United States. These are the simple, historical facts, known to everybody, undisputed by anybody. We recall them now, mere ly "to set this appointment in the light of the attendant facts. t If the nomination were otherwise a fit one, something would be pardoned to the personal friendship and personal gratitude of the late Yice-President. But the nominatiou is, on other grounds, notoriously unfit. (1.) Mr. Conkling has no. standing at the bar to entitle him to be even thought of in the connection with the Supreme Bench. He has had no con siderable practice since his youth. He has been retained in no cases save those which came in the way of pay for political influence. The appear ance he has made In the court have been such as to provoke the contempt and ridicule of real lawyers. On this point, in spite of the high position and great influence he had, there has scarce ly been a divided opinion. No doubt he might have been a good lawyer. But he chose to devote his active years to something else, and he is now too old to learn. (2.) Mr. Conkling is unfit for the Supreme Bench, or for any bench, because he is not a man of judicial temper. Everybody, friend and foe alike, knows him as an intense, red hot partisan, who never sees or can see more than one side of a question. There was absolute accuracy in Mr. Curtis's description of him as a person who divided mankind into two classes, i slaves and enemies. Such a man may do good service in some places, but he is no more fit for a Judge than he is lor a bank-note engraver or a Sunuay- school superintendent. (3.) The nomination is grossly unfit, because it is a flagrant abuse of the appointing power to use the Supreme Bench to pension a broken-down poli tician, whohas made himself odious to the people. If he must be provided for at the public expense, it should be after the manner bo himself recommended. This is what he said about Collector Robertson to Garfield: 'Send him übroad to some 'second-class consul ship; and I will go into 'the lobby, and hold my nose while he is con "firmed."—New York Tribune. DmpoMltlon ol (be Property of (he Lale H. A. Purvi ance. Knq. The will of the late Samuel A. Pur vianco, Esq., was probated laHt week in the office of the Register of Alle gheny county. It is brief, the follow ing being a copy: 'I, Samuel A. Purviance, being of sound mind and memory do make this ray last will and testament and hereby cancel and revoke all previous wills and papers mado by me. I request that my remains after being embalmed be interred iu the Butler cemetery on my lot, the locatiou of which is known to George Roessing, Esq., and that the funeral be as private as pos uil.lr. > 'I devise and bequeath to my wife, Caroline M. Purviance, all my estate, real and jHjrsonal and mixed, for and during her natural life, with full pow er to make, execute and deliver deeds of sale made of real estate, and to sell whenever iu her judgment she may think it of advantage to tho estate, and at her death the estate to be equal ly divided between mv children,—Win field S. Purviance, Mary Purviauce Irwin and Ettie Purviance. 'lf in any event the proceeds Bbould fail to be suflicient to furnish responsi ble support, then my wife to as much of tho proceeds of tho principal as she may deem projior and necessary for that purpose. I appoint my wife, Caroline M. Purviance, my executor. SAMUEI< A. PUBVIANCK, March 3, 1880, 'I make tho following codicil to my will this March 22, 1881 : I withdraw the request as to my burial in Butler, and inasmuch as my dear grandchild, Kate C. Purviance, is interred in Bollevuo cemetery, I substitute it in place of Butler. I also desire that the within disposition of my estate takes precedence of anything written previ ous to or since March 3, 1880. My above words 'within disposition' mean ing my will as executed on the page of this sheet.' John M. Sullivan and 11. A Stephen son are the witnesses to tho will. Gents' fine white and colored shirtß, low prices, at Heck A Patter son's. —Car|M)ts, oil cloths "and mattings, cheapest in Butler county, at Heck & Patterson's. _W. Aland, Merchant Tailor, is now prepared to tako your order for early spring garments, offering forty styles. New designs in fine suitings at" $25 for suits. These goods are equal to the best French makes. Also, 'lino French worsted in black, blue and fancy styles at equally low prices. Tbe Suit Against the Standard Oil Company on Hearing at Harrisbnrg. HABBISBUBO, FEB. 23— A suit of the State to recover taxes alleged to be due from the Standard Oil Company came before court this morning. Dep uty Attorney General Snodgrass pre sented a letter, alleged to have been written at the Auditor General's office in 1879, requesting the Standard Com pany to report. The defense objected to the letter on the ground that the person to whom it was sent was not in any manner connected with the company. Reports filed by the Stand ard Company in the latter part of 1881 were read. A voluminous correspond ence between Auditor Geueral Schell and attorneys and officers of the Stand ard Company was offered and read bv the State's attorneys, in all of which the Standard Company denied they were liable to taxation in this State. An agreement as to the facts was next read, during which the counsel for both sides gave notice that they would make numerous objections. The com monwealth rested its case after pre senting a statement of Auditor General Schell. Qlmstead opened the defense by presenting an appeal for the com pany from the Auditor General's state ment. He also read depositions from ex Governor Hartranft, Insurance Commissioner Foster and Clerk Frazer, all of which tended to show that the foreign corporation had but a portion of its capital invested in the State, and had never been taxed on the full amount of its capital stocks. This, they state, had been the case during their connection with the Auditor General's Department, which had cov ered a long term of years. In the afternoon session M. E. Olm sted continued his statement, conclud ing by having fead a paper by R. C. McMurtrue, approved by Attorney General Dimmick, setting forth an act of April 24thf 1874, as construed by the Auditor General's department, that did not hold foreign chartered corpora tions liable for tax by reason of the pnrchrse of material or sale of wares in this State. The argument waa ap proved by Deputy Attorney General Snodgrass a little before 3o'clock. He contended that, as a great portion of the company's capital was used in pros ecuting its buinesss in this State, it should be taxed. He then endeavored to prove that their business was car ried on in this State. Mr. Ulmsted, in his argument, quo ted the accounts upon which the claim iB based. Referring to section 4, act of 1868, which imposes a tax on foreign companies lawfully doing business in this State, he dwelt at some length up on the words 'doing business,' and claimed tbe company was engaged in no transactions save the purchase of oil lor shipment out of the State. He claimed if the law was as the Attorney General construed It, Pennsylvania has declared all the world shall be tax i ed. The construction asked for was not founded on any known principle of equality or justice. Pending argu memt, court ajourned. Tbe defense submitted the argument of Judge John J. Pearson. It goes to i show there was no design in the stat ute to tax a foreign corporation for buying or selling in the State and that it was beyond the power of the State to tax the capital stock or busi ness done here so far as the same is admitted or proved by the facts agreed on. The facts prove no more than the carrying on of commerce and intercorse i between people, companies and corpo . rations, Pennsylvania and tbe Stand ard Oil Company, and being business of that character in Pennsylvania can not be taxed in this State, under the i Federal Constitution Admitting the possibility that the court would decide i the company waa doing business within i the intention of tbe statutes, if taxable • at all, it was only to the extent of the business transacted. The Trlniuph ot Ketorm. AH hail to the briliant dawn of a new era in Philadelphia! The on marching cause of the people against ring rule has achieved its most signal and crowning triumph. The victory is sweeping, decisive and overwhelm ing. It has been won against all the odds—won against the elements—won against the last desperate life-and-death struggle of the bosues and ringsters, all the embattled forces of corruption,, jobbery and stolid partisanship—won by the spontaneous and irresistible up rising of the people I The magnitude and volume of the victory attest the depth of the popular feeling and the power of the popular will. The reform wave has swept over the bulwarks of the bosses with resistless might. It has buried Blair under a majority of nearly eight hun dred. It has sunk Mullen out of sight. It has made Miles, of the Thirteenth Ward, pay the penalty of a halting and hesitating course. It has swallowed up Ileyburn with the lesson that a good man must not train in doubtful company. It has destroyed the infa mous Gilbert. It has borne William B. Smith on its crest with the reward of faithful service. It has saved gal lant Ilenry Clay against the combined force of all the bosses, hirelings and recreants that could be brought to crush him. It has defeated Bonsall, elected Page and Sanders, Grim and Marshall, Bailey and Else, and counts its trophies in nearly every ward. Aud William McMullen iB almost the sole relic of boss rule that is saved to remain as a frightful example. Tho value and significance of this splendid victory are incalculable. It is tho most important and far-reaching of tho series of triumphs which have illumined the recent history of Phila delphia. It was necessary to carry the outworks of tho enemy line by lino, and every preliminary assault and vic tory prepared tho way for the final and vital success. In securing the Con troller, the Tax Department, tho May or and tho Common Council, the Re formers made great gains; but the bosses had fortified themselves in the Select Council, as their last entrench ment, and determined to maintain it at all hazards as the only remaining cita del of their strength. The people have now stormed and captured this strong hold and hurled the ring-masters from power. The importance of this success cannot well bo over-cstlraatod. It is tho practical overthrow of the Gas Trust, and it ncans the regeneration of the remaining departments of the City Government. We congratulate the Citizen's Com mittee of One Hundred upon this bril liant triumph, which is the reward of its popular support, and confirmation of its great influence. We congratu late tho honest aud earnest Republi i cans of the city upon a result which goes far to redeem their party from the selfish, corrupt and autocratic control which was crushing out its real life and moral force. We congratulate the patriotic Democrats who have risen above unworthy partisanship, and we congratulate all the people of Philadel phia upon the promise of better days and the assurance of a more honest and upright government Philadel phia Press, Feb. 22. Popular Rale la Peaasylraala Nearly 450,000 Republicans make up tho Republican party of Pennsylva nia. The Independent Republicans believe it is the right and duty of these men to govern themselves, to conduct their own party in their own way, without dictation from any element. They believe in the rule of the majori ty, whose will is to be freely express ed, honestly ascertained, and fully re spected. For themselves and every member of the party they demand the largest liberty of conscience and action. They ask only what is fair and that what the vital interests of the party require shall be accorded. This they would be glad to accomplish peaceably, so that party harmony and popular ascendency may be established togeth er. But they are ready to fight. ******* This is not an ephemeral movement It has come to stay. It falls upon sin cere Republicans not only to purify the party, but afterward to keep it pure, and neither end will be reached without organized, persistent effort. The aim of Independent Republicans is to organize the whole party on a right basis, which will endure by com manding the common respect and con fidence. They will not be discouraged by obstacles nor dismayed by defeat. I is their purpose to use every weapon which honorable men may employ, steadily pressing forward in the battle for regeneration until the evil influence of the party management shall be re moved, and the popular will triumph ant. Every Republican ought to be Inde. pendent enough to encourage the right. Right and justice are inscribed upon the standard of Independent Republi canism. It is the people's cause, and they must support it not only with their sympathy, but with their most effective work. The struggle may cos*. something, but victory will pay. —Phila. Press. Marshal Henry Will Hang Guiteau. The office of executioner for capital offences is geneally loathed. Tbe bang man is a man who flits about at night making his awful preparations. No body knows bis name or his home. Men would shudder to grasp his hand, and women would grow hysterical in his preseuce. But the business of hanging Guiteau I The Marshal could recruit a million of assistants each of whom would be anxious to cut tbe rope. So universally is this bad and miserable assassin despised that pity has no place in any breast for him. Captain Charles E. Henry is an Ohio man, and served with General Garfield in the late war. From that time to the General's death they were warm, personal friends. Tbe late President appointed him District Mar shal. He was a member of the 'Chum Cabinet,' and enjoyed the con fidence and esteem of the late Presi dent to the fullest extent. During the trial it was often remarked that there was a dangerous glitter in the Captain's eyes when Guiteau was near. Thera is little doubt that he contemplates the! duties of his office with grim satisfac-l tion. I Vermont ban the model farmer. Hi does bis own work on the farm and spends bis winter evenings at knitting and sewing, llis evening work so fur this winter consists of four pairi of double mittens, a quilt containinj 928 pieces and one containing 1,22 i pieces, and is now engaged on anothe calico mosiac. Lydia E. Pinkham's Yegetabl Compound revives the drooping spirit* invigorates and harmonizes the organ ic functions; gives elasticity and firm ness to the Btep, restores the natura lustre to the eye, and plants on th pale cheek of beauty the fresh roses c life'q spring and early summer time. Minneapolis' flour mills consum about 25,000,000 bushels of grain eac year. The leading millers there bav found it difficult to secure the quantit. desired from the great wheat belt t the north and west of Minneapolis owing to the efforts of millers to seem large quantities for mills east and soutl of that point. How Long Would It Take to Ooun Two Millions? Over two million volumes ot the re vised edition of the New Testamen were sold on the first day of its issue These figures can only be equaled bj the enormous sale of Swayne's Oint ment for Itching Piles, which is unl verßally used as a standard remedj for stopping the itching at night, whei when one thinks that pin worms art crawling about tbe rectum. To cal culate the extent of its sale in actua figures, would involve the labor of life-time. Will you bo postered lon ger from tbe aggravating Piles f Apportionment Bill. "~ 1 The apportionment bill willnolongc trouble our national law-makers, fc tbo Senate passed tho bill agreed upo by tbe House. Tbe apportionment as follows among tho Statos : Alabama N MinniMippl Ark allium Miaaouri.. ■ California. « Nebraska I Colorado 1 Nevada ■ Connecticut 4 New Hampshire ■ Delaware 1 New Jeraey -■ Florida 2 New York ... Georgia 10 North Caroliua Illinois 20 Ohio Indiana 1J Oregon ■ lowa II Pennsylvania ■ Kentucky. 11 .South Carolina ■ Louisiana »i Tennewee ■ Maine 4 Tex a* -H Maryland fliVermont. S MuwmchunetU 12 Virginia....... Michigan! llWe.t Virginia. H MinncNota 6|Wi»oon»in —Men's, Hoys' and Children*' ol coats, at less than cost, at HeckH Patterson's. H —Heck A Patterson are doH overcoats out, at less than manufacture. Americans are Incoming a coffee drinkers. The tea per bead of population bas creased from 1.01 to 1.44 pounds 18<;7, while that of eoffeo in the period has gone up from 6*ll to^H Sounds. Great liritain, on the and, drinks less coffee in to imputation than a generation while tbe consumption of tea has quadrupled iu forty years. yi*M mMcit FOB RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals ST. JACOBS OHM a tafe, mure. timplr and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof or its claim*. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BT ILL DBUGGISTB AND DEALEKS II MEDICINE. A. VOGELER to CO., Baltimore, Md., V.B.JL GREAT GJtfLM DESTROYER DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. Pitting of SMALL SMALL POX POX Prevented. ERADICATED. (iangrene prevented and cured. Dysentery cured. Contagion destroyed. Wounds healed rapidly. Sick rooms purified and Scurvey cured In short made pleasant. j time. Fevered and Sick Per- Tetter dried up. sons relieved and re- it |* perfectly harmless, freshed by bathing p or gore Throat it is a with Prophylactic Flti- Bure cure. Id added to the water. Soft White Complexions secured by its use Impure AhMmade harm- DIPTHERIA sjiriiikUnK' Un Darby's PREVENTED. I Fluid about. ___ To purify the breath, Cleanse the Teeth, tt I , ... . . can't be surpassed holera dissipated, Catarrh relief and Ship Fever Prevented by cured its use. Erysipelas cured. ,In cases of death intha Burns relieved instantly, house. It should Scars prevented. be Kemow. all unpleasant Zlt An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, ®c. QPARI PT Dangerous eflluvlas of wwA\nLtl sick rooms and hoa- FEVER pitals removed by Its CUBED. FKVKK ERADICATED. In fact it Is the great Disinfectant and Purifier, L-KEI'AKKD BY J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Manufacturing Chemists, SOLE PROPRIETORS WHENCE COMES THE UNBOUNDED POP ULARITY OF Allcock's Porous Plasters?