Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 22, 1882, Image 4

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Utilwit SlMwlsf AaMit Received and Biluce Due by Collectors.
Y£F DISTWCT. L" COLLECTORS. \Am't Rec'd. Bal. Due
1877 ißuffalo township jJas. McCafferty [$ 331 80 $ •
»77-9iCentreville borougb..;E. A. McCoy ; ••••j
- Urady township.....|T. J. Bryan 61 ......
44 :Donegal township... •!John \ enscl I ( 0 _
« iCranberrj-township,.!Alex Duncan j --- - j
« [Butler b0r0ugh...... jChas. Crouse ; *>oo u
* IFairview borough ? n I " " 707 13
« iMilleretown borough.iG. L.Henshew ;
» ißo««lotowMhip....iP. j J.KeHey «-«
« iCentreville borough.. iVV. RJUaj s ! *
« iCUy township !J. A. Wick j _f>
« iClearfleld township..|W.S. McCrea ; 544 °
.< [Forward township. ..|J. W.M»rtm. | 3} »£ • ■
« i Cherry township Robert Sanke) -
« IFairviewborough... .jlsaac Hawk 200 00 8J -»
« | Harmony borough... jA.H. Wilson 3 W ......
« i Karns City borough.. jA. 2f. Hamor » w '
- IPetrolia borough... .!S. P. Miles. ! ™ 304 ' 8
" iSuubury borough.... jR. McCalmont ;
" iSummit township.... iFrancisßiott j
« jWinfteld township.. .jHenry Kasey »
1880! Adams township j Joseph Johuston
« ! Allegheny township. . jGeo. McClellan f 4 .l
i Butler township jJ. Hinchberger I W
« !Butler borough jR C. McAboy j 2,000 00
m ißuflWo township !John Faulkner
« ;Brady township |Wm. McQuistion....} 4b; .
« IConcord township ~.;H. J.Clark• • »- ™ L - • •
«« iClay township Cyrns Campbell ; 806
«i iClinton township ;G. Westermau JJI
»» iCentre township jW. M.Ramsey ; 7*l n
** {Clearfield township. .jH. H.DuflFy. j ~
" -Cherry township ;S. V. Hutchison 3uo l
« |Cranberry township.. j Elias Eastman ™
«« !Connoqnenessiug tp. Jacob Niblock i 414
« ICentreville borough.. Thomas Coulter- r ..-
u iDonegal township.. .:Geo. nilderbrand . or, ?»••••
«« !F»irview borough jA. J. Nickolsou ; 104 3-
« iFairview township.. . ; Benj. Rankin 'o-o q?
*♦ !Forward township... .;W. D. Knox ; 3o- j'
««! Franklin township., .iWilliam Wigton j 84<
i Jackson township ... j Samuel Cooper ,"•••;
Jefferson township.. .!Wm. Hegeubotham.w
u :Karns City borough..;A. N. Hamor !. 221 41 ......
** !Lancaster township..! Fred. Miller j 814 08
«« I Muddycreek tp i James Wallace i 438 IJ
u \Mercer township....'.! Andrew Hamilton.. .1 387 62
« ! Marion township... .;W. H. Atwell ; 659 69
«< :Middlesex township..lCarsou Donbar, ! 259 41
<* !Oakland township... jF. H. Monie. 94
" ;Parker township ;L. L. Daubenspeck... 1,428 20 ..,,,,
** [Summit township.... |A. Redick i 218 79
« I Venango township.. .!M. V. Kelley ; 749 79
u iWashiiigton township; W. M. shint i 791 89
" |Winfield township... |J. Hutsler.. 620 89
«* ! Worth township ; John Boyle 937 19 ......
•« iHarrisvilleborough. .jJos. Pew ; 24 86 ....,.
" ; Millers town borough. ;C. H. Johnston | 338 51
* l !Prospect borough.... iLewis Roth ! 176 84
«' iPortereville borough, jA. Henshew 91 03 •
" jPetrolia borough. !E. F. Wilson : 164 96 34 i 0
« ! Sun bury borough... .jAmos Timbl in j 19 16
« !Harmony borough.. .jF. R. Coovert ! 132 20; Mfflf
«» IZelieuople borough..! James Wallace i 126 27: •••♦,•
1881 : Adams township :S. B. Irvine 1,000 00; 400 13
" I Allegheny township., j James Calgin j 900 00: 300 17
« j Butler borough ;R. C. McAboy ! 1,000 00;
m !Butler township !Joseph Criswell j 883 00 ; 453 65
*« IBuftalo township....;Wm. Flemmiug |
« ! Brady township -J. M. Thompson j 553 00; 292 58
u iConcord township...;J. B. Campbell j 806 35; 716 Y1
u {Clay township iJamesCranmer ! 793 94; 418 17
«• !Clinton township....! James Biddle ! 1,307 61
« Centre township !W. H. McCandless... 590 00 ; 538 39
u 1 Clearfield township..|J. B. McDivitte j 685 91 139 42
** |Cherry township !J. R. Allison ! 770 00 76
«' ] Cranberry township., j John Donly j 780 00: 455 57
** 'Conuoqneneßßing tp.. ;Geo Meeder I 900 00; 258 18
« iCentreville borough..; John Bingham j 100 00: 183 05
M !Donegal township.. .jGeo. Hilderbrandt.. .j 1,266 95; 381 05
« iFairview borough :R. W. McKee ! 200 (JO; 95 25
»« iFairview township...! John C. Ray ! 2,000 00j 609 35
** ;Franklin township... ;John St Clair j 1,166 00; 132 14
" iForwanl township... ;R. A. White ! 1,04t) 32i 61 83
iHarrisville borough..! Joseph Pew ! 232 00; } 52,74
" Itiarmony borough.. .'Joseph Gruver ! 189 001 226 12
<* !Jackson township... .:G. W. Wilson ! 1,216 751 130 00
•' :Jefferson township.. .'D. Wallet j 775 00; 494 25
«♦ Karns City borough.. ;W. H. Adrauce ! l.'J5 72;
** Lancaster township. .! Jos. Gavraan j 950 00; 20142
« Millrt-stown borough.;P. M. Boyle i 351 99;
" Muddycreek tp Samuel J ones i 600 00; 602 06
« 'Mercer township j Andrew Hamilton...! 692 411 130 39
« Marion township :John Duffy .j 1,035 95j
w Middlesex township. . Wm. Logan 795 00! 552 19
«• Oakland township. .J. M. Beutly 900 00; 216 81
" ;Parker township ... .[L. L. Daubenspeck... 1,507 59i 404 57
<* !Penn township [John Fetler 1,273 40;
«« |Prospect borough iSamuel Hoon 271 (K)i 59 67
" iPortersville borough. ;Wm. Williamson 172 55;
«* iPetrolia borough... .[Wm. Gibson 155 00; 70 19
«< [Summit township... .[Robert Gilleland 450 57 ! 676 66
«» !81ipperyrock tp ;S. J. Chandler 1,435 68:
" iSaxonburg borough.. |J. G. Lamb 321 34;
** [Sunburyborough.AlbertMeehling ; 75 00; 73 90
" ;Venango township.. .';H. T. Murriu i 852 82; 158 09
* | Washington tp ;E. Christie ! 761 00! 549 52
" iWinfield township. ..IW.P. Denny i N53 00; 246 05
** ! Worth township [Win. Mcliride ! 1,040 86! 212 91
*' jZelienople Iwrongh. .iHenry Wilde 441 22|
1 $62,513 51 [514,809 90
NOTE —The account marked with # has been settled since audit; and
the account marked with $ $25 has been paid ou it since audit.
Uvyrf State Tax far tfca Yaw 1881
Mil township » 22 40
lHeßbllllJ Timnilllll 56 40
mr bar...... 49 ao
filler township 12 96
Bafokj township 41 26
Sndytownship 23 40
CoMortf township ...... 14 75
Clay township 4 00
CMotmi townalilp 28 40
tatn township 29 82
Clearteld townxutp 2 20
Cbenry township 20 us
Vraa berry township 16 75
OottauqoeMNtlJig township 31 32
OentrevlUe boro 33 10
Donegal township SO 20
riiraew boro-.; 55 35
Fairrtow township 117 70
Fntklla township 34 32
Forward township.....". 57 15
Marrtrrtlie bur 38 45
mummy bor 6 15
JachaiMi township 23 32
JeOenwa toaraakip 52 00
lUrns etty boro 6 60
Uimwr township si 29
Mdlerstown boro 16 70
Muddycreek township 19 62
fierier township 9 48
Marlon township 2 30
Middlesex township 37 60
Oakland township 28 16
Farker township 113 (JO
foan township 52 40
mepeet boro 26 95
rortersvlUe boro 1100
retrulla bor 34 20
Huauait township 30 0o
Mlpperyroek township 60 54
BasMpbttrK boro 112 20
(MMibury born 1 46
Venango township 5 60
Washington township 65 67
Wlnfleld towasiilp 13 OS
Worth township 7 20
faHenopie boro 17 25
Total f1,484 93
Stationery Aooount for 1181.
H J Hnat _ $ 850
lehfcy A Vincent.... 59 SO
VUlaaa Maan 8 50
B.C. Helneraan 74 84
C. Otto 1 90
7. V. Eastman 10 50
AshbyA Vincent 160 20
5 b Hotter- 67 65
0 Helaeman...... 58 88
T0ta1..... .8448 V 9
OMisiIMIM«TS la Awsaat with Bat
loo Osaaty,
ros aonaowED moxkt.
1% amount of borrowed money,
principal and interest, aa per
aadit of January 4, 1881 $18,886 89
1881, bf sundry payments ............. 18,078 49
Tobalaace principal nnpaU with
iatereet J!7. 5,567 to
AMi a taut Clerk to Coua'rau
EI Brugh t 73 50
C Gribben 38 50
JUMNiatpakljiirora 410,015 82
CMHtofela Betaroa for 1M1... 57113
Mart House Aeeoaat.
M. Relsmai hauling coal ashes $ 1 25
John Smith repairing doort. 75
Geo W. Zelgler 8 25
Money refunded to county 6 50
Hitter & Ralston for Coart House 3 60
Qeorge W Zelgler for Court House 3 00
Jobn Smith repairing door 50
William Williamson Court House 2 50
D H Lyon Court House 3 CO
Bohn Stehle Couit House 3 00
G W Zeigier Court House 3 00
G W Zelgler repairs on Court House.. 200
James Crelghton Court House 50
C Walker for Purdon's Digest 15 00
George W Zeigier Court Houae - 100
Mrs Fleming scrubbing 6 00
Hennr Korn scrubbing 600
Mrs Fair Court House 3 37
John Flemlog scrubbing 6 00
B Votbrlnk Court House 5 70
M Reiber Court House 2 05
M Keiseman hauling 75
J Berg A Co pitcher for Court House. 75
G W Zeigier stovepipe for Conrt House 386
J Smith carpenter work on Court
Hou»e 9 10
G W Zelgler Court Bouse 5 00
G W Zelgler scrubbing Court House... 200
Court Hcuse 99 43
C Wise repairing tpout on Court House 100
M Reiser 3 48
J T McJunktn & Son insurance on
Court House 279 75
Waller Zelgler Court House Janitor.... 1 50
M C Rockenstetn Court House 72
J E Roebllng cord for clock 2 80
L Wise spouting and repairing 9 95
J Boos brooms 2 U0
G W Zelgler Court House 5 00
G W Zeigier Conrt House 3 00
8 McCLymonds Court House 5 85
Cbas Duffy cape for Court House 4 89
George Kettcrer desk in Treasurer's of
fice 26 GC
Jeff Uurtner plumbing 1 00
G W Zeigier Court House 25 00
Total 8471 37
Fox Scalp Account for 1881.
G Miller $ 5 25,.Tas Hammell ....24 25
8 D Hazlett 5 25 O P Murphy 14 25
Elias Acre 525 O T Murphy 26 25
Jacob Pisor 10 25 J H Pisor 10 25
George Wade 5 25 J S Shontz 24 25
T H lleenan 5 25 W J Hutchinson. 5 25
George Dauben- W J Hutchinson.ls 00
speck- 525 Wm Rodgers 10 50
B F Met'ray 5 25 W W Bell 10 50
Jacob Pisor 10 25 Chas Rosenberg.. 525
John Snyder 5 25 Alex Wilson 5 25
Thoe Heenan 10 25 F Vandivort 5 25
iohn Snyder 10 25 Geo Dumbach 5 25
Jacob Pisor. 5 25 Robt Smith 9 25
J C Keller 5 25 J M Scott 5 25
Augustus Acre... 5 25 Frank Aultman.. 5 25
O P Murphy 5 25 Frank Lindsey... 5 25
f R Thompson... 5 25
J N Williard 10 25 Total 1306 00
Wutern Penitentiary Account
Feb 14, E 8 Wright Jsso2 HO
QPfe* BntLer &*!£****: But Un*fix.. 22* 1882.
Bridge Account.
George W Waters, moving bridge^
from Evanshunt $ 460
S H Critchlow, for Stewart Bridge,
in Wiuneld township ...... §4 <*>
S H Critchlow, for fill Steward Br g 50 00
S H Critchlow, for stone work of
Evansbnrg bridge, contract price
$1 72 per perch ®
S H Critchlow, fill Evar.sburg Br'ge 20 00
D H Wuller, paint for Amberson 10 25
Pittsburgh Bridge Co. for iron Buff
alo bridge 3SS 00
Pittsburgh Bridge Co. for iron Evans
burg bridge 6®® 92
William Scott for repairs on Sandy _
Lick bridge, Butialo township 15 00
Henry Pfabe for fill Pfaler bridge... 25 00
J F Rice, replacing Rice bridge, Lau
caster township 5 00
William Kinser, for work on Kicstr
Bridge, Butler township 25 00
C Rabb for stone work on Pfabe
bridge, Jefferson township 9 56
John Wubher for seryi«» time of a
flood at bridge ♦ P°
Elias Ziegler, for masonry on Swain
bridge, contract 70 per perch,
Jackson township 25 00
James Hamill for repairs on Thorn _
Creek bridge, Penn township 7 00
James ThoffiP ß ?!}, Muddycreek br'g
Clav t0wn5hip....,,,..,.18 aQ
W C Collins, for removing ice gorge
from bridge 2 00
J J Millinger, for removing ioe Korgo
from bridge 1 00
J G Reno, clearing Karns bridge
Butler township 1 00
Henry Pfabe, bridge fill •_•••- 25 00
R B Gibson, repairing and removing
drift... 9 9®
Eliaa Ziegler, masonry jiwaia bfirtffiJ M W
John Wigton, for flooring bridge at
New Hope 8* I?
William Bauer, bridge bolts 4 7o
Wm Fail et al. for plank for bridge. 50 00
Elias Ziegler for stone work on Swain
bridge Jackson township 150 00
S H Critchlow for masonry on Ren
frew bridge, Penn township 50 00
G J McCar.aieis, to. «» Vff" ,
' Candless bridge, Conno'g twi>.. A 00
A Beiderman, for freight ou bridge
irons Amborson bridge 75
Kinser and Wallace, repairs on Mc-
Cormick bridge, Penn twp 15 00
Walter Moser, for irons Bonny Brook
br'd£« 2 00
J 8 REfce, M jiifenk
bridge, JauKnou twp..., to bu
John Webber for bolt* and repairs... 10 00
W L Moser, for repairs on bridge 2 00
H Harvey for fill at Boyd bridge..... 30 00
Elias Ziegler for masonry ou Swain
bridge, Jackson twp _ 65 50
Elias Ziegler, fill Swain bridge 40 00
Fail' i&O fe'iijsci., repairing A mher
son bridge.7s
E R Boyer, cleaning and repairing
Eosby and Harmony bridge 5 00
J A McCallap, cleaning Martinsburg
bridge 1 50
W G Smith, wood Anandale station
bridge 103 58
James Collins, for repairs on Collins
bkid>,c. Fiiiryiew totfpship.. ....... 44 00
D McMillen, for fill on bfg
Clearfield township 10 00
L C Cartwright, for bridge in Worth
township 94 78
F Klaflen, for hauling iron for br'ge
by order of F R Coyert 6 50
Chhrles Tinker, for repairing fill on
McCanale** bridge, uim.ty twiV. 1Q 5Q
D A Renfrew, timber tor Renfrew
bridge 50 00
S H Critchlow, masonry for Renfrew
bridge, Penn township 100 00
Pittsburg Bridge Company, iron for
Swain bridge, Jackson township... 500 00
John B Cunningham for planking
bridge 21 12
Wm Bauer,
John Smith, blaeKsmfthing.. i 00
Wm Smith, for labor for Co. bridge.. 8 00
T II Lyon, labor for county bridge... 8 00
Pittsburgh Bridge Co. iron for Ren
frew bridge, Peun township 40 00
Christ. Rabb, masonry on Boyd br'g
contract price, $2 50 per perch 100 00
J S Rice, lumber for Swain bridge,
Jackson to*n»i>i,, " "'H
S A Critchlow, masonry on Renfrew
bridge 125 00
H Harvey, fill at Boyd bridge, Clin
ton township 39 00
J W Bamsey, hauling old bridge to
station 2 00
Ja;i>e* Glibbei, labor, board, black
smithing and removing bridge <2* 30
S H Critchlow, stone work Renfrew
bridge 70 72
S H Critchlow, fill Renfrew bridge... 136 00
Peter Reibold, removing iron Ren
frew bridge 2 00
S Flemmiug, repairs Welsh bridge,
Clinton township 2 00
L C Cartwright, masonry on Cooper
bridge 125 00
James Gribben, boarding and help,
removing iron 7 70
T II Lyon for labor on bridge 5 00
Murray and Gilleland, masonry on
Rice bridge, contract price $2.55
per perch 50 00
John Smith, repairs Kittanning br'g
Butler township 1 25
D A Renfrew, lumber for Renfrew
bridge 24 33
Win Kinser, plank and repairs Kin
ser bridge, Butler townsnip 7 00
Peter Fennel, repairs on bridge in
Clearfield township 5 00
C Guiler, bridge damage, Marion tp. 3 00
William Kautlman Cooper bridge... 1 00
Murray and Gilleland, masonry Rice
bridge, Lancaster township 200 00
James Murrain, repairs on Slippery
rock bridge, Venango township 4 30
Pittsburgh Bridge Co., iron for Boyd
bridge, Clinton township 264 48
Pittsburgh Bridge Co., iron for Ren
frew bridge. I'enn township 1,195 17
Pittsburgh Bridge Co., iron of Swain
bridge 443 82
Pittsburgh Bridge Co., lumber Boyd
bridge 42 48
Jos Daugherty, repairs Etna bridge,
Slipperyrock township 8 07
Christ. Rabb, masonry on Boyd br'g
contract price, $3.50 per perch 103 00
Peter Fennel, wood work on Brady
bridge 40 00
Alex Martin, work on Jack bridge,
Centre township 10 00
A J Evans, repairs on bridge „... 1 50
Peter Fennel, work on Brady bridge 5 00"
Peter Neely, repairs on Goehring
bridge, Muddycreek township 3 00
R C McAbov, bridge view ,3 50
L C Cartwright, stone work Cooper
bridge, contract price $1.99 per
perch 30 00
S 11 Critchlow, repairs on McCaud
less bridge, Forward township 65 00
S H Critchlow, bridge fill, Winfield
township 21 00
SII Critchlow, masonry Swain br'ge 10 00
A Martin, repairs Jack bridge 10 00
John Gallagher, on Gallagher br'ge,
Franklin township 2 25
A Martin, repairs on Jack bridge 35 00
Frank Smith, bridge iron 1 00
Wra Patterson, wood work on Thorn
creek bridge 25 00
John Winters, painting Winters brg
Jackson township 30 20
John Winters, masonry oa Winters
bridge ? Jackson township 25 00
John Winters, lumber for Boyer brg 50 00
Philip Galibaugh. repairing bridge
at Brown's Mill, Forward twp 4 00
J C Wigton,flanking Hickory Mill
and repairing Armstrong bridge... 58 71
L Cartwright, repairs on Cooper brg 4 00
Levi Boyer, fill Rice bridge 35 00
J S Rice, making crossing at Rice
bridge 12 00
I) M Atwell, wood work Atwell br'g
Marion township 72 73
J A Gordon, repairs on abuttinent
Jack bridge 20 00
John Lei bold, repairs on Millinger
bridge, Centre township 4 00
Geo Welsh, wood work Welsh br'ge
Jefferson township 50 00
W C JlcCandless, pointing sign for
Winters bridge, Jackson township 7 00
John Winters, bridge repairing 2 00
J M Milliard, masonry Parker town
ship bridge 15 00
Pittsburgh Bridge Co., iron Cooper
bridge 1,000 00
Ira Stauffer, lumber (or Rice bridge 50 00
Peter Fennel, fill Brcdybr'ge, Clear
field township 10 00
Eli Gibson, wood work, Meals br'ge,
Washington township 25 00
Isaac Meals, making crossing at
Meals bridge 7 00
A Martin, wood work Jack bridge,
Centre township 10 CO
A C Price, bridge iron 9 CO
J A Gordon, masonry, Jack Bridge.. 10 00
Murray and Gilleland, masonry Rice
bridge 22 00
Geo Welsh, repairing Welsh and
Boure bridges 15 00
Geo Welsh, wood work We sh br'ge 30 00
A Martin, Jack bridge, Ceuire twp.. 35 00
Will Seibert, bridge iron 5 70
8 H Critchlow, masonry Steward brg
Winfield township 18 00
II Bauer, iron for Jack bridge 6 56
Levi Boyer, fill Rice bridge 35 00
A Martin, repairs on Bice bridge 15 00
Eli Gibson, wood work on Meals br'g
Washington towuship 50 00
L C Cartwright, masonry on Cooper
bridge 42 01
D M Atwell, repairs on Atwell br'ge 34 55
J L Wormcastle on order from D M
Atwell lor work Atwell bridge 23 00
Abe Martin, bridge iron, Jack biidge 1 12
Pittsburgh bridge Co., iron C< oper
bridge 314 93
Pittsburgh Bridge Co., iron for Price 365 <>2
H Smith on account Pittsburgh Br'g
Co., Cooper bridge 102 95
In Stauffer bridge, Lancaster twp... 25 00
W J Gilleland, masonry Bover Br'g
Jaeksou township 125 00
Peter Fennel. Brady bridge in Clear
field township 20 00
Thomas Craig. Millinger bridge, Cen
tre to .vnship 50 00
Murrav and Gilleland, masonry Rice
bridre _• 25 75
John Murray, iron for Rice bridge... 1 50
M H Bverly* repairing Miller bridge
Jefferson township.... 1 50
J S Rice, repairs on Rice bridge 3 00
S Cooper, fill Cooper bridge, Slippe
ryrock township 17 51
Pittsburgh Bridge Co. iron for Boy
er bridge. Jackson township 125 00
L C Cartwright, masonry Etna br'ge 100 00
John Kaufold, repairing bridge 1 00
S G Purvis, lumber for Kinser br'ge 3 00
David Kellev, repairs Murrin br'ge,
Venango township 100 00
H Busman, removing drift from brg 4 °0
William Gilleland, masonry Boyer
bridge 188 40
Total $9,784 61
A*ses*ing Ac<.ouhV-
A Reddick 13 64 W D Knox 1 00
M Eyth 13 25 H J Clark 2 00
G Hildebrandt.. 15 25 W L Dauben-
Lonls Roth 500 speck 20 00
1 W D Knox 19 00 Henry Borts 4 00
W H Campbell- 22 25 Wm Flemming. 20 00
J Davidson 16 25 B M Duncan.... 15 25
L L Dauben- Jas Hutchison... 925
speck 40 00 Jas Riddle 15 26
Ca>iiP'uen i 3 jz Sasuuei Hoyn.... 4
W M Rameey... ia 00 John Bt. Clair... 18 35
8 Brenneman.... 9 60 Alex P0110ck.... 15 00
B T Rankin 57 00 J R Allison 15 00
Wm Shira 15 25 Henry Wild 5 00
H H Dufly 18 25 J G Cornellns. 8 00
Geo W McKee.. 13 00 L L Bauben-
Geo McClelen... 25 06 speck 40 00
Henry Borts 5 25 H J Clark 20 00
A M Hanger 10 00 Charles Cronse. 60 00
{3 Stne'oaQn a OH U
J Rutherford.... 500 M V Kelly 13 00
R C Whitford... 10 00
Carson Dunbar 450 Total $659 14
F R Covert 7 00
Treasurer'* Aoconnl-Ei pendltnre**
for the Tear JSBI
r 4R*VKL;N M Emails is *cc'ocm».
January?. James Qribbcn .......$ 5 00
January 19. " " 700
February 19. " " 10 ?5
February 26. " " - 150
March 9. " " - 1 70
March 15. " " 75
March 21. " " 10 00
April i;. 't " 1 15
April 3d. «? ;. 1 6a
May 2. « «« 1 80
May 10. " '* 5 25
May 17. " " 3 20
May 18. «• " 2 00
May 23. " " - 1 25
May 27. " " 1 00
May 31. " " - 2 00
utile is. !{ ?{ g £0
June 17. «' " d 00
July 1. " " - 6 35
July 5. «• '« 18 00
July 20. '« " - 4 75
August 8. " " 3 50
August 3 '' " 1 75
P jQ
Octoter 1 u • "o
September 29 •' " 110
October 21 " " 2 50
October 29 " " 75
November 4 " a 4 50
November il " " 700
November 15 " " 550
November 16 " " 100
November 22 " " 300
iiovem'per ao if 3 Qu
Dec-ember 8 " " 3 Jid
December 12 " " 100
December 19 " " 3 00
Total $146 70
February 2b Jonathan Mayberry $ 400
March 7 •« " 3 00
March 9 " " 80
March 17 " " 1 50
March 23 " " 10 00
May 5 " " 4 75
May 13 " «« 5 00
M&y M (« H t* 00
June 6 '• " 3 50
June 25 " " 1 50
June 29 " " 4 00
July 5 " •' 18 00
August 27 " " 2 10
September 12 " " 1 50
October 4 " " 25 00
Oc|pber §0 " " ...... 1Q 0()
October Si »< «' .... 106
October 27 , " " 200
November 2 '* " 5 00
November 5 " " 2 50
November 11 " " 7 00
November 22 " " 2 05
November 80 " " 2 00
November 30 ' " 2 \'o
pcqembpr 7 • *' " &CO
December Id " " 2 75
Total $l3O 40
January 28 J. C. Donaldson $ 1 00
March 25 " " 10 00
April 15 " " 1 85
May 13 " «' 5 00
May l'J " " 1 75
May 30 " " 3 GO
June 2 " " 1 00
June 11 " " 1 00
J line 22 " " 100
July 5 " " 18 00
July 20 " " 1 00
August 9 " " 2 00
August 27 " " 1 25
August 3 " " 1 00
September 12 " " 1 75
October 4 '• " 5 00
October 8 " " 10 00
September 29 " " 2 50
October 13 " " 2 00
October 12 " " 1 25
October 27 " " 2 50
November 3 •' " 500
November 9 " ■' 350
November 15 " " 1 00
December 3 " " 175
December 7 " 5 00
December 19 " " 2 50
Total $92 60
Jail Account.
Mrs Swalne washing $ 6 95
D H VVuller paint for jail and medicine 159 68
L Wise repairing lock 6 00
Jeff Burtner plumbing 32 15
Berg A Cypher for j.il 39 80
J G & Win Campbell for jail 23 50
Jed Burtner for jail 5 27
Mrs Swalne washing 5 30
Kitter & Ralston for jail 8 50
A Troutman for jail 2 83
Geo W Ziegler for jail 2 00
John Smith for jail 4 50
8 G Purvis flooring lor Jail- 24 41
J G & Wm Campbell for jail 1 56
John Smith flooring jail 14 00
Jos Dougherty whitewashing 1 00
Mrs A B Swaine washing 3 50
Mrs Swuin washing 75
H -J Dougherty for jail 4 00
Jeff Burtner for jail 2 50
A H Swain washing 1 10
A B Swain washing 90
Jclf Burtaer plumbing 2 50
Kiltie Swain washing for Jail 13 37
Jeff Burtner for jail 2 00
Mrs Swain washing 75
John Boice for jail 10 00
Mrs Swain washing for jail 52
Mrs Swain washing for jail 1 45
Mrs Swain washing for jail 4 70
A Troutman for jail 3 47
Jeff Burtner repairs in jail 5 85
Mrs Swain washing for jail 1 00
Geo Ketterer jail mattresses 12 00
Ritter & Ralston crape 3 20
J G W Campbell for jail 14 98
J F & T Stehle for jail 2 50
Mrs Swain washing in jail 9 78
Mrs Swain washing in jail 95
Brrg & Cypher for jail 24 49
C Stoke for jail 19 60
Samuel Graham profe'slonal service .. 39 00
Mrs Swain washing for jail 2 65
Total $524 76
Refunded Tax Account for 1881.
J F Taylor 6 00 Elias Easton.... 44
A Reddick 3 66 8 V Hutchison. 5 87
A N [lamer 8 00 Henry Keisy 2 76
W H Campbell. 38 16 B 8 Rankin 5 85
Elias Easton... 500 H C Monnle 3 30
J II Monnle.... 5 51 Jas Flemming... 24 48
A N Flamer 50 Joe Johnston... 4 91
C M Brown 610 L L Dauben-
Wm Wigton 82 58: speck 29 27
John Boyl .* 2 36
Wm Baker 236 Total $284 55
B 8 Rankin 47 74 j
Coiii'tm Salary Account.
J C Donaldson, 313 days a $2.50 $782 50
J Mayberry, 313 days a $2.50...5782 50
J Mayberrv, balance 1880 3 48
James Gribben 313 dys a $1!.50.5"82 50
J Gribben, balance 1880 2 00
Corn's cl'k 8 McClymonds 313 ds $2.50 782 50
Commonwealth Account tor
S Nixon $ 1 50'J L Tnffs 644
Wm Bartley 4 05 S O'Brien 12 84
H Korn 2 59 W S Fisher 20 00
D B Donthett... 500 Jane T Eiuerick 11 34
L P W'alker 8 18 E Dauphin 6 44
Jacob Keek 635 C A Aldinger... 472
W A Bartley 3 50 Wm Penny 7 78
George Forcht... 136 lames Hill 744
J Williamson... 364 Hugh McFad-
AC Wilson 325 den 15 44
Jas Buzzard 1 4u N J Criley 5.00
H Korn 378 Mackey & Fred-
L P Walker 500 erick 15 22
\V H Hoffman... 58 90 Shaner «i Smith 1188
L Z Mitchell 83 86 P A Rattigan.... 278
A K McCandless 280 Walker 800
A Allen 2 75'Jno <fc Jos Class 13 12
Robert Ash 4 12 W A Forquer.... 48 44
Wm Williamson 23 10 J C Manny 5 00
S P Young 1 20 Jno Duffy* 7 24
J W Reed 19 21 B J Forquer 10 16
L P Walker 3 45 Hugh F«rquer.. 4 72
G Moser 700 W L Dauhuu-
Z J Wisp 4 241 speck 19 11
J J Miller 2 30 M Leibler 5 00
R Bovard 2 89 Wm Morrisey... 11 22
E Leshure 5 00 J J Millet 11 2*2
Anna Shull 10 00 Wm Norns 2 "2
W M Patton ~ 50 P M Boyle 94 S5
F S ?6 95 Wm Ensminger. 500
L P Walker 11 05 R C McAboy 160 34
John Kromer... 272 Ed Hagan 178
Jacob Reed 2 75ft C McAboy 20 00
Jos Graham 10 4 62 C Rockenstein... 500
T J Leedom 6 49 Mary Glenn 8 94
T J Leedom 125 T J Allsworth... 980
ThosM'Cormick 700 Henry Shane.... 870
J C Snyder 75 J D Meals 5 92
J P Orr 12 00 RC McAboy 63,
G W Huseltqn... 2 2S.&uaue} tfranam 906
John tlohson.37 97 R C MoAboy 4 66
W W Randolph. 2 90, L P Walker 550
J D Kelley 19 46 Rev C Peters 572
Alex Russell 1 50 Wm Bredin 4 72
A M Tel Co 8 57 M Gillespie 5 20
A M Cunning- Joe Forquer 11166
ham 22 33 A. N McCandless 15 73
J D Kelley 41 15 JJ R Millinger 536
George T;ulder.. 542 Jos Pocken? 4 ,2ia 500
I r»i£oU.., 2 i»0 y S Vy akeniglit. 644
J TI Tebay........ 19 30 PO'Brien 4 56
ft Ash 484 Wm Mitchell.... 100
Wise& G raham.f 21 23 Agnesa Eagan... 666
Geo Turutier 27 40 John Kennedy.. 13 96
II Stahl 3 44 H Smith 378
J OGrisford 7 34 J Kemper 5 00
W S Fisler,. 9 ?:» Wm Deiby 172
~ai fefk0r....... ii 46 Chas Dxtw,;, 300
S D Hazlett..,. . 34 24 C H Jchuiton..,. 988
8 Mc8ride..,...,, 000 Ed O'Donnell... 4'M
Wm McCorraick 606 W B Steel 272
I, P Walker 14 50 J Winehart 5 88
ft C McAboy 73 50 J Winehart 196
A L Sykes 6 00 J Kennedy 50
ft C McAboy 18 75 H Pillow 200
A > r McCandless 19 85 L P Walker 9 00
M Fisler . . . . 1 sft W
J'olih Arthurs,,. 321 Rebecca Digs.... 588
ft C McAboy 29 67 S Frazier 3 78
C McQuistion... SOOSSmith 705
A Allen 8 00 Owen Brady 3 78
L P Walker 13 80 L P Walker 2 50
Phil Callahan... 377 W D Ford 10 00
Lewis Ilazlett... 27 90 P A ftattigan.... 344
N M Kirkland... 484 W Kelley S jju
•J J Smith 460 H W MoCWtts::: 500
L P Walker...... 460 W A Forquer... 10 10
John Emerick... 5 66JMayberry 500
L P Walker 350 Hugh McCrea... 500
A Acre 8 52 A ftussell 7 00
D II Logan 34 69 J Holland 3 02
J Shuster 19 0? S ? t 0U
ft c 825 J Ho\igheHy7.... 870
John Kennwly... 910 Geo McKammy. 700
C A McKinney.. 740 ftobt McAboy... 15 00
J W Reed 10 10 I>r Byers 5 00
J S McKinney... 617 L P Walker 300
John Frontz 475 C C Rumberger. 196
J B Story 12 45 Win Dauben-
II Ashe 523 speck 19 81
Wm Holland 11 40 Fred Weigand... 500
J M Dunn... ..... 336 DeliaTocM.. U M
Hent:/'Keisy.;;;; Walker...... 18 50
Chas Mangel 472 E H Edmunson.. 500
Francis Rives.... 964 M Fair 266
J B Story 75 00 S Poe 2 66
Thos Douglass... 630 Fred Buhl 266
Samuel Duff..... 466 P M Boyle 540
John Rivers 21 04 Jno Kennedy.... 215
Jno McCorkell..l44 65 J Salbatj"!' 13
C lloUmrtH,& 4<i Aif MoCaiidless 875
A Baxter 3 30 J ft Allison 62 70
H Worthington. 250 J G Campbell... 500
A S Thompson.. 482 L P Walker 650
M C Benedict... 36 00 John Kelley 4 26
John Hesselges- Peter Kramer... 774
ser 484 Harvey Cooper.. 172
Wm Scott 2 9-J Thos Murt'p .. . 20Q
Wia Denny,.4 78 W 0 Cooneri.,!.'. 320
WmSoott 13 76 W P Bmith 5 24
S T Marshall.... 200 Wm Morrisey.... 27 54
James Collins... 29 44 Wm Mitchell.... 500
Jacob Duinbaeh 17 92,N Cramer 510
A L Campbell... 416 Geo List 20 95
J N Muntz 1 40 Jas Perry 2 72
A N McCandless 11 40 R C McAboy...,. 3*> 00
M C ,. 30Q 11 P \Valkei 1 800
Johnl.awall. 11 25 Chas Ellenberg-
Nancy Martin... 972 er 13 32
L P Walker 6CO W A Wright.... 32 55
A Moser 4 77 J R Allison 11 74
Robert Dunn 4 00 Wm Holland 1 00
Thos Martin 125 Geo II Gibson... 664
ft Girrling 955 A N McCandless 300
B C&Miss Jack 400 Jas Buzzard...... 70
Ilenry Keasy.,,, 10 00 h P Walter 600
A II Moore 2 90 Jno Dobson 1 00
John Kennedy.. 17 40 W A Wright 4 00
A W fteott 540 W A Forquer.... 500
G W Cranmer... 800 Ellen Lockhart.. 372
II Pillow 10 80 W S Wininger... 14 00
W F Campbell.. 15 76 M S Story 13 24
G W Huselton... 580 R C McAboy 10 30
L P Walker 5 15 W H Green 5 40
11 C .McAboy 17 80 Thos Jamison... 410
G W Huselton... 6 02GW Campbell.. 1140
Alex Russell...., JSO T Caruahan.,,,,. 1 9ci
A N MoCandle«s 15 71 Ed Mellon 2 02
Jas Hazlett 2 00 L Stoughton 7 84
P Barnhart 3 93 Jennie Maxwell 14 00
S W McCul- jC Wolford 36 00
lough 362 H D Hocken-
C Walker 300 berry 444
H McElhaney... 245 Sarah Sproul 296
F Clutton.... .... 196 J L Hindman... 18 76
JSP Mars 362 R S Hindman... 668
J It Allison 3 62 Laura Shull 5 42
W L Dauben- II J Mitchell 740
speck 14 96 LP Walker 4 00
11 W Reddiok... 2 96;G W Campbell. 11 15
R II Montgom- G W Campbell.. 15 76
ery 2 96 L P Walker 13 00
M F Ray 296 A MoLaughin... 308
D B Thompson.. 320 W L Dauben-
Mrs Glenn 250 speck 24 03
C A Aldinger... 278 J E Harper 11 40
J W Story 14 40 Jno Kennedy... 387
N M Hoover 6 00 L Webb 260
EEShira 3 20' Henry Boyal et
C A McCaskey.. 16 00; al 116 11
S A Streight 16 00 Jno Kennedy.... 409
L Deleraater 6 44' Philip Hilliard.. 320
PC Boyl 29 00 S A McKinney.. 200
IIA Bell 23 86 LP Walker 1120
A O Hammerly.. 23 86 S J Marshall 20 32
A Levenz 31 40'H McFadden 87
Wm Green 19 44 H McFadden.... 68 25
S A Duncan 5 94 Geo W Campbell 19 75
A P Holland 22 98 J C Redick 4 00
Jas Kemp 656 Simeon Nixon... 284
E Z Duncan 6 94 W A Wright 5 40
Amos Stahl 656 W M Kirkland.. 385
Wm Richey 106 50 WII Hoffman...;99 90
J Harvey 500 W L Dauben-
JM Knox 14 20 speck 555
R M Gray 17 00
J L Clark 408 Total $4,151 38
Bridge View*.
Jan 6, Wm Beibert $ 3 00
Jan 6, J White - 300
Jan 6, R C McAboy - 4 50
Jan 17, C G Christie t 2* 00
Fib 1, J T Kelly 3 50
Mar 19, J Peffer 2 20
Mar 21, John Black .*. 6 60
Mar 28, John Mahan 2 39
May 9, L Haslett 2 50
June 11, N M Slator 16 00
June 13, A Moyer 5 10
July 13, R Stevenson 2 40
July 22. N M Slator 6 00
Aug 3, Wm Seibert 4 00
Aug 3, Geo McCandless 4 00
Aug 3, R C McAboy 4 00
Aug 10, N M Slator 6 00
Sep 24, J McCafferty - 7 #0
N M Slator 19 00
A Moyer.. 3 50
W Dick 2 80
Jacob Kramer 2 50
N M Slator : 300
A L Camobell 7 80
W Selbert 25 25
W Beibert, et al 14 35
W Seibert, et al 0 50
Hugh McCrea 3 50
James Kerr 2 00
Wm Scibert, et al 27 25
Wm Seibert, et al 12 80
Wm Seibert, et al 8 00
$264 24
llorrowcd Money Paid.
R K Wick $ 444 23
R K Wick 36 60
John S Ward 125 00
S Halderman 1,700 00
R K Wick 1,000 00
R K Wick 4.027 66
R M Harper 2,000 00
S A Campbell - 1,700 00
W W Smith 1,845 00
Abram Smith 200 00
Total paid in 1881 $13,078 49
District Attorney*h Account.
W A Forquer $ 82 00
A M Cunningham 256 00
Total 4338 00
Receipts «f the rreuturerfw tin Year 1881.
Ac'c't of year. CASH.
1877 from Buffalo ♦ 331 *0
1878 •• Butler boro <3 00
1879 *• Buffalo township 41 89
" " Brady " «9«
-* •• centreville boro <*i l*
•' *• Clay township 23 2S
" " Clearfield " 319 62
" " Donegal " 224 48
" " Forward " 31 89
" " Harmony boro 3 M
•• ** Petrolia " 100 00
" " Sunbury " 22 13
" " Summit township 93 09
" " W infield *' M 9 95
1886 " Clearfield ** 465 56
•• " Cherry " 277 14
'• " Cranl>erry " 55 58
" " Allegheny " 639 41
* " Adams " 5M 1"
•• - Butler •' 603 42
'• " Butler boro 1,656 72
" " Buffalo township 39b M
" " Brady " 506 40
•' " Concord " 916 23
•' " Clay " 806 99
** " Centre " 6>® 7»
>• ,l Clinton " 469 66
« " Conuoq'ng '* 337 05
'• " Centreville boro 112 72
»' " l>onegal township 945 10
" " Fairview boro 79 93
" '• Fairview township 510 49
u " Forward '• 264 08
« '• Franklin " 756 06
" " Jackson " 421 10
'• '• Jefferson " 206 59
" " Karns City boro 168 53
•• " l,ancaster township 733 66
" " Muddycreek" 358 34
*• " Mercer •' —. 316 20
" " Marion " 567 06
** '• Middlesex " 168 08
•• " Oakland •« 552 68
•' " Parker '• 1.185 03
" " Summit " 15695
•' " Venango " 613 19
'» « Wa»Ui&irton •« 650 00
» '« Wmffelff " 495 52
«• " Worth " 850 53
•' " Harrisville boro 8 62
" " Millerstown " 215 27
" •' Prospect - 157 86
" " Portersrllle " 78 53
" " Petrolia " 40 00
«• " Sunbury " 429
•* " Harmony " 116 34
" •• Zellenople ** 12$ 27
1881 " Adams township...,,. 1,006 00
AUmiieny 900 00
« <« Butler boro 1.000 00
" " Buffalo township 1,244 57
" " Brady " 553 00
- " Butler " 883 00
" " Concord " 806 35
'• " Clay M 775 00
'« " Clinton " 1,235 83
'• » Centre "
» " Clenrfleld V 607 00
V V C&wA™ M 770 00
'i « Cranberry '■ 780 00
" " Connoq'rig " 900 00
» " Centreville boro 100 00
" M Donegal township L 266 96
'• " Fairview boro 200 00
" " Fairview township 2,000 00
«' •• Franklin " 1,166 00
" " Forward " 1,040 32
" " Harrisville boro 232 00
" " Hannotiv " 199 00
V. ;;
* " Karns Ctty boro 113 86
" " Lancaster township 950 00
" " Millerstown boro 281 51
" " Muddycreek township 600 00
•' " Mercer •• 875 00
•• " Marion " 952 08
" " Middlesex " 795 00
'« Oak laud " , M fIUO 00
'• " Parker M ....... liS 84
'l ". fviiu 1,185 47
'• " prospect boro 271 00
" Portersvllle boro 161 36
•' •' Petrolia boro 155 06
" " Summit township 450 57
" " Slipperyrock " 1,351 52
" " Saxonburg boro 301 92
" '• Sunbury boro 75 00
» v. Y«»Wfc Wtadw::; too oo
" Washington •• 761 00
•• • Winfield " 853 00
» •• Worth " 1,040 86
M •• Zellenople boro 409 77
Total cash account. >55.704 45
Treasurer's Receipts for Per Outage for
tlie Year eading Dee. 3let, 1881.
1879 from Brady t0wn5hip...,,.,,,.., 4* 47
" " CentreviUf. •••• •. 19 82
u " Donegal •' 11l 82
'• " Summit " 70 52
" " Winfield " 68 62
1880 " Clearfield " 42 92
•' •• Cherry " 57 15
" " Cranberry " 69 40
" " Connoq'g " 05 63
" " Centreville borp,.,, 15 11
M WK:::::::::::::.
" •• Fairview township 137 15
«• " Forward •' 66 00
'• " Franklin " 73 87
'• " Jackson " 74 79
" " Jefferson u 71 40
" " Karns City boro 861
■' •' Lancaster township 64 90
" " MuddydreeK M 66 2S
M m Marion " 57 69
" " Middlesex " 74 00
»' " Oakland " 57 51
* " Parker " 102 37
" ** Summit " 61 84
" • " Venango " 52 53
" •• Washington " 7016
'• •' Winfield » 58 85
" <• Worth " 71 07
" u Hairisvilie boro 16 24
" " Millei-stown " 18 24
'• " Prospect " 17 78
" '• Portersville " 977
" '• Petrolia •' 14 98
14 " Sunbury •' 817
" " Harmony " 22 72
" " Buffalo " 65 50
1881 " Allegheny township 67 86
•' " Adams " ............ 77 85
•• " Butler lxiro 134 71
it »• Butiwr township 67 81
'• " Buffalo " 73 47
" " Brady " 47 70
•' " Centre " 61 78
'• " Clinton " 70 77
" " Karns City boro 600
" u Millerstown " 14 82
" '■ Marion township 50 10
•• " Penn " 62 40
" " l'ortersvllle boro 849
" '* Saxonburg " 15 89
•• " Zelienople " 21 56
" " Slipperyrock " 71 13
•• Clinton " 65 f 4
Total 13.023 77
Treasurer Receipts by Voacher for Year
Ending Dec. 3iet, 1881,
1879 from Butler boro t 7 00
" " Brady township 15 20
" Centreville boro l2 47
" " Clay township 572
" " Clearfield " 171 28
" " Cherry " 21 18
" " Donegal " 254 57
" " Karns City boro 800
" " Summit township 24 29
" - Winfield " 101 31
1880 " Allegheny - * 295 54
"• " Adams " 20 58
*• " Butler " 80 70
" " Butler%oro 208 57
" " Buffalo township 52 11
44 44 Brady 44 29 66
44 44 Concord 44 236 43
44 44 Centre 44 54 24
44 4 4 Clinton 44 61 32
4 - 44 Clearfield 44 58 36
44 41 Cherry 44 15 82
44 14 Connoq'g 44 12
44 44 Centreville boro 149
44 44 Donegal township 83 69
44 44 Fairview boro 820
44 44 Fairview township 443 34
44 44 Forward 44 32 29
44 44 Franklin " 18 78
1880 44 Jackson 44 19 76
•' 44 Jefferson 44 23 63
44 44 Karns City boro 49 27
44 4 4 Lancaster township 15 52
44 44 Muddycreek 44 13 58
44 44 Mercer " 26 25
44 44 Marion 44 34 94
• 4 44 Middlesex 44 17 33
** " Oakland 44 96 75
44 44 Parker •' 140 80
44 '• Venaugo b 84 07
44 44 Washington 44 71 73
44 44 \V infield 44 66 52
44 44 Worth 44 15 59
44 4 4 Millerstown boro 106 00
4 4 44 Prospect boro 129
44 44 Petrolia 44 109 98
44 '• Portersvllle 44 273
44 44 Sunbury 41 670
44 44 Harmony 44 13 14
1881 " Buffalu township 22 18
44 44 Clay * 4 18 94
44 44 Clinton 44 674
44 44 Clearfield 44 78 91
44 44 Jaek»on 44 11l 06
1881 44 Millerstown boro 55 66
44 44 Mercer township 17 41
44 44 Marion 44 33 77
44 '• Parker 44 168 75
44 Penn " 25 53
~ 44 Portersvllle boro 270
„ 44 Muddycreek 44 13 03
" 44 Saxonburg boro 353
44 4 4 Venango township 52 82
41 44 Zellenople boro 989
41 44 sllppervrock township 13 ('3
44 4 4 Karns City htiro 15 86
Total 3.798 52
Less 13 03
3.786 49
Less 29
Correct aggregate 3.785 29
I im]iichih held In 1881
Feb 5, J J Campbell $ 24 12
Mar 7, J J Campbell 18 07
Mar 12, John Wick 1 00
Maj 14, C A McCaskey 20 00
Mar 14, Henry Wilson 1 00
Mar 23, A C Moyer 20 64
April 12, C C Rumberger 20 00
May 26, V Palmer 1 00
July 1, R L Patterson 10 00
NOT 10, J J Campbell 46 24
Dec 20, J P Bricker 25 00
Total $lB6 97
Jan 4, 1881, S A Robinson sls 20
June 17, S A Robinson - 26 53
Oct 12, § A Robinson 32 99
Total $74 72
Clerk of Courts Account 1881.
W A Wri«ht $534 34
L M Cochran 11 20
State Tax.
April 26, J W M Newlin *1,400 00
A. IJ. Craig, Expenditures ol
Butler Co. lor 1881. Cr.
Travelling expenses $ 369 70
Printing account 2.355 99
Livery account 579 95
Jail account 524 76
Bridge Views 246 24
Road Viewer* 268 46
James Gribben's salary 784 50
Jonathan Mavberry's salary 785 98
J. C. Donaldson 782 50
S. McClvmonds, com'rs clerk 782 50
Coal account 206 09
Transcribing account 677 90
Prothonotarr, A Russell 11l 50
Public Improve'nt, Mrs E G Lyon. 100 00
Court House janitor 319 00
Court Crier 429 00
Clerk of Court, W A Wright 534 34
L M Cochran 11 20
Borrowed money paid 13,078 49
Interest account. 1,193 19
Commissioner's counsel 225 00
District Attorney - 338 00
Sheriffs account 1,325 79
Express account 12 90
State tax 1,400 00
Jury Commissioner's clerk 122 50
Jury Commissioners acc't 296 84
Inquest account 186 97
Stenographer's account 1,232 68
P-istage account 74 72
Dixmouut Hospital 1,769 25
Stationery 442 99
Western Penitentiary 502 80
County Detective 500 00
Allegheny Work House 299 85
Refunded Tax account 284 55
Reform School account 281 66
Court House account 471 37
Water account 400 00
Gas account 204 03
Registration 220 9
Assessing 659 14
Election account _ 2,184 58
County Auditors, 1881 300 00
Court Auditor, 1881 100 00
Tipstaves 1,036 00
Road damage account 211 00
Agricultural Asso'n account 200 00
Fox Scalps 306 00
Bridge account 9,784 61
Jurors account 10,015 79
Commonwealth account. 4,151 38
Constable's Returns 571 13
Unseated Lands 168 52
Unseated lalld school tax 542 36
Unseated land road tax 307 98
Unseated land poor tax 204 62
$65,477 28
Levy of County Tax for the Year 1881.
Adams township 9 1,377 73
Allegheny township 1,143 77
Putler boro 2,463 *4
Butler township 1,323 70
Buffalo township 1,29100
Brady township 820 IS
Concord township 1,608 31
Clay township 1.50S 11
Clinton township 1.279 21
Centre township 1.098 57
Clearfield township 823 13
Cranberry township 1,218 82
Connoquenessing township 1.126 86
Centreville boro 249 96
Donegal township 1,627 SO
Kalrvfew boro 239 90
Fairview township 2,491 65
Franklin township..,,. 1,263 82
Forward toyvnsWa 1,045 00
HjvrvUviUb Tboro 246 29
Harmony boro 4<JB 97
Jackson township 1,323 43
Jefferson township 1,217 25
Karns City boro 129 12
Lancaster township 1.130 13
Millerstown boro 335 29
Muddycreek township 1.1H2 44
Mercer township 813 32
Marion township 1.033 65
Middlesex township..,, 1.309 59
Oakland townshiu 1,088 65
Parker township 1,799 16
Penn township 1,221 00
Prospecv boro 303 72
Portersville boro 181 ?5
Petrolia boro 190 99
Summit township 1,097 23
SlipperjToek township 1,375 14
Saxonburc boro 2"9 14
Sunbury boro 147 44
Venango township 1,005 31
Wftshingtao township 1,244 85
W infield township 1,086 00
Worth township 1,24S 57
Zelienople boro 425 97
Total $4«,337 23
Road Views for 1881.
HDThompson $ 2 40
Mar 9, D Feidler 4 00
Mar 19, J M Denny 9 60
Mar 18. J T Kelly 3 00
Mar 19, A Moyer 0 00
Mar 19, Samuel Re* 4 80
Mar 30, J M Denny 9 40
Apr 13, J Dnnlap 3 76
Apr 13, W P Grant .. 5 00
Apr 21, D Patton 2 30
Jun 14, John Black 3 10
B F Hilliara 9 60
8 Bolton 4 30
R C McAboy 3 70
James Dunlap. 10 10
A Moyer 3 10
R Bovard 2 60
H Pillow 3 00
A Moyer 2 40
Aug 27, N M Slator 3 50
W W Stoops .. 3 00
N M Slator .. 33 00
A Moyer 13 70
R C McAboy 17 70
D Feidler 2 40
G H Graham 6 00
Alex Maxwell 4 00
John Pollock 2 60
N M Slator 5 00
N M Slator 11 00
II B Weisz 5 51
H B Weisz 11 50
N M Slator 10 50
R C McAboy 35 00
John Mitchell .. 5 50
Total $368 46
Retrintrntion Acconnt for 1881.
J Davidson $ 3 OO.Jas Cranmer 5 00
W M Ramsey... 400 W L Dauben-
S Brenneman.... 300 speck 200
H II Duffy 8 00 F H Murrin 2 00
Geo tfcClellan- 800 George E Hay... 500
A M Ham0r...... 800 Samuel Jones... 6 00
i Rutherford. 4 00 J A McDlvltte... 7 00
,R C Wbitford 6 00 R R McDermltt. 4 00
Jos Bestler 1 00 B M Duncan 3 00
W L Dauben- Geo Hildebrant. 6 00
speck 5 00 Wm Flemmlng. 7 00
W P Denny 8 00 M Wilson- 6 00
B M Duncan 4 00 J R Allison- 6 00
Peter Hilliard... 25|Wm Pringle 100
Bard Etal 1 (»! P Gilmore 5 00
J B Elder 4 00; J C Parker 10 33
8 H Dufford 5 OOHenry Wild 5 00
J Hutchinson.... 5 00 J G Cornelius... 5 00
W P Denny 300 L L Dauben-
Daniel Wallet..- 8 00: speck 10 00
Samuel Horn— 5 00 J C Ray 5 00
John St Clair..— 4 00: Charles Crouse. >0 00
David Bhannon. 3 001 -■
Jas Riddle ...... 637 Total $220 95
Alex Pollock 4 00'
Account with Towashlps aa4 Boro'a.
_ __ _
j»j%J ?• i 7
j I ~ j : ; :
From Washington twp.. $26 58!526 58; : 27
** Slipperyrock twp.; 109: : :
14 Allegheny twp....| 7 10 57• #8 96
" Winfleld twp 4 52: 2 48! 4 48| 451
" Summit twp ; 51: : !
41 Oakland twp j 88j 44 •
14 Donegal twp i 3 48J •
41 Veuaugo twp : 17 05 17 05: 10 23:
44 JefferHon twp : 63 i :
44 Parker twp j 9 82.13 58 431 j 796
44 Proiipect boro \ : 105; I
4 * Fairview boro : 62 : 75 : 60 : 25
44 Franklin twp : 2 85; 163: j
Total*, 59j $74 13|f28 sSjsl7 99
Dixmont Account with Townships
and Boroughs of Butler County
for 1881 .
Am't Rec'il Bal. Due
1881 from Winfleld twp : *4O 30 $12170
44 Clearfield twp ; j 798 77
14 Millerstown b0r0...: j 294 33
44 Forward twp i j 488 04
44 Donegal twp J 93 90;
44 Fairview twp j ; 494 70
44 Robert Storey ! 117 00:
Parker twp i 175 10 131 55
44 Venango twp ; 27 39;
44 Marion twp.. • i 259 27
44 Buffalo twp j : 261 33
44 Clay twp j 190 65;
44 Mercer twp • 185 50 03
44 Donegal twp j 257 50;
4 * Lancaster twp I 255 45;
44 Cherry twp j : 117 25
44 Butler bero j ; 70 99
Petrolia boro.. j 65 00 284 79
Total* i II 507 49 $3 316 75
TlpslHTe Acconnt 1981.
J White $ 80 00
A Storey 80 00
W R Patterson 78 00
R McElvain - 80 00
Thomas Shull 92 00
John Pleniining 92 00
Samuel Johnson 72 00
Joseph Hinchberger 86 00
Willam Williamson 100 00
Geo E Hay 90 00
John Maharp 92 00
Henry Korn 94 00
$1,036 00
County Detectives' Account.
A Allen slll 09
L H Edmundson 388 91
Total .....,SSOO 00
Llfery Account Tor 1881.
Georjre Campbell $ 155 35
Bauer aud Baxter 68 50
II Bickel 24 50
John Mitchell 79 50
Jame* Grihben 38 60
Alfred Wick 29 25
B Daugherty 88 00
E 1 Mcßride 25 25
Biekel 4 Scott 9 50
A Flick 1 50
J Lawall and Brothers 17 00
Ed May-berry 14 00
John Scott 7 00
Samuel Fry 9 00
L M Cochran 23 00
Total $ 579 95
Court Auditor.
W II Colbert 4100 00
Interest Paid on Borrowed.
Money tor the Year 1881.
S A Campbell. $ 309 00
J S Ward 45 00
S Ilalderman .. 161 50
R K Wick 150 00
Ann Cooper 36 00
Butler Savinga Bank. 15 18
R M Harper 142 50
W W Smith m 34
Abram Smith 32 67
Total $1,193 19
Water Account for 1881.
W B Meredith.... S4OO 00
Cas Account for 1881.
Butler Gas Company $394 OS
Dixmont Hospital Account.
Feb 14, J A Reed $1,542 60
Nov 23, George Alexander 226 65
Total .$1,769 25
Express Acconnt;
H C Heineman .sl2 90
Sheriff's Account.
April Ist, W H Hoffman .$ 425 15
July Ist, W H Hoffman 114 44
Sept 2d, George Walters 2 50
Oct., W II Hoffman.., 366 00
Dec., W H Hoffman 417 76
Total $1,325 79
Commissioners' Counsel
John M Thompson $ 25 00
C Walker 200 00
Total ..$225 00
Prot honotary.
A Russell 4111 50
Printing Account for 1881.
Butler Eagle $ 688 58
Bntler Herald 612 OS
Butler Citizen 481 88
Millerstown Herald 275 00
Connoquenessing Valley News 106 00
Petrolia Record 302 50
Karna City Telephone 90 00
$2,366 99
Public Improvement.
Mrs E G Lyon SIOO 00
Court House Janitor.
George W Ziegler $319 00
Stenographer's Account.
F M Eastman $1,232 68
Coal Account.
J J Millinger $149 90
J R Karns 15 62
John Karns 20 02
Elmer Grinaer 1 75
W II Nicholas 2 80
Philip Winner .» 16 00
Jury Commissioners.
W J Monks $154 24
Hugh McCrea 142 60
Jury Com'rs clerk, W O McCrea 122 50
Road I>auiage lor 1881.
James Stephcason $ 60 00
John A Smith 1 00
J A Elliott 150 00
Total ! 4211 00
Agricultural Association.
John S Campbell S2OO 00
County Auditors.
J D Kamerer 4100 00
J F Cashdollar 100 00
B L Hockenberry - 100 00
Total S3OO 00
Allegheny Co. Workhouse Account.
J 1. Kennedy ... .....$299 85
Reform School Account.
J J Gillespie $3Bl ««
Election Account.
Election account $2184 58
Amounts Paid on Unseated Lands*
Clearfield tp, H H Duffy $ 69 53
Summit tp, Matthias Keck. 35 40
Washington tp, 8 C Hutchison « 48 84
Bntler boro, A Troutman 28 38
Greece City boro, George Turner 38 13
Allegheny township, W T Crawford... 19 88
Parker tp, J D Hoover «... 87 06
Winfleld tp, John Hutsler 67 33
Venango tp, A C Wilson 38 89
Marlon tp, R W Atwell 11 39
Pcnn tp, k*hilip Button 17 83
Donegal tp, Owen Brady 5 79
Concord tp, G VTurner 140 13
Total *543 36
Butler tp, Samuel Dufford ...$ 2 55
Donegal tp, T McKeever 27 53
Butler boro, J N Patterson 81.30
Oakland tp. James Thornburg eta 1... 43 44
Penn tp, Robert McCandless 38 70
Franklin tp, George Stephenson......... 5 70
Coucord tp, J H Christie 1U M
Clearfield tp, Mcßride order 71 88
Total ..$307 98
Parker tp, R L Black • 1« 4»
Washington tp, B C Hutchinson - 16 10
Penn tp, J B Dodds * 8#
Marlon tp. R W Atwell
Wlnfieid tp, John Hntsler. 30 06
Clearfield tp. Dennis Mcßride 65 78
Oakland tp, John Thornburg 35 10
Concord tp, J H Christie 70 OS
Cherry tp, R Sankey 1 W
$B3l 11
Total ....1304 «
E H Anderson $567 90
Court Crier.
James Kearns $429 00
A. L. CRAIG, Treasurer, in account with
Butler county. DR.
To bal. in Treasury Jan. 4, 1881...514,690 90
To cash from Collectors 55,704 45
" " Commissioners 374 49
" " Unseated lands 196 39
" " Dixmont accounts... 1,607 49
" " Fines from Justice
Walker .. 20 00
$72,493 98
By warrants redeemed $64,422 38
" unseated tax, school . 348 36
" " " road 307 98
" " " poor 304 6$
" Treasurer's percentage 3,357 16
" receipt of Treasurer Miller 4,658 46
Total .-. 678.493 93
We, the undersigned, Auditors of Bntler
county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, met at tho Commissioners' Office in Mid
county on the 2d day of January, 1882, and
did audit, adiust and settle the several ac
counts required of us by law, according to the
beet of our Judgment and ability, and that the
foregoing is a correct statement of the various
officers of said county and CorsmoowealtU,
In witness whereof we have hereunto set our
hands and seals at the place aforesaid this
19th day of January, 1882.
tt. W. CROW, I Auditors.
We, the undersigned, Commissioners of
Butler county, having examined the foregoing
report of the Auditors of Butler county, ana
believing the same to be a correct statement
i of the receipts and expenditures of the county
lor the vear 1881, order the same to be pub-
I llshed. Given under our hands and seals this
. 25ih day of January. 1883.
, CHAB. COCHRAN >Co. Csm'rt