BUTLER CITIZEN. New Advertisements. Removal—D. L. Cleeland. List of applicants for license to sell liquor. Administrator'* Notice —Estate of Hans Baker. Trial List for wtek commencing Monday, March 20. "LOCAL AND GENERALT —Mr. Ihmsen, the glass works man, Is to be bere this week to commence work. —Charley Grieb has just received another large lot of those beautiful neck scarfs for which hia store is becoming famous. —The yard of the public school of this town, is terribly muddy for a childrens' play ground. We suggest that it be covered with ashes. —Mr. D. L. Cleeland has removed bi* watch, clock and jewelry store to the south end of Main street, opposite Donaldson House. See notice. —H. H. Goucher, Esq., was sud denly taken sick in the Court room on Tues day of last week and was confined to his bed for several days. —Another death is reported of a ladv who had taken an excess of "anti-fat" medicine. The nostrum is supposed to act as a alow blood poison. —A correspondent of the London Suuitt shows that a pound of tea, sold in China for less than four cents, copta the consumer in London fifty cents. —The West Penn railroad tracks between Blairsville and Allegheny are being straightened to such an extent that the distance will be shortened thirteen miles. Mr. Johnson Bowers, the superin tendent of the water works, of this place, had a severe billions attack, a few days ago, which gave rise to a report that he had gone crazy. —A dispatch received bere on Mon day stated that the Supreme Court had revers ed the Court below, Judge Henderson, of Dau phin eounty, onjthe Legislature salary question. —A Gorman sentinel who was an noyed by some boys shot two of them, was tried and acquitted. A steady tide of emigra tion from Germany to America continues, and facts like the above are behind it. —The Ladies' Temperance Society, of Butler, will have a meeting in the U. P. Church, Wednesday. February 22d, 1882, at 3 o'clock, P. M. All ladies interested in the temperance cause are invited to be present. —To-day (Wednesday) is the 150tb birthday of Washington. The Literary Socie ty, of the Witherspoon Institute, will celebrate the event by appropriate exercises in the schoel hall, Odd Fellows' building, this evening. —Mr. Frederick Berry, aged about sixty years, dropped dead at his residence in the north-western part of this town, last Friday evening. He had been in town doing some shopping, that afterneon and was then in his usual health. —A petit jury has fixed the value of an eye at $10,500. The case was one where a passenger in a horse-car had his eye put out by a collision. He claimed $50,000, Dut the jury evidently thought that too 'igh by about five time*. —Mr. Adam Troatman has had the frame building, at the corner of Washington and Mifflin streets, formerly used by H. Fred rick as a carriage and wagon shop, removed to another place, and intends building himself a brick residence on the corner lot. —The young man named Schwed ering that was killed on the West Penn rail road, a few days ago, was a son of old Mr. Bchwedering, who Tived in Butler about fifteen years ago. The young man was a brakeman and intended quitting railroading the day he was killed. —The Norristown Herald says that Barnum xave the keeper of his elephant SI,OOO when he learned that "mother and child were doing well." As the keeper is not obliged to get out of bed at midnight to dose the baby with paregnric, to keep it quiet, hia position will be envied by fathers whose income is less than five nundred dollars a year. —The relation between postmasters and burglars is not obvious, and yet there seems to be some reason why thieves try to Slander postoffices oftener than other buildings, [ore booty could generally be obtained from any one of half a dozen stores in a country village than from the postmaster's safe; yet it is astonishing how frequently this safe is the object of burglarious attack. —Only nine votes were given in the House at Washington last Thursday in favor of the new method of apportionment. The members evidently prefer the old and simple ' method, which is easily understood, to the new, which is apparently more exact and equitable, but somewhat complex. The doctrine of ap proximation is perhaps a little abstruse to the average Congressional mind. —The astronomers have lately an nounced some interesting news from Jupiter, the planet that is 1300 times as large as the earth. The news is that they have discovered several red and black spots on its face, each several thousand miles in diameter. And after much consultation, due consideration, etc., they have come to the conclusion that Jupiter has the small-pox. This is the latest news from Jupiter. —At this season foul chimneys often take (Ire and burn out. When such an ' event causes danger, an effectual remedy is in < reach of every prudent house-wife. Though it , is familiar to maay, it needs repetaiing. Sprin kle common salt on the fire, in the stove, in such a manner as to burn the salt. If done I wisely, a large amount of chlorine gas will be generated, filling the pipe and chimney, ex- j pellmg the air and extinguishing the fire. A diligent use of this will avoid all alarm and re move all danger from this cause. —Daring leisure time this month make a simple hot-bed, even if it is no larger than a large dry .good* box from which the bottom ana top have been removed. This, if ■awed in a diagonal direction, will make two frame* one foot in height on the front side and twenty-four inches on the rear side when placed at the south side of a building or high plank fence. If no old sash are at hand, ootton cloth, saturated with boiled linseed oil, will answer a very good purpose. No manure will be needed within the frames, but the fresh stable manure should extend one foot beyond the frames on each side. —The Democracy, of this town, at their meeting Saturday evening, nominated 8. P- Irvin, Esa., for Justice of the Peace; Joseph L. Purvis and Philip Weisner, School Direotors j J. R. Pringle and Matthias Buechle, Overseers of the Poor; Chai. Crouse, Assessor; John Groh man and Joseph ;Niggle, Assistant Assessors : William Williamson, High Constable ; A. N. McCandless and Champ Dewolf, Constables; Geo. W. Ziegler, Burgess; Harry Kearns. As sistant Burgess, and Amos Kearns, Auditor. For Town Council they nominated Al. Relber, 3 years; George Walters, 3 years, and Jacob Ziegler, 1 year. Reiber refused to serve and Jacob Keck was put on in his place. Post, of Wyoming Ter ritory, has introduced a bill in Congress whioh it is to be hoped will not be passed. It is call ed "a bill to reduce the internal revenue tax on cigarettes," but a more appropriate title would be "a bill to make lunatics and idiots and for other purposes"—the "other purposes" being to fill up the cemeteries and make mil lionaires of the undertakers. Mr. Post must be an enemy of the human race. He could not If be tried hit upon a more certain method of killing off a large portion of the rising genera tion and of making idiots of the one that is to follow it. Th« cigarette annually kills thous ands and thousands of children and voung men, and those whom it does not destroy physically It mentally ruins. The tax on it should be in creased, not reduced. It would be well to place it so high as to put these poisonous pack ages beyond the reach ofth« iwall boy. —A bill la now pending in Don. grew, introduced by an Ohio reformer which iteruly provides the severest penalties against •very candidate for the national legislature who 'treats' either before or after election. In a financial point of view this bill, if it shall be come a law and be (July enforced, will reduce election expenses by nearly one-half, not only in the bucolic regions, but in the 'centres of civilization.' What effect it may have on can didates and parties is an interesting political problem which the future must determine. It U an accepted canon with a certain school of Sllticians that of all means and methods yet vised to bring out a full vote a free supply of Bourbon is the most effective. When all other arguments fail they say it invariably succeeds. If the Congressional elections of the future shall be conducted on the proposed prohibition plan it is probable that between Bourbon candidates and constituents there will pass and pensive reminders of wnat on a celebrated MMMion the Governor of North Carolina said to bis brother ruler of the Palmetto State, —Mr. Samuel Richey, of this place, bat who has lately been working for the Cambria Iron Works Co., at Conemaugh sta tion of the Pennsylvania railroad, was killed on the railroad last Friday evening. He and Mr. Adam Weber were walking along between the tracks when they saw a train approaching them. Mr. Weber stepped aside upon the oth er track and walked on, supposing that Mr. Richey had done the same, but looking back aaw that Mr. Richey had not done so and had been struck by the train and thrown down. The train struck his right arm, breaking it in two places, and threw him violently across one of the rails of the other track, breaking his neck and causing instant death. His body was brought to town by the Saturday evening train. COURT NEWS. CIVIL CASES DISPOSED OF LAST WEEK. Thomas Carlin vs S D Hazlett, assumpsit ; verdict for the plaintifl for $304.25. Motion for new trial made and entertained. John H. Williams vs B F Hitchcock, as sumpsit ; verdict for plaintiff for $124.62. J. C. Wallace, for use, vs Wm. M. Abraras and J. Y. Foster, feigned issue; verdict for plaintiff for $258.27. All other cases on the list were continued. NOTES. Letters of administratiou were granted last week to Lucinda and Reuben Byers on the es tate of Wm. Byers, late of Marion township. Also, to Robert Trimble on estate of H. Baker, see notiee. Also, to Jacob Niblock on estate of Margaret Newel, late of Connoquenessing twp. James M. tialbreath, a student at law, has applied for admission to the Bar. Petition re ferred to the Board of Examiners, according to Rule of Court. Centrevllle Herns. There is talk of a musical convention for aezt month, to be conducted dy Prof. Leason. Miss Lccca Morrison, of Harrisville is visit ing friends in town. Protracted meetings will be held in the M. £. Church for two weeks. H H Vincent and Jesse Keister are the two Republican candidates for Justices ot the Peace in Slippery rock township. J. D. Kirkpatrick, Esq., and "Tom" Coulter have been out together for a few days securing coal leases on the proposed S. A A. extension to Butler. The literary association of our public schools will give a publio entertainment two weeks af ter the close of school. To accustom the young folks to performing before an audience visitors will be admitted to occasional weekly meetings. The old U. P. Church has been decided un safe, and measures are taking for the erection of a -new one. The cost will be about thirty five hundred dollars. The location has not yet been decided upon. A grand ball will be given on the 22d at the Chriatley Hotel. As the affair will be under the same general management as the last 4th of July celebration, we are confident it will be a complete success. Mr. Milton Covert has recently purchased a new solo alto horn. They say it's a daisy. The band boys are practicing right along now and hope in a short time to regain their old reputa tion. Of the different young ministers who have oc cupied the pulpit of the O. P. church since Mr. Menaul left it, Mr. Hacket, who is yet a stu dent at the Allegheny Seminary, seems to be the favorite. The congregation at North Lib erty which will unite with that of this place in the support of a pastor, also expresses a decided preference for him, so that it is not improbable that a call will be tendered him by the church es. The young fellow who slid oat of the 'Squire'* office while the papers were making out for his committal was seen in town on Sun day. Wonder if he's back for the second in stallment of the fund raised by the other boys to take hitn out of town and to keep him from squealing? 'Squire Coulter was engaged on Saturday af ternoon in taking testimony in the case of Wick vs Ramsey. The suit is for the recovery of amount of note given by Ramsey to Wick several years ago for about S3OO, in settlement of balance of a lumber bill. Ramsey claims, and it is said proyes, that Wick agreed to can cel the note if Ramsey would secure him a pur chaser for his farm, and that he had secured him a purchaser in the person of Malachi Ea gle. The case will come before Court. Much sympathy is expressed here for Lewis Owen, whose store at Forrestville has been closed by the Bheriff. The failure was brought about by the uncalled for action of a Pittsburgh Jewelry firm in filing a note which they had received from Mr. Owen in settlement of a balance. Should time be given, Mr. Owen can save $2,000 or $3,000, otherwise he will be left without a dollar. BILLY WILLIAMS. MEETING OF THE BAR. ACTION TAKEN ON THE DEATH OF SAMUEL A. PUBVIANCE, ESQ. Pursuant to notice the members of the Butler Bar convened in the Court room on Wednesday, February 15th, 1882, at 2 o'clock, P. M., for the pur pope of taking action upon the death of the Hon. Samuel A. Purviance, a for mer member and citizen of Butler, who died in Allegheny city, Pa., on the morning of the 14th inst. Lewis Z. Mitchell, Esq., called the meeting to order, and on whose motion his Honor Judge £. McJuukin was requested to preside and John 11. Negley, Esq., to act as Secretary. On motion of Mr. Mitchell a com mittee of fire, to be appointed by the chair, was chosen to prepare resolutiens expressive of the sense of the members of the Bar on the death of Mr. Pur viance. The chair appointed the fol lowing as said committee: L. Z. Mitchell, E. R. Eckley, T. C. Camp bell, J. M. Greer and W. H. Lusk, Esq'rs. During the absence of the commit tee remarks were made by Samuel P. Irvin, Walter L. Graham, J. D. Mc- Junkin, J. H. Negley and 11. P. Scott, Esq'rs, all bearing tribute to the memory of Mr. Purviance. The committee reported the follow ing : Resolutions of respect in honor of the mem ory of Hon. Samuel A. Purviance, deceased, passed by the Butler Bar. WiIKKKAS, It has pleased the great Jddge of the universe, to remove from this world one of the oldest, ablest and purest members of our Bar, H»n. Samuel A. Purviance. Rtsolvcd That the life of the deceased affords an example of noble, upright and virtuous conduct, as exemplified in hit every act, public and private. Resolved, That our deceased friend, during his long and useful active life, extending over a period of more than forty years as a member of this Bar, and from time to time as a publia officer, was faithful and efficient in the dis charge of bis duties, deservedly enjoying in the highest degree the confidence and esteem of his clients and constituents. Retolved, As a member of the Bar Mr. Pur viance was able, industrious and honest; faith ful iu the discharge of his duties to his clients, and meriting and enjoying alike the confidence of the Court and the respect of his colleagues at the Bar. Retolved, That the proceedings of this meet ing be embodied in the minutes of the Courts of Butler county, and be published in all the papers of the county. LKWIH Z. MITCHELL, 1 E. R. ECKLEY, I T. C. CAMPBKLL, f Com. JOHN M. GKEKK, I W. H. LUSK, J Further remarks were then made by T. C. Campbell and L. Z. Mitchell, Esq'rs, relative to the character and worth of Mr. Purviance both as a lawyer and as a man. On motion the resolutions were unanimously adopted, and with re quest that they be presented to Court and ordered to be entered upon the minutes of the Court, and also publish ed. On motion adjourned. E. MOJUNKIN, Chairman. JOHN 11. Secretary. —W. Aland, Merchant Tailor, is now prepared to take your order for early spring garments, offering forty styles. New designs in fine suitings at $25 for suits. These goods are equal to the best French makes. Also, fine French worsted iu black, blue and fancy styles at equally low prices. —See prices on carpets at Heck & Patterson's before buying. ffjpt Jftsil** Ci£ias#tt: |3«. t #jebfet*«rgr 22, tߧ2. Tribute of Respect. Tribute of respect by the officers, directors and stockholders of the Cen treville Savings Bank, to the memory of Austin T. Bard, Esq., late cashier of said bank. WHEREAS, God in his all-wise providence has seen fit to remove from earth our esteemed friend and associate, Austin T. Bard, Esq., the faithful and efficient cashier of this bank, from its first establishment until his death; there fore. Retolvrd, That while we sincerely mourn his loas, we recognize in this providence, the hand of our all-wise and tender heavenly Father, who "doeth all things well," and we bow in humble submission to His holy will. Retolved, That we hereby express our hearty appreciation of his ability, integrity and efficien cy in the discharge of his official' duties, and his successful management of the affairs of the bank, from its organization until the time of his death. RttoJrtd, That we bear our cordial and earnest testimony to the worth and consistency of his character, and to the uniform dignity and courtesy, which, as a man, he exhibited in all the relations of life, public, social and do mestic. Retolvrd, That we tender our earnest sym pathies to his bereaved wife and children, in this deep affliction, and commend them to that Heavenly Father, who alone is able to bind up their hearts. COM. Educational Convention; An educational convention will be held at North Washington, on Wednesday and Thurs day, March Ist and 2nd next, to which all friends of education are cordially invited. On Tuesday evening, February 28th, Col. Cope land will deliver his lecture on "Handsome People," which he thinks will be the best that he has delivered in the county. Prof. L. H. Bugbee is expected Wednesday evening, and S. F. Bowser, Thursday evening. Col. Danks will be present during the convention and de liver his lecture on "War and its Remedies." County Superintendent Murtland will be pres ent at both sessions. The convention is ex pected to be a great success. All are cordially invited. —Carpets, oil cloths and mattings, cheapest in Butler county, at Heck <fc Patterson's. One of the youngest babies in Minnesota has a mother who is eighty three years old. I had Chronic Catarrh badly. I took Peruna. lam very much better. J. Williams Medway, Pa. A full line of all kinds of Dress goods, Trimmings and Notions of all kinds very low at the store of L. STEIN & SON. —Men's, Boys' and Childrens' over coats, at less than cost, at Heck & Patterson's. Jones says that he used to be pro ficient in half a dozen languages, but since he was married he is not even master of bis own tongue. I was miserable with Chronic Ca tarrh. Peruna is my remedy and no other. Wm. Brown, Pitsburgh. —The Pearl shirt, the finest dress shirt in the market, only sl, at Heck A Patterson's. Commander Cheyne seems sanguine of obtaining $40,000 in America to ward the expense of reaching the north pole by balloons. Sir Hugh Allan and other residents of Montreal have undertaken to obtain a subsidy of $20,- 000 from the Canadian Government. (Ciucinnii 1 ish Citizen.] Mr. Thomas Lewis, 62 Butler street, informs us that for seven years he was afflicted with that dreadful malady, Sciatica, and being induced to try St. Jacobs Oil, found almost immediate relief therefrom, and is now perfectly cured. A Brooklyn medium was about to 'materialize' two spirits the other night for the delight of a circle of spiritualists, when some one inconveniently turned on the gas, and the circle were dismay ed to see the medium with one mask on her face and another at arm's length enveloped in illusion—as the company would have been but for the unmateri alizing gas. —Heck & Patterson are closing overcoats out, at less than cost to manufacture. Saltsburg has had sixty cases of small-pox in a population of 900. —Fine Accordians at J. F. T. Stehle's —Fine neck wear, large stock and low prices, at Heck & Patterson's. A presbyterian missionary at Fort Wrangell, Alaska, writes to the ' St. Louis Board of Missions that persons accused of witchcraft Dear her station are punished with death. An old wo man, whom the natives charged with being an agent of thetfevil, was tied to a'tree and left five days without food. Her thirst was aggravated i with salt water, and at last she was hacked to pieces with knives. Brain and Nerve. Well's Health Kenewer, greatest remedy on earth for impotence, lean ness, sexual debility, &c., sl. at drug gists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6 for $5. E S. WELLS, Jersey City, N.J. _ William P. Ridgeway of San Fran cisco fell in love with the Widow Forbes, and engaged to marry her. He wan about 70 years old, and bad a valvular affection of the heart, besides being a sufferer from paralysis. His physician assured him that marriage would be speedily followed by death. Unwill ing to take that risk, he broke his promise. These facts were presented in his defence to a suit of damages, but the jury did not deem tbom material, and gave the widow & verdict of $5,- 000. Big Rules Fvom Little Causes. 'I)o you know?' remarked a man to his friend on Chestnut Street, a day or two since, 'I believe both Conkling and Piatt bad a bad case of skin disease when they resigned!' 'What makes you think so?' inquii%d the listener in astonishment. 'Well, you see they acted in such an eruptive manner so ranh— ly as it were. Save ? 'Oh! yes, I save,' replied the other, 'tbey were boil —ing over and merely re signed to humor themselves, I suppose.' If such be the case, the National diffi culty might have been averted by ap plying Swayne's Ointment for skin diseases. MARRIED, (.'OX- WELSH—On February 14th, 1882, by Rev. S. L. Johnston, Mr. James C. Cox, of Bueiiavista, Chaffee couuty, Colorado, and Miss Mattie Welsh, of Connoquenessiug town ship, Butler county, Pa. KERNER—-McPHERBON—On Thursday, February 16th, at St. Mary's Church, Kittan ning, Mr. Frank Kerner, of Butler county, and Miss Mollie McPherson, of Kittanning. DEATHS. BERRY—In this place, oil the 17th iust, Mr. Frederick Berry, in the 60th year of his age. BARRICKMAN—On February 16th, 1882, in Butler township, George Eewis, sou of Abram and Annie Barrickman, aged 2 years and 7 months. This family has been severely afflicted with whooping cough. There are still two more children iu a very dangerous condition. We sincerely sympathise with the pareuts. A Card. I take this opportunity to thank my friends and the public for their liberal patronage since I started in the mer cantile business in Butler, in 1840 Having taken my son W. A. Stein in to partnership under the firm name of L STEIN & SON, I respectfully solicit for the new firm a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon myself during the jjast 42 years. Louis STEIN. Butler, Pa., Feb. 4, 1882. febß3t —Gents' fine white and colored shirts, low prices, at Heck & Patter son's. At 10 cts., half wool dress goods. At 10 cts, double fold brocade dress goods. At 10 cts., good ticking. At 10 cts., genuine Columbian che viots, at L. STEIN & SON'S. According to the census report, Cam bria county produced 590,075 tons of coal in 1880 ; Westmoreland county, 3,- 297,390, and Somerset county, 285,456. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupabia. sl. at drug gists. Prepaid by express, $1.25,6 for $4. E. S WELLS, Jersey City, N. J. The man who expects to adjust the rope around Guiteau's neck is named Robert Strong. He has had enough practice to make him proficient. He says that, although Guiteau seems brave now, he expects to see him die like a cur. —Carpets, a fine stock, at low prices, at Heck & Paterson's. —Some three or four farms in this county can be bought at present on reasonable terms, and of which partic ulars can be had by enquiring at the CITIZEN office. At 5 cts., good dark Calico. At 5 cts., good light Calico. At 7 cts , fine sheeting Muslin. At 8 cts., heavy sheeting Muslin, at L. STEIN & SON'S. Farmers I,ook Here, The undersigned are now taking or ders for fruit trees for spring planting. We represent one of the most reliable nurseries in Rochester, N. Y. Please send your orders in immediately. nl6tf WALKER <FC BEIDERMAN. —Wall paper and window shades at J. F. T. Stehle's. All wool dress goods, from 20 cents up, at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Gents' Furnishing Goods, full stock and low prices, at Heck & Pat terson's. —To men desiring permanent em ployment we would refer them to D. H. Patty & Co.'B advertisement for men to sell trees, which appears in another column. Ifeb6 A CARD* To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, ear ly decay, loss of manhood, <kc., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mission ary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH T. IKM AX, Sta tion D. New York City. [9n6m 5,000 yards of new Embroideries and Insertings from 1 cent per yard up to finest qualities, at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Clothing for Men's, Boys' and Childrens' wear, cheap, at Heck & Patterson's. —Drums, fifes, mouth organs and jews harps, at J. F. T. Stehle's. —FOR RENT A house and lot in Butler, north-western part of town, can be rented now on very reasonable terms. Has two rooms and kitchen, with water etc. For particulars en quire at CITIZEN office. —When you want anything in the line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sil verware, Spectacles, <fcc., do not fail to call in at K. Grieb's and examine the stock ; no trouble to show goods. —Buy the Eighmie patent shirt at J. F. T. Stehle's—best in town—fit guaranteed. —Ladies' and Gents' Gossamer Gum Coats, cheap, at Heck & Patterson's. —Blankets, Flannels and Yarns, wholesale and retail, at Union Woolen Mills. Butler, Pa. octl2tf It TellM ItM Own Slory, LANCASTER, N. 11. Dec. 3, '79. By the way I will say that I think Downs' Elixir the best cough remedy that I can find at our Druggist's. We always use it.—J. S. Peavey, Pub. Republican. All diseases arising from Biliousness or Torpid Liver, are quickly cured by the use of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. See notice Arnica and Oil Liniment in another column. PUBLIC SALE OF mm REAL [STATE. BY order of Court, tlio undersigned Receiver of the Fir»t National Bank, of Butler, Pn.. will offer at public sale, at the Court House, in Butler, on Thursday, March 16th, 1882, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the undivided three-eighths (%) of the following d ascribed tract of land, of said bank, to wit : Situate in Concord township. Butler county. Pa., bounded on the north by McClelland fun, east by Wiek farm, south by land of Byers and others, and west by Kepler farm; one-story frame house, log house, log baru, and orchard thereon, coiitaiuirg tbirty-threo acres, more or less. TERMS—One-half cash on ('.ay of sale, and the other half within six months thereafter, with in terest, and with such security as shall be satis factory to the Recoivor, and no deod to be made to the purciraser until tho consideration shall be fully paid. JOHN N. PURVIANCfc, (4 times) Receiver. Butler, Feb. 14, 1882. Dr. Frease's Water Cura. A health Institution In Its 2Sth year. For nearly all kind of Chronic diseases, and espe cially the diseases ol Women. Invalids are In vited to correspond wiUi us. Circulars free. Address, 8. FKEASK, M. D., New Brighton, Bsaver Co., Pa. lyjuneiii) ACi We sell Sheet Music (no difference iwhere puhltohe.l)at a reduction of -Hi |H-r cent, from Publishers or Import er* marked pric e. Orders by mall ac- T), ir leompaiiled by cash promptly tilled. x el We nave a flue stock of Musical In struments, Tri miuings and Music , Rooks at low pi ice*. A No. I Violin Pnnt Strings a speel. Uty. Send for cata- Jlogue. Address KNAKK & CO., Music Publishers, Pitts) lurgli, Pa. tXate of Wlllfa.m Ehcrf. Letters of administration liav.'tig been granted to the undersigned on the estiite of William Ehcit, dee'd., late of Sax on bur j;, Butler Co., Pa., all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified that immediate payment is required, and those having claims against the same to presi ,-ut them duly authen ticated for settlement, FREDERICK EBERT. ) CHRISTIAN RAABE, } Adin're ttaxoubtitg p. 0., Butler JJo., Pu. List or Applications for Ucense. THE following applications have been filed in the oftl'-e of the Clerk of Quarter Sessions, and will l>e presented to the Court for action thereon, on FRIDAY, MARCH loth, I*B2 : IIUTI.F.K BOROUGH. Tavern—J J Feidler, Geo W Campbell, Henry Eitenmiller. Charles lioyle, A Lowry, Leonard Nicholas. I Ri staunint .Jordan hytli, Geo J Smith, Gabriel K oilier. Geo I. Rr.se, Samuel Sykes,.John M Smith, Robert s Milliliter. Merchant -Geo & Jacob Reiber. MII.LF.R-.TOWS BOROUGH. Tavern—Henry I-ock.iart, Johnston & Campbell, Jonti Glass. Restaurant—James Cogan. PETROLIA BOROUGH. Tavern—Ed O'Donnell, J L Clark, J B Dougher ty, W H Jellison. KARXS CTTY BOROUGH. Tavern- John A Richey, John McGuire. ZELIJSXOPLE BOROUGH. Tavern—Henrv S.okev, James Oesterling, Jacob Shelly. Merchant—George Stahl. HARMONV BOROUGH. Tavern—Beam & Dindinger, Jacob Feidler. Merchant—Jacob F W'se. Restaurant—Peter Otio. SAXOXBURG BOROUGH. Tavern—Francis Laubie, E F Muder, Jos Kohn felder. EVAXBBUBG (JACKSON TWP.) Tavern—J X Miller. Henry W Stokey. BOROUGH FAIRVIEW. Tavern—James T. Wilson. ST. JOE (DONEGAL, TWP.) Tavern—Sophia Reith. COALVILLE (SLIPPERYROCK TWP.) Merchant—George Moon. Tavern—Lafayette Kelso. HILLI ARI>B STATION (WASHINGTON' TWP.) Merchant—John Higgins, John Sherman. Tavern—John Scott. LANCASTER TOWXBHIP. Tavern—William Wahl. CARBON BLACK. Tavern—Charles Pfabe. CLEARFIELD TOWNSHIP. Merchant—Wm S McCrea. Tavern—Michael J Mcßride, Bridget Gatens. DELANO STATION (WIXKIKLD TWP.) Tavern—Lewis Weidliaas. GREAT BELT (JEFFERSON TWP.) Tavern—Michael Shields. OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. Tavern—lsaac Hepler. TUOUTMAN FARM. Tavern— Thompson Cumimugs, John A Harding. SUMMIT TOWXBHIP. Tavern—Albert Smith. lIVROM CKXTRE (ALLEGHENY TWP.) Tavern—C M Burnett. BIT F.N A VJST A Tavern —O D Ad?ms. Certified from the Re 'ord, Feb. 21,1882. W. IS. DODDS, Clerk. Road Keports. Notice is hereby given that the following road reports have been confirmed nisi by the Court, and will bo presented on the first Wednesday of March term, being the Bth day of the month, A. D., 1882. If no exceptions are filed they will be confirmed absolutely: No. 3, Sept. term. 1881, petition of citizens of Allegheny township to vacate a road leading from GraDt School House to James Jolly's No. 6, Sept. term, 1881, petition of Slippery rock township to vacate change and Bupply part of a public road leading from Hickory Mill to Five Points in Cherry township. No. 7, Sept. term, 1881, petition of citizens of Summit township to vacate and supply part ot Butler and Kittanning road, leading from Blin ker's Mill to the Butler and Millerstown road where the said road passes over or adjacent to the lands of Oeo Bartiey to a point on Butler and Kittanning r ad where said Butler and Kittan ning road passes over or is adjacent to lands of George Bartiey. tho same being necessary to supply the part of the road asked to be vacated, reported cost of road to be borne by township, twenty-five dollars. No. 9. Sept. term, 1881, road in Franklin town ship to vacate, change and supply, beginning at the line of John St. Clair, and running through the farm of Robert Hind man- distance of about one hundred rods or so much of said road as runs through said farm. No. 10, Sept. term, 1881, road in Muddycreek township, to vacate and supply that pait of road leadiug from State road at or near Thos. Garvy's to road leading from Portersville to Mechanics burg as lies betwt en a point at or near the resi dence of Henry Hay and a point at or near the Southern boundary of said Hay, cost thirty dol lars, to be borne by township. No. 11, Sept. term, 1881. road in Muddycreek township (private) leadiug from the farm of C Eichoitz to a point on the public road leading from Harn?ony to Portersville at or near the lane leading from said public road to Niclas Banders. Damages—John Weller, *SO, Henry Nagle <SO. No. 12, Sept. term, 1881, road in Clearfield township, leading from farm of James Martin to a point in the public road leading from Millers town to Great Belt road eastward to a public road leading from the Carbon Centre road to the Kittanning pike at a point on the woodland of Marcus Brownson. Damages assessed to be paid by petitioner—Heirs of Henry Seaton, *6, Marcus Bronson, sl2. No. 4, Dec. term, road in and Muddy creek townships, beginning at a point at the ,'urn of tho road between Samuel Gill and Man ual Burton to a point on Zion church road at or uea.' the house of Wm Paine, in Muddycreek towi<flhip ; cost of making, *IOO, to be borne by towns.*up. and damages to R Stewart, .SSO. No. 1, Sept. teim, 1881, public road in Fair view township to begin at the end of a public load cr street in the b trough of Fairview, being that pa<t eatt of .Main street of the public road leadiug from .North Washington to Fairview, the point where said street terminates, and where road as prayed for shall commence, being the length of about 3JO feet east of Main street in said borough, and to end at a public road in said township leading from' Fairview to Petroliaat or near the residence of It'obert Fowler. No. 2, Sept. term, 18fe1, road iu Buffalo and Jefferson townships to leal from a point on cor ner of land of John Rivers, iu Buffalo township, on Hannahstown road to a point at School house on Sarversville and coal baiiL" in Buffalo town ship. Co-t of road, fSO, to be borne by the township. Damages to Joseph Wright, SSO and to John Rivers tSO to bo borne by the county. BCTLEB COUNTY, SH : Certified from the Record tics 11th day of February, 1882. W. B. DODDS, Clerk. Tax Collectors for 1882. The Commissioners make the following ap pointments lor Collectors tor the ditlercnt town ships and boroughs for the year A. D. 1882 : Adams twp —A. Fleming. Allegheny twp— James Blair. Butler twp —-Joseph Crisweil. Butlalo twp —Jacob Simmers. Brady twp—John B. Smith. Clay twp—R. J. Gold. Concord twp—Peter Kamerer. Centre Iwp— W. A. Christie. Cliutou twp—lsaiah McCall. Cranberry twp—Lewis Hollinan. Cherry twp —William Mcflill. Clearfield twp —F. P. Mcßride. Conuo<iuencssing twp—James Welsh. Donegal twp —Hugh McFadden. Forward twp—Nicholas Kramer. Fairview twp—G. H. Gibson. Franklin twp —John Albert, Br. Jefferson twj —William W. Harbison. Jackson twp —Henry Zehtier. Lancaster twp—George Mlllerman. Middlesex twp—W. J. Whiteside. Muddycreek twp—Jonathan W. Joues. Marion twp —8. M. Beaton. Mercer twp —Jonathan Bovard. Oakland twp —F. H. Monnie, Parker twp—Thomas Allsworth. Penn twp—Thomas J. Graham Blipperyrock twp -Thomas Shannon. Summit twp—Joseph Lindsey. Venango twp—E. F. Mcßride. Washington twp—Samuel Young. Worth twp—E. E. Curry. Winfleid twp —Robert Cooper. Butler boro — Centerville boro—Jonathan Mayberry. i Fairview boro —Richard Doyle. Harrisville boro — Harmony boro—F. M. Mitchell. Karns City boro—D, McLaughlin. Petrolia boro —William Glbsou. prospect boro—Jewell Baker. PoTtersvilie boro—John Glenn. Suu.*>ury boro—Shryock Wick. Saxon burg boro—Alfred Manrhoff. MillersU>wn boro--John Myers. Zelienople boro—Edwin Zehner. 8. McCLYMONDB, Clerk. Commissioners' Office, February 18, IHH2. Woilce. Wo the undersigned, examined the Board of County Commissioner* for 18*1, and they, under oath, state-l that tiny «Md "<>t expend any of the county's money or tlrte, whatever, for anything, excepting for county purposes. H. W. CROW, J. H. SHANNON, j. M. LoirtiKN, Comity Auditors. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Henry Leibold, com mil ten of Margaret Grinder, has fllod his partial aecouut in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas, at M's Docket No. 7, Dec. term, 1880, and that the same will be preset!ted to said Court for confirmation and allowance on Wednesday, March 8, A. D., 1883. M. N. GREEK, Proth'y. NOTICE. Notice la .hereby given that the application o W. E. Hall, of Brady township, Butler Co., Pa., a farmer, for .discharge from all his debts, under the insolvent Jaws of the State, will lie present ed to Court, on Monday, the (ith day of Marob, next. C. WALKER, Attorney. MARYLAHD FARMS. -Bookjand Map free. By 0. SHAN AH AN, Att y, East on, Md. ! SHERIFF'S SALES. ! n Y virtue of sundty Wilts of Sci. Faiias. Fi. D Fa Al. Fi. Fa.. Al. Lev. Fa.. Leviii Fa cial' sod Venditioni Exponas, issued out of the | Court of Common Pleas of Butler couiity, and i to me directed, there wilt be exposed to public j sale. at the Couit House, in the borough of But | ler, on Monday, the 6th day of March, A. D.. 1832, at one o'clock. P. M., the fo'lowing described property, to wit: ED, No 49, March term. 1882. Goucher, McC. and Lusk. ED, No 90, March term, 1882. E G Miller. All the right, title, interest and claim of John SI Thompson of, in and to one hnudred and twenty-live acres of land, more or situated in Donegal and Clearfield townships, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Wm Richard, east by lands of Wm Matthews et al, south by lands of W 11 Clymer and west by lands of Cathaiine Hickey; no improvements thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John M Thompson at the suit of Daniel Feidler et al, for use, and Butler Savings Bank. E D, No 72. March term, 1882. S H Piersol. All the right, title, interest and claim of S A Yandivort of, in and to fifty acres of land, more or less, situated in Cranbeny township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to nit : On the lioitli by lands of Alex Milligau. east by lands of John L Roll, south by lands of John Kuntz man and west by i&nd-i of Robeit Trimble • a two-story log house, weather boarded frame barn and corn crib and orchard thereon: about 40 acres cleared, partly underlaid with coal. Seized and taken in execution as the property of S A Yandivort at the suit of James A Campbell, for use of Hugh Bjird. ED. No 43, March term, 1882. Brandon. All the right, title, interest and claim of Wil liam A Iteeel of. in and to a certain lot or parcel of iand situate in the borough of Zelienople, Butler county, Pa., bounded on the west by Main Street, fronting oil the same sixty-four (i>4) feet, on tho north by C S I'assavant, a dis tance of 20 rods to High street, on the east by High street and fronting on the same 64 feet, on the south by lots and tannoiy of Lewis Ueed, a distance of 20 rods to Main street aforesaid, con taining about one-half aero and being lots Nos. 39 and 23 in the plan of lot< of said borough, a 2-etorv brick house, wall house C other building appurtaut and fruit trees thereon. Seizes! and taken in execution as the propelty of William A Iteed »t the suit of John C McCombs for uso of Samuel McLano. ED, No 57, March term, 1882. J B Brediu. All the right, title, interest aud claim of John Stock of, in and to a certain lot or paicel of ground, situate in the borough of Batler, Butler county. Pa , bounded north by lot of Fred Grief, cast by Washington street, south by Wayne street "aud west by Water street, containing 60x180 feet, more or less, a two-story frame dwelling house, with kitchen attached, frame stable, blacksmith shop and out buildings there on. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of John Stock at suit of Wm Weigand. E D, No 56, March term, 1882. J B McJunkin. All the right, title, inteiest and claim of V Smith of. iu and to a certain niece or parcel of land, situate iu Snmrait township, Butler coun ty, Pa, bounded north by Peter Snower, east by M Spahn, south by Jacob and west by Peter Snower, containing twenty-seven acres, more or less: small frame house, log barn and or chard thereon, about 20 acres cleared. Seized and taken iu execution as tho propel ty of V Smith at the suit of Migdalin6 Wolf. E D, No 73, March term, 1882. C G Christie. All the right, title, interest and claim of J J Kelly of. iu and to a lot of grouud, situate in the borough of Centreville, Butler county; Pa., containing 65x160 feet, more or less, bounded on the north by Edward Christy, east by an al ley, south by a street and west by Patton, with a tw'o-story frame dwelling house and frc.me sta ble and "fruit trees thereon. Seized aud takon in execution as the property of J J Kelly at the suit of Thomas Wilson. E D, No 55, Marcb term, 1882. C O Christie. All the right, title, iuterest and claim of Barali McCoy, E A McCoy and John McCoy of. in and to a certain piece or parcel of land, situate in borough of Cetitreville, Butler county, Pa. bounded as follows : On the north by an alley, on the east by an alley, on the south by lot of Jacob Peters, and on the west by street, being the same property upon which the said Sarah and E A McCoy, now reside, being eighty feet front and i Mining back one hundred and eighty feet; two-story brick dwelling house and frame with other out-buildings thereon erected. Seized and talien in execution as the property of Sarah McCoy, E A McCoy and John McCoy at the suit of Franklin Fisher E D, No 11 aud 31, March term, 1882. Scott and A T Black. All the right, title, interest and claim of -P F Porterfield of, in and to ninety acres of land, more or less, situated in Allegheny township. Butler county, Pa , bounded as follows : Begin ning at a post at the north-west corner, thence by lands of Sloan et a), noitli 89 degrees east 159 perches to a white oak, thence by lands of Or A W Crawford south 1 degree east 78 parches to a stone, thence 33% degrees east, 18 jierchcs to a post, thence by lands of Elias Osiuan, part of same tract, south 88J-£ degrees wesi, IC9 4-loih peiches to a post, thenco by lands of Dr A \Y Crawford north 1 degree wost 90 8-10 perches to a post, the place of beginning; a two-story frame house 21x20 feet with kitchen attached, frame stable *4xlß feet 16 feet high 45 acres cleared and under fence, 10 acres meadow. 60 acres underlaid with 40 inch vein of coal and 4 foot vein ol limestone, both open.young orcharu of apple and peach trees, good water thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of P F Porterfield at the suit of Joseph VVeller aud P F Porterfield, for use. ED. No 79. March term, 1882. Eastman. All the title, interest and claim of A N llamor of. in and to a certain lot or parcel of ground, situate in the borough of Karns City. Butler county, Pa., being lots Nos. 88, 89, 90 A 91, bounded as follows, to wit: fronting on I'arker street 100 feet, and extending l>ack to Centra street 100 feet, on tho oast by Tot No 92. on tho west by lot No 87, a frame or board dwel ling house, green house thereon erected. Seiz ed and taken and taken in execution as the property of A N Hamor at the suit of Abdul Mc- Clure <t Co. E D, No 10 and 65, March torn-, 1882. Q W Fleeger. All the right, title, interest aud claim of W B Sedwick of, in and to all tho undivided one-half interest in tho following described 3 pieces or parcels of land, situato ui Allegheny and Venan go townships, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows : Beginning at a stone, thence south, 4 degrees west, 75 percheß to a stone pile by lands of M Andorson heirs, thence nortli 57% east, 82 perches to a stone by part of same land, thence north 2414 degrees east perches lo a post by the same and thence north, 89 degrees west, 84 perches to the place of beginning, con taining 24 acres and 20 perches. Seized aim taken in execution as the property of W B Hod wick at the suit of James 8 Chambers et ux, in right of Scott and Craig, for use. E X), No 65 aud 10 March term, 1882. O W Fleeger, AT.SO—AII the light, title, interest and claim of W B Sedwick of. in and to the following de scribed piece of land, known as the Mill pone, situate m Allegheny and Venango township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows : Begin ning at tho south end of said peice at a post, thence north, 43 degrees east. 66 perches to a crab tree, thence east 15 1-10 perches to a Cher ry, thence north, 3 degrees west, 35 perches to a Cherry, thonce south. 43 degrees west, 86>£ per ches to an Elder, thence 10 degrees west, twelve perches to a post, thence south. 40 degrees east, 4 perches to the place of beginning, containing 6 acres and 154 perches, more or loss. Seized and taken in execution as tho property of \V B Sedwick at tho suit of J&mos L. Charobore et ux in right of Scott and Craig, for use. E I>, No 65and 10, March term, 1882. G W Fleeger. ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim of W B Sedwick of. in and to 3d piece of land situate in Allegheny and Venango townships, Butler county, Pa., described as follows : Begin ning at the south-west corner of said piece of land at a post, then e west, 41'j decrees east. 8 perches to a Cherry, west, % of a degree west, 10 2-10 perches to a stump, thenco west. 73% degreeß west, 6 perchos to a post, thence south, y. of a degree east, 17 and 19 perohes to the place of beginning, containing 85 porches, the aforesaid pieces of land containing in all 31 acres and 159 iierehes, more or loss, frame grist an 1 flouring mill thereon, with all machinery and fix tures thereto belonging. 3 frame honsos aud out buildings. Seized and taken in oxecution as the property of W B Sedwiok at tho suit of James L Chambers et ux in right, Ac, and Scott and Craig for use. ED, No 67, March terra. 1882. Ooucher. All tho right, title, interest and claim of Ken nedy Marshall and Anna E Marshall of, in and to all that certain lot of ground, being lot No. 14, in the general plan of lots in the borough of Butler. Butler county, l'a., and situate on the south side of tho puhllu suuare or diamond, be ing eighteen foot front, by one hundred and eighty feot back, bounded north by a street or the Diamond, east by Gibson, south by an alley and wost by Charles McCandloss ; a two s»ory brick house and out-buildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Kennedy Marshall and Anna E Marshall at tho suit of Charles McCandless for use of, now for use of Samuel L Biddlo, Sr., assignee. ED, No 40, March term, 1882. McQuistion. All tho right, title, interest and claim of Chris tian Mechling of, in and to one hunlrel and twenty acres of land, more or less, situated in Jefferson township. Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by James Wright, east by James Caldwell, south by Thom as Mechling and wost by Qeorge Mechlings heirs anil Albert Shrader; frame house, log barn, spriug house, coal house aud corn crib aud two story log house anil good orchard thoroon, about 80 acres cloared, balance in good timber. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Chris tian Mechling at tho suit of Oeorge Barr and James Bftrr, adw'r of H II Barr. doe'd. E I), No S'.l, March tr-ra, 18S2. E G Miller All the ri.ht title, interest and claim of Robt O Story, Ale* Story, Margaret Story and Sarah A Story of, in and to one hundred and six acres of land, mote or less, situated in Summit town ship, Hurler ouuty, l':i , bounded as follows, to «it. On l!ie north t>y llou E Mcjunkin, east by E Lyon, south l>y W Steward and west by W S Boyd. (being the .-a:iie lards eonveyed to Koht O S:or> by Win Campbell and wife), two frame dwe ling houses two-storys each, large frame liauk bam, out buildings, a good orchard thereon; mostly dear.d. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Kohl O Story, Alex Story, .Margaret Story and Sinh A SnJty at ilie suit of Butler 3a\iugs Rank. E D, No S:{, March term, McQuirtioii. A! 1 the right, title, interest nud claim ol Fied Grief of, in and to a cereaiu lot or parcel of ground situ >rcd in the bjrou. h of Butler, But ler couuly Pa , bounded north by 1 it of Jo.eph Hunk, cast by Washiu ton street, south by lot of .10l h Stock and west by Water street, containing •oxlßo feet, more or a two-sto ry frame dwelling house with kit. hen attached, frame "table and out-buildlctrs thereon. Seized and taken in execution a- the property of Fred Griel at the suit ot I] II Harr, lor use. ED, No S4, March term, ISB2 C Walker. All the right, tl.le, interest and claim ol Cath iriiu Hoeh, executrix o: G llocli, deceased, of, in and to twenty acres of laud, more or less, situated in Donegal township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Fetzer and Myers, east by Jones heirs, south by B J Forquer and west by Fetzer and Myers: farm house, board stable and coal bank thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Catharine Hoch, executrix of C Hoch, deceased, at the suit of Joseph Gra ham. E L), No 84, March term, 1882. C. Walker All ilie right, title, interest and claim ol Catb&tiue Hoch, executor of G. Hoch, dee'd, of, in and to two lots of ground, situate in the borough of Millerstown, Butler eounty, Pa, bounded on the north by l inds of Martin Hoch, east by lands ol M Deiter, south by Main street and west by laud of Frank Boyle, con taining one-half ar.e, more or less ; a two story fiatue house, frame stable aud out buildings, a.id at.ont 20 fruit t-ees .hereon. Seized and taken In execution a« the property of Caihar'ue Iloch, executor of G Hoch, deceased, at the suit of Joseph Graha-u. E D, No 81, March term, 1882. All the right, title, mteres and claim of A Donaldson ot, in and to Seven (*) acres of land, more or less, situated in Clay township, Butler contity, l*a , bounded as follows, to wit. On the north by Middletown road, east by Christy heir, south by Christy heirs and Kerr Wick aud west by John Mechliug end public road; all cleared and fenced. Seized and tak en in execution as the property of A Donaldson at the su t of Mary Ellen Douuldson, or heirs ED,No 70 and *7. March term, 18&2. Ferd Reiber, E G Miller. All the right, title, interest and claiui of Pat rick Kelly ot, lu and to a vacant lot of ground situate on the t'oruor of Main and Cunningham streets in the borough of Butler, county. Pa., bounded north by vacant lof of Patrick Kelly, east by lot of Patrick Kelly, south by Cuunmg harn street and west by Main street, containing 21x120 lect more or less. Selzud and taken in execution as the property of Patrick Kelly at the suit of John Berg & Co. and Butler Savings Bank. ED, No. 70 and 87, March term 1882. Ferd Kciber, E G Miller. All the light, title, interest aud claim of Pat rick Kelly of, in and to a vacant lot of ground adjoining the above described lot on the north and situate in the borough of Butler, Butler county, Pa., bouuded north by patrick Kelly, east by lot of Patrick Kelly, south by lot of Patrick Keily and west by Main street, contain ing 20x120 feet, more or less. Seized and taken In t xecutlou as the property of Patrick Kelly at the suit ol John Berg & Co. and Duller Savings Batik. ED,No 70 and 87, March term 1882. Ferd Kelber E G Miller. All the rig'it, title, interest and cHim of Pat rick Kelly 01, in and to a vacant lot of giound, adjoining above described 10l on the north and situate iu the borough of Butler. Butler county. Pa., bounded north by Uockensteiu heirs, easl by lot of Patrick Kelly, south by lot of Patrick Kelly and west by Main street, containing 20x120 feet, more or less. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Patrick Kelly at the suit of John Berg A Co , aud Butler Savings Bank. EDNo 70 and 87, March term, 1883. Ferd Relber, E G Miller. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Pat rick Kelly ot, in and to a lot of giouud situate in the borough ol Butler, Butler cou->ty, Pa., and andjoiniug the 3 lots above described, on the east, containing «0xt)l feet, mote or less, bounded north by Rockeustein heirs, east by an 'alley, south by Cunningham street aud west by the 3 lots above described ; Irmne tarn, with shed attached, and frame office thereon. Seised mid taken in execution as the p operty of Pat rick Kelly at the suit ol John Berg A Co, and Butler Savings Ba k. E 11, No 70 and 87, March term, 18ri2. Ferd Reiber, E G Miller. All the right, title, interest nud claim of Pat rick Kelly of, in and to a certain lot or parcel of ground situate in the borough ol flutter, Butler county, Pa. (.onlaiiiing 80x12:3 Icet, more or less, bounded north by Cunuingliain street east by other lot of Patrick Kelly, south by Joseph (iray and west by alley; a two story brick dwelling house and out buildings thereon. Sei/.ed and taken in execution us the property ol Patrick Kelly at the suit of John Berg A Co., and Butler Savings Bank. E D, Nos 7 0 and 87, March term, 1882. Ferd Ileiber, E G Miller. AH the light, title, interest and claim of Pat rick Kelly of, in aud to a certain lot or parcel of ground, situate in the borough of Butler, Butler county. Pa., containing 100x122 feet, more or less, hounded north by Ciiuningham stroet, east by McKean street. south by Joseph Gray and west by above described lot ; a two-stoiy double framo dwelling liou-e and frame stable thereon. Seized and taken in exocution as the property of Patrick Kelly at the suit of John B.Tg A Co, aud Butler Savings Bank ED, No's 70 and 87, March torm, 1882. Ferd Reiber, E G Miller. All the right, title, interest and claim of Pat rick Kelly of. in and to Ave acres of land, more or less, situated in Butler borough, Butler coun ty. I'a.. bounded as follows, to wit : On the not tli by lands of Thomas Martin, oast by old Mercer road south by the heirs of Mrs. Grout ami west by heirs of Mrs Grout ; improved. Seized and ta! en in execution as the propei ty of Patrick Kelly at the suit of John Berg it Co., and Butler Savings Bank. E I), No's 70 and 87, March term, 1882. Ferd Reiber, E G Miller All the right, title, interest and claim of Pat rick Kelly of, in and to eighty-five acres of land inoro or less, situated in Waslrngton township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: 011 the north by lands of Francis Hilliard and James Higgins, east by lands of Wm. O'Couner, south by lauds of Jamos Hilliard aud west by lands of Thomas Donnelly; about forty (40) acres cleared, log house and log barn thereon. Seized and takon in execution as the property of Patrick Kelly at the suit of John Berg A Co., and Butler Savings Bank. TKI'MS OF SALE.—The following must be strictly compiled with when pro|K-rty is stricken down : 1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditors be come the pnrchtt er, the costs 011 the writs must be paid, and a list of the liens. Including mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lieu creditor's receipt* for the amount of tile pro ceeds of the sale of such portion thereof HS he may claim, must be furnished the Shcrilf. 2. All bids must lie paid 111 full. :i. All sales not settled immediately will be con tinued until 1 o'clock, i*. M. of next day, at which time all property not settled for w ill attain be put tip and sold at the e\|icuse aud risk of the person tow III <III •See I'tirdon's Digest. Otli Edition, page 11'!, and Smith's Forms, page 3*4. THOMAS DONAOHY, Sheriff of Butler County. Sheriff's offlce, Butler, Pa., Feb. i:«th, IK*!. Widow** Appraisement*. The following appraisements of |H>rsonal prop erty and real estate set apart torllie benefit of the widows of decedents, have been Illed In the oßlce of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Butler coun ty, as follows : Piicllla Moyer, widow of A. Moyer, deceased, f I.MI. Jane Frlsbee, widow of Wm. K. Frlsbee.'deceas ed, SH*). Louisa Kbert, widow of Win. Kbert, deceased, ji"s;..vi Mary Wilson, widow of T. I. Wilson, deceased, $3Ol .SI. Mary Sloan, widow of (personal and real) Ben jamin Sloan, deceased, S:soo. Kli/.a Martlneourt. widow of John Martllicourt, deceased, s.wm. Catharine Regan, widow of John Began, de ceased, snuo. Kil/.alielh Craliam, widow of James If. Graham, deceased, si!K).7r>. All persons Interested in the above appraise ments will take notice tha. they will be present ed to the Orphans' Court of Butler county, for continuation, on Wednesday, the sth day of March, issz, and If no exceptions are filed will be confirmed absolutely by the Court. W. It. l)oi»i>s. Clerk of Court. REMOVAL! The undersigned has removed his place of busi ness to his own building one square south of Court House, Main Street, east side. op|x>slte Donaldson House, where he lias a full stock of WatelieN, C JOCIiM, Jewelry, Npectaelem, ete. Walchw, Clock*, .Icwdry, Hpectarlw, etc., promptly repaired and nat Inflict lon icuarantwd. I> L; t LEELA.M), REGISTER'S NOTICE. The Hesrlster hereby giTes notice that the fol low Ing accounts of Executors, Administrators and Guardians have been filed in his office ac , cording to law will l»e presented to Cotlrt for confirmation and allowance on Wednesday, the Bth Jay of March, A. D. 1832, at 2 o'clock f. M of said day: 1 Final account nf Daniel Burns, Executor of Bernard Burns, late ot Donegal township, de ceased. 2 Final account of AbfO>om and J. W. Motjks, Executors of Robert Thompson, late ot Cllntou ! township, deceased. * 3 Final account ot John Greer, Administrator of Willi.an Riddle, lite ot Franklin township, deceased. 4 Final and distribution account of Lewis and Michael llotluinn, Executors of Cu»]*r Hoff man, late ot I'rauberry township dectaaed. 5 Final and distribution account of Sarah Jenkins, admlnstratrlx ol tbe estate of Edmond Jenkins, late ot Parker township, deceased. ti Final account of A Troutmnu, Guardian of Catharine, Elizabeth and Amelia Troutmau, minor child of Mrs. Huni.ah Tioutman, late of Butler borough, deceased. 7 First and partial accouut of G. W. Bartley and Robert M Thompson, Executors of Robert Thompson, late ot Clearfield township, dee'd. 8 Final aud aisiibuliou accouut of Andrew C. Gibscn, Admiuistr.itor of Rebecca Smith, late of Farrview township, deceased. 9 Final accouut of Michael Kelly. Adminis trator C. T. A. ol Eileuor Sterrett, late ot Butler couuty, deceased, 10 Flual accouut of Authony Sehaeder, Jr, Administrator ol Henry Scbaefier, hue of Jack son township, deceased. 11 Partial accouut ol Dorthea, L. O. and C. H. Seidal, Administrators or Albert Seldcl, late ol Jackson township, deceased. 12 Fiual aud distribution account of Joseph C. Hepler and James MeCaflerly, Executors of Tobias Hepler, late of Buflalo township, dee'd. 18 Final account ot Johu Beam, Executor of Ulrich Kechucr, late of Jsiekson township, deceased 14 Final acconut of Henry Lelbold, Adminis trator ot Frederick Lei bold, late ol Centre township, deceased. 15 Final accouut ol John P. Roll and Chris tian Holland, Executors of Johu L. Roll, late qf Cranberry township, deceased. It! Fiual account of A. Krausc, Executor ot John G. Keeh, late ot Wintield township' (lee'dt 17 Final accouut of Marcus Reichert, Executor of William E. Campbell, late ol Worth town ship, deceased. 18 Final account of S. M. Seaton am", Wm. Carson, Administrators of Alexander McMur ry, late of Marion township, deceased. 19 Final accouut of Samuel Trimble, Guar dlan ol George Trimble, miuor son of Samuel Trimble and devisee ol K. F. Tumble, of Bntler county. i'o Final account ol Samuel Trimble, Guar dian ot Mirvin Trimble, minor son of Samuel Trimble aud devisee of B. F. Trimble, of But ler county. 21 Flual account of Samuel Trimble, Guar dian of Nancy Elizabeth Triiubli, now inter married with M. Marshall) minor child of Samuel Trimble and devisee of B. F. Trimble, of Builer county. 21 Final accouut ol Samuel Trimble, Guar dian of William Trimble, minor son of Samuel Tiimble and devisee of B. F. Trimble, ot Butler countv. 23 Final accouut of John Scott, Guardian of A.J. Brown, minor sou of John €. Brown, deceased. 24 Final accouut of John Scott. Guardian ot L. H. Brown, minor sou ot John C. Brown, deceased. 26 Final account of Silas Miller, Executor of Uanuab Douglass, late of Middlesex township, deceased. 26 Final and partial account of E. E. Aiken, Administrator cu.n testamento annexo ol D. Brernciuan, late of Portersville boro. dee'd. 27 First, tlual and distribution account of Thomas M. Bcutly, Executor of Jobu Beatty, late of Mercer township, deceased. 28 Fiual account of R. N. McCune, Adminis trator of Margaret Diven, late of Contfevliie borough, deceased, as tiled by L. L. McCune, Administrator of R. N. McCune, deceased. 2'J First and tinnl account cl I?. D. Bell, M. D., AdiuinUtrator of Josiah McMichael, M. D., late of Mllltrstown borough, deceased. 3) Firet and final account of E. R. R. Boyer, Executor ofthe last will of Henry Bieber, late of Lancaster township, .deceased, 81 First and final account of John Stude baker, Executor ol J. J. Flsor, deceased, 82 Final and distribution account of James A. Forsyth, Executor of Jobu Forsyth, ltrte of I'eun township. B'3 Fiual and distribution account of Robert Duncau, Jr.. Executor ot Robert Duncan, late of Cranberry township, deceased. 31 Final account of Pru9bey Double, Admin istiulor ol Zcpheuiah Double, late of Donegal township, deceased. SS Final account ol Mary Orubb, Executrix of Gideou Grubb, ol Marion township, as flled by August Ericksou, Executor of Mary Orubb, deceased. 3d Final account of Charles 'M. Brown, 1 Ex ecutor of David Reed, deceased. HENDERSON W. CHRISTIE, Bf4t Register. STotiee In Divorce. ' Samuel L. Strain vs Hiirriel Strain. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bntler count?, l'a., A. 1)., No. «», Sept. T.. iiwi. Libel In Divorce. And now, to wit: December Sth, 1881, oh mo tion of A. T. Black, attorney for libellant, in open Court, and It appearing by the Sheriff's return to suli|Mi*na and alias subpu-na in the above entitled cause, that respondent cannot l>e found In this county, publication Is awarded according to law, returnable to next term. BY THKCOOKT. To THK KKSI'IINIIKNT. HARHIKT STHAIN : You are hereby notified to be and appear In your proiier person before our Judges at Butler, at a Court of Common Fleas there to be held on the sth day of March. A. I>.. 1882. next, to answer the iH'tition or libel of the said Samuel L. Strain, and to show cause. If any you have, why the said Sam uel I. Strain, vour husband, should not lie divorc ed from the bonds of matrimony, agreeably to the Acts of Assembly in such case made and provided. W. H. HOFFMAN, Hdiw Sheriff of Butler county. Union Woolen Mill* BUTLER, PA. 11. FCLLEKTOX. Prop'p. Manufacturer of BLANKETS, FLABHELS, YAKNR, Ac. Also custom work done to order, such as cardlug Rolls, making Blanket*, Flannels, Knit ting and Weaving Yams, Ac., at very low prices. Wool worked on the shares, if de sired. my7-ly Etttato of Hans Baker. I/(-Iters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Hail* Baker, dee'd, late of Middlesex township. Butter county. Fa., all penons knowing themselves indebted fo said estate will please make Immediate payment and any having claims against the same to pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. ROBERT TRIMBLE, Adm'r. Saxoiiburg, Butlir Co., Pa. ENfate of CJeo. Wliltesldes. Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the estate ol Geo. White sides. dee'd, late ol Middlesex township, Butler county, Pa., all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are hereby uotltlcd that Immediate payment is required, and those hav ing claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN A. FORSVTHE, Ex'r. Glade Mills P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. c HOUSEHOLD WORDS. . b •Tor *lck stomach, bad twite, sinking r> spells, and palpltatlmi. rely wholly on j "For want of appetite, dyspepsia. Indites -3 tlon, and liver complaint, take 1 EHUMA; It J never falls." r- •Those In literary, professionallor com- - J morel al pursuits constantly need PI KPN A. For constipation, MAMAI.IN." C "For slelt headache, pain In the bead. C dizziness, and low spirits, UkoTCKiNA. r Itead nnd stnrty our book on the Ills of life, j L follow IU tuaelungs, and you will be hap|>y. '■sumo will lie paid for »ny case PEKUNA 0 will not cureor greatly Improve. £ I.adles, If yon wish strength, health and - beauty, sweet breath, cherry lips and rosy - checks, •'O• to your nearest druggist for a bottle _ 3 of I* it BIN A. Take It before each meal." £ •Tor nerrons debility, catarrh of the blad -0 dor, or disease of the kidneys, take PIHL .NA, □ and be cured." PERIIKA and HAMALIf FOR SALE BY zimnEitnAw a wvller BUTLER, PA. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, myJH-ly] BUTLER, I'A. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klingler's Flour Store. DENTISTS. .. X - 0| M WALDRON, Graduate ot the Phil- K adclphla Dental College,is prepared • I* sto do anything in the line of hi* profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, up stairs, apll
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