Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 22, 1882, Image 1

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Per year, in idniM $1 BO
Othenriee SO*
No unbfcriptioD will be dieoontinued until til
arrearage* ere paid. Poetmeetere neglecting to
notify ne when eabeeribera do not take oat their
paper* will t>e bold liable for the eubaoripttnn.
suoeeribera removing from one poetoffioe to
another ahould give on the name of the former
aa well aa the present office.
All oommonioattona intended for poblication i
n thi« paper moat be aoeompanied by the real
name of the writer, not for pablioation bat ae
a guarantee of good faith.
Marriage and death noticee moat be aooompa
nied by a reeponeible name.
asd |k
Vi 11' 1 f"i |
I am a rambling wreck of nudity, B.
•Yogg, Esq., at your service, advertising
gent for the best Jewelry boose this
ection. I wish to inform the public
bat a foil line of WATCHES, CLOCKS,
WARE,is now being offered at astonishing- x
y low prices at the popular and reliable 1 /
-tore of \ I
U^'er '
Hote What an old and Sellable House can do Regarding Prises.
T> A NI-KEI Clocks at SIOO I A Good Striking Clock, waluut case 300 -Nickel Watch at 300
« u ii with alarms 150 " " " " " 8 day 3 65| Nickel Watcli, Stem Winder 400
A flood Striking Clock. ..................... 200 I 2 0«. Silver Cue, with Amer'n movement 10 Go|i " " " closed in the back 450
- Bl " g Ladies Gold Watches at *l2 75
gy ,41] kinds of Sewing Machine Needles at 35 cents per dozen, and No. 1 Sperm Oil at 10 cents per bottle.
The only place in Bntler where yon can find a fall and complete stock of KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, Ac
1g47. Rogers Bros.— A I. —none genuine unless stamped ("1847. —Rogers Bros.—A 1.") I also carry a full line of
Eye Qlasses and Spectacles, suitable for all eyes and mounted i» the post elegant and substantial manner, and am of
fering very superior goods at the most reasonable rates. Repairing of Watches and Clocks receives our very strict at
tention, and is done promptly and warranted. E. GRIEB, Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard.
S.G. Purvis & Co.,
Rough and Planed Lumber
Buckets, Ganged Cornice Boards,
Near Gernu Osthslle fhireh
jtfee Philip Daubenapeck farm, situated in
Mnrtew township, Mutler county, Pa., con
taining seventy-five seres, more or less, or can
make it one hundred ir wanted, eight? acres
cleared, balance in good timber; all under good
fence; irame house, frame barn, frame wagon
shed and wash house, and other out buildings ;
a good young orchard and fruit of all kind, farm
well watered and in a good state of cultivation
and is underlaid with coal, limestone and other
minerals. The new railroad now surveyed runs
a few rods north of the larm. It is situated in
a good neighborhood, on the public road lead
ing from Millers town to Brady's Bend, and two
miles from Kara* City, and • township school
house about twenty rods from the farm.
- Will be sold reasonable. For further particu
lars, inquire, It the farm, ot
ALSO—A frame dwelling bouse with ten
rooms, a large lot and stable situated ID the bor
odgh of Butler, in the town called Bprfngdtfe,
on the Preej»ort rond. The new depot Is located
within a tew fods of this property. This is
geod property, well watered, aud will be sold
reasonable. Any one wishing to buy this prop
erty will please Inquire at the ClTlzaw Owes,
or of Philip Daubenspeck, near Kama City, Pa.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
J. L. Purvis, E. A. Helm bold t,
William Campbell, J. W. Burkhart,
A. Troutman, Jacob Schoene,
G: O. Roessing, John Caldwell,
Dr. W. irvin, J. i. Croll.
A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Hetueman,
JAS. T. M'JUNKIN. Gen. Ae't
• PA.
CMtdlan Bred Htalllona,
I 3AY, TROTS 2:37.
■Good sijee «nd vqtght. Particulars from M.
M. Preeoott, Bo* 967, PUtsbVfb- Pa.
Jfotlce In Partition.
In the Orphans' Court of Butler county, Pa..
No. 6, Dec. Term, 1881.
Commonwealth of Penn'a, Butler county, u :
WHEREAS, on the Bth day of December, A.
D. 1881, Margaret Lemmon, intermarried with
J. M. H. Mellon ; Harriet, intermarried with
L. O. Frazier; Elizabeth, intermarried with
Joehua Kissick and Sarah E., and Nancy Lem
mon, daughters of John Lemmon, late of
township, Allegheny county, deceased, and
grand-daughters of Thomas Lemmon, late of
Butler township (formerly Connoquenessing),
Butler county, Pennsylvania, deooiued, Pre
sented their petition to said Court setting forth
inter-alia that the said Thomas Lemmon died
on or about the day of A. D.,
1851, intestate and seized in his demesne as of
fee, of and in a messuage and tract of land situ
ate in said township of Butler (formerly Conno
quenessing), county o£ Butler, bounded latterly
on the east by Peter Graver and John Husel
ton; on the west by Ferdinand Reiber. Bsq.,
and Dufford's heirs; on the south by William
Shorts, and on the north by John Huselton and
John Alsheusea' heirs,and containing one hun
dred and twenty-five (125 a) acres, and one hun
dred and twenty-nine (129 p) perches, more or
less, with the appurtenances j that tbgy are
children of the said John Lemmon, deceased,
to whom it belongs to hare the equal one-sev
enth part of said real estate in fee, as the heirs
and legal representatives of the Mid John Lem
mon, deceased, who was a son of the said
Thomas Lemmon, deceased, and that
to each of them the said petitioners it belongs
to have the equal one-ninth part of the undi
vided one-seventh part of said real estate in fee:
setting forth i aes and resldenoes of
the heirs and legal representatives of the said
Thomas Lemmon, deceased, so far as known:
that no partition of the said real estate had
been made, and praying the oourt to award an
inquest to make partition of the same to and
amongst the parties entitled thereto, aooording
to their respective rights, Ac., which said peti
tion was duly verified by the affidavit oi the
said petitioners ; whereupon the Court, on the
same day, made an order granting a rule to
show cause on the parties named aud interested
therein, to be served personally on all parties
within the Co., and directed notice to be given
to all others by publication according to rules
of court, to appear at the next term of oo art, and
show cause if any they had, whv partition of
the premises should not be awarded and made
as prayed for in said petition—returnable to
next term.
Now, therefore, in pursuance of the said or
der of court notice is hereby given to the heirs
and legal representatives of Hugh Lemmon,
deceased, the heirs and legal representatives of
Thomas Lemon, Jr., deceased, the heirs and le
gal representatives of David Leuimon, deceased,
the heirs and legal representatives, if any, of
William and Robert Lemon, deceased, the
hein and legal representatives of Jane Lem
mon, deceased, intermarried with —— Wilson,
Rebecca Lemmon, intermarried with —— Hal
stead; Nancy Lemmon, intermarried with
Spear, and the heirs and legal representatives
of John Lemmon, deceased, heirs and legal rep
resentations of the said Thomas Lemmon. de
ceased, as named in said petition, and all others
interested therein of the said prooeedings in
partition; and to this end we command you and
each of you that laying aside all business and
excuses whatsoever, you and each of you be
and appear In your proper persons before the
Honorable, the Judges of our said Court, at a
Court to be held at Butler in said county of
Butler, Penn'a., on Mouday the Oth day of
March, A. D., 1882, then and there to show
cause if any you have why an Inquest to make
partition or valuation of the real estate of the
said Thomas Lemmon, dec-wed, should not be
awarded as prayed for ii. said petition, and
herein fail not.
Witness the Honorable E. McJunkin, Presi
dent Judge of our said Court at Butler, this 23d
day of December, A. D., 1881.
•j SEAL }• W. H. HOFFMAN, Sheriff.
H. H. GOUCHER, Attorney for Petitioners.
Union Woolen Mills.
I irtrald desire to call the attention of the
public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa.,
where I have new and improved machinery for
the manufacture of
Barred and Gray Flannels,
Knitting and Weaving Tarns,
and I oan reoommend them ae being very dura
ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler
oounty wool. They are beautiful in color, su
perior in texture, and will be sold at very low
prices, tor samples and prices, address,
JuIHTO-Iy) Butler, £a <
Chicago & North-Western
EQUIPPED ! and hence the
—OF THE— ;.
It Is the short and best route between Chicago
and all points tu
Northern Illinois, lowa. Dakota, Wyoming, Ne
braska, California, Oregon, Arizona. Utah, Colo
rado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and for
Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Columbus and all
PotuU in the Territories, and the West. Also,
for Milwaukee, Green Bay, Oshlcosh, Sheboygan,
Marquette, Fond du Lac, Watertown, Houghton,
Neenah, Meuasha, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron,
Volga, Fargo, Bismarck, Winona, LaCrosse,
Owatonna, and all jxilnt.s in Minnesota, Dakota,
Wisconsin and the Northwest.
At Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago ft
North-Western and the U. P. B'ys departfrom,
arrive a land use the same Joint Union Depot.
At Chicago, dose connections are made with
the Lake Shore, Michigan Central, Baltimore &
Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago
& Grand Trunk K'ys, and the Kankakee and fan
Handle Routes.
Close connections made at Junction Points.
It is the ONLY LINE running
Pullman Hotel Dining Cars
Chicago and Council Bluffs.
Pullman Sleepers on all Night Trains.
Insist upon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets
via this road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse
to buy if they do not read over the Chicago at
North-Western Kail way.
If you wish the Best Traveling Accommodations
u ir4A b Mo^°o e ra^ thls route ' ANU
All Ticket Agents sell Ticket* by this Line.
MARVIN HUGHITT, 2d V. P. & Gen'l Mang'r
Webb's Eclectric Medicine
Is a lHisitive aud effectual remedy for all Ner
vous Diseases in every stage of life-young or old,
male or female. Hticli AM Ympotency. Prostration,
loss of Strength, loss of Vitality, Defective Memo
ry, Impaired Brain Power, and diseases from
which an unnatural waste of life springs, all of
which cannot fail to undermine the whole system.
Every organ is weakened, every power prostrated,
anil many forms of disease are generated which,
if not checked, pave the way to an early death. It
reiuvlnates age and reiuvigoratus youth.
Each package contains sufficient for two weeks
treatment. Write for pamphlet, which will be
sent free, with full particulars.
Sold by all Druggists at (SO cents 'a package, or
twelve packages for *5.00. WUI be sent free by
mail on receipt of money, bv addressing
A cure guaranteed, Buffalo. N. Y.
Sold by I). H, Wuller, Butler, Pa. jan3 :ty
We want five first class agents for
soliciting orders for Fruit and Orna
mental trees. Terms liberal. Call in
dividually, or address,
nl6tf Butler, Pa.
ffpitrylqia, §giatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and
Sprains, Burns and Scalds,
General Bodily Pains,
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet
and Cars, and all other Pains
and Aches.
No Iwepwatjon OTT garth EW»!SJ ST - 011 **
a nift.ntrr, simple and cltrap b»x vernal Remedy,
A trial entails bat the comparatively trifling outlay
of 5® Cento, and every one Buffering with pais
can have cheap and positive proof of its el«I mil
Directions in Eleven Languages.
jßaltimore, JM., V.M.JL
bral'tkHPtlaflil o«Muj>lolnt» Hi Wntaiiill
MMKBM UHrMtfml<H»aUtlM.
It will cur* entirely the worst form of Feiuato Com
plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcer*
tion, Falling and DUplacemente, and the consequent
Bptnal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to the
Change of Life.
It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus la
an early stage of development. Tbo tendency to can
cerous humors there is checked very speedily by Its usa.
It removes raininess, flatulency, destroys craving
for stimulants, and relieves weakness of tho stomach.
. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration,
General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi
That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight
and backache, is always permanently cured by Its us*.
It will at all times and under all circumstance* act In
harmony with the laws that goicra the female system.
For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either s*x this
Compound is unsurpassed.
POUND!* prepared at a? Snd KSi Western *renns,
Lynn,Uass. Price fL 81i bottles for £5. Sent by mall
In the form of pills, also in the form of lotenges, oa
receipt of price, $1 per bo* for either. Mrs. Plnkham
freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pamph
let. Address as above. .Mention (Ms l\ip*r.
So family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAIPi
LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, billonsnm t
torpidity of the liver. 25 cents per box.
gold by ail Druggist*, -fcg
Pitting of SMALL
SMALL POX I'OX Prevented.
Gangrene prevented and
. . . Dysentery cured.
Contagion destroyed. Wounds nealed rapidly.
Sick rooms purified and tjcurvey cured in short
made pleasant. time.
Fevered and Sick Per- Xetter dried up.
sousi relieved and re- u [ S perfectly harmless.
I?!! 1 ?, For Throat it is a
withProphylacticHu- sure eure .
id added to the water.
Soft White Complexions
secured by its use
In batbing. niPTHFRIA
Impure Air made harm- IMrlnCllln
less and purified bv nnrwrnrrn
sprinkling Darby's PREVENTED.
Fluid about.
To purify the breath,
Cleanse the Teeth, it
can't be surpassed. ;Cholera dissipated.
Catarrh relieved and. Ship Fever Prevented by
cured. Its use.
Erysipelas cured. Incases of death in the
Burns relieved instantlv. bouse. It should always
Scars prevented. be used about the
Removes all unpleasant corpse—lt will prevent
odors. Any unpleasant smell.
An Antidote for Animal
or Vegetable Poisons,
Stings, &c.
QPARI FT Dangerous effluvia* of
nn/rn i s ' c * rot"" 1 * ud lios
t tV t n pitals removed by its
CURED. „„„
In fact it is the great
Disinfectant and Purifier,
Manufacturing Chemists, SOLE PROPRIETORS
ftINGWORM, rrCHINQ AMD l»tun,«*
I Barbers' ewttr rcpom, IT «
* ITCH, ttr *a*v A*
J"ustice of tlie Peace
Main street, oppoeite Postoflice,
It car>Bed a great deal of excitement
in Pipersville for some time. Nobody
knew what it waa. Some people said
it was one thing, others thought it
might be something else ; but every
body agreed that it was rather start
ling to behold on a dark night. A boy
named Tom Jackson, who had been
(>Ut out of staging-school one evening,
or making a disturbance, was the first
to discover it; and it was said that his
hair "stood on end," when he rushed
back into the Bchool house, and shouted
for everybody to come out. A few
moments later all Piperville stood out
doors in the darkness &pd wind, looking
at it—the bright image of a man in the
sky, holding a long sword raised above
its head in the right hand, and some
thing that glimmered like a lantern in
the left. First it appeared to be ascend
ing straight up ; then it paused awhile,
and afterward moved off across the
river, where it remained stationary
some minutes. Next it came down
slowly and hesitatingly, until it seem
ed almost to touoh the lop of one of the
tall pines on the opposite side of the
river. Then suddenly it went up
higher and higher and vanished.
Not even the schoolmaster attempted
to explain what it was. Comets, fall
ing stars, an eclipse or two, and sever
al other celestial wonders had been
predicted for the Tear in the almanac
and newspapers; but nothing like this
mysterious thing had been mentioned.
It made everybody feel a trifle awed,
if not really scared, and the next day
hardly anything else was talked about.
'I believe it's one of those pesky
thing? that there's always pictures of
in the front of the almanac,' said a boy
named Jake Pixley. 'lt's got loose
somehow and flyin' round, I reckon.'
1 'Wal, I guess not, sonny,' replied a
good natured old man, Uncle Simeon.
'But maybe now its the angel Gabriel
a-huntin' for somebody. Jest as like
as not that'B what tis.'
They were among the crowd gather
ed around the stove in the village gro
cery store, and Seth Piper stood near
at hand listening to all that was said.
He was a round faced thick-set boy,
who never talked much, but 'always
kept up a good deal of thinking,' peo
ple said. Any one watching bim close
ly on the present occasion might have
fancied he wanted to laugh when Un
cle Simeon suggested that the strange
phenomenon was the Angel Gabriel.
His eyes twinkled and the corners of
his mouth twitched a little; but be
suppressed whatever rigiblp feeling he
bad and continued to whittle quietly a
stick he held in one hand.
'I don't believe anything like it has
ever been seen in this 'ere part of the
world before or anywhere else,' said
the storekeeper.
'Nor I either,' agreed a bronzed old
farmer, who was sitting on a barrel
and resting his cowhide boots on the
rim of the stove. According to my
idea, it's one of those kind of things
that don't turn up every day in the
'I never heared tell of anything like
it afore,' Uncle Simeon said.
'lf it was the angel Gabriel, perhaps
he was after thieves,' Seth ventured to
suggest, turning a trifle red and look
ing around.
'Thieves!' said the storekeeper, a
little surprised.
'Thieves! eh?' queried Uncle Sim
eon. 'Why, sonny, what put that idee
into your head ?'
'Oh! nothing much. I was only
thinking that may be be might light on
those fellows who've been shearing my
sheep over on the island. Stealing the
wool, you know.'
Seth let the glance he cast at those
about him rest just an instant longer,
perhaps, on Jake Pixley and bis broth
er Dave than on any of the others, and
then went on whittling as before.
The farmer said that it beat all how
mean some people could be, and during
a moment or two the conversation took
a new turn. Seth was the Widow
Piper's bov, for whom all bad much
respect. The sheep were a flock he
had raised from a few cossets, and
everybody knew that the money he
usually obtained in the spring for their
wool helped him to pay for a term at
the academy in the winter. Conse
quently, those who had a kindly fellow
feeling expressed their sentiments; but
shortly the phenomenon was the chief
topic again. Nobody could ever imag
ine, of course, that its appearance real
ly had anything to do with the wool
thieves, or that Seth knew anything
more about it than he did of the man
in the moon; yet strangely enough, it
turned out in the end that such was
the fact.
During the next two weeks while all j
were on the watch every night for an
other glimpse of the image, Seth was
busy watching Jake and Dave, whom
he suspected were the guilty ones. He
had laid several traps to detect them ;
but without success. One night be
had concealed himself among the trees
on the island and waited for them un
til daylight; another time he patroled
around the island in a boat; but tbey
always seemed to be awaie of his
movements and either escaped before
he could come near or postponed their
visit till he was out of the way. What
he was waiting for now, however, vias
a good blustering, dark night, with a
breeze blowing across the river. Then,
if they chanced to be on the island, he
meant to try their courage.
As it happened, Jake and Dave Pix
ley also were waiting for about such a
night, and finally it arrived Scarcely
a star was visible and the wind blew
just enough to ruffle the river in waves
and make a lonesome, melancholy noise
in the pine grove on the island. Both
boys got into their boat and pushed off
into the darkness very quietly.
'They're all up to the school house
and we can have a clear show, I reck
on,' said Jake, in a low tone.
'Go slow and keep quiet with your
oar,' his brother whispered.
When they reached the island, they
drew the boat up carefully and partly
hid it under some bushes. Then they
crept here and there stealthily and ex
amined the surroundings before finally
venturing la the direction of the long
shed where the sheep were huddled to
'Somehow or other, I feel kind of
sbakv,' Jake whispered. 'lt's mighty
risky business.'
I 'Come on and don't be a calf,' Dave
But before either bad gone a dozen
steps further both crouched down sud
| denly and listened.
Just over among the gloom v trees at
j their left a dry limb had snapped, and
I they heard it. For a moment the
i shadowy outline of a man in the same
direction was in danger of being dis
covered. But they did not see it and
walked on.
'lt beats all,' the man whispered,
i keeping his eye on them, 'bow mean
some people can be I'll tackle 'em,
though, in a minute, without leave or
license from any one.'
He sat down and pulled off his cow
hide boots, and then began to crawl
along on his bands and knees slowly
and cautiously toward the shed.
In the meanwhile, over in the village
it had been noticed that the frightful
image waa again hovering in the sky
and every one was becoming excited.
A sleigbt-of hand entertainment, which
had been astonishing an audience at
the school house, was just finished, and
as the crowd came out all saw the
thing at once. This time it was away
up high over the river, and was maneu
vering around at a great rate, brandish
ing its sword, swinging its lantern,
and now and then darting through the
darkness as though fighting the wind.
'Sakes alive ! What on earth can it
be ?' Uncle Simeon exclaimed, standing
stock still, with his wife Polly clinging
to his arm,
'lt's got a heap more gumption than
I like to see,' said the storekeeper, ner
vously, 'I wish it would clear out.'
In "fact, most everybody felt a little
relieved when it began to move toward
the island, instead of coming nearer.
The sleight-ofihand man, however,
who was a stranger and a tall, myste
rious kind of a person, with very long
hair, said, coolly, that he guessed he
could shoot the thing easily enough, if
any one would get him a gun.
There was some hesitation, for the
idea of shooting at anything of the kind
seemed rather preposterous at first; but
finally, Tom Jackson ran home, and
brought back a rifle that belonged to
his father. The magician then loaded
it with much deliberation, in the pres
ence of the wondering crowd, gauged
the sight carefully, and walked away a
few yards, to calculate the di»tauce.
'lt is too far off,' he said at length,
somewhat perplexed ; 'but, if there's a
boat handy aud a couple of you will
row me out within range of it, I'll
show you a thing or two about shoot
His bravado and confidence in his
skill induced the schoolmaster and a
stout lad, named Sawyer, to volunteer
their services, and in the course of
seven or eight minutes the crowd stood
on the bank of the river, ghastly silent,
listening to the dip of the oars and
awaiting the turn in events.
The image, phenomenon, or what
ever it might be called was now direct
ly over the island. Indeed the man
prowling on his hands and knees in
the shadow of the pines (who, it might
as well be stated, was the bronzed old
farmer,) bad discovered it also by this
time, and was wishing that he might
be anywhere else in the world just
then. Springing to his feet and seizing
a heavy stick he almost held breath
while he watched it slowly doscend. If
the thing really was a judgment on
those thieving boys, he meant to stand
aside and let it have its own way. It
appeared, though, to be coming down
on him, instead of them, and he didn't
want any mistake made.
In the confusion of the next few mo
ments, he saw the young Pixleys run ,
out from the shed into an open space
aad look up at the image, as if they
were suddenly struck dumb. It was
coming down faster, and be shouted
at the top of his lungs:
. 'There they are ! There they are,
Gabriel, over by the shed!'
Instantly there followed a loud,
sharp report, and the old man leaped
into the air several feet, and then
struck out for the shore, without hat
or boots, wildly intent on reaching
home, in spite of fire or water.
The three in the boat, a short dis
tance away from the island, saw him
rush pellmell up and down the shore,
and the boy Sawyer declared in some
trepidation that be was the thing it
self, with the brightness gone; but the
magician said, impatiently. 'Bosh !
Nonsense !' and standing up, called
'Hello there! Who are you ?'
'Hellow !' the old man returned, as
soon as he could get breath. 'l'm—l
guess I'm Zeklel Tomkins. Who are
you V
In a moment or two the boat touch
ed the shore and the magician and the
schoolmaster sprang out.
'Did you see anything bright come
down among the trees up yonder, a
few minutes ago ?' the former asked,
'Yes, sir-ee. I reckon I did,' Mr.
Tomkins answered puffing.
'Come along, then, and show us
where it is.'
'Wal, I guess not, stranger. Not
while I have got legs to run the other
way. It's my opinion the tarnation
thing is up there somewhere busted.
You'd better keep clear of it.
The man of magic laughed contempt
uously and walked off to the grove.
He believed he knew what it was, he
said, and be meant to see if he hadn't
put a hole through it.
What be found hanging around the
limbs of the pines perhaps the reader
can easily guess; but the old farmer
and most of the waiting crowd across
the river were somewhat taken aback
when they saw that the mysterious
thing was a huge kite, having the rep
resentation of a man drawn on it with
damp phosphorus, that shed a bright,
weird light. It was made of stout,
coarse paper, colored black, so that no
part could be visible except the phos
phorescent figure. This had a common
pasteboard mask sticked on for a lace,
and the arms, sword, and lantern were
also ingeniously fashioned of the same
material. The magician's bullet had
broken part of tbe main irame of the
kite, Vvhith made it collapse.
While the store-keeper, Uncle Sim
eon, aud everybody else examined the
coutrivance over and over and express
ed themselves in more ways than one
about it Seth Piper arrived from
somewhere or other, a little out of
breath, and looked on anxiously. Tbe
thing was the pet invention of his ma
ture years and he could hardly resist
claiming it; but his bump of discretion
kept bim from doing so. At any rate,
be believed Lc had succeeded in giving
tbose who stole his wool a good scare.
And he had. Tbe next day Jake
and Dave Pixley were missing, and
their boat was fouud bottom side up in
the river. A week later Uncle Simeon,
wbo was tbe postmaster, received a
crude letter scrawled on wrapping pa
per, which he posted up where all
could read it It ran as follows:
"Uncle Sim, if the angell Gabrill ia still
hanein round you kan let him no me and Dave
has left and hain't no idear of cumin hack
write of. in hast. JAKK PIXLBY.
Our JBethetio Visitor.
[Mr. Oscar Wilde, the young En
glish poet, who is popularly believed to
be the the original of Du Manner's
Postlethwaite,' and is recognized in
London as the leader of the esthetic
movement, arrived in New York city
a few wet-ks ago. Tbe following
sketch of Mr. Wilde was prepared by
an ardant 'aesthete,' whose enthusiasm
has perhaps led him to somewhat over
estimate tbe greatness of bis revered
The master is among us, and al
though the worshippers of the Beauti
ful will hasten to lay their lilies at his
grand and earnest feet there be tbose
wbo know him not. To them it may
be told that the Master is tbe son—
speaking after the manner of wordlings
—of Sir William Wilde, a well-known
Lisb oculist, and of Lady Wilde, that
sweet soft tbistle of poesy, in whose
verses, signed 'Speranza,' are found
tbe promise and {potency of tbe poetry
of ber marvellous son. He is about
twenty-eight 'years old, and gradu
ated from Magdalen College, Oxford,
in 1878, when he won the Ncwdigate
Prize for English verse, and be has
since devoted himself of the cause of
which he is the revered leader. He is
tall, with broad shoulders, and yet
witb a lily-like grace of from. His
face is oval, with a chin of imperial
splendor and an earnestly precious
bose. H>B hair flows over his should
era, aad, like tbe glorious dawn, he is
beardless. Clothed with a white lily,
and a few other less utterly divine
garments, he is Beauty and Soul and
Horticulture and Silent Music mingled
It is as the incarnation of esthetic
ism and the avatar of tbe unutterable
that the Master is chiefly known in this
county. Americans have gained some
little knowledge of him from studying
the solemn and beautifel ceremonies of
'Patience, a 'mystery,' which the pro
fane vainly regard as a trivial and
amusing farce, and in which the Mas
ter is held up to our admiration under
tbe guise of Buntborne.
has been rashly defined as tbe search
for the Beautiful, but those wbo have
studied tbe words of the Master, as
written iu his volume of poems, know
that this is but half the truth. Tbe
esthete reveres Beauty, but be also
reveres all that is unthinkable and in
tensely unformed. He perceives the
supernal beauty of ugliness, the near
ness of tbe infinitely remote, and be is,
as one of tbe minor esthetic poets has
exquisitely sung,
"As pure aa the perfame of parting,
Aad subtle and saintly as sin."
The Master has labored but in vain
if be has not taught these great and
bluisb-yellow truths. He has shown
us bow blessed and compact are tbe
hollowneßs and worthlessnees of life.
He has led us with his beckoning lily
into tbe enchanted land where all is
beauty, and where by comparison even
gas and gaiters would seem prosaic and
earthly. He is come as the missionary
of tbe aesthetic to tbe benighted mill
ion? of America to whom a lily is noth
ing but a lily, and wbo have never
dreamed that it is music and religion
and ancient and modern languages and
tbe use of the globes and a perforated
chest-protector. To doubt bis success
would be to doubt the sanity both of
the Master and of his disciples.
While he is here the Master will not
only lecture—as the eartbly-minded
would doubtless characterize his price
less utterances—but will produce on
the stage a tragedy which be has writ
ten. We wbo may live to see not only
tbe beginning, but the second or even
tbe third act of that tragedy, will have
known joys sadder than any surprise
party, and' more cooling and soothing
than purgatorial flames.— Harper's
Cough Syrup relieved four of my chil
dren of a most alraming attack of
Whooping Cough, from which tbeir
throats and necks became so swollen
as to prevent them from swallowing.
Nothing would give them even tem
porary relief, until this Syrup was tried.
One bottle in one nigbt, saved their
lives, I verily believe.
Geo. W. Earhart,
Captain of Police, Baltimore, Md.
A New York school girl has died
from eating molasses candy, thought to
have contained metallic poison from
the copper kettle In which it was cook
ed. Lovers of taffy will please take
Peruna had a remarkably good effect
on my daughter's Paralysis. W. E.
Duncan, Sewickly.
A druggist of Belton Falls, Va., has
been sent to prison for sixty days,
'for selling liquor as a beverage.'
Wonder what tbey would have done to
him if he had sold it as a liver pad or
as a wash for removing freckles.
If you have scrofula, don't fail to
upe 'Dr. Lindsey's Blood Searcher.'
Sold by all druggists. It will cure
A now swindler has appeared in
Lancaster county. He professes to
have messages to his victims from
friends out West and Iben when given
lodging be robs tbe house and
On* square, one ioMrtioa, SI j aaeh —>TI
quent insertion,so cuti. *—'j- - J 'lfiMii li
exceeding one-fonrth of a oohuu, $& par tztak
I Figxm work donl 1* theae riw: additional
! , wk ™+ WMdyar monthly ehan«ee M
nad*. Local adTe.-tieamenta 10 eaaU Mr KB*
knd 6 par ham for aMk
Addition*] imertion, Mirriifti ud itnftn ML.
ttahed free of charge. Obituvy noticaa ahatve*
»• and payable whs* haeda/to I
Auditors Noticea, 94; Executors' and
trators' Notices. 93 each; Eat ray, Cutioa u4
Diaaolotiou Notices, not exceeding tan I in—
aach. *
From the fact that the Cmio la >ha nlilaat
established and moat sxtensirsly circulated Be-'
publican newspaper in Batter oounty, (a Wmn\
beau county j it moat be apparent to badMai.
men that ft ia the medium they «ae in'
advertising their baainaaa.
NO. 14
A F rojeot to Pipe Ou Two Hun
dred and Fifty Mllec.
A company of well kaown capital
ists have organized tbe 'Gas Light
Transportation Company,' to mine
coal and manufacture gaa in Pnaffl
vauia, and pipe the gaa to eastern
cities. A director of the compepy re
cently said that they propose to erect
gas work* that will manufacture' 40,-*
000,000 feet of gaa per day. This
would require 1,460,000 tons of coal
annually. Tbe coal can be boHght it
the mines for 55 cents per ton, bat" the
gas companies pay $4.60 per ton fat it.
They save something by the sals of
coke, tar, and atnmoniacal liquor, so
that their coal costs them $3.14 per,
ton, or 32 cents a thousand cabie feat
of gas manufactured. One great sariag
expected by the new company is in the
cost of coal and in the transportation.
Another saving will come, thej think,,
from the freshness of the coal, since
coal newly mined produces mora and
better gas than coal that baa been ex
posed to tbe air and weather.. The
cost of pumping the gas is offset by the
value of tbe coke. Tbe deterioration
of gas in the long pipe they expect to
counterbalance by making tbe gaa
extra rich at first. The pipe is to be
of iron, six feet in diameter, laid in
hydraulic cement.
[Kansas City Times.]
Mr. William Hadeler at the Mara
thon Hotel, Wansau, after extreme
suffering with rheumatism, without
any benefit from physicians or Tarioiia
preparations, was cured by St. Jaeoba
Oil.— Wis. Exchange.
Tbe plan of making vaccination com
pulsory, the same as in England, is be*
ing agitated in many of the citiee
where small-pox has been raging.
My daughter's defective vision was
much improved by peruna. James
Cook, Bakerstown, Pa.
Few people realize tbe value of •
kind word or smile of friendly recogni
tion. It has often revived a despondent
spirit snd infused hope, when the per
son bestowing it hardly gave the act ft
moment's consideration. Never refuse
such a simple offering.
'Father and mother being afifeted
witb asthma, two bottles of' Sellers'
Cough Syrup' has given them a new
lease of life.'
When a fond father presents his son
with a new band sled, nothing pleases
him so much as to find it at tbe foot of[
the kitchen steps when be goes after
coal, and have it rear up and throw'
bim in a corner with his bead in the
coal scuttle and his mind in a condition
no one can describe.
Fifteen perrons, including an entire
family, have been poisoned in Mianeeo
taJrom eating raw ham. It would
seem as though there had been enough
trichina poisoning in this eountry of
late years to keep people from so slight
a gratification of the appetite as the
eating of raw pork. Death by rate
bane is deeidedly preferable.
A lecturer on 'Manhood' says 'the
average American boy of to day is in
ferior to tbe average boy of a quarter
of a century ago.' Inferior f Why,
the boy of to day can smoke more rig*
arettes than an average man of twenty
five-years ago could consume; and he
can utter more slang in one hour than
tbe quarter of a century boy could sling
in two weeks.
An ineident is related in connection
witb the small-pox when it appeared
several years ago in a western town.
The bedding on which a patient
having small-pox died was burned,
and a light wind prevaling at the time
carried the smoke slowly in a certain
direction, in the line of which tbe small
pox appeared in a few days, causing
the death of a large number of people.
During tbe war Eugene Mergendabl,
a hotel keeper of Kingston, N. Y. did
an act of kiudness for a poor wounded
soldier named Decker, wbo appealed to
him for aid. Mergendabl cared for
him until berrecovt red and told Decker
not to worry about bis bill. Tbe sol
dier departed and tbe landlord never
saw bim again. The other day he WM
notified by an Albany law firm that
Decker bad died leaving bim bis entire
fortune, amounting to $35,000.
Tbe important part that may be
played in any department of human
activity by the men who do tbe very
best in that department is brought to
mind signally by the death last week
of Siro Delmonico, tbe last surviving
of tbe four brothers wbo made their
name world-famous as tbe foremost
caterers of the American continent
This death, following so soon that of
Lorenzo Delmonico, leaves but one of
the Delmonicos connected with the ex
tensive establishments built up simply
by providing tbe best
The proportion between males and
females in tbe cities of the United
States exhibited in the recent Qensoa
bulletins differ so greatly from the pro*
portion between tbem in the whole
country that tbe figures are remarkable.
In tbe whole country there is an excess
of nearly a million males. Tbe precise
figures are: —Males, 25,518,830: fe
males, 24,636,965. But in almoat
all the cities this proportion w reversed.
There are forty-five cities of mere than
forty thousand inhabitants, and in all
but nine the females outnumber the
To Refresh a Sick Penea
Add about twenty drops of Darbyl
Prophylactic Fluid to a quart of water,
in bathing. It will give the skin ft
soft, pleasant and refreshing feeling
and dispel the odor that fever and pers
piratiou leaves on the body. A small
quantity of tbe Fluid sprinkled over
anything, place or vessel where there
is putrescence destroys .at once the
germ of all animal or vegetable poison.
A new vaccine farm has been started
at Cbambersburg.
—Tbe literal size of the 'straw bond'
cases in Washington may be inferred
from the fact that two bushels of bids
made by one member of tbe Star Route
ring at a single contractletting were
brought into Court as evidence. These
were 30,000 bids, and no wonder the
Judges refused tbe defence's demand
that each and every one of them to be
i read.