; • the bright Aataninsl days the tei station to comfortable exposure *j* ids its froit in a most pernicious cough and irritation of the throat. Dr. Bull's Congh Sjrup Btands unrivaled u i remedy for throat and lung diseases. 25 cents a bottle The Washington Republican disre spectfully calls Oscar Wilde a sick calf. A Western debating society is nerv ing itself op to wrestle with tbe ques tion : 'When a woman and a mouse meet, which is the most frightened ? It is troe other remedies can be prais ed, but Peruna has the uneqnaled proof. We miss our customary winter cor respondent who yearly proffers the ad vice : 'Gire your dog plenty of cold water this cold weather and prevent hydrophobia.' A Michigan girl tried to commit suicide by swallowing thirty-six shirt buttons. Fortunately her digestion mistook them for railway restaurant beans and she was saved. Be wise; simply call on your drug rist for 'Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup when you have a cold or cough. Price 25c. A good old lady of Plymouth, Mass , collected money for the benefit of a poor family and bought groceries for tbem. Tbe family are now suing her for the cash. To the weak Peruna gives strength. A goat owned by a Georgia judge has long horns on his legs as well as on his bead— eighteen in all—and he will probably form tbe nucleus for a fine Odd Fellows' lodge. Divorce and murder trials are now nearly all the cases beard by the Illi nois coorts It is estimated that in 1880 twenty-five hundred divorce cases were beard in that State, of which over half were granted. A lady had tbe flesh eaten off her arm by scrofula. Could see tbe sinews working. 'Lindsey's Blood Searcher' The promptness with which tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company has enforced tbe most approved tests for the discovery of imperfect hearing and co - or blindness among its employes will be appreciated by tbe travelling public. Andrew Carnegie says, in an inter view in tbe Pittsbug Leader, Vander bilt has lately ordered 20,000 tons of steel rails Irom the Edgar Thomson steel works. This begins to look like business, as 20,000 tons of rails, 65 pounds to tbe yard are sufficient to lay 176 miles of single track. To the sick Peruna is tbe greatest blessing. ■ [PotUtown Daily Ledger.] A Michigan journal relates the follow ing: Anion James, Esq.. proprietor of the Huron House, Port Huron, Mich., suffered so badly with Rheumatism that he was unable tojraise bis arm for tbree months. Fire bottles of St. Jacobs Oil cured him entirely. The present annual yield of flaxseed in the United Btates is estimated at 2,500,000 bushels, and of tbe fibre at 38,000,000 pounds. The Prairie Farm er thinks tbe estimate of seed under ratber than over tbe actual yield, and predicts that flax will be sown more extensively next springtban ever before. To tbe hesitating Peruna gives cour age. Dr- Agnnw says that under ordinary circumstances ho would have charged from $l5O to SIOOO a visit while attend ing President Garfield. That settles it. Wben we get fatally sick we shall be obliged to shuffle off this mortal coil without the aid of Dr. Agnew. It would be cheaper.— Norrusluwn Her ald - Ah alar Ming upread of Sum 11 Pox. Tbe most potent remedy to stop tbe spread of this great scourge is Darby s Proph) lactic Fluid, which is ready for use at all times. Persons are liable at any moment to 'catch' the disease, and should get tbe Flnid at once and use it freely aboot, as places cannot be infect ed where the Fluid is used. Persons attending tbe sick or in other ways ex posed to tbe disease will be protected by ita free use. While tbe Eastern trunk roads are trying to effect some pooling arrange ment which shall stop tbe cutting of rates, a Western Judge has decided that railway pools are illegal. In a case arising out of railway agreements in regard to 8t Louis busi ness. Judge Zaae of Springfield, Illinois, has given 'an opinion that railroads bave no right to enter into contracts with one another depriving tbe people of tbe benefits of competition. Tbe Germans are once more conquer ing Paris, but this time tbe conquest is as pleasant to tbe vanquished as to tbe victors. German lager beer is pup planting French wines as a light drink, and tbe Paris papers while noticing this fact deeply'depiore it. Ho popular has lager beer become there that tbe thea ters even indulge in 'skits' on the craze, and a late dramatic revue has a laugh able seene satirizing it. One afternoon a stranger, observing a stream of people entering a church, approached a man of gloomy aspect, who was standing near tbe entrance, and asked:, 'ls this a funeral?' 'Fu neral! NoT'waßthe sepulchral answer. 'lt's a wedding.' 'Excuse me,' added tbe atranger; 'but I thought, from your serious looks, that you might be a hired mourner.' 'No,' returned the man, with a weary, far-off look in his eyes. I'm a aon-in-law of the bride's mother.' Heroic remedies are sometimes tbe best in agricultural disorders, if not in human ailments, and there is force in Professor Thomas's suggestion that the best way to get rid of the eh inch bug is to abandon as far as possible the growth of eorn In infected districts, and to raise other crops in place of it. Tbe weevil wss disposed of in tbe famous 'Genesee Country' by giving up tbe wheat crop for several years, and now it can be raised thero with safety, as of yo»e. A very Bad incident occurred in Ho boken the other night A man whom wife so badly afflicted with the testbet* 1c crate that she had recently given a party to which only those of antithetic tatt'eH were invited came home in a Htate of intoxication, greatly to the astonishment of his better half, who bad never wen him in such a condition before. 'How dare you appacr before me in such a condition, sir?' »bo ex claimed, 'lt's withetic,' he replied. •Y-oo ga re a little blow out the other , evening, didn't you, that you paid was • consummate affair?' 'I did,' she re plied, 'but whet has that to do with yflnr drunken orgies?' 'Weil,' said the man, 'l've been baring a little toot j too.' 1 mm Cj) /Mmk * ForauSnnS I Bemedy suchai Diseases! % TETTER.ITCH. SORES. PIMftES. # W^NGWORM^ Tmcfflis Symptoms are moisture, stinging, itching, wonisaj night* warn* u If pln-worma wer.j™ the rectum ;tkeprtT»te puts are often affected. Aj» pleasant, economical and posftire OISTMXKT is superior to any article In ths market. Bold by druggists, or send 60 eta. ini S-ct Sj»nipa» gAddreaa. Pa. 6WATM * 8o», CATARRH Elys'CreamSalm Effectually cleanses the nasal passages of QitwV Catarrhal virus, caus- HfrtAM lug healthv secretions. rn "£?si» T *. 1 allays inflammation. cot °*uCkfl I protects theiiienibrane 1 from additional-old*. sores'and restores the Lj sense of taste and mr W/// smell. Benefleial re / "Si stilts are realized by a few applications. A thorough treatment Will cure Catarrh. Hay VS»°y. Fever, &e Uneriualed 1 for colds in the head. I Agreeable to use, Ap- Hay- feVER rrMifrtt receipt of soc. will mail a package. Boi« l by Butler drugvists. v KLYS' CBKAM BALM CO.. Owego. N. Y. f ° r /FOR PROFIT. H if wish to 1 PRACTICAL D become hC ohiui«ccUl f , f Tf T Rl^ If Florist, read J FLOKICU}.|PJIf(. Hlf you wish to Harden i GARDENING II for Aniuseinent or for r ~,,. o.yup II Home Use only, read j FOR PLLAoURE. II A.ll by Peter Henderson' m Price ti.no each, postpaid by mail. n (»ur Combined Catrilopie of | I^I.AATH S For isfti, *epf free on application. R PETER HEKDERSOi' CP j || 35 Cortlanut St., New York. | Send for out New Illustra ■ ted Price-List No. 30, for wfHW FaHa* 141 W'n ter of 1881. Free to any addrciiij. tains full description of all kinds of goods for personal and family use. We deal directly with the consumer, and sell all goods in any quantity at wholesale prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at |^H(L MONTGOMERY WARP & CO, VP and 229 Wabash Avenue.C'hicago.ili. tmls«HtednrlheUA sued W«rfc sf •be only eomplsts story of hi* noble life a»d tragic S ,n si r ,^c%dAr ß r ,r pub " f| a TTTTrtll 1)0 " ot ta'cbpenny, re vAUllvfl. ramped c>mpan(n bouke will, which ll.e country is flooded. They ere utterly t wortblees ; an oatrsge upon the memory of the grest dead, and a bsee fraud on tbe public. This hook it mtirelr MOT. The only work worthy the theme. Send aoe. In mtmmpm for Asrul's Ouini. JUNE* BBOTHKRH 4 CO., PablmhcrM, PbilM«lpnl*. GIVEN AWAY! A BPLENDED DICTIONARY. .—TO— EVERY YEARLY SUBSCRIBER -OF TBE— PITTSBURGH WCEKLT THEGMPHII Allison's Wehslei's Dictionary, JuMt issued. containing over 50.000 words and phrases, abbreviations. useful facta and lablea, foreign words and phrase. lint of mythological and classical unmet* Scripture proper lumen, the United Btatea census of 1880, Ac.; alao orer 200 illustrative engraving*; handeomly bound in cloth. The WEEKLY TELEGRAI H for one year, including the above Dictionary, postage pre paid, $1.25 tyubaariptiona received by all poat maatera. Send for sample copy. All aubacriptiune payab'e in ndvauco • The olilent. heat, most thorough anil complete practleal huslne™ college in the United States. fW~ School alwavs In seaalon. Students admit ted al any time. For circulars address V. SMITH, A. M„ PIMWIPAI., '*ep-lm Pittsburgh. l'a BKBTRT «. IIAI.ic,~ HUE MMMTAILOR, COK. PENN AND SIXTH BTitEETH, PitUburyh, ra Benson's -AWARDED- Capcine Porous —MEDALB. Plaster. The Be«t Known Remedy for Backache or Lame Back. Rhaumatlsm or Lamo Joints. Cramps ©r Sprains. Neuralgia or Kidney Diseases. Lumbago, Severe Aches or Pains Female Weakness. iltSirerlcr to oil other Plaotora* Art Baporlor to Poda. Artßi|trlorlo l.lnloirnU. Aro Superior to Olnlmcala or flolvee. Aroaoperlor to Electricity or calvooLaaa Thoy Act Immediately. They Stmitkm. They Sooth*. Thoy Italic v* Pain at Oae*. Thoy Positively Core. ABIITIAII Ben«on'»r»pc.lnePoronaPU«» I Hill II IN lera have been Imitated. Do UnUi l\#ll«not allow your druggist to palm off aomo other plutor having a attnilar aonudlug nsiine. Hea that the word iarpelled C-A P-C-I-N I. Price IS eta. •Wn^uTlnfdlSSlSia'Vork. *B*7 ti**n: &ntl*K, £»jmmgy t, 1882, Great Eeduction in Prices. FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS AT JOHN BICKEL'S BOOT ANDSHOE STORE, MAIN ST., BUTLEE,PA. I have in stock $6,000 worth of BOOTS & SHOES ! Which I will Pell at greatly reduced prices, sonic of which will be sold at a small profit, some at cost and part of my stock 1 will close out at less than cost in order to get ready for spring stock. My stock is large and varied, and at the low prices at which I am offering it must be sold for nTniri a T Youry truly, JUIIN BICKKL. c 11i ° C MauuMoiuier of Tin P" 1 ' Sheet Iron Ware and dealer in Stoves, Raises, Pressed, Japanned and FCmeM f Wafe; Graniu, Sou. W»r e ' Bin? Ca-es and general hon nek eeping troods Roofing. Spouting and Repairing done on short notice and at lowest nmrket rati*. 1W only authorized agent for the sale of A. Bradley & <'o.'s well known Stoves and Ranges, only place to get the original and genuine odd plates lor their stoves, made expressly hy for him. Beware of sham plates beiug sold in Sutler, made of old fenor ' g "'j'une'g/SIT tl C Agent ' Near Wick and Schreiber Houses, Main street, Butler, Pa. EDISON'S Instantaneous Music —FOR TAB PIANO AN J) ORGAN. By which anv CHILL) or PERSON can play any ol the popular airs by note at tight, without BTUDY PREVIOUS PRACTICE, ortveii tiiu.-ical talent. Ibc Company will rOKFhI I *I,OOO II any Wiild teu jcars old lull* to plav ANY ONE of our Popular Tones on the Piano, or Oigau or iVclodcon *lthln ONE lIOUK alter rciti. in.' the Mu if and Instructions, provided sai l Child cnu count, with the llgures belore it, Iroin t to 100 correctly. Our Music 1- not lor hiyl-ly accomplish. <1 i:-n'itians. bnt lor Ibc millions who know nothing about Mtime - or who have. never |>l ■ )cd :< 'lt};" '!" se|l-eX| lanatoiy sle-i t*. ot music are lii n 111 j>hs of musical simplicity, brevity aid certainty, and en tie a living Intcre. t for Mti-ic with lite ie- Hirrited thousands who now us.- then THEY TKA< H ANY PERSON lo play by note at sight, white the eye loilown (be illustraHons, WI I'HOU i *£\ 'ON LOOKINd A 1' I iIE KEYS. Alter the ;<upi! has learned t*ie simple j ui.s v. . -I. we tell in our Itr-1 .-.cries, we give thein a little more diUicuit mu-lc, ai d bad llieiu on until they play our lunei Willi the expression o! an o.d experienced performer. Seven Pieces of Music with Instructions, wailed to any nddicsa on receipt ol ONE DOMAR- Enclose or.event portage stamp lor Cata logue ol Tunes. Ijgif' A„'cnl» wanled in every onto and Jouiiiy in Hie Union. KDIMK% Tils It 1 HOVE OFFICE : 215 and 217 Walnut direct, Phil. dclphia, Pa. BRANCH OFFICES— 2BO We.-t Baltimore ?i , Baltimore, Mil , 308 N..6ib »t., St. Louis, Mo., 25 Mxth Avenue, Pill*bur ( .'h. Pa., -ViT Washington street, lloston, Mass., 88. Queen street, I aucnsler, Pa. I or llili A VValnui, < am.l. n, N. J., 2->' titale si., Chicago, 111., ASI» IN PiULAWKLPniA, 122:1 <"he»tnui sire i, 401J2 .Market street. 801) Filbert street, v 251H N Froi t street, and Page street. CATAIiOGIJE OF TUNEJS. America. A Surry Night for n Rumble. All on Account of Eliza. Babies on oai Block. Huy-a- Broom Waltz. Uculali Lund. 'loronnikm. Cli inips'gnc Charley. Conic Thou Fount of Every IJlcsfinjj- Coming Thro' Tlx' Kye. Cradle's Empty, Huby'a flouc. Down on the Nwanec River. Dost Tliou Love Mc Ulster Hut It. Dublin Bay. Duur.e Street. Do They Think ol Me at Homo. Farewell, mv Own. From Oieenlaud'a Icy Mountaina Oolden Slippera. lloirie, Sweet Home. How the Qntca Csiine Ajar. In the: Sweet Bye and Bye. I vat a Wand'rlng fiheep. 1 Am Coming Lord. I Need Thee Every llour. JefiUß Lover of My foul. Joy to the World. Juniata. Let the Lower Lights he Huruihg. Lniiterh.ii h Walt/. Little Old Log Cahln. Additional tun en of New Music added Monthly. M.C. ROEKENSTEXN, DEALER IIV TREHONT CIIOK STOVES AND RANGEH. AliiO, AGENT FOR CRYSTAL FA LAC K STOVES AND REPAIRS FOR SAME, liird Cages, Tinware, Wood anil Willow Ware, I'.uaiuelcil and Granite Wure, Sower Pipe, Fire Clay Stove Pipe, (irate Tile, Fire Briek and Clay. Hoofing, Hpouting aii'l Heavy Hheet-iron work done at short notice below market pricen for cn*h. I am also having manufactured to my order, nice clean and aiuooth odd Pluten to fit Htovew, which I well at nix cents per pound, and f will guarantee Minn fo last longer and give iHittefr NatiMhtetion than the i*o-ealled original and plates sold hy another party at ten cent* jHir pound. (Jive mc a call and be con vine 1. M. CJ. ItOCKENSTEIN, junels:ly Main Street, liutler, Pa. WALKER " " ™E best I GPIIJL WASH E R. PBtLy I refund i|. 'l' lie i{o»t moil Klllcicut, and moai njSA I durable \\ nutirr lt> Ihc Wurlil. It litis no rival, and '• 'hi only machine that will wnsli perfectly clean without rubbing. II can lie used in anv sized lull, or shifted from one 1 1 1 !' 1 I•><- most delicate uuly or eliliil 1(1 yearn old ean do the work. It Is tnaiie of < isdvaiilzcd Iron, and In the only Washer " . WmSmaf^r-• ' ill the wurlil lhat lias the Ituliher Hands on tile Itullers, which prevent the breaking " r button* and Injury lo clothed. ATCIITC Ui AMTCnKxeluslve I rrtt.rv. llclall price .?n.uo. A/cut*'sample, M.no. Alaothc Mutri I O WMII I tUeclehrated Keystone WitiiKM. al Manufacturer* lowest price. Circulars free. Kcfcr lo the edslor of this paper. Addreaa KltiK WASIIMi t't)., I.rie Pa. [Mfloctim VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE! TIIK iiliilerKigned offer* for nale tlie follow ing real en' Mo. viz : The William McChtng farm, nituatn in Oak land lowiiKlii|>, Butler county. I'a., adjoining lands 'if Win J. Hutchison. Eli Ualpli et al , containing 1.% acres, more or I«IM. About !>Q acres clc.'.reil, balance ill good tiuil or; double log h use and frame bain tliereon erected; good orchard of alMiiit 10 bearing apple trees; farm well watered, sod in a (.;ood stale of cultivation, and i« Kuppo-ed to lie underlaid with coal. I'ist- turm is itnate in a good neighborhood .HI hi ti'il lie load lending from Ilutlnr to Eair viow, and within "bout five miles of butler, and witisui about one mile of the proposed new rail road. For terms inquire of the undersigned or G W. Fleeger, Esq., of Puller. CHUIBTY ROBB, Kxeculor of William McClung, deceased. Oakland twp., liutler Co., Pa rM)Ct2m XOTHF. To AM. Wit M IT MAY IT OOMONN : Whereas, my wife Elizabeth line left my lied and board without any ju»t cfttlro or provoca tion, I warn all persons against giving her cred it on mv account m» X will pay r- ' iof her contracting. lIICHEY. LUtie Maggie May. Li t Rose of Slimmer. Litile Buttercup. Nearer My God to Thee. Old Hundred, Pulling Hard Against the Stream. Paddle Your Own Canoe. full Wo'.vii the Blind*. Ruck of Agon Rosalie the Prairie Flowe". RtAt lor the Weary Heart. Robin Adair. Ring the Bells of Heaven. Shall We Gut bar at the River. Sweet Genevieve. Spring. <ii title Spring. I Scene* that are Brightest, i The Girl 1 Left Behind Me. | Trump, tramp, tramp. J Take Back the Heart. Twickenham Kerry. There Is Rest for the Weary. The Wearing of I he Green. The Heart Bowed Down. '1 he Harp that onr-e through Tain's Hull. 1 lie Blue AlHatiau Mountain. Y.'ukee Doodle. ' What a I*'ilend We have in Jesus. 1 Waste Not, Want Hot. i Walt tor the Turn of I lie Tide. When the Swallows Homeward Fly | What Shall the Harvest Be. Mmmzß HOW LOST!HOW RESTORED! Jiift published, a new edition of 1)H OUL VEH» ELL'rt CEM'IUKATED EHHAY on the railieal cure of Kpormatorrhiea or Heminal Weak ness, luviilutisury Hemusal l.osses. Xmpotency, Mei tal and Physical Incapacity, Impedimenta to Mairiage, etc. ; al'.-i. ('onaumptlon. Epilepsy an i Kits, induced by self-indnlgence or sexual oxtravagance, Ac The celebrated author, in this admirable Es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years MC,ceessfulpractice, that the alarming coiiKOijiten ces of self abuse may be radically cured ; point ing out a mode of cure at once Hinple. certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter wlia' Ilia condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Leet ire should be iu the handa of ovory youth and every man in the land Sent, tinder seal, iu a plain envelope, to any atldrei-M, post paid, on receipt of aix ceuta or two postage nlampK. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 ANN ST., NKW Yomj, N. Y.: febff-ly l'oat OUlce Box, 4M) iu tbu Ci IZXN. IKIZEI] TIE 3 THE GREAT ISCnLTXGTO y I\<)ITF„ - ■ X i iher line runs i nree Throus-h Pas _ . Trains Dully between Chicago, I>es .• Council Bluffs, Omaha, Lincoln. St. . \trhi- n, T' ix kH and Kansas City. ■ ■ . ctious for all points in Kansas, : olorndo. Wvominir. Montana, Ne .. Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and ii a. ■ shortest. Speediest and Most Comforta ■ '£ -iiro vlaliannibjJ to Fort Scott. Denison, iu-. Houston. Austin. Han Ampnlo, tJai»c3- : • and all poinii ip Tt'ias! 'i iio unci;iial-'d inducements offered by this i/'u- to Travelers and Tourist", are as follows: :'h.' celebrated Pullman (lit-wheel) Palace sleeping Cars, run only on this I Inc. C„ I!. & i. l'nlacc Dm wing-Room Cars, with llorton'9 Re, lining ''halls. No extra charge lor Scats .1 it eliniug Chnlrs. The famous C.. R. Jc y. i'alace Dining Cars. (iorgerus Smoking Cars fitted with Klcgant High-Backed Rattan Re volving ' h.iis for the exclusive ysp Qf flrst i-liiss p.i=~>ongCHi, Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment, makes this, above ail others, the favorite Route to the South, South-West, and the Far West. Try it, and you will Hud traveling a luxury Instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celebrated Lino for sale ut all offices in the United States uud Lnnndu. All info)iftat|oi) about Rf.tos of Fare, Sle< ;> in* Car Accommodations, Time Tables, i: will be cheerfully given, and will send I-rr • any address an elegant County Matt of V Slates, in colors, by applj iug t i J. Q. A. BEAN, lien's tastern Ae ■ 3U3 Washington St . Hosier, nud .ll" Broadway, New V T. J. POTTER. Gen Manager. . PERCEVAL LOWELL, General Pa.ssenger Agent, Chicago. ]Voti«ie in Partition. In the Orphans' Court of Butler county, Pa., No. 6, Dec. Term, 1881. Commonwealth of Penn'a, flut/er county, ss : WHEKEAS, on the Bth day of December, A. D. 1881, Margaret Leminon, intermarried with J. M. H. Mellon ; Harriet, intermarried with L. O. Frazier; Elizabeth, intermarried with Joshua Kissick and Sarah E., and Nancy Lem mon, daughters of John Leminon, late of township, Allegheny county, deceased, and grand-daughters of Thomas Lenimoj, late of IJutler township (formerly Connotjueuessrng), Inulwr poumy, Pennsylvania, deceased, pre sented their petition to said Court, setting forth inter-alia that the said Thomas Leminon died on or about the day of A. D., 18,01, intesta'.e and seized in his demesne as of fee, of and in a messuage and tract of land situ ate in said township of Butler (formerly Conn' - quenessing), county of Butler, bounded latterlv on the east by Peter Gruver and John llusel ton; on the west by Ferdinand Reiber, Esq., and Dufforil's heirs; on the south by William Shorts, and on the north by John Huselton and John Al-houses' heirs.and containing one hun dred and twenty-five (125 a; acres, and one hun dred and twenty-nine (12!> p) perches, mori or less, with the appurtenances ; that they are children of the said John Letnmon, deceased, to whom it belongs to have the equal one-sev enth pait ol said real estate in fee, as the heirs and legal representatives of the said JohnLcm mon, deceased, who was a son of the said Thomas Lemmon, deceased, and that to each of them the said petitioners it belongs to have the equal one-ninth nart of the undi vided one-seventh part of said real estate in fee: setting forth the i aes and residences of the heirs and legal representatives of the said Thomas Lemmon, deceased, so far as known; that no partition of the said real estate had been made, and praying the court to award an inquest to make partition of the same to ami amongst the parties entitled thereto, according to their respective rights, &c., which said peti tion was duly verified by the affidavit oi the said petitioners ; whereupon the Court, on the same day, made an order granting a rule to show cause on the parties named and interested therein, to be served personally on all parties williiu the Co., and directed notice to lie given to all others by publication according to rules of court, to appear at the next term of court,and show cause if any they had, why partition of the premises should not be awarded and made as prayed for in said petition—returnable to next term. Now, therefore, iu pursuance of the said or der of court notice is hereby given to the heirs nixl legal representatives of Hugh Lemmou, deceased, the heirs and legal representatives ol Thomas Lemon, Jr., deceased, the heirs and le gal representatives of David Letumon, deceased, the heirs and legal representatives, if any, of William and Robert Lemon, deceased, the heirs and legal representatives of Jane Lem mon, deceased, intermarried with Wilsou, Rebecca Lemmon, intermarried with Ilal stead; Nancy Lemmon, intermarried with Spear, anil the heirs and legal representatives of John Lemmon, deceased, heirs and legal rep resentations of the said Thomas Lemmon, de ceased, as named in said petition, and all others interested therein of the said proceedings tu partition; and to this end we command you and each of you that laying aside all business and excuses whatsoever, you and each of you lie and appear In your proticr persons before the Honorable, the Judges of our said Court, at a Court to be held at Butler in said county of Duller, I'enn'a., on Monday the 6th day of March, A. D., 18S2, then and there to show cause if any you have why an Inipiest to make partition or valuation of the real estate of the said Thomas Lem.non, dee med, should not be awarded as prayed for iu said petition, and herein fail not. Witness the Honorable E. McJunkin. Presi dent Judge of utir said Court at llutler, tni*.23d day of December, A. I>.. IHHI. {HKAt. \ W. 11. HOFFMAN, Sheriff. 11. 11. GOUCIIKH, Attorney for Petitioners. a SIOOO • Will t>« paid If any Impurities or mineral ■ miiiHtaiKi h are fiiuuu In i'kki'.n a, or for any | cmo It will notruroor help. ■■EBCSIS I'EHPXA Is rarely a voirelahle compound. I It Is not cmialUxl ny any or allother modi- ■ clues columned. '1 ids In stmnic Ihiikuas". _ I nit It Ik true. . " I'r.KUWA U lielng in"ro extensively pro serliM-il l.y honest physicians thai, any other Q half dozen roiuudteskiiuwato theprofusaiou. 0 I'kui'n A noslllvelv rftrea winumntlni and all other liiii|(:iii(l lienrtdlitcawis, 5255255S a • For Intermittent fever, chills and fever, ■ dumb ague, tie) luf.'tlllhlo remedy I^'KHI.NA. ■ No matter what your dlseaso Is, where lo- a rated, ho you or ® Toll your neighbors nnd your friends that ® Pr.tsiiN* Is the only remedy, and will cure % you and them. Hend fi.r a pamphlet. a H. 11. lIAHTMAN A CO., Orliorn.Olilo. a Keep your iajwcls and pelvlo • riiautregu- a lar with PERI NA an<l MAKALIU FOR SALE BY XI MM Ell 91 AN A WULLKR BUTLER, PA. MARTIN'S RED JACKET Double Aclinic Frost Proof Force Pump AI way 1 rrady ur»*l reliable in rase to f Arc, <jnick anl «• i*y lo oiierate for wimliltig Ac. It in tlift only douhlr ucthitf frost proof force pump that ran !»•? ropaiml without rrtii'»viug putuo from pUlfont. It is cheap, utirable, efficient and fttiltahli* for wella of any depth,—No ; farmer or householder nhouiii be without h pump of thh kind. 11. Hoiimloii A Co., Hole Agents, IT* 157 Nmltlificld SI root, I'ITTHItIIUJII, PA.. 'W ' ®oy~. s, end for Catalogue anil if Price List. Ilmtnte of William Kbert. Letters of administration having hcen granted to the undersigned on the estate of William F.bcit, dee'd., late of S.ixonburg, Butler Co., I'll., nil persons knowlnit themselves Indebted to suul e«latr are hereby notified that Immediate paviucnt Is required, and those having claims against the same to present them duly r.uthen tleated lor settlement, FREDERICK KBKRT, ) CHRISTIAN RAABE, $ Adiu ra Biuonburg P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. A. TROUTMAN, FALL AiyfD WINTER LEY GOODS, inn TRIMS! LARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES ! DRESS GOODS OF ALL KINDS, SHAWLS. CLOAKS, DOLMANS, CLOAKING, CASSIMERES, BLANKETS, LADIES" & CHILDRENS' UNDERWEAR ! Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Yarns, &c. I have and am showing the LARGEST AND MOST COM PLETE LINE OF GOODS EVER SHOWN. PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. TROUTMAN, Aug. 24. BUTLER, PA. " Af I ORDER lj\ST LIPETI ME *<•,< 3 > OTHERS'7 | *sorsfaNsßo. \ M 30 UNION 6Q.NEW YORK 7 0 Chicago ILL.-® 'i K orange mass, jj MAWHINNEY & CHATFIELD, GENERAL AGENTS, 28oe|M!m 10i Sixth Street, Pittsburgh, Pit. Planing Mill —AND- Liimtoei* Y ai*d. J. L. PURVIS. L. O, PURVIS S.G. Purvis & Co., M4NUFAOTVTBSRB AND DEALKKB IS Rough and Planed Lumber or EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, . MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice .Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD tfear Ucrinnn Catholic C'liureb Jnn7-KO-Iy (harden re¥2~ Seeds. OIRECT FROM THE FARM, Warranted to Grow OK MONEY REFUNDED. HHEEDS RENT rttEPAII) HV MAIL, ANI» THEIR MA l f K XmtlVAI. IN liOOll CONDITION OUAKANTREI). Money may be mint by Dri«f'l. or Post-OHleo Older or (when thin cannot he obtained) by Registered Lett"r, at my rink. My seed* are I'reoli, pure and (('"id, ami will certainly please you Catalogue lor 18MJ, with directions for cultivation, FREE. Please nsnd for It. Ad dreet) JONKPIV H i IIHIS. MORETON KAKM, Rochester, N, Y. NOTICE TO FARMERS. Large number of Far inn lor ialc or exchange it low prices and on e«sy pa_vtnent». Se"ci"al •mull farina from 35 to W acre* wanted. Also, oiititt Turn lulled to tarpiers having Improved tarins on long time and at low rates. Address W.J. KIHKADDEN, Freenort. Pa., Or call on OlHee days: Every Monday at •'roeport. Every Tuesday at No. 10, Fourth Venue, Pittsburgh. Or. Frease's Water Cure. A health Institution In lu B«th year. For nearly all It lud of Chronic diseases, and espe cially the dl»oa*et ot Women. Invalids are In vited to correspond wltli us. Circulars Iree. Address, 8. FRKAriE, M. D., New Brighton, •Heaver Co., Pa. lyjuue!4tt rnitiiiH AiiMoit, Justice of the Peace Malu street, opposite Poatofflce, itljj ZEUKNOPLE , PA. ' —-JTHK Chicago & North- estern ■« jm. ■ ■> "mw A "W Is the OLDEST ! BEST CONSTRUCTED ! It EST EQUIPPED ! and hence Die LEADING RAILWAY OF THE WEST AND NORTHWEST. It is the short and best route between Chicago and all points in Northern Illinois, lowa, Dakota, Wyoming. Ne braska, California, Oregon. Arizona. Utah, Colo rado, Idaho, Montana. Nevada, and lor COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA UENVEH. JL.UAUVI L.I.K, SALT LAKE. SAN FRANCISCO DEADWOOD. SIOOX CITY. Cedar l.apuls. Des Moines, Columbus and all Points In the Territories, and the West. Also, for Milwaukee, (ireen Hay. Oslikosh. Sheboygan, Marquette, I'ond du IJIC, Watertown, Houghton, Neenah, Menaslia, St. I'aul, Minneapolis, Huron, Volga, Fargo, Bismarck, Winona, La' rosse, Owatonna, and all points 111 Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago & North-Western and the U. 1\ R'ys depart from, arrive a lan<t use the same Joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connections are made with the Lake shore, Michigan Central, llallliiiore & Ohio, Ft. Wayne and rennsylvania, and Chicago & (iraml Trunk lt'ys, and the Kankakee and Fan Handle Routes. Close connections made at Junction Points. It Is the IIMA' LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN Chicago and Council Bluffs. Fullman Sleejiers on all Night Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets via this road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to buy If they do not read over the Chicago * North-Western Kail way. If you wish the Best Traveling Accommodation# you will buy your Tickels by this route, |»~AND WHXTAKENONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by tills Line. MARVIN HUOHITT, 2d V. F. k Gen'l Mivng'r Chicago. Shorthand! A Full Course In Fonogrnfy Is published eve ry year in the new monthly manniilno : Tttß AMERICAN SHORTHAND WRITER and the Exercises of all subscribers corrected through the until FREE OF* CHARGE. The only periodical in the world from which shortiiand tnav IKJ learnt with >ut a tutor. The Flafl of Instruction is original and the LOMOM comprehensive. Those desiring to Ica'n may begin at snj time, back numbers to Lesson 1 being supplied new subscribers and exercises corrected when ever received. BUBSCHIPTIOJF . One year (Course of 12 Letisous )- - $1.60 Single number .... 15c. American Agency for Pitman's Shorthand Books and Reporter's Supply Depot. Circular* sent Ircc on application^ ROWELL & HICKCOX, 409 Washington St., Boston, Mass. igy Please mention this paper. |auglOll BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor, Main and Cunningham Sts. Gf. C. ROESBING, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL. TREASURER I 11. C. IIKINKMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. 1,. Fnrvis, , E. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, J W. Buikhart, A. Trouttonn, Jacob Sehoene, 0. 0. Rocssing, John Calilwell, Dr. W. lrvln, J- J- Croll A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Helneman. JAS. T» M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ag't- BUTLER A'otlre la Divorce. Samuel l„ Strain v* Harriet Strain. In the Court of Common Plena of Bntler county, Pa.. A. IV, No. til Heitt. T., Isst. IJbel In Divorce. And now, to wit: December Mh, tsst, on mo tion of A. T. Black, attorney for llliclliinl. in open Court, and It appearing by the Sheriff s return to suhiHcna and alias suhpieiia in the above entitled cause that respondent cannot be found In this count v, publication Is awarded according lo law, returnable to next term. BY TIIKCOI itT. To riiK. KKSPOSKKNT, HAHKIKT HTHAIN : You an- licrebv notified to be anil appear In your proper person before our Judges at Butler, at a I Court of Common Pleas there lo be held on the Mb day of March, A. D„ IHS-j next to answer the petition or libel id the said Samuel 1,. Strain, and to show cause. If any you have, why the said Sam uel I, Strain, your husband, should not be divotv ed from the bonds of matrimony, agreeably to the Vets of Assembly In such case made and provided. W. II HOFFMAN, , |,|4 w Sheriff of Bntler county. Union Woolen Mills. I would datura to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have new and Improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannola, Knitting and Weaving Yarna, and I can recommend them aa being very dura ble, an they are manufactured of pure Bntler county wool. They are beautiful In color, eu parlor In teuton*, and will »old at vary low JnH4,'7«-lr) Butler. Pa FO R HAIiB. Canadian llrcil NtnllloDN* 1 DARK BROWN. TROTH 2:41. 1 HAY,TROTH 2:.17. (iood sir* and weight. Particulars from M. M. l'reecjtt, JJux W7, Pittsburgh. l'a. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. UTLIH, KABNS CITT AND PARKER RAILRCAD Trains leave Buller for St. Joe, Millers town Karns City, Petroiia, Parker, etc., at 7.37 a. m ai.ci 2.25 and 7.25 p. m. Traius arrive at Butler from the above named points at 7.:7 a. in., ana 2.15, and 7.15 p. m* The 2.15 train connects with train on the West Penn road through to Pittsburgh. CHENANGO AND ALLEGHENY KAILXOAD. Trains leave Hilliard's Mill, Butler county, for Harrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7 AO a. m. and 2.25 p. in. Trains arrive at Hilliard's Mills at 1:45 A. and 5:55 p. m. Hacks to and from Petroiia, Martlnsburtr, Falrview, Modoc aud Trontman, connect atHli iltard with all trains on the 8 A A road. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time. Market at 5.06 a. a., goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at 9.01 a. m. Thie train con cects at Freeport with Frecport Accommoda tion, which ar.-ives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. m., railroad time. Exprest at 7.16 a. m., connecting at Butler Junction, without change of cars, at 8.26 with Express west, arriving In Allegheny at 9.5 C a. m., and Express east arriving at Blairsvllle at 10.55 a. m. railroad time. Mail at 2.26 p. m., connecting at Butler Juno tionwithout change ot cars, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 501 p. m., and Ex press east arriving at Blairsvlile Intersection at 5.55 p. m. railroad time, which connects w'tk Philadelphia Kx press east, when on time. The 7.21 a. m. train connects at Blairsville at 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2.96 p.m. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Bntler on West Penn R. R. at 9.5fi a. m., 4.5S aod 7.01 p. m., Bntler time. Tho 9,56 aud 4.58 trains connect with trains on the Butler <& Parker R. R. Main Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh tor the East at 2.56 and 8.26 a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 and 8.06 p. m., arriving at Philadelphia at 3.40 and 7.20 p. m. and 3.00, 7.00 and 7.40 a. m.; at Baltimore about the same time, at New Tork three hours later, and at Washington about one and a hall hours later. Time of Holding Courts. The several Co arts of the county of Bailer commence on the Monday of Mareh, June, September and December, and ooutinue two weeks, or so long as necessary to dispose of Um business. No causes are put down for trial or traverse jurors eommonea for the first week of the several terms. - I ■ .1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. butler, paT JOHNK. KELTLY\ Office with E. G. Miller, £tq., in Brady Law Building.* augl7Hu A. M. CORNELIUS, Offlco with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, .Vain Ktreot, Butler, Pa. J. F. BIUTTAIN, ~ Office with L. Z- Mit chill, Diamond. ~~ A. M. CUNNINGHAM, " Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. S. H. TIKRSOL. Office on N. E. comer Diamond, Riddle build* ing novl2 JOHN M. GREER Office on N. E. corner Diamond. novl3 wsin.LU^k, Offioe with W. U. H. Riddle, Esq. NEWTON HLACK, Office on Diamond, near Court House, south fide. E I MCUGHT t'Bin to Kiddie'* L<i» Building. S F. HOWTEK. Office in Riddle's Law Building. [msrß*76 J. B. MoJUNKIN. '. Special attention given to collections OUie opposite Wlllard Houso. JOSEPH R^BREDINT" Office north-east corner of Diamond. Butlei Ps. H. H. GOUCHER, Offlco in Schneidemsn's building, np stabs. J. T. DONLY Office near Court House. r - 74 W. D. BRANDON, ' ebl7-75 Office In Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady building- marl7—t ~ FERD REIBER, Office In Reihcr's building, Jefferson St. apfllj f. M. eastman" Office in Brady building. LEY. MoQUISTION, Offioe Main street, 1 door south of Court Boost JOS. C. VANDERLIN, Office Main street, 1 door sonth of Court House. Wm A. FORQUER, taT Offioe on Main street, opposite Vogsley House. GEO. It WHITE, Offioe N. E. corner of Diamond _______ Office In Schneldemau's bulldlug, west side ol Main street, 2ud square from Court House, T. O. CAMPBELL. Offics In Berg's new building, 3d floor, eaet side Main St., a few doors south of Lowri House. mart—tf. r, A. SULLIVAN, niay7 Offioe S. W. cor. of Diamond. A. T. BLACK, Office on Mttlu street, one door south Ot Brady Block, Butler, Ph. (Sep. 2, 1874. EUGENE G. MILLK, Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street, south of Court House. 20oot8l THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER, PA. JOHN 11. NEGLEY CVOiveH particular attention tc ransaotiona lu roal ostate throughout the ooui .y. OrncKON DIAMOND, NEAR CITIZEN hfildino E. R. KCKLRY, KBNNBOT >UU»BALL (Lulu of Ohio.) KOKLICY & MARSHALL. Office In Brady's Law Building. Bept.9,T4 Q CHRISTIE| Attorney at Luw. huslnea* carefully truiixaiicd. Collection® made and promptly remitted. Buslne** correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite to wry House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, iny'Jl-ly] BUTLEjI, PA. Office on Jefforson street, opposite Klinglflr'a Flour Store. i ——— DENTISTS. bicjsrTisTiß, x.. 0 1/ WALDRON, Graduate of the PhU ■ adulpbla Dental College, Is prepared ■ 11 •to do anything in the line of hto profession In a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Blow, up stairs. AM OIVfiY I>AIIGHTJKR CCB ED OF COMSHMPTIOM. When <iea»n was nourly expected, all remedies having failed, and l»r. H. Jam.;* was experlmeut hiK wllh the many herb* of (Calcutta, he accident ally made a prepiiratlon which cured nlsonlv ohld of txmai'MWio*. Ul» child l»now nthl» ooun try, and enjoying the hert of health. He haa proved to the world that coNiuMnriOK can be positively and permanently cured. The now Rlvea this Recipe free, only asking two stamps to pay expense*. This Herb alio cures Night Sweats, Nausea at the Stomach, and wffl break up a fw*h cold lit twenty-lour hounu Ad dreSTGraddock & Co.. 103 a Race street, PUlla&l --phlu uamliw this w»i>er.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers