WHAT IT COSTS TO KEEP A C O W. The Hon. George S. Boutwell, who retired a few years ago from the cares of statesmanship to the recreation of bis farm, makes the following report of some experiments made bj him in feed ing cattle, in a letter to the Secretary of the Farmer's Club: The method which I have pursued in harvesting corn and in preparing the fodder lor use is known generally to the members of the Club, but a brief statement may make the result more intelligible to all. The corn is cut at the ground as soon as the seed is par tially hardened, set in stocks and al lowed to stand until both the ears and stalks are ripe and fully seasoned. The corn is then husked in the field, and the corn and fodder put under cover without delay. The fodder is cut for feeding in pieces of about one inch in length, then put into large boxes wbere it is mixed with ccb-meal and satura ted with water at the boiling point. The boxes are then covered so as to be nearly air-tight, and allow to stand, say 12 hours before feeding. The experiment was made la«t De cember. At that time my stock con sisted of 49 animals of varioo* sires, but estimaled to be rqnal to cows. At the time the experiment was made the feed of the stock per day for the preceding three weeks had been as follows, viz: Cornfodder, <6O pound*, valued at.. $2.30 Hay, 300 pounds, 'fed dry), valued at 3.00 Cob meal, 200 pound*, valued at —Ort Total Upon this estimate the daily cost of food for each animal was a trifle more than 16 cents. At the time the experiment was made I had 23 cows in milk, of various ages and conditions, and on Wednes day, the Bth of December, *.he aggre gate yield was 373 pounds. On San day, the 12th of December, the best English hay was substituted for the corn fodder, pound for pound, but in all other respects the food was the same. The bay—that is 460 pounds— was cut, mixed with the same quantity of meal as was used with the corn (od der, and subjected in every particular to the same treatment. The name quantity of dry hay as before was fur nished in addition. On Wednesday, the 15th of Decem ber, the yield of milk was 359 pounds, a loss of 14 pounds On Thursday, the 16th, the use of corn fodder was resumed, and on the 22d, and on the 22d of December the yield of milk was 382 pounds, a gain of 23 pounds. One experiment is not sufficient to establish or overthrow a theory, and I submit the result in this case rather for the purpose of provoking inquiry nnd en couraging the application of other tests. If it should appear in the end, as I think it will appear, that well-cored corn fodder, properly treated for animal food, Is equal, pound for pound, with good bay, there will no longer exist even a pretext for neglecting the culti vation of corn in New Kngland. The daily cost of supporting 46 cows upon bay was: For 700 poanda of hay at S3O par ton J7.60 For 900 poaad* oob meal 2.04 Tstal - *>6B —w 31 Miita a earn. Tbe above testimony from such a most trustworthy source, corro bora ten that so frequently given in regard to tbe high value of cornfodder in compar ison with hay. WHAT IT TAKES TO KtlV A HM. There is going the round# of news papers a statement that 70 pound* of grain is sufficient to keep a hen in prime condition for a year. This is a mistake, probably, though tf fowls have their liberty to go where they plea*eund eat what they can find. That wiuld be equivalent to 1 and 1-6 bushels of wheat or 1$ bushels of corn. But in case fowls are kept confined to small runs, and are obliged to depend upon what food is supplied to thorn by their owner, it is not enough. In this latter case it will take a full bushel and a half to keep a ben. Kven then, if her other wants sre supplied, she will con sume her bushel and a half of grain at a profit to her owner, or ought to. It she lays as well as she might, her eggs will be worth at least two dollars, either to sell or eat, and her carcass is worth for food, or ougbt to be, as much as it costs to keep her until she began to lay. Tbe profit of poultry-keeping depends greatly—almost entirely—on tbe management. Jf this is enlighten ed and business-like the profit will I*! as good as with any live stock that can be kept about a place. But there is so much mismanagement or bad manage ment connected with the average poul try keeping that tbe aggregete profits are less than they ought to he. TO MEASUKK WIIKAT IN A HI'HIIKI, A quantity of wheat in a bin may be easily measured in bushels as fol lows: Level the surface of the wheat, measure tbe depth in inches, and the length and breadth of the bin also in cubic inches in a struck bushel. For instance, a bin \ l l\ feet or 150 inches long and 43 inches wide has a surface of <5,450 square inches, and for every inch in depth there will be precisely bushels ; if tbe wheat is 30 inches deep in such a bin tnero will be 'JO bushels in it. As ( 124 feet by 3 feet 7 inches or 150 by 43 inches) is a convenient size for a granary bin, it would be easy to mark the inches on tbe end or side, and for each inch to mark three times the number of bushels. A mere glance at the mark will then give the quantity of wheat in the bin. OttTTfNO WKf.DS. There is nothing in the time or the season when tbe plants or brush are cut which prevents iheir future growth. It is tbe condition of the plants them selves which has the effect desired. Plants are weakest just >*fore the teed is matured, having then exhausted tbe vitality of tbe root and stem in pro ducing seed. Ho the root of a treo is more exhausted when the tree is in full leaf than at any other time If plants or trees are cut at these times their vitality is chucked more than at any other time and often they cannot recover Wb"ii a wild carrot seed* the root dies un urnlly, and all that i neces4sry with annual or bimui I We»* It i* to fit tin in Ud'orc they *' cd when tiiey die and aro onded. A girl gradual who read essay last summer entitled 'Love for tbe Home Circle,'eloped with a young man a month ago, and is now living with bor husband in two cheerless rooms in a 'flat.'.— Norn.Mown H-.-nUI. I was given up to <IIe fr.,ia a di of IUJ. iitaba. 1 took J'urunn null 11 Curtfcl uto J. imn, Jfrqfc, [lndianapolis Daily Sentinel.] .\o More OoftKip. If we are correctly informed, St. Ja cobs Oil is now the usual tea-party topic in place of the former staple— for gossip. How wise and how much more beneficial! HOW LADY CLERKS ABE SELECTED. In all large cities lady clerks are se lected with great care, according to the business tney follow. In the dressmaking and cloak department they are selected for their fine figures, as anything looks well on a good form. Ladies in buying a cloak imagine if it looks well on a saleslady it certainly ought to on them, I know of one place in New York City where a young la dy receives S4O a week because 6he has a beautiful f.tce and a good figure. She is the daughter of a German who keeps a beer saloon on Avenue A. Everything looks well on her and she attracts many customers. In the hair stores the same routine is observed ; girls are selected with comely features and a good form. When a blonde cus tomer wishes to purchase a wig or anything else sb»* nia> desire, a Monde tadv waits on her. The wigr placed on thf iu"del gives the buyer au idea b>w ebe w«»ul<i 1 ■ •k- Vice versa when a brunette enter*. Gentlemen are sure to go wbere there are young and pretty faces, and merchants kuowing this are very careful in (securing attractive girls. Some of the business men are very severe with their help They are □ever allowed to sit but are compelled to stand on their feet the whole day long, no matter if they have nothing to do. I know of a very wealthy merchant doing business who is about as mean as they make them. One of the lady clerks fainted one day and was taken very sick. He insisted on getting a carriage but she said she could walk home. The carriage came and be made the young lady pay lor it out of her salary. That is about au penurious as the boarding house lady who kept ber knives and forks chained to the table, and not having any nap kins Bbe bought a large Newfoundland dog, which went around the table after dinner and the boarders wiped their bands on him. We Confidently Atwiert and can feailHlMClorlly Prove there in no instance on record of a case of dyspepsia or torpid liver that can not be relieved and positively cured by the systematic use of Simmons Liver Regulator. This is not vain boast, but an established fact; and sufferers from those disersen deny themselves the blessings of health and comfort by refusing to give the Regulator a trial. It is no compound of ad venturers, but a meritorious medicine which han won its high reputition in countries where Nature supplies the the roots aod herbs to cure the diseases common to the climate The Ohio man will do well to keep a close watch on the Illinois man. An ex-member of the Illinois Legisla ture h&H just been made policeman of the United States Senate. Mrs. P. Simmering, MillerHville. Pa., bad Ozena aod Chronic Catarrh. Pe runa cured her entirely. A The fines imposed on the liquor deal ers in Allegheny county, at the late term of court, amounted to $13,000 Every one will find a general tonic in 'Lindsey's Improved Wood Search er.' Druggists sell it. It's what you want. A Minnesota dojf M wallowed a twen ty-dollar bill, WHH killed by a butcher, aod the note recovered. A Minnesota man hwallowt-d 'lie Bland bill, WHH IN T k lied by a butcher, and the buz zard dollar* are heaped uj> in tut* Treasury by tons. Thin in the differ ence bet ween a dog and a man. if you call on your for 'l)r. Seller*' Coutfh Svrup,' we pledge im mediate relief and sure cure on short notice. Tbe bat of tb« fashonable woman is something sinalier than a wagon wheel. As a screen in church, where the fellow just behind is anxious to take u nap, they arc par excel lend), but in tbe theater or other places of amusement, where there is always an anxiety to know what, is going on, tbey must in; an awful bore Mr«. Charles Diley, Pittsburgh, says, she bad Chronic Catarrh badly i I'eruna cured her perfectly. This is a boil. It is on a man's neck Would you like to feel it? f you do, tbe man will tcel it, too The boil is a mean thing, and it is a cow ard. If you strike it, it will run Hut the man will not run. Me will dance and make remarks. ISoils may start j way down near a little boy's waist- I band, but tbey always come to a bend at last —Denver Tribune. Curk Fob Hmam. pox.—'l am will ing to risk my reputation as a public man,' wrote Edward Mines, of the Liv erpool Mervnry, 'if the worst case of small-pox cannot Is# cured in three days simply by the use of cream of tar ter dissolved in one pint of hot water, drank at intervals when cold. It is a certain, never-failing remedy. It has cured thousands, never leaves a mark, never causes blindness and avoids te dious lingering.' One of the novelties of the new cen sus is an exhibit of tbe forests of the Cnited .States and of tbe supply of various ,kinds of useful timber now existing in the different .States and i Territories This exhibit is contained in a scries of colored mans, of which five are already published, showing tin; amount of standing pine tiuilair in Texas, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Minnesota. Ky an ingenious use of colors and markings, the location | of the forests anil their comparative ' density are clearly displayed. The maps are accompanied by tables giving the pine supply in each enmity of the .Stat«?, classed according to species Brief notes relating to other kinds of trees are also added to some of the maps, though, of course, each Impor tant kind of timls'r will he illustrated by itself. Thus a nuiss of novel and ! valuabl.t informal ion is presented in l tbe cloirexi and m >-t instructive min ner For tin- important fe»iu;, of t,h< ii' vv census th pub! • are .. deb ted i■ 1 i'r f (.' s ,S;»igi nt. if lir >lcli.•■«.», Wl . 'k ij . .i i h 1 »•• • Aber rations uecesnary to collect the facts have been superintended by Mr. Har gent; and, indeed, his part, in this grest labor has b. en, perhnpa, tie- f m >st arduous of all, among IHS ! ft. 1 ! 1 ' .j-.... ji iLb try fa»Yb WAJU VUUITMU. J Sly* Unit *r: Wntl*K ♦s«.. , 3*n»arg U, 1882, A C ARD TO all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, ear ly de -ay, loss of manhood, Ac., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREEOFCHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mission ary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the KEV. JosEl'll T. IK.MAN, Sta tion D. yew York City. [Sn6m Notice In Partition. In the Orphans' Court of Butler county, Pa., No. 6, Dec. Term, 1881. Commonwealth of Penn'a, Butler county, M : WHEREAS, on the Bth day of December, A. D. I*Bl, Margaret Lemrnon, intermarried with J. M. H. Mellon ; Harriet, intermarried with L. O. Frazier; Elizabeth, intermarried with Joshua Kissick and Sarah E., and N'aucy I^em mon, daughters of John Lemmon, late ot township, Allegheny county, deceased, and grand-daughters of Thomas Lemmon, late of Butler township formerly Connoquenessinj; I, Butler countv, Pennsylvania, deceased, pre sented their petition to said Court, setting forth inter-alia that the said Thomas Lemmon died on or about the day of A. D., IS-51, interta'.e and seized in his demesne as of fee, of and in a messuage and tract of land situ ate in said township of Butler formerly Conn - quenessiutr i, county ol Bntler, bounded latterly on the east by Peter tiruver and John -Hu el ton; <>n the west bv Ferdinand Reiber, Ijsq., and Dufford's heir*; on the south by V> illi.i.n Shorts, and on the north by John Ilu-eitoi! and John Alshouses' hein.and'contaming one hun dred and twenty-five 120 ai acres, and one hun dred and twenty-nine < U'.» p perches, more or lens with the appurtenances , thut they are cini Iren ot the tnui .1 >h i b-mui.®, deceased, t-> wlktiU .1 belong" to . »ve itie ••qual oneceV enth pari • ai I real < ■ ... fee a I M e.r- . a'ci . -i- represent •• the Mid Jon UP; in.>n. *ic wa. a - 'ii »d t"ie ~ttid Tnoina-. l>eiiJin- .i, dece.tM I, and t'iai to ea*-h ApW in*- Mud petto »e*» it in-iongs to have tne equal one-u;nih |>urt "1 the undi vided on." seveuta pa.' "t sacl real estate in fee: Setting forth the names an«i residences of the hei' and iej;a! representatives of th said Thomas Lemmon, deceased, s<> far »« known; that no partition of the said real estate had i been made, and praying the c.«urt t > award an inquest to make partition of the same to and amongst the parties eutitjt."! thereto, according to their respective rights, <£•!., which ••aid petj- I tion was dulv verified by the aliilivit Oi the said petitioners ; whereupon the Court, on the same day, made an order granting a rule to show cause on the | irties named and interested therein, to be served personally on ail parties within the Co., and directed notice to be given to all others by publication according to rules of court, to appear at the nexilerru of court,and show cause if any they had, why partition of the premises should not be awarded and made as prayed for in said petition—returnable to next term. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the said or der of court notice is hereby given to the heirs and legal reprwn.nu:ives of IJugh Lemmon, deceased, the heirs and legal representatives of Thomas Lemon, Jr., deceased, the heirs and le gal representatives of David lemmon, deceased, the heirs and legal representatives, if any, of William and Robert Lemon, deceased, the heirs and legal representatives of Jane Lem rnon, deceased, intermarried with Wilson, Rebecca Lemmon, intermarried with —— Hal stead; Nancy Lemmon, intermarried with Spear, and the heirs and legal representatives of John Lemmon, deceased, heirs and legal rep resentations of the said Thomas lemmon, de ceased, as named in said petition, and all others interested therein of the said proceedings in partition; and to this end we command you and each of you that laying aside all business and excuses whatsoever, you and each of you be and appear in your proper persons before the Honorable, the Judge* of our said Court, at a t 'onrt to be held at Butler in said county of Builer, Penn'a., on Monday the 'Hh day of March, A. D., 1882, then and there to show cause if any you have why an Inquest to make partition or vaiuatiou of the real estate of the said Thomas Lemmon, deceased, should not be awarded as prayed for in said petition, and herein fail not. Witness the Honorable E. McJunkin, Presi dent Judge of our said Court at Butler, this 'J'lil day of December, A. D.. 1881. i HEAL ; W. H. HOFFMAN, Sheriff. H. li. GOUCIIEB, Attorney tor Petitioners. grow vegetables for ... „ . _ ■ Hale, read J* O R PRO JIT. ■ IfvoowUhto ) PRACTICAL K bncoms a Commercial !•„, ■ Florist, road J FLORICULTURE. ■ If you wuh to Garden 1 (jA RDENI NO D 1 FOR PLEABUHE I I All by Henderson. I jl Price li.Me .ch, postpaid by mall. H A Our Combined Catalogue of f i wkh:DW *«>» PI.ANTW for lssz. sent free on application. si t PET Kit HENDEKHOX A CO , 35 Cortland St.. New York. f J'--- !■— o.Yit i -UNO N W FOH AO NTS ii l iiol f v 777110 IJG " 011 li THFFLIHTD COUNTRY: AHi w, larcit. i mt, i.U x.-'Tilinnly Instruct- IVr (iljlMMKj liici. (,11111V, tllul CIIUrIHIII* both o (I and }<. .lit. Aycnu Wanted, J.Hiilrn or H' lill' iuen. No* In ili« tun*- to t kf oriJ"r« tin <,1IHHIID!III Delivery. H<-nd lor item rljllon and ilisrat term*. Ad'tre**, K. U. At CO., ICntiw 464 Hroad Hi., Nt:«vatk, N. J. Send for oui New ■ ted I'rico-LWt No. no, for ■V Fall ter of 1881. Free to »njr add mis. Con. tiiinn full description of oil kind* of goods for pergonal and family use. We dt-ai directly with tbe conaumer, and sell all goo*!* in any quantity at whulrmtU price*. You can Luy better and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD k CO. 227 and 22U Wabimli A vi'mie,(Jliu:ago,llL ' ifrnla «>nlrd for Um> US u4 Work ot GARFIELD Tba only eon* put* ■lory of hla nobla Ufa and daath h«»h, brilliant, r«li*M« KU**ntl J in Intao tn RHffllth mm* Umrwmmmi beautifully ilfoairated , bnt»Taoirtf Iy bound. K»*U«L sailing Look »y«i pub. I.si.r l Itv lahn C. Mldpalh, LL.D. pi TTTTrkU luj (lis ralrbp«nny, ra viav 111/IVi vsmis't 'ampaigu hooka with which the country 1a noodsd, Thay ai« utiwly wnrthlaw , an »»ul tau«- upon Ilis memory of Iha K>»a* 4* ad. an'l a haaa fraud on tha puhlir Thia book ta «»Mttr« i lr naw. Tim only work worthy the th»m«*. Maud »Ar. In NUmM for Atral a Oaatflt. J'tVl* ilil" 111 Klt M k DO., I'Mhllah-ra, I'h.la/Ulplua. MONONGAHELA DRIVING PARK, Twt-nty-Ihr«-e IUTC* of K<lO<\ hottoiu Inn.l ; for rni-rly uwil IIH a Driving I'ark ami Kairliroild'l at. MOII'HIKHIH'III < 'ity. wll enclowil ; miitulih' for mnrkft garden, vineyard A» - ., IN ofli*r<*<l w/ma.ac. Apply to JAMi-M I* KIiKI'I.AK, I'reaident, and J. B. KINLKY. Treasurer, Moiioni(uliid>t , City, I'a. Knuulroof HKNJAMIN I.YTLK, lti*al l'.»taU! AK' - nt, Kinlnyville, I'a. Kleelloii Holler. Tlm* mcmln'M of !•$«• Wortfi Mulual fir«• liiHtirstfi«'<" <'OHI|MIIV will IIIIM*I ;il (In* Ilotw. 111 VVm»t on (Ik* h«'<*oiml HATI'It !>AY In Jniiimrv. IHH'/, l»«*tiiK Halnriliiy, l;n»n.uy 14, IHM2, for lli« |»ur|KHi<- of HiM'flnj' « fur ||n* <*tiaiiliiK •!. M. MAHllAlit*. lldlw MiTivhiry. i l leellen Roller. T)|«1 aillliul l«»ti for offl'« «»| I In- i Jlrnlr Mill I liMttrawe ( o||||»HllV '.vill In- Ih'lil at lh<* '•l ul'* Mill Heli«»oI lloon#', oti H itiiriliiv Hi** 111S1 'lnv of .laiiim IV, A l>., !>«• t\%«•«•!» Ill' Itom »ol our .tlul lhr« «* oV|o«'k. 1». 111. ItOlllCin I K/MItLK, M rr'y. !V'ol lee, NO'liri I-* lif*r'*l>v Kl vn I bill .1 (' VS« a lKl»l#«y # COlfitniLMM of Ail.mi Mfliclil' V, It.m fllwl ii « I xfi-o;*rl iiml Hii.tl a'l'ooiit in tin* olflri of th«* I'ro ! 11011 »it r v «»l ihe i'o 1 1 of I'oimrrni I'lim *of I till fr r "'iiiiif v, 'it * I' ,N • . Jnnr tfnn, iH.i, ;i 11 -1 thnt 111« i !«• •» , • i» I'iMirt for foil• in,,. / »II njiii m<« ■•• • tin ii • <u .i i> >f M'tf It, A I»j, A i HI- i i,. * j i. wut r. i I iMny ' Hind of ot|fO|||i' dlM'i»a<:« u|| cliliv tin* ilUi'iiPCn ill VVofucil. luvuildn Old In vlt. 'I 10 <*o»ivntioiKl wIMi ua t;lfc ul«rn Irrv. \ 14n 1 $ flfti I M D * v iii Kft»(vo« J iknvcf Co<i P4 lyjuip29 f-" 1! n*n M A IIUO 11, iMiHuOB 4 > i I 1 < < I M: 1< *. i si)/ 1 Jury LlfttN lor January and j February Special Terras, '»2. j List lor week commencing third Monday of t January, 1882, being the 16th day. Joseph Hanlan, Donegal, farmer. D J Cochran, Mercer, farmer. _ J C Shanor, Connoquenessing N., farmer. W B Brers, Millerstown, carpenter. E V Ri'gney Karns City, butcher. B X Kelsmyer, Fairview, west. Isaac Wise, Penn, farmer. Nicholas Keott, Clearfield, farmer. Joseph Frier, Connoquenessing S., farmer. James Thompson, Cranberry, farmer. H E Wick, Slipperyrock, lumber dealer. James S. McCrea, Clearfield, farmer. Sylvan as Cooper, Slipperyrock, farmer. John Bickel. Butler borough, merchant. Valentine Keigert. Clearfield. Wm Otto, Butler borough, laborer. Win Cleeland. Muddycreek. Jacob Faller, Butler borough. J H Wasson, Washington. II W Koonce, Petrol ia. Albert Adderhold, .Jefferson. I> K Shaklev, Fairview east. William Alien, Alletr' leny. Stanley Moorhead, Fairview west. Josiah Kelly, Parker. James L Chambers, Venango. David Stewart, Cherry. John Gadsby, Washington. John Lewis, Marion. Lorenzo Rider, Centre. Levi Thorn, Buffalo. Michael Heckert, Buffalo. James Knthaford, Fairview. B. P. Addleman, Venango. J M (iaibreath. Mercer. Lewis Gantc. Jackson east. John Youiig, Butler t >wu-hip. Wru Mem r. J L Rice. Laaemtor. J M I>• W P Mil. ... . John ('riig. W rth Albert Cruik-haiiits, U :ii--i«l. George Trin. ur, Snr.nnit. Li j t i>i ./umrs fur «■" i niimencini.' fifth Monday <>! .l..,iiiary, I being (lie :iuth day S I' iuruer, Alleirheny Wm Flemnnng, llutialo. Peter .Smith, Summit. D W Bailv, Fairview west. W W Hari■ win, Jefferson. B J' Porterfield, Allegheny. Elx Gibson, Parker. Herman Seaton, Washington. William Watson, Buffalo. H L Laton, Parker. James Itiddle, Esq , Franklin. D B Dautienspeck, Parker. Gotleib Langbein, Jackson west. Wm J MoCandloM, Centre. Jottiah Rankin, Fairview west. Thomas Niggle, Butler borough. ITenry Stahl, Millerstown. Andrew Butler township. James Allen, Clay. Daniel Racely. Connoquenessing S. William Critcnlow, Forward township. H W Bingham, Harrisvill*. J B Collin*. Cranberry. James M Marshall, Worth. H McKamev, Allegheny. Samuel Smith, Esq., Washington. J C Broaden, Clay. Hugh MoKeever, Oakland Willis Collins, Allegheny. V C Vosler, Worth. Ward Allen, Connoquenessing N. Joseph Cowan, Middlesex. Chaa Winchel, Saxonburg. John HmUou, Parker. Joseph Kerr, Marion. Peter Hilger, Centreville, Daniel Ekas, Clinton. J W Cramer, Buffalo. D M Hawks, Parker. David B Wilson, Cranberry. Thomas Bennington, Parker. George Bauer, Butler borough. William Cox, Adams. Harvey Cooper, Middlesex. Jurors for week commencing second Monda of February, IMB2, being the I.lth day. William Shorts, Cniinoquenessing 8. Wilson McGonigle, Jeflersou. Joseph Benson, Donegal. Fred Ebert, Clinton. Michael Gormley, Venango. David West, Franklin. John MoKirn, Venango. James MeGill, Esq., lfarriaville. Watson Mays, Washington. Edward Secnler, Prospect borough. Walter Bartlev, Oakland. J A Dav'daon, Slipperyrock. John Chambers, Allegheny. George Beam, Jackaon weat. Jonas llnrt7.fi l, Penn. J. B Leonard, Parker. David sCie*!er, Jr., Jackson went. James Perry, Adams. Geo. McMurrv, Parker. Jacob Frye, Buffalo. Herman Thielinan, Adams. W J llildebrant, Donegal. Martin Farnsworth, Hum in it. Isaiuh Hartley, Jefferson. Hamuel Cook, Marion. John 0 Waldron, Forward. William Martin, Venango. Horace Pierre, Butler township. John Donaldson, Buller borough. Lewis K iefer, Washington. R 11 Ral|>h, Allegheny. Daniel Stan Her. Sr., Zclicriople. Tho« Driscoll, MerO'-r. Jam i I'aiisel, HOUI-k«I Alfred Marver, Htnb-r Bobert Bitdgt-r, iuddvcr' John Wolfor'l, J'ranklm. John Smith K>q , <'berry W ' < row*., ; rwiir'i David English. 1 rauklin. James F Black, In.n't'al. Jacob Brenner, LancaMer, W C Beck, Paikor. Ferri i Armor, Zelienople. EMPLOYMENT FOR 41.1' T» Sell a Household Article. *■ *ll K poor as well as the Hell, the old as well a* I the young, the wife, as w, II a* the husband, the young m.iu'eri ;is well ns the yotinu nnm, the girl as well as tlie hoy, may lust as well nam a tew dollars In houent employment, as to sit around tin: house and wait for Othifrs lo earn It for them. We cun give you employment, all Hie time, or during your spare hours only ; traveling, or In your own lielKhborhiMMl, anionic your friends ami ni-quulnt aiA-e<. If you do not cure for emiilnynu'iil. we can Imparl valuable Information to you free »f i-ost. It will cost you only one cent for a Costal rant to wrlle for our I'ronpectus. and II may lw the means of making you a KOIMI many ilnllara. Do not neglect tins opportunity you do not liav)' to Invest a lance sum of money, ami run a f;reat nsk of IOSIIIK It. Yon will ri-aillly see that I will lie an easy mailer to make from (Id to fino a week, and establish a lucrative, and Indcpe'id ent hiMlness. honorable, straightforward and pro fitable Attend to this matter NOW, for then* Is MONKY IN IT for all who cngaKe with us. We will surprise you and you will wonder why you never wrote to us before. Wk hc SII rtn.l. rAlt Tl< i I.A Its ntK.K. Address lII'CKKVH M'K'O CO., (Name this paper.) (tlseisiml MAIIHIK. OHIO. Nollrr In DIVOPW. Hamuel 1,. Strain vs llarrlel HI rain fn the Court of Common I'leiis of I'.nllT county, I'a., A. I».. No. Ml, Kept. T.. Issi. I.IIM-I In Divorce. Ann now. to wit Derember nth, issl, on mo tion of A. 'l' lllack. atlorney tor lllii-llaul. in o|>eu Court, and It appearing bv tin- Hherifl's return to snhpo'iia and alias siilipnuia In the aliove eutltlril cause, thai res|M>ndnnt cannot he found m tills county, publication Is awarded arcordlug lo law, returnable to next term. 11V Tlf K ( ot'ltT. 'l'll TIIK, ItKSI'ONKKMT, llAltltlK't HTHAIW : You are lierehy notified to In- and appear In your proper person before our Judges at llutlcr, at a Court of Common I'leas there lo be held on the nth day of March. A D . iss-,' next to answer the [M illion or libel of the said Hamuel I, Mlraln, and o show cause. If any you have, why the said Ham uel 1.. Mlraln, your husband, should not be divorc i d from Hie bonds of matrimony, agreeably lo the Acts of Assembly In such case made uml provided. W II IIOKKMAN, I4dlw Mherlff of tliitler county. *\ O.M.Y M4IKJHTF-H <lll - OF €:O.\NI HII'TIOX. When death was hourly expected, all remedies having failed, and Dr. II .fames was experiment ing wiiii the many herbs of Calcutta, lie accident ally made a preparation which cured Idsotilvrhld of I UNMCMI'I IIIN lll'i child Is now In this coun try, and eiiios lug Ihe best of heallll lie has proved to the world that < OMUUMPTION can be positively and permanently eurell. The now gives this Iteclpe free, only asking two three ci-nl stamps lo pay expenses Till* Herb also cures Nlglii Hwcals, Nausea ill the Klouiach, and will break Upaficnh cold 111 twenty four hours Ad dress Cruddoi I. r. Co . In ;': Itacc Hlicet, I'hlladel plila ii imlm* I his paper. ol A mi l'oiiug. «]«'«• <l. I.i Iters of ailmlnlslrailon having been granU'd Ui the illldcrslgli' il, on I lie i "tale of Ann Young deceased, lale of V\ a liltii.l ill lowiishlp llutlcr couut'<, I'cuua , all penon. knowing them si-l\ e lnrcbu-d to i aid C dale will please make mi mcdlaie pa, incut and mv having • lalms ugalnsl the ..nil" v. 11l pp. .. Id I hem duly authenticated for sell- f I'.KNI /.Klt CIIIMHI ll„ Adm'r. lid North Hope, p (> , llutlcr ( o . Pa. Union Wcolon Mills. I ■ | ••,••• .lit;. M..,d|ort if »! ~1(1 ' I the Uni U Wi.'/.rri f-illl, f)nii«w,l'* •»h<ii«- I have i w iri'i inipir.ve i n.»'b,i!i««y foj U tiroU ■) Ji-'iy riiiuuoU, KmUlou uud Wcuviiix Yuma, and I o%n raootntiiniid them *" being vnry dura l.ltt as th«y ar« msouf w'uri'l of pure Tl'illci noiintvwo I. Phny urn neaulllul In color, all |M»rlor In initum, and will hn sold at v»ry low [irleee F'.i aatnple andprKns s<ldi.i»e II I IfLJ.VK !'ON ft I■ .1 - • |!i|(|« »'» Au/vruuo Ui VL\J \JIIUUX- J M.C. HOCKENSTEIN, DEALER IIV TREMONT COOK STOVES A>D RANGES. AGENT FOR CRYSTAL PALACE STOVES AND REPAIRS FOR SAME. Bird Cages, Tinware, Wood and Willow Ware, Enameled and Grauite Ware, Sewer Pipe, Fire Clay Stove Pipe, Grate Tile, Fire Brick and Clay. Roofing, Spouting and Heavy Sheet-irou work aone at short notice belcw market prices for cash. , I aoi also having manufactured t<» uiy onler, nice clean ami smooth oud Plates to fit Bradley s Stoves, which I sell at six cents per pound, and I will guarantee ♦hen; m !a<t lonrer and pve better -yitisfactioii than the so-called original and genuine plates sold by another party at ten cents per pound. Give me a call and be convinced. >l. C. ROCKE>STEI\, itinelS'ly Main Street, Butler, Pa. ESPOSITIOJ' BUTLER, PA. OF BOOTS & SHOES. Fresh New Fall mill \V iiiter Slock ill Evcci'iiiiigly Low Prices AT j Tho Reliable and Popular BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE 4 OF B. C. HUSELTON. EVERY DAY ADDS STILL CHOICER STYLES AND LOWER PRICES UNTIL IIIS HOUSE IS FULL OF EVERY KIND AND STYLE OF JSootf-* & Shoes. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDRENS' Kip, Calf, Grain, G>Kit, Kiddc St. Goat in Ibiixh, Button and Si<lc Lace. QUI Lao Us Warm Shoes, Slippers, liubbers and Artie*. MEN'S BOYS' AND YOUTHS' Broyans Plow Shoes, Calf Shoes, Kip and CalJ Hoots. 7he buy est stock of Men's Hamt-made Kip Jb»>th in liutler, and lower prices. Men's Boots as low as " " - - $l5O Women's Heavy Shoes at 90 CufttomorH are all treated alike ; no misrepreHentatioiia made an to quality of Htock and wear ; priced name to all. We don't Bell to on« cußtom or at half price and next one charge double to mako it up. This in the Largest Stock of Boots & Shoes in liutler (mint)/ —best rtylef, and love.'/ /triers, mid much the larg est sleek; bomjht for (JASH direct Irom the nunrufuhirers An inspection of this stock will at once convince yon that ice do not adccrtae a email, < heap, shoddy y tock oj koots a i)> siios<;s, As the, Hest. ' hen pest uml /;"!'£• >t in linticr (uUnty but w< huve the Stock and rices to show fn U'hu we soy LA lit; E STOCK OF LEATHER AND FINIHMiS. t*3"Repairing ef All Kinds Neatly and J'rompllty Done. CAL LAN K YAMM E BKFOIiE YOU BU Y. B, C, HUJELTOW. CJ LI Li 1 rf. rO O Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware and dealer iu Hlnven, lUti|(e«, Preimed, Japanned and Knaiueled Ware, Grunlle Ware, Winnlen Ware, lllril Cii Ken, and Keiioral houxekeeplli* ('OIHIM. ItootiuK, N|MiutinK and Kepairinu done on abort notice and at lowr«t market rale*. The only authorized agent for the »ale of A. Ilradley \ <'o.'« w«ll known Htovef and ItaiiKe*. and Iho only place to |(ct the orl|{liial and Kenulne odd iiliiten for their atovea, made e*pre«»lv by thrm for bun. He war* of nbatn plalea Im-iiik an Id in llutlcr, made of old and Inferior mvtal, none K«n uine but from the Akciil, CHRIS. HTOCIC, June H, 'HI. Near Wick and Hcbrclber llotiaea, Main alreet, liutler, Pa. WALKER " " THTbegti gjWL WASH E R. nVSI I WurntnhMl fi»rjr» Yriirn, mid «<Hll«f»ic||(»n uiiur.iiil«*«Ml or nioiiry * f H r«*f 111 I<L«-«I. TII* Hp»T, ninii . fit« 1 7 TA « unit >!»«»■« IN lli«* on I v inwlilw thai will wimli |HI frtlly cl«an without riihlihiK- I' 4' •" ornlilfUMl from our tuh to ;uiot)n*r lii it iiiouii'iit. In MO iinplr ami imihv l«»o|*Tatt* ,3 ih.»t th*- immt «l« Ileal*- laity or rlulit lo «»l«l «*an tun 1 ,M ' ii/<l»« r in tin* worlil that hfintho Kuliln-r IIIUMIH <iti tin* iCollrm,which |>irvflit lln' ii« aklnjc of Imttoii i ami Injury to rlothi'i APTIiITC U/AMTtni' x ''l ||l,lv,,t " r,,,,r ' V ' Kl'tall PILRI- .SH,IIU A /rut« uuipli". %'• f»0. Alio t fin MuLll I O ft Mil I H.U, f|ciir.it< »l I4rj-»i«i»#' WihiO'i* at Mauiifiu I IIH I IOWPKI |>rhr. ClrnulHO* VAL(I A B L E FARM FOR SALE! TIIK tit!tl"r*i#ti<M] offntN for valo tho follow lUK r*i»l v|/ # i I 1.0 Wlllitm Mrftliilig fit»in, Mitiiutn In Oitli Imi'l towiiMhl|i, r.ntli'i roiintv I'a, laialn of Win f llui<lhl«>oii. L.li Itulpii < I ni , containing I .'lf i anr««i, nmm or lr«*. Al»out V'l ft<;r*« rlrtriil, litltnnn in tnnl-m; doiikiln log hounn ami fiamn IIAIII thttrnoii mnotful; orchard of about UK' hearing apple (IPI H, farm will watrr«il. uml lo a utain of cultivation, ami l« **ti) poml h» U umlnilal«] %a|ih coal fill f-I in |>» it iinti- ill a il I»*lK' IIOIHI »}. ulUfl • ia<l •.• fi«».< |.*i it Untlnr fo v«.i VioW. At 111 "boul It) If«w of f i'l' rtf ri I afiout of*** mil* l of tim -il ton,') Foi Uui*>'» lo puj.- i,t ti»«» (« W Kli ngitr, i , iif lint»«r Cllitjsiv HolilJ. I of WiUinm I)c( luiig, d«co»#in<|. OikM hfp, Bollir Co., ra iln ROT If B, T" IU, Wii"M IT M*v 11 • Wln-ro-e mv wlfo KUti ntli baa l«ft 'ay bed ! ~ 1 I .. >1 « ,'.,.111 »T J' I'■ I •i i • . 1 , . t . i i ' «*w A "M* t . V* n J4". 1 HOW LOST! HOW KESTORED! .fin-.f | it1111(i<)iii| it lirw "litlOM of !>}( CUli* vi.ltw I'lJ/H MJJ.hI.A i r;i> I.aMAY on lh« imhrjil rurnof iipi rumf ut i litrti <»t Homlnal Woak IMU'M. ir» voltlo' nrv Kmnmal I.ohmmi. Ini|»ot*nnV, Mi. 1 111 miij )'liv«»r*l Incapacity. I rii|<o'|||ii«'ii(ft to M "li i*|' «l r . hlmii, <*ntiHllt)}»Unfl K|>il«*|)Hy an. I'ilm lihliwml l#y hi If lli'luljm im n or hi xiul i%r Tim r in • %!•*«! author, in thl* vlnitrabto Ki vt*y c)< ariy ilKiuniifti*!«•* fr«-Mi ii tlifity y**r* funu |»* wll'i' »h"» I'm- aliit'itilfi ' <vi|i*<*i|i|<»it Mi ! tli 'tn -* l « i. <*!ly rfll'H'l l-olnt :» i \ll - • . i 'ir.n m yI ■ . y jir j )nru • •, . ■ iiv ,|i\. at• • 1 11• ' caih. j ttA~ I lit* I.»< tii ■ mliouM l»o In l)) 0 hand* of I rvi.iv youth anil «vi»ry man in thU I«*inl I Hunt. nn»!nr hi »l, in u plulu rn?i*loj/i». to «ny J ail'li • i M I « ».t |)MCI, Oil l*v«MJ t Of Hit I'Vi.lu or two I po' l ''aiupM A'llrm* THE CULVERv.H L MEDICAL CO , 41 A»o*r N'W YOHK N Y ''l I'M«t OUl<" !«•»* 4M) • itjf/" AamtiM ut lilt* C "iimjor. ; Planing Mill —AND- Luiiiber Y ai % cl. J. L. PURVIS. L O. PURVIS S.G. Purvis & Co., V 4 kSI'T ICTHHLK6 AND DEAL);Kh IN Rough and Plansd Lumber ! OF EVERY DLSt.KIPI It/N FRAMES, MtIHf.DINOS, BA>ll t>t -l >lvb. FLOOUINU -"iDlixi-i B ATI ENS, Bi&ckels, Gauged Ccfiiice Boards, SHINGLESAH. PLANING MILI. AND YARD \«-mr ileriiiHit * »tl««»lti* 4 hnn li i 7 0 v TAKETHB THE CREAT B URLTXG Toy ItO VTE. (f No other lino runs Three Throug-h Piia (engror Trains Dally botweou t'htcairo, I)os Moinen, Council Bluffs, Omaha, l.lncnin, St. Joseph 1 , Atchison, Tnpcka and Kanaao City. Direct couucctious for ull points in Kanwie, Nebraska, Colorado. Wyomlnif. Montana, Ne vadfl i v ew Mexico. Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and Cnlitoi-nla. The Hhortont, Speediest and Most Comforta ble Itoute via l(itnnlha< to Fort Scott. Dcnison. Diillas, Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Oalvos ton and all points in Terns. The une<|iialcd Inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Tourists are a* follows: The celebrated Pullman (16-wheol) Pul.tco Sleeplnir Cars, nin only on tlil.s l.lne. II i O. Palace Drawlnfr-ltoom Cars, wltli lb>r»i n's Keellnlnir''hairs. No extra cliiinrc for Seats In Krcllninir ClialrH. Tin- fninoiix t\ It. »'• Q. Palaco Dlnlnu t'rrs. Oorjecus Sin '. In,; ( urn tlii«-il with Klemtnt Hlnh-Rncknl Itnttan lt<- volvlnK < liaii K for the 0*clu»lvo u<e of tIrst (•IIIKM passe, jrers. Mei'l Trai k and Superior F.<iult'inent, co;n lilned with their tlreat Thf null < ar Arror.v'C lie :»r. makes till?!, above all ot»-.er«, tin fn Route to the South, South-> Vest, anil the Far West. Try It, uid you will li.nl travclinK a luxury ltl«le til ol n di x >tufort. Throiifth Ticket* via this Celt brut '1 I til" lor >i< ut all . Uii'Cs in the I'iilti .1 . > . I 1 ,'ninvla. All lnforiuutlon ah<»iit ltot"s of Fu " InK Cur Acconitnoiliitlina, 'lm,.- 'jet.. •• ... will bo cheerfully itlven, and will sei; f sny addross an * W»H unt ( XI i; I > Bintex, in oolor*. by ap«tj Itijr t - J. Q. A. Bt AN', IJ>JU';I looter, A». .•.> J'Xl W af.blio.ioit Jit . ihio 11 'i M and Hl'i nmadway, N> ** J *.* T..1. POITER. Oen Mm-1- •• i PERCEVAL LOWELL, (Jeneral Passe A«<-nt, C.'hi< ago. 6 .V> ~f * Shorthand! A Full Cotir M in Foiun>riitv Is I'ltbll lird cVt> ry ye ii In the ne" tuotiilily til* zltit': TBK *m> UIOSN SHORTHAND WRITER atid tie Kxerrlsea of a'l *tib> >■ Ibers coriectod tlii>ui li the mall FRKB t'F •' 11A W»K The only perlodi ul in t >o wo>ld from which Htiorthr.'id niiiv tie lenrtil with >u' a tutor Ihe I'lsn ol In*lrncllOn Is orlKlnal >nd the Lesson* cum|>rulieaslvo. Those ili'Slrltie 10 leion tuny heir In »t an} time, Imck iiiiinbe's to l.coson I belnjr Mtip. !|rd new subscriber* mid eiorcUos t orrccted when ever tocalvud. sunscnifTtow. One year (Course ol IV I easoti* )- • fl '>o Single t»omber .... 15c. A Agency tor Pitman'* Shorthand Hook* slid Repoiters Supply Depot Cticulsr* sent Iree on application. « ROWELL A HIOKOOX, 409 Washingtou Si., Boston, Mas*. ijjf Please mention this |v|»er- |*ti|(lotf mamm "l»r P'ln la t'.* llmtM, keck, steaweh, i ' brn.it, s> '« er *l: tiWtur b!e<!»x ut* I**- l ./ - ~ J—— V "Vow trr. pof tlie sin >*rk. coUe. dlsr- . / rncr». or Vui iium, t-l-o IT..CSA." MBBI \ / "'ForriHish, a»:hi<i>, nigtit nwests. short- \ ' nnsnof bru.>Ui,ULo Itin ns. ■nSHHHHH . / '' For f *Tr»*itr rxtsrrb. l>r<m'-litt li. pice Tiny, \ / »n.| noro Itiixwtof suy l>lnd- I'saiis A. " SSS V ' "I'KBCKA I* the r"rn»t. Innst pr' iipt anil , / naitionlumlhino kiius n toman.'' ■MHB \ / "t'KMOiia t< tli. t> rt k'lmilMr, piirwt V tr.ii • o. / "tf yoti e-in't slr.ift. t.iko I'r.ucMA llf y I w kor woriled niunlslly, can't m»t, take \ j I'saiMA." 11l lIBIIIMB—i■ \ > 'HOIIO will l«- lol.t fur t*in l»-«t Inustrlty or . / inlii-rsl thAt i.ny IMIDUIIU In t'snt N A." IBM \ ) bol't "rnrywhtrn. K»r pnmpbtxt write to 'v < H. It. 11 Attl Jt AN A < ... ilKlolu, <»hto. ' / If reu sin St»*. f.Kil biwlljf, tiT In snv wsy \ i miwnll, Uku I'kUi Hi aud tutfiiUUt Uiu l»iw- i f oawlta ' ISISESEBDE9 PKKHNA and FOR SALE IIY xinn l ie ,ti A * A w i i.iJ'.u IUITLEII, PA. The oldest, best, most thorough and complete practical iiiixini >*x college In the rlilted Stales { fr~ School Nlwavi in HI xsluii htiidetils nduilt te«l al inn lime. > IrrulaK iid'lrc is < SMITH, A M , I niNt'tPVt 'ncp.iui I'lttsburKh I* BUTLKIt (MMJNTV Mutual Fire Insurance Co. | Otfico Cor. Main ami Ounninicham Sts. i .J (j. KOKSSINO, I'ItKHIIISNT. w M < AAiI'BKLL. lUkaoi'itkk II (' JIKIM'-MAN. SKI RUT APT DIRK* I'ORH | J. 1.. t'urvls, | H. A. Ileitntioldi ' William Cr»|li|'boll J W . Ilnikltsit ' A. Troittliiau, .lacob Sclioene, 0 < |{ i. . im John (Midwell. 1 \V irrli .1 ' roll f«'> 'I U ! ! Ill* If I k <1 4«t» J/Jl , > nuv'i'ii-u.J". wWJ Ac ' l iU'l i f }<. l-'SK ■li:n 111 (J, IIAI.K, 'FI« MfhCMIT MGR. OOK. t I NN AND HIX" 1 M MTBFPTH I'ttfnhurtih Ptl L tiuim/tiim lot Urn Unm»- TBAVSIIEBS' QUIDS. ITLIK, UKm CUT AND PiRKIR RAILROAD Trains leave Boiler for Si. Joe, Milfenlow* Sinn City, Pel rolls, Parker, «c., at 7.27 A. m nod SitS and 7.546 p. in. Train® arrive at Butler from the above jased oinu at 7.;7 h. m., and 2.15, and 7.'.5 p. The 2.15 u (tin connects with traiir on lh» W«M Peun road '.hroutfb to Pittsburgh. MIBNANbO ASD AI.LKOBEKT HAILBOID Trains leave IliHiard'* Mill, Bailer county, :or Hnrrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7JO a. m. \cd 2.25 p. in. Train* jrrive at Hilllard'a Mills at 1:45 A, m., and 5:55 p. M. Hacks to and from Pctrolia, Mtirttoab»qr, Fairview, Modoc and Ttouliusn, connect at Mil liard with u!l tn.ir.s on the sA A road. v PESNbIXVAMA RAILROAD. "TraiUf leave iiucier (Hutlct or Pittsburgh Tluie. Shirk ft at s(# i m., goes throujrt to AU» gbenj, ar."viu£ at U.Ol t m. This> truia can* («!► at Fret-port with Freeport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at &J£Q a. a., 'ailroud time. hUprtst at 7.16 a. m., com.ectitig at Butler Innctii n, without cbauge of cars, at 8.26 with Exp west, arriving lu Allegheny at WO ». m., -.od Esj-reap east arriving at Bliirsvllle at 10 65 a. ni. milrond time. M-.r.i at 2 26 p. m., toui.ccliur at Butler. Jiu lonwithonl ciiunge ol cars, with Express west, irrlvmg in Allegheny at 50! p m., and tx pri- cast arriviUL ut Blairsviile Intersection it 5 55 p. m railroad tiuie, which connect* w»tfc Philadelphia Exprc»s east, whin on tlo.e. The 7.21 a. m train coi.nect* at Blalravllle it 11.05 a. m with the M ill cast, and the li.M t *. m. train at <L5v wan ilu Philadelphia.£x ! j T(*J east. TraiUb arilv. ut Butlei <>u W»t Penn H. R. at u. tu , -.d 7.01 p. m . Butler time. Tfca I :,56 and 4 58 train* couiiucl with trains oa iht llutler & I'arker B. R. Main Line. rtirouuh trainh leave Pittsburgh tor the Ku* . 2.5« and 0.20 a. tu. and 12 51, 4.Ul.at>d S.Odjt. fu., arriving nt Philadelphia at 8.40 iM TiO .. in. iiNd 3.00. 7.0 and 7.40 a. n.; at l*lttaon .out the (.aim- froe, at New York three hour* er, u|id ut Wellington about on* and • Ball - our* later. • l im« of Hwldlujr Xlia kevaral Court* of the county of fftttfar | onnasance on the ttrtt Monday of Hwtk, hm%, • K*pt*mber and Deoarabar, aad »curt to— lM ; wmlm, or ao loiif aa u.f nssary to dlapoaa at Ik* : beano**. No caoaea ar* unt dowa for tltkl ar ' tnrwM juror* gummoii*d for th* Arat tmk <f I the several term*. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BIRTLKB» PA, JOHN K. KELLT^ Office with >. V. Miliar, ltq n la Brady Law Building. aoglTtl A. M. CORNELIUS, o«e* with H. D. Braadoe, Barg BoUdte«. Mate Street, Butler, Pa. J T. BBITTAIN, Offloe with L. Z. Mitchell, Diamond. ~~ A MT CUNN I N GHA M, Office la Brady'a Law Building. Butler, Pa. 8. H. PIKRSOL. Office or. N. E. ooruer Diamond, Riddle Mil lag. oovll JOHN M. GREER." Office on N. B. corner Diantond. norll VVM II LUSK, * Office with W 11. H Kiddle, Esq. NKWTON BLACK," Office oil Dtamoud, near Court Hoaae, south tide. K. I BHt UII, Office in Riddle's l*aw Building. 8 F. iK)WBKir _ Office in Biddle'* Law Building. [n»art*7« J B. MIJUNKIN. 8; ixlaJ atlnntion gtveu to collection' •ppoalM Wlllard floase. JOSEPH STBKKDIN. OBrt north-east comer of Diamond. B«UM fa. H. H. OOUCHER, Office iu Rchueideiuau'n building, np stalia. J, T DONLY I Ullo* near Court House. f • 14 W. \y BRANiK)N, rbi J-7B t>M<-e lu Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER^ Office in Brady building- marlT— t KKRI) HEI HER, iithi-. tt> H' it ei'» building, jvflerson St. aj»»ly V M. EAST "AN, Office In Bnuly bmlduig. LEV. MoyiTIiSUON, Office Mam stieet, 1 door south *f Ottrt Bow* JOS. E. VANDEKLIN, Offio* Mala street, 1 door **ath of Owrt lnM< Wm A. FORQUER, VOffice on Main str*et, oppoalU Togwlaf House. GEO R WHITE, uffio« N. R. ooratr of Dtamomd. J. D MoJUNKIirT < iffire In BchnatdMnan'* bulldla*. wm *ld« tf Main street. Sad *<jnar* freat Caart Imm, F^crCAiil^BßLL. tHiee la Berg anew hnlldtng, Sd tagr. (Mt Mde Main at., a few doom aouth *f Lowr» ■one* " C A. SULLIVAN, muyl Office 8. W. oor. ol Diamond. A. T. BLACK, Office <>n Main sireet, one door south Hrrdy Block, Butler, Pa. (aep. SI, 1914. EUUKNK 0. MILLER, Office tu Brad/'a Law Building, Mala atiael south of Court House. MoetHl THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTL.KR. PA. JOHN H. NKGLKT, Sk#"<llves particular attention to tranaaettMM ' In real estate throughout the county. OrrmaoM UIAMOMO, nut OoruT Bowl,lf Ormr.ii> XUIMUHO K. K. Kcat.*T, KIKNIDI Maaaaau. (Lata of «>hlo.) ECKLEY A MARSHALL. Office 111 tirndy's I.sw Hultdlug. Rept.»,?4 ~C G. CHRISTIE, Attorney at I.aw. /,i<gnl huslne** caratullp » tmiiHacted Collni'tlon* made and promptly remitted Hu*lnn«» correspnudaiice promptly iittnudad to and luitwered. offixt opposite Lofty House, Bullur, Pa. PHYSICIANS. JOHN K BYKRS, PHYSICIAN AND^UKGKON, mySI-ty] BUTI.BH. PA. OfTico on Ji'lTt rHon Htrrt't, upj»oiilt4 Klhiglffr'a Flour Store DKNTISTH. 7*'. ■ .. 1 1 ■" ■■ D K_N riß'J-'K, X - 0« t WAl.l'KoN Or. rtuste s*i the Phil 1 adt'lphla Dental ( ollegc.ls prwpaW* % l» <to do Mll> tliliiK in the line of hlfl ■ rofiK ilon In a *at|*fiirtor> manner. oillrf o»i Main -treet, llutler. Union Bloclt, ip stair*. apll CHEAP TICKETS to any point went. I.and Explorers, Keaa4 Trip, Vtrsl, Heooud or Third (laa*. Ilrllnble ißforßSSllMi regarding llnnie«te*<l Pre emption or Mielnf laws. <"all on or address E. A. TAYLOR, <'ashlar Argyle Having* Baalk Mav 14 ii in l'utrolU, N -OTAOwnww a uw Viwm.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers