iOBdVMirTION BATES : Far jur, in advanoa 'J® OtiMTWiM 3 00 Mo anbaariptton will be discontinued until ill uretfiMi mm pdd. Poetm»«tem neglecting to notify as whea subecribert do not take out their Mpen will beTield liable for the «üb»cnpUcn. Hubecriber« removing from one poetottce to another ,«hoaid gire UN the CUM of the former aa well at the preeent office. All communication* intended for publication a this paper must be accompanied by the real name of the writer, not for publication but aa * KSS&S2i.'Si&- «». * ~o»t~ Died by a responsible name. Address bvTIIER CITIBBiH. BOTLER. PA. Chicago & North-Western « A A 7K Is the OLDEST ! BEST CONSTRUCTED ! BEST EQUIPPED ! and hence the L£ADING RAILWAY OF THE WEST AND NORTHWEST. It Is the short and best route between Chicago and all points in Northern Illinois, lowa, Dakota, Wyoming, Ne braska, California, Oregon, Arizona. Utah, Colo rado, Idaho, Montana. Nevada, and lor COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA DENVER. LE4DVIL.LE, SALT LAKE, SAN FRAHOISCO DEADWOOD. SIOUX CITY, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines. Columbus and all Points in the Territories, and the West. Also, for Milwaukee, Gn-en Bay. Oshkosh. Sheboygan. Marquette, Fond du Lac. Watertown, Houghton. Neenah. Meuasha, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Volga, Fargo, Bismarck, Winona. LaC rouse, Owatonna, and all points in Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Nortnwest. , _ At Couucll Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago St North-Western and the U. P. R'ys depart from, arrive a laud use the same joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connections are made with the Lake Shore, Michigan Ceutral, Baltimore & Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago ft Grand Trunk R'ys, and the Kaukakee and Pan Handle Routes. Close connections made at Junction Points. It Is the ONLY LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN Chicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman Sleepers on all Night Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets via this road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to buy It they do not read over the Chicago a North-Western Railway. , , If you wish the Best Traveling Accommodations you will buy your Tickets by tills route. WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. MARVIN HUGHITT. 2d V. P. & Gen'l Mang'r Chicago. ' HP IWIVI w I mm l w m i THE MOST POPULAR d or ALL' » J j SEWING MAEHINEEU| gSi^MQRDER L3\£T <• < '•SH LI FETi'M E *«. I S . SURPASSES^ OTHERS \ \ ( Joijnsoisfai'lsGo. \ K 30 UNION 90.NEW YORK - t &HICAGO ILL.-6 i p Orange mass. { fj 3QBD3iEEI99IKS J . MAWHINNEY & CHATFIELD, GENERAL AGENTS, 2&ep6m 10) Sixth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Petition of Waahingfon Ho vard and Kovard. In the matter of the petition of Washington Bo vard and Naomi Bovard, his wife, in right of nid wife, to have perpetuated testimony rela tive to a lost deed from Jacob G. Grotsxman and wife to John N Hoon. In the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county, Equity No 1. March term, 1883. And now, to wit: Deo- 3d, 1881. Petition presented, and on doe consideration thereof, subpoena Is awarded to John N. Hoon and Jacob G. Grossman. and to any and all persons who nay be interested in the said petition or bill to at pear in the Court of Common Pleas of uaid oounty on Thursday the twentv-second (22 i day of December, ins t., to make answer on oath or affirmation to said petition or bill, and in case no answer thereto i» filed, and in case the said per sons subpoenaed, or any others do not attend on or before said day, Geo. C. Pillow, Esq., is here by appointed a Commissioner to proceed on said 32d nij of December, 1881. at ten f 10) o'clock, of said day at the office of the Prothonotary of ■aid county, to take the iepoeitions of all wit nesses who may be produced by said petitioners respecting the proof of the facte alleged in said bill or petition, and to aecertain and establish the same, and to make return of said depositions unto said Court, when such order and decree in the premises will be made as to justice and equity appertain. And further, it appearing from said petition that the residence of the said John N. Hoon and Jacob G. Groesman is un known and believed not to be within this Com monwealth, it is ordered that notice of this sub poena and order of Court be given by publication thereof for three (3) successive weeks iu one of the weekly newspapers published in Butler prior to aaid 22d of December, 1881. By the Court. Btmjm COCNTY. AS: Certified from the Records I ***** jihis 6th day of December, A. D , 1881. vi'ljvv' A. RUSSELL, Prothonotary. COMMONWEALTH or PENSSTLVANIA, CODBTY or % - *-~Xp John N. Hoon and Jacob G. Grossman, {JIHNt£iKO : —We command you, that all busi nees atS&£xcusee being laid aside, you be and appear in jVir proper person before our Judges at Butler, county Court of Common Pleas there to b»bel() for the county aforesaid on the twenty4econd day of December inst., to show oause, if any you have why the witnesses on be half of Washington Bovard and Naomi Bovard his wife, in right of said wife on their petition to have perpetuated testimony relative to a deed from Jaoob G. Grossman and wife to John N. Boon (deed BOW lost) should not be examined and their testimony reduced to writing, and tiled of record in our said Court In order to perpetu ate the same, agreeably to the Constitution of oar Government, and the Aot of Assembly in sneh case made and provided, on part of peti tioners, and herein fail not, unuer the penalty of one btwdred pounds. Witness the -Hon. E. McJtmkin, President of our said Court, at Butler, this sth day of De cember, A. D„ 1881. A. RUSSELL, Pro'y. Union Woolen Mill, - BUTLER, PA. H- FCLLERTOJr. Prop'r. Manulueturec ol BLANKETS, FLANNELS, YARNS, Ac. Also custom work doue to order, such a* carding Roils, making Blanket*, Flannels, Knit ting and Weaving Yarns, Ac., at very low prtcoa. Wool worked on the shares, U de fcpid. mjrT-ly Utile# Citizen. VOL. XIX. MM FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soronsss of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sora Throat, swellinas and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. So Preparation on earth equals ST. JACOBS OIL aa •. .*"/>> 9ur€, simple and cheap External Remedy. V trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay f 50 Cents, and every one suffering: with pain in have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IH MEDICINE. ▲.VOGELER 8c CO., Baltimore, Md., U. 3, JL MRS. LYDIA L PINKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'B VEGETABLE COMPOUND. IgaPosltlvcCure fbralT time Palnftil Com pi mint, and W«»h»nil HBMlwi towirkcat ft-vale popalatUn. It will cure entirely the wont form of Female Com plaint!, all ovarian trouble*, Inflammation and Ulcer* tlon, Falling and Displacement., and the conaequant Spinal Weakness, and la particularly adapted to the Change of Life. II Will dlaaolTe and expel tumors from the uterne tn aa early stage of deTelopment. The tendency to raa evrous humors thero Is checked very speedily by Its use. It remores faint new, flatulency, destroys all craring for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, Oeasral Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weigh* and backache, la always permanently cured by IU use. It will at all times and under all circumstances act la harmony with tho laws that govern the femalo system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of eithsr sex this Compound is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PIKKHAITB VF.SETABI.E COM POUND la prepared at 233 and 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Uass. Price sl. Six Lottie* for (6. Sent by mail la the form of pills, also in the form of lozenges, on raoetpt of price, $1 per box for either, lira. PlnVhsm freely answer* all letters of inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address a* above. Mention this Paper Ho family should be without LTDIA E. PINRHAMI LIVXR FILLS. They cure constipation, bUlonsnss* | and torpidity of the liver. IS cents per box. w Sold by all Druffisti. "M GREAT GERM DESTROYER DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. Pitting ofSM ALL SMALL POX VOX Prevented. ERADICATED. punfie,u,,ai,eal . Dysentery cured. Contagion destroyed. Wounds healed rapidly. Sick rooms purified and scurvey cureu in short made pleasant. time Fevered and Sick Per- Tetter'dried up. sons relieved and ie- j t j s perfectly harmless. £ y , Vft I ,"* For &re Throat it is a with Prophylactic Hi- sure cure . Id added to the water. Soft White Complexions secured by its use In bathing. DiPTHFRIA Impure Air made harm- UlrlnLnin less and purified by nnr , ir >ivrn sprlnKltng Darby's PREVENTED. Fluid about. To purify the breath, Cleanse the Teeth, it. can't be surpassed. Cholera dissipated. Catarrh relieved and Ship Fever Prevented by cured. its use. Erysipelas cured. Incases of death In the Burns relieved instantly, house, It should always Scars prevented. be used about the Removes all unpleasant corpse—it will prevent odors. any unpleasant smell. An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, __ Stings, &c. SHARI FT Dangerous effluvlas of PClicD slck rooms and hos ttVLn pitals icmoved by its CUBED. V use „ \ KLLOW FEVER MMMMMMMMMMMM ERADICATED. In fact it is the great Disinfectant and Purifier, PREPARED BY J. H. ZEILIN fir CO,, Manufacturing Chemists, SOLE PROPRIETORS. NOTICE TO FARMERS. Large Dumber of Farms for sale or exchange at low prices and on easy payments, several small farms from 35 to 50 acres wanted. Also, loaus furnished to farmers having improved farms on long time and at low rates. Address W. J. KIBKADDEN, Freeport. Pa., Or call on Office duys: Every Monday at Freeport. Every Tuesday at No. 60, Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh. D. L. CLEELAND. WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, has just received a fine stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY <t SILVER PLATED WARE, FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE. Please call and examine his goods before buy ing. AGENTS WANTED We want five first class agents for soliciting orders for Fruit and Orna mental trees. Terms liberal. Call in dividually, or address, WALKER & BIEDERMAN, nl6tf Butler, Pa. A iI? XT'PC! I WANT YOU ill every A \JT EJLL I O I County, to sell our NKW AU TOMATIC CARPET SWEEPER. YOU can make Ironi $3.00 to fs.uo per day the year round. Good profits and rapid sales. Capital not necessary II you can furnish good references. Address at once PAGE CARPET SWEEPER CO. Toledo. O. i n CQflper day at nome. Samples worth 99 10 JaUJs free. Address STIKBOK ft Co. I Portland, Maine. , TRYING THE^ ASSASSIN. DECIDEDLY DAMAGINO TO THE DEFENSE, j General Joseph S. Reynolds, lawyer, Chicago, knew the prisoner first about May, 1868, in Chicago. Witness visit ed prisoner in jail twelve days after the assassination. The prisoner asked me, 'Where were vou on the day of the assassination V Mr Corkhill—Did he use the word 'assassination V Witness—Yes; that is the precise word be used. Witness made memorandum notes of his conversation with the prisoner at this interview, and to refresh his mem ory was allowed to read from them Prisouer read two or three times, quoting the prisoner's words and using the word 'assassination ' Colonel Corkhill— be use that term ? Witness—He used that word, and never spoke in reference to any Divine inspiration at this interview. After this, at subsequent interviews, be al ways spoke of the murder as the 're moval' of the Presideut. At this point Guiteau shouted, 'This pan came to me as and old friend from Chicago, when really be was nothing but a spy employed by Corkhill. I want to thunder this to the American people, to let them understand what this man's character is. (Turning to Colonel Corkhill) This is your work, Corkhill, and God Almighty will damn you for it. You have deceived all through and stolen my thoughts and betrayed them.' Witness continued to read from the notes be bad taken at the second in terview with the prisoner. Allusions being made to something which appeared in the Washington Republican, Guiteau pounded upon the desk and shouted out, 'That's just what that little whelp Gorbam was writing at that time, and now he is ready to eat bis own words. He is banging around A r thur now and try ing to get some little office. He ought to be ashamed of himself if he has any decency. 1 have got a speech on this fellow Gorbam. I only want to get a cbauce at him.' Witness stated he read to the priso ner what Grant and Conkling and < some of his (the prisoner's) alleged friends said of him (Guiteau) and his J crime, and he, walking the floor ex citedly, said: 'What does it mean? i I would have staked my life that they 1 would have defended me, and yet they 1 denounce me and can only see in it ' the bloody act.' Witness also showed some papers in i which he (Guiteau) was bitterly de nounced for the crime, and his (the prisoner's) comment was that the true facts had been suppressed and he had : not had any defense. Witness continued : 'He asked me, referring to Grant, t onkling and oth prorainent Stalwarts, 'Do they know 1 have stated that I had no accompli ces ?' and I told him yes. He seemed dazed, and said, repeating his words several times, 'Most astounding, most astounding.' Guiteau here broke in, and said, with a sneer, 'You was a pretty smart detective, wasn't you, General ? You'll probably get more business in this line now.' The court here took a recess. SARCASM FROM THE ASSASSIN. Immediately after recess Guiteau announced he had a little speech to make, and said: '1 suppose I have given one thousand autographs since this trifll began. It has been suggest ed that I shall charge twenty-five cents for them, but I decline. We want money, however, for this trial There are certain office holders in the city and throughout the country that never would havfe had their positions but for my inspiration. I want these men, if they have got atiy consciences, to respond to this appeal and send us some money. If they don't do it, I shall speak'out in meeting and giye their names next time. Some rich men in New York gave Mrs. Garfield several hundred thousand dollars. It was a noble act, and I applaud it. Now I want them to give me some. I de mand it in the name of justice and right.' STRONGLY REBUTTING. Colonel Corkhill introduced in evi dence an applicatian made by Guiteau ten years ago for a policy of life in surance, in which the prisoner answer ed in the negative the question, 'Has there ever been any insanity in your family V General Reynolds, continued, 'At my second interview with the priso ner he wrote an address to the Amer ican people, (which has since been published), and handed it to me, with the request that I have it published ' The original draft was then intro duced and was read by Colonel Cork hill, with occasional comments by Guiteau, who followed the reading with the closest attention. When the word 'inspiration' was read, Judge Porter arose and called attention to the fact that this was the first an nouncement of 'inspiration' as the de fense for murder, and that it waß ! made on the 19th of July, after the ; prisoner had learned that Arthur, j Grant. Conkling and other Stalwarts that he expected would shield hid, in reality loathed him and abhorred his act. 'lt's a lie, Mister Big mouthed Por ter,' shouted Guiteau. The cross-examination became rath er tedious, without eliciting anything new or material, and Guiteau protest .ed frequently that the time of the ! court should not be wasted by such | 'loose, zigzag Bort of talk.' Finally, . with great impatience, he shouted, 'Oh, say your aunt was your uncle: it would be about as sensible as your questions. You are most as stupid as i Corkhill. Come, Your Honor, let's go home.' The court adjourned. THE DIVORCED WIFE ON TUE STAND. i WASHINGTON, Friday December 16. [ —The prosecuting attorney was a little late in reaching the Criminal Court this morning, and Guiteau improved i the opportunity to make one of his lit j tie speeches, put in time,' Looking BUTLER, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4. 1882 over to the vacant seat he said with a chuckle, 'I understand that General | Reynolds is sick this morning. I won der if Corkhill is. I guess they got more than they wanted yesterlay. It is about time for Corkhill to get sick and stay sick.' Geo. D. Barnard, Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court, Kings county, X. Y , took the stand to prove the divorce of Annie J. Guiteau from tbe prisoner. The witDess presented a record to the court and an order from the Judge for his (witness) attendance here. Mr Scoville objected to the admission of the papers upon the ground that they were not certified by a clerk of court, as required by an act of Congress. The court overruled the objection and ad mitted the papers as origiuals in the case. The papers sent for;h the grant ing of an absolute divorce upon the, ground of adultery, no answer having i been made by the defendant. • Guiteau, referring to the woman named with whom be had committed adultery, said, 'This woman Jennings was a high-tonedwoman in New York It was purely a matter of business be tween us. I committed adultery with her to get rid of the woman I did not love. I thought it a much more moral course than to live wiib her and have children year after year. I have been strictly a virtuous man for six years past, and always have been a high toned Christian man.' Mr. Scoville decided to note an ex ception to the admission of tbe evi dence. Guiteau, with impatience, Ob, what's the use of quibliug over that ? I ad mit my marriage and my djvorce. I don't care for that, I can get married again anywhere outside of New York State, and for that matter in New j York, too. Under the new law there if a man lives a strictly virtuous life for six years after being divorced the courts will let him marry again. Why I could get married in New York to morrow if I wanted to.' GROSSLY INSULTING. Gen. Reynolds was called. Guiteau at once broke in petulantly, saying, 'I hope you will cut off Gen. Reynolds, and not waste any more time on him. He told all he knew about this case, and a good deal more.' Mr. Scoville cross-examiued the wit ness. Guiteau frequently interrupted, con tradicted and insulted the witness. At one time he shouted, 'I would have been hung one hundred times last July but for the national troops, and all through your lying and Corkhill's. I am going to get even with both of you, too.' The witness explained that when he visited Guiteau his trial had not been arranged, President Garfield v*as still alive, and he (witness) had no tbougbt of being subpoenaed as a witness. 'You lie!' shouted Guiteau. 'You came to my cell as an employe of the District Attorney.' Gen. Reynolds read rrom notes he had taken on the occasion of his first interview with Guiteau, quoting the prisoner's words He read, 'lf there is a Stalwart in the land I am be. Grant, Conkling, Logan and Gov. Cor nell are big guns among the Stalwarts and I rauk with them.' Guiteau retorted, 'I uever said I could rank with them, but as a matter of fact I think I can.' A number of newspaper slips which the witness bad read to the prisoner ut this interview to show him what were the sentiments of Grant. Conkling and others in regard to his (prisoner's) crime were then read by the District Attorney. Whei tbe letter of General Grant WKS read, in which tbe writer, speak ing of Guiteau, said, Mj'son tells me he is a dead beat,' Guiteau became very angry and shouted, this is what Fred. Grant says ; he's a nice pill, isn't he, hanging arouud his father? I should say he's a bigger dead beat than I am.' Another passage was read which spoke of Guiteau's crime as 'a most audacious act.' Guiteau interrupted, 'and so it was to enter that depot and shoot down the President of the United States, sur rounded as he was by all his friends. I have wondered at it a good may times, how I ever did it. I thought to my self this morning, I would not under take it again for a million dollars. But I was in such a desperate state of mind I could not resist it. I was impelled upon tbe President by a pressure I could not resist.' Ellen C. Grant was called and Gui teau shouted, 'Mrs. Grant is the lady I boarded with prior to the first of Ju ly. She is a very fine lady and I owe her $?7.- I trust I shall pay you soon, Mrs. Grant, as soon as these fellows holding fat offices shall respond to my call (striking the table excitedly). I made them, and if they don't soon con tribute I shall call out their names in meeting.' Witness never suspected prisoner was insane. THE DIVORCED WIFE. Mrs. Annie J. Dunmire, Guiteau's I divorced wife was then called. Several I ladies arose to leave the court room, i Guiteau moved uneasily upon his seat and looking angrily towards the audi ence cried out. 'There won't be any smut on this examination ; ladies need i not go out. They have no business to i put this woman on the stand unless Corkhill wants to stir up filth. I say j it's an outrage on decency for Corkhill to drag this lady in here and 'iave her character ripped up as it will be. Cork bill ought to be ashamed of himself, he's worse than an old hog. I appeal to the court to intercept this infamous action of Corkhill's. Arthur ought to kick him out. I made Arthur Presi dent, and I have a right to demand that he shall put some reputable lawyer in 1 the place of this infamous Corkhill.' 'i Very much to the surprise of every one but two or three questions were j asked witness, and her statement in re ply to the last question, 'I never saw auv signs of insanity in the -prisoner i while I lived with him as bis wife,' ; closed the examination by the prosecu -1 tion. Guiteau, with a sigh of relief, said ; to Mr. Corkhill, 'Thauk you, Mr. Cork bill, for the sake of her children. That | is the most decent thing you haved-jne on this trial. I expect, however, that Judge Porter and Davidge insisted on it. They are both supposed to be de cent men.' Then turning to Mr Seo ville, "now cut this short and let's have something else ' The cross-examination of Mrs. Dun mire was tedious and wholly fruitless. As she left the stand Guiteau shout ed after her, 'I have not seen this lad> for eight years. So far as 1 know she is a higb-toued Christian lady, aud 1 | have nothing against her. I wish her well in whatever station she must be.' The court here took a recess. SANE, BIT ECCENTRIC. Dr. Francis B. Loring, in charge of the Eye and tar Infirmary at Wash ington, made an examination of Gui teau's eyes soon after his arrest and did not find any indication of auy dis ease of the brain Dr. A McLaue Hamilton, of New York, had made disease of the mind aud nervous disease a special study for the past nine years. Witness made three examinations of prisoner at the jail and had also closely scrutinized him iu the court since the 28ih of Novem ber when he (witness) arrived in the city. Witness found no defects in the physical conformation of the prisoner's head or face, uor auy physical peculi arities or symptoms of congenital dis ease of the brain. On the contrary, he found from actual measurements that the prisoner had a symmetrical aud ex ceedingly well-shaped h< ad. Witness found no external evidence of any men tal or physical disease in the prisoner. He considered him an eccentric man. Guiteau-Exceedingly eccentric, when I am abused I've had to take more abuse siuce this trial began than dur ing my whole life before. I don't take much stock in this head business. (Striking the table and flashing his eyes upon the witness.) You study upou spirituology instead ot craniology. and you will learn something. It is the spirit that gets into the brain and behind it that actuates man. The witness was then asked, 'What is your opinion upou the prisoner's sanity ?' Witness—l believe the man sane, though eccentric, and, full}* able to dis tinguish between right and wrong, and realize the consequence. Mr. Scoville noted aa exception, and Guiteau, with an air of seriousness, added, 'With all respedt to this court and jury, this kind of examination don't amount to a snap Was my free agen cy destroyed? That is the question to this jury to decide. 1 swear my moral agency was destroyed. How is this prosecution going to prove it was not? That's the short and sharp of it, and that's all there is in this case.' Vending the cross-examination of this witness the court adjourned until Monday. There was no court held on Monday, 19'h, or Tuesday, 20, owing to the death of the wife of wne of the jurors. CONTINUATION OF THE REBUTTING EVI DENCE. WASHINGTON, Wednesday, Dec. 21. —The Guiteau trial was resumed this morning, and Dr. Hamilton, from New York, took the stand Mr. Scoville desired to have all other experts ex cluded during the testimony, but the Court ruled against him. During the argument on this point Davidge was interrupted by Gniteau, who said: 'I will cut' this short, Judge, by saying I am perfectly will ing to have theiu here. I want th-tn to learn all they can. 1 have so much confidence iu their honor and integrity that— Mr Davidge—That is precisely what I am coming to. Guiteau—You are on the right track, Judge. I'll take you ou my side. You are engaged for my side of this case. The witness was questioned at great length relative to the operations of the mind, tho significance of dreams and unconscious expressions as indic ative of mental processes. The counsel for the prosecution ob jected against the apparently objectless direction of the inquiries. Mr. Scoville (smiling) Well, gentle men, 1 told you I did not know much about this subject, i Guiteau—Then you had better get off the case if you don't know auy thing about it. I think Ileid aud I can do better than you, judging by the way you are laboring. Looking over the nctes which Scoville held in his ! hand, he continued, 'You've got lots of stuff there ; it is not in you hand writ i ing. I guess it must have been con tributed by some crank.' j Guiteau appeared to be dissatisfied ' with the results of the examination and finally said to Mr. Scoville, 'Oh tear that stuff up, Scoville—send this man down and call Clark Mills lie '■ is a good deal better man for you than ; this one. lie took the cast of my ! head the other day thinking that some i people would be interested to see it. i He took the bust of Andrew Jackson, ! and he thinks I'm a greater man than Jackson was. He found one side of my head badly deficient though. The prisoner then branched off to the 'inspiration theory,' and rattled on for some minutes bis oft-repeated har angue on the subject of 'irresistible pressure.' Alter the examination Lad apparent ly been concluded, Mr. Davidge asked the witness if 'people adjudged medi cally insane were not nevertheless capable of judging between right and wrong V | Guiteau, who had been writing for some minutes, looked up quickly and shouted, 'What bearing has that when a person is controlled by an irresisti ble impulse ? That's all there is in this case (striking the table violently), and all this talk don't amount to any thing.' Mr. Scoville objected, but Judge Cox admitted the question, and witness • replied, 'There are a great many peo ple medically insane, but who appre • ciate the difference between right and ' wrong.' In response to another question Mr. Hamilton continued: 'ln nearly all I the asyluns a system of rewards and - punishments is iu vogue in dealing with the insane, showing it is recog nized in the treatment of the insane, and they can distinguish between right and wrong, nnd can control their , actions.' On the whole this witness'testimony bore against the theory of insanity and was fairly well sustained. Dr. Worcester, of Salem, Masscchu j setts, who refused when upon the ! stand for the defense to answer the j hypothetical questions proposed by Mr. Scoville, testified that in his opinion . the prisoner was a sane man. THE SNARMNti ASSASSIN. Ouiteau (sharply)— How much do | you expect to get for that opinion, sir ? I suppose that will be worth SSOO to you. That is the way Corkhill is run ning. but don't think it will be worth a snap with that jury ; not a*>nap, sir. Mr. Corkhill then read a hypotheti cal question which covered all the I material facts in the prisoner's history from boyhood down to his act on the 2d of July, and inquired, 'Assuming all these facts to be true, in your opinion was the prisoner sane or in sane when he killed the President?' Answer—l believe him to have been sane, Quiteau (sneeringlv)—Yes, sir; and you expect to get SSOO for your opin ion On concluding the reading Col. Cork hill again inquired of witness, 'Do you consider the prisoner was sane or in sane on the second of .July V Auswer—ln my opinion he was sane. The court took a recess. Dr. Worcester then turned to Judge Cox and said, 'lf the court please, I understand that I appear here as an j expert, summoned by the government 1 to test fy just as I believe, impartially ! on this case ' Colonel Corkhill under i took to explain that the witness had ' remained in the city wholly against his will, when he was interrupted by Mr j Scoville, who, with evident auger, pro ! tested against the action of the counsel for the prosecution in attempting to fortify this witness with the jury in i advance of his evidence. A sharp col- I loquy ensued between the counsel, in : terrupted by Ouiteau, who shouted, 'Oh, let him alone, he aiu't worth noth ing. lie is working for his five hun dred dollars, that's all.' GROSSLY ABUSIVE. Mr. Scoville was about resuming the examination when Ouiteau struck the table violently and called out, 'Make the matter short It is simply a mat ter of fact for the jury to determine \\ hether my free agency was destroyed or not. I claim it was and won't have you compromise my life as you are do ing by your stupid, blunderbuss way of examining the witnesses.' As the examination proceeded Oui teau frequently interrupted an(£round ly abused Scoville for his incompeten cy, and charged him with i inx bis case. Turning toward the Judge Ouiteau added, deprecatingly, 'Scoville is a perfect idiot in this matter, and between him and Corkhill I have a hard time. [General laughter.] I'm ; a g-jod uatured man flaughing], but I can't stand abuse, and when I'm abused 1 wan't to talk light back.' i Mr. Scoville, who had borne every thing heretofore with apparent equa nimity. seemed to feel very deeply this last evidence of heartless ingratitude. His voice trembled, and for a moment he was uuable to go on. Even the prisoner realized the injustice of his conduct and hastened to apologize, say ing, -Y.-u are doing very well, Scoville, to the best of your ability.' Several times afterward during the examination of I>r. Worcester, CJuitcau denounced Scovdle, at oue time in evi dent anger, aud again with a sarcastic smile, 'Why, your honor,' he shouted out, 'if I was indicted for manslaughter 1 would be hung for murder if Scoville ( should defend me.' I Mrs. Scoville reached over to speak to Guiteau when he snarled at her, J 'You keep your mouth shut, you're as big a fool as your husband. You're a crank in this business. If you had all 'stayed in Chicago it would have been belter for my cese These relatives are a nuisance I would be better off if I didn't have any. I would have plenty of friends if this pack of relatives were out of the way.' | Mrs. Scoville whispered some expos tulatory reply, when he again turned angrilv and shouted, 'You have been an unmitigated nuisance in this case all the way through.' Then changing quickly from anger to mirth, he added with a laugh, 'You're a queer lot, you Scovilles.' The court adjourned. Having been troubled with a very bad Cough for about two years and having tried almost every cough mix ture that was ever made, I have found none that has given me such great relief as l>r. Bull's Cough Syrup and I earnestly recommend it t«T all afflict ed. Benj. F. Duggan, 14 Park PI. N. Y. The detectives whom the illicit , whisky distillers in the mountains of the South most fear are the horses rid den by the revenue officers. An old ; 'moonshiner' says that a horse can ! scent a distillery two miles away; that the animal throws up his head, sniffs the air, and the bridle being dropped on his neck, carries his rider to the spot where the illegal work is going on. it J. Dear Bro. Meek, Ed. The Central Methodist,' Catlettsburg, Ky. I see in the last 'Central' that you want a remedy for sick headache. If you will use a remedy that you advertise in your paper every week, I am sure you will be greatly benefited thereby and, I believe, cured. I have been a suffer er from sick headache, 1 can say al most from infancy, and have tried every remedy 1 could }jet, and never found anything to do me any pood un ' til I used Simons Liver Regulator. I ' feel for any one that suffers with that ' terrible disease, and 1 hope you will " give it a trial. ' C. Morris, Brownsville, W. Va. Take no quack nostrums. Put your I trust in Peruna. I To the sick Peruna is the greatest ; blessiug. SMALLPOX. There are few diseases that possess . more interest, both for the physician and the public, than smallpox, and j hence we take pleasure in laving be fore our readers a description of the i treatment which has been used for many years with great success by Dr Kldan.S. Payne, late Professor of Theory and Practice in the Southern Medical College, Atlanta, and Honora ble Fellow of the Medical Society of Virginia, etc. The following is an abstract made by his permission from one of his lectures on smallpox Prof. Payne states that as early as 184(J, when at the Smallpox Hospital in New York city, he noticed that the primary or initial fever of smallpox could be detected, by the pulse before any other symptom appeared. This pathognomonic pulse is oue peculiar to smallpox, a pulse ?ui generis difficult to describe, but recognizable by any physician wbo will patiently and care fully investigate the subject until his linger becomes educated. When once recoguized it can never be forgotten, any more than a physician who has once learned to detect the hemorrhagic pulse could forget its peculiar thrill imparted to his educated finger. Having learned to recognize the ini tial fever by its peculiar pulse, he next proceeds to vaccinate. If this is done within ten or twelve hours after in ception of the initial fever the patient will have slight indisposition, without a nign of eruption, and as positive ex emption from a recurrence of the dis ease as if he had had it in the most malignant form. The most remarka able feature about the whole thing is tbat if the patient is vaccinated early after the iniutl fever sets in, he may be then to go where be pleases without fear giving the disease to others. The ingrafting of the vaccine matter upon the primary variolous fever seems to have the power to de stroy its ability of reproduction or propagation entirely. Another pecu liarity is this: If an unprotected patient is vaccinated betore the in ception of the initial fever, and the vac cine takes, but does not prevent, only modifies the disease, the eruption will be varioloid in its appearance and characteristics. But if vaccinated after the commencement of the initial fever, and too late to entirely prevent an eruption will resemble in size and oth er characteristics the smallpox eruption, it matters not whether there is one or a hundred pimples. There is as great a difference in the appearance of the varioloid eruption and the smallpox eruption as there is between gray and yellow. Dr Payne divides smallpox into con fluent, semi-confluent, discrete, modifi ed, and manipulated, the latter being a term of bis own invention. In 1873 smallpox broke out in his neighbor hood, in Virginia, and was of the va riety known as rarinla nigra, and when not modified by some benign in fluence was invariably confluent. Those in and around Manassas were of the same variety. Being called to attend a colored chambermaid who had but recently aborted, and who was in a room over the kitchen of a large hotel near his own dwelling, he recognized in her the pulse peculiar to smallpox, and the next day the eruption appeared. In regard to isolation he says : "I saw it would never do to remove this wo man, and I determined to isolate the case and abide the consequences, be they what they might. If I have her removed, I said, the poor woman must die, and the prevailing winds will blow the virus for miles down the valley be low, and the disease will spread beyond control. But by isolating the case I have every confidence iu my ability to check it. But should she die, she must be removed for burial (and that she will die there is a strong probability), and my plans will be defeated, and I shall incur the reproach of all my friends and neighbors. These were grave con siderations, and I was by no means re clining on a bed of roses. Firm in faith of the greatest good to the greatest number, I never faltered. I said to myself, if she dies I will wrap her from her toes to the crown of her head in double linen, and with the aid of some one who has had the smallpox I will bury her." This was January 11, 187 H. By the 30th she was convales cent, having had it in the semi-couflu j ent form. Three persons who were in the room at the time were ordered to report to the doctor twice daily One of them gave the peculiar pulse on the 24th and was then vaccinated. He was indisposed for two days, arm sore, but no pustules appeared. The others, who had been vaccinated before, did not take it. Another case described by Dr. Payne occurred in January, 1883. lie was called on the 41li to see W. J., suffer ing from an eruption which he recog nized as varioloid, lie vaccinated the father and two sisters, but an old aunt refused to be vaccinated, although she had not been vacciuated iu many years, and she died on the 10th of February. The next day, January 25, he found the brother at home with the peculiar pulse. As he was unprotected Dr. Payne vaccinated him at once, and the very next day his arm looked as if vac cinated eight days before; it rapidly became sore; he was indisposed for two or three days, and recovered without a single sign of eruption. In another case of an unusually poor ami shiftless colored people, the whole family of eight persons, oi all aijes and both sexes, occupied a hou?e that had only one room, in which the cooking, washing, and everything else had to be done. Good air and cleanliness were impossible. The father suffered from a very malignant case of varioloid and was terribly scarred up, but the rest of the'family, none of whom had ever been vaccinated before, were vac cinated after the initial fever began, and escaped with sfight attacks. One of the women had twenty pustules, but no scars; another had two or three pimples; a third bad two on her face and one on the bottom of each foot; a fourth had no eruption. The boys had about twenty pustules each. We might quote numerous other cases of whites and blacks where vaccination j after the initial fever had set in was Al>V£UTIBlWti mm, One square, one insertion, 91; each rabM qaenr insertion, 60 cent*. Yearly advertisement exceeding one-fourth of a column, 96 per inc b Figure work doable theae rate*; addition charges where weekly or monthly change* are made. Local advertisements 10 centa per Una for flr»t insertion, and 6 cents per line for each additional Insertion. Marriage* and deaths pel liebed free of charge. Obituary notices chargtd advertisements, and payable when handed in Auditor*' Notices, $4; Executors' and Adminis trators' Notices. |3 each; Estray, Caution at* Dissolution Notices, not exceeding ten lines, each. From the fact that the CITIZKH is the oldea' established and mot-t extensively circulated Be* publican newspaper in Bntler county, (a Heput iicao county) it most be apparent to business men that it is the medium they should use iti advertising their business. NO. T followed by the arms becoming rapidly [ sore, malaise continued for a day or two, and rapid recovery with slight eruption or none at all. On the 23th of January Prof. Payne's own family were exposed to smallpox, and the initial fever revealed itself iu all their pulses on February 2. He revaccinated them; their arms became rapidly sore; there was very slight malaise for two days, and convales cence without any eruption. Let us suppose a house located in the middle of a large prairie, and we see the grass burning at a distance, but the flames bending straight in the directiou of the house. Would it not be the most sensible thing we could do to fight fire with fire, and, starting a couuterfire, burn the grass around the house so that when the approaching (lames reached the ground burned over the fire would have to stop for the want of combustible material and save the house? This is just what Dr. Payne proposes to do in treating smallpox. He recommends isolation, and giving the smallpox to all near by and likely to be exposed to its direful influences. Visit the parties twice a day, and as soon as the fever of incep tion is recognized vaccinate them, and the disease must stop for the want of material to feed upon. Hauling around to hospitals aDd the pest houses is the best way to spread the disease. Prof. Payne has tried his plan in more tban a hundred cases, extending over a period of thirty-four years, without a failure. He now calls upon medical men to repeat his experiments and report on them.— Scientific Amer ican. HE WAITED A GOOD WHILE. When Franklin Brolliar, of Hancock, Md., went to the wars in 1861 he left home with the understanding that up on his return he should marry Miss Mary Roller, the apple of his eye. After the second Manassas the Balti more papers gave Brolliar's name in the long list of the dead. Miss Rol ler's anguish was greater in depth than in length, for before the war clos ed she married Brolliar's rival, becom ing Mrs. Reeder. At the end of the war Brolliar came out of a Georgia prison and made post haste for his Man-land home. Walking into town at .dusk, he seemed a stranger to persons whom he had know a few years before. His first question was as to Miss Rolleraud the answer so dazed hirtt that he walked away without making himself known. He reached Mis souri before any desire to stop came to him He stayed at Carrollton in that State, bought land and became known as 'the batchelor farmer.' Several years ago Mrs. Reeder's husband died. One day the widow, in reading of the survivors of Andersonville, learned that Brolliar still lived. She at once began to search for him and recently fouud him. Last Monday the bache lor fanner was married to his love of twenty years ago. [Cairo, (III.) Radical Republican.] What We Know About It. 'Wbat do you know about St. Ja cobs Oil ?' said one of our oldest sub scribers. This was a fair question, and we answer, that we are reliably informed, that a gentleman of this city who has suffered untold agony, and spent a mint of money to get relief from Rheumatism, in desperation bought some and tried it, and declares that it is the best remedy for Rheuma tism he ever heard of. A SOFT ANSWER.—'Can I see the lady of the house ?' inquired the ped dler. 'Well, yes, you can, if you ain't blind!' snapped the woman who ans wered the bell. 'Oh, beg pardon, madam; you are the lady of the house, then ?' 'Yes, lam ! What do you take me for ? Did you think I was the gentle man of the house, or the next door neighbor, or one of the farm, hands, or the cat or the ice chest ?' 'I did not know, madam, but you might be the youngest daughter.' 'Ob, did yer ! Well that was natur al too,' replied the lady of the house. 'What do you want, sir? Then the pedler displayed his wares, and when he left tbat doorstep half an hour later his face was full of pleasure and his pockets were full of money. He understood human nature and had made a good sale. Nothing like 'Lindsey's Blood Searcher' for all skin diseases, tetter, salt rheum, itch, etc. It never fails. ID Ireland a man is not considered respectable unless Le bas served one or more terms in jail. A beacon in distress is 'Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup,' the most efficacious remedy for coughs, colds, and hooping cough. Price 25c. Bartholdi's statute of 'Liberty En lightening the World,' with its pedes tal. will be three hundred feet in hight. This is what John Ruskin says about 'insane' murderers: 'Yet, I as sure you, sir, insanity is a tender point with me. One of my best friends has just gone mad, and all the rest say I am mad myself; but, if ever I murder anybody—and. indeed, there are num bers of people I would like to murder —I won't say that I ought to be hang ed, for I think that nobody but a bish op or a bank director can ever be rogue enough to deserve hanging; but I par ticularly, and with a'l that is left of me of what I imagine to be sound mind, request that I may be immedi ately shot.' An important act relative to taxes was passed by the last legislature. It makes all taves assessed upon real es tate a first lien upon which they are levied, to be entered up on the first of January each year, and to be good for two years and up to the succeeding July; provides for a lien docket to be kept in the commissioner's office, which is to be a notice to everybody. In case a judicial sale takes place, the liea docket Is to be satisfied before anj money goes to the creditors. It is not ' retroactive, and excepts first mortgages. ! Collectors must swear that the taxes ' could not be collected from personal on the premises.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers