Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 21, 1881, Image 4
Tbt PoctaMtor 0«aer»l'B annual r«port Ws been given to the press. The Mowing ere from interesting Hmm gathered from its page*. It rtiiw'lfit'tf 1 - —* of operating the ndTpMriee for the lest fiscal year was $W, *1,736 46 and the receipts were «#.?•&.>»* leafing a deficiency of $2,4(4,888 49. Tbe reduction of letter ■i nilari from Bto t cents is recom tmrhi as is the establishment of M«tal sariags haoks. The employees. udoSiag contractors, number 61,444; 1946, 10T.848 letters were mailed dur lag the tear, of which 3,323,521, or 1 la 816, found their way to the dead tetter oftce. Of the letters and pack ages opened in the deed letter office, I 18,617 were found to Contain money * amounting to $40,587 80; 88,012 con tained drafts, money orders, checks, aotes. 4c, tbe aggregate tee valae of which was $1,899,068 51; 37,978 eonUined receipts, paid aotes indcsn celled obligations of all sorts; 61,556 ooataiaM small remittances of postage atamf* and in 75,813 there were found yplnfKtit articles of third and fourth rlstt rrf"** In endless Ysriety. The amoaat of money separated from deid lettera for which no claimant could be fMtrf was $4,584 40, which was de npeiiedia tbe Treasury. The records of tbe department show that 8,338,918 registered letters and packages were matieiHrtfcil country during tbe year. Of this number only 8,614 were finally dliveied to the owners, the balance being paced on fltle awaiting identifica tion by tbe parties intemetea. The arrears of pensions now threafc ea to deplete the Treasury. It is esti mated that aa soon as all tbe claims can be edjosted the aunoal payment for pensions will amount to $700,000,- 800. This is not a legitimate charge on tbe industry of "our people. Con grass in a fit of demagogy passed the arream mf fissions bill, and wben at tention waa iaijed to fa enormous niSW/fhst would be required the legislative bedv tried to sbirt the rtsfiwsihtittj by charging the Com missioner Of Fensions with Isxness in Tbe Commission er demonstrated that be wsasiwpiy following the law, and as serted \£»t Congressmen didn't know wbtt tbtff were doing wh«n tbe arreare of pensions bill w«s passed. And Con greeemea will be more than convinced of their ignorance at that time wben they come to make choice in the near future whether tbe pension list shall be cut down or taxes increased. Tbe danger often attending tbe bite of a seemingly innocuous animal is fwhlbly shown in a case recently re ported in California. A man was bitten by * rabbit and nearly died in consequence. His, physician, hardly bettering that all the trouble proceeded from»the bite, wbkb was a mere scratch* carefally examined the upper jaws of neveral rabbits and found in each a hollow tooth containing a fluid ■o deadly that two drops of it, admin iatered hypodermically, caused the death of a lamb within as hour. Erery one baa a will and a mind to think for himself, yet many will go about hacking and coughing until a friend recommends Dr. -Bull's Cough Syrup for that cough. Tbe Shah of Persia fell violently in We with tbe Princess of Wales dur riag his visit to England some years ago, and about once a rear makes a tempting ofsr to tbe Prince for her His last offer was to give him two of bfl bast wires, his mother and bis graadmotber, in exchange for Alexan dra, but Walee still declined. 'Female complaints' are the result of Impure blood. Use 'Dr. L'ndsey's Blood Searcher.' Sure cure. Thoee who stand on education as a safeguard against crime must always remember that Prof Wehoter was a highly educatedman, and that Gu : - teau is no slouch wben it comes to book learning. It does not follow that a man who has not been to college will aommit murder. Fer nervous debility take Peruna. During the France-Prussian war tbe badly vaccinated French army lost 83,000 wm by small-pox. The much larger and thoroughly Prussian army ■ loet 850, in round numbers, from the ;■ same cause., The exposure in both "tidies of nam wis probably alike. ,«npa»-bet. wben coughs and colds are JfayTog about like gnat* In a storm. 'Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup' is a sure cure. Postmaster General James has not foraslteu bis early trade. In the pgmimg department of the Atlanta Bappftion lsst week he took up a 'stick* and «at the words: 'New op portuaitiiß teach new duties—Atlanta, * Novemhsr 30.' My daughter had a very weak back JFeruna cured ber. John Orgill, Pitts burgh, Pa. Mr. "Wshterno Wants to knowskf does mil Ja|)ii nflmiiiiii tike jtv on luxuries likfl tooth powder, and taking it off fro» whisky, bear and tobacco. IWaliia Walla Watchman.] iTtaeWards «l » Willing Wit ncaa. . At the close of a mass meeting, ac cording to the report of the game pub lished in a La Orange paper, reference jwae made to the phenomenal efficacy of Bt Jacobs Oil in the many painful to which mankind is subject. Werrefertotbe above as showing how strong a hold the Old German Remedy tdt Rheumatism, has oh tbe experience and good wishes of the great public, j : ——— The Sprague fight constantly crops out in some new form, like so insidious dleesee. Between ex-Senator Sprague aad ex. Senator Christiancy we are likely to be glad that a Senatorahip is Aotalils office- "TrißD* To all who art wriforiag fro™ the errors tod i ■ _ r <ti . Ceaassiytisa Osred. Aa «M rkyslctaa. retired fttw practicchsv iaa halahmd ia kis haada; bj aa Eaat India Um ftmula of a simple vegetable of «*•- m. las Si ft hisdatv to aaki it known to hit ttoaa Cm preparing and Mm. Sent BY MAILBY addnsafog vH*&mj>, «»a3n« this paper, W: W~ Shearer, 149 Poors' Block, Rochester, N. v " '- : , rs*- THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES Now stands confessedly at the head of Philadelphia journalism in all that makes a thoroughly complete, general and family news paper. It is more complete in its news, in its special correspon dence in its varied contributions on all subjects of popular interest, and in all the qualities of a newspaper for the family circle and for the business man than any of its contemporaries, because its facilities and resources are equal to every want of a nrst-class national journal. "ThP lA/PPfrlll T!TTIRS"- nearly doubled its HID XKUUI\ILJ 1 ill! Up former large circulation during the past year. Its contributors from week to week are among the foremost men of the nation, and no department of news or literature is slighted in any number on any pretext. It is adapted as well to women as to men; hence, although its political intelli gence is full and accurate and its political editorials free and fear less, liberal provision is made for literary, dramatic and musical matters, travels and adventure, fiction, poetry, fashions and the chronicle of current social events. In all these departments the pens of the best writers are engaged, while selections from other journals are made with care, taste and fullness that are unsurpassed. THE "AXKALS OF THE WAR"— chapters of unwritten history contributed by prominent actors in the war of the rebellion, are a valuable feature of the paper and have become a recognized depository of such matters, whether from Northern or Southern j sources. This department, as well as all others, will bo kept full> up to the high standard of forme- years. ->TERMS:<- THE DAILY TlMES—Delivered in the City of Philadelphia and grounding Towns for Twelve Cents a week. MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS, ftee Six Dollars a year, or Fifty Cents a mouth. THE WEEKLY TIMES-Fitty-six columns of the choicest reading, especially prepared to meet the wants of weekly newspaper readers. One copy, *2.00; Five copies, 88.00; Ten copies, $10.00; Twenty copies, 925.00. An Extra copy sent free to any person getting up Clubs of ten or twenty. THE SUNDAY EDITION— Double sheet, eight pages. The best known and most accomplished writers contribute to its columns every week. Two Dollars a year, postage free. Single copies. Four Cents. THE TIMES ALMANAC-A Manual of Political and Other Information, published on the First of January, every year. Fifteen Cents a copy. THE ANNALS OF THE WAR —A royal octavo volume of 800 pages, beautifully illustrated. Written by Principal Participants in the War, Korth and South. Price, #3.00. ADDRESS ALL LETTERS AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS TO THE TIMES, TIMES BUILDING, Chestnut and Eighth Streets, Philadelphia. ?Tl\c Jlliila&tlphin SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. mofei ■ A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENCTHENER.A SURE REVIVER, IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tO»lC; especially Indigestion, i Wfi' 8 -; 1 ' miUerd Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack of Lncrgy, CiC. Liir.c a the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to tne nerves, i ney act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food. Belching, Heed in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. UIC only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tlio teetli or gi\e headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Book, 3- pp. 01 useful and amusing reading— sent free. BROWN" CHEMICAL. CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS RWnmciism UeuLtaVava Sprains, Pain in the Back and Side. V There is nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by Tisp of DAVIS' PAIN KILLER. ' This remedy is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that must be kept away from or heat to avoid dUinger * ol Se£S? has been In constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the World is, IT NEVER FAILS. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieve* pain almost instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, it 13 safe in thC The "rewfrd^of"cures the PA or KILLER would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried it think: Edf&r Cady, Owatonna, Jgnn., says: About » year jtnee my wife became BuWect to severe suffering fran rheumatism. Our reaart WAS to the Paxk Killer, which epeedily peUevedher. Chsrles Powell writes from tbe Bailors' I ha!} been afflicted three yean with neuralgia and violent amams of the stomach. The doctors at Weatminater Hospital gave lip my caaa in despair. X tried your Pain Killeb, and it gave me immediate relief. I have regained my strength, and sm now able to follow my usual ocoopatlno. All druralists keen Pain Killer. Its price is so low that it is within the reach of all, Times iicSTt in tetors' bills. 25c., 50c, and 81.00 a bottle PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence. R. I. MX. ROCKWSTEM, DEALER irv TREMDHT COIR STOVES AIVI> RAN C*ES. AGENT FOR CRYSTAL PALACE STOVES AND I!FP \ !I!S l ()It SAME. Bird Cages, Tinware, Wood and Willow Ware, Enameled and Granite Ware, Sewer Pipe, Fire Clav Stove Pine. Grate Tile, Fire Brick and (.'lay. , , , , .. Roofing, Spouting and Heavy Sheet-iron work done at short notice below market prices ior I am also having manufactured to my order, nice clean and smooth odd Plates to fit Pradley s Stoves which I sell at six cents per pound, and I will guarantee 'hern lo last longer and give better'satisfaction than the so-called original and genuine plates sold by another party at ten cents per pound. Give me a call and be convinced. 31. C. BOCKENSTEIN, junelo:ly Main Street, Hutler. Pa. WALKER " " THS BEST! WASHER. ■MBr . ;':' K I Warranted f«W 5 Years, and satisfaet ion guaranteed or money refunded. TJ»e «•»'- mom Klßcienl. and. »»o*i (I durable *V i\al>cr In <l><- World. It lias no rival, and ih the only machine that will wash perfectly clean without rubbing. It can used in or tub to another In moment, (s so rimple and easy to operate .. (hat the most delicate lady or ehild 1" years old work. It is made of (jalvanized Iron. tin- only Washer m the world that has the Kubher Hands on Hollers, which prevent the breaking of buttons and injury lo clothes. IPCUTC \MI A MTCnExchmfve territory. Ketail price SB.OO. Ajenls' sample. «L«j. Alaothc AbLn I O W All I HUeelebrated Keystone Wi l»R«r» at M.iiiuiaclun rs lowest ptice. Refer to the ediu'r of this paper. Address Ellfc WAHHKK CO.. Krie Pa. lectin, Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to oall the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill. Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture oi Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low price.. *or samples and gi^ac^ Ja134."7R-ty) Butler. Pa iS OSIA DAUGHTER CUR ED OF CONSUMPTION. When death was hourly expected, all remedies bavins failed, and I)r. U. James was experiment ing with the many lierlts of Calcutta, he accident ally made a preparation which emed his onlv chid of CONSUMPTION. His child is now n this coun try and eujoving the best of health. He lias proved to the world that CONSUMPTION can be positively and permanently cured The now gives this Hedpe free, only asking two three-cent stamps to pay expenses. This Herb also cures Night Sweats. Nausea at the btomacli, and will break up afresh cold in twehty-four hours. Ad ! draw Cradaoek & Qo. v Kaoe Street, PUUttdel- I pbift Baufliy this paper. puttee Cxftis***: ©ntt**, P«.» H*cemb*e 21, ISSL G. H.Walworth. Saco, Me., writes: 1 experienced immediate relief from pain in the side by the u»e of your Pais Kili.eb. E. York says: I have UKed your Pain Killf.b for rheumatism, and have received great beneti*. Barton Seaman says: Have used Pain Killer for thirty years, and have found it a never-failing remedy ioi rheumatism and lameness. Mr. Burditt writes: It ner«r fails to give relief in cafes of rlietuuatiiun. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset. Pa., writes: From actual use, I know your Pain Killeb is the best medicine I can get. Just published, a new edition of DB CUL VERWELI/S CELERUATED ESSAY on the radical cure of Spermatorrhn-a or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Looses. Impctoncv, Mental and Phvsical Ir.capacitv, Impediments to Marriaso, etc. ; also. Consumption Epilepsy am) Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, Ac The celebrated author, in thii admirable Es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming consequen ces of self-abuse may l.e radically cured ; point ing out a mode of cure at once simple certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. «-y This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the linj Sent, under seal, in & plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, oil receipt of K;X cents or two postage stamps. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 ANN ST., NEW YOKK, N. Y.: febJMy Post Office Box, 4.'jo 13^"AdverVise iaThe CITIZEN. EXPOSITION * BOTH, Pi. Of— BOOTS & SHOES. Fresh New Fall and Winter Stock at Exceedingly Low Prices AT The Reliable and Popular BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE OF B. C. HUSELTON. EVERY DAY ADDS STILL CHOICER STYLES AND LOWr R PRICES UNTIL HIS HOUSE IS FULL OF EVERY KIND AND STYLE OF Boots Shoes. LA DIES', MISSES' AND CHILDRENS' Kip, Calf, Grain. Pebble, Goof, A id <£■ St. Goat in Pblish, Button and Side Lace. Old Laaies Warm Shoes, Slippers, blubbers and Arties. MEN'S BOYS' AND YOUTHS* Brogans Plow Shoes, Cat/ Shoes, Kip and Calj Boots. The larg est stock of Mots Haim-ni2.de Kip Boots in Butler, and lower prices. Men's Boots as low as ~ $1 50 Women's Heavy Shoes at - - " ~ 90 Customers are all treated alike ; no misrepresentations made as to quality of stock and wear ; prices same to all. We don't sell to one custom er at half price and next one charge double to make it up. This is the Largest Stock of Boots & Shoes in Butler County—best styles tend lowest prices, and much the larg est Steele; bought for CASH direct from the manufacturers. A)) inspection of this stock will at once convince you that we do not advertise a small, cheap, shoddy stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, As the Best, Cheapest and Largest in Butler Countg, but ice have the Stock and Prices to show for what we say. LARGE STOCK OF LEATHER AND FINDINGS. IWRepairing 'of All Kinds Neatly and Promptly Bone. CALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE YOU BUY. B, C HUSELTON, C H Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware and dealer in Stoves, Ranges, Pressed, Japanned and Enameled Ware, Granite Ware, Wooden Ware, Bird Cages, and general housekeeping • nods Roolin" Spouting and Repairing done on short notice and at lowest market rates. The onlv authorized age Lit for the sale of A. Bradley & C o.'s well known Stoves and Ranges, and the ~n l "v place t" get the original and genuine odd plates for their stoves, made expresslv by them for him. Beware of sham plates being sold in Butler, made of old and inferior metal, none gen uine but from the Agent, (11R18. STOCK, june 8 'Bl Near Wick and Schreiber Houses, Main (*reet, Butler, Pa. "THE TRADE DOLLAR" IS GOOD, BUT 1 'TheTrade'Oooking Stove I© BETTER. For Sale by JAMES S. WILSON, i CENTERVILLE, - - [ Cooking nnd Heating Stoves a Speciality With Us GENERAIi AGENT FOR "THE KRAMER CO. OR 0L CITY FARM WAGON." VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE! THE undersigned offers for sale the follow ing real estate, viz : The William McClung farm, situate in Oak land township, Butler county. I'a., adjoining lands of Win. J. Hutchison, Eli Balph et al , containing 136 acres, more or less. About 90 acres cleared, balance in good timber; double log house and frame ham thereon erected; good orchard of about 100 bearing apple trees: farm well watered, and in a good state of cultivation, and is supposed to be underlaid with coal. This farm is fit uate in a good neighborhood on the public road leading from Ilutler to Fair view, and within "bout live miles of Butler, and within about one mile of the proposed new rail road. For teruis inquire of the undersigned or G W. Fleeger, Esq., of Butler. CHRISTY ROBB, Executor of William McClung, deceased. Oakland twp., Butler Co., I'a- soct2m (£"7OA V. KICK. sl2 » day at home flHslly. made "Costly uuUit tree. Address TKUK Jfe Co., Augusta, Maine. '.'marly EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL To Sell d Household Article. r pHE poor as well JUS the rich, the old as well as I the young, the wife, as well as the husband, the young maiOen as well as the young: man, the girl as well ;w the boy, may just as well earn a lew dollars in honest employ meut, as to sit around the house and wait for othdrs to earn it for them, we can give you employment, all the time, or miring your spare hours only ; traveling, or in your own neighborhood, among your friends and acquaint ances. If you do not care for employment, wg can impart valuable information to you free of cost. It will cost you only one cent for a Postal card to write for our Prospectus, and it may be the means of making you a good many dollars. l>o not neglect this opportunity \ou do not have to invest a large sum of money, and run a great risk of losing it. You will ™ ft will be an easv matter to make from #lO to fIOO a week, and establish a lucrative, and independ ent business, honorable, straightforward and pro fitable. Attend to this matter NOW, for there Is MONEY IN IT for all who engage with us. We will surprise vou and you wilt wonder why you never wrote to us before. WK SKND FULL PAR- T"XLAKSKKKK. CNauw this paper ) [Sisopeiu] JUaiv*, Ottw. , ore F r ke s THE CREAT r 7XGTON BOVTE. .her tine runs Tbreo Throuch I'as .• i i-.ains Daily between Chicago, Des ..! n. Council Bluffs, Omaha. Lincoln. St. .'•ist-ph. Atchison, Topeka nnd Kansas City. M-fi-t eoonections for all point.* In Kansas, ■■■' k.i, Colorado. Wyoming Montaaa, Ne iv Mexico, Arizona, Idaho. Oregon and .-test. Speediest nnd Most Ci-mforta .( ii".- v nHmgilbti' to Fort Scott. l>en!snn, i»a«. Houston, Jti-iin. San Antonio, Galves ~ i i and all points in Texas. The un-Miiali'ct inducements offered by this I.iiv to Travelers and Tourists, ur • a- follows: Tiic celebrated l*ullmau (18-whccli I'alace Sice nine Curs. only on thi- I Inc. C., 11. & Q. P.-tlacc I>rnwingr-Hooin CHI'S, with H.-rton's Keoli tin(r i 'h»iisi >'•» extra charpe for Scuts in It.-elininfr Chairs. The famous C. it. 4- Q. Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Sm king Cars fltu-d with Elegant Hfch-B.ickod Knttan Ke volving Chains for the exilusive use of first class passengers. Steel Track and Superior r.qulpment, com bined with their Great Through C'nr Arranpo ment.m&kes ihls,above all others, the fa vorit€ Koute to the South, South-West, and the Fa.- West. Try it., and you will fiiid traveling a Uixu Instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celebrrft" for sale at all offices in the United Sir. Canada. All Information about Rates of F" lng Car Accommodations. lin;c '' will l>o cheerfully given, and will any address an elegant Couit.'v V States, in colors, by appl> inj; t J. Q. A. BEAN, lien's tasv 309 Washington St . ffc». nnd 317 Broadway, * T. J. POTTEK, Gen Aianati PERCEVAL LOWELL, General Passenger Ajjert, Chicago. ■HBEBiaibsKujuASi IHealih & Beauty.. I Read anil you '.v ill not legret. » S Th > ron VTS'i tieantr. Xivn ge VEvc'cs, 9 ton:-.' t tiiC w •'.& by rvriui.ing thewun lr r-i 1 B clear .«• s :: I br.ilia;..'7 ot m. d c.nd comi-Vx- Xj iuii t'.ir us'i-i it ler li e. At the ,ige of 95 b't shm vl3 a- B*'it, bloom.os aui ir"Sh. as a girt o: ,k! l-j. j The ■ cret wa< the Ci-c verrof tiiofamous B p end chemist, l'Abbe (Vt ftiwi.) At J.tri'o mises'.ebe ju-athed this n.os*. va!ruble j-er-t to s p' v«icun. whJ supplicl it to Ilic court n-lrlrfit i« ni.li/. At t'.io d.iwtifal.. ftho empire it caiae in p»s --• ess'i >1 of a eel' bra id American physician, who h.v b-en emiron.lv anrcrafl I", the treatment of Blot <1 „„,l anl i lat the public •-cnm'.lj v ny e;,j ,T t 'i»ben"fi!a o' this in"rvriou*prrp"ra ion, thsD H_-tor has j.lacci tha recipe with the ."•luiin t'.i. of -New Voi'k, who are prepared to snpplv the deirtau.". i of tin thousands of eng. r aprli-an's. It speedily eradicates all m-nn r Oi /;t,iK>l> POISOMS G suc'i as Scrofula, fcnlt llhtiiin, Eczfian, Pimples, Moth Patches, Freckles, Black Heads, Ronali <Uin tntairll. Liver Complaint, In- Janu-d Ky«s, Sc., ftc. It i< an absolute antidote for M A L A RIA, 4«e circv-stion throughout the cystem. It is cabed BIFHATiS.I Price SI per package, or G for $3. ■ S*nt by mall in letter form, postage paid. H The Bell Mann Co.,B42B'wa7,NffwYork. ■ Tor sale by druggists. B T.ATi? AOKJTS WASrSD. S«cd stamp for clronlar. J lleution this pap;r. S. S. MARVIN & CO'S. SUPERIOR ORAOKERS AKD Pan Cake Flour. Pancake Flour is juit what Its nams impllss-flour for Pan Cakes. The directions for use are with cold ■rater or sweet milk, make a batter and bake at oac* on a hot griddle. This seaaou its much cheaper t'ian Buckwheat flour. |®-ASK YOUB GROCEB FO* IT."S» OUK New York Water Crackers, 1 IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE CRACKERS XXX OYSTER CRACKERS, EXTRA SODA CRACKERS, WINE CRACKERS Are superior to all others. When you buy cracken ask for MARVIN9, and dont take any others, foi they are the best. Office and Works 91, 93, 93 and 97 Liberty Street, detail Department, 18 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. flB&i OtLVtWISM and ELEGTRICIIV The great CoratlVO Agents. I -•$ "galvanic BATTERY a| 2s imbedded in this riasttr v Hi-h. *h?i. a a; llied tn t' e body produces a constant but inliil pu.-ent of Kleotrtcity;which most exhilarating .J affording iiuuiediatw rv'lifi to the moat excruciat.'^ ,4 pajiis of whatsoever nature. They «e acltnowl r J edged by Phyaicl i7>- to he the r.v«t scientific metl. I 'Wi od of application of tnose mSAIo and mysterloii» I elements of nature for tue jH>»itlve and ppeedy ctjre V 3 of the followirc complulnta, vis.: iii rtheumallst-j; Neuralgia; Sick Head. fil arhr; Weak und inflamed Eyen; All directions of the Brain; Spinal C'om plaints; Kidney ami Liver t'omplalills; ici.it ica. Paralysis and Lumbajo| gseusia; Asthma and Lung Diseases; Uls «»ses of the Heart; Nervous Prostra- ra vloas; Ac. B PRICE ONLY SI.OO. H THE BELL MANN CO., PropV., | 812 Eroadway. Cor. 13th8t„ Hew Tcti. 6^ AGENTS wanted, k 3SKI> BTAMI- K OA CIRt.X'LAKS. H FOR SALE BV ALL DBUGOISTB. ■ Mention thi* paper. Sen<l f ° r OUI New Illustra. ■ ■ ted Prices List No. 30, for Full and Win ter of 1881. Free to any address. Con« tains full description of all kinds of goods for personal and family use. We deii directly with tlie consumer, and sell all goods in any quantity at wholesale prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 and 229 Wahaah Avenue.Chicago.llL ' Areata wanted tor Use Lifts and Work of ! GARFIELD i The only complete story of his noble life and tra*ic r death Fresh, brilliant, reliable. ElegaallT printed ia i Bulla!, and Oman; hai.saom.-l* bound. »ell.ns book ever pub |,.li,a Br John C Ridpath. LL. D. } fl A TTTTrtV Do uot ,h< ' catchpenny, re- I l/AU IlUil• vamped campaign booka with ' which the counliy ia flooded. They *f S wurthl«.»: ™rjf. or Vhii boSk ii dead and a base fraud on the public. Thia book is Y miilml* new The oiily work worthy the them*. SSirf -XTtTitimp- for Outllt £ JOSK6 BROTHERS dfe CO., PuNiinni, PhiUdelphuu Pardon Wollc«. i Notice is hereby pi ven that an application foi > tlie pardon of H. 8. Millison, late of Butler Co. 1 Pa., convicted of larceny and horse stealing " will he presented at the next .meeting or tbt Board of Pardons, in the citv of Harnsbiirg, Or the tUini Tuesday of l?eceiuwr, A. Do 1881. Planing Mill —AND— Liuiitoei' Y 1. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS S.G. Purvis & Co., MANUFACTURERS ASD DEALERS IN Rough and Planed Lumbd^ or EVKK Y DSSCKiei-U.IV FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SAr-H. FUK)RING SIDING BAT'IENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, PORCH POSTS STAIR RAIT-'* Newell Poats and Ra.luste»'e FENCE PALINGS, &' .. &< , MI CHICtAN SHIN GLKS Barn Boards; Plastering Lath : llen> lock Bill Stuff, such HP Joiei Rat ters, Scantiiue, »fec. all «iz»> constantly on hand All of which we will nell on reasonable termp i<id guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD l(>«r German • hnr< h jm7-HO-U SCOTVH WOOL UNDER WE A E,. A Special Job Lot, Very Fine Goods at Low Kates. HOSIERY, CLOVES, . „ FINE NECK DRESSINGS LARGEST STOCK AND , „ , LOWEST PRICES An Examination Requested. RUSSELL^ FIFTH. AVENUE SHIRT HOUSE 101 FIFTH AVE., PITTSBURGH, OK QUAKER SHIRT HOUSE. No, 40Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. 6,V <4,., -? * Shorthand! A Full Oouree in Fonoemfy is published eve ry year in tiie new monthly maraEine : TUB AMERICAN SHORTHAND WRITER and the Extremes ol all subscribers corrccU-t through the niuil FREE OF CHARGE. The only periodical in the world lroin whiel shorthand may be learnt with ini a tutor, 'flu Plan ot Instruction is origiual and the Lessoni comprehensive. Those desiring to learn may bey in at anj time, back numbers to Lesson 1 being t»up:-lie< new subscribers and exercises corrected when ever leceived. SUBSCRIPTION . One year (Course ol 11? Lessors )- - $1.50 Single cumber ... - 15e. Araeiicat, Agency for Pitman's Shprtbanc Books aud Reporters Supply Depot. Circular sent Iree on application. POWELL & IIICKCOX, 409 Washington St., Boston, Mass i learn- mention iliib p per ,aiiglol HIEM Never falls to cu-a anv kidney dlseasowhat- - B soever; also, diseases of tlio bladder. JHSSES Incontinence of urlno, (wotting tr.o pew ■ TsatTiA is a positive euro. , 1 |fT " I ' In errors of youth, Ps.r.l' * Al3 a specine. Tor brick-dust or other dcpor-lK taso 1E- _ D °F< r .Ui.. " I P |'KitcNA will r.storo toSJalJlcßlVtty to lie ■ energy. Cmandvlro^Mrouth^^ I '"For ® slvo natural or unnatiiralsexuaUnaulwncf^ ■ PERUNA la A sure cure. IST " ** I I I■ , H Aceil and ynunir persons who aro ill turti U too frequcnflv, at nl«lif. to inn':", water, can ■ rely implicitly on PitRUNA. m.. m i ■ For urinary diseases of botH sexes, for fe ■nnlii romnlaints of all klncK PKIU .VA IS a m - not rostoro or at least beucut. i 9end for a pamphlet. B. n. IIAKTMAN A CO., Osbom, Ohio, | Keep yonr bowels regular with PKKIX A anil M AliH FOR SALE BY ZIMMF.KMA* A W HW'KH BUTLER, PA. GOOD NEWS TO AIL parties troubled with balduct-R and lots ol lialr The "Alpha Hair Restoier" is the tir-taud omj remedy ever known that ha-never tailed in i single case, and we will pay ? 100.00 iu any ca-1 where it fail? to produce hair ll properly used etend tor Circulars testimonials U JAMES MURPHY <& CO., Geueral Agent". 28 Wood Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. Price per bottle, 12.00, or three boltios for $.j.(X Esiale of Margaret toe. Letiers testamentary. »n estate of Coe dee'd, late of Venango township. liu':ei couutv. Pa. having been granted lo tiie iim-er all peinons knowing tluniseives mdebtet to pa'd estate w.ll plea»e make immediate pay ment. and anv having cla.iun against satd e-ia!i will present them duty antliemicmed for pay ment. MALINOA COE. Executrix. Eau Cta le. P. 0., Duller couutv. Pa. The oldest, best, most thorough and complet< practical business college in the I . if School always in session. Students admit ted lit ttuv time. For circulars udurt'ss tea ai au> i SMITH, A. M.. PRINCIPAL -r MV am " - I'ittMiurgh. Pa. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co, Office Cor. Marn and Cunningham Sts. J: C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. W\l. CAMPBELL, TREASUHER H C. IIEINEMAN, SECRETARY DIRECTOItS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Uelmboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Rurkhart, i Troutman, Jacob Scboene, Q. O. Roeaslng, John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvln, i J- J- Cr" 11 - J. W. Christy H. C. Heineman. JAS. T, M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ae't BUTLER FEKIUH ARMOR, Justice of the Peace Maiu -street, opposite F^Jstulfl'U». ei,y ZELIEXOI'Lfi , t'A. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. VTLER, EARNS CITT AND PARKER KAIL.ROAD Trains leave Butler for St. Joe. Miller*town \arnfc City, Petrolia, Parker, etc., at 7J3 7 a. m .an 2 25 and 7.25 p. in. Train.-* arrive at Sailer from the above named olnts at 7. 7a. m , ana 2.15, and 7.15 ['he 2.15 train connects with mjiu on the West f'enn roid through to Pittsburgh. SHENANGO ANI) ALLEGHENY KAILROAD. Trains leave Hilliard's Mill, Butler county, or Harrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m. ind 2.25 p. m. Trains arrive at Hilli.ird'a Mills at 1:45 A. M., iud 5:55 p. M. . Hacks to and from Petrolia, Martinsburg. Kairview, Modoc and Trontuian, connect at Hil- ' ilard with ajl trains on Uic S & A roud PEN>STI,VANIA BAIL.HOAI>. Trains leave Butler (butler or Pittsburgh Time. f Market at 5.0« a. m. t goee through to Alio fbeny, arriving at ».0l *. nj. This train cen i eets at Freeport with Freeport Aerotumoda lion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. to., ■•ailros'-i frnt. ExprTtt ivr- 7.16 a. m., connecting at Butler iuncti< n, without change of ears, at 8.38 with fcxp.e.Hs wi st, arriving In Allegiteny at W-50 i. in., east arriving at Blairsville U 10 55 a. W railroad time. • Mail at 2.26 p oi., con net-tins' »t Butler Jnne •oii without change ol cars, with Express west, .riivmji in Allegheny at 5.01 p. m., and Ex- >■ prts* cast i.friving at Blitirsviile Intersection *t 5.55 p. m. railroad time,"which connects w 'th Philadelphia Kxpress east, when on time. The 7.21 a. m train connects at Blairsville .»t 11.(>5 a. m. with the Mill east, and the 2.3® p. rn. train at 6.5 V with the Philadelphia Ex- . . ,)rese east. Trains arrive at Butlet on West Penn K. R. at U.s* a. iu., 4.5s p. in.. Butler time. The ' «,56 and -1.58 trains connect with trains on the Butler & Parker R. R. Main Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh lor the EaM ( 2.5fc and B.2ti a. in. and 12 51, 4.21 ar.d B.o*l p. in., arriving at Philadelphia at 8.40 and 7.20 p. m. and 3.00, 7.0 and 7.40 a. ID.; at Baltimore it-out the same time, at New York three hours aler, and at Washington about one and a half lours later 'i'lme of llohilut; C'onrlH. The several Courts of the county of Butler commence on the flist Monday of Maroh, June, . September and December, and continue two weeks, or so long as u researv to dispose of the business. No are put down for trial or traverse jurors summoned lor the first wtek of the several terms. ATTORNEYS \T LAW. BUTLER. VjL. JOIIN K KELLY, e v-iiL £. G. lliller, E?q., in Bnuiy f -iw Building. aiig'7'Bl A. M. CORNELIUS, Offli-e with A J> Brandon. 1J ig liurdiug. Main Btr»«t Butler la * J F. BRITTAIN, Office w.;.; l. Z-> '.cl.e.i. l :an.oiid. A. M. CUNNINGHAM, Office in brndv's Law Building. Butler, Pa. S. H. PIERSOL. Office on N. E. corner Ltau.ond, Kiddle build ng novli JOHN M. GREER. Office on N. E. corner Diamond. novlJ ~ WMTHTLUSK, Office with W. H. H. Kiddle, Esq. N r E\vfoN BLACK 7 Office on Diamond, near Court House, south side. _______ OlUccin Riddle's Law Building. , S. F! BOWSER. Offiwftn Riddle's Law Building. [mart}'7« J.|3. McJUNKIN. Special attention given to collection.- <»ih< opposite Willard House. JOSEPH R. BREDIN. i tfflfg uorth-t***! c<»rner ot Diamond. But!? - k •» H. H, GOUCHER, Office tu Pchn.flideman's building, up stat-s. JT DONLY Office near Court House. ' r 74 ; * T W. 67 BRANDON, " ebi7-76 > Office In Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady Dui'.ding- marl7—t FERD REIBEK, 'i Rt.il erV building, .J> tlersou Bt. *pW) . F K.SSi AS -tb(f i)i l!r*uiv i.iuidmg. :.K\. V. l.- r i ION, ■ .tre. y t ii, ,-t e.-i. i ••' •■r set: tli « i Court House - C. •> ANi'J'.KLIN, i »tt.i •• M»ni sin si dooi :>mtn i>f Uourt UoU»»). Wi. A. FOHQUER, < ::p. e i Vi mm street, opposiic Varolii) t j . »Uf * GEO It- WlilJ'h., • ♦flice N. E. oi rntr ol Oiftrnood. * , J I) Mo.iUNKIN, ! • JUlee in t?rht>eide!iian'»»iinilaiiig, west side of • Main stieet, 2nd square Iroin Court llouse. I c CA V Pi;ELL. Office in Berg's building, 2d door, east side Main St.. a few doors south of LOWTJ House. mar»—tf r A. HUUJVAN, may? Office VV. cor ol Diamond. A. T. BLACK, Ottire on Main street one door south o. Brady Block, Builtr, Pa. (sup. 'J, 1574. EUGENE G MILLER, •ilbci- in Brady o Law Building, Main street. • ijuth of Court House. 260ct8l THOMAS ROBINSON, BCTLER, PA. JOHN H. NEGLEY, CTOives particular attention to transaotiont iu real estate throughout the county. OFTICKON DIAMONXI, HEAR OotniT HOWE, » NRNZK." HCTLDINO • ■ E. R. EckL«Y, K*NN*DR MAKSKAU. (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY & MARSHALL. Office in Brady's Law building. Bcpt.tf.74 C O. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully. transacted Collections made and promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and -answered. Office opposite LQWT? House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. " JOHN E. BYERH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON; my2l-ly] BUTLER. TA. ' Office OD Jefferson street, opposiUf Kliugler's Flour Store . DENTISTS. 7 , 0 1 M WALDRON«Gn duate ol the FbU jB ' adelphia Dental Collegers prepare/ • - II ■to do anything in the line of his i profession iu a satisfactory manner. • Office on Main street, Butler. Union Block, up stairs. _ _ . CHEAP TICKETS to anv point west. Land Explorers, Round Trip, First, Second 6r Third Class. Reliable Information regarding Homestead Pre-emption or Mining laws. Call on or address K. A. TAYLOR, Cashier Argvle Savings Bank, Maft4:6m Petrolia. P». ; "the Cim*N.