[Chicago Journal.] A Chicago Broker** Happy In Text men I. Lewis H. O'Connr, Esq., whose of fice is located at 93 Washington street, this city, lately related the following in the hearing of one of our reporters as an evidence ol special good fortune. I have been suffering said Mr. O'Conor, for a number of weeks with a very se vere pain in my back, believed to be from the effects of a cold contracted while on the lakes. I had been |:re scribed for by several of our physi cians and used various remedies. Three davs ago, I abandoned them all, and bought a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, applied it at night bofore retiring and to-day feel like a new man. I experi enced almost instant relief and now feel no pain whatever. The will of Gerbart Bechtel, who died some time ago in Berks County, Pennsylvania, contains this provision: 'And I further disinherit and prohibit from participation in the distribution of my estate such of my male de scendants as persist in wearing mustaches.' Episcopal Methodist. Warranted not to contain a single particle of mercury or any injurious or mineral substance, but to consist en tirely of medical roots and herbs, which is the reason Simmons Liver Regulator is so effectual yet so harmless. 'This medicine is acknowledged to have no equal as a liver medicine, con taining those Southern roots and herbs which an allwise Providence has placed in countries where liver es prevail. 'BALTIMORE EPISCOPAL METH ODISE' An extract from a recent Negro sermon: 'Beware, my hearers, how you fall asleep, like that young woman in the third gallery while Paul was preaching and was smashed all to smashes. And they took her up twelve basket fulls ! And, brethern, whose wife shall she be in the resur rection ?' For Catarrh and Phthisis, I took Peruna. You need no other. Mrs. M. Kusselt, Pittsbugh, Pa. A man entered the dining-room of a hotel in Deming, New Mexico, rapped a guest over the head with the butt of his revolver to secure attention, and announced that he was 'looking for somebody on the shoot.' He found a person who answered to that descrip tion, and the ruflian was carried out with a bullet in his Load. Peruna is the greatest and best reme dy I ever used. Am well. Jas. Fitz gerald, Pittsburgh, Pa. The French soldiers in Tunis were presented with little plates of metal on which their names were engraved, to be fastened to strings worn around their necks. The soldiers were told thai these tags would enable the survivors to identify the bodies of those who should fall in battle. It is not difficult to think of an occasion more cheerful than these presentations must have been. To enumerate the miraculous cures wrought by 'Dr Sellers' Cough Svrup' would fill a volume. Its cures are marvelous. Price 25 cents Americans are a unique people. The men of Washington who three months ago were heart broken because Garfield had been shot are now split ting their Bides with laughter at tlie daily jokes of his assassin. Guiteau is really so awfully funny, you know, that after all it isn't so strange that he should kill somebody, and a good na tured community ought not to lay it up against him. When the fast trains now operated between New York and Chicago ar rive at the end of their run each engi neer steps around to the front of his locomotive and brushes the dead birds from the plate over the cow-catcher. Birds miscalculate the speed of these trains, and attempt to fly across the track immediately in front of the en gine, and are struck by the smokestack or the headlight and fall dead upon the plate at the boiler-head A colored gallant who eloped from Richmond, Virginia, with the daugh ter of William Brown, will be surpris ed, perhaps, when he reads the de jScription of his bride by one who should know. In an advertisement of fering five dollars for her arrest her father describes the young woman as being 'of a dark gingerbread-color, with a bushy head of hair and full eyebrows.' Love may be bliud but the injured parent has no doubt as to the accuracy of his vision. In making up his forms, the fore man of a Montreal paper mixed an ar ticle on Roman Catholic Missions in Africa with a recipe for making tomato catsup. As published, the article reads: 'The Roman Catholics claim to be making material advances in Africa. During the past three years they have obtained a firm footing in the interior of the continent, and have sent forth several missionaries into the equatorial regions. They are accustomed to be gin their work by buying heathen chil dren and educating them. The easiest and best way to prepare them is to first wipe them with a clean towel, then place them in dripping-pans, and bake them till they are tender. Then you will have no difficulty in rubbing them through a sieve, and will save time by not being obliged to cut them in slices and cook for several hours.' Rev. I)r. John Ilall, of New York, has done a wise and suggestive thing, a thing that younger ministers of more denominations than one might study with profit. Having been elected Chancellor of the University of the City of New York, he felt it to be his duty to consult the leading men of his church, and they were unanimous in the opinion that he coul i not under take the additional labor without dam age to the great church of which he is the pastor. Dr. Hall was considerate enough to decline the new appointment, 'iu view of the demands made upon the pastor by the congregation under his charge.' The principle involved in this decision is one of preeminent im portance. It i 6 that when a man be comes the pastor of a church, he is not at liberty to take upon himself such additional care as shall impair his abil ity to serve his church with all the effectiveness he can command. Many young ministers have acted on other principle.- - than this, and the interests of thoir churches as well as their own reputation have been made to suffer by it. —Whoa you want anything in the line of Watches, Clocks, Jcwelrv, Sil verware, Spectacles, Ac., do not fail to call in at E. ftrieb's and examine the itock; no trouble to sbow goodd. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! Extraordinary Bargains! IN AT JIM BICKEL'S. WE TAKE THE LEAD IN LADIES' MISSES' AND MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S, | YOUTHS', BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS ! GAITERS. RUBBERS, SLIPPERS, ARCTICS, etc. LEATHER AND FlWDlitfG'3 AND SHOEMAKERS' SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS ALWAYS OX HANDS. Rp airing of all Kindw Wcafly and Prnmplly Bone JOHN BICKEL, Aug 3). MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. A STRENGTH-NER.A I IROX BITTERS are highly recommended for nil ei.eascs re- a certain anil efficient tOliic; especially Indigestion, IM/spcpsu', Ink im minent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, I/tclc of Lncrgy, etc. i.n riches I the blood, strengthens ihe muscles, ana givesncw life to the nerves, i hey act B like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such j as Tilting the Food, Belching, licet in, the Stomack, Heartburn, etc. iac Oilly | I Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headaelie. bold by all druggists. Write for the ABC lio<.k, 32 pp. if useful and amusing reading— sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. uWaimlistu UeuvaVeAix Sprains, I'nin In the liacfc ami Side. There is nothing more painful than thc.-e diseases; t.ut the pain can be removed and the disease cured liv ir l of PKHRY UAVIS' PAIS Kli.i.KU. This remedy is wot a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product ti.at mn-t be kept nway from tire or heat to avoid of explosion, nor is it mi untried experiment timt may do more harm than Rood. » PAIN KII.I.EK ha- l>ccii in constant u;e for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world i-. IT SKVER FA U.S. It not only effects a permanent cure, but it relieves jmin almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, it i.s tafe in the hands of the most inexperienced. The record of cures by liie use of PAIX KII.I.Kit would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried it think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says: About a year since my wife became subie<-t to seven imfferiuK from rheuntittnu. Our resort WAS to the PAIS KILLEH, which speedily relieved her. Charles Powell writes from the Sailors' Home, London: I liad !>• en afflicted three years with neuralgia and violent spasms of the stomach- The doctors at Westminster Hospital (rave UP my CUM? in deapalr. I tried your PAIN KII.I.KR. and it rave me immediate relief. I have regained my strength, aad am now able to follow my usual occupation. All druggists keep PAIN KILLER. Its price is ?nost excruclatii • BB of whatMoerer naturv. They are ackno*. *■ ♦hl/«"! hy I h vst«-l,«i» to b« Hl9 Mom. bdentific |J «'riH : nnd }-a-<«:4 of the* Ib arl; \orvons Prontia- fW tivao; &( • BP PRICE ONLY SI.CO. THE BELL MANN CO.. Prop'rß, k 612 Bt»i*a7, Ca. 13tb St., Vm 7c:t ' AfiKN V S W ANT 15 I» . | I«n Mi.*, 1 . ALL DBUGOI3TR. B Union Woolen Mills. I would dewire to call the attention of t!>. public to the Union Woolen Mill. ISutler, Pa., where I liivo new and improved machinery foi the manufacture of Barred and CJray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them y the un* of your PAIN KILLER. E. York says: I have used yonr TAX* KILLEH for rheumatism, and hive received trreai benefit Barton Seaman says: Have used PAIN KII.I.KR for thirty years, and have found it a n".r-fnilinj remedy fol rheumatism and lafneness. Mr. Burditt writes: It " r, < r fail* toirive relief in cases of rheumatism. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : From actual use, I know your PAIN KILIJ:II in the best medicine I can (fcL I 1 proscribed It to 41,000 !>:•. tic tits, nil of v. lt*>m M I |LJ recovcn-l or were much Improved. 898889RL *- J ■ A J'i.IIL N v c.« II bo taken \>v ev> *y CNV—UISI I H laii'l 4C6 i.»ot'icr. ; j .'-"1 PKKINA nlway:j anes tho Btf»m:t' h % regulates the 1: trt. *u:»- J-~l lockatho* rctlo:i.' lj_J thenerv.r.\and lnvip"nti-stho brain. |EE*3PII 3 PEKUN v Is tlio greatest aptv't!zct\ iua!;T .> »-J blood, and to tlio weary and 11 red from llicfj | tolls and c ires of tlio cHy It gives swet t r»nd' - \ refresh In sf sleep. «j j| l'Klii N A should L>O every body |*-| |H ness; When ulri, to cur.\ SIOOO v/11l l>e p.: Id I. J I tor jira eit v. ill ii tcurt'or ! I ■" f'ERUi; vis composed of alive jretablo i;:t;se- h"~ I ■ dlents; each ono a great rem dy In ltudf. ft_J r • Tr r " f stomach todljr' •. auy :n-ti' l?« !! ■Kflfi j p- For a book which will enable you to pvj-.t P-l | ,>.8.1i AI il x A ■ < », I I 1- OS BO it v, o.no. A lways regulate tho bo..<;U t"6.lil\A si d ifilXALliv FOR SALE HY zinn»:».nA\ a wi ttrit BUTLER, I'A. !H*iVft!(i(ioEi X»< in l . Notice i-i hereby triven that tin' lino of Walter .V M.'Of. ol HuSer, w:m dissolved by mtitui consent ■ .ii July sth, SSI. I'urtii H < tvin the ate liriii will (llimm.- cull at tin- .Vi:i. i" Kutter, where il.e l>Ouk* tre in the ha iris <1 W Iter ant of iltntro naat U> • itled immediately. WA !. I'EK & Bi;OS. VOTIf.'K—I would *av to my i■ .rr■ ■ • i■» t'at 1 IN •ou rani.il' " tin - Mi my "IT . will IK ih mkfui for li.ili |i itro , i. ; v u r». VVI ■l ive the mill ill ti ELU S HI ui z <;r : r and n'c aijlo to i.y. Orders through town will he a ten 'e l to punctually and yoods (I liven'!. Orders I >r Piour and Feed can he led al Vosriluy .< Tobieeo Store on vl .iii (street, aud thc> will !-c i> .>m|>tlv at'ciid cd to. • GEO. WALTER. JAMKS .T. C \ MPBKIjT <:«*.> BB H'snt-njim-f. OfUee in I'mrvie*"' ln)ioiii;h. m Telegraph Oilirc »ulsJ itALi/wi> I', 0., ihiilvt Q«; i'». EXPOSITION =BUTLER, Pi. OF BOOTS & SHOES. Fresh New Full and Winter Stock at Exceedingly Low Prices AT The Keli ble and Popular BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE OF B. C. HUSELTON. J EVERY DAY ADDS STILL CHOICER STYLES AND LOWHi PRICES UNTIL IIIS HOUSE IS FULL OF EVLRY KIND AND STYLE OF Boots & Nlioes. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDRENS' Kip, Calf, Grain, Pel title, Gout, Kid& St. Goat in Iblish, Button and (Side Lace. Old La a its Warm Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers and Arties, MEN'S BOYS' AND YOUTHS' Brogans Plow Shoes, Calf Shoes, Kip and CalJ Boots. The larg est .stock of Mens Hand made Kip Boots in Butler, and lower prices. Men's Boots as low as - ~ - - $l5O Women's Heavy Shoes at 90 Customers are all treated alike ; no misrepresentations made as to quality of stock and wear ; prices same to all. We don't sell to one custom er at half price and next one charge double to make it up. This is the Largest Stock of Boots & Shoes in Butler ( aunty—best rtyles and Inweft prices, and much the larg est steelc; bought for < 'ASH direct from the manufacturers. An inspection, of this stock will at once convince you that ice do not advertise a small, cheap, shoddy stock of BOOTS A*» SHOES, As the Best, Cheapest and Largest in Butler Countg, but ice have the Stock and I rices to show for what ice -say LAIiGE STOfK OF LEATHER AND FINDINGS. IsF*Repairing of All Kinds Neatly and Promptly Done. CALL AA V EX IMLAE BEFORE 10U BUY. B. G, HU^ELTOIff, CHlil B T O C K v '" r . * : -" Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware an'l dealer in Stoves, Raises, Pressed, Japanned ami Enameled Ware, Granite Ware, Wooden Ware, Bird Cages, and general housekeeping goods. Hooting, Spouting and Bep.iiriug done on short notice and at lowest market rates. The only authorized agent for the sale of A. I!radley <5: Co.'s well known Stoves and Ranges, and the only place to get the original and genuine odd plates for their stoves, made expressly by them for him. lie ware of sham plates being sold in Butler, tuade of old and inferior metal, none gen nine but from the Agent, CHRIS. STOCK, june 8, 'Bl. Near Wick and Sclireiber Houses, .Main street, Butler, Pa. eautr, Xinnn Je is, S9 tonish' I ilie w rM by rrtaiuiTi/ tbo w nderhi* M "!carne»s 2 I t>ri!liam*y oi mind and corcpl?.» jfl ion far nghont 1 li o. At the of 9.1 hoi:iin«r an Ifr th, an a girl« lu. (The c ret wan the di «->verv of tliofamnns s y arid « leuii-t, l'Al/b© ti'i* fiint.) At iif-ra vrASi »n of a ay. bra ted A mrrintn physician, who ha* bwcueminently viicc uaf- Ji i tho treatment c>f JUM D and SJ.in ai d tbat the public <"n»*r.ill;' •, iiyenj >y o ih'MmtrtwlcuHpr'para ■ ton, th • I> >ctorh ir! placed thorf-rlpo with t: cll«*ll Mat* a Co. of .\>w Vork, who *ro p. pa~« <1 to *npp!v tho deniam«4 of th-< thousands of f.-ng r appli mlfl. It speerii y eradicates all in*nn-r o* li i.CKii* »\ J > ii fiuc « c» Scroful>all illiptikii, Kczeiaa, I'lmplcy, P T ot li I'ulfiK i, Frn lilcn, ISkin, tnturih, l iver Ccinpl;vir. I, Ii»« Cuinet2 Eye*, Arc., &c. I* in an absolute antidote for MALAReA and restores free circnlatkn throughout the ty3tsxn. It i j relied FITFrB MT BI,OOD T rl 8 And SKIN I IJT fe 3 S H ttS a REMEDY. EJ I'rlce 41 per package, or 6 fi.r $5. gj Son! by mail in lo'ter f >riu, postal pai I. K Th:-BellKannC:.,B42EVay,lT2'wTorlc. B for h oby druggists, B LAT? ACIiTTw Sutid stamp for circular. 8s EMPLOYMENT FOR AIX To Sell a Household Article. I lIE poor ;is will jls tlir* rich, the old as well as the yoniiK, the wife, as well iuj the husband, the younn man en as well as the younx man. the nirl as well a.-, file boy. may just as well earn a fi-vv ■lollars in holiest employnient. as t• > sit around tlie uud >vail for otlnlrs to i-aru it for them. We can Klve you employment, all the time, or our friends and acquaint ances. If you r there is M'iNKY IN IT for all who engage \vit!i its. We will surprise you ami you will wonder why you never wrote to im before. Wi mm hi.i. r.Mt -1 ICL'LAKH rKKK. Address ISUCKI'YE MT'f, ro„ (Name this paper.) f"lsen«ml JIAKIO.V, OHIO. GOOD NEWS TO AIL parncs troubled with baldness anil loi.s ol hair. The "Alplni Hair Me-toicr" l» the first and oi: y remedy ever known tint ha- never tailed In a single case, and we will pav SIOO.OO in any case whe e it falls to produce lialr il properly used, -end I>r Cll CII' >t " •> d -Woltl te«tilCO'll;llf to J AMES M URt'llY A CO , fieneral A;r< nls. oy w. oil ■■licet, Pittsburgh, I'a. Pr e • per bottle f'i.OO. m three boltie- fin #5.00 Subecribv fvr tb? CITIZEN. Shorthand! A Full Course in Fonografy is published eve ry year iu the new monthly magazine : THE AMERICAN SHORTHAND WRITER and the Kxereiees of all snbseribers eorrected through the mail FREE OF CHARGE. Tlie only periodical iu the world from which shorthand may lie learnt wlthiut a tutor. The Plan of Instruction is original and the Lessons comprehensive. Those desiring to lea'n may begin at any time, back numbers to Lesson I being supplied new subscribers and exercises corrected when ever received. SUBSCRIPTION . One year (Course of 12 Lessors )- - f 1.50 I Single cumber .... 15c. American Agency for Pitman's Shorthand Hooks and Reporter s Supply Depot. Circulars sent Iree on application. ROWELL & HJCKCOX, 409 Washington St., Boston, Mass. cr i'i ease mention this paper. |uuglotf BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. J. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM CAMPBELL. Treasurer 11. C. IIKINEMAN, Skcrktart DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. 11 elmboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Huikhart, A. Troutiua:i, Jacob Schocne, G. C. Ruessing, John Caldwell, Dr. W Irvin, J. J. Croll J. W.Christy H. C. Heinetuan. JAS. T, M'JUNKIK, Gen. Ae't- RTTTX.."EH!R/ "PA. VALU A B L E FARM FOR SALE! THE undersigned offers for sale tho follow ing real est Ate. viz : The William MoClung farm, situate in Oak land towns tip, Uutler countv. I'a., adjoining lands of Win J. Hutchison, tli Ralph et al . containing 136 acres, more or less. About 90 acres cleared, balance in good timber; double log house and frame bain then on erected; good orchard of shout 10' bearing apple trees; farm well watered, and iu a good state of cultivation, and is nippo id to bn underlaid with coal. Ibis fsim is -itiinte in a good neighborhood on tlie public road leading from Rutler to Fair view, and within "bout tivo miles of butler, and within about one mile of tho proposed new rail road. For terms inquire of the uuderrigued or G W. Fleeger, Esq., of Butler. CHRISTY ROBB. Executor i f Will!nm M< Clung, decensed. inl twp., Butler ('■•.. Pa soct2m (TO i WEEK. Sri a day at home easily made o.itls Outtlt lrve. Address Tkl k & Co., Augusta, Mau)e. imariy , I I THE CREAT 7; / /; /. /AGTO Y J?0 / /; . J3.*~Xo ther line run- Three 1 hit ;up-| jifin-«. Council !! ~: Omaha. IJncnto. ffe ■••vcph, At. 5.,.- >n, 'l->p, fen ii> irr- -t conn'vtioiii for all r in l - in Ka.)-<-. .s'ebr 'jk. ( til,.rndo. Wynmim.*. Mi No art v. Mcxic . Ari2oua, lj:;h \OrOfco:i tuni The Shortort,Spcediert anil >i« >t CV mTtrt' !?- u!o vi:i ll.i.iiii: »i> Km! Scot l r>er. : ' -i "> 110 ;st»n, \u-tin Fr.:i Antr.nl.>, 0; I\<- ton ni.ti all pomr? in Texas. ~un "nrlrrt in.in. cr.v i.li < (Terr ! * • •• ,ia.* I i Tv..\« - int.] T«>llrt#ts. fcr «• Cho Celebrate! Pullniri ilHrtndl »':... •. *1 -•••■ -r C .rs run only on tlii- ' v<- r . .1. ' Q. Pal icc DijuUihiß ma C- is. wHh it . • Ilr-< ioiiiff ' hitirs. ■ < t'. rk > It .ti it clininir Chnirs. The f !•« s - • !•' Pata-e libmirfn. Cmyv UN ».. . _ < tiitiiit Hi r.-i' i- •:« volvi' ir < h I— fir the < ' i>:- ,e i.-> cln-« p i-icnsjcrs. S;o» i Tra*. k nti'l Btt <• • • :•••••• timid with their Grent Tbr • mcnt. makes thii. nbo\ •• h! 1 <>i he-*. Route to :h South, So-th-West. stn.i West. Try it, and vn;i wiil fi.»■! tnivcHi" !•> x in.~te:nl oj a •111*1;. tjtutes, in colors, by apph iug t- J. Q. A. BEAN, Gen s h.r«- 306 W'ashincton Si • and 3!7 B.rosulHu. T. J. POTT lilt. ■> PERCEVAL LOWELL, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. " 8. S. MARVIN & COrsT -BUPERIOR CRACKERS AND Pan Cake Flour. Pancake Flour in just what its name implies; flour for Pan Cakes. The directions for use are wl U cold water or sweet milk, make a batter aud b:tke at one* 011 a hot griddle. This season ita much ch«a|*r I'ian Buckwheat nour. WAsK YOUR GROCER FOB IT.-» on New York Water Crackers, IM FERIAL CHAMPAGNE CRACKERS XXX OYSTER CRACKERS, EXTRA SODA CRACKERS, WINE CRACKERS Are superior to all others. When you buy crackers ask for MABVINS, and doot take aiiy others, for they are the best. Office and Works 91, 93, 95 and 97 Liberty Street, fteuil Department, 18 Fifth Avenne, PITTSBUIt«I¥, PA. FOR SALE BY ALLGROCEJtS. jIML- s "" d f(>r o,u New ■ ted Price-List No. maw ter of 1881. Free to any address. Con tains full description of all kinds of goods for personal and family use. We dca. directly with the consumer, and sell ail goods in any quantity at wholesale prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 and 229 Wabash Avenue.Chicafio.liL m waiited for the LI ft mnd Work of GARFIELD The only eompleto ftory of bis nnble hfr »«d death. Fresh, brilliant, reliable. Eli-gantlr Drioted in Eullih and bernian ; beautifully Illunireted ; hnn i»om. ly bound. selling book ever pub lishe'l. R« John f. BMpalh. I.L. D. n A TTTTAW 1>" »<" '"'T ,h * catchpenny, re vAU llUrl. vamped rampaiKH book. with which the country is flooded. They sre utterlv worthless ; an outrage upon the memory of the ((rem dead, and a base fraud on the public. Tins book is entirely new. The only work worthy the theme. Mend Me. In Msnpa for Afenl's Out (It. Justs BKOTHKK.S 4<«> . I'tlMiHiei I Hwlj It . HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED! Just published, a new edition of DR COL VEBWELI/fl CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical cure of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal I,onsen. Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also. Consumption. Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, Ac. _ The celebrated author, in this admirable Es say, clearly demount rates, from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming consequen ces of self-abuse may be radically cured ; point ing out a mode of cure at once simple certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privatoly and radically. W This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps- Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 ANN ST., NEW YOKE, N. Y.: fcti»-ly Post Office Box, 460 CHEAP" TICKETS to any point west. Land Explorers, Round Trip, First, Second or Third Class. lteliiible Information regarding Homestead Pre-emption or Mining laws. Call on or address E. A. TAYLOR, Cashier Argyle Savings Bank, Mav 14:6 m Petrolia, Pa. AX OX I,Y DAUGHTER CUB ED OF ( OSSUIHPTIOS. When death was hourly expected, all remedies having failed, and Dr. H. James was experiment ing with the many herbs of Calcutta. In- accident allv made a preparation which cured hlsonlvchid of Y/ONKOIITION. Ills child is now in this coun try, and enioving the best of health. lie lias proved to the world that IOXSI MHTION can be positively and permanently cured. The now gives this Kecipe free, only asking two threc-cenl stamps to pay exiicnscs. This Herb also cures Night Sweats, Nausea at the Stomach, and will break up a fresh cold in twenty-four hours. Ad dress Craduoek & Co.. lux: Kace Street, Plnladel phia naming this paper. AT PITTSBUIGH AGAIN. PHATI'S! PRiTT'S! 44T11 GRAND ANNUAL HALE OF BOOKS! ; AT AUCTION AND PRIVATE SALE, is now open end will continue f r a abort time, day and night, at 109 Wood street. The largest and finest collection . f new books Mr. Pratt has ever brought to the Cliy. Books at private sale, during the day, «' about half price. J. 11. BORLAND, Auctioneer, J. K. PRATT ei- V ard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS S.G.Purvis&Co., MA.NUFACTI KKKS AND DEALER? 15 Hough and Plansd Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDIN(4S, SASH, DOOKS. FLOORING, SIDING, BATI ENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS Newell Posts and lialuHteris FENCE PALINGS, ead*ng Foreign Novelists, and an amount Unapproached by any other Periodical in tho world, of the most valuable Literary and Scientific matter of the day, from the jieris of foremost Essayists, Scientists. Critics. Discover ers, and Editors, representing every department of knowledge and Progress. THE LIVI.NO AOE is a weekly magazine, giving more than THREE AND A QUARTER THOUSAND double-column octavo pages of reading-matter yearly. It presents in an inexpensive form, considering its great amount of matter, with freshness, owing to its weekly issue, and with a satisfactory completeness attempted by no other publication, the best Essays, lie views. Criticisms Tales, Sketches of Travel and Discovery, Poetry. Scientific, Biographical, Historical and Political Information, from the entire body of Foreign Periodical Literature It is therefore invaluable to every American reader, as the only satisfactorily fresh and COM PLETE compilation of an indispensable current literature, —indispensable because it embraces the productions of the ABLEST LIVING WRITERS. '•No other periodical can compare with THE LI VINO AOE in interest and value. A veritable thesaurus of the best work of the most celebra ted writers in literature, science, politics and art."—Boston Traveller. "It supplies a better compendium of current discussion, information and investigation, and gives a greater am uut and varietp of Beading matter. which it is well worth while to read, than any other o iblication."—Boston Journal. "It contains not only the bes r solid literature, but also the best serial stories of the day. Its pages are sufficient to keep any reader abreast with the best printed thoughts of the best of our conteini>orary writers."—Episcopal Begister, Philadelphia. "The ablest essays and reviews of the day are to be found here We know of no investment of eight dollars in the world of literature that will yield equal returns."—The Presbyterian, Philadelphia. "It is indispensable in every household where anv attempt is made to keep up with the cur rent thought of the dav. It is a thorough . o;n --pilation of what is best in the literature of the dav, whether relating to the history of the day, whether relating to history, biography, fiction, poetry, wit, science, politics, theology, criticism, or art."—Hartford Courant. "It enables its readeis to keep f»hy abreast of I the best thought and literature of civilization. ' Pittsburgh Christian Advocate. "It being a weekly publication, is, com para j tively speaking, the cheapest ma ;azine publish [ ed."—Commercial Advertiser. Detroit. "No reader who makes niuiself familiar *it h ' its contents can luck the means of a sound liter- [ ary culture."—New Yotk inbui.e ' An indispensable visitor."--New York Ob server. "The oldest and best"—Courier-Journal, Louisville. "As much a necessity as ever"—The Advance, Chicago. "The best and cheapest periodical in Ameri ca."—Evangelical Churchman. Toronto. Published WEEKLY at CM.OU a year, free of |iostage. •3T TO NEW SUBsCKIBEBS for the year 1882. remitting before Jan. Ist. the numbers of 1881 issued after the receipt of their subscrip tions, will be sent gratis. Club-prices for the best Heme and Foreign Literature ("Possessed of THE LIVINO AOE and one or other of our vivacious American monthlies, a subscriber will find himself in command of tho whole situation."—Ph.la. hverrng Bulletin. I For SIU.Sostpaj p. m., connecting at Butler Junc • ion without charge ol cure, witti Express west, arriving in Alle;rbiny a! 501 p. in., and Ex press cast arriving at Blaiisviile Intersection it 5.55 p. m. railroad time, which connects w'th Philadelphia Kxpre.s east, when on time. The 7.21 a. in train connectu at Blairsville at 11.05 a. m with the Mail cast, and the 2.86 p.m. train at 6.5 a with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Train# arrive at Butler ou West Penn R. R. at sl.s»' a. m., 4and 7.01 p. m„ Butler time. The 9.56 and 4.58 trains connect with trains on the Butler «Jt Parker K. R. Main Lint. Through trains leave Pittsburgh tor the Eas' .t 3.56 and 8.26 a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 aLd 8.06 p. oi., arriving at Philadelphia at 3.40 and 7.20 p. in aud 3.00, 7.0 aud 7.40 a. in.; at Baltimore •bout the same time, at New York three hours ater, and at Washington about one and a half mure later. Time of lloltllug Courtis. The several Courts of the county of Butler commence on the fiist Monday of March, June, September and December, and continue two weeks, or so long as necessary to dispose of the business. No causes are put down for trial or traverse jurors tmmmoned for the first week of the ueveral terms. ATTORNEYS- AT LAW. BUTLER, PA. ~~ JOHN K. KELLY, Office with E.