Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 30, 1881, Image 3

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Local and General.
The latest—the Ensemble Scarf—
at Charles R. Grieb's.
—Best and cheapest line of millinery
goods at Mrs. S E. Sloan's.
Dried leaves make good stable
bedding for horses in place of straw.
A lot of second-handed Watches
cheap for cash, at E. Grieb's
Ladies will do well by examining
millinery goods at Mrs. S. E. Sloan's.
—There is evidently an end to the
death-rattle insurance companies of the
Blankets, Flannels and Yarns,
w lolesale and retail, at Union Woolen
Butler, PV octl2!T
Five thousand cases of tobacco
will be the product of Bucks
tbis season.
Times haven't been so good since
whisky was three cents a dipper.—
Detroit Press.
Cotton, Scotch, Gingham, Alpaca
and Silk Umbrellas, at Charles R.
Ladies, please compare Pittsburgh
prices with New York prices, at Mrs.
S. E. Sloan's.
A Norristown man claims to have
a toy that once belonged io George
Washington. Is it the hatchet?
Last Thursday, Thanksgiving
day, was our first really cold day (or
this winter. The mercury went down
to 17.
There will be an Episcopal church
reception at the residence of Mrs. Clar
ence Walker, on Thursday evening, of
this week.
—Congress meets next Monday,
Dec. sth. There are ten aspirants (or
the republican caucus nomination for
—How do students learn so rapidly
at the State Normal School ? For re
ply send stamp to J. A. Cooper, Edin
boro, Pa.
—Secretary Kirkwood signed reqi
sitions on the Treasury a few days ago,
for 7,900,000, the total footing of the
pension rolls for December.
—The father of nine children killed
bis wife and then himself near Perry -
ville, Ohio, last Thursday. A sad
Thanksgiving day for that family.
—Rev. Dr. Wilson, of the Western
Theological Seminary, of Allegheny
city, will preach next Sabbath in the
Presbyterian church, of this place.
—Highest cash price paid for corn,
oats and all kinds of produce at the
store of Jacob Boos, nearly opposite
the Willard Hotel, Main street, But
ler, Pa. n 1 fitf
—When you want anything in the
line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sil
verware, Spectacles, <fcc., do not fail to
call in at E. Grieb's and examine the
stock ;no trouble to show goods. «
—An effort is beinjf made to secure
the pardon of Jack Wiles, the burglar,
sentenced by our county court to si*
fears and four moDths in the Western
enitentiary. It should not succeed.
—The decisionsof the Supreme Court
in Butler county cases can be seen in
another place. In all the cases decided
on Friday last tbe judgments of our
county court were affirmed. Two cases
were held over.
—The case of General Purviance,
receiver of tbe First National Bank of
Butler vs Chas. Duffy, has been on
trial before the U. S. Circuit Court,
sitting in Pittsburgh, since Monday
week last and is still on trial
—The fall term of Witherspoon In
stitute will close on the 25th inst. The
winter term will begin on Monday,
pec. §. Catalogues sent on application
-16n3w Princjpal.
—Tbe store room of John P Ander
son & Co., in Youngptown, Westmore
land county, was burglarized last SaU
urday morning, and nearly SI,OOO in
bills and from $15,000 to $23,000 in
bonds, etc., taken from tbe safe.
—The special commission from this
State, which went to Illinois lately to
examine tbe reformatory institutions,
were entertained at a game dinner at
the Grand Paciffic Hotel, Chicago, at
which there were twenty-four kinds of
tb*st game on tfoe bill of farp.
—At an Irish wake in Clearfield
county, last week, a 'bit of a scrimmage'
occurred, in which the corpse was roll
ed to the ground, and lay there until
the fight was over, when the combat
ants joined in the prayers for the dead.
—The mission of Mr. Edward Kim
ball, the great church debt extinguisher,
is not yet accomplished. A» the favor
able season has come around again for
the doing of his special work, the call
for bis service is reaching him from
every quarter.
—Thousands of women have been
entirely cured ot the most stubborn
cases of female weakness by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pink-
Iwm, m Western Av«-'iue, Lynn,
Mass., for pamphlets.
informed by the Commissioners that
Mr. C. Q. Lamb, the collector of coun
ty taxes for Saxonburg, paid off his
duplicate in full on Wednesday last,
23d inst., and had to ask for only 35
cents of exonerations.
— l The Pittsburgh papers, Qf last
Thursday, stated .Mi*s A'jna Adolla
Eshenbaugh, of this county, had enter
ed suit against Hiram Crawford, to
recover $2,000 damages for breach of
promise in marriage. The contract was
made on April 23, 1870. A capias was
issued for tne arrest of Crawford.
—Next year this State will elect a
Governor, Lieut. Governor, Secretary
oT Internal Affairs and Judge of Su
preme Court. A new Congress will
also be elected, a new Assembly or
State House of Representatives, and
twenty-five new State Senators. These
new State Senators will have a vote
for United States Senator in January,
—Mr. Chas. Kaufman, an employee
(if "Si- *G. Co., of tpis pjaee,
bad his left band badly lacerated by
the tenoning machine one day last
week. He was attending the machine
at the time, and while it was in motion
attempted to remove a small splinter
from it, when bis hani was caught and
drawn in between the revolving bits.
The fore-finger was cut off, the other
fingers injured a&d the palm of bis
band badly cut.
John Gilchrist vs. Robert McDow
ell, debt; sum claimed, ?300.
Com'th of Penn'a, for use of William
H. Hoffman, sheriff and surety, debt;
damages claimed, SSOO, being lying-in
expenses, etc., in connection with the
Borland-Rea F. <fc B. case.
German National Bank, of Miilers
town, vs Jerry Maloney and J. P. Mc-
11. A; M. Kuhn ys Michael Flinner.
Henry Kuhn vs Michael Flinner.
John S. Randolph vs W. W. Ba-.
John Miller vs W. W. Randolph.
Gregg & Elliott vs John Balsiger.
Magdaline Wolf vs V. Smith.
The wills of Philip Burr, of Jackson
township, and John Dobson, of Cherry
township, wero probated on Monday,
of this week.
Supreme Court Deelaiona.
The Supreme Court, sitting in Pitts
burgh last week, passed on the follow
ing caspf? taken up from this county.
It will be seen that the judgments in
all the cases were affirmed, which speaks
well for the judges of our county
Karns City and Bntler Railroad Company vs
McCandless.* Error to Common Pleas of Butler
county. Judgment affirmed.
Logue's appeal from tbe decree of the Or
phans' Court of Butler county. Decree affirm
ed and appeal dismissed at cost of appe'lant.
Mellon's appeal from the decree of the Or
phans' Court of Butler county. Decree affirm
ed and appeal dismissed at cost of appellant.
Eastman's appeal from tbe decree of Common
Pl£a* of Butler county. Decree affirmed and
appeal dismissed *»t oost of appellant.
Robinson's appeal from the decree of th« Or
phan's Court of Butler county. Decree affirm
ed and appeal dismissed at cost of appellant.
Overseers of Jefferson vs Overseers of Win
field. Error to Quarter .Sessions of Butler
county. Judgment affirmed.
Commonwealth vs School directors of For
ward township. Error to Cotpmon Pleas of
Butler county. Judgment affirmed.
Adams vs Murtland. Error to Common Pleas
of Butler county. Judgment affirmed.
Bard's appeal from the decree of Orphan's
Court oi Butler county. Decree affirmed and
appeal dismissed at costs of appellant.
Campbell 1 ' appeal from Court of Common
Pleas of Butler'county. Decree affirmed and
appeal dismissed at cost of appellant.
Templeton vs Hart. Error to Common Pleas
of Butler county. Judgment affirmed.
Township of Allegheny vs Knee. Error to
Common PUas of Bqtler county. Judgment
Township of Allegheny VH Boyle. Error to
Common Pleas of llutler county. Judgment
Two other cases taken up were
heard, hut QO decisions rendered in the
same as yet.
—Butler county may well be proud
of her military record during the late
Rebellion. Her citizens nobly respond
ed to the call of her country in the time
of htr distress, and her blood and treasr
ure were freely given to help maintain
this, the best government the sun eyer
shone on. We are pleased to learn
that the forthcoming Illustrated His*
tory of Butler county will properly
represent all who participated in the
great conflict, privates as well as offi
cers, as every one will have their record
inserted. This one feature alone is
enough to commend the work to our
citizens and ensure their hearty sup
port and co-operation.
—Dr. G M. Zimmerman, of this
place, met with a serious accident last
Monday morning. He iutended butch
ering his pig that day aqd went to the
pen to kill it, taking a loaded Fevolvcr
with him. He shot the pig and not
killing it instantly, placed the revolver
in his left pants pocket, and picking
up an axe struck at it, when the axe
handle came in contact with the ham
mer of the pistol and discharged anoth
er barrel, the bullet passing into bis
right leg and lodging in his knee, from
which it has not yet been removed.
The wound may prove to be a serious
—Mr. Thomas I, Wilson, County
Commissioner elect, diecj a{, big resi
dence in Jackson township, last Sun
day. lie took to his bed on the day
after the election and from that time
till Sunday was sick of typhoid fever.
His death is generally regretted, as be
was well apoken of by all who knew
him, and by his death a vacancy is
made in the next board of County
Commissioners, which by Section 7,
of Article XIV, of the State Constitu
tion will have to "be filled by the Court
of Common Pleas of the county in
which such vacancy shall occur, bvthe
appointment of an elector of the proper
county who shall have voted for the
Commissioner or Auditor whose place
Is to be filled."
—At the conclusion of the business
in the State Supreme Court, sittiug in
Pittsburgh last Friday, Chief Justice
Sharswood read an order of the Court,
redisricting the State as far as the Su
preme Court is concerned, and placinir
Hutler county in the eastern or Phila
delphia djstrrct, wbepe all Cftses from
thiat county will hereafter be heard, on
the first Monday of the term, com
mencing on the third Monday of No
vember. This arrangement will great
ly increase the cost of appealing cases
from this county. It seems to have
b«:en made to suit the convenience of
Justices Sharswood, Greene and Pax
son, whose homes are in the eastern
of the §tate. .Justices (jordofj,
rrankey and Sterrett objected to the
change. Some time airo the Supreme
Court Judge? oouipltiined that their
living expenses were largely increased
by their being compelled to move from
one placM to another in the perform
ance of their duties, and our last Leg
islature increased their salaries SI,OOO
per annum to compensate thorn for this.
The change seems to meet w'tbgeuprql
disfavor In thin part of the State. If
the Supreme Court is to be located at
any one place, the State capital would
seem to us to be the proper point.
A IteSiicioiiH Newnpaper.
We desire to call the attention of
our readers to one of the greatest news
papers of the age—one that securer
the best writers in this country and
Europe, regardless of expense ; has the
best and fullest book reviews of any
paper in the country; has able articles
upon financialists and devoted to Fine
Arte, Music, Science, Religious Intel
ligence, Missions, School and College,
News of the Week, Hymn Notes, the
Sunday-school, Legal and Sanitary
questions, Biblical Research (some
thing that cannot be fout-d in any other
newspajjer in the United States),
Farm uud Garden, Insurance, Weekly
Market Reports, etc.—in fact, a news
paper fully suited to the requirements
of every family, containing a fund of
I information which cannot be had in
any other shape, and having a wide
circulation all over the country and in
Europe. We refer to THE INDEPEND
ENT, of New York. 'The largest, the
WtxtUx : UtiiUr, P*., 35, ISSt.
ablest, the best.' See advertisement, in
another column, and send a postal card
for free specimen copy.
Centrerllle Item*.
An oyster saloon has been opened
under the Odd Fellow's Hall.
A new serenading club is practicing
"Darn that cat!"
Wonderful to relate—business was
entirely suspended on last Thursday.
A number of our young men will
leave in a few days for Michigan where
they will engage in tbe lumber busi
Mr. Robert McCoy said his beauti
ful gray team last week to W. Q.
Brackenridge. It is said he received
upwards of seven hundred dollars for
The forests in this vicinity are thin
ning out very fast. Numerous sa-v
mills are engaged with ties, bill-stuff,
&c. Mr. I). F. Courtney has six stave ■
mills within a few miles of each other, i
Over onp hundred pupils are in at- :
tendance at the new school building
on west Franklin street. The scho 1
is diyided into three departments. Miss
Cora Bingham has charge of Primary
department; Mr. H. Pisor, of the in
termediate and Mr. Morrow, of the ad
Resolutions were adopted by the
Presbyterian Sabbath School on Sun
day morning relative to tbe death of
pne of its qiembers, Miss Esie Covert,
a highly esteemed young lad/ of this
town, who died a few weeks since
while visiting friends in Sedalia, Mis
souri. BETA.
—This widely known weekly magazine has
been published for nearly forty years, and dur
ing that lpug period has t>eep prized by its nu
merous reauers as a thorough 'compendium o•"
the best thought and literary work of the time.
As periodicals become more numerous, this one
becomes more valuable as it continues to be
the most thorough and satisfactory compilation
of the best periodical literature of the world.
It fills the place of many quarterlies, month
lies jind weeklies, and its readers can through
its pages easily and economically keep pat,e
with the work of the foremost writers and
thinkers in all departments of literature, sci
ence, politics and art. Its importance to Amer
ican readers is evident; in fact it is well nigh
indispensable to those who would keep inform
ed ir« the best literature of the day; aiiij its suo
cess has therefore been uninterrupted. Its
prospectus is well worth attention in selecting
one's periodicals for the new year. New sub
scriliers remitting now for the year 1882, will
will receive the intervening numbers gratis,
and its plubbing rates tyith other periodicals
are worthy of notice. I.ittell <fc Co., Boston,
are the publishers. Subscriptions received at
this office.
Magnolia ami Red Ball Flour |
We beg leave to caution the public
against buying a spurious brand of
"Magnolia" and "Red Ball" flour, for
tale by others. D. W. Camp,
ly of the Camp & Randall Manufactur
ing Co., of Warren, Ohio, is the origin
nator of those brands and the nianijfag.
turer of tht> same (to whom beiougs all
the credit for its excellence and wide
reputation it has attained), is now con
nected with "Camp, Geiger & Beebe,"
(the mill at Warren, Ohio, being de
stroyed by fire some six months ago),
he cautions the public from being mis
led by unscrupulous parties who still
advertise those brands, using his hard
earned reputation to his disadvantage,
and cautions the public against buying
Magnolia or Red Ball as gequiqe, qn
lesß the namg of Camp, Gtiigpr &
Beebe is op every sack or barrel, all
others being spurious, Call and see
us and get the genuine Magnolia and
Red Ball, made by j 'Jan. himself. Pri
ces on our various brands are as fol
lows—every sack warranted to contain
49 pounds:
Magnolia—"genuine"—per sack $2 40
Red Ball " • " 2 15
Banner Mills, extra family, per sack 2 (X)
Hope Mills, good family, per sack 1 75
White Line, common, per sack 1 50
A Photograph of Yoi{i-He||.
Taken by IFabbs, the renowned Pitts
burgh photographer, will make an acr
ceptable Christmas present.
For Hale.
A small siaed hard coal stove. Good
afi new. Inquire at CITIZEN office.
1881. Fall and Winter. IHH2.
My stock of Woolens for Fall and
Winter is now complete, comprising
many choice new styles in Trowserings,
Suitings and Overcoatings of the best
French and home manufacture, pur
chased direct from first bands.
Early orders are solicited to avoid
the maqy disappointments of tbg
rush af the season-
Merchant Tailor,
21seplm Butler, Pa.
A ( AHl>-
To all who are suffering from the errors and
indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, ear
ly decay, loss ol manhood, Ac., 1 will send h
recipe Mint will cure you, FREECjF'CIf ARGE.'
Thi« great reqiedy vyas qlscoveret} (ty t| m&ini):'
tiry in South Sena <i sell-addressed
envelope to tit* REV. JosKPJ! T. IkMAN, ,Sta
tion I). y?w York City. ['Jntiin
on Nov. 22, 1881, William A. Forquer, Esq., of
thisjilrice ami Mis* Mattie if. Livingston, of
the former place.
As our friend Forquer is a convert to the
"Ohio idee," we presume h<: will n'ny' becohie
a '
BAY—KNOX-rOn Thursday, Nov. 2411j,
1881, at the residence of this bribe's hy
Rev. T. M. Thompson, Mr- Rdjwr l' . S;ty uitU
Miss Nancy D. Knot, all of Martinsburg, But
ler county, Pa.
1881, hy John Smith, Ksq. and at his residence
in Clierrv township, this county, Mr. Lewis 1).
Huron,cfl, of Pine Grove, Mercer couuty, Pa.
and Miss Jennie Chambers, of Cherry township,
Butler county, Pa.
Herald and Eagle please copy
WIUTMIRtJ—SMITH—SV>V. 24, 18S1, by
Rev- R. G. perguson, at the residence of Perry
Smith, Esq., Mr. R. J. Whitmire and Miss
Maggie W. Smith, both of this county.
LEMON—MILFORD—At Farniington, by
Rev. W. Branfield, John Lemon, of Lisbon,
Venango county, Pa. and Julia C. Mil ford, of
Byrom Centre, Butler county, Pa.
1881, by Rev. W. Branfield, Win. P. Riiken
brode and Etta M. Yeager, both of Byrom Cen
tre, Butler county, Pe. ,
i. 1 L .'j. i ■ » ... .1
HUGHES—In Parker township this coun
ty, on the 25th inst., Mr. Hudson Hughes, aged
33 years.
WEINEL— Nov. 23. 1881, on the Nally farm,
Butler countv, Pa., Mrs. Mary E., wife of J. J.
Weinel, aged 37 years, 6 months and 2-1 days.
LEONARD —Nov. 18. lssi, at the residence
of his soiriu-law, J. P. Parker, Esq., Butler
Co., Pa., Mr. Reuben Leonard, aged 80 years, g
months and 8 daf«.'
NEWELL —In Jaoksou township, Butler
Co., Pa., November 15th, 1881, Mr*. Margaret
Newell, aged 38 years and 12 days.
SHANOR—At his residence, in Muddycreek
towushin, of pulmonary consumption, Nov. 18,
1881, Mr. Daniel Shanor, aged 60 years and ti
months. J
He was an honest and hard working citizen,
whose word wai as good as his note. The large
concourse of friends who attended his funeral
at the Lutherau Church, Prospect, I'a., indica
ted the esteem in which he was held. His
monument is found in the results of his pains
taking and diligent labors.
Great Auction Sale* of Dry
felioeß and C'lolHiiiK, bj
at his store room in Great Belt, on
Wednesday, Nov. 30 ; Saturday, Dec.
3d ; Wednesday, Dee. "th, and Satur
day, Dec. 10th. A credit of six months
will be given on amounts exceeding
five dollars. M. I*. LYNCH,
nv3o Great Belt, Pa.
Fiirmert) Look Here,
The undersigned are now taking or
! ders for fruit trees for spring planting.
We represent one of the most reliable
nurseries in Rochester, X. V. Please
send your orders in immediately,
IKow io increase Your Income.
I Just at this season of the y< ar, there are,
• among onr readers, those lookiutr for employ
j meut for the next six months. We have lately
j received )rom L. E. Brown & Co. the well
j known manufacturers ot specialties for agents
| to handle, a request to put them in coratnur.i
--j cation with one or more suitable persons in tbia
locality, to act as agents in introducing
ot their patent household ai tides to this com
munity, and after consideration, we take this
method to comply with their request. The firm
are manufacturers ol a large number of house
hold articles, which they introduce to the pub
lic by means of agents, having sometimes as
many as 1,000 persons in their employ. Tbe
particular articles which they serk to introduce
fcprp, at tbi- time, are : Brown's Peer|e3S Sjlter,
irencrally acknowicd to be thp best in the
world of which nearly one million were sold
du-ing the last year ; the Kitchen Queen, the
latest and t-est invention in Coil Oil Lamps,
and the only absolutely Safe Lamp made ; the
Centennial Cake and Bake Pan, an article
whieh lias a national reputation, and Is the de
li-lht ol cverj housekeeper; the Half Minute
k',e Uealer, which always sells at sight, and
the new Alto Relievo Bronze Profile Cast ot
JAMES A. GARFIELD, with memorial
frame, tbe best selling article ever put into the
bands of au agent, the best ol all the portraits,
chronios or steel engravings that have 1 een
offeied. It is a truer likeness ol the martyred,
here thaa any w» have ever se h ii before, and its
price brings it within the reach of all. For
this county, Messrs. Brown & Co. desire as
tnauy agents as can work advantageously.
Any smart, intelligent lady or gentleman can
make a liue Income in this way. Tbe tirm will
send to any responsible person FREE who will
assume the agency here and go to work, a com
plete outfit ol these goods, to tbe amount ol
tive doll.us The reputation ot this is
first rate ; the good-arc what they represent
them to be. Tt elr terms are liberal, and we
advise those lookint; lor genu el, remunerative
employment to send to them for further iulor
liiation. Their address is— >
2uGt t>4 Walnut St., CINCINNATI, O.
Teacher*' Institute,
The annual session of the Butler County
Teachers' Institute for 1331, will be held in the
Court House, Butler, Dec. 2f>—3o," beginning at
half-past one on Monday, and closing at noon
on Friday.
ADDBKSM or WELCOME —Capt. Gwurge W.
BMWINBE.—NeIson OroTf, \Y. C.
ISBTBrcTpita- Kro». A T Wade, Morgan town.
W. V. Prof. B. M. McNeal, A. M..
co, Pcnn. Prof. Frank B. Pinkerton, Holhdays
Prof. Pinkerton will give instructions on
present Methods of Instruction and deliver
talks on School Management.
Prof. R >J. JJoN'eal s toxica optional.
Prqf. A. L. Wade will address the Directors'
Convention on Thursday the 29th inst . at
P. M.. and give insti uctiaim ou various tojiHW
during the reabjons of the I^stitii'e,
Monday Evening.—Prof. McNeal, subject,
"Negative Men.''
Tuesday Evening. —Dr Frank Cowau, subject,
"India, China and Corea,"
Wednesday Evening.—Col. B. F, Copland,
subject, ' Snobs and Snobbery
Thursday Evening —Prof, A. T. \yade. sub
ject, ' Hindrances and Helps to Popular Educa
A r>a to( each session will be devoted to the
discusxion of ilie following topics, affording op
portunity f r any member of thp Institute <p,
speik wiio desires.
' What snal! we do with the Dull Pupil V W.
O. Russell. E. Maciiey.
VCompulsory Education." 8. P, Irvin, J. D.
' Mutic i|i the Puhlip Schools" fcj, B- ttibton,
J, A Uratjdofl.
"Tho Teachers' Haul's and Example-' Prof.
Crawford. Miss Nannie MoMahon,
"The Best Method of Teaching Primary
Beading " John Golden. Airs. A. B. Kinter.
"How to Teach Pcnumansliip in Ungraded
KchooU." O. P. Cochran, Mr. Waldron.
"Language Lessons I'reparatory to tho Stud
of Grammtr." F H. Hoover, W. W. Mechhng.
"Manners and Morals in School ? ' Bev. Chas.
L. Streamer, It, N Emery.
'For What Offences Should Corporal Punish
ment be Inflicted ?" G. K. Ralph, Prof. P. S.
"How Far Should the Teacher Try to Control
the Beading of his Pupils while Qu{ of School?"
Jtfo. H: Chatham linbs Mcllttiialil.
"In what Older should you Teach the Facts
in (teog. ?'* J. C. Moire, S. Kohler.
"History and the B st Methods of Teaching
It." Prof- Tiutsman, J. B. Mcchling.
On Thuisday, Dec. 29th, thp School Directors
will meet at 2 o'clock. P. Ai. tweeting will
be vldrer.ee 1 by Prof. Wjide, a'for t|ie
following topics will be 4i>K>u»sef| •
"The frep Bonk iajstopi Uuifortuitv.''
pwutlßKiuu ojifliiccJ by M- C. Bo«e>l.ot of Petro
"Should not the Custom of employing Teach
ers for a Part of the School Year be abandoned?"
Discussion opened by Dr. Marquis of Glade
"Should not the State provide for Higher Ed
ucation by establishing Central Hu'h Schools ?"
Discussion opened by Lev. McQuistion.
Inasmuch as Teachers will be allowed the
time and wages whilst attending the Institute,
we hope to be able to enroll the name of every
teacher in t|ie county who id
in teaching. a>) vyulj ft* tri;;n* other?. Ttichers,
direoioru and h" friends of education, come and
bo present at the opening session and all the
sessions. J - 11, MUBTLAND.
Nov. 23, 1881.] Co. Sup't.
" Thr fnrernout, refajiou* nrws/Htftrr of tJf k n iU'i
' St'if?*.—Ti|'fc liiv'-COOK.
Ettabli-hed iu IHIH, us an advocate of unit'
slavery oud of reforms of religion and poliiles,
THE INUBHENDENT at once bee tine a recogniz
ed power throughout the country. Its influ
ence has ever since been constantly growinir.
As it has fought against slavery antf for cheap
postage, so will it against Moriuonlsm, for
Civil Service Relorin, and for purity in polities,
and genera! uprightness i>| all tbtagf jt em
ploys the be.si edUorlai talent and A peaks lear
lcss'y op ali subjects. It pays for contributed
articles and fir editorial services more than
(loublji the amount J aid by sti y other weikiy
It publishes mote discu'ejonis (hop
Ibe rtdigiMU" reyipyifs, ipory pueiiy , ( ud stories
ibait iiiii papular muuthliet. and jjlvctt more in.
forniution than an uunual eyclo| «edia. The
long cable disp itcbes receutly puhiUhed Irom
the great Methodist Cotmcil iu London are a
good illustration of what THB I NDP.I-KMIENT is
constantly doing. A lint ol the most prominent
religious and philosophictl writers, poets and
story writers iu the country is the list of the
contributors of TUB INKKCENDENT- Hcsidcs
the space set aside, lor these wrjp r ,i|;;| Ijjf
trftiaw, 'i»'r»f ti»ci«i'y two uisiim t depati
lliculs. edited l.y twculy-two Bptci.ili-U, which
include Biblical Hcseari n, Sanitary. Legil, Kine
Arts M iisic. Scieinc, Pebbles, Personalities,
Ministeri.il Ke^islet. Hymn Notes, School and
College, Liter.auiC, Keliti >u- liilelliger.ee, Mis
sinus, Suiidu', school, News ol the Week, Fi
nance, Commerce, liourance, Stories, Puzzles,
and Agriculture. 32 iu all.
Our J\ew Terms for IS 53,.
One subscript ion one year - ' 'j '.i 00
per 6 t! t onlhs, tjt f>v>; lor iponths ' - \t>
Qiic subscrlptijii two \ cars - - &Up
Ot.u subscription with ouc NEW tuhicri
bur, in one remittance - - - 5 00
One subscription with two *fcw subscri
bers, in one rem it lance ... 7 00
One suhsi rip'iou wit' three NEW sub-'cri
be% iu ot.e remittance - - - S 50
One subscription with lour NEW subscri
bers, in one remittance - - - 10 00
One subscription live ycurs - - - 10 00
Any number over five at the sam<! rt'e, inva
riably with one reuiittanc.. * " "
These reduced pricei c€ 2 per anuuiu iu clubs
Of Uve or 'morel lire very tnueb luw-r than any
ul the standard weeklies.
Subscribe with your friends and get the low
rate. We oiler no premiums.
Contrary lo th< cuvtom of alt the rrlitjiout
HewtpapCTt, TlflC »NI*EI'RNtiRNT t rill hrreajtrr
he stopped at the enil of the time for which pay
ment it made.
Send postal rai d for free iperfmen and juilye
for yourself. Addrces
Cfißa week Iu your own town. Terms and
tree. Address 11. HAI.Lfc.TT Si Co.,
Portland, Mauie.
Frazt-r Axle Gr«»a*e.
One greasing with Frazer Axle Grease will
last two weeks, all others two to three days.
■ Trv it. It received first premium at the Cen
j teumal and Paris Exposition. [L'NsepKiu
—We invite the attention of our
readers to the advertisement of the
Buckeye MTg Co., Marion, Ohio, in
another column. They offer rare in
ducements to earn an honest hviag.
Sept. 21, fi-ni.
W iiltiws' Appraixeiui'iilN.
The following appraisements of personal
property ai.d rial estate set apart for tie bi 11-
elit of the widows ot decedents Lave I ten
tiled in tbe office of the Clerk ol the Orphans'
Court of Butler euuuty. Pa., in accordance with
the Act of As- Citibly. April 14iU 1807 :
Margaret O'Douneil, widow ol I*. 1,. O'Don
uell, twenty-five acres ol laud valued at S&X) 00-
Vary Cooper, widow ot Samuel Cooper,
claims £142 ID personal propt rty, the balance
Ot S3OO is claimed out of first money which
may come into the htinds ot Robert A?b,
Fliza .Miller, widow of Cliiistopher Miller,
S3OO 0 .
S. A. McGowan, widow of Jas. MeGowan,
sy.uu 00.
Jane Shannon, widow ol Samuel Hhapusn,
cash, *3OO CO.
Charles L°,r.irliur-t, Committee (or widow ol
Adam titaug. <3OO 10.
Lydl i Gallagher, widow of Peter Gallagher,
S3O 00.
Catha iue Schrnck, widow of Adam Schenck,
die'd, S3OO 00.
Mary Sloan, widow of Benjamin Sloan, dee'd,
personal property and re a' estate, S3OO (X).
All persons interested in the above Apprai.-u
--tneiHs will take notice tbat they w ill i>o pretest
ed to t|ie Orphan's C<>ur» at Butler on Wed
nesday the 7th dav of Dee. nest, 1881, and no
exceptions beiug filed, will le continued abso
lutely. By the Coui t.
NJV. a, tt. W. A. WKMUT, Cleik.
By virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Ex
ponas, Fieri Facias, Leviri Facias, Ac., issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler
county. Pa., anil to me directed, there will be
expesed to public sale, at the Court Hons*
the borough of Butler, on
3foi4dai, kAeeemoer aili. 1881,
at one o'elock, P. M., the following described
property, to wit:
E D Xo. 6S, Dec T, 1881, W II Lusk, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of W
G Stoughton of, in and to all the undivided
one-third of that piece or parcel of land, sitqate
in Oakland township, county, Pa.,
bounded pn ;he north liy lands of Francis Whit
ijjire, on (lie east by lands of John Whitmire,
ami the heirs of James Philips, dee'd, on the
south by lands of John N Xeyman and W .1
Itobb anil on the west by lands' of thp hei.-a of
James Philips, and \\' J Rubb, contain
ing ctqp Liunt{rec{ uud t vei,ty ucres of land, sub
ju<H to I (ii royalty of all oil, mostly cleared,
frame dwelling house, frame bank barn tUwi-c
--on. Seized and takctt in ejjeyUtion as the prop
erty of \V If StQu%'»ton, at the suit of Charles
MtiCandless, for ute.
ALSO —AII tbe right, title, interest and claim
of \V G Stoushton of, in and to the undivided
one-third of that piece or parcel of (atld situate
in Slipperyrock township, Butlv,- wounly, Pa.,
boundeii ot> north by 'lands of George' Cross,
fta tne cust by lands of J Bovard, on the south
by lands oi' Thomas Kelly, et a!., and ou the
west by lands of John McElhany, containing
one hundred acres, more or less ; log house aud
log stable aud orchard thereon, mostly cleared.
Seized and taken in execution its tjie" property
of \V G Stoughtoft &t the suit of Chits ilet'and-
Jew far u«e,
ALSO —AII the right, title, interest and olaiiu
of \V G SU<ughtou of, iu and ti> the undivided
two-ninths of that piece or iiurool of iaml, situ
ate in Slipperyrook twp, Butler county, Pa.,
bounded on the north by lands of D M Cross
and John McElhaney; on the east In lands of
McDonalds farm, now owned bv Clias McCand
less et a!; on the wuth by lands of Thomas and
Daniel MeDeruiilt's lieirs, aud ou the wesi» bjf
liait of said tract, sold by Cl>r .M„( nmiless et
al, to -Mvl-ViUghliii; containing one hun
dred ttures, more or less, about .5 acres cleajed.
rfeized and taken in execution as the juopcrty
of W G Stoughton at the suit of Chas McCand
less, for use.
A t.SO —All the right, title, interest and claim
of \Y G .Stoughton of, iu anu to ;he undiviileil
one-half of thirty acres of land, more or less,
v i»uitte in Worth township, l.utler county, Pa.,
bounded on the north by lands of J J \\ inter,
cast by lands of J J Wmier et south by luo.t
ot J ,1 \Vimcr, aitii on tjie wtst by la;;ds of
Catharine Kiu;tti»uu, and known :u the
»ud Dr Win Cowdeu land, mostly oloarod ; log
house and log barn thereon. Seiwd and taken
in execution us the property of \V (j Stoughton
at the suit of ('has McCandless, for use.
E D No 70, Dec T, IBbl, C Walker, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of S H
Pettigrew of, in and to a certain piece or parcel
of ground, situate in the borough of Karns City
Butler county, l'a., bounded on the north by
John MeGuire ; east by Main street; south by
.Starr Iron Works, and west by an alley, con
taining 25*1 (JO feet, more or less; a lar"'i
story board or plank bqi|<liqjj •' totniec
ly used p.s a uti.rc. arid taken in
yet (hi? property of S 11 Pettitfrew at
the suit of Benjamin' MaSseth.
E D No 58, Dec T. I**!, C Walker, att'y.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of J A
Hawk of, in and to one-half acre of land, more
or h'-ss, situated in Eairview borough, is(itlf-f
county, l'a., bounded as follows, to wij) o« tj;u
north by F M Michaels; east Ly Ray and Mi
ch(ie|sj kontU (,y pu!j(u a;, 1 went bv F M
Michaels. A one-story board house, board bawi,
»nd one producing oil \vu!l thereon, derrick,
engine house, ensiue and boiler, tubing, casing,
rods, tanks and all machinery and fixtures
thereto belonging. .Seized and taken in execu
tion as the property of J A Hawk at the suit of
Commissioners of Butler cjuuty, l'a.
E D No 57, Uec T, IKBI, J IJ McJunkin, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas
B Hill of, in and to one and one quarter acres
of laud, more or less, situated in Eairview twp,
Butler county, l'a., hounded ps to \»ir,'
on the north J>y .J R farm; east by
lypilh sov,'tl; by Similh heirs, and west by
Ji'tni.* MoKi'Salljf, together with one producing
oil well thereon; derrick, engine house, engine
and boiler, tubing, casing, sucker rods, tanks
and all machinery and fixtures thereto belong
ing. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of James B Hill at the suit of Mapes
Bros, for use.
E I) No (i, 7, 8 and 10, Dec T, I.SMI Williams <fc
Mitchell, W 11 Lusk and (J C V.iH<>U> att-ys.
All the «i<;Jit, ti}l; ! , iaieresd anil claim of \lj
).i;aef I'lipuir'af. in and l<» all that certain piece
p.f fond, situate in Lancaster lo«Vh>-t|l|l. Mutier
county, l'a., being part (if the jot marked in the
ground Itluil (d the Samuel Nicholson's district
of depreciation li.nds No 2, bounded and de
scribed as follows, viz ; beginning at a post at
south-west corner, thence by land of liar and
Wickman, east I'X) perches to a post; thence by
land of (ieo Scheideiuantle, and Scheidei"Br.',i„
and Flintier, north 112 uer" , ''js Lo ,»ost; tliiiice
by lauds <:• Flintier, west
li/yi perelies to a post; Ihence by lands of Kirker
and Kristofle, south 112 perches to the place of
beginning, containing 112 acres, more or less; a
two-story frame dwelling lomse, mine barn and
orchard thereon; mostly chared S'iwal >»nd
taken in e)feui\ti<>n :\s nupcrty o.i' Michael
'"ljHjiVV !t( tlifc suit of .1 M l.eighner, trustee,and
for use et a!, and J Dumliacli A Son,
E D No l<;, Deo T, Isxl, J 1> McJunkin, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of A E
I'lirnhart of, in and to one hundred and two
'acres of land, more or lees, situated in Fairyicw
township, Butler county, l'a., boended as fol
lows, to wit: on the north by Isaac Kepple;
east by Joseph Kaiikin, et al, south by Wifl
Mc'iarvey, nest by It N' aiuj *Hrnae| liaMiliawj
aboiit I'o HS'V;} (;l,'me4i'lotir prwlucing oil wells
aji<| ntaoliiiK.ry and fixtures thereto belonging;
board house fog stable, J orchards, coal bank
til Bit' oil. Seized and taken ill execution as the
property of A E Barnbart at the suit of E S
Crook er.
AI .so—All the right, title, interest and claim
of A E Barnbart of, in ami to forty-eight acres
of laud, more or less, situated in Fairview tv. p,
Butler county, l'a., boundt'il a* Mloiys, to wit;
ou the north by peter li.uiihart tail by It \\
B irnl art .n.utu Ipy .!As Bahiliart uud .1 l'-b.v r '
hitrt, Mil Wfst liy \V" W Met orniick; about all
Ol' ired, board j-jianiy and bauV till i>-uii.
Sei:" d and taken ill execution as the property
of A II li.tr,. I.art at the suit of E S Crooker.
Al-so—All the right, title, interest and claim
of A E Barnbart of, in and to seven and one
half acres of land, more or less, situated iu
Fairview township, Butler county, l'a., bound
ed as follows, to wit; on the north bv Millers
town and Sunburv road; east by I* Barnhart's
heirs; south by A Stewart arid (J Barnbart, and
west by Win Mcthirtey; all cleared, board house
thertdn.' Seized and talced in execution as the
(Property of A E Barnbart at the suit of E S
A WO—All the right, title, Interest and claim
of A. F. Barnbart of. in and t» two lots of
ground situated iu the borough of Millerstown.
Butler county, Fa., bounded north by Central
avenue, cast by Mam street, south by J. Fred
erick and west by au alley ; containing 120 by
180 feet, more or less; five board bouses there
ou. Seized ami takeu in execution as the
property of A. E. Barnbart at the suit of EC
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim
of A E Barnbart of, in and to a lot of ground
situated in the borough of Millerstown, Butler
county l'a., containing 25x1(>0 feet, more or
less; iMiuuded north by the Luttierau church
[ lot, east by Main street, south by Central ave
£ > 1 O •Jt'c °j Ifi*il =l£ I Sjj I|M -al»" 1
li pas CO £
%1 -OS2C! , §«* $
*;! —' —' s 3 a~s "Ss £
* •SUI- g gs£,i"jx'Sl!-2«:3-sji|J £
Juli g i-i^g-S|g-j|j*ilJ||t|: f
•rj Uj —r-£r -~ z £™;*2SsSfc'SS , "aso ?*
* 1 '" ™' l 1 J =-- C>. ~~ j■- 2 ■*% 2—~ ? ~ CO C =JS "7: J®
? . < !|]I!i|!!ii!!!fiil!!!41!i I
czd I!ifillIllf|illl^l-lxt|i»|
-* jq —■ -a i£ O >-~ ». ?
£ ■^«3-- J I
Nevr.» ,iu»iDg our experience a« buyers and manufacturers of clothing nave we t*een the market in bo deprossod a condition at it has
neen this reason. Hie Htiibbomne>s with which Summer had lingered in the lap of Winter had a verv depressing effect upon prices.
W hen our buyer reached New \ork ho did n<u intend to buy one dollar's worth of Clothing, but the manufactliters accosted htm and
offered mm such uhicli were ir resist able. They had t lie goods, tiiey wanted th* money. ;nd therefore named such low
prices an even to you will appear ridiculous. The result was that our buyer took the advantage of the flat market and secured Men's,
Hoys and Children'* Overcoats at 40 per cent, less than they coat to manufacture. Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits he bought at
about one-haif the prices these r'a.ine manufacturers a.-ked for same goods four weeks ago. llats and Furnishing Goods in proportion.
Being bought cheap. w\i intend to sell them cheap, living the people of Pittsburgh and vicinity tbe full benelit of this unprecedented
purchase. Nevtr have we at any one titre had as large *nd desirable btock of t-eancnabie goods in our sto*e as at the present time, and
it seein* a gitst pity to cut pi ices to, tut we mecn slat-li and biasli it shall be. Thin gieat loss—and loss it is—falls upon the manufac-
and were it not for our great enterprise and ability to pay spot cash for those tremendous lots of *oods the people of Pittsburgh
and vicinity would not have tins unheard-of opportunity of securing such excellent Clothing for such insignificant prices. Merchants in
tbe countly who are not "tided up with Winter Goods will do well to come in and a>tort their stocks at our Ketail Prices. They 'Jill
nave money ai.il get better goods than they usually handle.
We have in 30(j rhfcdes and matotials, many 1
styles or made with long, soft roll, and we ohow
home elegant garments with the Silk FiclngH-
Reverbible Overcoats and Ul
Which being translated means two coats in one. !
surpasses any previous di.-plae. Over 100 differ- i
ent styles in handsome light and dark patterns:
Men u Ci.;uoijilla Otniooats > 1 r,2 to i 5 87
Men's Fancy Back Overcoats ;i 50 to 875
Finn German Beaver, English
Kersey and Melton tiveicoats 6SO to LI 75 !
Ftench Diagonal and Worsted
Overcoats with or without
Bilk I'scitigs 7 00 to \'i 37 ■
Men's Cashirnerc Suitr, 1 00 t„ 4 13 i
Men's Worsted Suit» jlB to 075 i
Men's Cheviot s»{ti;t 250 to 8 .io ;
Me: 's t!a.~Mmcrc Suits G 5<J
Nlen's t-'igii-di Mixed Suits 3 75 to 10 37 ;
Mens flne-t TngiißU (Jasaiuiere.
Worsted snd Diagonal Suits, 10 00 to 17 50
Cut iu English Walking CoaLa and Double or
Single Urea.-.ted Saci. Styles,
Men's g£t«t"h Oheviot Pants * 1 (,'fl to 4 2 30
Men's Worsted Pants, Sprit.g
Bottom or Wide 81 to 325
M' n's Cassiiijere Pai:'s, Spting
Bottojn or Wi«!e 68 to 300
{mpoit' d Worried and Finest
Broad Cloth Pants 235 to 450 j
Kaufmann's Cheapest Corner,
•V* m & 87 SMITH.Fm,D COR. (MAM&MD ST.,
Parties living out of the city can have Suits or Overcoats gout to them on approval by giving reference in the city.
Goods will be sent C. O. I)., with privilege of examining, after receipt cf 25 cents for expressage. Our Review of
Fashions and llules for Self-Measurement will be sent free on application.
nue and west by an alley ; board house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as tin property
of A. E. Barn hart at the suit sf E S Crooker.
E I) No 7<>, Dec. T.,
All the right, title, interest and claim of J
M Miller and Kate P Miller, his wife, of. iu
and to all that certain piece, or lot of
croiinij siti'.iUvi iu n>e borough of Butler,
Butler county, Pa., bounded und described as
follows: <Ju the east by McKean street, on the
south by an alley, on tlie west by au alley and
on the north by a lot owned by Josiah M
Thompson,; being *)■' feet front oil McKean
street and running back ISO feet to the alley,
on which is erected a two story brick homo of
eight looms, being tin- same (IOI; C M;d lot pur
chafed by John M Miller tyid Kate I' Miller
from ,l;(iue»i l.kiftVfC. Seucd und takeu iu exe
r.uti.'V as the property of John M Miller and
Kate 1* Miller, his wife, at the suit of Sarah
Piuiner (widowi,
E D No 7'i, iV'c T., 1881 ;Goucher, McCandless
and Lusk, ait'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
John M Thoiiijison of, in and to a certain piece
of land situated in Jefferson township. Bulb v
connly, l'a., bounded as follows • < *t; tt-trlft
by John ltiehard. east .ia.ion Beck, south
by Win M'Us." *1 a' , ll1 "' wi it by Andrew
1.«t.. r;'contiiitiing 144J acres and allowance to
he same, more or less, beginning al a post on
the north-west corner, thence by lands of Jucob
Beck north M> r ' west perches to a post,
thence by lan U of Jacob Beck -«-t li-'i
pen lies to a |Mi«-t, tli*;e,:o ftv-i " perches to it
IKISI. jou.o •"'« ea-t p» rche.> to A post,
htciu.a by lauds o| peter Smith et al., now
Danii.l Walltll, »outh Wi st ;n rehes lo
a p.u.l, theuee by lands of Jol.n Beikert north
2" wo»t 7.'/ perches to the place of beginning;
log house, log stable thereon ; about /."» aeres
cleared. Seized and taken iu execution as the
pro|iertv ol'Johli M 'fhompsou al tile stilt ol
Daniel Feidler, John I'. Martin, Josiah M
Thonipson and S B Thoui) son lor .■,
Al.iH \ll tha tiiU, Interest und claim
'l Tlifmixou o|', in and to one hun-
and -evenly live ■ 175) acres of land, more
or less, situated in Marion township, Butler
county, Pa., bounded as follows: On the
north by lands of John Medberry and Patrick
Mo Bride, ca>' by lauds of John Mnrr'.n and T
M 'fhompson, south by lands of John Mnrrin
and 1 M 'fhompsou, west by lands o(
(iilchrist and (ieorge M'"i!,i i'ty, l>v!n - the tract
known as It;e Doita'd-ou iiirm'. log house, log
bartl thcr,■■lll . about Ml ueies i leaied. .Seized
it nil yi'kcu in Execution as the propertv ot J M
Tlioi.ip 'iu at the of I li'llfi', Johli
C Merlin, Josiah '1 iititujKkJU and S B
Thou'.p.uu fur list?.
Ai.sti—All the right, title, interest and claim
of John M 'fhompsou of, in ami to thirty 10)
acres of land, more or less, situate i:i Forward
township, Butler county, l'a., hounded
lows: Adjoining lands of M U-ietel S lleckert
ou the east, ou tl".: »outli by lands of ("hew, ou
tin.: by lauds id t ieorge llartman ami on
Itie north i>y lands formerly belonging to John
N Pur via nee; no improvements. Seize I and
taken iu uxecutiou as the prupurty i t John M
Thoin:.:.ou ;;t the si,i( ui i'ami I Feidler, John
C Martin, Josiah M Thompson and S KThoinp-
IBOU for use.
A IJK) —Al! the right, title, interest and claim
of John M Thompson of, iu and lo ninety (!Ht)
acres of land, more or less, situate in Fairview
township, Butler county, l'a., bounded as lot
lows : ()u the mirth by lands formerly owned
by W C Adams dee'd, east by lauds of heirs ol
Win Ray, s uth bv lands of John T Ray and
Itobt Banks, west by lamlsol Thomas Banks ;
frame dwelling house and log ttablc thereon ;
mostly cleared. Seized and taken iu execution
as the property of John M Thompson al the
suit of Daniel Feidler, John C Merlin Josiah
M Thompson and S R Thompson for use.
Al-so— AU the right, title, iutere.t and claim
of John M Thompson of, in and '.'i - fceiUtin
piece or parcej oi lui.ii situate oi town
tbip, Butler county", l r a., containing liixty acre*,
' In tho conduct of oar Hat business, as in oar
I Clothing, we have many imitators. They imitate
I our st\les; they copy our show windows, and ad
| vertise to retail at wholesale prices "BUTTHEY
DOST." "WE DO." We buy direct from the
manufacturers, no les* than a case of one kind,
j and the great quantity penults us to sell them
I a; a small profit.
i Men's Good Working Hats. 25c to 48c.
Men's fioo.l Winter Caps. .7c to 37c.
Men's Fashionable Stiff Hate 56c to *1 50.
I Men's Imitation Seal Caps. 67c to el 12,*
Men'- Fine Fur Hofr Hals. ?I 15 to S2 75.
Men's Fine Stiff Dress Hats, * 1 02 to i? 2 50.
Bovs' School Hats, only lllc.
Clnl lreii B Fancy Turban Hats. 16c to $1 10.
CL ildren's Polar Caps. ?6c to 75c
Bovh' Dress Hats, latest styles. <jsa to $ 1 10
Hoys Fashionable StiiT Hat*, lie to f 1 30.
! undershirts & drawers.
We lulnid to wsk« np the Uudeisbiit trade of
! Pitlrdurg. and the way we ar< going about it is
Ito break down fancy prices. We are going to
I se!! a single Undershirt or a pair of Drawer* as
low as we would sell them t v the dozen Extia
size Cnde shirts and Drawers as largo as 52
! iidies. If vou need Lndt-iuear now is the time
I to purchase
j Double Jticanted Dine Flannel Shirts. 4Sc.
I Men'* Caniigan Ja-kets. 50c to $3 75.
! Good Undershirts and Drawe>s, 17c.
Bed Flai.nel and Knitted Shirts and Drawers,
4!V to •« 1 CO.
Men's Melton anil Plaid Shirts. '29 c to $1 10.
Men's Seamless Wool Socks. 13c.
j Striped Merino Half-hose, (i to :i7c.
Silk Wtb Suspenders. 27c.
Latent novelties in Neckwear, and largest as
sortment in Clloves.
Our Perfect Fitting Hoysl Dress Shirts we
j have in four qualities, 4*c. 71c, 87c a-id 98c.
more or less, adjoining lands of John Bear,
Hon E McJunkin, O D Thompson et al.;
about 25 acres cleared ; log house and log barn
thereon. Seized ar.d taken in execution as the
property ol J M Thompson at the suit of
lUniel Feidler, John C Martin, Josiah M
Thompson and S K Thompson for use.
At.sn—All the right, title, interest und claim
of Joh ii M Thompson of, in and to sixtvltiii)
acres < f land, more or less, situated in \\asli
iugton township, Butler comity, Pa., bounded
as follows- On the iiurtli by lands of John
I .hard, east by Uiiliaril mills road and lauds of
Bond, south by lands of Daniel Addlcman,
wot by lands of Klisha Hilliard ; mostly clear
ed ; log house, log stuble thereon ; 'also all the
coal, iron ore, oil, limestone and other miner
als of any and all kinds whatsoever in, upon
end under that certain piece of laud, lying and
adjoining tha above sixty acres and divided
therefrom by tlie Hilliard mills road. Seized
and taken in execution as the proiierty ol J M
Thompson at tile suit of ll.ituid beidler, J C
Martin, Josiah M TUiuu|*<m and S It Thomp
son for nsv.
A I.si i - All the right, title, interest and claim
of John M Thompson of, iu and lo one hundred
and twenty acre., of hind, more or less, situate
in Oakland township, Butler county, l'a, sub
ject to I-I', royalty of all oil,bounded us follows:
on the north by lands ol Francis Whitniire; cast
by lands of lohli \V tiiiiiure and the heirs of
Philips, dee'd, south by John N Nej man
und \N J iJobb, and west by lands of
the heirs of Ju Philips, dee'd, and W J
Kobh; Iraitie dwelling bouse, lraine bank barn,
old log house, spring house and fruit trees
thereon; mostly cleared. Seized ami taken in
execution as the property of J M Thompson at
the suit of Daniel i'eioier, J <' Martiu, Josiah
M Thompson uud .S K Thotu|«un for use.
Al.so —All the right, title, interest and claim
ol J \l Thompson 01, in and lo forty-live acres
ol i<ind, more or less, situated in I lie Ixirough
of Butler, Butler county, I'll-, iMtuinletl us fol
lows : Ou north by lauds ol (' Dully, east by
Main street, south by lands ol M .Sullivan, C
Walker and t'n ion street, west by Mrs lleincr; a
large two-story brick dwelling house tt'.vroon
erected, lraine stable, coal bank n.i'.il large orch
ard. Seized and takt'd la execution as I lie
property ol V IFompson at the suit ol
D'.Ui'et Vv-'dli r, J l Martin, Josiah M Thou.p
suu and S 11 Tuouipsou far use,
Ai>i» All the right. tlUe, interest and claim of
.loiin Al. Tbomp-ou, oi, ill aliil lo titty i."iO) acres of
I.out. more or U'vs. situate iu Wa hinalou township,
I'.lltief iHiiuii), I'll., bouiiileil its follows: On the
lioilh by hums of Mrs Sellebaugli, east by lands
ol , south by hunts of Win Wasson,
went by lauds ol Mr. Scllehitugli et al. ; liarily
cle.iii d ; log iitii.se and log barn liiereoo. Sei/eil
and taken in execution as Utc pro|icrt.v ol .1 .M
1 lioui|ison, at tie sit ( i.; Itaiiiel l eiilier, .1 (' Mar
11ii, Josiah Al Tho»ui>sou and S K Thoui]>sou, lor
Ai-S'i VUtherighl, lilit*, interest and claim of
John M 'l'lioiiipsoii oi, ni and to a certain piece or
parcel of i. ml situate ilt Oakland and ( uncord
towi.ships. Untlef isauily, l'a.. bounded as fol
low.. • at a iHistouihe east line of a
tract lu tin- warrant niiin - ol John Jamison, Jr..
being also the north-east corner of a tract of land
Itcreio/ote conveyed by W II Clyincr to I'lilllp
I'allneri, thence along the west line of hinds of
Jo!in lleally's licii's and the west line ol .lie other
land ol the t late of \\ Ii t'lymcr, north 174 de
grees west 'JI.: | erciics lo a (nwst ami stone tin*
north-east corner of auotber tritet of laml
unsold, of lln- estate ol Win It t'lymer, llienci
a'nuK Hie east line ol said last iiieiitloncd tract
soulh I'i degrees, casl lio perches to a |s>st the
uorlii-v.e t corner of the hit conveyed lo I'iollti
I'almert, thence along the north line of said lot
noriii s:c, UegrecM. t asi uu perches to the place o(
heguiiung ; cotilalulng IIS acres and l:il petches,
slriet mrashre ; nnlmproxed. Seized and tHl.cn
iu execution as the property of .1 .VI Thompson, ill
the suit of Daniel Feidler, .1 <' .Martin, Joslall
I liornoson ami S K Thompson, lor use.
I!. D. No. si, Dec. T., I.SH| ; ltramlon att'y.
All tin- right, title, interest and ela'.in vf J. ?.
Itroell of, iu and to eleven Ml av>'s )\ IJUIU, more
or less, situated tn Ki j ward ton ushtji, Butlercoun
ty. l'a b aiti.teti as follows, to wit : On the north
by A 'I rudbel aiid Martin Sinkheru, on the east by
lJeury Spltoler, on the south by Counot|ueuessing
et,Vck, ou the west by A. 'lTushel ; mostly ch ared ;
InjT house and log stable thereon. Seized and
Hoys' Good Overcoats i 92 to $ 2 10
Children's Durable Overcoats 75 to 198
|Cheviot Overcoats and Uister
ettes 212 to 650
! Boys' Fine Dress Overcoat J 3£o to 975
| Overcoats and Ulaterettes for Children in the
St. Julieii, Foxliall and Prince Charles Styles,
which are our latest productions. Cannot be
surpassed in price and quality.
Boys' School Suits, only 98
Boys' Cassimere Sluts $2 *7 to * 6 50
Boys' Cheviot Suits 212 to 550
fr"me Blue and Brown Check Cas
simere Stiits, with or without
Silk Facings 5 25 to 9SO
Extra Fine Dress Suits, cut in
Latest Styles 7 50 to 11 00
Children s Blouse Suits, only 80
Children's Cheviot Suits, large
variety 158 to 500
Children's Union Cassimere Suits 115 to 275
Children's Pleated Blouse with
Belt 218 to 562
Impoited Tricot, Serge, of Gran
ite Suits, elegantly trimmed
and made 337 to 625
In Children's Kilt Suits we have none of
the prottiest styles ever shown, at extremely low
prices, and we make a sp-cialty of these goods.
taken in execution as the property of J P Itroell,
at I lie suit of W I) Brandon, for use.
K I) No 7:i, Dec. T, issi ; (' McCaud'ieas att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Win A
Shreve ami Asa W Say of, iu and to one hundred
I'ercs of land, more or less, situate in Oakland and
Concord townships, Butler county, l'a., adjoining
lam's of A I' Christy, Clymer heirs and John
W.iiiinlre, being the same piece or tract of laud
sold by James K Campbell to Say and Shreve;
about 70 acres cleared and fenced ; frame dwelling
house and log ham Iherenn and two oil wel's,
producing about fi barrels per day, and the neces
sary uipcliiliery to pump the same. Seized anil
taken iu execution as the property of Wm A Slirevo
s-iiil Asa W Say, at tlie suit of Jaines It Campbell.
K I) No (CI Dec. T. I SSI ; Creer. Kiddie and Lusk,
All Ihe right, title, interest and claim of Davul
Me \|illjau 01, 111 and to lifty t.'iO) aeres of land,
more or less, situate 111 Jefferson township, Butler
county, l'a., iHiunded as follows : On the north
by lands ol Kohert Stewart's heirs, east by lands
of <ieorge We'cli and public road, soutll by landa
of Mailliev. luckett and public road, west by
lands of Isaiah Hartley ; frame house. IV4 stories
high, log barn and orchard Idereon. about 4u
acres cleared, balance in good timber. Seized
and taken iu execution as the property of David
McMllllan, at the suit of John Maizlaud.
K D No 4, Dec. T. l"M ; Kastinsn, att'y.
All the right, liilc. interest and claim of Jerry
Maloucy 01, hi and loslxty too) acres of land, more
or less, situate lu Donegal township, Itutli r county,
l'a . bounded as follows : On the north by Mat
ilicw Fonpicr and Double heirs, east by I' Burns*
heirs, soul.l by Adam Will, west by Jerry Maloney
and Milh r-lowii road ; frame house, log ham anil
frame ami log stable ; Irult trees thereon; luotitly
elcareil. Sei/e<l and taken iu execution as the
properly of Jerry Maloney, at the suit of K \V
H D NoT?. Dec T. IH.SI ; 1.7. Mitchell, att'y.
All the right, title, interest ami claim of Iti»bert
I.IMI renee of. In and lo all that certain tract or par
cel oi laud siluale 111 Min'ilycreek township, (hit
ler couiily. l'a.. bounded and descrllied as follows :
fteg-iiiiiiijs at a stone, thence south s»'i ilegrecs
west I.VI iierches along lands of Hubert Lawrence
,0:1 • nisi, tUonee norl.i .V.', degreiw.east 24|>erclie*
alo.ig Poner villi* road, I hence north 174 dcureea
ci st I." perches along same road, thence norlli J!l
«•«-•. rees east -.■« a-lo |terches along same road,
theuee iimHi iki degret-s east -10 perches aloiijc
..•me ro.ul, tlnmee north i*»degrees east s'i |icr-
C'le- aloiiK same road, thence north sic , ticKrees
e. v. «J perches toa post, thence south W- iM'rch
i HI asi one the place of beginning ; coul«'nhig4o
,-cres strict measure; mostly cleared.
Ai.so All the right, title. Interest ami claim ot
Itoliert l.awri uce of, in anil to all that certain
trael or piece of land situate ill Muddycieek twi>*
ISuiler county. Pa., boumletl and described as fol
low s Hcginiilig at a corner post, thence by lauds
of Hubert ami Samuel Lawrence south 2*4 degree#
east IHi perches In a post by lot No 16s, thence
south *7', degrees west si; perches to a |>ost, tlienca
by lauds ol Joseph Tcbay north 2'i degrees west
t:iu perches lo a post, Ihence by 10l No IBs north
s? 1 , tie :rees east HI perches to place of beginning ;
eon'la nlie; To aeres, more or less, mostly cleared ;
lon house and big barn anil orchard thereon. Seiz
ep ami taken m execution as the property of Kob
ert l.iw rence at the suit of C F Akins.
Awo All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Itoliert l.awrcnce ot. In end to all that eertalu
tract or parcel of land situate in the township,
oounty and State aforesaid, containing V*JU acres,
more or less, and the whole of said tract of '-110
acres being bounded and described as follows:
Adjoining lands of A llalph, W (iallagher anil I>
Shaw and other land of Hubert Lawrence, to wit:
beginning at a white oak, thence norlh S degree*
cast i'.O perches, thence south '! degrees east J4O
oeichcs, tlienci souths" degrees west '.JM) jH-rehen.
ilience north :i degrees west i.ifi |>erelies to place of
beginning ; about .'Hireres cleared. Seized and ta
k.in iti execntiou as the prope/ty of KolH-rt Uw
renee at the suit ol C F Akius.
TKHMS OF S.VI.K. The following must b«
strictly complied with when pro|>erty Is stricken
tlow II :
I. When the plalutill or other lien creditors be
come >he purchaser, the tswa ou the writs must
be paid, ami a list of the liens, including mortgage
searches on the proper!* sold, together with such
lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the pm-
CCCIIM of the s;sb' ot such iiortioii then-ot as lie may
ciallil. musl tie luniishetl the ShcrifT.
j. All bids must be paid lu full.
,<V All sales not settled immediately will be con
(Mined until I o'clock, i'. m. of next duy, at which
I'i.ie all property not settled for will again lie put
up ami sold al the ex|>eiise and risk of the |>crooii:
to whom llrst sold.
♦See Purdon's Digest, ntli Kditloti, page -Iki, antf
Smith's Forms, page aat.
Sheriff of Butler Couuty.
Sheriff'-. Office, Butler, Pa., Nov, 14,1881.