Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 30, 1881, Image 1

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Per year, in advance •••-"- • 55
Otherwise 1 w
No »ab«cription will be discontinued in til all
arrearage* are paid. Pwtmaeteru neglecting to
notifT us when subscribers do not take out their
papers will be held liable for the rakcnpteu.
Subscriber* removing from one poatofbce to
another should give oe the name of the former
as well a* the present office.
All communications intended for publication
n this paper must be accompanied by the real
name of the writer, not for publication but as
a guarantee of good faith.
Marriage and deith notices must be accompa
nied by a responsible name.
A' l ''' 6 "" THK BBTI-KR CITIZE.S.
Chicago & North-Western
EQUIPPED ! and hence the
It is the short and best route between CMeago
and all points in
Northern Illinois. lowa, Dakota. Wyoming. Ne
braska, California. Oregon. Arizona. I tali, Colo
rado. Idaho, Montana. Nevada, and lor
Cedar Kaplds, I**- 4 ' Moines. Columbus and all
points la the Territories, and the West. Also,
for MiluauV~<\ Oreen Bay. Oslikosh. Sheboygan,
Marquette. Fond du Lac, Watertown. Houghton.
>eenah. Men ash a, St. Paul. Minneapolis, Huron,
Volga, Fargo, Bismarck, Winona, Lacrosse,
Owatonna, and all point* in Minnesota. Dakota,
Wisconsin and the NortDwwl.
At Council Bluffs the Trains of tlu> Chicago &
North-Western and the C. P. B'ys <l«*rt from,
jirrlie a land use the same Joint Union Depot.
• At Chicago, close connections are made with
the Lai.- Mliore. Michigan Central, Baltimore &
Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago
A (intml Trink K'ys, and the Kankakee and I'an
Hai.ille Route*.
Close connection* made at Junction Points.
It Is the DXI.V LINK running
Pullman Hotel Dining Cars
Chicago and Council Bluffs.
Pullman Weeper* on all Night Trains.
Insist upon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets
via this road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse
to buy If they <t» not read over the Chicago *
North-Western Hallway,
If you wish the Best Traveling Accommodations
you will buy your Tickets bv tills route,
All Ttek.-t Agents sell Tickets by this Line.
MAKVIN HUGHITT. 2d \. P. i tien'l Mang'r
] f»iT\ LIFETI
H *soisfait&so. \
0 G'hicago ill.*— 5
28sep0m |OJ Hl«th Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
N« xt year Tiir Hum will make it* fifteenth
annual revolution under the present manage
mint, shining, n* always, foi all, big and little,
mean and gracious, contented aud unhappy.
Republican and Democratic, depraved and vir
tuous, Intelligent and obtuse. Til* WUN'a light
I* of mankind and womenkind of every sort;
but its general warmth ia for the good, while
it poms hot discomfort on tin: blistering baak
ol the prcrist' ntly wicked.
Tub Kith of liw* was a newspaper of a m-w
klud It discarded inanv ol the forma and a
multitude of the superfluous words and phrase*
ol ancient journalism. It undertook to report
lu a Iresh, succinct, unconventional way all the
news ol the world, omitting no event ol human
interest, and commenting upon affairs with
the fearlessness of absolute independence. The
slice** ot this experiment was the auces* of
Tiin 8u». It effected a pcriuauent change in the
style of American new*j>ap«rs Every im|ior
tnut Jumul e>iabllsh«d 111 ml* country In the
dozen years past has been modelled alter ~"u*
Bt;*' Every Imiicrtant Journal already existing
lias been modified and bettered by the force of
Til* Hum'* example.
TH> Hi - * ol IBTJ will lie the same outspoken,
truth-ic.ling, and Interesting newspaper.
Uy a liberal u-c ol the means which an abun
dant prosperity afford*, wn sinll make It Ijett«-r
than ever Itcfoie. We shall pilnt all ihD newg,
pulling it into tea tabic shape, and raeisuring
lis linporlanoe, not by thu tridltional jar stick,
bui by lt» real Interest to the people Dl-Vance
from Piliitlnir House- qu ire is not the first con
sideration wiih Tiik hi;* Whenever any thing
happen- worth teporting we get she purlieu*
lam, whether It h.i|ipuus in lirooklyii or in
In politic* we have dM'Ui'd opinion*; and we
are uccuntoioed l<> expreM Ihi in In lainiuaife
lli.it can be understood. We *ny when we
think about men unH event* Tlmt tin' li In the
only neuri to' TIIK »(;*'» political courne.
The weekly edition ol Tnr. *i!H gather* Into
el({ht |>nfc'** the hi nt mutter ill the tuveu daily
l-mieo. A" Agricultural Department ol une
qu iled merit, lull marl-ent report*, nod n liiier
ill proportion ol literary, MIMIIIIIC, mid domei
llc Intelligence complete I IIK WBEKI.T Bus,
and make It the be»t newspaper lor the luruicr'*
Jjou* hold ilint wi* ever printed.
W!m ilw.n uut know 'mil read and like Tux
HATIIKUA* HI:.M, each number ol wlileli I* a
Uoloonda of iuterentiiiif literature, with ih«
be*t poetry of ll»<" day, pro*e every lino wr.rth
reading, new*, humor—matter euoOKh to till «
lfood>*lzed book, and liill'ilielj more varied
and entertaining tb ill any book, bin ordlltlef
it our Idea ol what a newspaper ihould bi
JILEUAE* you* - end 1 » »r I'LIR HUM.
Our term* are i* IOIIOWH:
Kor the dally HI;.N, a lour-page dbe.et of twen
ty eight column*, the price hy mull, po»t paid,
I* S!S cent* a month, or, ftf.9o a yeai, or, includ
ing the *uiiday pip'-r, an cUbtpnge *heet ol
fllt\-*lx column*, the prln I* cent* t month,
or • .70 i yeir ( >o#taire paid.
The aund LY edition of TUB SUN i« nluo furn-
Idbed Hfparalely at Cl.iO a yc.ir, postage paid.
The pi ice of the WRKKI.V .SI;K, eltjht page*,
fllty nl* column*, i* *1 n ve*r. pontage paid.
Kor cluh* ol ten sending CIO we will *elid un
extra copv free.
Addre** I. W. KNULAND.
tfn«t| fnbltouw of Tins oV*, Sitfw Yofrk t-Hr-
fi\\Wn .JlUk Ciikp.
Jar) LKI lor l>ee. Term.
Li#l of Grind Jurors drawn for Dicember
Term fit Court, commencing the first Mouday
beicg the slb day, 13S1 :
Howard Coulter, Concord township, farmer.
Alleu Dunn, Frmklin, farmer.
Jot-epli Venango, larmer.
James H Graham. Penn, larmer.
f David Garvin, Craiilierry, farmer.
Robi rt Henry, Oakland, farmer.
Philip Hllliart, A'arhionton, merchant.
William Logan, Middlesex.
Thompson Kyle. H irrUville borough.
K O McAboy, Hui'er.
James McLymonds, Concord.
Calvin Mi-Gill, Marion.
J H Moore, Washington.
W F Metzsrar, Butler.
Marrhill, Forward-
D O P.sor, Concord.
Chri-tiai. Kinker, <'herry.
Daniel Stamm, Jackson west, merchant-
Samuel Shira, Washington, farmer.
James Sproul, Cherry.
James Thompson, Cherry.
Thomas Woods, Clinton.
F B Wally. Parker.
Jacob Yukis, Centre.
List of Traverse Juror* drawn lor the Decern
her term of Jourt, commencing second Mon
day, being the 12th day, IS'I :
Eli Anderson, Clinton township, farmer.
H J Brown, C'laj township.
l-a.'U- Harris, Connoquenessinir north.
William Hruden, Donegal, refiner.
William Bowen, Forward, farmer.
Isaiah I Brown, Centre.
Alien Barr, Prospect, dealer.
Jf.rncs Ezra Christie, Cherry, larmer
Edward Campbell, Worth.
Harvi y f'nmphell. Concord.
C C Cocper, Allegheny.
Joseph Collins, Fairview west, laborer.
Ileury Powney, Donegal larmer.
Benjamin DoutbeU, Adams
J M Daubenspeck, Concord.
W B Dodds, Mudd; creek
D L Dunbar. Forward teacher.
A Fennel, Cleai field, farmer.
Brnill. Greer, Jelled on
William Hensliew, Prospect.
June- A. Hunter, Buffalo.
Philip Hildebrand, Donegal.
Tboipp*i»n Harbison, Middlesex.
Patrick Carr, yenangl).
A lain Horn, Sunbu.-y, shoe mater.
James Kerr. Hawisville, merchant.
W D Kelly, Millerstowu, grocer.
DS King, fhirview east, Farmer.
Columbus Kelly, Cranberry.
Isaac Lefevre, Jefferson.
A M McCandless, Centre.
W C McC.islin, Concord, shoe maker.
John Montgouieiy. Clinton, larmer.
J C Montgomery, Oakland.
L V McOao<iie»s, Centre.
William Murtland, Concord.
Harvev Miller, Butler borough.
Peter Nigh, Summit, larrner.
Michael Ponlius, Fairview west.
J C Ked ck, Builer through, drugelst.
J G Rcolck, Slipperyrock, blacksmith.
Lowii an ibcarer. Prospect, niorchant.
J B Smith, Brady, farmer.
Dawson Wadsworlb, Slipperyrock.
Al<-it Welsh, Penn.
Ulerlck West Butler liorou/h, teamster.
W S Wick, * lay town-bit), Urinei.
Conrod Wagm r, Forward.
Xotice to fc|iper%iM»rtt and
all Inlrrrkl^it.
Tlic lollowlng Koad petitions have been con
firmed ni'ji bv the Court and will I e prevented
for coi.Hrii.ntlon ah olutely. on Wednesday, the |
7th day ol Dec. next, 18UI, should no execpuous :
Ite tiled
No. 7. June 1881, Road in Lancaster town
ship, to lead from .in atdi tree on the C. Hhead
larm on Die Harm'my and Mercer road to
what is 'ulled the Yellow Creek road, «trlUlnir
paid road .it a point eal|e(J t|ie ol'l nail work*
No. H, June, 18>»1. To vacate, cliangu and |
supply public road In Jeoer*on township which
IK known a* the Cilsimn's Mill roiid between a
point oi or near the N. E. corner ol Wtn. H. j
Grahies* lanu In said township.
Certified Irorii the Record thin day ol
Noveirber, IWI.
Nov. tt, tt. W. A. WftIOHT.CPk tj 8. j
ha* jtj-it received a fine stock of
Please tall and examine hi* goods before buy
The Philadelphia Weekly Press.
• By a favorable arrangement with
publishers of The I'rerx we are ena
bled to HC rid The Philadelphia Weekly
PrcHM and the Butler CITIZEN for one
year for $2.50, all postage paid.
We want five first class agents for
Holicilio# orders for Fruit and Orna.
mental trees. Terms liberal. Call In
dividually, or address,
nlfitf Butler, Pa.
A Lpid urocticul girl tp do cooking, washing
and Irouiug in a privaio lauiily. Will pay 9.'! 00
a wiek. None but competent one* need apply.
Leave address at thin office. lbnitw
Or. Frease's Water Cure.
A health Institution In lis 88th year. For
nearly all kind ol Chronic diseases. and en pe
dal I y the dj-eases ol Women. Invalids are in
vited to correspond with us. Circular* free.
Address, 8. FREABK, M. D., New Brtirhton,
Beaver Co., Pa. lyjune2a
Livery % Feed Stable,
in prepared to aceominodate the public in hi*
line of business.
Good rig* and good horse* guaranteed-tV-?
/?•#" your order* for the Omnibus either
at the Lowry House, or at stable. [Mscp.'lm
parties troubled with baldness and loss ol hair.
The "Alpha llulr Kcntoier" Is the lint and only
remedy ever known that ha- never failed In a
single ease. and we will pay 1100.00 In any case
wlie e It fall* to produce hair il properly used
Send I JI Circulars and sworn testimonial!- to
JAMES MURPHY A CO., General Amenta.
'4'-' Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Prce per bottle, i-.00, or three bottles for #5.00
Procured for all soldiers dlaableil In the U N. ser
vlee from :tn> cause, also for heirs of deceased sol
diers. The slightest disability entitles to pension.
PKNMIONS l.\< KKAHKI), Itonnty and new dis
charges procured. Those m iloulit as to whether
entitled to anything, should send two .1 cent
stamps forour "circular of informatloii." Address,
with stamps,STOOP AHI K< " , Mollcllarinf Claim*
ami Patent*. Washington, i> C. LOCK b0x.023.
Large number ot Farms lor sale or exchange
at low price* and on easy pay mi nis, several
small (arm* Iroin Wi to l>o acres wanted. Also,
loans furnished to tanners having Improved
la ruin oo long time aril at low rates. Address
W. J. KIHKADDEN, Free port, Pa.,
Or call in Office days: Every Monday at
Freepoit. Every Tuesday at No. 00, Fourth
Avenue, Pittsburgh.
Union YVoolon Mill,
11. FUIJLEKTOX. Frop-r.
Manufacturer ol HI.ANKKTS, KI.ANNKI.*, YARNS,
Ac. Also custom work done to order, such at
carding Rolls, making Blankets, Flannels, Knit
ting and Weaving Yarns, Ac., at very low
prices. Wool worked on the shares, il de
sired. mv7-lv
1 mm • jf.- Owvnaivv.
Office in Fairview borough, lu Telegraph
, ftulC] BALIAVIH P, 0.1 Butler Co., PFC
The Best and Cheapest Newspaper
An Extra Copy to every Club of Tt-n.
?10 pays for one year, Sundays included,
i"i pays for one y»-ar without Sundays.
i't pays for six iLonths, Huiidars included.
pays lor six uiualbs, wilhoul Sundays.
(J pays for one year lor any specified day of
the week.
il per month (including Sundays) will be
ci.argj.-d on ftjbscripiious lor a less period than
three months.
Daily »17 30
Weekly (European Edition) - 400
Weekly (Domestic Edition) - - 200
Daily Edition - Two auij a bijli ceutg per Copy
SUl. day Edition - - - Pour cents per Copy
Weekly Edition - - - Two cents per Copy
N. B —Not less than five copies mailed to
newsdealers at wholesale rates.
We allow no commission* on subscriptions
to Daily Edition.
Hrpsd wy and Ann Street, New York
to be sent free to subscribers.
Ist, The Rural Heavy Dent Com.
The heaviest weight of kernel and car. One
b'4t?dred 4 nd 17 bjjshels of shelled corn per acre
ou hO acres. So certified to.
2d, Rural Thoroughbred Flint Corn.
Raided in the Rural family for 26 consecutive
years. Longest ears 18 inches.
3d, Wvser's Cross-Bred Fultzo-Clawcon
The largest kernel of any wheat in cultivation
eo claimed. Hardy, disiiaee-resjsting, prolllc.
4th, Surpri&e Wheat.
Four kernels in a breuft. Very prolific aud
hardy. At the rate o' ~z bushels per acre has
been raised out mall plots.
sth, Shumaker Wheat.
Early, prolific and hardy.
6th, Qhajjpnger Lima Beans.
Seed selected through tbiee generations. Often
six beans iu a pod Double the yield ol a'iy
other Lima.
7th, Perfection Golden Heartwell Celery.
8< vi ral Hearts to a strlk.
Bth, The Perfect Gim Squash.
>V (parcel i,i pi pductjr'iiesn. Fine-gruinec'.
swc'-l, dry*—comolning the e* -etltnc|es ol both
the Summer and Winter squ:t*b.
9th. Rural Chater Hollyhock.
A perfection f| iwer. Three feet of brilliantly
colored rosetts—white, IpiU'in, buf|, r<l-e, red,
crimson, maroon :in'l U'-ai ly black.
All except three NEVER ottered for sale.
$2 000 worth of Valuable Presents
from leading Mi-d of the Couutry
for lb- best yield" from llu> Rurt>i Dent and
Thoroughbred Corns ind Wysor's Fullzo-Claw
son Wheat.
Subscribe lor the RURAL NEW YORKER
lor ll 00 wbile ihe opportunity oiler*. Addrcsr
11l lt il. JiKW - 1 Ul< 14KK*
(lor specimen copies, which w ill be sent to all
applicants Iree),
04 Paik Row, New York.
The Nkw YORK Op.-KitVEft has now the
largest circulation ol Its class. Jt Is
It will enter its
with a sheet lour times the si»e of its llr«l i«sue,
lull ol Foreign and Mom stic News ; with vig
orous Editorials upon malleis ol religious and
seculir Interest; with carefully edited Depart
in nts lor children, Sabbath Hchool Teachers,
Fa in' rs and Business Men , with eight active
Editors, an unrivalled stall of Foreign Corre
spondent. and paid Writers and Contribulois
In every part ol the Country.
\i: iv iiook
Willi Steel Porlrilt of the Author,
Is given to any one sending us a hrma fiilc New
8UH«CH!IIBII and 111 15 lor the coming year.
Hpccimcn copies free Address :
10n3 m New York.
We continue to act as Holieitors for Patents, Cave
ats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc . for the Culled
States, Canada. Cuba, l.iiglninl, France, (Jerinanv,
ete. We have had Ihlr.j-nve years i tprrl
Patents obtained through MS are noticed 111 the
SciK.VTIKH' AMKItIcAH. Tills large and splendid
illustrated weekly paper. $.'1.20 a year, shows the
progress of Heidicc. Is very interesting and has
mi ehoniKiiix cir«iiliitiim, Atldpcss Jtr.VN' * ('(I.,
Patent Holloluirs.l'vbllshers of SriK.NTI i-IP Am ►H
ICAN..I7 Park Row. New York. Hand hook about
Patent* sent free. bum
Twenty-three neres of gorxl Iwtkim land ; for
merly used as a Driving Park and Fair Ground
at Monongabela Citv, well enclosed ; suitable
for market garden, vineyard Ac., is offered
■(*«»■* a-K.
Apply to JAMES P. HHEPLAR, President,
and J. 11. FIN LEY. Treasurer, Mononjiahels
City, Pa. Emiuiru of
Real Estate Agent, Finleyville, Pa.
niupiro through oun
HAm Duo country.
A new, fase|t,a°ing, mid exceedingly instruct
ive tiwograplilcal Game, thai vntcrtulus both old
and young.
Agents Wanted, Ladies or Gentlemen.
Now Is the time to t 'ke orders (or Christmas
Delivery. Send lor description and liberal
terms. Address, F C. A CO,
lOnfiw 451 Broad Hi., Newark, N. J.
I-Nlnlc of ( lirhloplicr .1111-
Letters of administration, cum testamenlo an
nexo, having been granted to the undersigned on
tlie estate of Christopher Miller, dee'd, lato ot
Clay township. Ilufler Co., I'a .all pcrviiH know
ing themselves Indebted lo salii estate are hereby
notllled that Immedlale paymenl Is reipureil and
lnose having claims agalml the same to present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
Sept al Coultersvllle, Butler Co.. I'a.
llNlaie of Jolin Cooper.
Letlem of administration bnvirig been granted
to the Undersigned on the estate of John W
''ooper, dee'd. late of ('oimoipienesHliig town
ship. llntli r Cp., Pa., all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payment and any having claims
sgainst the said estate will present them duly
aiitlientinsteil for pavmrrit.
1,. W. COOPER, Adm'r.
ocl'2o Wolf Creek P. 0., Mercer Co., Pa.
I Mule of Nnr|{nrcf
Letters testamentary, on estate of Margaret
COB dee'd, Iste of Venango township. Butler
«ui ty, I'a having been granted to tlio lirider
su ned, nil persons knowing th( msclves mdebtsd
to i a>d estate will please make immediate pay
met t, and anv having claims against said estate
will present them duly aiitl.entlcatod for pay
ment. MALINI'A COE. Kxocutrix,
Eati Ciwru, P. O , Butltr CnAluly, Pa.
Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lumbago,
Oackaehe, Soreness of the Chest, Gout,
Quinsy, Sora Throat, Swellings and
Sprains, Burns and Scalds,
General Bodily Pains,
Tooth, Ear and Headache, frosted Feet
and Ears, and all other Pains
and Aches.
No Preparation on earth equals Ht. Jacoh* Oil as
a sttfc, murr, nim/tlc and clu ap External Remedy.
A trial entails but the comparatively trifiinp outlay
of 30 Cents, and every one suffering v.ith pain
can have rbeap and proof of its claims.
Directions in Heven languages.
Baltimore, Md., U. 8, A*
i i
Is a Positive f'ure
r«r«l' tknsa Polnlul f'omplalnls nnil WmViiiMM
lurxmiiioi) touiirl"*! ffmnlc populull®"-
It wlllcuro intlrely the worst form of Female Com
plalnts, all ovarian trouMea, Inflammation an t Ctcara
tlon, f'allliiK aud Wsplaeements, amt the conarquout
Hplnal TTcalin«ui, aial la particularly adapted to the
Chsntrt* of IJff.
It will (lUw Iro end expel tumors from lh'' uterus In
an »ai ly itsgn of development. T)io tendrney to can
cerous humors there Is clw eked t'-ry speedily hy It.) use.
It removesfalntne«», flatulency, drMroyxall craving
for stimulant*, and rellcvf-s w<*alcness of th- st' niach.
It cures I'. 1 atlnif, llcadachea, Ncrvou* Prostration,
General XteUKty, lieprenalon and Indt-
nut ion.
That feeling ot hearing down, canning pain, wclirht
littokaclie, U plways permanently l y iti uae.
It wilt at all times and under ollelret:m«tances art In
harmony With tho laws that ROT. rn the female nyiiti m.
For thn rureof Kidney Corn plaints of either se* this
Compound la unsurpass d.
POCNDia prepareit at 2T13 and 235 WesUrn Annue,
J.ynn, Man., Price #1- Sir bottle*for #.V Sent hy mail
|n the form of pills, a'«o in tho form of iown. ej, on
«M-elpt of price, Ji per tx.a for either, Mr«. I'lnkiiam
freely ansivers all letters of inquiry. Send for pamph
let. Address as a!<ove. Hmtton thit I'liptr.
Jt<* family should t»a without I.YDfA E. PIN'KIIAM'S
t,IVEIt PIIJA. Tliey cure constipation, biliousness,
and torpidity of tho liver. Sicenta jk t box.
Hold by ull I>riicalata. "SI
are uneaalni sh and pain in
SIMMONS si ' l '' soliietlineM the
oiiuiuuiio lial , s i|( , t)( . hUou j,|,. rt
rtiiti is miHt.'ikeu for rheu
k'ni illsm ; the atomaeh m
___^ with lons of ilppe
il<- and slekjiexs; l 0*,.;,. |„ K |.|iertl. costive,
sometimes alterimtlni; with lux ; the head is
troubled with pain and dun, heavy sensation, con
siderable lohh ol meiiiory accoiiipanh d with pain
ful sensation of having left undone someihlliK
wliii-h ought to h U. I,' ,-n done ; often eoniplaln
liiK of weakness, debility
mid low spirits. Hoiue
(l|il«s tlUi'iy (<i (lie above
T TUnj »> inpliiiiix attend the dis
iilVliiv , u|( j ilt ~||,,.r times
very few of 1 111-111 , bllt Hie
llvr is generally theorKan
most Involved.
CI'RK Tllfc 1.1 VIC It with
Dr. Simmons Liver Regulator,
a preparation of roots anil hcrlis, warranted to be
strictly vegetable, and fan <lo no sort of injury to
anyone It lias been used l>> humlicds ami known
uuc of tlie must reliable.
" " ri> i. i J,,,,) harmless
|irn!i»rallon* ever offered
to tlie suffering. If taken
regolarly and persistently.
RTTJTTT ATfIP I ' ih hviif. to emu li\s-
,1 At M>l< K, liKAI>A< IIK,
IN TIIK. llol'HE,
for whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly
safe purgative, alterative and tonic ean never be
out of pluee. I'eiHons livlnu in uii|ieaithy locali
ties llltty avoid all b|l|oih attacks by lakiiiK a dose
o(MWudoiittlly lo keep ihe llwr In healthy aetioii.
Ik Vor i.'kaiiA Skiikm Altv l.irK, or are weak
ened by the strain of your duties, avoid stimulants
and take
ll K.MI ion, or feel heavy after meals or slpepli •. at
nlKht. take a dose of Iteuolator and von will feel
relieved ard sleep pleasantly. II <-;■ 11 be laken In
the place of Quinine or bitters of any kind; Ihe
dose Is small and Its > pint s undoubted.
Prepared only by .1. 11. Zellln & Co. U'/Junely
THE DtfllY fOnRN A T
Oemorest's Illustrated Monthly
Both Publications, One Year,
s£9o. (SEVEN FIFTY.)
Dkmoukht'h Monthly ih Ju-tly entitled the
World's Model Magazine. The I.urgent in Form,
the Largest In Circulation, and tho best TWO
Dollar Family M :i^s/.111(t issued. IKH2 will bo the
eighteenth year of it h publication it is now im
proveb so extensively an to pluee it ill the front
rank of Family I'ei iodicals, anil mpial to any
inaKa/.iuit. It contains ill (pages, lar«o quarto.
x J incline, elegantly pnnied on linled pa
per, fully illustrated. each iinnibor having steel
engraving*, oil picture, or art subjects, publish
ed by W. Jennings I lei no i est, New York, anil by
special agreement combined with tho
QA|LArOnRNAI»B $£ so per Yr
A n Li'Xf'PCl WA NT YOU In every
lij I County,to sell our Nk.w Au
tomatic ('AitrKT Hw 111 Kit. You can make
froiu WW to Sr..isi per day the year round. Ooisl
profits and rapid sales. Capital not necessary If
you can furnish good references. Address at once
WASHINGTON, NoFemJ>er 18.—Long
before tht- hour of opening tLe Court
several hundred ladies and gentlemen
assembled iu the eastern corridors and
patiently awaited admission to the
court room. At 9 o'clock the prison
van drove up and Guiteau, clutching
a huge bundle of papers in his manacled
hands, shuffled hurriedly into the build
ing. There was a marked absence of
a noisy demonstration on the part of
the bystanders, yet Guiteau plainly be
trayed fear of a sudden violence, which
always marks his movements whenev
er he deems himself at all exposed to
danger. He was taken to the priso-,
ner's room and devoted himself to read
ing the papers. At 9:30 the seats re- ,
served for the general public were en
tirely filled, four-fifths of tbem being !
occupied by ladies. Upon the opening
of court Mr. Scoville requested the
Court to take some m< asures to pre
vent the prisoner from giving to the ,
public his unauthorized communica- ]
tions, and also to prevent the annoying ;
interrup ions of the prisoner in the
court room.
During Scoville's remarks the priso
ner's face had been suffused with an
ger, and at their conclusion, without
rising from his cfcair, he said, excited
ly: "Mr. Scoville talks one thiug to me
in private and another in public. Last
night he spent an hour in jail with me
aud showed a different spirit from now.
That is his way. Ido not propose to
to put my case in his hands. He is no
lawyer and no politician i want first
class talent in this business, and 1 am
going to have it or there's going to be
trouble. Mind your business,' he con
tinued, fiercely struggling with the
Deputy Marshals who were trying tQ
suppress bim-
Scoville Yesterday the prisoner
told me bad another communication bo
intended to give the press.
'I don't care a snap about it's going
out,' interjected the prisoner, excitedly;
that settles It.'
'Keep quiet,' said Scoville, angrily.
'I told him, in order to keep it from
getting into tbe hands of the reporters,
I would see bim in jail about it I
went to tbe jail and he kept it in his
'I gave it to you myself,' broke in
'I went thore,' continued Scoville,
'and spent an hour suggesting different
points to prevent it from getting out.'
'You've got the document and you
can keep it,' exclaimed tbe prisoner.
'lf you say you Mill not give it out,'
begun Scoville, inquiringly.
I represent myself here,' was tbe
loud reply of tbe prisoner.
Scoville was evidently getting dis
gusted with the prisoner's conduct, and
it was in tones of annoyance that he
said to the Court: 'I do not propose
to be interrupted here by tbe prisoner
every day, nor spend an hour or two
at jail every day to prevent the priso
ner from giving out communications.'
Struggling with the Deputy Mar
shals, Guiteau exclaimed wildly, ad
dressing bis remarks, which were ut
tered very rapidly to Scoville; 'You
are no criminal lawyer. I have no
confidence in your capacity. I propose
to tret two or three of the first-class
lawyers in America to manage my
case ; and I want to say a word upon
law,' cried the prisoner, addressing tbe
Court: 'lf you expel me from the
court room, the court in banc will re
verse you. If tbe Court puts me out—
confounded fools, you !' be cried, turn
ing and struggling with the Deputy
Marshals, who were pressing him into
bis seat, from which he had half risen
'the Court will understand that he
will be reversed by the court in banc.
Mind your business; you ain't got no
sense,' he said, again turning upon tbe
deputies, with whom bo continued to
argue violently for some moments.
The Court—On several occasions in
courts of the ( T niteU States the priso
ner has been, on account_of disorder!)'
conduct, removed from tho court and
ihe case continued in his absence. It
was done in this very court in the case
of |jii\vrence,
Tlie prisoner (Interrupting and .strik
ing the table with his list) —It's totally
illegal and not in the court in Ameri
The Court—l will not resort to that
unless it is necessary ; but I admonish
the prisoner in advance, that if the ease
requires it, it will be done. I have
told you that at the proper time you
can be heard in your own defense, and
you shall be heard at the close of the
evidence if you desire it. Until that
time you must preserve silence.
'I came here as counsel, and I want
to be heard,' cried tho prisoner.
The Court (sternly)— You cannot he
(tuiteau—l accept your honor's rn I -
injr, and will let it go up to the court
of bane. If I am convicted the court
in banc will reverse you and will give
mo a new trial.
The ('oil! t (to Seoville) I shall pass
any order you desire in regard to the
The prisoner (impulsively)—l want
two or three of the best lawyers in
America, and 1 expect to tfet them.
The Court (severely)—We will not
talk about that.
'I don't care if you don't. I have
had my say,' exclaimed the prisoner as
a parting shot, ami he then relapsed
into comparative quiet.
District Attorney Corkhill then offer
ed in evidence certain letters which
were yesterday read to iilaine and
ami identified liy him.
Jos. N. Sharpc was then sworn II«
didn't see the shooting, but saw the
prisoner attempting to escajie and wit
nessed the arrest.
Klla M. Iligley testified to hearing a
conversation between (iuiteau and the
I haekman, while the former was ar-
I ranging to be driven to the cemetery.
I She also witnessed the shooting, and
Kave her evidence in a clear and
! straight-forward manner. She was
I ctvbbly crow-quotrttoired by tt&nrtfls,
but adhered strictly in every particular
to the evidence in chief. Deiug ques
tioi.ed as to Guiteau's manner when
talking to the hackman, she said he
was pale and appeared to be troubled.
She thought h<- must be going oui to
see the graves of some dead friends.
Witness described minutely the shoot
ing. the relative positions of the parties
at the time each shot was tired, and
positive the first shot took effect, as the
President threw up his hands and com
menced to sink down at the second
shot. Guiteau stepped two or three
steps nearer and held his arm higher
The witness proved to be the best one
yet examined upon the incidents of the
During the examination of these wit
nesses Guiteau was apparently absorb
ed in his papers. When the allusion
was made to his looking like tv man
about to visit the grave of his dead
friends, he glanced quickly at the wit
ness and allowed a faint, smile to linger
about his gutta percha hued lips.
William S. Crawford, wagon driver,
sworn—l saw the firing; could not see
the President, but distinctly saw Gui
teau aim and fire, and saw his arrest.
The witness was questioned at some
length by bcoville, particularly as to
how Guiteau wore his hat on that oc
casion. Guiteau put bis bat on, re.
marking: ,They're all mistaken on
the hat business; this is the way I wear
my bat.'
Witness—Well, perhaps that is the
way he bad it, only not so far back.
John R. Scott, special officer on duty
at the depot, was at tho south gate
when the first shot was fired, ami at
the second shot ran in the gate and
across the ball and saw Parke holding
a man; it was Guiteau ; he (Guiteau)
said: 'I will go to jail, but I want
General Sherman to bavo this letter.'
Aaaisted in taking the prisoner to the
police statiou ; ou the way Guiteau
said: 'l'm a Stalwart, and Arthur is
now President,'
Witness tbt;n detailed the incidents
attending the searching of the prisoner
at the station and the finding of the
pistol on his person. Distiict Attorney
Corkh'll banded the pistol to witness,
who identified it as the one taken from
the prisoner. There wa- a noticeable
aud oraning of necks in every part
of the room, with whispered exclama
tions, 'There's the weapon that killed
poor Garfield.' The pistol was banded
around aud examined by thu jury, their
attention being called to the fact that
two barrels were empty and four still
Kdnmnd L. Dubarry witnessed the
shooting and described t' e scenes con
nected therewith. He said in hiso|>in
ion Guiteau had a bad face.
Mr. Scoville desired this portion of
tbe evidence to be stricken out, unless
witness would state in what particular
feature the prisoner bad a bad face.
The witness insisted that that was
bis impression from tbe prisoner s gen
eral appearance.
Mr. Scoville, quite sharply—l don't
want any opinions from you Have
3'ou ever expressed an opinion on tLis
ease ?
Witness—l have, sir, frequently.
While waiting for another witness,
Scoville rose and said: 'I givenotice now
that the defense in this ease is insani
ty, and we claim the burden of of proof
is on tbe prosecution. If they intend
to introduce evidence on that point they
must introduce it before they close.'
Dnvidge—We thing otherwise, and
we will act according to our own con
victions of what is proper. Tho de
fense has made no opening.
Scoville—l give you notice now, be
fore you close your proofs. I simply
want to make it a matter of record.
Judge Cox—l understand.
Sevillon A. Brown, Chief Clerk of
the State Department, testified as to
tbe frequent visits of the prisoner to
the departments and to the witness
giving him orders not to send any
more of his cards to the Secretary < r
let him see tbe Secretary. Did not
notice anything peculiar about bim ex
cept that be was a nervous individual
and seemed to have a reluctance to
look one in the eyes.
Guiteau—l looked in your eye, Mr.
J. Stanley Browe, Private Secretary
to President Garfield, testifies to Gui
teau's frequent calls at the White
House and of his )witness') telling tbe
ushers that Guiteau must no longer
trouble the office. He bad told Gui
teau himself, and bad reiterated it
twice, that his application, being in
the Consular service, must go to tbe
State Department. Witness indenti
fied a large number of letters from
Guiteau to the President which the
District Attorney proceeded to read.
The first is a reminder to General
Garfield that he sent a note touching
the Austrian mission. He says:
Mr Kassoii, of lowa, I understand,
wishes to ri-uiain at Vienna. He is a
good follow. I should not wish to
disturb him in any event. What <to
| you think of me for Consul Oeneral
! lor I'aris ? I think I prefer I'aris to
Vienna, and, if agreeable to you,
should he hatislied with the consulship
at I'aris. Senators Itlaine, Logan and
l Conkling are friendly to me, and I
presume my appointment will he
I promptly eonfirmed. I claim to he a
j gentleman and a Christian
The second letter presses for the
I'aris consulship, saying:
The men that did business last faU
lire the ones to he remembered.
The third letter suggests to General
i Cnrlield :
Would it not be well to withdraw
Kohertson's nomination on the ground
I that Conkling has worked himself to a
white heat of opposition ? It might
he done quietly and gracefully, on the
ground that since the nomination
many merchants and others in New
i York had petitioned for the retention of
<ii n Merritt. I have taken the liberty
of making this suggestion to Mr.
The fourth letter to l'resident Gar
field says:
If you work your position for all ii
is worth you can be nominated and
eUcleti iu Two National Oou-
ventions have slaughtered Mr. Blaine
on account of his (at this point the
District Attorney had some difficulty
in deciphering the writing, but was
helped out of his difficulty by Guiteau,
- who finished the sentence for him,)
railroad record and connections. (The
reading of the letter was then conclud
ed.) The Republican party are afraid
to run him. This leaves the way
open for you to run the Presidency on
your own account. .Strike out right
and left. The American people like
pluck, and in 1884 we will put you in
Another 'private' to Garfield says:
Until Saturday I supposed Blaine
was my friend in the matter of the
Paris Consulship. But from his tone
on Saturday I judge he is trying to
run the State Department in the inter
est of the Blaine element in 1884. I
want to get in my work for you in
1884. May 1 tell Mr. Blaine to pre
pare an order fo r my appointment to
the Paris consulship, vice Geo. Walker,
recalled 1
Another letter was read in which
Guiteau refers to Secretary Blaine as
a wicked man, and which was read by
the District Attorney in his opening
address yesterday.
District Attorney (to Mr. Brown) —
These are all the letters front the pris
oner you found on the files of the Exec
utive office?
The prisoner—They arc all I ever
District Attorney—l propose to in
dentifv by this witness the letters left
by the prisouer at the cigar stand in
the depot.
The prisoner—Those letters are all
correct, every one of them
On cross-examination Mr. Scoville
inquired ns to two letters written by
Uuiteau to General Garfield in Mentor.
Witness collected the letters referred
to. One was written in October,
1880, and the other in January, 1881,
and said they were probably now
among the papers belonging to the
estate, of which there were "29 boxes
full in the fire proof vault in the build
ing occupied by the bureau of Kngrav
ing and Printing.
The prisoner remarked that those
two letters, as he understood, had
been published last July.
Scoville proposed that the printed
copies be introduced in evidence.
The District Attorney said he had
never seen them.
Scoville—The October letter was
dated from New York and was sub
stantially like this: (Jen. Garfield—
-1 am an applicant for the Austrian
Missiou. 1 expect to marry a lady of
this city, of great wealth, in a few
The prisoner—Not correct. Better
let me reproduce it from memory. 1
can do it, if you want oue.
Witness—l have seen that letter.
The prisouer—The January letter
was a repetition of that. There is no
use in putting this gentleman (the
witness) to the trouble of hunting up
those letters.
WASHINGTON, Noy. lit.—The crowd
at the Guiteau trial to-day is greater
than ever. An nine o'clock Guiteau
arrived at the Court House without
demonstration, and was taken to the
prisoner's room, lie ate a hearty
breakfast. Mr. Scoville, in speaking
of Guiteau's announcement of Judge
Magruder's services, said he had not
heard of it, and that he did not expect
any assistance except from Mr. Robin
Court opened without incident. Geo.
C. Mavn ird, an electrician, testified to
loaning Guiteau $25, which seemed to
give offense to the prisoner, and he re
marked that that was nobody's
business. The district attorney said
he expected to show that Guiteau bor
rowed the money from Mavnard to
buy his pistol. Oil cross-examination
the witness said Guiteau looked seedy
and hungry. At this the prisoner
showed much feeling, and frequently
interrupted the witness, saying lie liv
ed in first-class style.
J. N. Hurkhart, Maynard's clerk,
testified to the loan of the money, and
said lie thought Guiteau's walk and
the way lie held his head a little pecu
Later on Uuiteau said he wanted
additional counsel, and remarked :
•There are a number of disreputable
characters about the court, and some
threats of violence have been made. 1
have no fears for my personal safety.
The chief of police lias kindly furnish
ed me with a body guard, but I wish
to notify all evil disposed persons that
if they attempt to harm me my body
guard will shoot them down ; that's
all there is about it.' Then ho added :
'Reporters, put that down.'
Col. Rockwell next testified to scenes
at the depot. When Scoville interpos
ed, acknowledging the killing, Guiteau
quickly shouted; 'No, your honor,
we acknowledge the shooting, but not
the killing.
The next witness was Gen. Swaini,
and he, as Col. Rockwell before him,
testified to General Garfield's condi
tion. Gen. Swaim showed the nature
of the President's wound, using a wire
skeleton for the purpose.
The sensation of the trial was pro
duced when Dr Hliss was called and
District Attorney Oorkhill suddenly
drew from a pasteboard bov a section
of a human back-bone and holding it
up inquired, *Do you recognize this,
doctor?' The audience hung breath
less upon the answer, as the witness,
in measured tones replied, 'I do. it is a
portion of the vertebra 1 of the late
President James A. Garfield.'
The vertebrw was then handed
around among the jury, and the nature
of the injury explained by Dr. Hliss.
Ilis testimony was followed with the
greatest attention by the entire audi
ence except the prisoner, who devoted
himself to his paper*. Mr. Scoville
examined the fragment of bone, when
Guiteau also inspected it closely, though
lie never touched it. He gave no indi
cation of feeling beyond the exhibition
of casual curiosity. A recess was tak
eu before the testimony of Dr. Hliss
way finished.
One square, one insertion, *1 ; each subs*
• l imit insertion, 60 cents. Yearly advertisemen *
exceeding one-fourth of a column, #6 per idc h
I Figure work double these rate*; additional
charges where weekly or monthly chatgcs are
made. Loi-al advertisements 10 cents per line
for first insertion, and 5 coirte per line for eacb
ad'hti< nal insert ion. Marriages and deaths pub
lished free of charge. Obitnvy notice* charged
as advertisetnente. and payable when handed in
Auditors' Notices, *4 ; Executors' and Adminis
t rat or*' Notices. ♦ 8 each; Estray, Caution an*
Dissolution Notices, not exceeding ten lines,
Fr. m the fact that the Cinzts is the oldes'
established and meet extensively circulated Re
publican newspaper in Butler county. fa Repub
lican county) it must be apparent to business
men that it is the medium they should use ii»
advertising their business.
NO. '3
I'pon the reassembling of the court
after recess, I>r. Bliss resumed his tes
timony. lie was cross-examined at
crreat length, hut maintained that the
wound was a mortal one. Dr. Rey
burn was also sworn aud assisted Dr.
Bliss to explain the case. At the con
clusion of Dr. Bliss' evidence the dis
trict attorney inquired if the defense
intended to pursue the same course of
examination with all the medical wit
uessess. Mr. Robinson replied : 'About
the same.' Mr. Corkhill thereupon an
nounced that the prosecution lad in
tended to close to-day, but now he
thought best to a?k for a postpone
ment. Guiteau here attempted to say
something, when the district attorney,
bowing with mock gravity, continued :
'lf Mr. Guiteau will peripit me, your
honor, I will move an adjournment.'
Guiteau appeared to relish the pleas
antry, and nodding, replied : 'Ob,
certainly ; you shi».ll have full chance.'
The court then adjourned to Monday.
A few years ago a decrepit old man
crept around the shabby precincts of a
Southern town, of whom a singular
story was told.
lie was the last male deseendunt of
a family to whom belouged large es
tates. Ilis uncle was the last possess
or. lie died without children The
property was bequeathed by him to his
wife during her life, aud at her death
to his nephew, then a lad of fifteen.
The wealthy widow was at this time
fifty years old, and by no means heal
thy ; but she heartily disliked the heir,
and refused to recognize him, or give
him any immediate assistance.
But the boy congratulated himself
with the assurance that she could not
keep his inheritance from hiiu at her
death, and that probably her death was
not far off.
Fifty appears old age to fifteen.
Hence, although the lad's mother was
poor, he studied no profession and
learned no trade Indeed, he troubled
himself very little about education of
any sort. Why should he drudge over
books or in any kind of business. His
fortune waited ready made for him.
Years passed. The lad became a
young, middle aged man ; a husband
and lather. He had married a merce
nary girl, whose eyes were dazzled
with this vast prospective fortune. The
two plunged into extravagances of eve
ry sort. Creditors at first were lenient.
The aunt was now a gray, toothless
old woman. The fortune was surely
near at hand. But the patience of
creditors is not as enduring as the lives
of even the aged, and at last even hope
ful creditors refused to extend their ac
Then the crash carno. The heir fell
into hopeless poverty. His children
died. His wife left him. He went
about the town, gambling a little,
drinking a good deal, 'cursing his luck'
always, but never working.
The aunt lived on. The heir grew
old, became a paralytic, and finally was
sent to the almshouse, where, after
waiting for years for the woman's shoe
who would not die, he dropped hope
lessly out of an empty life iuto the
grave. The •woman lived to be oue
hundred and three years old, and at
her death the estate went to the State
of Tennessee.
We do not often find a case of wait
ing for 'dead men's shoes,' so extreme
as this. Ibit in degree, the same effect
is produced whenever the heirs of
wealthy parents are brought up with
out an} profession or practical work.
The«r youth passes in idleness, wait
ing for death to make rich men of them;
and out of idleness too frequently grow
dissipation and corrupt character. If,
as is often the case, the fortune takes
wings before they gain possession of it,
they are left stranded and helpless
wrecks in life.— Youth 1 * Companion.
The fellow, who, by mistake, sent
his auburn-haired sweetheart instead
of a bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup
a bottle of hair dye, wants to know the
best way to commit suicide.
Wives have not invariously beeu
courteously treated in life, but epitaphs
are seldom quite as wanting in flatter
ing unction as the following:
•Hi I re lien iny wife, a NUCI xUttcrn ami whew.
Il l rejfretted her, I should lie loo.'
Doctor Hills are abominable and
not needed in kidney and liver affec
tions, as Peruna and Manalin will
cure them
Somethings are past finding out.
The love of whisky is what staggers
a man.
A sure, positive cure for costiveuesa,
Opium kills about one hundred and
sixty thousand persons annually in
[DM Moines I own Stair Register.]
II on. N. 11. l »clt*r*M l*»»ltlon.
A representative man's opinion on
other than political matters, is often of
great use to his constituency. The
Hon S. II Voder, of Globe Mills, Pa.,
has thus recorded his opinion on a sub
ject of popular interest. I have been
selling St. Jacobs Oil for the last voar.
I have never heard a person speak of
it, except as a splendid medicine, and
us the great specific for rheumatic af
feetiotis, whether inflammatory, acute
or chronic, swellings, sores, sprains,
burin, wounds, etc. I sell more St.
Jacobs (HI than of any other kind of
liniment, and it gives universal satis
faction. 1 will always keep it on hand.
The farmers say, that for man and
beast, they find nothing to equal it.
Slight pain in the side, the skin and
eyes assume thick yellow coat, diges
tion is impaired, an unpleasant sinking
sensation at the pit of the stomach is
experienced, the bowels are irregular,
tin- mind fretful, the memory weakened,
sometimes a slight cough, coldness of
the bands and feet, sometimes loss of
appetite and at others unnatural crav
ing for food, dizziness of the head,
blurring before the eyes, depressed
spirits, bad breath, feeling of uncertain
ty of having left somatbing undone
but can't tell what it is. Take Sitn
monts Liver Regulator, it will roinove
all these lbulings and muku ytfu Mfloll.