Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 23, 1881, Image 3

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Lseal General.
—Best and cheapest line of millinery
goods at Mrs. S. E. Sloan's.
Since 1830 tbe Odd Fellows of
Pennsylvania have paid ont $30,000,-
000 for tbe relief of members.
—Tbe latest—the Ensemble Scarf—
at Charles R. Grieb's.
Ladies will do well by examining
millinery goods at Mrs. S. E. Sloan's.
Dr. Talmage thinks that smoking
tends to drankenness. Drunkenness
in this world tends to smoking in the
from colds coughs, or croup, "Dr. Sel
ler's Cough Syrup" is good for
Price 25 cents.
By his new advertisement in
another place, it will be seen, that Mr.
D. L. Cleeland has received his holi
day stock of jewelry, silverware, etc.
—Ladies, please compare Pittsburgh
prices with New York prices, at Mrs.
S. E. Sloan's.
—Cotton, Scotch, Gingham, Alpaca
and Silk Umbrellas, at Charles R.
The last and final examination of
teachers, for this year, will be held by
Prof. Murtlaod, at his office in the
Court House next Satnrday the 26th
—"Lindsey's Blood Searcher"—the
great medicine for fever and ague,
malaria, and all blood poison. Don't
fail to use ft
—Rev. Wiley, of the Presbyterian
church of this place, announced from
the palpjt last Sunday, that he bad ten*
dered • his resignation to the churcb
A lot of second-handed Watches
cheap for cash, at E. Grieb's
—Blankets, Flannels and Yarns,
wholesale and retail, at Union Woolen Wills,
Butler, Pa. octl2tf
—H. H. Goncber and E. G. Miller,
Esqs., went to Harrisbnrg yesterday
and will' to-day discuss the affairs of
the Building A Loan Association of
this town, before tbe Attorney Gener
—When yon want anything in tbe
line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sil
verware, Spectacles, Ac., do not fail to
call in at E. Grieb's and examine the
stock; no trouble to show goods.
—A wax figure of Guiteau has been
placed in Madame Tnssaud's 'chamber
of horrors in London.' Tbis is a fate
that even tbe most vengeful of the
writers of postal cards to the assassin
had not inyoked upon him.
—Highest cash price paid for corn,
oats and-all. kinds of produce at the
store of Jacob Boos, nearly opposite
the Willard Hotel, Main street, But
ler, Pa nlfitf »
—Guiteau's jury contains two com
mission merchants, two grocers, one
retired merchant, one merchant, one
restaurant keeper, one cigar dealer, one
plasterer, one machinist, one iron work
er snd one laborer.
—The fall term ot Witherspoon In
stitute will close on tbe 25th inst. Tbe
winter term will begin on Monday,
Dec. 5. Catalogues sent on application
to P. S. BANCROFT, A. M.
16n3w Principal.
—Messrs. John Lawall A Bro. now
have their large livery stable, near tbe
Postoffice, full of good horses and tbe
easiest riding baggies and carriages in
Butler. When you want a good rig
give them a call.
—A year ago last Saturday winter
set in in tbis vicinity in dead earnest,
the ground being covered with six
inches of snow, making excellent
sleighing, and tbe mercury going
down to foor degrees below zero.
—Although tbe roads of tbis county
are in a remarkably good condition for
this time of tbe year, there are some
terrible mad boles and maddy places
in them, which a very little draining
and a culvert here and there would
—Persons laboring nnder any
disease which has not been cared be
cause of not being properly understood,
would do well to send to Drs. Oldshue,
132 Grant St., Pittsburgh, Pa., for a
scientific examination of the Urine and
have tbe necessary medicine sent to
them by express.
—Everybody interested in tbe im
provement of the Allegheny river and
the building of the proposed canal to
connect tbe river with Lake Erie, are
invited by a committee of Pittsburgh
business men to meet in tbe Chamber
of Commerce rooms in Pittsburgh, on
Tuesday, November 29, at 2 P. M.
—A man named George Arnold, said
to be from tbis county, lately lost bis
arm and bis right eye by an explosion
of nitro-glyeerine. He struck tbe cor
ner of a vessel which had formerly con
tained tbe fearful explosive, ani wbicb
bad not be«n entirely emptied, with
tbe result stated.
—Esquire John W. McKee, of
Free port, has been a Justice for a long
time and is said to be a good one. His
card now stands in tbe Freeport Jour
nal of follows: "J. W. Mckee—Jus
tice of tbe Peace. Has bis sixth com
mission, and has an ice cooler attached
to his office. Office hours from 6A. M.
till 10 P. x."
—Many neighboring coanty towns
are suffering more or less frdm small
pox. In most instances tbe disease is
carried from the infected cities by per
sons who are working tbere and whose
families reside in the country. Thus
far we have escaped, but it may not
be for long and it behooves our people
to exercise great care.
—Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany bas given orders that all depots
along its lines will hereafter be known
as stations. Tbey have started with
Union Depot at Pittsburg, which is
now called 'Union Station.' An officer
of the Company stated that be perfect
ly agreed with Mr. Richard Grant
White that a station was not-a depot,
and that it was misnomer to call it
—Geo. Ankeny, of tbe vicinity of
Ligonier, Westmoreland county, whose
child became ioat and perished in the
mountains a few years ago, died a few
days ago. Tbe remains of tbe child
were found some weeks ago, which re
called to bim tbe terrible sufferings it
have undergone, aud renewed the
grief occasioned by ita disappearance,
resulting in his physical prostration,
from which be was unable to recover.
Annie Morrill has brought suit
against Stephen Morrill for divorce for
reason of desertion, subpoena award
James Sweeny vs. Daniel Fredly,
appeal from Justice Tolly.
John Berg & Co. for use, vs Malcolm
Graham, et al. defendeuts and Joseph
Hartman, garnishee.
John Gilchrist vs Robt. McDowell,
summons for debt.
L. Z. Mitchell, executor of Tensard
DeWolf, now for usejof Henry DeWolt,
assignee, vs Thomas Robinson, precipe
for Sci. Fa sur mortgage, rule to file
affidavit of defense, etc.
C. Walker for use of Silas Christy
vs Patton and Wm. Bell, Fi. Fa.
J. A. George for use of H. Miller vs
Hudson Hughes and F. M. Shira, Fi,
J. <fc. B. Kemper vs J. R. <fc C. C.
Johnson, Fi. Fa.
The will of Adam Ekas, dec'd, of
Clinton township, was probated last
week andj letters granted to W alter
Ekas, executor.
A wild-eyed stranger suddenly
appeared on 'Change in Peoria, the
other day, and, tossing his coat on the
floor, spat on his hands, and fiercely
exclaimed: 'Gents, I'm after the duck
that was out to Central Park with my
wife last Sunday.' And twenty-three
married men and eight or nine of the
boys suddenly dived under tbfl tables
and shonted : 'Don't shoot,'
—Dr. Risley, of Philadelphia, speak
ing of tbe condition of tbe eyes of
school children, says: 'Hypermetropic
eyes are more numerous than both
myopic and emmetropic; that next to
myopic astigmatism, pistinct lesions
are more prevalent in eyes with hyper
metropic astigmatism.' From this it
appears that 'the eyes have it'—but
what it is they have is a conundrum to
ns, and we regret that they have it.
—The rural New-Yorker offers}?,ooft
ivorth of presents for the best yields
from tbe seeds of their next Free Seed
Distribution among their subscribers.
In this way, as with its Experiment
Farm, the Rural is doing good work,
and is entitled to tbe support of all
progressiva farmers and gardeners. A
list of their new Distribution will be
found in our advertising columns. We
will receive subscriptions for this paper,
including tbe seed distribution, at this
—Tbe United Pipe Line Company
finished their line from tbe Bald
territory to Herman station last
Thursday. At Herman the line con
nects with the line from that place to
Carbon Centre, where there are some
large tanks and a siding for filling- oil
cars. The distance from Bald Ridge
to Herman is about eight miles. The
gentlemen comprising the Bald Ridge
Oil Co. bave done the town and coun
ty a great service in developing this
—A New Castle paper, of last week,
slanders a citizen of this qounty as
follows: "A shoemaker from Butler
county was in this city on Wednesday,
who certainly ought to be well qualifi
ed to sit as a juror on the Guiteau
trial. He did not know who Guiteau
was. Did not know that President
Garfield was dead. Had never heard
of his having been shot. Indeed we
are not sure that he had ever heard
that Garfield bad been elected Presi
—Messrs. White and Holden, the
latest aspirants for feather-weight fistic
honors, are now probably in considera
ble doubt whether prize fighting pays.
With the prospect of from one to ten
years in an Ohio penitentiary staring
them in the face, tbey bave little hope
of getting away from punishment by
punching the law in the bread basket,
or by the most dexterous fibbing. Nev
ertheless, it does not yet appear that
tbe fate of tbe feather weights has in
duced Messrs. Ryan and Sullivan to
desist from trying their luck at tbe
same kind of sport.
—The business men of Meadville
held a meeting lately to decide upon a
[>lan of action in reference to the circu
ation of clipped and mutilated coin.
Tbe banks of tbe city declining to re
ceive tbe coin at its face value, it was
resolved as tbe sense of the meeting to
"decline further to receive clipped coin
in quarters, halves and dollars at its
face value, and we would recommend
as tbe standard of values for sucb coin
that which is approximately its value
in bullion, and we would further rec
ommend that tbe clipped coin be de-
Eosited with tbe banks to be sold as
ullion and retired from circulation."
—A citizen of Washington, Pa.,
who a few years ago wa.s obliged to
go into bankruptcy and settle with bis
creditors at BO much on the dollar, has
given notice that he is prepared to pav
off the unpaid balance of its debts, dol
lar for dollar. He is legally exempt
from these additional payments, haviug
surrendered his means for payment
when be failed, but inasmuch as he bas
been fortunate and made money since
that time he has refused to regard him
pelf as morally exempt from the dis
cbarge of bis debts, and so gives notice
that te will now pay in full. This is
a citizen to be proud of, and we do not
wonder tbe Washington papers speak
in terms of high praise of this man.
As has been said, tbe man whose creed
teaches bim to pay 100 cents on the
dollar has got true religion.— Wheeling
—Does advertising pay: W. 11. Mar
shall, president of the Beaver county
agricultural society for the year 1881,
was firmly persuaded in bis own mind
that advertising did not pay. He suc
ceeded in getting bis fellow officers and
the managers of the society to believe the
same thing. To carry out their views
they concluded that to advertise the
fair this fall in the county papers would
bo a waste of money, and hence they
they neither published their meetings
nor advertised the premium list in
those weekly visitors to the hearth
stones of nearly all the people in the
county. This was the first time in the
history of the agricultural society of
Beaver county that the premium list
was not published in the county pa
[ pers, and this was the first year in its
history, too, that it proved an utter
failure, not only in the exhibits on the
grounds but in the number of people
who visited them. We have no
doubt but Mr. Marshall believes now
that advertising pays, and that the
county papers have some influence...
, Beaver Falls Tribune.
Sir* : Untie*, s?*., £C«!»etttfeje» 23, tSSt.
Teacher*' Institute.
The annual aeuiiion of the Butler Comity
Teachers' Institute for 1881, will be held in the
Court House, Butler, Dec. 26—90, beginning at
half-past one on Monday, and closing at noon
on Friday.
Btfeposa*.—Nehton Crowe, W. C. Cable.
INBTBCCTOBS Prof. A. I. Wads, W. V. Mor
gantown. Prof. R. M. McNeal, A. M.. Wiconia
co, Penn. Prof. Frank B. Pinkerton Hollidaya
Prof. Pinkerton will give instructions' on
present. Methods of lis.Taction and deliver
talks on School Management.
Prof. B. M. McN'eai s topics optional.
Prof. A- L- Wade will address the Directors'
Convention ou Thar*4ay the 29th inst . at 13-j
P. 51.. and give instruction* oa topics
daring the eessijne of the Institu'e.
Monday Evening.—Prof. McNeal, subject,
"Negative Men.''
Tuesday Eveujng. -Dr Frank Cowan, subject.
"India, China and Gor&a,"
Wednesday Evening.—Col. B. V. Copland,
subject, "Snobs and Hnobberw "
Thursday Evening-—Prof. A. T. Wade, sub
ject, ' Hindrances and Helps to Popular Educa
A pa*t ot ea<>b se-wiou will be devoted to the
discussion of ihe following topi£«, affording op
portunity f-r any member of the Institute t»j
spe 'k who desires.
"What snail we do with the Dull Pupil ?' W.
O. Russell, E. Mackey.
"Compulsory Education." S. P. Irvin, J. D.
• Muaic in the Public Schools." S. R. Gibson,
J, A. Brandon.
••The Teachers' Habits and Example-" Prof.
Crawford. Miss Nannie McMahon.
"TN> Best Method of Teaching Primary
Beading" John Qoldfn. Mrg 4. B. Jointer.
"How to Teach Penumaoebip in
Schools." O. P. Cochran, Mr. Waldron.
"Language Lesson* Preparatory to the Stud/
of Grammar ?" F H. Hoover, W. W. Mecbliug.
"Manners and Morals in School ? ' Bev. Chas
L. Streamer. B, N Emery.
'For What Offences Should Corporal Punish
ment be Inflicted ?" G. K. Balph, Prof. P. 8.
"How Far Should the Teacher Try to Control
tbe Reading of his Pupils while Out of School.-"
Jno. H. Chatham, Enos McDonald.
"In wh%t Order should you Tevli th® facte
in Geog ?" J. C. Moire. S. Kohler.
"History and the B-st Methods of Teaching
It ?" Prof- Tintsman, J. B. Mechling.
On Thursday, Dec. *9tb, the School Directors
will meet at 2 o'clock. P. M. The meeting will
be addressed by Prof. Wade, after which tin
following topics will be discussed :
1-The Free Book System against Uniformity?""
Discussion opened by M- 0. Benodict or Betro
•'Should not the Custom of employing Teach
ers for a Part of the School Year be abandoued?"
Discussion opened by Dr. Marquis of Glade
"Should not the Stite provide for Higher Ed
ucation by establishing Central High Schools ■ '
Disillusion opened by Lev. McQ iistion.
Inasmuch as Teachers wjl] tjfl allcwed the
time and wages whilst attending the Institute,
we hope to be able to enroll the name of every
teacher in the county who is actually engaged
in teaching, as well its many others. Teachers,
directors aud all friends of education, coma and
be present at tbe opening tension and all the
sessions. J- H. MUBTLAND.
Nov. 2», 1881.] Co. Sup't.
—The ruling of Justice Cox of Wash
jfjgtof) upon the eligibility of jurors is
a good omen of a commonisense, effi
cient conduct of the trial. He is re
ported as saying that 'in these days
of newspapers and railroads a man who
knows nothingaboutagreatpublic crime
is not the best juror,' and that a juror
otherwise qualified could act 'if be can
render an impartial verdict upon the
evidence.' Jleqce tbe travesty of jus
tice sometimes \yitnessed in court
rooms when intelligent men, fair-mind
ed and qual'fied to judge a cause, have
been set aside because they had read
somewhat of tbe case in the papers of
the day, and were frank enough to ad
mit that what they read had some
slight influence on their minds, in favor
of a dozen of the most ignorant ana
obtuse men obtainable, was not wit
—Mrs. Louisa Mueller, wife of old
Dr. Mueller, whose place is in Marion
township, Beaver county, about one
mile south-west of Zelienople, this
county, committed suicide on Tuesday
night of last week by taking morphine.
She had not been in good health, and
she told Dr. Jos. Lusk, who visited
her the day previous, that tbey would
find her next morning with ber harida
folded. And so they did. When the
door of her room was broken open the
next morning at 11 o'clock, she was
lying in lied, dead, with a veil over
her face and ber hands nicely folded
She was about 57 years of age, has not.
had good health for years, and usually
allowed no one to disturb her until 10
o'clock in the morning. No one had
any suspicion of ber intentions Dr.
Mueller, had been to town on Tues
day and forgetting to buy his wife
some morphine as she had instructed
him to do, he was sent back for it.
The Dr. now blames himself for his
thoughtlessness, and there was quite s
scene at the graveyard on Thursday.
Mrs. Mueller was born and raised in or
about Pittsburgh. Her maiden name
was Lightner, and one of her sisters
committed suicide some years aso.
lluppy Houra ol Youili!
The Episcopalians have a happy
knack of keeping church and home to
gether. The ladies, the only refiners
of the merit of men, organized "Par
sonage Fund Parties" in order to col
lect the-wherewith to erect a home for
their beloved Rector, a residence that
would prove worthy of a man of his
intrinsic merit. The last of these
parties, which took place at Mrs. Mc-
Omber's, was all life and light, and,
after the hat had been gracefully past
'round by the hostess, its bottom was
well filled with contributions (this is
no insinuation about the size of the
coronal region of the owner of the hat.
Envious people throw out "insinua
tions" to the disparagement of those
rirhose merits they dare not openly
question ; we mean to state that six
dollars and twenty-five cents were
collected in small coins of 2i cents
each, which, in covering the bottom of
the hat, witnessed rather in favor of
the intellectual endowments of the
person who owneu the hat. I'ardon
our explicitness, we endeavor to
guard ajrainst erroneous comprehen
sion.) L. V. M.
An Old Man'** Folly.
Some time since Jesse Baldwin, a
very wealthy but eccentric citizen who
lives near Youngstown, Ohio, took
$17,000 in bonds to the Treasury De
partment in Washington and demand
ed gold for them. He brought the
money home and deposited it in a safe
under his hallway, with other large
sums in gold. One night last week
five burglars entered the hou.se, blew
open the safe and carried off between
$:{0,000 and $40,000 in gold. They
also stole Baldwin's two horses and
carriage and fled. Bladwin's son-in
law pursued them and a running fire re
sulted. Nobody was wounded, and
the robbers escaped with the plunder.
The circumstances attending this
robbery call to mind the celebrated
Benninghoff robbery, near Petroleum
Center, some sixteen years ago. The
amount taken then was larger, some
s.'{oo,ooo, but the means employed
were the same. Five professionals
1 from Philadelphia went to the house in
; the night, overcame the family, affect
; cd the robbery and rode away with the
lold man's horsen. The whole job was
engineered by Jim Saeger and Home
! boon companions in Saegertown, who
employed the cracksmen to do the job
and paid tbem liberally for tbe work.
I They were subsequently discovered,
| and Saetrer's associates have all been
j punished more or less, but tbe cracks-
I men and Jim Saeger are still at large.
| Saeger is in Texas ro'ling in wealth,
and it is said be nas compromised with
| Benninghoff.
I The two professions of law and med
icine seem overcrowded in portions of
' the West. An lowa lawyer of some
I years' practice is now serving as loco
iiioti?e fireiaatj op tbe Cbieaeo, Bur
lington and Quincy railroad, and a
physician of twelve } ears' practice is
acting as freight conductor on the same
port, Nov. 3. 1881, by the Rev. B. F. Boyle,
Mr. Jacob Bricker arid Miss Eliza Hesselgesser;
of Winfield township, this county.
Mr qi'RN^Y—KTESTER—On thelrtth in«t.
bv Rev. James A. t'latk, ill. Jamee W- Mcßui?:
n'ey, of PortersviUe. and Miss Eaura M.
ter, of Prospect, Butler Co., Pa.
BI'LGER—On Mondav, the 14th, inst., at
the residence of his brother George Bulger, in
Butler, Mr. Thomas Bulger, aged 36 years.
The deceased was an old printer, having
ty'Qrkix) for yearly tifcenL ysars ip ttye
and .San olHces in sew yur\ City.
ALEXANDER—At her residence near Prott
pect, Butler county, Pa., on the 11th of Nov.
1881, Martha McKee Ferguson, aged 56 years,
widow of the late Mr. Robert Alexander, leav
ing eight children behind without parental
She was a good woman who loved her Saviour
aud her church, and took special pains to train
her children in the way they should go. She
gave evidence of much tenderness, submission
and patience uiftiug * long »ieue puiii|orutry'
affection which terminated in ner death. *
All kinds of grain for which I will pay the
highest market price in cash at mr mill.
l*ov. 3, UqO. butlei, t-a
FarmerH Look Here,
Tbe undersigned are now taking or
ders for fruit trees for spring planting.
We represent one of tbe most reliable
nurseries in Rochester, N. Y. Please
jiepd your orders in immediately,
Fmzer Axle Grease.
One greasing with Frazer Axle Grease will
last two weeks, all others two to three days.
Try it. It received 6rst premium at the Cen
tennial aud Paris Exposition. [2Bsep3m
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound is a remarkable remedy for those
painful complaints P,nd WEAKNESSES SQ
common to our beßt female population.
Send to Mrs. Lydia K. Pinkham, 283
Western Avenue. Lynn, Mass., for
1881. Fall and IVlnter. 1882.
Mv stock of Woolens for Fall and
Winter is now complete, comprising
choipe i>ew stylps in
Suitings and Overcoatings of the beet
French and home manufacture, pur
chased direct from first hands.
Early orders are solicited to avoid
tbe many disappointments of the great
rush of tbe season.
Merchant Talior,
21sep4m Butler, Pa.
To sell Dr. Chase's Recipes; or Information
for Everybody, iu every county in the I'nited
States aud Canadas. Enlarged by the publisher
to 618 pages. It contains over 2,000 household
receipes and is suited to a 1 i classes and condi
tions of society. A wonderful book and a house
hold necessity. It sells at sight. Greatest in
ducements ever offered to book agents. Sam
ple copies sent by mail, postpaid, Ex
clusive territory given. Agents more than
double their money. Address llr. Chase's Steam
Printing House, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
—We invite the attention of our
readers to the advertisement of the
Buckeye M'f'g Co., Marion, Ohio, in
another column. Ttiev offer rare In
ducements to earn an honest livijg.
Sept. 21, G-m.
luiportaut to Traveler*.
Special inducements are offered you
by the Burlington Route. It will pay
you to read their advertisement to he
found elsewhere in this iasue. (may'ifttf
A C AKl>-
To all who arc suffering from the errors and
indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, ear
ly decay, loss of manhood, <fcc., I will send a
reci|>e that will cure you, FREEOFCHARGE.
This great remedy was ducovered by a mission
ary in South America. Send a self-addressed
envelope to the RKV. JoMKl'lt T. I KMA.N,
lion D. New York City. [ftnflm
How to IncreiiHe Your Income.
Just at this season of the y< ar, there are,
anions; our readers, those looking for employ
ment for llicnoxl six month t. We have lately
received Irom L. E. Brown A Co., the well
known mauulai larets ol specialties for agents
to handle, a request lo put them |u coin muni,
callou with one or more suitable JHTHOIIS In this
locality, to act a* agents in introducing several
o! Ihetr i atent household articles to this com
munity, and after consideration, we lake this
method to comply with their request. The firm
are manufacturer* ol a large numlier of house
hold articles, which they introduce lo the pub
lic by mcaus of agents, having sometimes as
many as 1,000 persons in their emfloy. The
particular articles which they wi k to introduce
here, at this time, are. Brown's Peerless Hitter,
generally aeknowled to be the bed ill the
world of which neatly one million were sold
du'lug the last year; the Kitchen yueen, the
latest and (.est invention In Coll Oil Lamps,
and the only absolutely Hife Lamp made; Ihe
Centennial Cake au<i Bake Pan, an article
which has a national reputation, and Is the de
litthl of every housekeeper; the ilalf Minute
kisu Beater, which always sells al sight, and
the new Alto Kelievo Brorzc Profile Cast of
JAME.S A. G.iKRIELD, with manorial
frame, Hie best selling article ever put Into the
hands ol au agent, the best of all the pot traits,
ehromos or steel engravings that have been
ottered. It Is a truer likeness ol the martyred
hero than any we have ever seen before, and Its
price brings it withlu the reach of all. For
this county, Metsrs. Browt; A Co. desire as
many agents as can work advantageously.
Any smart. Intelligent lady or gentleman can
make a tine Income in this way. The firm will
send to any responsible person FREE who will
assume the agency here and go to work, a com
plete outfit of these good", to the amount ol
live dollars. The reputation of this house is
llrst rate ; the goods are what they represent
them to be. Tl/clr terms are liberal, and we
advise those looking lor genteel, remunerative
employment to send to them lor further infor
mation. Their address is
Unfit 64 Walnut St., CINCINNATI, O.
Twenty-three acres of good bottom land ; for
merly used as a Driving Park and Fair Ground
at Monongahela City, well enclosed ; suitable
for market garden, vineyard Ac., is offered
w « »■ «.
Apply to JAMES P. SHEPLAR, President,
and .1. 11. FINLEY. Treasurer, Monongahela
City, Pa. Enquire of
Real Estate Agent, Finleyville, Pa.
nlmDlLo co UJV'TH r.
A new, faseit.aling, and exceedingly instruct
ive Geographical Game, that entcrtaliiß both o!d
and young.
Agents Wanted, Ladies or Genllemeu.
Now Is ihe time to take orders for Christmas
Delivery. Send lor description and liberal
terms. Address, F. C BLISS & CO.,
lOutfw 454 Broad 1., Newark, N. J.
Subscribe for the CITKKN.
| Ry virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Ex
i ponas, Fieri Facias, Leviri Facias, &c., issued
' out of the Court of Common Pleas of Rutler
county. Pa., and to me directed, there will l>e
| expesed to public sale, at the Court House in,
; the borough of Rutler, 011
.tlouilHy, December sili,
at one o'clock, P. M., the following described
I property, to wit:
E D No. BS, Dec T, 1881, W H I.usk, att'v.
J All the right, title, interest and claim of W
I G Stoughton of, in and to all the undivided
i one-third of that piece or parcel of land, situate
in Oak'and township, Rutler county, Pa.,
hounded ou the north by lands of Francis Whit
mire, 011 the east by lands of John Whitmire,
ajid the heirs of Philips, dec'd, on tho
south by lands of John N Xeyman and W J
Robb and on the west by lands" of the heirs of
James Philips, dec'd, and W J Robb, contain
ing one hundred and twenty acres of land, sub
ject to I-12 royalty of all oil, mostly cleared,
frame dwelling house, fraoie barn
pij, Sei»et} i*nd taker, in execution as the proj<:
«rty of W G Stoughton, at the suit of Charles
McCandless, for use.
AtiSO —All the right, title, interest and claim
of W G Stouehtou of, in and to the undivided
one-third of that piece or parcel of land situate
in Slipperyrock toweship, Rutler county.
bounded on the north Uy laud* of George' Crow,
on the east by lands of J Rovard, on the south
by lands of Thomas Kelly, et al., and on the
west by landa of John McElhuny, containing
one hundred acres, more or less ; log house and
lojj stable and orchard thereon, mostly cleared.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of W G Stoughton at the suit of Chas McCand
less for use.
ALSO —All the right, title, interest and claim
of \V G St.whton of jp aiit} tp thw undivided
or mat or parcel of land, situ
ate in Slippery rook twp, Butler county, Pa.,
bounded on the north by lands of D M Cross
and John MoElbaney; "on the east by lands of
McDonalds farm, now owned by Chas McCand
less et al; on the south by lands of Thomas aud
Daniel McDermitt's heirs, and ou the west by
half of said tract, sold by Chas McCandless et
al, to McLaughlin, containing one hun
dred acres, more or less, about 5 acres cleaJed.
Seized and taken iu execution as the property
of \V G Stoughton at the sr t i( uf ph.* il v >v'au<t.
to ( u.a. '
ALSO —AII the right, title, interest ami claim
of W G Stoughton of, in and to the undivided
one-half of thirty acres of land, more or less,
situate in Worth township, Rutler countv, Pa.,
bounded on the north by lauds of J J Winter,
east by lauds of J J Wimer et al, soijtfi by (jVfjtl
of J J Wiwgr, OH uy lands' of
Catharine Kautlman, and known as the Hoge
and Dr Wm Cowdeu land, mostly cleared ; log
house and log barn thereon. Seized and taken
in execution as the propertv of W <i Stoughton
at the suit of Chas McCandless, for use.
E D No 70, Dec T, 1881, C Walker, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of S H
Pettigrew ot, in and to a certain pieoe fir pst-p*!
of gr<»fli;d, in |he borough of ftarns City
tiutler county, Pa., bounded on the north by
John McGuire ; east by Main street ; south by
Starr Iron Works, aud west by an alley, con
taining 20x109 feet, more or less; a large one
story board or plank building thereon; former
ly used as a drug store. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of S H Pettigrew at
the suit of Benjamin Masseth.
E D No 58, Dec T. 1881, C Walker, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of J A
Hawk of, in and to one-half acre of land, more
or less, situated in Pairview borough, Butler
oounty. l'a., hounded as follows, to wit: on the
north by F M Michaels; east by Ray and Mi
chaels; south by public road, and west by F M
Michaels. A onc-story lioard house, lioard barn,
and one producing oil well thereon, derrick,
engine house, engine and boiler, tubing, casing,
rods, tanks aud all machinery and fixtures
thereto belonging. Seized and taken in execu
tion a': the property of J A Hawk at the suit of
Commissioners of Butler c >unty, l'a.
E P No 57, pec T, ISBJ, J P i»tt'y.
All thi; right, title, interest and claim of .Jas
B Hill of, iu aud to one ami oue quarter acres
of land, more or less, situated iu Fairview twp,
Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit:
on the north by J B Jamison farm; east by
Smith heirs; south by Smith heirs, and west by
James McEnally, together with one producing
oil well thereon; derrick, engine house, engine
and boiler, tubing, casing, sucker rods,
and all machinery and
ing. Seined and tukuu in execution as the
property of James B Ilill at the suit of Mapes
Bros, for use.
E D No ti, 7, 8 and 10, Dec T, 1881, Williams &
Mitchell, W H Lusk and G C' Pillow, alt'ys.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of Mi
chael Flinner of, in and to all that certain piece
of land, situate 111 Lancaster township, Butler
county, Pa., being part of the lot marked in the
ground plan of the Samuel Nich<i|s«nii di»tril>t
of depreciation land* No i, bounded and de
scribed as follows, viz : beginning at a post at
south-west corner, thence by land of liar and
Wick man, east lIH) |>erclies to a post; thence by
land of Geo Scheideinantle, and Scheidemaiitle
ami Flinner, north 14'- perches to a post; thence
by lands of Scheideinantle and Flinner, west
160 perches to a jiost; thence by lands of Kirker
and Kristofle, south 142 perches to the place of
beginuing, containing 142 acres, npre. or Iws; 4
two-story frame dwelling l(o\ise, iranie haru and
orchard thereon; mostly cleared. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of Michaul
Flinner at thu suit of J M Lelghuer, trustee,and
for use et al, and J Dumbach Ac Son.
E D No It), Dec T, 1881, J D McJunkin, att'y.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of A E
Barnhart of, in and to one hundred and two
acres of laud, more or less, situated iu Fairview
township, Butler county, Pa., boendud t|s fol
lows, to wit: ou the uort}| hv Isaac Kepplc;
east hy Joseph Rankin, et al, south by Wm
McGarvey, west by R N and Samuel Barnhart;
alwiut <)0 acres cleared, four producing oil wells
and machinery and fixtures thereto belonging;
board house, log stable, 2 orchards, coal bank
thereon. Seized aud taken in execution as the
property of A E Barnhart at the suit of E S
ALSO —AII the right, title, interest and claim
of A E Barn hart of, in and to forty-eijjht uuetiw
of land, more or loss, siluaU-.il in Fairvniw twp,
(Sutler oouiity, Pa , bounded an follows, to wit :
on the north by Peter Barnhart; east by R W
Barnhart; south by Jos liarnliart and J Eber
hart, and west by W W McCormick; about all
cleared, board shanty and coal bank thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of A E Barnhart at the suit of E S Crooker.
ALSO —All the right, title, interest and claim
of A, E Barnhart of, it) and to tevun and one
half ucruu of land, more or less, situated in
Fairview township, llutler county, Pa., hound
ed as follows, to wit: on the north by Millers
town and rSunbury road; east by P Harnhart's
heirs; south by A Stewart and O Barnhart, and
west by Wm McGarvey; all cleared, board house
thereon. Seized ami taken in execution lis tint
property of A K Barnhart al the suit of E H
ALSO— AH the right, title, interest ami claim
of A. E. Barnhart of. in and t» two lots of
ground situated in ihe borough of Millerstown.
Butler county. Fa., north by Central
avenue, east by Main street, south by J. Fred
erick ami west bv an alley ; containing 120 by
IKO feet, more or less; five board houses there
on. Seized ami taken in execution as the
property of A. E. Barnhart at the suit of EC
ALKO— -All the right, title, interest and claim
of A E Burn hart of, in aud to a lot of ground
situated in the borough of Millerstown, Butler
county Pa., containing 25x100 feet, more or
less ; bounded- north by the Lutheran church
lot, east by Main street, south by Central ave
nue ami west by arf alley ; board house thereon.
Seized ami taken in execution us the property
of A. E. Barnhart at the suit sf E S Crooker.
E1) No 7»i, Deo. T., I«8I; E G Miller att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim ol J
M Miller and Kate P Miller, his wife, of, in
ami to all that certain piece, parcel or lot of
ground in the borough of Butler,
Butler county, Pa., bounded and described as
follows: On the east by McKeon street, on the
south by an alley, on the west by an alley and
on the north by a lot owned by Josiah M
Thompson,; being 60 feet front on McKean
street end running back ISO feet to the alley,
on which is e.ccted a two story brick house of j
eight rooms, being the same house and lot pur
chased by John M Miller and Kate P Miller
from James Lefevre. Seized ami taken In exe
cution as the property of John M Miller and
Kale P Miller, his wife, at Ihe suit of Sarah
I'lumer (widow).
E D No "•>, Dec T., IHMI ; Gnucher, MeCandlesK
and Lusk, utt'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
John M Thompson of, in and to a certain piece
of land situated in Jefferson township. Butler
county, I'a., bounded as follows; On lliu north
by John Riuhard. east by Jauob Beek, south
by Win Millett et al., and west by Andrew
Baker; containing 140 acres and allowance to
he same, more or less, beginning at a post on
the north-west corner, thence by lands of Jacob
Beck north Ko° west perches to a post,
thence by lauds of Jacob Beck south 'I ° cast 63
perches to a |«>st, thence east ti perches to a
post. theooe south 58° east 5.1 perches to a post,
thence br lands of Peter Smith et al., now
Daniel Wallett, south H«° west .173 porches to
a |«wt, thence by lauds of John Hcikert north
I 2° west 75 perches to the place of beginning;
log house, log stable thereon ; about 75 acres
| cleared. Seized and taken in execution a* the
1 property of John M Thompson at the suit of
Daniel Fei.ller, John C. Martin, Josiah M
i Thompson and S R Thompson for use.
I ALSO— AII tb» right, title, interest aud claim
' of John M Thompsou of, iu and to one huu-
I dred aud seventy-tive (175) acres of land, mor •
I or less, cituatcd in Marion township, Bntler
i -
4 $
.X about the HUM- of a man, bare-headed, with liix fath- i
er's socks on, had mi empty bag on bin back, con- TO
tairiing two railroad tunnels and a bundle of bung ■>
$ holes; he wore a mutton-chop scarf with bean soup '»V
j; lining; he was cross-eyed at the back of the neck, £
* and his hair cut curly; he was born before his elder j*
rK brother, his mother being present on the occasion. '$
* When last seen he was shoveling wind off the Court
A House, with the intention of raising money enough
to visit C 1 JIJ RLES K. GBIEB, at the Temple of IV
c FashioD, to purchase one of those far-famed and
$ world renowned CHEAP HATS. His Aunt Peter ®
5 would deem it a favor to learn of his whereabouts,
g 1 knowing that if he visits CHARLES R. GRIEIS,
? at the Temple of Fashion, lie will 1M; dressed to
6 death, having heard from deaf and dumb persons $
? that this is the best Hat, Cap nud Gents' Furnish-
S) ing Goods house in the town of Butler, where can
J? be found a large assortment of Hats. Caps and
Gents' Furnishing Goods, made up in the very lat
r est styles, of the best material, for the least money
Whoever will give information concerning the
above child (he has black whiskers and mustache)
will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
A Dated at the Temple of Fashion, Main Street £
Butler, Pa. '
I $
1 |
.Vo. Term. Yr. Plaintiff's Attorney. Plaintiff*
K. I>. 123 DM 1879 Mitcliell, M'('andless et al I). A. Balston
E. I>. 63 Sept 1880 L. Z. Mitchell. Laura l>. Bovard
C. P. 107 Oct 1876 K. Marshall. W. J>. Conn
" .101 Marehlß77 L. /. Mitchell. ).uunar<) Nicholas
24-3 Oc' " It. I'. Scott, Alexander and Artera
E. D. 332 Janu 18JS C. Weisz Brittiaiu <& Co.
A. p U59 Purviance & Goucher. F. F. A. Wilson
" 16 IVc'r 1879 Williams A Mitchell. W. H. Davis for use
" 61 " " L. Z. Mitchell. Jacob Larimer et ux.
112 " " J. I). McJunkin ethl. Weber <Sc Mitchell
" 86 Marchlßßo T. and S. and Marshall. A, Blakoley
" 89 " " C. McCandless et al, K. Marshall Com.
" 12 June 1880 (J. W, Jefferson Allen
" 33 " " \Y-tt. Riiiudon. Mary M. McCandless
" " J. M • Greer. F. Marterer
♦' «l " " S. F. Bowser. (i. A. Williams
" 86 " " Lev. McQnistion. Thomas Carlin
" 89 " " A. T. Black. Andrew Burnett et al,
" 101 " " It. P. Scott. C. Scott
" 103 " " Mitchell and Fleeger. John S. Uider
" 71 Sept 1880 Newt. Black, George Greer
" 74 " " Tlioun>MUt Bowser. ilanicl McDevitt et al.
88 " " \V. A. Foruucr. Mary Thomas
" 11U '' W. I<. Brandon. John 11. Ix>ve
'* ilf " " James W. Keed. John Emery et ux.
Proth'ys OtHoo, Oct. 31, 1881.
county, Pa., bounded as follows: On the
north l»y lands of John Med berry and Patrick
Mcßride, east by lands of John Mtirriu and T
M Thompson, south by lands of John Murrin
ami T M Thompson, west by lands of Thomas
Gilchrist and George Med berry, being the tract
known as the Donaldson farm ; log ho;i»y, lua
barn thereon ; aboijt 80. a?rt'S cleared. Seized
and »i'kpr t in MMUtion as the propertv of J M
Thompson at the suit of Daniel Feidler. John
C Martin, Josiah M Thompson and S It
Thompson for use.
A I. so—All the right, title, interest and claim
of John M Thompson of, in and to thirty (30)
acres of land, more or less, situate in Forward
township. Butler county, Pa., bounded as fol
lows: Adjoining lands of Michael S Utekert
011 the east, OD the south by lands of Chew, ou
the west bv lands of tjeonj? lUrlinan and on
the r,Or{h (</ lnn4» formerly belonging to John
N l'urviance; no improvements. Seized and
taken in execution as the projiertv of John M
Thompson at the suit of Daniel 1-eidler, John
C Martin, Josiah M Thompson and S K Thomp
son for use.
Al.so—All the right, title, interest and claim
of John M Thompson of, in and to (9QI
acres of land, mora or Ipw, tU'Utie in Fairview
township, Rijtlef coiiuty, l a , bounded as t'ol-
Ja\v» . Uh the north by lands formerly owned
liy \V C Adams dee d, east by lands of heirs of
Win Ray, s uth by lauds of John T Ray aud
Robt Banks, west by lands of Thomas Banks ;
frame dwelling house and log stable thereon ;
mostly cleared. Seized and taken in execution
as the property of John M Thompson ut thu
suit of Daniel Feidler, John C Martin Josiah
M Thompson and S R Thomson for use,
Al.so—'ltc right, title, interest and claim
of Juhn M Thompson of, in and to a certain
pieoe or parcel ot land situate iu Summit town
ship, Butler county, Pa., containing sixty acres,
more or less, adjoining lands of John Rear,
Hon E McJuukin, O D Thompson et al.;
about 2j acres cleared ; log house and log barn
thereon. Seized aud taken in execution as the
property of J M Thompson ut thu suit of
Daniel Feidler, John C Martin, Josiah M
Thompson and H It Thompson for use.
.\(.sii —All the right, title, interest nnd claim
of John M Thompson of, in and to sixty (GO)
acres i f land, more or loss, situated in Wash
ington township, Rutler county, l'a., bounded
iu follows - Ou the north by lauds of John
Kliard, east by liilliard mills road aud lands of
Bond, soul li by lands of Daniel Addleman,
west by lands of F.lisha Milliard; mostly clear
ed ; log house, |I»JJ «tabie thereon ; Jilso all the
coal, iron orv, oi(T limestone and other miner
ttji; of any and all kinds whatsoever in, upon
t\ud under that certain piece of land, lying and
adjoining the above sixty acres and divided
therefrom by the liilliard mills road. Seized
ami taken iu execution as the property ot J M
Thompson at the suit of Daniel I'cidler, J C
Martin, Josiah M Thompson and S It Thomp
son for use.
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim
of John M Thompson of. iu and to one hundred
and twenty acres of lanu, more or less, situate
in Oak I:, ud township, ISuller county, I'a , sub
ject to 1-12 royalty of all oil,bounded as follows:
on the north fry lands of Francis Whiltuire; cast
by lands of John Whitmire and the heirs of
Jas Philips, dee'd, south by John N Neyiuau
and W J Robb, and west by lands of
the heirs of Jas Philips, dec.'d, ami \V J
Robb; frame dwelling house, frame bank barn,
old log house, spring house and fruit trees
thereon; tuustly cleared. Seized and taken iu
execution as the property of J M Thompson at
the suit of Daniel Fcidler, J C Martin, Josiah
M Thompson and S R Thompson for use.
AI.KO—AII the right, title, interest and claim
of J .\1 Thompson of, iu and to forty-five acres
of laud, more or less, situated in the borough
of Butler, Butler county, Pa-, bounded as fol
lows ; On north by lands off Dully, east by
Main street, south by lands of M Sullivan, C
Walker aud Union street, west by Mrs Heiner; a
lurgc two-story brick dwelling house thereon
erected, frame stable, coal bank and large orch
ard. Seized and taken in execution as ihe
property of J M Thompson at ihe suit of
Daniel Feidler, J C Martin, Josiah M Thomp
son aud S R Tuompsoii lar use.
Al>(> All 111-right, title, interest and claim of
John M. Thompson, of, in anil to tltiy I'SII acres of
laud, more or less, situate iu Washington tow ushlp,
Butler couuly, Pa., bounded as loliov.s : tlu t.ie
north by lauds of Mrs Sellehaugb, easl by lands
of , south by lands of Win Wasson,
west by lands of Mrs Scllcbatigh el al. ; partly
cleared ; log house aud log haru I hereon. Seized
and taken in execution as Ihe pro|>crt) ol .1 M
Thompson, at the suit ol Oaiiicl feidler, J C Mar
tin. .losiali Al Tlioiii|>son and S It Thompsou. for
Auei All the right, title, interest and claim of
John M Thompson of. In ami I" a certain piece or
parcel of laiul .situate in Oakland and Coucord
tow nships. Butler county. I'a., bounded as fol
lows; Beginning at a post ou til • east line of a
tract lu the warrant name ol John .lam.sou, .lr..
being also the north-cast corner of ;i tract ol land
heretofore conveyed by \\ 11 t Ixuicr to Philip
I'almert, thence along the west line of lands of
John Beatty's heirs aud the west line of Hie oilier
land of I In-estate of W li t'lymer. north 171 de
grees west 21-i perches lo ;i |x,st ami stone Ihe
north-east comer ol another tract of land
unsold, of the estate ol Win II Clymer. liicnee
along the easl line of said hist mentioned tract
south I'.i degrees, easl i;si pcrchc to a post t||t
nort It-west corner of the lot conveyed lo Plilllp
Paltnert, Iheuec along the north line of s ml lot
uorili H'J", degrees, east l-ti peri-lies to tile place o|
beginning : containing 11.1 acres and I:II perches,
strict measure: unimproved. Seized and taken
111 execution as the property of .1 M I hoiupson. al
Ihe suit ol Daniel j'cidler, .1 < .Martin, Josiah
'i'iioiiutsou ami S It I hompson, for use.
I: I). No. HI. Dee. T., I**l ; Brandon all y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of i P.
Bmeil of, in and lo eleven t It i acres of land, more
or less, situated In forward township, Butler coun
ty l*a., bounded as follows, to wll On tin' north
bv A Trtishcl and Martin .Sinkbem. on the cast l>>
! lleiiry Spltoler, on the south by l'oiinoi|Uc||''vslng
1 creek. Oil I lie west by A. Trushcl ; mostly (ileared ,
i log house and log stable then oil. Seized and
| taken In execution as the property of J P liroell,
I al lie suit of W D Brandon, lor Use.
I K D No'.'t, Dec 'l', 'ssl ; C McCaisdlcss, alt'y.
I All liie right. HID*, interest and claim of Win A
I Shrew and Asa W Say of, In ami to one hundred |
! acres of land, more or less, situate In i laklaml and
r townships. Butler I'a., adjoining 1
iands of A P turisty, Clymer In Irs and .loiui
I Whitmire, heing tin- same piece or tract ol land
sold by .lames ft Campbell to Sa\ and sli|"\c ;
I about 7o acres cleared and fenced . frame tlw tiling
house aud log barn Iheieoii and two nil v.ells,
pr<Hlucli|<( about <; barrels per day. and the IICCCN
sar\ laaculuery to pump the same. Seized and
taken i:> execution as tin properly of Win A Shreve
I and Asa W Say, at Ihe suit ol James It Campbell
' K D Nit n'l, Dec. T, iss! ; Crccr, Itidille and l.uxk,
1 All the right, title, Interc t aud claim of David
Mc.Mlliian of. iu and to lllty <:.<»• ncp'S til land,
more or lev,. Situate 111 Jcfterson lowushlp. Butler
' coiiuty. Pa , bounded as follows: On the north
' bv latins of Itoberl Stewart's heirs, easl bv l.ittds
oi t.eoige Web h ami public road, south by i;iu<U
j of Matthew lllckctt and public road, west b>
' ian lsof Isaiah Hartley , frame house, !'» stories
I high, log bain and orchard tdcrcon; about -to
booking Stove
For Sale by JAMES S. WILSON,
Cooking and Heating Stoves a Speciality With Us.
acres cleared, balance in k.mml t.niber. Seized
and lakcn in execution as the property of l>;ivl<l
McMllllan. at the suit of John Mai/Jaml.
10 1) No 4, Dee. T. l*xi ; Eastman. att'y.
All tlie right, title, interest anil claim ol Jerry
Maloucy of, in anil tostvty (•*» acres of laud, more
or less, sitiialetn Donegal township. llullcr county,
l'a , bounded as loliows : On the north by Mat
thew Konpier ami 1 rouble heirs, east by I* Hums'
heirs, south by Adam Will, west by Jerry Malonej
and Mlllerstoivn road ; frame house, lo;; barn and
frame and lon stable ; fruit trees thereon ; mostly
cleared. Seized and taken 111 execution as the
property of Jerry Maloney, at the suit of K VV
SleKee, cashier.
K 1» No 7'J, !>e T,l*s| ; 1,7, Milehell. Htt'v.
A l ' ilie r'ulil, Uth*. micro! ami claim of I'ohert
Utronee of. in and to all ITint eerta'n ireel or 'is'r
eel of laud situate mi Mui'dycreek tounsli p. liul
ler county, l'a.. bounded and described as follows :
Hejtilini.ij; at a stone, thence south icurees
west l.">u perches Hionn lands of Koberl l.i'wieiice
tin ;mst. tlieie e norlli .V>'. degrees cast :>t »crc|ies j
along l'oriersvilie road, inence nor>h 47' t derives ;
east 15 i»erclies a'oni; same roed thence por.h :;i
d< grees east Js perches c'oiib same n»a«l, •
lln iiee n • lib iai de,:rees east 12 4 lu perches a'oug
'wine road, thenee north isi decrees e;'-t s'j per- I
ches along scute road, I hence north ste, decrees _
east 81' perches to a post, thence south .Yl 1 . •ierrh
es to a stone ilie place of beginning : cnn'.auiing-W I
acres si i let measure; mosi'y clenrcil.
Also All the title, Intercsl and e'airn of
Kill if rl la and t i ;• 11 lliat cerialii
tract or piece of land situate hi Miuldye eek two*
lie.ler county, l'a.. bounded described as fol
lows : lle|{|ii|iln,' at a corner post. tliencebv lauds
of ltoliert ami Samuel Lawrence south 2-i iliifm-s
east |so per'lies 10 a pisl by lot No His l.icne
southS7', de.reeswesl sii perches thence
by la"d< III' Joseph Teba> llOtill 2'. t IIC'.ICIM west
l.'iO IM-R iiiM to ;• post, Ihcnee ii> lot No IIIS north
ST'« decrees el si Ml percllc . to place of beginning ;
cnnta'Uing acres, in ire or less, mosll) cle: red ;
log Inn se innl li'K hern and orchard thereon. Sev
e;> and ii'kcn mi execution as iTie iiropeity of ltoli
ert Ijtwri lice at tile suit of (' F Ak'lis.
Al so All Hie refill, title, Interest and claim nl
ltoliert l.awreiiee of. In end lo a'l lint eert.'in
tract or parcel of land s'tnate 111 the lounsii'p.
cou'ily and Stale aforcsa'd. contalulir; -iiu acres,
more or less, end the whole., of said tract of L'l »
acres being hoiun'ei 1 and described as follows:
Adjoining 'ends of \ r.al;>h, \\ liallagher aie' I)
Shew mid other lend of JCobert.Lawrence, lo v. II :
In-ginning al a while oak. thence iiopli decrees
east |H*.clles. then -e south .1 decrees east '."O
rier-chc . liienci soaih *7 decrees wesl J."ili |m ic'.ic->
I leliee north il ri M h lel'H West l.'Ki perches to place of
beginning ; about :iu acres cleared. Sel/ed and la
k.it' 111 execution I" Ilie pro.MMly of lioberl I .aw -
re.ice at the MI Iof(' I' A kills.
TKIt.MS 111-' SAI.K. The following luest be
strictly compiled with when properl\ is stricken
down :
I. When Ilie plainlill or oilier 111 n creditors be
come the puieiiascr, the cost* 0,1 Ilie wrils must
lie paid, and a ilsl of the l.ens. including uiorlcagc
searches on the properly sold, together with such
lien creditor's receipt* for Ilie uniouill of Ilie pro
ceeds of thebaic of such portion thereof as lie Inny
claim. must be fiirinshed the Sherllf.
J. All bids must be paid ill full,
a. All sales run settled immediately will ho con
tinued until I o'clock. I', M of next day. al which
lime all proper!\ not settled for will again be put
up and sold at llui expense and risk ol the person
to wiiotti lllst so'.ll.
•See I'urdou's Digest. Hill Kill I ion, pane l-MS, and
Smith's Korins, page list.
W. II Hul l IAN.
SlieiifT of llullcr ('nulltv.
Slid ill s i mice. Culler, l'a.. No\ . 14.1*1.
IliHtalc ol' < l»ri«to|»licr !?9Si
lt* r.
I.etlers of administration, cam testament-' un
itcxo, having I Kiiinti'il to the undersigned on
the estate of I hilstoplier Miller, deed, late of
flay township, llullcr I ■>., l'a . nil persons know
ing Ilu-llisclviM Indebted to said estate are hereb\
iiolllb'd lliil Immeillale paMirc'lt Is reipured and
liuisc li iivlli|x eltllms amlnst Ilie same lo present
them duly lllllbellilerlli d for scit'cniellt.
.1 VMKS CKANMEK, Adln'r.
Hepl _'i t'onltersvllle. HutlerCo., l'a.
IMlllt' ol' Jollll I'OOJH'P.
I ctlciH of administration liavii g been granted
l to 4ln< llinlf iMi|;iii'il on the estate of John \Y
f'ooper, ilecM. late of Connonqenotisiii}{ lewn-
HIII|I, Butler do , Pa., all prrfons knowing them
selves indebted lo ittlil estate will pleiiae make
immedmU payment and any ImviiiK claims
Hgulust Ilie siild estate wi'l present them duly
antiii i.t c itcd lor pavnirut.
1,. W. roOI'KH, Adiu'r.
ocl'JO Wolf Creek I*. 0., Mercer Co., l'a.
Ilhliilt' of Nui'Kiircl ('ot'.
Let lots testamentary, on celate of Margaret
(loe dflc'd, late of Venango towiifhip. Uuller
county, l'a having been granted to the under
signed. all persons knowing tin mselves indebted
to sa>d estate will please make iinmednte p v
nicrit, and anv having claiuin against said «>t»tc
will piesoat lliern dulv authenticated for pay
ment. MALINDA COK. Ks«cutri\.
Kail Claire, !'. 0., 1 Wilier county, Pa.
Deft uktHt*. Dtfendanf* Attorney.
Daniel Evans Thompson, Walker et 01.
John Hughes W. I>. Brandon.
J. H. Luther C. A. Sullivan.
Isaae L. Boyer Eekley Jc Marshall.
James lJazlett W. 11. Lusk.
John Enslen, et. a). Thompson, \Valker,Miller
l>. A. ltalston, et. al. Kiddle and Lusk.
A. If. Wilson et al. Lev. Mc< juistiuu.
Michael MeElwee et al. J. D. McJunkin.
Wm. Starr and S. S. Jamison Sullivan Bros., M'Candl's.
It. McCandlcss et al. W. 1). Brandon.
W. A. Lewis et al. J. N. l'urviance et al.
James A. Adams et al. J. M. Greer.
Isaac Hlakelv et al. T. and S. and Marshall.
A. Ad» riiohl et al. Adm'rs L. 7.. Mitchell.
H. J. Hoyt J. 1). McJunkin.
S. D. llazlett Brandon and Gieer.
Theodore Altniire L. /. Mitchell.
Hugh Collins '('. A. Sullivan.
(i. W. Stall I C\ Walker.
O. I>. Adams J. M.Greer.
John McDevitt A. T. Black.
Oliver Ilepler J. D. McJunkin.
George Love J. X. l'urviance.
Araline Allen J. M. Greer.
A. RUSSELL, I'rothonotary.
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Ist, The Rural Heavy Dent Corn.
The heaviest «'• iglit of kernel and ear. Ouß
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2d, Rural Thoroughbred Flint Corn.
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Bth, The Perfect Gem Squash.
A marvel ol productiveness. Klue-grnlned,
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9th, Rural Chater Hollyhock.
A perfection flower. Three ley 10l brilliantly
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All except three nbvbh ollcrcd lor sale.
$2,000 worth of Valuable Presents
from leading Men of the Country
lor Hi ■ host yields Iroiu tho Kuial Dent and
Tlioi d Corns »nd Wysor's FulUo-Claw-
Subitlibe lor 111.- RURAL NEW YORKER
loi iOO while theopporluully oilers. Address
Bit! It Ali \ i:w - YIIKUKB,
(tor spccluiet) copies, which will be sent lo all
ai.plii a-its In e),
Park Row, New York.