Concluded from First Page. men in the quarry had a raft ready, and were beginning to load Ten o'clock brought four feet eleven inches of water, and at noon there were five feet and four inches. 'l've missed it a little,' said Ilarop. 'I said the water would run over the dam by noon, and it has still eight inches to rise before doing tbat.< 'Well, that sort o' a miss don't count,' said Riley. 'You've worked the sum right anyhow, an' the water's deep enough for raftin', an' still a-ras'.n'. It'll go over the dam in two or three hours more, an' I'll do what I said: I'll shake any man 'at says John Hampton See's a dunce or anything like it. An' that ain't all,' said the old man, rising and striking his fist in the oalm of bis hand. 'They've been a-sayin' that ole Riley Vaughn didn't value edication ; now I'll show em. I'm a-goin'to make this dam a per manent institution. I'm a-goin' to build Vaughn & See's foundry an' ag ricultural implement factory right down the creek there, an' put a big lot of improved machinery in it; an' I'm a-goin' to send my pardner, John Hampton See, off next week to get the rest of his edication where they sell the sort of edication as is good for him not a lot o' words, but principles and facts. You tell your mother you're a-goin' to New York right away, boy, an''at ole Riley Vaughn's a-goin' to foot all the bills outen your interest in the comin' factory. You'll study all sorts o' figgerin' work an' machine principles in the big school in New York what's called the school o' Mines, an' then you'll go to all the big factories an' things.' This scheme was carried out. Hamp spent three years in study, and return ed an accomplished mechanical engi neer. He went into the factory as old Riley's partner, and his work is to im prove machinery and processes, lbe firm own many patents on things of his invention, and the factory is the centre of a prosperous region, in which Mr. Hampton See is an especially re spected citizen. PROFESSOR KINO AT HOME. Prof. Samuel A. King the balloonist, whose air-ship was wrecked in the great forest of Wisconsin ou October 14, and who tramped about for five days in the wilderness, returned to his home in this city a few days ago. "Well," said he to a Press reporter afterward, "I suppose you want to know something about the wreck. We had a very pleasant night of it af ter ascending from Chicago. The wind was blowing hard from the lake, and when we got into the air the cooled atmosphere acted so suddenly on the balloon that I thought she would tall Bgain. We went up about a mile and drifted southwesterly across the Illinois prairie, and when night fell we saw lights glimmering from the small villages without know ing where we were. The wind Jdied away aud the balloon remained almost stationary in the clouds all through the night." Signal-service Officer Hashagan, my only companion in the balloon, went to sleep. The car waa about eight feet long by seven wide, and we had very comfortable quarters. At the earliest dawn of the day I saw that we were moving again. Our heavy drag-rope was cut and hung 350 feet below us. We had descended imper ceptibly until the rope trailed over the roof of a house, and perhaps demoral ized the chimney. Then he asked where we were, and a farmer who responded said that we were near Spring Valley, Wisconsin. We went up agaiu and passed a valley which looked like a bole in the ground. Presently we came upou the most beautiful sight I ever saw—a vast field of little hills, rising suddenly from the green prairie and crowded at their summits with a heavy growth of tim ber We yelled down to ask where we were of a passing pedestrian, and he 'guessed' we were about 200 miles from St. Paul, Minn. The drag rope was still trailing, and it must have hit somebody's house. We heard a gun shot, and then the hum of a bullet close to the balloon. About noon that day we again asked where we were and a man said not 'more than eighty miles from St. Paul, but that our course would take us a little to the South of the city. I threw out bal last in the hope of striking a higher current, and as the earth fell away and became a vast, undistinguishable plain, 1 caught my last glimpse of civiliza tion for five days. After two hours in the clouds at a height of 8,000 or 10,- 000 feet I descended again, and as the clouds broke away under us I believe 1 said: "Great God, we're in the woods. Hashagan, do you see any house ?" As far as the eye could reach it encountered this rolling ocean of trees. A river Lwiated through the forest, and, believing we had traveled northward through Miunesuta, I said: 'We are on the Mississippi, anyhow." The balloon descended iu the tree-tops, after climbing a steep bill with an ease which we appreciated when we carried the balloon down afterward. Finding an opening in the forest, we split up the balloon and soon after, began our long tramp back to civilization. We followed the Flambeau River, eating berries and part of a hedgehog on the way, and finally reached Chippewa Falls, seventy-five miles from the bal loon's resting place. You know the rast."— Phila. Press. |RI. Paul Pioneer Pre##.] What We Hate. We bate growling, no matter the source or cause and recommend here with the remedy. Use St. Jacobs Oil and laugh at pain. It will do the work every time. Absurdly Mupld and Foolish to allow prejudice or ignorance to get the better of good judgment It has been amply shown and conclusively proven that constipation, bad breath, dypepsia, kidney affections and all dis easas of the liver, stomach and bowels have been cured and can be cured by simply taking Simmons Liver Regula tor. It is harmless;, not unpleasant and easily procured—so there is no reason to be ignorant of a true remedy. If you suffer, you have no excuse, lor this medicine places certain relief and cure within your reach. If our preacher would take I'eruna his hoarseness would soon leave him. Henry Stewart, » negro, aged near ly 80, who was insured for $125,000 by graveyard sharks, died at Ilarrisburg oo Saturday night. It '8 astonishing how many people hawk up and spit jut Catarrhal corrup tions when there is so little need of it, as Peruua cures it. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! ( Extraordinary Bargains! IN JOIBICEEL'S. WE TAKE THE LEAD IN LADIES' MISSES' AND J MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S, I YOUTHS', BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS ! GAITERS. f SLIPPERS, AKCIICb, etc. LEATHER AWD I'LVDINOS AND SHOEMAKERS' SUPPLIES OF ALL KIND 3 HANDS. Bpairiug of all Sfallj an«l Promptly Efciie JOHN BICKEL, AUG 3] MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. ~ iVEEfcSt, Fooia 00. A £nitLfscturere of the |1 NEW BUCKEYE \ FORCE SRI 'BIIHJID IRON TURBINE 9 !\1 ■ " >vS Z 2 > And BUCKEYE NIL • « WIND m j^zzsr wmm p M PMPTMN LLIL LL " ED §: | \ 11 LL 111 LL LI U . t . 2 c ® \\. Btrong . In the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co.. Ml .j; illkiili attorney for libcllant. it ai.|H-ar- Pa., A. I>. No. 84 March Term, IH-tl. lug to th" court that subpo'iia and alias MI iixeua Now, September 14th, ISHI, on motion of Mif- t ui above case had been returned n. e. i.. the Slier cliell. White and Bowser, Court award pnblica- i!l was dlreeted to nial;e publication according to tion and appoint E. I. Brngh. Esq., commission- law. and (ieorge IJ. \\ liile was appointed a com er, to take testimony. two subpreuas having been julssiouer to take testimony of w itncsse:, Me., re retum-d ne. i. ' I v ,nr. COCUT. VOTII'K K,.KANO„ T. BAKTI.KY : To THE HWPONDKST, ROSANNA T.AWBENCK: VO„ ;l „. untitled to he and ::p;»earln your proper You are hereby notified to bo and appear in pers.m before our .bulges at Butler, ai ourt of your proper person, before our judges at Butler. Common Pleas men ami there to be heid on the at a Comt of Common Pleas, then ami there to •»th day of J>eeeml>er, tssi. li'-vt. to an>\v»T the pe be held on tlie sth dav of Decerntier, 1881, to tition or libel ot the said <«eor/e \\. r»;ir«lev. and aiiHwer the petition or lil»el o { the mid itohcrt U 1 111 ! ' !!i n.'r, -,i rr/.V.Vr.7. i„!n,W • 1 , . i , ~ . . j .V. llar'lev should not he dlvor' *eu from i>e UOIIUH Lawrence your husband, should not be divorced „ f ...airlnmiiv a to the acts of ass. in from the bonds ot matrimony agreeably to the M ieh case made and provided. Acts of AMsemblyinß and pro- \VM. H. HOFFMAN. SherilT. vided. W. H. HOFFMAN. Sheritr. Butler. I'a., Sept. 2Jd, 1881. I U II attend to the's NOTICE. duties of the above appointment at IIIV office ill To all parlies interested—Take notice that I J Sutler. I'a., on \\ ednesdav. N"V• *i ■ il»f r./''lb■ £. I)., will attend to the duties of my appointment as 1 '• ln * ' ' Vommi.ssioner commissioner in the above stated Quid at my of- s ■' flee in the borough of Batler, on the sth day of week In your own town. Terms and December, A. I") . IHBI. at 1 o'clock, p. in. IpDOuiittlt [re. Address 11. II V1.1.1.T1' & Co., soct3 E. I. BRUGH. Commissioner. Portland, Maine. qpj* flutter Citizen: JStatl**, 3ff«»mfre*_ 18, tBBt. G. H. Walworth, Saco, Me., WTitea: I experienced immediate relief from pain in the shle by the use of your PAIN KILLKR. E. York says: I have ut ed your PAIN RII I EH for rheumatism, and have received BTeat benefit. Barton Seaman says: Have used PAIN KILLER for thirty yearn, and have found it a rirrer-failing remedy for rheumatism and lameness. Mr. Burditt writes: It unwr/tiifotoKive relief incanesof rheumatism. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes: From actual use, I know your PAIN KII.IJ:U la the beat medicine I can get EXPOSITION < BBTLER, Pi. OF BOOTS & SHOES. Fresh New Fall and Winter Stock at Exceedingly Low Prices AT The Reliable nd Popular BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE OF B. C. HUSELTON. EVERY DAY ADDS STILL CHOICER STYLES AND LOWER PRICES UNTIL HIS HOUSE IS FULL OF EVERY KIND AND STYLE OF Boots & Shoes. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDRENS' Kip, Calf, Grain, Pebble, Goat, Kid & St. Goat hi Palish, Button and Side Lace. Old Ladies Warm Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers and Arties. MEN'S BOYS' AND YOUTHS' Brogans Plow Shoes, Qdf Shoes, Kip and Calf Boots. 7he larg est stock of Men's Hand-mide Kip Boots in Butler, and lower prices. ' Men's Boots as low as - $l5O Women's Heavy Shoes at 90 Customers are all treated alike ; no misrepresentations made as to quality of stock aod wear; prices same to all. We dou't sell to one custom er at half price and next one charge double to make it up. This is the Largest Stock of Boots & Shoes in Butler Count// —best styles and lowest prices, and much the larg est sleek; bought for CASH direct from the manufacturers. An inspect ion of this stock will at once convince you that we do not advertise a small, cheap, shoddy stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, vis the Best, Cheapest and Largest in Butler Countg, but we have the Stock and Prices to show for what we say. LARGE STOCK OF LEATHER AND FINDINGS. tWßepairing of All Kinds Neatly and Promptly Done. CALL A A V EXAM I* E BEFORE Y OUBU Y. B. G, HUSELTON. CH R I S r J? OC K, Manufacturer of Tin nn sit around the house and wait for otheirs to earn it lor them. We can give >ou employment, all the time, or during your spare hours only ; traveling, or in your own neighborhood, among >our friends and acquaint ances. If you do not can- for employment, we can impart valuable information to you free of card to write for our Prospectus, and it may be the means of making you a good many dollars. lio not neglect tins opportunity You do not have to invest a large sum of money, aud run a great risk of losing It. You will readily see that it will be an easy matter to make from *lo to Sloo a week, and establish a lucrative, and indeiwid ent business, honorable, straightforward and pro fitable. Attend to this matter NOW, for there is IIu.NEY IN IT for all who engage with us. We will surprise you and you will wonder why you never wrote to*us before. We sf.nii kii.i. pak tii l I.AK.H lit KK. Address BUCKEYE M'F'G CO., (Name this paper.) [2lsepcni] MAIUON, OHIO. | 6,\ 'lfjj x Shorthand! A Full Course in Fonoarafy is published eve ry year in the uew monthly ma/aziue : THE AMRKICAN SHORTHAND WRITER and the Excretes of all subscribers corrected through the mail FREE OF CHARGE. The only periodical in the worlJ Irom which shorthand may be learnt uithiuta tutor. The Plan of Instruction is original and the Lessons comprehensive. Those desiring to le i'n may begin at any time, back numbers to Lesson 1 being supplied new subscribers and exercises corrected when ever received. SUBSCRIPTION . One year (Course of 12 Lcssot.s )- - $1.50 Single cumber .... 15c. American Agency for Pitman's Shorthand Books and Reporter s Supply Depot. Circulars sent Irce on application. ROWELL & IIICKCOX, 409 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Please mention this paper. |auglotf BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. J. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM CAML'HELL, TREASURER 11. C. IIEINEMAN, SKCRETART DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Hclmboldt, William Campbell, i J. W. Huikhart, ! A. Troutiuau, Jacob Schoene, i G. C. Roessing, John Caldwell, : Dr. W. lrvin, J.J. ('roll. J. W. Christy H. C. Heineman. JAS. T, M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ae't- BUTLER PA. V A L UABLE FARM FOR SALE ! THE undersigned offers for sale the follow ing real estate, viz : The William McClung farm, situate in Oak land township, llutler county. Pa., adjoining lands of Win J. Hutchison. Eli ltalph et al . containing 136 acres, more or less. About 91 acres cleared, balance in good timber; double log house and frame bum thereon erected; good orchard of about 10U bearing apple trees; farm well watered, and in a good state of cultivation, and is supposed to be underlaid with coal. This farm is situate in a good neighborhood on the public road leading from IJntler to Fair view. and within 14 bout five miles of butler, ami within about one mile of the proposed new rail road. For terms inquire of the undersigned or G- W. Fleeger, Esq., of Butler. CHRISTY ROBB, Executor of Willltm McClung, deceased. Oakland twp., Butler Co., Pa soct2m i Subscribe for the CITIZEN. I "iS^EMiti THE CREAT a i r l rxr, ro x Ttori /;. fi*"N'o other line runs Throe Through Pns .V;N-- r Trains Daily l>etwcoii Chkaipo, IKS >! im-s, Council Bluff , Omaha. I incoin. St. Toseph, Atchison, Top 'ka and Kansas City, i'irect connections for all points in Kansas, Xebnska, Colorado. Wyoming. Montana, Ne ,nd. w Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and .nia. Shortest. Speediest nnrt Most C tnforta it lit.' viaHanulh;,' to Kril t Scott. Oenison, r\.lla.«. Il'iiuton, Austin. San Antonio, Galves- U>n and nil p.iitit® in Texas. The unegualed inducements offered liv this t.iiv to Traveler* and Tourists, r.r-' a follow: l'h" celebrated Pullman ing Cars, run only on (hi - l.ine. C.. 11. A r -'dace Ontv ing-lt >otn with Helton's Ilec.i.iing < hni; s. No extra charge for S- ats in " dining Chairs. The famous C. 11. A Q. Palace TMnina: Cars. (lorgefus SmoklnK C<-.s fitted with Klegrant High-Bached Hat tar. Ko volvitnr ( hairs for the exclusive use of first class Ul ; -U.gtjf«. Ste.-l Track and Sureiior Equipment, coin bined with their Great Through t'ar Arranjie inont. makes this, above all others, the favorite Kouii to thv South, South-West, and the Par West. Try it, and you will (lad traveling a luxury instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celebrated l.ine for sale at all offices in the United States and Canada. All information about Hates of Fare, Sleep ing Car Accommodations. Timo Tables, wiil be cheerfully given, and will send I rr. : any address an eiegaut County Map of L cit. States, it) colors, by applying to J. 0- A. HKAN', Gen's tastern Ager.t. oUO Washington St . Boston. Mas _ and 317 Broadway, New Yorl; T. J. POTTER, Gen. Aianajter. Chi "ajro. PERCEVAL LOVVFLL, General Passenger Agent. Chicago. S. S. MARVIN & CO'S. SUPERIOR CRACKERS AND Pan Cake Flour. Pancake Floar is just what its name implies; floar fur Pan Cakes. The directions for use are wiih cold ■water or sweet milk, make a batter and bake at once on -X hot griddle This season iU much cheaper fiuu Buckwheat flour. «-ASK YOUR GROCER FOR OCR New York Water Crackers, 1M FERIAL CHAMPAGNE CRACKERS XXX OYSTER CRACKERS, EXTRA SODA CRACKERS, WINE CRACKERS Are superior to all others. V hen you buy crackera ask for MARVIN'S, and dont take any others, for they are the best. Office and Works 91, 93, 95 and 97 Liberty Street, Retail Department, IS Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. |«F New Illustra- Hg| SB H teil Price-List ter of 1881. Free to any address. Con tains full description of all kinds of goods for personal and family use. We deai directly with the consumer, and sell all goods in any quantity at wholesale prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 and 229 Wabash Avenue,Cliicago,liL Agent* wauled for Ihe Life ami Work of GARFIELD Tbe ouly complete story of his noble life and tragic death. Fresh, brilliant, reliable. Elegantly printed 111 EUKIUII »■»«■ GERMAN ; beautifully illustrated; handsomely bound. Easiest selling book ever pub lished Bv John C. Ki«lp:ith. I>L. I>. CAUTION, which the country is flooded. They are worthless ; au outrage upon the memory of the great dead, and a base fraud on the public. 1 his boo* is entirely new. The only work worthy the theme. Mend 50e. in Sintnv* l f >r l * t ff.O 1 !, 1 ? » JUNES BROTHERS & i <>•. Publisher*, Philadelphia. SHi i Just published, a new edition of PR CUL VEKWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY en th« radical cure of Spermatorrhea «r Seminal Weak nef». Involuntary Seminal LoMea. Impotency, Mei.tal and Physical Incapacity, Impediment to Marriage, etc. ; also. Consumption. Epilepej and Fits. induced by self-indulgence or sexua extravagance. Ac The cele 1 rated author, in this admirable Ed sav, clearly demonfeti ateo. from a thirty yeare successful practice. the alarming consequen ce» of self-abuse may be radically cured ; 1 oint ing out a mode of cure at once simple certain and effectual, by means of which even - sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. tfv t" This Lecture should bo in the bands ol eve'-y youth and every man in the l»nd Kent, under seai. in a plain envelope, to anj addrois. post paid, on recei) t ol six cents or two poMta;;e stampe- We have also a s.ure cure for Tape Woim. Address THE CULVERWELL ME DICAL CO., 41 ANN ST., Ntxv YOKK, N Y : feb»-ly Post Olllcc Box, 4M) CHEAP TICKETS to any point west. Land Explorers, Round Trip, First, Second or I bird ( lass. Kelii* hie M «if «>rma< ion regarding Homestead Pre-emption or fining laws. Call on or address E. A. TAYLOR, Cashier Arnyle Savings I!atik, Mav M:(!m lVtr.dii, I'a. All OM.Y DAVtiHTER < 5 Jt- KI) OF < O.\SI .MI'I lo\. When death was hourly expected, till remedies having failed, and l»r. 11. .lames was experiment ing with the many herbs of < 'aleutta. lie accident aliv made a preparation which cund iMiut of < (» MiTl(>N. Ili- child i • now in this coiin trv, and enjoxing the l>est of health. He lias proved to the world that < o>si MPTION can be positively and pernianeiitlv cured. The now gives ill is Kcc'ipe free, only asking two three-cent stamp* to pay expenses. This Herb also cures Night Sweats, Nausea all he Stomach, and will t.reuk up a fr. sh cold in twentv -four hours Ad dress Crailaoek & Co.. iu.r.» Kace Street, I luladcl pliia. miming this paiH r. AT WTTSBUBGfI AGAIN. I'H 11' I'S > IMS AT I'S ! 4-ITtI URAMI ANKCAL SAI.E OF BOOKS! AT AUCTION AND PRIVATE SALE, is now open rnd will continue f r a short time, day and night, sit 101) Wood street. The largest and finest collection . f new hooka Mr. I*rati has ever brought to the Cliy. Books at private sale, during the day, at about hull price. J. 11. BORLAND, Auctioneer, J. K. Pun 4 Bx>. The oldest, best, most thorough and complete practical business college ill the I nited Stales School alwavs in session. Students admit ted at any time. For circulars address J. C. SMITH, A. M.. PittvriPAL. "sejtfm Pittsburgh. Pa. A. Haffner, SUCCESSOR TO H. BAUERIBROS., HIT I.Fit. I»A., FLAKING MILL AND Y a I'd , lAM'I ACTUKKB AMI DEALEU IN Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, DOORS, SASH, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, Brackbts, Gauged Cornice Boards, PORCII POSTS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL POSTS A BALUSTERS, FENCE PALINGS, Ac., Ac. MICHIGAN SHINGLES Barn Boards* Plastering Lath, Hem lock Bill Stuff, of all kinds, constantly on hand, All of which 1 will sell on reasonable terms and guarantee satisfaction. Planing Mill and Lumber Yard on Jefferson street, Butler, Pa. ldecly A. HAFFNER. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Y aiul. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS S.G. Purvis & Co., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Hough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS FLOORING, SIDING. BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS Newell Posts and Balunteir FENCE PALINGS, Ac., Ac , MICHIGAN SHINGLES, Barn Boards; Plastering Lath; Hon lock Bill Stuff, such as Joist Raf ters, Scantling, Ac., all sizes constantly on hand All of which we will fell on reasonable terms md guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near Cieriuaii OafUollo ('hurcb j !»7-*O-ly K. GHIEH, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &.C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. AND CLOCKS REPAIRED. AND WARRANTED. imumm HOUSEHOLD WORDS. 3 • 4 For sick stomach, bad taste, sinking n spoils, and palpitation, rely wholly on l*i> q n." fIKHBHBSMHBOHB •'For want of appetite, dyspepsia, Indlgcs -0 tlon, and 11 vlt D n 44 Those in litrr:iry, professional or com- q merclal pursuits constantly noeiIPKHUXA. For constipation, A 1" fIHHHHH 0 4 'Fop sick headache, pain In tho head. Q dizziness, and low spirits, take I'ehux a. * * Q Read and stndronr book on the ills of ilfo, q follow it:; teachings. and you wlll l>c happy. 4 flooo will l>e paid for nuy caso Vluuna 0 will not euro or greasy improve. * • C2HB 0 Ladles, If yon wish strength, health and q N'.uity, q 4 4 Go to your nearest druggist for al>ottle n 0 of I*j£jiuxA. Take it beforoeach meal.'* u 44 For nervons debility, catarrh of the blad -0 der, or disease of tho kidneys, take I'jl.ul na, 0 and be cured. 1 * l*Kltt!V 1 and WAX AI, IX FOR SALE BV A' WILI ER BUTLER, PA. Unicn Woolen Mills. I would demre to call the Attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend thorn an being very dura ble, ax they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, »u --perior in texture, and will ho wold at very low price#. For sample* and price*, addrem*. H. FULLERTON, JnIM.T-ly) Butler. P* gjgT" Advertise in the CITIZEN. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. VTI Kit, KAKNS CITT AND PARKBK RAILROAD Tnt : ib leave Hotter for Pt. .1 o«", Mll(*rttown Karns i ily. Petri* u, Parker, etc., at 7.27 a. in iiul 2 'S-> and 7 l'.~> [i iu. 1 rains arrive at duller from the above named points at a. m.. and -.15, and 7.15 p. nr The 2.15 train connects with t.alu uu the West Peiin roid through to Pittsburgh. sItENASGO AND AI.I.EGIJENY KAII.HOAD. TrriMtam liiiiiardV Mill, Butler county, tor li.irrißVilie, Urcenvilie, etc., at 7.50 a. m. and 2.25 p. in. Trains arrive at Milliard's Mills at 1:45 A, m., and 5:55 P. M. Hacks to and from Petrolia, Mnrtinsburg. Kairview, Modoeand Tr oat man, connect at Hil liard with ail trains < II tin? S A A road. I'ENNSYLVA.n :a UAIMIOAD. Traius leave Hutler (Hutler or Pittsburgh Time. Market at 5.U6 a. ni., (;u« thicugh to Alio with Exp.ess west, arriving lu Alleghenj at S).sti i. iu., and Express east arriviug at Blairsviile U 10 .*y> a. m. railroad time. Mail at 2.26 p. iu., counecliug at Butler Junc .ionwithout change ol cars, with Express west, irriving in Allegheny at 501 p. m., and Ex press cast arrivlug "l Blairsviile Intersection il 5.55 p. m. railroad lime, which conneets w.'tk Philadelphia Express east, when on time. The 7.21 a. in. traiu connects at Blairsviile it 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2.36 p.m. train at 6.5'J with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. R. at ).5f a. m., 4.5S and 7.01 p. m.. Butler time. The 1,56 and 458 trains connect with trains on ■he Butler A Parker R. R. Main Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh tor the Ea*» it 2.50 and 8.20 a. m. and 12.51, 4.21 and 8.06 p. aa., arriving at Philadelphia at 3.40 aud 7.20 [>. iu. aud 3.00, 7.0 1 and 7.40 a. ra.; at Baltimore ibout the same time, at New York three hours Inter, and at Washington about one and a half hours later. Time of Holding Courts* The several Courts of the county of Butler jommence on the fii»t Monday of March, June, September and December, and continue two necks, or so long as necessary to dispose of the business. No causes are put down for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the first week of the several terms. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BUTLER, PA. JOHN K7KELLY, Office with E. G. Miller, Esq., in Brady Law Building. augl7'Bi A. M. CORNELIUS, Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street. Butler, Pa. J. F BR ITT AIX, Office with L. Z- Mitchell, Diamond. A M CUNN INGHAM, Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. a H. PIERSOL. Office on N. E. coiner Diamond. Riddle build ing novl2 JOIIN M. GREER. Office on N. E. corner Diamond. uovl2 WM M T USK, Office with W H. 11 Riddle, Esq. NEWTON ULACIv, Offico on Diamond, near gourt ITouso. sonth side. _____ E. L B&UGH, Office in Kiddle's Liw Building. . S. F. BOW SEK. Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marN'7'i J. B. McJUNKIN. S|>ecia] attention given to collections Ollic posiie Willard llousc. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond. Butiei Pa. H. H. GOUCHER, Office in Schneideman's building, up etaiis. J, T. DONLY Office near Court House. t * 74 W. I). BRANDON, ebl7-75 Office in Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady building- marl7 —t FERD REIBER, Office in Reibcr's building, Jcflerson Bt. ap»l> F M. EAST .VAN, Office in Brady building. LEV. McQUISTION, Office Main street, 1 door Bonth of Court Bouse JOS. C. VANDERLIN, Office Main street, 1 door Bouth of Court House. Wra A. FORQUER, tST Office on Main street, opposite Vogeley House. GEO. R. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond. j7l> McJUNKIN, Office iu Schneideman's building, west side ol Main street, 2nd square from Court House. T. C. CA M PBELL, Office in Berg's new building, 2d door, east sido Main St., a few doors south of L,owrj House. mar3—tf r, A. SULLIVAN, in;iy7 Office S. W r . cor ol Diamond. A T. BLACK, Office on Main street, oue door south o Hrr.dy Block, Butler, Pu. (Sep. 2, 1874. EUGENE G MILLER, Office in Brady's Law Building, Main Btreet, south of Court House. 260ct81 THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER, PA. .!< »;iN li. NEGLEY, WQivcs particular attention to transaction* .K roal estate throughout tiie county. OmeK on DIAMOND, ukar Coritx HOI>E, ip CITIZEN nmuimo E. K. ECKI.kt, KENNEDY MAHSUAXL f Late ot Ohio.) ECKLKY & MARSHALL. ■ Met in Brady's Law Building. Sept.#,74 c G. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully transacted Collections tuade and promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly lUcnded to and answered. Office opposite Lowry (louse, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, my2l-ly] BUTLER, l'A. Otlii'e on Jefferson street, opposite Klingler's Flour Store. DENTISTS. dentistr X . Oat WALDRON. (Jn'duHte ol the Phil K adelpl ia Dental Collegers prepare-' • 11 ■to do anything in the line of nib profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Bntler, Union Block, up stairs. apll l'.slalo of N. K. Shannon. Letters of administration on the estate of 8. R. Shannon late ol Franklin township, Butlor county, Pa., having been grunted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will prcscul them duly authenticated for settlement. J. H. Shannon, Adm'r, *cp 28 6t Mt. Chestnut, Butler Co-, Pa. Advertise in the CITIZEN.