Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 16, 1881, Image 3

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Local and General.
* —Garfield Bangles for Rings and
Bracelets at E. Grieb's.
The Legislature last winter ap
propriated $50,000 for the support of
the ten State Normal Schools.
A lot of second-handed Watches
cheap for cash, at E. Grieb's
—The people of Clarion county
voted on the Bbeep law at the late
flection and defeated it by a vote of
9230 to 1961.
—Blankets, Flannels and Yarns,
■linlrmli >n J rr*° :l *' Union Woolen Hill*,
Butler, Pa. «* l2tf
Eighteen persons were poisoned
in ana about Petrolia last Friday, by
eating he*o cheese (hogs bead), but
they all recovered.
A new blast furnace io this State,
waa recently opened with praypr-
Tbia allows that Bob Ingersoll has not
really captured the country.
The fact that a Newark cashier
could steal more than his bank owned
baa struck Wall street dumb with as
tonishment and admiration.
We direct attention to the adver
tisement of the " Scientific American."
We will receive subscriptions for this
valuable publication at this office.
—The Rev. W. H. McKinney, of
Bransburjf, will preach at the Baptist
Church this place on Sunday morning
next, Nov, 20tb. All are invited to
Why do students learn faster at
tbe Normal School than elsewhere ? ;
For ana. read its handbook sent for a
green stamp. Address J. A. Cooper,
Edinboro. Pa.
Wbat a comtort it is to be a prom
inent man, either in politics or finance.
The latest crank gave Jay Gould six j
days to prepare for death, and is now j
in jail in New York.
cash price paid for corn, :
oats and all kinds of produce at the !
store of Jacob Boos, nearly opposite
tbe W.illard Hotel, Main street, But
ler,-Pa. ul6tf
When you want anything in tbe
line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sil
verware, Spectacles, Ac., do not fail to
call in at E. Grieb's and examine the
atock ; no trouble to show goods.
Wm. Gallagher, of Clearfield twp.,
sued William Leibold before Esquire
Walker, last Saturday, and got judg
ment for $52 and costs. The suit was ;
lor an old debt, due for an old oil rig. j
The ladies of St. Peter's Church, j
Butler, will bold their next reception j
fop the benefit of the Parsonage Fund j
PB evpniqg of tb'B W<JeTf,
the residence of Mrs. McOmber. All
are cordially incited to attend.
—Tho fall term of Witherspoon In
stitute will close on tbe 25th inst. The
winter term will begin on Monday,
Dec. 5. Catalogues sent on application
to P. S. BANCROFT, A. M.
16n3w Principal.
—Mrs. Susan C. Slentz, has receiv
ed a draft for 2,000 from the society of
(.{ie Ancient Order of Pgite4
ropfl. pf wp'pfc her husband tjip !&t« |
Q. P. Slentf, of this place, was » mem
—For cold-blooded brutality tbe
managers of the York county alms
bouse are ahead. They turned a poor
woman out of doors with ber sick child,
and the infant died in ber arms as she
was beggiug her way to York.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pcftyotf i§ a re'ma?ka6Te remedy for those
paiuful complaints and weaknesses so
common to our best female population.
Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 283
Western Avenue. Lynn, Mass., for;
—"E. Andrews, Pottsville, Pa.," j
suggests wire rope such as used for ;
clothes lines as a convenient fire-es-!
b a y e HP*?'iff replftf :
%Uq fastened to ap upper window, and
upon the wire at intervals of say •
twenty inches he would have woodeu
knobs. i
—Two sharpers are going through
the country victimizing the farmers. (
They offer to sell mackerel in half-bar- '
pjs gtavery low price, pur- {
f&aeing, tbe victims 'find tjieip hftif-:
bafrela f|l|ed wH& rubbish, with a thin
l»yer of fish on top.
—The report that a daughter of Mrs
John Martin, oftbis place, was sick with
tbe small-pox was untrue. Miss Mar
tin had a slight malarial fever, but
was not confined to bed. There are
tl'o Ql amft|l-pog in Ot about But:
er that we know of
—Winter Term of the Pioe Grove
Normal Academy will begin Tuesday,
November 29, 1881. Smallest atten
dance of the year. Ample accommoda
tions for all that desire to attend. The
best term for young men and women
Send tor £ and circulars oq
mtysic J«AAC C. KET- •
fesg, principal, Wolf Creek, Mercer
county, Pa.
—The Inhabitants of Mecbanicsburg,
Westmoreland county, are highly ex
cited over tbe discovery of a cave in a
mountain ledge of rock on Mr. Enos's |
farm near that town. In it were found j
a human skeleton, remnants ot his j
Sjothigg yyith forays bqtloqs, a revolvef,
ft kettle oontaining S2O in gold, a crock,
full of lead ore, and some rusty pieces
of sheet iron.
—Messrs. Ihmsen k Co., of South
Side, Pittsburgh, glass manufacturers,
have agreed to build a glass works
here, if the people of the town donate
them tbe old distillery lot, near the de
iM, antj some aborning jotf, o*afcing
gboqt three acres m all- Some of our
citizens are now raising tbe money by
subscription to pay for the property,
which will cost about $1,200, and tbey
will easily succeed if every business
firm in town subscribes a very
little. A glass works here giv
ing. steady employment to a large
number of meu and boys, will benefit
every business firm iu town, more or
fiarnftirt* Look Here,
j'fhfe'undersigned are now taking or
der* for fruit trees for spring planting.
Wfe represent one of the moat reliable
ndrserie- in Rochester, N. Y. Please
send your orders in immediately.
UNDER a law passed iu 1794, James
Garvin was lately arrested in Erie for
prufaue swearing and fined $6,70, at
at the rate of 67 cents for each oath or
curse, as the law provides. Garvin
refused to pay. aud was jailed.
f Court Note*,
Daniel Feidler, John C. Martin,
i et al., for use of Samuel L. Riddle, sr.,
'assignee, hare brought suit vs John
M. Thompson, debt.
The Building & Loan Association
' ef Butler has brought suit vs John
West and Mary West his wife, debt.
I Mrs. Sarah Plummer has brought
suit vs John M Miller and wife, debt.
Joseph Coulter has appealed his
! suit against D. M. Kelly.
| W. W. Dunlap and wife have brought
suit vs James W. Kelly, administrator
of James Neron, dec'd, to recover on
I note of $5500, given by James Neron
j to Elian Dunlap.
Chas. Duffy has brought suit vs J.
j M. Cunningham, debt.
W. W. Brandon for fuse of B.
| Schmidt has brought suit vs J. Broell,
John Maizland has brought suit vs
David McMillan, debt.
Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. vs E
J. Bottner, debt.
TbowftS Critchlow vs Peter Staff,
Common Pleas Judge* Elected.
Complete returns of the vote for
Judge in the Eighth district elect
Rockefeller, Republican, over
Democrat, and in the Sixteenth district
elect Baer, Democrat, over Cessna,
Republican. The following are the
Judges elected, with the majorities, in
the districts where tbprp flrere contests.
Those marked thus * are now on the
bench and those marked thus f bad
no opposition :
1. * James T- M'tpMl.fßepublican.
2. *John B. Livingston,fßepqblU
3. W. W. Schuyler, Democrat;
majority, 2,151
4. *Henry W Williams,fßppubli?
8. W. M. Rockenfeller, Republican ;
majority, 209.
12. John W. Simonton, Republican;
majority, 4,267-
16. William J. Baer, Democrat;
majority,. 25.
IS James J}, Knox, Democrat;
majority, I.TOO.
19. John Gibson,fDemocrat.
20. *Josepb C. Bucher, Democrat;
81. David B- Green, Republican;
majority, 885-
24- *John Dean, f Republican.
38. ♦Henry P. Ross, Democrat;
majority, 1,357.
41. Charles A. Barnett. Democrat;
majority, 2:29.
—The will of David Dougal was left
at the county Register's office last
Thursday, to be registered. Tbe same
day a caveat against admitting it to
probate was filed. A bearing was had in
tbe case on Saturday, and Register Gal
lagher decided not to admit the will to
probate.' Tfjis jast will of AJr fio'qgftl
was executed on the 3lst day of De
cember, 1880. The only property dis
posed of in it is given to Catharine
Protzman, Lewis Z. Mitchell, James
and William Dongal in equal shares.
Mr. Mitchell is appointed executor.
The will is contested by A. P. and
Wm. Wilson, of Huntingdon county,
this State, who are grand-nephews of
Mr. Dougal. They will contest the
will on the grounds that Mr. Dougal
was no£ of sound mipd antj'lpeiqbry
tqe"tiiqe of the of said will:
that the execution thereof was procured
by fraud, daress, undue influence, etc ,
and that the execution, attestation and
publication thereof were not duly and
legally made. The property disposed
of in the will are the two lots on Main
street, Butler, north of the Diamond.
Mr. Dougal deeded the Protzman's the
farm on which they live, in Summit
township, some t'lng a§q. W>|l
was (Tertlfie'd iqto the' Qrpqans' Coqrt,
when the trial upon it will be had.
—Though the story of the Cabinet
quarrel is denied there has something
occurred to intensify the relation ex
isting between the President and his
Attorney General. Mr MacVeagh re
fuses to speak on the matter, and says
that any correction of the story
'pom6 frobi' Ihe* 'President.
His friends are uot so reticent. They
say it is part of the plot of the 'Arthur
Grant-Conkling combination' to break
MacVeagh down before the country.
1 hey say that it was never for a mo
ment Pres. Arthur's intention to re
tain either MacVeagh or Blaine.
Macyeagti knew
handeci iii his resignation which
would have beeq accepted at once had
not Cameron forbidden it. 'The Penn
sylvaoia Senator feared that McVeagh's
retirement would have a great effect
on the Pennsylvania election, and that
the Independent, or Garfield, element
would be enabled to defeat the Repub
lican ggt thepp w&8 ft sfjll
peeper plot at work, and this was lu
regard to the Star Route prosecutions.
The plan was to induce McVeagh to
remain in the Cabinet for the present
and conduct the cases. As soon as
his consent hod been obtained, it was
the intetion of Arthur, and the Grant-
Cameron crowd at his back, to work
a nroaecutfofo. qnfl
jiben 'to throw the 'entire blame upon
the shoulders of MacVeagh-'
—The unexpected courtesy paid to
the British Nation during the York
town celebration in the saluting of the
British flag by tbe land naval forces,
jat the order of the President of the
I United States, touched the sngli&i»
heart aa did the messages o? the Queen
to Mrs. Garfield the hearts ot the
American people. The evidence of
this was furnished last Wednesday, in
the demonstrations of respect to the
United States flag during the ceremo
nies of Lord Mayor's Day in Ljndon.
One of the time-honored observances
marking the day which closes one mu
nicipal term and begins t{ie ia the
j May lip's Show, a pvocession of
| the oircus order, which parades tbe lead
i ing thoroughfares of the City for the
| delight of the small boys and the con-
I venience of the pickpockets, who reap
' a rich harvest in 'working' the dense
' throngs along tbe sidewalks. Each
Mayor endeavors to make his Show
i attractive by the introduction of new
' features, in addition to the traditional
Giants, Man in Armor, and gilded
i Lord A{ayor'.s Coach; Tb*B ' time 8
« 6bld venture was made that under
; other circumstances would have been
• perilous, but which proved a genuine
'hit.' The Stars and Stripes were car
ried in the procession, precceded by s
j military band playing the 'Star Span
! gled Banner,' and later in tbe proces
| sion came a naval band playing 'Yan
kee Doodle '
All kinds of grain for which I will pay thi
hit;tie.it market price in cash at my mill.
NvV. 3, 1&8 J. butier, P.
BttiU* Cii£**n i £tatojemb*]e 16, 18SI.
Picnic Ht lift. Slowcoach.
EAU CLAIRK, NOV. 8, 1881.
Not a picnic where the social hop,
brass bands and unadulterated enjoy
-1 ment are supposed to be commingled.
But a genuine old fashioned Sabbath
school picnic. The Sabbath school
! had been flourishing all summer. A
larger attendance than ever before
known bad been reported by the
secretary. The superintendents never
I absent and the teachers rarely. The
, sultry season had no perceptible effect,
> and the attendance of the "rank and
file" was a very encouraging feature.
Now industry and attention must
have their merited reward. Gently as
the soft summer's gale rustles the
forest leaves was the coming picnic
whispered from ear to ear.
No one knew whence the report
originated or who was its author.
Even when the superintendent was
consulted bis voice gave fourth an un
certain sound. But the demand tor
the picnic increased even with no sup
ply visible. One bright Sabbath morn
the matter was brought before the
ftciUfQ), Wl?e in one day and
some another ; some wanted the time
indefinite so that yisitors would be a
rarity, but better counsel prevailed
and a day was chosen The "business
conference'' met later the ¥ e e£-
was decided that the festal board be
spread, as hungry mouths could not
be served fron baskets. The music
committee, with a few exceptions, con
sisted of the pougrt?g*fiional pboip.
Some of the coipmittee wanted to
know what to sing but the rest didn't
know ; some of them wanted to meet
and ascertain, but soujc of thetri didn't.
The benefit of an organ was
but it was profusely declined by the
chairman of the committee. The table
committee djd not rehearse either qn*
til the morning of the pipnic. The
eventful day arrived. Crowds poured
in from the surrounding country.
Early in the day they gathered jqto
the church to listen' tp the henj&n
counsel and kind admonitions of tne
youthful pastor. The choir were in
their favorite peiys, but 10, and be
hold | Some of thegi couldn't aing
and some of them wouldn't sing, bqt a
remedy arises tor every emergency.
As the minister's youthful voice pealed
forth the notes Qf grand o|d "Cqroq*.
tion" all feelings of animosity were
buried in oblivion. The treat in the
church was only equaled by the treat
in the adjoining grove. No difference
of opinion arose concerning the dis
posal of the dinner. The swing erect
ed for the occasion was continually
twisting and snarling to the great dis
comfort of the occupan's. Swings
sometimes bear a striking resemblance
to human beings. But throughout
day we all exhibited a quiet joy. The
Sabbath school fiad no eminently dist
couraging features afterwards, arid we
all hope for a continuance of prosper?,
American Bible Society Dis
HARTFORD, CONN., November 10.—
The Courant will publish to-morrow a
paper adopted at a meeting of the
Executive Committee of the Connecti
cut Bible society held in Hartford qq
the Tfte Pftpet charges
|hat some of the errors brought to
light by a careful analysis by expert
accountants, and thus tar unexplained,
are as follows:
1. In the balance sheet, on page 144
and 145 of tbe Annual Report of the
American Bible Society, an important
item of $197,146, which 22 days be
fore the date of the report was shown
to our committee among the assets of
the society as ffqip foreign
Oips.T ijops" not appear, the fepblp
apology for its omission being made
in a foot uote on page 144, in which is
the assertion : "But if they (that is
the foreign assets) possess any com
mercial value it is so entirely uncertain
that it cannot be tabulated '
2. In addition to this serious defect,
the balance sheet reveals an under
statement of thp tq tfoe
of about half a million dollars.
3. On page 43 in the report of the
secretaries there is an overstatement
of expenditures, "in strictly benevo
lent and missionary work," to the
amount of $117,700.
4. It appears on the same page that
the secretaries not only ignorp
rei-nrog in cash acknowledged in
the Treasurers report as received for
buoks, classified as "gifts." but they
have apparently duplicated the Item of
$44,435 for "salaries and expenses of
colporteurs," these salaries and' ex
penses having been presumably in
cluded in the item $73,313 69 mentio,n ;
ed on page 42 t*3 ejpemjeril for 'Wot*
partftgb '#arlt- n
With these facts in full view it be
comes the duty of the Executive Com-
Committee of the Connecticut Bible
Society to publicly protest against the
financial management of the American
Bible Society ; to disclaim all respon
sibility therefor, and to announce to
tbe world tba{ it ig aof op}v without
owe bqt in' spite of oqr en
deavors to the contrary that said sq
ciety comes before the public in ft
character fitted to arousa distrust and
produce alienation in churches.
Home AmuHements.
We are happy to notice that F. C.
Bliss <fe Co., 454 Broad Street, Ne\ya r k,
N. J—as per advertisement, —an-
n'ouuoe the publication this season of a
game which cannot fail to recommend
itself to any one who will stop to ex
amine it. Combining as it does both
entertainment and instruction iu a re
markable degree,—which desirable ele
ments but very few games possess,—
the time spent with it in amusement is
not wasted. It is a Geograpb.'P&l
§ame 'gambles Through Our
ouniry, l in which the several players
who engage, take an excursion through
the United States, stopping at the
principal cities and points of interest,
and taking a look at them and the'r
histories through the medium of an
Illustrated Text Book which accom
panies an elegant Oil Colored Map;
the whole thing forming one of the
most fascinating, entertaining and
above all instructive games \yp have
Bank Bxaminer Shelley was asked
a year ago to verify for himself tho
New York bulance of the Mechanics'
National Bank of Newark, which, it
was claimed by Cashier Baldwin, was
$2,000,000, "the means of doing
which," said Comptroller Knox, in his
instructions to tho Examiner, "must
( be left to your own judgment." Ex
aminer Shelley's judgment, which had
led him to acc pt without question a
letter trough him by Cashier Bald
win, has co*t Baldwin's employers
over 42,000,000, and has wrecked a
number of- Newark's business hduses.
! In private life a man is not given the
opportunity to make $2,000,000 mis
takes more than once. Tbe Controller
of the Currency ought to make short
work of such a Bank Examiner as
Mr. Shelley.— Crawfird Journal,
: Nov. 11.
Frazer Axle rente.
i One greasiug with Frazer Axle Grease will
last two weeks, all others two to three days.
Try it. It received first premium at the Cen
t unial and Paris Exposition. [2Ssep3m
1881. Fall and Winter. 1883.
My stock of Woolens for Fall aud
Winter is now complete, comprising
choice new styles in Trowserings,
j Suitings and Overcoatings of the best
French and home manufacture, pur
chased direct from first hands.
Early orders are solicited to avoid
the many disappointments of the great
rush of the season.
Hlsep4m Butler, Pa.
To sell Dr. Chase's Recipes ; or Information
for Everybody, in every county in the United
States and Cauadas. Enlarged by the publisher
to ujS |wea. It ccntaiiij ovu 2.QQQ household
recel}M» "and is suited'to all yla-sies and' condi
tions of society. A wonderful book and a house
hold necessity. It sells at sight. Greatest in
ducements ever olfered to book agents. Sam
uo(,ll(i Uy mail, postpaid, iw f'J.uu. Ex
clusive territory given. Agents more than
double their money. Address Dr. Chase's Steam
Printing TTouse, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
—We invite the attention of our
weaderg tq the adyertisement of the
Buckeye M'f?g Co., Marion, Ohio, in
another column. They offer rare in
ducements to earn an honest
Sept. 21,
lui|>orinn( lo Travelers.
Special inducements are offered you
by the lloute. It will pay
you to read their advertisement to be
found elsewhere in this issue. (may2stf
A R \mjT~
To all vfho ate sfitTecing from the errors and
indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, ear
ly decay, loss of manhood, Ac., I will send a
recipe that will cure you, FREEOFCHARGE.
This great remedy was discovered bv n mission
ary in Soqth A murium iiend a Belf-addre«sed
envelopt to thf REV- T. I NIL AN, STA-\
tion IX. New \-ork City. ' [9n6m'
How to Increase Your Income
Just at this season of the year, there are
ajpoiig nut l oaders, those looking fur employ
ment for the ne*t six months. We have lately
received from L. E. Brown A Co., the well
known iiinoufaclnrcrt of specialties Tor agents
to handle, a request to put them In communi
cation with one or more suitable persons in this
locality, to act as agents In Introducing several
ot their patent household articles to this com
munity, and after consideration, we take this
method to comply with their request. The firm
are manufacturers ol a number of. house
hold articles, which they introduce to the pub
lic by meaus of agents, having sometimes a*
many as 1,000 persons in their pmrloy. The
particular articles which seek t<> introdnee
here, at thjs time; 4>e : Brown's Peerless filter,
generally aeknowled to be the best in the
world of which nearly one million were sold
du'ing the last year ; the Qieen, the
l.iteet and '-est Invention 111 Coil Oil Lamps,
and the only abso'utcly Sife Lamp made; the
Centennial Cake and Bike Pan, an article
which has a national reputation, and is the de
light ot ever} housekeeper; the Half Minute
fcgg Beater, which always sells at sight, and
the new Alto Relievo Brorze Profile Cast of
JAMES A. GARFIEI.D, with memorial
frame, the best scllinsr article ever put into the
hands of an agent, the best of all the portraits,
ehromos or steel engravings that have been
oflered. It is a truer likeness o{ Jhp martyred
hero than any wc h»vc eVjiV be (Tiro, and its
pricf iirlnfts it' 'wtttiiu ilie "reach of all. For
this "county, Messrs. Brown & Co. desire as
many agents as can work advantageously.
Any smart, intelligent l.idy or gentleman can
make a flue fnpQine in this "w«y, The firm will
scud to awy responsible person FREE who will
assume the agency here and go to work, a com
plete outfit of these goods, to the amount ol
five dollars. The repu'ation of this house is
first rate ; the good-are what they represent
them to be. Tfelr terms arc liberal, and we
advise those looking lor genteel, remunerative
employment to send to them for further infor
mation. Their address is—.
L. ft ItnUWM a Oft.,
aufit St , CINCINNATI, O.
The Nhw YORK 08-ekvkh has now the
largest circulation ol its class. It is
und MAT^NAL.
li } nty,r tys.
with a sheet our the si»e oi its first issue,
lull ot Foreign and Djid s'.ic N'-w* ; with vig
orous Editorials upon mafers of reliirious aud
secular interest ; with carefully edited Dcpart
ments for children, Sabbath School Teachers,
Fa m< rs and Hu-iness Men ; with eight active
Editors, an unrivalled staff of Foreign Corre
spondents. and paid Writers and s
in every p;irt of the yjouutry.' 4 '
' WifclW BOOH
With Bteel Portrait of the Author,
is givi n to any one sending us a bona fide NEW
SUBSCRIBER and $3 15 tor the coming year.
Bpeciruen copies free. Address:
16u8 * fofk.
We continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Cave
ats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United
States, Canada. Cuba. England, France, Germany,
etc. We have had thtrijr-five years experi
Patents obtained through us are noticed in the
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. This lar*e and splendid
illustrated weekly pupor. fj.iSQ a "Snows the
Progress Ol "We.Vtue. "q Very ititeK'stlne, and has
i mi ritotmWwWWnlation. Address MVNN * CO.,
Patent SolieJtors,Publishers of Soikntific AM kk-
ICAN, 37 Park How, New Yurk. Hand book about
Patents sent free.. lCn-tt
The Philadelphia Weekly Press.
By a favorable arrangement vfitb
publishers of we are ena
bled to send The Philadelphia Weekly
Press and the Butler CITIZEN for one
year for $2.50, all postage paid.
A new, faseiua ing, aud exe§ei\ingli instruct
ive Geographical both old
und J'O^ng,
Agents Wanted, Ladles or Gentlemen.
Now is the time to take orders for Christinas
Del.very. Send for description and liberal
terms. Address, F. C. BUSS A CO.,
16u6w 454 Broad St., Newark, N. J.
We want five first class agents for
soliciting orders for Fruit and Orna
mental trees. Terms liberal. Call in
dividually, or address,
* WAUvfcR & Btedebman,
nlfttf Butler, Pa.
A Kood practical girl to do cooking, washing
and iroiitng in a private family. Will pay $3 00
a week. None but competent ones need apply.
Leave address at this office. ltinow
Dr. Frease's Water Cure.
A health institution In Its 2Slh year. For
nearly all kind of Chronic diseases, and espe
eially the diseases ol Women. Invalids are in
vited to correspond willi us. Circulars tree.
Address, S. FKEASE, M. IX, New Briirhtou,
Beaver Co., Pa. Iyjune29
£ c day at nnme. Samples worth
»□ free. Address >tinmon & Co.
P<»rr| in' 1
Advertise in the CITIZEN.
Br virtue of sundry writ* of Venditioni Ex
yo iiis, Fieri Facias, Leviri Facias, <tc., issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler
county, Pa., and to roe directed, there will be
expesed to [ üblie sale, at the Court 11. use in,
the borough of Butler, on
iWoiiilHy, December sili, 1881,
at one o'clock, P. M., the following described
property, to wit:
E D No. 6S, Dec T, 1881, W II Lu.sk, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of W
G S tough ton of, in and to all the undivided
one-third of that piece or parcel of land, situate
in Oakland township, Butler coun>y, Pa.,
bounded on the north by lands of Francis Whit- I
mire, on the east by lands of John Whitmire, !
and the heirs of James Philips, dec'd, on the j
south by lands of John X Xeyman and \V J j
Robb and on the west by lands' of the heirs of
James Philips, dec'd, and W J Robb, contain
ing one hundred and twenty acres of laud, sub
ject to I-I2 royalty of all oil, mostly cleared,
frame dwelling house, frame bank barn there
ou. Seised and taken in execution as tha prop
erty of W G Stoughton, at the suit of Charles
McCandless, for use.
ALSO .\]J {he fight, (ifle, lni£iesi apd claim
of ty U Stouehtqu of, in aud to the undivided
one-third of that piece or parcel of land situate
in Slipperyrock township, Butler county. Pa.,
bounded on the north by lands of George Cross,
on the east by lands of J Bovard, on the south
by lands of Thomas Kelly, et al., and oa
west by lauds of John Mi'Elbaay, oo.ntaiuing
QQE hunilfe<l IUDK, C,C less ; log liouse ana
log stable and orchard thereon, mostly cleared,
Seized and taken in execution as tlig property
of W G Stoughton at ths >ui| iieCand
less for qse.
Al.hu All the right, title, interest and claim
of WG Stoughton of, in and to the undivided
two-ninths of that piece or parcel of land, situ
ate in Slipperyrock twn, Butler oogamy i'n
bounded on the north by l«mi's n r l> M Cross
aud John V" ihe easl by lands of |
.VlcDouatds form, now'ovwied by Cltas McCand
less et al; on the south bv lands of Thomas and
Daniel McDermitt's hefrs, and on the we»t be
half of said tract, sold by Cl*as .MuCan4less et
al, to Mcl,a4gl>Uu, ooutaining one hun
dretl Htttes, uiure oi; less, about 5 acres cleajed.
Seized and takeu in execution as the property
of W G Stoughton at the suit of Chas McCanj-.
less, for use.
ALSO— AII fighf, Mile, (merest and claim
of W G Siougfyton of, in and to the undivided
one-half of thirty acres of land, more or less,
situate in Worth township, Butler county.
bounded on the north by lands of J J Wimer,
east by lands of J J \Yim&r al, south by land
of J J Wiuni*, *nd on the west by lands of
Catharine Kautfman, and known as the Hoge
and Dr Wm Cowden land, mostly cleared ; log
house aud log barn thereon. Seized and tukon
in execution as the property of Q sitoijghton
at the suit of ChfW J4cCapdle»s, for use.
E D No ?0, Dec T, {BBJ, C Walker, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and slaim of S H
Pettigrew ot, in and to a certain pioee or parcel
of ground, situate in the borough of Karns City
Butler county, Ph., bounded ou the north by
John MoQnire j east by Maiu street; south by
Starr Iron Works, aua west by an alley, con
taining 25x100 feet, more or less; a large one
■"tory board or plank building thereon; former
ly used as a drug store. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of S H Pettigrew at
the suit of Benjamin Masseth.
- ED No 58, Dec T, 1881, C Walker, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of" J A
Hawk of, in and to one-half acre of land, more
or less, situated in Fairview borough, Bntjgr
county, Pa., bounded as follows, \o \yiti on ihe
north by F M Ray and Mi
chaels: sotjtl,
Michaels. A one-S'tory board house, board harn,
aud one producing oil well thereon, derriok 4
engine house, engine and boiler, tuhitm, easing,
rods, tanks and a)l nwpblnery and fixtures
thereto belonging- fteijed and taken in execu
tion as the property of J A Ilawk at the suit of
Commissioners of fiutler c iunty, Pa.
E D No 57, Dec T, IBSI, J D McJunkin, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas
B Hill of, in and to one and one quarter acres
of laud, more or less, situated in Fairview twp,
Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit:
on the "north by J B Jamison farm; east by
Smith heirs; south by Smith heirs, and west by
James McEnally, together with one prcuta u
oil well thereon; derrick, fcHgine
and boiler, tiding, casing, sicker' rojs, tanks
and all machinery ana fixtures thereto belong
ing. Seized and taken in as the
property of James B l|ill at UtosuUof Mapes
Bros, for
E D Ho 0, f, 8 and 10, Dec T, 1881, Williams &
Mitchell, W H Link and G C Pillow, att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Mi
chael Flinner of, in and to all that certain piece
of land, situate in Lancaster township, Butler
county, Pa., being part of the lot marked in the
ground plan of the Samuel Nicholson's
>f depreciation lands No 2 K bounded and de
scribed as follows, yij; o,t a at
south-we*t oqruer, thene& by la'nd of (lar aud
Wiekraan, east 160 perches to a post; thetwe by
land of Geo Sclieideinantle, and
and Flinner, n°rth H3 petvhtM to a post; thence
by land* (if Bohuidoniantle and Flinner, west
160 perches to a post; thence by lands of Kirker
aud Kristofle, south I4i perches to the place of
beginning, containing 112 acres, more or less; a
two-story frame dwelling house, .Tame barn and
orchard thereon; mostly cleared. Seized and
taken id execution as the property of Michael
Flinner at the suit of J M Leighuer, trustee,and
for use et al, and J Dumbach & Son
E D No IS, n.?c T,
All the tii;ht, interest and claim of A "E
Barnhart of, in and to one hundred and two
acres of land, more or !«*», situated in Fairview
township, RatW cou:ity, Pa., boended as fol
lows, to wit: on the north by Isaac Kepple;
east by Joseph Rankin, et al, south by Wru
McGarvjey, west by II N and Samuel Baruharti
about 60 acres cleared, four producing H>i
and machinery and lii&yt.tc, tjelonging;
board house, fog 2" orchards, coal bank
thereon. aria taken in execution as the
; property of A E Barnhart at the suit of E S
Cro jker.
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim
of A E ltarilli4K of, in aud to forty-eight acres
of laud, more or less, situated in Fairview twp,
Butler county, I'a., bounded as follows, to wit :
on the north by Peter Ban*hart< east by It W
Barnhart; south by Jos Bar-uhar-t aud J Eber
liart, aud \yest by AY W McCoruiie.k; about all
cleared, Wiftrd shanty and Ooal bank thereon.
Seized aud takou Iu execution as the property
of A E Burn hart at the suit of E S Crooker.
ALSO—AII the right, title. inter\>st and claim
of A E Barnhart of, iu and to seven and one
half acres of land, more or less, situated in
Fairviww township, Butler county, Pa., bound
ed as follows, to wit: on the norths by Millers
town and Sunbury road; east by P Barnhart's
heirs; south by A "Stewart an 1 O Barnhart, and
west by ffm McGarvey; all cleared, board hou.se
thereon. Seized and in elocution as the
property of 4 ft at the suit of E S
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim
of A. E. Barnhart of. in and to two lots of
ground situated in the borough of Millerstown,
Butlor county, Fa., bounded north by Central
avenue, east by Main street, south by J. Fred
erick and west by an alley ; containing 120 by
180 feet, more or less ; five board homes there
on. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of A. E. Barnhart at the suit of E C
Aiao—All the right, title, interest and claim
of A E Barnhart of, in and to a lot of ground
situated in the borough ot Millerstown, Butler
county Pa., containing 25x160 feet, more or
less; bounded north by the Lutheran church
lot, east by Main street, south by Central ave
nue and west by an)a!ley ; board house thereon.
Seized and takeu in execution as the property
of A. E. Barnhart at the suit sf E S Crooker.
ED No 76, Dec. T., 1881; E G Miller att'y.
All the right, title, interest and olaliu of J
M Miller and Kate P Xliliur, his wife, of, in
and to all thut £srtaU* piece, parcel or lot of
grated situated in the borough of Butler,
llutler county, Pa., bounded and described as
follows: On the east by MoKeau street, on the
south by an alley, on the west by an alley and
on the north by a lot owned by Josiah M
Thompson; being 00 feet front on MeKean
street and running back 180 feet to the alley,
on which is erected a tw«> Btory brick house of
eight rooms, being the same house and lor pur
chased by John M Miller and Kate P Miller
from James Seized ami taken in exe
cution as the property of John M Miller and
Kate P Miller, his wife, at the suit of Sarah
Piuiner (widow).
E D No 76, Dec T., 1881; Gnqehor, MoCandless
aqd l.u»k, att'ys.
4U the right, title, interest and claim of
John M Thompson of, in and to a certain piece
of land situated in Jefferson township, Butler
county, Pa., bounded as follows : On the north
by John Richard east by Jacob Beck, south
by VVtn Millett el al., and west by Andrew
Baker; containing 140 acres and allowance to
the same, more or less, beginning at a post on
the north-west corner, thence by lands of Jacob
Beck north 80° west 2304 perches to a post,
thence by lands of Jacob Beck south 2° east <>■>
perches to a post, thence east 6 perches to a
post, thence south ">B° east 53|>erohes to a post,
thence by lands of Peter Smith et al., now
Daniel W'allett, south 88° west 373 perches to
a post, thence by lands of John Keikert north
2° we»t 7.5 perches to the place of beginning;
log house, log stable thereon ; about 75 acres
j cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of John M Thompson at the suit ot
j Daniel Feidler, John C. Martin, Josiah M
I Thompson and S R Thompson for use.
| Aixcj^—All th-4 right, title, interest and claim
' of John M Thompson of, in and to one bun
: dred and severity-five (175) acres of land, mori
lor jless, situated a iu Marion towuship, Butler
Fill ""H^
I i for Cfc I
J! . g f
IjcS CJa,ps |
J * AJi D j»
| Gents' Furnishing g I
i«5 <§g
-V"- 't'-rm. }r. _ Plaintiff'» Attorney. Plaintiffk. DtfamdmU. Jtrfemiant't Attorney.
K.I). 123 Deo 1879 Mitchell, M'Candless et al D. A. Ralston Daniel Evans Thompson, Walker et ldT -
L. 1». G3 .Sept 1880 L. '/.. Mitchell. I.aurn D. Bovard John Hughes W.D.Brandon,
ii £0" ° (t l*7t> K. Marshall. W. R.Conn J.H.Luther O.A.Sullivan.
| 301 MarchlS77 L. Z Mitchell. Leonard Nicholas Isaac L. Boyer Ecklev A Marshall.
CM " 11. p. Scott. Alexander and Arters James IJazlett W. Il'Lusk.
E. D. 332 Janu 1.-78 C. McCandless. Weisz Brittiam A Co. John Enslen, et, al. Thompson, Walker, Miller
A D. I.So s»»pt 1879 l'urviance A Goueher. F. F. A. Wilson D. A. Ralston, et. al. Riddle and Lusk.
( Deo r 1h7(» Williams A Mitchell. W. H. Davi.-, for n«e A. H. Wilson et al. -Lev. McQuistion.
* 6 > " " L. Z. Mitchell. Jacob Larimer et us. Michael McElwee et al. J. D. McJunkin.
' 1,2 „ . " J- D. McJunkin etfcl. Weber A Mitchell Wm. Starr and S. S. Jamison Sullivan Bros., M'Candl's.
(< 86 MarehlSfcO T. and S. and Marshall. A. Rlakeley R. McCandles# et al. W.D.Brandon.
S-' " " *'■ McCandless et al. K. Marshall Com. W. A. Lewis et al. J. N. l'urviance et al.
12 June 1880 G. W. Fleeger. Jefferson Allen James A. Adams et al. J. M. Greer.
33 " " U.D.Brandon. Mary M. McCandless Isaac Blakely et al. 'T. and S. and Marshall.
35 " " J. M. Greer. F. Marterer 'A. Aderhold et al. Adm'rs L.Z.Mitchell.
6 \ F. Bowser. G. A. Williams H. J. noyt J. D. McJunkin.
86 " Lev. McQuistion. Thomas Carlin S. D. llazlett Brandon and Greer,
lift " " A. T. Black. Andrew Buruett et al. Theodore Altmire L.Z.Mitchell.
„ 101 " " R- !'• Scott. C. Scott Hugh Collins C. A. Sullivau.
103 ; " " Mitchell and Fleegcr. John S. Rider G W. Stahl C.Walker.
71 Sept 1880 Newt. Black. George Greer O. D. Adams J. M. Greer.
• « Thompson and Bowser. Daniel McDevitt et al. John McDevitt lA. T. Black.
M " " W. A. Forquer. Mary Thomas Oliver Hepler J. D. McJunkin.
" I' 2 " " W. D. Brandon. John H. Love George Love J. N. l'urviance.
* Proth'ys Office, Oct. 31, 1881. A. RUSSELL,Trothonotary.
county, Pa., bounded as follows: On the
north by lauds of John Medberry and Patrick
Mcßride, east by lands of John Murriu aud T
M Thompson, south by lands of John Murrin
and T M Thompson, west by lauds of Thomas
Gilchrist and George Medberry, being the tract
known as the Donaldson farm ; log houac, log
barn thereon ; about R0 «;crga cleared. Seized
and taken in as the propertv of J M
at the suit of Daniel Feidler. Johu
C Martin, Josiah M Thompson and S R
Thompson for use.
ALSO —All the right, title, interest and claim
Qf John M Thompson of, in and to thirty (SO)
acre* of land, more or less, situate in Forward
township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as fol
lows : Adjoining lauds of Michael S HecKert
on (he east, on the south by lands of Chew, ou
the wtM bv 1/inds of George Hartm&n aud tia
the north by lands formerly belonging to John
N l'urviance; no improvements. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of John M
Thompson at the suit of Daniel Feidler, John
C Martin, Josiah M Thompson ""i R Thomp
son for use. »
ALSO—AII tl\e right, title, Interest and claim
of Jqhu M Thompson of, in and to ninety (90;
acres of land, moie or less, situate in Fairview
township, Butler oounty, Pa., t»ouuded as fol
lows : Oil the north by lands formerly owned
by W C Adams dec'd, east by lauds of heirs of
Wm Ray, s uth by lands of John T Ray and
Robt Banks, west by lauds of Thomas Banks ;
frame dwelling house and log stable thereon ;
mostly cloared. Seized and taken in execution
as the property of John M Thouipson at the
suit of Daniel F'eidler, John C Martin Josiah
M Thompson and S it Thompson for use.
c»f J«»in At Thompson of, in and u> a certain
uittu; of parcel of land sitivite in Summit town
ship, Butler county, Pa., containing sixty acres,
more or less, adjoining lands of John Bear,
Hon E McJunkin, O D Thompson et al.;
about 25 acres cleared ; log house and log barn
thereon. Seized aud taken in execution as the
property of J M Tnompson at the suit of
Dauiel Feidler, John C Martin, Jo«iah M
Thompson and S R Thompson for use.
ALSO —All the right, title, interest and claim
of John M Thompson of, in and to sixty
acres i f land, more or less, situated in Wash
ington township, oounty, Pa., bound.rt
as tullovrn On the north by lands of
east by llilliard mills road and of
Maud, south by lands of Daniel A'lalemau,
west by lunds of Elisha llilliard ; mostly clear
ed ; log huuse, log stable theraon ; Jilso all the
coal, iron ore, oil, l ; mestoni! and other miner
als of any and all kind* whatsoever in, upon
cud uud'.;- that uerum piece of laud, lying and
adjoining thfc above sixty acres ana divided
by the llilliard mills road. Seized
and taken in execution us the property ot .1 M
Thompson at the suit of Daniel Feidler, J C
Martin, Josiah M Thompson and S R Thomp
son for use.
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim
of J"hu M Thompson of, in aud to one hundred
and twenty acres of land, more or less, situate
in Oukiund township, Butler county, I'a , sub
ject to 1-12 royalty of all oil,bouudud as follows:
ou the north by lands of Francis WLilmire; east
by lands ot John Whitmire and the heirs of
Jas Philips, dec'd, soutii by Joun N Neymau
aud W J Robb, aud west by lands of
the heirs of Jas Philips, dec'd, and W J
Robb; frame dwelling house, traiue bank barn,
old log house, spring house and fruit trees
thereon; mostly cleared. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of J M Thompejn at
the suit of Daniel Feidler, J C Martin, Josiah
M Thompson aud S H Thompson for use.
ALSO —All the right, title, interest and claim
of J M Thompson of, in aud to forty-live acres
of laud, more or less, situated in the borough
of Butler, Butler county, Pa-, bounded as fol
lows : On north by lands of C Duffy, east by
Main street, south by lands of M Sullivan, C
Walker and Union street, west by Mrs lleiner; a
large two-story brick dwelling house thereon
erected, frame stable, coal bank and large orch
ard. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of J M Thompson at the suit of
Daniel "Feidler, J C Martin, Josiah M Thomp
son and S R Tnompson far use.
AIJH>—AII the right, title, interest and claim of
.John M. Thompson, of, in and to titty (floi acres of
land, more or less, situate in Washington to .vuship,
lUitler county, I'a., bounded as follows: Ou the
north bv lands of Mrs Sellebaugh. east by binds
of —• .south by lands of Win Wasson,
west by lauds of Mrs Sellebaugh et al. ; partly
cleared ; leg house and log barn thereon. Seized
aud taken in execution as the property of .1 M
Thompson, at the suit of Daniel Feidler, .J C Mar
tin, Josiah M Thoni]>sou and S K Thompson, for
ALSO— AII the right, title, interest ami claim of
John M Thonii>soii of. in and to a certain piece or
parcel ot land situate in Oakland and Concord
townships. Butler coi"lty, l'a, bounded as fol
lows : beginning at a |>ost on the east line of a
tract in tin- warrant name of John Jamison, Jr..
being also the north-east corner of a tract of land
heretofore conveyed by W B Clymer to Pliillp
t'almert, thence along tin* west line of lands of
John Heattv's heirs and the west line of the other
land of the estate of W U Clymer, north 174 de
grees west 213 perches to a |«ist and stone the
north-east corner of another tract of land
unsold, of the estate of Win B Clymer, thence
along the east line of said last mentioned tract
south I >4 degrees, east 150 perches to a post the
north-west corner of the lot conveyed to l'mlip
Paimert, thence along the north line of said lot
north hk' j degrees, east 120 perches to the place of
beginning; containing 145 acres and 131 perches,
-.trict measure ; unimproved. Seized and taken
111 execution as the property of J Jl Thompson, at
the suit of Daniel b'eidler, J C Martin, Josiah
Thompson ana S K Thompson, for use.
K. 11. No. M, Dec. T„ tssi ; Brandon att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of J. P.
Broeil of, in and to eleven (11) acres of land, more
orless, situated in Forward township, Butler coun
ty, I'a., bounded as follows, to wit: On thk» north
by A Trusiiel and .Martin Sinkhern, on the east by
Henry Spitoler, 011 the south by Connoquenesslng
creek, on the west by A. Trushel ; mostly cleared ;
log house and log stable thereon. Seized and
taken In execution as the property of J I'liroell.
at the suit of W D Brandon, for use.
K I) No 73, Dec. T, Ikxi ; C McCandless, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Win A
Shreve and Asa W Say of, in and to one hundred
acres of land, more or less, situate in Oakland and
Concord townships, Butler county, l'a., adjoining
lands of A 1" Christy, Clyiner lit Irs and John
Whitmire, being the same piece or tract of land
sold by James 11 Campbell to Say and Shreve ;
about 7o acres cleared and fenced ; frame dwelling
house- aud log ham thereon and two oil wells,
producing about ti barrels per day, and the neces
sary machinery to pump the same. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of Win A Shreve
and Asa W Say. at the suit 01 James It Campbell.
K I) No Dec. T, ISM ; Oreer, Kiddle, aud l.usk,
All the right, title, hitvrol aiut claim of David
McMlllian of. In ai.il to ttfty (50) acres of land,
aiore or less situate 111 JclTerson township. Butler
; cnuiitv. l'a..' Imunded as follows: 011 the north
I l»v laiids of Koliert Stewart s heirs, east by lands
■ »f Oeorge Welch and public road, south by taiitls
;of Mattfi-'W Biekett and public road, west by
lands of Isaiah Hartley ; frame house, IV4 stories
high, log baru and orchard tdereon ; about hi
acres cleared, balance hi good Umber. Seucd
4 ' TheTra de" Cooking Stove
For Sale by JAMES S. WILSON,
Cookiug and Heating Stoves a Speciality With Us.
and taken in execution as the property of David
McMillian, at the suit of John Maizlaud.
E D No t, Dee. T. 1881 ; Eastman, att'v.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jerry I
Malouey of, in and to sixty (HO) acres of land, more
or less, situate in Donegal township. Butler count y.
1 a., bounded as follows : On the north by Mat
thew Forquer and Double heirs, east by P Burns'
heirs, south by Adam Will, west by Jerry Malouey
aud Millerstown mad ; lrame house, log barn and
frame and log stable ; fruit trees thereon ; mostly
cleared Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Jerry Malouey, at the suit of K W
McKee, cashier."
TERMS OF SALE.—The following must be
strictly complied with when property is stricken
down :
1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditors be
come the purchaser, the costs on the writs must
be paid, and a list of the liens, including mortgage
searches on the property sold, together with such
lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the pro
ceeds of the sale of such portion thereof as he may
claim, must be furnished the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid in full.
3. All sate , not settled imni'dlately will be con
tinued until l o'clock, i\ m. of next day. at which
time all property not settled for will again be put
up and sold at the exjiense and risk of the person
to whom first sold.
•See Purdon's Digest. 9th Edition, page Wi. and
Smith's Forms, page 38t.
Sheriff of Hutler County.
Sheriff's Office, Butler, Pa.. Nov. IJ, 1881.
rV I'l'.Muldm idi C H|C I
Chicago & North-Western
A -V
EQUIPPED ! and hence the
It is the short and best route between Chicago
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for Milwaukee, (irecn Bay. Oshkosh. Sheboygan,
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At Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago &
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f«sn LI PETI M E *ml
> Jof2nso#ai°lsGo.)
* &H ICAGO ILL. -£•* N
y <
2Psepfjm 104 Sixth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Livery I Feed Stable,
is prepared to accommodate the public iu hi#
line of business.
jr-t»~<iood rigs and good horses guaranteed
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28 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pu.
Pr'cc per bottle, f2.00, or three boltles for #5.00
Procured for all soldiers disabled In the U, 8. ser
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diers. The slightest disability entitles to |>eiision.
PENSIONS INCREASED, Motility and new dis
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