[St. Louis Evening Chronicle.] People In Glum Houses etc. While it may be proper that those 'living in glass houses should never throw stones' we think it is eminently proper that those working in glass houses should say a 'good word' for anything of benefit to themselves. In this connection, Mr. Isaac Corr«»y, Manager Salem, N. J. Glass Works, remarks: lam pleased to say that I have used the Great Remedy, St. Ja cobs Oil, for Rheumatism with excel lent results; other members of my fam ily have also been greatly benefited by its use. There is a conflict of authority be tween the coroner and justices of the peace in Luzerne county, owing to the latter holding inquests without notifi cation to the coroner. The law of 1843 provides that a justice of the peace can only hold such inquests when no coroner has been elected, when he is oat of the country, or so far from the scene where he is wanted, as to render it impossible to call him in time to act. Yellow Fever Prevented. The engineers of the Central Railroad of Georgia say: 'Though exposed to the worst miasmatic influences, going and coming out of Savannah at dif ferent hours of the night, and also in spending entire nights in the city dur ing the prevalence of the yellow fever epidemic of 1874, with but the single exception of one of us (who was taken sick, but speedily recovered) we con tinued in our usual good health—a circumstance we can account for in no other way but by the effect, under Providence! of the habitual and con tinued use of Simmons Liver RegulaJ tor while we were exposed to thie ma laria.' The 'utterly utter' kind of talk has infected the street gamins, one of whom, after picking up a more than usually fragrant cigar-stump, exclaim ed to his friend Jack: 'Jack, this is quite too positively bully !' Peruna is a wooder in itself. It cures the most hopeless cases of con sumption. 'lnvisible wire fences' are advertis ed as a new thing. They may be in agriculture, but they are not in polit ics. Whenever your doctor would give you Iron and Cod Liver Oil, the home opathist wonld give you sugar and similia similibus curantur. Smile at both, and take Peruna. It seems to be a settled thing that walking through a quadrille is dancing. The fellows who have been anxious to know ought to be satisfied now. Weddinge, corn huskings, cider drawings, donations and literary par ties will now open business for the long winter evening season. An exchange calls attention to the fact that a large proportion of the board signs along country roads adver tise men who long ago failed in busi ness. Eighteen turkeys sat on the railroad track near Lebanon when the train came along. Feathers and hashed turkey strewed the track when the train passed. Ocean steamer—cotton in cargo, dynamite in cotton, Beelzebub in the dynamite, and a great wonder and fear in the heads of the English. Every passenger on the steamer has joined the church since the discovery. The Cable has informed us that the Czar «nd the Emperor William kissed each other when they met at Dantzig, a few days ago; but it forgot to add that after the osculation the Czar gave a significant sniff and remarked in an 'aside': 'Great Csesar! you've been eat ing limburger.' Milk readily absorbs every odor, whether agreeable or disagreeable, and catches every variety of ferment which may happen to come in contact with it from the air. It should be carefully protected against all such influences and kept in pure air out of the reach of all noxious smells. Good butter can not be made from milk kept in a filthy milk bouse or cellar. Storekeeper: 'I beg vour pardon, sir; but one of them half-dollars is counter feit.' Customer: 'I know it, sir. Got it here last week.' Seeing a smile on the Storekeeper'a face, he says: 'I see you doubt my word, sir.' Storekeeper 'Not at all, sir. I was merely thinking how remarkable it was that you should have got this money here last week, when I only opened to-duy.' Custom er murmurs something about guessing he made a mistake in the store and hurriedly hands out another half. MRS. GARFIELD has made public, through a letter to Colonel Rockwell, her purpose to provide in due season for "an account of the life and an ap propriate collection of the literary re maius of General Garfield,' and the statement made by Colonel Rockwell, iu publishing her letter, gives color to the conclusion that Mrs. Garfield in tends, if not to write the work, to edit it. Few public men—none of the present generation—have left a wife better fitted to enter upon the difficult task of administering his literary estate nnd placing his life befjre the world. Through all her husband's career Mrs. Garfield kept even step with his enlarg ing culture, and her poise and control in tbe sick-room show self-ordered pow ers which should enable her to give to the world, under her supervis ion, a fit monument of the American who, better than any other of his own day, typified the public opportunities and the personal life of high American manhood.— Phila. Press. What becomes of the gold and silver which is worn away by abrasion ? Where does it go to ? These metals being, according to the statements of the chemists, among the elements or simple and uncompounded forms of matter, are of course not subject to de composition. It in an axiom of phys ical science that no particle of any substance whatsoever can be absolute ly destroyed. What is rubbed away from a gold or silver coin or other ar ticle made of either of these metals is not, therefore, lost, but continues in existence somewhere and somehow. But what becomes of it all ? Professor Soetbeer, of Goettingen, concludes, after very elaborate researches, that tbe annual loss on coiis by friction alone reaches 800 kilograms (about 1763 pounds) of gold and 46,000 kil ogiann (101,384 pounds) of silver. Tbe loss of tbe precious metals bv use yearly in the arts is estimated by Soetbeer at 83,775 kilograms (184,(530 pounds) for gold and 471,000 kilograms (1,038,084 pounds)for cilver. Hecalcu la'es that the arts have consumed in the lust fifty years nearly one-third of the total ptoduction of tho one metal and over one-fourth ot that of tbe other. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!, Extraordinary Bargains! IN AT JOHN BUM'S. WE TAKE THE LEAD IN LADIES' MISSES' AND j MENS, BOYS AND CHILDREN'S, | YOUTHS', BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS ! GAITERS. t SLIPPERS, ARCTICS, etc. LEATHER AND FINDINGS AND SHOEMAKERS' SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS ALWAYS^ON HANDS. Rpairiug of all k Kfiidw Wcnlly and ProinplFy Eone JOHN I3ICKEL, AUG 3] . MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. tMaat, Foos «£s Co. Bl IWID °i IRON TURBINE mifir ? « »"<■ BUCKEYE «S W WIND SS=Z|! I ENGINES Cylinder. g 5 ggl A Al . I. easily ..i. 1. | 0 M Cheapest « Best worce )« i SWKLI., VIBF, or Pomp la lb* world for /, ci IWV BATTLE In Uie Wind Be«p or (hallow Wtlli, .ipf i jjL\\ _ „ Thonundi la use la HeTcr Freemen la Win- IsJSSSi Head for Circular and V| ■£■ ■ A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENED?. A SURE REVIVER. IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases in quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, l)ys}>epsia, Inter mitt'-nt Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack of Lncrgy, etc. Lnriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new lite to the nerves, 'I hey act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing al 1 dyspeptic symptoms, such ns Tasting the Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. TllC only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Bock, 32 pp. cf useful and amusing reading— lent free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS uUeuMisw UcuxoUUA Sprains, Pain in the Back and Side. v There is nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of PERRY DAVIS' PA IN KILLKU. This remedy is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that must tic kept away from fite or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is it an untried experiment that may do more harm than good. PAIN KILLER has been in constant use for forty- years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world is, IT NEVER FAILS. It not only effects a permanent cure, but it relieves pain almost instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, it is safe in the hands of the most 1 Experienced. The record of cures by the use of PAIN KILLER would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried it think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says: About a year sinoe my wife became subject to severe suffering from rheumatism. Our reaort «U to the PAIN KILLEU, which siieedily relieved her. Charles Powell writes from the Sailors' Home, London: I had been afflicted three years with neuraltria and violent mains of the Ktoinach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital (rave up my case in despair. I tried your PAIS KILI.EH, and it >rave me Immediate relief. I have retrained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual occupation. All druggists keep PAIN KILI.ER. Its price is so low thut it Is within the reach of all, and it will save many times its cost in doctors' bills. SMc,, 50c., and 81.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS A. SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. M. C. RQCKENSmN, DEAI.ER IIV THIONT COOK STOVES AND RANGES. A I.SO, AGEN'T FOR CRYSTAL PALACE STOVES AND REPAIRS FOR SAME. Bin! Cages, Tinware. Wood ami Willow Ware, Enameled ami Granite Ware, Sewer Pipe, Fire Clay Stove I'ipe, Grate Tile, Fire Hrick and Clay. Roofing, Spouting ami Heavy Sheet-iron work done at short notice l»elow market prices for cash. I am also having manufactured to ray order, nice clean ami smooth odd Plates to fit Bradley's Stoves, which I sell at six cents per pound, and I will guarantee 'hem 10 last longer and give better satisfaction than the so-called original and genuine plates sold by another party at ten cents per pound. Give me a call and be convinced. M. C. ROCKENSTEIN, jnnel.j:Cm Main Street, flutter, Pa. WOTifK I* niVOIU'E. IN the matter of the application of Robert Law rence for urt award publica tion and appoint E. I. Esq . commission er, to take testimony, two subpoenas having bee . retiirn"d n. e. i. 1 Y THE Cotmr. To THE KEHI'ONIJKNT, ROSAVNA I AWBEKCF. : You are hereby notified lo bo and appear in your proper person, before our judges at Uu'ler at a Court of Common Pleas, then and there to be held on the sth day ot December. 1881, t i answer the petition or li'»'l o the slid Robert Lawrence, your husband, should not lie divorce ! from the bonds ot inatiimjiiv to the Acts of Assembly in such cise HI de and pro vided. W. H. H' KKSAV. Sheriff. COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE. To all parties interested—Take notice that I wdl attend to the duties of my appointment as commissioner in the above state.! case at my of fice in the borough of Butler, on the sth day of December, A. I> , 1881. at 1 o'clock, p. m. sceUi E. I. BKUGH, Commissioner. Hail** : WntbtK » |l«.. ISBI. G. H. Walworih, Saco, Me., writes: I exi>erienced immediate relief from pain in the side by the ute of your PAIN KILI-EB. E. York says: I have used your PAIN KILI.F.K for rheumatism, and have received vrreat lieneflt Barton Seaman says: Have used PAIS KILLEB for thirty years, aud have found it a nt>rer-failitiy remedy for rheumatism and lameness. Mr. Burditt writes: It nerrr fait* totrive relief in cases of rheumatism. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes: From actual use, I know your PAIN KILLEB Is the best medicine I can get. Notice in Divorce. Geortje W. I! irtley vs I;ieanor T. Hartley. In the Court of Common I'U'.LS of lU'.tler county. Pa., No. 10, June term. A. D., 18S1. Sept. sth, tssi. en iniition in open court by J. D. Mi'.liiukin. Es«i.. attorney for lihcllan!. it ;ui|iear itiK to tli" court that subpiriiaand alias Mibpu'na in ahove ca.se had been returned n. e. i.. tlie Sher iff was directed to make p'ldh'atiou according to law. and II. White was app tinted a com missioner to take testimony of witnesses, &c., re turnable to next term. To 'IIIK ItKSI-OJIUK.Nr, KR.KA.MIIt T. R.VUTI.FV : •You are uotitied to be and appear in yoarprojter person before our Juiln' sat Butler, at a ' ourt of I'ommon rieas then and there to he held on the . r >th day of December. 1 -si. next, to answer the pe tition or libi'l of the said Ceorjre W. Ilarih-v. and to show cause, il any you have, why the said Geo. \V. liar'ie. should not I e divorced from the bonds of matrimony agreeably lo the acts of assembly in such casj made and provided. wSI. 11. HOFFMAN, Sheriff. Butler. Pa., Sept. L*jd, issi. I w 11 attend to the duties of the above aii ioiiitiiient .it luv office in Butler. l*a.. on Wedliesd iv. November IMb. A. I)., rsi. at 10 a. in. GKOItUK It. WHITE, sep Commissioner. iree i week in your own town. Terms and 3>ODoutiit fr e. Address 11. HAL.I-fc.TT & Co., I'ortland, Maine. EXPOSITION s BUTLER, PA. OF BOOTS & SHOES. Fresh New Fall and Winter Stock at Exceedingly Low Prices AT The Reliable and Popular BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE B. C. HUSELTON. EVERY DAY ADDS STILL CHOICER STYLES AND LOWER. PRICES UNTIL lIIS HOL'SK IS FULL OF EVERY KIND AND STYLE OF Boots & Shoes. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHIL.DRENS' Kip, Calf, - Grain, Pebble, Goaf, Kid & St. Goat in Polish, Button and Side Lace. Old Ladies Warm Shoe 9, Slippers, Rubbers and Arties. MEN'S BOYS' AND YOUTHS' Brogans Ploic Shoes, Calf Shoes, Kip and Ctdf Hoots. Jht ID g est .stock of Mens lland-rnide Kip Boots in Butler, and lower prices. Men's Boots as low as " ~ - - $l5O Women's Heavy Shoes at 90 Customers are all treated alike ; uo made as to quality of stock and wear ; prices same to all. We don't sell to one custom er at half price and next one charge double to make it up. This is the Largest Stock of Boots & Shoes in Butler Count// —best .ytyhs and lowest prices, and much the larg est steel-; bought for (.'ASH direct from the manufacturers. An inspeition of this stock will at once convince yen that, tee do not advertise a s\iudl, cheap, shoddtj stock of BOOTS AIY» As the Best. Cheapest and L argest in Butter Countg, but ice have the Stock and Prices to shoic for wlui' ice sag LARGE 8T0( K OF LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Repairing c f All Kinds Neatly and Promptly Done. CALL AMEXAMINE BEFORE 10UB CY. B,G HUJELTOW. cTT R Lh. s r o c K, Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware and dealer in Stoves, Ranges, Pressed, Japanuel and Enameled Ware, Granite Ware, Wooden Ware, Bird Cages, and general housekeeping goods. Rooting, Spouting and Repairing done on short notice ami at lowest market rates. The only authorised agent for the sale of A. lirutlley & Co.'s well known Stoves ami R.uiges, and the only place to get the original and genuine odd plates for their stoves, made expressly by thi 111 for hiin. Beware of sham plates being sold 111 Butler, made of old and interior metal, none gen uine but from the Agent, CIIKIS. STOCK, june 8, 'Bl. Near Wick and Schreib r II mso3, Main street, Butler, Pa. THE CULTIVATOR I COUNTRY GJKNTIiEMAN THE BEST OF THE . AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. ENLARGEMENT FOIt J 8 32. The COUNTRY GENTLEMAN is tlin leading Jour nal of American Agiiculturc. In amount ahd practical value of c.intents. in extent ami ability of correnpoi-dence. in quality of paper a-id wry o of publication, it occjpies tlie FlltsP RANK It in believed to have 110 superior in either of tlie three chief divisions of Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture & Fruit-Growing-, Live Stock and Dairying, while it also include* all the minor dep irtoieuta of rural interest such an the Poultry Yard. EH lomoloay. Bee Keeping. (ireenh mae a:.d (Irape iv. Veierinarv Replies. Faun Q lestioii* and An swers. Fireside Beading. Domestic Economy. and a summary of the New* of flie Week. Its Mar l.et Reports are tii.usually complete, and much attention is paid to the Prospects of the Crops, is throwing light upon ono of t:ie m >st import ant of all ee to the sender of the Club CaT All New Subscribers for 1 Hs2, paying in advance now, will receive the paper WKEK.LY, from receipt of remittance to Januarv Ist, IHS2, wi'licut charge. Specimen Copies Free. Address LUTHER TUCKER X SOS. Publisher*, octl'Jtf ALBANY, N. Y. EMPLOYMENT FOB ALL To Sell a Household Article, I 'IIK poor ;LS well as tlie rich, the old as well as I the young, the wife, xs well a.s the husband, the young man*en as well as the young man. the girl as well a.\ the boy. may just as well eain a few lollars in honest itlnploymeat, ;LS to sit around the house and wait for otlnlrs to earn it lor them. We can give you employment, all Hie time, or during your spare hours only ; traveling, or in your own neighborhood, among jour friends ami acquaint ances. If you do not care for employment, we can impart valuable information to you tree of cost. It will cost you only one cent "for a I'ostal card to write for our Prospectus, and it may I*' the means of making you a good many dollars. l>o not neglect this op|>ortimuy You do not have to invest a large sum of money, and run a great risk of losing il. You will readil> see that it will he an easy 111 titer lo make from sin to sum a week, and establish a lucrative, and imlene'.d eat business, honorable, straightforward ami pro tltable. Attend to this matter NOW, for there is iIoXKY IN H for all who engage with ll*. We will surprise you and you will wonder why you never wrote to rs before. WK SEM> FI'I.I. I'AH lICULARS FITKK. Addr. SS Ill'l KKYE MFC CO., (Name this paper.) MARION, OHIO. i 6. V> * Shorthand! A Full <"oui>e iti Fonografy is puMi-hed eve ry year in tlie lie >■ monthly 111 a iziiic : THE A.MI'HICAN SHORTHAND WRITER i:id I lie Excrci.-es of all Mibscrihcrs corrected through Hie mail t UEE (IF (MI A'iUE. The only periodi til in the win I I from which fin ill hand may he learnt with mt a tutor The flan Instruction is original and the Lessors comprehensive. Those dcsirini; lolei'n may begin nt any lime, hack numbers in Lesson I being sup lied new subscribers and exercises cor:eeled when ever rech'ed. si B>cnirnos One \var (Course ol 1" Lctso.s - fl.iiO Single i uiu.ier .... 15c American Agency lor Pitman's Shorthand Book" and Reporters Supply Depot. Circulars sent tree on iipplicaliou. ROW ELL & IIIOKCOX, 409 WashiDgtou St., JJostoii, Mass. t&r Please mention Ihis paper. |auglUil BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. J. C. ROESSIXG, PRESIDENT. \VM CAMPBELL. TREASURER H. C. IIEINEMAN, SECRETARY DIRECTORS: •J. 1.. l'urvis, E. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Buikhart, A. Troutma'i, Jacob Schoene, O. C. Roessing, John Caldwell, Dr. \V. lrvin, J. J. ( roll. J. W. Christy H. C. Heineman. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ae't- STTTXjIEIR. PA. VA LU AB L E FARM FOR SALE! Till'' undersigned olTera for taic the follow ing real est ite. viz : The William MeOJung farm, situate in Oak land township, Butler county, Pa.. anjoiiiing lands of Wm J. Hutchison. I*li lialph et al . containing 136 acres, more or less. About 93 acres cleared, balance in good timl er; double log house and frame barn thereon erected: good orchard of about 10'? bearing apple trees; farm well watered, and in a good stale of cultivation, and is suppo-ed to be underlaid with coal. This farm is situate in a good neighborhood on the public load leading fumi Butler to Fair vi• w\ anil within *bout live miles of butler, and within about one mile of the proposed new rail road. Fur teruis inquire of the undersigned or G W. Fiseger, Esq , or Butler. CHKISTY 8088. Fxrcn'or of William McClung, deceased. Oakland twp . Butler C"»., Pa- Roct2m EST Subscribe for the CITIZEN. ;-*v- —^..-"? ——:.Tad THE GREAT urn LI xa TO V I?O R 2/;. Jr'".\"n other lino runs Throe Throuirlj I'ns ceogcr Ti:i:r> Daily between CSlkttto, Des M I1"'S irect connections for all point- in Kansas, Xebrv -k«. Colorado. Wvumiiii. Montana. N'c .n :.i-or D. In*. II : :st- 11, Ail-tin. «:ui Antoni J, ;• ■■ 1:g Can, run • nl.v fin nn- LtDO '.. ii. s Q. f . 100 tv.min* !! i in Oi:s. w hi 11..rt ..j 111', i i.iM I ni.A.a. No | i ti:".: _;<• let s i:i l! clinlng t'haiv-, Tho famous'' ... & <' Pilia.O Inniiiif tars. (lorjc.n" ilt , r Oitiil with Elegant ii: «-k 1 Hati •) K Volvli g (.hairs insive u-c of !i. i i'' 1 """ , . .uii«x>:-s. Steel Tru. ic and Su o- i'.r Hi luipmcnt, cnia bimd with their Great Thr ujrh tar Aur.nge mcut. muk os ill is. alxii o all i it IK-.-S, tl:t* favorite Route to the South, Soiittl-Wost, and the Far West. Try n, ami mu ivii! n.id traveling a luxury Instead of .1 discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celt brn tod I :r, for sale at all offices in the United ?t..u > :: Canada. All information altout Rates f Fa* . ing Car Accommodati >ns, 'iimo lan', will l»e cheerfully (ri\ en, and will •.•ml I any address an elegant ( "imtu M JI ■■ States. in colors, by St.iiii iiii < > J. if. A. BUAN, Uv.a'i Easte-n iKi6 Washington St . llosUm _ and 317 Broadway, Nov.- T. J. POTTER.'Gen Munutn. ■, > bi. : PERCEVAL LOWELL, Otmeral Passenger Agent, Chicago. | Health & Beauty. ■3 Kfa>.l r.iul you \» :11 i egret* w '« ' rj * i w IcaiUc, JV'ncn d$ VS-*v?'s, ~s *43 to:.is?t«M lii!* y, yy iu,i wv»x»ilcrfnl C'A -s7 •• ■* »i Vl>r lijai %•/ ct iui"d ami complos- M v»u t r ng'io i li.»r ii o. At tb3 of 9.> hrr 3 pk n • 'is p.- st, bl >Ol in ran 1 as a pirl of c-i 11. (1 lie c ret was tho di ret 9 of thofamous « 1 and chemist, l*.\l»be d'H Hiut.) At licrdc ir.i-••• !».• i i athel this i. s: valuable ft'cr t toa i» >-i i.'TI, ) snip ovl i* to t 1 e ecu, t chhrit'm •; );/. /* t :•» (1 H f al f lh? eilip|r« it CWi',slu - >i of a bri; i-Zjctc* wlio na-i . i ut»nii ifQ I; - bti'.'w .--i" lIU ilic'tfratn entetJUocd 'ml Shin rliSJ' r fM; a .1 t*lßt tU • putrid Lt»Cr«illT , iv p?'j »y t •V« lefi fi o tUit? mnrveiouMprrpara >OH. tii r \ 1 .ccdthcrecipowi'utl eIK*l! " lit i* :i I j. i t Xcv. Vo: k, who fre p: pared y fnpjiTy tiie deniau V; Oi th thousands of eagtr appli'ftc'a. Tt sveedi y eri Urates all m*nn r o.* a O'i POISvM" G fUt-'> Salt Jhruni. ECZOLUI, Pimples, Motli Fatchex, P» »'« klcs, Black HeatiHouuli '.Liu ( al»nh, 1 Ivcr CoraplaJitt, In- Eyes, kc. t ke. Tt is an u*)«olute antidote for ? »Jiil r«-»iorea reo iroiiliiU.n the cystcia. It ia cidlod Price 91 per package, or 6 for |5. B Sent by mslMnle'terf inu.rostagopaid. H Tho Bell Mann C:. 842E , way,lIe'wTork. I LAIT iOZyjC T4-!--2. 8.U..1 stiiav forctroular. H Us.>ok is entirely new. The only w rk worthy the tl.eme. Mend r>Oe. In Stamp-* for Airent'* Outfit. JO.N E.S BROTHEKS .v *'<>., PuMisli.-rs, Philadelphia. ! Jiirt publiplifd. a new edition of Dlt 1.L'1.- VERWF.I.I.'S CEI.EitRATKD ESSAY tl.i lai'ic.il cur< of Spcrniatorrho » or Seniinai Weak nest*. Involuntary Seiumai Losses. Imp. tency. Mu tal nnd Plivtical Incapacity. luipcxiiuientt to etc.; a!s >. Coiu-nmption. Epilepsy an Fits, induced by or sexual extravagince. Ac The celebrated author, in this admirable Es s:iv. clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years si'-cccshfiil practice. that tho alarming consequen ces of self-al lire may I c radically cured ; | Ant ing out a mode of cure at once timple lu i'a.n and elTcctual, by r:;eans of wliich evety stilleier. no matter what !jie condition nii«y ! e. uiay cure himself cheaply, piivately and rad'cally. Bv«~ Tiiis L.n-1 .rr HIIUUM L.ii in 'HO bauds of every youth and every tiiati in the lniul tie'nt. under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addrets. post paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps- We lnivo also a sure cure for Tape Worm. Address THE CULVEKWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 ANN ST., NEW YOKK, X. Y.: febß-ly Post Oflicc Box, 460 CHEAP TICKETS to any point »c-t. I.and Explorers, Round Trip, First, Second or Third Class. ftciiiililc 111 formal ion regarding Homestead Pre-emption or Mining laws. Call on or address E. A. TAYLOR, Cashier Argyle Savings Bank, Mmr Uriini p.-trolia, Pa. JAMES J. CAMPBELL, t 'a.aa km C >' t a. «- m~. Odice in Fairview borough, iu Telegraph Office- I aula] BALDWIS P, 0.. Butler Co., Pa. | A. Haffner, SUCCESSOR TO H. BAUERiBROS., HITj.KJt, i'A„ PLANING Kill AND Limil>ei' Yard, MANUFACTCBER A Nil DEALER IS Hough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, DOORS, SASII, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, Brackels, Gauged Cornice Boards. TORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL TOSTS & BALUSTERS, FENCE PALINGS, &c., &c. MICHIGAN SHINGLES Barn Boards, Plastering Lath, Hem lock Bill Stuft', of all kinds, constantly on band, All of which I will sell on reasonable terms and guarantee satisfaction. Planing Mill and Lumber Yard on Jeflfersou street, Butler, Pa. ldecly A. HAFFNER. Planing Mill —AND— Luiiibei- Y ai'cl. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS S.G. Purvis & Co., M\NUFACTITRER6 AND DEALERS I 2« Hough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. FRAMES, MOUI.DINGS, SA.sH, D FLOORING, SIDING, BAT'I ENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAIL." Newell Posts and Baluster*- FENCE PALINGS, <&c., lock Bill Stuff, such as Joist Rat ters, Scantiintr, ";: '* E en rgy, firo^t^^goro^outh^l^n^oj^^scs - For n rvcus prostration, rlva natural or unnatural i-vsual Inrtnlgctiro, " I';:UXA Is a Euro cure. ■ - Aged anil young persons wiiui'.rutlistui bvu too Tr:- a. in., goes through to Alle- 3, amviuji at 9.01 a. m. Tills train cou- Lects at Free port with Freeport Accommcla tion, which arrives-at Allegheny at 8.20 a. m., railroad time. Express at 7.J6 a. m., connecting at Butler tunc tii u, without change ol" cars, at 8.26 with txp.os west, arriving In Allegheny at V.SC j. in., and .Express east arriving at Blttirsville it 10 55 a. TO. railroad time. Mail at 2.2ti p. m., connecting at Butler'Jnnc ion without change ol cars, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 501 p. in., and Fx press eaal arriving at Blairsvlile Intersection it 5.55 p. m. railroad time, which conuects w'lh Philadelphia Kxprefg cast, when on time. The 7.21 a. m train connects at Blairsville it 11.05 a. m. with the Mull east, and the 2.36 p. m. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. R. at a. m , 4.5S and 7.01 p. m.. Butler time. The i*,slli< hi posile Willatd House. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office north-eat-1 corner ol Diamond. Kutif * Pa. H H. GOUCHER, Office in Sclmeideman's building, up staitß. JT DONLY Office near Court House. <" " 74 W. 57BRANDON, ebl7-75 Office in Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady building- marl"—t FERD REII3ER, Office in Reil.er's building, Jeflcrcon Bt. ap»l) F M. EAST AN, Office in Brady building. LEV. MoQUISIIOK, Office Main street, 1 duor south 01 Court House JOS. a VANDEKLIN, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court House. Win A. FORQUER, t/ Office on Main street, opposite Vogelej House. GEO. R. WHITE, Otiu-t* N. E. ct.ruer of Diamond J 1) MrJINKIN, itllce in l uildiii'.', west side oi Main sheet, 2nd square Irorn Court House. T C. iA 1 IMSELL. Office in Berg's uew building, 2d door, ea?i side Main «t., a few door* south of f.owrj House. nsar.".—tl « A. SULLIVAN, iua)7 Office W. cor tl Diamond A. T. BLACK, Office nil Mam mi eel one door eoulb Hi dy Block, Butler, Pa. (Sep. -, I&7+. EUGENE (J MILLER, Office in Br*uy e I.aw BiuHuig. .Main street, i-o tli of Court House. 2uoctßl THOMAS ROBINSON, BGTLEB, PA. JOHN 11. NEGLEY, WGivet- particulai attention to transaction* in real estate throughout the county. OFFICE ox DIAMOND, NKAH Cor« 7 Hon**.. i NIZES KuiimiNo E. K. ECKLEY, KENNEDY \LIMBAIL (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY & MARSHALL ;>lta< e iii Brady's Law Building. rtept.t>,74 C O.CHRISTIE, Attoruej at Law. Legal husines- carefully transacted Collections made and promptly remitted. Bunillcs- correspondence piomplly ittcudcd to and answered. Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E BYE US, PHYSICIAN AND SURG KON, iny-1-ly] BUTLER, I*A. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klingler's Store " DKNTISTS. DEHTISTR X . Ota v\\\LI>KON. On tfnate ot the Phil H adelpl'ia Dental Collegers prepare-' • " «to do anything in the lipe of hit profes-ion in a satisfactory manner- Office on Main street. Butler, L'nion Blorlt, up stairs. apil IXnle of K. K. Nliannon. Letters of administration on the estate of 8. R. Shannon late of Frtnklln township, Butler ei uuty. Pa , havinc been granted to the under sinned, all persons know ing themselves indebt ed to said estate w ill please make imtncdiaH pnymoiit, and any having claims ag-inst saic estate will present them duly authenticated foi settlement. J. H. Adm'r, -ep 28 tit Mt. Chestnut, Butler Co-, Pa. vertise in tbc CiTiziN. I