A QUICK AND THOROUGH CUBE. A man in Scotland had for years been afflicted with some cutaneous dis ease that almost rendered life a burden to him. He had tried doctors and pat ent nostrums until he was sick of them and had allowed the inevitable old wo man with her roots and 'yarbs' to tor ture him almost into idiocy. One of the latter, however, stuck to the case until she got the upper hand of it. She told him of a man who told her husband that he knew of a woman who heard her mother say that in her younger days it was generally know n that by saturating the body with pe troleum and standing by a bon-fire until the oil was well dried in, any dis ease to which the cuticle is heir could be effectually cured. The poor fellow tried it and was cured. W ben the ex periment was completed there was nothing left of him but a few steel pantaloon buttons aod an nnpleasant aroma in the air, but the disease was knocked higher than Mr. GiJderoy's balloon.— Detroit Free Press. Short 8,000,000 Bushels. CHICAGO, October 4.—There was al most a panic on Change to-day when it was noised that John B. Lyon, who was reported to be short about 8,000,- 000 bushels of corn, had suspended. Lyon has for years been the heaviest shipper of corn in the market aod sometimes almost the exclusive ship per. He was said to have been called for $1,000,000 margins last night after business honrs and to have failed to respond. This fact and the action of the Board of Directors in fixing mar gins of the prices of corn at 66 cents, broke the backbone of the corn mar ket. All other sold dojurn in sympathy. November corn sold down to 70 from Ts|. At the closing price yesterday December sold down to 65|, a break of 5£ cents; October wheat sold from $1.41f down to $1.41, fend November wheat from down to $1.445. Oats sold off 2 cents. At 11:30 prices were still weak and declin ing and it was thought that the fact might help Lyon to pull through. How it Pays to Take a News paper. Some papers are not of mach ac count as to appearance, but I never took one that aid not pay me, in some way more than I paid for it. One time an old friend started a little paper away down in sooth-western Qeorgia and sent it to me, and I subscribed just to encourage him, and after a while it published a notice that an ad ministrator bad an order to sell several lots at public outcry, and one of the lots was in my county. So I inquired about the lot and wrote to my friend to attend the sale and run it up to SSO He did so, and bid me off the lot for S3O, and sold it in a month to a man it joined for SIOO, so I made S6B clear by taking the payer. My father told me that when he was a young man he saw a notice in a paper that a school teacher was wanted away off in a distant county, and be went there and got the situation, and a little girl was sent to him, and after a while she grew up mighty sweet and pretty, and he fell in love with her and married her—now, if he hadn't taken that paper, what do you reckon would have become of me ? Wouldn't I have been some other fellow, or may be not at all. English Sympathy. LONDON, October s. —Benjamin Scott, Chamberlain of London and an author of several important antiquarian works, writes to the Times suggesting a method of giving enduring proof of English good will towards America, by an act which would exceedingly enrich Americans. There is in the Bishop of London's library at Fulham a manuscript in the handwriting of Bradford, one of the leading Pilgrim Fathers who in 1629 landed at Ply mouth Rock, Mass, giving a diary of the proceedings of the Pilgrims and containing a compact or constitution out of which arose the Federation now termed the United States. The docu ment was captured as loot by British soldiers during America's war of inde pendence from the old Dutch church in Boston, Mass. As very many Americans consider this document as the very 'Book of Genesis' of their nation, Mr. Scott has suggested that in token of the deep sympathy of Eng land with the United States in her national sorrow and England's desire to forget the conflict of a century ago, now attracting attention at Yorktown. England should present the document in the name of the Queen and the na tion to the United States. For kidney and pelvic difficulties take Manaiin In the Illinois State Prison are six teen men all related to one another. A lady of Pekin, 111., has given birth to a boy on every Foarth of J aly during the last four years. For all urinary and female com plaints take Manaiin. The Lemoyne crematory was at work the other day on the remains of a regular army soldier named Moore, who died at Columbus, Ohio, on Fri day from an overdose of morphia. Adams has challenged Edmunds to fight a duel at Milledgeville, Ga., in order to "wipe out an insult with blood." The insult offered by Ed munds consisted in marking some of the coin in his money drawer, so that Adams was exposed when he stole it. Fine carriage horses about sixteen hands high, which can make ten to twelve miles an hour, and on a pinch increase the rate of fifteen miles for short distances, without distress, are in great demand in England, with a scant supply. Here is a good opening for American breedes of horses. The Chinese Government demands implicit obedience as a first requisite of citizenship. Thus some sixty inhab itants of Foochow, who violated a de cree commanding all subjects to abstain from shaving the bead for a hundred days, were whipped with bamboo rods in public, and had to pay a large fine for that country, besides having their heads painted and varnished as a warn ing to others. The latest fish story is about a bass inside of which was found 'what was said by one to be a young cat, by another a young tiger, and by a third a young dog.' No doubt it was a young tiger, Such animals are often found in bass. It was only two weeks ago that a fifteen pound young hippo potamus was found inside a two pound bass caught in the Schuylkill. The bass is a very voracious fish, and has been known to chase a sheep across a forty acre field. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! Extraordinary Bargains! AT JOHN MEL'S. WE TAKE THE LEAD IN LADIES' MISSES' AND | MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S, | YOUTHS', BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS ! GAITERS, RUBBERS, BLIFPEBS, ARCTICS, etc. LEATHER AND FINDINGS AND SHOEMAKERS' SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS ALWAYS ON HANDS. Rpairing of all Kinds Neatly and Promptly Done JOHN BICKEL, Aug. 31. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. t'SJLßust, Foos e&J Co. BUCKEYE Dl I MID I TURBINE ■ W IVI I c » And BUCKEYE Ellis 1. ...iir -et. 1. 11 ISA Strong A. Ckupcit * Beat Force •" * OU| HWKLJ'WARP ?; Pump In the world for JLi MRTiL BATTIfe In the Wind Deep o* Shallow Well*. finf ThOßiudi la »»e la ITever Preeses la Wla- Head f*r Circular aa* j IB OH P A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tOlilC ; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, L<u:k of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. Xhcy act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. TllO only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tlie teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the AB C Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading— sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS I "EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD SHOULD USE IT. Herbaline Syrup, THE GREAT MEXICAN REMEDY. The only Medicine in the World Compunded from the Natural Roots and Herbs of Mexico HERB ALINE SYRUP, (NO ALCOHOLIC DRINK.) The most valuable remedy ever discovered in the Vege table Kingdom for the speedy and permanent cure of Dyspepsia, Habitual Costiveness, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Files, Dropsy, Heart Disease, Ner vous Affcctiens and Chronic Diseases. HERBALINE SYRUP, (NO VINEGAR COMPOUND.) The purest and best Medicine in the world for delicate Females, whether young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or the turn of life, relieving and curing their complaints as if by Magic. For the aged and the feeble this Tonic Syrup has 110 equal. HERBALINE SYRUP, (NO MINERAL POISON.) A swift and sure relief in Mental and Physical Prostration caused by over-taxing the mind and body with business and professional cares. HERBALINE SYRUP, (A VITALIZING TONIC.) Unequaled as a medicine for Children, being easy of admin istration, pleasant and refreshing to take, prompt in its action ; certain in its results, and always safe and reliable. No Vermifuge, Lozenges, or other medicines will free the sys tem from Worms like this wonderful Vvild Herb Tonic. HERBALINE SYRUP, (THE LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE.) Skin ui.-eases of whatever name or nature,such as Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples,-Ringworms. Scrofula. &c., are literally dug up and carried out of the system by this great Tonic and Alternative, while the complexion is rendered clear and beautiful. HERBALINE SYRUP, (PURELY HERRAL.) A genuine medicine warranted free from Calomel. Arsenic, Opium, Quinine, and Alcohol in all its forms. The most valuable Family Medicine In the World. 0 ■ , ;■% WWW .Ah JE& M 9 is offered for a case of Chronic Disease that this great Tonic Syrup will fail to cure or greatly benefit, if the directions are strictly followed. II TRY IT, PRICE SI.OO PER BOTTLE. PREPARED BY THE STAHMBD MEDICINE COMPANY, PITTSBURGH, PA. Fm SALI m ALL BRUGGirrs. PERRY D/WlS' PAIN KILLER IS A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. A Sure and Speedy Cure for Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Diphtheria, Chills. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cramps. Cholera, Summer Complaint, Sick Headache, Neuralgia, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Rneumatism, etc. Perfectly safe to use Internally or externally, and certain to afford relief. No family can afford tc bo without It. Sold by all druggists at 23c., 50c. and 91.00 a bcttle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, K. I. ffCCi week In your own town. Terms and *vO o utflt tree. Address H. lIALLKTf & (Jo., Portland, Maine. fflnibe* ditiwrn : $!««» ©stub**: 19, 1881. (C 4 n ftonixr day at nome. Samples worth IU 3>£Us-, ( re e. Address SriNSo> & Co. Portland, Maine. EXPOSITION BUTLER, PA. OF BOOTS & SHOES. Fresh New Fall and Winter Stock at Exceedingly Low Prices at The Reliable and Popular BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE OF B. C. HUSELTON. EVERY DAY ADDS STILL CHOICER STYLES AND LOWER PRICES UNTIL HIS HOUSE IS FULL OF EVERY KIND AND STYLE OF Boots & Shoes. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDRENS' Kip, Calf, Grain, Pebble, Goat, Kid& St. Goat in Fblish, Button and Side Lace. Old Ladies Warm Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers and Arties. MEN'S BOYS' AND YOUTHS' Brogans Plow Shoes, Calf Shoes, Kip and Calf Boots. The larg est stock of Mens Hand-made Kip Boots in Butler, and lower prices. Men's Boots as low as ~ ~ - - $l5O Women's Heavy Shoes at 90 Customers are all treated alike ; no misrepresentations made as to quality of stock and wear ; prices same to all. We don't sell to one custom er at half price and next one charge double to make it up. This is the Largest Stock of Boots & Shoes in Butler County—best styles and lowett prices, and much the larg est steclc; bought for CASH direct from the manufacturers. An inspection of this stock toil I at once convince you that ice do not advertise a small, cheap, shoddy stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, As the Best, Cheapest and Largest in Butler Countg, but we have the Stock and IVices to shore for what we say. LARGE STOCK OF LEATHER AND FINDINGS. l^Hßepairing of All Kinds Neatly and Promptly Done. CALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE YOU B UY. B, C, HU3ELTOW, NO. 49 FIFTH AVENUE, To impart a PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION has, for many years and with great success, been the aim of Duff's College. . , , The faithful student has here faeilities for such a training as will qualify him for an immediate entrance upon practical duties in any sphere of life. For circulars address I'. DUFF 4c SON, Pittsburgh. Pa. DUFF'S BOOKKEKIM .VG, published by Harper & Bros., printed In colors, 400 pages. The larg est work on the science published. A work for bankers, railroads, business men and practical ac countants. Price 53.00. i2oct4w BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. GH C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASURER H. C. IIEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Buikhart, A. Trout man, Jacob Schoene, G. C. Roessing, John Caldwell, Dr. \V. lrvin, J. J. Croll. J.W.Christy H. C. Heineman. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen, Ag't- BUTIJEB Notice in Divorce. George W. Hartley vs Eleanor T. Bartley. In the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county, Pa., No. 19, June term, A. D., 1881. Sept. sth, 1881, on motion in open court by J. D. McJunkin, Esq.. attorney for libellunt, it appear ing to the court that subpuena and alias subpoena in above case had been returned n, e. i., the Sher iff was directed to make publication according to law, and George R. White was appointed a com missioner to take testimony of witnesses, &c., re turnable to next term. To TIIE RESPONDENT, ELEANOR T. BARTLEY: You are notified to be and appear in your proper person before our Judges at Butler, at a Court of Common Pleas then and there to be held on the sth day of December. 1881. next, to answer the pe tition or libel of the said tJeor/e W. Bartlev, and to show cause, ii any you have, why tile sakt Geo. W. Bartley should not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony agreeably to the acts of assembly in such case made and provided. WM. H. HOFFMAN, Sheriff. Butler. Pa., Sept. 22d, 1881,1 will attend to the duties of the above appointment at mv office In Butler, Pa., on Wednesday, November 9tli, A. D., 1881, at 10 a. in. GEORGE R. WHITE, sep 28 Commissioner. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I havo new aud improved machinery for the manufacture of Barr6d and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texturo, and will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices, address. H. FDLLERTON, Ju124.'7«-ly) Butler, Pa Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Walter A Boos, of Butler, was dissolved by mutual consent on July sth, 18S1. Parties owing the late firm will please call at the Mill, in Butler, where the books are in the hands ot Walter, aud settle, as the accounts of the tirtn must be settled immediately. WALTER & BOOS. NOTICE —I would say to my patrons that 1 am now running the Mill myself and will be thankful for their patronage as heretofore. We have the mill in first class runuiug order and are able to do as good wcrk as any. Orders through town will be attended to punctually and goods delivered. Orders for Flour and Feed can be left at Vogeley's Tobacco Store on Main street, and they will be promptly attend ed to. GEO. WALTER. NOTICE TO~FARMERS. Large number of Farms for sale or exchange at low prices aud on easy payments. Several small farms from 85 to 50 acres wanted. Also, loans furnished to farmers having improved farms on long time and at low rates. Address W. J. KIBKADDEN, Freeport, Pa., Or call an Office days: Every Monday at Freeport. Every Tuesday at No. CO, Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh. 6 fijt Shorthand! A Full Course in Fonografy is published evc ( ry year in the new monthly magazine : THE AM EKICAN SHORTHAND WRITER and the Exercises of all subscribers eorrccted through the mail FREE OF CHARGE. The only periodical in the world from which shorthand may be learnt without a tutor. The Plan of Instruction is original and the Lessons comprehensive. Those desiring to learn may begin at any time, back numbers to Lesson 1 being supplied new subscribers aDd exercises corrected when ever received. SUBSCRIPTION . One year (Course of 12 Lessons )- - $1.50 Bingle cum tier .... 15c. American Agency for Pitman's Shorthand Book* and Reporter's Supply Depot. Circulars sent free on application. ROWELL & HICKCOX, 409 Washington St., Boston, Mass. (fgr Please mention this paper. |auglotf New Grocery Store. MR. JACOB BOOS has opened a grocery stoie in the well known store building at the corner of Main and Wayne streets, near the residence of Judge M'Juukiu. All his Groceries are fresh, uo old goods what ever. He also deals in FLOUR, FEED 5 OIL MEAL. Will pay cash for all kiuds of produce and grain, and will do a strictly cash business, lie has in stock Hue Hues of GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, LAMPS, BASKETS, CANDIES, CANNED FRUIT, CANDIES, BPICES, etc. BEST CIGARS IN BUTLER. HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED! Just published, a new edition of DR CUL VERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical cure of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Losses. Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also. Consumption. Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, Ac. The celebrated author, in this admirable Es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming consequen ces of self-abuse may be radically cured ; point ing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. ts9~ This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps- We have also a sure cure for Tape Worm. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 ANN ST., NEW YORK, N. Y.; feb9-ly Post Office Box, 450 FEKKIH AIIMOH, Justice of the l^eace Maiu street, opposite Postoffice, 61 jy ZELIENOFLE ,PA. j Tc/ ^ U )THE( —- Chicago & North-Western HAIX-WAY Is the OLDEST ! BEST CONSTRUCTED ! BEST EQUIPPED ! and hence the LEADING RAILWAY OF THE WEST AND NORTHWEST. It is the short and best route between Chicago and all points in Northern Illinois, lowa, Dakota, Wyoming, Ne braska, California. Oregon. Arizona. Utah, Colo rado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and (or COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA DENVER. JL.E4DTILLE, SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO DEADWOOD, SIOUX CITY, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Columbus and all Points in the Territories, and the West. Also, lor Milwaukee, Green Bay. Oshkosh. Sheboygan, Marquette, Fond du Lae, Watertown, Houghton, Neenah, Mcuasha, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Volga, Fargo. Bismarck, Winona. I«iCrosse, Owatonna, and all points in Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago & North-Western and the U. P. R'ys depart from, arrive a land use the same joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connections are made with the Lake Shore, Michigan ( entrai, Baltimore & Ohio, Fl. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago & Grand Trunk R'ys, and the Kankakee and Pa* Handle Routes. Close connections made at Junction Points. It is the ONI.Y LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN Chicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman Sleepers on all Night Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets via tins road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to buy if they do not read over the Chicago & North-Westem Railway. If you wish the Best Traveling Accommodations you will buy vour Tickets bv this route, {S?~AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. MARVIN HUGHITT, 2d V. P. & Gen'l Mang'r Chicago. Itl V Ivx I IVK^IVIJJ B THEMOST POPULAR jd H A S N \ 1 $ LIFETI ME \ .SURPASSES^OTHERS^ i .MnsQipiHsoo. y 30 UNION SCLNEW YORK - 4 Chicago ill.-e \ M Orange mass. < MAWHINNEY & CHATFIELD, GENERAL AGENTS, 2fcsepfim 10J Sixth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. TAKBTH 23 THE CREAT li I RLTXGTON ItoUTJJ. fW~So other line runs Three Through I'ns sengcr Trains Daily between Chicago, Des Moines, Council Bluffs, Omnha. Lincoln. St. Joseph, Atchison, Topekn and Kansas City. Direct connections for all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Ne >adn few Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and Caiiiji-nia. The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comforta ble Route via Hannibal to Fort Scott, Drnison, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Galves ton and all points in Texas. The unequnled inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Tourists, arc as follows: The celebrated Pullman (ir-whrel) Pnlacc Sleeping Cars, run only on this l ine. C.. 11. A 0- Palace Drawing-Room Cars, with Horion't" Reclining' Chairs. No extra charge for Seats in Itcclining Chairs. The famous C. It. & 0- Palace Dininir Cars. Gorgeous Snv-king Cart fitted with Elegant Hivh-Hmkcd liattan Ite volving Chairs for the exclusive use of first class passengers. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com bined with their Great Thr.nurh Car Arran;ri ment, makes this, above ail others, the favorite Route to the South, South-West, and the Fai West. Try it, and you will (lad traveling n luxi.r instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celebrated I for sale at all olHces in the United Staus Canada. All information about Rates of Fare, ing Car Accommodations, liinc la'ji will be cheerfully given, and will send any address an elegant Cmmt)/ Map States, in colors, by applying t > J. Q. A. BEAN, Gen's Eastern Ay aO6 Washington St. Huston and 317 Broadway, New ; T.J. POTTER, Gen. Manager, ( hi' PERCEVAL LOWELL, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. Fstate of Ciiriwtopher mil ler. Letters of administration, cum testamento an nexo, having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Christopher Miller, dee'd. late of Clay township. Butler Co.. Pa , all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified that immediate payment is required and tnose having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAMES CRANMER, Adm'r. Sept 21 Coultersville, Butler Co., Pa. GOOD NEWS TO ALL parties troubled with baldness and loss of hair. The "Alpha Hair Restorer" Is the first and only remedy ever known that has never failed in a single case, and we will pav f 100.00 iu any case where it fails to produce hair if properly used. Send for Circulars and sworn testimonials to JAMES MURPHY it CO., General Agents. 2? Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Price per bottle, #2 00, or three boltlcs for #5.00 ; Advertise in the CITIZEN. i A. Haffner, SUCCEBSOR TO H. BAUERIBR OS., BHTJLEB, PA., PLANINGr MILL AND Lumber Yard, MAMUPACTU&XB AND DEALER 111 Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, DOORS, SASH, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Gornice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL POSTS & BALUSTERS, FENCE PALINGS, Ac., Ac. MICHIGAN SHINGLES Barn Boards, Plastering Lath, Hem lock Bill Stuff, of all kinds, constantly on hand, All of which I will sell on reasonable terms and guarantee satisfaction. Planing Mill and Lumber Yard on Jefferson street, Butler, Pa. ldecly A. HAFFNER. Planing Mill —AND- Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS S.G. Purvis & Co., MawuraCTTOKRS AND DKAL*BSIK Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS. FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE PALINGS, Ac., Ac., MICHIGAN SHINGLES, Barn Boards; Plastering Lath ; Hem lock Bill Stuff, such as Joist Raf ters, Scantiing, Ac., all sizes constantly on hand. All of which we will sell on reasonable terms and guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near German Catholic Church jan?-80-ly E. GRIEH, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. JSPWATCHES AND CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED. -®« This Is a new remedy, originally eom | pounded and Introduced to the medical profes- ■ slou and the public at large by 8. B. Bart man, M. D., of 807 Peiin Ave.. PltUbnrx, I Pa., who has prescribed Kto over 40,000 pa- I tlents, and in every case with the moat rratl tying success. ■ Its effect upon the system Is entirely unlike ■ that of any other remedy, aad Is the only a medicine needed In almost every disease to ■ ■ which flesh Is heir—Epilepsy (Falling Fits) 1 being the only exception. In this PEHUNA a should not be used. In Constipation and I Diseases of the Female Organs and Bladder, MANALIN should be given with it. PIRPKA I Is composed of purely vegetable ingredients, I each one, according to medical authors, a great remedy in Itself. ■ Dr. Ilartman has succeeded in extracting I the active principles from these Ingredients m and In combining them Into one simple com- ■ ■ pound, which at once coincides with the Vis ' MKDICATIMX N ATURA in every disease, and ■ the work of restoration commences with the I first dose. Thero Is i.ot an organ that It will not reach nor a disease It will not cure. For I particulars send for a pamphlet. I S. n. lIAKTMAStro., Osborn^)Bf\ PEBUM and 91 AN A LIU FOR SALE BY ZinnEKNAN A WULLEB BUTLER, PA. CHEAP TICKETS to any point west. Land Explorers, Round Trip, First, Second or Third Class. Keliable Information regarding Homestead Pre-emption or Mining laws. Call on or address E. A. TAYLOR, Cashier Argyle Savings Bank, May 14:Gtn Petrolia, Pa. Steubeiivllle, (Ohio) Female Seminary. 52 Years Succeuful Erperirnce. Firtl-clau School. Terras low. Send for Catalogue. A. M. RiiU>. Ph. D., Prin. july2om2 TRAVELLERS' QUIDS. UTI - B *i *•***■ CITT KWD riKIl lin»nip Train* leave Butler for St. Joe, Millerstown To' '..?£? Pmrker > «c-. t tJW ». a and 2.25 and 7.25 p. m. Timlu# arrive at Boiler from the above named £? in^ ' t . 7 -. 17 *• m > 8 1 5. »nd 7.15 p. a- The 3.15 train connects with train on the We«t Penn road through to Pittsburgh. THIRLXSO AND ALLMRHT *"' Trains leave Hill Lard's Mill, Butler county, for HarrUrille, Greenville, etc.. at 7.50 a. m. and 2.25 p. m. Trains arrive at Hilllard's Mills at 1:45 A. K„ and 5:55 P. M. Hacks to and from Petrolla, Martlnsbunr, rairview, Modoc and T connect at HO- Hard with all trains i B til* 3 A A roaa. _ P***SIXVAI>,» MAILKOXD. Trains leave Bntler (Butler or Pittsburgh Tim*. Market at 5.06 a. m., goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at 9.01 a. m. This train oon nects at Freeport with Free port Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8:90 a. m., railroad time. Expr— at 7.21 a. m„ connecting at Butlsr Junction, without change of cars, at 8.38 with Express west, arriving !n Allegheny at V.56 a. m., and Express east arriving at Blairtvllle at 10.55 I. m. railroad time. Mail at 2.26 p. m., connecting at Botier Juno lion without change of cars, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 5.01 p. m., and Ex press cast arriving at Blairsviile Intersection at 5.55 p. m. railroad time, which connects with Philadelphia Kxpress east, when on time. The 7.91 a. m. train connects at Blairsviile at 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2.84 p. m. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. E. at 9.56 a. in., 4.5H and 7.01 p. m., Butler time. The 9,56 and 4.58 trains connect with trains on the Butler <fe Parker R. R. Main Lint. Through trains leave Pittsburgh tor the Eat* at 3.56 and 8.36 a. m. and 19.51, 4.21 and 8.06 p. m., arriving at Philadelphia at 8.40 and 7.30 p. m. and 8.00, 7.00 and 7.40 a. m.; at Baltimore about the same time, at New York three hours later, and at Washington about one and a half hours later. Tline of Holding Conrls. The several Courts of the county of Butler commence on the fiist Monday of March, June, September and December, and ooutlnaa two weeks, or so long as neceaaaiy to dispose of the business. No causes are put down for trial or traverse Jurors summoned for the first week of the several terms. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BUTLER, PA. JOHN K. KELLY, Office with E. G. Miller, Esq., in Brady Law Building. auglTOl R. P. SCOTT, Attorney at Law. Office, Room No. 3, Rel ber Building, opposite the Lowry House, Jeffer son street, Butler, Pa. |aug'Bl A. M. CORNELIUS, Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, Butler, Pa. J. F. BRITTAIN^ Office with L. Z. Mitchell, Diamond. A. M. CUNNINGHAM, Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. 8. H. PIERSOIL " Office on N. E. corner Diamond, Riddle build ing. novlS JOHN M. GREER. Office on N. E. corner Diamond. norlj WM. H. LUSK, Office with W. H. H. Riddle, Esq. NEWTON BLACKS Office on Diamond, near Court House, south side. E. I. BRUGH, Office in Riddle's Law Building. S. F. BOWSER. Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'76 J. B. McJUNKIN! Special attention given to collections Offloi opposite Willard House. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond, Butler Pa. H. H. GOUCHER, Office in Schneideman's building, up stalls. J, T. DONLY Office near Court House. r - 74 W. D. BRANDON, ' ebl7-76 Office in Berg's building, CLARENCE WALKER^ Office in Brady building- marl7—t FERD REIBER, Office in Reiber'6 building, Jeflerson St. apttlj F. M. EASTMAN, Office in Brady building. LEV. McQUISTION, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court Hons* JOS. C. VANDERLIN, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court Hons*. Wm A. FORQUER, •dT Office on Main street opposite Vogslsy House. GEO. R. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond- J. DT McJUNKIN, Office in Schneideman's building, west side ot Main street, 2nd square from Court House, A. G. WILLIAMS, Office on Diamond, two doors west of Crrm> office, *pM T. C. CAMPBELL, Office in Berg's new building, 3d ioor, east side Main St., a few doors south of Lowry House. aarS—tf C A. SULLIVAN, raay7 Office S. W. oor. of Diamond. A. T. BLACK, Office on Main street, one door south ot Bredy Block, Butler, Pa. (Sep. 2, 1874. JOHN M MILLER A BRO. Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street, south of Court House. EUOKMK O. Muxn, Notary Publio. Jon4 ly THOMAS ROBINSON, " BUTLER, PA. JOHN H. NEGLEY, WOives particular attention to transaction is real estate throughout the oounty. Omc* OK DIAMOND, HKAB COUBT Hocsx, I* CrriZKM KUILDTNO E. R. EckLET, KKMMIDT MASSHAIX (Late of Ohio.), ECKLEY A MARSHALL. Office in Brady's Law Building. 5ept.9,74 c. G. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully transacted. Collections made and promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS - JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, my2l-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klingler's Flour Store. D ENTISTS. DEITTISTH *. o|# WALDRON, Graduate ot the PhD B adelpbia Dental College,ls prepared a I* sto do anything in the line of hia profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, up stairs, apll C79 A WEEK. Jl'.' a day at home easily made 9 / outfit free. Address Tkuk A Co.. Augusta, Maine. Smart?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers