THE DROUTH OF 1819. At Pleasant Hill I conversed with an intelligent and pious Shaker, who held to the doctrine of final persever ance In bla undying faith in the good ness of God, in not suffering a total failure of crops to occur. He was a young man in 1819, the year of the "great drouth," when from early sum mer to the middle of January there was no rain, when the air was hot aud dry, when the clouds refused to form and be condensed into showers, when the dew-poiat was not seen, when the stagnant pools of water in the creeks and branches became so thoroughly carbonized -nd miasmiferous that the cattle died, and all vegetation was ut terly parched up and apparently de stroyed. During the terriMe drouth the cattle became afflicted with the 'hot-weather itch,' and thousands died, literally tearing the skin from vbeir sides and backs in their frantic efforts to scratch themselves to relieve the in tolerable itching. Deer and horses died with black tongue; fowls and birds be came listless and stupefied, moped in despair, lost their plumage and died in utter misery. Men, women and chil dren grew sick with disappointed hopes for the healing showers, drinking the foal carbonized water and eating dusty food, and many died of disease not known before or since. Maddened with the intolerable itch and frantic with eating the dry and desiccated grass deprived of a'l nutritive elements by the long drouth, the cattle, sheep and horses roamed over the fields and through the forests, moaning and howling or pawing the earth in impo tent rage. Added to these horrors, the fields and forests took fire and burned for weeks and months. The air was filled with smoke and ashes, producing another horror in the shape of some form of ophthalmia that was almost in tolerable. Fresh vegetables were soon exhaust ed, the cattle were too diseased to be used for food, water was scarce and unfit to drink, fires were raging, and the whole population afflicted with di sease in some shape. This state of things lasted until the middle of Jan nary, when the blessed rain and the really beautiful snow came and saved the country from utter annihilation. The gentle Shaker had feared that such an other dread season was begin ning ; that the water was again becom ing carbonized and impregnated with deleterious earthy salts and other con stituents from dead insects, apbidians, batrachians, infusoria and rotting mam malia. At this very time the good Bhaker did not know that cattle and horses were dying in some parts of Il linois with a disease similar in many respects to that he described in so graphic a manner and starting under circumstances so similar. I felt really alarmed at his vivid descriptions of the 'hot weather itch,' from a personal knowledge of the rava ges prepetrated upon the human hand by the bite of a single mosquito His description df the erysipelatous black tongue was equally distressing, and I shall never forget bis terse and forcible language as be depicted these horrors. He was sublimely eloquent without an effort, in his quiet way, and if I could impart bis manner to the paper on which I write, it would pro duce rare reading for the Courier- Journal. [Dea Moinefl lowa State Register.] We notice the following in an ex change: Mr. G. B. Haverer, Foreman N. Y. & N. H. S. B. Co., suffered for eight days with terrible pain in the back, almost to distraction, until he * heard of and used St. Jacobs Oil, one bottle of which cured him completely. The Ohio Board of Agriculture esti mates 72 per cent, of a full crop of wheat this year, 70 per cent, of corn, and 1,000,000 bushels increase of oats. To the weak Peruna gives strength. The 'cattle-drive' this season from Texas to Kansas and other Northern States and Territories has been about 250,000 bead—double what it was estimated it wonld be by experienced stockmen. To the sick Peruna is the greatest blessing. When Methuselah was only five hundred years, his father told him tbat irbe didn't stop smoking vile cigarettes he would die in early manhood. He didn't stop, and he only livsd a few hundred years after that: but boys will be boys. There is no feed more economical for a bard working team than a light mess ot whole oats, say three quarts per horse, at morning and noon, aud about two quarts of corn meal at night, together with all the good Lay they will eat clean. A correspondent of the National Live-stock Journal writes tbat 'hog cholera can be stamped out by wise legislation, well executed ; but no man can do anything single-handed. We want a public sentiment tbat will kill s cholera hog as quick as a mad dog.' A recent dispatch from* Liverpool announcing the embarkation of 550 Mormon converts bound for Salt Lake City says tbat over 2,000 recruits for tb« Utah settlements have left that port daring the past summer. This fact shows in a striking manner that tha Mormon blearchy is making a greater effort than ever to strengthen kta powor. As a rale, small breeds of bens lay best. The Leghorns are especially no ted for their egg producing powers. Their "eggs are medium sized, but make up in number what they lack in size. The Plymouth Rocks are strongly rec ommended as winter layers. Among large breeds the best lavers are the Brahmas. But any hen,"to lay well, must be well feed. A correspondent of The Rural New- Yorker advises the immediate remov al of the limbs of pear-trees affected with blight. They should be cat off be low where the blight is visible. If the limb is promptly removed, he says, there is no more danger of that tree than of any other. The danger consists in allowing the blighted nart to remain until the poison has extended so far as to menace the life of the tree. Mr. W. D. Philbrick, of Massachu setts, does not regard the crow as en titled to the least consideration as a destroyer of insects. He is, Mr Pbll briek says, a merciless robber of birds' nests, eating indiscriminately eggs and joung birds in tbe breeding season, and he thinks it arrant nonsense to de fend the crow as useful to the farmer The song birds, frogs und toads he de stroys would, if suffered to live, proba bly destroy twice as many insects ns the crow himself A. TEOUTMAN, DEALER IN SILKS, SITUS, CASHMERES, ALPACAS, BROCADES, PLAIDS, DEL A INS, CALICOES, CHINTZES, GINGHAMS, MUSLINS, TICKINGS, FLAN NELS, BLANKETS, CASSLMERES, CLOIIIS, SHAWLS, SKIRTS, SHIRTINGS, TABLE LINENS, WHITE GOODS. QUILTS, LACE CURTAINS, CAR PET CHAIN, YARNS. ZEPH\R, CORSETS, GLOVES, BUTTONS, FRINGES, LACES, RUCHING, COLLARS, CUFFS, TIES, &c., &c., Mv Stock i 9 large and prices low. I also keep an assortment of Queensware, Glassware and Choice Family Orocei'ies. TROUTMAN, Aug. 24. BUTLER, PA. Foos cfcOo. NEW BUCKEYE Vh 'DI IMID IRON TURBINE M • IVI I c i And BUCKEYE 111 W WIND J. I ENGINES T i. en, .... i. th. | o s z°r, BA °"Z b J* I Cbeapent «k Best Foree «WKLWABP, or I Pomp la the world for t, IVfl RATTLE in tbe Wind I i Seep or Khalloir Weill. y-J I ThMiaad' In DM la ' I~ I «T»ry pari ot Pal til Freeaca la Wla- IB Mead for Circular and ~ * ■ A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER. A SURE REVIVER. IRON BITTERS arc highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient ton ic ; especially Jiuligcsti<m, lJyxpeptia, Litrr mUtent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, L<yk of J-.nertpj, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. J hey act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food, Jidchimj, Heat in the Stomach, Jleartourn, etc. J lie only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Bold by all druggists. Write for the ALC Book, 32 ]>p. of useful and amusing reading— sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD * SHOULD I'HE IT. Herbaline Syrup, THE GKEAT MKXK'AN KKMF.DY. The only MeJlclm; ill the World Coininiiwled from the Natural Ito.>t i siiml Herbs of Mexico HKRBA.LINK 9YRUP, (NO ALCOHOLIC J>KINK.) Till- most valuable ever discovered In tin taliU; Kingdom for the S|**e<ly and rx-niiHiicnt cure of Hys|»«*|wia. Halxt'.ml < 'ostivciwis. Liver zml Kidney Complaints, H<-n>fnla, Rheumatism, I'iles, Dropsy, Heart Disease, Ner vous Affeetleus and Chronic Diseases. HER li A IJ I N E S Y Tt U P, (NO VINKOAK COMPOUND.) The purest and l>esl Medleine In the world for delicate Females, whether youuu or old, married or sliixie, at the dawn of womanhood or the turn of life, rcllevhiK and ciirniK their complaints as If by Magic. Kor the aj;ed and the feeble this Tonic Hynip has no equal. H EII BALI N E SY R U IJ,1 J , (NO MINERAL I'OIHON.) A swift, and sure relief In Mental and Physical Prostration caused by over-tnxlng the mind and body with business and professional cares. HE RB ALINE S Y R IJ t\ (A VITALIZING TONIC.) Unequaled as a medicine for Children,lielng easy of admin istration, nleatwnl and refreshing to take, prompt In Its action ; certain In its results, and always safe and reliable. No Vermifuge, l/izeimes, or oilier medicines will free tbe sys tem from Worms like this wonderful Wild Herb Tonic. H EII B AL I N E 9 YHU P, (THE LIKE HIVING PKINCI PI.K.) Hkln disease*of whatever name or nature,such as Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, Ringworms. Scrofula. &<•., are literally dug up and carried out of the system by this great Tonic and Alternative, while the complexion is rendered clear anil beautiful. H E R B AL I N E BYT I TJ h>, (PUBKI.Y HKKP.AI..) A genuine medicine warranted free from Calomel, Arsenic, Opium, Quinine, and Alcoliollii all Its forms. The most valuable Family Medicine In the World. • ■ ,0»0 ■«. WC A ■*.BP Is offered for a case of ( hronic Disease that this great Tonic Syrup will fail to cure or greatly benefit, If the directions are strictly followed. TRY IT, PRICE SI.OO PER BOTTLE. PBKPARKD BY THE STANDARD MEDICINE COMPANY, PITTSIIUIMJII, l'.Y. FOR MU ft* ALL DRUGGISTS. STATEFAIHItEXPDSITB PITTSBURGH. 28th Exhibition of the Pennsylvania Stale Auriniltnral Society, A N I> Fiflh Animal Exhibition of the Pitlhbiirgh Expositinn Strirly (ombined LiveHtock Kxhihition Beptcrnber sth to 17th. Industrial ami Mechanical Kxhibition with Trials of Bpeed will continue until October Bth. Open d«v nnd evening. $41,500 IN PREMIUMS Excursion Tickets at Greatly Reduced Rates ! Will be iMnucd l>y all Kailroddn centering at I'ittHburgh. ENTRY lIOOKH < AfKiIJH I 1 .'iOth. Officers Penn'a State Agricultural Society WM. 8. ISlMrfi i.1., l'r*Hl<li nt. I». W. 81:1.1.1:1:, Recording Hocretary. KI.MKIIX.K MH'ONKKY, ('nrre«i>i>wtii>K Secretary. Hail** : Wnil*K, |l*», iitepijemfcr**: 21, 1881. Officers Pittsburgh Exposition Society, J. W. IIAT< NI'.I.OI:, I'rfHjilcnt. K. I p . Yol'NU, Ot-wral Manager. JNO. I>. IIAII.KY, AHH'I Maunder it Caahier. J. (!. PATTKBHOM, Secretary. EXPOSITION BUTLER, Pi OK BOOTS & SHOES. Fresh New Fall and Winter Stock al Exceedingly Low Prices AT The Reliable and Popular BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE OF B. C. HUSELTON. EVEPtY DAY ADDS STILL CHOICER STYLES AND LOWER PRICES UNTIL IIIS HOUSE IS FULL OF EVERY KIND AND STYLE OF Roots Sz Shoes. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDRENS' Kip, Calf, Grain. Pehble, Goaf, Kidcfc St. Goal in IbUsh, Button and Side Lace. Old Lao its Wat m Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers and Arties. MEN'S BOYS' AND YOUTHS* Brjijans Plow Shoe*, Calf Shoes, Kip and Cat J Boots. The larg est stock of Men's Hand-made Kip Boots in Butler, and lower prices. Men's Boots as low us - - - - $l5O Women's Heavy Shoes at 00 Customers are all treated alike ; no misrepresentations made as to quality of stock and wear ; prices snme to all. We don't sell to one custom er at half price and next one charge double to make it up. This is the Largest Stock of Boots & Shoes in Butler Count)/ —best styles and lowest prices, aud u\wh the larg est sU< k ; bought for CASH direct trout the manufacturers. An inspection of this stock trill at once convince you that we do not advertise a smalt, cheap, thoddi/ stock <f BOOTS AND SHOES, As the Best, Cheai>est and Largest in Butler Coitntg, but ire have the Stick and Prices to show for what tee say. LARUE STOCK OF LEATHER AND FINDINGS. t'Wßepairing 'f All Kinds Neatly and Promptly Done. CALL AM: EXAMINE BEFORE YOU BUY. B, C. HUSELTON. VISITORS ATTENDING TIIE State Fair and Exposition, AT PITTSBURGH, PA., WISHING TO I'l RCHASE FINE AND KELIAIILE Clotliing, Should not fail to visit the leading house, 110, 112 and 114 Wood street, cor ner Filth avenue, where the largest and most complete stock of Men's, Youth's, Boys' and Children's Clolliing Can be found in the city. REMEMBER TIIE LOCATION. EISNER & PHILLIPS, 1?0, 11?. 114 Wood St, corner Fifth Ave.. Pittsburgh EXPOSITION! EXPO SITIOINI ! ESTABLISHED 1847! JAMES I REED k CO., DIAMONDS, WATCHES & CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE, 1) 8 M/VR KK T 8 T., TIIIRI) DOOR FROM FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Hoit i ragrnnt It Refreshing of Perfumes Exceedingly Delicate and Lasting. Price. 23 cte.; Large Bottles. 7'J eta. Bold by (ln'mlo Drofi St Ptrfamir/. Signature of 111*. WI A Co . N. Y., -w irmry koitl*. fPARKER'S GINGER TOtfIC Tho Modiclno for Every Family, NEVER INTOXICATES. Marie from r, Liichu. Mandrake, Stillingta, * . and other of the best vegetable remedies known, * * I'AMKFR'H OINGRN TONIC ha* remarkably varied * , curative powrrs, & isthe |jrealf*l Stomach Corre< t- * ' or, Blood i'unfier and Liver Kogulator ever made & \ [ The Best ModiciDO You can Use • : for Restoring Health <fe Strengthj ft commence* to act from the fir*t do*e, searches 4 \ out the weak organs, and i* warranted to cure or \ * help all di eases of the Bowel*, Stomach, I!l'>od, * * Kidney*, Liver. Urinary Organ*, all Complaint* of J » Women, Nervousness, Sleeplc*iuie*s, Hlieuma* « ' ti*ro and Drunkenness. ' » Try a bottle today; it maysave your life. 50c! « " k and $1 •ire*ntindrnggi | >t*. Kvery genuine bottle ' ► has our Mgnature oti out fide wrapper, HiscoX & • \ Co., N. Y. Large saving in buying $1 sue. Jui*t What In Wauled. Everybody who*e hair is gray or faded ha* felt the need of a Hair Restorer and dresftinjc that t* cleanly, agreeably perfumed and harmless. bar ker'* Hair fialsam satisfies the most fastidious in '' e'.e respecti. Sold by drugr,• '1 at 30c. and sl. C7o\ VVI.KK, ft? a <lay at horn** < a a*lly marie 9/lconilv Outfit lrt*o. Addnaa TiIUK & CO., Augtjata, Maiui*. snarly A (ireat Cause of 1111 iii;ni jviisery On (lie !,«»** of A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Itad ical euro of Seminal Woakne"*. or Spermator rhea Induced hy Self, Involuntary iCmin ftioiiv. liiipotincv, NVrvoiin DohilitV. anil Im peclimniitH to generally ; • 'oneuiiiptimi. Kpllejmv and KIIH ; Mental ami I'livnical Inca pacity, Ac by HOIIKKT J. t'TM.VKHWELL, M l> , author of (ho "(iri n Hook "Ao The wot ld-r< unwin d author, in HUH admirable Lcctutt, clearly proven from bin own experience that the awful ooiiMcipiencc* of Self-AhiiHc may hn cITi-dually rmiovrd without. dangttroiiH nur- Kical operation., IxMigu-H, ionfrummd", rlngH. or I'ordialn ; pointing out a modu of mire at once cort a/11 ami effectual, hv which every Htiffoier, mi matter win l Inn condition may he, may cure liimxelf cheaply, privately ami radically. CJTThiH Lecture will prove a hoon to tlioii naiidH and thoUHiiudH. Kent, under neal, in a plain envelope, to any ftddrefH, on receipt of HIX cent N or two |»mtago htmnpH We have alxo a Kure cure for Ta|>o Worm, Addremi THE CULVERWELI MEDICAL CO.. 41 ANN ST., NFW YOKK, N. V.; fcMI-ly * Pout OIHoc liox, II KM 111 €J. IIALK, FIRE MERCHANT TAILOR, I 008. I'LNN ANIJ SIXTH HT/IKETH, Pillsburtjh, Pa. Tffmted ACCVTS! AGF\TS! AGE.VTS! JOHN B. COUGH'S bran* n?w book, entitled SUNLIGHTAND SHADOW j » the best chance offered to you. Its Scenes arc drawn I from the bright and shady sides of life, portrayed as oniy John B. Hough ran portray them This srrand work— now for the first time published —is the " booming " book for agents, and is outselling all others ten to one. The thirty-third i* now in press. Its immense sale has been made entirely by active canvassers. No other book com pares with it for quick and profitable returns. We are Startine more agents now than ever before, ard we be lieve the sale of this book vw 111 reach One Hundred Thousand Copies in the next few months. We want 1000 more agents at once, to supply this grand book to the thousands who are waiting for it. Remember the sale is only now commencing. The book is entirely new. and most of the territory is mon> clear. Agents, now is your time to make money , and at the Soine time circulate a thoroughly first-class book. Ei ; elusive Territo -y and very Special terms given. Send for ©u- large circulars containing full Address A. D WOKTMINGTUN & Co., Publishers, Hartford, CL GOLDEN DA WN or Light on the Great Future in this Life tliro' the Park Valley and in the Life Eternal. ILLUS TBATED. Sells fast. Pava over MONTH <JpJ-vAJ KOR AGENTS Send for circular and termß. Also Bend address of two or more book agents and ten cents for cost of ni&iling. and receive the People's Maga zine of choice literature free for 6 months. Ad dress 1' W. ZIEOLER 4 CO.. 915 Arch Street. Philadelphia, Pa. BUTLEK COUJSTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. V>. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM CASIRI>ELL. TKEASUKKR H. C. IIKINEMAN, SKCRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Helmboldi, Willium Campbell, J. W, Burkhart, A. Troutman, Jacob Schoene, G. C. R<Massing, John Caldwell, Dr. W. Irvin, J. J. Croll. J. W. Christy Fl. C. Heinctnmn. J AS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ae't- BTTTLER PA. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill. Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them at. being very dura ble. as manufactured of pure Butler oountv wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices, address, H. FULLEBTON. J iIQ4.'7H-1y) Hutler. P» VIA-SANO THE GREAT ti,. »«■». print,.i** m mmm mm mm, ■ucmlfptut, S»r«ap»rtlU, Mmi-lrska. I IV/CP l»n'Ulion, Kid»ey*Wort, Rnehn, | Jg Kaii am H»p«, Ac., which act* promptly on __ m —. mm m m th« Liver. Kidney*, Mood. Stoma.-b I/ IM 11 ■ If and Bowels at th«> time. These IK 111 lw ■ I orftant »re no ir»tiui»N-lr connected IXIUIIL I that wh-n one it diseased, they all Ji.HT'D become m #re ©r less affected, ifeoce f% | AA H th< * r * at * nd •"perioritT of U I II II VI th<a compound, which restores them 0 k 1# w mm all to healthy aoti»o. and as a tonic, T> buildf up the entire lyrtera. It it XV J!i i" JCJ U X also a louat valuable remedy for Head- L Anti-BiliOU» * che - Bil.ou«u««». Onati & "VL"IL ratiuii. Gravel. FemaU Weakness, ail 'K 3 JW JL Ce. Skin Diseases. Scrufulous and Brp'>i- Htle affeotiona, old sures and ulcers. Pleaaaot t«* take. Trial bottles. i*icta Larue bottles, ff'cii. AH druggists and eon a try st'iref have it. or will get it for you Alsu j in sn*ar ooau»d pills, and mailed for 2S rts. a but. Agknts Wahtkds HOME MEDICINE ' » Philadelphia, l'a- DiMMilutiou i\o(lce. Notice is hereby given that the tlrin of Walter <V Boos, of Butler, was dissolved by mutual content oil 'July sth, ISSI. Parties < wins' the late tlrui will ple.tsc cull at llie Mill, In Sutler, where the books ure in the hands ol Walter, and sett I'', as the accounts of the Hrm must be settled immediately. WALTER A BOOS. NOTICE—I would say to tuy patrons that 1 am now running the Mill uiysell mid will be thankful for their patronage as licretolore. We have the mill in Ibxt clars running order and a'e able to do as K»'>d as any. Orders through town will be attended to punctually and goods delivered. Orders for Flour and Feed can be left at Vojrtley s Tob icco Store on Main strict, and they will be promptly at'.end ed to. GEO. WALTER. Rend for OUT New lllustra ■ tod Price-List No. for ter of 1881. Free to nny address. Con tains full description of all kind* of Roods for personal and family use. We dei 4 directly with tlie consumer, and sell all poods in any quantity at wholesale prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at koine. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 and 229 Wabash A venue, Chicago, 11L A\ OM.Y lIIKjHTI It « UK- K:U or CONSUMPTION. When death was hourly expected, all remedies haviiiK failed, and I'r, 11. James was experunent liik wfili the many herbs of Calcutta, he accident ally made a preparation which cured hlionlvelild of roNHt'Mi"!ion. Ills child Is now In this coun try, and enjoying the best of health, lie has proved to the world that CONHUMITION can be iMisttlvely and permanently cured. The now gives this itcclpe Iree, only asking two cent stamps to pay expenses. This Herb also cures Night Sweats, Nausea at the Stomach, and will break up it Tresh eohl In twenty-four hours. Ad dress Cradtloi k «; Co.. lixrj Itace Street, I'hiladel plila, naming this paper. STRAY COW. Came to the residence of George in Fairview township, Hutler Co., I'a., on the sth day of August, A. I)., 1881, a stray Cow, alsmt five years old, dark red color, with short horns, no cither particular marks. The owner is re quested to come forward, prove property, pav charges and take her away, otherwise she will be ilisiiosed of according to law. LEWIS GEORGE, Fairview township, Hutler Co., Pa. GOOD NEWS TO ALL parties troubled with baldness and loss of lialr. The "Alpha Hair Restorer" Is the tint and only remedy ever known that has never failed In a single eas«. and we will pav 1100.00 in any case wheie It fall* to produce hair if propelly used. Scud f»r Circulars and sworn test lino dais to JAMES MURPHY .V CO , Hern ial Agents. 'i" Wi od SI reel, I'lttsburirh, Pa. Price per bottle, S'J 00, or three hollies for #5.00 Sportsmen Take Notice! All persons having Onus needing repairs can have thein made In good order by calling on the subscriber on Water street, Ituiler, Pn. STOCKING, BORING & RIFLING done In a neat and woikinaii like mauiiet. I) H» all lliu work at home, which saves extra charge ol sending to Pittsburgh. ANDREW STRA WICK. Hluuj;it (JiiiiMnllh, Butler, I'a. i»i^r>>4i<>rNH. Procured for all soldiers disabled In the I', S ser vice from any cause, also for heirs of deceased sol - dlers. The slightest disability entitles to ri NMoNs I NCI:I:ASHI>, ftimni.v iiihl m » dis charges pro' ureil Those in dout.t as to whether entitled lo anything, should send two 3 cent stamps for our "circular of Information " Address, with stamps, S loin, A iit & i 0.. Solicitors of Claims anil Patents. Washington. |l. C. bo*, IK£I. Dr. Freak's Wator Cure. A htnlth Iwnlttllloti In Its 'JMIh year. For nearly all kind ol Chronic diseases and espe cially the diseases ol Women, invalids nr. In vited io eoirespond with n*. Circulars lieu Addies., s KRKAsK, M. U., New Urlghton, Heaver Co., Pa. lyjunu2U Ml |; \ t 'PU i WE WANT YOU In every 1 rjiN I n I t'omitv,to sell our Nk» At' TDMATII' t'Altll l SWKI.I'KU. Yoll e«|l make from ( In in.ui per day the year round. Hood | prtdlls and r:i|»l.l sales. Capital not iice.*sHiiry If you can furnish uimiil references. \ddre«s at once I'AIIK CAHI-KT MW KKI'I It Co. Toledo. O. .lAM ES .1. CAM I'HKLIi, ■■ 4.<s- Oflicfl in Fairview borough, in Telegraph Office. Miicj lUt-pwiM P, U., Duller Co., Ta. A. Haffner, SUCCESSOR TO H. BAUERIBROS., UtITI.ER, PA., PLANING MILL AND Liiiikl>ei' Yard, MA.NUPACTUBCB AXD I>EAL£K IN Hough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, DOORS, SASH, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL POSTS k BALUSTERS, FENCE PALINGS, kc., Ac. MICHIGAN SHINGLES Barn Boards, Plastering Lath, Hem lock Bill Stuff, of all kinds, constantly on hand, All of which I will sell on reasonable terms and guarantee satisfaction. rianing Mill and Lumber Yard on Jefferson street, Butler, Pa. ldecly A. HAFFNER. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS S.Gr. Purvis & Co., MANUrACTI'HKHH AND DEALERS 13 Rough and Planed Lumber OK EVER* DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE PALINGS, Ac., Ac , MICHIGAN SHINGLEB, Hani Boards; Plastering Lath ; Hem lock Bill Stuff, such as Joist Raf ters, Scantiinc. Ac., all sizes constantly on hand All of which we will sell OD reasonable terms and guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near Ueruiwn Catholic Church j.n7-SO-ljr E. G-RIE B, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. | ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. AND CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED. -m . diooo ■ Will Ixi paid ir nnr ImpurltlM or mineral ■ aubatanrrii ar« found 111 I'umiA. or for any I immi It will nutrur« or lirlp. ■■■■■■■■l I'SUUM* la purely a TPgelubltt mni|>oiind. ■ It 111 not iMiunlli-d ny uijr or nil other mrdl- I rlnoa cimililuwt. Tlila l« InnHMti . but It li "ill ■»il I ■ TEIICNA In tM'lng uiora oxuttilrely pro- ■ BITIIMHI liy bom-it phynlrlum tbiu> aiiy oilier | bair-<lo/.i*n rniiH«llMknowntotlioprofcMlon. g I'XKI'NA |*>»ltlv»ly rurm roimumottaa and all otln-r lungmld heart dl*>n <-«. SSSSES2 a ■ Fur liitertnUiont frrnr, rhllla ami furor, ■ dumb ague, tbolnfallibleremedy lai'IBLNA. ■ No matter whnt yonr dlvina* la, wberalo- | r.ii'fl, IK) yicii y< in tig or olil. unit at **"*>'> go at on re fur I'KiiiniA. SSSSMKSESSm * Tall four DPlgblKir* and your frlrniU that ' I'l'iutHA 1* tbo only remedy, ami will m ( you uii't them. B«iii| for it |>itni|>blot, | H. 11. IIAItTMAN *< 0., (mborn,Ohio. ■ Kwii your binrnla and pelvlo oiganarngu- | lar wllb I'Mtl \ i anil niWAIJI roil SALE ItV ZIMYIKItNiX A' HIIIJ.KR BUTLER, PA. CHEAP TICKETS to any (Miint wot. Land Explorer*, li.iund Trip, Viral, Htcnuil or Third CIIIKM, ■tellable Informallon regarding llommtrad Pre-emption or Mining lit MM. Cull on or addrcaa E. A TAYLOR, Cicsliii-r Argyle Having* flank. Mar 1 Mini Petrol U, Pa. FF.KRIH AIIMOII, Juwtioe of the Peace Main airrrl, opj oaite I'oaloOUe, flljy ZELIENOI'LB ,PA. ' TRAVELERS' GUIDE. fTLBH, *AHN» CITT AND PAKKKB RAILROAD Train* Irnve Builer for St. Joe, Milleretow o K&rtis Cltj, Petrolia, Parker, «-lc. t at 7.87 a. in aud and 7.25 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler from the above named points at 7..7 a. m., and 2.15, and 7.15 p. ur The 2.15 train connect* «itb traiu on ibe Writ Peun road through to Pittsburgh. SHS*ANGO AND ALLBGBCXT KAILKOAD. Trains leave Hilllard'* Mill, Butler county, lor Hitrrisrille, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m. md 2.25 p. m. Trains arrive at Hilliard's Mills at 1:45 a. and 5:55 p. M. Hacks to and from Petrolia, Martinsburg; Fairvlew, Modoc and Tioiituiuu, connect at HU ■ard with all (rains on the S A A road. I'BHNSrLVANIA RAILROAD. Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Tiuie. Market at 5.08 a. m., goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at 9.01 a. m. This train con nects at Frevport with Krecport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. to., railroad time. Erpreti at 7.21 a. m., connecting at Builer Junction, without change of cars, at 8.26 with Express west, arriving In Allegheny at V.56 a. ui.. And Express east arriving at BlairsTille at 10 55 a. ui. railroad time. Mail at 2.26 p. m., counectlng at Butler June tionwithout change ol cars, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 501 p. ui., aud Ex pre** cast arriving at BlalrsvHle Intersection at 5 55 p. m. railroad time, which connect* with Philadelphia Express eaßt, when ou time. The 7.21 a. m. train connect* at Blairaville at 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2.36 p. m. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Peun R. R. at 9.5H a. m., 4.5"J aud 7.01 p. m., Butler time. The 9,56 aud 4 58 trains connect with trains on the Butler <fc Parker R. R. Main Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh tor the Eact it 2.56 and 8.26 a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 aud 8.06 p. tn., arriving at Philadelphia at 8.40 and 7.20 p. m and 3.00, 7.0 ) and 7.40 a. m.; at Baltimore iboat the same time, at New York thrt* hours later, and at Washington about one and a halt hours later. Time of Holding Courts* The several Courts of the conntT of Butler commence ou the fiist Monday of March, June, September and December, and continue two weeks, or so long as necessary to dispose of the business. No causes are put down for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the first week of the several terms. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BUTLER, PA. "* JOHN K KELLY, Office with E. G. Miller, Esq., In Brady Law Building. • aug!7'Bl R. P. SCOTT, Attorney at Law. Office, Room No. 3, Rel ber Building, opposite the Lowry House, Jeffer son street, Butler, Pa. |aui{'Bl A. M. CORNELIUS, Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, Butler, Pa. J. F. BRITTAIN, Office with L. Z. Mitchell, Diamond. A. M. CUNiMNGHAM7 Office in Brady's Law Bunding. Butler, Pa. S. H. PIERSOL. " Office on N. E. corner Diamond, Riddle build ing. novia JOHN M. GREER!" Office ou N. E. corner Diamond. novll WAI. H. LUSK, Office with W. H. H Riddle, Esq. NEWTON BLACK, Office on Diamond, near Court House, south side. E. I. BRUGH, Office In Riddle's Law Building. S. F. BO'VN SEli! Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'74 J. B. McJUNKIN. Special attentloiyflven to collections Office opposite W'lllard House. JOSEPH B.~BREDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond. Butler Pa. ___ H. H. GOUCHER, Office in Schneidemau's building. upsUiis. J, T. DONLY • Offloe near Court House. r - 74 W. D. BRANDON, ebl7-75 Office In Berg's building, CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady building- marl7—t ~ FERD REIBER, Office In Rell>er'* building, Jeflerson St. ap9ly F, M. EASTMAN, Office in Brady building. L E V~McQ uTs'l ION, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court Hon** JOS. C. VANDERLIN, Offloe Main street, 1 door south of Court House. WRA A. FORQUER, Offloe on Main street, opposite Vogeley House. GEO. R. WHITE," Office N. E. corner of Diamond. FRANCIS S. PURVIANCK~ Office with Oen. J N. Purvlance, Main street, south of Court House. J D McJUNKIN, Office In Schneldeman's building, welt side ot Main street, 2ud square from Court House, ~~A7 OTWILLIAMS, Offloe on Diamond, two doors west of Cities* office. apM ~T\ C. CAMPBELL, Offloe in Berg's new building, 2d floor, east side Main St., a few doors sontli of IAJWT} House. mart—tf. CA. SULLIVAN 7 may 7 Office S. W. oor. of Diamond. BLACK A BRO^ Office on Main street, oue door south Ot Mrr.ily Block, Qntlcr. Pa. (sop. », 1874. JOHN M MILLEIi ifc BRO. Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street, south of Court House. Eoobbb Q. Milxeh, Notary Public. Jun4 ly THOMAS ROBINSON; " BUTLER, PA. JOHN H. NEGLEY, fVOlves particular attention to transaotiooe in real estate throughout the county. Ornoßoit Diamond, nbab Count House, is CiTIXBN ntTILDIMO E. K. Euvlby, Kbrkbdt Marshall (Late ol Ohio.), KCKLKY A MARSHALL. Office In Building. 8ept.9,74 C O. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law, Legal btisiuest carefully transacted. Collection* made and promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to nnd uniwered. Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E STURM, PHYSICIAN ANDSUHGEON, myfl-ly) BUTLER, PA. Office on Jeffaraon street, opposite Klingler's Floor Store. DKNTISTS. OEISTTISTIR, * . 0 1# WALDRON. (JmduaM ol the Phil* I ndclphla Dentsl College,l* prepare■* a lie to do anything in toe line of hit profession In a satisfactory manner. Office ou Mala street, Butler, Union Block, up ttslrs, apll
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