BUTLER'CITIZEN lOHM ». 4 W. 0. HEGItY. PROP'RS. Entered at the Postoffice at Butler as second-classs matter. Republican County Ticket. Awoclate Judge. A. D. WEIR, Buffalo township. Sheriff. FERGUS M/SHIRA, Parker township. Prothonotary. M. N. GREER, Buffalo township. Clerk of Court*. W. B. DODD6. Muddycreek township. Beclster 4c Recorder. HENDERSON W. CHRISTIE, of Butler, Treasnrer. J. HARVEY MILLER, of Butler. Cons*J Commissioners, CHARLES COCHRAN, of Concord township. GEORGE W. HAYS, of Middlesex township. County Auditors, O. W. CROW, of Forward township. J. H. SHANNON, of Franklin township. Coroner. WILLIAM KENNEDY, of Penn township. WM. J. TURRELL, Speaker of the Pennsylvania Senate during the war, died at Montrose last week, aged 68. MONDAY of this week, September sth, was as warm as any day this summer— thermometer 98 in the shade. THEY had a rain down in Middlesex township on Sunday evening last— wish it had extended a little further north. THE State Fair commenced at Pitts burgh on Monday. The exceeding warm and dry weather will likely re tard its progress for a time. THE proclamation of Gov. Hoyt, for public prayer for the President, was so short in time as to prevent a full com pliance by all the people Certainly more notice than a day or two should have been given in a matter of so much interest to all. Mas. REV. LOYAL YOUNG and her daughter Lydia, formerly of this place but now of West Virginia, are at present on a visit here. Their many old frieuds are pleased to again see them. They are stopping at present with Mrs. and Miss Mary Sullivan. JUDGE JENKJB, of Clarion county, re fused to permit two attorneys of Pitts burgh to argue a case before him last week, nntil they were regularly exam ined and admitted in tl at county ac cording to the rules of its Court. Al legheny county judges, he alleged, re quired that of attorneys of outside counties, and he thought that "what was sauce for the goose ought to be sauce for the gander." SENATOR BECK, of Kentucky, gives out that in case of the death of the President, the Democracy would favor the selection of some such conserva tive Republican as Anthony, of Rhode Island, for President pro tem. of the Senate, thus avoiding any pretext for sny fanatic, like Guiteau, to murder Arthur. He thinks it would also be a graceful recognition of the fact that under a great national calamity the intensity of party spirit was for a time forgotten. This is what President Garfield tiimsclf would call "plucking flowers over the garden walls of poli tics," which be has declared to be the most fragrant of all. THE people of Washington county, this State, celebrate the one hund redth year of that county's existence on tbe 7th and Bth, inst., to-day and to-morrow. Many of the first settlers of this connty came from Washington county, and also many of tbe first citi zens of this town. They, or their de scendants rather, consequently always look with interest to anything transpir ing in old mother Washington. The centennial of the county, now taking place, will be largely attended and doubtless, will be an occasion of much interest. Hundreds of old studeDts aud others, who cannot be there in person, will be in spirit and good wishes. THE failure of tbe New York State Republican Committee to express any sympathy with President Garfield at at its meeting last week, is noticed and commented on very unfavorable all over the country. The committee was formed some time ugo and when ex- Senator Conkling held away in New York politics, aud it is supposed that it was through his influence this petty insult and outrage was committed. It would have been a fine opportuu'ty for bis friends to have shown magnanimi ty and sympathy for tbe stricken President. But it is also a reflection on every member of that committee that would seem to require a further expla nation. COURT. The September term of our Courts convened on Monday last, Judge Mc- Junkin presiding, with Associates Story and McCandless. The grand jury was sworn and or ganized with Thomas Martin, Esq , of Jefferson township, acting ,as foreman. Some fifteen bills of iudictmcnt were laid before the jury by the District At torney, Mr. Cunningham. On Monday evening the Court ad journed over to Wednesday morning, iu respect to the proclamation of the Governor of the State, that all the people should assemble in thair respec tive hou es of worship on Tuesday, 6th inst., between 10 o'clock A. M. and IS noon, to unite in public prayer for tbe restoration of the President of the United States to health aud strength. Full proceedings of Court will be giv en next week. LATEST FROM THE PRESI DENT. THE President was taken from Washington yesterday morning, in the hope that a change of air will benefit him. Long Branch, on the sea coast, was determined npon as the place to remove him to, which place has to be reached by rail—a distance of about two hundred miles from Wash ington. The cool, invigorating salt air from the sea it is hoped will strengthen and help nature to build up his shattered system. The public mind strongly endorses the risk of a removal from the White House, or a change of atmosphere for the President. He himself has been anxiously in fa vor of removal for some time past. Everything along the route and on his way there progressed favorably and well. The latest news we have says the President enjoyed the journev and expressed his satisfaction with the same. THE Lawrence county Republican convention on last Saturday week nominated the following ticket: Asso ciate Judge, Jas. P. Aiken ; Treasurer, James Reynolds ; Prothonotary, David J. Campbell; Coroner. Dr. David P. Jackson; Commissioners, Robt P. Pomeroy and Robert Mehard ; Audi tors, R. M. Eckels and John M. Mc- Kee The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That we learn with hor ror of the cowardly attempt to take the life of our beloved President, Jas. A. Garfield ; most deeply sympathize with him in bis gallant struggle for life, and still hope and pray for his fiual recovery. Resolved, We cordially endorse the course of the present administration, especially as shown in the wisdom of the management of the Treasury and Postoffice Departments: in the former bv the wise refunding the National debt at a much lower rate of interest, and payment of a large amount of the principal, and in the latter by cutting off abuses in the Star Route Service, thus largely reducing the burdens of the people and giving us the best credit of any nation in the world. Resolved, We reaffirm our adherenci to the principles of the Republican party as enumerated in the .National platform for 1880, desiring especially to emphasize the principle that the duties levied for the purpose of reve nue shall so discriminate as to protect American labor. Renolved, That weask of the author ities at Washington to bring the mis erable assassin of the President to £ speedy trial, and give him the severest punishment the law will permit. Resolved, That we congratulate the tax-payers of the county that under the wise and economical management of affairs by those whom they have en trusted with official position, the coun ty is freo from debt, and the vuLz of taxation materially lessened. Resolved, That we deplore and frown down with the utmost disgust the use of money and whisky in secur ing the nominations to office, and recommend that tha oagt legislature will amend the law passed last wince*, that either the man who pays the money or the roosters who receives the same, can turn state's evidence and caaktt information against the other, and thereby ho cleared himself. Resolved, That in the event c,f tl;o President's death, wo recommend to the Republicans throughout the Unit ed States to act prudently and sensibly and sustain Gen. Arthur, who deserves the united support and encouragement of the party as well as of every busi ness man, and wall wisher of our country, so that we may avoid a finan cial crisis. Fire and Accident in PH(H« burgh. PrrrsßUKflH, Aug. 31.—Last eve ning, about 9 o'clock, a disastrous (Ire broke out on Liberty utraot, resulting in the destruction of two buildings and partial destruction of another nnd serious injury to five persons. Flames were first discovered in the building , occupied by B. Home k Co. as a leaf tobacco warehouse and quickly com municated to the l/nited Status Case Company, next door, and J. (1. Brant's leather store. The fire depart ment was on the ground in good time, but owing to the scarcity of water, were uuablo to get down to work be fore the flames were almost beyond control. During the progress of the fire a ladder, on which were five -fire men, broke about twenty fe«;t from the ground, and the men were thrown down, receiving serious injuries. One of them named Chas 11. Hurt, it is feared was fatally hurt The flames were finally subdued about 10:30. Tho loss will not fall below $20,000, on which there is fully $30,000 insurance. How the fire originated is a mystery. The Unprecedeiil Droulli. LANCASTER, Pa., August 31.—The un precedeut drouth iu this county has resulted iu the failure of two-thirds of the tobacco crop, entailing a loss iu tho county of over a million dollars. In neighboring counties, where the same atmospheric conditions existed, the loss will be as much more. Some of the early planted tobacco escaped the dry spell and matured well, but this has al ready been purchased by New York buyers, most of it while growing in the fields. Larger prices have ruled this year than have ever been before been paid. It is believed that tne remain der of the crop will only be available for fillers. ITS EFFECTS OVKK THE STATK. PHILADELPHIA, August 31—Dis patches to the Prex* from all sections of Pennsylvania show that great dam age is being caused by the long drouth. In some quarters the rivers are lower than ever before, while springs and wells are almost dried up. The corn crop is injured beyond recovery and there will be hardly a half crop of wheat. The fields in some of the counties are yellow and parched, with no second crop of hay, and no plowing up in the lumber regions. Nearly all the grist mills have been compelled to shut ilown and genuino alarm is felt through out the valley. The price of butter and uiilk is being raised by the dealers in many sections while water is being carried in oil tanks iu others. The loss in this state will run into millions of dollars. HEPOLLTS Vllf'M THE WEST. CHICAGO, August 31.—Dispatches from Eldorado, 111., Wabash, Ind., fEfe* Pwilec <£ilt**jen: $1 title*, fl*., 1, 1881. l>attle Creek. Mich., and other places in this section, complain of great loss to the crops by the drouth Pastur< s are dried up, and no ground broken lor wheat. In several places farmers are hauling water from a distance fur their stock. ___ (OH II ES POX I> EX CE. EDITOR CITIZENS :—A few of the citizens of Butler, together with some friends from Pittsburgh, had the pleasure of spending the month of August at Jumonville, on Laurel Hill, Fayette Co., Pa., the home of Rev. A. H. Waters, formerly of this place. One of the party furnished the Pitts burgh Ecening Chronicle the follow ing description of certain scenes and events in that locality which may in terest many of your readers: "SNAKES DEN"—THE PICTURESQUE VIEWS AT THE DEN—GIGANTIC ROCKS AND CLOSELY WOVEN. VINES A LITTLE GIRL'S ADVENTURE —HIS- TORIC PLACES. It may not be known to the many readers of your excellent family paper who makes annual visits to the moun tain resorts, known as Fayette Springs, the Summit House, Wigginses, and we might even include Ohio Pyle Falls, that a place bearing the grewsome name, Snakes Den, was within easy reach and well worth a visit. The instinctive dread of the sinuous reptile with a copper colored head or a rat tling tail which fills every mind, would of course doom such a spot, with many persons, to the regions of etornal isola tion. But fortunately the name im plies more than the facts concerning the place justifies. Doubtless there are snakes in this wilderness of rocks and creeping vines, but the evidence of over one hundred a..d fifty children and teachers from the Soldiers' Or phans' School, who frequently visit the place, clainber about and over the boulders without having once caught a glimpse of the headed eyes, Qr heard a rattle, is against it. This very Inter esting place is reached from the Sum mit House by a good road along the ridge as far as the Soldiers' Orphans' School, and thence back for three miles oyer the mere semblance of a moun tain road, eaoh ro'd qf advan.ee being a deeper plunge into the solemn hush of Nature in her most impressive aspect, where the feeling grows upon one that surely for a thousand years no mortal had disturbed the awful loneliness. Leaving all trace of wheel marks cease, you push your way by a narrow and devi ous path through the tangled mass of of underbrush, over fallen trees, now stopping to disengage the briar which has given your face or hand a desper ate H'ijp and clings deterniindly to your clothing, as tUOugh »>- were aptiflg' the part of a sentinel to bar your pro gress into the mysterious regions be yound, or again losing the thred-like path and being obliged to signal your companions for help. Fortunately the distance is short, and soon, in spite of oppobiliQi;, yoi) pome suddenly upon the amphitheater of tho Titans. S,«cu» ly this must be the place where these tremendous fellows played the game of Duck on the rock ' Such a picture of wild confusion ! A thousand gigantic hjOijJders apparently hurled by a mighty power upon LM£ fayoted snot making, one can imagine, the earth reel and tremble with a shock, and yet amid this mighty juniblo curious instances of order and combination are noticeable. J fere a blackmouthed cave pouring four •14 s» fitrearp of air that sends a chill through you. 'l'hei'o a nugfc col umn towering proudly alone with a calm, settled look of endurance npon its scarred face now like grim giants facing each other with defiant fronts or resting loving ly against each other as though tlie haired i.f tfcc centuries had given away to the gentler feeling*. In one place you have a slice of rocW spilt from the main boulder large enough to sink a fleet, leaving a nar row chasm four feet wide and forty feet high, through which the sky looks iiu« a hand of tjDje ribbon. But the most remarkable arraiigomont Is t{;o Cathedral with its pulpit, sounding board and all, waiting for the congre gation of a thousand people which nevercome. Time was when these Walls echoed the sounds, but it was tho harsh sorpftm of the panther. Now even the wild beans ha v i» goqo, q.i|d tho loneliness in hroad day light, with a gay party Binging and shouting around, is depressing. Over all theso rugged surfaces Nature, in her softer moods, has been busy weaving a gar ment of moss and creeping vine. In the fissures neodrf havi; gpr"«g int o tall trees, whose roots, tentaciediko, have found their way all over the bare surface of the rock. Snakes Den is an interesting place to be in day-time with companions, but to clambei' over j{,s rocks and through its chilling avenues after night is not so interesting ; indeed, it would cause unpleasant feelings in a strong man to think of it, and yet here it was that a little girl from tho Soldiers Or phans' School spent the night not long sinco. When a child is lost in the city our feelings are drawn out towards the little one, without sholter and the loving care of mother or kind friends, although we kuow that no harm can come to it, for while the great heart of the city is apparently unconcerned with the waifs about its feet a thousand individual hearts are ready to extend a sheltering arm. But imagine a ch Id eleven years old suddenly finding her self without a companion, in the heart of Snakes Den, and the night closing in. This Is what happened to little Lydia. She had gone with tl»e sehool to spend the day at the place, and In the evening the roll was called and all strarted homeward except Lydie. lbs fore going she must gather some wild flowers for her teacher. In so large a party her absence was not discovered for some time. Then the question waj asked at first with curious lips. Where is Lydia? Then with more interest, and an anxious glance over the happy faces, most of them as yet uuconscious of the absence of their schoolmate. Then over the hearts of the teaehers came the startling conviction that she was not with them. A consul tation follows. Did she leave Snake Den with us? No one remembers. Can she have gone home in advance of the party ? This theory is accepted without much assurance, and the chil dren take up their line of march, while a few of the older persous make their way back to the Den, searched aud called, but uo response. Surely sho has gone home, aud home they went, I only to add to the consternation of those preceding them, by not bringing the child. It was now growing dark, yet it required no urging to induce those faithful guardians of the orphans of our slain soldiers to organize for a search. Procuring all the lanterns in reach, they started for the Den, and, separating into parties, began to ex plore and call for the missing girl. ! All through the night was the search kept up, until exhausted about 2 o'clock they built a fire and took an hour's rest. With daylight the search was renewed. At last a very faint trace of the child was discovered—simply a hole in the sand by the water course, made with a stick. Slim evidence, but it was encourageing, as it was remem bered that the child was in the habit of carrying a stick in her walks. So they grew hopeful, and not long after a glad shout was heard, 'She is found !' A glad shout, for it was not her body lying in a chasm of the pitiless rocks they saw, but her happy, though weary face, lacerated by the branches and thorns. And then was there rejoicing over the lost lap.;b, and a niesseger was dispatched to carry the joyful news to her companions and overtake the courier already far down the mountain on his way to Vniontown for help. And little Lydia, what was her story? simple and touching, teaching older people a lesson in faith and trust in God. After finding herself alone she was startled and alarmed, but at once started to run, as she thought, in the direction the party had gone. It prov ed to be directly opposite. Ou she went over the rocks and logs, through the underbrush, tearing her clothing ftm) scratching IJ«T fitce and hands, i|n dismayed, however, for she felt sure God would take care of her, and so \vh: n it grew so dark that she could no longer make her way, did she de spair, wring her hands qnd cry ? No} Selecting a loot of a large tree for a couch. Bhe committed herself to God and fell into a sleep that was undis turbed by aught, save a sense of chilli ness during the night, causing ln-r to feel vainly for the blankets. When lueraiug dawned she her scamble over the stoues, and her light with the bushes, and it was while making her way through a thicket that she heard her name called, and she knew she was saved. In a visit to Snakes Den wevt-ral in tprwStiag Jjlacps bp ta'.je;? in. .]n. inonville is a cluster of buildings, con stituting t he. Soldiers' Orphan' School, on a shoulder of tLe mountain, 2,200 feet above tide water. Here are gath ered 200 of Pennsylvania's Wards, ifjteH;ict:;al and moral train ing, as a return tor the i»ticntine made by their fathers in sustaining the old (lag. The cool, mossy glen with its rocky floor and towering trees where Wash ington encountered, defeated, and kill ed Jumonville. The spring, from which Dunbar's men drank as they wattoo in charge nf tlie i»aggagp fpr i|i. telligence of the success of UfaddocK in his march on Fort Duquesne. Intelli gence which turned to rumors of fear ful disaster, causing them to make a precipitate retreat, burning everything that would impede their (light. Near fhjg the boys at the school have turned up huu Irod* or relink, awui'us, broad axes, 12 pounders, melted bullets, Ac. Last, but not least, is tbe wonderful sweep of vision from the nob. The most extensive on the Allegheny \ VIFH' to the eye, soothing to the nerves, and exalting to the moral sense. W. I'lioloKrtipliN H lllioul (lie Aid ol I IK* Nun. It has long been known that photo graphs cm,id (,e tq,ken by electric light as well as by sunlight if it could only be properly regulated. All the experiments made heretofore showed that it was such an exjiensive process that it could not be adopted except for photographing in mines, eaves or otiier dark places. However, recent improve ill p|pptr»c lights have overcome the expensive features of the ease, and it now only remains to perfect the ap pliances for using the light. This has been accomplished to a certain extent, but there remains much to be accom plished yet in the way of details. Vestcidivy VP were shown several tin types taken a few nights since by Mr. Leonard Straub, at the works of the Allegheny Light Company on Twenty-fifth street. They were iu every respect as good as those taken on a bright day. The pictures were nwdfi ill frqm eighteen to thirty sec onds, or about the ust,al time i.ejjuircd by sunlight. The greatest difficulty is to get the light properly diffused over the object to be photographed, and dispel the heavy shadows that accom pany the brilliant light. Mr. Straub accomplishes this by the use of a sfaiifea cf reflectors and screens. The light is sifted through tin; latter softly, and is properly distributed by the re flectors. The pictures are very sharply outlined but are not at all harsh or rough. This was the first attempt und the apparatus was necessarily crude, but .Vic Straub is IJ.II outfit for use during the Imposition wi.ioh \yill lie very complete. At first tbe Electric Light Company di'J U°t feel disposed to bother with it, but now the indications are that all the leading photographeis will use it. By a careful manipulation of the light vepy beautiful and unique effects can bo obtained that arp pqppibje under an ordinary skylight.— J'ittbhuryh Commercial f]re cal culated to 611 tbe soul with adoration, as, dumb with amazement, our thoughts rise higher anil higher until they find expression in the eloquent ejaculation: God of grandeur! what a scene!' The lighting up of the American Falls and Prospect park at with the varying shades of electric light adds greatly to their effect. At one time the descending flood put on the appearance of molten lead; instantly it is transformed into a river of blood; again it is waving golden, ribbons on its glossy surface, and as it changes from one hue of the prison to the other, lighting up the river and the foliage and fountains of the park, it presents a schene of enchanting beauty long to be remembered. THE PitEKlUfc.Vr. A Slight Relapse on Sunday— Removal from I lie While House lo Long Branch —Latest Xews. WASHINGTON, September 4. —The morning bulletin, which mentioned that the President had vomited twice during the night, created considerable apprehension throughout the city, and many inquiries were made at the Ex ecutive Mansion as to the cause. The attending surgeons explained that the vomiting was occasioned by the collec tion of phlegm in the throat, and that no serious consequences were expected to follow. The first disturbance of the stomach took place about ten o'clock last night, and it was not noticed as being of any importance, but when it occurred a second time, about 2 A. M., it was then considered to be very un favorable. Soon after the second, however, the patient asked for and was given a quantity of milk porridge, which he retained without difficulty. Not long after taking this be partook of some squirrel broth, which he ap peared to relish very much. One of tb»' attendants upon the President ported in tho morning tliat-the glandu lar affection was decreasing rapidly, and that the wound was discharging a trille mure freely th.m it had been re cently. The attendant said that as the discharge from the gland ceases, the (low of pus from the wound increases. \o noticeable otianic in t(i« ohai'ftpt&r of the wound has yet t'ik' j n place. Dr. Royntou expressed the opinion that the President, notwithstanding the gastric disturbance which he ex perienced during the night, was some what better than yeiterdav. Speaking of ttiu aucoruiiiOdaUon* at Long branch, the doctor said it would probably be necessary to have two or three cottages to accommodate the patient and those who would have to accompany him. It is understood to )>e the intention to hft v P » giiTl! ftioHHd the paueui'a quarter# at Long Branch similar to that which has been kept about the Executive Mansion, and admittance to the neighborhood of the President's family will only be allowed by a pass. Dr. Bovnton does not attribute any particular importance to the fact of the president having vomited iaut night, Inasmuch as be has boen taken nour ishment ever since without difficulty. The doctor says as it was due solely to the secretion of phlegm, it will not materially change the President's gc neral condition. He has been doing ycrj ye{! It is said by tbose Intimate with the family that Mrs. Garfield is much pleased with the idea of the President being conveyed from the influences of the malarious atmosphere which sur rounds the White House to a more healthful i* gpuera(ly nou ceded by those acquainted with the facts that the Presideut will be moved between to-morrow and Wednesday, providing he remains in as good condi tion as at present and the weather is favorable. Attorney Genera! McVeagb said ho did' not consider tho' gastric trouble of last night would interfere in any manner with the President's re moval. I)r. Reyburn said the patient was as well as could reasonably be expected. The vomiting which occurred last night had entailed no unfavorable 'inhere had boon more or ii>s» trouble at different times recently from the secre tion of phleghm iu the throat, he said, but no particular importance had been attached thereto, because the occur rences did not ia any serious way af fect the stomach. In reply fq tjiiostion as to when thil President would be moved, Dr. Reyburn said he thought not before Wednesday, but the earliest opportunity would be taken advantage of. It entirely depends on the patient's condition and surrounding circumstances, such as tjje l|r. Hliss ijays the President is doing very nc ly indeed. Last night's dis turbance of the ptomach d°es not nccus sarify fntefere with the President's re moval. The glandular cainplication is about all gone, but there is still some discharge. The vomiting was more from the wind on the stomach than anything else. THE ROUTE TO LONG BRANCH. Attorney General McVeagh, who has conducted the correspondence with the Pennsylvania Railroad officials for the removal <>f the J'fesitluqt to Long Uraucb, days the route over which the special train would proceed will be direct from Washington to Philadel phia ai|een adopted which would prevent any jarring or jostling to the patient's couch. THE CAR READY. The car which the workmen of the Pennsylvania passenger shops refitted Is on tne way to Washington to be used to convey President Garfield to Long Branch. The seats were all taken out aud the car thoroughly ren ovated. A false top was put iu a few inches below the top of the car, in or der to give the air opportunity to cir culate between it uqd the roof, so as to keep the car cool. The partition was taken out and replaced by folding doors, and storm doors udded to the platform doors. A wire gauze was fastened on the outside of the car, com pletely enclosing the parlor apartment to keep the car free from ilust. The inside was hung with heavy cqrtains and brussels carpet was laid on the floor. A bed was also placed in posi tion and mattresses provided. Two large ice boxes were added, well Oiled with ico. About forty men were em ployed on the work, which was finish ed iu seven hours. Two of the worjt-. men accompany tbe car, which will ar- I rive in Washington earlv in the morn ing- ■ Possible Relief lor it Prisoner in llie Western Penitentiary. A story comes from Erie county and from Michigan, that, if it is all true, will certainly gladden the heart of one man behind the bars in Allegheny. An Erie writer sends the story as fol lows : Pentwater, up along the forest lake shores of Michigan, is in the enjoy ment of a startling sensation and has taken Sheriff Stafford of tbis county into its confidence in the strong hope that the real criminal in a case of as sault and rape committed years ago may be brought to justice and the in nocent imprisoned victim be released from his cell in the Western Peniten tiary at Allegheny. The Sheriff re ceived a letter from interested parties, a few days ago, which made strange revelations to him, throwing light upon a hitherto dark matter. The let ter says that John Sipps and James Managam, lumbermen, living at Pent water, had been told in secret by Jack son Ward, a brother backwoodsman, that he (Ward) was the real guilty man in the case of rape and assault committed on Anna Childs at her home in Washington township, Erie county, on a cold December night of the year 1874. 'My concience has no rest day nor night,' Ward's feelings prompted him to say, as he relieved the burden and eased the remorse that hung as a canker to his guilty heart strings by tellinsr the secret to hig mates, 'and poor Charley Stafford has suffered these eight years an innocent prisoner. Tell them 1 am ready to prove my guilt tell them we exchang ed our v<>*ts on that n ; ght and that was the evidence which scut Stafford to a cell. Sipps and Mangani state the few facts as given by Ward as hav ing cutue direct and unsolicited from him, and they are ready to make affi davit ty the story told and appear against Ward. A REMAIiKABLE CASE. The trial of Stafford was a remarka ble 80?. 11 v a change of veuue his councul had the case removed to Craw ford county, and the date of the 16- vcars commitment to the Western Penitentiary reads from Meadville, the county seat. Many residents vividly remember yet the horrible details of th? apt \vh'.eh ruined a beautiful young girl just blooming into womanhood. Her parents were farmers, and by care ful toil had secured a pleasant farm iu Washington township, skirted by the hills of Crawford. Here they labored, raising $ h»',W family, &nd Anna, their only daughter, remained at home keeping house for the old folks. But there came a day of waste to the joy of the home circle and sorrow to the aged ones. On the way to fhe vil'age of Edinboro, as brought out by the trial, Miss Childs was assaulted party of thr»ie oue of whom ac eompllshed his frieudisb purpose and her ruin. These men afterward con sulted together iu a neck of woods near the home of the girl how they might best evade the law and its execu tives, and, a* they lived in the neigh borhood, it WPS ta on tUc ground aud be guided and guarded by eveuts. ALL OS ACCOUNT OF A VEST. Ward now states that afterward meeting Charles Stafford, by some maneuver he accomplished ft je»t fte Tbp. excitement over the event was intense By a queer combination of circum stances, Stafford, among others, was arrested on suspicion, and the girl, remembering the bright-colored »afr« tern of the yy.htfl, declared him the guilty man. Th»t vest exchange has kept Charles Staf ford a prisoner in solitary confinement almost eight years, aud until Ward's coufessiou his prosj»ects were first class for the full term. Measures are now being taken to ascertain the full of the Pentwater, and Sheriff Stafford confi deutly expects to secure sufficient evi dence to warrant the arrest of Ward, which Ward wants, aud release the innocently imprisoned, lie has been working up the case for ft week past and to a ntqve to-day—= keeping up communication with the parties in the Michigan settlement and a close eye on the movements of Ward. Experlenee llie Kent Uuhlc. The constant practice tuvwt women hftYp in f«H- tld» makes them often more skillful than physicians iu selecting medicines. The reason why women are everywhere using and rec ommending Parker's Ginger Tonic is, because they have learned by that best of guides—experience—that this excellent family medicine speedily overcomes despondency, periodical headache, Indigc&tiqu, hyer complaints, pain or weakness in the back aud kid neys, and other troubles peculiar to the I sex.— Hume Journa 1 . See adv. WIIKRKVKK it is tfivtu; A free chance tupl where the fair vote of the people is not afterward manipulated by un scrupulous politicians, there is MO doubt that the Crawford-county sys tem or popular-vote plan of making party nominations will lie preferred over the delegate system aud will work better results. Such at least has been the experience of the counties of this Stale where it has been adopted by tLe Republican party, Kveu i(t Lancaster nuunty, for instance, it has been found to work well, notwithstand ing thrf ratio of professional and trad ing politicians to the whole body of voters is probably larger there than anywhere else in the State. Now that the primaries have been legalized and that frauds committed at them are punishable by law, the Crawford-coun ty system is likely to have a boom. On Saturday, for instance, the Repub licans of Lawrence, when they went to the polls to nominate their county tick et, a'so voted on the question of re taining the popular plan or of replacing it with the delegate system. The re sult was an overwhelming victory for the rule by which every voter is made an equal factor in making the nomina tions of his party, the vote standing 1,676 for it to 277 for the delegate sys tem, and this notwithstanding that the Executive Committee had recommend ed the latter because of alleged bribe ries at previous primaries. The vote polled wa« more than half of the ayorage onp of the party in one of the sturdiest and most faithful Kepubli can counties of the State and shows the general drift of public opinion. Hereafter the people of Pennsylvania I mean to nominate their own tickets, and under the law enacted by tjtc leg islature at its lute session there ought to be no more corruption at primaries A. TROUTMAN, DEAI.ER IN SILKS, SATIS, CASHM ERES, ALPACAS, BROCADES, PLAIDS, DELAINS, CALICOES, CHINTZES, GINGHAMS, MUSLINS, TICKINGS, FLAN NELS, BLANKETS, CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, SHAWLS, SKIRTS, SHIRTINGS, TAIS L E LINENS, WHITE GOODS, QUILTS, LACE CURTAINS, CAE PET CHAIN, YARNS. ZEPH\R, CORSETS. GLOVES, BUTTONS, FRINGES, LACES, LUCHING, COLLARS, CUFFS, TIES, &<\, &c., Mv Stock is and prices low. 1 also keep an assortment of Queensware, Glassware and Choice Grrooei'ies. TROUTMAN-, Au g- 24 - BUTLER, PA. PAIN KILLER IS A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. A Sur« JU>d Speedy Cure for Sore Throat Coughs, Colds, Diphtheria, CMh, Diarrhea, Pysentery, Cramps. Cholera, Summer Complaint, Sick Headache, Neuralgia, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Rheumatism, etc. Perfectly safe to use Internally or externally, and certain to afford relief. No family can afford it be without it. sold by all druggists at 23c., soc. and Si.oo a bottle. PERRY DAVIH A SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. L M. C. ROCKENSTEIN, DEAI.ER IIV TREMONT COOK STOVES AND RANGES. AI.SO, AGENT FOR CRYSTAL PALACE STOVES AND REPAIRS FOR SAME. Ilird <'ages, Tinware, Wood ami Willow Ware, Enameled ami Granite Ware, Sewer Pipe, Fire Clay Stove Pipe, Grate Tile, Fire Brick and ('lav. Roofing, Sjiouting and Heavy Sheet-iron worfc gun* »» *hort notice below market prices for cash. I am also having tp iu.v .rnter, nice clean ami smooth odd Plates to fit I!radlev"a Stoves, which 1 sell «i* cults j>er pound, ami 1 will guarantee 'hem lo last longer and giv® ht ttpf t i»fnwlioii than the so-called original anrl genuine plates sold by another party at ten ccnU per pound. Give me a call and be convinced. TV I. C. ROCKENSTEIN, junel ">:.'im Main Street, RutJer, Pa. VISITORS ATTENDING THE; State Fair and Exposition, AT PITTSBURGH, PA., WISHING TO PI'RCIIASE FINE AND RELIABLE Olotliing, MhouM not full to visit the lending house, 110, 112 and 114 Wood street, cor ner Fifth avenue, where the lament anil most complete stock of Meii's, Youth's, Boys' and Children's Clothing Can l»e found in the city. REMEMBER THE LOCATION, EISNER & PHILLIPS, 110. 112 114 Wood St, corner Fifth Ave,. Pittsburgh. nor In conventions, and it is highly I probable that there will be a great deal lens than there has Usen in the past.— Phila. Press, Sept. I. 'I'M K SI MI-TOMS OK 1.1 V KTT COMPLAINT are uncasim *s and pain In QTTVTMnWCt Hi" sometimes I In olio iIIVJIM O )(Jli|l is th ,. S | l( „,!,|.-r, and Is mistaken for rheu iii ilis.'li ; tin- stomach is Mmmm affected with loss »f appe- I fTlf mid I -*4)1111-1 lines alternating witli lax; Hit- head is ! troubled with |>:tln and dull, lu-avy sensation, con siderable loss < l ineimn-y, accompanied with pain ful sensation of having left iinn<- something I which ought to hav- I><-«-11 done . often coi.iplalii | 1 ™ 1 " Jlug of weakness, debility. Kind low spirits. Son.e- Itlmes many of tli<- above T TT7CD |SM.I|HOIIIS attend the dis- XJL V Ju.lv .e.ise and at other times |v<-ry few of them, but the Diver is generally ilmortjiui lll iost Involved. Of KK THK 1,1 VEE with Dr. Simmons Liver Regu'ator, a preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to be sti li'tfy vegetable, unit can IOK. 11 KAIIAI'It K, Sll'K UKAIIAI.'HK, Ere. TT.MK AXI» I)OI -|'o h'h HI MX WILL UK HAVItli HV AI.WAYH KKKI'INO THK ltkiil I.ATOII ix THK Hoi SK, for whatever the ailment may Ix*. a thoroughly sab- purgative, alterative and tonic ran never be out of place. t'ersoiiH living in unhealthy locnll tles may aveiw|r are weak - ened bv the strain of your duties, avoid stimulants ami take THE REGULATOR! IF Voir li AVE FATKN ANYTHI NO H \HI» <»F L»i - OKMrinN, or (#•«•! ll«*nv\ lifter meal* 4>r Hlt»«*pl«*!T<4 ill T«IK«* a IIOM' «»F Jtctfiihitor aii«l yoti Will IVt'l rHltvnl JIRIL *I»*«»|» PLWMWTLY. It can !»♦* tiikrti hi t IM* lMNollllioil XollU*. Notice Is hereby given that the Law Partner chip heretofore existing between lUe undersign ed, practicing attorney * In the several eourtn of Mutler eoutity, wiw dissolved by u.tilu il COUM-111 OM thu Uth day o| At'iMist, A 11. I^SI. JOHN M. THOMPSON, »ug 17-atJ H P. SCOTT. Advertise in the CiTizt-N. I NOTICE TO SCHOOL DIRECTORS, School Directors of the county who intend re furnishing ilieir school rooms ne respectfully requested to visit my establishment on Mala street, Butler, I'a., in xt door to Ilichl's Tin ware Store mid ex in iuc Hie new FAUI, r r LEWS SCHOOL DESK, manufactured by the Chicago School Furniture Company. Call upon or address GEO. KETTERER, FURNITURE DEALER, aogl72in HUTf.FR, PA. Send oat New H V ■ tod Price-Liat No. 30, for FallandWin teroflßßl. Free to any address. Con tains full description of ail Icijuls of goods for personal and family use. We d«A directly with the consumer, and sell all goodrt in any quantity at wholesale prices. You can buy better and chea]>er than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 and 229 Wabash A venue, Chicago,lll. Union Woolen BUTLER, PA. 11. FUI.LKKTO.X. Prop'r. Manufacturer of UI.ANKBTS, FI.ANNBLS, YARNS, anil new dls i-haiyes priM'iired Those 111 doubt as to whether enlithil lo auythiliK, shotibl wml two 3 cent stamps for our "circular of lulormatlon." Address, with siainps,Sl'OllllAui Co.,.Solicitors of Claims ttlld Patents, Washington, I). C. I.ock box, (i£i. CI DIPi A " ,,j OKOROIA.—For I L» v/ nIU r\ liilOrimillim altout these ELATES read the HAV*V\AII MOKNINO News Weikly (mammoth X pujre ►licet) $'J a year; Dally #lO n year. The Iwst paper* lu the South Sample copies 5 renls. Addles*, J. ii. KsTU.L, Savannab, Oa. 11011 l U. IIALE, FINE mmm TAILOR, COlt, PENN ANU SIXTH feTiiEETS, Pillaburt/h, Pa.