AUratiM. Railroad Hen! "I suffered for more th*n a year with indigestion I was very bilious, occa sionally baring a dumb cbill followed by ferers, which prostrated me. I took Bimmoos Liver Regulator, and am thoroughly satisfied that it is all that it ia recommended for indigestion and biliooa complaints, for mine was cer tainly a stuborn case. Many of my friends speak of it, and they all agree that it possesses all the virtues you claim for it A. H. Higlower, Conduc tor C. R. R., Ga." __ Edison has invented an electric ma chine which transmits twelve hundred words per minute. Much better do without sugar and coffee than to be out of Peruna. Gen. Grant will soon be in need of another purse on Monday last he bought a large house in New York City, pay ing therefore $93,000. Your duty is to kef p from getting sick, if you can. With Peruna you can. A Nova Scotia correspondent would be glad to know how to put up sweet corn, beans and tomatoes in glass cans. Can any of our experienced readers inform ber ? It is estimated that there will be a loss this year of 40,000,000 bushels of corn in Ohio and 60,000,000 bushels in Illinois on accoant of bad seed. There's a very suggestive lesson in that item. The Utah Methodist Annual Confer ence, under the Presidency ol Bishop Wiley, has passed a series of burning resolutions on polygamy, declaring that it is spreading rapidly and threat ens to possess itself of other Territories besides Utah. Gen. Hancock baa refused all invi tations to public dinners since the 2d of Jnly, when tne President was shot, on the ground that it would not be proper while the President, his ex-of ficio commander-in-chief, is hovering life and death. Messrs. Smiths and Powell, of Syr acuse, N. Y. have just imported 127 head of fine selected Holland cattle. Among them is the three-year-old bull, "Prince of Edam," winner of the first prize at tbe great cattle-show at Ley den, which was open to all tbe Nether lands. A committee of the Oxford Farmers' Clabfa Ohio, who visited a wheat field to which a commercial fertilizer was applied, estimated that the use of 15 pounds of bonedost per acre promis ed to increase the crop to the extent of fonr btubels per acre, and 200 puonds nine bushels per acre. One year ago there were but sixteen creameries in Bucks County, Pa., now there are tbirty-four. Ail but four are incorporated and managed on the joint stock principle, tbe farmers supplying tbe milk being tbe stockholders. They produce about 10,000 pounds of butter •ad 85,000 pounds of cheete daily. Sweet apples (says an Eveniny Post 'Household Hint') ' make delicious pickles. Peel and quarter them, boil them until tender in vinegar and water; to one quart of vinegar add two pounds of sugar; beat tbe vinegar, and dissolve the sug , 9DO uu tflt free. Address 11. HALLKTT ft Co., forUaud, Maine. J tMast, Poos cfc 00. DM lUI D SjtP^RONTUMME rumi c« *»« ~=rJ! I engines _ % 5 t xr| A Strong A Durable. i. «Mii 7 wt. i» SHB ,« K CtMHit * M rtm ftyi IWELbWiir. u riap la the world Tor e. aIV l\ BATTLB la U>e WIM or Ikall** Walla. aSj j \ . _ TkHU»4i la ■»• la f every *»rt ®r Ual >«m Frees** la Wla •ea«i tmr Circular aad HOLIDAY PRESENTS! 6RAMP. OISPLAY THIS WEIK. AT Rosenbaum & Co.'s, 112, 114, HO, Market Street, Cor. Libei-ty Street, PITTSBURGH, POR IBTTY KID GLOVES. X- U IRCF VT<3 SILK UMBRELLAS, I 1 O. ALPACA UMBRELLAS, LEATHER SATCHELS, POHTMONNIES, PRESENTS GENT'S CARD CASES, AO * SILK MUFFLERS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN ITANDK ERCHIEFS, PRESENTS HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, A EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, MOTTO HANDKERCHIEFS, PRESENTS. BRSTPIN^, XES ' CUFF BUTTONS, SCARF FINS, PRESENTS. UNDERWEAR, SILK SUSPENDERS, CARDIGAN JACKETS, LACE SCARFS, 1 K KILN 1». GENT'S SCA RFS, I SCISSORS. KNIVES, LADIES' FANCY SETS, PRESENTS. FI R SETS, FUR CAPS, TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS. pgr And 1,000 other useful Presents at Immense LOW FBICJES. |ißO|| ■ A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT 3TRENCTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IRON' BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, Dytpepiia, Inter mittent Fevers, Wanl of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lark of hner'jy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens tiie muscles, ana gives new life to tlie nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food, Belching, lie/it in the Stomw.h, Heartburn, etc. Til© Only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. JSold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading— tent free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD * SHOULD USE IT. XTerbaline Syrup, THK GUEAT MEXICAN' REMEDY, The only Medicine in the World Compunded from the Natural K'wits and Herbs ot Mexico HKRBA-LINE H YRU f, (NO ALCOHOLIC DKINK.) The most valuable remedy ever discovered in the Vege table Kingdom (or the speedv and permanent cure of Dys|>epsla, Habitual Costiveness, Liver and Kidney Complaint, Scrofula. ltheumatisiu, filet, Dropsy, Heart Disease, Ner vous Affcctiens and Chronic Diseases. HKRBA.LINE SYRUP, (NO VINKGAK COMPOUND.) The purest and best Medicine In the world for deiloaW) Heiuales, whether young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or the turn i of life, relieving and curfnu their complaints an if by M;i|(ic. Kor the aged and the feeble tills Tonic Syrup lias no equal. HK R B.A.LINE SYRTJ I J , (NO MINERAL POISON.) A swift and sure relief in Mental and Physical Prostration caused by over-taxing the mind and body with business and professional cares. HERB ALINE S Y 11 1J P, (A VITALIZINO TONIC.) Unequaled as a medicine for Children. lieingcasy of admin istration, pleasant and refreshing to take, prompt ill Its action ; certain In Its results, and always safe and reliable. No Vermifuge, Lozenge., or other medicines will free the sys tem from Worms like tills wonderful Wild llerb Tonic. HERBALINE SYRUP, (THE LIKE (il VINO PRINCIPLE.) Skill diseases of whatever name or nature,such its Eruptions. Blotches, Pimples, Ringworms. Scrofula. enefit, If the directions are slrictiy followed. TRY IT, PRICE SI.OO PER BOTTLE. PUEPAKKD BY THK STANDARD MEDICINE COMPANY, PITTSBURGH, PA. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ; sTsTsT " MARCH Ist, 1881. Special Bargain, One Lot, 10 Pieoea LIGHT BLUE SILKS, Extra quality and delicate shades, clear and fresh, at the Bemarkable price of 45 cts., worth 75c to $1 per yard. NHW I'OBKKIN HCITINGH. Choice New I'lalil*. Clion •• Ni-w Home Spun Cheek. l ). Choice New Stockinette*, All 42 to Mi Inch goods at to per yard. One case Kxtra Value and Kxtra Wide, 4C-lnch COLOUKD CASIIMKKKS, at toe, Hix'Clal Bargains. Colored French Cashmeres, ;)7'/,<•, «k- and c up. On Sale To-day, 100 piece* 48 Inch Black Ca*hm<-re, at c and SI.OO. NKW KANCV BLACK OOODH. Quadrille*, liakka Crepe*, A rinure*. Jersey Cords, Brocaded silk Cashmere*. Choice Line* lle*t Make* Mourning Hood*. Crepe* and Crepe Veil*, Shawl*, Sir. One ca*e Double Kohl American Black Kepps, at 15c, for School Suit*, Wrapper*. Ac., a great bargain and real vain.) 25c. BOGGS & BUHL, 118 and 1 4 20 Federal Btreet. .Allegheny. N. 11. - Special close prices at retail or by the piece or package on Domestic ami Housekeeping Dry Good*, Linens, Towel* and Napkins. Very special bargain* In Quilt* and Blanket*. IM Ift A n PILES ■ 1 H ■ H H H H ■ rrutraUlnK ril~4 that DcKUik'n I'll*- I ■ ■ ■ H H H ■ Reified v 'kl I - to cure allu}*the lu bing, ntnurbc tb* H ■ ■ H ■ I I tuni<>'< r<-ll'-f. Pp*p»khl by J. r. Miller, M.l>^ ■II ■■■■■■■ Pbllwlrlultta, I'll CA I'TIOV. ,\'/w y awn* unlrn vtrap ■U ■ AV and 92 80 per yard, that are fully SO eis>t. At Chicago, close connections are made with the Lake Shore, Michigan Central, Baltimore & Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago & Grand Trunk K'ys, and the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. . Close connections made at .Junction Points. It is the ONLY LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN Chicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman Keepers ou all N'ight Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets via this road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to buy if they do not read over the Chicago * North"-Western Railway. Jf vou wish the Best Traveling Accommodations vuu VI ill buy your Tickets by this route, AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. MARVIN HUGHITT, 2d V. P. & (Jen'l Mang'r Chicago. Moct Fragrant ft Befmhing of pprfomes Exettdlaflf Delicate aid Listlag. Price. 25 eta.; Large Bottles, 73 eta- Sold by daalmin Drop k Perfumery. B*gn*tan of Hi»- Cti k Co.. W. T., oo rrtry botlU. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC The Medicine for Every Family. NEVE& INTOXICATES. " | Madefrom Cingoi, pucht}. Mandrake, Stillinpa, J » and other of the best vegetable remedle# known, < ; PARKER'S GINGER TONIC ha* remarkably varied ; ► curative power*, 8c isthe greatest Stomach Correct- < * or. Blood Purifier ar>d Laver Regulator ever made & ] • The Best Medicine You can Use; : for Restoring Health & Strength: « It commence to act from the firrt dose, marches « | out the weak organs, and it warranted to cure or , , help all diseases of tli4 Bowels, Stomach, Blood, * ' Kidneys, Li ve r. Urinary (Jrgans, allComplaintsof , . Women, Nervousnett, &Uc(j!cuncsf, KllPUm*- ) tl»m and DruakeaaeM. . Try a bottle u>-day; J and $t sizes at all druggists. Every genuine bottle ' . has our signature on outside wrapper, HisccX & • ; Co., N. V. Large laving in buymg $i «ue. Just What U Wanted. Everybody whose hair U gray or faded hat felt die need o t a Huu |ie»»ore» and dressing that i* cicauiy, agretaUy perfumed and junplerk fait kef's Hair Balaam satisfies th« most fastidious in '*iese respects. Sold by druggie at 50c. and sl. ||M Only BQO *>' tht. «tyi« of PHILADELPHIA tfWVVBVw KOGKU. Equal to any bin gar iu the market. tee mrnd it to btt examined before you mWH P n lf f ttT Thta la the lam jQUBTV atrle other companiea retail for ssl lUA IvV All H%chiri«| warranted for ihr.. ■hjl cular aiid Teatiinoniala. A(J J :»t*» CHARLKS A. >HK>n k CO., 17 L TniUi fit, Philddphia, fa JEFFERSON ACADEMY, CANNON SHU RO, PA. Excellent preparation for College, (rood llah and Business Education ; Library of H.IKW voluuins; Gymnasium. lu Boy's Boarding Hall, students will lie taken in the family under the immediate care of the principal. Commences Sept. :40th July 20:3 m WM. EWINO, Priueipal. GOOD NEWS TO AIL parties troubled with balling and (oea of hair. The "Alpha Hair Restorer" is tQe Ur*ta|>il only remedy ever known thai ha» never U|led in a single caso. and we will pay |100.(K) in any can) where it tails to produce hair if properly U'ed. Send tor Circulars mid kworu testimonials to JAMES MURPHY 1 OlHee days : Every Monday at Freepoit. Eveiy Tuesday at No. (10, Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgii. For Sale or Exchange for a Farm Three seres of land, large house, store room and hall above:, awl stable and out buildings six jniles from Butler, ou the Glade Mill snd Hap nahst >wn road at Jefferson Centre. Young or chard of good fruit thereon. Any person want ing to puiuUaee or exchange foi a farm will in quire at Ctrl/.km office, or address MltH. KATE I NF.GI.LY, Haxonburg, Butler county, Pa. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. GJ. C. ROESBING, PHKHIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TitKABUitKK 11. C. HEINKMAN, Skcretakt. DIRECTORS: J. L. Ptiryia, E- A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, IJ. W. Barkljart, A. Troutnma, ; Jacob Hchoene, fi. C. Koessing, John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvln, J. J. Croll. J. W.Christy H- C. Heineman. JAS. T, MVJUNKIN, Gen. Ae't- BUTLER minted AGENTS! A(.F\r,S! AGFVTSI JOHN D. COUGH'S brai/ new book, entitled SUNLIGHTAND SHADOW w the bext chance offered to vou. ft% Scenen are drawn from tlie bright aiul »hady aidca of lift , portrayed at only John B. Hough ran |WftW th'fn.. Thi* errand worlc—»/?r put /hi thirty tktr4 ihouinntl it now in preu. !ta imrnentc tale lu*. |*reii made entirely by active canvattrrt. No other lxx»k com* |nret with >t (or quick and profitable returna. We are ■farting more agentt now than rvrr before, and we be lieve the tale of thi% l«ook will rra< h One Hundred Thoux.tud Cofittt m tht next few months. Wr want 1000 more agentt at once, to «up|>ly fhia Eand tMV>k to the thousands who are waiting lor it. emember the tale it only nrtv t ommrm itt£ The book is enttrely new, and mott of the (trritory tt titno clear. Agentt, ntnu tt your time to make money, and at the lurn* time circulate a thoroughly firtt-daxt hook. F.s> elusive Territory and v**ry Hpecial Termt given. Send for ou* larg** circulars containing full |>artU«ulars. A. 1) WoMTHINGIoN & Co., i'ubiisitcrs t H.irtford, CX HIINHV €L HILM, [mi MEncKtm mill, COlt. PENN AND HIXTH HTItEETH, Pittsburgh, Pa J FT! /y r .,.7L' 7 , aw* ~ - WM i & t Hp> r: 5- % 'yi .. fi ' r THE GREAT j;I /,'I 1 \ll, T |V U :• d Kai Clt >irci t co-in ctions for all )x-iu* i:i K«n-s s. "ehr k- . '"ol-irndo. W-.«>t::Ititr M i trin 1, \e h(l w Mexico. A rizi iia. Idiih", Oreffoii and 'nli .n a. Tnc shortest, end >lo«tr ir.f r'n !c Itou»e via Hannitu. l to Fort Si it tJn :• •alias. Houston, All-tin. fan Antoniu, G;;lve~ !,ratc t Pullman 1 liewli'eli I'al u nK on 1 hi- ! inc. r.. l! ). P.ii'icc Drawing-lt >"in (' rs «- tt: It n. i teclinin/ <"li' i's. X > extra «-han»<* l"i S>*n! :n Itecliiiinir Chairs. 1 lie f-"iiion« It. i ' Palace DininirCars. t!o>irc n« Sm kinp ( ar rtttiil with r.lcgant Hi: h-lt:i< ked Itattc.n Iti volving ' hairs for the exclusive use of lira, cla s ps=<»- ircrs. Steel Tru. k and Sll c-i .r Foiiiprnf-nt. core billed with their fsre.,i '1 hr i:gl» t a. \ ra::ir" ment. niaUe- this, above all othe -. ttiefnvorit. Koiite to the South, Sooth-West, and the Fai West. Try it. and von will find traveling a luxur; instead of a disrsmifort. Thr iiifh Tickets \i.i this Cel'-bretcd t.ii for sale at all olhces in the L' nitei' ftui< sain Canada. Ail information about Bates of Far", Sleet Ing Car Aecommod::ti..n3. 'lime Tallies, » will be cheerfutlv griven. and will Rend 1 rt any address an eioaun: Cimuhi JJap .>1 L .. States, in colors, by appl; ing t • J. y. A. BhAN,'s t.asteni Aeen* 306 Wasbinston St . Boston and SIT It road way. New Vi, T.J. POTTEK. G«*n Mawauc.. r» • " . PERCEVAL LOWELL, General PaMenger Aaent, Chicago. mm / 'iTor p-.ln la tho limbs, tick, ttomach, f\ / breast, 1' 'e tr thooi Icr 1-ladts. ta-a Pe-I> / UL.-. A." k-TT- srr.- f 1 'Tor c t t>o ctcmnchT "ioHf.~dlar-fy / rnoti, or uko I'cisn,'' / 'Torcoußh, r.l-;?it gwrati. thort-Fv ' net aOl breath, tato i'miuxA. / ' 'For clironle catarrh, lironrLltla,pleurisy. |\ / and coro throatcf an/ kind— I'liiuna. " E9H "Pr.itrrA Is ths pnrest, most prompt / edclcut niodl.lnu kuu „a to mail.'' HHHHBbx / "PEECNA. li tho arpctlzer, purestfv ton I c, |,| ; "If you c-.n't ticcp, taio Pebi ka ;ff Ik I we-ik or worried mentally, can't rest, take I \ / I'tilUSA." | 1 11 li IMI I lliilllHfj , ', "?10COttI!1 to pal J f?r thi lent I"imirl ty cr r / m: ..ral tiiatiaay befaund la lxnt.s a. " Hfi£\ / 80M everywhere. For reimrhlctTrritoto l\ ' ». B. 11 AItTM AN & Co., Os'oorn, Ohio. IN / If yrra aro elc*. feel badly, cr In any way |\ / unw' ll take Feuljia and rogulato the bow- f, ( cUwlth [> PKRUX A and MAX ALI X FOR SALE BY ZinnEKNAX A K ILLER BUTLER, PA. -V * Shorthand! A Full f'ourse iu Fonojrrafy Is published eve ry year iu the uew monthly magazine : TIIB AMEBICAN SHORTHAND WRITER aud the Exercises ot all Fubscrihers corrected through the mail F KEE OF CHAROI^. fhe only periodical In t''b world from which shorthand' (nay be learnt with iut a tutor. The Plan of Instruction is original and the Lessons comprehensive. Those desiring to learn may begin at aoy time, back numbers to Lesson 1 being supplied new subscribers and exercises corrected when ever received. SUBPCRII'TION ; One year (Course of 121.eagotiS )- - fI.V) Kiutflu cuU>b«r • r • '< )60. American Agency for Pitman's Bhorthaud Books and Reporter's Supply Depot. Circulars sent tree on application. ROWELL & HICKCOX, VINELAND, N. J. «r Please mention thla paper. |auglOtl' CHEAP TICKETS" to any point west. Land Explorers, Round Trip, First, Keooud or Third Cl«*a. Heliable *i» formal ion regarding Homestead Pre-emption or Mining laws. Call on or address E. A. TAYLOR, Cashier Argyle Savings Bank, Mav 14:0 m Petrolia, Pa. K«tAte of Jatnt-M McOowan Dee'd. Letters of administration h ivlng been grant ed to the undersigned 011 the estate ot James McUowau, dee'd, late of the borough of Pros pect, Butler ccuiily, Pa. All persons kuowiug tt tin reives Indebted to mid < state will please make Immediate paymeut, aud any having claims against said ctlate will present them du ly authenticated lor settlement. MRS. 8. A McGOWAN, Adm'x. aug.'i-tit Prospect, Butler Co., Pa. Eklate of Jane Id' Candle**, Oeeeaited. Letters testamentary with the will annexed having been granted to the undersigned on ll'.e estate ot Mrs. June Met landless, dee'd, late ol Franklin township, Hutler Co., Pa., all persona knowing themselves Indebted to raid estate will make luiuict late payment and any havlug claims against said estate will present them du ly authenticated for payment. ' UAVID MAKIUIALL, Executor. July 18, 1881. Prospect, Butler '"o., Pa. NOTICE FOR lIIAKTER. Notice in hereby given that we, the under' rigned, with others, intend to apply to the Gov ernor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for a charter of incorporation under the name and style of Butler Glass Company, for the purpose of manufacturing glass. Capital stock to be #1(5,000, with tho privilege to jfiyreaae t(i #20,000. Apam Tuoptman, Jacob KK< K, J. E. Bvkks.and others. Aug 10 St. A (ireat Cause of Human Misery On the I.ohh of A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Bad ical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Hpermator rhiea. induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Emis trioiis. Impotency, Nervous Debility, aud Itii iiediments to Marriage generally ; Consumption, £pilqysy and Fits; Mental and Pbvsical Inoa rity, Ac. By ROBERT J. CDLVERWELL, l> , author of the "flreeti Book " Ac The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own nxfierietice that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed withuiit dangerous sur gical oporalioiia. liougiea, instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode of euro at once certain and effectual, by whioti every sutTnrer, 110 matter what bis condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. •JTlns Lecture will prove a boon to thou sands aud thousands. Sent, under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six cents or two |iostage stamps We have also a sure cure for Tape Worm. Address THE CULVERWEIL MEDICAL CO., 41 ANN BT., NIW YOHK, S. Y.; febtt-ly Poet Office Box, 4.VKJ StctilM'ii vill<>, (Oklo) F«>iunle NvmliiHry. 52 Yrnrt Nvccruful Krperirnce. Firil-clau School. Terms low. Seud for Catalogue. A. M. Rkid, Ph. D., Priu. july2om2l Jury I.i»t tor Kept. Term, IMBI. Grand Jurors drawn for the September Tt*rin of Court, commencing the tir>t Monday, be ing the jth day A. I>., ISM. lialdauf Joseph, Summit, farmer. Bellus, Isaiah, I>anciusU?r, farmer. Boreland Alex., Hutler borough, shoemaker. Cookson Alfred, Cranberry, farmer. Croup Lyman, Prospect, farmer. Goehring Klias, Forward, farmer. Hesselgesser Robert, Wiufield, farmer. Harvey Jesse, Ilutler bor., shoemaker. King Simon, Concord, farmer. Kramer Peter, Middlesex, shoemaker. Keck Matliias, Summit, farmer. Lindsey Thoma-s, Jackson, farmer. Martin Thomas, Jefferson, farmer. Maurhotf K. K., Saxonbure, printer. McGucken Thomas, Clearfield, farmer. MeCullough Matthew, Worth, farmer. Miller Chas., Fairview, farmer. Rowan Win., Cranberry, farmer. Rollner John, Esq., Cranberry twp., farmer. Stewart John, Jackson, farmer. Succop Win., Jefferson, farmer. Thomas W. A., Parker, farmer. Turner J< hn, Middlesex. Wick C. W., Sunburv bor., unknown. Traverse Jurors drawn for the September term of Court, commencing the second Monday, being the 12th Jay, A. D., 1881. Allison Wm., Centre, farmer. Bestler Josepii, Centreville, farmer. Bovard W. 11., Slipperyrock, farmer. Converj- James T., Centre, farmer. Campbell Washington, Fairview, farmer. Cashdo'lar S. D., Adams, farmer. Crawford E. H., Allegheny, farmer. Campbell Matthew, Concord, farmer. Daubenspeck Albin, Parker, farmer. Dumbach Nicholas, Butler bor., . Duffy 11. 11., Clearfield, farmer. 1 Elliott Joseph, Jefferson, carpenter. Ellenberger Jacob, Fairyiew tp., farmer. Eicholotz Fred., Muddvcreek, farmer. Enslen John, Jackson, farmer. Emery W. J., Concord, farmer. Frazier Jefferson, Muddycreek, farmer. Findley James, Franklin, farmer. Frazier Thomas, Jefferson, miller. Giltiilan It. G., Fairview, pumfier. Gillespie James, Sr., Donegal, farmer. Hughes S. G., Butler borough, printer. Hunter Alex., Forward, farmer. Hindman James, Concord, farmer. Fiedler Jonas, Jefferson, farmer. Kocher Jacob, Jackson, farmer. Kildoo James, Brady, farmer. Kepler George, Donegal, farmer. King Conrad, Zelienople, shoemaker. McKeever Timothy, Donegal, farmer. McGee James, Cherry, farmer. Meals J. N., Washington, farmer. Mcßride Patrick, Marion, merchant. Maslen James, Jr., Clinton, farmer. McMarliu J. A., Adams, farmer. MuKissock J. \V., Brady, farmer. McKinnev Wm., Concord, farmer. McCall W. J., Brady, farmer. Pontious Henry, Donegal, fanner. Roberts Festes, Butler boro. Snyder Philip, Cliuton, farmer. Smedley J. H., Allegheny, farmer. Thompson John, Washington, farmer. Tehby William, Venango, farmer. Wilson James, Middlesex, farmer. Wick Andrew, Clay, farmer. Winner Edward, Oakland, farmer. Weiland Michael, Clearfield, farmer. Regtater'M Notice. The Register hereby gives notice that the following accounts of Executors, Administra tors and Guardians have been filed in his office according to law and will he presented to Court Tor confirmation and allowance on Wednesday, the 7tb day 'of September, A. D., 1881, at 2 o'- clock, P. M., of said day : 1. Final account of Christopher I'hl, admin istrator of Gotleib Bauder, late of Lancaster township, deceased. 2. Final account of Mrs. E. J. Stoops, admin istratrix of James Stoops, late of Cherry town ship, deceased. 3. Fiual account of Jacob Cooper and Nicho las Frishcorn, executors of Win. V. Lindsey, late of Jackson township, deceased, 4. First, partial and distribution account of Alexander Stewart, executor of the last will of John Cooper, late of Couno<|ueuest>iiig town ship, deceased. 5. Final account of Adam Pisor, Administra tor of George Vogan, late of Worth township, deceased. 6. The final account of George Beam, guar dian of the estate of B. F. Maine, a minor child of Anna Ilaine, late of Jackson township,ilec'd. 7. Final account of William Garvin, admin istrator of Nancy McClain, late of Cranberry towimhip, decea»e UVc uf Ci«n herry township, i^eueaked. 11. Final account of John S. Hodil, guardian of Lena J. Morrison, a minor child of William A. Morrison, late of Harrisviile borough, dee'd. 12. First, final and distribution account of J. R. Coulter and Franklin Jamison, executors of Eliza L. Howe, late of Venango township, deceased. 13. Partial account of E. H. Crawford, ad ministrator of Jane Allen, late of township, deccqswli 14. Partial amount of E. H. Crawford, admin istrator of Mary Ann Allen, late of Allegheny township, deceased. 15. Final account of James Barr and Jacob Hutchman, executors of Alexander Purvis, late of Adams township, deceased. 16. Final account of Thomas Badger, guar dian of R. D. Fleeger. 17. Partial account of AbllPr 4- fcijew utor of David liifch, late of ('tmtre township, deceased. 18. Final account of J. Burkhart and F. Zehner, executors of Francis Burkhart, lute of £elienoj>le bop'iiL'li, i|eui>a*od, 19. Final account of Andrew J. Moore, exec utor of David Moore, late of Butler borough, deceased. 20. Final account of Robert Storey, guardian of 8. V. Brown, min r son of John C. Brown, late of Fairview township, deceased. 21. Final account of Margaret O'Donuell, ad ministratrix of Patrick L. O'Donuell, late of Venango township, deceitst'l, J'J, Fiual aooouiit of 8, 11. Moore, exeoutor of William Johiisou, lute of Worth township, de ceased. 23. Separate and final account of David Dou thett. one of the executors of Nancy Tate, late of Middlesex township, deceased. 24. First and final account of Theodore Ker sting, administrator cum InUimmlo (tnnrxo of George Kohles, late of Jackson township, de ceased. 25. Partial account of Bridget J. Gate us and Charles Gatens, administrators of Michael Ga tens, late of Clearfield township, deceased. 2fl. Fiual and distribution account of H. P. Double, executor of Isaac Double, late of Worth township, deceased. 11. H. GALLAGHER, Register. Wlilowm' ApprnlMruifiitN, The following appraisements of personal pro|»erty and real estate set apart for tlie bene fit of decedents have been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Orphaus' Court of Butler coun ty as follows: Caroline Pillow, widow of 11. Pillow, ileoeased S3OO 00 Dorothea Frishcorn, widow of Adam Anna Drebert, widow of Conrad Drebert 300 00 Frishcorn 185 00 Nannie D. Black, widow of Geo. Ji. Black It>7 t>7 Note—Widow claims balance of S3OO exem tion to wit: $132.33 in cash from personal prop erty or from proceeds of real estate. Anna Margaret Duffor<|, pf SiHIP uei imtyord. sa2 45 The balance of the three hundred dollars is hereby claimed for Mar)' A. Beatv, wiljotf, out of any funds in her baud, au Administratrix, after the payment of debts and belore distribu tion iu uuse there is a sufficient amount, and if not. then the balance 0! the said three hundred dollars is claimed out of the real estate of her deceased husband, or proceeds of any sale or sales thereof. All persons interested in the above appraise ments will take notice that they will be pre sented tii the Orphan's (2ourt at flutter on Wed nesday the 7th day of Sept. next, and no ex ceptions I icing filed, will be confirmed abso lutely. By the Court. W. A. WHIOIIT, Clerk. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have new and Improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Oray Flannols, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, ami I can recommend them as being very dura ble, an they arc manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, aud will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices address, 11. FULLEKTON, ly) Hurler. Pa rf-c 4n COnl"' r day at home. Samples worth 9 J IU JiUjir, free. Address Sti.nson & Co. PortUuil, Malue. A. Haffner, SUCCESSOR T J H. BAUER!BROS., lItTI.KII, I'A.. PLANING MILL AND "Y" ard 9 MANCI* ACTrRF.R AND DEALER IN Hough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, DOORS, SASH, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Goinice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL POSTS ei* Yard. J L. PURVIS. L O. PURVIS S.G. Purvis & Co., M4NUFACTITKFK6 AND DEALERS IN Rough and Planed Lumber OK EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE PALINGS, &e., «fco , MICHIGAN SHINGLES, Baru Boards; Plastering Lath ; Hero lock Bill Stuff, such as Joist Rat ters, Scantiiutf. &0,. all sizes constantly on hand All of which we will sell OD reasonable terms md guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD N«ur UeruiHii CKIISOIIC I'liiirch j»n?-SO-ly E. & H IE H, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. ANT) CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED -W Lace Curtains, i.amhrkquins, CORNICES, CORNICE POLES, ART DECORATIONS IN GENERAL AT H. Holtxman's, Practical I'phoUtcrer ami manufacturer of Mattrv»w» ami HIMI< 11 n tr. 74 W< X)l> STREET, my 1 l .Tin IMTTHHURGH, PA. rxmara AHM<»U, Justice ol the Fonce Miiiu Direct, opposite PoMlofflcc, Oljy ZJCLIKNOPLJC .PA. , TRAVELERS' GUIDE. t'TLIK, KiKNI CITT ASP fiKIIK KAILBOAD Train* leave Butler for St. JOT, Millervtown (Cams City, IVtrolui, Parker, etc., at 7.5:7 ft. in AND 'I.M AND ?.?. R > I». TO. Trains arrive at Boiler from the above naiued point* at 7.17 a. in., and 2.15, and 7.15 p. m* The 2.15 train connects with traiu on the West Penn rond '.hroUKh to Pittsburgh. CHENANGO AMI ALI.EOUENY KAILKOAD. Trains leave Milliard's Mill, Butler county, lor Harriaville, Oreenvlile, etc., at 7.50 a. m. ami 2.25 p. m. Trains arrive at Milliard's Mills at 1:45 A, m., and 5:55 r. M. Hacks to and from Petrolia, Mrriinsburp, Fairview, Modoc and Tiotilin m, conuei l at llil laid with all trains on the S A A road. Pennsylvania HAII.HOAD. Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pitwbnrpb Time. .Market at 5.06 a. m., goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at 9.01 a. m. This train con nects at Freeport with Frcrport Accoiumo'la tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. in., railroad time. Expreit at 7.21 a. m., connecting at Bntler Junction, without change of cars, at 8.20 with Exp>ess west, arriving In Allegheny at 0.50 i. m., and Express east arriving at BUirsrille at 10 55 a. m. railroad lime. Mail at 2.26 p. in., connecting at Butler Juno liou without change ol cars, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 501 p. in., and Ex press- east arriving at Blairsviile lnter:>ection at 5.55 p. m. railroad time, which connects w'th Philadelphia Kxpre*s eaxt, when on time. The 7.21 a. m train connects at Blairsviile at 11.05 a. m. with the M ill east, and the 2.30 p. m. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. R. at 9..V a. m., 4.58 and 7.01 p. in., Butler time. The 9,56 and 4.58 trains connect with trains on the Butler A Parker R. R. Main Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh tor the Ea*t at 2.56 and 8.26 a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 ar.d 8.06 p. m., arriving at Philadelphia at 8.40 and 7.20 p. m. and S.OO, 7.0" and 7.40 a. m.; at Baltimore about the same t me, at New York three hours later, and at Washington about one and a half hours later. Tiuie ol Holding Courts. The several Courts of the county of Butler commence on the fiist Monday of March, June, September and December, and ooutinue two weeks, or so long as n> pessary to dispose of the business. No causes are put down for trial er traverse jurors summoned for the first week of the several terms. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BUTLER, PA. JOHN K. KELLY, Office with E. G. Miller, Esq., In Brady Law Building. augl7'Bl R. P. SCOTT, Attorney at Lnw. Office, Room No. 8, Rei ber Building, JeSer*on street, Bugler, Pa. jag'Bl A. M. CORNELIUS, Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, Butler, Pa. JTR BRIT TAIN, Office with L. Z- Mitchell, Diamond. A.MCUN NIN GUAM, Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. s. H. PIERSOL - Office on N. E. corner Diamond, Riddle build ing novlS JOHN M. GREER. Office on N. E. corner Diamond. novl2 WM. 11. LUSK, Office with W 11. 11. Riddle, Esq. NEYVTON BLACK, Office on Diamond, near Court House, south side. E. I BRUGH, Office In Riddle's Law Building. S. F. BOVV SER. Offico in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'76 J. B. MCJUNKIN. Special attention given to collections Office opposite Willard House. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond, Butler Pa. . H. H. GOUCHER, Office in Schneideman's building, up rtail a. J, T. DONLY Office near Court House. r - 74 W. I). BRANDON, - obl7-75 Office in Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady building- marl7—t FERD REIBER, Office in Rclhcr'6 building, Jutlerson St. ap9ly F. M. EASTMAN, Office in Brady building- LEV, MoQUISTION, Office Mftin street, 1 door south of Conrt House JOS. C. VANDERLIN, Office Maiu street, 1 door south of Court Hooae. Wm A. FORQUER, ITOice on Main street, opposite Vogeiey House. GEO. R. WIIITK, Office N. E. corner of Diamond. FRANCIS S PURVIANCE, Office with Oen. J N. Purviance, Main street, south of Court House. J. I). MOJUNKIN~ Office lu B',-hnfldcinau's building, west side ot Maiu street, 2nd square from Court House. A. O WILLIAMS, Office on Diamond, two doors west of Crrran office. ap26 T. C. CAMPBELLT - Office in Berg's new building, Sid floor, east side Main St., a few doors south of Lown House. marS—tf. ~~0 A. SULLIVAN, tu»y7 Office S. W. oor. of Diamond. BLACK &BRO, Office on Main street, one door south o> Hrr.dy Block, Butler. Pa. (Sep. 2, 1874. JOHN M MILLER JC BRO. Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street, south of Court House. EUQKXK O. MILLEB, Notary Public. )un4 ly THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER, TA. JOHN H. NEGLEY, Wnirun particular attention to tranaactios* IN real estate throughont the county. Ornmox PIASOMU, NEAI COCUT HODSK, XX OLTIZKM MCILUINU E R., KBNNEUT HAKBUALL (Late of Ohio.)! ECKLEY A MARSHALL. Office lu Brady's Law Hulldlug. Rept.9,74 C. O. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal ImniueM carefully transacted. Collections made and promptly remitted. Bushiest correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURG EON, mj'il ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klingler's Flour Store. DENTISTS. DENTISTR * ■. OM WALDRON.Grrduate ol the Pbll» ■ udclphla Dental College, ls prepared e II •to do anything in tue line of hi* profession In a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, up stairs. apll |s£F" Advertise in tbc CITIZHN.