Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 17, 1881, Image 1

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papers will be held liable for the Hubacripticn.
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another should give on the name of the former
m wall m the prtwent office.
All communications intended for publication
n this paper must bo accompanied by the real
name of the wTiter, uot for publication but an
a guarantee of good faith.
Marriage and death notices must be accompa
nied by a responsible name.
Hiurolgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Sorensss of ths Chest, Gout,
Quinsy, Sora Throut, Swellings and
Sprains, Burns and Scalds,
General Bodily Pains,
Tooth, Ear and Headache, frosted Feet
and Ears, and all other Pains
and Aches.
No Prf-pa ration on eait'i equals ST. JACOB* On. as
r. a * « rr. im pin un i cheap External kemedy.
A trial entail* l>ut the comparatively trifling outlay
< f r, > Cents, an'! every one suffering v.itli pain
can have cheap nnd positive proof of its cluimi.
Directions in Eleven Languages.
lialtlmore, MA., XT. 8. JL
If you FEEL dull, drowsy, debilitated, have fre
quent heiidiK'lies, immtli tastes badly, poor apjie
tltc and tongue coated, you are mifTertng from tor
pid liver, or "uilliousnewj," and nothing will cure
joawtpecdilv and permanently as to take 8m- I
The Cheapest, L'NN |
and Best Kami I) „
cine In the World ! if JI 11 F MUA
As KKKK. rrAl.Hfl>
I IM lor all DWEANE* of WTGFNR
Liver, Stom;ili and
X KsifXvi;x*OlCK AND
&*& BREHTH t
Nothing IS so impleasunt, nothing so common as
bail breath, aril In nearly every EASE it coi.ies
from the stomach, and can be HO easily corrected
if you will take Simmon*' Liver Regulator. I>o not
neglect SO sure a remedy for this repulsive disor
der. IT will also Improve your Ap|>etite,Complex
ion and General Health.
How many suffer torture day after day, making
life a burden and robbing existence of all PLEASURE
owing to the secret suffering from Piles. Yet re
lict is ready to the hand of almost any one who
will use systematically the remedy that has per
manently cured thousands. HIMMOXH' I.IVKIC
KKOUI.ATOB, IS no drastic violent purge ; trot a
gentle assistance to nature.
CQ*9T!P*TtQ# t
SHOULD not be regarded AS a trifling
ailment- In fact nature demands the ut
most regularity of the bowels, and any
deviation from this demand paves the
way often to serious danger. It is quite
as necessary to remove Impure accumu
lations from the bowels as It Is to eat or
sleep, and no health can be expected
where a costive habit of body prevails.
SICJC nsaftacßE t
This distressing affliction occurs most frequent
ly. The disturbance ol the stomach, arising from
the imperfectly digested contents, cause* a severe
pain HI the head, accompanied with disagreeable
nausea, and this constitute* what is jHipularly
known as Hick Headache.
J, 11. ZHII.IX Jk CO.,
I TcowCSinsert with little linger
[9CATARRH, LYJ a particle of the Ijiilin
19 C *L*lW»us NC7>AUJ '"to the nostrils ; draw
KFVGSV''TW. I strongbreatlis through
the nose. It will IM
TO P R K C,V V J ' "IAJ alworlieil. cleansing,
FXABAL_ IM ;UL<L healing the «lis-
UJ C/f eased mciiibraiie,
' JSrmH For Deafness,
■Hr M
.ipply a particle Into
ITAVLN'O gained an enviable reputation, displac
ing all other preparations in the vicinity of discov
ery. Is. on lis merits alone, recognized as a won
derful remedy wherever kuown. A fair trial will
convince tin- most skeptical ol its curative pow
ers. It effectually cleanses the nasal passages of
FWUTTOD virus, causing healthy secretions, al
lays Inflammation and Irritation, protects the
meinhran IL linings of the IIC:MI from additional
Cohls, completely heals the sores and restores the
sense of taste and smell. Bciiellclal results are
realized by a few applications. A thorough treat
ment as directed will cure Catarrh. As a house
hold remedy for <•■ Id In the head Is micqtialed.
The Balm Is easv to use and agreeable. Hold by
druggists at SO cents. Oil receipt of NO cents will
mall .> package. .Send for circular with full Infor
mal lon.
KEY'S CW'.AM BALM CO., Owego, N. Y.
For sale In Butler by Jf. H. Waller, J. C. Itedlck,
Zimmerman Si Waller. Coulter & LLIM.
In the market. IL can he used on Wood, Iron,
Tin, Leather, PI aster or Palter.
>lixetl Ready For* Use.
ALL counts.
It goes further, lasts longer, looks better and Is
CHKAPKK than any other paint. For painting
Houses. Barns, UooN, Hence*. Wagons, &c„ IT
HAH NO Kyi' A 1.. Call and examine samples.
AGE.\TM! AIiIVTS! A«. i:\TN!
JOHN h. (X)UOH'S bran* new book, entitled
H the bett chance offrrH lo you. Il* Scenes ar* drawn
from the bright and shady sides of Itje, portrayed as only
John B.
ran portray th**rn. This ffrand work— trmo/or the firtl
tinte published —is the " IxNiming " hook for aceutt, and
in otitKeilniK all «thcr» tin !o our. J'hr thirty third
ihoHutud i» ih>w in jiress. Its iinmrnsc han l»een
entirely by active canvassers. No other book c:om
|Mrr<t with it for qnicl( and profitable returns We are
Startinj{ more agents now than ever befon-, ai dwo ba-
Revc the *a!i! <»f this book will rear h Out Hundred
'J'hnmnnil Cofiirt in the next few months.
We want »mm more Ageitis at once, lo this
cr.md t«» tlie ilwhi nnj» who are waiting for
Kemember the sale ii only MOW couttnenemf. *l*h<- tvxrk
is entirely new, and mo%t of the territory n uoiu clear.
AjC' , »t'*» utr!u " Y<"*r tune to make money, and at the
a.in»c time c ircnlate a thoroughly firti-clata book. K *-
elusive Ttrrito v and very Sjwcia! Terms Kivun. Send for
cntr largi rcu »r cotitaming full iurti« ulars A<l'lres»
A I* l'ubiishcrs, Hartford,CL
The Story of the Female Itunter of
Long Eddy.
Honesdalk, Pa., July 28.—Mention
has frequently been made in the metro
politan papers of Lucy Ann Lobdell,
better known, perhaps, as the "Female
Hunter of Long Eddy," and after much
search I am enabled to <rive the first
accurate account of the life of this re
markable woman ever published. On
the 23d of October, 1855, Lucy Ann
Lobdell, the pretty daughter of an old
Delaware county lumberman, living at
Long Eddy, N. V., was married to
George W. Slater, a raftsman who was
then well-to-do "Lucy was at this time
only 17 years old. Although she was
slight in figure, pretty as a picture, and
a belle in that section, yet her tastes
were strongly masculine. She could
handle a gun, shoot a bear, or knife a
"buck" as well as any man in the coun
ty of Wayne, and was known far and
wide as one of the best shots in the
Delaware V'ulley.
After about a year of happy married
life Slater deserted his wife, then the
mother of a babe only a few weeks old,
and as her parents were very poor and
objected to her becoming a burden up
on them in their poverty, she donned
male clothing and determined to earn
money by hunting and trapping. She
left her little child with Ler mother,
and for many months made her home
in the mountains of Delaware, Ulster
and Sullivau counties, Xew York, and
in Pike, Wayne and Monroe counties,
Pennsylvania. Occasionally she paid
flying visits to her mother, and left
enough money to clothe her baby and
pay for its board. For years the
young woman made her home in the
forest, only visiting the country towns
to sell her wares and purchase ammu
nition. She roamed from the Hudson
river to the Susquehanna, and was fa
miliar with every inch of ground in
Northern Pennsylvania. Her habita
tions were about a dozen in number,
principally in caves which she had fit
ed up with cooking utensils and rough
pallets. Her wild life was one of con
stant adventure and peril and privation
and finally, broken down in health, she
determined to return to civilization.
Her accumulated savings were suffi
cient to maintain her and the. little
child, then in its ninth year, in com
fort. On her return to Long Eddy
Mrs. Slater found that her child had
been placed in the County Poor House
at Delhi, New York. This affected
her mind, and after a brief time she be
came as "crazy as a loon." She resum
ed female clothing, however, and roam
ed about the country, living on the
charity of those whom she knew and
would Lelp her. At times she was
perfectly rational, and related many
thrilling narratives of miraculous es
capes from death by being eaten alive
bv bears, gored to death by infuriated
deer, or killed by catamounts and pan
thers. She also suffered untold ago
nies from forest fires, cold weather and
poisoning. She was very intelligent,
and had had in her youth a good com
mon school education. She wrote an
interesting account of her life, detailing
the troubles which led her to abandon
female attire and become a hunter. The
book was spicy and well written, but
the edition was small, and copies of
the work readily bring $lO each.
Finally Mrs. Slater, or "Lucy Lob
dell," as she was then called, was ta
ken by the town authorities and put in
the same poor house where her child
had been for years. Not long
afterward the child was taken from the
poor house by David Fortnam, of Ty
ler, Wayne county, Pa., where she
found a comfortable home with his fam
In 18(58 Mary Perry, aged twenty
five years, was brought to the poor
house where Lucy Lobdell was con
fined. Mary I'erry had four months
before married a brakeman on the Erie
Railroad, and had lived hi Jersey City,
where, after three months'married life,
her husband deserted her and ran away
with a servant girl. Hearing that her
husband was in Susquehanna, Mary
started for that place and got as far on
her way as Delhi, where she was taken
Bick, her money gave out, and she was
put in the poor house. Lucy Lobdell
took a strange fancy to Mary, and her
love was returned, Lucy left the estab
lishment in IBfi7, and cut off her hair
and donned male attire again. Short
ly afterward Mary Perry ran away,
and, strange as it may seem, she and
Lucy Lobdell—who then called herself
ltev. Joseph Lobdell—were married.
Lucy looked so like a man that the
minister who performed the ceremony
was hoaxed.
One day in August, 18(59, the Rev.
Joseph Isruel Lobdell and wife appear
ed suddenly in Stroudsburg, Monroe
county, and subsequently found a house
among the villages on the Pocono
mountains, in tho southern part of Mon
roe county. For two years they lived
there, subsisting on the alms they ob
tained and what the rifle of the man
brought them. Bye and bye they be
came such nuisances that they were ar
rested as vaguints and lodged in the
county jail at Stroudsburg, and while
there it was discovered that the Rev.
Joseph Israel Lobdell was a woman,
and was consequently identified as Lu
cy Ann Lobdell, the great female hun
ter. The companion of the alleged rev
erend was none other than Mary Per
ry. The couple then went to Delaware
county, N. Y., and were again thrown
into the poor house, but only remained
there a few days when they again es
caped and came to Wayne county,
where they claimed to be man and wile
Lucy still wearing her male attire.
Ia the fall of 177<5, Lucy Ann, or
"Joe," as she was called, came to
Honesdale and was arrested and lodg
ed ill jail as u vagrant. The next day
"her wife" came to town to look for
her arid finally secured her release from
jail. The petition for Lucy's release
was written by Mary Perry in her
backwoods home, and is now in the
County Clerk's office here. The writ
ing is licautiful and regular, the lan
guage used is excellent, aud when the
fact is taken into consideration that the
document was written with a pea
made from a pine stick whittled to a
point and split, and that the ink used
was but the juice of the red poke borry,
the petition is indeed a literary curiosi
After being released from jail Lucy
and her wife went to Damascus town
ship, Wayne county, and lived there
together in a house they had erected
until 1879, when "Joe" suddenly dis
appeared. ' lie" was heard of not long
afterward and was taken to the Ovid
Insano Asylum. His late companion
still lives in Wayne county, and was a
regular attendant at court during the
celebrated trial of Benjamin K. Bor
tree for the murder of Henry W.
Shouse, which took place there last
The daughter of Lucy Ann, named
Mary Slater, who was adopted by Mr.
Fortnam, seemed to have inherited bad
luck. Refusing the attentions of a
young man named Kent, after she had
grown to womanhood, she fell a victim
to a vile plot. Kent abducted her from
home one dark, stormy night in Au
gust, 1871, drugged her, accomplished
her ruin and threw her apparently life
less body in the Delaware river, near
the town of Cochecton. She was wash
ed aslfbre on an island, where she was
found by a man who restored her life,
but her reason was entirely overthrown.
Sne wandered into the woods, was
found a day or two afterward a raving
maniac and conveyed to an asylum,
where in time she recovered her men
tal and bodily health. She then had
Kent arrested, but he escaped his mer
ited punishment by jumping bail and
leaving the State. Miss Slater subse
quently married a farmer in Delaware
county, N. Y., and is now living hap
pily near Delhi, where to much of her
early life was passed.
The British Mercantile Gazette has
the following respecting the threaten
ed invasion of the domain of the Eng
lish miller by their enterprising cousins
of the far West:
It has been stated that there are 10.-
000 millers in the United Kingdom,
and that a very large proportion of that
number had not, previous to the late
exhibition, even so much as seen the
devices by the aid of which our Amer
ican cousins have asserted they will,
liefore long, secure for themselves the
exclusive manufacture of the enormous
ly increasing growth of American
wheat that now flows into this country.
To enable the British and Irish millers
to take stock of their position, and de
cide whether they will give up the
tight, as many of our British farmers
are doing, or embark more capital, en
ergy, and skill in their business, the
Council of the National Association of
British and Irish Millers resolved to
hold an international exhibition of
milling apparatus, and although only a
comparatively short time elapsed be
tween the mooting of the suggestion
and the actual accomplishment of the
intention, the display of milling ma
chinery wa < emphatically the largest
and finest ever made.
It is the surprising growth of the
milling industry in the United States
which fills our home trade with the
most serious misgivings; for, whereas
the quantity of flour coming from the
States was only 1,77,2000 cwt. in
1877, it was 3.<535,000 cwt. in 1878,
rose to 6,83(5,000 cwt. in 1879, and
nearly reached 7,000,000 cwt. last
There is also every apparent indi
cation of the permanency of the rapid
increase. One uuthority has it that
in the State of Minnesota alone the
mills turned out 0,000,000 barrels of
flour in the year 1879, and that the
mills in Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, and
other states produced no less than 15,-
000,000 barrels in the same year. The
city of Minneapolis has twenty-two
mills with a capacity of 15,000 barrels
daily. At St. Louis nearly 2,000,000
barrels of Hour was manufactured last
year; and in both of these two great
centers of milling industry a number
of new mills are in course of erection.
The Hubstitution of flour for whole
grain in exporting lessens the weight
for land transport and shipment by
about HO per cent, as the proportion of
fine baking flour yielded by the wheat
is some 70 per cent; the remaining
portion of inferior flour, offal, and bran
being used as a valuable interchange
with maize for fattening American
cattle. Even the {lacking in bags in
place of barrels has had its effect. It
has contributed toward the economiz
ing of room in the holds of vessels, and
the matter of cost reduced to a mini
mum by the smaller outlay necessary
for the bags, and the realizing of their
values when discharged in this coun
try Indubitably, therefore, the situa
tion is, "not to put too fine a point up
on it," serious, and millers are appre
hensive that their anticipations—that
at a very not remote period the vast
imports from the other side of the At
lantic may, for the greater part, if not
indeed wholly, take the form of flour
instead of grain—may assutfle an un
pleasantly material aspect. Without
wishing to be 'alarmist' like, or to prog
nosticate that our national milling in
dustry will become obsolete, it serves
no good purpose to mince matters, and
the British miller had better look to his
guns if he wishes to hold his own in
the whirlwind ol competition- If any
thing is calculated to stimulate the en
ergies of English millers and mill
wrights, certainly tin; great exhibition
at Agricultural Hall ought to have
done much to obtain the desired effect.
Fourteen heavy-laden freight cars
broke away from a train on the Chi.
cago ami St. Paul Railroad and started
down a grade of eighty feet to the
mile. A locomotive went in pursuit,
itti<l made a brisk chase, but gravity
proved too much for steam, and the
runaway cars were soon thundering
along at the rate of sixty miles an hour
A telegram was sent forward to clear
the track, but it could not IM; obeyed
quick enough by one train of cars, from
which the occupants escaped just in
time to avoid death in one of the most
! violent collisions that ever happened.
A writer for the Fortnightly Revietv
(English), after reviewing the current
politics of France, Germany, Austria,
Spain and Italy, turns to America
with the following words :
"It is a relief to turn from the bick
ering of the jealous nations of the Old
World to the spectacle which is pre
sented to us across the Atlantic. The
future is there, and as we contemplate
the majestic proportions of the great
western republic, with its population
of fifty millions rapidly swelling to
double that total, we feel that here we
have the factor that is destined to rev
olutionize the world. The influence of
the United States upon Europe was by
no means insignificant even iu the first
French Revolution, but it was small
compared with that which it is exercis
ing to-day, but was as nothing com
pared with the power which it will
wield to-morrow. We feel the subtle
but direct influence of America in al
most every Euroj»ean State The most
significant sight afforded us this year,
although one of the least noticed, is
the enormous exodus which goes on
unceasingly from the Old World to the
New. In numercial proportions the
exodus of the Children of Israel to the
promised land was a mere bagatelle
compared with the vast and fertilizing
stream of human life which is being
emptied upon the prairies of the west.
The rate of immigration into New
York will this year exceed two thou
sand a day. Altogether the United
States have received an overflow of the
surplus population of Europe exceed
ing ten million persons in the last fifty
years. Hitherto America has been but
as the safety-valve of the older vorld.
The outcasts, the proscribed, the op
pressed, and the hunger-smitten of Eu
rope, have found in the American re
public a safe shelter and a well-spread
table. "The Providence that ordains
all things," said an American recently,
"has bestowed upon America land
enough to give every European peas
ant a farm. It seems now as if every
peasant is about to claim his guerdon."
The rush across the Atlantic is unpre
cedented. One-fortieth of the entire
population of Sweden has booked pas
sages to New York. "If this goes on
unchecked," said a Gorman, "in a few
years all Germany will be found in
America." Alieady Ireland beyond
the sea counts more sons of Irish de
scent than the Green Isle itself. Even
from little Switzerland last year went
seven thousand emigrants to the re
publics of the west. More than fifty
per cent, of the emigrants are able-bod
ied men under forty years of age. The
emigrants are the cream of the popula
tion of the countries which they desert.
The "frecklcss loon" stays at home.
It is the man of intelligence, enterprise
and energy who emigrates. It is obvi
ous tnat so vast a disturbance of the
balance of population must in the long
run produce corresponding changes in
the political and economical situation.
The reflex action of the New World
upon the Old, already great, is daily
increasing. Everywhere American
competition, American emigration, or
American ideas are at work disintegra
ting the fabric of European society, and
perplexing the statesmen of the older
world with thoughts of change. The
constant drain of his best fighting men
to the New World is one of the great
est grievances which Prince Bismarck
cherishes against Providence, and his
perplexity is more or less shared by
the masters of many legions all over
EurojK). In Ireland we are face to
face with a movement which owes its
origin to the Irish Americans, who
supply it with its organ, its funds, and
its leaders. The same phenomenon
may yet be witnessed iu Germany. It
is already lieing witnessed iu the latest
agitation against Austrian rule iu the
Hocche di Cattaro, where the moun
taineers are said to be incited to revolt
by returned emigrants from America,
who have brought with them the dem
ocratic ideas of the west. American
influence moulded the Bulgarian con
stitution, and although that has proved
no great success, being too much in ad
vance of the condition of the popula
tion, it is a significant hint of things
which are to come. So far from allow
ing the Europeans who are settling in
millions within their borders to Euro
pcanizc the States, the States bid fair
to Americanize Europe.
American influence is most directly
felt in the economical region, but the
political effects of the economic revolu
tion which is being wrought by Amer
ican competition are already becoming
perceptible. The American farmer is
undermining the foundations of the
English aristocratic system. While
driving his plough through the virgin
prairie, he is uprooting the feudal insti
tutions which linger beyond their time
in the older world."
Mr. R. It. Tanguoy, the veteran Ro
chester sportsman, recently had a fight
with a porpoise. In a letter from St
John's River, Florida, he says:
"I will write you of my last
with a large porpoise. I was rowing
up in what we call the 'witch-tide'
when this monster eamo running be
tween me and the bluff. I struck him
on the head with my oar. lit; gave a
sudden dart and went ashore like Jer
sey lightning, and I went almost as
quickly after him. Then he rushed for
; the deep water again, but chanced to
| open his huge mouth. This was my
' chance, aud I rammed the ore in his
I mouth and down his throat. Then came
! a tussle—he pulled and I pried. After
i a long struggle he quieted down; I ran
for the boat and got my largest sword.
' With it I gave him a gash iu the
! throat which made him wild with pain.
{ After a while I got a chance to make
him fast to the boat with a line around
his tail. A man came to my assist
ance and we pounded him with clubs
until he was dead. We waited for the
, next tide, as it was hard work to tow
a dead porpoise. He doesn't float
| when dead. By hard work we got
him ashore an 1 to camp. Then we
measured him. He was nine feet ten
inches long, two feet three inches in
diameter, and would probably have
weighed more than six hundred
Killed by Craw Dog at Rosebud Agen
cy—A Noted Indian.
Washington, August B—Official
information of the killing of Spotted
Tail by Crow Dog at the Rosebud
Agency on Friday last was received at
the Interior Department to-day. It is
thought at the department that Spot
ted Tail was killed in some difficulty
between him and Crow Dog growing
out of Spotted Tail's expected trip to
Washington. He had been directed
by the Indian Office to come to Wash
ington with the Indian delegation due
here about the 15th instant, and it is
thought that Crow Dog, who wanted
to come to Washington himself, was
jealous of Spotted Tail's prominence
and influence in tribal affairs.
[Sentiment and poetry have so lit
tle to do with the red men of to-day
that the death of a chief so turbulent
and conspicuous in his time as Spot
ted Tail will not be apt to excite any
very strong commotion in the breasts
of his contemporaries. The career of
this chief made him something ot an
individuality, however. That is to
say, he was more than the copper-col
ored wampum-adorned woman-slayer
and scalper that is inevitably associat
ed with the name of his race. Having
passed his life industriously killing
whites and caroming on the plains,
Spotted Tail, lik« all men of genius,
quarreled with his own comrades, and
the ferocity of this quarrel deluged the
hunting grounds for years in blood,
whose shedding, it may be said in
passing, the white men bore with more
than Christian resignation, since it rid
them of their enemies whichever side
was butchered. The vendetta was
waged betwixt Walk-Under-the-Qround
and the Tail until the latter magnani
mously put an eud to the feud by
braining him on the spot. Thereupon
the dusky Richard set up a new chief
of the tribe of' Walk-Under-the-Ground'
and with only passive resistance dom
inated the red hordes in peace. The
younger chiefs, however, yearned for
war, and in a picturesque speech,show
ing that the old chap had learned wis
dom by experience, he admonished
them that it was useless to war against
the whites, but if they persisted in go
ing ho would still be a father to them
when they came to him in distress.
Among the incidents of the old chiefs
life was the death of his daughter,who
fell passionately in love with a young
officer at Fort Laramine. In her right
as princess of the chief of her nation
she thought herself more than a match
for an officer of the pale faces. But he
did not reciprocate the attachment. She
was frequently seen arrayed in the
"artless spl»ndor of the woods," seated
on the doorstep of her beloved, but
when her plight became known to the
old chief he took her off to the hills,
where she pined and died, absolutely
of disappointed love. The Indian
chief is described by a correspondent
who knew him well : He has a brisk,
sociable manner and smillingface of re
markable intellectual power. lie is
followed by his interpreter. He has
none of the stolidity of the typical In
dian. Great alertness, politeness, neat
ness and a smiling man-of-the-world air
are his distinguishing traits. He has
a little pleasant talk ond ho accepts a
glass of brandy, which he tosses off
with the air of a dandy. After a short
call he arises, and, politely bowing to
all, moves out aB brisk and smiling as
he came in, his interpreter at his heels.
This is the great Spotted Tail, chief of
the most warlike race on this conti
nent, white or red. He is about five
feet ten or eleven inches tall, very
dark, and has a great variety of expres
sion when he talks. His great services
in bringing in the hostiles are well
known lie has always believed in
peace. He has said for years that his
people must commence to learn the
habits of the white man or go to the
wall. He retains all the physical elas
ticity and vigor of a man of twenty,
lie has had a house built for himself
and enjoys some of the habits of civili
zation. He understands perfectly the
use of the four-prnnged fork and nap
kin. He iB neat and careful in his at
tire. He understands the value of
money and with a sufficient salary
would affect a style of magnificence
calculated to increase his influence with
his followers and bind him the more
securely to the government. He does
not, like Crazy Horse, limit himself to
one wife, and is a perfect contrast to
him in every rcßpect. Some time ago
an effort was made to convert him to
the Christian faith. After the scheme
of salvation had been fully unfolded to
him he remarked : 'White religion no
good. God come on earth ; white man
kill him. Indian wouldn't do that."']
Dr. Thos. 11. Pooley ( Archive#
Ophthalmol t <jy reports some interest
ing experiment with the magnetic neo
dle for detecting foreign substances in
the eye. He concludes : I. The pres
ence of a steel or foreign body in the
eye, when of considerable size, and sit
uated near the surface, may l>e deter
mined by testing for it with a suspend
ed magnet. 2. The presence and posi
tion of such a body may most surely
be made out by rendering it a magnet
by induction, and then testing for it
by a suspended magnet. !l. The prob
able depth of the inclosed foreign body
may be inferred by the intensity of the
action of the needle near the surface.
4. Any change from the primary posi
tion of the foreign body may be ascer
tained by carefully noting the changes
indicated by the deflection of the nee
(Jackfton Dully Patriot.)
Happy FrleiidM.
I lev. F. M. Winburne, Pastor M. E.
Church. Mexia, Texas, writes as fol
lows: Several months since I received
a supply of St. Jacobs Gil. Retaining
two bottles, I distributed the rest
among friends. It is a most excellent
remedy for pains and aches of various
kinds, especially neuralgia and rheumat
ic affections.
My daughter had a very weak back.
Peruna cured her. John Grgiil, Pitts
burgh, Pa.
A St Louis doctor factory recently
turned out a dozen female doctors. As
long as the female doctors were con
fined to one or two in the whole conn
try, and those were onlv experimental,
we held our peace and did not com
plain ; but now that the colleges are
engaged in producing female doctors as
a business, we must protest, and in so
doing will give a few reasons why fe
male doctors will not prove a paying
branch of industry.
In the first place, if they doctor any
body it mu9t be women, and three
fourths of the women would rather
have a male doctor. Suppose those
colleges turn out female doctors until
there are as many of them as there are
male doctors, what have they got to
practice on ? A man, if there was
nothing the matter with him, might
call in a female doctor, but if he was
sick as a horse, (if a man is sick he is
sick as a horse,) the last thing he
would have around would be a female
doctor. And why? Because, when a
man has a female fumbling around him
he wants to feel well, lie don't want
to be billious or feverish, with his
mouth tasting like cheese, and his eyes
blood-shot when the female is looking
him over and taking account of stock.
Of course these female doctors are
all young and good-looking, and if one
of them came into a sick room where a
man was in bed, and he had chills, and
was cold as a wedge, and she should
sit up close to the side of the bed and
take hold of his hand his pulse would
run up to a hundred and fifty, and she
would prescribe for a fever when he
had chillblains. Oh, you can't fool us
on female doctors. A man who has
been sick, and had male doctors, knows
just how much be would like to have a
female doctor come tripping in and
throw her fur-lined cloak over a chair,
take off her hat and gloves and throw
them on a lounge, and come up to the
bed with a pair of marine blue eyes,
with a twinkle in the corner, and look
him in the wild, changeable eyes, and
ask him to run out his tongue. Sup
pose he knew his tongue was coated
so it looked like a yellow Turkish
towel, do you suppose ho would want
to run out over five or six inches of
the lower part of it and let that female
doctor put her finger on it to see how
furry it was? Not much. He would
put that tongue up into bis cheek, and
wouldu't let her see it for twenty-five
cents admission. Wo have often seen
doctors put their hands under the bed
clothes and feel of a man's feet to see
if th<sy were cold. If a female doctor
should do that it would give a man
cramps in the legs. A male doctor can
put his hand on a man's stomach, and
liver and lungs, and ask him if he feels
any pain there; but if a female doctor
should do the same thing, it certainly
would make a man sick, and he would
want to get up and kick himself for
employiug a female doctor. Oh, there
is no use talking, it would kill a man.
Now, suppose a man has heart dis
ease, and a female doctor should want
to listen to the beating of his heart.
She would lay her left ear on his left
breast, so her eyes and rosebud mouth
would be looking right into his face,
and her waivy hair would be scattered
all around there, getting tangled in the
buttons of his night shirt. Don't you
suppose bis heart would get in about
twenty extra beats to the minute ? You
bet! And sho would smile—wo will
bet ten dollars she would smile—aud
show her pearly teeth, and the ripe
lips would be working as though she
were counting the beats, and he would
think she was trying to whisper to bim
and Well, what would be be do
ing ull this time ? If he was not dead
yet, which would be a wonder, his left
hand would brush the hair away from
her temple and kind of slay there to
keep the hair away, and his right hand
would get sort of nervous and move
around to the back of her head, and
when she had counted the beats a few
minutes and was raising her head he
would draw the head up to him And
kiss her once for luck, if bo was as bil
lious as a Jersey swamp angel, and
have her charge it in the bill. And
then a reaction would set in, and he
would bo as weak as a cat, and she
would have to fan liiui and rub his
head until he got oyer being nervous,
and then make out his prescription af
ter ho got aslecep No; all of man's
symptoms change whon a female doc
tor is practicing on bim, and she would
kill him dead.— Peclc'n Sun.
"Me too" in politics is the natural
result of "bossism." Whatever may
bo said to the contrary, Mr. Piatt, who
will ever lie regarded as Mr. Conk
ling's "me too," would not have re
signed if the man whom lie regarded as
bis political siqierior or boss had not
first determined to do so. Mr Conk
ling resigning, Mr. l'latt takes the part
of "me too;" Mr. Conkling insisting
upon vindication by an obstinate Leg
islature, bis "me too" follows bis ex
ample. What is true of Mr. Piatt is
true of every man who acknowledges a
"boss" either to whom he owes alle
giance or to whom he attributes polit
ical infallibility. There is too general
intelligence in this country for the
"boss-and-me-too" policy to flourish.
It has never succeeded in the past; it
will not be tolerated now, no matter
how great the present influence of
those who attempt to adopt it. It is
at war with Republican ideas and pop
ular government. It is thoroughly re
pugnant to every citizen who has wit
nessed its workings and results.
A Plijnlclhii'h TeNliiiiniiy.
In the treatment of lung aud bron
chial diseases the liver is often impli
cated to such an extent that a hcptic
remedy becomes necessary in effecting
a euro of tho lungs. In the treatment
of such eases I prescribe Simmons
Liver Regulator with entire satisfac
tion. I find that it acts mildly in reg
ulating the secretions of the liver, stom
ach and bowels. I. L. Stephenson, M.
D., Owcnsboro, Ky.
Had Chronic Catarrh and Constipa
tion ; could get no help. Peruna cured
me. Mrs S. B. Williams, Martin's
Ferry, Ohio.
In the Spring—though Mr. Tenny
son has omitted to mention it—the
fancy of men, whether old or young,
gloomily turns to thoughts of under
shirts. It is the season when the
question of discarding the thick under
shirt of Winter and putting on the
thinner crarment appropriate to warm
weather forces itself upon every man's
attention, and no matter how it may
be answered, the man always has
reason to regret his course.
Most prudent men wear flannel dur
ing the Winter, and when the first
warm day of Spring arrives they find
the flannel an uncomfortable burden.
The impulse to change it for the light
er and cooler merino is very strong,
and 83 per cent, of our male popula
tion—as is asserted hv careful statis
ticians—yield to it. Now, it is almost
morally certain that a hot day in early
Spring will be followed within two or
three days by a cold north-east rain
storm. The effect of this upon the
man who has "changed"—to use the
technical language of learned washer
women—is very disastrous. He finds
himself attacked by pneumonia, rheu
matism, or any one of half a dozen
other serious diseases, and to a great
extent he dies. It is only too probable
that the death-rate in this City in April
and May from diseases due directly to
a premature change of undershirt is at
least seven in a thousand, and when
we remember that only the male sex
suffers in this way, wo gain some idea
of the lawful extent of this undershirt
There is, however, one man—Prof.
Johnson, of Chicago—who has come
to the relief of perishing humanity with
what promises to be the most valuable
invention of the age. This is "John
son's Automatic Undershirt," a gar
ment which, so to speak, changes itself,
and automatically modifies its warmth
in accordance with the state of the
thermometer. The material of which
this garment is made is kept a pro
found secret by the inventor, but it is
of such a natnre that it expands rapid
ly with heat and contracts with equal
rapidity when exposed to cold. When
the atmosphere is at the temperature of
zero, (Fahrenheit), the "Automatic
undershirt" is thick, compact and war
mer than the warmest flannel. As the
temperature rises the fibres of the fab
ric lengthen, and it becomes more and
more porous, until, at the temperature
of 85°, it is a mere netting, which ad
mits of a free passage of air and is
cooler than any undershirt that has
ever yet been devised. Thus the wear
er is never tempted to change it on ac
count of changes in the temperature.
On a warm Spring morning he finds
that his nndershirt is cool and comfort
able, and if a snow-storm come 3 up be
fore night, he still finds himself appro
priately clad. The "Automatic Un
dorshirt" thus effectually provides
against the dangers inseparable from
discarding or retaining flannel under
shirts, and can hardly fail to save
thousands of valuable lives.
There is but one objection which the
caviler may make to this matchless
garment, and that is that it will be
come uncomfortably long as the warm
weather approaches. The inventor has
anticipated this objection, and hi? 'Au
tomatic Undershirt' is made in sections,
neatly laced together, so that it can be
shortened to any extent and at any
time. To slightly shorten an under
shirt is a very different thing from rad
icolly changing it, and the fact that
Prof. Johnson's iugcuious garment can
bo shortened at will renders it ideally
What is the steam engine, or the
telegraph, or any other famous inven
tion in comparison with the "Auto
matic Undershirt ?" That inestimable
garment will bring peace of mind to
millions of men who cannot tell wheth
er to change their flannels or to cling
to them. It will lessen our death-rate
at least one-half, and Prof. Johnson's
name will be famous long after Kecly
and Gamgee are forgotten.— New York:
Postage stamps are printed from en
graved plates under a hydraulic press
on paper especially prepared for this
Two hundred stamps are printed on
one sheet at each motion of the press.
The colors used in the inks are ultra
marine blue, prussian blue, chrome yel
low and prussian blue (green), vermil
ion and carmine.
The sheets are gummed separately ;
they are placed back upward upon a
Hat wooden support, the edges Iwing
protected by a metallic frame, and the
gum—composed of an aqueous solution
of gum dextrine with a little acetic
acid and alcohol—is applied with a
wide brush. It dries quickly, and then
the sheets are pressed. Each sheet is
cut in half, and is then ready for the
perforating machine.
This perforating machine was inven
ted and patented by a Mr. Archer in
1852. The patent was purchased by
the government for twenty thousand
dollars The perforations are effected
l»y passing the sheets between two cyl
inders provided with a series of raised
hands which are adjusted to c, distance
apart equal to that required betweon
the rows of perforations. Koch ring on
the upper cylinder has a series of cylin
drical projections which fit correspond
ing depressions in the bands of the
lower cylinder; by these the perfora
tions are punched out. and by a simple
contrivance the sheet is detached from
the cylinders in which it has l»een con
ducted by an endless band. The rows
running longitudinally of the paj»er are
first made, and then by a similar ma
chine the transverse ones.
The sheets are finally subjected to
heavy pressure, by which the rough
ness caused by the punehinir operation
and other manipulations is removed.
The Himplost and Iwst remedy for
the cabbage-worm is said to be to
sprinkle air-slacked lime on the plants
in the morning, ou the dew, till the
plants are white with it. One who
has tried it for several years says'that,
at most, two applications are sufficient.
The lime is also a good fertilizer for
the cabbage.
One square, one insertion, 91; each anl««
qnent insertion, CO cents. Yearly advertisement
exceeding ono-fourtli of a column, ♦ 5 per inch
I Figure worn doable these rater; additions
charges where weekly or monthly changes are
made. Local advertisements 10 cents per tin*
for flint insertion, and 8 cents per line for each
additional insertion. Marriages and deaths pub
lished free of charge. Obitiwy notices charged
as advertisements, and payable' when handed in
Auditors' Notices. 94 ; Executors' and Adminis
trators' Notices. (3 each; Estray, Cantion ane
Dissolution Notices, not exceeding ten lines,
From the fact that the CrracN is the oldr s 4
established and mo*t extensively circulated Re
publican newspaper in Butler county, fa Repub
lican county) h must be apparent' to business
men that it is the medium they should use in
advertising their business.
NO. 3S
It was once Causeur's good fortune
to spend a few days in the modest
home of a friend of slender means, a
home that was all that its owner could
afford to make it, yet lacked many
things that would have made it moro
comfortable and convenient. During
Causeur's stay two guests were enter
tained at tea, both of them men of
means and wide acquaintance, accus
tomed to all the luxury that wealth can
give. But they were widely different
in their behavior. The first dwelt up
on the fact that the house was in an
out-of-the-way spot and that there were
few or no neighbors At the-table he
told of the delicious tea he had drank
at the house of one friend, of the rich
tea-service he had seen upon the table
of another, of the rare old China that
was used in his own household, and of
the dainty meals he had eaten from it.
In the cramped little sitting-room after
tea he sat by the stove and talked of
the delights of an open wood fire, of
his enjoyment of rare and costly books
and pictures, aud of the twenty other
things that the host, of whose hospi
tality he had partaken, did not and
could not possess. When he had gone
it was clear, although nothing was said
that bis visit had caused pain, that it
had made the wife feel her straighten
ed circumstances more keenly than ev
er and cast a shadow over her hus
band's thoughts. Tho next evening
came the other visitor. He brought
good cheer in his very face. The room,
he said, felt so warm and comfortable
after his walk which, be added, was
just the thing to give a man a good ap
petite for supper. At the table he
spoke of everything that was nice, con
gratulated his host upon having such
a snug little home, apologized for eat
ing so much, but could'nt help it, be
cause it was "so jjood" and tasted so
"homelike," liked the old black teapot
because it was just like the one his
mother had when he was a boy, and
told bis hostess, who was all (miles
and happy as a queen, that she ought
to thank her stars that she had no gas
or furnace to ruin the flowers that made
•her room look so cheerful. After tea
he insisted that the children should not
be sent to bed just yet, said he wanted
to tell them a story, as he did; and
when he had done, and had kissed
them good ni&rht, they trudged off up
stairs with beaming faces, under the
guidance of a mother who felt that o
real ray of sunshine had entered her
home, making it better and happier.
The Providence Journal, which
comes from the vicinity of immense
cheap jewelry factories, has the follow
ing on "paste diamonds," which are
simply glass of great purity :
'When imitation diamonds were in- •
troduced, it was found that to cut
glass precisely like a diamond did not
produce the sparkle characteristic of
the diamond; therefore to secure this
tho flat surface on the top of the dia
mond was made pyramidal on tho imi
tation, and, of course, ended in a point.
By certain laws of light this pyramidal
surmounting of tho glass provided for
tho required distribution of ray surface
to produce the diamond sparkle, or
something akin to it. A real diamond
is never cut with tho pointed apex, and
hence it was possible always to dis
tinguish tho real from tho spurious.
But after a time tho buying public
learned this little circumstance about
tho cuttiug procosß. and other means
were resorted to. Tho glass was cut
precisely like the diamond, and the
sparkle was givon to or provided for it
by a coating of whito foil auplicd to
the lower sido of the glass The set
ting of many diamonds is arranged in
such a way that the buyer may see the
under side of tho gem. This was over
come by arranging tho settting as to
prevent inspection of this kind, which
could not be done unless the stone was
dismounted, if wo may use that term.
"With these facts known to the buy
er of diamonds, he need not be deceiv
ed except in the Utter case, where tho
stilting hides tho under surface, and if
he hits any doubt about that he can let
it alone. But the object of imitation
diamonds is not to deceive buyers ; if
it was they would not bo offered for
two dollars. No one, however defici
ent in diamond criticism, need be de
ceived iu buying diamonds. No deal
er of any repute ovor attempts to sell
imitation for real diamonds. No repu
table man over thought of it. His rep
utation and occupation would soon bo
gone. There are very few persons who
buy trinkets who do not test their
wares at other than tho buying place,
particularly if the gem is a costly ono,
and it is certain that no ono was ever
presented with jewelry of presumable
worth who did not set out at once to
learn its purity and value, and very
disappointing it has doubtless been to
find in some cases that the gold or dia
mond was only brass or glass."
Mr. P. T. Quinn, market-gardener,
who has tried fifteen different mixtures
or decoctions for tho cabbage-worm,
prefers twenty parts of gypsum, three
or four of quicklime and ono of carbolic
acid, sprinkled thinly over tho loaves
vhen wet with dew or rain, repeating
the application as often as necessary,
which may bo a number of times.
It has been tho practico of tho Inte
rior Department to hand each Indian
reservation over to the religious teach
ings of ono particular denomination, so
that the converts became Methodists,
Baptists, or something else, purely ac
cording to chance and never from
choice. This is now to bo changed.
Under tho new arrangement the Ro
man Catholic Church will go into the
field with a large force of priests.
A compound is described for the
preparation of what are termed safety
envelopes. That part of the envelope
covered by the flap is treated with a
solution of chromic acid, ammonia,
sulphuric acid, sulphate of copper, and
fine white paper. The flap itself is
coated with a solution of isinglass iu
acetic acid, and, when this is moisten
ed aud passed down on tho under part
of the envelop, a solid cement is form
ed, entirely insoluble in acids, alkalies,
hot or cold water, steam, Ac.