Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 27, 1881, Image 4
[Cleveland Leader. Mr. Orlando Weateerbee, savs an exchange of ours, proprietor ' The Spencer Pharmacy," Spencer, Mass., reports: My customers speak ve _ r y highly of the Great German Remedy, St Jacobs Oil, it having always given excellent satisfaction. One of them. Mr. Henry Belcher, has been greatly benefited by its uee 5 n a case of severe rheumatism, and be refers to it in terms of highest praise. A certain voung lady has appropri ately named' ber do* Penny, because it was one sent to ber. Had barber's itch for years, terribly. Doctors failed. Peroiia cured me. C. Beck, Allegheny, Pa. Plagarism has met with punishment ia the case of William A. Mestayer, an actor, who produced in Boston, after an injunction bad been obtained, a play which he had stolen. He has been fined $1,481. A Philadelphia man being slapped in the face by his wite, turned white with rage, stood still for a moment as though irresolute, and then, procuring a gun from an adjoining room commit ted suicide. My son had'a terrible skin disease of bead and face. Peruna cured him. Mra. E. Yetter. Pittsburgh. Italian laborers are nearly as unpop ular In Prance as the Chinese are in California, because they work for wages at which a Frenchman turns up his nose and because tbey are steadier and more intelligent. Parents should not forget that their shoe bills can be reduced one half by purchasing for their children shoes with the A. 6. T. Black Tip upon them. They wear as long as the metal, while adding to the beauty of the shoe. The drains leading from the Phila delphia Mint yielded about SI,OOO worth of gold and silver at tbc last annual scouring. Tbc recovery of metal by that operation has amounted to $21,000 in nieteen years. A lady who occupied a cottage at Mount Desert last summer had a box made lor her jewelry in imitation of a Bible. While absent one day fome one entered ber house and carried off her silverware, but ber box of jewelry was undisturbed. The hanging of nineteen Molly Magnires in the anthracite coal region of assassins there; but the recent murder of a mine manager at Dunbar brings out tbe fact that an organization of tbe same kind exists in tbe western part of tbe State- Senators Bayard and Cameron, James Duffy, of Marietta, and Ex- Senator Wallace, who are fishing in Clinton eonnty, take their meals and sleep in a special car supplied by tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Three more boys have died in Balti more from lockjaw, tbe result of injuries I received from the use of toy pistols on the Fourth of July. This makes a to tal of seventeen cases of lockjaw from that cause. A celebrated Italian bandit, Giusep- CExposito, was captured in New Or ins last week and sent back to France. One of bis crimes—cutting off the ears of an Englishman who fell into hiß clutches—made him famous throughout England. Linley Sambaurue, John Tenniel, George De Maurier, and Charles Keenc are tbe principle illustrators of Punch] Harry Furaiss is tbe chief illustrator of the Illustrated News, Herbert Johnson of the Qraphic, Les lie Ward of Vanity Fair, and Wallis Mackay of the Sporting and Dramatic Ndws. Mile. Rhea, who is to make a theat ricat tour of this country next season, is a native of Belgium, but bas until lately acted in France. Her first act ing fa English was done in London last monib. She is by no means a great actress, it is said, though a pleas ing one. Her roles are mostly Shakes pearen. Ai Attempt is to be made in Phila delphia to enforce the law against carrying concealed weapons. Police men are to search everj mam whom thej have any reason to suspect, and arrest, those on whom pistols are found. The Mayor, who is resposible for the monument, believes thut it will do ranch ur prevent murders. A' member of the Carleton Club of London was so incivil to the club ser vants that they appealed to the Gov erning Committee. The member was censured, and not expelled. One gen tleman who took his part said that no member of the Carleton Club should be expelled unless be cheated at cards or was a follower of Mr. Gladstone. Ad Austin teacher, who has frequent occasion to punish his pupils, asked one of them the other day if he knew why be had lust been punished. The boy was silent. 'Don't you know,' said the teacher, 'that you were whip ped because you were disobedient?' 'That wasn't the reason,' said the boy, sullenly. 'What was the reason, then V 'Because you are bigger than I am.' Do clergymen commonly fish on Sunday while on their summer vaca tions? A minister's wife says so iu a letter to the Congregationalint, but the editor repies: 'We believe this to be a gross libel upon evangelical min isters generally. We have seen a large number of such ministers on their vacations year after year in vari ous places, and have never known one to go fishing on Sunday.' "It's No Use,' says the despondent dyspeptic. But it is of use-. Your sufferings can be relieved ; thousands have been cured, and you can also. Broken down, desponding victims of dyspepsia, liver complaint, fever and ague, rheumatism, nervous debility or pcrmature decay, will find in Simmons Liver Regulator a vegetable specific which reaches the source of the trouble and effects au absolute and permanent cure. It regulates the liver, dispels de spondency and restores health. He had occupied the door step with his brand new girl all evening and never once Baid ice cream, although it was fearfully hot and she was just perishing for some of Heisey's best. Finally be said : 'Have you seen the comet?' 'Yes,' she answered. Then there was a long pause, and her voice broke the silence with : 'I wish you were a comet.' 'Do you,' said he, and clutched convnlsivelv at her hand; 'Wey do you wish f was a comet?' 'Because— because,' said she, 'because you could then come around only once in a hundred years.' The subsequent astronomy didn't seem to interest bim. —Don't pay ten cents a pound for Bradley Stove Plates when you can get them at Bockenstein's for six. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! GRAND DISPLAY THIS WEEK AT Rosenbaum & Co.'s, 112 114 , U6> Market Street, Cor. Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH. JFA.. FOR PRESENTS. PRESENTS. A PRESENTS. PRESENTS. PRESENTS. . PRESENTS. PRESENTS. And 1,000 other nsefal Presents at Immense LOW PRIOEB. lßO|| ■ A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STREN6THENER.A SURE REVIVER. IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tOllll' | especially Djspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appctiu, Los* of Strength, Lack of £nrr<ry, tk. if nc 1 the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the jitrek#. J"ey jyt like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, suxn as Tailing the Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach Heartburn, etc. J. he only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth QJ ffi ve headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the AB C Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading— tent free, BROWN CHEMICAL, CO,, Baltimore, Md. BITTERS EVERY MAN. WOMAN AND CHILD . ' SHOULD USE IT. Herbaline Syrup, THK GREAT MEXICAN liEMEDY. Tlie only Medicine in tlie WorldCoinpuiidedfrom the Xatural Roots and Herbs ot Mexico j HERBALINE BYR UP, (NO ALCOHOLIC DHINK.) The most valuable remedy ever discovered 111 tlie \ ea table Kingdom for the speedv and permanent cure <>f Dyspepsia. Habitual < ostivei.es*. Liver and Kidney Complaints, Scrofula, Kbeuinatbm, Plies, Dropsy, lleurt Disease, Ner vous Affectiena and ChroiilelMseases. HERBALINK SYRUP, (NO VINEGAR COMPOUND.) Hie purest and IwHt Medieine in the world for delicate Females, whether young or old. married or single, at tlie drown of womanhood or Hie turn of life, relieving and curing their complaints as if by Magic. Eor the iitfed and tlie feeble i this Tonic Syrup has uo equal. HE R B A L I N JiT S Y Til J IJ,1 J , (NO MINERAL 1'OISON.) A swift and sure relief in Mental and Physical Prostration caused by over-taxing the mind and body with business and professional cares. HERBAL I IST E BYRUP, (A VITALIZING TONIC.) Un*«niJilecl as :i medicine (liildren,b^HjKe;isy of admin istration. pleasant niicl refreshing to take, prompt in Its action ; certain in its muiit*, and aUvavH safe and reliable. No Vermifuge. Lozenges, or other inedietues will free the sys tem from Worms like this wonderful \Viid Herb Tonic. HERBALINE SYRUP, (THE I.II'E GIVING PRINCIPLE.) Skin diseases of whatever Millie or nature,such as Eruptions, Blotches. Pimples, Ringworms. Scrofula. Ac., are literally dug up and carried out of the system by this great Tonic and Alternative, while the complexion is rendered clear and beautiful. HERBALINE HYIiDP, (PURELY HEKItAL.) A genuine incdlciuc»warrautcd free front Calomel, Arsenic, Opium, Quinine, and Alcohol In all Its forms. The most valuable Family Medicine In the World. 9 l«v:'%% r A at ■> isi.lTenil for a ciw of Chronic Disease that this great Tonic Syrup v. ill fail to cure or greatly benefit. If the directions are strictly TRY IT, PRICE SI.OO PER BOTTLE. PREPARED BY THE STAHDABD MEDICINE COMPANY, PITTSBURGH, I'V. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. i MARCH Ist, 1881. Special Bargain, One Lot, 10 Pieces LIGHT BLUE SILKS, Extra quality and delicate shades, clear and fresh, at the Remarkable price of 45 cts., worth 75c to $1 per yard. NHW FOREHiN SUITINGS. Choice New I'lald.s. Choice New Home Spun Checks. Choice New Stuck Incites. AH 42 to 4c» inch goods at 75c to SI |>er yard. One cane Kxtra Value and Kxtra Wide, -tU-lncli COLOKKI) CASH MERKS, at 85<-, Special Ilurgulu*. Coloral French < ajdimere*, SJ'/tC, 50c and K!'/ t c up. On Sale To-day, 100 pieces « inch Itlack Cashmere, at &ftic up an I'll usual I'aruaiu, •fct-lncli lllai-k Cashmeres, at Usc and 91.00. NEW FANCY BLACK <;<>Ol>S. Quadrilles, I>akk:iCre|M!s, Arm tin's, Jersey Cords, lirocaded Silk Caslimercs. Choice Macs Itest Makes Mourning floods. Crepe# and Cn |H' Veils, Shawls, Sc. One «*se I kiuhlc Fold American llla<-k Kepps, at 15c, (or School Suit*. Wrappers, &c., a great bargain and real valua 85c. BOGrGrS & BUHL, 118 and 120 Federal Street, .Allegheny. (. B.—Special close prices at retail or by the piece or package on Domestic and Housekeeping l>ry <>ds, Linens, Towels and Napkins. Very s|>eclal bargains iu Quilts and Blankets. N. B.—Special close prices at retail or by the pieci Goods, Linens, Towels and Napkins. Very si>e< ial I BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. <3. C. ROBSSING, President. WIS. CAMrUELL. TkkaSUKKK H. C. lIEINEMAN, Skcbetahv DIRECTOIIS: J. L. Purvl#, E. A. Ilclmboldt, William Campbell, iJ. W. Iluikluirt, K. Trontiim.), i Jacob Sclioene. O. 0. Roenslnjr, John Caldwell, Dr. VV. lrvin, j J. J. Croll. J. W.Christy ! H. C. Heineraan. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ae't _ BUTLER PA. DAWN or Liglit on tlio Orcat Future in thin Life thro the Dark Valley ami in the Life Ktci ual. ILLUS TBATEIJ. Helix fa»t. l'ayn over f\f\ A. MONTH qp J-V/Ukok AGENTS Hand for circular ami termn. Aluo Bencl addrotw of two or more book agents and teri cnntH for oo«t of mailing, and receive the Peoj>le'n Maga zine uf choice literature free for 0 montliH. Ad dress P W. ZIEOLER A (X).. 915 Arch Street, l'hiladelphia. Pa. VENNOR'S PREDICTIONS! For this Month's Wenthcr. prepared expressly lor BT3DI)ART*6 REVIEW. Smnplr Copy Unilttl for :!<• Stamp. J. M. Btoi>dakt, Pub., Mew York, l*liili> . or Chicago. tSjuly^O e liwtljwe ©l*i»e*»: PatUe» 3«tg 2T, 1881. BUY KII) GLOVES. SILK UMBRELLAS, ALPACA. UMBRELLAS, LEATHER SATCHELS, BOUTMONNIES, GENT'S CARD CASES, SILK MUFFLERS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS EMBR< )IDERED II AN DKEKC 111EF^, MOTT<> IIANDKKRCHIF'.F'S, JEWKLLFY RQ.XES, IME VST P»S«, C'L'FF HUTTONAT, SCA::.* I'lN'\ UNDERWEAT:, SILK SL'SPEN DFIRS, CARDIGAN JACKETS, LACE SCARFS. GENT'S SCARFS, SCISSORS, KNIVES, LADIES' FANCY SETS, I'ULI B}:TE, FL'EJCAPS, TRIMMED HATS AND KORTMTITS. Two lots Extra Choice I'.lack Satin Ilaiiiasses, large elegant designs, at KS> and 50 per yard, tllsit are fully 50cent* per yard less than usual maiket value. I«uge line Satin Dain asses, at 81.00. 51.25 and SILKS AND SATINS, Blacks and Colors. Colored Silks, :«7Hc cents up. Iliack Silks, of best known makes, including the celebrated Bonnet Goods. I .urge lot litulle*' Muslin Underwear, of superior style and finish, and at bargain prices. Indies' Unlaundried Muslin Chemises, on coun ter ai .'>o cents each. Choice line Bridal Sets, 81.00 to 820.00 each. New Iloii.lou or Irish Point Embroideries. New Veldenia (I«U'e Edge) Kmbrouleries. New Hamburg*—great bargains. New Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries. New White Goods and Figured Swisses. IMPROVE THE HOUR. GUENTHER'S LUNG HEALER CURES CONSUMPTION, Spitting of I'.lood, Broncliit v. AsOmia, Coughi, uud all dlseiisMH of tlio f'ulm>>usry 3 Price SO C'rnlD nntl One Dollar. CUENTHER Si CO. Proprietor*. 39 Fifth Avenue. PITTSBURGH, PA. AnU your DruggiMt fur it. VBA-SANO TUC HRFAT A comiw>un<l of tli« active principles of m . • .»1!L Euc»lynC»* JUrM|.artlla. Meadrake. I I\p C iMntali'tU, Kidney Wort. BuC hu, I XB Kml\ U-'ps. tewhich act* promptly on - m m m th« Liver. Kidnuye, Wood, Bt/imach V au'l Bowrls at th'« lime time. These P| 111 F" ¥ organs are »•» intimately sonnected |\ | | f | ihut when uut» is discaeed. Iher ail " ajjd becoiuu in'iry or Icm affected. Ileuce H ■ 4* n the Kr«at value eud •u|»crionty of EJ I 11 II II thta «omi|k.uuJ, which restores them P U all to healthy active, aud m a tonic, T% mWXTW bulla# ui> the entire iyrtem. It le |\ Pj \JLTjU X *)•<>* w*o«4«%iui}bl* remedy fur Head- M. A nti.RlHoua Uilu.usiicM. Coast)- » Anil PmOU | kiws. GravaJ, V».ia»U tVd#kn«M. all fOISTIC. IMusim, JwrofuU«4 and fri'tii. »Hic affection*, old eoree au*l ulcerg. PUaaaot to take, 'frl* totrlee r»cH. l.arne bottle#. 50ctf. All drtir*««tJ end country st' have it. or will get it for you. Also pre|.»r«l in MimiX iniU. and mailed f«»r 23<tr a bo*. AoK*re Win mix. HOME WEDICINt '». PbiladcJpbia. l'a. \vc»ok In your own town. Tcmis ami V* vOOoyiJjt Iyer. \ l.la'M li. HAlXfeTl' & Co., i'ortlanu, Maiac. The Cyclopaedia War. The month of July, iSSi, witnesses the completion of the largest and most important literary work this country and the century have seen. It is the Library of Universal Knowledge, large type edition, in 15 large octavo volumes, containing 10 per cent more matter than Appleton's Cyclopedia, at less than one-fifth its cost, and 20 per cent more than Johnson's Cyclopaedia, at a little more than one-fourth its cost. Chambers's Encyclopedia, which forms the basis of the Library of Universal Knowl edge (the last London edition of ISSO being reprinted verbatim as a portion of its con tents) is the laborious product \M' t of the ripest British and Euro pean scholarship. It has devel- W I QTO I V oped lhrough a ccntur y of Cy clopedia making; its various ■-w ■ j editions having been many times revised, in successive years, till it has come to be universally recognized, by those com petent to judge, as standing at the very front of great aggregations of knowledge, and better adapted than any other Cyclopaedia for popular use. It contains such full and important information as the ordinary reader, or the careful student, is likely to seek, upon about 25,000 subjects in every department of human knowledge. Chambers's Encyclopedia, however, is a foreign production, edited and published for a foreign market, and could not be cx- mm ■ pected to give as much promi nence to American topics as P I f)£ American readers might de sire. To supplv these and ■ other deficiencies a large corps of American editors and writers have added important articles upon about 15,000 topics, covering the entire field of human knowledge, bringing the whole number of titles under one alphabetical arrangement to about 40,000. Thus the work is thoroughly Americanized, and the Libmry of Universal Knowledge becomes at once the latest and most complete Encvclopedia in the field, at a mere fraction of the cost of any similar work which has preceded it. Q { of the 15 volumes, complete, in extra cloth binding, $15.00. In half I II C G Russia, sprinkled edges, it} hal| fiuSSMt, g>U top, #23. JO. In fuf( library sheep, marbled edges, $25.00, Tha superlative value and importance of this great Encyclopedia lies especially in the fact that it :3 brought within the reach of every one who aspires after knowledge and culture. It is really a libra- *7 of . « niver *d knowl edge. It brings a liberal |#gVQ]|jT|On e ? uc ? uon , eaS J ly w,lhm the reach even of every ■*** T VIMUVII plowboy of the country and apprentice boy of the city. Every farmer and every mechanic in the land owes it to him Mf and to his children that such a Cyclopedia shall henceforward form a part of the butifit tit his homo, ■*<, the piwfessiMWl and every person of intelligence ji? ptpre walk of life, a Cyclopedia is it nKdiltyl _ Of course the old and wealthy publishers who have grown rich (it is said that the Appletons have made a profit of nearly two million dollars on their Cyclopedia) from the sale of their high-priced publications are not pleased that their monopolies are broken and [[jgjf power overthrown. Of course the book agents and booksellers who have been used to ttcuiua from 40 to 60 per cent commission for selling these high priced books ou aa A M a nor wfeii "td'fitf pi ff Ifl II II II K Ifn Library of Universal Knowledge 1 VW VJ ItV on 15 per cent commission, thouerh those who are not short-sighted discover that their own interests, after all, are identical with the interests of the people, and their real in the end, are increased, by the immense sales which result from meeting the people s wants. The majority of booksellers however are better pleased to slander than to sell this and our numerous other iWdaru and Jqw-Rrlcc4 t>i»i.licaiic>.)». PWI Keyomtion' fM always looked to tkcpeopTe, in' whose InieresWit Is; tof its -patronage, arid it has tieVef I'joked in vain, as our more than BM | ■ » .. „ £** fniliioi] yolumes printed last I Q j y McClllSi year <this yeat belli*; ™ . « „ 2)7 ' -v --to probably more than two millions) abundantly prove. V-oi) can Cyclopaedia directly from us, and by uniting with your neighbors and friends you can secure club rates as follows: k discount of 10 per cent will bo allowed to anyone ordering tt on© time three or more Rets of the cent will be allowed to any oao orderly live or more seu.ton. As a special inducement to our friends and patrvns to go to jwork promptly and yigafc (iusly, each doing what he can for the dissemination of universal knowledge, we propose to distribute SIO,OOO in special premiums as follows, in addition to the regular discount to clubs': &K OAO RAWfIPd totxMli»tribuie<l equallyamonsr tho first 9»tUW noWIU U of not t h all fl v e after Juup 15th and before Sejitem. AC AAA PonrflltH In ad?Htinn to the first «5.(O0 to be distributed among the 100 club agent* If 9 tIJuU iVO W«,l U who, (luring the umr tlnu>. semi uu the largest numbrr of tubscrtben, fioi ie«& tiifaft In pumber, the amount to be fljstributed proportionately to the whole number ot subscribers which cacn Ot uiO clut) nts may send uu. w ji Tho dhitios i »t the sub»ciil>ers must I» every i&gp be to pq. The fir«tJfVJ®2si m i Y» . trlbut4>d unpeoiflo<l as rapidly as tho ordurs are received, and the renuiJuipK lie dlsffibUiM promptly on Sept. Ist. The names of the persona receiving these rewards will lie printed, with the received by each, and the list sent to all the club agents entering into competition for them. Bubacriuera must be actual j/urchascrs for individual uw, to entitle the club agent to tho rewards under tliis Otter, ftUd not booksellers or agents who buy to sell again. lL . . . .. Persons desiring to raise clubs may send to us at once for sample volumes, if they desire, in the various styles of binding, paying us 73 cents for the volume in cloth. SI.OO for the volume in half Russia, sprinkled vdgor , and $1.25 for the volume in library sheep. Orders for the full sets will be filled by us withi the utmoi| within o?jr ability to manufacture, beginning not later than July 10th, orders being filled in toe Specimen ihe*''Mbtasy <•# (Jniversal Knowledge M will be sent free upon request. Rescriptiv# Cfttarogue of ourlarge fi»t of standard pubfic|it|o|t«, terms to clubs, iuid illustrated Mimphlet describing boi'k -making and type-setting by will be seut upon application- by bank draft, monejr order, reglsterevl loiter, or 6y oxpress. Fractions of SLOO may be sent in postage-stamp#, AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, ' JOHN B. ALL)EN, MANAGER. 764 Broadway, New York. WHY DOES ,v. f* l.na!th «ftcn break down at an ..ulyageT Put a man at the wish-tub. i IL. I i-orn tiic hot Mitls until every pore is opened; tlien let him stand o* er the Idthy steal tiiat « sfr m I ftnd boilinff clothes, that are full of sweat and exhalat jons frojii iii«r '■\ i . ...i i. j i uli'i f-»o would A WOMAN f h>s i i with on wash-day; and, besides, with her clothing WC-t perspln^nu a : ' wort ?. l!iT"> risk ho" la' by going out in the air to hang up tho dollies, tvei .-t work arl- in the unhealthy atm^here; its smell, w ...parent to sh< ; w , , it I S its wav tlirouL'h the house,— tho taraily, however, often becamnig so m< us i.. m'l the in'-euliar oilor from iu own wash as not to notice iL These facu. rea.U y ei |,: • w y bo muuy women Miller with eokls, rheumatism, weak nerves, or neural,,... aud LOOK OLD .... . voiip" in years and physieKns bud boards of health Mnnot draw atientn-n t<« to the of the ust.al way of washing, with t* . , )r luiiiiiJ to eet tlie clothes l.ure aud hWeet-smelling, especially as it Is without doul.t ffe fllreet V? 11% of those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, .nd typhoid i ; . 4ai ati'lS^lhli? trouble can bo avoided; scalding, boiling, steam and .11 dbagreeablo 11. II rami ihe v.tsh completely done away with; clothes made sweet and beautifully'* cod than even -he utome-madcwapu «««/, and »er> much SOONER THAN 1.,* , „avl.v FHANK SIUDAIXS SOAP,-a Soap so purifying and rteaneliijf sisr sirf trsuss WW,gnaaa sifeTS'ir.m.a l.ow that there is . remedy for tliis, so economical thtU Ulcere* can ux U, there b not a » oUi.n or A MAN ->TLoTIMONIALB<- From 11. H M. D., llammonton, N. J., Kditor !i J'rst y Republican. »fy attention was called to FRANK SIDDALLB ijO\p from an advertisement in my own paiier, and its use in my house for a year, according to tl.e .lirei-uoiis, has proved that IU rem.rk.ble ! rojierlie. liave not been overstated. Pojr fpmov uu; printing ink it la Invaluable, while for atitl V&uviKK it I* the best aoap I have ever seen. From MM IL t.. KEN vox. NorthfielU, Vt, Iniy wash with FHANK HIDDAI.L.SSOAP In »Mlf toe time and with no expense fi>r Hoap, at CM 'ivina in fuel nun '- Hi'tn pnyi/irr IL I tiave no steam - scent from f he wash, while the saving in cali h, clothes and labor can hardly be estimated. .'rem E. \V. STANTON, 1506 X. 3)th St., I'll Had a. We are cnr.n.lent, from a lone isiir' nod r.*r.»mmenclinrf FItANK -I) • !>, ibi.t one trial, according to the very eajr r .. , will overcome all prejudices. Ft A. U aL,;' iuLi wonderful merit tor .having, toll -t. ;, P following nre Ihe Directions lor Vn, »o simple that a child can »..der«ta..U them. do anjtlUng #u riaipul<)U» »» to b »y thu SoH «» unleiil yoa ,utond follow n " •„< KM poaltlvely forfeited If it injure* the fktbPff PT wUI do ™erytlil»[f clnluvd. First, put the white clothes in a tub of water, only made warn} WWWgh to be comfortable , t;,c hands. Then take one piece out at a time on the wash-board, rub the Soap lightly .or it roll it up and put it back into the same tub, and so on with each piece until all •a«-c the Soap rubbed on them. Then go away and let them soak at least twenty minute*, •thout touching them, when the dirt will all be loosened, and a very little rubbing ou „e >"-ish-board out of that one suds, will make them perfectly clean, being particular to turn each piece while washing so as to get at the seams. Then wash lightly on the -.ra,..- ~oartl through p lukewarm rinse-water (without any Soap,) so as to get the dirty suds out. i hen put through blll#.W4t«f, oq the line, without scalding or boiling a *tnglf )n(Cf Afterward put flannels and colored pieces J?. »f>4 sr ash them cxacl, y thc sa,lU ' it is important aot to heat the wash-water in a tin, bra*# Uf copper kettle. A tea «.i*.t ■ w ;il | ica » enough water for a large wash with this Soap. Just Think What You will Save by this Easy Way of Washing! No Wash-boiler! No Steam! No Smell of Suds through the IIousc! It has the remarkable Property of keeping the Diih-Cloth, Wash-Lay crui Sponge always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in Hard Water. -*~i SOLD BY OROCERSi-^ Get a Cake and Try it for Yourself next Wash-Day. . o Points whoro this Soap la not yet Introduced a Trial Cake will bo sent by Mail, on receipt of Pries, (10 Centa), in Money or Stamps. ,I,Bn T E „ ss o^ e LE o7 ERS FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP, 7iß €ALLOWHILL ST,. PHILADELPHIA. PA.. Tffmted ACJE VI'S! AtIATS! AGEXTB! JOHN 1!. COUGH'S bran' new book, cntitlid SUNLIGHTANO SHADOW m the tnt duncu offered m y«u sra flrawn Irum the brivlit mid ilu.ly nidvt of lift, John B. can portray them. This work— nmo for the/,frst time fidunhed —is the " booming " book for agents, and it outselling all others ten to one. The thirty-third thousand is tvow iu press. Its immense sale lias been mailt* entirrly by active canvassers. No other book com pares with it fur quick and profitable returns. We are starting inorc agents now than ever before, and we be lievj the sale of this book will reach One Hundred Thousand Copies in the next few months. Wt uani f <xx) more agents at once, to supply this grand l»« iu the jhousands who are waiting for it. Renumber ftia s*U }« oni y ftoiff commencing. Tlie book is entirely new, and most u/ tk r terpitfiry is dear. Agents, tuny is yonr time to tmik* and .# fjj* s.iiiie time circulate a thoroughly first-class beoH. itju elusive Territory and very Social Terms v'iven. Sendfor our larjre circulars containing fu'l particulars. Atldross A. I) WUKTHINGTO.N& Co., Publishers, Hartford. CX Only SQO WBKrn ,or th,s B W° ot Philadelphia SI.MiKK, K'lualtoaoy Bing«r in lh«» market. K**nuinb*r f ute mend fJJ it to be examined before you VI vvflU ;"*!/ /or it. This U the time Ami retail for S6O Ml/' All Machine W lr>r Hir«*«» IW J| yp<*rn. 8«»r»d for our lUui»««»i.4 d Cir flJJpjA cular and Tefltitnouisl4. A<lU..-aa CHAKLUS A. WOOD * CO., U 1. TsoU Bt, tfeluUpfc*, it and .11 household uses. Mid as It become.-, rr.or* generally known, must iiave an Immense sale. From Mas. E. STOCKWELI., llammonton. X. J. FRANK 81DDALLS SOAP has been used in my house for the lost seven months, and by follow Ins the printed directions, we find it to do every thing claimed on the wrappers. We have not ScaUkd or boiled a single article, and 'h* are luhaer iuul sweeter thim u-hm uru/ied in the old wav. ISly husband. S''P ls ' l dealer here, has . steadjr for lit® ?f om I ' l * customer*. ___ From MANAGER or DKTMUIISDIT.*! Sixth Street, Corner C Street. N.W., W Mbiiigton. 1). C. No laundry or family can afford to be without FHANK SIDDALLS SOAP. We follow iliree- Hons and use no other Soap, and have a reputation second to no laundry 'n Washington for clothes; the superior work we have been eiiubled Ui turn out having secured us the trade ot some of the best gentlemen's furnishing stores iu the city. Lace Curtains, T.AMBREQITINN, COBN ICES, CORNICE POLES, AllT DECORATIONS IN GENERAL AT H. aoltwnan's, Practical I'nhoUtersr ami uiannfitplwre*' pf Mattresses ami I tedding, 74 WOOD STREET, my 11:3 m PITTSBURGH, PA. DEPOT OMNIBUS. As John Walters no longer driven the Depot Omnibus for me, the same being placed iu pjfarife of John Williamson, the patrunago of lily FORMEIi CUSTOMERS is earnestly solicited, ax the best attention will lie given them, and they will be taken to any part of Ihe town they desire. All order* can be left at the Ixiwry House or with Mr. Williamson or myself at the Livery Stable, West Cunningham street, and they will receive prompt attention. jeß:sw SAMUEL FRY. 4n C9flL M '*' 111 l»ome. Saiuples worth 99 iO nee. Ajjrvis tirismtx A Co., I'ortUojU, Mjjuc. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. UTLZR, KAKXS CUT AND I'AHKEH HAI LKOAI> Train* leave Bailer for St. Jot, Millerstown Karire Clly, I'etrolU, Parker, etc., at 7.27 a. u> •ud 3.25 and 7.25 p. m. T nil LIB arrWe at Butler from the above named points nt 7..T a. ui.. and 2.15, and 7.T5 p. or The 2.15 train connects mith tr:ilu on the Weal Penn raid through to Pittsburgh. SHKNANOO AND ALLEOHBKY KAtLKOAR Trains leave Milliard's Mill, Butler county, for Harrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. ui. and 2.25 p. tn. Trains arrive at Milliard's Mills at 1:45 A, SC., and 5.55 p. v. Hacks to sud from Petrolia, Mnrtinsburg. Fairvlew, Modoc and Troutiuan, council at 1111- lard with all irnius ou the 3 A A road. I'BMNIiTLVANIA KAILKOAU. Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time. Market at 5.00 a. in., goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at 9.01 a. lit. This train cou cects at Free port with Freci>ort Accouimo'la tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. in., railroad time. RrpretM at 7.21 a. m., connecting at Butler Junctioti, without change of ears, at 8.20 with Express west, arriving lu Allegheny at V.56 a. in., and Express east arriving at Bltirsville at 10 55 a. in. railroad time. Mail at 2.26 p. m., connecting at Butler Junc tion without change ol ears, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 501 p. ui., and Ex press east arriving at Biuirsviile lntersectloL at 5 55 p. in. ntilroud time, which connects w'th Philadelphia tcxprets east, when on tiuie. The 7.21 a. m. train connects at Blalrsville at 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2.36 p. m. train at 6.5U with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Train* arrive at Butler on West Peun R. R. at 9.5fi a. m., 4.58 and 7.01 p. rn., Butler time. The V.56 ttuil 4.6fl traiu* connect "wlib trains on the Butler <£ Parker R. R. Main Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh tor the Ear* it 2.56 and 8.26 a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 ai.d 8.06 p. m., arriving at Philadelphia at 5.40 imrt f-20 p. tn aud HOg, 7 g »W B, Mt.i Al "HulUuiort About I'u'i i.('wo t.uic.it New York three hours later, and at Washington about one and a ball hours later. Time ol Holding Court*. The several Courts of tl'O TC"fcU" 0» Butler codiUlouuS o,i jlie ais( March, June. September and December, and coutinne two weeks, or so long as necessary to dispoue of the business. No c&uses are put down for trial or traverse jurors enmmoned for the first of the PHYSICIANS. JOHN E. BYERS, W>AM*GEON, my2l-ly] BUTLER, PA. OITn-e on Jifferson street, opposite JCJingler's Flour Store. DKNTTSTS. * - o|/ WALDRON. Gr: duate ol the Phil It atlclphia Dental Collegers prepare' ■ ll ■to do any thing tn the line ol' h'n profes»ion in a sails factory manner. Office ou Main street, Butler, Union Block, up stairs. a Pll ATTORNEYS AT LAW BUTLER, PA. A. M. CORNELIUS" Office with W. P. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, Butler, Pa. J. F. BRITTAIN, Office with L Z. Mitchell, Diamond. A." M. CUNNINGHAM, Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. S. II PIERSOL. Office op K- K- cot per piapiond, Riddle build ing. JHovl'J JOHN M. GREEK. Office on N. E. corner Diamond. novlS ~WM. H. LUSK, Office with W. 11. 11. Riddle, Esq. NEWTON BLACK, Office on Diamond, near Court House, south aide. E. I. BRUGH, Office In Riddle's Law Building. S. F. BOWSER. Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'76 J. B. McJUNKIN. Special glveu to collection* Offio opposite wlll4r(i tUfUSP "JOSEPH B. BIIEDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond. Butler Pa. H. H. GOUCHER, Office in Schnnideman's building, up stab*. J, T. DONLY Office near Court House. f * 74 W. D. BRANDON, ebl7-75 Office In Berg's building CLARE#Pg WALKER Offioe in Bisdiw building- WWI7-1 FERD REIBER, Office In Berg's new buildlug, Main street.ap#l) ~ F. M EASTMAN, Office in Bredin building. LEVTMcQUISUON, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court Bouse JOS. p. VANDERLIN, Office Uaiu sheet, 1 few 0i P°RFt Hons* Wra KORQUER, Office on Main street, opposite Vogelej House. GEO. R. WHITE," Office N. E. coruer of Diamond FKANCIS S~ PURVIANCK, Qffjpe with Gen. J N. Purviance, Main street, south of OtwfßfcQSs'- J. 1). MeJUNIUtf,"" Office In Scbneldeman's bultdlnir, west side ol Main street, 2nd square from Court House. A. G. WILLIAMS, Office on Diamond, two doors west of Cinz*> office. api!6 (J. CAMPBELL, Office in bergs new building, i»4 Aftpf. side Main st., a few doors south of Lowr) House. marS—tf r, A. SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond. BLACK <fc BRO., Ofltep Qn tjeln street one door south o Hrtdy Block, liuftpr. p|. ' "" J*op. §, 1874. JOHN M MILLER & BRO. Office in Brady's Law Builiiug, Main street, south of Court House. Euuk.nk U. Mii.lkh, Notary Public. Jun4 lj THOMAS ROBINSON, ~~ BUTLER, PA. JOHN 11. NEGLEY, fVOives particular attention to transactions Qua? Hff<?SM ~oat th ® ° OUI!t y- „ Orrjox Qtf Qff jjjjt Hoes*, ii- Cms** Hvtf4iina E. R. EEKI.cr, KBKNKur M*ksball (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY tfe MARSHALL. Office in Brady's Law building. Sept.?,?* ~~C O. CHRISTIE, Attorney ut Law. Lcgut business carefully traui<acled. Collections made aud promptly remitted. Buxinest correspondence prompt!) attended to and auiwered. opposite Lowry (louse, Butler, Pa. » ■ "ij''»*""iVim'tf ii in" ii n 1 Union Woolen MUl* BUTLER. PA. H. FDLLERTOX. Pw'r. Manufacturer ot Blanket*, Klankels, Yanivs, Ac. Also custom work done to order, such a* curding Rolls, making Blankets, Klunnels, Knit ting and Weaving Yarns, Ac., at very low prices. Wool worked on the shares, it de ifred. ®* 7l > ~ THE GREAT BURLINGTON ROUTE. CST"So other line runs Three Through Paa aengt-r Trains Dniiy IK'tWITH Chicinfo, I)cs Miiin< v, » t Council Ijltiffs, Omaha. I.incoln. St. Joseph, Atcbisou, Topeka and Kansas City. Direct iiianections for uli points in Kansas, Nclirtsks. Colorado. Wyoming. Moiitnna, Ne vatls r' cw Mexico. Arixona, lduho, Oretfon aU'J Calit rnia. The Shortest, S[>ee<lie;»t Most rN-mforta blc lloute viaHaniUUU lo kHirt Scott. Denison, Dallas, AUstln. Sun Antonio, Calves ton nurl nil points in Texas. Tbo uneiiualed inducements ( ffered by this Line to Travelers nnd Tourist*, ure as follows: The celebrated Pullman (W-wheel) Palace Cars, rtin only on this I.lne. C %x B. * Q Psiace Cars. w.tU Morton's Kecliiiin;; t'haiis. o*|m cnarve for Seats In IteClLkVii'l* %-ioiiri. The famous C.. It. A Q. Paliteo nlrtftiK Cars. Oorsreous Smoking Cars fitted with Klejrant HUih-Rnc-kcd Rattan Re volvlng t hairs for the exclusive use of flrat chtss p is=enjfers. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com bined with their Oreat Through Car Arrange ment, make* this, above all other- Route to the South. Soy»hiYv*»'-» n " the Far West. «, unit you will And traveling a luxury Instead of n discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celebrated Lino for sale ut all offices In the United States HU<l Canada. All information <>* Farr, Sleep [rtr C«4. 'lime 1 ablcs, Ac.. ! tnrl bo cheerfully given, and will send hre to any address an elegant County A/up of L'nited States, in colors, by applying to J. Q. A. BEAN, lien's Eastern Agent, 300 Washington St.. Boston, Mass, and 317 Brtiftrtway. iJf* V«rk. I AMES R. WQOMu tUMk A gt., Chicago. Gen. Manaxer. Chicago. PI ailing Mill -AND- Ijiimber Y ai*di. J.L.PURVIS. L O. I'UKVIS S.G. Purvis & Co., MANCFACTUKCRS AND DEALIkbl* Hough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, . FUAMEB, MOULDINGS, SASII, DOOIIS FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE PALINGS, Ac., Ac , MICHIGAN BIIIN GLES, Barn Boards; Plastering lock Bill Stuff, such as .loist Raf ters, Soautiing. Ac.- all siaes constantly on hand. All of which we will sell on reasonable terms tud guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near German C«lliollc Church jiiu7-KO-iy E. GRIE B, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES,, &C. ENGRA\VING OF ALL KIIOS A SPECIALTY MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BHPTLER, PA. AND CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED.-«« ThU li » new remedy, originally com ■ pounded and Introduced tothomedlcafprofea- | •lon and the public it largo l»y 8. B. llart ms., M, P.. of to 7 Peon Ave., Pittsburg, • .'afKrasigq urns/sit' 1 ■ . medlcino nbe<U--4 in ajmont ovr tf dlseMp to ■ ■ wlilrli flonti li Mr-FplUiptv (FalUngFlti) i*lug Uio only ejropuon. jfn |hi« Peucna ■ should not b4 us.'l. In Consltpattuu aiaii I IHsuosesof the FcniataOrgnn* and Bladder, MAN ALIN ahouM given with It. I'KIU.NA I la composed of purely vegetable Ingredients, I each one, according to medical authors, a grorvt remedy lu lthuf. ■MBBBMBHWI ■ ■ l)r. Ilartman lias su<ceded lu extracting ■ tho active principles from tli'-se Ingredients - and In combining thein liitooneslmplorom- ■ ■ pound, wblch at once coincides Willi the Via a VtEDiCATiiix N ATITA tn every disease. and Slli'.' work of restoration couimcncos *l!n the | llMf.il"*: -- There io i.ot an organ tliat it will llGt'/Wch ufk i. (Mruowill will 'lot cure,. For _ ■ j,afticuurf r<l'M*l PKRdNA and NiVALIN FOR SALE BY zinnimnAiv a WIJLLEB BUTLER, PA. i i] L) VI TO , WK WANT YOU In every Aunnl IM AU TOMATIC CARI'KT HVtfEI'RK. tM(I <an trom jw.uo to #a.uu per di»y the year roiiinl- Ut>»<q iwsiflt* and rapid sale*. Capital not lieiMil) if you can luruitli good reference*. Address at once I'ACIK C'Altl'KT BWKWF.It CO. Toledo, O. (T<)A WEEK. sl2 a day at liome easily made 9' fc('oMly Out 111 free. Address TKI'K & To.. Augusta, MaUie. 2iuarijf i JTHK( Chicago & North-Western ■« jm ■ I'w jwl "W Is the OLDEST! BEST CONSTRUCTED 1 BEST EQUIPPED! ami hence the LEADING RAILWAY OK THE WEST AND NORTHWEST. It l» the short mid best route between Chicago antl all point* In Northern Illinois lowa, Dakota. Wyoming. Ne braska. California. Oregon, Arizona. Utah. Colo rado. Idaho. Montana. Nev:ula. and lor COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA DENVEII. LEADVILI.Ii, SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO DEADWOOD. SIODX CITY, Cedar l';i|)ids, Des Moines. Columbus and all Points in the Territories, and the Vltax. Also, for Milwaukee, Creen Bay. Oshkosh. Sheboygan. Marquette. Fond du I*ac, Walertown, Houghton, Neenali, Mena-sha, St. Paul. Minnea|ioli.s, tin ion. Volga, Fargo, Itisiuajek, Winona, UCnm, OwaUmna, aiwl all points in Minnesota, Dakota. Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council BlnlTs the Trains of the Chicago & 1 North-Western and tile U. I*. H'y* depart from, arrive at and use the same Joint Union ilepot. At Chicago. close connections are made with the l-ake Shore, Micllltfnn t entrai, Haltm ore & Ohio. Ft. Wajneand Pennsylvania, and Chicago & Grand Trtu'ik K'ys, and the Kankakee and I'au Hm.UU' Routes. Close connections made at Junction Points, it is the ONI.Y LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN Chicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman Sleei>erson all Nl«ht Trains. Insist upon Ticket Atfrnts selling you Tickets via this road. Kxatuine your Tickets, and refuse to buy If they do not read over the Chicago jt North- \V ru Kail way. It you wish the Best Traveling Accommodations yon will I'uv your Tickets bv this route, {Jfr~ANi> WILL TAIvK NONE OTiIKB. All Tic ket Agents well Tickets bv this IJne. MARVIN HUISHITT, '-M \ .V. & Genl Mang'r Chicago! Host Fragrtot fc Befimhing of Pwfomes Exceiiiifty Delicate aid Prioe. 25 eta.; Large Bottlea. 73 eu. Sold by dra'mln Drop* Ptrfamvp. Rlftiir. U BU «i & Co . N. V.. o» trtry WttU. PARKER'S DINGER TONIC The Medicine for Every Family. NEVE& INTOXICATES. Made from Ginger, Iluchu, Mandrake. Still in gin, * ' and other of the best vegetable remcdie* known, « PARKER'S GINGER TONIC has remarkably vaned [ » curative powers, & isthe greatest Stomach Correct- « [ or, Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator ever made & * ; The Best Medioine You can Use: : for Beßtoring Health & Strength: » Itcommencesto act from the first dose, searches • [ out the weak organs, and is warranted to cure C , ► help all dibeases of the Bowels, Stomach, Blood, « ' Kidneys, Liver, Urinary Organs, al I Complaints of \ ' Women, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, like on*- * [ tisw and DrBRksBRSSS. " Try a bottle to-day; it may save your life. y>ct. « ; and $« sizes at all druggists. Every genuine bottle ; ► has our signature on outside wrapper, Hiscox & « ' Co., N. Y. Large saving in buying $x six®. Baaa*iaroni ' |mt wtwt If? Wfwtwl. Every bujy vfetff Mr I* •» Mfd *•* the need uf a Hair Restorer and (besting that is pipiHiljr, agreeably perfumed and hannle**, k«r'< Hau Baliatn satisfies the most fastidious u» ''■■esorespec'.s. Sold. |2| i?t°-cL2S JO* TICKKT-t. frcn IT Ml I I ' and UuyO » units, to PS f ■ LXi VSR. OO LOU ADO SPRINGS, ||mM| H r-urtLO, RBT\r3.S t l.y si IBWH t •}> DlirrKHKlfT IIO'TH. WB .rw.il »'■•!* «|t hiu ji r » |PH| ■ 111 ni'Ui Octol#or 81.'. following. || ||l 1. A J Pullman Pilnc.' rafv are inn ?»."* IIaA m By| K ANSAS CITY. f f..niiin k |KgJMI I iachH.l to all tliivni-h ImJn-, Inwliii- II r W iih'.l. i'Ui In? obt&l twit n' ;hc mton Ufl tl>:« price at tcwitf-:>i <mU. mbISI Eor rates, further inf rmation lilf igl mid Hii-ca it Map oi Unlte.l |H 1 Statin iriH l . mlrirrsg, [l {B II I®l J. $.4. BEAtf. q ? n'llS»jtejiA". |V| Una ::l7'llr<)a<!»«y Ncw»Pi'l>.i»nii ;l L lUHH fin Was'hin:'n"t fit. l!o<ttf)n.*iiiin. MH s ~ MHD Oji liilouh of (be Public, WABASH, INDIANA. The Pads aro nelling well. Have Bcveral old rhronic ca««B of Kidner trouble using them and OODHTNEVT TEXAi, Your Pad ha« done we more good than knf llemedy I ever used. J AS. B. CALLAWAY. MT. CLEMF.NB, MICH. Yonr Pad lias cured me of Pain in the Back and Kidney Trouble. M. J. HOUGH. Address OAY BJDNIY PAD GQ,. HOLE I'ROI HIETOHa, TOLEDO, - - - OHIO. J. 0. KEDICK. Agent for Butler f"o. A Great Cause of Human Misery On the Low) of A lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Bad* ical cure of Mcralnal Weakliest), or Rpermitor* rixea. indneed by Helf-ALuse. luvolnntary Kmto sions. Imjioteucy, Nervous Dobilily, and Im pediments to Mairiaee generally ; (Consumption, I''pile|*v and Fits ; Mental and Physical Inca pacity, Ac. liy UOBEIiT J. CULVEBWKLL, M. l> , author of the "Green Book ' Ao Th« wotld-rei.owned author, in this admirable Lectuio. clearly proves from his own ex|>erieno« that the atvful consequence* of Self-Abuse may l>e effeoiually removed without danccrotte aur- Bical opjya.tj6.itf, boiittf^ii,' ibsi rnmenti, Vtti'W cordials ; poionug oitf a'nloite 'of cure 4t oua certain and effectual, l>> itrliich eypry niifferaj! no matter what hb condition may be, ma; cufi himself cheaply, ptivately and radioailv, Lcoture will provo a boon to tbou* sands and thousands. Hcnt. under sea), in a plain envelope, to any addret-s, on receipt of six cents or two poatag* stamps- We have also a sure cure for Tap* Worm. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO.. 41 ANN ST., NIW YOKK, N. Y.: feb«My Poat Office Box, 4&BA ~ H ESB¥ «. ii AITM, ~ FINE IERCIAIT TMLQI, COB, I'ENN AND SIXTH BTREETH, PiUnburgh, Pa