Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 13, 1881, Image 4
OUR SIZE. The New York Herald publishes an interesting outline map of the United States, on which the areas of the dif ferent European States are laid out, suggesting at once to the eye the rela tive size of |bis country and the coun tries of the <>kl world lying west of Turkey and Russia. England is as large as New Brunswick, Scotland as Nova Scotia, Newfoundland as Ireland. France fctretches from the northern boundary of Maine to the western boundary of Ofcio, and to the southern boundary of Pennsylvania. Germany could be got into the space lying between the souther boundary of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, the At lantic, tie Ohio river, the Mississippi river aifd the northern boundary of Georgia 1 and South Carolina. Spain is equal in area to South Cariolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louiiina. Italy resembles Florida, both incize and shape Austria would embrau* Lake Michigan and the four States t»tw6ui the lakes and the Miss issippi river—Michigau, Wisconsin, Illinois jbnd .Florida. So that the area of the Cfcitcd-States cast of the Miss issippi, OP about three-eights of the total area, is equal to the States of Eurojjf, excluding Russia and Turkey. * (IndtaSpolis Indiana Farmer.) - Evirrybody Right. "• When every body says a 'thing is so, jit jiust be so.' On this point Mr A. H Lyman, Druggist, Manistee, "Mich", irrites: Every one who tries St Jacobs Oil, says that it is the best remedy ever used for rheumatism. Mr. Wbite, a customer, after having em every known specific for rheumatism was cured by St. Jacobs Oil. ;■ July 4, 1881, was a sad day in our history. If you have no Peruna pamphlet get one immediately.. Address S. B. 11 art nan & Co., Osborn, 0. The glucose industry has ruined the quality of candy. It looks pretty and weighs as much as usual, it is sweet but not sugar sweet any longer. .*■ For three years my son was s-.-re all over. Peril'na cured him. J. Neu ensehwader, S. S. Pittsburgh A.practical farmer who has tried it, says"that an effectual way to prevent crows from pulling up corn, is to depos it a peck of shelled corn on the surface of each field. Crystalene paint has a fine glossy coating that heat, cold or wet cannot .. destroy, consequently it lasts longer and looks better than auy other paint. Mean folks in this world? There are! A father asked his son if he feh too tired or lame to go to the Circus; and, when the boy said 'No,' told him to go ancf bring up a hod of coal. And the boy couldn't say he wasn't able. More people are wasting away through diseases of the Kidney with out knowing what ails them than from any other complaint. Days Sidney Pad is the appropriate remedy. 'Eloise' asks ff we will publish her poem on 'The Wavelet of the Rivulet.' With a smilelet upon our facelet, we reply,Yes v Write only one sidelet of the Eloise, and put on enough Your pomelct shall bave spacelet. The objections to the metal tip upon children's shoes do not bold good against tbe A. S. T. Co. beautiful Black Tip, and it is time parents were emquiping for them, for fine shoes as well as common, as they reduce shoe bills one half. . ~A minister said to one of his flock .• -who-wept over the .financial deficiency "in some good Christiau enterprise: • 'My dear friend, never mind the tears, tbis thing can't be run by water!' IHliff is a good thing to remember. It teaches its own lesson. -An enterpising rascal drew to New York a.yojiug countryman to whom he had agreed to sell SIO,OOO incountefeit moneyfors3oo. Theyoungcountryman received the counterfeiter in bis room at that hotel, got the drop on him with a six shooter, And politely handed bin over to a police officer. It frequently happens That people from the coun try are not so smart. If the counter feiter has money which is good enough to .pass,, don't take any of it from him ; let h>m> pass it himself. TJiere was joy, on the farm when Ben, the oldest boy, came back from college in his sophomore year and the village was proud of him. 'Cheese it, . cully!' he said, when he met an old friend, the son of a neighbor, who join ed farms with his father 'Cheese it, cully! Shove us your flipper! Clinch daddies, pardy ! How-'s hie nibs and what's the new racket?' And his proud old father said: 'lt was jest worth more'n twi?e't the money to hear Ben rattle off the Greek just like a livin' language.' It is said that a man can always tell a sensible woman by the heel of her boot. There is the high heel, hooked in under the instep which indicates giddiness, bad taste, and a want of cul ture ; then there is the medium heel, which indicates a desire for fashion and .vgt an objection to excess; then there is the lady-like small neel, slight ly curved, not quite so low as the heel of a mdnTs boot", but yet low enough §nd placed in the proper T position for that Indicates good breeding, good sense and delicacy. Young men £hould know this and judge accord in g *A surgeon, whose reputation is first class, wae seated in his office the other ehiy when in walked a stranger w ho was followed by a dog. Without any fool ing around he besran : 'Doctor, I have the dyspepsia.' 'Yes, sir.' 'Had it twenty-six years.' 'Yes, sir.' 'You can't cure it ?' 'No, sir.' 'But you can make an exchaago of stomachs between me and mv do^.' '1 believe it could be doue and both live.' 'Will you guarantee that I won't fcavo a hankering for old bones, if I trade stomachs.' _ 'No, sir.' 'Will I want to chase cats ?' 'Very likely.' _ 'Aud snap at tramps ?' 'Quite probable.' 'Doctor, this is business.' 'Yes, sir.' the exchange of stomachs is de- Jnd T'hTd gjoi diy.' io F day^atrr jl trhff mm whistled to his doj Talked out; without looking to the HOLIDAY PRESENTS! SR km DISPLAY THIS WEEK AT Rosenbaum & Co.'s, 112 114, 116, Market Str PITTsBUKGH, JPA. JFOK, PKESENTS. PRESENTS. PRESENTS. PRESENTS. PRESENTS. PRESENTS. PRESENTS. And 1,000 other useful Presents at Immensß LOW rflitn-S --IRON M A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER. A SURE REVIVER. IRON BITTERS are hifililr recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especiall}' Jndtfiction, lh/spepsia, JnUr mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack of l.nojy, etc. £.nri;/lies the blood, strengthens tlie muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. 1 hey act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, suc.i as Tastinq the Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. Tlic only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tlie teeth or headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Book, pp. of useful and amusing reading— sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL, CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS EVERY MAN WOMAN AKD CHILD ' SHOCLD USE IT. TTerbaline Syrup, J THE GREAT MEXICAN URMFDV, Tlie only Medicine in the World Coinpunded from Hie Natural Roots and Herbsot .Mrxtco. HERB ALIN K H Y RU R. (NO ALCOHOLIC DKIKK.) The most valuable remedy ever discovered in the \ efre table Kincdom for the s|>eedy and permanent cuic < 1 Pyspepsm, Jlnbitnal Costivcncss, Liver and Kidney Complaints. Scrofula, KlieunnUlsui, l'iles, Diopsy, Henri UiH'&sp, Ner vous AffccUeus and Chronic Diseases. HERB ALINE SYRUP, (NO VINEGAR COMPOUND.) The purest and Ii si Medicine iu Hie world for delicate Females, whether young or old. mauled or single. at tlie dawn of womanhood i>r tlie turn of iife. relieving and cunnit tljejr complaints as if bj Magic. For the aged and the feeble this Tonic Syrup has no equal. H E R K AL I N E SYRUP, (NO MINERAL POISON.) A swift and sure relief m Mk.UI r,i.<U')|)sieal Prostration caused by over-taxing the mind and body with business mid prpfessh mil i-il,es, HE KB ALIN E H Y R U P, (A VITALIZING TONIC.) Unequaled :u> a medicine for Children, being easy of admin istration, pleasant ami refreshing to take, prompt in its ;:ction ; certain in its result", and alwavs aate and reliable. No Verpjlfuge. lozenges, or other medicines will free the sys tem from Worms like this wonderful VVH'J Herb Tonic. HERBALINE 8 Y B TJ P. (THE LIKE GIVING PRINCIPLE.) Skin (licenses «>f whatever nanm <'i n;U|ire,such as Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, Itlngwornis. Scrofula. Sc.. are literally dug tip and out of the system by this great Tonic and Alternative, while the complexion is rendered clear and beautiful. HERBALINE S Y R U P, (PURELY HERBAL.) A genuine medicine warranted free from Calomel, Arsenic, Opium, Ouinine, and Alcohol in all its forms. The most valuable Family Medicine In the Worid. • ■ .000 HIC%VA ■« JL» is offered for a case of Chronic Disease that this great Tonic .Syrup will full to cum or greatly benefit, 'f the directions ait' strictly followed. TRY IT, PRICE SI.OO PER BOTTLE. PREPARED BY THE STANDARD MEDICINE COMPANY, PITTSBUKGH, PA. FQI SALS RF ALL BRUGGISTS. WHY DOES < hec.H!i often break do'.vn at an .-ulyage? Put a man atlho \v. zh-ln\ 1a I \ ; • . :A tP»j hot sud* until every poro is opened; then let him Kami o ,f er the Mthy itc.i •in.. • i'roia scalding und boiling clothe*. that aitJ full of sweat and exhalations ln»m tin , 11..J too would break before long; and yet this mutt tcmble or'-La.v. La A WOMAN ; > with on wash-day; and, besides, with her clothing wet j,v■n.plnsig : . ■ l.i,t wrk, niw l.uJtJ rL,k her life by K->ing out in the air to huisg r.[> ti:c tioihct. J.vui i-j not lit >v.irlt I.r <l in the unhealthy atmosphere; its smell, so appaier.t > visitors i.'mw t-i;; it finds its way through the house,—the family, however, often becoming n\ acou ; l . tlii! peculiar odor from Its own wash as not to notice it. These facts readily is i \ ~y u iauny women Mi 11 Mr yvliU colds, rheumatism, weak nerves, cr ncumMa. o.d LOOK OLD yet young in years, and physician* fend beards ir{ health winnot <!r- •• n nt.cn t ». 1 tr. i» ,*lv tv> the injurious effects of the usual way of washing, with Ho m • 1 . •a- un j uc boiling to get the clothes pure and £weet-fcmcllfi;g, erpecially a-s !t i-< h;:!;- i:t d< i../. 'i t;u» «!lre<'t eauxc of those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, and typhoid liver .'lii.itdy llil» trouble can bo uvoided; scalding, boiling, bteam and «'»> disn »"••*;)! • i !? fr>tn t'.\e wash completely d<;ne away with; clothes made sweet and beautifully v.int- : ;t c in fud uxuh doneai less cost tha.i even wfun home made soap u use:!, a:.J s vry much SOONER THAN i,• tho ill way, by FRANK HII*U/\LLS SOAP,—a Soap, so puriiyinic ar.d e.c n-iii »l ..t the dirtiest clothing can be washed in lukewarm water with very little iubb;ng f anil lotlie*. Iteddiag and utensils used by the sick Ulofiffectcd and cieametl w.tiiout eiiner . •! L wash without being ti ed; and yet so mild and healing is (hi* P<h>\i that for t<» »et tiiid shu. it has no equal, and physicians advise its use in preference to Imported t\ut.;r soap < n wounds .-.v.d sores, n/id to wa*n the youngest infants, as well r.s for |»ei>oris with delicate >km. 11+} w k hat there is a for tliis, so economical that the poorest can ues U, there is ue; av\ t#r A MAN Rhi U not directly Inters'*! 11l having used In thi'ir homes. In »pit« of prejud.cr, . I.AT Vi'ONUEKI'IJI, WAY OK WAfIHXNO CLOTIIKS, which does mvay with the luird work i l'eiiMva Icicll asi.i feai-fui steam on wa»h.days. makes the white pieces whiter, colored p-.eees 1 nuhtti : : I flanneUaofti r than can l-»e mac** Vy washing tbe old way. leaves the hand mo'.*!ti en* t..,*: to do lino sewing and overy article a can, a* i>weet and as pure us it never worn. *>TtbTIMONXALS-: - r- .m Tl. R. IVnvi.Es. M. R.. Hammonton, N. J., 1 :Jitor fi'iM J'rtey Rtpublu an. 11l- atu-nl inn was called to X-'ItANK SIDD AI. r.s SOAP fro-ii mi advertisement in my own paper, f ii l .is use in my house for nearly a year, according t) tiio directions, baa proved lh.il its remarkable i roper; .'!< have not benn overstated. For rimov h.s priming ink >t is liivaiuable. wbll* fur toilet -ad il is tlie best Soap I have evor seeu. 1 ro:n Mns. 11. r.. KENYON, Northfleld, Vt. I d.i my wish wil h Fit A N K SI DI) A I.LS SOAP In ' .If liie liuie and with no expense fur Soap, (it the .v.r.p in furl inore.th<tn jxiya/nr U. I have no steam - xi 'fit fmm Hie wash, wblle the saving in i!b,ch>tbc< anJ labor can bardly be estimated. ' roi.i P. W. STASTON, 1506 X. 10th St., riillada. Ve r.re conßdeut, IVom a lone ejcperlenca 13 and r •commending FRAJnK SIUDALJ.fe ' OA 'bat imp trial, according to tlie very taf | tint! will overcome all prejudices. t u re-..'- uai wondcr.ul merit for ybaviug, toil .t, I >i. ' 'loriuK arc the Directions for Use, so simple tliai a cliild can undurstiir.d thoin. •.nl su} liiii>g so ridiculous as to buy the Soap unless you intend following them. •> t'>o i'»si:t»eii/ forfeited if it injures the clothe*, or will not do everything chtlaicif. First, pat the whits clothes in a tub of water, only made warm enough to be comfortable * •» hands. Thfcii take one piece out at a time on the wash-board, rub the Soap lightly • e i .->sl it up anil put it back Into the same tub, and so on with each piece until all o the Soap rubbed on them. Then go awny and let them soulc at least twenty mir.uUs, 'hor.t touching then), when the dirt will all be loosened, and z very little rubbing on . :.-h-b:r. rd, out of that one suds, will make them perfectly clean, being particular to •i each j'i.-ce while washing so as to get at the seams. Then wash lightly on the wss'i :. through a lukewarm rinse-water (without any Soap,) so as to get the dirtv suJs out. puf. through biuc-wa'.er, and on the line, without scalding or boiling a tingle piece. •'iA-r'.rnrd put flannels and colored pieces to soak, and wash them exactly the narr.e .•.av. Uii important jot to heat the wash-water in a tin, brass or copper keltle. A tea-keith •». '»iit enough water for a large wash with this Soap. t i 'ilk What You will Save by this Easy Way of Washing! iio Wash-boiler! No Steam! No Smell of Suds through the IIouzc! * the remarkable Property of keeping the Dish-Cloth, Wash-yog cul ' : porjc always Siucct, and of Washing Freely in Hard Water. BY GROCEHSi-^- 9? f a Cake and Try it for Yourself next Wash-Day. ;:r-» v/hora thia Boap is not yot Introduced a Trial Cako will bo sent by Mail, on receipt at Prlca, (10 Centsj, in Mouey or Stamps. sasar- FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP, 718 CALLOWHILL ST.. PHILADELPHIA, PA* ORpe Jiutliee Citb«n: ?*.♦ 3«lg 13* 1881. BUY KID GLOVES. SILK UMBKKLLAS, ALPACA UMBRELLAS, LEATHER SATCHELS, PORTMGNMES, GENT'S CARD CASES, SILK MI'FFLEBS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, I. IXI. X 11A XDK KR( MIEFS, HE M S TIT CIIE DHAND KJC RC HIE FS, EMB KOI DERED HA XD K KK CHIEFS, M OTTO HAXI> KE RC HIE FS, JEWELRY BOXES, BREAST PIXS, CUFF BUTTONS, SCARF PIXS, UNDERWEAR, SILK SUSPESDKRR CARDIGAX JACKLTT&, LACE SCARFS, GEXT'S SCARFS, SCISSORS, KXIYES, LADIES' IAXCY SETS, FUB SETS, FUR CAPS, TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS. and all household ufic:-;, And i*s It l.ocor.itr. nitre generally known, mutt liavo an immense sale. From MRS. E. STOCK will., llaramonton, N. .1. FRANK SIDDAId-S SOAP has b. < n usi I i:. my bouse for the lint seven month*. an by follow j lug the printed directions, we lir tl I: to do v 'i-rj thing claimed on the wrappers. \Vi- have not scalded or boiled a smgl" article, a*ui V,*' tl JA'* are Whiter and tiirrtrr tlurx trheti tat !ir;l i. ttu old way, husband, who is a denier here, bus a steady demand for tlie Soap froai his customers. From BlANAar.it or Dicxxru li*r>«r.nv. :i I s »;h ' Street, Corner C Street, N.W., Washington. L). I No foundry or family c-.n afln.rd In he without I FRANK SIIIUAI.I.s tiOAP. We follow i.r.c --j tlons and use no other Poap, and have n repiit.itlr ;i ! «eco;ld to no laundry 'n Washington fur while | clottuKi| the superior work we have been rr.i.hlcd to turn out bavins secured us the trade ol 'ome of I tbe best furnishing stores In the city. Cranberry Twp.. Au«lilcr»* lt«|iort. Account of K ' ut Commissioners of Cranberry township, !<>r tke year ending March the 14th. IWI. • I Whole amount of duplicate $1,34. r > .V. su 00 1,425 56 Exoneration ? '• :! "- IVr. entiige <l6 96 By onlers to Huiienlsor 1.1 ol 32 Jacob Waguer to 21 days •? 42 uo Henry Stout to IU days :is no By tax woiketl 1.2">9 li!) si.4sr. rc Account of |H»or tax of ( l-.tnbcrry township tor the year ending March Hi" 14th. I*l. From a balaiice of last year's accouM in favor of the township „ _ Cr Br. § -rs-t i-i Paid in Doutiiett case ?IS-! 30 Publishing "Id account •. 2 00 Publishing new account 2 50 .1. I'. ltoll. cost I! 3"-* .1. Sample, cost 3 H2 Ff.r scrvjc s '! "Q .iacob Ct-idcr tor oefvlcps ut) Auditors'book 75 $ .110 39 Balance i® CHUISTIAX HOHX. t t , u iit o rs. TOBI AS MEEOF.IS. ) A A|i<lilor«» Keporl oi'CVulrc W. M. Kani-iey. treasurer of School Fund iu ac count with Scl 00l District of t'entre towiuttilp for the year ending June RECEIPTS. Balance rec-M from former treasurer ? 21!3 12 K"i "iv -11 from duplicate of tsso :tt Uwm r. B. tsinitli. .. i'S <>o State appropriation 11® 24 Fines from J. C. Moore, Ksq 3 00 $1,805 07 EXPEXniTI'RFA Teachers'oi dei - rcileenied ? "52 05 Paid on I::»y s' l-00l house 2'-" 1 00 FrthiitTirt- and s\ftv'es iiir >ii.» '»■' Kcpairs Fuel 65 91 Contingencies 2a 2> Collector's and treasurer's percentage— "• Salary oi secretary 25 00 $1,333 is Balance il! I reasury -'2 40 (itfi ti7 \Ve. the undersigned auditors of Centre town ship, having examined the above report, believe it to tie correct a::d true lo the ticst ol our knowl edge ami belief. i.. 1.. \ AKXI M. l i ll( ijtors SAM'L lit WIN. i AUUI Holyokc, June 11. EXECUTORS' SALS!I The undersigned txecol -rs of Bobeit Tl.onip soii, dtceased, late of Clinton township, Butlei Co . I'a., offer for sale the following described property, located in soi 1 Clinton township : Oue bundled rcres' of laml. j.aitly cleared, bounded on the south by lands of John Glasgow, on the east l.y lauds ot James Ciiswell's htirs i,n the liortli I v land of ni rhon psou and on the wot ly land of Al solom J!oi:l:s. situated oi the. Ikree-'degiefl ro;:d. which pst-ses near the hi-use. li£ 7P aprcs in state of' cultiva tion. good frame and log iion«e. and rpring house. *;> cd s| ring of wsler no.ir tin house, and a flrrt-class vi.ung orciiard of beaiinp Irnit trees. Convenient to schools, churches, •lulls, coal bank, etc. ALSO—Farm of Wm Tlion fuon. adjoining ame tract and containing about 10!) ano havii g on it a good,! rick house, good ne'i' franit oack bfrn anil outbuildings, good orchaid, it being jii.".* of ss-pio f?»i,;'. J. W. MOXKS | of Bobert Thompson, dee'd, late of Clinton twp. Hp ' }mm DIRECTIONS. ' ?, For Catarrh, hay fe\ ei AM colli in tl!'. Head, &c.. ,«/.ATAppt'i rote 8 ?£•'« til - |(ajt:--'e of the lUillii mihc'iio-tril* : draw Cvrr, strongkri alii- tlirougli J3 -fL- ,efe CViRa-Vi Ike nose. It will lie rf-CALS c.oP c :c^li .orbed. c!. :'u-ing. iUI(l ,h(> ,lls " _ ijiau-. jj cased iiiemorane. For Deaf,,ess ' .i,"p'y a particle into tLY b LHt AM BALM IIAViXO sjaincd an enviable rcputatk n.displac i'.j; ;ill oilier prepaintltnis in tke vicinity ol' < iscnv eiy is i i ns ineiits alone, iceognizi <1 as a WDll dcitul ie;::.-(h ,i) •,-r known. A fair trial Will convince ike urn: l ijstjtpllive pow ers. lt < fieetnallv cleanses the i,ii.s;ii of Catarrhal virus, causing kealtliy seci*ti"ns, al hivs lallanmiiition and il l nation, pietecls tin nieiiibraiial linings of the head from additional ei kls. eomplctelj heals the sores and restores ihe sense of taste amt smell, i ent-licial results are realized bv a fev, apinications. A tkorongh treat ment as dir.'Ufl win cure Cylarrh. As a house hold remedy for i. [d i,i li;.* }ieti;l is ir,u-. t iialcil. Tke Balm is easy to'use an,l twin by (SriiseistK at ro On rpi'Mpt of ftu cc*nts will inaiTu package. Seiul f <; r circular lull infer in at ion. _ JilA' S CREAM 'IALM CO.. Owego, N. ) . For sale in iiiitUri,')' 1 ! - H. W'l"er J. C. ltedici:, Zimmerman & NVulu r, t'ouUer w Liiin. IMPROVS T HOUR. GUENTHER'3 L'JMG h'EALER CURS 3 CO2T3ULIPTIOIT, cf nioo»l, Br. ncktt.K. /.H<lima, Ovvjhs. aaJ «.l of tk > I'uimu.iary Or,"ai.s. 4 I'rioe Ctniii iiinl <»n« Dollar. QUENTI-IER £i CO. proprietprs, 33 Fifth Avcnui. PITTSBURGH, PA. Ask j our I>l iwr il. Lace Curtains, I CORNICES, CORNICE POLES, AUT DECOIJ ATIOXS IN GENKHATj AT 11. lioliimaw's I Practical Ujdiolsterer and manufacturer of Mattresses and liedding. 74 WOOD STRF.I'T, inyll:3m PITTSBURGH, PA. 1>!<I«SI»III( ion Police. Notice is hereby given that nt a meeting of the stockholders of the Aebarr Mining Co., lim ited, held at the office ot the company, Burnett Station, liut'er Co., Pa., on May l!'th,lsßl, it was resolved b}' a majority, in numbers and vil.lie of interests that said' association be then dissolved a.:d .!, J, Burnett, N. 1). Burnett and A. D. Gillespie, Jr., weio elpetid liquidating trustees to wind up the concern and oistriblite the assets among tiie members. A. BFRNETT, Chairman. X. p. BURNETT, Sec'y. jul:6W Special Noiiec. To all parties troubled with Baldness, Un natural heat in the head, and Headache, Ihe Alpha Hair Restorer is the first and only reme dy ever discovered, that has never failed in a single case ; and we defy anyone to produce a ease of baldness where it has failed to make hair grow, even in <•;: cs o. thirty years stand ing. Send for circular and sworn testimonials to JAMES MI'RI'HV & CO , General Agents, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Patents, T. F. LEHMANN, Solicitor of Patents, cor ner Sixth avenue and Sinithlield St.. Pittsburgh Pa. Branch office nt Washington, 1). C. No patent, no pay. Send for Circulars. [,sje4m siraynl or Mtolrn. A dark bay mare, 12 years old, weight about 1,20'), shows' collar marks on her shoulders, lump on hind leg inside of gamble joint. Any- j one taking her up or telling me where to find i her will be liberally rewarded. W. I). LUCAS, Petrolia. NOTICE T(T TEACHERS, j Teachers intending to apply for positions in tho School House in Butlershould send theirap plicatious to the Secretary of the School Boaid, Before the first of July next. STEPIIEN BREDIN, Seo'v, jcls.'3t Butler, Fa. I TBAVELEBS' GUIDE. WTLEK, KAKNf CITY AND i'AKKEK KAII.ROAD Traius Itsive Butler for St. Joe, Milieretown lic-rns City, fetroliii, Parker, etc., at 7.27 a. tn autl 'J.'St and 7.25 j>. in. Trains arrive at IJullcr from the above named points at 7. 7 a. tit., antt 2.15, and 7.15 ur The 2.15 train connects wilU train on the West Peun ro-id '.Urousrh to Hltsburiih. SHBNANOO AND ALLEOCENY KAILKOAD. Trains leave Milliard's Mill, Butler county, lor Harrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. ui. *nd 2.25 p. rn. Trains arrive at Hilliard's Mills at 1:45 A, M., and 5:55 p. M, Hacks to and from Pelrolia, Martlnsbnrg, Fairview, Modoc ai d Troutsn-in, connect at liil lard with all trains on ike S & A roud. I'KXNSri.VANIA P.AII.HOAI). Trains leave Uuiler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time. Market at 5.0H a. in., jrocs to Alle gheny, arriving at 9.01 a in. This train cou i ects at Freeport witk Freeport Accommoda tion, wk'eh arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. in., railroad tin)''. E+f.rm ui T ill i,. MI., coouecung at Buller function, withoui change of ears, at b.20 with Exp.ess west, arriving In Allegheny at y.56 i. in., and Express east arriving at Biairsville it 10 55 a. tn. railroad time. Mail at 2.20 p. in., connecting at Duller Junc lon'A'itkout change of cars, witk Express west, irrlving in Allegheny at 5 0.1 p. in., and Ex press east arriving at Blairsviile lnter»i.pt|i>p it 5.55 n, Rl. railroad time, wiili-l} witii CkiladJlpbU txipress edfit, Whin on time. The 7.21 a. ui. train conuccts at Biairsville tt 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and tke 2.116 p. m. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Pcnn li. K. at a. in , -TSS and 7.01 p. in.. Butler 111 *■ u- fhf «.56 and 35S trai.-.s i.uintJtl wifQ trains «o • he Butler & Parker R. R. Main Line. Throngh trains leave Pittsburgh tor the East t 2.56 and 5.26 a m. and 12 51, 4.21 and 8.06 p. n., arriving at Philadelphia at 3.40 and 7.20 .•. ui. aud 3.00, 7.0 and JJ'J ». ai .bout the (lume time, at Hew York tkret: hours aier, and at Washington about one and a hall lours later. Time ol Holding Court*. The sevpiai Courts of the county of Buller comrcei]"o on the fkst Mot}d*« of Soptciukor anil i>ecembei'. ainl ooutiuiie itvo weeks, or BO loDg as n cestary to dispose of the nuciiness. No causes are put down for trial or iraverso jurors summoned for tke first week of -|i»> wfpr«l tprms. I'IVmcIAN.S. joun E. BVEftaj PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, myai-ly] BUTLER, I'A. Ottioe on .II FFT,-rsou gircet. pp»psltp Klingler's Flour Store. DENTISTS ~~ OEKISTR > - Oii VVALDKON. Gr; dnate ol the i'hil- IS adt-lpkia Dental College,is prepare • It«to tlo anything m tiie line ol hU ■roles'ion in a satisfactory manner. OUice on Main >treet, Butler, Union blotk, up stairs, apll AT lOgN gYg A l LAW. BUTLER, PA. " A. M. CORNEI7IUSi Office with W. T\ Brand'Tn, Berg Buiiding. Main street, Butler, Pa. .). f. HiUTTA]^, Office witk L. Z Uitckell, Diamond. A. M CUNNINGHAM, Office in Brady's I.aw Building. Butler, Pa. 8. H. pifiEiOip. Office on N. E. collier Diamond, Kiddle build ,ng uovl2 JOHN M. (j I! KKIl. Office on N. E. coiner Diau.ond. novlli Wil li LUbK, Office WITH \f R. II Jtjadle, EH<J. MEWTON BLACK. Office on Diamond, near Court House, soutk ide. K. I. BKUGH, Office in Ki'ljlle's Law Bijijding. S. V. HOW SJCR. Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß 76 JT B.MCJUNKIX. . Special attention given to collections Oilii opposite Willard House. JOSEPH It. BIiEDIN, Office north-east comer of Diamond, Butlc Pa. H. 11. GOUCUEU, Office in SL-hnoidpman's knilding. up staiia. J, T. DONLY Office near Court House, r '74 vv p BBAKPON, «.bl7-75 Office in Berg's Luildiug CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Bredin building- niarl7—t FERD RjEIBER, Office in Berg's new building, Main 6trcet.aptflj V M. lASTA AN, Office in Brodin kuildia^- LEV, MCQUISL ION, Office Main street, 1 door totiih of Court House JOS. C. VANDERLIN, Office Main street, 1 door south of Couit House Wro A. FOHgUEH, (ri'" Office on Main street, opposite Vogele.* House. GEO. 11. WHITE, (Mice N. E. corner of Di.nuourt FRANCIS s PURVIANCE, Office witk Gen. J N- Purviauco, Main street. QOlltll of Court Houad. J I) MOJUNKIN, < ifflce iu ?ckn«-idciuan's building, west side oi Main street, 2nd square from Court House. A. G. WILLIAMS. Office on Diamond, two doors west of CITIZEN office. ap26 T. C. CAVJ'JJELL, Office in Berg's new building, 3d floor, east side Main st., u few doors south of Lowrj House. BM3- tf i7~A. & M. SULLIVAN, may 7 OiHee S. W. cor ol Diamond. * BLACK & BRO., Office on Maiu street, one door south o Hrady Block, Buller. Pa. (Sep. 2, 1574. JOHN M MILLER tfe BRO. Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street, south of Court Houi-e. LUNIINE Q. MILLED, Notary l'ukiic. jun4 lj THOMAS ROBINSON, JOHN 11. NEOLEY, Cf'Gives particulai attention to transactions l» real estate throughout tke county. OmcEOS DIASIONII, NEAB CoUllT HotJSE, IN CITIZEN HUII.IIINO E. K. ECKLET, KESSEBY MAHSUALL (Late of Ukio.) ECKLEY & MARSHALL. Office in Brady's Law liuildiutr. Sept.9,7-i C G. CHRISTIE, Altorncy at Law. Z.egtil business carefully transaclcd Collections made and promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowry House, Buller, Pa. For Sale or for a Farm Three acres of land. lal>:e hou»e, Btore room and hall above, and stakle and out buildings six miles from Butler, on the Olade Mill and Hau nahsi vrn road at Jeffeison Centre. Young or chard of good fruit thereon. Any person want ing to puickase or exchange toi a farui will in quire at CITIZEN office, or address MltS. KATE I NFOLEY, Saxoiiburg. Butler couuty. Pa. nWt&Mc&MW&i. ---' .Art^e' ftrp£ »lA!? ||p r ptglj msfs&isk ®*2 ** -31 y—"»—— -j—■■ * -VcC~S3B2.- '_ 'i r; Z wrtEAT /, '3Y/ TO .V 7?0 ? ". i -~ ' \ I l t t !i■: runs Tliri-t* Thcmi'l' t .-, r T :■ i.m Ppijv «><••■> ■i n O: " IN • -. < ■ ir-cti H'ufT -. i.niuhn. lint" !r.. « • i>h, AWrhis n, '!' p k:i ::i <i Kit:'*- * <":t t • ontv-i l .nil- fur all '•<-in*- i:t Kan -. - !T-:rk", «'• t.rwi.v Wx.imlmr "•!• titan-'. Nt i i. Sow J. vie... Artzniiii, I'l-th-i,rtrcpt'S! nil " if. ,rna. • ho « x.• i'r.<) M..<.t C nsf< ill • '! n' •• v:. il.: r.i!-:. 1 to V-rtl St-'U iwni*.,i . >■» :: 'li-t..n. \U pi; 11 A..l.'iil C:.lv»- •: :•'••! :li! p..:.,-- i. t 'iV.ut. ;:-i • ,:.-.i ft i "lu vin • !« tl» Travcle -.lid T -:i- i t . :?r :l • w • • r«>i r.t••>! Pulltlia.i Ifi-v.l; <"!• tVI::« : C:irK. riiii <-n|v on I Hi- ! iiv. C„ 11. I' M -cc Pr >v m:u C: rs witli H -rt ; i ( :11 tr J"K • i s. \ i ovtrti chflr.C t"• i It ■<■> • ii"i jr < Y'v •- "•••*•" < ■ A I ' :li!< c Oitiiri t :•!». tlirv u- 1 Sin kinjr <'n. l <1 ni'li l'l-'-c' n' 'ii li-i: < kot! !!r.'i;i:i Hi •ivi'ii; ■ h.J s fur (he ex '■.. \e u-c o: ti. 1.1 <pt • o: L r o;-s. St <-» I Trii! K n..1 ?u T'i r Foi:i; nvnt, CM Tit ci 'A'itk Ih-irfiwl Th:~ i«-jii I :ir A :.-:i, nt. innko ; >hi*. :iU i\ «• a;. • lirr-. tko fi> vnriti •; iiiie t.> li S Sf-»:-tb-V.'vsi, and the I ; • •vest. Try it. tin 1 v i i will fi vl tiuv: a luxur;. 'si-=to:»*i pi- Thr.'«i|fh . via this- Cek tinted I.!n< for s:ile at ii ; nitt-3 I:i the L'nited Sta:. ;• Canada. .»it mf.irtn:i! I -'A :•'••!- : rate ;nf Fare. S!oi •'.iif <':ir At eouMiHv!. *i >n?. lime lal'ks, i will l>e dteerfull. en. and vrill send Prr any uddre - an <-l"i, r :uii C'» Lt; Btaits. in colors, i v < J. Q. A. t.eu's fcnstt rn .... I Ni IV Yt> , <AMi:g u. Coo- A/tt.. Chieajfo T.J. PO'iTER. Gen Mur-^ei. - Jki.;i:s:<'. K. (iitlEH, ;DEALER IN FINK Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sfi-VER WARE, SPECTACLES> &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North ot> Lowry House,) B¥TLER, PA. ANI> CLOCKS REPAIIiK?), AND WARRANTED -et |"" . / '-;'cr c. .it: »t ■■ •». e. "<*, t!i.-r-(y ,/j nrcj, t " >1 *' (3U9H\ |/ ""."cT;ooii«ti i> l-it, rT7cats. cticrt-1\ V' net3oikr..:.li,T.:..jj A. | ; !j, I r--n<* : It!s,vUrr^^\ , J I'Pnnn.t 11 thn j -'re ', iv- t rrT-.pt nr. jf\ /i pdclcatiueUlv.;no L-.j0..-.i u, ...a. v / 'Trr T :-:A li Ihal ■ 1 nrt'lzer, purest l\ / "if Tki / IT kr I' vroiiied CiCnt.Uly, (B't rc-.t, f.VcIN Pi;Kl .\ i nml 51 4\ A 1.1 V FOR SALE BY ZIMniFKMA* A' W ULI.EK BJJTLER. PA. "(iIWiIiIMMIMJJIiIiWiM Bettlo Creek, Michigan, MA2«UFACTVREIU? OF TIIE ONLY GENUINX feipa Traction and Plain Engines and Horso-Powers. Mont Couplet-? Thre*hrrFactory } Established in ihe World. > 1048 A A WM AA of continuous and I hurt* J'B I LMnO withoct change or rime, niaiiagemcnt, or Kvnt on. to "btirk up" tk4 - ■ ■ ■ - Ltihml S RAM -I^WKK Coiuph-tc SI rum Outfits o/ tnatchtes*qualities. Finest Trnrtioii EnfciiK'tvand Plum I.ugiooi tvur Bern in the American market. A .r.ultitud-- of <nl features and improvements for 1881. together with superior qualities {n construe, ard material* not dn«m<dof l v olhermukcM. Fonr si::e«« <»f KeparaU rx. from C to 3 2 home capacity, for Steam or hor.ie i>ntrer. Two styles of •• Mountetl rt Horsc-Powem •y KftA OfIA 7eet of Setftc I I.nmbrr 7; DUI/ f UUU (fro* i lire* Cps2ye<ir*&?drt«t) consign tly on hanu, from whiai i>m t i*u) ln comi*srable wood-work of ourmacftinpry. TRACTION ENGINES Strongest, most durable, and efficient et*r |Uf/ s t iO» 13 lJorwj Power, m/ I'nVi.ifrH anil Thr»sb«r.jicn »rc lr.'.-ttoJ to 'Qvbatigate tl;i» mat hUm Thrtsauig MatliUicry. Omjulars sent free. Artiiroj.: NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO. Battlo Crook. Mloh'«t®n« tOxxly SQO for tliis Btjl* of rriII.AnKLPHM SIM«KI<. E«j»»l to any Singer in th* market. Jirmrtnbrr 9 wr it to 6'- * xomiunt brforr yon I*l y f»r it. Tkia b the »am< nrle ot h** room pan »e« r*»tml lor SSO Ail Machine warranted for inr«> y«*an». for our lilu»trnt*'d Cir cular and T< uitnomalit. A<ldrvfis VHAViI.US A. WOOD A CO., J7 V- Twjih a, p* Planing Mill —AND— V ard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS S.G. Purvis & Co., W UFACTI'Hr KS AND DKALEIiSI> Hough and Planed Lumber OK EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASU, DOORS FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE PALINGS, Ac., Ac , MICHIGAN SIIINGLKS, Ban; Boards; Plastering Lath ; Ilero lock Rill Stuff,such as Joist Raf ters, Scantling. Ac., al! sizes constantly on hand. All of which we will sell on reasonable terms i»id guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD Sear (<icrnijiii C'ntholit* ( bnrch j.y A. Haffner, at'CCEsaoß TO H. BAUERIBROS., ill'n.lit, 11., PLAHING MILL AND J-jtiisiber Yard, MASUtACTUBEn AND DEALER IS Hough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, DOORS, fcAStt, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SIDIXG, FLOORING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Gomice Boards, POUCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL POSTS BALUSTERS, FENCE PALINGS, Ac., Ac. MICHIGAN SHINGLES Barn Boards, Plastering: Lath, Hem lock Bill Stuff, of all K'uds, punctually on hand, All of which 1 will sell 011 reasonable terms and guarautec satisfaction. Planing Mill aud Lumber Yard on Jefferson street, Butler, Pa. 1 decly A. H 1 FFNER. IJuTELS -y-lIE SBHREIBER HOUSE. L. NICKLAS Prop'., MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. Having; t.iken POHCPCITM of tlie above \VP!I ki 'jwn Flotcl. ami it beiufj farnmhed in ilie |,MI of btyle tor the accomodation of tlie public are reHp«!Ctfully invited to give me i call I have aUo ]iouso '«ion of the barn 111 rear of hotel, which funiirthc* excellent Htil»li»g, *c o;ooila!ion» fur my patrons. h NICKLAS. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. 3. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. \V M . CAMPBELL. TREASUKER 11. C. IIEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS; J. L. E- A. Hylpibojdt, Williajn Campbell, [J- W. Huikhart, A. Truutuiaa, Jncob SrUoi'iic, G. C. Koess'irijr, John Onldwell, Dr. W. lrvln, ; J. Croll J. VV.Christy i H. C. Ileineman. JAS. T* M'JUNKIN, Gen- Ae't- BUTLER PA. D, L. Cleeland, (PORMERLV OF HARRISVILLE) PRA^EBJM WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY SPECTACLES A VIO» IX STRINOS, (W Fine Watch and Clock repairing a speci alily All work warrented. Store between Waller's Drag store and Butler Savings Bank. Main street. Butler. Pa. CR YSTALENE. THE REST AND CHEAPEST pain r r, ill the market, {t can lie used on Wood, Iron. Tin, Li'Hther. t'litßter or I'aiit r. >lixecl For line. ALL CIILORH. It j;iK"i further, l:i. ts longer, looks better .••.nil is CHEAPER than unv other paint. For painting Houses, p. irns, ltiHifs, Fences, Wagons, &c„ IT II AS NO ECJt'AL. Call and exainliio samples. J. G. REDICK, 20a»r3m] CENKRAL AGENT. BI'TLER. PA iiv Siisiifvs^ \R \v T^RTAMKWT. As itade by the mo»t eminent ncholers of England and Anisric#. Half the Prioe of Cor responding English Fditlon Large t'pe. linen suiw-calendere'l paper, elegant binding. A sep arate "Comprehensive "istorv of the Bible akd its Translations." including a full account of the New Revision, given to subscribers. Best chance for agents ever offered. Seud stamp for particulars at once The Henrv Bill Publishing Co. Norwich .Conn fjoA WEEK. sl2 a day at home easily made Costly Oultit iree. Address Tltt'E & Co.. Augusta, Maine. '-marly - 'i'^^^ Chicago & North-Western mmjm a ■. tMP . m w Is the OLDEST : HI ST CONSTRICTED! BEST EQl'llTEl) I aut 11once the LEADING RAILWAY —OF THE WEST AND NORTHWEST. It is the short ami best route between Chicago ami .-ill points ill Northern Illinois. Io v:i, Dakota. Wyoming. Ne braska, California. Oregon. Arizona. I tah, Colo rado. Idaho. Montana. Nevada, anil tor cor MIL BLUFFS, OMAIIA IHCX V Kit. l-i I A I) VI LM), SALT LAKF, SAN FRANCISCO DEADWOOD, SIOUX CITY, Cedar B; pii'.s, IK'S Moines. Columbus ami all lVints n\ t!;o Territories, at.d the West. Also, fni Mi!v aukee, Oreen Bay. 0.-liVosh. Sheboygan, Mari|i ette. Fom! flu I-if. Wall rtown. Hougbton, Xeeiiiih, Meuasha, Si. l aid. Minneapolis. Union, Volga, Fargo. Bismarck, Winona, I.aCrosse. Owatonn.i. antl nil points in Minnesota, Dakota. Wis Miisin and the At < 'oimell Blufis the Trains of the Chicago & Ni'ilh-Wi stiin :ui'[ the C. I*. It'ys dej»art from, an ire at and ii.set tic s;. me joint I iiioa Depot. At Chicago. close connections are made with the Lake Si>r.re, Michigan (i i.tnii, Br.'tt.i oie & Ohio. Fl. Wajiteaiid Pennsylvania. and Chicago & Uracil Trunk R'ys, and the Kankakee and Pun Handle Routes. Close connections made at Junction Points. It Is the ONLY LINK running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN Chicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman Sleepers on all X'Uiht Trains. Insist upon Tn-kflt Agents selling you Tickets via this road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to Iwy tr they do not read over the Chicago North-Western Railway. If you wish the Best Traveling Accommodations von will tiuv vour Tickets bv this route iI~AMI NvU.I.TAIvK XOXKOTHHR. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets l>v this l.ii-.e. M ARVIX lUUUITT, id \ . I', & Otn'l Mangr Chicago. lloct Fragrant & Eefresning of Perfamei £xceediß|ly Oelicate and Usttefl. Frios. 25 eta.: Large- Bot'Jw, -5 otj. Sold by dealers in Dreys u cf dis co* & Co,. H, ¥•• tn bQiile, J' I «■■ ummmmtmmm PARKER'S GINGER TONIC The Medicine for Every Family, - NEVER INTOXICATES. r Madefrorri Gmger, Buchti. Mam!r*k# t Suttinpia, < £ and other of the best veijeiaH* irvn*«Hiie» known, < r PARKER'S GINGER "fcr.**; HAS remarkably vaned * £ curative powers, & isthc greatest Stomach Correct- « fckxxi Purifier and Liver Regulator ever made & * : The Best Medicine You oan Use; 1 for Restoring Health & Strength: V 11 commences to act from the firct searches - l cut the weal; org ns. and is w*rfi»ntci| to euro oT { C help all dr of the poxvVu, Stomach, lil kk!. < t Kidneys, V-i v cr Urtuwy Organs, a' 1 Complain* cf * y Wu-iJU, Ncrvousness, Sleeplessness, Klieuuia* « «md DrunktitutPft. ' Try a bottle to-day; it may save your Bfo, 50 ct. « and $ * sizes atalldruggUts. Every genuine boule \ has our signature on ct:: idc wrapper, Hiscox & « Co., N. Y. Large sav iug in Luying $x size. Just i* *vanted. f vTJy.—Jy whose hair is gTay or faded has felt the need of a Hair Restorer and dressing that i$ cleanly, agreeably perfumed a: d harmless, Far* % leer's Hair balsam cutisfi :s the most in %/ '-.e:e respects. Sold by 3 3<*-- and sx. ' . jjjjjj l or ratoe, further inf rmatioo Kg] J. Q. A. BT AH SffraP OfriniouH of Hie Public, WABASH. INPIAXA. Tho Ta<lH aie He I Hi-p well. Hnve Beveral old ohronic ch-ck of K'linev tronhle ln-iog them, and they report i<ii improvement and think much of tliein. A. L. IiOHBOCK A CO.. Druggistg. COURTNEY. TKXAS. Your Pad hnn done mo more good than any Remedy I ever used. JAS. B. CALLAWAY. MT. CLEM FX'B MICH. Yonr Pad has cured me of Pain in- the Back and Kidney Trouble. M. J. HOUGII. Addrecs DAY KIDNEY PAD; QQ„ SOLE I'ROI RIETOR3, TOLEDO, . - - OHIO. J. C. REDICK. Aj;ent for Butler A. LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN On (lie I ONN of A Lecture on the N iturc. Treatment and Rad ical cure of Seminal Woaknenn. or Sp"ru;%fQr- I'iioii indnceil by Kelf-A' Btoiia. Jmpotency, Nervous Debility, and in#- to Marriate generally : OonHiimfittoß. Kj ilt j HV and Kil« : Mei.tal and Plivwieal lno»- pacity. ic.—Py ROBERT J. tUL VERA ELL, M r> , auilior of the "Gre'-n Book "Ao The woild-rei'.owi fd author, in this admirabl* Lectuie elearlv provee from hits own experieno* that the av. ful consequence* of Self-Abuse may be effcciually removi d without dangerous sur gical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials : pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter w!ia> bis condition may be. muy cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. ttv*"This Lecture will prove a boon to tbou naiid> and thousands. Kent, under seal, in a plain envelope, fo any addiem. 011 receipt of six cents or two postage ►tamps We have also a sure cure for Worm. Adilreeo THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 ANN ST., Nrw YOKK. N Y.: febO-ly Post Office Box, 468« I! i:\ltv is. lULK, " fill MtRCIIRT TMLOB, COR. PENN AM* SIXTH STREETS. Pittsburgh, ra.