Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 22, 1881, Image 4

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The philosopher who declared that j
it required braiDß to black boots well
might have added that boot blacking
well conducted is any thing but an un- ;
profitable business. At least this must
be the conclusion of those who know
anything about the earnings of a well
situated boot black io a large citi>.
There is one young man in New \ ork,
for instance, says the Times, who does
the'shining'tor the patrons of a cer
tain down town restaurant, and who
does not think he has done an average
day's business unless his receipts for
his eight working hours amount to at
least $3. And, moreover, he is an ex
cedingly independent young man, will
black boots for no one who does not
treat him civilly, indulge in a month s
vacation each summer, patronizes the
opera, and discourses fluently, if not
always discriminatingly, in regard to
tenor and prima donna. Still another
of the fraternity—a youngster hardly
well in his teens—was the other day
heard to exclaim, with a grand air to
a fellow-toiler in another field, 'Pshaw.
I conldent be hired to sell newpapers.
Now comes a story from Albany, in
this State, to the effect that a boot
black in that city has saved $2,500
from his earnings of the past eight
yetrs, besides paying his mother, for
the greater portion of the time, board
at the rate of eight dollars a week.
With such examples before them it is
to be wondered at that the hundreds
of young and able bodied men who
have again lor the season begun to
idle their time awaj on the benches of
the citv parks could not find some
more profitable employment
[Qoiney, (lit) Daily Herald.]
Speaking "fcy ine Curd.
C. H. Wood, E«|., of the C. k. T.
Ry., Port Huron, Mich., favors our
correspondent with the following:
After suffering for nearly a year with
rheumatism, receiving treatment from
most of the best physicians of michi
gan and the West, I happened to try
a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil. Upon the
first application I used fuily half a bot
tle, and its effect was almost instanta
neous. I immediately dropped all
other treatment, and confined myself
to its use alone. After the use of
three bottles, instead of being driven
to my business, or moving about on
cjrutcbes, I walked from one to three
miles daily about business, and have
been free from this horrible disease for
over a year, not having the slightest
twinge of it. Hence, I say that all
madicines known to me are useless
when compared with the Old Qerman
Remedy Use this statement when
and where it suits.
'My mother's going to get a new pi
ano,' said a little girl to another a few
days ago. 'Ob, that's nothing,' repli
ed the other, 'my mother's goiug to
get a divorce.,'
'Well,' said Blinkins, majestically,
I we musn't be too severe on the
young fellows. I suppose I was as
big a fool as any of them when I was
young.' 'Yes,' replied Fogg, 'and
you are not an old man now, Blinkins.'
I was miserable with Chronic Ca
tarrh. Peruna is my remedy and no
other. Wm. Boyd, Pittsburgh.
Two young men out riding were
passing a farmhouse where a farmer
was trying to harness an obstinate
•Won't he draw? said one of the
men. 'Of course,' said the farmer,
'he'll draw the attention of every fool
that passes this way.'
The young men drove on.
Apyetite, Fiesb, Color, Strength
and Vigor—if you coyet these, take
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which will confer
them upon you in rapid succession.
The New York World believes that
few decent men, when passing a bouse
at tbe portals of which bangs the fu
neral crape, omit to raise their bats.
Tbe ceremony is of ancient origin,
and is a simple human tribute of awe
and respect to that majesty of dtxith
to which all living men are subject.
Tbe newspapers of Oregon amuse
their readers frequently by publication
of tbe names of tbe citizens who take
out a license to drink at a public bar.
Under a recent law it is a penal offence
for a saloon keeper to sell liquor to a
man who has not provided himself
wftb a proper license, the price of
which is fixed at five dollars.
Haviog jumped into deep water iu
order to make a great splash Mr. Con
kling is by this time beginning to ap
preciate, as be never did before, the
superior advantages of dry and solid
ground. There is not that unanimous
rush to the rescue that we may be sure
be had reckoned upon. On the contra
ry, tbe public is watching bis flounder
'ings with much more amusement
than sympathy.
One of every forty of tbe population
of Sweden has engaged passage for
immediate emigration to tbe United
States There are already 400,000
Swedes in this country, and another
100.000 are ready to come. Tbe men
are all good farmers, inured to bard
winters, and in a few years find them
selves comfortably fixed in tbe North
or Northwest. The Swedish Govern
ment is much concerned about tbe
wholesale emigraation.
In the progress of collecting mate
rial for tbe volume of tbe war records,
now in course of publication, a cipher
dispatch from General Burnside, then
in command at Knoxville, Tenn., to
General Halleck, has been found, in
which be proposes a march by way of
Atlanta to the sea, to be undertaken
without trains, and the troops to be
subsisted on the country. The plan
bears date September 1863, a year
before tb* one which was subsequent
ly executed.
—I bave been selling Ely's Cream
Balm, long before it was advertised
through this region, and am pleased to
to bear testimony to the uniform good
resulting from its use in ('atarrh. It
has almost entirely supplanted, in my
sales, tbe various other remedies
known as 'Catarrh cures,' and deserv
edly so, as its mode of application is so
pleasant and foreign to all other pain
ful methods of douches, snuff*, etc. J.
A. Marshall, Druggist, Ashland, I'a.
March 14, 1881. A core at last.—
Specifics without number for the cure
of Catarrh have been extensively ad
vertise!), and doubtless there is some
virtue in tbem all, but the evideuce Is
overwhelming that Ely's Cream Balm
goes more directly than any other to
tbe seat of tbe disease, and though it is
a comparatively new discovery, it has
resulted in more cures within the
range of our observation than all the
others put together. Wilkesbarre, I'a.
Union Leader, Dec. 19, 1879. Pricq
50 cento.
Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout,
Quinsy, Sora Throat, Swellings and
Spralnt, Burns and Scalds,
General Bodily Paine,
Tooth, Ear and Headache, frosted Feet
and Ears, and all other Pains
and Aches.
No Preparation on earth equals FT. JACOB- OIL ta
* ,„fr, „urr. <»I<1 d» «P ?/„'I^SSHr
A trial entails but the compaffctiYelj ,nGl "f.. ou
of 30 Onto, and every one sufleriijs IJtfll pa«»
can have cheap an.l positive proof of ib ciauue.
Directions fa Eleven I-inguages.
Baltimore, 3/d., IS. -X
For ail Female Complaints.
This j>reparatlon, a* It* name ifrrnM'*, conMrts of
Ye~otnblo Prop?.-tic* thx.t arc tanclv. j to tl.e del
icate icralld- Upon ono trial t!*o turrits of this Con
pound will bo aj relief in Immediate: and
w!»en its use is continued, in ninety-nine cases In a bun
dred, apcnaanc:.icurel3efre«-tcd,astho.ii!ancia will tcs
titj. On account of It; j«rorcn rierit*, it I j to-day r»
commended and prescribed by tbo best pbysklaas la
the country.
It will cur® entirely tho ro:it form of falling
cf the uterus, Lcucorrfcc a, irrcguL:' aiid
Menstruation, all Ovarian Trcsiblc \ Inf.ammatio i ar.J
Ulceration, flooding*, all IM*;jlßrrmcnts and tho con
sequent spinal weakness, ei.d Is cr;* sciafly adapted to
the Change of Life. It will dissolve and e*r**l tumors
from the uterus in an ear!/ ittg® of dc-reloyrnent. The
tendency to cancero is humo<s there ii cLockt i tc ry
speedilyl; its us.\
In fart it has proved t* bo tbe rreat
est and best remedy tl*at Las ever been CJtcorcr
ed. It permeates ercry portion of the sysfcsn,
new llfoand rijor. It removes fa!ntnc«r ?!atuk -C7, de
stroys aiicraTing for stimulants, anl relieves vcaJtneai
of the stomach
It cores nioatlnc# ITeada/ hcs, Kervons lYos*ration,
General Debility, Sleeplesuv c, I* predion ai d It.tll
gestlon. That feeling of bearing dotm, canslr.g pain,
weljht and bar he, is always permanently erred ty
Its use. It will at all time, and under; 21 cirt -rattan
ees, act in harmony with the law that goreriis the
female system.
For Kidney Complaints of either sex this compound
Is unsurpassed.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound
Is prepared at 233 and TR Western Arenu", Lynn, Mi'i.
Price C.-00. 81* bottles for s•>/<). Sent by mail i.i C.e
form of pills, also In the form of LoMngc*, <;** rcre'.;>t
of price, SI.OO, per boa, for either. Mrs. rDXHA!i
freely answers all letters of Inquiry, fxnd for para
pulft. Address as shore Mention thU pvper.
Ko family thould be without LYDIA K. IINJIIL/d'
LTVT3 TOZS. They euro Constlpat: Mliousness,
and Torpidity of the Liver. Cit«uUwt Lot
GEO. A. KELLY &. CO., General
Agents, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sold by D. H. Wuller, - Butler Pa.
ii i ii iii «ii i ii ii i i
of tw .iw-v»*-ak- III"'I or tot.
MM lir the utraio of UmV lUnKorermfd
jour 'Jutln ar >id niKlit w >rV lo rr%-
itlmU-lnn-l If torn brain nerr* sad
Hop Sitters. D «•« Mop B.
If you y mn< an JH * jfTerintf f roth any in
discretion or oUwipa ■ tion . if you an mar
ried or stttgb*. old orlrouoK, mtferinc from
poor health or languish Hi nd «* bed of lucJt
mm. »»ijr on Ho p| Bitters.
W honver JOUirr. A 7h«o»and« d»* •»-
•rhauevr you fact S3 nu»Hy from w/u.a
that roar »y»t«n JM~3 tana of Kldr» ey
n«*d» . IrtiMlr./. ta«- tlit iniKl.t
lur or wllmiilft'lny, htrr
liith'Hjt i*lorlciti ny, |H I rjy k timely umcot
take Hop J&l' Hopßltter*
■ ittcrs.
H«*» fon dyt-
i o. i. o.
tt] l» an abwslota
ffiS'irs" S UEIiS F— "
ffyouar»!«lm- ■' 1.1 ■"
rfy mik aA'l ■ wturo ri!^,
{owtfUcd. try S NtVLK Otrjlar
UI <t m«»i rA ~ aoPßim*
saved E.T.
dwds. ——- | 'orooto, Ont. j
Battle Creek, Michigan,
MAVurAorcrßEns OF THE OHLT oksuisi
Traction and Pialn Engine*
and Horao-Powers.
XaatCwMpl't* Thrash*/ractmr I Established
U thr ff«U. I 1848
ft A VCADQ; eon'lnumi ami wueetsn/ul fcuK.
J'l luHnO itui, without r! «*« or rarne,
■1 X roEiuwiiK-nt, or location, <o " M " (A<
■ uroad warran'j gtten on all vur foodl.
• tu>mpt~l. Ml MIDI If ■ InI» "/ mrt'l Uu'lwcMlUt.
n»~'Trui II«m Kn*in« »aiid Plain eaittca
rirer a» • lit U»e Arrwrrtcan market.
il ymil 'id* '>/ wjtr /it fwturrM on/f imyraoim**US
Irr \m\, t" 'h' r with >»p«<"»■
lion and mat*. 'iU V.'A rtn«u' dof by oiliermaki-m.
l'aur ilzti <*f HeparaU r». frnrn 0 fi IS! borae
vrarll". fur ••ruin or hor.m potrrr.
Two hi > .'•« of •• JTounle'l it' .rw -Pow.-r*.
enn f>f\A 7e« or I.amber
( /"rr«w Ihr" loaijr yrnnair-drimd)
■l/ *> '!jr on hand, fr-.rn whlnh la l<u.'t tho In
]|ian. In wood-work of .-ur nuch! i-'-ry.
—<l t t ipnot dvrablt .ami r\n /
• h, 10, 13 florae Fewer. W
Formrra and Tbrralwrmrn a n lriTttod to
thl« mnirhiru Tnr«iiiln« Ma'.-hItiCTT-
Uumilani writ free. Addmw
"»nttlo Creek. MIoWWOa
!•* RRR • M *
JuHtic© of t>ie Peace
Muiu aireet, o|< '*• *' " <*,
jtSuiLetr Ct&izett: Htnfctjer, P*.» 3f«ne 22, IBBL
Agricultural Association
To be heldon their Grounds,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Ttesday,
September 20th, 21st and 22d, 1881.
Butler: ALKX 111 S?KR. Brownsdale.
Secretary—W. P- BOESSINO.
Treasurer— J. H- CAMPBKI.E,.
Directors— W- M. BROW*, R.S*KFHRX.
We take pleasure in presenting to the
people of Butler and adjoining counties
the Premium List of the Fourth Annua
Fair ot the Butler County Agricultural :
Association, to be held on the grounds of |
the Butler Driving Parfc 3*
Butler, on the 2Wii, alst and An tlays ot
September, 1831.
Juduing by the past, we have every
reason to uelleye thfttthis will be the best
and most interesting Fair ever held in
this or any adjoining county. The man
agement are determined that the work or .
the Association shall be devoted exclu
sively to thfr adyanoeijiont of {.lje agricul !
tural, mechanical and general aometfiio ;
interests of the county, and will with
those interests in view spare no moans to
make the exhibition of 1881 all that could j
tie reasonably flesired both by tne exhib- |
tors and vlsftors, ..... ~; , u !
Being fuily alive to the fafit that with- ;
out the co-operatioft of the farmers of out
ouunty no Agricultural Fair can be made j
a success, wp earnestly request that the i
farmers of Butler county. -least those
who feel an interest in good farming,
good crops, good stock, and know that j
These things «rp best advanced by these
annual meMings. will give to the man
nuement tlieir hearty co-operation. f f yo H
lui ' « i* good horse, mare or colt, a fine dow,
coif or bull, bogs, sheep, or any other ar
ticle of merit on the farm, in ihe shop or
in your houKfl, bring it along and piace it
on exhibition, ai'd IJy° u don't get a prem
ium vou will at leasf bav* th«
tion of knowing that you have P°«inbjl
ted to the pleasure and enjoyment ot Qthr
ers, and that you did what yon could tor
ward encouraging the farmer, ")*«&* »?;
and others to greater snd grander eflbrMl
to make our county fairs successful ex
positions of home industry, «c
The new feature adopted by our Asso
ciation last year of paying all premiums,
not protested, Oil the grounds or. the last
day of the Fair, mot iv jth such hearty ap
probation and gave such gonoral
tion, Ijoth to the management andfiXft|D
itois that we have concluded tocontiuus
the same aua marked feature of our pro
gramme, so that when tbo exhioition has
closed and the exhibitors have retired to
their respective homes they ni4y con
gratulate themselves riot only on their
success but Man that thoy have tbeir preni*
iums in their |>ocket.
The management deal fairly and Im
partially with all and agree to give their
time and best efforts, in connection with
the public spirited citizens of the county,
to make not only the present but all fu
ture exhibitions a durable thing to be
anticipated bv all who appreciate nature,
art, or have a love for the beautiful.
A Grand Cavalcade at S o'clock. P, »L,
on last day will be one of the feature# of
the exhibition, and will ho well worth a
visit to the grounds, as each and e« ery
animal on exhibition can be seen.
All articles are admitted to competition
free, except for ,speed, horses and cattle,
and everybody is invited to compete.
Another new feature of our coiningex
hibition is, that there will l>e only Ihlffl
days of the Fair, the first to be devoted
to making entries and arrangement of ar
ticles and animals on th" ground, and the
othi r two days to exhibition.
1. The Secretary will be prepared to
receive entries at any time up to 10 clock,
A. M. of the second day of the Fair, but
would request that all entries be made
before the close of the first day. Entries
by mall will be received up to the hour of
2. Cards will be furnished by the Sec
retary with the number and class of omitt
entry, to bo attached to the article enter
ed; and no article f»r animal will be ex
amined by the Judges without such card
attached. .
H. No article or animal fhall l>e enti
tled to more than one premium, except
a* provided for by the premium list
-4 No articles or animal* shall bore
moved from the grounds before 4 o'eloofc,
P. M of tne closing day of the exhibition,
without the permission of the President
first had and obtained. Any violation of
this rule will forfeit the premium.
5. Hay and straw will be furnished
free, and grain at eoat for all animals put
on exhibition.
0 An V person attempting to Influence
the Judge* In their decision shall forfeit
nil claim* to the premium.
7. I'ersonsexhibiting "Blooded Stock"
must deposit pedigree with tlio Secreta
ry when entering the same.
S The Managers reserve the right to
withhold any premium given by the
Judges under false rCP'eseiitatlons, or
not ir; accordance with ins rultiH and reg
9. All protests must he made before 8
o'clock, I. M. oil the closing day of the
Fair, a* at that hour the pay uieiit of prem
iums will be commenced.
10 All premiums which are not pro
tested before 3 o'clock, P. M. on the clon
ing day of the Pair, will be paid after
that hour at the office of the Secretary on
the grounds, and in the order li whj<'|)
the Judges' books of the several olaxses
are returned to the Secretary.
1. Judges are requested to report
themselves at tbe office of the Hucretary
before 10 o'clock, A. M. of the second day.
Otherwise yiptancies will be filled.
2 Judges will ""t par rf)lt competitors
to make tnemwives k'ir>v" t'/ PfffillJ>
Jess al»s "lutoly nerawy.
3. Judges must not be competitors HI
any class in which h« or she may bo act
ing, or In any way Interested.
4. Judges shall in no cane award a
premium where they deem the animal or
article mi worthy, though there be iio
competition; and any entry which de
surves special commendation they will
5 Judges will pay no attention to any
article or any animal without a number
ed card, designating the class and entry.
If, Judges will sign their rejxirt and
hand It to Kje Secretary as soon as com
7. Judges on stouk will rod
badges on animals taking firsl prumimii,
and blue badges on thoae taking second
1. The gates will be opened each day
at R o'clock. A M. and close at 1 o'clock,
I*. M.
'£• All proper care will be taken of ar
ticles and animals on exhibition, but the
Moclot.v will not ho responsible for loss or
:j. Any ticket passed through the fancy?
or found In tlio r> >s>esslon of any person
who Is not the rightful owner will be for
feited to the Hociety, and persons detect
ed In passing tickets will be promptly
dealt with according to law.
4. Ilorsos not on exhibition, or teams
engaged in hauling or otherwise, shsll
not remain on the ground unattended by
l.he owner or driver, and shall, under no
circumstances, remain longer than Is ab
solutely necessary.
ft. Tnellwrdof Managers, which in
cludes the officers, will he on the grounds
and will l«! pleased to give Information to
competitors and others desiring It.
Adult persons, each dav 2- r » cts
Children under I'l y«.irs, each day.la "
Single Team, e«dh day "
Double Team, each day 25 •'
CLAM 1, —HEAVY DKAIT IIOU.-U'.S (llll|M)l tUIJ),
Ist 2nd.
liest Hal 11 on 4 years anil ui>warils »!•> </» ¥> J»
do mare 4 year* old and upwards.... •> lit 4 00
do I'olt bred from Ililpoi ledd horse
and mare 5W 3 00
Pedigree to accompany horses
Judges to Is- selected hereafter.
CLASS iS.—iir.Avr Dxtrr HORSES.
IV:st stallion 4 years old and over ¥> U0 W 00
do stallion 3 years old and under 4... 500 300 1
do stallion 2 yearsold and under 3 ... suo 300 I
do stallion 1 year old aud under 2 4 oo 2■ o j
do niiire or gi-lding 4 years or over— 6ki 3(0 ,
do mare or gelding 3 year or under 4.. 500 300
do mare or gelding 2"yearsbr under 3. 400 20> !
do inare or gelding 1 year and under 2. 300 150 ]
do spring colt 3 uu 1 00
do span mail-bed horses or mares 0 00 3 ixj
do brood mare 4 (W 2 50 • ■
Judges same as in cla.ss i.
Best stallion 4 years and over $6 oo $3 0) i
do stallion 3 years old and under 4 5 00 303
do stallion 2 years old and under 3 300 200 I
do stallion 1 year old and under 2 3 0> 1 50
do mare or gelding 4 years and over.. 500 300
do inare or gelding 2 years and under 4 5 (0 2 50
do mare or gelding 2 years and under 33 00 2 ft) j
do mare or gelding 1 year and under 2 3 t« 1 50
!do spring colt 3W 101 j
.do brood mare 500 250 !
' do span matched horses or mares 6 0") 3 0)
Judges to be selected hereafter.
NOTE.— Horses in this class should have good 1
action, walk, style and size, and be useful to '
the carriage, plow, light harness, wagon or sad
dle. and not over l,2uu pounds in weight.
Best stallion 4 years old andover $8 00 $5 00 j
do stallion 3 years and under 4. tj 4MI |
do stallion 2 years and under 8 so> 300 .
du siallioii I year and Ul'lder 2 4 • 0 2 00
do ware •( years and over 6 oo 4 oo
do mare 3 years and under 1 5 00 300
do mare 2 years old and under 3 4 00 2 <!•
do mare 1 year and under 2..,, , a un 1 oQ
: do «pri|lg coll r 100
| pedigree must accompany horses,
! Judges same a* ili clai* 3.
NOTE —Judges may require exhibitors to tie
sworn, und reject pedigree if they think it spuri
Best pair mules 3 years and over #4 0o #2 oo
do pair mules 2years and uuder 3 30) 1 00
do sucking mufe 2UO 100
do jack 2uo 100
i Judges same as in class 3.
CLASS 6.—DfRHAM CATTLE (Registered).
Uc«t bull 2 year* and OK>i *o no M 00
do bun 2 years add oiitfex* 3 t> u> H to
I do bull 1 year and under 2..: - 5 00 3 t/0
! do bull calf 3 00 1 50
d< cow 2 years and over 6 to 3 t)0
do cow 2 under 3.5 10 3 ou
do heifer 2 years apd Uttdtsr3 4 '0 2 0
: do heifer 1 year and under"2 3 00 1 50
. do heifer calf 3 00 1 50
j Judges to be selected hereafter.
| CLASS 7.—ALDEKNET CATTLE (Registered).
Ptsiiiiiuir.o same M in cla*« u
Jlidg&i to be selected hereafter.
Premiums and Judges same as in class T.
NOTE —NO premiums are to be awarded in class
es 6 and 7 unless satisfactory evidence of the
animal being registered is produced.
class 9 —Hoi.srEi.NS (Registered),
i rrcmuimj and Ju'lg«ts same asn! t>.
CLASS 10 DI'RHAMS (Not Registered).
Best bull 3 years old and over s■'> 0J *3 00
(Jo bull 2 years old and under 3 4 00 2 00
do bull 1 year old aud undor 2 3 oo 1 50
ddbtiii cair.. ... a<o lso
do cow 3 years aud over 5 to 3 00
do cow 2 years and under .5 4 00 2 0J
do heifer 2 years and under 3 ■. 3nO 1 50
du heifer I year aud under % 800 I 50
do iieifer calf 2 qO 1 00
Judges same as in class n.
CLASS ll r — Al-PERSETS (Not Registered).
Premiums »an|a as in
Judges same as fft class i.
"est cow three years old aud over. I "0 $2 01
do cow 2 > ear* and under 3 3 On l
do heifer 1 year ;uid under j 2 uO 1 tfl
do heifer calf - •: a 00 \ uO
Judges to be selected hereafter.
fcI.AS3 1 '.—MILCH cows.
Best mflcli COW »g« (jr |l|-hh(( *5 oo <1 01
Judges same as fu cT;pw m-
NOTB — LODGES to require exhibitors to "naki"
sworn statem nt of iiroduction ol butter and milk
of cow for trial of 10 days.
Best yoke of work cattle. *4 $2 00
Judges same as class 12.
15.— HERDS (l)urhains).
Best herd of l<) head qf catU'Mi o more
no less, of bleeding cattle, u trued
by one man V *lO tO»SM}
Judges sani" xs in class 6.
CLASS I#.—HERDS (Alderney).
li«<st h«»d of l"l|.'< t d of cattle, no more,
lio less, of b|ee<|i|)g (JijtfK OWUed
by one man f)0 '4) fit ' 0
Judges salil • as 111 class 7,
CLAM 17,-HUEKI' (M'TihOS).
Best buck any age .mi ♦> 1 0 ♦? f 0
do 3 e'.vs ....... S . Iw 2 00
do 3 lambs SOO i 00
Judges to be selected hereafter.
Judges aud premiums same as iu class 17.
Judgci and bl'eiijlfjlijs (lie as iu Class 17.
Judges and premiums as in class if.
Judges an I premiums same as in class IT.
CLASS 23.-SWINE (Poland China.)
Best Isiar any age $3 0) $2 >0
(ID sow any age 3 0 2 00
do uliur 111 not less than 4 3 00 2Oi
Judgi* Mbe ijeluufo.) l|iifejiffer.
Judges and premiums same as in class 23.
Judges aud premiums sanje in ciat»
Judges Slid preillluiUS same as in class 23.
CLASa 2S. (KJ|![,TII*.
I est pair light Bralmri fowls ♦! 0' ♦ ft"
do pair light Bi alima chicks 100 fill
Ido pair dark Hraluna fowls 100 fti
do pair dark Itrahmachicks 10) 5)
do pair bull Cochin fowls ; 100 50
do pair buff Cochin chicks 1 '*» SO
do pair partridge < 0.-liln fowls 100 5J
do pair partridge ciMdiin chicks 1 is» &)
(jobair b/iicjj <sH'Jij|| fowls O' "<0
do hair i'lacß ' Uilckij 0 > 50
do pair white < 'oewn /oiylJT «' ';<>
do pair white Co'llill chicks. Ol S'l
do pair Plymouth Rook fowjs Oo Si
do pair I'lyinoutli li<» k ehlcHa. ■\) 5)
do jiair American lioinineque fowls., b) no
do pair American Iximineouechleks.. 100 t, i
do pair black Hpanish fowls 100 fa
do pair black chick 1 M TO
di> pair white l/Cglioru fowls 100 50
do bii» l.egliorn chicks 10) SO
do pair fowls 1w» 5o
do pair brown
do pair Doiuilicqde I>eghoril fow'U 1"j V)
do pair Domincijue leghorn clucks .too Tq
do pair black Hamburg fowls 100 .vi
do pair bU"k Hamburg chicks 1 m so
do pair silver spangled Hamburg fowls Ico 5 i
do pair silver spangled Ham burg chicks loi 50
! iju ualr coltjelispangled llamborgf'ws I o.i 5o
|do pairi.'ol<|i:;i 4iaii|<!«'l ifauiburg ch's loi i>o
I (to pair Ibfiiu.M) fowls J '■» 50
do pair Hoildaii chick.")— 1r» in
tin pdr black nresfd (irme fowls ... 100 i«r»
do palrblnek broustod Came chicks.... Ito su
do pair blu<* Cauie fowls. 1 t.O ;i0
do pair blue Came chicks 100 .50
do pa|r Polish fowls 1 o no
do pair Polish chicks.... 10i On
do pair .Sebright BanUm fowls. 100 .50
ilo pair Sebright Bantam chicks.. Its) So
do pair White or black llautum fowls. 100 .'()
i)o Viiir yj'hitc or black Ban mm chicks. Ino 50
do pair gii'lj's
do pair game itauiiio) Witck# • 10" '*)
do pair BruUZi turkuys 1(» 541
do ti ilr Mate turkeys 1 (») ft)
do pair White turkeys J (ft 5()
do pair Native turkeys. 100 OS
do pair Pea Fowls. 1O) 50
do |>air Cuine.a*. any variety IHO 50
do pair Aylesbery du ks 1(0 50
fUi pair Rouen ducks 1 (10 so
ill) vail, i'fckln ducks 1 tio 50
110 jialr MU.4L'OV> duck,} 1 0<) 50
do pair Toulouse jan so
do pair w'liUe t'hii)c>u geese ....'...'.'.' lOu »
do pair Native uww,,,,.,,,,,! I W 58
do display of pou'y by any one |H<rsoll j <JO Q
do display t«f tame pigeons.', varieties 1 iij ft )
do display of birds, orna'tal an I sln'g 10) 'fl
do Mocking bird I t« 50
do display rabbits Ito 50
do pair squirrels 1 00 M
l/caviest goose 100 '4l
/<•..< W.;,( farkey 100 W
.1 U, !<•, '.,eni(.U.i| hereafter.
NQTf..—No'fowls' will 1,«, a<ksuip;d « nrcluli'm
tii.it i|o not score 75 points acimduiß to ttvij
•'Alil'TWw standard of Excellence.
Tfii* Clhhh in for exhibition OII(>, qt/'f
wo invito ManilfacturerM, Dealers or own
(iri of any implement useful to tlio farm
er, to place tliu Mamo 011 exhibition.
Tho object of thin Clasa Is to oriittilH
manufactiirnrs to thoir (jooilh bo
fore tlio public, ami to afford the farmors
an oppf>rtunity of securing tlio moHt im
proved farm machinery.
If you have an implement which you
think is an improvement, britiK it along
and plu'i!) i'. Oil exhibition, MO that your
brother lamiets i(, ThiM is the
way to luijiroveir)oi)t.
Best two horse farm wagon .....Diploma
do two horse spring wagon Diploma
do two horse earrlage I liploma
do one horse top buggy l)l|donii
do one horse open buggy Diploma
do buck wagon Diploma
do pair bob sleds Diploma
do sleigh Diploma
do wheelbarrow Diploma
Judge, t;i be Mi-leeted hereafter.
Best set double wagon harness *2 00 tl UQ
do set double carriage harness 300 j SO
do set single buggy liarness 200 i t0
do man's s;Kbl|e I HI 50
do lady's saddle, I'o 50
ilo riding saddle. W) 25
do halter M>
do horse collar 50 28
do 2 sides upper leather I 0) 5)
ilo 2 sides sole leather I 01 50
do 2 sides harness leather 1 01) 50
do 2 calf skins I 10 50
do pair men's line luiots. hand made... I<o .V)
do pair men's coarse boots, hand made 50 25
do pair ladles'shoes, hand made 110 50
do display of bo its and shoes Diploma.
Judges same as 111 Class 30.
NOTE. All Hie alsive art|c|e* must i»- manufac
tured try the exhibitor, except display of boots
and shoes.
Best 10 yards rag car|wt tl (JO f So
do 10yards flannel. 1 o>i 5g
do 10 yards domestic cloth 100 50
tlo pair woolen blankets....,, ~10 So
do pair woolen socks 25
do pair woolen hose 2i
do pair woolen mittens 25
tlo ji.ur woolen gloves 25
do 5 #.s woolen yarn, assorted colors. 50
do made overcoat Diploma.
do made dress coat Diploma.
do made palitaloous. Diploma.
do made vest Diploma.
•Judges to be selected hereafter.
Best range Diploma
do cook stove Diploma
do fire front, grate and fender Diploma
do display of copper and tinware Diploma
do set <if l>edroom furniture Diploma
do set or parlor furniture Diploma
do sewing machine Diploma
do washing machine Dijdoina
do specimen of casting Diploma
do engine • Diploma
Judges to be selected hereafter.
Best bu. Beauty of Hebron potatoes 9 50 t 25
do bu. Hurbank potatoes 60 25
do ij bu. Triumph potatoes 50 23
do %bu Victor potatoes 50 25
do K bu. Dunmore potatoes 50 25
do U bu. Karly Ohio potatoes 5 i 2".
do K bu. I'eachblow potatoes 50 '25
do } 2 bu. Early Rose potatoes 5> 25
do 1 1 bu. rceness potatoes 50 25
do bu. siiowflake potatoes *0 25
do ? 2 bu. Chili potatoes 30 25
do ' j bu. Albany Seedling potatoes 50 25
do display of Irish potatoes, iu number
of varieties, li>-' k each 50 25
do l-i bu. Sweet potatoes 50 25
ilo H bu. turnips 30 25
do f-4 bu. onions 53 25
do I peck tomatoes 50 25
do 1 peck euowin tiers .'0 25
do 1 peck Lima beans SO 25
00 1 peck white beans 51 25
do 1 peck parsnips 50 25
do 1 liwk vegetable oysters 50 2 >
do 3 neads cabbage " 50 25
do 3 heads red cabbage 50 25
do 6 Carrots 50 25
do t> table beets 50 25
do 6 sugar lK'et.s 60 25
do 3 Hubbard squash 50 25
do 3 yellow squash 50 25
do 3 sqiiitshes. any variety 50 25
do 2 Cauliflowers 50 'Jjj
do 6 stalks celery fitt 3>
do display peppers s.) 25
ad S wafer irfeiotis at 2.j
do 3 musk melons 50 25
do bun.-li peanuts 50 Ti
do 3 Citrons fa 1}
do 3 sweet pumpkins ' '0 2'
do 3 Peld pumpkin. 50 25
do itiltl greatest variety of vegetables by
. one exhibitor. ' 300 2 09
Judges to l)e selected hereafter.
CLASS 3S.—FLora, GRAIX *»BI>"4-
The sneclfteil QUaut|t> must be exhibited Vo oh-
Vrthj a iVMllUiti.'aua fnust'b<.' the growth of eom
lest M bushel white w heat I 50 % 25
do Vi biLshel red w heat 50 -5
do }>;. bushel Spring wheat 50 22
do bushel Roger's wheat 50 25
do \ bushel r>e 50 2">
do J, bushel oats 50 'li
do bushel buckwheat 25
do !» tiuiiu.l birlej: " 50 25
n<( '? bnsliel com in ears 5o 25
do y 2 busln-l sweet corn 5a 2>
do'j bushel timothy seed 50 25
do % bushel clover see«l 50 25
do <o sack w heat tlouv 9" -?
do 5o fc. e,ack rye
do 51 t. suck buckwheat flour s>' 25
do 5o ft. sa<'k corn meal 51 25
do 6 stalks corn in ear at) 25
Judges s;tli|e as i|| <
CI.AU-i 36.—FHUIT.
Hc.bt and correctly named and labeled
collection of apples fH to |1 50
do 5 varieties of apples, 6 of each I IQ 5U
do V'iirieties qf ijitu)'aiuile*, dof eac|l 101 W
ilo aptl greatest variety oT pears 1 W 1 00
do and greatest variety of peaches 1 ">o 1 no
do and greatest variety of plums 100 5'
do one dozen peaches 50 25
do one dozen quince* 50 Jo
do apd greatest ol|ec"flull small fruits 2"0 ItU
(|U :i(|d g(vat«sl otijloctiuu uf (jt'anes '4 00 \uO
dQ and greatest cqlle.ctiun fruits of <%ll
kinds 3 00 1 a)
•itplgirs same as iu Ciais 3|.
NOTE,— A|I fruits must Is* grow nby exhibitor and
llllist be properly luuttod ard Übeloil.
best 3 lti.s. roll butter |1 O0 $ 51
do 3 #.s. print butter lan s ! i
do box of honey 1 1*) 5-)
tlo 5 lt.s lard 51 25
dos ».s. maple sugar 100 Si
do 1 gallon maple syrup 5a 25
do 3 bottles catsup -H) 2")
do 2 jars apple butter 50 25
dq 2 Jar* pencil butter 50 25
do 2 , ill's I'lilin buitiii 50 25
tit) 2, <ll s grape btmsv » 2 >
do 2 larS quince butter "0 25
do display of honey in boxes 1 00
judges to be selected hereafter,
,'W,—(;4N>Ep AND ('RESERVED Htl'|T(j.
The »p ■ciljcd uuautitv iiitwt h" «|l|ihltetl U)
order to compete for prize.
Best spceimep peaches in glass. 3 jars i jo $ -g
do specimen cherries in gl;ms, 3 jars 5 1 2 >
du ill) strawberries |u glass, 2 jars - r o 2,5
do do tomaiaes 111 glass, 3 lars 5) 2o
do do r-utplterrles Iu glass, 2 inrs a > SJS
do do blackberries,ln glass, 2 Jars 51 as
do do plums in gl iss, 2 jars . c 0 25
do tlo pears in glass, 2 jars 50 2">
do do quinces in glass, 2 Jars 51 25
do and largest display of preserves
(Hot less thin 6 varieties) 2 100
dOilUij largi.af s(|||n|e of preserved
' ' ffrcM rtiHl'ailtl other vegetables, in
Hfcalfil glass"fart f!l ' • • • 10J 50
do und la.-gest dhqMay HI jellies 1 "
less than 0 varieties) 1 tsi !*i
do 5 rounds dried applas 50 25
do S pounds dried peaches 50 25
do display of dried fruit 100 W
Judges same as iu Class 37.
Best 3 loaves family bti;ad t! 0° S ' r> ®
do 3 loaves (irahain In-eaa 1 tK) i»1
do 3 loaves 17c bread 75 *}
IJO 3 loaves baker's bread 10» 25
•jo uan light cakes M 25
lit) Jelly cakC I t*j IXj
•iu friift cake J0» 5o
i q Cqirija I 0» »
i|u inarble 1 1 0 5'
tlo silver cake I Otj 50
do pies (not less than t varieties; IDo Wi
.1 ii'lges to be selected hereafter.
NOTE —The specified quantity must be exhibited
in this class in order to compete.
Host Oleander I St • 25
Song /r<\ ' 50 2i
ilo colrectlqii Ccraiuums m lyoom »'i n*
ill) collection KQtesjii tiliWiin '' 1 *0 O
i|t( i)iij|i.'c||i)l) Fqchstas ih l))o<)m 50 V>
ilo Cif'llis SO J.
do Hydraugla M ft
do collection Dahlias, cut flowers rn
do collection \ erbenas, cut flowers ul 2 >
do collection liladiolls, cut flowers .'0 2i
do collection Asters, cut flowers '25
do collection l'hloxes, cut flowers ial 25
do flat hand lioouet 50 2.5
do lOjilid Imnd Isxniet : 0 25
do pyraililtf tXiquU 5° 2'»
do coin gri-en house plants by aiuatOM f '> n ■"
do hanging basket with growing vines .50 ei
do collection fancy geraniums s') 25
do A /.alia 50 2^
do Asclepias M 2_i
do ('auna (foliage) 50 25
lii, foliage t'lnnl • s "
14 isiritur plain so 2 •
do Iciiioq tn:c' t'>
do orange (run j/' J'
110 growing Parlor Ivy $"
ii'i wood Ivy <['' i'
do CalUidluins ft)
do an I largest Rose Geranium so M
do variety green lious*; plants by florist 4 00 2 no
Judges to lie selected hereafter.
Best stool cover tl 00 $ 50
<jq??liii><! coves 1 tx) .50
do oltoin.-ttl'crtvia 100 r>o
do uicceij sofa I % a )
tlo W(l|'»t"ii sof.'l I)i|l0W | t|7 ;il
ilo knit shawl lOi :(f
do knit sacque, infants 1 M
do knll sacque, ladles Iso 7i
do knit scarf so 25
■lo pair silk embroidered slippers 100 fiO
do pair worsted embroidered slippers .V) 25
do embroidered shawl strap 0 25
liu <;iiih.'ijdcr:'!.l lowels ( 1 |»alr) .'() 25
lirt eirt'>tohjeri d spjiisti towol 50 2"
tlq ClulM /ideftJd 4ftirt ' J IK) 5Q
I(I «l||l|rt|iUerH"l IliCllt t|ress 1 !]!j 5U
do iiml»i'ul(lw««l lull'tV choitiise 100 :Q
do cinbrotdcrMd ladeis' urawnrs :0
di» c.ubroldereil infant's dress M) J1
do embroidered Infant's cap (lace) ."')
do cm hroldeicd ch ilr tidy so 25
do Ja ■ canvas " i'ii|. tidy 5) 25
do zephyr cab tidy so 2.5
do thread tidy 6i 25
do l'.ivy »; ipnas tol ist 1 Si
dociochet' 1 !!)! et .(it 1 "0 RO
(jo silk Ibpet liet- •' 100 ./)
ilo mvli in! pc'fut I"0 0 >
(I<>l •nt i • 111 if t •'»« *5
il i wi taqlD ma's y
do set Clli'S and collar Q'i 35
do chemise, bauds and sleeves •« '5
do tire screen 1 "0 5'
l|o bucket |.i|||bre(|iiill 1 t-0 50
do fo it i est ft ' -ft
do plu cushion AO 2>
do slipper holder 50 25
d • hair pin ho der 50 25
do lalt ug lac.-, I yard 50 25
(bit iling .ace collar So 2>
doliubli 50 .5
do motto SO 25
ii i spatter work SO '25
do skeleton haves 101 50
U • olr ea tlo .'0 iTt
(||) match VtMfi 50 25
do Jewell oaso 50 2>
do cake cover »o Ji
du ' Isplay crotchet work 1 'io so
do d sp a knitted work 1 tio SO
dot] sp at embroldc ed work I<o 50
do dspln laee wor.t 1 '>o s<l
no pap r '.atcli dl 50 v 5
do Wire i atchall So 25
<lo an i prctlle t hand made apron So .'5
do pen wiper so Z5
do fi ani' d cro's 100 50
do neatest die s 10j SO
do >-|ik lace cap O 2">
■lo pci lmeii o'liani' iilal needle work s<l 25
do W"i ked pocktt handkerchief so V 5
do pit ow slips 75 8
oo |il|to« shuns and sheets ID) S >
do cord nasket so 25
do darn d net wo k 5) TX)
do display of crotchet work by girl under
IL IT X) 50
do illsp'av of ilsrned net work i'V gbl
under 14 I no 50
do sp elm n haii'l sew ing by girl under
14 SO 25
do pair st cklugs k( it hv girl under It M) 25
do (1 -play o zephyr work by glr I uu er
14 Ino fti
do plno or table cover 100 So
d •(!.«■ lageaf/hao 2 0) 1 On
do chilli's ca" lage afglian 100 h»
ilo cilll i's crotchet inutr and hood 1"0 so
do kn lied t|dy 50 25
do I dies' kiilt mittens '/) 25
do chil l'< crotchet h<ea'lho id 76 25
do chdd's c rote net sa que I ( 0 s>
d • bro m holder So 25
do elilhl's em •nildered shawl 75 25
dot ft d »of» p|ll'«w 'py ;f)
>lo" roll wok table cover) io 4»
do rick.rack (slngl ) 50 28
do ilek uick (d iiblc) 50 25
Judges toll se eel d 11-iesf'er.
NOTE.— »R ICLE IU this Class tli t ha>« tik n
premium at former Kalis cmiU'-t cuuipetu. (
CLASS 4.'.—ycil.TS. AC.
do fancy quilt Si no f 50
do patchwork quilt 1 00 50
do quilted quilt 1(0 50
do knit quilt 1 to 51
do log cabin quit 1 0U ••'■o
do silk qudt 1(O 5»
do silk nadle quilt 101 50
do counterp .ne, ha-d ma V 20 ' Ino
d<> fancy coverlet 1 Dl 50
do quilted celllfoit 1 i«> O
do "luihed sk>rt 1 Ou fo
do domestic hearth rug 5' -5
do fancy h-aith rug sl> 25
do hand mad- »hi t I Oi "O
do ma hue made shiit 50 2>
Judges to be feiecte l hereafter.
do oil painting no $1 00
d.i water color painting 1 IK) "K»
do crayon "Irawiug Ito 5i
do ink draw ug 1 00 50
do |>ennianshli> 1 no 50
do iihotograi'h ofdomtstic animal from
life 1 OO 50
do di-play if photographs, d plomas.
&<• 1 to iti
do d splay of cone work •"<) 25
do <ll pi »" f shell work 50 25
do i eat work 50 25
do scroll wood work 50 25
do rustic w»ik .'.O 2^
do haii woik 50 25
d'i wax work .">0 25
docrysia ized work 50 25
do crystaliied Ix-quet M) 2>
d'idisela .ol decor ted pottery 100 50
do display of rustic baski ts 1 to '0
do agncoliur.il »re <tii V) 25
do hu-k or shell basket 50 25
ilo piano diploma
ilo org in dlpioma
doanld ial fruit 1 U) 50
Judges to bj selicted hot'calter,
No. 1 Karmer»' Trot o' Pace. Purse S_'s (X,
l>t hoi-se. sio.uo 2d. 7.00 3d i"> no 4th. si i n
No. 2. 3 Minute CI »s Trot curse 851)01
Ist h">rse. -'JS ill Jd. $12.10 'id, fS. 0. 4 h. S>' a
N'u i 2t lass. Trot o> Pac" I
Ist hOise, JSMH) 2d. 530.00.3d. ?20.UQ- 4th, j15.u0.
No 4. ißvclc o Race. Curse $25 co
\tt. ! 5.00. 2d Slo.o'.
So, 5- 2:51 M lass Trot, u; se s'oo
Ist holse. S5) 0. 2d.-26 01. :'d. 515.0 c 4ih JIO.OO
Jin. tV. tree for alt. Iro or I'aee. I'n se #lso,
Ist horse, •7. «0 2il, H ■ U). .'d, »2 sti. 4tli sls iu.
CONDITIONS All tli ab-ve races to be 3in 5.
to ha ness aii lwi 1 IM- cond .cied uiulc rules
of the Satioeal A-so iatio.i. .v l ent ie- must
be made iu strict accordance tHerewith En
trance f e. 1> per cent, of purse, and inn I ao
coiupauy nomi'iattoitslu"(iu live ent 1 s
reuu red to (',il > 1«• ■e • i more hois s<o start
(usurc s coud p cniluin ; four or more to in
sure iliird p "in inn; live or in re to insure
lo nth premium llors'Scalled at I ••'< lock p.
m. a<:<l to st rt at 1: to precisely iach day ho
tr mce for all l u poses will ■ at the olllce of
the |n Hutlor, - ?.t Ma.
pi p.ist cl.i-s stabl ug and ae ominixlatio s
lor hor-es. and Mi • Hit st half-mile track In 'ho
State, rremiain* w ill i-e iJ das per Bule
30 exeep ihat aey horse distanced shall rei eive
tin part "f the pr inium ; and anv horse dis anc
lug ab i tilers shall rec-lv but one preinl ill
Heat i i each oi the r ICI s may 1 c tro to I > le. -
nately. Any horse ruled out shall not be en
titled to a premium.
P: . O R B,
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
MAIN STREET, (North of ILowry House,) BUT2.ER, FA.
T-<&- 3C Til 3=3
•rue TREAT
li f ft LI \(. TO X ItO ( TK.
fWSn ether line run* Three Through I'iib-
MUi'r tirin:,j Hoiiy Ji, ''hli'mro, I><•»
Mnfii' 4, C 'Hincil UtuUK ImtU I'ii.iMn. St.
JoMfjili. Alclilrii, Ti'P'kn Mini Kuiiaim City.
Dlrcit rontv'tloni fur nil point-* In KniisnH,
i, < olnrndn, Wyoming Mi'iitnnu, Nf
vr\il:i. New Mi xlcii, Ariz ■ni«, luiibo, Oregon nnd
Call Torn'a.
Tho Sh'irffMt, S|>e<'dl«"«t anil Most • '. mf< rln
>l" •{ ill'' vlii llniilillu. 1 (•> F.ilt Scott 111 HIHI.II, I
(>:I1IIM. II i mfon, .\u<tln. Smi Aiitoiil.i, Onlvi
'.HI iirifl nil point* In Texan.
Tl'f ii - iei|tui( it indu:'emi'iit* i ffereil liy thl*
Line U'Uiilflvi il nii'l T<uiii»t' nr. a* follow*;
Th • ei'leliriitfxl Prtlllniri 'imvli■ «-l> I'hliico
-41c*c*|>Inar Car*. run 'inly on llii i I Inc. P.. It. Sc
>f. fiil-ieo l)r; ■vliig-ll xtm Car*. irilli ll< n< nil
lipclliihiir I h.i/is. X'i extrn vh argr for Son lt
in Kr-clinfliff < hiilrJ. 'I Ik- famous <'. 11. A- (). I
I'llluce Dining Cnm. (iiirfri 'nx Hn king far* I
HUIHt with I'logunt Mt. hlt Kknl Italian lie- I
votvlng < 'hn): nt >r tin- I\< lu ive U(e of Hist- I
tlllHH p.lO'lOllKl'm.
Steel Trm k anil flitpeilnr FViulpment, oom
binty nl/h Ijir'.t (.i,jUt Thr"iit,'h I'nr Arinn::(r
mi'lif. irt«»r"< Hi)* ,'nliii\i iill hi Iter*. 111- favorite
It'tillc lo TL|i* Siiiii'tli ivi'«t,i.uil tlw I'II R
it, unit von wilt tV.nl trnvellnir n luxury
ln*tfii>l ol II diw-omfort.
Through Tii'ki'K via thin Cell hrnt' il I.lno
fur hii|u ut uII ollU'cg In tin. 1 ('lilted Htnti-n mid
Ail Information aliout Kate* of Faro. Sloop
lug Car Accommodation!), Time 'J ablea,
will l>o i lHMTfully given, nnd will aend I'm to
any nddro** nr. elegant Vinnilu Mu/> of I nit i d
tttuto*. In color*, by applying to
J. y. A. HKAN, Ocn'a haatern Agent.
"Jin Washington St . Ilustoti. Mil**,
and 317 llrnndway, New York.
JAMKS 11. WOOD, tien. I'uh*. Agt . Chicago.
T. J. I'UTi'lilt. (Jell. Manager. Chicago.
_ Kevrr f:'lliitorwroi\iiy Uitin-yrttnro»ovh»tr ■
•* *<Miri:r; »i..0, dlsooiN. i i.f 111'* l'i:wlUi;r. 855555
lucoiitlii.'liro i f iirlnn, {wt
r ri.uUMA l.i » |»<. Mvo ran*. SSSSSva. ■» ■
In errors of youth, Pi m N ' -v ' » a 1 ''f-
For brl' it-'l" ti r niln r ;
" " V'nr
s t*i. ut • •.•■4 i
r'i rirv. Ilmmid vlicur ftr youth la notn I*'*®*
_ linmctllri' l y. Bt-l'f I ■
■" J-".»r m-rvoiK pruHtratlua, < by cxccs- ■
Klvnnnturalor tintinluriil
" * '
Vkj In nui-nily, at nl«lil, t'> nmlio v/ntiT. ran
; n iy inipii' Itiy i.n l'i nt'v*. SMBSBS I
I*..r urinary (tIMU'-l of liatu i"'Xi'K, for fo-
T in: In ■
j not rcntoio or nt lcai>t greatly lwuulU. S3SSS |
Kvud for » pamphlet.
. P. 11. lIAKTMAN * CO., Oiborn, Ohio. |
Kwp yiwir with
PIIBIINA iiml 'l*MI l\
zinmriniin A UII.IJK
Planing Mill
"V ard.
S.G. Purvis & Co.,
mii'ncit HEite AND DEALZRS iy
Bough and Plansd Lumber
Brackets, Gatpd (hi (([mc
Newell Posts and Balustere
Uarn Boartlp; Plastering Lath ; Hen
lock Bill Stuff", such as Joist Raf
ters, Seantiinsr. &c.. all sizee
constantly on hand.
All of which we will nell oi»
reasonable terrr.f* ciu guar
antee satisfaction.
Sear tirrmau ChIIIOIIc Clnircb
A. Haffner,
Liiiiil>ei* Y
Hough and Plansd Lumber
Brackets, Gauged Goinice Board?,
Born Boards, Plastering Lath, Hem
lock Hill StulV, of all kinds,
constantly on hand,
All uf J Hi'! Sf-'j! on reasonable
terms and guarantee satisfaction.
Planing 1 Mill and Lumber Yard on
Jefferson street, Butler, Pa.
ltlecly A. H \FFNF]R.
L. NICICLAS ?rop'.,
Ilavlti); lalten poxeHt-lon of Ilia *bove woll
kr.'uvn Hotel. »nil it beiiik' furnlnlitHl in Ibo
bent of hlyle lor tbe Aocomixlation of gueetM. tlio
public 'ire rci<prct'ully ilivilctl to give ruo a call
I bavc alno poH«e*Hion of the btrn in roar of
hotel, which fin ni»lie» excellent etabling, ac
uomixlatioiiH for my patrons.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
VYM. Thbasuiikk
J. L. Purvis, E. A. Helmboldi,
William Campbell, J. W. Murk hart,
A.Tii<,(lil'n;ii Jncob SchiitHie,
Q. C ; Jojil) u:il4pu|},
i)i. W. Irvln, J J. ('toll
J. W.Christ? H, C, Heinnmiwi.
I), L/Ciwlaiid,
(fiT Fine Watch ami Clock rei>airlnK i tipeci
ility All work warrentwl.
Store lietween Wuiioi'a Druif Htorfl an J
■"avirnjH Hank. Main htrei l. IJutlor. I' a.
P A. I IST r r,
in tin* market. It can !»«• lined on VVIKMI, Iron.
Tin. Li'ailn r. Planter or I'apwr.
II n 1 "'" further, IIUKIH |(niK«'r. l«iok« helfr ami I*
CHKAI'KIt limn IIIIV oilier paint I'or pnlnlltiK
HoilW't. liantH ICiHifx, Kelice*, Wligiilts, fiP„ IT
11 AM NO K<il'A|.. Call ami r*a|Mlnr iittpi'lfj.
m revisiii
X I: W T I:ST 4 N I■: XT.
AK naile by the irioxt eminent ncbolera of
KngUnd and AmTira. Half Ilie I'rlce of fJor
raapoudniK Kin<h«h Pdilion l.ai>{<' I'p*. linen
auper-calendttra'l pa|ier. )>>n<lii>K A wp
arale "Comprehenrive "|«t,,ry of the liible akd
it-< rran»l-tion»," iiu'ltidinK a full aooonut of tli*
New ItaviMiou K' v **n t° xutincnbcra
Ilent cbaitce for a«< nte ever offered. Send
■tamp fur particujarx at once
lite Hrmy Kill PtiblinhlnK Co, Norwich, Conn.
In tOfll" r dnv at home Sfintplet «nrtlt
JJ • U •#<CUj5 | re ,.. Atltlrcaa bMSeoM <tCO.,
I'urtlaud, M line.
—miE< —
Chicago & North-Western
■* .m. ■ m. w w
EQUIPPED ! and lience the
It is the short and l>est route between Chicago
and all points in
Northern Illinois, lowa. Dakota. Wyoming. Ne
braska, California. Oregon. Arizona. Utah, Colo
rado. Idaho. Montana. Nevada, and lor
I>EN V 15li. 1.10 A I)V1 L.1..K.
Cedar Rapids, Pes Moines. Columbus and all
Points in tlie Territories, and the West. Also,
foi Milwaukee. tJreeu Bay. Oshkosh. Sliebovcan,
Marquette, Fond du Lac, Watertown,
Neenali, Mt-iia-sha. St. Paul, Minneapolis. Union.
Volga, l'argo. KiMiiaick, Winona. Lai'mose,
Ow atonna. aad all JKIIIILS in Minnesota. Dakota,
Wisconsin and the Northwest.
At Council Itlulls ihe Trains ol ilie Chicago &
North-Western and the U. I*. K'>s depart from,
arrive at and use the same joint Ultkm iVpot
At CUlcauo. close connections are made with
the Uike Shore. Michigan t entral, Baltimore &
Ohio. Ft. Wajneand Pennsylvania, and Chicago
& Grand Trunk K'ys, and the Kankakee and I'an
Handle Routes.
Close connections made at Junction Points.
It is the ONLY LINE running
Pullman Hotel D.'ning Cars
Chicago and Council Bluffs.
Pullman Sleepers on all Night Trains.
Insisf u|x>n Ticket Agents selling you Tickets
via tins road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse
to buy if they do not rend over the Chicago *
North-U est em Hallway.
If yon wish the liest Traveling Accommodations
you will buv vour Tickets bv this route, f4S~AND
All Ticket AgeUts sell Tickets bv this Line.
MAKYIN Ilt'OHlTr, *1 \. P. & Cen'l Mang't
Host Fragrant ft Refreshing of Perfumes
Exceedii|ly Delicate and Ustiag.
Price. 25 cts.; Large Bctt'.es, 75 ct3-
Sold by dra'cn In Draft k Pwftimery. Strustor* of Hl»-
cox h Co.. N. <W tYtry bottU.
• The Medicine for Every Family.
[ Madcfrom Ginger, Buchu. Mandrake, Sullingta, J
. and other of the best vegetable remedies known, <
| PARKER'S GINGER TONIC has remarkably varied \
> curative powers, & isthe greatest Stomach Correct- «
[ or, Blood Purifier aud Liver Kegulator ever made & *
: The Best Medioine You oan Use ■
: for Restoring Health & Strength:
It commence* to act from the first dose, irircbes ■
' out the wc.ik organs, and is r.m tol tg cuts at
• help all tii>t:.»scs of the lion alt, Stomach, pi<ud, <
J Kidneys, Liver. Urinary Organi, allCuiitplnintiof !
■ Women, Nervomne«, Sleeplcitnett, Klitunia- <
| ti»m and DruiikrniirvK.
. Try n buttle to-day; il may «ave your life. soet. •
J and $ i ii<« atiilldriiggittt. Every genuine bottle \
■ has our signature on outside wrapper, Htscox ft •
; Co., N. Y. Large saving in buying $i liie-
Just What Is Wanted.
Everybody whose hair Is gray or faded has felt
the need of a Hair Restorer and dressing that it
cleanly, agreeably perfumed and harmless. Par.
ker's Hair Balaam satisfies the most fastidious in
r*IUM TICBET*, fro - |
UU V § j?fe LO' V 3 l?k^'urr ?' n " Mi
r, BA4 [
I i- he to ill' thi"mu h Unlit*, in whle I
'I HIIH can be obtain**! lit Iho rraMC
--H bii* | i ice of ruvriity«"vr (tiita. Mfll
rSli«!««t ttti*. a<f3ri*tt. ImM
J, Q. BEAH (3cn'i Eaatrm Aft. I^MI
HB M<<l«€>ti.'Maai. PHI
o|iinloiiM of Hie Public.
The Pad* nre celling woll. Have »everal old
chronic caccH of Kidney trouble tiHiu« them, and
ther report an Improfemepf «ri<l think arnrh of
them. A. L. 'MM DOCK A CO., JJriiggiKa.
Your V«d !>*• done me mote Rood tlun any
I lteinedy I fcvur iißctl. 3AB. 11. CAV.LAWAY.
Vtmr I'K'l I inn cured :ao of Pain in Mia Rack
ami Kidney Trouble. M. J. fJOUUiI.
TOLEDO, - - - OniO.
J. C. REDICR. Ai;ciit for Bntler f\>.
On (lie I.ONM OR
A l.rctiirc on OIK Nature, Treatment and RVi
ic»l euro of Seminal Weakness or H|»<nnator
rl tea induced l»y Melf-AliiiHO. Inwnntarr Kmi*-
ainiiH Impi-tency, Nervou* Debility, and Im
iieiiiiiu IIIH to Mai lias* generally ; Conxuniption.
I |iilf|>»v an I EIIH ; Mental and PlitHical Inca
pacity, Ac. • Hy KOHEKT J. C'DLVEItWELL,
M D , author of the "Oraen 110 >k "Ac
The woild-r< liowned author, in thin admirable
Lectin e clearly prove? from hla own eiperiene*
thai Ihe a»fill coni>et|uciicoe of Self-Abuae may
be effectually removed without dangerotm mir
gleal operationn. l>oiigj(.tt, rrin|if)nienta. riifK|l.
curdiale ; pomling out a mode of cure at
certain anil effectual, bv which every eufTornr,
no matter whs l tun condition may Iw. may our*
hum-elf cheaply, privately and radioally.
ftjTTltiH Lecture will prove a boon to tbou
»and» and thouaandn.
Kent, under real, in k plain envelope, to any
addreea, on recei|«t of eit cents or two iioMlage
•tampe We have also a aure cure for Tape
Worm. Addreea
41 ANW ST., NFW YOMK. N. Y.;
lel U-ly Font OlHcc liox,
m:\KY u. ham:,
Pittsburgh, l'a,