SHOCKING TRAGEDY. A terrible murder was committed at an early hour this morning at Coyle's Ferry, opposite Marietta, which has produced the greatest excitement. Emma Myers, of Chambersburg, has been residing in the family of John Coyle, sr., at the ferry, for some tune past, with whom the son John Coyle, jr., became infatuated, and, it is said, desired to marry, but his addresses were always rejected by the girl- Early this morning, about half-past five o'clock, Emma went to the barn for the purpose of milking the cows. Young Coyle followed. What conver sation took place between them is not known at this writing. Coyle, how ever, drew a small seven Bhooter, and fired point-blank at the girl, the ball penetrating her breast in the center, five and a half inches below the throat, then passing through her body, and coming <»t the right side of her back somewhat lower down, and causing instant death. The murderer then turned the weapon upon his breast and fired' the ball penetrating the flesh, but not producing a fatal wound. He then placed the pistol to the back of his head, bnt fired with no other result than to make a flash wound about an inch back of the right ear. After shooting Coyle retired to the house and went to bed. News of the rash act was seat to Wrigbtsville bj the young man's father, when Justice Frank Magee proceeded to the scene and held an inquest. Mrs. Coyle, mother of the murderer, testified that she bad called the murdered girl at five o'clock, when she got up as usual and went about her work, that of milk ing. At six o'clock she got up herself, and shortly afterward her son John came in and said, 'Mother I've shot Emma and shot myself. She just quivered and fell down dead," She also testified that her son bad asked the girl to marry bim, telling her that if she refused he would shoot fehe straightened Lerself up, and pointing to her breast, said, Well, shoot right here,' when he drew the revolver and fired the fatal shot. (Springfield, (Mass.; Republican. A Prominent Lawyer** Opin ion. In one of our New England ex changes we observe that Wm. T. Fl!ley Esq., of Pittsfield, Attomey-a„-Law and Asst. Judge Police Court, and late County Commissioner, was restored to perfect health and activity by the use of St. Jacobs OiL He had suffered with rheumatism for years intensely; but by the recent use of the remedy he was, as stated, completely cured, and says the Oil deserves the highest praise. Talmage is ag'in the revised New Testament, He wasn't consulted. No remedy except Peruna does al ways concide with the vis medicatrix nalura. If vou are troubled with sleepless ness, imagine you have got to get up, and off you go Crystalene Paint is the best and cheapest for agricultural implements, Fenceß, Out- Buildings, Wagons, Ac. A cow with three rings on a hori is six years old ; with four she is seven years old. No new rings are formed after the tenth year. My daughter's Paralysis ataxis dis appeared from the use of Peruna. B. C. Hicks, Pittsburgh, Pa. Cow manure contains a large pro portion of potash and a comparatively small amount of nitrogen, and hence is a better fertilizer for the grape-vine than horse manure. When you feel a cough or bronchial affection creeping on the luigs, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and cure it before it becomes incurable. The wisdom of a man who says that the right lime to take down a stove is on the last uf July and the time to put it up again the first of August follow ing, has been demonstrated during the past few days. A well known clergyman of Toledo, 0., says : I commenced to wear a Days Kidney Pad, after my Doctor told me I could not get well and within two months I bad completely recovered. Adam carried the vote of the first ward, City of Eden, in his vest pock et—Keokuk Conststution. Where did he carry his vest pocket ?—Steuben ville Herald. We were oa the Eve of asking that question ourselves. The more costly the shoe worn by children the mo.'e important it is that they should be protected from wear at the toe by the A. S. T. Co. Black Tip, as they double the wearing value of the shoe and give them a neat appear ance. The Germans are a frugal people,' says an American writer, after visit ing the Berlin Opera-house. 'As SOOJ as the opera was over, the man in iron* took wads of cotton from bis pocket and stopped up bis ears, to save the music he bad paid for.' The De'aware peach crop has been ruined by the co'd weather so of nn that it is a little singular it hps neve occured to the growers 10 {.uaid against such a calamity by tek'ng their t'ees in-doors at night and stand ing tbem behind the stove. They were approaching an ice-cream saloon, and she said: Oh I Char';-', I'm going to have my new dress cut bias. Oh—oo ! S-p-p-p ? Ther's an ice-cream saloon 1 Goody !' 'Yes; and it is like your new dress, for it will he cot bv us.' And the horrid old wretch led the panting damsel across the street. Volumes have been written about Ca'deron without placing the man pla.nly before the mental eye of the rearler; bat a fortnight ago au old Spaniard, in telling a Herald corre spondent that the great poet once spent every evening in lounging and chatting at a drug store, brought C»l --deron entirely within the comprehen sion of eyery villager in the United States.— New York Herald. Smallpox, writes Dr. W. B. Carpen ter to the London Times, is a disease over which general sanitary measures have little or no control. Whithersoeve contagion is conveyed, any 'unprotect ed* person is liable to be attacked by it. The experience of the Icelandic epidm ic is most significant in this respect. An Icelandic sailor went to Denmark, ther took the smallpox, and d>ed. His clothes were sent back to his family in Iceland-and that importation of the poison, notwithstanding the sparseness of the population, was fatal to 18,000 persons in the course of Bix months ; pmny, it is exprepaly sta'ad tak ing the disease who had previously bed it HOLIDAY PRESENTS! GRAND OTSPI-AY THIS WEEK AT Rosenbaum & Co.'s, 119 11A 116, Market Street, Cor. Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, t*A. POB -BUY KID GLOVES. PRESENTS. • ALP K ACA M UMBKETLAS, LEATHER SATCHELB, PORTMONNIES, nirc PV'PC GENT'S CARD CASES, PRESEN IS- SILK MUFFLERS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. PRESENTS. MOTTO HANDKERCHIEF*, JEWELRY BOXES, PRESENTS. BREAST PINS, RFTMUIWO. CUFF BUTTONS, SCARF PINS, PRESENTS. UNDERWEAR r A *3. R BUSPEN f>ERs t CARDIGAN JACKETS, PRESENTS. . GENT'S SCARF'SJ SCISSORS. KNIVES, LADIES' FANCY SETS, PRESENTS. KBFFIBHSFSFT BONNETS. And 1,000 other useful Prfteents at Immense LOW PRICES- j i i ygg—Bgr?- - - * A PERFECT A SURE REVIVER. TT?OV BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonfc ; especially Indigestion, the blood, strengthens the jnutselaj, and gives new life to the 1 i.ey act like a charm on the as Tasting the Food, Bekhing, Heai eive T Pnn Prpnamtion that will not blacken the tcetn or gi\ e headache, gold by all druggists. Write for the AB C Book, 32 pp. of useful andaH|Using*«!adJngß-pen{ fret, __ , BROWN CHEMICAL CO., l<imore, Md. BITTERS WHY DOES , , , „ ?' ■£ at an ,w>l vftge? Put a man at the wi sh-tnb, lothiia pet ..., s syss ssaajsfsrs A WOMAN f .Hk SS m c ,FSS' n K". - «"t work, she has to y „ L imell, so apparent to visitors, show 53? or neuralgia, an, LOOK OLD while yet young in «n>nsfly t> the injurious effecu of the usaal way orv,awi g, u» . f ja wilhout doubt SOONER THAN " can u« «, there is not. woman or «.-ho Is not <'ircotly WONDERFUL WAV OF WASHING CDSTHES. wMcft pieces brighter and spell and Jarful steam *{" h^^,^ B *a S hing the ofd way, leaves tlie hands smooth enough canj aa and as pure as if never worn. *>TEbTIMONIAL^ From n. E. Eowlxs. M. D.. nammonton, N. J., lUitor South jTtey Republican. My attention was called to FRANK SIDDALIfI SOAP fro.'n an advertisement in my own P*per, a oil iuune in my house for nearly • year, according t., I lie dirertlons.has proved that fia remartobla properties have not been overstated.. For remov ■i,* printing inlc it Is Invaluable, while tor toilet . id shaving it is the beet Soap X have ever seen. '•rem Maa. H. L. Kisvos. Northfleld, Vt. 1 do mv wash tvlth FRANK SIDDALLB SOAP lIJ f the time and with no expense tor Soap, at the 1(7 in furl more. thanpagi/orU. I have nosteam M-enl from the wash, while the saving in 'I:;, clotUea and labor can hardly bewtimftted. m E. W. StaMTON, 1508 N. 20th St., Philada. We are confident, from a long ® l Psr'* n . c ? t 1 ?. " tnd recommending FRANK SIDDALLfc j, .. t i ia t one trial, according to the very easy •>-d d'rcr'ionj, will overcome all prejudice*. <•» ally uas wonderlUl merit for 'having, toilet, roll.wing are the Direction, for Use, ao .Imp* that • child can understand them. I u\. anything so rldlcnlou. a. to buy the Soap unle.. you Intend following them. ■to positively forfeited If U Injurea the clothe $, »r will not do everything claimed, r-t put the white clothes in a tub of water, only mode warm enough to be eomfortnlde Imnd*. Then take one piece out at a time on the wash-board, rub the Soup light y . roll it up and put it back into the same tub, and so on with each piece until all 'he S'-ap rubbed on theiu. Then go away and let them soak at least twenty minutes, ~t touching them, when the dirt will all be loosened, and a very little rubbing on , ash-board, out of that one suds, will make them perfectly clean, being particular to aacb piece while washing so as to get at the seams. Then wash lightly on the was i rJ, through a lukewarm rinse-water (without any Soap,) so as to get the dirty out. i put through blue-water, and on the line, -without scalding or boiling a tingle piccf. . rward put flannels and colored pieces to soak, and wash them exactly the same w-v. It is important not to beat the wash-water in a tin, brass or copper kettle. A te.i-k' W .l iieat enough water for a large wash with this Soap. s! Think What You will Save by this Easy Way of Washing! No Wash-boiler! No Steam! No Smell of Suds through the Hoi:is ■ ' .:s the remarkable Property of keeping the Dish-Cloth, Wash-hag a j Sponge always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in Hard VI atcr. -•H SOLD BY GROCERBi-^ ■j Cake and Try it for s.nta -where this Soap Is not yet Introduced a Tjial Cake will be sent bi Mail, on receipt of Price, (10 Cents), in Money or Btampß. IV™ E L O7 ERS FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP, "M ft CALLOWHILL ST.. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill. Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble, at) they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. Tliey are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices, address, H. FtJIiLERTON, |n194.'7«-1y) Rntler Pa For Sale or Exchange for a Farm Three acres of land, large house, store room and hall above, and stable and out buildings six miles from Butler, on the Glade Mill and Han nahut >vn road at Jefferson Centre. Young or chard of good fruit thereon. Any person want ing to purchase or exchange foi a farm will in quire at CITIZEN office, or address MRS. KATE I NF.GI.EY, Saxonburg, Butler conntv. Pa SiiEwr™ NEW TESTAMENT. As tcade by the most eminent scholers of England and America. Half the Price of Cor responding English Edition. Large fpe. linen super-calender."! paper, elegant binding. A sep arate "Comprehensive History of the Bible akd its Translations," including a full account of the New Revisii n given to subscribers. Best chance for agents ever offered. Send stamp for particulars at once The Hewr Bill Publishing Co, Norwich.Conn. FF.KHIH ARMOK, Justice of th.e Peaoe Muin street, oppo iu* Posiottice, Jllfly ZBUENOPLK , PA. {Kir* IStsttae WntUx, fl*., 3tm* 15, 1881. and all household uses, and as It become. - , mor. generally known, must have an immense «aie. From Mas. E. Stockwel-J,, Hammonton, N. J. FRANK BIDDALLS SOAP Una beenusedl to my house tor the Inst seven months and by follow ing the printed directions, we find It to go every thing claimed on the wrappers. We have not scalded or boiled a single article, and the <***" are whiter and tweeter than when washed in Out old it ay. !My husband, who is a dealer I) ere, has a steady demand for the boap from his customers. From Manaskb or Pf.xtkr Lahndby, 301 Sixth Street, Corner C Street, N. W-, W ashlngton. I). C. No laundry or family can afford to be without FRANK BIDDALLS SOAP. \Ve tollow direc tions and use no other Soap, and have a reputation second to no laundry In Washington for white clothes; the superior work we haveJjecn enabled to turn out having secured us the trade or some of the best gentlemen's furnishing stores in the city. FOB Coughs, Colds, Sure Throat. Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption and All Diseases of THROAT and LUNGS. Put up in Quart-size Bottles for Family Use. Scientifically prewired of Balsam Tolu, Crystal lized Rock Canilv. Did Kye, and other tonics. The Formula is known to our l»est physicians, Is high ly recommended by them, and the analysis of our riiost prominent chemist, Prof. (J. A. MARINER, in Chicago, is oil the liihel of every bottle. It Is well known to the medical profession that TOLU ROCK ami KYE will afford the greatest relief for COUKIIS, Colds. Influenza, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Weak Lungs, also Consumption, In the incipient and advanced stages. Used as a BKVKKAUE and APPKTIZER.It makes a delightful tonic for family use. Is pleasant to take ; Tf weak or debilitated, it gives tone, activity and strength to the whole human frame. (r 1 \ » rm v DO»I BI D*CHVH)\ Vy/\ I H / > *by unprtnctpileddeal- \ crs who try to palm off ,>• 11 >ou Rock it Ky I in place of our TOLU It > K *M> Itvv. which I Is tlie only mectlcaied art'ele m:ule. the »omi- / Ine having a government stamp on each bottle ' LAWRENCE & MARTIN. Proprietors, lit Madi ison Street, Chicago. Ask your Druggist for it! Ask your firocer for it! Ask vour Wine Merchant for it! MP" Children, ask your Mamma for it ! Mr-Sold by DRUGGISTS, GROCERS and WINF MERCHANTS everyw here, and by LA WHENCE (2BfHBEEII232!EBI Buttle Crook, Michigan, of THE O::LI oisnxi^ Trnctlor Plain Engines and Hot so-Powers. Mo.tCo-nplttcTkrc.h'r FiwUrr j E»tabll«h«d ;-i the WertiL » 4% If f» •I® of ecn'inuovtand tvcc—irui hurt. OH 11 A1%5 nets, without cbanre of nam* ,1 M manac-ement, or location ,to "«*<■* "P y cSZSri* w?f f(n«« Trar!ion Ln^ißCSljiPlWi WlulCf rverseeu in the American market A ruUiludr of upri /»? feature * and improvements r »-.1 tiva'bi i" with fHptritvr quahtxe* tn construe* Four - fdi'- f''" tram 6 to 18 horse . s nf •• Mooted " H ■* nr»fl Feet of Selected UVViVwV ' from thr't HiU • r„. fx-.-.a wMch M buJ« ttM» to >ais'f --able wool-work of our mWHr-eW. mSTIOK BtaiNES&it r, ~»'rfi,-raM-,!««uf «£<*.*< «w RBI • >, I s Power. tW MW 11 OiPIUIOTM silt frciv Ailll'V.S fc;c:>3i 1, S«4K?ARD 4 CO. fi.-Ui'a Crook. MIoH** B ** Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. JT is A raost agreeable dressing, which is at once harmless and effectual, for pre serving the hair. It restores, with thp gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair immediately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands are not decayed; while to brashy, weak, o; otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitalit; and strength, and renders it pliabie. The VIGOR cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of dandruff; and : by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of tin humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair The VIGOR is incomparable. It is color- Jess, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economical and unsurpassed in its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical ChemitU, Lowell, Mass. BOLD BT XII. DRL'OGISTI EVERYWHSKI. JE. (iKIEH, IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. WATCHES AND CI O KS REPAIRED. AND WARRANTED ~M CRYSTALE N E. »'U THE REST AND CHEAPEST :P A. INT, in the market. It can be used on Wood, Iron. Tin, I-eather. Plaster or Paper. Mixed Ready FY>r Use ALL COLORS. It goes further. I axis longer, looks better and is CHEAPEK than any otlier paint. For painting Houses. lSarns, Iloofs. Ki nees. Wagons. &c„ IT HAS NO EQUAL. Call and examine samples. J. G. JIEDICK, 20apr3m] GENERAL AGENT. BUTLER. PA. Strayed br Niolen, A dark bay mare, 12 years old, weight about 1,200, shows collar marks on her shoulders, lump on hind leg inside ot gamble joint. Any one taking her up or telling me where to find her will be liberally rewarded. W. D. LUCAS, refcOlia. J Planing Mill —AND"— LiViml>ei- Y ai'd. j J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PUR VIS j S.G. Purvis & Co., MavrrraCTtTWEßs IHD DMLIHS ID Hough and Planed Lumber • OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged C omicefioards PORCH POSfS, STAIR RAILS Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE PALINGS, &0., Ao , MICHIGAN SHINGLE^. Uarn Boards; Plastenng Lath ; Ilerr lock Bill Stuff, such as Joist Rat ters, ScaDtiing, Ac.. all sizee. constautly on hand- All of which we will sell oi) reasonable terms i'id guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD Neur German ('ntliollo ian7-SO-lv I A. Haffner, KUCCKSSOIt T J H. BAUERIBROS., ItITI.KH. I*A., •PLANING aui AND Lumber Yard, JtASUPACTCKEB AND DV.ALES IN Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, DOORS, SASH, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL POSTS • i. L. Purvis, I E. A. Helmboldt. William Campbell, IJ. W. Builshart, > A. Troutman, Jacob Sclioone, Q. 0. Roessiofr, , John Caldwell, Dr. W, lrvin, I J- J. Croil r J. W.Christy I H. C. Heincra»n. , JAS. T» M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ae't- BUTLER PA. I | the RESOURCES of KANSAS ACCOMPANIED BY A COUNTY MAP VF JHC BTATE ANP A FLNE MAP OF THE UNITED §TATEB, WILL BE MAILED FREE. WHITE .OR A COM "• Joseph, Atchnvo, Top k» I" '1 Kjns-S ' Direct connections for all i>oii!t~ in Kan-- Ncbmgki, Colorado. Wyominjr Moi-.j.-m •, vailn. New Mexico, Arizona, l.lih i.Prcgi .»• California. The Shortest, Speediest r.iul Most >" mf. ru ble Route via to Fort SC''l\ 'Vt< - Italio" ;j, lus ton, AuMilv. S«\v» Ai.tinit". C. h ton and all iMvlntq Hi Th« indiucm -i.ts IT;-< .1 ' Lui" V« Travelers and T"uH-t". ?.r a* «<•> Til" eeietiratwl i'uitnri \ ir_«v r> Sleeping Curs. run only on !hi- ! >rv .' *" Q. Palace Drew inj-Hoer: C-'is. wit' - I'haifS. N- cx;ra »h:ir;rc r in tteciiuin/r Chair?. The f- ot. Pnlaec Dining Cars. Gorgr ;> ?:.i - fllted With CW-uu M( < : VoU'Riff VV. .1 iT bined with thoir Th?" ■ • ss' < . went, tjijs, !>lmfort. Through Tickets via tlds (>l< V for sitle at all oilices in the I iw; Canada. AU information e.'.v ...- ; • • in« Car Aeconnuodi.ti itic. 'I will |Ki iibftvUttU}' Atljc addi-es-! UU ciu«an> 1 States, in colors, by appr J. Q. A. RBAM, tic.- • 308 Washit»j{toii St . Vv nndo!7 ll.or.dv .' -. >.• JAMES R. WOOD, O en- P.. -; T. J. POiTER, Geti MurJtc . fii RKEFS TAKE NOTICE M Look to Your Owu Inlerest. The Celf brated fivrtftdale H|all:vJM PIiSASANT LADDIS, Will at and for service the ensuing season, eom menp|ug April 11th and ending Augunt 14th. 1881. at the following places, viz : BUTLER. At the stable of Walter 4 Boos, in the bor ough of But'.er, on April 11th, lith. 13th. '4lh. lStli. lfitb. 25th. 201 li. 27th. 28th. 29th and 30th. May 9th, 10th. nth. 12th. 13th, 14th, 23rd, 24th. 25th. 26th. 27th and 28th. June 6th, 7tli. Sill, 9tl«, 10th, 11th, 20th, 21et, 22nd, 23rd. 24th and /sth. Jul> 4th, sth. Hli, 7tli. Stli and 9th LE.YBUBEYILLE. At I lie utable of John Lawall, in Leasureville, Winfield township, on April 18th, 19th. 20th. 21st. 22d and 23d. May 2d 3d. 4th. stli. 6th. 7'h, 16th 17th, 18th, !9th, 20th. 21bt. 30th and 3!»t. June Ist 2d, 3d 4th. 1 th, 14lh, 15th. 17»h. 18th. 27th, 28th. 29ih and 30th July Ist and 2d. and so alternately, the six days of each alternate week at the above places. PERIGBEE —This sp'endid Stallion was im poited by Lawall A Boos, and bai been pro nounced by the m' st competent iudges to be the best I'raught Horse in the State. He is a dark bay. nine years old : without biemirh. and muscle cannot be excelled. He was cot by Cly !e win gained many pre miums, including the Sterling preiriuru : when on« and two years old he gained the premium of the Codder Vatmeiu' Show. ,t« He is nearly connected with the great Sir Walter Sco t. who is well known and who obtained the Glasgow premium of £6O. two years in succession ; he also won the first prize at the Koyal Show held at Battersea. Loudon. His Dam was a pure Clydesdale Mare who won many first prizes at Kirkiutullock Show. He is known to be the best foal getter in this part of the State TERMS: Fifteen Dollars for insurance, to be paid when the mare is known to bo with foal. Irregular pr persons parting with a male before she is knou'ii to l>e >mll foal for feits the insurance. Care will be taken but no accountability for accidents. BOOS, LAWALL A CO . mar3o:3m owners. Auditor*** Report. Adam Trout man, Treasurer of School Fund, in account with the school district of Butler bor ough for the year 1880, Or. Bal. in hands last audit $ 107 87 Ain't ree'd from J M Boyd, 187!' 139 00 Am't ree'd from I.ida Boyd, 1579 510 96 Ain't ree'd from R C McAboy, Boyd's duplicate, 1K79 275 00 Am't ree'd ffom R C McAboy dup 'BO 3,900 00 State appropriation, T5J9....; 644 05 " " is«o 64i 70 Samuel Richey. schooling 2 00 J B Bredin " 5 00 County Treas'r refunded tax 26 'Mi Balance due treasurer 16 81 Total, $6,2C8 41 Cr. J B Mechling, 8 months teaching $ 480 00 Geo Bredin do 320 00 O P Cochran do 320 00 Mr* L Me Lure do 240 00 Miss Bella Colbert do 240 00 " Annie Cummings do 240 00 " M E Emrick do 240 00 " Ella Coulter do 240 00 » Lii'a Boyd do 240 00 " fcihftia Hrutoin ffc' ...... 240 00 "E ln Kurtz, 2 in. 10 (lays tcaplfg 73 l>4 " Emma Rowe, 5 mos 12 dys 166 36 " Emilia K Linn,,, |6O 00 J A McAnallen, Janitor ~,, 300 00 do elean'g school house 60 43 do • extra work 13 00 do tree boxes 2 50 R C McAboy, counsel fee 5 00 J Ziegler & Son, printing 21 50 Niggle Bros, hardware 4 38 II W Moore, encyclopaedia.. 25 IX) John Staley, plastering 6 85 II Bielil, repair* 1 90 I)r. Bredin, secretary's salary 50 00 Butler Eagle, printing 3 00 J (J £ W Campbell, eastings 85 20 E W YogeleV, blackboard.'. i vU Geo Stamm, brick .... i§ <*S J H Negley, printing 0 00 Jeff liurtnc'r, plumbing 3 45 G W Ziegler, repairs 1 25 Walter Ziegler, repairs 25 A Rockenstein, stove pipes 24 15 G D Ilarvey, labor 10 00 J C Redick, glass, Ac •• 8 66 A B Richey, coal 23 75 Geo Bredin, chalk 3 50 Wickershani, School Journal 7 00 A' TroiHmaT), U4urc|i»n*rk Valley and in the Life Internal. ILLUS TRATED. Sells fast. Pavs over HHA MONTH q>±\J\J h()R AGKNTji' I Send for circular and terms. Also send address ! of two or more book agents and ten cents for cost of mailing, and receive the People's Maga zne uf choice literature free for 6 months. Ad drees P W. ZIEOLEIi A CO.. 915 Arch Street. P: iladelphia. Pa. • |j^**Ail V bribe M the CITIZEN. i F |!F,J. CH.C" GO )THE( Chicago & North-Western ■* m. ■ ,m -w Isth? OLDEST! 'SKST C< >NSTRI"CTEI) ! BEST EQUIPPED ! and hence th<- LEADING RAILWAY OF THE WEST AND NORTHWEST. It is The short and best route between Chicago and all points in Northern Illinois, lowa. Dakota. Wyoming- Ne braska. California. Oregon. Arizona. Vtali, C'olo, hlallO. Montana. Nevada. and for COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA DEN VEH. L.KA DVILI, 10, SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO DEADWOOD, SIOEX CITY. Cedar Rapids, Pes Moines, Columbus ;tnd all Points in the Territories, and the West. Also, foi tifccu Bay. Oshkosh. Sheboygan, Fond an Lac, Watertown, Hoiiuhton, Neenah. NMiiwha, St. Paul, Minneapolis. Huron, Volga, Fargo, BismarcK, Winona, I ro-se, Owatonna. ami all iniluis iii Minnesota, Dakota. Wisriiiuin and the Northwest. At Council BlulTs the Trains of the Chicago & North- Western and the I'. I'. K'ys depart from, urri> e at and use the same joint Cnlon iVpot. At Chicago, close connections are made with the l.ake Shore. Michigan 1 entral, Baltimore & Ohio, Pi. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago & Craml Trunk K'ys, and the Kankakee and Pan Handle Route*. ('lose connections nude at Junction Points, It Is the ONL\ 1-INF rumii.ui Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN Chicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman Sleepers on all Night Trains. Insist U|»oii Ticket Aleuts selling you Tickets vi;l this rwiul. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to buy If they do not read over the Chicago & North-\\ estern Kail way. If you wish the Best Traveling Accommodations vou will buv vour Tickets bv this route, \VII.I. TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. MARVIN HL'OHITT. ?»1 \ 1. 4£ Oen'l Mang'r Chi^nga ICest fnagrtat As SefresMng of ferfames Cxce«dlß|ly Otlicate Laitiag. Price, 25 eta.; Largs Bottles, 75 eta- Sold by dea'min Draft k Perfumery. Q( Hi*- ccx A Co.. N. on trery botU* PARKER'S GINGER TONIC . The Medicine for Every Family. NEVER INTOXICATES. Madefrom Ginger, Buchu. Mandrake. * . and other of the best vegetable remedies known, « ; PARKER'S GINGER TONIC has remarkably vaned * » curative powers, & isthe greatest Stomach Correct- « * or. Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator ever made & ] ; The Best Medicine You can Use • : for Restoring Health & Strength: » It commences to act from the first dose, searches < * out the weak organs, and is warranted to cure or , ► help all disuses of the Bowels, Stomach, Blood, ' ' Kidneys, Liver. Urinary Organs, all Complaints of ) ► Women, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Rheum a- « | tisa and DrunkeaatM. ! . Try a bottle to day; it may alive your life. soct. ■ J and $1 sues atalldruggists. Every genuinebottle ] ► has our signature on outside wrapper, Hiscox & 1 ; Co., N. Y. Large saving in buying $i sue. ! Just What Is Wanted. Everybody whose hair is gray or faded has felt the need of a Hair Restorer and dressing that is cleanly, agreeably perfumed and harmless. Par ker's Hair Balsam satisfies the most fastidious in ''-.ese respects. Sold by druggists at 50c. and sx. Ml PAD o|iinloiiß of flie Public, WABASH, INDIANA. Tlia Pads arp selling H.ive several old cjir6t»ic cases <"'f Kidney trouble lining (hotn. and they rppott an improvement and think much of them. A. L. ROHBOCK A CO.. Drugging. COURTNEY. TEXAS. Your Pad has done me more good than any Remedy I ever used. JAS. B. CALLAWAY. MT. CLEMFNB MICH. Yonr Pad has cured oie of Pain it: the Rack and Kidney Trouble. M. J. HOUGII. Address BAY KIONiT PAP CQ. f HOLE I'ROl RIETORS, TOLEDO, - - - OHIO. J. 0. KEDICK. Agent for Butler Co. A LECTUKE TO YOUNG MEN On flie I.OMN oT A Lecture on the Nature. Treatun nt and Rad ical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermator rhea induced by Self-Atmse. Invnluntar>' Fn>is- Htoiiß. Irupotency, Nervous Debility, and Im itediments to Marriage generally ; Consumption, ipilepsv ain' Fits ; Mental and Phvsioal Inca- Kicity, Ac.- By ROBERT J. CULVER WELL, . l> , author of the "Green Rook '' Ac The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly prove* from hie own experience that the a»fit) opiiserjuemei- of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed vwthoul dangerous sur gical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mule <>f cure at once cer'ain and effectual, bv which every snffnier. no matter what his condition tnny he, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. fafThis Lecture will prove a boon to thou sands and thousands. Scut, under seal, in a plain envelope to any addrei-s, on leceipt of six cents or two stamps- We have also a sure cure for Xa|x> Worm. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO , 41 ANN ST., Nrw YOKK. N Y.; feb(My Puti Office Box, 4i>Bfi HI >HY a. H II.F. H3< smtwi, COB. PENN AND MXVH STREETH, Pittsburgh, Pa. i TRAVELERS' GUIDE. VTLIR, KARNS CITT AMD PAHKIR RAILROAD Train* leave Butler for St. Joe, Villeretown Karns City, Petrolis, Parker, etc., at 7.27 a. m and 2.25 and 7.25 p. m. Train* arrive at Butler from the above named points at 7.i7 a. m.. and 2.15, and 7.15 p m- The 2.15 tiain connects with train on the Weet Penn road *.hrouifh to Pittsburgh. «HIS1!IIM) AND AI.LROHRNT RAILROAD Train* leave Hilliard's Mill, Butler conntjr, tor Ilui rieville, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m. uid 2.35 p. m. Train* iirrive tit Hilliard's Mills at 1:45 A. M., and 5:55 p. M. Hacks to and from Petrolia, Murtiuaburg. Fairview, Modoc and Trontnun, Conner t at Mil lard with all truing on the d & A road. PRUNSTLVANIA RAILROAD. Train* leave Bnlier (Butler or Pittsbnrgh Titne. Market at 5 C>6 a. m , goes through to Alle gheny, arrlvlug at 8.01 a. m. This train con nects at Freeport with Freeport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. tu., railroad time. hU-pref at 7.21 a. m., connecting at Bntler I unction, without change of cant, at 8.36 with Expiess west, arriving In Allegbey at V.56 a. m., and Express east arriving at Blalrsville at 10.55 a. ni. railroad time. Mini at. 2.2*5 p. m., connecting at Butler Juno tion without change ol cars, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny al 501 p. m., and Ex pro*® east arriving at Bl.ilrsviilc Intersection u 5 55 p. m. railroad time, which connects w'th Philadelphia Kxprets east, when ou time. The 7.21 a. m. train connects at Blairsville it 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2.36 p.m. train at 6.5# with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Bntler on West Penn K. R. at #.5« : a. m., 4.5S and 7.01 p. in., Butler time. The y,56 and 4.58 train* connect with trains on the Butler & Parker R. R. Matn Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh lor the Ea.«t it 8.56 and 8.56 a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 aud 8.06 p. m., arriving at Philadelphia at 3.40 and 7.20 p. m. «nd Jt.oo. 7.0 and 740 n. in.; at Bnltlmore. ibout the KUBC time, at New York three hours ater, and at Washington about one and a halt *onr6 later. Ttm«* ot Holding U*urtM. The several Courts of the county \>f Butler ; pomtrenoe oa the fi.Kt Monday of March, Jnne, j Septcmlier and December, and conwnue two weeks, or so long ati nrceesary to dispone of the business. No causes are pat down for trial or traverse jurors summoned for tlie first week of the sevetal terms. ATTORN EYS AT LA W. ~ BUTLER, PA. A. M. CORNELIUS, Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Bni]iposlte Witlard Ilousc. JOSEPH B. ~BREDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond. Batler Pa. H. HVOUCHER Office in Schneideman's building, up staiis. J, T. DONLY - Office near Court Honse. r - 74 W. D. BRANDONR - Office In Berg's bnilding "CLARENCE WALKER, Office In Bredin bnilding- mvl7—t FERD RKIBER, MUee in Berg's new building, Main street.apVl> OfSoe in Bredin building. LEV. MeQUISTION, Office Main street, 1 door south ot Court House JOS. C^ANDERLIN7~ Office Main street, 1 door south of Court Honae. tar Office on Main opposite fiouae. GEO. R. YVHITE, Oflßce N. E. coruer of Diamond FRANCIS 8 PURVIAJJCE~ Office with Oen. J N. Purvianoe, Main street, office. »p|B T. C. CAMPBELL, Office in Berg's new building, 2d floor, east "ide Main at., a few dooru south of • LOWTJ House. marS—tf FTATTATSUIZLVANR may 7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond BLACK 4BRO, Office on Main street, one door sontb o Brady Block, Buller. Pa. (aep. 2, 1874. JOHN U $ BftQ. Office ip Brady's Law Builst»f, strppt, so'ith of Court House. EDOEMC Q. UUJJD, Notary Public. jnn4 lj ~ THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER, PA. "JOHN H. NEGLEY, WGlvef particular attention to transactions ta real estate throughout the oouuty. OFFICE on DIAMOND, NEAR COCBI House, I* CITIZEN nuiiJ>rso E. B. EOELET, ' KEMJIBDT M IK.UIU. (Late of Ohio.) EOKLEY A MARSHALL. Office In Brady's Law Balldlng.,74 C O CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully transacted. Collections made and promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to »nd fmvwevoq. ' f '•'* ' Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E BYERS, PHYSICIAN ANDSUKGEON, myai-ly] • BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klingler!? Flour £jtore. < • DENTISTS. U JB JNT TISTRY. 0| M WALDRON. Grrduate of the Phil ip ndelphia Dcutul College,is prepare • flaio do auythiug in the line of hi» profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Ulofk, up etairs, apll gU"f*l Only WMH®. *• • fc ffl <#«•»• a> nr+ /W *4. Kb k >*• MP IV/HiX] MT'.eoUwseeeet* r»*.»: wtr Xl Ai| WIWMI «. « >ll J l» Jtmi*. fWiM'Mw' W 'T-T ■ffyA cul«r T»Uaun*' Wkix -