[Troy, (N. Y.) Morning Telegram and Whig] Rubbing (be Midnight Oil. In the Philadelphia Times of recent date, we notice an item refering to the miraculously quick cure of a prominent druggist of that city, Mr. J. M. Hig gins, Germantown Road and Morris street, who had an awful attack of rheumatism of the knee. He applied St. Jacobs Oil at night, and next morning was well and in his store as usual. Parents will fiud the A. S. T. Co. Black Tip not objectionable like the metal, while it will wear as well. By asking for it on their childrens shoes they can reduce their shoe bills one half. Crystalene paint is guaranteed to be exactly what it is claimed to be. General Beauregard has finished the first volume of his history of the war. margarine factories put hair in their goods, thus rendering it more difficult of detection than ever. My baby bad a terrible sore scalp, (scabby). Peruna cured it. John Crowel, Pittsburgh, Pa. A Georgia paper calls ene of its rivals the Repository of Belated Information. Over sixty thousand Sunday School teachers" and children paraded in Brooklyn, X. V. the other day. They mean to serve the cause of relig ion in walk as well as in conversation. Chronic Rheumatism and Catarrh. Took Peruna. Am well. Mrs. Oling housed, Brownsville, Pa. The city of Cincinnati has an exhi bition of "portraits of many of its pio neers. The collection numbers 285. German county roads are to a great extent kept in repair, according to Dr. Englehardt, by sale of the product of fruit-trees and grass grown at the road side. Sections ar<* kept in repair by officials who accept the proceeds of the fruits and hay for a large proportion oi their service. The best preparation known for re storing gray hair to its original color is Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newer. Try it. Schuyler Colfax gets $75 a columu for his reminiscences of the Capital, published in a literary paper of New York. Nasby has sailed for Urip. This is the first foreign shipment of Petrole um from Ohio. Preident Porter, of Yale College, has declined to hereafter use the revis ed Testament at chapel. There is a bill before the New York Legislature permitting any dairyman to assume for his goods a distinctive trade-mark, the erasure or imitation of which shall be a penal offence—the privilege of using such a mark to be confined to producers of full-milk and genuine dairy goods. Edison will not be satisfied until be has discovered a belter remedy for Coughs and Colds than Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. We say he will never succeed. Trees that have tbeen girdled by mice may be saved, says Mr. Downing, by applying a new piece of bark taken from a branch of the proper size, tying it firmly, and drawing up the earth so as to cover the wound completely. The gnawed edges of the hark should be cut evenly down so that the peices of bark will fit properly. This should be done as soon as the sap rises vigor ously in the spring. Quite a curiosity is in the possession of B. F. Geiger, the Latrobe Pa florist It is a pineapple plant on which a luscious pineapple is forming,, It is expected that the fruit will be ripe sometime in the month of August. The plant is three years old and was grown from a sucker, a number of which are frequently seen sprouting from the base of the pineapples which are for sale at the stores. Sweden, which is in no condition to lose very many of its people, is now much troubled at the immense propor tions of the exodus now in progress there to America. The very best of the mechanics and common laborers of Sweden are leaving that isolated coun ty, not merely in small numbers, but in colonies which are strong enough to organize townships when they reach the plains of North America. —Americans are notoriously great letter writers, and the report of the mail service for the year 1880 mail tains their pre-eminence in this respect. The total of pieces mailed was 2,720,- 234,252, and of letters alone 1,053,252,- 876. or an average of 21 for every man, woman and child in the United States. The average is largest in the District of Columbia, where 86.31 Jetters to each inhabitant were mailed. Colorado comes second, with 55.22 as the aver age; Wyoming Territory third, with 42.35 as the average; New York iourth, with 41 53; Montana lifth, with 40.25; Massachusetts sixth, with 38.70; Connecticut seventh, with 38.20; Ari zona eighth, with 31.71; Nevada ninth, with 31.54, and Dakota tenth, with 29.76. Alaska has the smallest aver age, .22, and North Carolina comes next, with 5.81. All the Southern States ruD low in this respect. Penn sylvania's average is 24 57; Delaware's 16.26; New Jersey's, 18.37, and Mary land's, 17.62. When a man is engaged in selling an unsound horse the less be has to say the better for the validity of the trade. The rule of caveat emptor, which means that the buyer must look out for himself applies in a marked de gree in equine traffic It is the duty of the seller of any article whatever to inform the intending purchaser of any defects in it that are not discoverable by his own diligence, but he is not obliged to. TTO HANDKERCHIEFS, PRESENTS. BREAST Pise, CUFF BI TTONS, SCARF PINS, PRESENTS. UNDERWEAR, I SILK SUSPENDERS, CARDIGAN .JACKETS, PRESENTS. GENT'S sc A RES, A ISSORS, KNIVES, J \ DIES' FANCY SpTS, PRESENTS. And 1,000 other useful Prints at Immense LOW PRICf.S. PERRY VEGETABLE i! PAIN KILLER 8™ rnl A PUREIV VE6r;ill REMEDY f- or ! "lornal and External VBe. p a SUAE O'JSE for all the Discuses for which It Is recommended, pnd is ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE In the hands of It la a *urc nnd qnlcli remedy for C'Ol'C nSt SORE THROAT* CIIII-I-IS Wd fc-'imil&r tnmfaltS; airofcjs in*tant relief 7,. ™ malign**; /«. <>t to MM, beat kucwu remedy fur i£iu;i VIATISIVI and Ml 11ALOIA. THE OLDEST, BEST, AND WOST WIDELY KNOWN FAMILY MEDICH2E IN THE WORLD. IL lias U=cn iisca vriiii such wonderful I"' 1 MM cS~h< uorid for ( UA'irS, CHOLERA, DIAHHIIJEA, !JYSEXTKKY, an J a!; fiOHKL COMPLAINTS, that .< <3 HAS STOOD THE TEST OF 40 YEARS' CONSTANT USE \ii ALL COUNTRIES-AfaD tUIWSATES. It to RECOMMENDED by Physician*, MlariMoric?, BfiniHtcrs, Mananerj of riantationn, \\ ork-Shops, and l>„rfories, INinses "n Hospitals—"hoj-t, by Lvcrjbody IT IS WITHOUT A BIVAL AS A LIMfP.'iEHT. If should aiwuys be us I for PnJn the park nn.l Side, and Irinjs rp'eay "d permatiml rtlirf in a.l cases ox H, Crl ■*, Hitrair.s Severe r*-nriis, Hralils, Ltc o V C W SAFELY EE WITIIOIT IT. It nil aa/itVJ* *F«TO MEN? Vxr.v* iU cost in dni i.i. hot .sulfa until every pore to opened; then let him stand o'er the filthy I • Il.|. i I'mia raiding and boiling clothes, that are full of sweat and exhalations lrolrt Ihe • 'll a health too would break down before long; and yet thU mo>t terrible ordeal is »ha A WOMAN •) -o throi'-'i with on wash-day; and. besides, with her clothing wet frem perspiring n S iWwork.htoc has to risk her life by going out in the air to hang up the c othcs. Ever llnot at work are in the unhealthy atmosphere; its tmell, so apparent to visitors, show i,;.. :■ it p.iuu iu way through the house,-the family, however, often becoming so accus- t ; , Oie peculiar odor from its own wash as not to notice IL These facts reudil, i.x vUy .so launy women bußer with colds, rheumatism, weak nerves, or lieuralgw, and LOOK OLD ■. ■ yet young in vears, and physicians and board* of health cannot draw attention too V? to the Injurious effect of the as-.ial way of washing, with «s s eaj. and l?n« or Udling to get the clothes pure and sweet-smelling, especially as 11 is Without doubt i the -. rect cause of iliose dreadful diseases, diphtheriu. consumption, and Up .old ft >< r. matcly ih:« trouble ran be avoided; scalding, boiling, nteain and all 1 f.oni the \,a«U completely done away with; clothes made sweet and beautifully *Wilte[ ig in jacl the wash done at leu cost than even when home-made soap u used, and vei y much SOONER THAN , :,•;• «• old wayTby UMiig FKANK SIUUALLS SOAP,-a Boap so purifying and cleansing t :: li e dirtiest clotbn.2 can U' washed in lukewarm water with very lttllu rubbing, u. '1 cloth's beddin- and utensils used by the siek disinfected ami cleansed without e.tlier , •:.! liog or boiling, while the work is so light that a girl twelve or y®fjrs of of f age OT do a 1..: -e wa--.li without being ti ed; and yet so mild nnd healing is this feoap that lor tir.da id frhavi!3< it has no equal, ami physician* advls© use in preference to imported ,9 a wounds and sores, and i < wash the youngest infant*, a* well as for persons with delicate skin Now that there is a remedy for this, to economical that the poorest can use it, there is not a w omun or A MAN Who Is not dlrcv'ly interest In having used iu their homes, In spite of prejudice. '1 HAT WONDEItVUI, WAV OF WASHING CLoTIIKH, which dcxsi away with the liurd work ■rnel' and fearful on wash-daya, makes the white pieces whiter, colored pieces brighter and ""liiieto softe" than tiiey can be n«>\y washing the ofd way. leave.jfhe hands, smootn enough to do fme sewing and overy article « ean, as sweet and as pure aa if ne\cr worn. Frirn n. ft. Howlfa M. I>.. Jlammonton, N. J., JvJi'.or South. J'rtty JBeptMlcan. I'y attention was callwl to FRANK STODALLH EOA'P from an advertisement in my own paiier, «n; > \ IJ.l J . that one trial, according to Die very efti» ■ dir'» tio.u, Will overcome all preMdlpes. -i (i. 'liy h:is wonderful merit for "'having, toil it, folioinß arc the Direction* for Use, so simple Mint ,i philtl can understand tlieui. . ug'.i w.-.U-r for a large wash with this Soap. ; ; What You will Save by this Easy Way of Washing! Wash-boiler! No Steam! No Smell of Suds through the H: • • Iho remarkable Property of keeping the Diih-Cloth, Wash-hag ano Spurge always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in Hard Water. SOLD BY GROCERS \~*~ fa and Try it for Yourself riQXI Wash-Day. viler* r.hi* Soap is not yet Introduced a Trial Cake will be sent by on receipt of Prlc3, (10 Cents;, in Money cr Stamps. ™ s FRANK SIDDALLS SOH ViG ST,. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Hull** Ctiiaeu: 18ttiU*r, P*.. $, ISSt. - and all household uses, and as it become." more generally known, n>u*t have an immense Kile. From Mas. K. STOCK W81.1,, Jlammonlon, N. J. FKANK KIUDALIX SOAI' has been n*cAI.I.S SOAP. We follow direc tions and use no other Soap, and have a reputation second to no laundry "n Washington for white clothes; the superior work we have been em.blea to turn out having secured us the trade of some ol the best gentlemen's furnishing stores in the city. Battle Creek, Michigan, MASOrACXDKEBS OF THE OSLY OESCI3TE Traction and Plain Engines and Horso-Powers. Hml Complete Thresher Factory I E»tabll»h«otas!i and iron, all povefful l>loon VNooil, Iron, Tin, Leather. Plaster or Taper. Read ( v Use. A U. COLONS. It goes further, lasts longer, look?* better anil is CllfcAl'Kll than anv other paint. For painting Houses. Hams. llooi>. Fences, Wagons, IT HAS NO KQI'AL. Call anil examine samples. J. G. REOICK, aoaprsm] CKXKHAI. AGENT, BUTLER. I'A. Klruyril or Mtoleii, A ija(k bay mare, 12 years old, weight about J,200, shnu> collaj marks on her shoulders, lump on hiit'l le« inside ot'gaiatjltji.il,t. Any oiie taking tier up or tellim; me wlitre to tt'nd her will be liberally rewarded. W. D. LUCAS, Petrolia. Planing Mill; —AND- Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS S.G. Purvis & Co., MANDFACTITRBRS AXD DEALERS IU Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged C ciniceßoards t'ORCII POSTS, STAIR RAILS Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE PALINGS, Ac., Ac , MICHIGAN SHINGLES. Barn Boards; Plastering Lath; llen> lock Bill Stuff, siu:h as Joist Raf ters, Scantling, Ac., all sizes constantly on hand. All of which we will sell on reasonable terms md guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD *oar Ucruiitn l A, Haffner, SUCCESSOR T J H. BAUERIBROS., BITI.KK, PA., PLANING! HILL AND I i' Yard, JIAN'CrACTCBER AND DEALER IN Rough and Pianed Lumber Of EVERY DESCRIPTION, DOORS, SASH, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL POSTS k BALUSTERS, FENCE PALINGS, &c., &c. MICHIGAN SHINttLBS Barn Boards, Plastering Lath, Hem lock Bill Stuff, of all kinds, constantly on hand, All of which I will sell on reasonable terms ami £uaraiitee satisfaction. Planing 1 Mill and Lumber \-ard on Jefferson street, Butler, Pa. ldecly A. H FFNER. "hotbm* SBIIREIBEB HOUSE. L. NICKLAS. Prop'., MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. Having taken posession of the above well bote), fci:d it being furnished in the bent of style for the A'ccdm >4auo«i of guttata, the public ire respectfully invited to givo liie a cWll. I have also possession of the barn in rear of hotel, which furnishes excellent stabling, ac comodations for mv patrons. L. NICKLAS. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co, Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. a. C. ROESSIXG, PRESIDENT. vVM. CAMPBELL. TREASURER H. O. J:iKIJ> 7 |£si AN, SKCHETAKY. uutfecfdriaf" •/. L. Purvis, j E. A, HelmboWt, William Campbell, J. W. Bmkbart, A. Trout mau, Jacob Sehoene, G. 0. Roessinjz, John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvin, J. J. Croil J. W. Christy H. C. Heincman. JAS. T» M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ac't- BUTLER TMt RESOURCES of KANSAS ACCOMPANIED NY A COUNTY MAP OF THE BTATE ANP A FINE MAP OF THE UNITED GTATES, WILL gE MAJLEG FREE. WRITS FCJB * pony IQ A. S, JOHNSON, LAN* TOPEKA, KANBAB- I). L. Cleeland, (PQUifEULV OF HARRIdVILLE) PEAL£K lISt WATCHES, CLOCKS, IEWELRY SPECTACLES & VIOT.IN STRINGS, CsT Fine Watch and Clock repairing a speci ality. All work warrented. Store between Wullor's Drug store and Butler Savings Dank. Main street. Butler. Pa. EBBM . _ prescribed It to +),000 patients, »0 Of whom . recovered or wero much Improved. ■■■■HT niais'A can be taken by every one—the - youeof, tho n i lddle-r.t{t'v every txxly be- - fotr* eachV>ea(i well, xo prevent ilck - ness; whcnsli Ic, loenre. »l"00 will l>e paid for aca« ltwllliioteurepr iu-lp. WtBKmKBt _ PKBUNA Is composed of all vegetable Ingre dients; edch ouu a great remedy In Itself. , il'ii'l"':im J SCUM i< l. tirtiijt-tany null la of food. ■■■■ Vur a lioolc w.ilcl, Will enable you to treat - youiself, address b. U. H AKTmA S * <0 - usnon.v, onto. Alwaysreguuito tiio bowels - and pelvic organs witn PDRCXA and MANAL.IX FOR SALE BY ftIJITII A WUIXER HI TLER, I'A. TAKE THE lpgggs*Sißia THE CREAT Jil JiIJXGTON ROUTE. ETN'o other lino runs Three Through Pas senger Trains Daily between Chicago, Des Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaha. Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Topeka anil Kansas City. Direct connections for nil points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Ne vada, New Mexico. Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comforta ble Koute via Hannihi. l to Fort Denisou, Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Antonjo, Galvoi tuu uO'-l Ml points in Te*as. ' The uncqualert inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows: The celebrated Pullman (Ift-wheelt Palace Sleeping Cars, run only on this I.ine. C.. R. 4 y. Palace Drawing-Room Cars, with Morton's fteclining Chairs. No extra charge for Seats in Keclining Chairs. The famous C.. B. & Q. Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Elegant High-Backed Rattan Rur lOlving t'liaira (or (he e*c(u>lie'u'sA OT tir*t prissehieri. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment, makes this, above all others, the favorite Route to the South, South-West, and the Far West. Try it, and you will find traveling a luxury instead of a discomfort, ' 4'Urougn Tickets via this Celebrated Line for sale at all offices in the "United States and Canada. All information about Rates of Fare, Sleep ing Car Accommodations, Time Tables. will be oheerfujjy given, and I«4R «e n V, BRIGHT'S DISEASE, LOSS ..I ENERGY, NERVOUS DEBILITY, or any OBSTRUCTIONS arising from GRAVEL or BLADDER DISKASES. Also for YELLOW KEVKR. HLOODan.I KIDNEY POISONING, in Infected 111 alarial sections. rjirT.v the distillation of a FOREST I.EAK with .M'NII'EK BEIUtIKS aiid BARLEY A.ALT we have discovered KIDSTGEN. which acts s|wci flcallv on tlu- Kidneys and Urinary Orjinns, re moving deposits in the Blad lej and any stisiining. smarting. heat or Irritation in the water passage* giving them strength. vigor and causing a healthy co'or and easv flow of urine. It can be taken at all times, in all uliinates, without injury to the system, rnlike any 1 other preparation for Kidney difficulties. it has a very pleasant ami nifreenh'e taste and flavor. It contains |>osltive diuretic pro pcrties and will not nauseate. Ladies especially will like it. a)(d llpntlpinpn will 'U't! K{i»\EGEV in.' best Kidney lqn;c ever used i NOTICE—Each hottlfc Wars the signature of LAWRENCE . 12tb. 13tii. 1 4th. 15th lfitli. 2Eth. 26th. 27th. 28th. 29th and 30th. May 9th, 10th. Uth. 12th. 13th, 14tli, 23rd, 24th,'251 ii. 26th. 27th and 28th. June 6th, 7th. Btli, 9tli, 10th, 11th, 20tli, 21ut, 2843 id. 24th and '-'slh. Julv 4ih, sfh. ''th, Vtli'. ath ana ath LEASURpVfLI-E- At t}ifi stable of John Lawall, ill Leabflrcville. Wintield township. cin April JBtJl, 21st, 2?d and 23d. Mav 2d. 3d. 4th. sth, 6th.7'h, 16th 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st. 80th and 3lst. Junr let 2d, 3d. 4th. l'th. 14th, 15th. I'th. 18tli. 27th, 28t!i. 29th and 30th July lbt and 2d. ami BO alternately, the nix days of each alUrnate week at the above places. PEDIGREE —This splendid Stallion was im ported by i.&t/iill $ B jj'l ))*" been pro nounced '>>' thp ui°e. competent iuiges to be the best Draught Horse i» the State- He is a dark bay. nine years old : without blemi> h. »ud muscle cannot l>o excelled. He was got by Clyde who gainel many pre miums, including the Sterling preirium ; when on» and two years old ho gained the premium of the Coddor Farmers' Show. He is nearly connected with the great Sir Walter Sco t who is well kpown gild who obtained the Glasgow p. ciUJiiim of £OO. trO years in suaoesslqu ; he also won tlie nrst pr:;e at t'he RoHl Show held at B itte»ea. Loudon- His Ham was a pure ClvdestUle Marp who won many lirst prizes es Moines. Columbus and all Points in tbe Territories, and the West. ASsu. for .Milwaukee. Oroen Bay. OsliHosli, Hlwhovinui. Manniette, Folk! dtt |jjtf, Wutertowii. Houghton, Neeuab, Meaa»j».i» St. Paul. Minneapolis, Huron. Volga. Fargo, Itisinarck, Winona, l«i«'rosse, Owau>nna, and alljH>ints in Miuuesota. Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council Binds the Trains of the Chicago & North-Western and tiie 1. r. K'ys depart l!i>tM. arrive at and use the same Joint V At Chicago, close are made with the Lake Sh;>i«\ Michigan ( outral, Baltimore it Ohio, Ft. WM he and Pennsylvania, and Chicago & (iraud Trunk ll'ys, and tbe Kankakee aud Pan Handle Routes. Close connections made at Junctiou (Vitus. It is the ONI.Y | 'AE runuing Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN Chicago and Counoil Bluffs. l*u!lman Sleepers on all Night Trtiins. Insist upon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets via this toad. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to buy if they do not read over the Chicago North-Western Railway. II you wish the Best Traveling vou will bttv votir TU ». l» ov t!lU'rout.\ HTAXI) \VU,L -i'.VUK OTHER. 'All Ticket Agents sell Tickets bv this line. MARVIN HUGHITT, 2d \ . I*. & Uen'l Maug'r Chicago. Uoti Fragrant k Se&esHng of Ptrftanw Exceedingly Delicate aid Lutlag. Price, 25 cts.; Large Bottles, 75 eta- Bold by dra'.m In Drag, k Perfumery. Sif&stw* of HW> cox* Co- N. Y-, m rmybgttk, PARKER'S GINGER TONIC The Medicine for Every Family, NEVER INTOXICATES. Made from Ginger, liuchu. Mandrake. Stilhnpia, J ► «uid other of the best vegetable remedies known, < * PARKER'S GINGER TONIC has remarkably varied * » curative powers, & isthe greatest Stomach Correct- « * or, Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator ever made & * : The Best Medicine You can Use: : for Restoring Health & Strength: 11 commences to act from the first dose, searches • out the weak organs, and is warranted to cure or . ► help all diseases of the Bowels, Stomach, < * Kidneys, Loer. Urinary Ojsant, *llCuiiH"Jain«»al' 1 Nervousnesi, Sleeplessness, Rhctima- • | tiMU and Di uiikruue^H. . Try a ;it may saveyourlife. y>ct. • [ and $ 1 sizes atalldruggists. Every genuine bottle ' ► has our si guature on outside wTapper, Hi.Mf • VSy N-. V- Mvmg in buying fi m*. \ Jnmt Wliat to Wanted. Everybody whose hair is gray or faded h's felt the need of a Hair Restorer and dressing that is cleanly, agreeably perfumed and harmless. Par ker's Hair Balsam satisfies the most fastidious in '"■.esc respects. Sold by druggists at 50c. and sl. III!! Mow on lal" 'ia»» II (1 IVI 'Jilratro an ! loSxT' rolntM. to IL^VJI gJU VER^COLORADO^ PRI^NQ9. an IMM 0 HOUTKH. at WOI» ir'/ I^H^D 'ullr low Tht*>' t|, kt-t»» »• IBHI KM*'! W"* it>Ml within ilftoen (|5 111 l l»oi!i cLifp (>' sale, mid to rctur I ■ ■II 1§ |l >his l otnmnv fruin CHICAGO i n h° pl fin A T 19 aiM WEiiFLb, Tilninn Can* «urS |^^S ■ w*l ac|,c o: Uuited ■ Ci\ 1 States tree, address, IM I I*3ll J. «. A. BEAN Gen'l Ei'tarn A»'. [IJ [|H 317 Broauway.NewYork.and 3t • UM| Washin ton St. Boston. Mas*. ffIfWLD Op I iiloiis of otency, Nervous Debility, aud Ira pediments to Marriage generally : Consumption Epilepsy an . antlior of the "Green Book " Ac Th« world-rei.owned author, in thin admirable Lectin o. clearly prove* from his own experience that the awful consequence* of Self-Abuse may be effectually remov< d without dangerous sur gical operations, bougies, instruments, rings. or cordials.: point iup out a mode of cure at once certain aud effectual, bv.which every sufferer, no matter wha' hie condition may he, may cure himt-eir cheaply, privately and radically. ft/This Lecture will prove a boon to thou sands and thqusends. Kent. 4iti(Jer seal, in k plain envelope, to any address. 011 rfeceijt of si* cents of two postage stamps- We have also a sure' cure for Taj>o Worm. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO , 41 ANN Sr.'Ni'W YOKE. N V.; febO-ly Post Office Box, 4656 iifmiy o. hah:, lim MERCKINr TIIIOR, COR. PENN AND 8JX T H PTitEETH, Pittsburgh, Pa TRAVELERS' GUIDE. CTLEH, KIRN 6 CITT AND PARKER RAILROAD Trains leave Butler for 81. Joe, Millerstown Earns City, Petrolia, Parker, etc., at 7.87 a. m and 2.25 and 7.JJ5 p. in. Traius arrive 4t Bailer from the above Darned point* at 7..7 a. m., and 2.15, and 7.15 p. m- The 2.15 train connect* witk tralu on the West Peun road '.lirougb to Pitubargh. RBRNANOO AJIII ILLBOBSNV KAII.KOAD Trains leave Hllliard'K Mill, Butler county, lor Harrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. in. and 2.25 p. in. Tralus arrive at Hiiliard's Mills at 1:45 A. m., and -V55 p. M. Hacks to and from Petrolia, Mnrtinsbnrp, Fairview, Modoc and Trouluian, connect at Hii wrd with all trains on tbe S & A road. rBN!HSTI,VANIA RAILROAD. Train* leave Buller (Butler or Pittsbnrgh Time. Market at 5.016 a. in., goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at 9.01 a. m. This train con- Lcct» at Freeport with Frecport Accotunioda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. in., railroad time. Express at 7.21 a. m., connecting at Butler Junctiou, without change of care, at 8.26 with Expiess west, arriving In Allegheny at #.56 a. in., and Express east arriving at Blairsvllle at 10 55 a. m. railroad time. Mail at 2.28 p. m.; counecltop «t Butler Junc tion without change ot curs, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 501 p. in., and Ex press cast arriving at Blnirsviile Intersection at 5 55 p. in. railroad time, which connects w'th Philadelphia fcxpros eant, when on time. The 7.21 a. in. train connects at Blaireville ■it 11.05 a. u>. with the Mail east, and the 3.36 p.m. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. It. at W..V-' a. m., 4.51 aud 7.01 p. m., Butler time. Tbe •1,56 and 4 58 trains connect with trains on tbe Butler & Parker R. R. Main Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh tor the Enft a 2.56 and 8.26 a. ni. and 12 51, 4.21 ar.d 8.06 p. j]., arriving at Philadelphia at 3.40 and 7.80 p. in. aud 3.00, 7.0 aud 7.40 a. m.; at Baltimore ibout the same time, at New York three hoars •iter, and at Washington shout one and a halt Hours later. Tliue ol Holding Court*. The several Courts of the county of Butler commence on the flint Monday of March, June, September and December, ami continue two weeks, or so long as n. cessary to dispoae of 4b* business. No causes are put down for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the firs! week of the several terms. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BUTLER, PA. ~ A7M CORNELIUS, Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, Butler, Pa. J. F7BRITTAIN~ Office with L Z- Mitchell, Diamond. ~ A M CUNNINGHAM, Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. S. ]H PIERSOL Office on N. E. coiner Diamond, Riddle build' ing .noTIS JOHN M. GREER. Office on N. E. corner Diamond. norlJ WM. H. LUSK, Office with W. H. H. Riddle. Esq. NEWTON BLACK, Office on Diamond, near Court HOQM, Math "ide. E7I. BRuaii, Office in Riddle's Law Building. S. F. BOU SEKT Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß"79 ~~7 B. MCJUNKIN" Special attention given to collections Ottic opposite W'ilSard House. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office north-eon corner of Diamond. Butler Pa. II H. GOUCHER~ Office in Schneideman's builciing. up stabs. JTTDONLY Office near Court House, r - 74 W. D. BRANDON, bl7-75 Office in Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER, " Office in Brodin building- mari7—t FERD REIBER, Office in Berg's new building, Main slrcet.apttl} " F. M. EAST .VAN, Office in Bredin building. LEV. McQUISHON; Office Main street, 1 dvpr sputh of Court Hpn»» JOB 0. V ANDERLIN, Office M»|n street, 1 door aouth of Oomt House Wm A. FORQUER, •9* Office on Main street, opposite Vogelej Bome, GEO Tt. W RIT office N. E. corner of Diamond FRANCIS S PuTivTANClfi7 _ Office with Oen. J N. Purviance, Main street, •outh of Court House. J7D MCJUN^N, 1 office la Hebnetdemnn's hulldimr, west aide ol Main street, 2nd square from Court House. 7 A. G. WILLIAMS, Office on Diamond, two doors weet of OmzEir office. ap'26 T. C. CAMPBELL, Office in Berg's new building, 2d. floor, wl -ude ft} up » ft* aouth qf tfIWH House. unw«*—" C~A. & >l" SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond. BLACK A BRO~ Office on Main street, one door soutb o> Hredj- Block, Butler. Pa. (aep. 2, 1874. JOHN M MILLER & BRQ, Office in Brady'u Law Building, Maiu street, soutb of Court House. Ecqbke O. Mh.uk, Notary Public. Juni ly T H OMAS ROBIN SON, BUTLER, PA. JOHN H. NEGLEY, «"Oives particular attention to transaction* in real estate throughout the county. Office on Diamond, vea b Coubt House, t» Citizen boildiwo E. R. Ecki.kt, Kennedy Marshall. (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY |*r ID tfa« marktt. Hrm-rmkvr, im trttd it to kr rxaminrtl brfort yon fiy for it. This a tb« MM •trieotlMTcomputM r*tail for|6o. All Mactainw mrmawd for ltiiv« jmn. e*od for oar Illutrurd Cr eate »nd TnunooUl*. Addnu CUAKLKS A. WOOD * t 0.. Ul.T