Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 08, 1881, Image 2
BUTLER CITIZEN_ JOSH H. 4 W. C- HEBIEV. PBOP'RS. Entered at the Postoffice at Butler as second-claws matter. Republican County Ticket. Associate Judge. A. D. WEIR, Buffalo township. Sheriff. FERGUS M. SHIRA, Parker township. Prothonotary. M. N. GREER, Bnffalo township. Clerk ot Courts. W. B. DODDS, Muddycreek township. Register A Reeorder. HENDERSON* W. CHRISTIE, of Butler. Pa. Treasurer. J. HARVEY, MILLER, of Butler. Cono'y Commissioners. CHARLES COCHRAN, of Concord township. GEORGE W. HAYB, of Middlesex township. County Auditors, G. W. CROW, of Forward township. J. H. SHANNON, of Franklin township. Coroner. WILLIAM KENNEDY, of Penn township. THE address of Mr. J. H. Murtland, tbe newly elected County Superintend ent of onr county schools, will here after be »t Butler, he having remov ed to this place. Ms. SEHATOR John M Greer receiv ed sn emphatic censure at bis home here last Saturday, at the Republican primary elections. In the election of return judges, or delegates, from this borough and Butler township to the County Convention, tbe issue was made on bis conduct in the Senate on the Judiciary bill and its unjust treatment of this county and Judge McJunkin, and tbe result was that tho wbole three delegates chosen at tbe Court House here were chosen over bis can didates, and that by decided majorities. And tbls notwithstanding be came borne, and it is said took the streets, begging not to be censured. THB Judiciary bill is still hanging in the Legislature. Up to this writing, Tuesday noon, it is in tbe hands of Conference committees of tbe two Houses, who have not agreed upon all its provisions. It is believed and hoped that it may yet fail entirely. If passed, it is predicted by some that it will be vetoed. It creates nine new judicial districts and fifteen more Judges, at an annual cost to the State of about sev enty thousand dollars, Tbe feeling •gainst it in some other parts of the State is as strong as bere and it will be better if no such bill passes. The Legislature adjourns on Thursday, of this week, and, from appearances, in much confusion and disorder as to its business. THI Freeport Journal man hag all tbe virtue of the Hessian soldier—fights for tbe aide that employe him. lie holds an office in the Senate at Harris burg which Senator Oreer obtained for him, and hence be feels obligated to write to bis Journal, praising Mr. Oreer and abusing Mr. Brabam, be cause Mr. Brabam spoke and voted against the unjust Judiciary bill. His abuse of Mr. Brabam is copied into tbe Eagle here last week, per arrangement probably. But if it benefits tbem to pay tbeir debts in this way we are sure Mr. Brabam will not be displeased or make objection. If it does tbem good, it does no other body any barm. Tbe milk in tbe little cocoanut is too easily accounted for. Only it looks bad. PBIHA¥T ELECTION. BCMII *f the Veieta Satnrdaj. Tbe Return Judges, sent by tbe dif ferent election districts to the Coonty Convention on Monday last, on cast ing up tbe vote of tbe primary on Sat urday last, found tbe following aggre gate result*: ASSOCIATE JI'IHJE. Jobs W. Brandon 490 John G. ChrUtjr „..13ou William P. Grant 98* Alfred D. Wl« 1383 SHERIFF. Win. J. Barton 486 John Bander, Jr 94»1 Peter Kramer 701 John Mitchell 403 David Uuigley lflo James B. Storey 721 Feigns M. Bhin 978 John P. Thompson 203 PBOTHOHOTABY. Joseph F. Campbell 888 Matthew N. Greer 1486 Samuel MoClymonds 844 William M. Bhira 1241 TBEAST'BEB. John O. Blppua 622 Jacob C. Croup 73 William Gibson 711 W. 8. Keister 436 J. Harvey Miller 1734 James 11. Norris 319 Philip Haider 668 BEOMTEB A RECORDEB. 11. Alfred Ayers 624 Brers 12k 11. W. Christie 1374 John Findley 640 I). W. Graham 263 11. H. Gallagher 670 Jaraea L. Henry 466 William Watson 3«4 James Wilson 192 CLERK OF COCRTH. 8. B. Cross 349 W. B. Dodth 1734 ft. P. fthryock 2171 W. A. Wright 1210 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Robert Barron flB4 J. C. Breaden 841 WBI. P. Campbell 612 H. P. Campbell ;M)1 Thomas ( rait 626 James P. Christie? 382 Charles Cochran 1197 Kobert Cooper 213 I>. W. Forrester .143 William Harvey 411 George W. Hays 1116 John Hufcelton 186 Charles Hoffman 278 W. W. McOiiistou.. 206 Jonathan Mayberrv 603 John Scoit 643 John Young .... 423 COCNTY AUDITOR*. 0. W. Crowe 1545 R. A. Klnser —...1371 E. E. Maurhoff. _ .... 1432 William MuGrew 1400 Jas H. H ban Don 1444 FOR COKO «KB. William Kennedy 2439 William ( aidwell 69* Ptt&upbwg* THE NOSIISEEB. In another place will be seen a table of the votes cast at the late primary election as well as a summary of the same, and by which it will be seen the following ticket ha* been nominated : For Associate Judge, Alfred D. Wier, of Buffalo township, is the suc cessful candidate. Mr. Wier is well known to the people of this county and is an intelligent and public spirited citizen. He is well qualified for the position, and, if the office is not abol ished by the bill yet pending in the Legislature, and he should be elected, he will serve the people faithfully aud well. For Sheriff, Mr. Fergus M. Shira, of Parker township, carries oft the palm. He comes of one of the oldest and best stock of people in the county, being a son of Mr. Peter Shira of Washington township, where he was born and raised. He is the first of the name who have ever asked for and re ceived a nomination for a county office The whole Shira families of the county have been long known as good citizens and active, ardent Republicans. It is a worthy nomination and a strong one. For Prothonotary, Matthew N. Greer, Esq., of Buffalo township, re ceives the nomination. Mr. Greer is well known to the citizens of the county, having been Register & Record er of the county for a term, and other wise prominently before the public. He is a clever and agreeable gentle man, a working Republican and, so far as we know, hae obtained bis nomina tion tairly and honorably. CLERK or COURT— This nomination has fallen to a very worthy young man, Mr. W. B. Dodds, of Muddycreek township. No better or stronger nom ination could have been made for Clerk of our Courts. "Brouse/'as Mr. Dodds is generally called, was a good soldier in the late rebellion, serving through the same with credit. He is popular, well qualified, energetic in business, and wijl make an efficient, agreeable and obliging officer. REGISTER & RECORDER.— The vote for and nominatian of Mr. Henderson W. Christie, the nominee for Register & Recorder, indicate that tbe voters at the primary duly considered his claims and physical condition. Mr. Christie is a cripple, and is a worthy young man. He was raised in Worth township, but has been residing in this borough for some years past with his aged, much respected and widowed mother The vote he received in the upper end of the county, where he was best known, attests bis strength as a strong candi date. For Treasurer-James Harvey Miller, the successful candidate for this of fice, is a worthy man and bis nomina tion is a strong one. He was born and raised in this place and is well and favorable known to our people. The vote he received tbroughoutthe county, having about a thousand of a plurality over any other candidate, all show that the people of the county recognized his claims and merits. The office of County Treasurer is onej of individual respon sibility and Mr. Miller has the experi ence and ability to be a safe custodian of tbe funds of the county. COUNTY COMMISSIONEBS. —The nom inations for County Commissioners have fallen upon two well known citizens of the county. Charles Coch ran, Esq., of Concord township, is the son of an old citizen of this place, h'or many years past be has resided in Con cord township, as a farmer, which oc cupation be has followed with success all bis life, except while serving bis fellow citizens in the capacity of a Jus tice of the Peace. When Greece city was flourishing in its prosperity and its suddenly made, large population, Mr. Cochran was chosen as a justice of tbe peace for that place, and was useful to the people in the transaction of their business. He has tbe ability to make an intelligent and good County Com missioner. Capt. Qeo. W. Hays, of Middlesex township, tbe other successful candi date for Commissioner, is perhaps as favorably a known citizen as there is in the county. He is a man of decided good repute among his fellow citizens and has the ability to fill almost any office within their gift. That he will make a most excellent County Com missioner there cannot lie any doubt. He has been a useful man all his life, serving his immediate people with great fidelity and usefulness. At the commencement of tbe late war he as sisted in raising a company of volun teers tiecame its captain, was attached to the 137 th Pennsylvania Regiment, and served his country faithfully. llis nomination was made without any great effort on his own part and main ly through bis good standing as a citi zen. He will make the people of the county just the kind of a County Com missioner they should have. For County Auditors, Mr. George W. Crow, of Forward township, and Mr. James 11. Shaunon, of Franklin township, are the successful candidates. They are both intelligent men and we have no doubt will make careful and faithful County Auditors. CORONER.—The selection of Wm. Kennedy, K*q., ol Penn township, for County Coroner, is as good a one as cou'd be made for that office. He is a very worthy man, in all respects, and will discharge tbe duties of the of fice with care and strict fidelity. THE Vice Presidency was given Mr. Conkling to placate him, and the Inde pendents of New York, to whom Mr. Arthur was deeply distasteful, were so anxious for parly harmony that they overcame that dislike, aud jcave the tick et a bearty support. Keoent events show that tbo ill in elected ia go pliflbc wd Wntl*K* !«♦* Sim* 8, 1881. ready a tool that he is merely an ex tension of Mr. Conkling Still the lat ter was not satisfied. Then five ex cel'ent appointments were given as re wards to bis most devoted friends in tbe State. He took tbfse without so much as saving' Thank youbut the instant there was an attempt to recog nize others who did more to secure the State than he did, who labored cheer fully for tbe party from the first, while he was vet sulking in retirement, he flies ofT in a petulant rage, and hence all these tears. THE FREEZE OF ISSO. It was 22 years last Saturday, June sth, since the memorable freeze occur ed in this part of the country, by which all kinds of vegetation and fruit were al most destroyed. The wheat and rye fields, then just about as far on as now, were ruined to such an extent that the alarm as to flour became very great, that article of food going up suddenly t,o sixteen dollars a barrel, but dropping soon again to about eight dollars. Corn and potatoes were frozen and wilted to the ground and had to be re planted. The apple, peach, pear, cherry, the field fruits and all garden vege tables, fared the same fate The de struction was so general that all the necessaries of life ran up to double their former value. To make the mat ter still more gloomy that frost or freeze was soon followed by another one, on Juue 11th, though not 80 severe as tbe first. The area of country swept by the destruction extended from the lakes on the north west to south-east, through portions of the Stfttes of Illi nois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, being bound ed on the e»st by the Allegheny Mount ains aud extending tts far as Wheeling, home people were in dread of some such frost this year, but the general feeling now is that we have escaped such a calamity. A fire pass ing over could not well have done more damage. It was indeed in appearance more like the effects of a fire, the sun of that morning having come out bright clear, and thus completing the ef fects of tbe frost. Hiije* on < onkllng. CINCINNATI, June I.— A correspon dent of the Commercial had a talk with ex-President Ilayes at Bellefon taine, Ohio, on Decoration Day, whilst they were riding in a barouche togeth er. The correspondent says : I had au opportunity yesterday, after the memorial day exercises in this l>eautiful aud thriving town, to tnke a long drive with ex-President Hayes. MB. HAYES IS LOOKING THINNKB, I think, than when he left tbe While House. His face is tanned with ex posure in the sun, aud his hands show marks of freckles, which have come since he discarded affairs of State tor private enterprises. There are streaks of grey in his hair and whiskers, and, though Hayes nev er allowed bis busiuess to worry him as Garfield does, he shows the marks of time. Conversation soon turned from tbe scenes around us to the affairs of the State and Nation, and Conkling's re. cent feat of haru-kari was, of course, mentioned. ] ahked Mr. Hayes how he accounted for Conkling's actions, aud he said, with great seriousness and, I thought, a little sadness Mr. Conk ling is not himself any more. HK IS A MONOMANIAC on the su'iject of his own importance. It is a serious thing to say, but I am perfeetly confident that Mr. Conklinj? is not at'times a rational creature. He is so impressed with his o\\n greatness that it has become more than eccentric ity—it is monomania ' This announcement seemed to star tle Mr. Martiu, who was |>ri>gent, as somewhat surprising, and Mr Hayes noticing this, said: 'This is by no means an uncommon phase of insanity. The malady often takes that form. In sane persons very frequently imagine that they are some distinguished char acter, or superior being. There are over fifty persons in the inHann usy lunis who imagine themselves Presi dents of the United States. Some Iw;- lieve themselves to bo Napoleon, oth ers the King, the Czar. Many imag ine themselves to l>e Jesus Christ, or even the Almighty himself-—Conkliug is drifting that way Men who do his bidding be believes to l»e afraid of him. Those who refuse to oljey his dictates he considers his bitter enemies. He think* they are trying to humiliate him. 'Humiliate' is a favorite term of Mr. Conkling's. 'l o show you how egotis tical he is, just let me relate an inci dent: In 1M79 General J. S. Kobin son, of the Republican Executive Com mittee of this State, invited Mr. Conk ling to come to Ohio andmake a few political speeches. INSUIJTKI) IN OHIO. 'Come to Ohio,' said Conkling, puf fing up indignantly. 'They have in sulted me in Ohio; I cannot think of goiu}; there.' 'lnsulted J/ou i Ilow, pray ?' asked Rohiin4on. 'Have they not indorsed this wretched hypocrite in the White house ? That wan intended as u direct drive at me, sir.' 'General Robinson protested that such WUH not the ease, hut Mr Conk ling would not listen and refused to come.' The conversation was then inter rupted by some one calling attention to the surrounding scenery, hut Mr. Hayes t'jok up the thread again and said : Mr. Conkling's downward course dates from the Slate campaign in New York in 1 M 7(», when he did all in his power to destroy the Republican party. Governor Morgan, the candidate in that year, was perfectly satisfied that Conkling had done all that he possibly could to defeat his candidacy. Conk ling has made three attempts to destroy the party. That wan the lirst one. The second was during the session of the Electoral Commission. Mr. Conk ling WHS nettled and stung at his fail ure to secure the nomination, and sought an opportunity to throw the scale in favor or Mr. Tildeij. He gave the Democrats t ) understand that he prefered Mr. Tilden's election to my own, and had n speech fully prepared to overthrow the aetion ol the Com mission relative to the returns from Alabama. Senator Morton discovered his trick junt in time to prevent his treachery. The third attempt that Conkling made wan in forming the j Potter Investigating Committor. There never would have been such a com mittee but for Mr. Conkling. The Southern Democrats were afraid of it. aud loth to have anything to do with it. Ido not know that Mr. Conkling falsified in this instance People were coming to him with stories of all kinds, being assured that they would find him readv to support tlieru in overturning the result of the election, and he grew to believe them. I think be was con vinced. probably, in his own mind that Mr. Garfield, Mr. Matthews aud other statesmen had made au open bargain and sale for the votes of certain States, aud he declared openly that Hayes would be "compelled from very shame to quit the White House within thirty days after the investigation began. He did all he dared do in each case to overthrow his party, and the party will be all the stronger without him. He had no possible excuse for his action, though I think Mr. Piatt probably had. I can see how Piatt may have fHt that be could not consent to Mr. Robertson's nomination.' The carriage w(*a now rolling pa*t a country home, and an immense turkey cock, with s-aiiit wattles and consid erable gobble, strutted out into the roadway as if to obstruct the carriage. The horses shied & little, and by the merest accident the gobbler escaped lieing run over. Somebody laughed. The incident, of course, recalled Mr Blaine's remarks about Mr. Conkling'? turkey gobbler strut, and Mr. Hayes said: 'I was in Congress at the time that occurrence took place. I was a young member, fH)d Mr. Conkling cap>e to my seat before Mr. Blaine hatj finished to inquire how the thing ap peared to me Mr- Conkling had said something which Mr. Blaine took tQ imply that Mr. Conkling meant a per sonal encounter. Mr. Conkling wanted to know if i thought such a construction could be placed HB 0 ? ! ,is words. I shall never forget how Mr. t/oiikiit<a replied to Mr. Blaine. The gentlemen from Maine,' said be, 'has undertaken po school me in etiquette. When the time copips far me to seek instruction in that art, J assure the gentlpmao froju Maine that fie will be the last person to whom I -shall apply.' ENDORSING GAKri KLt». Speaking of the probable action of the Republican State Convention in in dorsing President Garfield's course, Mr. Hayes said he thought that the people of Ohio were unanimous in that, and this fight will strengthen Garfield everywhere. It Is the boat tiling ifl the world jor him. The natural ten dency of the people has always been with the President and against poli ticians when thpy believe the President means right. '1 hen a tuau in public life cannot win friends unless be is en gaged in some struggle which compels the people to tak- sides. The peyplc ull admire pluck, ami ijiey will admire it in I'resldent (Jarfield, If the Preti, dent were to go through New York State to-morrow the ovation he receiv ed six months ngo would be nothing to it. The people of New York voted for Air. (jprficld because they saw in him a man who wai fig)>t>"g Conkling and his method?. They are with thy pres ident to-day, ten times stronger than aver.' The e»-President in conclusion said he was out of politics now, and di-'Vot ed to private life. TEMPERA*!'E CONVENTION (PUBLISHED BY HEQUF.ST.) BUTI.KK, Muy #lst, 1881. Pursuant to a call from the lihaiiv mau of tie Executive Committee of the prohibition Reform Party of Butler county, Pa., nnin»l>*ir pf the citizens of the County met in Convention in the court roomaud wore organized by -I. W. Orr, Esq., of Bruin, Pa., (Chairman of Executive Committee) taking the chair and by tin; election of P. W. Conway Secretary. After a few well chosen remark* by the Chairman on the sub ject of Prohibition and the work to be accomplished by it. Kev. N'«»bitt, I>, 1). of Pittsburg, Pa., being present ad dressed tie Convention in a brief but moat able and eloquent manner, setting forth tin; evil* propagated by the "Black Bottle back of the liar" and tli.o necessity of Prohibition as a political measure. After which the Convention proceeded to the transaction of busi ness. A committee appointed by the Chair reported the following preamble and series of Resolutions, which were re ceived and adopted by the Convention BS a whole: WIIKIIKAS, The facts demonstrate that the purely persuasive efforts in the cause of Ti-in iterance notwithstanding all the go<td that they have accomplished iu the past, have not suc ceeded in tne overthrow ol Intemperance, but oa ihe contrary Intemperance continues to lie tint monster evil in th# land ami tlrnl the liuuor trafle (the souree from wliiuti thuse eyils flow) is entrenching itselt more and more hunitid legal enactments, and to ihi* end is thorough ly organized for political power, through which it is eonl rolling parties, und defying the will of the people. And whrrrat, there are very many men of pronounced intemperance priocl plen and practice who in view or the power ex erted by tile li<juor Interest In the control of parties and legislature*, ami who feel the re sponsibility ol their own political action. Iu view of 11 iff M tacts we feel eom pelted to meet them with likr aution, therefore we do organize ourselves into or.c organization to t>.; known an the Prohibition Reform Party of Builvr county , Pa. Auxilary to said party in the State thu chief object of which shall lie to use our jsjiti cal jMiwer, for the purpose of counteracting the cflorla of the liquor dealers and all others wh « net with them in the direction of political con trol in the interests of the liuuor tnilie, and for the purpose of necuring legislation against the luaiiutwllin' and sale of jjll intoxicating bever ages iu lli.< Mtalti, /{motinl, Ist. That we do hkiuhy [(ledife our selves to the support of only such men loroiiiLi: as will endorse the principle* of legal prohibi tion of the liuuor traflc. und to use our best ef forts for the election of such. Jtnolvfl, 2n<s. That we do cordially invite mid earnestly urge the co-operation ot all tem perance voter*, in tlie dentinrr< of prohibitory results through |>olitieal action : The following motion wan made and curried : That v\ lien this convention udjouro it shall be to a day, for the purpose of perfecting 'lie organization and for the further purpose of present ill# candidates for the suffrages of the temperance |»eople of this county. "n motion the lie v. J. Clyde of North Hope, Mr. H. S. I)<iul>enspeek of Bruin and J. W. Orr of Bruiu, were appoint ed a committee to interrogate and hold correspondence with the nominees of the other parties, as to their standing on the (|Uf£tion of prohibition. The following person* wire appointed mem bers of the executive comuiitUiii to wt in their several townships and bor oughs. Matthew Sloan, Allegheny, Hi* I'oints. Janwa llurr,-Adam*, I'inal'ore. lU;v. \V. I'. Hhuw, llrudy, Mt, Clientnut. A. I». Wier, Itnilulo, Kreeport. H. I*. Irvili, duller, Itutler. Abraham Moyer, IJutler borough, Hutler. Tin* ClirUtley, Cherry, Moniteau. I'. VV. Conway, Cluy, Coultcniville. Ihtvid I'atton, Concord, Hooker. •las. M. Thoni|>*oii, Centre, MH andle**. I lurry Ilruneiiroaii, < .'ouutM|ue«*iug, I'onno queueMiiiH* A. D. vaadifl-liu, C'obatr- OFFICIAL RETURNS OF REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION. Sheriff. Prothonotary. Trfatnrtr. RegUter <L> Recorder. Cleri of Courtt. Z. ~ L -z - -z. < s <? ~ s 'so -D' e_ ~ E £. 8 • " 5~- "-r£." ~E^"E" L=s=-I*=y;g==£-s®y' f ? > ! |- a. E = g " > = c •Z.*3—"«£.s'lS* x * *r x ~ * n ' £. S ? ? ~ C ~ -j, •" * i* ~ - • T- = T\ ? as > ~ i r C O C. e < a ■ 3>' 5? Z DISTRICTS. = I = S £.! x ~ H = <t £ g. S c. 2. •< • = '< - « = =- i. = - = s f =' I ?5 = f =5. f x g | 5 r. • 2 5 f ? 2 c 5* 3 p - JT P « -. * r * Adams township ...7ZZ 8 2 72 1 3j 3 S 1 2 01 3* 8 3 10, 60 18 6 1 9 13 3 '34 33 1 *. 1 13- 79 1 Allegheny 8 39 12 7 !> 4 76 14 42 34 3- r > 50 23 4 4" 46 30 12 14 78 27 17 2 18 It! 9 3 100 30 11 23 Butler " lo 1 6 23 1 11 9 1 4 8 40 15 1 6 1 59 2 3 38 1 .18 6 2. 1 2* 29 4 Buffalo 7 14 17 83 12 10 37 2 4 164 1 2 1 1 33 2s 117 8 1 18 32 8 105 4 92 5P 15 Brnlv 6 18 ... 2 ' 8 4 49 11 16 16 39 21 7 15 3" 3 7 4 40 8 29 1 3 11 19, 43 13 Concord 7" 10 30 19 1 4 16 73 9 38 25 8 87 39 52 63 5 1 19 10 74 8 1 W 4 7 26 1 48 18 «) Clearfield 3 1 5 ! 9 1 1 11 8 9 1" 2 3 5 4 2' 3 1 2 17 Cherrv 15 5 1 5 5 15 48 5 5 7 4 81 36 0 23 13 12 8 23 1 43 9 4 12 3 9 23 25 35 craniH'i-ry3 10 1; 1 s 24 1 21 28 9 7 5 1 32 1 i> * 5 1 17 22 , • 7 50 " 04 |2 5 5 5 4 64 14 42 25 16 49 49 12 29 17 9 17 2 20 39 35 «i 9 3 2 15 2 10 52 69 Clinton .'.'.".7.7. 41 8 40 8 ll! 49 1 2HI 23 19 1 84 77 19 32 1 19 8 72 3 2 55 76 23 Centre 31 5 2'J 16 4 2? 4 10 2? 30 42 30 10 2 50 8 lit 1 21 39 4 7 1 2 32 C 17 45 37 Cimno.iueiVeasinif (north) 15 36 5 1 1 20 3 2 26 30 22 10 1 3 11 45 4 »j 3s» 23 1 7 1 2 7 ....".. 7 74 n uth , 6 5 6 22 2 5 6 1 9 17 25 11 9 4 37 2 11 2 28 3 13 6 a, 2 4 4 51 4 TV,™™] 2 18 6 9 1 60 5 2 8 56 22 13 45 4 5 3 34 1 9 1 16 6 8 65 1 5 68 12 12 Forward 11 21 30 9 1 8 8 46 29 11 11 3 12 43 3 14 11 12 2. 24 17 22 1 6 32 47 Franklin 24 59 11 3 1 1 6 13 11 67 o 3 2 24 53 fl 6 1 4* 2 1 33 1 15 2 7 87 3 Fair vie w (east) 1 8 2 4 16 75 4 2 90 3, 3 ft 11 » 69 4 1* 1 1 4 4 25 13 2 3 52 4 5 25 7 63 " ,Ut i 11 23 3? 21 25 C 7 7 11 115 29 11 12 27 106 5 47 3 11 13 10 44 19 1 33 79 3 16 76 23 79 jaukson IMH> :::::::: « u u w i « 3 23 » 2 29 8 12 2 2 1 j 9 •10 13 2 8 2 6 12 24 2 " Jeff..™, 7." 8 12 15 7 1 9 31 62 7 13 5 ' 30 ' 48' 3 12 1 11 4 4 48 1 :• «2 17 3 Lancaster . 50 2 2 2 34 11 6 3 2 \\ <JO 1 17 2 11 10 2 21 3 4 5 48 llprwr 1 35 1 lo' 111 61 6 21 38 14 53 5 3 17 81 53 3 11 78 12 38 16 13 56 39 Muddr creek 7." 1 147 1 1 3 1 1 13 4- <jo 01 .V 3 25 89 8 24 7 2 7* 14 ti 25 11 5 j 8 147 •Marion 7.7 7 1" V 3 4 9 10 \ii ? » ! * 57 1 1 4. 14 15 24 « 40 ,13 10 2 ■ 6 18 22 16 :fr,V,"' 1, a 1"4 i 2 5 2 1 109 39' 2 1 S»; 10 54 86 i 9 1 15 19 8 f 3' j 1 28 108 10 OakramP 23 3 U 13 1 30 9 8 18 35 11 27 49 2 4 41 1 35 22 2 4 4 10 9 9 2 24- 45 23 "" 9 19 1 7' C 80 149 9 169 33 1 59 31 34 52 13 27 31 3 43 Sammit 77' 1 0 Sfi ' 1 3 | 1 -1 ls 12i * 25. - 2, 5; 21 3 «t 2 1 1 15 20 3 aSrVrm'k - M 1 IB "1» 23 47 12 9 68 7 54 12 3 62 67 14 61 .15 2 6 4 4 25 24 ',7 31 »11j.ppryr°..K................. - - .. ! 7 29 6 2 36 14 7 9 3 7 17 1 13 1 3 1 3 2 7 1 8 28 S!C== 5j « i~i I » 5 •1 d i i:z S 'J JJ- ? 51-r 1 B,,U«,Wou g h ...ward j Jgg = j g j |*g£.ll .5 ,5 U > ,15 !' 5 1~7, M I I» £ 4~i iH Ml 4 ■ KarnaOt'y 712 3 3 4U 1 3'J \ 2 1 1 1 26 \l4 1....,,.,.... 3 4 6 38 20 U 9 Millpr.town 0 , m s . 4 10,' 21 2 18' 18 1 33 16-19 i etrolia • «, J 17 5 5 3 0] 15 1 2 12 11l 2 3 1 27.. , - ll 7.77. 1 ""'2 3 14 8 2 6 12 17 4 6 4 1* 3 5 11 17. 9 4; 1 ! 3< 2 8 10:..18. 2 Un U , y i 1 4 14 2 1 1 22 i 4 1 ' I 3 24 2 9 1 7 5 ... 1 ! fl 4 8! S .j.:— _ 5 __l° —_! ! _!7 , -:_._-i7z J?rj zi d, + quenessing. Thomas Uume3, Clearfield, Pro. C. Harper, Cranberry, Ogle. \Vin. Lanlin, Clinton, Riddle X Roads. Pilfer, ijoijegql, Rgrnjiart*.Mills. I)r. Mpßride, fnhyiew, Baldiri,;. James. Stevenson, Franklin, Mt. ( hestn,}i. J. if. Rose, Forward, Connotjuenessing. Rev 8. L. Johnston. Jackson, Zelienople. Thomas Matiin, JelFerson, Saxoriburg, Rev. Scheele, Lan aster, Middle Lancaster. A. M. Barber, Mercer, Harrisville. Levi Porter, Marion. Clintonvillc, Venango coanty, Pa. J. W. Stewart, Muddy Creek, Portersville. James Wilson Middlesex. Bakerstown, Al legheny county, Pa. Wnj. J. Hutchinson, Oakland. recce City. L. L. Daubenspeuk, Parker, Rruin. J. D. Anderson, Ppqn. M»h»rg. Rev. W. I>. Ewing, Slippery Kock, kjlippery Rock. Jas. Mitchell, Summit, Rutlcr. G. 11. Gibson, Venango, Eauclaire. W. J. Miller, Washington, North Hope. Jainfi* P'i fep, Worth, Pi.itersyille. J. P. Bricker, Win Held, 1 >j,p y - The following resolution was unanimously adopted : Rmolvtd, That the Prohibition Reform Party of Rutler, Co., Pa , do urge upon our represen tatives iii tlic Senate the duty of positive active effort to push to u final v°te the pending bill now before tin; Legislature giving to U«M people the opportunity'<> vote ( ,n a eoustilu; lional amendment prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor* un abiverngc; that the Secretary of this convention be re quested to forward a copy of this (resolution to the Hon. John M. Greer, State Senator. f)n motion the time fixed for the next meeting of tli'v convention be on Monthly tin; 18th day of July aj, 1 o'clock p. m , ut which time the com r jfiittep ojj resolutions Ac report. On motion the mUmtPP of thj* meeting he presented to the Herald nilfl Ci'fizß4 ofllce lor publication. 0" motion con vention adjourned with prayer by Rev, Ogden, to meet duly 18tb ut Ip. m. J'. VV. CONWAY. Secretary. W lj<Tf Hie l>riiiiis Come From. Granville (Jorner» i» *itl|tfted about two milfH north of the Conneptlcuj, line. A large mill stream runs through thfe place (a branch of the Westfield tiyor), fiirhpiMnjf P «uff'b<T of privileges, most of wh|c|i ft'**-' UMf: ized. Messrs, Noble & Cooley are by far the largest manufacturer? in the place. They say that in December, 1853, they first made a drum in Mr. Noble's father's kitchen, from a board foutyd in a barn, steamed it with a teakettle, and uoed t*o })P?'h bladders for the beads. Next they made a uo f en drum,s and sent them away in a boot box. They now have a factory HOxfP feet, with five floors, and use steam and water. They Iniye |UffdP and sold Of,'.'oo drums. Tlipse werp made of Wood, tin, brass, and nickel. They used for lho head* of all tbcsp drums 30,000 sbeepskliiH, which rame from Liverpool of the kind known as suited fbfhes. Let none of your read ers wonder where all the toy drums are made hereafter. The firm n!*o made 400 gross of toy pistols, 23,000 boxes tenpins, 700 rolling hoops, and 42,000 boxes wooden toothpick* IVeble l<adU'N. Those languid, tiresome sensations, caawug to (eel scarcely able to l>e on your feet; that constant dfiiiu tlmf, is taken from your system all H» elus.- tieity t driving the bloom ftom yor cheeks; that continual strain upon your vital forces, rendering you irrita ble und fretful, can easily be removed by the use of that marvelous remedy, Hop Hitters. Irregularities and ob structions of your system are relieved at once, whil<! t)ie special cause of pe riodical pain Is permanlly rerijoyed Will you heed this?— (Jincinnali S<il' xirday Ni<jhl. How to Save. All men and women who work hard with mind or body are subject to peri odical attacks of biliousness, which niity end in disordered or liver danger ous illness A s«ct. o» bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic will keep these organs active, and by preventing the attack save you much sickness, loss of time mid great expense. Many fam ilies are kept in perfect heulth by using the Tonic when Spriug or Kail sick ness threatens. Delay at such times means danger.— Detroit I'reun See other celumn. The best and greatest variety of cab bage, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and other planU f<>* side l»t tfie rewidence of Mrs. (". 10. Anderson, on Me final) St., Butler Pa. IUAKKII;I». Ill'NT Tt'RK— Ity tin- Rev. .1. It. Couiter, .lane Ist, lit the residence of the officiating mill iplpr, Crawford* < orners, I'a., Mr. S. Hunt, ol Bock VU-w, U. Y., jand Miss Ada Turk, ol' tin' vicinity of 11nrri»viI(«•, llullw <'»>., J'jf. M< K ISSON WF.HTKRMAN At the home of the bride in M illerstown, Pa., June '-'ml, by Itev. J. i{. Waters, Mr. John M'Klsson, of |t|-|>dlord, I'a., uiul MINK I ass it; Wexternum, daughter of Sir. Henry L. Westermau. ROEKSING COI-K in Hun Franeiaco, Mojr 2'ilh, ISBI, Mr. I). ltoesning, formerly of Haller, I'a., In Mi»* Emma K. Cole, IHIIII ol this city.— Siin I'vnnciiu'u Momintj (Jul/, .'/''V -li, 1 hti l. jee i m-ek in your own town. Term* anil S>DD,„,(|U lire, A0(lf» 1U tt Co., I'brtlauQ, MalaC. AiiditniV Mcporf. Adam Troutman, Treasurer of School Fund, in account with the school district ot Butler !>or ough for the year 1880, Dr. _ Raj. in hands hist audit, l' 1; 8. , Ain't ree'd trom J U Boyd, 1tjfU........ 13.' vO Ain't ree'd froiii Li<U Boyd, 1870 ■*'W Ain't ree'd fropi R C MeAboy, s duplicate, 1879 27a Am't rep'U from R (' McAbov dup 'SO 3,900 00 Stale appropriation, lri/:' 044 Co •' 1K«1.. 0-1170 Samuel Riehey. schooling 2 00 J R Brcdin " «> County Treas'r refunded tax 26 f '<s Hiilume due treasurer,, Hi 81 Total „ .....$0,203 41 Cr. J R Meuhling, 8 months teaching $ 480 00 Geo Riedip do 320 (HI O P Cochran do ...... 320 00 Mr* L Mcl.ure do 240 00 Miss Rella Colbert do 240 00 " Annie Cuinmiugs do 240 (HI " M K Kmrick do 210 (HI " L|lp, Copltcr do 240 0.1 !' J.ida Bojd flu .;:••• 240 00 " Lin ma Brittaui dp " Kiln Kurtz, 2m. todays teach'g 73 04 " Kmuia Rowc, 5 mos 12 dys " 106 • ■!> " Lipinu K Linn. 160 en J A McAnallen, janitor 300 00 do plpan'g L ('h 0 "l h<'(ise 60 !"• <|o Mtra w0rk........ ..... 13 00 do tree boxes,, 2 SVJ Jl (' McAboy, counsel fee 5 00 .I Ziegler A Vmi, printing -'1 .>0 Nigele RroS, hardware 4 11 W Moore, encyelopicdia 25 00 John Staley, plastering <> II Riehl. repairs _1 90 Dr. Rredin, secretary's salary 50 .00 Butler KiJL'le, printing 3 o<l J U & W Cainpbell, ca-tiugs. .. 85 20 E W VogeliV, blackboard..... 4 50 (jeo Stainm, brick 19 '8 J II Keg ley, printing 8 00 Jell' Burtner, plfjinbing 3 45 (i W ipulpr, rjipairs,.,, 1 25 Walter itiegler, repairs... 25 A Rookensteiii, stove pipe 5,..,,.,...,,... 24 lo G I) Harvey, labor lo oo J (' Redick, glass, &e 8 00 A B Riehey, coal 23 75 Geo Brcdin, chalk 3 50 Wickersham, School Journal 7 00 A Troutman, merchandize.... 24 HO A JfiifT'ier. lumber and repairs 112 CO " 1 Inside and repairs 2!'2 00 II C lleinen.au, stationery:..'......: 7 77 Lewis Keck, iron work.... 1 35 M (' Rockenstcin, repairs 2 D 3 J4 (i Purvis & Co, slating roof 5 30 (i work fin*! tpa'erials f>7 U0 Jos Purvis, liu«e <♦ 00 J J KUioft, painting shutters 51 57 No#h I|«Miry, 127 3s A B Riehey, hauling ami f10u1,23 7;» F Weigand, repairing clock I 00 J Keek, CM| H Ulric West, gravel and* coal 22 20 Check books 3 02 John Manny, hauling lumber M Jv'js'onn" hauling lumber So Kxprcsft"charge* . Butler Water ('oinpaity. .'...... 00 Butler Gas Company 20 Interest paid on bondn 4'2.» 0o Bonds N'os 111 and 21, redeemed 1,000 00 Tieifsijifif-'* percentage '-2 i'l T0ta1..... INDKin I'llNl Stj. Amount of boixla outstanding f7,. r iiio o*l The uhovc ;ie«o«t|| llll'l'l'-'l 'lff'" IW|. R. M. M> 1.1 l(H, S J. M< SMITH, > And'rs. juneß:3t AMOS KEAKNS, ) Xolivo ill Divorce. Martha M. Cooper, by her next friend, Hugh Young, v* Jau es J. Cooper In the Court of Common Pleafof flutler eouatv, Pa. A. I). No. r>, December teriu, 18WI, libel iu ilivorce. ' And now, June lilli, 18S1, on motion of ti. A. & A. T. Black, attorneys for libellant, in open Court, and it appearing by the Sheriffs return to the Mibpivna and alias suhpiena in above yj.i.nf, tjifft the renpondent cannot be found in tnm county, pbhliptliou i* aiyufded ill the lln l,B (iri/.KN according |o lair, riituniahle H) next term. I®V TIIK 'ut IIT. To t'l•' RrtpOntlnit, Jumr4 Cooutr : you are hereby notified to be ilud appear iu your pro/per iM*rson before our judges at Huller, at a (Ourt of« ciuniou Pleas there to be held ou the sth <lay of September, isst, next, to answer the petition or libel of the said Martha M. Cooper, and to show cause, if any you have, why the said Martha M. Cooper, vour wife, fhoold nof be divorced from the bonds of matri mony, i|mT«lll) |o the acf-H of AssMiibly in »uch cuse made and provided. 1 \V. H. HOFPMAN, juneHtf Hberitfof Hutler County. Riollre lo Contractor*. The Board of School Director* ol Penn twp., will receive sealed pro|«>»ali< up to one o'clock p. in., of the -Otii day id June, for the erection of two new school houses, one No. 'i, Itulford and the other No. 4, Maliarg. The di rector* reserve the rijjht to reject any or all bills, said bids to lie ojTHied on tjie 'Join day ol June, at 1 p. m., at Mahood school house, and contract let lo the lowest re*|M<ii*ible bidder. Plans and Miecilicnliolis can be seen at the house of J. It. podds, near Brownsdale. All letterw should lie addrc»cd to J. 11. |)odd#, Hrownvdale, Hutler C ~ Pa. There will u!«o be wild at Millie time and place, thu two old brick school houses (scuta und stone work ex cepted). tor further information address J. B. Dodds. By order of Ihe Board. J. W. KALTKNBACH, Sco'y. Who Killed Morgan. The history of the alMluction of William Morgan anij the Aliti Masonic excitement of IH2II-SO, by A. I'. Biihtley. A lull a id detailed account of the interesting incii'eiits connected with the disappearance ol Morgan and the arrest and trial ol those SllS pel ted o' his murder. The hisik is published in a handsome volume of too pages, neatly Ixiiiiid in paper covers. Price, single copy by mull, postage prepaid. Hit cents. Address, VAN CIBK A TIIUOOP, JJ. Publishers, Mt. Pleasant, lowa. SIO.OO REWARD I ! For information leading to ihe capture ol \ a!- eutine Yey, who escaped from the inxane de partment at Clareuioiit on May i'th ;is yt'-ir* of age, medium height, smooth faee.J, with powder marks, short black and grey hair, was lust seen ut Zclienopb'. Address lmi FED tit AI. STIU.KT, May 25, Zt Allegheny, Pit. miING SUMMER U -—fin 11 A. TROUTMAN, maim street, BUTLIR,P«. IS KOJV.EXIU»ITIN« A COMPLETE AND MOST ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF SEA soualile goods at lowest prietJ. 1)1 Dry Goods, HFofions, Trimmings, 41 ci Black silks, Coloicd Silks, Hll|ll|.l«TSilk», l'l>s: l»tifi»l»l« Silk*. Hl.u k faslmWs: Colored |'n liiiit iyj'. Nun s Venitlg. Ilenrieit I < loth, silk warp, lUack Mouile ( loin, Colorei' Mount' ('iot)i. Lace lSuutlpK fof I>iesses, Broclie Shawis, Shetland Shawls. Smnnier Shawls. Skirls and Skirllngs, Cassimeres. Cloths, .lean*, Tweeds. Cottonades, Tickings. Toweling . Slur! u.gs. Carpel Chain. Muslins, bleached 811(1 unbleached, in all «idtlis and best makes ; Ladies' Sacking Cloths in great variety. Children's Sacking. Sc., &c. Curtain I.ace bv tlie yard. Lice ci:ttaii\s In cream i tul also in pttfo v.liitc. 3', and 4 yaids long, l..i> c Laiuhrektn*, Table C(i\i'r v , Towels in ijic.it vtuiety. Table Uniicas. M> Suck was r.evcr so complete | In bleached, halt bleach'd. unbleached, Turkey I ('■•iTTCetliiMi n"l and fan^y. Napkins tn bh aclid if dl. i|, Uu Its. all |ir:(c>, India Mull, iipen law n. Victoria Lawn. ivr i.iu lawn, Nalnaook. plain mid u!r'(<l<l - l'lgurcit S\\i>.s, Plain Swiss, Kcru figured Swiss, Irish trimming, collars for children, collars for ladles, enfTs, ribbons, feather-edged braid, rime braid, lace drs. fancy ties, mull lie-. In plnln and nice line embroidered ends, handkerchiefs in cotton, linen and -I k, seine "extra fine linen handkerchiefs ; bliicK cra|ie and black crape veils. TRIM M INGS. TKIM MI N( s. TRIM MINGN.- Brocade Silks. Plain Silks, Satins and Velvets, Fringes, black and coloicd. I'u c assortment i f I'a'seinenU re ornaments, cords and tassela. HOSIKKV, lIOMFK\ . lOSIFKY Kancv hosiery for children in great variety, Ballirlggan hose for ladle?. l ancv ta.sc foi I: dies, all qualities and prices. Men aud bo>'s socks. My stock is Urge and prjees low. Umbrellas and Parasols In Silk. Alpaca, Serge, &c. ' liiiv'ersof the above Hue of goods aie ri sp-ctfnllv requested to give nie a call liefore purchasing elsevvWiiv LA KG ft STOCK unit LOW P KJCKS. j#~lalso keep a full line of GU(K fKIjCS #i|fl jiI'KKNS\V \P.r, «a\ ' flic abovr Cut rt'jirrsriiis our new No. 0 combined Mower & Reaper J). M. Osborne & Co. make tin; largest lino and most satisfactory working in til l ' world. IJEIIG .V CYPHER, Agents for Butler County. Also, Agents for the cclcbralcd Tiger Self-Discharging Sulky Rake. (i>i n n n&" sSspiLEs 5 SspiLEs ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ RrincriT Ml- to rnrr> ll nilnMt thx lUblnf, llmto lfc» ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■ Z.™,".'. rr-ll.f t'rrpsrrd bjr J. r. Millar, M.P., ■I ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■ mixUlphl*. Cm (' A t:TI« N A«i' JIKUW «•/«■ «rv- VLV Mr <m hot llt tvniaini 'n (Ignnlara «»< • Pll# •fStaaM. iJHIr ■■ AJ| (jiu«i|,»u a«;l counuv *lore» li»*« il or will get it for you. Ig.flgi ;&l ~ M Vlt C H Ist, 1881. Special Bargain, One Lot, 10 Pieces LIGHT BLUE SILKS, Extra quality and delicate shades, clear and fresh, at the Remarkable price of 45 cts., worth 75c to $1 per yard. NKW FOHIUUN srniNOH. . Choice New I'IDIIIH. ('hour Nfw liunii* Spun I'heelul. Choice New Stockinettes, All 12 to di Jncli punt* nt T.v- to $) J3 |wr yard. | Olic c.fH) Extra Value tllid Kxlpi Wlilp, tfl-llit'll C<»U»]iKl)( \HllMi'.lti:H, at H:h). Special Murrains. Colored Frcn«li l ashmeres, B;', l '. and <>-V' up on Hale To-duy, KM) I>l s4H IIK-Ii llliick Cashmere, at «!',<• up :111 Cuiistml Itarualn, 4<Mlic|i Rlnck (\i*liniere*. at »"><• and ?1.00. NKW FANCY It LACK OOODB. Ouadrlllcs. li.ikka Crepes, Arinurc*. Jersey Cords. Krocjulril silk I'mlimw*. Choi'"*' 1.1 n< < tlcst Makes Mourning < loods. Crepes and Crepe Veils. Shaw ls, ike. One i'»sr Pontile Fold American ltlack Itepps, at K.<\ fur School Suits, Wrappers, «LC„ a h ii.a| ;)iid real vain.' BOGGS & BUHL, 118 nnd 120 Perioral Street. Allegheny. N. It. special clone prlres at retail or hv the piece or package on Domestic and Housekeeping l>ry (ioods, I.lneiis, Towels uiul Napkins Very special liarg ilns In gmlls and Blankets. ! ; Summer Normal 7 erm - The ftnuinor Normal Term pi the \\ ttlief -1 spoon Institute, Uutler, I'a., conducted l>y l'ro lessors 11.I 1 . K. Ilancrolt ami J. Tinnlmaii, will I open on Monday, June JO, |HM, continuing six weeks and closing .Inly -H*. Tuition £4 >O. A thorough course of inslruclion will lx* givoM 'U all brancbefc taught In tlic public tfchubls, I I Plain Burning for Dn'ities. i BnxSKtfS CwniuoMN hi all colors, j Plain hresM Goods, all colars, Aipaoas, nil colors, I Mohairs. Cotton l>re_s.s Goo I I Chintzes, i Calk-uos, I Large Sti ok of Lawns, l4Usc Kioek of Dress Gingham*. Black Cashmere Shawls, single and double I (OItKJ-rrS.CORHBTS, COKSKTS, largest stock and liest \ uricty to select from. | IU TTONK, i!ITTOSH.IU'TTONS. A large aasoit- Imciit to select from lor cress and sack. (SLO\ KS. CI.oVKN, CLOVES, poster Kid Gloves, Imperial Kid (lloves under Foster's patent, I> eanihss Kid (Moves, | kid Cloves to all qualities and prices, ! Si:k Gloves, Fcilln (.love*, l.isle Thread Cloves. You w ill find my glove stock complete. Mitts, blm k and colored. I l.arge utock of Laces in white, cream, ecru and | tiia -k ; fuellings, embroidery, inserting. &c. Two lots li*tr» Choice ltlack Histln nam.wej, luive elegant designs, at « & and » l*r yard, ihat are fully ftu cent* |»er yard leaa than usual mark el value. A t.arse line Satin DauiMhc*, at SI.OO. IIJI and SI. MJ. SILKS AND SATINS. Macks and Colon. Colored Stlk<, MTVtC emits Up. llliick Silks, of best known makes, IUCIIUIIIIK the celebrated bonnet QomK Uirge lot Ladle*' Muslin Underwear, o( su|>erlor style and flntoh, and at bargain price*. Ladles' I'nlaundrled Muslin Chemises, on coun ter at ;ki cellts each. Choice line ltrldal Sets, 11.00 to J-Jo.oo each. New lloii.tonor Irish Folnl KmUrolderlen. New Vcldcnla (Lace Kdgc) Finliroiderica. New Hamburgs Kn-at tiaruains New Swiss and Nuill-ook Embroideries. New White (ioods and Figured Swisses. NOTICE TO FARMERS. Larue number ol Kaium lor aale or cxi-tmug* at low price* and ou easy payment* BeTe.nl 1 i-mall Uriua trout .HI erf ynnte'L'" A I>Q, ' los us (urnUhul to I armors having linprOvjjj tarius ou long time ai d at low rate*. AddroM W. J Klf K A t)I)EN, Frecpori. Fa., Or calls 1) Offlic day*: Every Mondny at Frcepoit. Every Tuesday at No. 00, Four lb Avenue, I'ltUUur^h.