MCBMCKIPTIOM BATES : p»r year, in hltiom 91 50 Otberwiae 8 00 No subscription will b« discontinued until *1) arrearage* are paid. . Poetmaatena neglecting t notify aa when •abacribena do not take oat then papers will be held liable for the sabacripticn. Subscriber* removing from one postofiice to another ahoold give aa the name of the formei aa well aa the present office. All oommonicationa intended for publication n tlua paper moat be accompanied by the real name of the writer, not for pabUcation but aa a giiai antee of good faith. Marriage and death notices moat be accompa nied by a responsible name. Addreaa TBS BVTI KH CITIZE.9. BCTLER. PA. BOOTS&SHOES. THE OLD AND RELIABLE BOOT JIJJOE HOUSE B. C. HUSELTOff, Is now Receiving Fresh New Goods in the Latest Styles the Eastern Markets produces. All his Spring and Summer Stock OF BOOTS &1 SHOES Are now ready for inspection. These goods are made to his own special order bv the largest manufacturers, and coming direct from them to bis House there are NO MIDDLE PROFITS TO _ PAY. He intends to give to the public BOOTS and SHOES at prices that they can find no where else. It pays to sell goods low and he means to do it. The attractions which he offers in the as sortment, in the quality, and in tbe prices, are such that no one can resist going to the LARGEST BOOT £ SHOE HOUSE IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA, B. C. HUSELTON, MAIN STREET, BUTLKR PENN'A. Some and only n few of the Bargain* Offered: Gents' Fine Buff Congress and Alexis $1.25 and upwards. " " Strap Low Shoes, SI.OO and upwards. " " Calf Boots, warranted $2.15 and upwards. " Brogans and Plow Shoes, 90c and upwards. Large lioe of tbe very finest .Machine and Hand sewed goods in stock. Ladies Serge Congress and Polish, 75c and upwards. " " Grain Fox and Polish, elegant goods, $1 00 and upwards. " Grain Peg Polish, elpgant goods, $1 00. " " Standard Polish, elegant goods, $1 25, all warranted. " Kid Button Boots, $1.50 and upwards. " Grain and Peb. Button Boots, $1.40 and upwards. " " Sewed Polish Boots, good, $1.25 and upwards. Very large stock of the very finest styles in Kid, St. Goat ami I'eb. Button Side Lace Shoes. Id Ladies, Misses and Cbildien, the stock is the largest I have ever offered. Low and 1-lutton Newports- Boys and Youths' Shoes in proportion to Men's. Can't give many prices, space will not permit, suffice to say you find every thing in the Boot k Shoe line and verv low figures at B.C.HUSELTON'S. Laboe Stock of Leather k Finmnoh Repairing of all kinds done at Reasonable Prices. Be certain to examine this stock and prices before you boy. Thanking yos for past farors I still solicit a continuance of the same. . ■-MX—. L ■ 111I 11 1 11 —~* EVERY MAN. WOMAN AND CHILD SHOULD USE IT. Herbaline Syrup, i THK OHEAT MEXICAN REMEDY. 1 ..The fmly Medicine in tbe WoiMCumpundfd from tl»e Natural It/xiU aiiil Herlm of Mexico. H K « BA L 1 N K SYRUP. Uvct ana«t*t. hehhaline SYRUP, (*. at the dawn of womanhooil <>r the turn life, rt* 1 levins ;uid cuHiik tlielr complaint* a* If by Magic* Kor tbe rtnf * feehle tki* Totiie Hyrtip )um no equal. & HER H A L I N E 8 Y RU P, (NU MINKKALI-OIHOS.) A #wlft and *ure relief In Mental and Physical Prontnitlon j canted by over-Uxluß the mind and iKxly with Ijujilnewt aud pr»fc**l"nal care*. HKHBALINE SYRUP, (A VITAUZINO TOJ9I(\) Unequaled a* a medlHne for Children, being eaay of iwlrnin- Mration, ideamtnt and refwwhlnic l*> tak«, jprornpt In lt« artlon ; certain in Ita WBli*. and alway* «af« and reliable. No Venn if iutp. ixM?etij(if». or other medicine* will ftee the ny»~ tnn (mm Wonii' like thin wonderful Wild Herb Tonie. HEKB ALINE 9YEUP. 'THE LIKE OIVINO PRfNCIPI.K ) Skin auea*e* of whatever name or nature,*iieh a« Kruptlon*. Blotche*. Pimple*, Illtifrworm*. Scrofula, ftc.. are literally dux lip suiil curried out Of the *y«tein by thl* Kr<*at Tonle and Alternative, while the complexion i* rendered clear and beautiful. H K R B A L I N E SYRUP, (PUBPXY HKHKAL.) A Keuulne nn-dltine warranted fr»c from Aiweiije, ' oue and mu*cle, aupeilor ictlon, and n j«rrlcct foot, wherein mo»t heavy hoae* lack, and lor dltpoeltlon la unexcelled ■ in; hand" bUto. »e|gh» o»ir I.H«Q pftvhdl, and Wal bred Iron, one of the lltieel draught harae* in Heotlnnd. Farther truce of |>edlgrre l« nn nercM.'irj. an hie appearance will rwC'OLll'nend him to competent Judgea. KOBKKT HEHSEI.OE-'HKK, 20.*|n2m Owner. ! NOTICE. Notice ia hereby siren that an application will be made to the state I'udan Board, at it* Sieetjnit '.n foe 3W of June. IM|, fa the I*', on of W" 1 "**" uonylcted iq the tiqur let **fc»i(in» qf Butler oognty, !»»., on a uliarge of fore err and embeialenient. * 7 ALEXANDER STOREY. May IM, 'U. PENSIONS Procured for all aoldlera disabled in the U. S. aerrice troni any cauae, al*o for heir of decea*- ed *oldier». The *llghte*t diaabilitr entitle* to penaion. PENSIONS INCREASED. Bounty and new dinchargea procured. Thoae In doubt aa to whether entitled to anything, ahould aend two :< centatampa for oar "circular of informa tion " Adilrena, with atamp*. HTOIMIARTA CO., Solicitors of Claims and Patent*, Washington, , p. 0., Loqk bo* «23- Htaarlm 1 VOL. XVIII, MrrTm directions. tlv For Catarrh, hay fever VncAM RhU'' ■ cold to the (lead, he., limert with little ringer ■LATARRH COLDt-ttfJ a imrtli-le of tlie Hiilln H MlMauiiDci '" l " the nostril* ; draw I stmngbrcal llH through fMCeSfM the none. It will Tie VntAif JaSPA absorbed, cleansing. "/fJrf-FM and healing the dla- KKS^V&ySB ( For DeftfneM, apply a particle Into FLY'S CREAM BALM IIAViNO gained an enviable reputation, displac ing all other preparation* in the vicinity of dlteov !, on Itn merit* alone, recognized a« a won i derful remedy wherever known. A fair trial will i convince the most «kepllcal of lt< curative |Hm i 1 erv It effectually cleanse* the nasal passage* of Catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretion*. al lay* Intlaiiiiiiatloii and Irrttatlon, protect* the meinbranal linings of the head from additional cold*, completely heal* the nore* ami re*tore* the aeil*e of taste and *inell. lienefleial result* are realized bv a few application* A thorough treat ment a* directed w ill cure Catarrh. A* (t U(tu#r. hold remedy tor cold in im. |,,;,i|| u mieniiated. Tile Itnl lll I* u t us.; and agreeable, wild by dfliHKl't* at *0 eenf* On receipt of Ml cent* will mall a package. Send for circular with full Infor mation. KI.V'S CKKAM RAI.M CO., Owegn, V Y. Kor sale In Hutler by f«. H Wuller, J.» . ItedlcH, Zimmerman ft Wuller. Coulter ft l.imt. Union WfMilen Mill, bIITLEK, FA. IV. FIJM'KKTOX. Prop'r. Manufactutcr of BI.AKKBT*, FI.ANMBI.*, YAKN*, Ac. AI»o cuatora work done to order, *uch a* carding Koll*, makim.' Blanket*, Flannel* Knit ting and Weaving Yarn*, Ae., nt very low price*. Wool worknd on the aliarea, II de • Ired »n*T-1 • tCCi week In your own town. Term* and W i >oo ( ,utfit fr-e. Addrost 11. HALLKTT ft Co., • Portland, Maine. S!I^P tuisinf FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Paint and Aches. No Preparation on earth equal* ST. JACOBS OH. as a *■!/'■, '<> re, ,i,nplr an«l cheap External Remedy. A trial entalla but the comparatively tnllme outlay 0 Cents, and every one ouflFering with pain tan have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Direction* in Eleven Language*. BOLD BT ALL DBUGGI3TB AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGHLER Sc CO., Baltimore, Md., V. S. A. MIS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. .11W&o DISCOVERER OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'B VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The Positive Cure For all Female Complaints. This preparation, a* Iti nana slr:n!fl«-s, ronsiftts oi Pro;**. t>* that aro Lurml. to the laost del ("aUioralid. Vpcn one triU(hoDerit* of thi* Coin pouad will be recoffnlz-Kl, ai relief in iium«dliito ; ami when iti tier* is continued, In ninety-nine rtm In a hun. £rod, a pnraiancntcuro is cff«ctolf s, Infl/inirruttlon tr.d Ulceration, Flooding*, nil Hr.plarrmcnls fciul the con* MKjuont aplnal weakness, and is CKpeeiallj adapt* d to the Change of IJfe. It wIU dissolve and oxp**l tumori from the uterus In an early gtogo of development. T!»« tendenry to cancerous humo;*s there l.i checked very speedily by Itausr. In fart It has proved to \>* the fr. lat est and best remedy that has er«*r lieon discover ed. It perforates every portion of the system, and fflves new llfoand vigor. It rcmor< sfafntnen. ,f!atu!r y. de stroys all for stl/uulants, an 1 relieve :» weakness of the stomas h It cures floating, IfeadaclicM, Nervous Proetratlon, Oeneral Ltoblllty, Clecplessoms, Impression ai.d Imil gestlon. That feeling of lieailntf down, cunsintf pcin, weight and backache, la always permanently cured by lteuse. It will at all times, r.nd under rll c!r«*umatan ees, act in harmony with tho law that fovem* the female system. For Kidney Oomplaintu of either s*x this compound Is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at SW and 236 Western Avenue, Lynn, Ma-1. Price $ 1.00. 81* bottles for s.'*.oo. Hent iiy mail l;» tin* form of pills, also In the form of IUiuLJi. 81000 IN COLD. WIII t*! for * f.h# v win not. rnr#» in lp, or f'»r arivttiiiiK lii'jwre or h.jurlou* M fouud In tli* m. ■ A»kjr*>nr rfrtiirirlst for Ifnn Wffor« nml t-y I ttx iii iM'fore you •!»•< p. Taki* i,o oib«*r« ■ J) f.r l«in iilnolnfonnillfn iliMhVrfff for I lii unkoi*n«'M, uw of opium, lolm.xu MUv land* of .farriex CHaweM'* lieira, on the north hy lanrl of rn riiompHoti anil <.n the went hv lain) of Alwolom Monka, mt listed on the llit*fr(lf((r»» roail. which parxe* near the houxn. I'M to 70 acre* in good xtato of (inlliva lion. good frame »|H! log honue wagon-xhed ati'l rpring liouwe. good xprlng of water nenr the liouxe and a llixt-claxx voiing orchard of heating fruit Ireex. Convenient to MCIIOOIH, cliurchex, nulla, coal hank, etc. AI.NO Farm of Wm Thompson, adjoining came tract, and containing about 100 acrex, - and having on it a goodthrick liouxe. good nc » frarnn hank harn awl outbuilding*, good orchard, it being part of name farm. AU-OI.OM MONKH. I . J W MONKH. i r i ' ■ of ltoWt Tlip;ii|. v i>n, deed, lain of Clinton twp. I»iil<> «»l W«ry F. l/j-ltcrH of Administration with the will an nexed on the citHtcof Miiry K. Meehling, decM. late of Jefl'eraon twp., HiillwCn., ['», having been grunted to the lindci signed, nil knowing themselves indebted lo said estate will make Immediate payment, itml liny hnviiig I claim* iigainat *uiil eatate will present them duly aiilheiiticuted for payment. THOMAS MK< III.INW, Administrator, haxonhurg I*. O. Holler, Co. I'a. A {* PXTTO I WK WANT YOl* In every /\ " I I j ill I wit our N*w An- Tf>»TAII< CAIII'KT HWKKI'KH. VOII can make from an.ou to |H-r d;iy the year rotiml. CIMMI ppotlti and nipld mlei. I upltul not itt'cnaanry ll you OHII (iirulHli giiod refereiuj-H AilUnma nt ituce I'AUIC CAHI'KI bWKK|;K.» e industrious and stand by his mother, and then drove on back home. 'Well, well, well!' he soliloquized many times on the way. 'Neelus I'eelcr goin' to prcachln'! Heered a call! W heered a call! I'm afraid he answered too soon, and when they . calliu' somebody else, but 1 wonder- Ed what made him pray so powerful loud 'and strong last night. I» might have knowed soniethiu' was jroin' to bust. Wheneversomever men like him begin to holler that way in their family pravers, and get to talkin' about a Gal lio-like gineration, and the gald of bit terness, and the bounds of in-iquitty, and a-askin' the Almighty if He and everybody else don't know about their conditions, and all sich, they are goin' to try to l»e 8 preacher, or a exhorter. one or tother. But Neelus Peeler !' and Sam laughed aloud. 'Howsomebeever,' he continue 'Neelus have a mighty power of words; and he can have mighty cryin' and pleadin' way when be wants to ; and them wire-grass people, sich as I seen, might be satisfied with Neelus. And as he aint no manner of account to his family, he might jest a well go to preachin' as to stay at home and do nothin'. So joy go 'long with you, Neelus, in your new speres. Only I wish your son 'Lijah wasn't so much like you. Poor Betsy ! Poor Betsy ! But she shall never want bad, as long as I can raise a hand to work.' And sure enough, the news soon came up into the old settlement that tbe Rev. Neelus Peeler was a minister, and an acceptable minister, of the Gos pel. For three or four years Mr. Peel er held forth in pulpits, in both stated and missionary labors. His previous thoughts and reflections had been so constant and so long continued that when he did begin at last, he was at least as good a preocher as be ever be came afterward. This began to be re marked more and more frequently as the time elapsed. Having discovered that bis forte lay in the pathetic, and that he was not as likely, as he at first believed, to do great things in other departments, he grew year by year more and more plaintive; his brow and eyes, and especially his mouth, assum ed mournful shapes; the hymns he gave out were all of a melancholy kind, and the texteses (as be called them) were generally of wrath and threatenings. Yet, no matter what was the text, his own conditions (a word of everlasting use with him) were the main burden of his discourses, and he would often sing out : 'Aud oh, my brethering and my sis ters, and do you know my conditions ? And yes, you know 'em, and no, you don't ; oh no, you don't ; and if it was n't for grace — oh, it's all for grace — it's all for grace! I'm thankful for grace, and oh— and. oh— and ah- nnd oh —" What was commonly understood as beinic meant by his conditions was that his wife, so far from cordially approv ing his undertaking the sacred minis try, was not even a member of the church; and further, that her worldly minded brother, who sometimes even got drunk, lived on her parents, and was likely to eat up and drink up all they had. At last the old people died, and died within a week of each other. The mother went first. Then the old man said he couldn't stand it. 'I can't stand it, Sammy. I've lived with her so long, and she have been such to me that I can't stand it to bo without her.' Sam tried to remonstrate with his father: but sure enough be followed the sixth day afterward. There was no will. Sam at once proposed to his sister that, as neither was able to purchase the other's inter est, and as the estate could not conven iently be divided, they should own and occupy jointly. The death of her par ents grieved Mrs. Peeler sorely; but hlh: became thankful to lie allowed to return to that peaceful home and to the society of the best of brothers. Mr Peeler felt — well, there was no telling exactly how he did fuel. He hud had no fondness for his wife's parents and lie positively disliked Sam, though Sam had never spoken a harsh or a slighting word to him. He hardly knew why he disliked him, but he rather persuaded himself that it was because Sam was such an awful sinner; and that if rt wasn't for Sam he. have begun preaching sooner ami got ten on better with it after he did be gin. lie said to his brethren and his sisters, especially his sisters, that at last the poor old people were brought down with sorrow to their graves, and that now his conditions were likely to liecome more afflicted than ever before. 'And dou't the death of his poor father and mother have no bearin' up on the poor worldlean V asked Sister Peacock, his favorite hostess whenever he found himself that far from home. They were sitting at the supper ta ble. Brother Peacock was there too ; | but Sister Peacock was the main one, who, though a female, — often acknowl edging, as she said she was willing to acknowledge, that she wan a female, — was the strongest pillar of Harmony I Church. 'And is the poor oreeter yit on his Gallio-like way, a-keerin for none o' these things?' 'The gald of bitterness and the bounds of irilquitty!' answered Mr. Peeler, as he sat and ate the biscuit and fried chicken and drank his coffee. 'They are his'n if ever they were anybody's; leastways I'm afecrd so.' 'Do lie just lav about drunk and do nothin' ?' 'Oh no,' mildly and generously re plied Mr Peeler, 'not as bad as that,— not quite us bad as that, lie do work some, and he do keep sober sometimes for a whil<<; but oh—it's his worldly heart, and his worldly ways, and his worldly behavior, and oh me!' Ami oh me!' Ami Mr. Peeler wi|s-d his mouth with his cotton bandana, took soother biscuit, passed his cup for more coffee, and meekly accepted another piece of chicken. 'lt's to be hoped that when you git thar, and lie can have some examples, lie may yit turn, sinner, turn, and be made to link hisself sometimes (as the himc says), 'Why will ye die V ' 'That's my hope; in that hope I mainly stands. With 'liijay to help— for that boy is a-growin' in grace, too, I humbly thinks,— I ho|s's to help him mend hisself in some of the biggest of his transgress! ins.' Sister Peacock became silent, out of respect for what she knew was the pain in the good man's heart, in thus iiav iug virtually to coufcas that he could :ount upon no co-operation in that in ho had Srst labored. 1L.1 3 .»„ blessed work on ihe part of his wife. a good day's ride from his present Oh, how he did ring that 'gald' and home. Here there was left but one those'pounds'that night at prayers! church for stated preaching; but the How he did mourn and weep for al less of this sort he had, th° more far the Gallio-like, nothin'-keerin, down and wide he traveled 011 what he called ivard-rushin' sinners of a gainsaying bis missionary work, especially now world ! that his services were never needed at 'What always strikes me, Mr. Pea- home. Revivals and protracted meet :ock,' said his wife after rising from ings were what be liked best of all. ber knees, — what always particular These be would pursue throughout all itf""'',. cn regions round about Buffalo, and Williamson's Swamp, ond occasionally even to and beyond both the Oboopees, Big and Little. 'Oh, a bunnance, Sister Peacock,' he would say on his way back, while stop, ping for the night,—'a bunnance of good preachiu' to be done all arouud iu thar and among them Oboopees.' 'I sposen so.' she would answer; they tell me—them that's been down thar—that they needs a bunnance o' light in them wasted and watery pla ces.' able and strong in pra'r ' •Yes, and me too,' answered Mr. Peacock, who never controverted any thing Mrs. Peacock avowed. Mr. Peeler sighed sweetly, turned toward Sister Peacock, elevated his upper lip, with his forefinger gently tapped first one eyetooth then the oth er, and then, passing it to and fro in the vacant space, said, with an extreme ly pious lisp : 'Oh, Thithter Peacock, I with you could 'a' heerd me in them dsiyth and in them timeth before 1 loth tbethe two of my front teeth.' The next morning before breakfast, when Mr. Peeler, being full up to his throat with bam and eggs and other good things, was about to leave, the hostess made one more fond remark. '\\ ell.' said she, 'l'm a female, and I acknowledge I am a female; of course I dou't know about the laws, and about property, aud all them things ; but, if I am a female, I know jestice is jestice ; and no suck a worldlean as your wife's brother is ought to be allowed to have half o' that property, and socially after he lived so long with his parrents, and, in all prob'bil'ty, brought down thar gray ba'rs with sorrow to the grave.' This, with the good breakfast, sent Mr. Peeler off better satisfied with him self than be had ever been io all his life. When he got home that nijfht, he hinted to his wife what Sister Peacock had said. 'And what did you say to that?' she answered, turning and fastening her large blue eyes on him. 'Well, I didn't —ah— that is, I jest let Sister Peacock say her say, and— my horse was there hitched to the tree, and I was jest agoiu' to start and, ah y 'And you didn't say anything ? You didn't tell her that you were ashamed to hear such a thing said about Sammy Wiggins? You didn't tell her that he was the best son that was a-living; that he was the main support of his parents, and had been for twenty-five years; and that loved him better than they loved anybody else; and that they ought to have done it; and were bound to do it? You didn't tell her that ?' 'I thouirht I said, — leastways it was my desires to say, that my horse, — he were already hitched to the tree, and J 'You didn't tell ner w'lat I told you when I came from there the last time, that while I was there I told father that, as Brother Sammy had taken care of him and mother so long, and had never done anything for himself, that he ought to mak a will, and make over to Brother Sam more than half the property ; and then the reason why he didn't do it? You didn't tell her that? 'Betsy, baint I already said to you, or baint I already ans'ered that it was iriy desire to say to you that my horse he were hitch ' Her face was crimson, and her beau tiful eyes were yet enlarged ; but it was from shame, not anger, as she caught' him up in his speech. 'Oh Mr. Peeler, Mr. Peeler! it was a pity that somebody wasn't there when that woman, who you tell me if the smartest and the piousest in all that Oboo|MH) region, was talking in that way ; it's a pity that somebody wasn't there to toll her that when Neelus Peeler's wife, who had never helped her parents since she was a girl, but who had got from them every help that tliey could afford to give her, — when she tried to persuade he father in his old age that her brother, who had served him without wages all of his life, ought to be paid something for his services, and when her father asked Sammy about it. that Sammy, for the first time in his life, got mad with his father, and said that if such a paper was ever made, he would tear it up the very minute the breath was out of his body ; that he wouldn't take one cent of the property, and wouldn't stay to see a man buried, even his own father, who would cut off his only daughter ill such a way as that; but* lie would run rway, and stay away from a place that he knew would be always haunted by bad spirits. Oh, it's a pity, a pity, there wasn't somebody there to tell that good and pious woman Hornething about what sort of a man Neelus Peeler's—wife's—brother wan !' She turned away iroin him, went in to her bedroom, wApt deeply a little while, then dried her oven, came in, prepared supper, and called het husband and 'Lijah to it. No one coming in then would have suspected that any thing unpleasant or uncommon had oc cured. OHAITRIt 11. A HNt'o little home they had there on Rocky Creek: three hundred acres of moderately good ground, a neat one and-a-half story house, with piazza and" two back sbedrootns, the farm well stocked with beasts and necessary im plements. Then there were three negroes,—a man, his wife, and their son, a plow-boy,—family servants, well treated and devoted. Mrs. Peeler look- Ed younger by many years, Sam thought, and so told her iiuitij times. The work went on well. Everybody worked except Mr. Peeler, and, I must grieve to say, 'learance in the W<"»t It in about an eigth of an inch long, with yellowish head, antennie, wing-cases, brown thorax cloud ed with black at the centre, and body black on the under aide. It in a vora cloua leeder, and cornea in two broods, the first in spring the second in July. The larva' eat the young roots:' (St. I»uU (,'lirooicl#.) Advice is cheap.—dreadfully cheap. Itut we must bo true to our instincts of humanity and tell our suffering friends to use St. Jacobs Oil, aud surprise their rheumatism and themselves also at the result. J. I). L. Harvey, Ksq., of Chicago, says: I would be recre ant to my duty to thoae alHietod did I uot raise my voice in its praise. *•