Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 01, 1881, Image 4

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Only two way*. One broad, the
otb«r narrow; one leads to destruction,
the other to life; manv £0 by the one
few by the other. Which is your way?
Only two sorts of people. Many
sorts in men's opinion; only two in
God's sight—the righteous and the
wicked, the wheat and the chaff, the
living and the dead. Which are you.
Only two d?atbs—the death of the
righteous, and the death of the wicked.
Which do vou think you will die?
Which would it be if you were to die
this moment?
Only two sides at the day of judg
ment—the right band and the left
Only these two. Those on the right
band will be blesfed-'Come, ye blessed
of my father.' Those on the left will
be cursed—'Depart, ye cursed.' All
must appear before the judgment-seat
of Christ, to receive the things done in
the body, whether good or bad. What
words will be spoken to you?
Only two places after death—heav
en and hell. The one happy, the oth
er miserable. In the one will be heard
forever songs of joy and praise; in the
other weeping, and wailing, and gnash
ing of teeth. Qod will be in the one,
and angels, and saints, and all the
redeemed of the Lord: in the other,
none but devils and lost souls. Which
of these two will be your place.' Which,
if you were to die now ?
[St- Louis Globe-Democrat.
A War Belle.
In a very full report recently pub
lished in the Philadelphia Ledger, ref
erence is made to the case of Mr-
George I. Graham, a prominant politi
cian and active journalist, (connected
with.the Philadelphia Sunday Mirror),
who, by using the great German reme
dy , St. Jacobs Oil, was cured of a
troublesome case of rheumatism, con
tracted during the war. He closes bis
statement with —'to those who are
afflicted with that complaint, it is
worth its weight iu gold.
,J've just got out of a bad scrape,'
as the man said when be came out of
a five cent barber shop.
'How often do you knead bread?'
asked one housekeeper of another.
How often?' 'Why, I might say we
need it continually,' tbe other replied.
An exchange speaks of a man
who 'is but one step removed from a
mule.' He'd better make it three or
four. The animal has a long reach
Vict'ms to Constipation and its un
told miseries can keep in good condi
tion, dy a moderate use of Ayer's
Pills, the surest, safest and most relia
ble Cathartic.
A Sunday school teacher agreed to
answer any question propounded by
any member of the class, when an in
quisitive little chap sang out, 'Where
was Moses when tbe light went out?'
Of far greater value than bonnes and
lands is health; therefore preserve it
against tbe effects of Coughs and colds
by promptly using Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup. All druggists sell it for 25
When • Galrestonian wan told
that a friend of bis wan ill and was
sinking very fast, he said: 'Well, I
am not surprised; I al *ray« thought
that was about the direction be would
go When be died.'
'Men often jump at conclusions,' says
tbe proverb. So do dops. We saw a
dog jump at tbe conclusion of a cat,
which was sticking through the open
ing of a partly closed door, and it made
more disturbance than a church scan
dal.—Ofhkoeh Advocate.
'And did your late husband die in
the hope of a blessed immortality,
Sister Wiggins?' inquired the new
minister, who was making his firct
call on a fair widow of his congrega
tion. 'Bless you, no!' was tbe morn
ful response, 'he died in Chicago.'
One peculiarity of the A. S. T. Co.
Black Tip for children's shoes is, tLat
it is independent of tbe upper, and
fully protects it from wear at tbe toe
without endagering the upper from
ripping as is the case where heavy
bungling caps are sewed on to protect
tlr, toe.
'This isn't a menagerie,' sharply
observed an irascible deacon to a man
who was trying to force a passage
through tbe crowd at a church door
way. 'No, I presume not,' returned
tbe stranger, 'or tbey wouldn't leave
any of the animals to block up the
Persons were being burned at the
stake in England 370 years ago for
having in their possession copies of the
Bible. In New York, lately, tbe
only danger in buying tbe revised
New Testament was from tbe elbows of
tbe crowding purchasers. There has
been a great deal of progress during
tbe intervening centuries, but not any
too much.
Texan antiquities: A gentleman
from the North was spendiug a f<*w
days in Galveston. He was sending
tbe evening with a Galveston gentle
man whose acquaintance be had made.
On reaching the bouse tbe stranger
asked: 'Haveyou any old Texan relics
or curiosities?' 'Certainly,' was the
reply, 'allow me to introduce you to
my mother-in-law.
'How do you like the rooms?'
asked Mrs. Dotonart, who was show
ing the Smithingtons over the new
house. 'Oh they are perfectly lovely!'
exclaimed Mrs. Smitbington, 'and
they are furnished so sweetly! What
ezquisite plaques those are, aren't
they, Smitbington?' 'What, them
dishes on tbe wall? Yes, tbey are
pretty enough, but why in thunder
didn't they have some closets in the
house to put the crockery in? Mrs.
Dotonart goes into mild hystirics, and
gives Mrs. Smitbington such a look.
According to the Railway New* the
Hudson River Tunnel is advancing sat
isfactorily toward the New York shore
at the rate of five feet a day. Two
hundred men are employed digging
out the dirt and putting in the iron and
brick work. Tbe tunnel is finished as
tbey go along, and the work is much
safer than under the old plan, which
resulted so disastrously. A small tun
nel, about six feet in diameter, is run
ahead of the largor tunnel, which fol
lows and incloses it; warning is thus
given of tbe nature of the soil. The
work is now in the south tunnel,
which Is now completed 290 feet from
the shaft, and will soon be out as far
as the north tunnol, which has been
cleaned out, but not extended, since
tbe accident. Both tunnels will then
be carried along together. A ca?sion
is in course of construction for begiri
ing tbe work on the New York side.
marc II ««». 1881.
Special Bargain, One Lot, 10 Pieces
Extra quality and delicate shades, clear and fresh, at the
Remarkable price 0f45 eta., worth 75c to $1 per yard.
Choice New Plaids.
Choice New Hume Spun Checks.
Choice New Stockinettes.
All 42 to 4G inch (foods at 75c to 25 per yard.
One case Extra Value and Extra Wide. 4«-incli
Special Bargain*.
Colored French Cashmere*.
37\ t c, soc and 62' t c up.
On Sale To-day.
100 pieces 18-incli Black Cashmere, at 62-ic up
an Unusual Barga.n.
46-inch Black Cashmeres, at uic and SI.OO.
Quadrilles. Ilakka Crepes. Arraures. Jersey Cords.
Brocaded silk Cashmeres.
Choice Lines Best Makes Mourning Goods.
Crepes and Crepe Veils. Shawl*. 4c.
One case Double Foid American Black Kep|w, at
15c lor School Suits. Wrappers. a
'great bargain and real valuj 25c.
118 and 120 Federal Street. Allegheny.
N. B.—Special close prices at retail or by the piece or r'aokageonDoinesticaiidHoiLsekeeping Dr>
Goods. Linens, Towels and Napkins. N cry special bargains in <juilts and Blankets.
grand display this week, at
Rosenbaum & Co.'s,
112, 114, Market Street, Cor. Liberty Street,
And 1,000 other useful at Immecse LOW PBICES
IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for nil disease* ro
quiring a certain and efficient tonic; especially Indigettim, iJytpepata, Inter
mittent Fevert, Want of Appetite, Lott of Strength, l/ie.h of Energy, etc. ties
the blood, strengthen* the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves, ihcy act
like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such
M Tutting the Foci, Belching, Ileal in the SUnrvu-h, Heartburn, etc. TllC OHly
Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give
headache. Bold by all druggist*. Write for tho ABC Book, 32 pp. of
useful and amusing Beading— tent free.
BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md.
' : cr:::i olcn Lreak down at an •-•uly nge? Put a man ai the wi u t li.ui y\
, -itH I'm h *it mi*Li until every pore l* opened; then lot him stand o »er ln»r liitry m »; »
i.-« ta wilding and boiling clothe*, that are full of sweat ami exhalation irnm the
. I ■ !; zlih too would break clown before long; and yet thin uio-t t'.rrlOif ot&, . u wha
: j n tlirMi 'h with on wa.h-day; and, besides, with her clothing wet from perspiring s
• t .i'wor'i Mio l.aa to ri. k lnr life hy going out in the air to hang up tho clothe*. Kvi.-r
: i"i*. ul v/«»rk are in tho unhealthy atmosphere; it* smell, «o apparent to wltoi-. bU»w
tit ;14 Jw way through the house,—the family, however, ollen becoming ncrus
f , i • peculiar odor from it* own waita a* not to notice it. Thcso fju:t<« xeauil/ cx
/ t> :.ui!iy w-'men suffer with cold*, rheumatism, weak nerve*, or and
•t . 'i! -in '-earn and phydeians and board* of health cannot drnw c'tci I.on too
■' ' , iir irfm* effects of the u>u*l way of washing, with Its necessary steam and
•j '■ i, L-,'t the 4'lothf.K pure ami swcct*muUlng, (upcclally as It Is without flout,t
: • lime ~f those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, and typhoid fever.
:y I !iI. trouble can l»o avoided; scalding, boiling, steam and all diwitrecau!)
i* i TOpletely done away with; clothes made sweet nn«l beautifully wnlte;
■ ,11 Jul <V Witth <t>,neat ten cod than rven xolu.n hnmemtvle loop it vol, and \ cry umth
lay, by u in-r KIIHJALLS HOAT.-a 0o«p so purifying and elennsllKj
li >iirl'"«t clo'hlu/ eun •«: washed In lukewarm water with very little rubbing, and
•„ 't'ljii / urto \-.WtUii* i:.*ed liy the nick dlnlnfccted and cleansed without cither
I .hi'sf (. l. 'r.vf. v-hi] lfu> work Uso light that u girl twelve or thirteen years or age can do a
•> . • ■./" h i : thoi-. I■ ug tl ed; anil yut so mild and healing I" this Soap that for toilet and
• vli r it ',a* n i t.iunl, mid physicians advi»f its use In preference to Imported r»»>tile l-i'.ip on
»..:ivlf uiiu '-rc-r. an 1 P> w*.<h the youngest infanta, u well a« for person* with diiliciite >1(111.
;; ~y t no h » remedy for lhit, to economical that can use U, there i < not a vvointn or
»T.o 11 not <*:r<*lly interested In having u«-d In their homes, In splto of prejudice. 1 HAY
V. (..'.ir.UKIX 'VA V at WAHM/.W CLOTHKJ, which d««s away with the hard work, oIIi i.mvo
si, eIJ nnd franiil «U-iun on wash days, malu>» |ho white pieces whiter, colored ple< <n briglib r r nd
lia-iuclo iio. r inun tlicy eaii l>e ma '- by wanhlntf the ol<l wuy. 1< av< s the hand* smooth enough
to .'o liua Rev. ing and overy article to can, as sweet and as pure as If never worn.
Troi) 11 nnwf.es, M. I>„ llammonton, N. J.,
I'tUlift tilrtilU Jrriry Jtrjjultllrun.
My uiten' >n 'vm called to KKANK ftfI)DAT<W
t-Jj U' from un adVOTluMmmt In my own pup*r,
ii >.r.j«iii x..v hifunoior nearly a r«ar, according
tj <llr#rtlor»«,ha* proved that it* rinmrksbfe
• ••'>;i;«rti"« faavo not bicß overstated. For r«mov
it; fihiitiftf l.'ifc »t Is invaluable, while for toilet
•;» J shaving it is the be*t Hoap 1 have ever *e«n.
Man. 11. k Kr*Yotf, JCorthfleld, VL
. ,my vswh with Fit AN K. HIDIM Lli* HOAP In
the lime and with no ex pen** f«>r Soap, th*
>ll '# furl more th• m jyxynf'.r U. I hav » tut r.U*m
• fit from the wn*h, while the Having In
u.clot.ics an t labor can hardly be e*tlmated.
\V. Htantojj, 1«M S. 2rah Bt., Phllada.
nrf confident, from » long experience to
•i<) »< commending I'I'.ANK HII>IMLI>S
that one trial, according to the very eal?
nwtlont, will overcome all orejudloe*. Ft
U2it, ha* wonderful merit for Miavlng, Ui\ lyt.
f -UOT/IJIS nrn tlui Dlrrrtloiil tor Use, »<> »lmplw lli»t I child run understand lln m.
.!<» anything so ridiculous as to buy tlie Hoap union* you Intend following (hem.
'< poalllrrlif forfaited If It injure* th, « rlathe*, or trill not tin rvnrythirty rlninirif.
I t lie white clothes in a tub of water, only made warm enough to bo comfortable
i. Tlsnn take one piece out at a time on the wash-board, rub the Soap li«lilly
> Up a;i<l put it back into the same tub, an'l «'» on with each piece until all
i[i rtibbcd <>u them. Then go away and let them soak Bt l<a>t twenty minute*,
linn them, when the dirt will all lie loosened, an<l a very little rubbing on
■HIT. rd, «ut of that one HU<IM. will make thein perfectly clean, being particular LO
1 ,, - while washing MO at* to get at the sear tin. Then wn*h lightly on th.*? w * 't
• i ii n lukewarm rin»e-water (without any Soup,) no a* to xet tli»• <iirly smi; out.
.r Hue- water, ami on the line, without tculding or boiling a »iw;tr pier<•„
(i.irineln and colored pieces to soak, and wash them exactly the (..line
,j tint ;iot to heat the wash-water in a tin, bruss or copper kettle. At< :il<
sign water for a large wash with this Soap.
' :\'hat Yon will Saue by this Easy Way of Washing!
h-b oiler! No Steam! No Smell of Suds through the II m :<■ I
, marluible Property of keeping the Dith-Cloth, Wash- .'teg n-a
;j ahjayz Sweet, anil of Washing freely in Ilaru Water.
-*~! 30JL.D BY OROCEB6H-
Cafa and Try it for Yourself next Wash-Day.
,r>r:> T.IIL.s Soap 1B not yet Introduced a Trial Ccio will bo ner.t by
or. receipt of Prtc.i, (lO Cents), In Money or B'.atr.pa.
Sutler Citiaeu: UttiLer, P*., X, 1881.
Two lots Extra Choice Black DamaiaM.
1.,,,,,, elegant designs, at $2 25 and *2 JO per yard,
that an- hilly 50 cents per yard less than usuul
'"i'lrge Vine Satin Damasses, at SI.OO. sl-25 and
Blacks and Colors.
Black Sifks k oYbest known makes, including the
celebrated Biinnet Goods.
I -ir*e lot Ladies' Mu.lin L'ndenvP.ar, ol superior
style and finish, and at bargain pri..«»
Ladies' Dnlaundried Muslin Chemises, on coun
ter at 30 cents each.
Choice line Bridal Sets. £4.00 to *20.00 each.
New lion.ton or Irish Point Embroideries.
New Veldenia (Lace Edge) Embroideries.
Xeyr Hamburg*—great bargains.
Sew and Nainsook Embroideries.
New White G<«4» f»»<! Figured Swisses.
LIN KN iIA XI >K Eit < 111E PS.
»i (»TTO [MM)K I! IK HI EPS,
IIP. EAST pjxs.
and all household use* and a* It beroira'. more
generally known, mu*t have an Immeime sale.
From Mr*. K. Stockwkll, llammonton, K. J.
FRANK HIDDALIjH HOAP ha* been u*e<! In
my kouae for the last seven months, an«l by f#»lIo - v
I ng the printed directions, we find It to do every
thing claimed cm the wrapper*. We have not
s/aided or boiled a single article,ami *hr cloUtti
are WhUff ftiul twrtier ifuin inhm it'll iti*<\ #/» IM
fpf'l ww, "My husband, who I* a dealer here,
hits a steady demand for the Boap froui hi*
From MAMAor.a of Dkxtkk LAr*n*Y. *>: y- «th
Mtrcet, Corner C Htreet, N. W., Washington. I). C,
No laundry i»r family can alford to be without
FRANK Him) MAM W)S V. We follow direc
tion* and unw no other Koap. and l.av a reputatlf ri
second Ui no laundry hi waflhlngtc#n ro» aMte
clothe*; the superior work we have been enabled
to turn out having »ecured u.« the trade of *ome of
the b«**t gentlemen's furnishing «tore* in the city.
Battle Creek, Michigan,
Traction and Plain Engines
and Ho.-sa-Powers.
Most Coicplt .'cTLrcfc2icri'uct«ry \ Established
in the World. > 1848
fr f\ V t DO cf continuous and furees*/ul hurt*
J 1 ! | cAud nest, without ctjxs.tre ot Dftme,
j/ m. -'-urcment, or locat «n, to "bark up" ths
w * road uamiT.-if giten on all o*r goodt.
BTO\ 1 1 - •EK
ever aw'i in the American tiiarke*..
A multiliitlr of tpe j%l feature* ar>d improvements
for IS-,;, to.je.liT wit'l tiipe, icr quahti" tn crmttruc.
tion .ma materials not dnAiii l '-J <~>tn« r ftiakers.
Fo.ir SeparaUiT. lrom 6 to 12 borne
r'rnm >rr horse, poorer.
T*o htyV « " Mountc«l" H^rFe-PoTrerw.
7 50d,c00
conw>nt!y on hand, from which buJt the In
ccicrabble ot our mLohiDyry.
SffriJ'®' v.ost <lural>l*. and eficietit ever rw /
Twic S, 10» 13 Ilorse Power. :»/
Vurmet* ami T to
til'-H mrUrhlesM TDrwlilurf JSICuIBTT'
Otrcmars sent free. Addrena
Rattle Creek. MleUßfa*
F ::
; :s of lag Tiircai a.id l\mi
i. .: 1. :-Mv r •..» ily
'.'7\ V : :va!:mi.le
i" «td \ < II : v Pt..To:..\i. is
:i l •liieily. ami no
"• Kj'.l. i "
[/■ ' i*s tli - cOlltiilelli c ol
« V V; '"' »i • ■ 11 i< as '*
S(i ( iiiiii'iinaiioii of
— (•!•»'::;»* :i'*y t::»i?»•«!. o r
s3 if.. s po-.^rn.^^nv're
» efr:. ;-ii y ni:.l ::iifo: n
tr, * ~r 1 " It s'rikes
1 i*. • i 1• * - - j ' jji tilt* loiiivl.i'iuii of a.
|i!il:ilo:i:i •!:<<•.«« • . ;:'tui Ii u re.iel
ai l r.i • I efr rcl i:i I . >'•• !to ;u?.eiit-iof
nuv a-' oreiiiier «e\ B -S very palatable,
til" V'i>;:/ <: eliiidi :i t i,;.- it readi.y 111
ordiuarv Cu..s!,>, < >'. ! "*():*■ I liroat,
«iro:i,-lii i-., I ntl.ie'i/. i, C.crxinians
Sore Tin-oat, Astiim i, Croup, and < a
tarrli, the < :Te rs ol .Wilt's CHKIIIIV PKC
• OKA T. arc U:asi a'., and mult it N les are au
inailv p;es»r ed from illness by its
i:nel\ 11,. 1 f,»itl|fill I' sIl'J l!»l t«! kept
it ban 1 it! every bo.tieb , l y,* tiin tyro
r»rtio.i ir -n s 'h!"ii atta .in. In
Wfioopiii;.; -« ouch a. I Coiisimiptio-i
rb-re ii ru o her re:!ie;iy so etli a 1
■otllius. and be!;if.!'
|.(iv- |.i.; u-i are i'l I-' •ctii-iJta'otrrainieof
■ niaii.i in.siii: • - h- sii;;tia.rl" » ' lieai'
iml in lb- live i..jrcdie:::.i, in i '(-f«;i'),d.
.vhieli. as tliev co:i!a.:i no it.a'.v 1 | la.ities,
an affunl O ily temnora/v r-:i:ef. a:i I are
utr.- to del IN, ,)'!:! •' ' »'* *he pa::ent.
'•iscasea of the tlir ut an i lu;.„": <<--»>i.it>d
a; liveiitnl ■ ffei live trea:iu ;ir; ati.l it is d'aii
: rous experim with ituknowii and
i licap tneilii iir s. Iroai the grca' lia'oility that
these diseases may, while NO trilled with,
ts'iaiti" < lee pi v s-ated or iiKtiraV.e. Use
Av> it's OiiHntiy |'i ''ion V . and yon may
. oaf'elciitiy csj> t III" iic-.t ii.ja!'j Jt ly a
itnndaid meili .tl pre;ai-3t:on,of
arkuowicilji/i! (iirativi |M»wer. and is a
cheap as its i aretul piejiary' aud line
ingredients will aliow. Kmiiielit pb.vsicians.
Knowing its couijiOMitioK. prescribe it iu theii
prai tie The test of half a icntury has
proven its alwo'.iite i ertaiuiv to cure all pul
monary complaints not already beyond the
nM )| of human aid. •
Prepared by 9 - J- C b.J rr Co-»
i'ractl'ill and .tiialftioil
LOACI, Mas;.
p;. (j KI E H,
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
MAIN STREET, (North of Lovrry House,) BUTLER, PA.
I ' A. I IST T,
In (In- market. II <an !«• used on Wood, Iron,
Tin, leather. I'ljmhr or I'aiier.
IVlixocl lten<l.v For I IN<».
It K<M"< Ii illicr, lust* lotiK' r, look s better and In
CIIKA I'Klf tliHit any olli< r pant l'~or |> ;i 111111 ju
lI|MIHI-H, l: run, ItooN, I'riM'fH, WllpillM, *.<■,, IT
IlAlt NO Ktyl'Al.. ( all BIKI examine ample*.
aoaumni | (JENEHAI. ACiKNT. IIHTI.KU, I'A.
Ofllce in Fairviow borotigb, in Tolourapli
fttilfi | HAI.IIWIN I'. 0.. Jtufler Co., I'*
(R 4 n d oni'" r day at li me. Sample* worth
tnw. Addri HK HIINMJ;.
i'urtlam', Maine.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Ex.
Fx. Fa., Lev. Fn. d-c. issued out of the
Court of Common Pletis of Butler eo.. Pa.
and to me directed there will be exposed
to public sale at the Court House, iu the
boroufjtiofHutleron IIOIMIMJ'. the 6th
day or Juue, IHNI, at 1 o'clock, P. M..
the following described property to wit:
Test. Fl. Fa. from Arinstroiifr co.. l'a.. K. 1). No.
65 June T. 1SS1: 1!. Nulton. Att'y.
All the rijiht, title, interest and claim of A.C.
Wilson, of. in aud to a certain lot of ground situ
ate in the borough of Millcistown, Butler county,
l'a., bounded north by P. M. Boyle, east by an
alley, south by Nltiiperyroi-k street and west by
Aaron Vearden: containing 60x130 feet, more or
less : a two-story board or plank dwelling house
and board stable thereon. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of A.C. Wilson at the
suit of J. \V. Owen.
K. 1). Nos. 10, 56, June T. 1381; Geo. W. Fleeger.
All the right, title, interest and claim of John
Slioup, of. in and to forty (40) acres ol land, more
or less, situate in Oakland township. Butler coun
ty, l'a . bounded as follows: (in the north by
lauds of Jacob Myers, east by lands of Morris
Norris, south by lands of .1. 1.. Neman and west
by lands of Archie McJunkin: fog house, log
stable and orchard thereon : about .11 acres clear
ed. Seized and taken iu execution as the prop
erty of John Mioitp at the suit of lmtler Savings
Bank for use, and Hiram Jonce.
E. D. No. 60, June T, 1881; C. <J. Christie, Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of W. li.
Conn, of. in and to a certain lot of ground situate
in tlie borough of Butler, Butler county, l'a., con
taining 46x180 feet, more or less, boui|de<| on tjie
north uy an alley, eftkt by Miller UeiV;>, Q ut.ih ii>
l'enn Street and ive:.t by J. It.Spang; a two-story
frame dwelling house, frame kitchen and frame
stable thereon. Seized and taken in execution as
the property of VV. R. Conn at the suit of Frank
lin Fisher for use.
E. D. Nos. 29, 31 June T, 1881: T. & S. and K.
Marshall, Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Mat
thew Forquer, of, in and to seventy (70) acres of
land. M!jre or less, gitu.-Mc in l)i;nega! tuwiisllip
Butiel* coiilily, l'a., boiu.dtid Hi. follows: till ilie
north by lands of Brady and ideClintoek, east by
lands of Joseph lioubie, south t.y tamis t»f .1.
Malony and widow Malouy and west by lands of
Dwen Brady; log house, log barn weather board
ed, small frame house and two small orchards
thereon; about 50 acres cleared. Seized and
taken in execution as tlie property of Matt hew
l'oruuer at the suit of B. Frederick for use, and
Jactfc) Fj.c(j(,in h
E. D, Xo». fi. T4 Jlllie T, IStJI; C. McCamlless,
All the right, title, interest and claim of Eliza
beth Koehrig. of. in and to forty (40) acres of
land, more or less, situate in iirady township,
utler county, l'a. bounded as follows: On the
north bv lands of Daniel Ixdz. Jr.. and J. Barlv.
east by lands id • iltUii o Stewart, joiitli l>> laudj
of ( liarles Stewart and west by lands ol 'ohn
smith; log house, frame store house, good frame
stable, coal bank and orchard thereon; mostly
cleared, seized and taken in execution as the
property of hlizabeth Itoehrig at the suit of Dan
iel Lotz for use.
E. D. No. 58 June T, 1881; W. I). Brandon, Att'y.
All the right, title.interest and claim of .Martin
Coirway, o», iiiuiid to eighty uere-i oi tariuf;
more or less, situate In Oaklaun tow usTiip, Hurler
county, l'a.. bounded as follows: (in the north
by lands of ~'olin Steim, east by lands of llenry
Conway, south by lands of Daniel Conway and
west by lands of I'atrick Conway: board house,
frame barn and coal bank thereon: about M acres
cleared. Seized and taken iu execution as tlie
property of Martin Conway at tlie suit of 1".
Conway. Adiu'r &c.
r. u NU,-4 June T, 4^81; w, D, u«mido)i, AH y
All the rluht title, interest and claim of Martin
< 'onivav. of. in and to eighteen (18) acres of land,
situate iu Oakland township, Butler county, l'a ,
Ix/iinded as follows: On the north by lands of
Michael McKlwee, east by lands of John O'Dotl
ni ll and Win. Foriiuer,south by lauds of Daniel
Conway and west by lands ot Henry Conway;
mostly cleared Seized and taken in execution
as Utepr&iitw/i'f co«way at lie ,»un
I'. Conway, Adnrr, on".
E. D. No. 75 June T, 1881; C. Walker. Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of F. M.
Eastman. Ailm'r of l.ewis Spaugenburg, dee'd,
o«, in aii't lus Ipt id grontid situate in tlie bur
Oifgh of Htitler, l-i*tli,i' (.Ounlj l'a , ill .Mrs
Maekey s plan of lots In SpriligdAlc, trolfting ."58
feet and 5 Inches ou Central Avenue aud running
back I'iO feet to all alley, txiundcd on the north by
Central Avenue, east by Mrs. Mackcy, south by
an ali'V aud v. est by Mrs. Mackcy; a on.'-story
ai|d half franie house then on. Seized and taken
In cx'K'UtloU as Tie'.'proper! > |o F. Si. i,UsLl|i.|ii
Adm'r of U'Wls tlee'il, at tlie stilt
of Sarali Maekey.
E. I'. Nos. is, '!L June T, 1881; T. C. Campbell and
E. (J. Miller, Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Adam
llolfiier, of in :• nd to all that vncapt lot of ground
ftit'.iate ii! tl.c laii Ot fuller, taller Comity.
Pa . t'ouiide I iili file liolth by Adam I roiittilari
cast by M -Wean .'.reef, south I y A. ilo:rn -r and
west by aji alley, being'o feel front on McKean
street and running back IB<i feet to an alley;
ieiici,.l Jii:|/.i;d ai)<l lakep ill i ~'cali(.;i as the
property of'A. flOTTti"!':u me piii>. i'i (' iT. t-l
S'. Harrison and Hoover, Hughs & < o.
E. D. Nos. 76, 22,18 June T, 1881: K. <•. Miller and
T. C. Campbell, Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Adam
Hulfnnr of in i|iu| t(ia|| t'i.i( certatn lot of ground
iftnrtic In the borough ol'Butler. Hutii.r evuiifV,
iHiiindeiioii the noi'th tty'otiier lands »r A.
IlolTiicr. east by McKean street, south bv Penn
«ireel and west by an alley, tieiug.>) feet front on
MuKuhil oin ct ,li!ll ltij» fvH j(ac]( on l'ciin slrecl:
being the southern half of a tot ot guhtud pur
chased by A. llolfiier from .!.(». Miiutz. aud hav
ing thereon erected a two story and a half frame
dwelling house and frame stable and oulbiiild
ings. seized aud taken in execution as Hie prop
erly of A.Hotfnerat the unit of Building anil
l.o:in Asso iation of Butler, l'a.. Hoover, Hughs
& Co.. and C. M. & J. N. Harrison.
li p. No W Jutlii t (jl-Jt;, |BBI ; ('. McCamlless,
All tin: right, title interest ;ind claim ol liios.
M"'l»< vilt,of, in and to .sixty (01) acres of laud;
more in |. .» Klttiatc In <lay loiyiiship. But|cf
colllitv, l'a., hounded on tie' noilli by lailiU ill
i>aliie*l McDevitt, cast by lands of Nell Mcln vltt,
south by lands of John McDevitt and west by
Neil McDevitt. et. al.; a two story brick house
and log barn thereon. AIHIIII 4rt acres cleared:
small orchard underlaid wiih coal. Seized and
talo i, i,; cveeiition as the property of I lios. Me
llevfft at the "ma hi i> ,1 ». N. K. Al'Cantjjesi,
Ex'r, *
K. D. No. 68 June term, 1881; C. McCanillcsn,
All tlie right, title. Interest and claim of l>. C.
M'i' apiljeHß, i * In aud to sixty (HO) acres of land
)i|o»e fir lens. MliiatQ 111 ( lay (owipdtlp, Initler
county, l'a., Uiiiniled iin t/d* uorih |iy lands of
J, » leli, east by lauds of Nejl <;.lllaglief, sfiutll
by lands of Henry w liilinire ind west by (anils
of i'atlc'. k McCamlless;a two »tory frame house,
frame stable and g.«.d oisjliaril tlii'l'e'iu, Uo»tlV
cleared. Si ized and taken in exeeiition as the
property of D. r. MeCaildlcss at tlie suit of
K.and N. F. McCamlless, Kx'rs, &c.
E. I). No. 1.1. June T„ 1881; C. Walker, Att'y.
All the right, title, Interest ami claim of W, E.
' aifd'VUhaw ib- .-'l, pf jn and to all lb it certain
tract, piece orplircel o| lain( 4 }t|iat;: In Stjiniiilt
township. Butler county. Pa., wlilfe ill'' 1 uiliiiv mI
eil one half of that certain tract, piece or parcel
of laud situate as aforesaid, containing ninety
f'.Ki) acres, more or less, beginning al a stone, the
N \V. corner, thence liy land of Walter Hartley
I now l ull, i mirth 'W east I o.'» 7 In perches to a
rloiic, tin- ,n IC. cdl iit'r, ilicoi.i >v ('tiids of Collins'
> heirs north l,t. - west 81 in perchestu it post - , Uiu
s H. corner, thence by lands of Jas. Kearns north
K'.i!.. east l.'i't Uln pi lches to a post, the south
west collier, thence by landsof (.co. Helbcr south
1,. 'east 8.1 aHi perches thence flolll tills point
westward a distance of .'MI perches to the Hutler
,iitd W ui'hiligtoii road and from said road hack
again by a | ( aial|e| luc t;i Uie wst Isuttidary line
uF said tract. Ilierefiy gfvifig ajid lier.'hy 1| ' lie ,
lug and COIIVI ) llig ,1 road two rolls wide litill
thirty rods long from said boundary |lipi. Iheti''
by lauds of Kobt. llenry (now Duffy} south lb','
west 'i<l 6-lu perrlici, to a >tol|e 11)0 \ (mi ner
the place of beginning, together with thi- btllld
ing thereon erected and other Improvements.
Seized and taken Iu execution as the properly of
W r. ami Susan Iteed at the suit of .las. 11.
K. D. No. (U.June T., 1881 ;Ueo. A. & A. T. Black,
All Hi" right, title, Interest and claim of ration
li«trn», i , li. .o,d to all that hint iff l"l No. .117
111 tlie general iili'li of Ih< lioi 0,.,i,i pi Hiitiei flift
ier v. villi.i!i op lie 1 S'urnlnwt Ktrwr 'ut
Main ami .letlerson streets, coiiiineuidugai Mtllji.
tliclice west along.b'ltel soil Street 180 feet, thence
north tiO feet, thence e;wt I*l feel to B. C. Illlsel
ion's lot, thence south iis feet, thence east !*' feet
to Main street, I hence south along main street 21
feet to tin-place of beginning, having thereon
erected a two story brick store bulldlnc, a two
»tory frumu i|)''el|ing house and other buildings,
(v'i/iaj aud taken b| e*in.u|||i|| a H "l'' Jjr'iperty of
I'atton Kearns at the suit of <|f
I'enn'a for use.
K. I>. No. 30. June T., 1881; W. A. l'or<|tier, Att'y,
All till' rltdit, title,interest Hull claim of Charles
Mangel, id iii ami to seventy four (74) acres of
laud, more or less, situate In fenn town hip. But
jer county, l'a.. tioiiii.lcil as follows: on the
north by landsof (iloat Mangel, east liy lands of
I litliiel M .•l«uighlln, south by lands of Isaac \\ I sc.
west by lands of Joseph West el at.;alHiut 4<>
acres cleared, a two story frame house, lug stabln
aud orchard I hereon. ami taken In exc
cut lon as tlie property of ('has Mangel at the
K i|l( of Benjamin l-cvcry for use.
I- D.No.w, .June T. iwl; J- (' Vaiidcrlln
• ' Att'y. 1
All the right, till". Interest and clalinol I'alrick
Carr, of, Iu and to 112 acre* of land, ntoreoi less,
sliii.itln N'enatigo township, • utjer comity, l'a..
IN lied as follows: (hi III" tiurlll fiV Hmfh Me
( nlloii 'li's hells cast bv lands formeiiy ot l inn
els l ari anil Jllilge M< Innkin. south by ( has.
Unity el ,d.. west by ( liurch property; hip house,
log stable and orchard thereon: about 1> acres
elcareij and Improved, underlaid with coal and
limestone, limestone ipiarry opened and worked,
coal bank. Seized and taken in execution as the
properly of Patrick Carr at the suit of (ieorge
H. l». Hu, ww JifJfV T N l,l: "' k ' A,l 'y'
All the light, title, interest aud claim oi ( a)i.b
Itusscii of, iu and to one hundred and lifty (IWIJ
! acres (.f land, more or less, situate In Cherry
tow n hip. utl>-r county, l'a.. lioumied as follows:
Ou the north by John Cannon, cast by Jus.
'I j|l|iPiC"li, south by las. I hoinpsou and west by
i he Joiuist'iii frai lframe dwelling house
frame stable uud oichanl l|l (l l t 'iiii: It'sMlt i ll
acres cleared, more or less. Si l/cd and lui en In
execution as the property of Caleb Kusscll at the
suit of John Hall anil John llall, Adm'r, /ic
E. D. No. (ill and 7*, June T„ |SB| ; F. M East
may, Att'y.
{)•<• right, title, interest and claim of Abner
C. Kotiti, ot. 11l ami 1,1 I certain lot of ground, lie
ing lot No. f. 11l the plan id lol.» jorveyeil by Jas.
I Mini ip at the Instance (d JclTcrsfrif Imriner, said
lot being situated iu the Isiroughof liutler. BulH-f
county, l'a . bounded as follows: ( omiliclicing
at I lie corner of lot No t, fronting on Hull street,
thence KOlltll ■'»>" west IKl'i feel along No. 4 to
( onn(K|iicnc«»lng crie k lu.Tllicast 4'.l'-j feet to |o(
No. (i. owned by Abraham Mover, tlU'lic« IIIOIIM
tot No 6 north 36 east HSii feet to a corner on
Hull street, thence along Bull street northwest
fis feet to lot No 4 the place of bcglunlm:; a two
story frame dwelling house mid outbuildings
thereon. Seized anil taken in execution as the
proi»-rty of Abner C. Robb at the suit of J. I>.
Bermt Jt Co. et al.
E. D. Nos. 80 and #l, Jnne T. 1881; Jno. McKis
sirk and J. I). McJunkin, Att'vs.
All the right. title, interest and claim of Robt.
McKissick ami M A. MeKissiek.of.inandtoone
liundred and Ofty-six (156) acres of land, more or
less, situated in 'clay township. l'utler County,
Fa., bounded on the'north l>y lands formerly of
J. \V. Christv, east by lands of David Patterson's
heirs. south by lauds'of Milton and west by lands
formerly of .1." w. Christy: log house, frame bank
barn and outbuildings ana two orchards thereon,
mostly cleared. Seized aud taken in execution
as the property of ltobt. McKissick and M. A.
McKissick at the suit of A. T. JleKissick.
E. 1). No. SI June T. 1*81: Jno. McKissick and
J. 1). McJunkin, Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of ltobt.
McKissick and M. A. McKissick, of. in and to all
that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in Clay towushin, Butler county. Pa.,
bounded and dmrilWll a- follows: Beginning at
the northwest cornel of the land herein de
scribed. thence east by lands of J. . Christy et
al. to the northwest corner of land of Patterson
heirs to the southeast corner of land herein de
scribed. thence west by land of Sani'l Sutton to
the southwest corner of said land herein describ
ed. thence north by lands of t lirisUmher Mi-Mi
chael and Painter to the place of beginning. con
taining loti acres, more or less; log house, frame
bank barn and outbuildings and two orchards
thereon: mostly cleared. Seized and taken in
execution as the propertyof Kobt. MeKissick and
M. A. McKissick at the suit of A. 1". McKissick.
TERMS OF S.VLK. The lollowing must be
sin. U\ Clin) iicd wiih when properly in otiick
eii down :
I, When the plaintiff or other lieu creditors
bpcoiuc the pur baser, the costs o:> the writs
must be paid, HIM! a list of the liens, including
bcarcl es ou t*i: property sold, t>-
get'ier with such lien creditor's receipt* lor the
"mount ol ilu- proceeds of the tale of >u"ll por
tion th< reol as lie may claim, must be turuistied
the Silent)';
'2. All bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will be
continti'd until 1 o'clock, p. M.ct next day. lit
which time at! property rot settled f ir wil!
in be put up and fQi ! at the expense nnd
risk of till' perr-ou to wli 'H flrst f-old.
•See Pur lon's nicest, 9;h Edition, page 446,
and Smith's Koruift, page -184.
\V. 11. 1101-KM AN',
shen'f ot Hutler County.
Slierifl's Office, Butler, l'a.. May 16, IS,si.
MM of .liirnrsflraun lor
jliiui 'IVi'YU' t»f C,'«url. coin
ill <• lie tug <■>(' First
belli); ili<> ftlli ilny,
A I). IfcSl.
Bovle Patrick, Donegal farmer.
Crow Samuel, AJams farmer.
Christy Coultef, HiUUr boto, »uii«u.
Uiiifv J nous, Vturlou tkraier.
Ktzel Bruno, Summit stone mason.
Findley Lewis, Washington farmer.
Fulton John N., Middlesex farmer.
Gibson T. A., I'sjirvicw boro, clerk.
(iill 11 iiizli, Mercer farmer.
Garvin Henry, Conn' quenesMN"
Hej.lpl - .Joik'jol, liwliuld outlier. *
.Tatnibou Henry, Allegheny farmer.
Martin Abram, Oakland farmer.
Montgomery Archie. Clinton farmer.
Miller Allen, Clay farmer.
McKlwee Michael, Oakland farmer.
McLaughlin John 11., Clinton fanner.
Met'lure John, Connn<|iicnes.sing lariner.
MeNitir John 15. purview W"»f,
|i. I'., IttlKJoV, 1
Slator Levi, Forward farmer.
Slu.il. r Samuel Sr., llutlcr l>oro. t
lyogan William, Venango farmer.
Vogan Joseph, Worth farmer.
ol Trm(THC Jurors drawn '
lor June Term of C'oiirl,
rpin|ii( |i('t|iß HieKrsl '
Monthly licliiK lii<-
«ili (lay A.IK I**l.
Hoyer Eli, Jackson East farmer.
Hums It. j,., Mereer fflri'juf-
BaniiaMakev JO'MI 1-..', Forward farmer.
Ilovanl "Wellington 'Escj., Cherry farmer.
Christy J. C., Washington farmer.
Cowen William M., Mercer farmer.
Cornelious J. 0., Brady farmer.
Crocker William, Slipperyrock farmer 1 ,
Attliuf, pltarpel t ihrtuer.
Emenck Andrew, Penn farmer
Archie, Butler boro., blacksmith.
Graham Thomas, Connoquencssing farmer.
Mitel.cock B. F., Allegheny faimer.
Heck Urnrv, Winiield farmer.
Joins Winfill,! jl . franklin liuiner.
Kerr John, Venango farmer.
Kilcheti in (ico., l'etri/lm tailor.
Kellev Wra , Hutler twp., farmer.
Klintrlesinith Ike, Allegheny laborer.
Lyon 11.. reiroliu boiler tuaVer.
Lensner Herman, Jefferson farm, c.
Lindsay Joseph, Summit farmer.
McXair Thomas S., Hutler, Express Agent,
McHri'le Jo|in, Midijltse* tinnier.
MeGeary Jus. W. Esq , Mudilyereek farmer.
Miller Campbell, Penn farmer.
McKiuny M. J.,' (.'ouuoquetie*>Hng South,
MuU'bi; .Iwpl) \V., ilt i,{ii,t.
Marshall Thomas M., Adams farmer.
Nixon Simeon, I'eim farmer.
Pringle James It., Butler merchant.
Powell Benjamin. Penn farmer.
Riley Clias., Clearfield aimer.
Hummel Christ, fliui field farmer.
Kichey Samuel, Summit farmer.
Kjtie Jojin, Clearfield farmer.
ltoUisob .(. P., —_
Sefton lirysop, t Union, farpentet.
Siebert Hou ini.ii It , ( airv'ietir Ivtst farmer.
Mniltli Perry, Centre, ikriner.
Surreiia 11., Marion, farmer.
Steward A. P. E«q., Parker, Justice.
Sturdevant W. 11., Centrcville wagon maker.
Smith W. G., Mari n farmer.
Starr John, Concord fanner.
Smilh Hplif., larnief.
Snyder /epluiuiuh. Hrmly, farmer.
Seoll A. L., Allegheny, farmer.
Turner 11. R., Parker farmer.
V'eßsil Joseph, Ih.negnl fiumcr.
Wiegle Abrim, Franklin fanner.
Walters ■}<>hM A-i B)jthilo blauksuiHh.
Welsh George, 'Jefferson fanner.
Wigton I G , Franklin farmer.
White A. H., Biitlei twp., farmer.
Wilde Wiiiiani S. I'«nn, l...iii^r,
Walter Philip, BIIIIHIO farmer.
Young James, Fairview Eat, producer.
Yard Sfeplien, Allegheny farmer.
We the under igncd higli Sherill aiid Jury
Commissioners of Butler County, Pa., do here
by certify to the iibove as being :t true and cor
rf;ct list of Jurors drawn fpmi thu proper Jury
wheel t'i erve as Grand und Traverse Jurors in
the scvcrul Courts: of June A. !• , ISHI.
W. 11. lldi i-MAN, Sheriff.
jSw M MoyK»: | Jur y Comw'w.
Cowqhs, Colds, Sore Throat. Bronchitis,
Aithmc. CoHOUmfi'ion a,i f' ft'! nUeases
of THRdAT anil LUN(i*.
Put up In (Juiirt-size Bottles for Kamll.v I'sc.
Sclentilleallv prepared of balsam Tolu. Cryalal
ll/ed Itock Cainly 'Mil Itye, and other tonics. The
I'ormulu Is known to our licit physlcl ins. Is high
ly recommended by them, and llie analysis of our
IIIOHI iiroiiiiueiil chemist, Prof. CI. A. MAItINKIt,
ill Chleaeo Is (in tl|C label uf every bottle. It Is
well KIIOU II to I lie iliedlnal piiffesslpn that fOI.P
ItOCK ami ItYK will ulfiird the arealcsf relief fur
Cuiialis, Ciilils, Inlliinn/.a, Bionehllls, Sore 'lliroat,
WiiiiK Lungs, also Consumption, in Hi" incipient
ami advanced staiies,
li.il as a Itkv kii \<ir anil A I'l'KTI/.KU, It niakiu
a delightful lonle for fanilh use. Is pleasant to
lake , If weak or debilitated, II gives tone, activity
and strength to Hie whole human frame.
(14 I I'l'l/W. IbiN'T 111-. I»K.('KIVKI>
yJ\ I I |U M »by linpriliclplled ileal- V
| ers wlio try to palm off upon you Itoek ft l(ye I
I In place of our Tm.t tt«•< K AMI KVK, which I
\ Is Hie only iiH'illcaled article made, the genu- /
file liavlng a government stamp on caeli bottle
M WHENCE MAKTIN, Proprietors, 111 Matll-
Isoii Hti.,.;t,i'ljlciign.
t »9"' Ask your Brugglsl for II f
, rf~ A k your due er tor it !
t f" A <k vour Wine Mereliaiil for il !
i y'" Clilltlreii, ask your Mntniuu f"r 111
{ «r-Hold liv Dltl'fi'!lHTS,lilit>CEllSanil WINK
MlJjcH AN I'S everywhere and by I AWItKN'CK
MAItTIN. No. ii Barclay St.. New York.
For Snip or Exrlmngr lor a Fariu.
Three ncres of land. Urge house, store room
and bull above, und ntablo nod out-buildings six
n ilea from Butler, on the flladn Mill and llsii
iialist. VII road at Jefferson Centre. Young or
char.l of good triilt lliereoli. neisim want
ing to purchase or exclisiign foi a farm will in
quire at ClTtzrN offlen, or sddr. s»
MIIS KATE I Nt'dt.l.Y.
Haxoiiburg, Butler county, Pa
Union Wcolen Mills.
I would desire to call the attention of the
public to the Union Woolen Mill, I'utfer, Pa.,
where 1 have new and improved machinery fot
the manufacture of
Burred and Gray Flannoln,
Knitting and Weaving Yarnn,
and I can recommend lliem an being very dura
bin, as they are manufactured of pure bulb r
county wool. They are beautiful in color, su
perior in tcaturft, and will be sold at veiy low
prices. For samples and prices address.
Jul24. - 7H-ly) Duller, Pa t
| v l>r»Mot»*» C Jf< Vy jJt
Li^fi'" a i _ 'V' * kccTm *\|TTV-Trft^ lL » jpj I
Chicago & Kcrth-Western
■« ■ ■ - '*>'%• .m. -w"
KQI'IPPKIi ! ami hence the
|t is the short and be.-l route between Chicago
ami ail points in
Northern Illinois. lowa. Dakota, Wyoming. Ne
braska, Culifoiuiu, Oregon, Arizona . Vtah, Colo
rado, Idaho, Montana. Nevada, and lor
i>i:> v Kit. I,i;ADVI i. 1,1:.
tVdar itapids, l)es Moines. Columbus and all
Points in the Territories, and the West. Also,
foi Milwaukee, Oreen Hay. O.shkosh. Shel.oviran,
Mari|i:ette, I'ond du I.ae, Waterlown,
Neenali. Mi n;:sh;i. St. I'aul, Minneapolis, Huron.
Volga, Fargo, I'.isinarcK, Winona. l«e'ro>se
Owatnniia, and all ixiints in Mitiiii'NOUt, iUhota,
Wisconsin and the Noniiv .-<i.
At Council lltnils llio i'ranis of the Chicago &
jierth-western and the C. I". R'ys depart from,
arrive at and use the same joint I'iiion iteimt.
At Chicago. close connections are made with
the l,ake Shore, Michigan < entral. Baltimore .t
Ohio, Ft. Wajne and lennsylvinia. and Chicago
& Craud Trunk li'ys, r.nd the Kankakee and l'an
Handle Iloutes.
Close conneetions made ;t» .liniptimi tvuuts.
It's tin' CXI-V |.l *Kiuumng
Pullman Hotel Dining Cars
Chicago and Council Bluffs.
Pullman S!i cjierx on all Xigl\t Tw*Us.
Insist iijmi! Tli l'l't AgtvU M lliug you Tickets
via '.ii.s tyeil. Vxn ill lire your Tickets, and refuse
fit liny it they do not read over the Chicago A
North-Western Railway.
If you wish the I!est Traveling Accommodations
yon v. i'l luiv vour Tickets hv this route, f jar-AXI)
Wll,l. TAKE N< >N K (»TH KR.
Al! Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this I.inc.
MARVIN iiitiiiirr, 2d \. r. & tieu i mmiu'i
Ist. liny sevni
Elecfr'c £O2l p of
your Urocer.
gllll. Ask llßlife
to she yon a bill
of it,
:i<l. Mail if* III*
bill sukil your
fill 3 tt<f*(ress,
4th, We will mail yen FREK
ri'Vci, ltcauiiiul ciuUs, in *ix col
ors anu gold, repri'Beiiling Sliaks
peitrcs "Seven Ages ol Man."
110 South Fourth Street,
Philadelphia, Pa
Most Fragrant & Refreshing of Ferfomoi
Exceeding!* arid Listing.
t'ue-j. M baulca.'Vb eta.
SoU't>y dea'crtia
co * ft Co-. N. Y , on e.cry fx.til#.
The Medicine for Every Family.
' Madefrom Cui£er, Butlni Mandrake, Stillin(tia, '
» and ujhrr of llic !»«rst »emtulic» <
| I'aKKKK'S I»IKGK ■< J'oMC has irrnarknWy varied J
► curative i>owcr«, & isihi greatest J totnuch Correct- «
* or, Wood Purifier and Liver KcguKuor ever made & 4 t
: The Best Medicino You o&n Use:
: for Jleßtoriug Health & Strength •
It commences to from the fir«;t done, searches '
' out the weak orgji.rt, tuid is warranted to cure of <
► help all of tlic lk>wcls, fcioroach, I3l"o4, 1
► Women, K'cr\ou%ncfc», Sleeplessness, Ulieuma- <
| tlsm and Di uiikenuesa. '
► Try a bottle today; it may save your life. 50c*. «
\ and $1 sizet F.very genuine bottle \
► has our signature 011 outside wrapper, Hiscoz & «
I Co., N. Y. Large saving 111 buying $1 siie.
Junt What lit Wanted.
Everybody whose hair It gray or faded has felt
the need of a Hair Restorer and dre»fcing that is
cleanly, agreeably perfumed and harmlet*. In
ker's Hmu HaUain ftatisttes the molt fastidious la
Respect*. 3old by at 50c. and sl.
Oji ilkloiiM of lilt' I'lihlh ,
The I'M!* me cclliii« well. Hnve Hcver*l old
chronic mxrH of Kidney I rouble lining them, nnil
thev report an Improvotui lit ami think much of
thcin. A. L. lIOIIItOCK A CO.. Druggiata.
Your Pail lia» done uii' morn pooil linn any
Itcmiiiy I fivor lined. JAH. il. CALLAWAY.
Your l'ail ban cured 1110 of I'ain It: tbo Hack
and Kidnoy Trouble. M. J. HOUiili.
J. C. KRDICK. Akciil lor Butler ''o.
On I lie I.OMtt of
A l.cciurc on lln< Naturi, Troatiui i.l anil Kad
ical cnic of Seminal Weaknoia. <>r Hjierinator
rlitea induced by Helf Amim . Invniitniary Rmi»-
hIOIIK linpcti IICV, Nervoua Debility, and Itn
■icditnuntH to MaraiaKit generally ; < 'out nmplioii
' I pile|H.v an I Kiln; Mii.lal and I'livnical luca-
M I' , auibor of the ' (Irccn liook " A«
I The vi 1 111 •1< lon licit null.or. in lliin admirable
1 I i-.,line clearly provee from bi«own experience
I that the auful coureipu tl c«e of Hi If Aburp may
I be i ITi c' ually lemovid witiioul dai aiir
-1 gieal opetatioiiH, bongieK, iiielrimieiitH, riimc or
; ci rdiale ; poll.ting out a nn.de of cure al 01 ce
! cer' am and effect 11 I, by V'bich every enflerer,
110 11.tiler Mlia< >IM uoiidilioii may be, lu»y cure
I liimxelf cheaply, piivaiely and radically.
CvTliia Lecture will prove a boon to thou-
I raiidn and thouaaudi'.
, Held, under i«eal. In K plain envelope, to any
1 aildieta, i n Irceipt of t-i* emitH or two portage
j i-lampH We liavi alxo a «ure cure for Taj>o
Wot m. Add rep*
41 Anh ST., Nnv Ydi.K, N. Y.;
fel 01 y Poet OBlcc Do*,
I |>:ilfl|H ABMOII.
Jxjwtico fjt tlici Hence
Mulu Mriel, oppo lie I'oHlolhcc,
.Trains leaive Butler for St. Joe, Millerctown
(tarns City, I'eirolia, Parker, etc., al 7.27 a. m
a:mi 2.25 and 7.25 p. m.
Trains arrive ut Butler from the above named
i'ointa at 7..7 a. m.. ana sf.ls, and 7.15 p m-
The 2.15 train connects with train on the West
Peuu road through to Pittsburgh.
Traius leave iliiliardV Mill, Butler county,
[or Harrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m.
and 2.25 p. in.
Trains arrive at hilliaid's Mills at 1:45 A. M.,
and 5:55 p M.
Hacks to and from Petrol'a, Mrrtinsborp.
Fairview, Modocaud Tioiitiu:in, connei t at Hii
la.-d with all tndos on the a <S A road.
Trains leave Butler(Butler or Pittsburgh Time.
Starkit at 5.1M5 a. ui., goee through to Alt
gheuy, arrivini; at U.Ol «. in. Ihir. train cou
i.ects at Free port with Frccpou Acc nnnio hi
tiou, which arrives at Allegheny at 5.20 a. in.,
milro.id time.
Exyriti at 7.21 a. m , connecting at Bullcr
J unci it in, without change of ears, at 8.2# with
fcxp.e.-s west, arriving In Allegheny at 11.5tt
i. iu., and Express east arriving at Blairsville
al 1055 a. tn. railroad time.
Mail at 2 2<i p. u>., connecting at Butler Junc
tionwithout ehange of cars, with Express west,
arriving iu Allegheny at 501 p. tn., and Ex
press cast arriving at Bhdrsviile Intersection
il 5 55 p. m. railroad time, which connects w'th
Philadelphia f.xprc.s ejiKl, when on lime.
The 7.21 a. m train connects at Blairsville
it 11.05 a. iu. with the.Mail cast, and the 2.3t!
p. m. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex
press east.
Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. R at
U.Sf a. in , 4..V* a:id 7.01 p. in., Bullcr time. The
H. 50 aud -I 5S trains connect with trains on
the Butler & Parker R. R.
Main Line.
Through trains leave Pitisburgh lor the Eaf".
a 2.5' i aud 8.21) a. iu. and 12 51, 4.21 ui.d B.CXS p.
■n., arriving al Philadelphia at 5.40 aud 7.20
p. in. and 3.00, 7.0 aud 7.40 a. in.; al Baltimore
ihout the same I me, at New York three hour*
liter, and at Washington about oue and * halt
louts later.
Time ol lluldluir (Jourlii*
The meveial Courts of the county of Butler
eomtrence on the tiist Monday of March, June,
September and December, aud continue two
weeks, or so long as n. ceesary to dispone f the
business. No causes are pal down for trial or
traverse jurors summoned for the Brut week of
the eeveial terms.
Office with W. p. Biandou, Berg Building, Main
Strut, Butler, P».
Office with L Z. Mitchell, Diamond.
Office in Urady'e Law Uuildiug. Butler, Fa.
S. H. I'l KR SOL.
Office on N. E. coiner Diamond, Riddle build
ing ,novlU
Offioe on N. E. comer Diamond. uovl]
wm. ll7luskT~
Office with W. U. H lliddle, Es»j,
Office on Diamoud, near Court House, south
Office in RiddVV Law Building.
Office in Riddle's Law Uuildiug. [marß 76
i Special attention given to collections Ofllc
o; posile Wiilaid House.
Office uorlh-(*4ist comer of Diamond. Butler
Office in building, tip stall a.
Office near Court House. r - 74
bl7-76 Office in Berg's building
Office in Bredip building- marlT—t
Office in Berg's new building, Mulu alreel-npUlj
F. M. EASTiv AN,
Office iu Brediu building.
Office Main tlwl, I door t-oulh ol Court Honat
Office Main street, 1 door tfoulh ot Court Home
(/ Office on Maiu street, opposite Vogeiey
i Ifficc N. E. corner of Diiimoud
Office with (len. J N. Purviance, Main street,
•oitth of Court House.
■lllce In SchneidetiiHii's builtllinr, west side ol
Main street, 2nd square from Court House.
Office on Diamond, two doom west of Onistp*
Olco. ap'Jti
Officii in Herg'v new building, id donr, wait
side Main ut., a few duum south of Lown
House. mar^—ti
ttiayT Office S. W. cor of Diamond
Office on Main street, one door south o
llriuly Block, Bullcr. Pa. (Sep. 2, 1874.
Oflice in Brady's Law Building, Main street,
south of Court House. KUOKMC O. Mu.i.r.H,
Notary Public. JUU4 Jj
fcyOives panivulai attention to transaotions
IN real estate throughout the oounty.
(Lale of Ohio.)
Office lit Brady's Law Building. Hepi.B,74
Attorney at Law. /.egal business carefully
transacted Collections made and promptly
remitted. Business correspondence promptly
attended to und answered.
Office opposite Loyry House, Butler, JJn.
myUI-ly] BUTLER. l'A.
Oflico on Jefferson street, ojijiosite
Klingjlcr'H Flour Store.
o|# WALDllON.Orrdunte of the Phil-
IK iidclpl ia Dental College,is prepared
■ 11 •io do anything in the line of hit
proles lon 111 a satisfactory manner.
Office on Main street, Butler, Union Work,
up stairs, apll
■MB Only 830
KIMJKU. Kqunl lo may Hlog*r la lh«
DMT //W «u*rkH. H'wmhrr, %ve mnd
■HI it to br rjuttninr«/ brfnr p yttm
hi wm v n u /" r a- T| "" u i;,# Mm *
Tfln »tyl« ©Hi»rcon.r«nt«« r»Uhl tor •00 I
lUr rev All Mm hlrrn w«lQ)llH> |.;i ll"»»
V\ 1 year*. SmJ fi»i 6iu lillu.ral'-'l '
nfll sdKjA cvlsr suil T**liinotii»|.. Ail*lt- :t,
\||Jt CIIAIII !> A. W(M) I* * to..
W IL Talk St, Ik