MAKING FO WLS PROFITABLE It ig cheaper and far legs difficult to procure cross-bred fowls than pure breds. The first can be bought on eve ry hand and at market rates, while ■ fowls that will come up to the "stand ard" coat fancy prices, having princi pally their good looks to recommend them. High priced eggs are usually difficult to hatch, two or ihree chickens per dozen eggs being the average. I have been through the fancy chicken erase, and have, I think, gained wis dom. My object in keeping hens is to make money, and to do this I must have eggs in winter. My plan is as follows: I keep the hens in a warm place, and feed a variety ot food, but depend prin cipally on wheat. I provide plenty of water, broken oyster sheila, fresh meat, carrots, Ac. They commence to set about the first of April, and I set all the hens possible up to the middle of May. When the the chickens come off I give two or thiee clutches to one hen and as soon as the chickens are able to take care of themselves, I sell off the old hens, reserving only as many as will supply the family with eggs. As soon as the cockerels will weigh two to three pounds, I sell them off. keeping the pullets, or as many as is desirable, for the next winter layers. These, if well fed, will lay a few eggs in Novem ber, quite freely during December, and by the first af January they will be in full production. This has been my plan of operations for the last fourteen years, aud it has proved profitable. In looking over my books for the p»st four years, I discov er that taking the number of hens on band January Ist of each year, they have given me an averafre of nine doz en eggs each per year. While I have not reached tte 12$ dozen eggs men tioned, still, I have made nearly as much on chickens as on eggs, and have saved the cost of keeping the hens for the several months when eggs were low. I usually buy cocks each season to put with my hens, preferring some of the large breeds in order to raise heavier chickens to sell. Vennor's cold wave came a little ahead of time. The weather has gone into the vari ety business. . Has Cockling made the greatest effort of his life? The weather has stiffened lard and butter, but it has'no effect on oleomar gerine. As has been frequently remarked, the President of the United States is James A. Garfield. The sensational reports about the Czar sleeping in a loaded bedroom is authoritatively denied. There are two vacant chairs in the Senate Chamber, but they will not be draped in mourning. Over ten million bananas arrived at New York yesterday. This will be good news for the "bone-setters. Conkling wants peace with spoils.— Louisville Courier-Journal. That kind of peace will spoil anything. The New Testament review publish ed in Chicago by the Times on Sunday was news to most people in that town. The sun will rise and set to-morrow the same as when Conkling was a member of the Senate — James A. Oar field. And don't you forget it. The deepest well in the world is 3,- 200 feet, or more than three-fifths of a mile in depth, and is located at Buda Pestb, Hungary. Ayer's Ague Cure has saved thousands of lives in the malarial districts of this and other countries. It is warrented a certain and speedy remedy, and free from all harmful ingredients. It would be very awkward just now if the Indiana were to make an attack on the frontier. Pretty nearly nil the United States army is in New York, attending the Whittaker trial. Good advice. If you have a friend with a cough or cold, tell him to try Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. It is a good thing, and he will thank you for your advice. The price is only 25 cents a bottle. A bad little boy, upon being promis ed five cents by his mother if he would take a dose of castor oil, obtained the money, aud then to'd his parent that she might castor oil in the street. He will make a humorous newspaper par agraphist one of these days. Papa: 'That picture shows the story of Prometheus, and the vulture that fed on his liver. Every day the vulture devoured it, and every night it grew, for him to eat it again ' Sympathetic Child: 'Poor, dear old vulture! How sick he must have been of liver every Parents, in buying children ( s shoes, ask for those with the A. S. T. CoJ Black Tip upon them. Tbey will out wear any shoe, and add to the beauty of the finest made. A. S. T. Co. al ways stamped on front of Tip, Let us play we were married,' said little>Edith, 'and I will bring my dolly, and say: 'See Baby, Papa.' Yes,' replied Johnny; 'and I will say: 'Don't bother me now. I want to look through the paper.' Children have strange ideas of grown folks's ways; now, don't they.? This is what Mahone said when he heard of Conkling's coup d'etat: 'Well, this places me in a devil of a fix. I don't like it. I don't understand it, to begin with. Garfield's my friend, and Conkling's my friend. I want them to be friends.' But Conkling is not that kind of a man, Willy. [Harriahnrg, (Pa ) Independent.] For five years, says Mr. J. Echter, this city, I have been afflicted with rheumatism, and for two years have Vsore on my leg the size of a sil ver dollar, which nothing would heal. St. Jacobs Oil cured the rheumatism and healed the sore. When a man is digging garden be turns up a pint of angle worms at every spadeful. When he wants bait for fishing, be might dig up the entire gar den without finding a worm. It is suspected tbat Darwin's new book on the 'Action cf Worms,' etc , will satis factorily explain this remarkable phe nomenon.—jNorristown Herald. After the adjournment of yesterday afternoon's session of the State Med ical Society, one of the physicians, while experimenting with some phos phorus, accidentlv spilled a consider able quantity upon the floor of the stage, and in a short time the Opera House was filled with smoke caused by the burning bourds. W uier was freely used and the floor plained off, and con flagration thereby prevented.— Lancas ter Examiner. jys. 8» MARCH Ist, 1881- Special Bargain, One Lot, 10 Pieces LIGHT BLUE SILKS, Extra quality and delicate shades, clear and fresh, at the Remarkable price of 45 cts-, worth 75c to $1 per jard. NEW FOREIGN* SUITINGS. . Choice New Plaids. Choice New Home Spun Checks. Choice New Stockinettes, All 42 to -to; ineh goods at 75c to ft JS per yarn. I One case Extra Value and Extra Wide. 46-inch COLORED C ABHMERES. at 85c, Special Bargain*. Colored French Cashmeres, 37Hc, soc and 62'ic up. On Sale To-day, 100 pieces 48-inch Black Caslimere, at up an I'uusual Bargain, 46-inch Black Cashmeres, at 9f«' and SI.OO. NEW FANCY BLACK GOODS. Quadrilles, Dakka Crepes, A nnures, .Jersey Cords, Brocaded Silk Cashmeres. Choice Lines Rest Makes Mourning Goods. Crepes and Oepe Veils, Shawls. &«. One case Double Foid American Black Repps, at 10c, for School Suits. \Vrap|>ers, &c., a great bargain and real valiw 25c. BOGGS & BUHL, 118 and 120 Federal Street. A lichen v. V B -Special close prices at retail or by the piece or package on Domestic ana Hotts«rtitt»plnK Dry Goods," Linens, Towels and Napkins. Very special bargains In Quilts and Blanket*. HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! GRAND DISPLAY THIS WEEK. AT Rosenbaum & Co.'s, 113, 114, Market Street, Cor. Liberty Street, PITTfc BXJtttjrH, JPA. FOR BUY KID GLOVES. SILK UMBRELLAS, 1 LEATHER SATCHEL*, PORT M ON NIES, PRESENTS. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. PRKSKNTS HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, A n - c ' c>E^x EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, MOTTO HANDKERCHIEFS, tvt. r o JEWELRY BOXES, PRESENTS. BREAST PINS, CUFF BUTTONS, P RESENTS. UN A DERWEAh, SILK SUSPENDERS, CARDIGAN JACKETS, T>DT?CTT'TCTC LACE SCARFS, r CiO J©. GENT'S SCARFS, SCISSORS, KNIVES, LADIES' FANCY SETS, PRESENTS. : FUR SETS, FUR CAPS, x ivo. TRIMMED IIATS AND BONNETS. And 1,000 other useful Presents at IromenßQ LOW PRICES iRO^ ■ A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT 3TRENOTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, Ih/spcpsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Lnrie.ies the blood, strengthens the muscles, ana gives new life to the nerves. 1 hey act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tastinq the Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, llcartourn,etc. In© Only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Bold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading— sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS PERRY DAVIS' S VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY ror Internal and External Use, I' a SITE CURE for all the Diseases for which it Is recommendeJ, and is ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE In the hands of even the most inexperienced persons. It id a sure mid quick remedy for COCtlllS, SORB THROAT, CIIILLM, uxid rimilar troubles; affords intrant rtlief in ti.* moti ii.alitjnani Joru-a ef DIPHTHERIA, IH tbe be. t known remedy for IMIEL'.IIATIH3I aud NEtUAL(«IA. THE OLDEST, BEST, AND MOST WIDELY KNOWN FAMILY IN THE WORLD. It lina been n»ed tvitli such wonderful success •» per i q/' ik* uorid for CRASH'S* CHOLERA, I)IAIis4IHEA, DYSENTERY, sol all liOWEL COMPLAINTS, that it is HAS STOOD THE TEST OF 40 YEARS'CONSTANT USE IN ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. It la RECOMMENDED by l'liysiriiiu* Missionnrlr- Ministers- Muuturers of Plantations, Work-Hhops, a-.ia Factories* XnrKfcs "n llo«i>iia'B-in short, by tvcrylct.y everywhere who Lin ever given it a trial. IT IS WITHCUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. It should a*ways be nsc 1 for Puin In the Back und FTidc, an I bri»>,t rpt"iy nnd prrmar*nt r*li*f in all caa* of Brniucu Cntm fcprr.iiKs Severn T.nrns, Scalds, etc. \0 FAMU.V CAN SAFELY BE WITHOUT IT. It *l3 annual"j- ra<-« ma:-y Pair* it", coot in doctors' bills, and its prtco brino- it W'thi l the rcM h ('. all. It is sol Int 25c. 50c.and SI. OO a bottle, nad ran bo obtained from all drugifists. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. CRYSTALENE. THE BE.ST AND CHEAPEST PAINT, in the market. II ran be used on Wood, Iron, Tin. Leather. Plaster or l'aper. Mixed Ready For XJse. ALL COLORS. It goes further, lasts longer, looks better and Is CHEAPER than any other paint. For pain ting Houses. Barns Boots, Fences. Wagons, &c„ IT HAH NO EQUAL. Call and examine samples. J. G. REDICK, Joapr3m] GENERAL AGENT. BUTLER. PA. JAMES J. CAMPBELL, County ■■ «- w. Office in Purview borough, in Telegraph Office. anlS] B*l.r»wm P. 0.. Bntier Co.. Pa. Advertise iu the CIUZEN. r* fflntUv : Stwitexr, P* ♦ t 23, 1881. - Two lots Extra Choice Black Satin Damasses. IMWelegant design*, at «2 25 aud $2 50i per yard that are lully 50cents per yard less than usual '"Large Dainasses. at 51.00. $1.25 and SILKS AND SATINS, Blacks and Colors. »K,fk g s k J,'S including the celebrated Bonnet Goods. Large lot Ladies' Muslin Underwear, of superior style and finish, and at bargain prices. Ladles' Unlaundried Muslin Chemises, on coun ter at 'M cents each. Choice line Bridal Sets, f 1.00 to 520.00 each. New Hiin.l''it or IrMi Point Embroideries. New Veidenia (Lac* Edge) Embroideries. tfeC Ham burgs—great bargains. New &\V°IM 'TIN Xaipsook hnibroii.enes. New White Goods and Figured Swisses. YOUNG CLYDESDALE, Prince of Scotland, Can lie >-een nt the Btnlde ol the subscriber, near Leas'ireV'lle, VViuiield township, Butler Co., Pa , the tirst three days of each week, and Thursdays and Fridays at the stable ol Joseph Flick in Coylesvllle. PRINCE OF SCOTLAND is i beautiful J ipplc hay, rising si* jea«-» old, with immense bone and muscle, cupciior iction, and a pertect toot, win rein most heavy ho se* lack, and lor disposition is unexeellcd ; Mauds hands high, weighs over l,8()0 pounds, and was bred Iron, one ol the finest draught horse." in Scotland. Further trace of pedigree Is un necessary, as his appearance w ill recommend him lo competent judges. ROBERT HEBSELGE-SEK, 20»pr2m Owner. For Sale or Exchange for a Farm. Three aerec ot land, large house, store room and hall above and etable and out-buildings six miles from Butler, on the Glade Mill and Hsn nahst wn road at Jefferson Centre. Yonng or chard of good fruit thereon. Any pertton want ng to purchase or exchange foi a farm will in quire at CITIZEN office, or address MKS KATE I NV.GT.EY. Baxouburg, Butler county. Pa Exerulor'N Letters testamentary having been granted to the ui.del-signed on the eslate of Henry Fuchs, Sr., late of Wintlcld township, Butler Co., Pa., deceased, this is to give notic' to all per-ons, knowing themselves to be indebted to said es tate thai immediate payment is required and those i aving claims aj.uiii-1 the sauie lo present them 'luly autheniii ated f >r -eltleuient. f HENRY FUCIH, lit, „ , J C.I 11 'ON Black, Pa. I txet rs < Jacob LNGKR, I larcutuui, i'a. Battle Creek, Michigan, MAKURACTCBEIA OF THE ONLY OTKCLXL THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Engines and Horso-Powers. Mort ConiplttcTkrc»kcrFactary ; Established In the World » 1848 f\ f\ ML n © of eyntinuova and burt- J , l I CAfiu nrM, without chMve oi Dune, ■3 management, or location, to " back up " rA* Ca ui pi tie Si earn Outfit Finest Trariion Fujcinc»and Pltli Englnet everceen in the American market. A ..:ult!'i.<7* •}/ rp< joX features and iruprotrmmU r nT v- th' r with superior qvahlie* in coi*truc. litin *j .•} r ' trial* not dreamed of bv othermakers. Four ii£i>i 4 tsojr« Feet of Welectf 1 l.nniher V DUUiVUU (from fhr'C tonx yenr* r.dn*d) -r> >jt!y on iian i. fr.uu which is bu.'t the in wood-work cf our uiachlr.ery. ' ENGINES •'• , ' and efieienl cvtr I M 10, 13 Horae Power, tJH Favj. 1 * ai» . .a, : hcrinpn are tC thin tnaichleM Threehiag MacLinery. Circulars .sent frco. Address h'ICHCCS, SHEPARD 4 CO. kittle Crock. MlchUMit- beep ip eonatanfc use by tli • public / for over twenty ycai«. aud ia the lir:it preparation ever Invented for I'ESKJB- TuO |JfO GRAY 11.11 It TO IT- £ YOUTHFUL COLOXI AN3> /ucyU y^ IFE : < G!< irist f It supidies the ii:itnral ff j r ; i food and color to She 1 :iir Klnnils irlthout ituiu.ii; Hie ' ■kill. It frll! increase p.n«l : thicken the growth v>f t?:c ~ | I hair, prevent lta llr.i.tlii _ _ | and iailinjr off, ai:«l Cl.-f-.- yAYLItT LAI.DMCS.S. J f"'' I / It cures Itchlnc, Fviip- d-- »- : 1 tions rnd li:mdri!ff. Af fC. HAIR DRUSSlSGitiivd. ! r .C'.u j tfivins tixe l:aii • ' . , v . • ■». silken v. Jildi nil j .. , rf ftiimir;. Z* Uee'ps ffie l.cail Clean* Street and l>er»lthy. -i WHISKERS i ivill change the !.oar HV R. P. HALL & CO,, NASHUA, H. H. •SoiJ by all Pea ers in Weriicm*. E. GRIEB, J DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. | ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. AND CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED tti T-; ci at KIDNEY REGULATOR AND DIURETIC. KIDNFIOEN is hiuhly renininiended and un curiKtssed for WEAK orFOI'I.KIDNKYs. !)!£<>l*- SY. BBIOHT'S DISKASK, U>SS <«l KNKKOY. NKKVOL'S DKISII ITY, or a:»\ OBMTItL'CTIONS arising from (SBAVKL or BI.AODKB liISKASKS. Also for YKM.OW HEVKB, RT.OOl>ai>«l KIDNEY I'OISt )N'l N<». in Infected in alanal sections. ihe distillation «»f a KU ITKS l LEAF with jrNIPftH BEBBIkS and BABI.KY MAI.T we have discovered KIIiNKHKN, which acts sjii'ci ficallv on the Kidneys and I'rtnary Organs, re inoviiiK deposits in the Bladdej and any straining, smarting, heat or irritation in the water passages (jiviiiK llicin stren/th. vigor and causing a healthy color and easy flow of iiruic. It can be taken at ail tunes, HI all climates, without injury to the Nvstem. Unlike anv other nreparatlon for Kidnev diffteiiitles, H has a very pleasant and acreeahle taste and flavor. It contains |His|tive diuretic pro perties and will not nauseate, l.adies e-peclallv will like it. and (Jentlemen will find KIDNEtiEN the best-Kidney Tonic ever used ! NOTICE—Each bottle bears the signature of LAWRENCE & MARTIN, also a Proprietary Ooverninent Stamp, which permits KIDNI3GEN to be sold (without licensei liy druggists, grocers aud other persons everywhere. Put up In Quart-sizeß and Family t'se. LAWRENCE & MARTIN. Prop'rs Chicago II Cjp-S»ld i'v Druggists, Grocers and Dealers everywhere, and bv i. A WHENCE &MA RTIN", No. 6 Barclay St„ New York. otti3-iy AS OLD SAYING Tells us that "Xothinjr Succeeds Like Success " Very true, but what h made our wonderful success? It must be because we as have shown the people how to MAKE A DOLLAR ! Go almost twice as far as it did previous to our opening, a little ovei four years ago, for the most powerful magnets to draw TH EC CRO WI3S Is to give the public iroods at prices that they can find nowhere else. It pays to sell goods low, and we mean to do it The attractions which we offer in the assortment, in the quality, and ABOYE ALL lu the prices, are such that no one can resist to the Largest Clothing House in Western Pennsylvania, Kaliftman's Cheapest Corner 83, 85, 87 SMITHFIELD STREET, 83, 85, 87. CORNER DIAMOND. 1.8 0 Men's Serviceable Suits at extra stron-ly f< wod, with n view to durability. 175 Men's Gray Cassiinere Suits at * s , medium and d .rk colors. 800 Men's ShepLerd Plaid Suits at *4.37, in the nobbiest patterns imaginable, liftht colored, woilh #7 50. a,0.0 Men's Seotcli Cbevoit Suits at J0.50, over 90 pattercs, handsome styles and designs, worth $lO. _ 2,500 Men's Extra Fine Dress Suits at 75, in Imported Worsted, Diigoial, Genuine Eng lish Cassiinere and Chevi -is, worth $lO 50, the line-l ever shown a<.d the most divided bargains. 1,340 Childreu'a Suits at $1.1:2, we 1 ui.ide. '-WO 1-hiidreu'* Casslmere Suits at $1 81, 40 pal terns 875 Children's Fine Dress Suits at #3 fli, worth S") 51, 'fricot and i f ji'P Worftevl -I,'iOO Hoys' Worsted Suits at jn 20 dilierent d<'si-"®> worth 1,100 Boys' Cheviot and Cassiinere Suits at #4 10, handsome lisrht and dark pattern*. 2 000 Boys' Fine Dress Suils at f0.12, in Imported Worsted and liicoi, worth lully #'J 00. Our Hat & Gents' Furnishing Department, 110 dozen dozen Men's White Unlaundried Shirts at 3isc, woith COc. 400 dozen Men's Satin Ti's, Colored Ends, at 24e, worth 50c. 2.500 doreu Men's Extra Quality Suspenders at 24e, worth 50c. HOO dozen Men's Heavy Cl evoit Shirts at 24e, worth 4 c. £OO Joseu Mep's Cplored Lis;hi percale Shirts at 43e, 20 dilierent pal Urns, worth Tftc. 75 dozen Silk Tlcndkercliicl's 21c, in ali iliu uear colors 10(1 dozen Men's While Shirts at file, Linen Bosoms and tuffs, worth fl. bOO ozen Men's Se~(:c l aps at 14e, worth 35e t>o dozen Mill's Fine Ifasket Woisted Caj-e at 25c, worth 50c. 75 dozen Children's Turbans at 25c, all sizes. 250 doztu Children's Telescope Hats at 88c, worth 70c. 75 dozen Men'? Saxony Wool Sod Hals at 61c, worth sl. SO dozen Me n's Slid Hats at 4l»c, lncLin^i-lv, 2,500 Vep's Extra Pipe Saxony Wool and Fur llats at #l, every shape and style, soft and still, worth $1.50 and $1 75. All the liner qualities at proportionately low prices. Oin- Pants Department was never as attractive as now, for it contains that ?tro irrcsistable. 3,300 I'i.iis Worsted Pants at $1.12, ten I'iflerout paileru*- 1.W.0 Union Ca.simere I'tttits at $1 fi2, choice new designs. 8i 0 Imperiid Worsted acd Fine Cloth Pants at $3, that are equal in every respect lo tlios* made lo order and worth $5, Any of the Above In Wide or Spring BOHOUIN. In our Merchant Tailoring Department ! All-Wool Pants, iu Worsted, Diagonal, Cheviot, etc., lroui STB7 up. Ail-wool l-uits, in Scotch Cheviots, Basket Worsted-, liu; ortid Cheviots, etc , from f 13.W) up bfai'sCtieapdComr. Pittsburgh's Mammoih Clothing House, 83 to 87 Smitlifieltf St., cor. Diamond. Our gcods and price* are 10-day what earnest iflort and tireless Industry has made them—A Standing Wonder to the Trade and a Delightful Surprise to our Many Customers. Everything wuranttd exuctly a* represented by onr salesmen, and we hold ourselves ready lo re!und the money, should anything prove otheiwise. Goods sent by Express, C. O. D., to any desired ad dress, with the privihge to open, by runitting expressage. WHOLESALE ANI> RETAIL. WHY DOES „ . :..aH2i often break down at tin early age? Put a man at U:c wi sn-tub. 1 . . . i t • h'A suds until every pore Is opened; then let him stand tr'er the ii.tliy »tc. . iVo.ii raiding and boiling clothes, that are full of sweat and exhalation* from ti: ' 1 j health too would break uown before long; and yet this most terrible oruea. Li wua A WOMAN i t'-ou"h with on wash-day; and, besides, with her clothing wet ftora persp.nrz i I f'v/ork she has to ri.-k her life by going out in the air to hang up the clothes, hvei • -.,t at work r re in the unhealthy atmosphere; its smell, so apparent to visitors, s.n.w - that it funis its way through the house,—the family, however, olten becoming so accas -1 t > t'-> peculiar odor from its own wash as not to notice it These facts readily ex • why "so many women suffe? with polds, rheumatism, weak neryes, pr neuralgia, and LOOK OLD . .. . . vonne in years, and physieians und boards of health cannot draw attcnt.on too HL'IV tj the iniurujus effects of the usual way of washing, with its necessary steam and .'aiduig or boiling to get the clothes pure and sweet-smelling, especially as it is without doubt i -il t ie direct cause of those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, and typhoid fc-vir :• ,rt.mutely this 'trouble can be avoided; scalding, boiling, steam and all disagrceab 3 i i; froii the wash completely done away with; clothes made sweet and beautifully white, . »I ■ ■ f al< n Tin dont al Ins cost than mi when home-mate map is uxal, and very much SOONER THAN I. tic oM wavbv using FRANK SIDUALLS SOAP,-a Soap so purifying and cleanstog i'at the d.iucat liuiLiui etn he cashed in lukcvrarra water with very little rubbing, and e'tih» MhTg and ulensiu WrbVthV ildlf rffslhfcctcd s--'l ifng «S« whllelhe work is so light that I girl twelve or thW-n> years: olage; w. fioa lan,-e without being ti -ed; and yet so mild and healingisthis l hatlor shaving it has no equal, and physicians advise its use in preference to imported en MAN nho ii not ('ireetly interested in having used in their homes. In «plto of prejudice, Tn.VT WOVDEItFUL WAV OF WASHIXG CLOTHES, which does away with the hard work, offensive s-u i 1 and fearful steam on wash-days, makes the white pieces whiter, colored pieces brighter end fiTnnel" so IU." than they can be made by washing the old way, leaves the hand-s smooUi enough to do fiue sewing and overjr article as clean, as tweet and as pure as If never worn. *>TEBTIMON|AXjeK* From 11. E. ISOWI.ES. M. D., Hammonton, N. J., Kditor SoiUA Jrrsey Republican. My attention was called to FRANK SIDDALUS BOAP fr.;i.i an advertisement in my own paper, and its my houiie for nearly ft year, according t:i t:.e directions, has proved that Its remarkable properties have not lieen over.-itated. For remov flic printing ink it is Invaluable, while for toilet aiid Shaving it is the best Soap I have ever seen. From Mm 11. KKVI vosf, Northflfild, Vt. I1 in in. furl nu/rr. Ihtm pays/or it. I have no steam r i, .nt from 'he wash, while the saving In •alih, clothes and labor can hardly beestlroftted, roin E. W. STANTON, ISU6 N. 20th St., Phllada. We are confident, from a lone experience l» ■ : .n and recommending FRANK SIDDALLb ) vi', that one trial, according to the very ea.iy : d directions, will overcome all prejudices, i t -o real:;- has wonderful merit for shaving, toilat. » following are tlie Directions for Use, »<> fiimplc thai a child can understand tlicm. Nt do anything so rldiculp|i» »s tp buy the Soap unless you inteud following thcni. i')o positively forfeited if it injures the clothes, or will nut d* rwet ythinq claimed. First, put the white clothes in a tub of water, only made warm enough to be comfortable a hands. Then take one piec«out at a time on the wash board, rub the Soap lightly it, roll it up and put it ba<* into the same tub, and BO OH with each piece until nil the Soap rubbed on them, Then go away and let them soak at least twenty minute*, ,ut touch in;* thero, when the dirt will all be loosened, and a very little rubbing on rash-board, out of that one suds, will make them perfectly clean, being particular to each piece while washing so as to get at the seams. Then wash lightly on the wa 'i -1, through n lukewarm rinse-water (without any Soap,) BO as to get the dirty suds on ■ put through blue-water, and on the line, without scalding or boiling a single pi' r-.vard put flannels and colored pieces to soak, and wash them exactly the same It is important not to heat the wash-water in a tin, brass or copper kettle. A t. . fat enough water for a large wash with this Soap. Think What You will Save by this Easy Way of Washing! *'n Wash-boiler! No Steam! No Smell of Suds through the I: ;r:s 'he remarkable Property of keeping the Dish-Cloth, Wash-tii* always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in Hard Water. —i- SOLD BY GROCERS i—♦— ; Cake and Try it for Yourself next Wash-Day. • b where this Soap la not yet Introduce 4 a Tilftl Cake will be sect * Mail, on receipt of Prlea, (10 Cents), in Money or Stamps. ;^r RS FRANK SIDDALLS SOAI ! "MA ST.. PHILADELPHIA. PA. DAWN or LiKlit on the Ureal Future in this Life thro the I>*rk Valley and in the Life Eternal. ILLUS- ! TIIATF.n. Sells fast. Pays over AAA MONTH ?P-Iv7U F() k agknts Send for circular and terms. Also send addrcst of two or more hook agents and ten cents for 1 cost of mailing, and receive the People's Maga zine »f choice literature free for ti months. Ad dress P W. ZIEOLEK A 00.. 915 Arch Street. Philadelphia. Pa tn COrtl"' r <1;l V ;lt home. Samples north ; " 1 0 irw. Address bilNsoi i Co., I PoiUam 1 , iLuui-. and all household uses. and as It heron-.*- nior# generally knowu, must have au Immense Bule. From MRS. E. STOCKWELL, Ilammonton, N. J. FRANK STDDALI-S BOAP has been used In my house for the last seven months, and by follow lug the printed directions, we find It to do every thing claimed on the wrappers. \\ * have not scalded or boiled a single article, and the eUMa art xvMHtr and 4u#tHr liuin whrn wash**! in old wild. 31 y busbatfd, 'prbo Is a dealer JWtC, has a' steady demahu fot the Soap (rout his customers. •• From MANAS** OF DEXTER LAFNI>BY »)1 Sixth Streetj Corner C Stret*t,N.\V asbington. D. t. No lanndrv or fcmiiy can afford to without FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP. We follow direc tions and use no other Soap, and have a reputation second to no laundry «n Washington for white clothes; the superior work we have been enabled to turn out having secured u* the trade of some oi I the best gentlemen's furnishing stores In the city. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill. Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for ; the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them a« being very dura ble. ax tbev are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in rolor, »n- I perior in texture, and will be sold at very low I prices. For samples and prices, addrese, H. FULLEKTON, [ jum.'7B-ly) , Butler, P» i f T •" 1 s tvo » snS^ri )THE( Chicago & North-Western ■« .-m ■ ■. w ,« v Is the OLDEST : Hi ST CONSTKI'CTED : BEST EQfiri'ED .' anil hence the LEADING RAILWAY WEST AND NORTHWEST. It is the shoit and best route between Chicaco anil all |»>iiits In Northern Illinois, low a, Dakota, Wyoming. Ne hrnska, t 'aliforuia, OreKcn. Arizona. I'tah, Colo rado, Idaho, Montana. Nevada, and lor COUNCIL BUFFS, OMAHA DENVER. LIiADVILHI, SALT LAKE. SAN FRANCISCO DEADWOOD, SIODX CITY, Cedar Kapids. Des Moines, Columbus and all Points in the Territories, and ihe West. Also, fui Milwaukee, Green Bay, Oshkosh, shebovgan, ' Marquette. Fond du," Watertown. Houghton, Neer.ah, Menasha, St. I'attl, Minneapolis, lluion, Volga. Fargo, HisniarcK, Wljiuna, IOKM, Owatonpa, and all points :n Mu.nesota, Ihikot:i, and ttii! V«.rthy.f.-it. At Couni II lilufT-tlie Trams of the Chicago & Nertli-Western and Ihe I". I*. R*>s depart from, arri\e at and the.vanie joint t'nion i>eisH. At Chicago, close ci un- ctions are lufrile with the Lake Shore, Michigan ( cntrai, Baltimore & Ohio, Ft. Wayi-eaud Pennsylvania, and Chicago & «;n«iM? Trunk K'ys, and the Katikakee and Pan Har.dle Routes. Close connections made at .Ttxction Toints. It Is the ONLY 1.1 N E running Pullman Hotel pining Cars BETWEEN Chicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman S!ee)M"iv on all Night Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents selling you Ticket* via tins load. Examine your Tickets, ami re/u«e to buy if they do not tiad over the Chicago A Nc rth- Western Raihvav. If you v.isli the Kest Traveling Accommodations von will buv vour Tii kets bv this route. ®*AXD WILI. TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. MARVIN HCOHITT, 2«! \ . I'. & Gen'l Mang'r Chicago. urn mimm® Buy seven N 9 KleclHc INoap of your Cirocer. 2iul. Ask liim to give you si bill ol' if* 3d. HI all lis 111s bill and your fiiß2 stcldresSi 4ill. Wp \\ill mail yt u FRb.E gevori beautiful caids. iii six col ors and gold, representing iShaks poaic's "Seven Ages of A 1 an." I. L CKAIGIN & Co., 11G South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pq. 19 V'PV"* 4 i vVK VK*v ~ v | Profitable heaaing lor tverybody j , Business men ant! women, te.ichcrr>, mechanic.-.1 •farmers, minister-, mothers, and all who are tired J [jut by ihe constant toil and w »rry of your work !! !r .i I*- ... k.. tism. Neuralgia, or with Bowel, Kidney, Liver • •Urinary compja :mwc* If you aro w.»ulin2 2w-y with tc-- |mali weakness or any su kness ;if you have pain-' ,fal cough or bad coli, v-»u will sure relief in , M 3 i 3EB rcj| i3i El . Lf you arc enfeebled by disease, old or d».—, Mpation, and your system neerls invigorating, on 'if you have pimples and blotches, and your blood' [needs purifying, can alw.'-r-rd on | [Made from Ginger, Buchu, Mandrake, Stillingia' ►and many other o f the best medicines known it is "the Bast Health and Strenolh Restorer Ever [Used, and is far superior to liitters, Essences oil •Ginger and other T nic*, *r. ?» never Irtcxic-ips Ut.d combines |!ic best turatoi. p v rpertie. <1 all. [ Has Sarod Ilundr dj* of Uvea; It slay S»ITO Yours. • Buy a «oc. bottle of your druggist, and to avoid be >'jre o«,r i* t »th ? out side wrapper. HIS.COX ti C . Chemists, N. V . Parker's Hair Balsam. The Uo«t A Most rconomlcal Hair I>re>.s!nif Containing only ingredie.its that are beneficial to the luir and sijalp, the BALSAM will be found far more satisfactory than any other preparation. It Xcror Fails to ItcntoreCrajr or Faded llr.ljf ,q - tu »:,iove dandruft, prevent baldness and stop tailing of tht hair. by druggists at 5c CtnU. \imiSSf OpiiiiouN of flie I'ublie, WABASH. INDIANA TUe Pads are fplliug well. Have several old Ptirpuio cares of Kidney trouble ns-it'K tl rm. and tliev report an improvemmt an>l think much of them. A. L. ItOHBOCK & CO.. DroggiiU. COURTNEY, TEXAS. Your Tail ban done me more good tlion any Pemedy I ever used. JAS. B. CALLAWAY. MT. CLEMFNS MICH. Your Tad ha« enrtd me of Pain in the Baok and Kidney Trouble. M. J. HOUGH. Addreeis DAY KIDNEY PAD; CQ. t SOLE I'ROI'RIETORJ?, TOLEDO, - - - OHIO. J. C. KEDICK. Ajfent for Bullt-r r o. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN On Hie I os>» of A Lecture on the Nature. Treatnimt ni:d Had ical cure of Seminal Wt-akiic«n. or Spt rniator rhrra ir*dnceil hy Self-Atin-e. Involuntary Emi*- niriiH. luipctiMicy, Nervous Debility, and Im -I'Puinn nth to Mania»;e generally ; Colu>umption I'nileDfV am: Fitu ; M< i.tal and Phvfical lnca -1 acity, Ac —By ROBEBT J. tULVEBWELL, >l. I»". autl.ur of the "Ort'-n Boob " Ac The world-in &wiied author, iu thin admirable Lectme, dearly prove? from his own expei ieno® Hiat the awful conßequencae of Self-ALu?e may be idi ctually removed without daiigcrtiuß sur gical cjiera-ioiiH. bougies, itiHtruments. rings, or rordials : poit.ting out a mode of euro at certain and effectual, by which eveiy rufforer. uo matter what bis condition may be. may cure liinifelf cheaply, privately and radically. KJTThis Ltcture will provo a boon to tbou faiidn and thousands. Pent, under seal, in plain envelope, to any addret-s, eti receipt of six cents or two postage stamps- We have also a sure cure for Taj>c Worm. Addrei-s THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ass ST., NEW YOKK, N. Y.; 1 ft 10-ly Post Office Box, 4586 FKHHIH AIIMOIIi Justice ot tlie Ptiaoe Aluiu elretl, opp" lie i'osiiilhie, IJllf.y ZELIENOPLE , PA. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. UTLBK, KiKNS CITT AND PAKKIB RAILROAD Train- Builer for St. Jw, Millerstown darns Cily, Petroll*, Parker, etc., at a. ID and 2.5J.*> and 7.1*5 p ID. Train* arrive al Butler from the above named (.•oiutß at 7..7 a. m.. ana a.15, and 7.15 p. in- Tbe 2.15 train connect* witW train on the West Pcun road '.hroufh to Pittsburgh. SHIXiNOO A Nil ALLIOBGNT RAILROAD. Trains leave lliiliardV Mill, Butler county, 'or Harrisvllle, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. in. mil 2.A5 p. m. Trains arrive at Uilliard'e Mills at 1:45 A. m., and 5:55 P M. Hacks to and from Pelrolia, Mr.rtim>burg, Fairview, Modoc and Troutniiin, conr.ti i at Hil laid with all trains on the a A A road. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Trains leave Builer (Butler or Pittsburgh Tiuie. Marktt at 6.00 a. m., K oe» through to Alle gheny, arriving at ».01 a. m. This train con iccts at Free port with Frecport Accommoda tion, which arrives ut Allegheny at 8.20 a. in., railroad time. Exprtts at 7.21 a. tn., connecting nt Butler .'unction, without change of cars, at 8.26 with Kxp.e:-» west, arriving In Alle«lieuj at «stt a. iu., uud Express euot arriving at Blairaville it 10 55 a. ni. railtoad time. Mail at 2.2fi p. m., connccting at Butler Juno lion without change ol cats, with Express west, irrivlug in Allegheny at 50! p. in., and Ex press cast arriving at Blairsviile Intersection at 5 55 p. tn. railroad time, whiih connects with Philadelphia Kxpre>s east, when on tluie. The 7.21 a. UJ train connects at Blairsviile it 11.05 a tn. with the Mail cast, and the 2.Bes « p.tu. train at G. 5» with (he Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Venn R. R. at 9.5P a. m , 4.5S and 7.01 p. m., Butler lime. The 3,56 and 4 st> trains connect with trains on the Butler & Parker R. R. Alain Lin*. Through truing leave Pittsburgh for the East at 2.5 C ;;nd 8.2« a IU. and 12 51, 4.21 ar.