Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 11, 1881, Image 4
COAL TAR FOR PRE & ER] liiQ FENCE POS TS. If possible, the post should be well j seasoned before being coated with the i Ur a« it will then absorb more of it, . and prove more durable in consequence, j The simplest way to apply the tar is j to beat it hot in an iron kettle, whicb may be quickly done over a common kitchen stove. Then with a larg. paint brush (an old one will answer) »mear the post with the hot liquid, so that the painted portion will project six in ches above ground when set 1 e posts should always be dry, with their bark removed, and previously sharpen ed if to be driven. . The time to apply the tar is a hot summer s day, as then the wood is warm, and will absorb more of the liquid ; or they may be readily heated by making a fire out of doors, and sup porting the post on a frame just above the flames. In this way four or five may be heated at once, and as as one could take them off and paint them. If one has tne time and material, it would be well to apply two or even three coats, if the second does not make the post water-proof, as that is the object of making the application. If one has at command a large cal dron set in an arch, it may be used to advantage by puting in four or fiva gallons of the tar, and when boiling hot let the lower end of the post be placed over the kettle, and with a long-bandied ladle or dipper pour some of the heated liquid upon it, an attend ant turning the post or holding it in any position desired. By this means the tar may be applied while very hot, and prove more penetrating than when used at lower temperature. Take-it-Easy and Live-Long are brothers, and are related to Ayer's Sareaparilla, which has lengthened many a life. The best soil for -aujrar beets is a deep sandy loam, with a permeable subsoil or one made so by underdrain- This is the month when those troub led with a cough should go for a twenty-five cent bottle of Dr. Bull s Cough Byrup and be cured at once. A Vermont gardener plants a sun flower seed instead of a pole to each hill of beans. The sturdy stalk an wers for a pole, and the seed i supply an excellent feed for the poultry. Parents should not forget that their shoe bills can be reduced one-half by purchasing for their children shoes with the A. 8. T. Black Tip upon them. They wear aa long as the metal, while adding to the beauty of the shoe. Grape-vines may be grafted at any time after the leaves have fallen up to the middle of June, except for about three weaks while the sap is flowing in spring. II done too late, however, there is danger that the grafts may not mature sufficiently. This is no apology for whiskey drinking; it is a medicine that cannot be used to intoxicate; it produces a to Die effect, as well as acts as a cathartic. ID fact Simmons' Liver regulator is prooounced an unexceptionable medi cine. 'What shall I leave you when I die V said an insipid fellow to a young lady if hose patience he bad nearly exhaust ed. Needn't wait till you die,' said she ; 'you can leave something now if you will.' 'What shall I leave ?' be asked. Leave yourself,' she replied. He left. If possible, avoid keeping fruit or vegetables in a cellar under the livng rooms of the house. If tbey must be kept there, allow no decayed vegetables of any kind to remain to poison the nir. It is especially important to attend to this matter as warm weather ap proaches. Joseph Harris says that an excellent manure for the gardener and fruit-grow er is made by mixing two or three bushels of bone-dust through a load of stable manure, and let the whole fer ment together. The bone dust increas es the fermentation, and the heating manure softens the bone. The whole becomes a strong fertilizer if the heap is properly attended to. —Once while Dr. 8. Johnson the literary bear, was talking very learned ly one of the company laughed. Thoroughly indignant Johnson turned on bim and said: 'What povokes your risibility, sir? Have I said anything that yon can understand? If i have I ask pardon from the rest of the com- pany. A correspondent objects to placing the reins around tbe waift when ploughing. Most accidents happen, be says, by having tbe lines around the waist, par ticularly with boys. It is almost im possible to get away without getting hurt, lie thinks it is easier to handle the team, and much safer, to bave the lines over tbe right shoulder and under the left arm. Then if the team starts you can bow your head and you are clear. There is a Judge whose bead is as bald as that of an American eagle. A little bv.y living next door has got it in to bis bead that lack of hair is insepar able connected with tbe title of Judge ; consequently, when a lawyer, whose head is densely covered witb hair, call ed and was addressed as 'Judge,' little Tommy shook bis beadandsaid : 'You ain't no Judge ; can't fool me.' 'Why am Ino Judge ?' "Cos year bair ain't parted wide enough,' was the guileless reply. Professor Taylor, of tbe National Agricultural Department, has discov ered that naphthaline is a valuable in secticide. lie says thai if needs, grain, dormant plats, viues, etc., be placed in any tight vessel, aiid a small quantity of the naphthaline introduced into the vessel and it then be covured, in a few hoars any insect that ma*/ infect them will be asphyxiated. Such treatment does not injure the seeds or plants iu the least, as careful experiments have shown. The market for Florida oranges— far greater iu this country alone than can lie supplied for many years to come—is likely to be enlarged in an unexpected direction. An enterprisi"g producer has sent from Jacksonville a trial box to London, where the fruit arrived in prime condition after a three weeks' journey. Only throe oranges were damaged en route. The I'a I Mall Quzette predicts that before long a thriving fruit trade will spring up between England and tbe Southern States. —No administration ever suffered by exposing and pnnis! ing crime commit ted in official affairs. It is the cover- up of tnjcb utfrirs wbicb floe* tbe j 31 AR C H Ist, 1881. Special Bargain, One Lot, 10 Pieces LIGHT BLUE SILKS, Extra quality and delicate shades, clear and fif sli. at the Bemarkable price of 45 cts- worth 75c to $1 per jard. NEW FOREIGN SETTINGS. Choice New I'laids. Choice New Home Spun Checks. Choice New Stockinette*. All 42 to 4fi inch (rood* at ?5c to St per yard. One case Extra Value aii<l Extra Wide. 40-inch COLORED CASIIMEKES. at *sc. Special Bargain*. Colored French Cashmeres, 37',c. suc and fi2',c up. On Sale To-day, too pieces 43-inch Black Cashmere, at up an L'nusual Bargain, 46-inch Black Cashmeres, at »'«c and ?i.«>. NEW FANCY BLACK GOODS. Quadrilles. I>akka Crepes. A rmurex. Jersey Cords, Brocaded silk Cashmere*. Choice Line* Re«t Makes Mourning Good*. Creiws and Cre|>e Veils. Shawls, kc. One case i)ouble Fold American Black Ke|>|>s, at 15c. for School Suits. Wrappers, &c., a great bargain and real valuJ Sc. BOGGS & BUHL, 118 and 120 Federal Street, Adi^L'frertv. V B —Special dose prices at retail or by the piece or package on Domestic and Goods Linens. Towels and Napkins. Very special bargains in Quilts and Bmiikef. "HOLIDAY"PRESENTS! 6RANP DISPLAY THIS WEEK AT Rosenbaum & Co.'s, 112, 114, 116, Market Street, Cor. Liberty Street, PITTfcrBUKGH, PA. FOE -BUT KIP GLOVES. "PUFCt'YTQ BILK UMBRELLAS, rIS. ALPACA l iIBKELLAB, LEATHER SATCHELS, PORTMONNIEB. PRFSFN'FN GENT'S CARD CASES, RXV-CORA* 10. BJI K MUFFLERS, Hli.K HANDKERCHIEFS, LINE* 11 AN J>K ERt HIKES. PRFBFNTS HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, I I A. EMBROIDERED HAKDKEKLHJEES, MOTTO HANI'KERtHIEfS, PT?I7QT?XRTC LIFXW, J ALOHii> 1 o. BREAST PINS. CLEF BUTTONS, PRESENTS. ?™ER!VEA\ SILK BUSPEN DERS, CARDIGAN JACKETS, PRFSF"VT S LACE SCARFS, 1 Vj* I &. GENT'S S( A RES, SCISSORS. KNIVES. t.nroPXTTO LADIES' FANCY SETS, PRESENTS. FUR SETS, I UR CAPS, TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS. And 1,000 other useful a* iKmerpo ICW f'FIC^S. A STRENCTHENER. A SU^^^WER. IRON" BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and eCeient tonic ; especially Indigestion, L'yspcpsia, Inter mittent Fcvcrt, Want cf Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack of l.'ncrgy, etc. ] 'nriclies the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new lil'e to the nerves. 1 hey act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing al 1 dyspeptic syiaptoms, such as Tasting the Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. Xlie only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading— sent free. DROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS PERRY DAVIS' S VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For Internal and E*tornal UE«, lr a SU.TE CUFtu for z!l the Disease! for which It I* rccommendeJ, :nd u ALWAYS PEnFLCTLY SAFE In the handi of It i.i I fare nr-J quick remedy for NOItK TUHOAT. CHI M,M, u.:.l iirili"r r trouble.*; cfTnrd* i.ntnni rrlitf in II,« mill ,na!ljt i..» J\ rv.t i f I- i i i !Tli I 111 A, ai '1 In tlie £ Known remedy li.r KIMII'jIATIH.'H and NKUUALULt. THE OLDEST, BLST, MM MOST WIDELY KNOWM FAMILY mmiHE Iti THE WORLD. It l«a» bet:i UM'd ivlt'.i until wonderful »nrre»«i <* p-ir « IA. uorld fir t'UA.XPS, CHOLERA, 1)1 Ali •tIUI.A, DYNUNTEKV, nil i.:i IK)«TIM O.IIPI,AINTK, thai u U HAS STOOD THE TC2T CF 40 YEARS'CONSTAT USE IrJ ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. It 1.1 RECOr.rMENOi:i> by riiynlrlnnm Mtaalonnilc-, illlrMlrn, iHauaficri of Plantation#, Work-Shol»o, Fartor10., Nn:aea "n everywhere *.vlio han <vor i+.ci It n tr!: l. IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LIMHKfcNT. It Rho::id always bo i * 1 f'.r i'r.lu lia t!»«* Ifn.rU and arl brine;, ;pretty md jrrmanmt rr'lef io all (JWAH Of BwlCCn* C'nfn, FprnSn*, vr -c ni:rn»t Hcaldm itc. NO rAMII-V €\\:t NATKLV PK WITIIOrT IT, II r.i!l •nnrti' jr minjr t'rr.n il4 cost in doctors* Wllit, aii'i It/. ? rit © l-iinfi It vlthh th«i ri'iuh c»f RP. It In no' lat s£«ic. 6Cf. ani It! .OO a lf.!t!e, rnJ can be rbtairoA frcm all drutftfiats. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. rM n n n REWARS fiLES IL 1111 ■I ■ PmtnidinK Pllaa t!.»t Uf rtli>K*» Pile | I bkU ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Remedy Ml- to cum ullnathn It. hlng, ai*urta tha "IB ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H H tiimo> (fl». • xmmrilvi'r rMlrf l'rr|mrad by J. P. Millar, M.U., 11l ■ Pbiludrl|.hik. I'# (<AIITION.-A"<i'fniiiw«nfrMwri/f - m hfHU conhtini hi •.liriiilurf ""</ « I'll* of Stonn. All dr-iggitit ami country iliim luve it or will get it fur you. YOUNG CLYDESDALE, Prince of Scotland, Can l>e ►een at the (table ot the rnba« rllx-r. lie n Lenn'irevHle Wliilb-ld towm-hlp, Butler t'o , Pa , the Hr-t three dnjmil each wei k.nnd Thun-ilny* and F Idnjra nt the (table ol J. *eph Kliek In Coylecvllle. PRINCE OF SCOTLAND Un beau'ilul J tJ'ple buy. rn-ini* t-lx yea's "Id, with ImnienM.' l.oi:e and muscle, i-uperlor action, and a i«tr)ecl loot, win rein most hi-'ivj ho ten lurk, and lor Ulumklilou l( nnexei lled ; (lunda hand* hljcli. weiiflm over 1,800 joi.tiiU. mid wat< bred liotr. one ot the fined draught horae# In Heotlmid. Further trace ol pert it r<-c l» un neeeMary. na hl« appearance will recommend hi 111 lo couil etent j'litve* KobEKT HEHSEI-OE-KEK, 20.- i)'2m Owner. AuilllorM Nollre. C.'M. AJ. Garriaon v*. A. Haffiier. In tb* Court of Common J'lean of li'it.er county. Pa., K. L>. No. '9, June Turn. 1881. The underfilled Auditor appointed by the Court in above caureto dintiibme the fund re alised fri ni a Nbwiiff'H aale of the |>*i.tonal pro perty of def'-ndarit to and among tlioae entitled, will attend to tlin dutien ot raid appoiiitmeni at the ofllcn of O A. A A. Hla< k in Uutler, on Tne»day. the IBi'.h day of April A. I> i»rti, at 10 o'clock A. M , of wbtcli ab ier one inter- MUd aoJUake uotice* A. T. BLACK. a&Mh AuOitt*. fKfee <EiH»*ts: UtstUtr, P«.» It. 1881. Two lot> Extri Choice Black Satin Damawes, lar-e elegant designs, at SJ 25 and ?2 Super yutd, S l cents per yard less than usual uiaiket value. „ ~ „ a , uI ,J Large line Satin Dainasses, at ?1.00. «1.-5 ana SILKS AND SATINS, Blacks and Color*. Colored Silks, 37'jC cents up. Black Silk-, of best ktiowu makes, including the celebrated Bonnet Goods. 1 arge lot Ladles' Miu.in Cn K'pvear. of superior style and finish, and at i. irgttin Ladies' L'nlaundried Muslin Chemises, on coun ter at 30 cents each. Choice line Bridal Set*, SI.OO to 520.00 each. New Hoti.ton or Irish f'oint Embroideries. New Veljxuiia • Lace Ed-n Embroideries. New HaiiibutSS-—bargains. New Bwi>s iind NaiiistK»k WJiknMdfcfjes. New While Goods rod Figuied >»wissbs. C.R YSTALENE. THE BEST ANI) CHEAPEST PAIN r l\ in the market. Il can be nseil on Wood, Iron. Tin, leather. Plaster or l'ii|>er. Mixed Kciid.y F<ir Une. A LI. C(>U iltS. It K»r* fuither. la*lh longer. lonki lietter and It OHEAPEIt than any otln r pa nt. I'or piintlnj; lIiHIKW, llarn*. Koofft, I'enr.-s, \V;ij-"IH, fir., IT HAS NO EtjCAl.. Cull ami e.amine Hamplea. J. C. REDICK, akvtan! A(j at v. lA/iUdi; i' A: Battle Creek, Michigan, ICaXXJFACrCBFUA OF THE OSLT GLNI IXX Traction and Plain Engines and Horso-Powers. Moat Cimrte'-- Thi .'niter Factory ; Established In -be V.OIM. > 1848 n UtliCC'/coslffnooM and u! buti. rl J ? C Hn-J nest. withr>::t evince of Mmo, ■ a W mri' - 'lr..-T>t, cr locate r, lo '• thick up '.hi traam uarrai: y gicen on all our gooat. mt; »OWT Complete SI cam Outfits of matehlMqvaht%*. finest Traction Knuiuesand Plain Kn«ine» fver seen in the ADien*yui inarket. _ A multitude rf spt -i! features and impraremer-U /or lrfl, tl>" bf r witll ruperi r V'aMl « «» eonetruf lion J.-.J »!<■'> rilit not i'.reamr.| of Ly < in^rj malitrg. Four mix," of Sepai-at. rs. t.om 6 to 12 horse C£" ac't' /"jr .•'< ._i m or Aorw roiftr. Trro stvit« -f •• Mounted •'|l^-r*-P<Mrer». 7 nrkA Feet of SeleeU \ l.nmber SllU|'J Jy (/rowilr'eto h c y^ir»air.dried. ooim:on »uui't, from which » bu.'t the iti. coioparr bla wcwi-work of our machinen-. Is!I,OiIONEN3!HESfe) Sfror* 7r ,r- ' di:r 1 bl- .trnd efficient ever nar / K-. I*. S. 10, ia Uorflfl Power. | jH/ nn<( 1 itret&eroion are Lnvitod to J!Tt*titrate thSK mei'-rh'tuTlirtiiams ibSwTT' Gipcrilara sent froa. Addre^fl NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO. "attlo Creek. Mlch"£«n« Ayer's Hair FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY A?*D COLOR. IT ti most ng;v£:.Mo dressing, wiiich '* at oace li.'rinl- »* «i!<l efiuetu;:!, for pre serving the Lair. Tt f c*?'^t?»e gloss iuicl freshness of youth, fan... " light, ami red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, aa may be desired. Dy its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness oftcr though not always cured. It checks frtllinj of the liair immediately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands an not decayed; v, hi!e to ! rashy, weak, o otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitalit ami strength, and renders it pliable. The VI.JOII cleanses ;!:0 seal;», cures ant prevents t';i formation if dandruff: r.:id by its cooling, stiinulaling, ::a I soo:'iin; properties, it, heals most if not : H of i!n humors and diseases peculiar to tin scalp, keepii.g it ci I, clean, ami t;;ft, u:ider which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. A3 a Dressing for Lndia3* H.iir The VIGOR is incomparable. It is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not sil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as r.n article for the toilet il is economical and unsurpassed in its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical ;i:»<1 A nulyt h nl CliAmlKtu, Lowell, Mass. HOLD UY ALL UUUOUIBT9 K\ LRVWIIEUC E. Gr K 1 E B, ;dealer in fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KirTDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET. (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA- ZW WATCHES AND CLOCKS REPAIRED. AND WARRANTED -«■ I H R O P!BAT KIDNEY REGULATOR /I A7> MUIIK TIG. KII>NK(!KN i* highly re 'oi.imcmlcd and tin * pnrpiiH-i'ii tor wkak of run, kiunkys, mcor- SV. UKU'MT'S iHSKAXK. I.OSM <>l I.VKIKiV. XKIIVIH S lillUl.lTV, or any MIIM ICIITIMNS arising from <il! \ VKI, or It I. A I>l >1- I! I>l SI;ASKS Also for V 1,1.1.'>W I KVIII, 111 «M>l>inxl KIDNKV I'OI.HON'INO, ill Inffi'tttl in iilarial Wellon*. I'.v ill' dist Million - 1 a li ilt I.si I.K.VK with .11 Ml I'll Hf.Kl.'llS nml IIAKI.KY A. AI/l we liiivi' dl«envcre<l l< 11 >N'Ki •I' N. which item speci fically on III" Kidney* ami I nnarv Mrciiiis, rc liioviiii; deposits In I In* Hliddej ami any -training. Miiwirtliifc. ln*at or irritation in lii« water patHiiuc klvliik llh-iii stren/lh. vigor ami causing n healthy i oior iiinl easy flow of i.rnn*. It ran lie taken at all times, in all climates. h it hunt injury in tln* Mill-in. I' ii !lk«* any other |>ri'|>itriillon for Kidney iflftleultlc. it has a very ii'easanl anil agrcealili taste and flavor. It contains posit jve <l:nr<-I:<■ pro perties anil will not nauseate. I .tulles ejiielallv w 111 like it. ami (icntlcuicn will flml KII)\K(iK'S' the I test Kidney Tonic ever uieil ! N(ITH'K Kaeh bottle hears the Kignature of LAWRKNt'K A MAHTIN. also a Proprietary liovemnienl Stamp, which permit* KIIiNKCKN to be Willi i\v ilhoilt llecteei liy druggists, grocers nml other pemnnn everywhere. I'iit nil in Quart-sl<* Roith -lor Central ami family f'«e. LAWRENCE & MARTIN. Prop'rs Chicago II {fjr-Holil |>y Urnggl'ts. flr*»eepi ami l icaleiy i:\ijivjiiuu a u"'Ll'V LAW lilvM/lifc: M A I.HI v y© ( o irarfwy tKrjTj'iy AN OLD SAYING Tells us that ' Xothinjr Succeeds Like Success." Very true, but what h made our wonderful success? It must lie because we as Lave shown the people how to MAKE A DOLLAR ! Go almost twice as far ns it did previous to our opening, a little ovci four years ago, for the most powerful magnets to draw THE CROWDS Is to give the public goods at prices that they can find nowhere else. It pays to »ell goods low, ami we mean to do it The attractions which we offer in the assortment, in the quality, and AHOYE ALL In the prices, are such that no one can resist to the Largest Clothing Hou»c in Western l'pmjsyiytMiia, Kaufman's Cheapest Corner 83, 85, 87 SISITHFjEip SJREET, 83, 85, 87. CORNER DIAMOND. I.B'o MenV Serviceable Suits at f-i g\ extra fjropirly -i»cd, with rt .Jew to durability. 375 Men's Gray Cashmere Suits at #:{ SS, m-i!iutil and d" rk colors. !*NI Wen's Shepherd Plaid Suits at $4 37, in the uobbiesi patterns imaginable, light colt red, worth #7 50. aQ- 0 Men's Stolih Chivoit Suits at f'i 50, over 90 putteics, handsome fty'es ai.d worth fiO. 2.500 Meti'.-i Kxtr.i Fine IJress Suits at t'.' 76. in Imported H'op-ted, U'.igpt sj, Genuine J£nir li-h i'ns*iti ere and I'lievlut*, worth tlti.'.O, Ihi* Htic-t e\Vr shown a- <1 piosi divided Imfx/dli*. 1,340 Cbd reu's Suits at #1 I'J, we 1 made. UtW t f:lHt"euV CiUslinere' Snitrf tti #1 §l, 4f> p«l ; S7» Clii.rfre.i's sT[ne pre«H Suit* at #:t Cyl. worth 55 50, Tricot .Hid Fine Worsted. l.'ifiO I? >i>s. ii'ort •"■►ill -a i *2.- ij),' in UO <lit!i p-jil d. tdeli*, worth #4 50. I.HK> IV" \s' Cheviot and 'OuMtniK ic Suits iir ti iO, Jiai >«m f ne li-iit and d..ik Pijtt.iri.B. 2 000 L'ojFine Diets c'uits at 12, in Imported Wort ted .it'll Tileo', worth lull}" tV 03. Our Hat & Gents' Furnishing Department, 110 dozen dojcc VI. ;i',i ly Lite |'n!:uinriiled Shirt* at wo: lb 60c. 400 dozen Men'fc S.'ifiu Ti s, p.Mon ii Kn'de. at 2-K'. vyurlli SJ.jjf'O dozen Men's Extr.i Quality SuspciKlers at'24c, worth' 50c. 300 dozen Men's Heavy evoit Sliitts at 24e, wuitli 4e. 500 iloicn Mm'- ( olori c) Lkbl fercaie Shirts a! 43.-, L'p ilijlcrent J alt- rns, wonh l^c. ii s?ok iliijjdl:i;vh[«r}g nil Iji'e in vv cojorjt 10U do/in .Men's TV Hire aiitlli nV ujc, '-n ij'.iJ nofll, f -800 czi II Men's Sc ire t :ips at I 4c, woi'll; W ' '' v * ! 0 dozen Mil:'.- Ftiic liasKet Worsted C:i| s at 25e, worth 50c. 75 dozen CliililieiiV 1 uilums at 25c, .ill .-izes. 250 doz> r. Cl.i dren's 'I elt—eo; e II it- at "''.lc, worth 70c 75 doziti Men'- S;.\< uy Wool Soli Ha's a: Hie, wortli fl. H) doyi ti nV if Ipl 11 ii» at 4Uc, fa.-li'n nnhle. 2,.'(X)' y!frii'» F.jdnt F'jte Wot! :"d Fur IJate M ever} shape iiu'.i ■')'»•, fjnJt auii at iO, wi nli «'l.sonnd 1175. * ' ' All tjie Butt qnaiiiif's at j roportlonaiply lo#- prices, ■Bf ■ . 1 11 Our r>epai-tiuent was never an a" now, tor it i< titallis ii.dtKCtntn s iu..i aic iirtsirtaLle. 2,.«»<) I*, i h Wor-ted I',ii.ts at *1 12. ten i'itl. rent pattern*. t.SiH) Union L'asfiti'fre fanls at #! it!, choice new design*. 810 Import)<l Uontl.'d ai.d Fihf Cl« 11l P-Uitß f f , «!"i '»ro quil in cve:y renptct lo tin,.;' made lo order nurl wonh #5, All) «l fhv ibuv-' In Whir «» w |»rli»g l(u((0iii«. In cur Merchant Tailoring Ecpertmer.t ! .All-Wool l* »i: 1 s*. In Worrie d, I) ajr r'hexi »f, etc., I»«»ra #■» HT u*>. All-wool in Scotch B I , liu;*orlt*d n Mi' KtdfiTa i.'iCkr pfcitCoiuE', Sit to S7 Kii»ill*fi«lU M.. ••or. ItlniiiAiiil. Our (rood-t and | rices are to-day what c:rnint 111 >rt and tirelcsi indu-fy li.'i made tlieni A Siandlnir Wonder to the Tinde and a Delightful Surpiisi to our Van) < u.Monieis. • Krcij thing wairiuited ex -et y as ri | ic-tntid by our sa!«.-no-i , and We hold ourxeives ready lo relui d the money, should iinvtliing prove otliei w;»<■. (Sooils #enl by Ex|iit»<, U. O D , Ic an) desired ud dre-s, « ith ti e| 1 ivilegi- 10 opi I,by n inlnlnir e* pie--10/c. WIIOLESAI.K AN|) WHY DOES ' !i • "ton break down ftt uu early age? rut a man lit the wi *!;-!*».» . » !:• ,tad 4 until every pore is opened; then let hint stand o"er too lutt. . • » :i-aMlr;g and boiling clothes, Hint a;e full of sweat and Lobulation i . .J. < lijal.ii tjo would break down before long; and yet till* must terrible or-ioa. * A WOMAN I t'-ro—'i with or, wash-day; and, betides. with her c!othing wet from fersp.rrv ... .■ ■ 1..w t.» risk her life by K 'i"g out in the air to hang up the clothe*. .v. : w. r't are in the unhealthy atmosphere; it* smell, so apparent to visitors, sin w • .■-i it .'>i"U its way through the house,—the family, however, olteu becoming wi aceu« . i. t'i'j I 'Tiiliar odor from IM own wash as uot to notice It. These facts readily <v \. : : > laauy women t-.uilcr with cold*, rheumatism. weak nerves, or neuralgia. and LOOK OLD !c y. t voting In years, and phyfelana and boardsof I%UtT!IH (S&iint flrajy t.o .i !v i» the iujurf>u* elleru of tlio usual way of waabing, with it* neccsnuy . # II /J ..Mm'; i f Nailing to get the clothes pure and swcet-smelllng, especially as at 1* without doubt I t.i" direct < VUMJ of those dreadful disease*, diphtheria, consumption, and typhoid ftvtr .. lunal: lv ibi* trouble can l>e avoided; scalding, boiling, steam and all disagreeab.J - '1 f *om the wi- i completely done away with; clothes made sweet and beautifully white; 11 • acina in fiui tlir uxuh done at l'ss cott than cxvn when h'mwmaiU toap it i ued, and very much SOONER THAN / • - <:i waysV tWrig Nfc HIUU+UM «MF,-a Boap so purifying and cleansing .t the d.rthsrt clothing can be washed ui lukewarm »-««*;* >v:th very little rubbing, ami ithe*. bedding and utensils ti ed by the sfck fltoltiiected ana &fcfct)U\ without either A lint' r boiling, while the work Is so light that a girl twelve or t£Utt*V liiii if 1> w i:.li without being ti ed; ami yet *o mild and healing is this Soap that fiSr plilet and . ivii-' it hut n > equal. and physician* advise its use in preference to Imported Castile . oap on wo'jn'U fit! s»re* und Haul liU) youngest infants, as well as for i>u* ons with delicate .-k'.n. ;;,JW Unit theri is a remedy futUik tu Hwt tfavwrat can ate it, there is not n woman or A MAta r. 1, I |1 r.it directly Interested In having used In their homes, In sp!t« of prejudice, YHA-T W. NIMiifKUL WA Y OF WASHING CLOTIIEB, which doe* away with the hard work ofiesmive «mei: und fearful steam on wash-day*. makes the white pieces whiter, colored pieces brighter and I - .If'i I jft( r ihau tlu-v can be inarle by washing the old wuy. lcuvc* the hand* hmootli enough U> do line towiu< mid overy article as clean, an sweet and as puro as If never worn. - Kr'.m xi. B ttoryi ci If I)., Ifßmmonton. N. J., IC iitor Smith J*r*ry fwpUhi.iknt ;'y ti I. xi Lion was callcfl to SI iiOAI.XJ# s(»\P from an advertisement lu iny nwi| paper, a.:.1 it 4 us--l:i my huiiMß lur nearly ay#.ir.according lu the illreetluns. has proved tliat lu r.-umrknlilh i .ii i"rti"« li ivo »»t ix-cn ov« ri<»te«l. J-'or remov ink .1 Is Invaluable, wlill« for toilet u.,'l sliuving it IS the best Hoap 1 tiave ever WMI. :n Mrs. 11. 1,. KCTVOM, Northfleld, Vt. I lo inv wash with Fit A N K SI IJDA M.S HOA P In • /' INo'linie and with noe«|>ens« for Hoap, «» the | nln ftu-L mot r than ixtyl/ur U. 1 Imvn iiosU-uiu ! r '<. .'iil from "!<• wash, while the saving In I ...il:li, clot lit's ana tabor can hardly bo estimated. rum K. W. HTANTO*, i.'itifi N. 'Jlth St., Dillada. i.> ; ,re enr.fldent. from a long experience <» ■ iic .oi l recoi'HMit.uj ;.■!( I'ItANK MIPDALIA ■ I", rb.it one trial, iuS:rirdltli,' iu WIJ. JIJV e* ■ i,i i|iPreetiotm,willovereomeallpriuufltort. i ) r0..;.; won.lci .ul merit for fhaving, toll it, < fill Diving are the Direction* for llir, »o simple thai a child can understand them, ■t do anything so rldloulous u* to buy the Soap unless you Intend following tkrni. •U I'lltif !'J forfeited If U h\Jurrs the clothe*, »r will not ilo every thin a rlnlmrit. fit, put the white clothes in a tub of water, only made warm enottKli tobocor-fortubla liar.tl.4. Then take one piece out at a time on the wash-board, rub the Soap liijlu'y .1, roll it up ivinl pu{ i} back into the same tub, and so on with each piece until nil Cic Soap rubbed on them. Then M" ftO 1 ) lp- th,,,n Rt ' pn,,t twenty mii.u!c». •:t loucliiiix tlicm, when the ilirt will ail be loosened, and a »ec,- lilllo rubbing on '.i board, out of that one suds, will make them perfectly clean, being particular '• ■ h piece while washing HO as to get at the seams. Then wash lightly on tli? :!,r >u »li a lukewarm rinse-water (without any Boap,) so a* to get the dirfv su it through blue-water, and on the line, without Molding ur boiling a *'•■ r J j .;( flannels and colored p:eee* to souk, ard wash theni exact.y , Important rot to t:eai «.!*«* rin a tin, britss or copper Uettl.*. : ciiMigii water for a large wash with this fcioap. ' h What You will Save by this Easy Way of Washing! i \vush-boUcr! No Steam! No Smell of Suds through t! • i marhable Property of keeping the Dnh-Cloth, IV a : o -<jc always Sweet, und of Washing Freely in Hum BY GROCKHB.^ Oaks and Try it for Yourself next Wacf. < v/l.orn tills flotvp la not, yet Introduced a Trial Calcn wilt b. . i.lali, on receipt of Prlc\ (10 in Money or Stampe. ?r LL crT ERS FRANK SIDDALLS s?' ' "■ f ? iMHfMTT,L ST.. PHILADELPM'* jQ b'»mi» j , A CnMfWID* »l I!ii^limii7m^ « n COOl"T 'lav at h'-inc. Hi'lir-lcs woi-lli 'O Ot<>. AdtlifSS »Ti*»o> & CO., I'ortlaiiPf Matotf and all household uses. *t:d as It become-, more generally known, must have an Immense sale. fc'ronj a{f*s. a. RTOCK WKt.l., llamniunton, N. J. KIUNK SlDDAtti* Hw-J* I.ss breii ««ed In niy Mouse (»ir the la.it seven ilionfh*. itirt Urbdiow lug the printed dlractlona, we Hint II lo StiWr)- tl.lng claimed on the wrappers. V> have not si aided or boiled a single ar|lele,«in<i fhr ci' lhtt <ll r. vhitrr and IvftT Uwn ivhm untlu'l In IM ohl teny. !M y husbniid, wlio is a dn-mr hero, has a steady dumand for the Moap I/O lu III* ciuitomeriL From MANAOKK OR I>r*TKR R.AR»NHV SOI SJitti •Street, Corner C Htrevt, N.W., Washlnxton. I), t. No laundry or family cin alTbrd to be without FRANK H11)I)AI.I.H HOAP. We lollow itlrec tlona and use nootherßoap. and have n reiiuUilli.n tecond to no laundry 'n Washington for white clothes; the superior work we have hei n rnutilisl in i u , u uut jiavlnj secured us the trade of some of the best gertltumeu a store* lu the city. Kiillt r lor ( liarlrr. Notice |h hcrcl.y riven that *c the undcrslgn • <l. Willi 111 111 l>. Ipljt'Pfl to ll|l|.l> to III* KxCll- Uncy, Hi iry M ll'yt, Itii* tJotcrnor oi I|.l --(' luiiM iiueiilt'i of I'enuiyhnuhi, on the Itltli da* oi May A. I>, IWI. lor a charter ol Iniiir pin.-itlnr und< r Ihf nnmc nml Mile of the Hnld iiidge fill ntid Trim*l oi tut lon ("• in puny for the puipone o| hoiliig, drllllnir. nuniuic. Ac., lor oil and L-nv ni <1 i'liying, ndllny, ti»lif|nirtlujT. Ac., «.II ai d imik In the rounllrMif Butler. Hi river and Aih vhenv, 111 the Mute ol Fttm*)ivittila, with the piliuipiil I fllee In the »>• rough of I'll tier. IIAKVEY C'OI.BEKT, JNO. H. CAM PHKI.L, H. < HIfnEI.TON, FEKI). KKIHK« w.'rt BBVioOiC - f -jy t>rrr-,. r^y^i ITHEt Chicago & North-Western »t * ■ ■, %% «. •>*,' Is the OLDFST : 'H>T CO\ST|il til- D! BEST r.t.n U'i'V.li : and hence the LEADING RAILWAY OF THE WEST AND KORTHWEST. It is the short and best fouti- between Chicago an.! all points iu Northern Illinois low -.. Dakc:a, Wyoming. Ne braska, California, Arizona. l"t::h, Colo rado, Idaho. Montana. Nevada. and lor COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA l»K.\ V Kit. L.KA DVI 1.1, !;, SALT LAKE, SAN FRANUISCO DEADWOOD. SIOOX CITY, Cedar Kupids. l>e» Myinvs. Columbus ami all rtiints In the Territories, and Ule West. ' Also, lot Milwaukee, Creen Hay. Oslikosh. Sheboygan. Marouette, Fond du Uic, Wateitown, Houghton, Neeiiah, Mcna»ha, St. l'aul, Minneapolis, Huron. Volna, Furgo. B:sin;:reK. Winona, I*a<'rosst», Ovvatonna, and all points m .Minnesota. Dakota. Wisconsin and the Northwest. it JV u »" i' I Hi 1 it«.y ot iUy t-ltwaco *. N>'lin-lf\e»trrti :r(id the I . r. ft'yv duptirt ftoiff, cnhe at and uve the s:.pie Joint Vnlon Depot. At Chicago. close connections nre made with the Ijike Shore, Michigan ( cntral. Baltniiore & Ohio, Ft. Way ne m:d Pennsylvania, .indCklrago & Grand Trunk K'ys, and the K:>.nkakce and Pan Handle Routes. Close connections made at Junction l'oints. It is the 0.\1.y J.J>li tunning Pullman Hotel Dminy tars ■pETWEEN Chicago and Council Bluffs. PullliK'l'. S'.c-t.|iers oil ;.',i M|.'tu f ralili. Insist I'l'Oti iicki't Agents 'firing you Tickets \ia tins road. Fx; luii.e ydnr Tickets, liiid refuse to buy II tin y do not read ov» r the Chicago * Ni t'.h-W est cm Kr.i'.way. II you wish tl'.e Test Tiaveliiig Accommodation* vou v.ill huv \eur Tickets I v tins ronlo, ty»"A\l) \VIIX TAKE' NONE OTHEE. All Ticket Ac< nts sell Tickets liv this I.ine. MABVIN llft Hin. 2d \ P, ft Uen'l Mar.c r ilSfliifuppii Ist. Bevy seven fours l)oblMiii;i $ KEeelr 8 c ol J Oil I' €*l Off »% Sin!, Ask ta> glvt yon si bill of if* &«S. ITS aII us hi* hill itiuS y oifer lie 12 a<!flre*s', •!t)i. VTp \yill mail \oi) FRKt Fcvcii bea'.iijjul ii l fi-S ors and gold, rcj>ii Bfiitjng Mutk« peaie's "Seven Ages el Aian. I. L. CRAIGIN & Co., JlO South Fourth Street, Pliilmlelphia. Pn. ; froiifaula hyaoing for bvcTybccly} , Businessmen 4f,*i farmers, inini.;ffj», a d ail who arc firedJ out hy the constant t ni *i.J worry qi >our work 'j don't into*i'-aii ig l»it»rr>. t*i»i J | Are vou s itxenug Inua Khcttr .tism, or widi Uowcl, Liyci 'Urinary complaint*, you can b« cured by using < amiiEHni3aSi2nE » If you are wasting .-way witli Lotisumptiou, fe |male weakness or any sickness ; if ycu have . pain-] iulcoush or h.id cold, vn will find sure relief in ( sipation, <>tui your iyslcm ntcd> im'p irntinc. or If yuu h>v« uiiaplos and b|oii hc<, ?ntl yo»r Uixkl !ne«d» uurlfylng. veil C4H «lwsv ilrp'ml ,Made from Ginger, Buchu. Mindrik*, Sl.llinois and many other o t'v«>l)est medicines known it i% the B««t Health aid StraiqtS Retforor Ever U»ed, an«! is far superior to ilitter*, F.siencci ofl (finder and other T mics, as it intcxicataa. and com Sines the b M curative properties of all. It flat Sufod llanffrrds of Mtcl; It Hay '' t-ar« Ttiqra. 1 buy it 50c. pot tit t>t Scfc.V Ji' -i 1 - vi«l' 'countcrtc»rH dc i 'ire otlr r.cn.ittire i%»on <h»»oin side wrapper. Hi*.cox A ( . N. Y. > 1 1 r ■ 'llllO ' >AA - Parker's Hair Balsam. Contain inn «»»«y inie»cd.*ntfc ,<..4 to the hair and «ca!p, tna wi'l l»-r f >ll na far more satisfactory than any other preparation. It KtT«r Falls to Hoatorr dray or Faded Hair to the*wrii{inal youthful cr lor and is warranted to removedindtuif. prevent baldness and atop tailing of the h.iir. AW<r by druggists at 3c ants. .fflj PAD o|tlulons ol the Publle, The I'a<l» srti well. so»>thl pl|i chronic cares of Kidney trouble them, ami tlmy report »n imtirovenient and think much of tbera. A. L. ItOHDOCK A CO.. Druggists. COURTNEY. TEX AH. Tour Pud bns done mo mole jjood th«n any Heuiwly I over used. JAB. B. CALLAWAY. lIT. PI F.MFNri MICH. Your )'ad ban n'tieil 1110 of I'ain Ii ih(> and Kidney Trouble. M. J. HUl'tlll. Add loss DAY KIDNE;Y PAD CQ., HOLE PROI RlETOttd, TOLEDO, - - - OHIO. lj. V■ KPPIL'K. Atjent lor Butler fo. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN On fli<* I oka ol* A Li dure on the Mature. Treatnn id and 11«I --i '#l cure of Seminal Weakness, or Hpermator- I'luna l/.du.iAd by He If-A js«. En'is kii ns liiijs tencjr, Nervous DebilltJ". and Ira l'edinieiits to Man lave generally : Consuni|ilioii l pilepttv an. Fits: Mn.lal and I'livnieal Inca pacity, *Ac.— ]iy ItOIIFI.T J. CUI.VI ItW ELL, M I) . author < f the "Oiicn I!ook ' Ac Ihe woild 111 owned author, iti this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from bis own expeiicnce that the awful'consiqui ucee of Hell Abuse may be effectually nmoved without dangerous stir | gleal opera)ions, bougies, in»f rnments. rings or 1 ccrdialH ; )>oititiiig out a mode of euro at once ! cer'ain anil effectual, bv which every sufferer, 110 matter wha» bis ci minion m»y be, iu*y cure liinirelf rlu a|>lv. piiviteW and radically. ! ff 1 ' liis I.eciure will prove a boon to tbou sandn and thousamis. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addros, on receipt of sit cent aor two portage i-tntnpa We have also a >ure cute for Tapo Woiin. Aildiees THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO , 11 ANN UT., N» W YORK. N. Y.; fet 0-1 y Post OBlcc Box. 4fcsg FKItHIH A IlMOn, ♦JiiNtic© of tlie Peace Maiu alivvl, oppo Hi Posioßlee, «|'i ZKLISMU'LIC , PAi TiiAVELEBS* GUIDE. UTLBK, KAKMS CITY AND PARKER RAILROAD 1 raius leave BntUrr lor St. Jot', Millerstown \arns Cily, Peuolot, Purler, etc., a( 7.27 a. m » Am! 2.25 and 7.25 j>. m. / Trains »J"rive *i Butler from the above 7 \ 7 *" 111 * nd *•>». and 7.15 I. ni. rhe 3.15 train conm-ci* *ilk tralu on the West Penn rond through to Pittsburgh. AHINIXOO AND ALLKOHENV RAILROAD Trains leave Milliard's Mill, Butler county lor Harrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7JSO A. m' tod 2.25 p. iu. Trains arrive at Hilllatd's Mill* at 1:45 A. k 4iid 5:55 P m. '* Hacks t<> and from Peirolia, Mr.ninsborr. rainiew, Moiiocaiul Tiomuian, connect at Mil- Mid witla ail trains on the s A A road. I'INNSTLVAMA RAILROAD. trains leave Butler (Builer or Pittsburgh T:uie, Market at 5Hi a. in., goes llnuivli lo Alle fbeuy, air. ring at U.Ol a. m. This train ton i:ect» at Fri-epoti with Frecport Accomnioda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. m., nilruaii time. Ej.furu at 7.21 a. m., connecting at Busier Joiietiiiu, without chauge of car*, at 8.2# with Exp.cis west, arriving In Allegata at #.5« «. iu., and Express east fcrriviug at Blsirsvllle it 11*55 a. m. railroad time. Mail m 2.2»» p. m., connecting at Butler Junes tion without change ol cars, with Exprea* «ul tri iving in Allegheny at 501 n. at., and Ex.' pres; east, arriving at BbOrsvUlu lnterwxiion it 5 55 p. in. riilroad tiuie, which connects w'th Philadelphia Kxprcas cant, when ou time. The 7.21 a. iu. train connects at Biairtvltl* it 11.<15 a. iu. with the M-ill east, and th§ in. iraiu at «.SS» with the Philadelphia Ex. press e:ist. Trains arrive at rtn Wetl Penn R,K. at a ' 'H • *•s)' P- 1,1 • Butler lime. The ».otl auil 4 5* trains connect with trains on the Butlyr & Parker R. R. Main Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh tor th* Katt it. 2.5ti and B.2<i a. in. and 12 51, 4,til una riu xi., art:v;ng at Philadelphia tit 440 and 7.20 p. m. and 3.00, 7.0 afld 7.4W a. at Baltimore About l()t- »;iUJii m New York thrpf lectin aitr, auJ at nasbtngion about one and a hall tours later. Tliu« ol Holding C'«ttrlH. The several Conrta of tlie oouutv of Butler commence ou the fi.et Monday of MArrh. Ju«. September UK] December. And «vmuine two Wwfh pr $0 lopg ae n ceqewry <o dispone of the business. No causes are put down for trikl of traverse jurors summoned for Hie first week of '.be seveial terms, ATTOfiyBYti""AT uf BUTLEE, PA. A. M. CORKELIUS, Ofllt e with W. r> Biaudou, Buig Building, Maiu bluet, Duller, Pa, T fiis®" Office with L A. M CTTXNINGHA.M| Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa, Office on K. E. coiner Li~L.ond, lUddle build 'uß .novl'J JOHN 34. QWPU. ' Office 011 N. E. corner piacicng. ofiOce wnh w H. u K»q- MiVVTON iUaCK, Office on Diamond, near C'curt House, south E. i BHL CiH, OHicelu Kiddie's Law BtuJUlnjr. s. y. lip Office in Law »'P j. ]i. a;<jr> fillw. B|winl atlcii(iii|i jtlfeii to uo|iec||o|i* Ollic oi l I*l it \\ ji|ai(l ilpusf. Offiiu noith-eust comer of Oioaioud, Buihi H. H. GOUCHER, Office in Sehnsideman's bttildiug. npetaiia. J. T. DONLY Office near Court House. r • 74 ebl7-75 in Rerg's b^iidijijf CLAJIENCP WALJ£ Offiue in Bipdip bui|d»up- %|rl7—t ~ FKJi'p HEJUKUT Office Iu Berg's new building, Maiu stiost.aptfl J F M. EAST VAN, Office in Bredin building. LEV. McQUISI ION, Office Main stiwet, t door south ol Court Douse m p. Office Main street, 1 door sopfh of Coflft llo||ae. Wm A, KOHQUKR, •JT Office ou Main aireot, opposite Vogbia/ House. GEO. H. WHITK, Office N. E. corner of Diamond |s ryjtyTAfJck^ Office wiib Qen. J N. i'uniauce, Maiii sltuel, south of Court House. J. "p. IjejyNEftf, Offl.c In l>«|ld)pir, ypgt tide of Mum Biraii, 30d Stijuit; Ifow tVUiI HfiU'C: ~ A~G. WMIiLIAMS, " Office ou Diamond, ITTO door* west of Cmzn office, ap36 T. C. CAVI'BELU Office in Berg's now building, 2d floor, east side Maui st., a few doors south of LfouKj. toil's t ( ~' suwjv4fir * i * may 7 Office t». W. cor- of JJi»nion4- Hi.ACK A BHO.; Office on Main street, one door sontb o. Brmly lilock, Butler, Pa. (eep. 2, 1874. JOHN M MILLER A BRO. Office iu Brady's Law Buil'ling, Main street, south of Court House. Eooent O. MILXJIR, . ml !? THOMAS ROBINSOJT, BUTLER, PA. JOHN H. NEGLKY, particuiai attention to tranaaotione IH real estate throughout the oounty. OrncEos DIAMOND, REAR CODUT HOUSK, IS CITIEEN ntniJltMO E. K. ECKI.ET, KaKMKDr MAK*ai«X. (I.ate ol Ohio.) KI'KLEY A MARSHALL. Office in Brady's Law Bullrflutr. Rept.9,74 C O. CHKISTIK, Attorney at /.aw. /Aignl business carefully tnu,i<Ai«id. tliilleutiou* tnt>||' epi| propiptiv remitted, llitslnes- correspondence promptly attended to and itiuwered. OfUce opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. _ JOHN R BYBRB, mySIOIAN AND SURGEON, T T H 1 I I) f uiyMl-ly] HI'TLBR. PA. ' Office on JeffiTHon »treet, oppowlte Kliiixlcr'u Store. DENTISTS. ~~~ LD EUSI TISTRY^ OM WALDRON. Orrduate ol the Phil- H adelpt'ln Dental College,!* prepare' • I* •to do anything in the line of his proles lon In a satisfactory manner OflljV 011 M«|p street, puller, Union bloc|t ( op stairs, ' »(i|| ' IVrOTICE. Notice is hereby given that to application will lie made to the Stale Pardon Boanl, at it* meeting on 2iHb May, 1881, for the pardon of William Storey, convicted in the Qtlarter See* sions of Butler county, Pa., on a charge of for very and euibeulement.