Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 11, 1881, Image 3
MB. J. H. BATES. Newspaper Advertit-in. Arent. 41 Paik Bow (Time* BniUUnr), Ne York, ia antlioriied to contract for advertiwi moot* in tbe CrrtzKc. Hill I Q Y) A DVD marhe found on flic at (V© XUJLO x Ai JCaXW p. Rfhrell A Co'* NVwsp..ppr Advrrtuinjt nurpaucufipnicr Su*, vrbrr* contract« 13 /le raadTfor It IW KEff VOI« H Rev AdveritM-nieplH. Rentiers Notice. IJICP Curtain"! Cornice*, etc—Holuman. New combined Mower and Reaper—Bere & Cvpher. 'Notice regarding Bui'er and Summit town ship's boundary line. Widow's Apprai*ment». Road Reports an<" Final Account* for JoneTerni. K.OCHI and Ueneral. Anybody can apply Crystalene Paint. J. F. T. Stehle's. John Brown's widow is destined to die rich. Collections for her benefit are coming in liberally. West Penn at J. G. & W. Campbell's. Blue eyes will be the fashion this summer, and mouths will be cut wider and more open than last year. All kinds of ready made shirts, at J. F. T. Stehle's. At tbe diattllery in Freeport last w.inter they fatteued 000 bulls for tin meat market, on swill and hay. The largest line of cutlery in the county is kept by J. G. & W. Caropl>ell. A San Francisco court has decided that a roan baa no right to whip bis wife after be is divorced from be r . —Good violins for one dollar, at J. F. T. Stehle's. —The American Agricultural Asso ciation seems in earnest about holding a national agricultural fair next season. New Warrior Mower, lightest draft machine made. Jos. Niggel A Bros., Agents. —Tbe New York Herald says sui cides are unpleasantly numerous, and adds, but none of tbe right people kill themselves. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring Mtablioliment uo. to be had elsewhere in tbe county. —Twoscore of Mormon Shepherds have started for Europe, for the home supply of lambs in Utah does not meet the-demand. A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movement a* low as #lO, at E. Gbikb'B. —Mr. G. W Connell, a former ton sorial artist of this place, but of late years of Montgomery, Alabama, is vis iting bis friends here WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, ha* just opened the lament line of woolen* for men and dots wear ever offered in Butler. —Prof. Proctor's discoveries of heavenly bodies must be taken with a grain of salt for a few days. He was married lately. —The Bald Ridge Oil Co. located yesterday, about twenty r-oda west of the present line, on the John Huselton farm. —The celebrated Eiphmie shirt, with a bosom that cannot break or wrinkle, at J. F. T. Steble's. The multiplication of wires for tele phones and telegraphs has led to con siderable discussion of the feasibility of laying wires under ground. —Don't buy a plow till you have the Topiado at J. G. 4 W. Campbell's, But let, Pa. —A younp lady has just died of too much cosmetics. Some tbousandf more are threatened, if quantity of paint •nd powder is a reliable symptom. r We will sell you a black Gros Grain Silk at 80 cents, which we guarantee equal to any SI.OO Silk sold in Butler county, at RITTEE & RALSTON'S. —'Rock the Cradle, Baby's Sniffling,' is the titje of the latest ballad. We itre gltu) to nptfee that the gorip writers of America are getting down to domes tic subjects. [C«m!>n<k'eport (Mww.) American Pnitextaiit.'! A lady friend of ours called the other day and Mated that her husband bad seen St. Jacobs Oil advertised in our paper; he used it for rheumatism and was convinced of its merits. —The New York bakers of whom shout 4,000 struck on Monday of last •reek. demanding more wages and less hours, succeeded in compelling submis sion on tie part of their employers. —Druggists say that Lydia H Pink ham's Vegetable Compound is the best remedy for female weakness that they ever heard of, for it giveg universal satisfaction. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass, for pamphlets. —The Cunard line of steamers has made arrangements to bring four vessel loads of emigrants to the United States this week. If the other lines keep up tfeeif epd yre!Jl bp wpntipgajjotbef vtr j r 6vis 800||. —Charley OrlebV display of s-pring and summer hots, for men and boys, neckties and scarfs, hosiery, summer underwear, umbrellas, etc., cant be beat. Qive him a call before purchasing. —Dr. Von Meyerhoff will give mu sic lessons to beginners during vaca tion at redoeed rates (50 cents n les i2P.V k es9( W tfln be given pupil'? i residence. [llmay4w —The explosion of the powder mag azine of the British man-of-war Doeterel, by which one hi.ndred and forty-three out of one hundred and sixty men, offi cers and crew were killed, i 6 one of the most terrible occurrences of the season. Would sent bis check the other aay to Colonel Tom Scott for $2,400,000 in a letter. If this sum had been paid in lawful silver coin it would have required six full-loaded freight cars to transport it. —The Pennsylvania State Teacher's Association will bold its next meeting fat Washington, fa., July 2'J, 2£*. Arrangements are in progress to make this one of the largest and most success ful meetings, that has been held. —Allegheny county is nearly done with the settlement of the riot losses. Up to this time $2,750,000 have been paid—sloo,ooo in cash ««nd $2,050,000 for which bonds have been issued. The unsettled claims amount to about $45 - 000 —l'he uonounces that it will'p/rint the ehtlr€ revised New . Testament in ono issue. This will be t new Revelation to its readers —but if it ii not prefaced with a half column of 'sensational bead lines they will not * • • f •• • Wnnl«Mt. All kinds of strain for which I will pay the 'iirhest market price in cash at jut m : ll. GEO. REIBFR. Nov. 3, laSO. Butler, Pa. —Township and borough Auditors too often neglect the publication required by law, and penalties are •tffixed for not complying. Cases have eome before the courts in several coun ties cf the S'ate. and in which the auditors were fined for neglect. —Miss Moore, of Beaver county, who left a comfortable home about a veur apo with a negro, writes to her par ents from Cleveland. Ohio, that she is happv in her choice. The colored brother has made no declaration of hi? condition. Payne, the Oklahoma adventurer, whose persistent effort to establish col onies in the Indian Territory have brought him into prominence, has l>een beaten out of his position by a United States Court decision, holding lands in the Territory to be not subject to pre emption. —The advantage of engaging elo quent counsel was experienced in Salt Lake City lately, bv the bogus Lord Beresford, who quietly and unobserv ed Ftole out of the Court room while his lawyers were holding Bench, Bar and bv-standers spell-bound with their oratory. —The fact that the sunflower is a preventive of malaria has long been known and acted upon by the southern blacks. The patches that contained their cabins were always gay with its gorgeous and full orbed glories, and they always insisted that it kept off chills and fever. —A single sowing or planting of many vegetables is not enough; of tFose that remain in proper condition hut a short time there should be a suc cession, following the earliest sowings at intervals, that thrre may be a con tinuous supply of peas, spina.-h radish es, let'uee, etc. Upon these succession crops much of the utility of the garden depends. —John Mocbel, of Buffalo township, aped about 14 years Ml over an embank ment—below Sarverp station—ofthirtv feet, on Saturday niirht a week. April 3ft, and had one of his leps broken. A locomotive had set the woods on fire and he and others - were ensraped in putting out the fire when he fell into a cut on the railroad track as above. —The West. Penn. Agricultural So ciety of Mercer have determined to offer premiums for two colt races and one free-for all race, leads the Din prtch of that plnce to add that 'now those who admire exhibitions of speed need no longer fear that the Mercer fair is to be robbed of this great attract ion. —The dentists of this county, last Friday, organized under the name of the "Butler Co. Dental Association." S. R. Dicffenbncher is President; J Borland, V P.; O. K. Waldron, Sec'v, and W. S. Waldron, Treasurer. Dent ists of the county desirous ofjoininp the association should send their names to the Secretary O. K. Waldron, Butler, Pa. -The civil engineers are engaped sur veying a route for the connecting link of the narrow-gauge rail roads, l»etween Butler and Evansburp. Ooinp throuph Butler three routes have been surveyed, two alonp the creek, and the other through the northern part of this town, crossinp Main street, to the north of ihe residences of M. Reiber. Sr. —Joseph Kif-sick has brought suit against Harris Nolcs, James Norton and Wm. Gould for trespassinp on his property in Clearfield township, and as he a'lepes in his oath, tearing down a house an* carrvinp away all the doors, sash and part of the lumber used in buildinp it. This is the first case of house stealinp we have heard of, as happeninp in this county. —The Gerpianip Orcjipsfra, of this place, pave another of their excellent concerts, in the Court House, last Fri day eveninp. The orchestra is pro press'np finely in the art of music, and deserve to be encouraped. The last concert of the season will be given on Thursday eveninp, June 23rd, by (be Philharmonic Society. —Auditor General Sehell turns over to his successor a very unsatisfactory asset in the shape of three and a-hnlf million dollars for delinquent taxes due from corporations. The Standard Oil Company, which Las shipped the peo ple of Pennsylvania out of twenty mil lion dollars, is charped with three mil lions of this large delinquency. It is to be fondly hoped that the State may come by its own from this patticular corporation. —All the pendinp treaties were rati fied by the Senate in a sinple session, last Thursday. The vote on the Chi nese immigration treaty was almost unanimous, although the debate occu pied tfiree boprs. A vejpatiops ques tion ip thus taken out of the polities of the Pacific Coast. The Morocco Con vention has received the consent of all the Governments represented in the Conference, and the final ratifications can now be exchanged. —The work on the enlarped Welland Canal which was begun eipht years ago, and whbh has l>een carried on in an irrepular :>nd fitful manner during the intervening pcriocf, approaches com pletion. Promises are made that by the first of July twelve feet of water, which is the depth called for by the contracts with the Dominion Govern ment, will be provided throuphout the twenty-six miles between Port Col bore and Dalhousie. n-)iow that the wheat crop pros pec s are brigbteninp in the Northwest solicitude for the cattle production of the curient year is expressed by many. A Pennsylvania Railroad official recent ly returned from a trip to the West to acertain the probable pram tonnage dur inp the cominp season reports some un certainty aj to the supply of peteals,' tbi 'uph he confidently thinks it will IKS less than it w as last year, but pronounc es the alleged loss of cattle much ex aggregated. 4 ItnoMt if on up * cniii. My mother was afflicted a long time with Neuralgia and a dull, heavy inac tive rendition of the whole system; headacLe, nervous prostration, and was almost helpless. No physicians or medicines did her any pood Three months ago began to use if op Bitters, with such good effect that she seems and feels young again, although 70 years old. We think there is no other medicine fit to use in the family.' —A lady in Providence, R. I.—Jour | nui. iHntlier Ciiisjeti: SSuiLer, P«.» It, ISSt. ClONillg Out. I want to close out my stock in the next sixty davs. My stock consists of bats, flowers, feathers, notions, Ac., which I will sell at reduced rates. Al so, yarns and zephyrs which I will sell at cost. Store at my own residence 011 Cunningham street, between Main and Washington, and nearly opposite the post office. MRS. S. E. SLOAN. April 20:4t. —A religious excitement has broken outamong the mountains of South wes tern Kentucky. A new Messiah has made his appearance among the moon shiners and rough mountaineers, and at his preachings 'their hearts are stirred as the trees are stirred by the storm.' Miracles are wrought, the sick are heal ed by anointing and prayer, and other wonders attend tbe preaching and min istrations of the Kentucky evangelist, Rev. Geo. O. Barnes. Hinerva Carpel Chain. At less than Mill prices, at RITTER A R ALSTON'S. —Tbe American firmer has gained as a dairyman the trifle he has hitherto lost as a hog-raiser by the European trichinosis scare. With short ralionsof American p»rk our trans-Atlantic cus tomers are bound to have full rations of Ametican cheese—hence a larye iu crease in our exports of that commodity. During tbe month of March our exports of it were worth $455,5(52 against $196,450 in the same month last year, and for tbe three months ending March 31 we sent abroad the worth of $2,358,- 472, against $1,458,200 in the same period in 1880. Etjlnj-Five I><»11I«I** I-OHI. 'You do not tell me that your hus band is up and about ogairi, and en tirely cured by so simple a medicine as Parker's Ginger Tonic?' 'Yes, indeed, Ido,'said Mrs. Benjamin to her enquir ing neighbor,, and that too when we Lad foolishly paid eigbty*five dollars in doctor's bills and prescriptions, and after he had been given up by his phy sicians to die. Now my husband feels as well as ever, entirely cured by this excellent Tonic.' And many a s:ck m n might be well in a week if they would only try it. and Miwes' Gossamer Ulsters, at HITTER & RALSLON'S. —The Mormon question affords a pood illustration of the difference be tween talking and doing. While the Government is calling attention to the necessity of crushing out Murmonism, the Mormons are sending out missiona ries to foreign lands to convert and con vey hither more disciples. The depart ure of a large company of Mormon missionaries from, and the arrival of two hundred M »rmon proselytes at the port of New York in tne same week, is in telling contrast to the long-continued talk-and-do-nothinp policy of the Gov ernment. Mormonism has already been scotched several times, it ought now to be finished for pood and all —A new railroad company under the name of the "Coonoquessing Valley It. R. Co" has obtained a charter f< r a road between Butler and Coalville, a poiut on the Sbenanpo <fc Allegheny It It on Keister's farm in Slippery-rock township. They are surveying several routes, and propose Luildinp a road during the comiup summer on the route on which they can obtain tho bust terms from the persons over whose lands the road will pass. The object of the road is to open up new coal fields, and connect the S. it A. road with the West Penn, and if built, throuph trains l>e tween Greenville and Pittsburg will likely be run no it and the roads now built. I f this road and the proposed extension of the low-grade are both built, the point at which they intersect will be a desirable location for manu facturing establishments. I am cured of Catarrh and D c ?tf Deßß > after giving Ely's* Cream Halm a thorough trial. It has on several oc casions relieved me of severe cold in the head. My aunt was troubled with deafness so that she could uot hear at all in one ear. After using the balm a few times her hearing was restored. F. I). Morse, Insurance Broker, Elizabeth, N. J (See Advt.) For the treatment of Catarrh. Cold in the Head, Catarrh Deafness and Hay Fever we call your particular attention to a new and valuable remedy, Ely's Cream Balm. We are continually hearing the piost favorable reports of its curative effects. It is easy and agreeable to apply. We would strong ly recommend this discovery to our patrons and every one sufferinp from Catarrh, etc., being fully convinced it will please in every case. Yanriper A Co., Druggists, Passaic, N. J. I a«tf« a M JaekotN. Sacques and Ulsters in Silk, Serge, Diagonals, all the new styles, at 4' RtHBTPJ*ty The woolen Interests of this coun try have been placed in peril through carelessness in the work of revising the United States statutes. By the tariff laws as originally parsed stockinps and other knit goods composed wholly or in part of worsted were subjected to a specific and an ad valor'm duty. In the Revised Statutes, which went into effect »Junp 'i£, l*t4, the language was changed somewhat, and this has led to serious complications.—Before the case comes up apain lor decision it is probable that Congress will correct the defect in the law l>v declaring its meaning to be that of the original statutes, under which there has lieeu no question as to thp riijlit of tfeve* nue - authorities' to collect both specific and ad valorem duties. [Wilmington, (Del.) I>aily Kepuhlicnn] Mrs, Adam Grubb, 231 Walnut street, has been a great sufferer for a number of years from extreme pain in the feet, something like rheumatism. She was also very much troubled with p<i(ns and bunions. It was with great difficulty that s|ie could walk, and some times when she would visit her hus. band's shoe store or any of her children, she could not pet home apain without assistance, ami often when she was walkinp alonp the streets she would be seized with such acute pain that she was coin pel led to stop in at the neighbors on the way until she pot belter. Some two weeks ago she i heard of the wondeful cures St. Jacobs i Oil was pffccpng auvj sjie av once oouv. i nicnCcd to use it and experienced gieat ; relief immediately. The pains have left i her feet and ankles and the inllam i inatiou has left the corns and bunions. ' , She is now tripping up to her hus ! band's shoe store and out to see her | without c*puriuuviu# any pom. Golden Day that brightest and best illustrated of all the juvenile publica tions, has more than fulfilled the promise with which it started. No parent can do his child a greater kiud ness than to place this beautiful paper in its hands each week. No. 23, which is just issued, contains the opening of a new story of travels in Australia, that land of wonders, and a sketch which will be specially valued by boys, inasmuch as it gives full and complete iustruetions, aided by illustrations, iri all that a party ean possibly want who intend camping out during the present season. Whitb such contributors as Harry Castlemon, Horatio Alger, Jr., Oiiver Optic, Edward S. Ellis, Frank II Converse and others, and with its puzzles, sketches and humorous matter, Golden day x cannot fail to maintain its position as tbe leading juvenile paper of the country. For sale by all News Dealers. People are Always Satisfied with the Goods they buo at RITTER A R ALSTON'S, Ijecause the Finn do not allow any of their cmploiees to misrepresent goobs. —Messrs. S. G. Purvis & Co., of this place, now have all their machin ery for the manufacture of doors, sash and blinds in place and have orders iu for all they can manufacture for some time. To a person interested in ma chinery their establishment is well worth a visit. All the different parts of the doors, etc., are made by machin ery, in the manufacture of which they use thirteen machines of the best makes and latest patterns, besides two sand papering machines and several circular saws. They can now make and finish about a hundred doors per day and a comparatively large uuml)er of sash and blinds. Tbe movable blinds re quire a great deal of labor in tbe put ting of them together. To guard againt fire, they have a night watch man and a Babcock extinguisher. Most of the goods they manufacture are shipped to Pittsburgh and the sur rounding towns. —One of the most effective move ments toward reform of late has beeD the effort to improve the character of literature sold on railway trains. In years past most of the reading matter offered for sale by the train venders has been of a highly sensational character. Generally quick sales and large profits were realized. The dealers, however, felt themselves justified in selling what would yield the best returns on account of the large amount they were charged by the railway companies for the privi lege of selling their wares upon their respective lines. One of the first to in augurate the reform was General Su perintendent Paine of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Road. By him all obscene publications, or those having a tendency to produce immorality were banished from the company's trains. Gradually the same rule was introduc ed upon other roads, and much tbat was formerly objectionable in the books and periodicals sold has disappeared entire ly- hi 12 1-2 On<N. Nice Fancy Dress Goods, Jean for pants, Duck for Overalls, New Colored Alpacas, Garner's Percales, New Plaid Dress Goods, Grenadines and Hernanis. at HITTER K, RAI.WTON. —A Louisiana jury that has just been trying a man for killing: his daughter's seducer has convicted the prisoner of manslaughter, but as-ked that only the lisrhtest legal punishment be inflicted. Such a verdict is credi table alike to the heads and hearts of the jury. The general expectation of an acquittal has been disappointed; but this is all the more to the jury's honor, for the average juryman intensely dis likes to oppose public opinion. Man slaughter is tfce least offence, teohni oally, of which a man can be guilty when he kills another except in self-de fence, and the temporary insanity plea, by which some juries dodge their duty, is not believed by half the men who make it the excuse for a verdict of ac quittal. If a man chooses to avenge bis private wrongs by taking the life of a fellow man he should l»e man enough to take the consequences; if public opinion supports him in his illegality there is a legal method of expressing it and claimi' g consideration for it, the only {tonorajile qoprge tor ft sympa thetic jury is that embodied in the Louisiana verdict just alluded to. Thin. At 5 cents, Good Calico. At 5 cents, IHeaehed Muslin At 5 cents, Ladies' Hose. At 5 cents, Gent's Hal'-Hose. At 5 cents, Good Handkerchief-, at RLTTKR k H ALSTON'S. —The revelations that arp being Hindi; iu tin; utur route business in Washington go to show tbnttbe Post Office Department, during the past four or five years, at least, has been man aged in a reckless, corrupt wa; . Enor mous sums have la-en paid to favorite contractors for carrying imaginary mails over equally imaginary routes, and we are told that a portion of the moneys thus squandered has beep u(it'll in rpnpipg the 'machine' in political campaigns. It is difficult to estimate how much has been unlawfully taken out of the treasury in this way, hutthe lowest estimates run the figures into the millions. The new administration has started out well in exposing this scan dalous jobbery, and it caqnpj |'u|l U< huyc t|ie support of iiuparvtajtrieu of all parties who value honesty and purity in theadministration of the government. The suggestive point connected with the exposure is the inquiry which every one will naturally make—namely, how many other leaks of greater or magnitude are there ii» same depart ment At is almost impossible to re sist the conclusion that the star route swindle is not the only one in the postal service. Thisis for the new postmaster Oeneral to discover. Ifbe shall succeed in putting an end to the jobbery in the Post Office the opportunity will IK; af- I forded of reducing the postages without sensibly increasing the burdens of tax ation. Mr. James has this great reform within the possibilities of his adminis tration, and if he can accomplish it he will win a great and deserved reputa tion. At JO < till*. C'ottonades for pants, Lansdale Muslin, Good Straw Ticking, Fine Cocheco Cambrics, New Mottled Dress Goods, New 13utistc Lawns, at Sirrn * Dlt Cii'OIIGK'S XEW SYSTEM OF 111 Itll NKl>l< IXEv The«e Herb medicines are not made lip by the hogshead or tankfull bv irresponsible parties, as many pretended curatives are, and thrown ujH>n the market for the s«de purpose of gain, regardless of results, but they are carefully and scientifically compounded by Dr. George in person, and manufacture*! under his direct su pervision, out of strictly fresh Herbs an t Konts in the same building in which are located our reception parlors and central office, and are therefore genuine and pure, and when pre- j scriln 1 1 and administered by I>r. George pro- , dute the most *9tonishing cures. Dr. George's life tony i rork has been «'irectcl to systematizing and reducing the practice of. Herb medicines to thojfrtt and only (rue cura- | tice scence ot medicine* yet given to the wor d. | In all the years of the jiast there has been DO | real science of medicine; and men die, right and : left, year in and ye*r out. in the very prime of | life, when, by proper curative treatment, i:iue tenths could lie sawd. Dr. George is the man and we know ar.d feel just how much we are saying) who has at hist solved the momentous problem of an inf iUihle science of medicine. All other schools have their particular medicines and systems of prac tice, and try to cure ; (hey f tit: Dr. George un der h's neic discovered system tries to cure, and cures ; and this is his test : Cute against no cure. Choose ve between them. The following letters attest to these state menu : PirrsßfßG, PA., March 18, 1881. DEAR SISTER EMMA: I have delayed writ ing you too long ; ho|>e you will excuse tne. You seemed so unions alsiut my health, but I am glad to say that I am better than for a long time and have gnat hope that I shall be en tirely cured ; have been under the treatment of Dr. George, of this city, whose pamphlet I sent John, and I think the Doctor will fully re stores mc to health. I tell you it is a happy change. I've had no bad spells for some two months, ,he last symptoms I had were very light and I hope have now forever passed away. Before. for years, I had two day spells of the most intense suffering about every week. This new system of medicine is proving the most successful I have ever heard of. Dr. George seems io cure every case that comes to him. It is really wonderful. I thiuk he could do Mrs. T and John F. much good, if not fully cure. If everybody knew how successful he is in treating diseases he would lie obliged to employ huudreds of assistants. We are all well, etc. Very truly, URO. S Important letter from the treasurer of York county, Pa., to M. L. S. Layton, of Pitts burgh. Noi'E.—Some ime in January last, Mr. Lay ton, desiring to -jive Dr. George's New System of medicine a trial in his own case, addressed a letter to the treisuret oi' York county, Pa., for the purjiose of making inquiry respecting the professional reputation of the doctor at his for mer residence which elicited the following re ply. T REASCRER'S OFFICE, L YORK. VOR«C COIIFVY, PA.. I'SI. j L. S. LAVTON, ESQ . PUtsburg, Pa. iJerr Sir: I.i reply iO yours of 2£th u!t.. I would say, I have known Dr. 11. S. George for about five years. I l's ve known him to effect cures in enro.iic cases where other eminent physicians had "a : lcd. De efiecled such a cure on your humble servant. I wasaffl'cted with a variety of Tetter, which baffled the skill of all I had employed before htm. I am now cured, and I can never forget I)r. George for it. He lias always acted the pari of an honorable man in the community. You -s respectfully, A. K. GEESEY, Treasurer of York county, Pa. PrrrsßDttO, PA., April 18, 1881. For more than a year I was afflicted with severe aching pains in my head, running dowu the spine into my hips and limbs, with acute iii.en«e suffering in the back, so that when I at tempted to rase up from a chair it seemed as though my back would break ; I could not walk erect but was obliged to go round in a stooping posture. 1 cannot describe my sufferings but often thou {lit I should die, I tried several doctors without getting toy relief, until als.ut tbtee months 030 I employed Dr. George, of 2% Pent) avenue, and within a week his medi cines gave me much relief, and in a short time enti'-ely cured me, and now I am in good health and fee I splendid. 1 consider Dr. George's Herb Meditvnes the best, safest and most rota ble remedies 1 ever used. My husband bus been failing Tor a long time, mid seriously sick for several weeks, lie bad violent aching pains in the back, hips anil limbs also terrible pains ami pressure of blood to the bead, causin;; dizzy sUr;geri.ig fjielN, and unable to work, eat or'sieep. Heiug cured by myself, I induced him also to go to Dr. Georjje, be did so and entered into a eon tract for a reg ular course of treatment, under guarantee to eure. He commenced to take the Ileib Modi c'tics and got relief almost immediately, and we now, in only some tbree weeks time, to our surprise and grati Scat ion, consider him cured and well. We cannot --ay too much for IJr. George's New System ofllerb Medicines. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Knipper. No. 27 Third Ave., City. Mr. Kneppi-r is a well-known blacksmith on Third avenue, and we invite inquiry into the irath of the above statement. l»>. H. 8. G. & Co. Every lady in the cou itry suiTeriug with fe male weaknes-g siould read the following: IIOMHWOOD, EAST END. I PiTTSiiero, PA., April 4th, 18S1. | This is certify that for the last tt;ii or twelve year* I ha yd been tifty'.cted w'*th female «|et»i|iiy and liyer tiomplaint, causing me more pq'ii*. suffering and agony than I can lieacribe. I had severe pain* lietween my shoulders, in my hips and small of the back, 'dragging. bearing-down pains in the abdomen, aching pains in the abdo men, aching pains in the lower limbs, severe frontal headache, with bzrniug in the eyes. I also had a week, nauseous leeling in the stom ach, with occasional vomting, bloating fullness pain and distress in the bowels, poor ap|>etite. no relish for lood ; fluttering, palpitation and pain in the heart; giddy, dizzy, staggerin/ spells; tired, languid feelings, arising in the morning more lire:! than on going to bed ; had disagreeable, bitter tasting mouth, and for the last seven years I have doctored continually with Allopathic, Ilrmcopathicand Electronath ic doctors, without any he»t;(jt Whatever, '>Wt trevv \yorne and w'oVw eyepv year, and within the last year J have suttercd more than ever, so that at times my paint and misery became al most unbearable, and I felt as though I could not endure li!e much longer, often wishing that I could die! Hut on the 17th day of last February I called to consult Dr. (jeorgc, of No, 2!W Penn avenue. Having heard so much about his New System of Ilerb Medicines, and believing that it there was any cure for me it was to l»e found among the lierlis, I determined to lake my chances anil give hint a trial. Hut a'ter taking his medicines aUiut three weeks, I imprudently went in to see him on a cold, rainy day, got wet, cought II severe cold, had a violent, acute attack, and for l|ie lyo ftciiksi )'»',! lowing I thought | nuver gel well hut fir. George's treatment seemed to master every dilll eulty, and gradually broke up one troahi* aftor another, until all my aches r.nd pulim have dis appeared. My long lost appetite has returned; I am gaining in flesh ; my sleep is now quiet ami refreshing, and I feel so well that 1 can hardly realize the change. MRS. JK.NME FAULKNER. We requeU every sick person in Pittsburgh and vicinity to go and see Mrs. Faulkto* themselves, and thus prove i<> «itn>|uUioH that :n<* übovo u inline. DTI. H. H. G. A CO. All letter* upon profemiloiml hiiMineax will l e held Ntrietlr confidential, should In- marked private, ami addrenxed to 11. S. (jeorKe, M. I'. All letters upon business not professional should be uddiessed to I>r 11. .S. (ieortre 4 Co. Anv one from ahroad desiring a n,f his or her case, by pending a wUiltunm oj the symptoms, that i-., I In. etc., lojvtlicr itr'i uukti a carclul enaiuiimlion of the cjisc, write out thu pres« rlb«- the rcm edti'i aii'l treatment required, and forward promptly to each jierson so doing. Me<licines will lie sent promptly by express to any address upon receipt of price. Cases taken by contract, cures and no charge for treatment in C'<»" (if bllii'v, For duplicate oopii i of pamphlet send post#"!; ,t^ w p «itn adifress. i AlFfet'ters reipiiriug answers must contain a three cent |>ostage stamp. Reception parlors, central office and labora tory of I lr. (leorge's new system of herb t.'ftlb cines, No. '2' Mi Pciin avenue, I'iiuburnli, Pa., I)r. 11. S. Gcoyge \ o<>„ proj rietors. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Nicholas liehm, Jr.. coinmitteo of Nicholas Helun, Hr., has tiled Ilia final ac ;ount iu the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of f'otnm 111 l'leas. of Hutler Co., atC. P. No. 407, June Hth, IH7S, and that the same will bo priweuted to said Court for con firmation and allowance on Jure Srh, IHSI. Prothonotary h "IHMay 'J, IKsl. A UUHHKLI., Pro^hotioUrr. May 11 4t. NOTK i:. Notioe la hereby given that P. A. Templeton. Kei'eiver. in the caee of Oe<». A. el al. ; vs. John T. Purdue et al.. has filed bis final ac count In the office of the Prothonotary of the (Tourt of Common Pleas, of Hutler county, at Equity, No 4 January Term 1878, an 1 that the name will lie preaented to aaid C ourt for confir mation and allowance on Wednesday. June JLU, 1881. • '• '• Protho'iotary a Oulce. May I>, 1881. v A- ItUbULLL, PruthouoUiy. J > The Largest Stock of | 11 STRAW HAT I BUTLER I! I i fs— - 1 I p CHARLES R. CRIER'S, || IJ| MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA, iff | A FIN E LINE OF 2. | |e| -up" 0 ?) J" | Road Reports Notice is lerel y given that the following Road Reports have been confirmed ■ nisi" by the Court and will be presented on the first Wed nesday of June Term, being the Bih day of the mouth, A. D. 1881. If no exceptions are filed, will be confirmed absolutely. No. 2. Public Road in Summit township, to lead f.'om a point on the Public Road leading from Butler to Heru.au Station on the Butler Branch of the West Penn Itailroad. at or near School House No- 5 in said township, to a point on the old State Road, at or near tiie Lutheran CliHich in said township. No. 3. To vaca ean 1 annul a Public Road in Butler towunhip, f.om the Allegheny anil B"tler Plank Koau to the Three Degr> e lioad. begin ning at the Allegheny and Bn Irr Piank Road at a joint where lai.os oT Joseph Laurant and John Young join. Thence running north degrees, west 124 perches ; thence running north 43 degiees. west 76 perches ; tliei.ee ninx noitn ti' 4 degrees, west 39perches ; thence tunning north degrees, west 14 perches ; thence running north 30 degrees, west 15 per ches ; thence running south 8* degrees. 17 per ches. to tin Three Degree Road where land of Wni. Neeley and Rilb lori ; the road being 33 feet wide. Report of Viewers re 'ommeudiug the vacating and disannulling said road. Report of Viewers confirmed • nisi" bv the Couit. BLTLEK COUNTY, SS : Ceitified from the Refolds this 9th day of May. A. D., >B3l. W. A. WRIUHT, C'erk. | Teachers and Friends of Edu cation A Convention of the Teachers' Association of ' Rutler county, will be held in I'uiler Couit House. May 26th, and 27th Dr. E. E Higbee, Superintendent of Public Instruction, hi.s kindly accepted an invitation to deliver a lecture to us. All teachers are < specially requested to k e pitsttit without fail To hear Dr. E. E. Higbee s lecture will alone be ?. full com|>e<iba,ioii for all sac lice* marni to abend. Prolamines will be issued this week. Ity Urdei of Commii tee. May 11-2t. ProLibitioi County Convention. On Tuesday. May 31st inst.. at 10 o'clock. A. M., Membeis and Alternates, of the Cutler Coi'o.y Executive Comniitiee of the Refotm Piobibilion Patty, a<e requested to meet in the Con-t 'Hum, l utler. Pa. iu view of organizing ao< pitting i'i nomination a county ticket. Jlio'ste'sof the Gospel and a l l good Prohi bitionists especially invned Townships having no tneinbe s of executive commilteo. good m< u i.oui t'uem. wi I Lie leceived as delegates Si. .e Secetarv Nesbitt. will be pieseut, ; and o he' role speske s for addresi es. JA-. v.. ORR. Cki'tuin and Member State Esecn.tve Ci n.mittee. buL'i... Butler coumv, Pa., May 10th, 1881. Mrv 1. :-t. (i mm XE W T K.ST A >ll. Sf T. As itade bv the most eminent scliolers of England and America. Half the Price of Cor responding English Fdition. Large tvpe. linen sui cr-ualendere'l i>aper. elegant binding. A so|>- arato ••Comprehensive "isturv of the Bible asd its 1 raiislKlions," including a full account of tb6 New Revtsii n. given to subscribers Best chance for agents ever offered. Send stamp for particulars at once The Henry Bill Publishing Co, Norwich, Conn. A«lminiKtrnfor'N Letters of (Iminist ration having b- en grant ad to the undersigned en tbo estato of Jane Alien, drp'd. late of tow ship. Butler county, P».. ill pers.us knowing tbemselve it:d«bted to said estate will ph-awn make immedi ate payment, and any having claims . gainst ► aid estate will present tlr m 'uly authenticated for pajuent. E. H. CRAWFORD, apr2T-6t Adm'r, Foxburg. 0.. I'a. tOnly BQO for thin "tyle of PHILADKLI*HI A NIM»K|{. Equal to any Hioger ID IIJO uiarki t. lOntrmbir, tvr H* tut it to br brfhrr yon pity fttr it. This u Hit un. atrl* oth»-r companieii retail for All Macbini't for tin yearn. Send for our Cir cular HUU i»Ur. •» BAULKS A. k UK 17 L TwU St, Hilaiklpti.i, H II VsX HI «. II aT lim NimCHINI HIIOB, COR. I'ENN AND SIXTH STREETS, PiUnburgh, Pa f-'x«><'nt«»r*w Holier. Whereas letters, testimentaiy li*\o V»ep grated to the un< ersigned v>' wstate of Jsmes Milf(ii(V (ate of Allegheny township. IHitler siiuniv. P».. dee d, all persons knowing theuiselve nidi bted to said estate will please uiake pron.pt payment, and any having clsims •gainst tbo sains will present t'e same duly authenticated to the unuusigne<! for setth nieut. J. P. MIl F' ltl) T. J. Mil • ORD. Paikers Landing P 0., Pa, A<3niinl*frnfor*N Letter* (if ft>(iit>irMrF.tK>U on the estate of M»Vl' Ai>u A' cu dic'il, lute of Allegheny town ■lup. Ilutler county. Pa . linving been griute'l to tin- undei turned all persona kimwiiiug tlu-m --aiilve* Indebted to said ect&te mill plea«e make immediate payment mid any having claims ngaii.st paid eetiite will present them du'y au thenticated for payment K. H. ritAwyuKO. apr2o.6t Adiu'r. I* <>.. p» NOTICE TO FARMERS. b:.ruc uuni'rt'i of Farms lor sate or exchange lit low plic a and on ea-y paymi nta w c.-al rUlllll lll'Mir Irolll 35 IO 50 :!<•«!» Wanted Aim, loans l'urnh-h< d to tanners having lni| roved laiuis on long tiilK- in li :il lov rntcs. AiMnai- W. .1 KISKADDKN. Ful L .'f». Pa., Or call MI tilllcc days ! ICveiy Mon<l;i\ al Frecpoit. KVCIY !"»♦'"t No «o. Fourth AvrliV,;', l'Ut»l'li;i:h. A l/\T'IV I WK WANT YOf In ev.iy /\ " I IjJ\ • I ('omitv. to sell onr \ i.w Ar •ro.MATlr ('AKI'KT Swkkl'Vk. Von ran make from a.'t.tio to £.vuu per ilay tli<- year round, timxl profits anil rapid Nail'". Capital liol lil'<'-<iH.'iiy It yuu Mill ftiriti-li good references. Aildrcis at once I'AOr I'AIII-KT SWKfl'l l( to. Toledo. O. lXulc «•( Nury K. >!«•«• 11l in Letters of Administration with (lie will an nexed on the eata te of Marv K. Meehlilig, dee'd. late of JeflTerwon twp., Hutler Co., Pa, having lieen granted to the undersigned, all |H-rw IIH km. WIIII; themselvea indehled to said r«tal« will make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will prc*c|i< iheiu duly authenticated for piiymeul. THOMAS tM-I**', Administrator. fetaxonhurg I'. (>. Duller, Co. I'a. Ati«lifor* IVolire. C. M. AJ. V. OarriHon vs. A. HafTner. In the Court of (Yrnnion Pleas of Itutler county. Pa., F, 11. No. '!>, June Term. I*Bl. The undersigned Auditor appointed t\* Ika Court in ilrntt ctui>« to distribute fin d re alized fr< m a Htieiiff's al'«s vl »hr peraonal pro perty of V and aiiionx llioen entitled, will Ui tlie dntieM of caid appointment at tlie oftice of O. A. A A. T. Hlack in Hutler, on Tue-dav the Wti dav of April A. I) IHHi, at to o'clock A M .of which all ler nnn intor eetw) will take BuUvo. A. X. Ul.At'K, , Auditor. I.isl of J tiror*«lrawn lor June Term «»l Court. com- . NIIIM-LUG llit* First M«II (lay, belli;' lite Olh (luj, A. D. 1891, Bovle Patrick, Donegal farmer. Crow Adams farmer. Christy Coulter, ISutler boro, tailor. Duffy James, Marion farmer. Etzel Bruno, Summit .'tone mason. Findlev Lewis, Washington farmer. Fulton John X., Middlesex farmer. Gibson T. A., Fairview lx>ro, clerk. Gill Hugh, Mercer farmer. Garvin Henry, Oonnoquenessing North. ( llepler Joseph, Buffalo farmer. Jamison Heury, Allegheny farmer. Martin Abram, Oakland farmer. I Montgomery Archie, Clinton farmer. Miller Allen, Clay farmer. McF.lwee Michael. Oakland farmer. 1 McLaughlin John 1!., Clinton farmer. Mel lure John, Connoquencssing tanner. McNair John 11. Fairview West, pumper. Nicholas D. P., Adams farmer. Slator I.evi, Forward farmer. Shaffer Samuel Sr., Butler boro., Logon William, Venango farmer. Vogan Joseph, Worth farmer. Lixl ol Traverse Jurors driinu I lor June Teru ol' Court, commencing ilt«- First Monday !>«• lie ilie Gthtlay A.lt. 1991. Boycr Kit, Jackson Fast farmer. Barns R. L.. Mercer farmer. Rannamaker John L., Forward farmer, l'ovard Washington Esq., Cherry farmer. Christy J. C., Washington farmer. I'oweii William M., Mercer farmer. Corneliou* J. G., Brady farmer. Crocker William, Slipperyrock farmer. Denny Arthur, Clearfield farmer. F.merick Andrew, I'enn farmer Frazier Archie, Butler lioro., blacksmith. Graham Thomas, Conuoquenessing farmer. Hitchcock B. F., Allegheny farmer. Heck Henry, Winfield farmer. Jones William H., Franklin farmer. Kerr John, Venango farmer. Kilchenstein Geo., Pctrolia tailor. Kel ley Win., Kutler twp., farmer. Kliiiglesmith Ike, Allegheny laborer. Kahle James, Clearfield farmer. I.yon 11.. Petrol is boiler maker. Lensner Herman, Jefferson farmer. Lindsay Joseph, Summit farmer. McNair Thotims S., Butler, Express Agent. Mcßride John, Middlesex farmer. McGeary Jas. W. Fsq., Muddy creek farmer. Miller Campbell, Penn farmer. McKinny M. J., Conno<|iK-nes»>ing South, farmer. McKee Joseph W., Saxonburg dentist. Marshall Thomas M., Adams farmer. Nixon Simeon, Penn farmer, l'ringle James R., Butler merchant. Powell Benjamin, Penn farmer. Riley Chas , Clearfield armer. Ruinmel Christ, Cleat field farmer. Riehev Samuel, Summit farmer. Sipe John, Clearfield farmer. Rotiison J. I'., I'Hrker. Sefton I try son, Clinton, Cnr|>enler. Siebert Bowman 8., Fairview East farmer. Smith Perry, Centre, farmer. Surrcna 11., Marion, farmer. Steward A. P. Esq., Parker, Justice. Sturdevnnt W. 11., Centrevtlle wagon maker. Smith W. G., Mari n farmer. Starr John, Concord farmer. Smith Robt-, Wilifleld farmer. Snyder Zephauiah, Ilrady, farmer. Scott A. L., Allegheny, farmer. Turner 11. R., I'iuker farmer. Vensil Joseph, Donegal farmer. Wiegle Abram, Franklin farmer. Walters John A., Buffalo blucksmitb. Welsh George. Jefferson farmer. Wigton J. G., Franklin farmer. White A. It., Butler twp., farmer. Wible William S. Penn, (armer. Walter Philip, Buffalo farmer. Young James, Fairview Fast, producer. Yard Stephen, Allegheny farmer. We the undersigned high Sheriff and Jury Commissioners of Butler County, Pa., do here by certify to the above as being a true and cor rect list of Jurors drawn from the proper Jury wheel to serve us Grand and Traverse Jurora ill thv! vevctal Court* of June A. 1)., 1881. W. 11. HOFFMAN, Sheriff. HUGH MICRI.A, I , „ , JOHN W.MOKKH.I Jttf y Coram-™. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE ! ! Look to Your Own Interest. The Celebrated Clvdeedale Stallion PLEASANT LADDIE, Will si and for service tlio ensuing season, com mencing April 11th and ending August 14th, l«*l, »< the following place#, viz • BUTLEIt. At tbe stable of Walter .V Poos, in (lie bor ough of Butler, on April 21th. 12th. 13th. Mth, 15th Itlih. 2fth. 2#lh. 27th. 2Mth. 29tli and .'tOth. May 9th, 10th. I lib, 12th. 13th, 14th, 23rd 24th, 251 li 26th. 27th and 2Htb. June 6th. 7th. Klh, IK'., lUth, 11th, 20tli, 91st, 22nd, 23rd. 24111 »l>d sth. Jul- nil, 6ib. Mb, 7th. Hill and IMb LEASUREVILLE. At the stable of Jolin Lawall, in Leasnreville. Wiutield township, on April 18th, 19th. 20th. 21st. 22d and 23d. May 2d 3d. 4th. sth. Ctli 7'h, 16th. 17tb, 18th, Wli. 20th. 21st. 30th and Slat. Jnni Ist 2d. 3d «U>. I Hi. 14th, 16th, 17th. 1 Kt I>. 27th, 2Mb. tHli and 30th Ji\l_Y U> *»d 2<l. ami so alternately the six days ~»ch alii mate vvei k at the above places. PF/I'IGRKE —This splendid Stallion was im polled by l.anall \ Hocm. and ba« been pro nounced by tbe most competent bulges to be the bent Draught Horse in the Stnto. He ia a daik bay. nine vears old : without blumhli. and muscle cannot bo (-xcel'i d He van got by Clyde who gaine 1 many pre miums, including the Steeling premium ; when on" ami two years old lie gained the premium of the ('odder fanners' Show. •V'*' He is nearly connected with tbe great Sir Walter 800 t. who Is well known and who obtained the Olasgow premium of £6O. two years in snc<'esniou ; h<> also won the tlr.-t prixc at the Royal Kbow held at Bttlerroa. Loudon. Ills Dam wan a pure Clydesdale Maro who won many first prizes at Kllkiiitullock Show. He is known to !><• the beat foal (,'ctte! In this part of the State. TERMS: Fifteen Dollars for insurance, to be paid when the marc is knoaii to be with foal liregular attendance, or peisons parting with a mate before she is known to I e with foal for feits tbe insurance. Caie will lie taken but uo accountability for accidents BOOS, LAWALL .V CO . mar3o:3ra ovn,en - Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public lo the Union Woolen Mill. Bntler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barr6d and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as Iwiing very dura ble, as they are Manufactured of pure Duller county wool. They are beautiful in color, au periur lu texture, and will lie wold at very low pi*ices. For samples and prices, address, 11. KiTLLKKTON, |nl94.'7ft-Iv> RnlUr Pa fcTOC KIVOLDFRN' »»l l IIMi There will lie a meeting of the Stockholder's of the Kutler Gas Company, at the office of Char'ea A Moses Sullivan, in Batler, at 10 A. M. of Monday, May 2, lNxl, for the pur|H>ae of electing directors for the ensuing vear. WAOJU U UHiHAtfi Act! Horn* Report. John N. Patterson, Treasurer of the Borough of Butler, in account with said borough for the vear 18M>. DII. Amount received from R. C. McAboy collector on Duplicate for 1879 $1531 86 Amount received from same 1880 2888 04 " uncollected for INSO 2649 31 Ain't ree'd from J. M. Boyd, col .. 81 01 " bal. in treasury 1880 158 44 " Win. Richey, dog tax 15 00 " R, C. McAbov, fctoue 5 00 " M. J. Reibcr, former treasnrer.... 25 00 " G. C, Koessiug, Burgess IS7P 44 50 " A. L. Reiber, Burgess !SSO 38 15 $7 436 31 CIJ. Amount paid for hauling .$270 51 " " " lalxir 786 55 " "J Richiug St. commissioner 202 32 " " F. M. Eastman, Att'y 100 00 " " for sewer pipes 40 95 " " for discounts 66 76 " Redeemed bor. ortbir No. 40 1000 00 " paid for furniture 11 00 " '• blnckMiiithing 26 50 " " " hardware 92 18 " " " rent hose houses 123 50 " " " stone 151 93 " " Russell and Wright's costs.. 550 " " for lumber 310 57 " " " printing 44 60 " " " auditing 1880 16 00 " " Wm. Rithey High Cons't... 34 85 " Treasurer's per cent. 1860 „ 111 13 " pavement orders redeemed 277 42 " cou|snis 360 00 " paid lor check books 2 00 " P. Kelly's note 21 00 " balance in Treasury 275 63 " '■ Duplicate uncollected 1860 2649 31 By error in audit 1879 18 00 By ex. errors and com 165 79 By bal. in treasury 468 94 $7436 31 AMOUNT OK INDEBTEDNESS. No floating debt, but outstanding bonds to the amount of $6,000. Audited April 26, 1881. R. M. Mi LI RE, 1 Jxo McQ. SMITH (Auditors. AMOS K EARNS. J May 4,3t Auditor** Report of Ihe Finan cial A Hair* ol Pnrker Twp., lor the Flfoal Year end- I II K .tlarch 7lh. 1881. Amos Young and R. L. Black, Overseers of tbe Poor of Parker township, in account with said township. DR. To amount of Duplicate $ 1627.20 To cash received by R. L. Black from various sources $ 696.21 To cash received by Amos Young 4.50 Total $2327.91 CR. 15y exonerations „$ 68.59 By taxes returned to Co. Commissioners 34.38 By collectors' j»er centage 76.21 By cash paid for maintenance of pau jiers to various parties 583.61 By goods furnished by R. L. Black for maintenance of paupers 386.69 By incidental ex|ieiiaes ol R. L. Black 12.54 By compensation to R. L. Black for 30 days service 45.00 By cash paid bv Amos Young to var ious parties tor maintenance of pau pcrs 89.56 By incidental expenses of Amos Young 3.00 By coin|>eiisatioii to Amos Young for 30 days service 45.00 By house rent for pauper and sundry other expenses _ 37.41 By cash paid for use of paupers by ordeis on T. G. Campbell 118.82 By |>er centage paid to T. G. Campbell 4.18 Total $1504.99 To balance Due Township...s 822.92 BOAD BUPERVISOBS. T. W. Kel ley and David Daubenspeek, road supervisors of Parker Township, in account with said township. I)R. To amount of Duplicate $2437.93 . CR. By exonerations ..$ 149.32 By taxes roturned to Co. Commissioners 23.19 By work on romls 1789.33 Bv cash paid David Daubenspeek for material furnished 7.23 By comiM'nsation to I>. Daubenspeek for 41 days service 61.50 By cash paid T. W. Kelly for ma terial furnished 26.53 By compensation to T. W. Kelly for 71 days service 106.50 By cash paid to successor in office by David Daubenspeek 66.00 Total $2229.60 To balance due township $ 208.33 And now, to wit, April 27th, A. D. 1881. We, the undersigned, Auditors of Parker twp., do hereby certify (hat the above and forgoing accounts of < Iverseers of the Poor and ltoaa Supervisors are res|MTti vely true and correct according to the best of our knowledge, infor mation and belief as by reference being had to the township book* and papers, will more fully and at large appear; ai d that the same have been audited and settled in accordance with the provisions of law in such cases made and provided. JAM. W. ORR.) A. B. GIBSON, > Auditor*. ISAAC MILLER.) EXECUTORS' SALE I I Tlio undersigned executors of Robert Thomp son, deceased, late of Clinton township. Butler Co.. Pa., offer for sale Ihe following described property, located in said Clinton townahip : One bundled acres of laud, partly cleared, bounded on the south by lands of John Olaegow, on the c».st bv lands of Jamee Criswell'a heirs, on the north by land of Wm Thompson and on the west bv land of Almolom Monka, situated on tlio threa-degVee mad, which passes near the house, fit) to 70 acres in good state of cultiva tion, good frame and log house, wagon-shed and spring house, good spring of water near the house, nnd a first-class young orchard of bearing fruit trees. Convenient to schools, churches, mills coal bank, etc. Al.HO—Farm of Wm Thompson, adjoining same • ract. and containing about 100 acres, ana havii.i; on it a goodtbrick house, good ne'i frame bank barn and outbuildings, good orchard, it lieing part of same farm. AB J OLOM MONKS, 1 J. W. MONKS. f " M of Foliert Thompson, dee'd, late of Clinton twp. A«lmliilwtra<or*a Notice. Whereas, letters of administration of the es luti! of W. I Cnmptiell, deceased, late of tbe Imtouirhol Millerstown. county of Butler and Si ile ol Penn ylvanln, bath been granted to Jo seph liiirtmnu, ol Donegal township, Butler Co . PH., therefore all person* Indebted to aald est ale ore hereby notified to make Immediate •myincut Ihercol to me and all persons having rhilms ai'ainai said estate ore hereby notified to make proof of the same and present the same to uic accoiding to law. JOSKI'II HARTVAN, Adm'r. Address, Btrnhart's Mills, Butler Jo., Pa. JAMES J. CAMPBELL, V* V«»S>OSS«)W. Office in Fairview borough, in Telegraph Otto*. an 15] BALD WW P, O.i Bailor o*> Ffc