The Monetary Conference. I PARIS, April 19.—Tbe international Monetary Conference was opened this afternoon by Barthelemy St. Hilaire, Minister of Foreign Affairs, who wel comed the foreign delegates, and said if tbe conference did not achieve immedi ate success, it would, at least, have raised controversies 1 which are indispen sable to the discovery of the truth, and establish principles which will bear fruit in the future. On motion of Mr. Evarts, Delegate Magnin. French Min ister of Finances, was elected President of the conference. Magnin, iu an open ing address, reviewed the different phases of the question and showed the inconveniences which the system es tablished in 1867. of a gold standard with silver as a transitory companion, had brought about in Germany. He dwelt on the recommendation in favor of bi-metallism by a committee of the United States Congress in 1876. He explained the causes of the non-success of the Monetary Conferance in 1878. As regarded the objects of present con ference, it was indispensable, in order that silver shall regain its former value, it should be freely coined side by side with gold. He said be hoped tbe de liberations would show that internat ional bi-metallism was the only system capable of restoring monetary regulari ty in all parts of tbe world. It was not ft question of discussing a treaty by which some would gain and others lose. It was simple a question of har mony in good faith, and with a knowl edge of tbe subject, decisions equally favorable to all parties. He concluded as follows: 'We in no wise claim to impose our opinions on others. All systems can be put forward and be freely discussed.' Tbe conference «,hen proceeded with the formal business of organization and appointed a committee to report at tbe next sitting of the con ference. Fifteen State" are represented—Ger many, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, United States, France, England, Greece, Italy, Holland, Portugal, Rus sia, Sweden and Switzerland. The English and Italian delegates have not yet arrived. VACCINA TION BY FORCE. Quarantine Officio 8 Hare a Lively Rumpus With Emigrants. Niw YORK, April 25.—While the ship Victoria was being fumigated on account of having smallpox on board the physicians informed those on board, nearly one thousand persons, that it would be necessary. for all who had never been vaccinated to submit to the operation. The cabin passengers and the large number of the steerage people consented, but one hundred and fifty of the latter, Russians and i oles, made strenuous objections. One Polander said "if the doctors come near me I will knock them down." "That's right,,' "that's right," exclaimed several of his countrymen. Dr. Smith requested a woman to bare her arm to be vaccinated, when she knocked the instrument out of bis hand. Finding one hundred and fifty of the paseugers obstinate the doctors requested the crew of the steamer to assist in enforc ing quarantine regulations For a time the scene resembled a pandemoni um. Men shouted, women screamed, and to use an expresion of one of the spectators, 'tne atmosphere was blue with profane language ' Tbe doctor and crew were bustled abdtit pretty lively by tbe Poles and Russians, and the women seemed inclined to join >'n tbe melee. One woman told the offi cers that rather than have ber two cbi'dren vaccinated she wuuld knock out tbe brains of the doctor. The crew of the quarantine steamer were then called upon to assist. The combiued crews and doctors renewed tbe attack and every person who would not sub mit to vaccination on the steamer was taken by force on board tbe quarantine boat and conveyed to Dix Island, where they will be kept till all are vac cinated. ACCORDING to the Georgetow I < Del.) Inquirer, the old salts that live at Hen lopen are a pitiless, not to say hard set. That paper says: "Some seamen wan dering along Rehoboth beach last win ter found a drowned man. They took the corpse up, carried it to Capt. Tren dick's bar-room, stood it at the corner of the bar and went out and told Tren dick a friend wanted to treat the crowd. Tbe crowd drank and left. To tbe landlord's surprise he could get neither money nor answer from the corpse, and becoming enraged struck him. He fell to the floor with a thud. Becoming frightened, he called in the maii'a friends and each solemnly declared the man was dead. Trendick was much fright ened, but recovering composure said : "Well, I did it in self-defense. He drew a knife on me." MEMORABILIA. Even an Easter egg is not as bad as it is painted. If you are troubled with a Lame Back, wear a Davis Kidney Pad. Zebras are very stylish, they wear striped stockings up to their necks. A poor excuse is better than none, and tbe same may be taid of a poor dinner. The wise editor should sail down tbe stream of life, because be is a good clipper. Fans are larger than ever, and it takes a long time to raise the wind to purchase one of tbem. When can you pay me?' asked the polite dun "Dun no,' replied tbe truth ful debtor. Every cloud has a silver lining. Tie boy who has the mumps can stay away from school. A shrewd South Carolina lawyer has printed on bis letter paper: To Colonel—: Dear Colonel—: Lovers of honey will be gratified to learu that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is a much sweeter article in winter, and much better for a cough. It is only a school boy who can en joy bad health; and even he must have it bad enough to keep bim out ot school. Fish are so plenty in some parts of Canada that in order to tell a first class lie the sportsman has to swear he didn't catch any. Go out in the damp air, or sit unpro tected in a draught, and your throat will fe»il sore and your head uncomfort able. You have taken a cold, which you c.'U remove as promptly as you re c»£v|d it b/ uaiug Ayor'i oberry Pec* M ABO II Ist, 1881. Special Bargain, One Lot, 10 Pieces LIGHTBLUE SILKS, Extra quality and delicate shades, clear and fresh- at the Remarkable price of 45 cts.. worth 75c to $1 per yard. NEW FOREIGN SUITINGS. Choice New Plaids. Choice New Home Spun Checks. Choice New Stockinettes. All 42 to 46 inch goods at 75c to $1 25 per yard. One case Extra Value and Extra Wide, 46-inch COLORED CASHMEKES. at 85C, Special Bargains. Colored French Cashmeres. .T7«c, soc and «2'« c up. On Sale To-day. 100 pieces 48-inch Black Cashmere, at 61", c up an Cnusual Bargain, 46-inch Black Cashmeres, at 95c and 81.00. NEW FANCY BLACK GOODS. Quadrilles, Dakka Crepes. Arniures. Jersey Cords, Brocaded Silk Cashmeres. Choice Lines Rest Makes Mourning Goods. Crepes and Crepe Veils, Shawls. &r. One case IJonble Fold American Black Hepps, at 15c, lor School Suits. Wrappers. &<-•„ a great bargain and real valuj 25c. BOGGrS & BUHL, 118 and 120 Federal Street. Allegheny. N B -Social close prices at retail or by the piece or package on Doiiiestjc and Housekeeping Dr> Good* Linens, Towels and Napkins. Very special bargains in Qui.t- and l.l.inki t-. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! GRAND DISPLAY THIS WEEK AT Rosenbaum & Co.'s, 112, 114, 116, Market Street, Cor. Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, f A.. FOB PRESENTS. PRESENTS. PRESENTS. PRESENTS. PRESENTS. PRESENTS. PRESENTS. IST* And 1,000 othfl" useful Prints a' Immense I(M PRIONS ilftOlQ ■ A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENCTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and cficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, lhjrpeps.a, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack of l.nergy, etc. Lnrichea the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. 1 hey act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. ThO only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Bold by all druggists. Writ® for the ABC Book, 32 pp. oi useful and amusing reading— sent free. DROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS WHY DOES ••h often trcalt down at an early age? Put a man at the wi fn-tuo, i . . hot null until every pore is opened; then lot him stand o"er i.itl.y I scalding and boiling clothes, that ave full of sweat and exhalation* Ire ii: 1 100 would break down before long; and yet this most terrible oruca. is A WOMAN . t'irou<*h with on wash-day; and, besides, with her clothing wet frr.m KrM'.rmf: r . v.orx «ho to ri.k her lite by going out In the air to hang up tho clothes, i.vui - ; ? w-.rlc in the unhealthy atmosphere; its smell, so apparent to visitors, ctmw t it tlncU its way through the house,—the family, however oiten becomiiis : > ceotis- M t!;'' pcHmiiar odor from its own wash as not to notice it. Inesc incus rejui;./ tx \ aj t*) many women suffer with colds, rheumatism, weak nerves, or neuralgia, UIJ<I LOOK OLD yfinzis in Years, and physicians and boards of health cannot dnuv nUcntiCn t< % o . >* the injurious effects of the usual way of washing, with its necessary Meam and - . r boiling to L*et the clothes pure and feweet-smelling, especially as it ia Without a f ui. •lirett cause of those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, and typhoid fever. .. i/thia trouble can be avoided; scalding, boiling, steam and all aisagreenDlo ; i'u witsh completely done away with; clothes made sweet and beautifully white; 7 I fuel the wash done at leu cost than even when home-made soap is used, and very much SOONER THAN li w/iv, by using FRANK BIDDAULB SOAP,—a Soap so purifying and etc ant hi 2 us iirtie.,t clothing can be washed in lukewarm water with very little rubbing, and * '.-••.Mfnx and utensils used by the sick disinfected and cleansed without vuuer .oiling, while the work is so light that a girl twelve or thirteen years 01 age ttnuon : v. witi.out being ti ed; and yet so mild and healing is this Soap that f r toilet f1 ir.'< equal, and physicians advise its use in preference to imported (a>l;.c . oap <*n • •••is an i ore*, and to wash tho youngest infants, as well as for persons with delicate Me n. V.* tiiut there U a remedy for this, 90 economical that the can use it, there is not a woman 01 A MAN T- t 'lirrctly interested In having used in their homes. In spite of projinline, TII.'.T KKIiL WAY OF WASHING CLOTHES, which does away wilh the hard uork. otleuMve aJ ririul steam on wash-days, makes the white pieces whiter, colored piece, brighter ind S w.i'cr than thoy can be made by washing the old way. leaves the hands smooth tn<;Uj,h 1 nuj : j.vlns and overy article as clean, as sweet and as pure as if never worn. »>-TEBTIMOinALfiK* > :i. II Eiwm 1.1. D„ Ilammonton, N. J., ..[: r .WM/A J~rtey Brpublican. ■ nil'-nllon was called to FRANK SIDDALLS l* fr "i iin advertisement in my own paper, . u use in my house for nearly a year, according , j •I'rec'.io.u, ha* proved that its remarkable ■ :>'*rlie t i..ive not heen overstated. Forremov ' pnnlii.ii friK it is Invaluable, while for toilet -.1 jhavh s it Is tlio best Soap I have ever seen. n M:A 11. 1.. KESYON, Northfleid, VL ijly vanh ;th FRANK SIDDALL.SSOAPin il - li-ne 11 id no expense for Soap, ai the ?/ if I tlio: r than payifnr It. 1 have no steam k fr.nn 0.0 wash, while the saving in .. <?:o::i -.s anu labor can hardly be estimated. :■ W. STANTON, 1306 N. 3)th St., Phiioda. • confident, from a long experience in ; ;--..'oiumen<lin< FRANK SIDDALIA. ifp trbil. according to the very . >M.S, will overcome all prejudices, t ~aj wonderful merit for rnavtng, toil ir.g are Ihe Directions for Use, no simple that a child can understand (licm. anything so ridiculous as to buy the Soap unless you Intend following them. ~O iitivrl>j forfeited If it injures the clothes, «r will not do everything ctnimrd. • -it the white clothes in a tub of water, only made warm enough to be comfortab'e IThen take one piece out at a time on the wash-board, rub the Soap iii;hl .!! it up and put it back into the same tub, and so on with each piece until rubbed on them. Then go away and let them eoak at leant twenty n>. t::c:D, when the dirt will all be loosened, nnd a very little rn • 1, out of that one suds, will make them perfectly clean, b insr j : . .■ 7, 'iilc washing so as to get at the scams. Then wash 1". '' n lukewarm rinse-water (without any Soap,) so cs to (jt-t _-h blue-water, and on the line, without scildhtg or boi .ii' nela and colored pieces to soak, ar.d wash ther.: cs : :.;nt . ot to heat the wash-water in a tin, brass or coppt; !. ■ -:i v! .'.or for a wash with this Soap. :t Yen will Save by this Easy Way of \Vast boiler! No Steam! No Smell of Suds throw . ; writable Property of keeping the Dish-tloth, > ■? always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in H. -*-!3OLD BY GROCERS!-^ . and Try it for Yourself next lii hla Soap la not yet Introduced a Ti*ial Ctike v."; . jn receipt of Prtcj, (10 Center in Money or Store: JZ™ FRANK SIDDALLS S < a-> VALLOWHILL ST.. PHILADELPHIA, Pn. intlee ©iiimett t QnUiec, P*.» JJJag 4. 1881, Two lots Extra Choice Black Satin Damages aree eles-ii.t designs, at #2 25 and *2 50 per yard, hat art* fully cents \*er yard less than usual '"l'irge Vine Satin Damasses, at Si.oo. $1.25 and SILKS AND SATINS, Blacks and Colors. Colored Silks. 37' : c cents up. Black Silk-;, of best known makes, including the celebrated Bonnet Goods. I-arer lot Ladies' Muslin Underwear, of superior style and finish, and at bargain prices. Indies' L'nlamulried Muslin Chemises, on coun ter at 3" cents each. Choice line Bridal Sets. *4.00 to 920.00 each. New Hoii.toii or Irish Point Embroideries. New Veidenia (Lace Edge) Embroideries. New Hani burgs—great bargains. New Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries. New White Goods and Figured Swisses. BUY KID GLOVES. SILK UMBKELLAS, ALPACA I'MBKELLAS, LEATHER SAT« HELS, PORTJLONNIES. GENT'S C ARD CASES, SILK MUFFLERS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN HANDKER( IIIEFS. , H EMSTIT( JI ED HAN DK ERCIIIEFS, EM BROIDERED IIA NDK EKCHIEFS, MOTTO HANDKERCHIEFS, JEYV'EL.RY BOXES, BREAST PINS. CLFF BUTTONS, SCARF PINS. UNDERWEAR, SILK SUSPENDERS, CARDIGAN JACKETS, LACE SCARFS, GENT'S SCARFS, SCISSORS, KNIVES, LADIES' FANCY SETS, FUR SETS, FUR CAPS, TRIMMED HATS AND RONNETS. and all household uses, and AS it become" r.ior* generally known, must have an Immeiiae s:.le. From MRS. E. STOCKWKU., Ilammonton, N. J. FRANK STDDALLS SOAP has been us«l in my house for the last seven months, and by follow log tbe printed directions, we Hud It to do every thing claimed on tbe wrappers. We have net acalaed or boiled a singl" article, and the cl< thr.t are whiter and iwrrter than tch'n u-a-.hrd in Us. old u-atf. ;My buiband, who is a dealer here, has a steady demand for the Soap from bis customers. From MANAOEK or DEJTF.H LAI-XCIIY. SH S ith Street, Corner C Street. N \V'„ Washington. I>. C. No laundry or family can a(Tir<l to he without FRANK HIDDAI.LS SOAP. We follow (lircc tions and use no other Soap, anil have a rej ulatlt n cecond to no laundry 'n Washington lor white clothes; the superior work we have been erul.l' d to turn out having secured tn the trade ol some ot tbe best gentlemen's furnishing stores in the city. Battle Creek, Michigan, KANrTACTITEEBS OF THE ONLY GESCIX* THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Engines and Horse-Powers. Mo#tC©oii»lrfeTfcre#Hi'rFaet«ry ; Established in the World. > 1848 A A USA B© of continuous and suaxsi/ul busi- J'l TtHAtf nw, without il-anre of rauie, ■ I M management, or location, to "back up" On I road icarranty given OH all our good*. STEAM!POWER SEPARATORS and Comiileie Siram Out finest Trartion Engines andPlaln Engines ever seen in the American market _4 multitude of spe. Jxl features and improsemenU for 1881, toirether with superior qualities in construe, lion an <J materials not dreamed of by c thjr makers, four sizes of Separators, from O to 12 Ktorsa "f'" nw" ( 11£ c-Pnwy. 7.505,000 TRACTION ENGINES^ Sir y-natvi, mojt duralle.and efficient ever frwr / madC 8, 10, 13 liorso Power. H Farmers and Threshermen are to inreßtij-Tite this uuitcMcss Threshing Machinery. Circulars Bent free. Address NICHOLS, BHEPARD A CO. battle Cre«k. Mloh*** Is a compound of the virtues of sarsapari) la. Htillinya. mandrake, vollow <!ot k. will the iodide of potash and iron. »':1 i-owerfit. bloo<l-inakinsr. Ij'ooU-clcaiisiiip;, alul life-sfi* fainius elemeuts. It is the purist, safest, ami most efffi'tiial alterative mediriiie known or available to the puhlic. The sci ences of medicine anil chemistry have lievei produced so valuable a remedy, nor one si potent to cure all diseases resulting fnu; impure blooil. It cures Scrofula an< all scrofulous diseases, liryslpelas Rose, or St Anthony's Fire, Pimple-* and Face-grubs, Pustules, Illotelies. Boils, Tumors, Tetter, Humor*. Salt Rheum, Scald-head, Ring-worn. Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Mcminn' Disease, Neuralgia, Female Weak nesses and Irregularities, JjsuiKliet. Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia Emaciation, and General Debility. Bv its searching aud tli-ansinj* ij:sa 1 iti• it purses o.n the foul corruptions v !:ii ! contaminate the blooil and raase meut ami decay. It stimulates ami c:ili\ en the vital fun tioiis, promotes eiier;y an strength, restores ami preserves lii infuses new lif" and vigor throughout tii whole system. No sufferer from any ili ease which arises from impurity of ih blood need despair who will give Avku" Sarsapakilla a fair trial. It is foil}' to experiment with tlie nunv ous low-priced mixtures, of cheap materiu!- and without medi'-inal virtues, offered hlooil-puritiers, while disease bcrotnes mor tirmly seated. Avkk's Sahsai'auii.i.a is . medicine of such concentrated curat i*. power, that it is by far llie best, i heape.-' and most reliable blooil-pnritier known Physicians know its composition, and pr scril>e it. It has been widely used for for! years, and has won tlie unqualified cent' ilence of millions whom it has benelited. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aysr 8t Co Practical anil Analytical Cliemihts, Lowell, Mass. ■ BY ALL DKUUCISTS EVilllTH'i:.:UE. H:. Cj K L t: H, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. j r-fTWATVIIES and clocks repaired, and warranted -m FOR Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat. Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption and All Diseases of THROAT and LUNGS. Put up in Quart-size Bottles for Family Cse. Scientifically pre pared of Balsam Tolu. Crystal lized Hook Candy. Old Kye, mid other tonics. The Formula In known to our best physicians, is high ly recommended by them, and the analysis of our most prominent chemist. Prof. G. A. MAUINKH, in Chicago, is on the label of every holllc. It Is well known to the medical profession that TOUT ROCK and RYE will afford the greatest relief for Coughs, ("olds. Influenza. Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Weak Lungs, also Consumption, in the incipient and advanced stages. Used as a Bkvkkaoe and ArFKTi7.KR.It makes a delightful tonic for family use. Is pleasant to take ; if weak or debilitated, It gives tone, activity and strength to the whole human frame. ,r\ A i r i'f/\x Don't BK Dkckivkd \ / 1;A 1 I |U ' *by unprincipled deal- \ / ers who try to palm oft upon you Buck & Bye ) I In place of our Toi.r Rock and Kyk, which I \ is the only medicated article made, the genu- J * Ine having a government stamp on each bottle ' LAWRENCE & MARTIN, Proprietors, 111 Madi- Ison Street, Chicago. lir Ask your Druggist for it I [ir Ask your Grocer for it! Ask voar Wine Merchant for it! Children, ask your Mamma for it! Pr- Sold by DRUGGISTS, GROCERS and WINK MERf IIA NTs exeiywhw. and by I*A.\VRJi>'CE * ]£fc&TX> i 0 jlMrclUV gift MV GREATEST IN ALL TIB IS EQUALLY GREAT IN ITS GREAT ARENIC FEATURES, A. T "I 'IB " iltf TBPTEC* ™ JBm m B JCLji g MONDAY, MAY 9th, | —— COLOSSAL CONSOLIDATION OF BIG P.ATLSOAD SHOWS. A Veritable World's Fair, UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION OF WONDERS. Having an existence which is isihle, tangible and Absolute, with more and Greater VARIETY OF MARVELOUS FEATURES Than is contained in TEN of some of the shows that are traveling through the country. CIRCUS MUSEUM, JIENAC3IUS. AVIARY. AQUAIUUK AMFUtTBTAIRE. fcc 7 8" PißniNAi ) 133 ° sLl m EL£FiliiTl m OPjI m ELLSHiS7 ' UnnU " " L / TEE GSLT 113 ELEPHIITI THE SSL! EuSTiSS ELEFIIi'T! rriTlinrq ( m dmlt moos? elephist! tss cili ooTanoh elefiut f TSiswtgtei I British India TM Only Battlo-ocarrod War Elephant Evor Exhn:.tod In ar.jr Show In tha World I ' A LIVING HOUNTAIN O V FLESH J Balrif orar I a PMt Mlgk, and V/el*hin» ovsr 8 Tons. besides .A. G-uaranteeci Age of 130 Years • r-m.,., .K. raomn or tmi kws ot ,h * Ur ""' j GOLIAH <=»«■ -fclfcko -as I>SKiM!WS Is Um Crejtset Curiosity »"d v.*ondor «»f KfcturalfetS *•*»« has •«' h,W ' #d wnd °* T * n, * M • Xoo4o C »c;l Di»pl-»7 cinc« '.no Vtortd w— fwwA FABDLODs"SUMS OF GOL3 ! n*r:™'r„.. & n« w« &*! ■*■*! ni WHEN TOO VIEW THIS MOKSWa » TP'JLT r.JSYEt Cr THE K JIETEENTH tEIIUHT I Wan warlh alona 00ut.13 ~tiw of Admission. and Ona Hundred M.ia* of Traval I* «*• this Mon»t«r and Ovproma At .action. m ■ a ' SIO,OOO Challenge to Anyone Whs Gzn Produce One-Half Her Equal! TO BE SEEN , WITHOUT ANT EXTRA CHARCE. AT EACrt PERFORMANCE. ! THIS SI6HT ALONE, WORTH MORE THAN THE ENTIRE ATTRACTIONS Of MANY OTHER SHOWS! A SINGLE ADMISSION TICKET ENTITLES TIIE HOLDER TO VISIT EVERY DEPARTMENT. ELECTRIC LIGHT Whose motive power is supplied by the best Silver and Gold Plated New York built STEAM FIRE ENGINE, The entire Fire Apparatus, Electric Light, etc., cost $25 000 IN GOLD This one feature alone being worth double the price of admission as a novelty. llow many thousands there are that have heard and read of a real Steam Fire Engine, .yet have never teen oue ? Its Mechanical Architecture is par ex cellence, and it is beautified with ela borately polished SILVER AND GOLD DOMEiS And Nickel and Bronzed Smoke Stacks, Cylinders, etc. In case of Fire Alarms, all the appli ances are attached—hose, suction, etc., are always in readiness—and in fifteen seconds 100 pounds of steam marks the indicator, and with lightning speed is on the ground ready for use. fiacres of CARTAS CANOPIED TENTED.FIELDS Containing the Ponderous, Magnificent, Mighty, Imposing and Immense Shows Combined GENERAL ADMISSION AS USUAL! CHILDREN, UNDER 9 \ EARS, HALF PRICE. Doors Open atl and 7p. m. Commences at 2 and 8. SPICE mil KOI IDMIT of a minute description in detail of the VAST ASSEMBLAGE OF AIITISTS, comprising tho Star Equilibrists Manipulations of human forms! C\des thentic Kings of the Arena. Egyptian Prodigies of AVt Intricate GYMNASTIC FEATS. Juggling bv Egypt's Sons. Velocipedal Propulsons. Acrobatic Diversions. Planetary Evolutions. Antipodeal Achievements. Aerial Supeusions Graeco-Komau Wrestlers. In the selection of Artists for this grand entertainment, especial care has been taken to obtain those on ly who were of the very Highest Order of Excellence, and accomplishing feats new from those usually seen in Circuses, etc., and without doubt, the Grandest Combination of Artistsev er seen in any show. - —yrHKK— Chicago & North-Wrstern ■« .m ■ ■..m "w Is the 01-DEST ! "iKST ( (INSTKICTKD ! BEST EQCin-ED I and hence the LEADING RAILWAY —OF THE WEST AND NORTHWEST. It is tbe short and best route between Chicago and all |x>ilits iu Northern Illinois. lowa. Dakota, Wyoming. Ne braska. California. Oregon. Arizona. I'tali, Colo rado. Idaho. Montana. Nevada, and for COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA DENVER. LEADVII.M-:. SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO DEADWOOD, SIODX CITY, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Columbus and ail Point-s in the Territories, ami the West. Also, for Milwaukee. Green Hay. Oshkosh. Sheboygan, Marquette. Fond du Uic. Watertoun, Houghton, Neenah. Menaslia. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron. Volga. Fargo, BisinarcK, Winona, Ln'rosse, Owatonna. and ail points in Minnesota, Dakota. Wisconsin and the Nortnwesl. At Council Blulis the Trains of the Chicago A North-Western and the I". I*, tt'ys depart from, arrive at and u-e the *amc joint t'nion Deixit. At Chicago, close connections are made with the Ohio, Ft. Wayne and IVniisylviiiiia, and Chicago & (iraml Trunk K'ys, aud the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. Close connections n-ade at .Function Points. It is the ONLY I.INK running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN Chicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman Sleejiers on all Night Trains. Insist ut" 11 Ticket Agents selling you Tickets via this roatl. Kxauiine your Tickets. an<l refuse to buv If they do not read over the Chicago * North'-W esl- rn Railway. If yonwish vhe Best Traveling Accommodation* von will buv " our Tickets bv this route. Wll.l. TAKE NONIi OTHER. All Ticket Agents <ell Tickets 1 v this Line. M ARVIN lIL'OIUTT, 2d \ . I'. & <;en'l Maug'r Chicago. CRYSTALENE. TIIE BEST AND CHEAPEST PAINT, in the market. It can be used on Wood, lion. Tin. Leather. Plaster or Paper. Mixed Ready For Use. ALL COLOR"*. It <»ocs further, lusts longer, looks better and ts CHEAPER than any oilier paint. For painting Houses. Barns, Roofs, Fences, Wagons, if,, IT HAS NO EQUAL. Ca:l and examine samples. J. C. REDICK, 20.ipi3m] GENERAL AGENT. BUTLER. I»A | PrciuaDit! i. . Business men «*oc! . -farmer*. inini>i«?r-, n>- •' .»v • |oul by the cunsktaiit i"i! « Idon'l drink » • , Arc s<itivu..£ . -tism, Neuralgia, or wuit : Urinary complaints, ymi MXMSSS ; If you are wasting .•». male weakness. V>R any U:KII"S --ful cough or l>.id col<l, • , If you are eiHroii ■ 1 ' > i *if4tlun, *ad y»nr »y>irm neevi- IM;; |if you l;*ve pimples .vnd Sl.Mtl.t., ar.ii ; ' liictd, purifying. " c».i a'" Madefrom Umger, Buchu. r.k.-. Si and many other o t!it best m -dicinrs knowi, the B»»t Httlth aid Str«-;p'.|i Fmtoier C». 'lJiad, and is far Miperior loT.iller*, Kssenccs f ' Ginger and other T.inici, *» it nr»-!f in»3*ie»tsi- j 'and combines th- b"t ctimtive prnperti- of al'. | It llai Saved of Llvea; it Hay , Save Yours. ' Buy a we. bollle of your druggist, and tn c&unlerfelts be sure our lilfH itnre is on th» out side wrapper. H'SCok & C . Chemists, N. V. ( Parker's Hair Balsam. Zzf £?■£.■ The Best A Mo-1 Fronomlcal Hair lire..lag Conlainini: only ingredients that are beneficial' to the h-ir r.r.d scalp, lh« UAs.wl urill be foe.nd fa.- more satisfactory than l~.y D.her preparation. It Fever Fsll* to Hostore Gray or Faded ttatr to the original youthful coior and is warrant*rd_ to rsm'.ve i!::t iInT. prevent baldness and stop calling of the tiiir. b dr*g£!ttt at ret it. >#J(idt!By IIWF PAD' OJ< in lons ol the Public, WABASH, INDIANA. Tbe PaiU are Belling well. Have neTeral old chronic caeew of Kidnoy trouble nHinp them, and thev report an improvement and think much of them. A. L. ROHBOOR A CO,. Druggiete. COURTNEY. TEXAS. Yonr Pad ban done me mote good than any Remedy I ever iißed. JAB. B. CALLAWAY. MT. CLEMENS MICH. Yonr Pad ha* cured me of Pain in the Back and Kidney Trouble. M. J. HOLGH. Address BAY KIDNEY PAD. CO.. SOLE PROPRIETORS. TOLEDO, • - - OHIO. J. U. KEDICK. for Butler <^o. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN Oo (lie of A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Rad ical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermator rhea induced by Self-Abm-e. Involuntary Emis sions. Impotencv, Nervous Debility, and Im pediments to Marriage generally ; Consumption. Epilepsv an t Fife; Mental and Phvgical Inca pacity, Ac.—By ROBERT J. CULVERAELL, M. D , author of tbe "Green Book " Ac Tli« woild-renowned author, in this admirable Lectuie clearly proves from hie own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed witliont dangerous sur gical ojierations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials : pointing out a mode of enre at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no mattcv wha* his condition m:ty be. may cure himself clieaplv. privately and radically. ♦iyThis Lecture will prove a boon to thou sands and thousand*. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addrers, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps- Wo have also a sure cure for Tape Worm. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO , 41 ANN ST., NKW YOUK. N Y.; feb9-ly Post Office Box, ibM AdinlnlNtralor'N Police. Lettors of administration on the estate of Mary Ann Alien dee'd, late of Allegheny town ship, Butler county. Pa . having been granted to the underaigned all persons knowning them ■Mdrea indebted to said estate will please mako immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for payment E H CRAWFORD. TRAVELERS' QUIDS. I'TLBS, UKNI CITY AND PAKKBB RAILROAD Tratuo leave Butler (or St. Joe, Millerctowa iiorii* , Peirolia, Parker, etc., al 7.87 a. m aud 2Mb Hiid 7.S>."> p. in. Train* »rrt«e at Butler from the above named ,'oinlH at 7. 7 a. ra. aud 3.15, and 7.15 p. m. The 2.15 train connect* *iiU train on the West Peuu road through to Pittsburgh. • BSNANOO AND AI.I.«OHENT KAII.ROAD Trains leave Milliard'* Mill, Butler county, ! .or Harrwville, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m. uid 2.25 p. ra. Train* arrive at Hilliaid's Mills at 1:45 A. if., and 5:55 r u. Hack* to and from Petrolia, Mrrtln*bnre. Eair\iew, Mortocaiid Trontiunii, coiineel at llil laid with all train* on ibe > A A road. I'ISXHTLTiKU KAII.ItOAU. Train* leave Butler (Holler or PitU-bnrjrh T:uve.) Market >tl 5 Ort a. iu., (toe* through to Alle <beto, on I vine al U.Ol a. m. This train con verts at Freeporl with Freeporl Acrtinmoda tiou, wli'tb arrive* at Allegheny at 8.20 a. to., --ail road time. Exjrreu al 7.21 a. in., connecting at Boiler 'auction, without change of car*, at with Kxpieus wift, arriving In .Allegheny at U. 56 i. in., and Express ea.-t arriving at Bhiirsville al Id 55 a. ra. railroad time. Mail at 2.2H p. ra., connecting at Bo tier Junc liouwiihoul change ot csrs, with Express wwl, arriving in Allegheny at 501 p. in., and Ex pires* cart arriving at Blniraviile Intersetllon it 5 55 p. m. railroad time, which c< nnccU w'th PhiUUeipnia tipros east, when on time. The 7.21 a. in train connect# at Blalrsvillc it 11.05 a. m. with the M nl east, and the 2.36 p. in. traiu al 6.5U with the Philadelphia Ex press e:i*t. Traiu* arrive at Bntler on Watt Penn R. R. at v»..V a. ra , 4.5S and 7.01 p. m., Butler time. The i»,S<3 and 4 58 train* connect with trains on tLe Butler <& Parker R. R. Main Lint. Throuirh train* leave Pittsburgh tor the Kurt u 2.5(* and B.2ti a. in. and 12 51, 4.21 ar.d S.Orf p. ii'., arriving al Philadelphia at 8.40 and 7.20 p. in. aud 3.00, 7.0 and 7.40 a. ra.; at Baltimore iliout tho same time, at New York three hours aier, and al Washington about one and a halt lour* Inter. '1 title oi 11 old lug tour is. The several Court* of the county of Bntler commence on the Hist Monday of March, June, September and December, and continns two week*, or HO long as n cessary to dispooe of the biidiuo**. No causes are put down for trial or traverse juror* summoned for the drat week of the several term*. ATTORNEYS AT LA W. p j- AT M CORNELIUS^ Office with W. I>. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Stieet, tSutlcr. Pa. J. F. BIUTTAIN, Office with L Z Mitchell, Diamond. A. M. CUNNINGHAM^ Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. S. H~ PIERSOL. Office on N. E. coiner Diamond, Kiddle bnild ttg ,novl2 JOHN M. GREER. Office on N E. comer Diamond. novH wji. 11.Tusk, Office with W H. H. Kiddie, Esq. NEWTON ULACK^~ Office on Diamond, near Court House, south side. E. 1. BRUOIIT (.Ifflctin Kiddle's Law Building. S F. HO^TEKT - Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß 76 J B. iIcJUNKIN* f| eti i! attention given to collections Olllc opjK>*iit Wiilnrd Hou.-c. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office norlh-eaf t comer of Diamond, Butler Pa. H. H. GOUOHER, Office in Bchneideman's building, np stalls. J. T. DONLY - Office near Court House. r - 74 W. b7 BRAN DON, ebl7-75 Office in Berg's building CLARENCK WALKER, Office iu Bradin building- mar 17—t FEUD KEIRER, Office iu Berg's new building, Main strcet.apttlj F iiT EAST \AN7~ Office in Brodin building. LKV7MCQUISI ION, Office Main street, 1 door a©uth ot Court Rouse JOS. iTvANDKRLIN, ~ Office Main street, 1 door south of Court BOOM. Win A. FORQUER, W Office on Main street, opposite Vogeley Uouse. GEO. U. WHITE, Office N. K corucr of Diamond ~ FKANCIS S I'UKVIANCE, " Office with Oen. J N. Purviance, Main street, south of Court House. I~D MoJUNKIN, ' iffice in Schneidemau's building, west aide ol Main street, 2nd square from Court House. aT G7 WTLUAMS, Office on Diamond, two doors west of Omzxy office. ap26 T C. CAMP BELL, Office iu Berg'* new building, 2d Ooor, east *ide Main st., a few doors south of Lowrj House. marit—tt O A. A M. SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond. BLACK A BRO., Office on Malu Mreet, one door south o- Hrcdy Blotk, Butler. Pa. (aep. 2, 1874. "JOHN M .VHLLER A BRO. Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street, Month of Court House. EUOKSB O. MILLER, Notary Public. lun4 ly THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTI.EB. PA. JOHN H. NEGLEY, fVGive* particular attention to transactions iu real estate throughout the oounty. Omrjcox Duiioirs, rui COURT HOCSE, if Ornziw SUILDTKO E. K. ECKLRT, KENNKDY MAJUHAIX. (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY A MARSHALL. Office in Brady's Law Building. «ept.9,74 C O. CHRISTIE, Attorney at La w. Legal business carefnlly transacted. Collections made and promptly remitted. BuMnes* correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. PHYSIOIANST JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, myVI-lv] HUTLER. PA. _ DENTISTS. Dentistry. 0 1f WALDRON. Gr dunte ot tbe Phil- K adelphla Dental College. I* ■ Vl sto do anything in the line of hi* profe*-lon In a sati*factory manner. Office on Main street, Bntler. Union Block, np stairs, apll K &GOLDRN DAWN or Light on the Great Future in this Life thro the D*rk Valle* and in the Life Eternal. ILLCB - RATED. Sells faet. Pays orer AAA MONTH AGENTS Bend for circular aud terms. Also send addrew of two or more book agents and ten oenta fbr cost of mailing, and reoei»e tLe People's Maga zine ef choice literature free for 6 months. JUi Ujwis P W. ZtEOLER A CO-. W AfCb tiUKKU V&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers