THE CEIO EARTHQUAKE. The London Tim «' correspondent at Chio, Greece, telegraphs as follows: "I have just arrived from Constanti nople and find a picture of desolation as is rarely witnessed. The town looks as if it had been terribly bombarded. Hundreds of bouses have been trans formed into shapeless masses of ruin, under which lie unburied an unknown number of victims. The majority of the remaining houses are already crack ed, roofless, and may fall at any moment Nearly every building * n town suffered. The inhabitants wander about anxious to search for missing relatives or lost property, but arc alraid to risk their lives in the perilous wo'k of clearing away the rubbish. Many who would willingly expose themselves to danger are prevented by friends or the police. Fear, grief aud despair are depicted on i nearlv every face. All have a sail or ■ tragic tale to tell. The first sh< ck was i felt Sunday afternoon at half-past one. Immediately th»* houses began to tall. Wild shrieks were heard on every side. Then followed an awful silence of some minutes. Tbe terrified ors grad nallv ventured into the narrow lanes and reached tbe open spaces. Snortly afterwards another terrible shock com pleted the devastation. Then y cars, but at night it can be convert* d into a com fortable btd by the passenger without the intervention of a porter. It is propos ed to use this seat on all passenger cars, and he rate to be charged tbe passenger will, it is said, IHJ merely nominal. By an ingenious arrange ment an upper and lower berth can be made which are distinct and separate, and a curtain makes either as private as necessary. Eventually Mr. Gould proposes to place these seats in all his cars and the first-class passenger and tbe emigrant will be able to travel as comfortably at night as in an ordinary sleeper. A shipment of the new seats will shortly be made to tbe Missouri Pacific Railway which will be tbe first company to use them. One of ray children was recently at tacked with a severe case of C 1 r<>u|>, which really assumed a distressing phase; I was recommended to try I>r. Bull's Cough Syrup, after other reme dies bad failed. The effect was most happy and speedy, causing un entire cure. F. Albrecht, 241 S. Sharp St. Baltimore. A Canadian correspondent of the Scientific American pives the follow ing simple remedy for scratches in horses : 'Having tried many lotions, etc., only to obtain temporary relief for my horse, I concluded to try a mixture of flowers of sulphur and glycerine,, which I mixed into a paste, using suf ficient glycerine to give it a glossv ap pearance, and the results I obtained in a short time were truly wonderful. I apply this paste at night, and in the morning before going out I apply plain glycerine.' It does not makp any difference how severe the case of billious derangement is, Simons' Liver Regulator will cure it speedily and effectually without sali vation, or that prostration of the system ensuing from the use of drastic purga tives. As there arc; many spurious imitations of this valuable medicine, take care you L»et the genuine. \We have been selling your medicine fur some time, and we find it better udapt ed to the cure of bilious attacks than any other medicine we have ever used or sold. J as. M. Beaslev &Co ,Mag nolia Ark. Lettuce, says Mis« Corson, is excel lent stuffed; it is well washed in salted cold water, the roots trimmed off. two tablespoonfulls of co<>k< <1 force-meat of any kind, or t;h<>pped eold meat lii»-*'^* 'r i V- nc ' , &-\ '•^ J V.*••"" \v7Sf^ / '' ,77 l^ , ' < ! 'i> 1 1 M&^'&Ctm's &6j) 'i/fcE -y-i "ISLAND & PACIFIC R. ii «,JSSSsS ■iNs"rsßLi»K wnrwswß.EAW*"® ffi! 1(3J8:«in line '" tLS ' \ h is^V'lV2™'p Bluff 4. ».••*»«».: t.. • <«h i;.". V,'. „ . , -V, -t lioneaco ;i lw. u.n- l \v!?o'hVn. HI. ! lovt i . irt Atlun .. ..7 . 'it ii he» (i m Burcon f'ar-V. ;lm-; KT....UH to K:irmin«u.n I-'' V i ';. , m. m-; | WlnterUttlantlc #VI AuduiM<'nl and j ilrilan ll'l' " P«»t«*cly tha our llailnmil, whlcli netn and a tlirougn lini* fmm i '.il :-i; nL> tlio St.iti* ->1 Km )t Tl.rrtUli I X).. w Pai-ieniter 1 ral"? with I*«H- iSSavbsnt «TB and At w cAv T!irou"li r*irjarea sornn ir.»tweou Milwuu kotnnd K'is • l«y. ym the and Il TliVi-7!^ S .t U K.i'k n ' l is:anrt" I* mn-rniaoently equi|':»e-'. its road i>cil i* simply perfect, and its tr wSi?£lVl pVim'so r-nm' I '' will I- the pleasure «W*fe«BKr meal ay A B Vn«« l» «y :•!»«, oddre-Mi. For tuformat n .>■>- '-"5 »«- „ _- r .) <> t: N . A- If« Cit-u'S Titt :,.4 >r .vt.. , . IA PERFECT STRENGTHENER.ASURC REVIVER. TrOT BITTERS are hMily recommended for all dlsea^|_ )) rc " quiring a certain and cCcicnt tonic; espccially . , "cr:< J r/cn/ f/ Appetite, Low of Strength, Lack of l.ncrrj, e,c. 1 .r.w the blood strengthens the muscles, and gives new i'-e to the nerves. 1 hey act like a d 'anfof the digestive organs, removing ns Tus'hq t'te Food, BelcJiinrj. lie toPtlTor cive Iron Preparation that wi-1 not blackca the teeth or g headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Eoc. M AS n>- useful and amusing reading— tcnl free. C?.OT7N CHEMICAX CO., Baltimore, 3-d. - - ——————>•- ■■ ■ ■■ _ • bi,P^sea £h u*< n H PFBiH isis a Ssis 11" fly ti \i w y qg- VEGETABLE v .. §lr€! IB A PURKLY VIQtTADLC REMEDY p? fS. rjr ! •~rr.c.: c«'J• Cs:teinal Uc*, , , a 5 »..-.jr J! t,.0 Cicwses for which it I: rccommendiJ, jf. TAPE lr. tho hands of " . >*\ even $ ' MMt i upcrienced ptrseos. f i. - ' 'j*"' ■ jfl \ It is • ' i-"' ;■ 1 (.. !'■ i' rctxedy ' (CI SOftl* Jnr ,Vr a T I, -• ',/? "<1 fr. Ur. «.fford« !««*« [ ;->> i■. , r i.. . ;■' - ' :-i ■' m i F. V" - it' CLHESTsPC:?, AHD WOSi WIDELY KKCW93 " rASEIV sdEIRE IH TKE WORLD. f' 11* >(fe x .?• vnv, r'i i: "sSSS «asaa2 k, I Sta \\«{v f J&l -j ■ • « no»vi:i. cojIPUINW. «*«« <« « nj m v #i &!• i «... /• ■• .7 -' / - <•'■■ - '"i lis! IM KA3 STOOD ViE T C .ST OF 40 YEARS' CONSTANT E 1 iM ®AO I M tSE IN ALL COUNTRIES AMD CLIMATES. ii I ■2K')," f 3 It U nrco^n:CNL■'• I> l.y riiy»tclana. MMomrif-. it'l l2v I I . B ■SI 1 ll'l.l ■ Vi-j i:*cn cf i*lJiitutloiiK. Worll-SHopo. 5< liSvQVSd UA N««"^r r « JloKpilnta-ln Bhort, by IJvrryboc!, BW'iS cvcrywJicro who !ta» rvcr M _L n * tu Si ms\ itrl IT E3 WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LlMlflltift?. 'ii P 'W ' *l9 "5.3U-3" "e WITHOCT IT. It -1» • <*:■*.* | ,'• a-V t •; ;•< c,. tin <•.. t..™* MIX aua »to >.rko Ki j j •',iS*y 1 r . v ."- !t I*'■•'n'» of p.ll. It 1«< «oM tt 2S«". OOc. tad yi.OO a 1 v.r.u, c*n 1 "■. l>tai "s i fhici oJJ dmgtrfets. PERRY DAVSS & SOW, iru'ovidence, R. I. Proprietors. ralor'H \ol ice. Wln-ronH, li lUT-t ol ndniiniKfa'lon of tli" es tate ol W. / (Jiilll.-lwll, I WlMK'd. late of Ih<- lioroiiuh iii«ii. <<.uuty ol Itotler and Slate <>l Fenn ylvnnla, Inith fx en i:rallled in .l<»- fepli Hariinan, <.l Doneiral Uiwn-hip, Butler «."<». l'i., therefore all per-oiiH Inili hteil l<> «a (I exl ite iir<- lieiehv nelltleil lo make iiliini'di.ite piiyiiK'Ut ihercol t<> UK* and nil | i IVOI.h havlnu clxillix lU'liliiKt A«il the ran.e and prt si i t the sum 10 me accoidint: lo law. JOSKI'H II AItTVAN. Adm'r. Address. Biruhart'* VVftlc, DIIIHt r l'"- th E RESOURCES OF KANSAS ACOOMPAHISO OY a COUNTY MAP OF TI:E BTATE AMD A FIME Mnp OF THE UNITED STATES, »/ILL BE mailed FREE. WAITC »OT A TO A. S. JOHNSON, LA»O COMMIMIONrn, TOPEHA, KANSAS. rxeeulor'N Wherean letter*. ie-tsm< nt iv have l,e< n erntnl t > the mi' ithki ed i n the "ftfe of | .I-inen 'M'lf'iid. I .to of A KIIKOV town-1..p Butter eoiinty. Pa.. -t t" «i'l | e [ make i roi.'jit p'yiueii'. aij'l ao 1 :•!; claimr i i.|fai*ir>t tlio hi*u i- will pretent t ew ri il'ily i authenticated to tlie i:in»<■ i> 'i'i.e'«Jiee far « harder. Notii'e is !eiel y iten tl. .1 »e 11 e Uli-ler i u ed. Willi olhelH. iiileiul to '-I Iv lo His K*' leney. ll< , I*S|. loi < h iru r <>t iiienr- I'OlHli". lllid. r 11|<- IrlllK* ll'l <«l> l<* of ihe B.ll'l Kidt'i" Oil and Tian» oititlon t; nip.uv lor (lie pui'l'.iKi' ol horioe. drli lim miiiiiitr, A<*, tor < H and !ii- ai.d l.iiylnjl. «-<»l»lnir, ' imsporiliur. A"., 011 and ti»fi In I lie ooillilicH <»f Hiillei. Hi'avorai il Allevlien*. 11l n <• Hiiiie <-t H< nn>\ |v o.i i, with the i rinrliml t»l«<-<* in it»- h • u "> < *L I' KI.L, H . HIJMKI.ION, KEKI) KKiHEIt 2t, tSSt. S.uii'ix where v >,i car. cnj.y your Havana :, " ! M"ui!ViS' T eiu f 1r. , .n ilriliws »,.»n iho KMMIM •itii uV-M'iiri riv.rsat all :■ ml? • li'Ai,:.. it. ' u . •: I V£ THIS G'.tKAT THKUIOH 1.1.N Alll. A3 ".'V'finrAf.o with all diver;-inn Hues for the At KV*LK>VOI»I>. w-itb tljo I?. 8- A M. S« ami P., * HEICHTS. WitU P.. C. S St. ''x' i.A S.\t r.K. with 111. rent. RR- _ . ' Atl'i oHiA 'villi I*. P. & J.; I. L>. & K.; I. B. * \v • L'! .Vl-.1.: a»ld«k 1 .I I'*"* 1 '*"* At I>AVEM»oiiT. Willi the Haven port Imiat >n ( At\V i l/iMKHTY. with the H.. fVI%. &N. It. R. At /IHINNLIX. With iMitnil lowa }*• [*• \-iii >rs. with I). M■ !* y ■ I' »*• **• _ _ At* (irvfii. Bi-i wi; hi" nh >n Pueitle R. R. AtOM vIIA. Willi 11. M<>. it. It. It. ill £>'?>'' At' oi.i nil's Jrsrrios.wuh l>..< .I- * v 'J' 4 - ■\t (ITTFAIVA, with ' entra! lowa U. It. ; W., i «• I. &l'af. anil 4 Q-K. ... . 'AI w ' t !> 'V' I V\v r it Tfil's'* Louis & T"'"- and >t 1. Ken. S V;W . It lids. At ' A M Kilns, with 11. M.J It it. \l ATCHIsoX. with Atch., . opeka »V Fnnta re, At<-ll* Jc Sr" S-ml ' en. Br. U. I". It ti H '■t I.FAVKSWOHTU. wit'-i Kan. 1 ac. anil Kan. ' TIKAVMf t'lIV, Sf':p all lines fur tho '.Vest andS;'Ulli"''fiii' sw&JT." ? KIDNEY REGULATOR AND DIURETIC. KIDNT.fiKN is highly recommended and nn «Minm*-'etl for WEAK or Iss of ENEIiOY, NIKVOI'S l/i:iil I.ITY, or iiliv OIiSTKI ("TIONS juismi' from CI:A VI I. or I.EAIIIHIt DISEASES. Also for VEI.I.O'.Y 1 i:\ F.R, 1 l,<»<>!>:m«l KIDNEY POISONINC. In Infected m njarial section*. ; 5 ~l'v I l)i' distillation of i> I'OKEST IX A F with .M'MI'I'.R!!i::i:S itml BAIM I V MALT we have V«TOosil- ill TIN' Hl;» stralnina. sKiiiitiiiL'. neat or Irritnlion In the water passages ctvtnK IFIITII atrengih. vip-r an-lliv<- <'iuielie nro |l rt Il< i''hears the sinn: tare of I„.\\VKI N< • MAKTI'.. also a I roprh-larv ' CoviTtinient Main!*, which permits KIDNEQEN i (<.'«• ..hi (w.i.'un.! Ili-' ;■ ■ u. druj^i'' . rmm«rs I ami otti m-.evcr vliei I'm ui lii Quart-size Bottles for unieral ana ■ Family t'se. I LAWRENCE L MARTIN. PrcjiVs II ■ ,sl\i K*rtAI4WUi i, Oh ihlltw Ou., I'fc guMpranniiSQ Battle Ci-eck, Michigan, "THRESHERS, Traction and Fiain Enginos artd Korso-Pawers. licet CmmisteThrc.••2«r factory; Established ; a ,: ;c Worfi ' 1848 r A kj <1 uf con 'nuovx and tuccuful busi. .!- 5 f"fl*si «.!h t <.: :i"ce of rsmo, o / iLhjaU. -at, «■■ !' c-:t o:\ to-b-.f. wp" U4 3 ;.r -ad -a> rjttr'y £■"•«» »" ourgoodi. t ■' af: w>r . 1 -■ • > ■"- -v»~ t- v:PAH- x TO'itS and ' , *. . ft. | t .• '■'. !t i i*£iiiuKnnine» f -i ro 'f '. ■ * tn C 'tutrvc ' : :v» ih' v n:rkt ra U / .' - V,,v . ..:J {} to i 2 l:oi i»t : . #> ♦.» ; .f s:1 it( * l,nniber * , .• ? t -•»,.< -\' '.;•*alr.-iried \ ...Z •M * ' i '»•' s 'fa 1U v *«• ; ' • . T. CLI «PV. f|/ ; - V., ,v_- I'l . 'J"-. ,-. i :rc«li:':ii]t'i) are in'.'iioH tG v..-r - -■••■ ■ i'iire hui fc - Macl4ncr>. Cirju. T»t "■ 5. A' i i . I;iC:iCLS,£f»iii , ARD it CO. n att!o Creek. Rii:cni* ea '»» FARMERS TAKE KOTiCE !! Look to Your Own Interest, The Celebrated Clydesdale Stallion PLEASANT LADDIE, Will slani for service tlie ensuing season, com mencing April lltli and ending August 14tl>, i»el, at tliw fLilowii [/ places, viz : BL'TLKK. At the stable of Walter & POOH, in the bor ough of Butler, on April lltl>. l'itli. Utli. '4th, 15th IG'h. 2Sth. 26th. 27th. 28th. 2911 i and 30th. May 9th, 10«h. 11th. 12th. 13th, 14th, 23rd. 24th. 25th. 2th ltth, 18th, 19tli.*20th. 2Ut. 30th ail 1 31st. J in, i Irt 21. 3d 4th. 1 tit. lltli. 15th. 17th. 18th. 27th, 28th. 23th a:id :5!Hh July Irtt aud 2d. atid fo altern-.tely. the six days of each niton, te week at tho above places. PEMGREE —Ti.ic: splendid St..l!i->n W.- m. aud hv< li"en ]>ro liounre l i-y t)ie in >t cump**ieiit iulgrta ti) u« the i eet DVa'igM H .rn- i" tt»o Stnte UJ in a dark bay. nh c veart- ■!■! ; witls J'.it ble.aifli. and nin-cie cmnot b-- ( xucll«d He was e t l v <': v!e .v"; » Rii-»a. many pre muntif, i eicdiuK the S: rli .g pretriii-n: ■vhen 011° 3!)'t two ttie <*««d.!cr ri' Slio-.r. .t • connected with "he ;:rcar Sir Walt, r :>co t. uht( in well know:' nnd who nbt-mod thi. Cllsfgow I remiuni of i'U). two yetrKin.rc CSMOII : h« al<«> w:.n tho 'tv,t piiatt at the Itoyal Sow held nS Bt. Lor:'ion. Hia DRDI V.«B A pure C!v(lfs«Ui© Marc ulio w n many ti«>t j tizea at Hi, kintuil 'Ck Sl» ; ,v. Hi: i - known to u<- the best foa) t'ettfci !• tiiif p .rt oi ilio Siinu. TERMS: Fifttcn DoH.iafi.r iut.iti-.viee. ta be paid .vb. n the mate is to b« -.»itu foal. Irregular attei.danre of jiMniiiiH parting with a u.ftio before fhe in known t-> !/.< with r.>a' for feits the iuMirance. ( a:o wi.l ho taktn but no accountatility fji *c-idf uts BC US, LAWALL * CO . rjj&r3f):3m owners. liKiilnrV >Sj p« r' or l iuni ol' llii icr John l/iw -11, I rc i -nriT <>' I'oor I'mid of Horn. Buil.-r in aciMiint with s;..d boioitgli, lor the year I«ku. _ I>r. Ain't i:-e'd on Puplii'til.,' of IST9 f'iu -'i •• i '-'St) li U-..1U ?.!i()i!:e .-N IWJI 17 no •* 44 lor.t rr TreHMiu' i »» •• ZmilM -iiiiUit t*sl;it<* Si 00 •• Mrs. Mrl.i llan at ;'■! " cxotiora!lo:is, 1* u J®; " Dup. uncollected, 1«« I,IUJ -« t;s t'r. VlN't paij? Mis. Hiiinmer. mainttiintince.. ? 10 i 5 Mrs. (Iriilln r, ' Mi loi lgruci'rhn «• Ks«|. Kf •». co-its.... * £ Mr>. .'rluiston, iiuiuit C .> Mrs StHiley •' 4 JV (,fo. Vol ley, paid for paupers ant! tiuie.. w* m tieo', Vogeicy as e( n tar> T"' Dr. Conn, in d. service '« [*> Mrs. Wagner, inainteiiiince •» y" A. .V.IIJIT. money advanced M si'rvicit tifae .«u Mrs. Hirawirk. iiiaiiitfiiancc fajuily J? illdtlv Coll, niaintenance } * W M. ISeir.iT. Sr., groceries li-"® Mrs. li Untitle \} .Mis. Vnll' 11. St. I'raiiciS Ilosplta! H- 1 •'( \\ hi. Dickey. I'linir ' 11. Zlniiiicrinan's estate 4 on A. it. lSicliev, ciiiil for paupt rs 4 fiO j Walter & lions. Hour tor | : upcrs 88 fK) <• Hut c.coal ,1 ' • Krug Bros., meat for pi npers l' 18 Mrs. T. Moser, mtiiiiteiiiince «' is Mis. T. I inch. m:ihitcii:iiii e 4 MI Mrs. I'. Duncan, niaintenance I s James Denny, hoarding, &e li on •l is. Vogeiey, hoarding tramps 8 Wi Mis, A. Uieiin, flour 'j «» Jiilm laiwiill. money i>ar.l to paupers 10 i> Mrs. steplien. inaintei.aiiee. ps. coal I 00 It. ('. McAhoy. Col, per cent 41 .'>7 S A. Mover, witness 2 00 fooLtauttv f. Ea. «» J. PALMER O'NETL & CO.! Ba BOEED CbOtB |f%. r 23 FIFTH AVSNUS, ! >< 4®sfaL. p ' TTS[;URGH ' PA -I THIS STYLr, 12-Boro. C } \;. ... , V"". -■ " v '■'', To meet the ilemnul for a reliable ha d close shooting breech 1 »a\v o»loi' a li ! ;j ot I< - .-J-***-/ at tie following C*i-eatly Reduced ..^Prices: 12-horc. No. Si?", C. <». BON Ell ILL, Top lever, double bolt. bar rebounding look*, low ~« t hammer.-. s >lio 00 j 55 00 No 855 do. di>. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 I CO 00 U| Hweeea*fc*l»«u*edlevd ribe. and *e 10 bores wre wdetuilni. beavjr aed widn.** breech . u weight fa>» sto io taali iacan admirable g«a for dark and Map Hhootia.? whtre heavy ■ harges are B«e*aiy Any of theae Rm.a wiilbe sc.a Vo. I>.. with j iv.!c«e * pc oii opened; then ! * I • li •»t«: a■ i bzilinj? cloth that avo fuil . i J I -u of the uv.ial way of with i*.* ic < . • loilinsf t > get t: • clothes jure ami MYec!-.-!r.c!l»::g, erj-nnl: a- .l i vv.t., .. •i.nt < •'.« <-f dr«-:i'lh!l diseases, di,»htiiena, i ;.y. ; r ; •••'• 1 . •.! iy tli.- Jr.- tan bo avoided; real diner, b«t j ; : ''V • :hc v. »*h -'v d->no away with; clothes i :; mv< ct »;•:«. l av-y * .;rt 1 U i>.,' n.r U"! idoneat less cad thancvcn tcfienh .mt-rr^.< 1 wet, v.. -»• C* O T ;\T ¥?TI4 A M kJ v/ l r AviHi la A. k 1 il. 1 '• ■< ' i w-"' !v • :it FiUXK SIUDAIXS SOAP,— p. Soar > ; i. .:.., tn-l eicr.i ' 7 id*il ! r)icJt Viotu:..! M »>j wuvicd in lutcwann water v>i!h vyy I 1 > . t v~ ' an l utensils iised l»y the kick Uisiufi* i' 1 « t .»i.ti't«t *..t1«.ul t r. ili:i7. while the work wh> llsht that a glil j a,»» • :ii -:it hoh:- • e.l: and yet w mild •« rnti-il. an-1 i>hvslciaiw advisa lt« u-so in i.telfcreitea t > lairosto. \ a>. Ie • w « r.n-1 ."n 1 uwA the y ingest Infant-, a? v.--'.! ujf,r! -r>or.s % ,t.i...!.uA every article as tlocn, as >-v evt and u3 pure pit >••• vM orn. I'r-n V. r. Uon'LK.'. M. TV. Hamiiu.nton, N. J., | KtlUof -W/i K-jttMteuiu "V • ••>».>,;:i \vr . .Il' Ml to I RANK RIDDAI.W | MP an .iv.'l-i'tner.t in myuv.-n pup.-r, .1 >c 4Pii. lor 1.0 iriy a year, according , . .11 h.u proveil t;: it Its r 'mMk.ilile 1 •* '.l »t hofu c- r ;f itcd. F-.rre;nov* I «i' ■ u it [3 hiv.tlnablc, w!ti!e lor toilet 1 .< it; 1: i-l -i: txsrt sum ;> i have out so«->. | - p. ;.I its. IT. f.. I:ksvo.v. NjrtUfieM, Vt. ' 1>;»ALr,-;so.\Pin • '• dsno l i vtth no expense »"• »r •' •*■ ' r f :ri t ...» * U'-nr^ayit. I ::os! ja:a ! , . * • ■,.' v:iiio t» • .;r„Y)-i* ia . 1 »r c«i:» ~ar 1 ■ ■ 1 r... I:at it lack the seine t:tb, ati! »■> on v. .*,!'. c i ;• „~. ,\. ,j ,-i thtan. Then go nvrtty ami let t!i»*sn ' a;!; nt lc:-. t : • tiit'tn, wht>n t'ic dirt will all be loosened, nr.l a v.' - j ~„t ~ft : .t one fii:d-«, will make them perfectly clc..n, • in ,j. . ~ .;j 0 -.vnshl v,- oas to gel at the scams. Th. ■\v• h 1 ...i.i. . n iiikev rrn li'i U*r (without cny Soap,: S'> a • tf< t'- ; ; thi v-'h blue-water, mi lon the line, teUM-mi .1 . .c". t:;nd ; ' red pieces to r ak, nt'. 1 wash ihom • ■■ j,.,. ;: K -t . > the •;:'.sh-wiiter in n tiu,bru or cpi • '• ! v ; f-r a was!i with this Soap. 1 it You will Save by this Easy Way of • )ilcr ' ? r ) Steam! No Small of Si: y s i-'O-i ;• 1,: die Property of keeping the Dii' h. ■ . ■ r ..J.i Sii/cct, and of Washing Fre 'y -MiOXtlS GROCSRBi™»- v j jnd Try it for Yourself next ' * * i u . rj (bis Socp la not yet Intrcduced a Tr'j.l C\- v:. • n reeci'jt of Prtc.3, (10 Cents,, in Money or £ ... :^iT 3 FRANK SIDDALLS " »M OWHILL ST» PHILADELPHI A " K,. (j K 1 E B, DRALEH IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER. PA WATOIIES AND CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WAHKANTED "HA BUT I. Kit OOINTV tVutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main nnd Cunningham S-s. J. C. KOESSING, PitKBTPENT. M. CAM PIiKH,. I*iska 1 »«Kit M. V.. II KIN KM AN, Sn'KKTAItY DIHECTOHM: /. I>. I'urvie, K A. Mi lmbolrtt, Caui|»l>ell, > W. \. Trontman, faeoh Schoetie, (» 0. K'tesxlnu, John Caldwell, Dr. \V lrvln. •' •' ' roll. I W t;iirli»t.v n . f,'. 11. inenian. TAS. T, MMUNKIN, Opti Ae't- T 3 A nKIKT *i. II If Fisf mimi iiiiflß, con. P2NS .'UX'II HTItVI'TM, tii t» unil nil ticsnefcoM tM't, nn■ •. I;. From Mrs. K. Rtockw 1:1.1., ::ixmon:i n. N '. FRANK M)AI' ! :v, 1 n v.-■ rsv the last seven ir.onibs. »i. . ie ti.. Initlic urinted di:octiotm, wo I.' 1 it !.• U • - (' thins claimed r:i the wra| !>ers. We I .v- • 1 . r boiled A y.uni" aritclo, r ~i -T •. u:.-. um'.er ard thrm i-U.i i«< ' «••• old v*.iy. ;.My bu.-bacd. v.'bu 1- h e.*al 1* . t-r • lias a steady Ueu;any i,uua ...- customers. From Mavaccr or L r.v ' >•— '■ ttrict. Cornerl R:re t.N.W., V. .t--l.ii . :■ ■ No Ir.untin 1 r f.'.milv 0» ■ r'. t'AUKfe i 11..'•-1 1.:.- -OA!'. v. V ■ t'.oitS «üßt ti?e »-»<•.• 'ifr jsoap.ttitd bav. • 1 < . •..-•-■niid to i> 'au.idiV 'n .» ase 'v 1 ' ' 1 t!:e -.aperior work w ! ■ t I tarn cm,;.in- : .. t. the tr-t gentwciva'a IV.; : taking : ... ittt BilvT REiV!t:DY rmf jiso2S's of the Tlroat and Lsm '! V r* In risoitni-s of tlic jmil / » I il»is-V* motiary organs a r-i.CvKsVr-. a:. ' :elia'ole l'riiietlv is 's &r\ V> 1 ivalttalih- A \ l't: s IT-V't V < . i ::::\ }'! ■ Tiv.a:. is •y/ \ »;\ -li a r.-iii<-«ly. :mil n.> ot'.i* : -*o -.-I'.ii'i.'iit 1 y iiii't*- LS-'f i:> ill- i'y'i|itl»*!He »• « |.n! Sir. 1: Nas. i. x' ft. .tie eolil illation of CHFtt'"lY bb-diii.ttl primi- VinUHAI J.J s .f.ra'.ve \ir > rSSSi.- til"S nt tiie li.i'-st (Ivttijs, -y— .i:>. a!'./ united, v| i» s.n h jiowi-ras to insure —— m tlie greatest p.wsiii'i* f , 1 ftieietn y an.l tinifuriu- 1 1 " *"V\On f" ity oi re-.iuts. It I ilv. i V'; •- ri»j. j4 t i(|t* |iitit| |.itio;i > f .1! ptihnoiii.rv iliso.i-ie'. affur Hupt t>r«»tiij»t iviief and rapitl eitres, am! ts adaptnd t;i | n*s Sore Tlii'Oitt, Astli:sia, Ciottp, «ud r<|t tarrh, tin- eft • 'ts of A\ it's Cm nitv Per. ioitat. are magi a!, an 1 ma'tifti ies are an nually preserve llmm se ;•;•).ts illness by iis !iine!> r«>- teeiinn it affords in Id-n a'ta- ks la VVhooding - eo»i;xli 11:1 i <.'oas.itiipiio.i t here is no other reaiedy so efti H .'ioas, 4.e»:liing. and helpful. J.o\v iu-i -es are inducement*to trrs.ime of 1 tie many inixtti; -.s. ur syrups, made >1 rhea'i and inefteetive i:ij;redients, now offered, whieii. as t)ii-y eoiitatu 110 qualities, ean ali ii'd oiily temporary relief, itvl are sure t.nli ive and di.sapp elit the pat ent .Useases ol the throat and hums liemand aet ive and eile .tivi' treatment; and :t is dan gerous < xperim -litiug with unknown and . heap nii'ilieiiies, lr. :a the great liability that lliesi) ihsea is may. while so trifled with, become deeply s.-ated or in arable. Use Avi it's Ctiitituv ri:cioitAt„ and you may 1 oatidently expert the best results. It is a Itanda.ll un dieal preparation.of known aud . Kiinwte-iged curative |>o\ver. ami is as •leap as its larelnl pn and tine iiitii'edi at . will allow. Ktnilietit phvsieians, kiiov. i:ig its i oaipusitiou, pieserihe 11 in their praetiee The t st of half a' centur;. has ptov • :t its iilisoiuie 1 eitainly to cure all pnl nirnarv 1 oniplaints not already beyoud the 1 i a of human .ii !• Prepared by D J. C. Ayer L. Co., l*i ;u Ileal unil Aiial.vSioil Lowe!, Mass. BV ALL DULUUIsTtf L\ LKY WHERE. Union Wcclcn Mills. I would deeirn to enll llie i>»teiitien of tie public to the Union W.iolen Mill, lUilh r, Fa., where I have now and improved 111 flattery for the till* litlf net tire 0/ Buried and Gray Flsntinla, Kuittinß and Weaving Yarn«, and I enn reoofutnetid them »k heing very dura ble. »e th"y »re niauufaetiireil of pare Butler county wool. They *r»i hmtntiful in color. »n --|H>rior in textiir#. ind will he »oM »t very low pricen For namtiloe ami price* »ilrfree«. 1 h rni.LfBTOW. jelOt '7» t»1 **»•♦*«'»■ **» ,s i\rtA-.. r iln» :i Ih'i «. "nmvle. worfb ;'• 1.-t-t '. U.J. Auol'-t J BIIJttWM « CO., rotUainS MjLtm ' £ 4 • y "-V' }THI"i Chicago &. Ncrlh-Weslern BE K H. W .-a V is the t»i m>vr : -.i sr ct n>Tiii <"i in: p.kst K< n !PI'KO ! ;mVRR. LI'IADVI 1.1. ! 1, i SALT L*XE. SAN FRANCISCO DFADWOOD. SIOCX CITY. | CiVw "a[ ii'.s. P< s >'•«>i'o'ifinlias :!iiltkosh. Slielioyj»i;i», I M:nli. I!..u;;b!eu, j Ni ■ : .'.b. Mi! a-h. . :•'! rani. Mirr.papolis, tlinou. Voigit. Ow.'.ioi.ii;', ami i i ohiis 1:1 Mi'-.m-so:;;. Dakota, j \. :mi i:«:n ;!i I <:»' Tr. ins of tt\e Ni ••I -? ti'in li e V P. l.'yv l eiurt f-on, I rj•• \ i- ; ..I.) ti-, t!:e.'»i •• joint li:>in Dei of. | A't :: o. <•'< i <■< unci .;• !;• a <• made v.'ith 1 tin :a! • -i . n ~TI< i i nJral, 1 ."iii o;• & i < : 1 i. : : i! i •in; ;y iv: lie. :n Ifl.l : JVtiW. rul!sT;t{i tars Hi. TV* Ki-:N Ch'csoo ?.rd Council Fluffs.; ' Ih.iinii'ii b"ee;'er; -;«!. ;: e T:clietn! en I refuse > .It i;. '! (lit y t'o in i> rtl t»* r tSIC l 111--, pu x i N< i,!i".\\ 'i n 1.e.: ; \t:.>. !f j in: \\ -b tlif : ft i'litveli, . \t-eoii i, lons . vou \M!I buv Tlel.t SIN this IN A>i> ,\\ II.! I'AKK No I' .Ml Ticket Vgen' - iji's l.litf, M \i:\ !N in t l iTT, s.| \. f. iv f-i i f rronun'i" i>.: •" iDf Everybodyf *' ■ '' R" E *^l {■y.:::.. ' 3 Q3" r v j f .*«-•.- i*. - - -* l .-1" i 5 \ ,■ i- •1. Rhc. } ..111, NVu, i!.,:.;. . I nil . ..» f l, K ... V. !iw .J I' • v \i i -» - NV-" . jJSL m«lc v/cakni- r a*»v » .kness ;i:y< u have fining 1 j ; «.fr!, r : •!. v • v i'.J f. "J i jkf j.i J I I . .f --r-rr -< I Jtl3k >■ 3Kj. V" a w iiiitt%\ fc I; on . c • .J• ■. w. s t.Ki .i;;c or Ui>- ( n, i»iJ vour *y tern n« c»« invicorutin •, «JD r f y ;i rs nud MotchC'. and your UICKM.' I VAW.VL"; £M.» ictr 111 '. rro» •% BJ HU, *vian». rcke, Pi.iiiy <>.''■ o t f ! r».t r«i «iv :•»*•. > kuon n »t if Cm:) Hy : • • tf Strc g'' l MtCorcr Ever K/ringer »r. l « rT • ic-., it ntVfi intor.icntes., r l combine t'l b : ctir;tl!vc ;>ri;f«rti « f ;»U, ( I It Has urcd i!-i <.i Mv"aj \t ijity L h.iH I Duj' M syc. bot'.l >1 > o;ir druggist, aiul tn avoiJ< ■..oi!;itcrfc:ls b". *'ire n»r is C.» ih ? out-' p.'r. C N. V. ] Parker's Hair Balsam. The 11. st £ jio t Frsaomiral llalr lirosaln* Coiitaiuinn <>j:!y that arc beneficial to t!ic hair :»■ 1 ihc ; -re : .ci th.ii) any other preparation. II XcTt r Fails ftt'KtoreCJrnjr or Faded I!alr 13 tl • r.r:?i iil y nth *.:! c- icr an !is warranted to r •::: '' -T...K'.IU T. p*--vent L.ild'ivss and atop of i!.a by )' o| ihc I'ublie, WABASH. ISI'IAVA. Tlie Pads me k llin;! v.-< il. H-vo Hfvoral old chronic ca-twof Kidney trouble in-inp tbtm. mid they report nn iniprovcment 1 tbink much of tbcin. A. L. UOHBOOK A t-0.. L>raggiste. COtTItTSEY. TIXAS. Your Pud h' K done ine iiniie pootl tlmn any Remedy I ever i.uod. JAM. B. CALLAWAY. MT. CLEMFNH MH 11. Vmir Pad ban cured uie {if I'sin ir llie Buck and Kidney Tiouble, M. J. llULttll. Alll^le^« DAY KIDNEY P'D CO., «.»LE PRO! HIETOKB, j TOLEDO, - - - OHIO. ! J. !< Of ISESiM Alaci in t-M lbe N tini'. Tn itm nt nnd ItatJ ic: I cure of Weminal M'i ahiti -t*. or Sp r iiator , rl ". MI! • of U 11 '• ' TI. va ild-ifi.cwint''i ill admirable I I rctn e cl -ail* pr vee from bis-owi «ip ti,ai ilu awitil i ititst i|'j< n•<- of Kolf-Abtn-e may | bo t (Ticltial.v removid witlnml danger, ttf nu -1 o| era'toiiH. boiigii H, iueirut.lent*, IIIIK* or I ci.i.lia'n : f t i*lii »: out a intu'e of cut" at once ' cvi'a u and I'ITI ctit I. by wl ich every fiifTfier. Jno n'altt*i uhitt *ii k ct million m y be, in y iiire j bimt elf cb< aply. privately and ladically. i a I bis Lt cinrt will prove k botm to tbou- I' ►aittli- ami tlioUna.nls >i iit. under i-eal in a plain envelope to any addiefi*. on receipt of six cents or two postage ftamps- W« htvu aluo a huie cure for Tape Worm. Ad'lreea THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO , 41 Anm 8T . Ni w YUM Jt T ; filfl-ly foKI Offlei Bo*, 4J»«i * WFFI. |tJ a day at home easily made t>. t'utni Ires. Addresa *t r«„ ' SfciaiJ# j TRAVELERS' GUIDE. ctlkk, sacks citt and parkeu railroad Train* leave Huiler li.r Bt. Joe, Mii!ei»tOWß Karii? Citj, t'eirolw, Parker, etc., at 7.5;7 a. m aMI 2.25 and 7.2°> j». m. Trains arrive at Bnt!er from the above named , oinlrt at 7. 7a. lu.. and 2.15, a, id 7.15 p. m. I'tio 2.15 Ir.iiii miiiuwlk uit 1< train »d the West I'eun roul '!ir« oirfc to Hittfiartth. HIEXAM'd AND ALLEGHENY KAI! ROAD. Tralu? leave UUiiard's Mill, Butler eounty, tor UnrrifVille, GreeuvlUe, etc., at 750 a. m. is.d 2.2- ! > |>. i.j. T .•it - arrive :•.* Htlliard's Mills t1 1:45 A. M., and 5;55 l' M. Hacks ind from Petrolia, Mr.rlinahore, I'airviev.-, , . jTi ontin n.'t at liil laid with .r <>n ilie •> A A read. I'tNNKVI.VA.MA H.UI.IiOAI>. l'rnit!- le;:v« : : (Butler or Htt-tiurph Tiir.e.) t Sarkrl it 5 0»i . . HI., iroei* thicn/li to Alle ii. vint at '-'."I a iu. Tliir- train con a Fnii'Hi. -. ii! i Freipoit Accr»Bi '.(.56 .. r ~ :ti;ti E\r>:ir~ «. pi arririnb at Bltiri-villa ii 10a. ni. rnilioad lime. Mnil ' s2*> s>. in , eian eC-njr at Butler Junc "t»» ''luui i'lia' iie «t cart-. with f.xjire.Mi we?t, mlviui: in A tij ;'i 501 i> t:i„ 'ird Ex rc>- e:u i at B1 :i-\iiie Intersection n r . j . u, railroad time, which rcnwefU w ! th •■h-i -r.. 1 . when 011 time. 'l . . 7 . i a. in uniii cot nect# at BlatrpviUe :t ll.l'"- a i with ill" M-nl ea»l, nvd in. •■ n iiwith the Philadelphia Ex ■re>"> cart. Ti.:iii.- riivt : t Bnilet on Vt'eM I'er.n K. K at '.ft* a. in . -I.".- , ti ?.(il |i. in.. Iluiitr lime. Tha ..".ii ai'd 4 r,s tniinc council with trains on 'lie Cutler A Pat her K. 1!. Main Line. T!=r< Utfli train.- leavi tor the Eaet i. "J..»ii ;.u r> eonnty of B»tler c".a.tteiice on the flift Monday of jtarch, Sej.lember and Decttnber, and continue two \tot kt , or bo loug ni< n etn sry tf> dispone of th* bttKiuovf. No eini-ei* are |.ni doim for tria. or tra\ei>e jnrou MiOiniotibd for the &ret *eek of , ilio (wve al tcmiv. A'L i A J LAW. BUT LER^A: ------ C6R N ELI US, Office willi W. P. Biaud'in, Berg Building. Mtin Suctt. Luiltr, Pa. J. F. BRITTAIN, Office with ]i 7. Mitchell, I'utuouJ, A M. ~CUNN| NOMAM~* Office in Brady's Lav: Building. Butler, Pa. S H.PIER£QL Office on N. L. coii:ei LUIMLJ, Riddle 1 uild iug. .novia JOHN M. GREEK, UE.'C ou N. t. corner Diair.vtd, DOT 12 \naiT ULT^K" OfUoa with W. 11. H. Riddle, Esq. KW TV/N BLACK, Office on I;ii:mcui, tear Cviut (tome, aoath aide. K. i- liKl i■»i 1, Office; u Rnldlc'K l a* build'--JJ. S. K. LOW FJTLI. Oir.ct in RicdicV Law Building. [iuarß'7C .1 l;. M< II > KIN? | t*, •<•; »? .•!!» _. r .\vu lo ccilfrliun# Oiflct ; Uj Jtvs-i » ft isl-ttd ttou*e. | JOtEl'H H. BREDIN, uiiif uo!iU>c.i:l corner of Diamond, Butln {'•» II 11. GOUCHER," Office iu Soliueidcaian'ii building. up staiiti. J. T. DONLY Office rear Court Uontse, r 74 \V. 1). BRANDON, l> F M EAST AN, Office in liruciin building. LEV. M.QCIS'IION," j Office Main street, 1 »ioor rouib oi Coort House JOS. C VANDERLIN, Uffice Maui street, 1 door touth q! Court Sotta*. Wni A. KORQUER, tW Office ou Main street, opposite Tooele; Route. GEO. R. WHTTE^ Office N. E. corner of Diamond FUANL IS 8 TUKVIANC«~ Ofl'ce with (it'll. J N. Purvlanoe, Main street, t-onth of Court House. J 1>" AH JVNKIN, Offiie in fehnt'ldeman's build lni?, west side ol Main tliecl, 2nd square troni Court Hou»e. A. G. WILLIAMS," Office on TiaSfiojid. two doom west of Cmii* office, apa6 T. C. CAMPBELL, Office in llerg's new building, 3d floor, east side Maui St., a few door* wouth of Lowr) Hou&o. niar.t—tf ~~7TA A M. SIJLLIV AN, ma\7 Office S. W. cor. oi Diamond. BLACK Hrr.dy Block, Butler. P*. (tcp. 2,1874. JOHN M MILLER & BRO. Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street, routli of Court House. EUOI:>E G., Notary I'ublic. Jnn4 ly THOMAS ROBINSON, _ BPTLEIt. I'\. JOHN 11. NEC,LEY, WT'tHves particulai attention to transactions Iv roal o«tatc throughout the county. Omfi'JlOX PLAMOHB, NKAH OOUKT HorSE, I* ''iTIZF.N RNI.WNO K. it. FCVLRT, KENNEDT MIXFHAU. (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY & MARSHALL. Office in Bniriy't. Law Building. 8«-pt.t>,74 C O CHRISTIE, Attorney at /,i», Lctrnl husines* rareftitly tmn-'.'K'i'd. ('ollections made and promptly remitted. Burinew* correspondence promptly nt'ended to and ;ui«wercd. OMI -e opposite /,ov®r\ Howe, Rtillfr, Pa. P ; I YSICI AXS. "3. JOHN B. BYERST PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, my.'l-ly] BUTLER, l'A. Dkni IMS. " UII'JSJ I L^IRYT" njt WALDRON.tJr dnate ot the Phll ,'idelpMu Denial Collen«,l» | i? • f* •to do au>thlng in the line of hi* I [jrofi-n-Inn it imntlsfwtory man net Oi::< • "ii Main street, Butler, Union Bloek, ! ti|> (H iir*, apll I.'SJSKSUJOLDKN OAWN. or l.iKbt on tbii (trcai Fuiura in tbia Life tlis» i tbe I> 'k ValU-v and intheljfe Kternal. ILLCt 'I HATED. Sel's fast. Pay* ovar AA * MOOTTL FPXVYUR,., AGiNTB R»n.l for i-ircnlar and l«m. Atop Mad a4di«*s of two or ar'>r* ho.ik aad tao af"'■ \jt crmt of aiailli B arJ r»-»ira tha r>uik«. m*- Maaa F ft SHOIJJ) * (V. I M w mwit ft