Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 27, 1881, Image 3

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    ME. J. H. Btnw. NEWSPAPER Advertising
Aj-ent. 41 Park I'ow (Times Br.ilduig), New
Yoik, is authorized to coi.tract for advertise
ments in the CmzEX.
mu TO t> A DVD maTjw found on f'V at Ort
Ixll3 rAI CdJX p. jJjvi-Pil AUn'.s N-wspjj.tr
Advert Ulnic Birrau , WSprucr S<-s d_ sin*
cuctrbcti Le nude for It Iflf * ORK.
\i>« IdvcrliM'iiH'BN.
Meeting of Stockholders of Ruder Gas Co.
Executor's Sale —Property of Kobt. Thompson
New Kevison —New Testament.
I)rv Goods, Trimmings—etc. A. Trout man.
Circus, Men>> eerie £ Mnsearo. fi r May 9.
Application for pardon—Storey; 1 in.3w
Stoc . holders' Meeting, LW —W. L. Graham.
Local and Ueueral.
Those troublesome 'star routes'
are again calling for investigation.
—All kinds of ready made shirts, at
J. F. T. Stehle's.
The poetoffice at North Oakland,
this county, has been discontinued.
Good violins for one dollar, at J.
F. T. Stehle's.
The Turks and the Albanians
have had a bloody fight. The Turks
SPECIALTIES in woolens at William
Aland'* Merchant Tailoring establishment not
to l>e had elsewhere in the county.
—lf vouwant your old buildings to
look as good as ne>v, paint with Crvs
Three-fourths of the time of the
President is absorbed in hearing appli
cations for office.
A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine
American Movement as low as $lO, at
The celebrated Eightnie shirt,
with a bosom that cannot break or
wrinkle, at J. F. T. Stehle's.
The price of admission to the next
concert of the Germania Orchestra to
be given on Friday evening, May <Hh,
18S1, has been reduced to 25 cents.
WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor,
has just opened the line of woolen* for
men and lxiyn wear ever offered in Hutler.
Mr Paul Cummings, formerly an
employee of this office, left for Color
ado on Monday last. We wish him
O'Brien, a perjured witness in the
Morey letter trial, has been sentenced
to eight years' imprisonment. But
who wrote that letter?
A New Jersey justice of the peace
and judge of election, has been arrested
and indicted for ballo'-box stuffing at
the late election.
Silk Warp Henriette Cloth, at
—Fifteen nations are represented in
the Monetary Conference which met at
Paris last week. The French Finance
Minister was chosen president.
—Mr. Orcn Croup, who bad just
finished his trade in this office, has se
cured a position on a paper in Ply
mouth, Luzerne county, Pa. Our best
wishes go with him.
—lmmense stock of straw hats, at
J. F. T. Stehle's.
—A thousand emigrants sailed
from Cork for the United States, last
Friday and an equal number the next
day. This is a pretty good showing
for fortnight hours.
—Oa Monday of last week the House
at Harrisb.irg passed li'-ally the free
pipe lino bill. The Seuate lixed Thurs
day, May l'Jih. as the day for linal ad
—Prince Bismarck has received an
anti-Jewish petition signed by 255,000
nanus. It fills 20 volumes, o/ 14,000
sheets. Hut the Prince and his superi
ors are alike against the movement.
—New Warrior Mower, lightest ma
chine made. Jos. Niggcl & Bros.,
—Statistics show that over $500,-
000,000 is annually spent in (ireut Brit
ain for intoxicating drinks. The to
tal annua reut of cultivntable land is
$240,000,000, or less than half the ex
penditure for beer, wine and spirits.
HITTER A RALSTON sell goods to
Armstrong, Venango, Clarion, Mercer
and L'lwrcncc county people. It
takes a large stock and low prices to
draw trade such distances.
—Theordinary, glass, kerosene lamp
fh >uid not be allowed to stand in a
draught of air. Lack of precaution in
this regard has just led to two fu
nerals in Canada.
—Four undesirable people departed
this life from as many different ropes'
ends last Friday. It is about time for
public to notice that the increasing
amount of hanging dies not decrease
the number of murders.
missions for the newly elected Justices
of the Pe ce of this county have been
received by Recorder Gallagher and
can now be bad at his office by calling
for tl.e same and complying with the
requirements of the law relative to the
—The English papers are poking
fun at the corpse of the New York
world's fair, which they pronounce as
being so putrid as to be a stench in tin
nostrils of the world. There is more
British insolence than sarcasm in such
a remark, and still it is true that the
New Vork world's fair is as dead as a
thing can be after it has died of neglect.
When the same bitch of telegraph
ic news brings us, as it. did a few mor
nings since, an account of a man killing
a neighbor for interfering to make him
stop beating his wifa. and « story abou'
another man who slsya himself because
his sweetheart declines to inarry him,
we may well marvel at the strange con
trariety in human passion* and affec
—ln our State Senate last Wednes
day a resolution was adopted recalling
from t'e Governor the bill giving
courts of common pleas power to issue
writs of mandamus on State officers.
The House refused to concur and the
Governor vetoed the bill. Another
bill confining the power of issuing writs
of mandamus against State officers to
the court of C. P. of Dauphlin county,
has been introduced in the Senate.
—lt was a girl who asked: 'Why
is it that two souls, mated in the !m
--penetrab'e my te y of their nativity,
float by each other on the ocean cur
rents of existence without being in
stinctively drawn together, blended and
beautified in the assimilated alembic of
eternal love ?' That is an easy one
It is because butter is forty-five cents
a pound and a good seal-skin sacque
costs as high as SSOO. The necessa
ries of life must experience a fall in
price before two souls will readily blend
in the assimilated alembic and so forth.
—Nor. Her.
We will pay the extraordinary price
of sl.lO per bushel in cash for good
wheat, delivered at our Mills on Mif
flin street, and guarantee this price for
twenty days.
—A "Professor" in Chicago proposes
to tempt Providence and risk his neck
and that of another man by walking
over Niagara Falls on a wire without
guys, pushing a grooved-wheeled truck, j
from which is suspended a parachute ,
and underneath that a trapeze, on which
the other man performs. Midway of
the stream the parachute is to lje cut
loose, and the trapezist is to fall into
the water and be rescued by boats.
—Miss Couden, of Allegheny, will I
open a Kindergarten in the public-
School Building at the ciose of the
Public school term, about May 10ih.
It is for children between the ages of 3
and 7 years. Terms, $lO for 3 months.
In the afternoon she will teach a pri
vate school for children from 7 to 12
years old- Terms $5 per quarter.
—Last Wednesday the President i
nominated Wm. A. M. Grier, of this
State to be Third Assistant Postmaster
General. Mr. Grier is the gentleman
who cast the first vote in the Chicago
convention for the nomination of Gen
eral Garfield, and persisted in thus vot
ing on every ballot from the second to
the last—except once he voted for Gov.
Hartranft—although foralong timeno
other delegate joined. He is a resident
of Hazleton, Pa., and so far as can l>e
learned has never held any public of- (
fice. (
All kinds of grain for which I will pay the
highest market price in cash at my mill.
Nov. 3, IS SO. Butler, Pa.
—The Jersey stock of cattle has
always been a favorite in Pennsylvania,
our cattle breeders and dairymen hav
iuir for years preferred them, but it is
now found, aftc careful comparison,
made by experienced feeders in this
Slate and New York, that an Ayrshire
cow is the surest milker and makes the
mostrnd best butter. There are con
ditions which govern these things
which must be taken into account, and
w liich operate in favor of an argument
against botli breeds.
f»«ve Jf Jiicj
by buying Jamestown Cassimeres, at
—The Supreme Court of Pennsylva
nia in a decision made a few days ago
held that real estate owned by banks
and purchased out of their profits is ex
empt from taxation) under the act of
1M79. Controller Morrow, of I'iits
says this decision will affect 2,000,-
000 dollars worth of property in the
city, upon which the taxes amount to
forty thousand dollars. A bill now
pending in the Legislature respecting
the taxation of banks is said to contain
the precise section upon which this de
cision is based.
(liming On!.
I want to close out my stock in the
next sixty days. My stock consists of
hats, flowers, feathers, notions, Ac.,
which I will sell at reduced rates. Al
so, yarns and zephyrs which 1 will sell
at cost. Store at my own residence on
Cunningham street, between Main and
Washington, and nearly opposite the
post office. MRS. S. E. SLOAN.
April 20;4t.
Kagleson reports the following result
of nil ex| eriwnt with corn planted to
test the growing quality of the grain.
From a considerable number of grains
selected from perfect looking ears, one
grain from each, only about one-fourth
sprouted. Farmers should test their
corn, as after the excessively cold win
ters, such as the past, 'here is frequent
ly trouble with corn growing. If there
is old corn in the country it should be
saved for seed.
—According to latest reports the
connecting link of the proposed new
through freight line between New
York and Chicago will extend from
Mahoning or Red Hank, where the low
grade strikes the Allegheny, to Youngs
town, Ohio, a distance of about 70
miles by the survey. A corps of en
gineers and uss'stants, eleven in all,
are now surveying the route, which,
we understand, will pass through Karns
city and Coultersville and down the
Slippery rock.
At 50 C'fiilM ;iii<l I'p,
Everything new in Checked, striped
and Fancy Colored Silks, at
—The following is a summary of
Pittsburgh's business for one week :
Iron production, 7,f>00 tons; pig iron
8,000 tons ; Bessemer steel, 4,000 tons;
open hearth steel, 1,000 tons; glass
table ware and lamps, 1,100 tons;
lamp chimneys, 78,000 dozen ; reflec
tors, 1,000 dozen; window glass, 510
tons or 21,000 boxes. Coal—shipments
by river, 7,000,000 bushels; by rail
road, 1,500,000 bushels. Petroleum—
sales and resales, 003,000 barrels.
Live sto; k at East Liberty —cattle re
ceipts, f>,:{;jr> head of through and 1,-
518 head of local ; hogs, ii, head ;
sheep, 17,000 head. Coke produced in
the Corinellsvillc region, 00,000 tons.
Al IS OntM ;tml |!|>,
The largest assortment of Carpets
ever shown in Butler county, a'.
A cilstom obtains in Michigan,
Nebraska, and perhaps other Western
States, which it would do no harm to
introduce in the older States. The
Governors of these States select and
set apart a day each spring, which is
called 'Arbor Day,'on which the peo
ple generally are expected to plant trees
for ornament, protection and shade.
The spirit of emulation thus encourag
ed among the people cannot but result
in the planting of large numbers of trees
and shrubbery, to beautify, benefit and
enrich the respective communities
which observe the practice—a very
commendable one, all will admit. Last
Wednesday was 'Arbor Day' in Nebras
ka, while Thursday, the 28th inst., is
the day hct apart by Gov. Jerome, of
Michigan, for the same purpose.
Prices «>1 BteaelMMl Ylu*lin.
At 5 cts., good Blenched Muslin.
At 0} cts., yard wide Bleached Mus
At 7 cts , soft finished Bleached Mus
At 8£ cts., extra good Bleached Mus
At 10 cts., Lonsdale Muslin, at
SSttfcltfX ©ifcissm : fjLxxtisv* P&* t ISSL
—''Judge," paid a Western lawyer,
"isn't e-q-u-i the way to spell equi
nomical?" I think so," said the Judge,
but I'll look it up in Webster's Diction
ary." He fumbled over the pages for
about five minutes and then said in
heat: "Well, I've been a Webster man
and voted for him for President, but
any man thar will write a dictionary
and leave out such a common word as
equinomical' can't have my vote any
moro "
.41 52.50 si ii ft Ip.
Ladies' Saques, Jackets and I Isters,
—The House Committee on Contest
ed Elections in the next Congress will
have a lively time if its members attend
strictly to bu-iness. Contests Lave
been announced in no less than twen
ty-four instances, all of them but one
in Southe u Districts. There is certain
ly chance enough here f or a warm
and exciting political campaign in the
House of Representatives. The pros
pect of such a campaign is bad, the ne
cessity for it is still worse, but it will
not be without profit to the people if it
result in helping to secure fair elections, j
A curious incident occurred in one |
of the New York courts lately. VY il
liam P. Brown, when called as a juror,
refused to be sworn upon the Bible, or
even to affirm, basing his action on re
ligious scruples, aroused by the injunc
tion in Christ's Sermon on the Moun
tain, "But let your communication be
vea, yea, nay, nay, for whatsoever is
more than these cometh of evil." Tho
Court sentenced Mr. Brown to live
days' imprisonment and $25 tine for
contempt, and he went to jail a martyr
for conscience's sake, or a victim of his
own folly, as you choose to 100 k at it
4 It ii »« liilf flit-ir Value."
'They cured me of Ague, Billious
ness and Kidney Complaints, as recom
mended. I had" a half bottle left which
I used for my two little girls, who the
doctors and neighbors said con id not
be cured. I would have lost both of
them one night if I had not given
Hop Bitters. They did them so much
good I continued their use until they
were cured. That is why I sav you
do not know half the value of Hop
Bitters, and do not recommend them
high enough.'—B., Rochester, N. .
See other column— American Rural
—Poets are born, not made. Bjonst
gerne Bjornsen—plain English, Benja
min Johnson—illustrated the truth of
this axiom the other day. A reporter
on a New York [taper asked that gen
tleman if it would tax his poetic abili
ties too severely to request a verse for
his album containing his autograph
"Not at. all," replied Mr. Bjonstjerne
Bjornsen, taking the note book and
pencil, which the reporter handed to
him, and rapidly jotting down the fol
lowing touching lines:
To learn to pronounce nucii a name an Wilheimj
Of Norway, a very well bor BOU.
You uniKt know in Norwegian the "J" ota:i<U
for "ye."
AND don't you forget it! Bjornotjarne lij ini
1 ilium*' itol»e*
and Dresses cheaper than you can
make them, at
—Some days ago the recently organi
zed Buffalo, Pittsburgh and Western
Railway purchased the line known as
the New Castle and Franklin road, in
cluding miles of track and a large
amount of indebtedness, A number of
purchasers were in the field, and after
sarting at $25,000 the road was knock
ed down to M . TIIOH. P. Simpson for
the road named, for tba -uni of $775,000.
The buyer states that the road will
form part of the line from Buffalo to
Pittsburgh. The immediate effect of
this transaction was an advance in the
bonds of the absorbed road from
to double th it amount.
—One of the in list shocking entries
111a<Io in the criminal records of lute
years was the recent one in Massachu
setts, where a burglar was shot dead
in the house he purposed to r«>l», and
was discovered to be a young man,
Arthur Foster, of most excellent repu
tation, a student at the Phillips Acade
my, and studying with the professed
intention to enter the Andover Theo
logical Seminary and the ministry. He
was accompanied in his burglarious
work by his twin brother, who made
fu.l confession. The two had math* a
handsome living out of their crime, but
had entirely escaped suspicion of wrong
doing through the cloak ot an unex
ceptionable character.
Messrs. Kly Bros., Druggists,
Owcgo, N. V. To your inquiries re
garding our sales of "Cream If.dm" for
Catarrh, llay Fever, &c\, 1 will say
that it has by its superior merits nearly
supplanted the use of other like reme
dies with my customers and is constant
ly and rapidly increasing its sales.
Though opposed to recommend ng pat
ent medicines as a class. 1 make this
one of a few exceptions, and oiler it to
my friends and customers as the best
remedy for its purposes that I have
ever sold
My son, aged nine years, was ufllict
ed with Catarrh; the use of Fly's Cream
Halm effected a coinpli tc (Mire. \V. F.
MAMMAN Druggi.-t, Easton, Pa.
—The earth's eastward rotation, to
gather with the increase in rate from
t fie poles to the equator, has a tendency
to throw the waters of streams against
their western banks sufficient to pro
duce quite marked effects in mmy
parts of the world. It is noticeable in
large rivers where the deposits are
earthly, and the pitch of the water is
small and in the direction o''the stream,
the bunk against which the water
strikes the more forcibly being high
and steep, while the other is low.
The effect has been observed in many
streams of Europe and Asia, and on the
rivers intersecting the low land of the
Atlantic border of the United Stales.
Itolill I'IM.
Steel Flowers, Steel Ribbons, Steel
Ornaments, Steel Laces, Steel Fringes,
—The young Texan, Buck, who
shot the young Ohioan, Thompson, a
the results of some hazing experiments
at a West Point preparatory school
last year, has been acquitted of crime
I))' a jury The twelve citizens had to
choose which evil they would most dis
courage, hazing or the loose use ol
deadly weapons, and showed their de
cided opinion of the former by making
it stand as sufficient provocation foi
the most radical self-defence. Tin
whole business ought to put a cheek
on the young men who seem to think
the only proper way to lit themselves
to serve their country is by inakinu
| exhibition of their meanest instead o
i their tuaulieet quulitivb at the outset
vp -**. -v. -i*. - - ; -' ■•'•" - J " •' --' •'•' ■■•" i ~",2_'\ 2 >f
i\ / • R
— - ■ *
1 | Go to CIIARLES R. GRIEB'S for f &
£ O > fip
A» ~ 1 S 'S
T| H - > ?
>* COLLARS,j CUFFS, j NECK WEAR, &c.,&c., 3
~ M vli\ STREET, BUiLEK, PA. |S
i p
x §
( Olltl XKHS.
Andrew Y<>-e v-. Elislia Macardy. Verdict
for plain till'.
P. Hutchison and others vs. Jas. Pierce.
E. 3. Crookcr vs. A. E. Barn hart. Verdict
for plaintiff for -ri.sit.
It. 15. l'orter vs. Q. C. McQuistion and others.
Settled l>v tile parties.
J. N. Cubbison vs. James McCormick. Case
settled. Defendants confess ju Igment for tands
and tenements described in writ, with costs of
suit, to be releasel on p iviaeut by tlie defend
ants ti> the plaintiff of the suui of .>175 in two
years from date with interest.
Smith & Garrison, for use vs. James 15.
Storey and J. C. Swift. Verdict for defend
John Humphrey, Executor vs. Overseers of
Worth twp. Verdict for defendants.
Levi Thorne and wife vs. John Little and
others. Jury sworn as to John Little and ver
dict for defendant.
\V. M. Can field & Co. v . 11. H. Bedford.
Verdict for plaintiff for -M-i.72.
Joseph Ash and wife vs. Jas. I!. Knox and
wife. Settled by the parties.
Henry Wadsworth vs. A. Wick and S. P.
Shrvock, Executors of John Shryock. Settled
by the parties.
Ferry Douglass vs. John Boyle and others.
Settled by the parties.
Edward Logue vs. John Smith, slander.
Verdict for defendant.
All other eases on the list for last week were
By mistake, Cherry twp. elected two Audi
tors at last election when she should have elect
ed but one. The two elected both resigned and
the Court last Saturday, on petition of
citizens 'if the township, appointed Calvin
Tinker to be Auditor.
DavH McMilliau has brought suit against
John Maizland for slander.
The case of Edward Logue against John
Smith, Esq., for slander, claiming damages in
two thousand dollars, was the lasi tried
week. The arguments were finished and the
jurv charged Saturday morning, when the
Court adjourned to await the s'erdict. After
adjournment ami before leaving the court room
the defendant in the case, Mr. Smith, approach
ed Charles McCandless, Esq., who was one of
the attorneys for the plamtiii', and who had se
verely reflected upon himself and his principal
witness. James W. Reed, Esq..in his argument.
They clinched and struck, but were separated
by the bystanders before doing each other any
serious injury. The ease went in lavor o! Mr.
.Smith. A "motion for a new trial has been
made and reasons ordered to be filed.
Mrs. Kuth E. Dennison has brought suitvs.
Jani"s Dennison for divorce. Cause, desertion.
Mrs. Francis Wheaton lias brought suit vs.
James Wheaton for divorce. Cause, desertion.
— THE executioner of the Nihilists
was punished with lashes because M:-
chaeloO's rope broke twice. II bund
ling executioners were punished in this
country, the services of the man who
carries the whip would be needed near
ly every day.
— THE deadlock in the I'nited Stales
Senate still continues, but it is said the
Republican caucus to-night will take
measures to cut short tbo present con
dition of things. There is perhaps
not hing in which the public are tuore
in favor of a change.
TIIK recent earthquake shock in
Colorado was most severe in the near
vicinity of the Twin L ikes, where it
caused great consternation and alarm
among the miners. Some men were
engaged in blasting in a tunnel connec
ted with the Steadfast lode, when the
rumbling began. <£A dull roar like dis
tant thunder was succeeded by u shock
which dislodged a considerable mass of
ore. When the vibration ceased, the
men found that the entrance to the tun
nel had been nearly closed by the fall
ing rocks and that two miners named
Adams and Sedgwick had been danger
ously injured, the former, in all proba
bility, fatally.
\ ISi}; MM'WMM.
.My wife had been ailing a long time
with dyspepsia a*id nervousness and
was in bed two years with a complica
tion of disorders her physicians could
not cure, when I was led by reading a
circular left at my door to try Park" r s
(jinger Tonic. Having been so often
deceived by worthless mixtures nothing
but my wife's dangerous condition
could have led us to make any more
experiments. Hut it was a big success
Three bottles cured her, at a cost of a
dollar and fifty cents, and she is now
as strong as any woman, and regularly
does her household duties.— It. IJ.,
liuffalo. See other column.
Secretary YVindom's lirst act as
the head of the Treasury Department
shows that President (Jarfield made no
mistake in selecting him for that im
portant office The failure of the last
Congress to pass a satisfactory Refund
ing Act left the Secretary of the Treas
ury with a great problem on his hands
About #1(50,000,000 of bonds become
payable July I, at the option of the
(joverinent-—of which $ I Of), 000,000
bear interest at six per cent, and the
rest at five per cent, ft is highly de
nimble to stop this large interest at the
date when the bonds fall due, and how
t > do this in the absence of a Refund
ing Act was the Secretary's problem.
Mis solution is bold to the verge of au
dacity, and as ingenious a 4 it is bold,
lie found that the Treasury could com
mand by July 1 about $200,000,000, to
pay what bonds are presented, He
.lias theiefore issued a call for all the
"Sixes" outstanding, which he will re
deem if their holders so desire. If they
prefer, he will exchange them for bonds
bearing a stamp which declares that
they are continued durintr the pleasure
of the (lovernient at the rate ol per
cent, interest. The Secretary will
know fifty days before this call matures
what am. unt he will be required to re
deem, and what amount "vill bo thus
exchanged. It is not expected that
more than #00,000,000 or *7<» 000,000
will be presented for payment, and
the amount may be even smaller, lie
can then proceed to take similar meas
ures to refund the "Fives," towards
which end he may be helped by the
fact I hat about $100,000,000 of the four
per cent, bonds have never been sold,
and couiil be disposed of ut a handsome
Not ice.
The Register hereby gives notice
I that accounts of executors, administra
tors, guardians, et a 1., for presentation
at June term, must be filed in the Reg
ister's ofli'-o or b'fore May Bth, Hsl.
H. 11. GAM.ACHEK. Register.
pervisors are required by law to main
| tain culberts and bridges of suifi -ieut
strength to carry any machine trans
sported over the roads for the conveni
ence of the public—steam threshers for
example. One or two of them in our
county, last fall, were hard on small
bridges, and supervisors wore careless
to make repairs. The law requires
them to do so, as interpreted by Judge
Bredin to Constable Morehouse on
Monday, who submitted the question to
him.— New Cattle Courant.
j —Lydia E. Rmkham's Vegetable
j Compound, the great medicine for the
cure of all female complaints, is the
greatest strengthener of the back, stom
ach, nerves, kidneys, urinary and geni
tal organs of man and woman ever
known. Send for circulars to Lydia Iv
Piukhara, Lynn, Mass.
— INSTEAD of subsiding into its nor
mal channel after the l ite freshet the
Missouri river is higher now than when
the ice brokt up, and has done much
additional damage in lowa, Nebraska
and Dakota during the past few dttys.
No fufl accounts have yet been receiv
ed from the submerged country in Da
kota, from the fact tha* all mail com
munication with Yankton is suspended
the railroad to that point being still un
der water. The destitute farmers and
villagers gathered there are being fed
upon Government rations, issued in
pursuance of the timely order of the
President, but this relief is onlv tem
porary, arid a large sum will be needed
to got them back to their ruined homes
when the waters recede, and support
them until they can make a crop.
If 10 (a llls l»er l.trd.
New Momie Cloth
Nt w Lawns.
New Basket Goods.
Good Straw Ticking.
Cottonade for Boys
New Ginghams, at
— NECESSITY is the mother of inven
tion, and as apparent necessity is al
ways calling a small hoy in a direction
exactly opposite to that in which his
parents want him to be, the small boy
i- consequently, inventive. The last
illustration of thi.-s truth has been af
forded by an eight-year-old boy who
was left for n hour or two by his
mother to tak*- care ot a baby sister.
U hat called him awav from his post
ho declined to state, but what he did
before leaving was to fasten the baby's
dress to the floor by two or three -stout
tacks. It stands to reason that, after
being thus eared for, the baby was un
able to clutch u Lerosene lamp as a
plaything, to creep into an oven or to
drum up in the window glass with a
poker. More still, the infant did not
move at all. When the mother return
ed she may have quoted from Casabi
anca, "The; bov, oh, where was he?"
but as for the baby, there she was.
Merely as an example that boj is worth
millions to the country, for among the
things most needed is a being who can
keep other beings in place, so that any
one may be sure of finding them.
Do not split up your bill buying
Dress (Jood-i at one House, Trimmings
at another, a Hat or Bonnet somewhere
eise. It consumes your time ami costs
you more money. You will find
everything necessary for a complete
outlit at
Rittkr it H Alston's.
.1 »v—one? of tl»»* '.ftvafc ! panacea*! of life! No
joy r- better e t!ni!ut« <| to promote happiness m
eln*erful company than in contemplating with
delight the beauties of nature ami natural his
tory. A <lay spent in a country town at ame
lingerie, a tfoo«l circus, an interesting museum,
aini<l»t a eirelc of
tlie* b« stol a! 1 vital elixirs in the world.
ter, that external expression of joy! It is the
most j-alufary of all bodily movements, for it
promoters Hion, circulation, and perspira
tion, and enlivens the vital power iu every or-
Admitting this fact, don't fail to v sit
the (iraud t'ircm Itoyal, Muoum,
—The hibernating Hungarian in the
Allentown l'oorhou e, who has been
sleeping coinforiablv for seventy-two
days without food or drink, woke up
Friday, and after a short time resumed
his slumbers. Saturday he woke again
and felt such a disgust w tli life on his
return to consciousness that he forth
with leaped out a second-story window
—the only convenient mode of suicide
at hand, lie (lid not quite kill himself
but will probably die. Whatever be
comes of him, he has puzzled the phy
sicians more than did the late famous
and now halt-forgotten Dr. Tanner. If
his method of escaping the ills of life
by taking a ten weeks' nap could be
practised by others, what a blessing it
would be to poor people when times
are hard and victuals scarce. A whole
family could go to sleep, except one
member, who would need to stay awake
to look after the premises, answer the
door-bell and tend the fire. It is to In
hoped that this extraordinary Hunga
rian will not sleep the sleep that knows
no waking until he has revealed the
secret ol his long trance. In one of
h<dward Everett Hale's clever stories
a party of whalers came upon an ante
diluvian gi.iiit asleep in a cave in Kamt
ehatka behind a wall of ice, and re.-uc
itated him by pumping oxygen.into his
capacious lungs. The tale is not so
fantastically improbable after all, i n
view of the experience of the Allen"
town pauper. If a man can sleep time
months why not three years or three
The \lor-3y Letter Forgery.
O'Brien, who swore he knew IT. L
Morev, the alleged correspondent to
whom the forced "Money" letter was
addre.-sed, was sentenced to the Now
, 1 ork State prison for eight years IJV
Judge Coming, on the lath inst.
In imposing sentence upon James
O'Brien, ahait Lindsay, the perjurer
in the celebrated "Alorey" Chinese
letter case, yesterday, Judge Coming
spoke as folows:
The case is one in which the perjury
was of the most dangerous character,
and one which affected the result of
the National election. In imposing
such a heavy sentence for the offense,
I do it to serve as a warning to others
against going upon i lie stand in a
court of justice and deliberately perjur
ing themselves, where the act involves
such enormous interests." • Assistant
District Attorney Hell says O Hrien is
a miserable, worthless fellow, who
would swear to anything for live dol
A Case of Poisoning.
A case of poisoning occurred in Fair
view township, York county, near Lis
burn, Cumberland county, which has
created considerable excitement in the
vicinity. It appears that Michael
Hart, his wife aud daughter had eaten
freely of apple-butter, and were very
shortly after breakfast taken violently
ill, requiring immediate medical at
tendance. The doctor on arriving de
clared that the cases had the character
istics of poisoning. Mr. Hart was re
lieved much sooner than his wife and
daughter, who were very sick, but not
regarded as dangerously so. An ex
amination of the food eaten resulted in
the discovery of poisonous substance in
the apple butler, and when the crock
from which this had been taken was
investigated, it was discovered that
the glazing had peeled oil, and this had
produced the poisoning, having been
eaten with butter. A KJU ol Mr. Hart's
who had not eaten of the apple butter,
was not taken sick, which was regard
ed as still further proof Ujat it was
that which had caused the sickness ol
the lather, mother and daughter. The
ailair caused considerable excitement
in the neighborhood, where Mr. Hart
aud family are very much respected.
hi April <i, ISs 1, !>y Hev. 10. Og.len, .Mr. ( iceio
r.tii j-, HI IVnu tp., uinl Aii»* lieu
T'luelilow I>l' Forward tj».
•I'ihtit ,'jo J AUIJI.N. .tpril l-\ I 'll, at the
ri- Kirn • ■ ol tile olileiuliug iniinkier, It -v .\\ .
I'. .snaw, Air. Ilenry I'. fierce ami Ali-ss
KV.'JI'I i',i .1. Jurdm, ail ui ituuer county, r.i.
At tin- residence ol' liis lirollier-iu law, (icorgc
\\ alter Ziegler, i'.s<|., 11l Munhury, .Nonliiun
herlaud county, l*a., on 'I liur.sduy, Apri 1 Jl,
1 1, Mr. J oil n it. ol lluvfilace,
aged ,iS yearn J. months ami si dajs.
Air. was taken ill aliout the lirst
ol January last ami lay at tin; Vogeley Mouse
lion- until ahout tliice w.'eks ago. u hen In- li.nl
recovered -uihcicntly to go Willi his sister, Mrs.
Alary Ann Z.iegler, lo tier home MI aunomy,
Noiti.ui.ilteiiaml county, I'a., in Inc liii|ic Unit
llie change Would conduce to Ills* better Health.
It wiii greatly hoped l»y ull our citizens tliai
MUCII would lie the icsult. Hat they were
doomed to lie <lea|>|mli!lcil. J oilu l>.
lion win horn aud rallied in tills place and was
a man known lor nii strict integrity iu ull his
dealing.-) with lilt lellow men. lie was a man
ol mure than ordinary good juilgiueui and skill
in Im-oiie.-.. For many years ami HI (act all
lliinti.,li Ins lile lie win Irciplehlly eni|>liiyed as
a clerk iu smii ■ of tlic vllli en übuut tlic Court
lluti-e. A:> ii clerk aud hook keeper lie had
lew superiors. Alany Incmh and H larg • circle
ol relatives deeply regret Ins comparatively
early death. His remains were brougat lo tins
place on Friday, and lollowetl to tlic grave on
.Saturday last by a very large coneouise ol our
citizens. Ami such is the clld ol IHe to one
well known to u< all. Air. Mctjuistion win
horn February IJ, IhJ.'t.
HNVIMOK. At his residence in Middlesex lp.,
liutlcr county, on April tilth, 1 -si, Air.
Michael .Snyder iu Ills / ''til year.
Mr. Snyilcr was mi old citizen ami highly re
speeleil i>y uli wliu knew lutti. lie wasame n-
Iter ol tin- l\ < liurch. .Mr*, Snyder bus
lli<- sympathy •>) her many Ineittls in her sad
bereavement. •!. I. S.
At tin; residence of In-r si hi Jo.iiali, in Slippery
roek iwp., Ibis in ill it ty, oil i! 2, IS-i, Airs.
I'.lizu Ailuini, ogc.l yea rs, It mouths iinU
21 il.iyH.
MKt 'II 1.1 N( i. At tin? residence of her ancle,
Tlloliius Mi rlllilii', K""| , 11l Jellersmi township,
diii i-iiinity,oil April _t, ISSI, M.ssAluiy Aleeu
-ling, mbunt .A) years.
Mi.m M formerly live I ami we
believe U.I . i ;|| i ll iii tills (illli ii, 111 lilt- liutl e ol
lu-r riui'll.itin r.l leuli Aleelillug, Sr., deee im-iI,
which : i in I mi (he groiiml "liw oeeupie I hy
the liuu- - in which Ui-v. Hylic resit).v. She
w I - n moil ain:ithlt! ami exe client woman, en
lie,ll I'll I I a. I Ii :r Irn-inls UII I to all who knew
her tor her gentleness ol ilispiHillnll ami knit!
iie-et ol' heart. < >ur citizen*, win hud not I.ilowu
ol her illness, we e jjrievcil oil learning ol hor
ilealli. Iler remains were brought to (hi- place
ami, utter 11' neral services in the Kpixcopitl
eniireh, wen- ■ iit»-rr«-iI in (he South Ccuiclery,
on yesterday, 2oth instant.
Notice is ln-rehy given llntl uii application
will In: untile to the Slitle I'arilnn Itoaril, lit its
meeting on .'tub May, |.ss|, li>r (lie pardon ol
William Storey, eoiivieleil in tilt) Ses
sions ol' Milder county, IV, on a charge of for
gery mni embezzlement.
April 27, IKKI :ti.
*«>!§«•«• lor < liurter.
Nntlee |s hereby i Iven tb it we the iiniler-ijili
id, wlili min is, Intend to apply to Ills Kxtvl-
It-iiey, llei.ry M. ll'<yt, llie Oovcruor ol ihu
(', uinmnWe illl| ol I'eniisylvtttilit, on the lOtli
dav ol M;iy A. I) , |SS|. (or n ehiirier ol inc<»r
liol'iilion until i tin* name unit h(> Itj of the Hald
Itiilgc Oil ami 'rnniMjioi latloti t' inpmiy lor lln
ptn po-e ol liorliii.', itrllllnif, iiiinlng, Ae , lor oil
and L'n• unit buying, Helling, tmiisportliig. Ae.,
oil and t'ls in (lie eotinllcß ol Knller, Heaver and
Allegheny, In the Hiule ol l*i nn.-ylviinla, with
(liu prllielp.ll ollb-e ill tin- le-roiigh ol Hnller.
II AKVKV t t)|,ltKit I',
JNO S I AM I'H Kl. 1.,
April at W. I). WKANDON,
A. T
j MONDAY, MAY 9th,
THE ©lflU'C"'- ;
A Veritable World's Fair,
Having an existence which is? \ isible, tangible ami Absolute, with more and
Than i.s contained in TEX uf some of the shows that are traveling through
the country.
BrriT|ißre i s ai Ka t~?,3 ?se k.i kta til us?™
niSimr.b ) :t &ah rraiß
.1: ■ -
(, ®%S£: o'iP
\.f-1; ? |
The $30,000 British ' ■ " a "EMERSSS!"
The Only Beat 6at:!«-3C«red Wcr E!c;v ..t I • '.•ln «v Cfcow In tho World I
A &IVIhSY* VXi"JZ x'A.i.N F&335112
□ -las ever 12 ror r If ~ \ an%J Y.'otgh.'fljr c» - C Torn, betide*
-A. Guarant'iod O l IC-3 jtTears !
ro>m«ir Mm or TrtfT tf ouor. • r "If" '•*»*• '" J x
ccstHAK 4 ; .''.-.LT f ; . - •: .ipsatsuvus
L» tl»o CRMUT! C • ?-cully T v.- -«ty TJ.I.UJ
IUM.^«JR»;^W7VF;: I ■ runiTi-u^i
1 " :v "•• 'Vic::;™ CERTuai!
W»ll worth alono Doubio ' :: r ' *•• • to •••
$lO-000 Cbtiienga to'£ :c '• - - '"nr-telf Her Equal!
' TOBCCEN W IT HC r L . - .F•. t•. >-,^i*wcs.
THIS SIGHT #i m, VMTB MME V. AH 111 £l' f ' : '•■• UiHER SKOsVS!
Whose motive power in supplied by
tin: best Silver and (J<»1«1 I'lated
New York built
The entire Fire Apparatus, Kleetric
Light, etc., cost
$25 000 IN GOLD
This one feature alone taring worth
double the price of admission as a I
novelty. How many thousands there j
are that have heard and read of a real
Steam Fire Engine, yet have never
t ecu one'(
Its Mechanical Architecture is par ex
cellence, and it is beautified with ela
borately polished
And Nickel and Bronzed Smoke
Stacks, Cylinders, etc.
In case of Fire Alarms, all the appli
ances are attached—hose, suction, etc.,
lire always in readiness—and in fifteen
seconds 100 pounds of steam marks ,
the indicator, and with lightning speed
is on the ground ready for use.
Continuing the Ponderous, Mugtiifieent, Mighty, Imposing und
Immense Shows Combined
1 Doors Open at land 7p. in. C J mmencos at 2 and 8.
of a minute description ir. detail of the
comprising ,th e
Star Equilibrists
Manipulations of human forms! Cales
theutic Kings of the Arena.
Egyptian Prodigies of Art
Juggling by Egypt's Sons.
Veloci pedal Prop ill sons.
Acrobatic Diversions.
Planetary Evolutions.
Antipodcal Achievements.
Aerial Supensions
Oraeco-Roman Wrestlers.
I a the selection of Artists for this grand
entertainment, especial care has
been taken to obtain those on
ly who were ol the very
Highest Order of Excellence;
and accomplishing feats new from those
usually seen in Circuses, etc., and
[ without doubt, the Grandest
Combination of Artistsev
er seen in any show.