Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 20, 1881, Image 1

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    MUBfcCftllTlO* HATES :
Per ;eu, in xlftnce II 60
Other* 2 00
No subscription will be discontinued until si:
arrearages are pud. Postmasters neglecting t
notify ua when subscribers do not take out their
paper* will be held liable fur the anl-ncripticu.
Subscribers removing from one pusto:fio« tr
another should give us tiie name of the foruito
aa well AM the present otlice.
All oomrnnnications intended for pnblicatim
n tliirt paper must be accompanied by the real
uarae of the writer, not for publication bat an
a guaiautße of go.>d faith.
Marriage and de«th notices taunt be accompa
nied by a responsible naaie.
Planing Mill
Lumber Y ai*cl.
S. 6. Purvis & Co.,
Wl<irr4CTl>ll*Rß AND D«iL*RBl5
Rough and Plansd Lumber
Bfacksls, Gauged Cornieeßoards
Newell Pofitp and Baluster*
Birn Boards; Plastering Lath; Ileui
lonk Bill Stuff, such as Joist Raf
ters, Scantiing. Ac., all sizea
constantly on hand.
AH of which we will sell on
reason able terms tnd guar
antee satisfaction.
Ifenr Ot<r:n»ii <'« jla«»11«* « liiiri'le
jn»?-*Q-iy .
A. Haffner,
Lumber Y ar<l,
Rough and Planed Lumber
Brackets, Gaug'd Gorn'cs Board,
Barn Boards, Plastering Lath, Hem
lock Bill Stuff, of all kinds,
p.-tU„;{aot]y o,j hand,
All of which I will sell on reasonable
terms and guarantee satisfaction.
Planing Mill and Lumber Yard on
Jefferson street, Butler, Pa.
Idee I j A. H\FFNER.
Corner 59'/i St. & Broadway,
On Both American and European Plans.
Fronting on Central Park, the Grand Boulevard,
Broadway and Fifty-Ninth St.. this Hotel occu
pies the eutire wntare, and wan Imiit and fur
nished at an expense of over SMn,UUO. It is oil" of
the nio.t elegant as well as beiiu the finest lo
cated In the city ; has a pas.sen!?er Elevator and
all modern improvements, and is within one
square of the denois of the Sixth aud Eighth
Avenue Klevated ft. It. ears and still nearer to the
Broadway ears—convenient and accessible from
•11 parts of the city. Rooms with hoard, 92 per
day. Special rates for families and ]iermaucnt
guest*. E. HASKKM,, Proprietor.
L. NICKLAS. Prop'.,
Havine taken poseHHion of the above well
kcow.i Hotel, and it being furuishe I in the
beet of style tor the \ec im Klation of gnenta. tlie
public are renpoctfnllT invited to givo me a call
1 have alw> poiMO*Binn of the barn in rear of
hotel, which fnrniehee excellent a tabling, ac
comodations for mv patronn.
ValnHble Koul and I'erHwnal
Properly lor Sale. By Or
der ol Court.
The nnderfigned. Receiver of the Firnt Na
tional Band of Bntler. Pa., will offer at pnblic
•ale at the Court Qon»e. in Butler, on Thurs
day the 21 of April, 188', at 1 o'clock, p. m. all of
the following ryxcribed real and i ersonal proper
tJ of eaid Bsnk, to wit :
All that certain piece or parcel of land eitnate
In the borough of Butler. Butler county. Pa.,
bounded on the north by Butler branch of the
Pennsylvania Rtilroad eaet by lands of Mrs.
Conrad Hmith. eoutb by tho ConnoouenesHing
ter. ' Conivnine four
(crce, more or'lew. Terms. One half cash oii
day of sale, and the other half within nix months
thereafter, with interest, and snob security as
shjll be satisfactory to the Receiver, and no
d6ed to he made to (be purchaser until the con
sideration shall be f.ill«- paid.
ALHO. Five thousand dollars of Karne City
and Bntler Railroad Company tin-t mortgage
bonds, beanng seven per cent, interest annu
ally. payable semi-annually in gold. These bon-e
fall due on tho tirst of Angnst. 188«. and are by
witing ditel 12th nf December >B7O. guaran
teed by Charles Duffy and >V. IT. H. Riddle.
v* to principal %nd interest, at their I'M
' vtfne when due, and the interest semi-annu
ally. Said bonds so guaranteed, are four SI,OOO
each, numbered 20, 21. 22 and 23; and two of
•500 each numbered 22 and 23. Mortgage
dated 28 Jane and recorded 14 July. 1876.
Terms cash to be paid on day of sale.
Receiver of First National Bank of Butler, Pa
THE GREAT Aoftii*aotiT#priseptr«
' "A K.o»l rp ( B fc Ssrwpanlla, Mandnkt.
I lUCP DaniMlM.. KiIUT Won Bacha.
I W |X HUM, AC., which .«U pnnptlf oa
th. Li«r. KWn«,. Blond. BU»n«h
l/intir V and Bo««l« •« tlir wnc lime. TbtM
■ 111 MP I orgmaa art n iatiouMl/ MiKUd
|V|U|lb I that wh*a on. U 4uaaMd. tlwr all
JLITX) h.MBi. gy»r» -r I«m alfwHed. llta<*
■a a M Um gr»ai ,ala« a»4 nrsriohtr M
HI II II II <)»• eompoaad, which nstoru una
D la u V V all to Wlthv actt»s. and a. a toaic.
nSlfl<T\V haiMa up tha aaura tymtm. It la
KK"* alaoaMataaiaaaiansMdyror H.a4-
TON IC. tkis Diaaaaaa, *or™falovi. aad Sriihi-
Bfi Jill, il T J •* » Trial
Mtatldi. Ail drau-autnd aonDtry
ar will (Milfar jtm. • ih.ff.raM lansar-
■* p.il«, and suuWd fur 1* ru. a W.t. Ar.asia Was raa,
llitllM t* Colie« i»raol . ouuly
All acoownts not )sett led on or befoia April
With. 1881, will be placed in the hands of the
gberiC for collection. By order of Ootnaiisekm
. HM « OteWf
—vriiKi; —
Chicago & North-Western
»« B ■> w ,m w
EQUIPPED ! and hence the
It is tlie sliort an<l be.' t mute between Chicago
and aii - In
Northern Illinois 10-.v.i. Dakota. Wyoming. Ne
•nask i. California, Oregon, Arizona. Utah, Colo
rado, Idaho, Montana. Nevada, and lor
Cedar Rapids, Des Moines. Columbus an - ! all
Points in tlie Territories, and Hit- West. Also,
for Milwaukee, Ore< n Hay. Oslikosh. Shei>oyg;ui,
Marinette. Fond do Luc, W.uen nvn, Houghton,
Neenah. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Union.
Volira. Fargo, BisinwvK. Winona, t.iv 'raw,
Owafonna, and all points m Minnesota, Dakota.
Wisconsin mil the Northwest.
At Count il BlistTs the Tram nf t!i<- Chicago &
North-Wcsiern nnd tiie 1. I'. K'ys rienart from,
tnlve at and use the s:>me joint Union Depot.
Al Chicago. elo <• ci.nni'ilons art in n.e with
■to- l,ake Shore. Michigan « ' nirU, Baltimore &
onio. Ft. Wavneand Perm ylvania. and Chicago
'■i Orand Trunk K'ys, and tfc»: K;.;ik:ikte and Pan
Handle Routes.
Cio.se connections nnwlc :, .function Points.
Il is the ON'I.Y I.tXK running
Pullman Hotel Dining Cars
and Council Bluffs.
Pullman Sleepers on ail Night Trains.
Insist upon Ticket Agents a'Ting yo.i Tickets
via iiiis road. Examine your Tickets, anil refuse
:i> hnv if thev do not read over the Chicago &
North-Western Ritlwav.
If vou wish the Be.si Traveling Accommodations
vou will buv your Tickets l>v this route. fc»~AND
W11.!, TAKE NONE <> TIJK:?.
V! Ti< k'"t *»'ii!s sell T!(ik'tt« bv this lJne.
MARVIN HI'IiUITT, 2d V. P. & Uen'l Mang'r
'""h • ago.
Look to Your Own Interest.
The Celebrated Clvdeadal** Stallion
vVill eland for service the ensuing ueaeon, oom
nencing April 1 lilt and ending August Htli.
iHBI. at the following places, viz:
At tie ctsb!e of Walter 4 Boos, in the l>or
>ug!« of Bntler. on April 11th. 12th. 13tli. '4th.
'sth. Ifi-U. 2."th. 26th. 27th. 2Sth. 29fh and '-Oth.
May Oth, lOrh. 11th. 12th. lath, I4th, 23rd.
:4tb, l!5lh. 26th. 27ili a:*-! 2St!i.
June 6th. 7th. Bth. »t!i, 10th, 11th, 20(11, 21»t,
.:2iii, 2ilrd. 24th and sth.
Jul* 4th. fitli. i th, 7tli. Hth and Oth
At the st&ble of Jobn l.aw All, in Learmreviile.
WintiMd township. ou April lf}U}. 18th. 20th,
j! st.. TM aci iM.
Vav 2d. 3d. 4th. sth. 6th. 7 h, 16th 17th, 18th,
9th.'2oth, 21st. 30th and Slut.
J run Ist 2d. 31 4th 1 th. 14th, 15th. Ktli.
18th, '27 th, 2R(h. 29th and 30th
July Ift and 21. and so alternately, the six days
of each alternate week at the above place*.
PEDIORF.E —Thi« sp'er.did Staliion was im
ported by I,swall t and liv been pro
nounced by tho most competent indges to be
the best Draught Horse in th«j rftite- He is a
dark bay. nioe years'old ; without b'.oaii> h. and
cannot ba cxcel'cd.
Ho was Rot by Ciy In wh.i gai.-ie 1 many p-e
--ntinms, irclodinu the Sterling preu'iani; when
oum ami two years old h-> pained the premium of
the Colder RirmeV S!a>w. &<v He is nearly
connected with ihagrest Sir Walt r Sfti t who
is well known and who obt*.in»d the Glasgow
prominm of £6O. two years in sue -edsion : he
also won tlie rtrst prize at the lioyal Show hold
at lUttersea. London. His Usui w»a a pure
Clydesdale Si are who won many flrtt prizes at
Kirkintnllock Shew. Ho is known to In- the best
foal getter iu this part of the State.
TERMS: Fifteen Do'h.rs for insurance, io
bo paid when the mare is known to he with foal.
It regular attoad&ncn. or persona parting with
a inaro before she is known to be with foal for
feits the insurance. Care will be taken bat no
4*%ountal<ili<y for accidents.
marSo:3m o.vnert<.
Having removed my MILLINERY STORE
from the Herald building to
€ il is i! i iigSi kin WJreef,
botwesn Main ami Washington rltreetu. north
side, all my enst >mers and others are specially
ii.vited to call and exitnioe my
Spring Stock of Qoods,
Consisting of the most fashionable stylos of
Ladies' Ilats, Flowers, #c.,
eqoal to any ever Irought to Bntler.
I nces moderate anc] bargaiim offm od to
all Who call.
Avril«:lra MRS. SARAH St OAN.
D. L. Cleelancl,
tv}_" Fine Watch and Clock vcptlrtnit a specir
amy All work warren fed.
Store between Wulter'g Drue sto v e and lint lea
savings Bank. M.iin street. Bntler. I'a
Notice is hereby eiven I" »" persons not to
harbor Mrs Annie V:inder|in, a pauper, inas
much as we h.»ve provided a place for
own township, as we will pay 3J bills lor her
keeping. April 4th, ISal.
Oversci rs Poor Vei ango Twp . Huiler Co., Pa.
A«lniiiilMtrator%* Notice.
Whereas, letters ol adiuinisfaMon of the es
tate ol W. J Campbell, rVeeessed, late of the
borough of Millersiowu. roumy ot Butler and
State ol Penn ylvatiia, balli tn-efi granted io Jo
seph Harlomu, ot Donegal township, Butler
Co.. Pa., therefore all per-ons Indebted to said
estate are hereby notified to make immediate
payment thereof to me and nil persons having
claims against said estate are hereby notified to
make proof ol the same and pro«ci,t the same
to me accoiding to in if.
' l>w« Ov, Pr-.
The Potltiy Cure
For all Female Complaints.
This preparation, m its n-vne ft, Trifle*, con*Mt of
tabic* Propo. lios are L-arml. u to tho moat d'-t
lurald. Upcn O:M tris.l (1A« D.crits of this Com
pound will be aa relief is immc<ilst« ; and
when iu nae is continued, la ninety-nine coses ia a hun
<!rod. a tod,as thousands Will
tifj. On aecjant of lie proren merits, It is t<w!iiyr»
commendM and bj lit* Wr.t pb jWians in
the country.
It will cure entirely the worst form nf falling
of tho ofcer»:s, Lra?orrba\v irregular and rail rul
Henstruaticn, a!! Ovarian Troubles, Irlammatloa and
Uleeration, all Displacements and the con
sequent spinal weakness, end is especially adapted to
the Cl:anye of Life. It wi!l d:«olre ard expel tumors
from the uterus in an enrlj s!aje of development. Ths
tendency to cancerous lramors there is cLecla>d rery
speedily by ite u?o.
In fart it has proved to be the rreat
est and best remedy that has ever been dfrcorcr
od. It permeates every |>ortion of the syLteni, and circs
new lifoandrijor. It removes de
stroys all crarinff for etimulaats, an i relieves weakness
of tho stoma' h
It cures Bloating, Headache*. Ifcrvoua
General Del.illtj, Cleeplcsrnc .3, Derm; lon ai.J Ir.t i
prstlon. Tlifct foelinjf of bearing down, ecusir.tf pdn,
weight and backache, te always permanently enrr d I j
iti use. It willnt all timer, cndrnderrll eircuinstan
ces, act In harmony with the law t'-iat governs the
female system.
For Ilidney Complaints of ei.her tx t!Js eomponnd
is unsurpassed.
Lyclia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compoi-n.'
Is prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lrnn, ?*a v
Price f 1.00. Bix bottles for $."..00. Sent by mjul Li t. t
form of pills, al*/ in the form of s, pn rcc
of price, f 1.00, per bos, for aitbes. Ura. FIKKIIAJf
free'.j.allJetV-raof inquiry. Fend for j4ua
phlct. Address ss a v .ovo /n fiis pojvr.
?»"o ciiould be without LTL»LA E. PI N "KIIAM'
LIVL?. ITLL3. They euro Constipation, Lillousness.
and Torpidity of the Liver. £S o nts x*vr bot
GEO. A. KELLY & CO. General
Agents, Pittsbargh ?*.
Sold by D. H. Wuller, - Butler Pa.
X!ic mj'tirost a«.<| j.ruje.oe e»ei jl»ue.
A 0 *n«nLuxation of Hop6 v Buchu, Wan
drnkCi ana
most c\ urativc of all other B.tters.
m is£ts\theffroai« -t C!ood Purifier, Llvor
PCS U l\.a tC?% u.d Life a;.d Hcalm tiAet-lorum
So disease an possibly IOUT WH*re Hon
Bit*.are us iua and jjc. itct tlu .r
S ope.atiorw.Mm
I Tit;fin M »iiSJ»«airlce:totio»Ecl»silsara.
9 lot !1 whc.v} e%0.p107r irrerulari
§ tT- u .*i JCI» v. t !srr\uii;ii;y orpta, or vho r-.-
B j!i:ro;u» T<>-' :c aodmllrt Stlm-.lnnt
lii>pll.ttcrsiu-ou:val^" uli ' c wiLiiOi.t
Kob;j.t«rwhat3'ourfi%lß-iCC fir. trm.ot.-ni
are vita t r ' * u "* Uc;> h.:•
tcra po:;'t va;t«iitlly6'iA l ' < ! sic* tut If you
(,'Jy feet b.MI or r vrabtc.» , ,:: ,f * n »t once.
Itm-iyuvj;lifi-.ltliait 1 »»ed huitilrtilA.
be ttlJforacftVC they will not I
eui eor help. l>u not sufTer lA OI y.->ar friends
usssu:<l urco lo a^-3 Hop B 9
■4 Remember, f!«p r.tters is no\ T^fl ,
nostrum, but the n J Best
Medicir.e rvtr made , the (&UHD
aud IfOPE" sr.d no ptrson or jMWB
should be without them.
D.f.Q.i' an
forDn»nlcenn*ss,uso of opium. 1
H nareotica All sold by dnur?K*t3.' t n'l 11.9
tt for Circular. u«p cittcn nr*. Ca., J g|n
Said a m:\n. whose woebegone counten
ance and broken-down constitution plain
ly showed traces of disease —a sufferer «ith
Nervous Dvspepslr, in whose stomach the
most delicate inorsel lay like lead. Ke-
Xrjsl;i;u; sleep and (jiiiet nerves were stran
gers toTiim. anil he despaired of ever being
well. We advised him to take
which he did. and in a short time was not
on'y relieved but cured.
Header, if yon are suffering with Dyspep
sia or Mver Disease in auv form, ao not
wait until the disease has taken a fast hold
upon you, but use the Regulator when the
symptoms tirst show themselves. SIM
MONS I,IV KK REtiOLATOK is not an al
coholic stimulant, but a PURELY VK(!K
-TAI'.I.E REMEDY hat will cure when
everythlnceise fails. It is a faultless fam
ily medicine. Does not disarrange the
system. Is no violept -Irasttc puree, but
nature's own remedy, ilie friend of eve
ryone, and will not disappoint you. A
single trial will convince you that it Is the
cheapest, purest aud best Family Medicine
in the world.
ASK the rc'-ovcrrd dyspeptic*, hiliiou*
suffereis, victims of te\er and ague, the
mercurlnl diseased patient how tlieey re
covered their health, cheerful spirit* and
good apjieiite- thev will tell vou bv taking
Simmons Mver ltegulator.
Liver Regulator!
Original and genuine prepared only by
.1. If. ZRILI.V A (<>., Pliiln.
»Pr 2s-ly
kivS For Catarrh, hay fever
haf "'htAtA DA-Vfl IS cold in the Head, &.•„
uSr\ZL' r/'_ay Insert w lib little linger
g|?LAIARRr!,COI-U« 'i.rii a particle of the ljiitm
ra ll^r/- 1 , c/ ALtic.- t '>ui il,t " " lnls : draw
IV£ *Z AA strongUreatlisthrouKli
jy n"se. It will be
r"at.s Vgs?*M absorbeil, cleansing.
(«A?ALP^ tb I '" ia hiding the dis-
Jr%-> ril&O .tis.igTiJsWH membrane,
I For Dc ' afness '
»apply a particle Into
the ear.
IIAViVO gained an enviable reputation, displac
ing all other preparations in ihe vicinity nf discov
ery, is, on Its merit" alone, recognized ao a won
derful remedy wherever known. A fair trial will
convince the most skeptical of Its curative pow
ers. It effectually clcmses the nasal passages of
Catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions, al
lays Inflammation and irritation, protect* the
niembrau.il linings of head from additional
colds, completely neals the sores and restores the
sense of taste and smell. Beueflcial results are
realized by a few applications. A thorough treat
ment as directed will cure Catarrh. As a house
hold-remedy for cold in the head is uneipialed.
The Balm is easv to use and agreeable. Sold by
druggists at .Vt cents Oil receipt of .'<i cents will
mail a package. Send for circular with full infor
For sale In Butler by 1). If. Wuller, J. C. R«dick,
Zimmerman & \N ullcr. Coulter & Linn.
Union Woolen Mill,
Manulacturer ol BI.ANKETS, FI.ANNELS, YAKNB,
Ac. Alr-o custom work doue to order, sucti af
cording Rolls, m>tkin? Blankets, Fbinnels Knit
ting and VVcavlnc Yarns, &c., at very low
prices. Wool worked en the shares, it tie
«lred. niv7-1v
Rheumatic Cure*
hfts cured rheumatism after the lrest[u«Dt ot
fourteen doctors had failed, uid after ha bad
used crutches for sixteen years.
It was discovered by K Donnell, In the treat
ment of himself- Sold by
D. n. WI'I.I.XR.
oovW.flm IIITJ'I.RK, PA
[ &uUftt AA> for tire CITiZM.
[From the Franklin, Pa., Independent Press.]
To the Spelling Classes of the Union
| School, of Frank lin, Pa., by Mrs.
J. E. It , of Franklin.
| Stand up, ye spellers, now and spell :
( !>peil plenakisto6cope and knell ;
i Or take some simple word, as chilly,
i Or guager, or the garden lily,
j To spell such words as syllogism,
j And lachrymose and synchronism,
• And Pentateuch and saccharine,
| Apocrypha and celadine,
| Lactiferous and cecity,
! Jejune and homnspathy,
j I'sralyasis and chloroform,
Rhinoceros and pachyderm,
! Metemjwychosis, gherkins, basqn?,
j Is certainly no eajtv task.
I Kaleidoscope and Tennessee,
| Kamtschatka and dispensary,
| Diphthong and erysi|>elas,
i And etiquette and sassafras,
i Infallible and ptyalism,
Allopathy an<i rheumatism,
And cataclysm ami beleaguer,
Twelfth, eighteenth, rendezvous, intriguer,
And a host of other words are found
On English and on classic ground.
I Thus Bthring Straits, and Michaelmas.
I Thermopylae, Cordilleras,
Suite, hemorrhage, jnlap and Havana
(.'liminefoil aud ipecacuanha,
| And Rnppahinnock, Shenandoah,
j And Schuylkill, and a thousand more,
I Are words some prime g< od spellers miss
i In dictionary lands like this ;
Nor need one think himself a scroll,
If some o( these his efforts foil,
Nor deem himself undone tV rever
To uii?s the name of either river,
The Dniej>er, Seite, or Guadalqniver.
In the month of May, 1864, we
were encamped, under Grant, on the
bank of the Itapidan. The opposite
side ot the river was held by Lee's
! foreea. Our regiment—the Two Hun
dredth Massachusetts—had fought in
many of the bloodiest, battles of the
war, and comparatively few of the
original volunteers now survived.
Camlion, Fred. Helton and myself,
however, still held together, and
neither of us, in all the dangers to
which we had been exposed, had ever
received a wound.
Our acquaintance antedated the war.
We had been classmates in Har
vard University. I remember we
u-ed to nickname Camlion 'Captain'
long before the war of the rebellion
was thought of. He was tall, strong
and serene, with a dignity about him.
half boyish and half manly, which
made him re-pceted as well as loved,
lie was president of every college
society to which he belonged; be pnll
ed the heaviest oai in the University
crew. No exertion tired him, and no
provocation put him out of temper,
though I do not forjret his encounter
with Fred. Belton, It was, indeed
the beginning of their friendship.
Fred was a Virginian by birth,
though he afterward fought on the
Northern side ; he was full ol fun and
humorous mischief, but subject to un
governable ou'bursts of passion. One
day be undertook to play off a practi
cal joke on Mrs. Clapper, our laundress
who was more than suspected of using
chemicals in her washing, to the detri.
ment of the fabrics committed to her
charge. Fred, who was something of
a chemist, hit upon th<j ingenious de
vice of saturating one of his 6hirts
with a mixture which, when brought
into contact wilh the ingredient Mrs.
Clapper was accused of, produced an
explosion which utterly upset her and
her washtub, and, besides rendering
the poor old lady almost idiotic with
fright, injured her rather severely on
the face and hands Fred related the
incident with great glee at the suppef
table that evening. We all thought It
funny and laughed, all except Camlion.
'You ought to beg the woman's par
don, lieltou,' he said. There was an
immediate silence when his low but
powerful voice struck in, aud every
body turned toward him as he *at
with both hands resting on the «dge
of the table, and his face, which was
the type of the young Grecian Her
cules, slowly reddening. Fred laugh
ed, fancying at first that Camlion was
chaffing. liut in a moment the latter
added, 'lt was a blackguardly thing to
'fhereupou Fred Jumped up, white
with wrath.
•Will you take that back V he called
'I say it was a shameful and cow
ardly trick,' was Camlion's answer,
Helton snatched up a heavy bread
knife that lay on the tabic and hurled
it with all his force at Camlion's face.
It struck him on the cheek, alittie be
low the right eye. It was a murder
ous act. We all rose confusedly to
our feet, anticipating a violent sequel;
for Camlion could have shaken Bclton's
heart out of him with one hand. He
alone remained seated, however, press
ing his handkerchief to the deep gash,
while he kept his glance fixed on his
'Of course that makes no difference,
Helton,' he uaid, after a pause.
Helton, who was by no in?ans a bad
fellow, had no sooner done the deed
than he was sorrv for it, and manfully
said as much on the spot.
'I don't care a about this,' ans
wered Camlion, quietly; 'but,' he
added with the grim tenacity which
was a feature of his character, 'you
ought to make it up to Mrs. Clapper.'
The upshot wa3 that Belton yielded,
and presented Mrs. Clapper with $25
and a handsome apology. Hut the in
cident roused a jrood deal of discussion
and opinion was for a while somewhat
divided as to Camlion's behavior.
Some declared that he ought to have
sent the Southerner a challenge, but
most of us felt that a duel would have
been a giatuitious absurdity for a man
like Camilon ; and it was a sign of the
general confidence felt in him that no
oue ventured to intimate that the fact
of Belton's being a notoriously dead
shot had anything to do with the pa
cific termination of the affair. Camlion
himself never alluded to it in any way,
hut as I have said, the two men after
ward became firm friends, and Belton,
who had l>efore belonged to the fast
set, grndually mended bis ways under
Camlion's influence and joined the
athletic party.
Another follower of Camlion's—and
he had many, though his intimates
were few—was Frank Capel, also a
Southerner, and a well-mannered,
pleasant fellow enoutrh. He waa<
ufcivfy noted ft; bis fuaanttol dcrvo-
tion to a certain famous sister of bfc, to
whose praises his friends were obliged
to listen in season and out. She was
according to Frank, the cleverest, most
beautiful, most fascinating creature
above ground. Her dancing, her rid
ing, her music, were all perfection, und
Frank used to declare that she could
beat even Fred. Belton hollow at
'Why, I've seen her,' Frank ex
claimed, 'take her revolver aud put a
bullet through each of the fingers of
my jrlove while I was throwing it in
the air ten paces away from her ?'
In short, she was the ideal of all
that woman can or might be, and we
looked forward with interest to her
promised appearance on our class day.
'We'll introduce Camlion to her, and
he shall make her an offer of marriage!'
said Belton, with a chuckle.
The joke of this suggestion lay in
the fact that the else heroic Camiion
was what is called 'afraid' of young
ladies, that is, he could seldom be got
to open his mouth in the presence of
any women who was not over thirty
aud married, and if brought to bay he
would stammer and blush like a school
boy, and stand twisting his great
hands behind him and glancing anx
iously this way and that for a chauce
to bolt. To imagine him carrying on
a courtship was too daring a flight of
fancy for any one but Belton. With
children, however, Camlion was com
pletely at home, and he would spend
hours of uproarious happiness in a
nursery, tumbling his gigantic frame
about ou the floor amid the screams of
delight of the small people. He treat
ed them with ardent reverence aud
abject forbearance, and they led him
unresistingly captive.
Our class day came around at last—
the longest and loveliest day of sum
mer—with its 'spreads' in the men's
rooms, it dauciug on the College tireen
its illuminations in the evening, and
its various other diversions. Miss
Capel was there, and beyond doubt she
was, in appearance at least, nearly all
that Frank had declared her to be. But
for my own part, while recognizing
the bewitching brilliance of her face
and manner. I found her slender lips
too satirical and her clear brown eyes
too unsympathetic to command my
entire fealty She was one of these
women who, as a bare return for con
descending to exist in the presence of a
mau, demand from him a devotion
scarcely distinguishable Irom slavery.
She was witty, rapid and at once sub
tile and daring. There was in her, I
fancied, more of intellectual apprecia
tion of passion than of passion itself.
She seemed to think that the proper
place for her arched foot was on the
neck of the rest of humanity. She
Lad never been opposed, much less
rebuffed or humiliated ; she expected
that your eye would fall before hers.
Her figure was tall and lithe, and no
bly proportioned, graceful, erect aud
alert. But I was brutal enough to
think that some of the ear-boxing
which she had doubtless administered
to her slaves at home might have been
wholesomely returned to her own de
fiant head. Fred Belton, on the other
hand, considered her 'divine,' and
'squired her about almost inveterably ;
she accepting his homage in good part,
and laughing with him, or at him,
quite affably. For several hours he
was a general object of envy. At
length, catching eight of Camlion, he
whispered a few words to his beauti
ful companion, glanced at our serene
Hercules, and she nodded her head.
A moment later he had been brought
up and presented.
'See you again in half an hour in
Harvard hall,' said Belton, and was
off, chuckling to me, 'We've cooked
old Camiiou's goose for this time, at
all events.'
Perhaps be had, though not in the
way he imagined. What induced Miss
Rosalind absolutely to lay herself out
to captivate Camlion of all men ? Was
it from a subtile feminine perception
that no woman had yet won bim,
when yet he was worth any woman's
winning? Was it, perhaps, that she
was really impressed by something in
the man's noble simple nature that re
vealed to her possibilities she had
uever till then suspected? Or was it
a mere whim, because she was weary
of being worshipped, and wanted to
have the novel sensation of finding her
self on the soliciting side ? I cannot
say ; but, at all events, she did it—
how effectually and lastingly no one
knew until years afterward. Mean
while, it may be remarked that she
and Camlion did not make their ap
pearance at Harvard hall, where Fred
waited for them until his patience was
exhausted. Ou the contrary they kept
together by themselves all the rest of
the day and evening; aud it was not
until the illuminations were over, and
most of the merry-makers dispersed,
that Belton came across them wander
ing arm-in-arm under the trees at the
outskirts of the college grounds. They j
met his rather discomfited greeting ;
'I thought you two must have de-1
camped for good !' he exelamed, with a
reproachful look at the lady. 'You i
know. Miss Capel, you were engaged
to dance the first waltz with me at the
hall, and afterward to come to mj
spread, and '
'I tound better employment,' inter- i
rupted Miss Cadel, with a glance of
superb insolence.
Her white bands, which Belton no
ticed were ungloved, were clasped over
Camlion s mighty arm, and now she
looked up at him in the bright moon
light, with what seemed to Belton an
expression of secret intelligence. Cam
lion bent toward her aud said some
thing; but in so low a tone that Bel
ton did not catch it. Miss Capel then
turned to the latter and demanded
brusquely whether he knew where her
brother was.
'I came to escort you to him,' was
Belton's reply.
She allowed her Lands lingeringly to
leave Camiiou's arm ; they confronted
each other for a moment; their eyes
'Don't forget, she said to him at
length, almost in a whisper.
'I shall be there,' ho answered, lift
ing his hat .as he spoke.
Aftvr smnber pwwe ete twroi
away from him slowly and beiran to
I movp toward the college, quite
j in<r Belton, who nevertheless walked
beside her. lie addressed several re
marks to her, to which she vouchsafed
no answer whatever. At last, being
piqued, he said :
! 'Well, Miss Capel, I hope you've en
joyed your visit to Harvard and the
men you've met here.'
'I have met on'y one man here,' she
replied, facing him imperiously. And
this was all he got from her that even
Next morning Camlion was not at
breakfast, but some hints of bis advent
ure of the previous evening leaked out,
and Helton had to sustain a good deal
of ehajr about the manner in which he
had been "cut out.' As for Miss Capel,
it was known that she was staying
with her bn>th-r and father at the Tre
mont House in Hoston After break
fasting, curiosity or idleness carried
me around to Camlion's rooms. I was
surprised to find him hurriedly packing
nis trunk, his usually healthy looking
countenance very pale and drawn. I
asked him what was the matter
'l'm going home,'he said. 'I pot a
telegram this morning—something
very bad has happened to my t»ther '
I muttered my sympathy. Presently
be resumed : 'You were introduced to
—to Miss Capel, I think ? Will you
see her before she goes, and tell her—
say I would have come if it had been
possible ; a jd —I hope I may see her
again some day ?'
I promised, wondering, and I would
do what he asked, and soon alter I
bado h m good-bye We did not meet
again fur some years. When I called
on the Capels to deliver his message,
thev were not in, and I did not liavr
another opportunity ol discharging mv
commission. In the course ot a few
days the newspapers contained the in
formation that, something having gone
wrong in the banking house of which
Camlion's lather was manager, the lat
ter had committed suicide.
'By Jove!' exclaimed Fred Belton,
when he heard the report, 'I almost
wish it had been me! Dear old Cam
lion !'
When Camlion and I found ourselves
together again at the outbreak of the
war, be was much matured in appear
ance, though his boyish simplicity and
gentleness were unchanged. I have
heard, in a vague way, that he had de
voted himself, not without success, to
paying off the liabilities which his un
happy father had incurred. Hut con
tact with men and the world, aud the
hearty preoccupation of his struggle to
atoue for the sins of the dead, instead
of embittering him, and brought his
strong nature a more cheerful trarne;
and his qu et geniality made his con.-
panionship i»ore than ever delightful
to me. hut once, when I asked him,
half jocularly, whether he had no
thoughts of getting married, he looked
at me very gravely, and answ-ered, in
his deep straightforward voice :
'I never met but one women whom
I could have married, and I gave her
up long ago. Do you remember Miss
Capel ?'
This led to my telling him how his
message had failed to reach her; and
the intelligence seemed to produce a
great effect upon him. He murmured
to himself several times. 'That may
have been the reason,' and thereafter
became totally uncommunicative on the
subject. Ido not know whether Fred
Belton ever heard ot this conversation;
but tor my own part the stirring events
that were daily happening arouud us
soon put it out of my head.
As I began by saying, we were cn
cani|H-d on the Rapidan river, just be
fore that terrible series of battles in the
Wilderness which ushered in the close
of the rebellion. Meauwhile, there
was an ominous quiet in our neighbor
hood ; the only exception being a rath
er annoying one in the shape of a
sharpshooter on the Confederate side of
the river (which was there about 300
yards wide), who unerringly picked off
any one of our men who ventured to
show so much as his elbow on the
Federal bank. As he liad established
himself opposite the only spot in a
couple of nliles where it was practica
ble to water our cattle, his presence
was particularly inconvenient, and we
expended an apparently disproportion
ate deal of trouble in our efforts to dis
lodge him, but nothing hud any effect.
As il -'uck would have it there wi re 110
guns available at this point; and it
was in vain lhat we peppered the place
whence the deadly shots proceeded,
with our rifles. Every day several
valuable men were lost, until at last the
question : What was to be done ? be
came a serious and pressing one. The
unknown marksman never was known
to miss ; and all that any of us ever
saw of him was the pnff of smoke from
the muzzle of his weapon.
une arternoon ITOII nciton came to
my tent (I was surgeon to our com
pany) in a state of «uch manifest dis
composure that ut I thought eith
er the Colonel had been killed or the
mysterious sharpshooter captured. It
turned out tu be quite another matter,
'What do you think ?' he be .ran, in
an excited undertone 'Whose In use
d<> you suppose is a mile off there, on
our left?' And without giving me the
time to biizard a guess he went on:
'The Cipels,' as sure as you are
there. And whom do you suppose I
saw? Miss Rosalind herself, as I'm a
living sinner ! She rode up on horse
back, just as I was palavering at the
front door for provender. By Jove,
she's more divinely handsome than
ever! And, oh, my wipr, didn't she
give me a rating though ! Whew !'
'What did she scold you about ?' de
manded I, amazed.
'For being a Virginian, and fitfhtinjj
on the Northern side. I tell you she
made me feel like; a boru sneak and
blackguard. A little more, ami I be
lieve I should have ratted a*rain, and
joined the Johnny Rebs. 'lf I were a
man.' said she. 'I would make it my
business to catch such creatures
as you, and hansr you !' It's my opin
ion, if a few hundred women like her
were to enlist on the Rebs' side we
would be thrashed out of our boots in
ft month But luckily there is not
another woman like <ior no the planet.'
'You'd iaim iwk uvt> vr slw'tt
make a conqutst. of you in more ways
than one,' said I. laughing. 'By the
way, this news would probably inter
est Cainlion. Does he know?'
'No; and I don't mean to tell him,'
replied Beltor rather sharply, and after
sitting l a few moments longer he got up
and l*ft me in apparently no very good
That same evening, however he ap
{•eared again, this time in a preoccupied
mood, and with his pipe in his mouth.
The conversation presently turned
upon the ever-active sharp-shooter, and
after a few remarks had passed, Belton
•I've made up my mind to kill that
fellow, and I have thought of a way
how it may be done. 1 guess I'm as
good a shot as l.e is and if I can get
si-jrht of as much as a square inch of
him, he's settled !' He then went on to
unfold to me his scheme, which appear
ed feasible, though there were certain
obstacles in the way. After wehadt 1 -
. ussed it for a while, he said: 'I)o
you know why I want to shoot him?'
'From patriotic motives. 1 trust,'
w as my reply.
'That's very weli so far as it goes ;
l»ut there's something else. I believe
I know who he is—or what ho is, at
all events. I believe he's the man
whoiu Rosalind Capel means to marry.
From something she said to-day I'm
certain she knows him, and that there's
something more than ordinary between
them. Aud I don't intend that she
shall marry him if I can help it.'
I did not much like this attitude of
Helton's, and I told him so ; hut he
took my strictures in such ill part that
for the present I julged it best to say no
more. Plainly, ho was in love with
Miss Ca •. I devoutly wis* ed that she
was our, c»J the way. but before break-
Cast time next morning i was destined
to hear of hera-jain. It was ab >ut the
honr of sunrise when Cainlion, who
had been out on picket during the
night, entered my tent, his face flush
ed, and his blue eyes kindled with re
pressed excitement.
'1 have seen Miss Capel.' he said,
going to the point at once, as his cus
tom was. 'There was an alarm at my
outpost two hours ago, and one of my
men fired. We heard something fall,
went out, and found a rider entangled
with his horse, which was shot dead. I
knew her in a moment though she was
in man's clothes—a blouse and high
boots. She had lost her way, and had
stumbled on us in the darkness. Their
house is near here, she says. It was a
narrow escape ; if she had been killed—
I could not have borne it! I wish
this war was over.'
'Was she armed;' I inquired, feeling
more uneasy than I cared to coufess.
'No. Why should she, poor jrirl ?
She lad been to see wome friends of
theirs somewhere up the country. I
gave her a man to see her safe home.,
He had spoken the latter sentence in a
low voice ; now he looked suddenly up
and said, with the deepest emphasis, 'I
would give my life to know that she
loves me still as I love her! She did
love me once I There's no other women
in the world forme.'
'You must bear in mind that she's a
red hot rebel,' I ventured to remark.
'On the contrary, she's m >re than
half inclined to our side,' returned
Camlion eagerly. 'She told me almost
as much. In her heart she loves tho
Union best.'
This unlike assertion increased my
misgivings tenfold; but before I could
make up my mind what to say I was
summoned to attend another victim of
our mysterious enemy on the opposite
bank. The man was mortally wound
ed ; but before he died he was able to
state that he had seen hi» executiouer,
a young fellow with a straw hat and a
dark blue jacket or shirt, who parted
aside the bushes and looked across at
him, the smoking rifle iu his hand.
'lf anvoue with a good aim had
been with me,' added the poor chap,
'we'd had him potted then, sure!'
They were his last words. But it
was not the first time the terrible sharp
shooter had been said to have shown
himself under similar circumstances;
and it set nie thinkingagain of Helton's
scheme of the night In-fare.
At 5 o'clock that afternoon the offi
cers and ruMi-rommissioned officers of
our company were summoned to meet
the Colouol ; I was also present. As i
anticipated, it was B lton's scheme
that was the subject of discussion ; the
long and short of it as follows : A
volunteer was to be found to show
himself on the bank and take the ene
my's lire. Belton meanwhile was to
conceal himself close at hand, and as
soon as the 'young fellow in the straw
hat' peered out of his ambush to see
the effect of his shot, Belton was to put
a Minnie ball through his head. There
were only three things that might in
terfere with the successful prosecution
of this plan; the lack of a volunteer pre
pared to meet almost certain death;
the possible omission on the enemy's
part to reveal himself and finally, the
chances that Belton might, after all.
miss his aim. Nevertheless the Colonel
gave his consent that the thing should
be tried, in default of any better sug
gestion ; and the following morning was
appointed for the experiment.
At 6 o'clock 1 saw Camlion leave
his tent and set off in the direction ot
our left. I had already noticed Belton
heading the same way about a quarter
of an hour previous; and putting this
and that together, I awaited the issue
in some susj>ense. Butl)efore7 o'clock
Camlion returned, passed me with a
strange look on his face and without
returning my greeting, and immedi
ately re-entered his tent, where, as was
afterward inferred, he must have spent
a great part of the uigut in writing,
and arranging some papers. What
had happened (as nearly as I eao
judge from subsequent developments)
was this: He had started with the
intention of calling on Rosalind Capel,
at her house. The way lay through a
woods; but just before emerging from
it into the open urround in fro it of the
house, be saw a man and woman stand
ing Iwneath the shade of some trees
about fifty yards away. The man was
Belton, the woman Rosalind. Belton
was apparently speaking eager'y and
excitedly, Rosalind occasionally reply
briefly and. moving hen bead as if
iu ttwvau Alter a uiiouto or two ik>l-
Cue square, one insertion. tl; each subee
ijuent uisertiou, 6<i cent*. Yeirly advertisement
•■decoding one-fourth of a coiunin. tB per lnofc
figure work double these tuiee; addition*
charges where weekly or monthly change* arf
marie. Local adv<<rtir*eniente 10 couta per lie*
for ii» t insertion, atd 5 cents per line for eacfe
additional uieorticu. Matriages and deaths pub
lished free of charge. Obituary rotices charged
a«< advertisements. and payable when handed in
Vn.litom' Noticea. #4 ; Executors' and Adminia
rrators' Notices. #3 each; Est ray. Caution an 4
Ihssoiution Noticea, not exceeding ten lines,
From the fact that the Crnzr.* is the oldea*
established and iin»t exteiieivt ly circulated He*
i nblican newspaper in Butler oounty. (a Repub
lican county) it must be apparent to bueinen
mt-n that it i* the medium they should use iu
ad\ertisin« >hen business.
NO. 22
ton ceased; she extended her hand to
him. which h grasped in both his and
raised to bis lips. Tho next moment
he had drawn her to his breast and
kissed her face passionately and re
l peatedly, she not resisting. When
| Cainlion saw this a hoarse cry broke
froiu him, and he strode forward a step
with fire in his heart There he
stopped ; a cold and torpid feeling came
over him ; he turned about, and, slug
gishly at first, then more rapidly,
made his way back to the camp.
A little before noon next day Cam
lion, Helton, and myself, and another
man. Hay don by name— a reckless,
daredevil fellow, who had volunteered
for the post of danger on the occasion
—moved silently and cautiously down
toward the fatal spot ou the river's
brink. The adventure was kept a strict
secret, for since the night previous there
had been whispers of treachery in the
camp, and we knew not where to look
for the traitor among ns. It was of
course, indispensable to the success of
our plau that the sharpshooter should
have no suspicion of there being more
than one person'in the neighborhood.
Keeping headfully behind cover, we
crawled alousr. and at length lay hidden
in the l>ush<*s a few yards from the
place. Then Canrtvon, with Haydon in
his charge, clipped a little way down
toward the left, until \bey were con
cealed from sight by th» intervening
shrubbery. Helton got rifle in
readiness, and I made my preparations
to do all t bat could l»e done for Kaydon,
as soon as the enemy's bullet had svruck
him. When I last caught si<rht o f the
poor feliow there was a drop about the
corners of his mouth, and a yellow pal
lor in his cheeks which showed that he
was not insensible to the gravity of the
situation. But Cainlion had taken care
to bring a flask of brandy along with
him, and a qniet, steady cheerfulness
of demeanor that was perhaps a better
cordial still.
Left to ourselves, Belton and I bad
I nothing to do but to wait aad we did
wait for what seemed to us many intol
erab.e minutes. Tbe river lapsed
smoothly aud silently by, a bird skim
med over the surface ; a breath of wind
rustled the leaves over our beads. I
Derail to fear lest the suspense should
make Belton,s band unsteady. Just
then a half-smothered exclamation
reached our ears from the direction of
our unseen companions, and almost
simultaneously with it the sound of a
heavy step passing from the bushes to
the open margin of the stream. The
tune was come. Belton crouched with
rifle at his shoulder ; our eyes were
fastened on the opposite bank. Sud
denly a white puff of smoke leaped
forth—a sharp flat report like the
crackiuif of c. whip; then the low, un
mistakable thud of a bullet striking its
quarry. The stricken man staggered
and fell, still out of our sight, could
we have had eyes for him then. But
all depended upon our absolute iramo,
bility during the next few moments.
The white smoke drifted down to wind
ward. Before it h<id passed away I
saw the figure for which we were lying
in waitemerjre quietly from its covert
•m the other gjde and stand revealed.
At the same instant the bang of Bel
ton's rifle rent the stillness, yet I bad
time to remark somethiujr inexplicably
familiar in that alert, graceful form—
something not compatible with its blue
belted blouse and high boots. And
what happened next? To me it seemed
like an ugly, tumultuous dream. I re
member leaping down through the
bushes to the water's edge. I remem
ber seeing Ilaydon, alive and unhurt,
supporting Camlion's dying head on
bis knee, while he tore open the front
of his uniform, and disclosed the shirt
stained with blood. I remember Bel.
ton, with ghastly face and sobbing
breath, tearing loose the painter of a
small skiff that was moored dose at
hand, and putting off with frantic haste
across the stream. And I kuovv—but
how can I teli—that be was going to
fetch the body of the woman he loved,
and whom he bad slain. For the fa
mous sharpshooter ot the was
Rosalind Capel.
She was still living when they
brought her in, bnt she had been hit
mortally in the right side aud was fast
bleeding to death. Hut she smiled as
we lifted her out. nnd her voice, though
vt rv faint was distinct and composed.
'Lav me by Captain Caiulioa she
said. 'J shall like to lie lteside him.
Had you no more worth'ess man in
your army, but you must lime me with
a man like him ?
'I was the one you were to have
bad,'said ilaydon, 'but at the moment
the captain fluuj? me down and went
forward himself. It was too late to
help it then. God knows lam sorry !,
aud he burst into tears as he said
Rosalind smiled strangely and mov
ed her band until it touched Camliou's.
'Captain Camlion acted like the hero
be always ways, she said, now almost
inaudibly- 'I loved him—never any
one else—never you, you double trai
tor!' she added,, turning her darkening
eyes on Belton, who knelt in voiceless
despair before her. 'Last night you
sold your adopted country for a kiss.'
Her eyes half closed for a moment and
she breathed stertorously. She opened
them once more, turned her face toward
Camlion, and made an effort to lift his
haud to her lips. I helped her to ac
complish her purpose. 'Thanks!, she
whispered. 'I am not fit to kiss his
mouth ; but—if be were alive—l would
ask his leave—And—his pardon.
She did not speak after this, and in
a few minutes she died very quietly.
Among Camlion's papers was found
a letter to Belton, explaining his object
in sacrificing himself. 'You are my
friend,'it"ran, 'I will not stand between
you and her, now that [ know you
love each other; but 1 shall never
find a better time or cause to die in then
i oor Belton ! He was acquitted by
the court martial appointed to try him
on the charge of having given ioforraa'
tion to the enemy; but I fear there was
that in bis memory which made the re
mainder of his life more bitter to him
than any death.
Of 500,000 volumes lent -from tbs
fire* library' of moehfefclsV, England,
oaiy seveuty-four were lost*