GROUND SOAPSTONK —It is only re cently that ground soapstone has been used as an adulterant of articles of daily food, such as butter, flour, and goods of like character. Firms in Canada, Cincinnati and other places are produc ing a powdered soapetone, which, it is said, is being quite extensively used by farmers and butter merchant for adul ter&tiog purposes. It is extremely fi Qe. and has neither color nor taste, while the cost is bat about $25 per ton, enabling manufacturers to add seven or eight pounds to a tub of butter, thus giving them an additional profit of upward of 14 per oent. It is stated that the powder is being secretly shipp ed to dairymen and farmers, and that the adulteration is now going on in churning rooms. The A*e of Miracles, is past, and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi cal Discovery will not raise the dead, will not cure you if your lnngs are half wasted by consumption, or your system sinking under canceroos disease. It is, however, unsurpassed both as a pectoral and alterative, and will cure obstinate and severe disease of fbe throat and lungs, coughs, and bronchia affections. By virtue of its wonderful alterative properties it cleanses and enriches the blood, thus curing pimij* blotches, and erupt'ons, and even great eating ulcers to heal. » Jia by druggists. SBB COOKID FOB Mrs Miller, of Phil^P 1 "*- claims to be 104 has been giving some recollects of a™,tof Washington to b* b° u9e - . She 1 8 *' d she found him one ®°rniug alone kncfllinir behind a thornbush near the stable with ftn °P €D ®' b,e be^ore k' m - Itwis before a great battle won hv the Americans. The name she could hot remamber. They brought and she cooked a breakfast for yta, but he put aside everything but bread and butter. After breakfast she packed his satchel with pies, dried beef, etc. When he was going away he made her take out everything but bread and butter, saying that the other edibles would make him sick. When they asked h>m whj be had not come Tuu> the bonse ana spent the night there, Washington said: 'Oh, well I was so tired I just went into the barn last night, and I fell down on a pile of bay,* and I haven't slept so good for months as I slept there.' This is a season of failures, every thing fails except Days Kidney Prd.. The lustre of morocco leather is restored by varnish with white of egg. Dr. Hexamer saya he has tried the Russian sunflower tita food for poultry and cattle, and would not take three of sunflowers for one of corn. 'AH the health I enjoy, and even my life I may say, is in consequence of Simmons' Liver Regulator. I would not take one million dollars for my in terest in that medicine. W. H. Wilson, Welborn, Fla.' A farmer who works with poor tools when he can afford to have good ones, adds very much to his own labor with out accomplishing ae much or doing his work as well, as if he were supplied with the best implements the market affords. Marie Roze has been photographed in one hundred and fifty-eight different Kositious. The only person who can eat her for variety of attitudes is a boy told to ait on a chair at a funeral. Dr. D. Rawla, of Connersville, Ind., pronounces Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup as an infallible remedy in the community. He says it finds a ready sale at all times. ' It is the people's remedy. Price 25 cents. Mr. William Crozier, of Northport, N. Y., predicts that if farmers feed ensilage to their cattle, pleuro-pneu monia will spread far and wide. Such food, he insists, will eventually injure the constitution and weaken the lungs of the cattle. The inventions of the A. S. T. Co. have for the last twenty years reduced the shoe bills of thousands of families one half, and they now wish to call the attention of parents to their A. S. T. Co. Black Tip, for protecting the toes of children's shoes. They wear as long again with this tip on. To drive a nail into any wood harder than spruce, it is an excellent precau tion to file it off at the point like a cold chisel, aud rub it with beeswax. A nail thus prepared will penetrate most kinds of wood without difficulty and has little tendency to split the wood. Do not buy cheap medicine on the score of economy. The best are none too good for the sick, and are the cheapest. Such are the Cherry Pecto ral, Sarsaparilla, and other standard remedies of Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. 'They are worth all they cost, and should be in every house. A Southern recipe for plain corn bread, made with white meal: . Take one pint of meal scalded with a little boiling water, then mix it up with cold water, addin? a pinch of salt and about a teaspoonfui of lard. The dough must be Boft enough to leave the prints of the fingers in the pones. Bake in a quick oven. The custom of washing sheep before shearing is opposed by most of our practical wool-growers, who say that it is injurious to the sheep and a need less expense to the owner. It has been estimated that by cleansing wool with gasoline of about 85°, oil now wasted could be saved to the extent 45,000,000 pounds, and the wool be left in the best possible condition for taking the dye. The Devon cattle, it is said, lose their fine quality and breed character istics when fed on rank, coarse grass. And the same is true of other tine breeds. A stock-breeder, therefore, should be careful to determine the kind of animal that will thrive naturally on the soil, and under the climate in which be is farming. MOHAWK VALLEY SEED GARDEN The magnitude of the seed trade in this country is immense and cannot be fully realized, until one visits some of the largest establishments. Among the moat prominent is the Mohawk Valley Seed Gardens, located a Canajoharie, N. Y. These are conducted on some new principles, viz : the seeds are sold direct to the consumer, thus saving all the doubts as to their vitality and purity, which are so uncertain in seeds purchased from dealers and stores. The proprietor, A. C. Nellis, of the above mentioned Seed Gardens, in forms us that as a trial, he sends a packet of choice seed and his Catalogue, to any.bufc for a 3 cent atauip U) cover poat#g*j. Is THE WHEAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WEST! "It•mainline runs from Chicago to Council Bluffs, passing through Juliet, WM( £«nu»e<> M'lllnc. nock Island. Davenport, West jj_. Moines (the cupital of Iowa), Stuart, Atlan- Aroc" ; w"tb branches from Bureau Junction to Peoria: Wilton Junction to Musca tine, Wimhlnßtoo, Fairfield. E }?" 1 7;, I ® e ( l )j. , J££' Centre*llle. Princeton. Trenton. Gallatin, tame ren. Leavenworth. Atchison and Kansas City, wu«liinffton to Steourney, l)skaloosa. and anoi- Ytlle; Keokuk to Farmington. Bonaparto, Ben toosport, Independent. Eldon. ville Oskaloosa, Pella. Monroe. and Des Moines. Newton to Monroe; Des Moines to Indlanolaand Winterset'* Atlantic to I.ewls and Audubon; and Avoca to ilarlan. This Is positively the only Railroad, which owns, and operates a through Bne from Chicago Into the Stato of Kan>as. Through Express Passenger Tra '°"v"l' l ! %"}}' M n Pal Are (an attached, are run each way daily and PBORIA. KANSAS CITY, WtWIl LBAV.SWOBTH anrt ATCHI o '*'"r«u' > Ro«k ne i*land" is munificently equipped (U road bod is simply perfect, and Its track Is laid with steel rails. What will please you most will be the pleasure of enjoying rour meals, while passing over the beautiful prairies of Illinois and lowa, in one of o«r magnltlcent Dining Car. that accompany all Through Express Trains. You get an entlfe meal, as good as is served in any first-class hotel, f °Appre 1... .-r«i from the hot buds until every pore is opened; then let him stand o'er the MUtj . it cows from scalding and boiling clothes, that aits full of sweat and exhaluuon* Iron ,/-j and h[a health too would break Sown before long; and yet this most terrible oruj&l u•. A WOMAN Nnc t-> r> through with on wash-day; and, besides, with her clothing wet from rt£T»: the hot vrork, she has to risk her life by going out in the air to hang up the clothes. h\t • those not at work are in the unhealthy atmosphere; its smell, so apparent to\ is tors show inz that it firul-i its way through the house, —the taraily, however, "'ten becoming t>o aecu tr.nicj to the peculiar odor from iu own wash as not to ndtice it. ihesc lacts readi»> ex nHin wilT bo many women suffer with colds, rheumatism, weak nerves, or neuralgia, una LOOK OLD whi'o vet vouna in venrs, and physicians i*nd boards of health cannot crr.w a'.icntxn too Jtwndy to the of the usual way of washing, with its nectary."cani «jd jealiling or tailing to get the clothes pure and sweet-smelling, especially as it is without doubt often tlie direct cause of those dreadful diseases, diphtheria, consumption, and tjplioid .Fortan:»tcly this trouble can bo avoided; tcalding, boiling, steam and all dteagreeablo smell from the wash completely done away with; clothes made sweet and beauti Hilly i»hto, frxi fit tavinn in fuel the in l»h done ai lest coet than cren when home-made soap u wvcl, and % cry much SOONER THAN by tin eld way, by using FBANK SIDDALLS SOAP.-a Soap so purifring and cleansing that the dirtiest clothing can be washed in lukowarm water with very l.tlle nibbing, and clothe*. be/Iding ami utensils used by the sick disinfected and cleansed without t'tlicr •caUinger boiling, while the work is so light that a girl twelve or thirteen IRI-S» nisi witiiii h»ing ti ed; and yet so mild and healins u this Soap unit lor; toilict •having It has no equal, and physicians advise Its use in preference to imported < u>t,.c . cap on wounds and sores, and to wash the youngest infants, as well as for persons with deliccte *»•"• Now that there is a remedy for this, to economical Ihat the poorest can use it, there u nu. a\. un*wii or A MAN . n who Is not directly interested in having used in their homes, in spite of prejudice, ■ UAT WONDERFUL WAY OF WASHING CLOTHES, which does away with the hard work ofleiwiva tmell and fearful steam on wash-dars, makes the white pieces whiter, colored pieces brighter r.nd flannels softer than they can be mado by washing the old way. leaves the bends ILIOOU CIIOU 0 h to do fine sewing and every article as clean, as sweet and as pure as il never worn. -^►TESTIMONIALS-:* From n. K. Ik>w;.ES. If. D., Ilammonton, N. J.. Kill tor SutJh Jerxey BcpubUmn. My attention was called to FRANK SIDDALI.S BOAP from an advertisement In my own paper, and Its use in mv house Tor nearly a year, according to the directions, has proved that Its remarkable properties have not been overstated. For remov ing printing Ink it Is invaluable, while for toilet and shaving it U the best Soap I have ever seen. From Man. It L. KESYOST, Ncrthfleld, Vt. Ido my wash with FRANK SIDDALLSSOAP In balf the time and with no expense for Soap, at the . aino Infuet mure thnnpayt/nr it. I have l-ostcam -r scent from the wash, while the saving in . mlth. cio'.has and labor can hardly be estimated. ;*rom E. W. STANTOS, 1308 N. 20th St., Phtlada. We are confident, from a long experience Is isin< and recommending FRANK SIDDALLfc >OAP, that one trial, according to the very Hinted direction*, will overcome all prejudices. i. to really lias wonderful merit l'or rhaving, toil ji. "lie following are the Directions for Use, no simple that a child can understand them. i>r.»t do anything so ridiculous as to buy the Soap unless you intend following them. -31.90 posit i vein forfeited If it injures the clothes, or will not do everything claimed. I'irst, pat the white clothes in a tub of water, only made warm enough to be comfortable 'he hands. Then take one piece out at a time 0:1 the wash-board, rub the Soap lightly r-r it, roll it up and put it back into the same tub, and BO on with each piece until all ,c tlie Soap rubbed on them. Then go away and let them soak at Ic&fit- twenty minutes, thout touching them, when the dirt will all be loosened, and a very little rubbing on ,3 wash-board, out of that one suds, will make them perfectly clean, being particular to rn 3Kch piece while washing so as to get at the seams. Then wash on the • prd, through a lukewarm rinse-water (without any Soap,) so as to get the dirty si::s out. •on pat through blue-water, and on the line, without scalding or bcutry a m■n'.e pittr forward put flannels and colored pieces to soak, and wash them exactly the sr.r.jc \v. It is important not to heat the wash-water in a tin, brass or copper kettle. A tc>- heat enough water for a large wash with this Soap. ■ i Think What You will Save bu this Easy Way of Washing! Ho Wash-boiler! No Steam! No Smell of Suds through the IIot:*e! tins the remarkable Property of keeping the Diih-Cloth, Wash-Rag Sponge always Sweet, and of Washing Freely in Hard Water. —!-SOI«D BY GROCERS i—•- I Cake and Try it for Yourself next Wash-Day. where this Soap is not yet Introduced a Trial Cairo will bo sent by Mail, on receipt of Price, (10 Cents;, in Money or Stamps. :^o7 ERS FRANK SIDDMS SOAP, ~M,LOWHILL ST.. PHILADELPHIA, PA, HORSE SHOE iw if BRANDS. BONE, MEAT, ACID AND POTASH. Without a Itlval a§ Crop Prodnrera. Good* dry and drill easily. Crops are increased One-third to One-half, anJ mature One and Tiro Week* earlier with than without these fertilisers. All Good» sold under a legal guarantee ol purity and aireiitftli -by analysis. They are Specific Uanures for GKASN, CORN, OAT« and VKt;KTABI.ES, NOBTHWESTERN FERTILIZING CO., &oil for fcu'c'ufar. Cliibtigo, Ills., trad East St. LbuiB t HJfc llntl** Citiasett: PutUr, P«- 6, 18SL I Dining Ca« for eating pur^se. only, pother i great feature of our Palace Cars is a SMOKii<<* I SALOON where you can enjoy your Havana 1 at all hours of the day. . I Magnificent Iron Bridges span the Mississippi I and Missouri rivers at nil Points crossed by tbto line, and transfers are avoided at CouncU B'utTs, Kansas City. Leavenworth, and Atchison, con- N^K C PRINCRPAL'L OF THIS GREAT THROUGH LINE ABE AS * aV'chicaqo. with all diverging lines for tha ESCJLEIVOOD, with the L. S. ft M. 9., and P., Heights, with P., C. 4 St. U A?La'salle with 111. Cent. R. R. At PEORIA. with P. P. ft J ; P- D ft E.. I. B. ft W • 111. Mid.; and T. P. ft W . Rds. At Rock Island, with "Milwaukee ft Rock Island Short Line," and Rock lil'd ft Peo. Rd«. At Davbxpokt, with the Davenport Division C At WcttUBERTT. with tb«B.. C.R.ft N.R.R. At GIUNNELL. with Central low»R. R. At Des Moines, with I). M. ft F. D. K. R. At COUNCIL BLCPFS. with Lnion Pacific R. R. At OMAHA, with B. ft Mo. R. R R in Neb.) At COLCMBC9 JUNCTION.with 8..C. R.ft V R.R At OTTI'MWA, with Central lowa H. R.; W. t q* i * par and 1". B. &Q. H. Rds. _ At ktoKCK, with Tol.. Peo. & War.; Wab., St. Louis ft I'*e.. and St. L-. keo. ft N.-W. R. Rda. At CAMERON, with H. St. J. 11. R. At ATCHISON, with Atch., Topeka A Santa Fe; Atch. ft Neb. and Cen. Br. U. P. R. Rds. At LEAVENWORTH, with Kan. I'ac.. and Kan. 1 ai'kansa's City, with all lines for the West and Southwest. and all household uses, av.d It become-, mor» generally known, must linve un Immense sale. From Mas. K. STOCKWELL, Ilammonton, N. J. FRANK SIDDALLS SOAP lias been used lo my kouse for the last seven months, and by follow lnir the printed directions, we Hnd It to do every thing claimed cn the wrappers. We have not scalded or boiled a single article, umi the cloOxf.t art whiter nnd ttireter Uutn when washed in the old icCT.y. ;My husband, who is n dealer here, has a steady demand for the Soup from bis customers. From MANAGER OF Drjir.n LAI-SDRY, S'L Sixth Mtreet, Corner C Street, K.W., Washington. D. C. No laundry or family can aIT ird to be without FRANK SIDDALL.S WJAI'. We follow direc tions and use no ol her Soap, and have a reputation second to no laundry 'n Washington for white clothes; the superior work we have been enabled to turn out having secured ns the trade of tome ol the best gentlemen's furnishing stores iu the city. A. Haffner, SUCCLSSOR TO H. BAUER!BROS., UVTI.KK, PA., PLANING HILL AND Lumber ard, MANCPACTUREB AND DEALER IS Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, DOORS, SASII, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, Brackets, Eaugsd Cornice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL POSTS & BALUSTERS, FENCE PALINGS, &c., &c. MICHIGAN SHINGLES Barn Boards, Plastering Latb, Hem lock Bill Stuft", of all kinds, constantly on hand, All of which I will sell on reasonable terms and guarantee satisfaction. Planing Mill and Lumber Yard on Jefferson street, Butler, Pa. ldecly A. H FFNER. Battlo Creek, Michigan, MANUFACTURE ES OF THXC OITLX GENUIXB Traction and Plain Engines and Horse-Powers. Most Complete Threaher Factory ? Established In the World. 5 1848 f\ VPS 110 of continuous and successful busi* J "I IbflViOncM, without change or name, ■ 1 J management, or location, to " back up ** th% *" broad warranty given on all our good*. STEAM-POWER SEPARATORS »nj Complete Steam Outfits of muichUstquahtxet. Finest Traction Engines and Plain Engine* ever seen in the American market. A multitude of spe. al features and improvement* for 1851. tojreih-r with superior quahtiesin construe. tion and materials not dreamed of bv other mater®. Four size* of Separators. from O to 12 bone ccpacily, f nr s'eam or horse poirer. Two style* if 44 Mounted "H« >ive-Powei*. w caa AAA Feet of Helecte.4 I,umber » aU 3 J,V ljU (from three to six years air-dried) constantly on liana, from which is built the in comparable wood-work of our machinery. TBAPTIGN ENGINES^ Stron jest,mnsi Uzirable.anrt efficient ever Yy£4l uiadm. 8, 10. 13 lldrse Power, f® / Formers nnd Threshermen are Invited to Xhvest&ate this matchlut Threshing- Machinery. Circulars sent free. Address NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO. Battle Creek. MlohH**H» Notice Extraordinary. Persons deniring to have their Old Furniture epairrd. or New Work made to order, such as Music Stands. Book C&MS. Wardrobes, Office Desks, Office Tables. &-c., would do well to call on A. B. WILSON, Practical Cabinet Maker. I hold that a piece of furniture made by hand worth two made by machinery, and will cost mt little more, if any. Then why not have hand •narle ? All work made in the iatest styles and >f the best material. I guarai.tee entire sat sfaction in stvle, workmanship and price. Give tie a call. Shop 011 Mifflin street, for.r doors vest of Main street, a id opposite A. Troutman'fc store, Butler. Pa. sepl7-ly IX. Biclsel, I, IYRRY&FKKI) STABLE JEFFERSON STREET, WEST OF LOW BY HOUSE, BUTI.ER, PA. Having removed all my stock *o the above Stable, the public arc respect fully invited to call. The best Horses, Carriages, Bug gies, &c. kept constantly for hire. Open all hours, day and night. if® mr Oil inEoiiN of flie Public, WABASH. INDIANA. Tlio Pads are polling well. Have several old chronic cai-ea of Kidney trouble using them, and iliey report an improvement and think much of them. A. L. ROIIBOCK & CO.. Druggists. COURT KEY. TEXAS. Your Pad Ims done me more Rood than any Remedy I ever used. JAS. B. CALLAWAY. MT. CLEMENS MICH. Your Pad lias cured me of Pain in the Back and Kidney Trouble. M. J. HOUGH. Address DAT KIDNEY PAD CO., HOLE PROPRIETORS, TOLEDO, - - - OHIO. J. C. REDICK. Agent for Butler To. "FOR SALE." A good four-room frame house, two town lots and mil JEMS Of MM), all connected, situate in Petersvilie; Butler Co , Pa., is for saie. Tos-'esion on first of April next For terms address the undersigned at Harmo ny, Bntler Co.. Pa. janl2:3m RUDOLF BARNHART. For Sale or Exchange for a Farm. Three acres of land, large house, store room and hall above, and stable and out-buildings six tr.iles from Butler, on the Glade Mill and Han nalist 'wn road at JelTerson Centre. Young or chard of good fruit thereon. Any person wait ing to purchase or exchange for a farm will in quire at CITIZEN office, or adilr.-ss 1 MI'S. KATE I NF.Gr.EY. Saxonburg. Butler county, Pa. FOR HALE. $5 will buy a one-hall interest in a sood bus iness in Pittsburgh. One who knows sotno lhin:id er, at a moderate price, we now offer a lineol FINE GUNS, at the following Grreatly Reduced Pricesjs 12-bore. 10-bore. No 845 C G BONEIIILL, Top lever, double bolt, bar rebounding locks, low set hammers, solid stri kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, skeleton butt plate, tine Damascus barrels, choke bored, finely engraved and finish d - - - - $45 00 I 00 -«^ 0 gso do. " do. With extension rib fastening 50 00 | 55 00 \o 855* do do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 | CO 00 * " All'these euns have raised level ribs, and the 10 bore* are made extra heavy and wide at breech, rangine m weight from !• to It. ft.' mak ing an a n irable gun for duck and trap shooting where heavy charges are necessary. Any of these guns will be set. C. O. P., with privilege of examination and trial on receipt o: a remittance sufficient to cover express charges to your place and return No dev.a .on wiU he made from these prices under ar.v circumstances. [-'oaug, rn] J. 1 ALMr.R O NKIL & I <>. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber V ard. J. L. PURVIS. L O. PURVIS S. G.Purvis & Co., MANUFACTURERS AM) DEAI.EKSI». Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULD IN (48, SASH, DOORS FLOORING, SIDING. BATH ENS. Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards PORCH POSTS, STAIK RAILS* Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE PALINGS, Ac., Ac , MICHIGAN SIIINGLKS. Barn Boards; Plastering Lath ; Hern lock Bill Staff, such as Joist Hat ters, Scantling. &c.. all «iz«> constantly on hand. All of which we will sell on reasonable tern:s md guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD Wear Gorman t:»t!aolic <'hnr«-b jan?-80-ly ,:.r. ■ . ■ • • Ayer's Hair Vigor. FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO IT: NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. IT is a most agreeable dressing, which is at once harmless and effectual, for pre serving the liair. It restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, anil red hair, to a rich brown, < r dec; black, as may he desired. 13y its use thii hair is thickened, and baldness oftei though not always cured. It checks fallim of the hair immediately, and causes a ncv growth in all cases where the glands a; not decayed; while to brasliy, weal;, o otherwise diseased hair, it Imparts vitali' and strength, and renders it pliable. The VIGOR cleanses the scalp, cures an prevents the formation of dandruff; and by its cooling, stimulating, and soothin; properties, it heals most if not all of tlx humors and diseases peculiar to tin scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Kair The VIGOR is incomparable. It is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and v. il! not soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economical and unsurpassed in its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 86 Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. .-NRRI PY AT.!. nßtJi>or# of fliiHon Towii^li'p. ROAD TAX. John S. Love, Treasurer. Amount of dupli cate of townsqip tax, (jeo. Westerman, Col'r. Whole amt. of duplicate for year 1580...5437 29 Exonerations sl4 -15 Collectors percentage 21 14 $ 35 59 , Net amount due township .s4ul G8 Rec'd J as. 11. Norris, former treasurer.. 554 $407 22 AMOUNT OF VOUCHERS REDEEMED. J C Negley, pub'g auditors' report $ 4 00 VV A Wright, filing and recording 1 50 II C Heineman. township hook 30 John Mahatfy, bridge 9 95 Robert Riddle, plank 3 20 Martin Monks, bridge 20 00 Theo. 11. Tolley, new road 37 34 John 8 Love, plank 46 76 Joseph Boon, timber 1 43 W W MeCall, plank 7 12 John W M> nks, p'ank 1 50 James Love, plank 5 00 John Montgomery, plunk 5 12 James Gibson, bridge plank ,20 84 Eli Aderson, sce'y, and consulting with Allegheny co. road com'rs 8 00 Woodruff Gibson, repairing road 3 00 William Chantier, services extra 3 00 Adam Ekas, timber and plank 15 92 Wm Harvey, p'ank 37 36 Christ Bergman, trough 5 CO Wm Harvey. tr< ugh 5 00 A B Ivatz, trough 5 00 Robert Sefton, trough 5 00 Wm Flick, trough 5 00 Charles Krumpe.*, timber 2 84 John Fliik, timber and work 6 00 Auditors' service- _6 00 Six road com'is services 72 00 Mrs Anderson lor use house 2 50 Stationery 10 Treasurer's percentage 9 48 $355 31 Amount rec'd by treasurer 407 22 Amount in hand of treasurer $ 51 91 POOR TAX. ' Amount of duplicate for the year 18S0, (ieoige Wcstt small, col'r $2lB 63 Exonerations $ 7 22 Col'rs percentage 10 57 Xet amount due township S2OO 84 A mt. rec'd of J II Norris, former treasr 31 07 Rec'd of C Johnson, col. for 1878 13 00 $244 91 AMOUNT OK VOUCHERS REDEEMED. Geo I' Maryland, beeping pau per Depugli $ 45 00 Geo 1* Maryland, keeping pau per Pepugh 45 00 Tlio.- Wood, overpaid tax 2 51 Geo Westerman, making dupli cate and boo'.. 1 30 E A Ilelmbold, for clothing for pauper 4 05 Theo Ilelmbold, for clothing for pauper... 0 35 John Wiley for .-ei vices as over * seer poor . 11 00 II II Ilalstead for services as overseer poor 10 (<0 Treasurer's percentage 3 75 Amount in liand- of treasurer slls 92 Amount due township from C Johnston collector for the year 1878 $ 34 11 We, the auditors of Clinton township, have examined the account of J S Love, treasurer, of Clinton township, and find it as above stated and believe it to be correct. GEOKGE IV HARVEY,) THOMAS WOOI), JOHN C. NORRIS, I Clinton township, March 14th, 1881. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ' Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. 3. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TKKASUKEK H. C. HKINEMAN, SECRETARY DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Helroboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Puikbart, A. Troutmaa, Jacob Schoene, Q. C. Roessing, i John Caldwell, Dr. IV. lrvin, J. J- Croll J. W. Christy I H. C. Heineman. JAS. T, M'JUNKIN. Gen- Ae't- BUTLER._ PA- HAL.K, B'l Wltlll! Mil, COR, TESX AND SIXTH STREETS. | Pittsburgh, ra 91 «- «-*•■*»# Port Wine Used in the principal CI rehts for Communion purpc.-rs. 3£xcrlkni For X adlea and U'cakly PersoikH mlift the Agri). i 1 " V/vS:- ' A% ui '^e> S. EEB'S TORT GRAPE WINE! FOUR YEAKS OI.I). This Olehrated Native Wine is made from the juice of tticOportoO rape .raised ill tnis country- Its Ivaliuibie Tonic and Strergthing Troperties arc uusurjiassed l>v anv other Native Wine, r.etng tiie pure juice ot the Grape, produced under Mr. Spier's own personal supervision, its purety and genuineness art- guaranteed. Tlie youngest child iiii;v partake ot lis generous qualities, and the weakest invalid use it-toadvantage. Itispartieu larilv beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that affect the weaker sex. 11 is in every respect A WINK TO IJE KELlfciD ON. 10 EH'B ; IP. vJ. SIT ~E JRj ~FL "Y\ Tlie P. .f. SHEKRY is a wine of Superior Char acter, and partakes oi the golden qualities of the crape from which it is made. For purity. Kichness. Flavor anp Mechanical Properties, it will he found unexcelled. ssi'KicnM I?. J". BRANNY i This BRANDY stand*-, nnrivalod in this Country, 1 beini! iar superior lor medicinial purposes. IT is A PUKE distilation from the grape a'»d contains valuable medicinial properties. it has a delicate flavor, similar lo that of the grapes from which it is distilled, and is in great favor among first-class families. See that tiie signature of ALFRED SPEER, Pas saic, N. J., is over the eork of each bottle. Sold by D. 11. WULLF.It. I apr2»-lyr Union Woolen Mills. 1 i I would desire to call tho attention of the 1 ' pnblic to tlie Union Woolen Mill. Butler, Pa.. ! where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, i and I can recommend them an being very dura ble. aa tliey are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, bii- I perior in texture, and will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices. nddreSß. H. FULI.FRTON, Rn»W V | rYui.uui-j ;il and worry of your work !j k'ism, Ncur.i *i.»„ or with 1 • wei, Kidney, Livei (►L finary con i .uints you c;-.: b cured by using » ;• z-::,-'.r-ns & It y •;» wasting away wiiu Consumption, fe- 4 iinalc weakness or any >u:Lncss ; ii you have . pain-' Ifulco- !»-•• i|. . ; -.ti;! sure relief in , U<. . MTJ23SSS3S K If i ur uj>-, an J your system needs invigorating, or< Fif you have pimples and blotches, and your blood] V-. | |\!ade from G:iicer, Bt-:Hu, Mcndrake, Stillincia land many other o t'ie best medicines known it is, rthe Dost Health z-.6 Strara*h Restorer Ever i'Jsod. and is iar superior to T»;tter>, Essences of] Viinger and cthtr Tonics a> it naver intoxicates,. |aiHlc«»ril>ine< th" b.-st rur.itive properties of all. < f It lias savad I!«mlr»'N of Lives; It Slay it Save \ ours, f Buy a bottle of your druggist, and to avoid {counterfeits be >*» re our signature is on ih; out-] aside wrapper. Hito ;«* C . Chemists, N. V. , n r v:r fulls to KcstoreGray or Faded Hair t-3 t* e ' • .'in youthful c« ior and is to , run . prevent baldness and stop I ailing of : v b.i r. £ v,/ by aruggisis at 5c cents. IMPROVE T«-T HOUR. TRADE @|MARK. I GUENTHER'S LUTJ3 ? EALER CURE 3 COITJUIIPTIOIT, Spittln-T cf Plood, Bronchitis, Asthmi, ".lis, ai l 11 I diao-sea of tho l'u:m.»;.s*ry Or;;a..Ji I*r re 50 Cent** and 0:i«» * r. GUiiNTHI£R &. CO. Proprietors. 39 Firth Avenue. PITTSEtHCH, PA. Ask lcnrllriiggißl f«ril. VVortli Fire Bnsur ance Company. Tcc< iptw and Expenditiirce of Worth Mu'nal Fire Inenrance Cc . for 1880 : Premium ® »» »» -®' » lialance o« 1879 i i,439 86 1 XJ>ESim:KF.B Falnries. commifi-ionere 8 P3 95 Poftige, printing, intercut 110 f6 l.osßbte paid 1.004 50 ft.190 11 Bal. Jan. l»t, 1881 240 75 W. E. TAYI.OIt,) WM. M'CUY. )' Auditors. F.xrciitor'N R«l !«•«*. Wlierea* lettere. tebtamentary have been prated to tlie unrcr»ipned on the estate of Janien Mil ford, late of Allegheny townniiip. Kutler county, l'a.. dee'd. all pprwonn knowing tliemselve indebted to wud etstato pIMM make prompt payment, and any having claimts agHiiiut the Bunie will pre.-ent the name duly authenticated to the underpinned for HetUeraent. T. j." am>ottD; I'aikerß Lan a. m., iroee through to Alle gheny, arriving at 9.01 ». in. This train con nects at Freeport With Freeport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. m., railroad time. Expreis at 7.21 n. m., connecting at Buller Junction, without ehauge of cars, at 8.26 with Eip.ers west, arriving In Allegheny at U. 56 i. m., and Express east arriving at Blairsviile it 10 55 a. in. railroad time. Mail at 2.26 p. m., connecting at Butler Junc tion without change ot curs, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 501 p. in., and Ex press east arriving at Blairsviile Intersection it 5 5i p. in. railroad time, which connects with Philadelphia Kxpress ea»t, when on time. The 7.21 a. in train connects at Blairsviile .t 11.05 a. in. with the Mill east, and the 2.36 p. in. train at (>.5'J with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Bniler on West Penn R.R. at •,se' a. in . 4.5S and 7.01 p. m., Butler time. The ».56 and 458 iraius connect with trains on the Buller & Parker K. R. Main line. Ttirouirh trains leave Pittsburgh tor the East ii 2.56 and 8.26 o. m. und 12 51, 4.21 ar.d 5.06 p. n., anivtng at Philadelphia at 8.40 and 7.20 m and 8.00, 7.0 and 7.40 a. m.; at Baltimore ihval Ihe same t'me, at New York three hours »ier, and at Washington about oue and a halt ■ in i s later. Time ol Holding Courts* Tho sever*l Courts of the county of Bntler commence on the fi:st Monday of March, June, September ai d December, and continue two weeks, or so long as n eessstry to dispose of the business. No causes are put down for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the first week of the sevei al terms. ATTORNEYS ~ AT LAW". BUTLER, PA. A7~M. CORNELIUS, Offlre with W. I). Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, lintler, Pa. JTF. BR ITT AIN, Office with L Z- Mitchell, Diamond. A. M. CUNNINGHAM^ Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. S. NT PIERSOL. Office on N. E. coiner Diamond, Biddle build ing. • JOHN M. GREER. Office on N. E. corner Diamond. novl2 ~ wmThT LUSK, Office with W. H. H. Kiddie, Esq. MEWTONBLAUK, Office on Diamond, near Court House, south side. ~~ E. I. BRUGH, Office In Kiddle's Law Building. __ F BOWSEII. Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'7s • . J. B. McJUNKIN. Bpccial attention given to collections Office opposite Willard House. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond, Butler Pa. H. H. GOUCHER, Office in Schneideman's building, up stabs. J, T DONLY Office near Court House. r " 7* YV. D.BRAN DON, ebl7-76 Office in Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Bredui building* marl7—t FERD REIBER, Office in Berg's new building, Main street.ap9ly F. M. EASTMAN, Office in Bredin building. LEV, McQUISUON, Office Main street, I door eouth of Court House JOS. C. VANDERLIN, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court House. VVIIITATFORQUER, CaT Office on Main Btreet, opposite Vogeley House. GEO. It. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond FISANCIS S~PURVIANCE, Office with Gen. J N. Purviance, Main street, south of Court House. J. I). McJUNKIN, Office in Pchncidcinan's building, west side ol Main street, 2ud square from Court Houte. AT G WILLIAMS. Office on Diamond, two doors west of CITIZEH office. ap26 T. C. CA >i PBELL, Office in Berg's new building, 2d door, east side Main st., a few doors south of Lowrj House. marS—tf TTA. & .M. SULLIVAN, may? Office S. W. cor ol Diamond. BLACK & BRO., Office on Main street, one door south o* Hrcdy Blot k, Buller. Pa. (ser.. 2, 1874. JOHN M MILLER & BRO. Office in Brady's Law Buil'ling. Main street, south of Court "House. EOQENE O. MILLER, Notary Public. ' l T THOMAS ROBINSON, PA. J JOHN 11. NEGLEY, taTGives particular attontion to transaction! IH real estate throughout tho county. OI kick OS DIAMOND, NEAR COCRT HOUSE, A CITIZES BUILT TNO E. rt. EchLBY, KENNEDY MARSHALL (Late of Ohio.)] ECKLEY & MARSHALL, Office in Brady's Law Building. Bept.9,Ti C O CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carefull transuded. Collections made and prompt!; remitted. Busines* correspondence promptl; attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIAN'S. ~JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON my2l-1 y) BUTLER. PA. DENTISTS. bBNTISTRY. Oa# \VALDRON. Gn duate of the Pit K ndelpl ia Dental Collet:e,is prepan • I* »to do :in>thinjr in the line of h proles-lon In i\ satisfactory manner. on Main street, Butler, Union bloc up stairs, tt P ll DAWF or Light on Ihe (Ireat Future in this Life thr tie D rk Valley and in the Life Eternal. ILLU 1 RATED. Sells fast. Pays over MONTH ?P±UU F X)R AGENTS Send for circular and terms. Also send addr* of two or more book agents and ten cents I cost of mailing, and recc iv« tlie People's zine of choice literature free for 6 monthi. dr ee ß P W. ZIEOLEB A CO.. ■ 915 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa^