GIIEEK WIT. A trulv didactic saying is attributed bv JSlian to the spartan magistrates 'When certain persons from Clazomemr had come to Sparta and smeared wild soot the seats on which the Spartan magistrates sat discharging their pun lie duties; on discovering what nan been done and by whom they expressed uo indignation, but merely ordered a public proclamation to be mat e. it be lawful for the people of Clazornen to make blackguards of tneniselves A verv large number of apothegm*, , orbs or savings of more or less «it oc cur up and down the collected worksof Plutarch, although Sc-hne.dewm not hesitate to attribute those to some impostor usurping b.s name At any rateLh*-y arc form a hulkv addition to Mr. I alcy s translated specimens. Here » a brief and bright saying which the writer at taches to King Arehelaus, when a talka tive barljer, trimming his beard, asked bim 'llow shall I cut it?' 'in silence ' replied Uie King The anecdote recalls one of Charles ll's bragging barbers who boasted to him iie could cut His Majesty's throat when he would—a boast for which he was only dismissed though for a like rash vaunt, according to Peter Cunningham, the barber of Dionyaius was crucified. To return to Plutarch, he tells tin following stories both good in their way, of Philip of Macedon. In passing sentence on two rogues, he ordered one to leave Macedo nia with all speed, and the other to try to catch him. No less astute was his query as to a strong position he wish ed to occupv, which was reported by the scouts to be almost improvable: •Is there not:' he -aikedr a path way to it wide enough for an ass laden with gold?' Philip, too, according to Plutarch, is entitled to the adage which retains its ancieit fame, about 'calling a spade a spade.' Another sample or a w-»ttv saving of Plutarch's mint is that attributed to Themistocles, that his son was the strongest man in Greece, 'For,' /said he, 'the Athenians rule the Helle nes. I rule the Athenians, your moth er rules me, and you rule your mother.' We must cite one or two oilier o! the manr examples from Plutarch. This is attributed by him toLeotychid as, son of Aristo: A snake having twined itself round a key, which was declared by the seers to be a portent, Leotychidas remarked : "It would have bi en more of a portent if the key had twined itsolf round a snake." Oth ers are connected with ornithology like the apothegm of one who plucked the feathers from a nightingale, and finding it a very small bird, exclaimed : '\ou little wre'eh, you're nothing but voice;' and again, the repartee of a Laconian to a man of Sparta, who twitted him with being unable to stand as long as himself on one leg. 'No,' replied tie other, 'but my goose can.' When Demades, the orator, remarked that the swords of the Spartans were so short that they could be swallowed by conjurors. Ages, the younger King of that name, replied 'we find them quite long enough to reach the enemy.' Don't Don't speak angrily to a child. Don't kick a dog when he is asleep. Don't go back on the friends of your parents. Don't often visit your neighbors at meal time. Don't neglect a cough thinking it will cure itself. (Thousands die of consumption by so doing.) Don't forget Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, for it cures a cough or cold in one-half the lime required by any other medicine, and is the only medicine known that positively cures consumption in its early stages. Sold by druggists. The Prince of Wales is not afraid of the Nihilists of Russia. If you are troubled with a Lame Back wear a Days Kidney Pad. Freckles can lie removed from the face by a solution of nitre ami water. Speckled trout can be lawfully killed from the Ist of April to the Ist of Au gust- A little lemon juice put in a cup of milk end then the fare washed with it is a complete remedy for sunburn. Of the six hundred young ladies at tending Vassar no two can agree as to what they would do incase they saw a >»ear. This shows what a fraud edu cation is.— E-r. Parents, in buying children's shoes, ai-k for those with A. S. T. Co. Dlack Tip upon them. They will outwear any shoe, adding to the beauty of even the finest. A. S. T. Co. stamped on tip. We have heard of people going to a drug store for nails, but the latest odd ity in this line is a younji; lady pcing into a butcher shop and inquiring of the clerk if they kept liver pads for sale. Forty years experience has stamped public approval on Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. n« the most reliable of all reme dies for Throat or Chest diseases. Its continued and increasing popularity is conclusive evidence ofits .-uperiorcura tive qualities. The agent of Forepaugh's cir.-ns has received 1,2G0 jihotograph.s of alleged handsome women who wish to compete for that SIO,OOO situation. This shows that there h is been a good deal of tafl'y circulated in this country. 'Going to bawl this evening?' said Mrs Slasher, as she reached for a slip |»er and looked severely at her fretful child, who was puckering her month for a cry. 'Not tlii-hi-his c-e-e-veni-i --mg Vmothcrgood evening. Temperance is attracting much at tention, showing itself in local option laws, societies, crusades and restrictions upon liquor production ; but with all these efforts, the conpumtpion is enor mous, and, undoubtedly, the reason is, because thery is nothing strenuously advocated to n licve and destroy the ciavin# for stimulants. Hut. if tin? di s a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Xervon* Complaint*, after having tested iu wonderful curn'ive power* in thousand* of cane*, has felt it his duty to make it known to hi* suffering fellows. Actuated l>v this motive and adesite to relieve human suffering, 1 will send free of charge to all who desire it, this rec ipe, iu German, French or English, with full ilirection* for preparing and using. Sent by j . mail by addressing with stamp, naming this pa|>er, W. W. Shearer, 140 Powers' Itlock, j Rochester, N. Y. J.nov3.i3tc«w I V .... : areg'soruji between Milwau kee ami i ity via the ' Milwaukee and Rock Island Short L'ne." The "Great Kock Island" is mairnlfleently equipped. Its road bed is simply perfect, and its track is laid with steel rails. , i What will please you most will be the pleasure , of enjoying your meals, while passing over the beautiful prairies of Illinois ami lowa, in one of out- magnificent Dining Cars that accompany all Through Kxpress Trains. \ou get an entire meal, as good as Is served tn any flrs'.-class hotel, , for seventy-five cent*. . . Appreciating the fact that a majority of the ceoMe prefer separate apartment* for dine rent DnrV»ee* and the immense passenger business of this line w:irru:itin:* It), we are pl.-ased /"an nounce that this < ..mpany 'uns Pullni in l'a'tiu Sitrpiuj Curs foraloefiins porposea,JUKl i NMM ' bit■ ■mft v pt i 4t r < VUS art* rua through to PEORIA ( DEN MOIXEB, W?IFFSIL*\V\SfCITY,TIXUWOX, and LEAVEN WORTH. TicUefi Via thU Llut, known ni the "Great R«>ek Island Bouie," are sold by all Ticket Agciita In the United Ktate« m>d Canada. For InformuCvn not obtainable at yo-jr home ji C ?[!?, A - A STRENGTHENER.A IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re qni rin" a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, lJyspepw, Inter mittent Fevers, Want rf Appetite, Loss of Strength, lack of Lncrgy, etc. Enriches the Llood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. 1 hey act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such p.s Tiustinn Hie Food, Belching, llcat in the SUrma'h, Heartburn, etc. Tlie only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. W rite for the AB C Look, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading— sent free. BROWN CHEMICAB CO., Baltimore, Md. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! GRAND DISPLAY THIS WEEK AT Ftosenbaum & Co.'s, 112, 114> Market Street, Cor. Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. FOR I BUY KID GLOVK3. PPFQWTQ ' SILK UMISKKLT/AS, 1 10. ALI'ACA UM I'l! ELLAS, LEATHER SATCHELS, I'OIiTMONNIKS, PRESENTS (WONT'S CARD CASKS, l IV-loi-XI AO. SIIK ML T FFL J. ;RS SICK HAN I) K K R<' 111E IS. J.INEN HAM)KLIt handkekchi EFS, KMRROIPEIM.I) HANHKEKCIIIEFS, .M < >TT< >! IA NI)K K«C IIIE KS, PRESENTS. Sth!S M| CL'FI' BUTTONS, DDFCrVTi AIcF I'INS, PKESEN i.*V I'NDKIIWEAK, SILK SI'SI'ENDKUS, CAKIMOAN JACKKTS, LACK SCARFS, 1n L» L.M J k_. OK.NT'S SCA l: IS, SCISSORS. KNIVES, • .iiT rn I.ADIKS' FANCY SETS, PRE:?EN l .S. • FUR SETS. fi it CATS, TRIMMED lIATS AND r.ONNETS. t3*T* And 1,000 other useful Presents at Immense LOW PRICES- VEGETABLE g*S>ij ' A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY >'• » Va: l-.lorncd c.ncJ Erternal Uce, I; a SUtt CU.IE fr!l tho Dieses for which It Is rc:ommcndsJ, \'S, an J t; ALWA/3 PERFECTLY SAFE in t!:o kuit cf v/:n r '** : * ' nc, -ftncnccd persons. ; -W'l i) a tasrc i;t.:-!i rc-uic-.'j l r XUsi«.:arlc3» ■*ti ' > ( I kfj Mv.u:, 'iTn *A' JMan£ntior:«i \\'«»rk - Khoiirr, c: d M' 5M \t'i * '» o. '.t ' y y.vzt.t'n i'.i !!i. — 1 • ih- it, ly V\ cryfcodjr Iff fgo cvcrywLcr j v.!: > h:* <. r yiu i c. trl-! Ij; We] n' 13 V/ITHOUT A RIVAL AS A liniment. (2/ ■[• It Khfnil'l ;ihv:iy« Vm r»«. f - I'uin I >i lhc ISnrF* i 'id ,yli ' 1 '.■« I K Cnr4, . fc -vrre Sraldm «tc. y.o i c.\:: r i.v i:i: without iv. i: v.n ~t % -V 1 vi-i - •'' '• h all It 13 kjl )&t J'f. aOCm uud >r' I .CKJ VfWfwfr, f A uViMty &t - lr -i 1 <' ta? ' f.-« :.i dru:&?J. D. R- R. _ At COUNCIL BLUFFS, with Union Pacific R. R. j At OMAHA, with B. & Mo. R. R. R. in Neb.i AtCoLfMßrsJfNCTlO.N',withß..t. K. A N. R.R At Oril'aiVA, with Central lowaß. R. ; St. L. * Pac.. and C. B. * Q. R. Rds. At iiEOKfK. with Tol., Peo. & War.; Wab.. St. Louis & r»c.. and St. L , keo. A N.-W. R. Rtls. At CAMERON', with H.St. J 11 R. At ATCHISON, with Atch.. Topeka A Santa Fe: A tell. ei* Yard, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Rough ar,d Planed Lumber m OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, DOORS, SASH, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Goin'ce Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL POSTS & BALUSTERS, FENCE PALINGS, Ac., Ac. MICHIGAN SHINGLES Bam Boards, Plastering Lath, Hem lock Bill Stuff, of all kinds, constantly on band, All of wbich I will sell on reasonable terms and eruarautee satisfaction. Planing- Mill and Lumber Yard on Jefferson street, Butler. Pa. 1 dec 1 y A. IIA Ff N ER. Battle Creek, Michigan, MASfUiT4CrUBE*3 OF TUB ONLY OZKCIKX Traction and Piain Engines and Horse-Powers. Most Coir.p!i tc Tlsrcs'ic?Factory ? Established In the World. 5 IS4B A A VTA DC of continuous ar.d successful bnsi. J M f El.'* aft O new, without change or name, J J management, or location, to " Ixzcl: up " the - broad warranty giorn on all our good*. ■fßAWflimm tfflpmfpi «BJ Complete Steam OiitlltM ofwuUcAU*tq*alitirj. finer) Trprti on KnjflneHapd Plain I.n*lm» rser Been in lbs American market. A mnVit idr of ape-: til features ar.d improvmer.ts for 1821. toeelher with ntperior qualities in construe, ticn and rr.a'erials not dreani'd of hv clh« r make ra. l our Bir.o< nf Separators, from 6 to 12 borne Cf.i>acity, for sftum or horse potter. Two styles >f " Mounted " llorvc-PoTroi*. 7KAA AArt Feet of Selected Lumber jWVV»UUU ( frent hr re to six ytarsair-dned) conitf.Dtly on hanT, frcin which i« ba*'t the in comparablo wood-work of cur machinery. TRACTION ENGINES^ Strongest. wvM dur*ible.and efficient ever rdf / made. S, IO» 13 Itcrw Power, t«/ Farmers and Threrilterinen are incited to Jliveßtisrat-.j this match!. ... \• * •* ■ r" '"*^M To meet the demand for si reliable hanl close shooting brooch 1 y\- -/ "'VV.%^'^® tr. at a moderate price, we now offer a line of FINS at tlie lollowing CSrreatly Reduced Priee»s 12-bore. 10-bore. N'o. 84"), C. G. BON EIIILL, Top lever, double bolt, bar rebounding locks, low Fet hammers, solid stri kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, skeleton butt plate, liae Damascus barrels, choke bored, finely engraved and Onisb d $45 00 I SSO 00 No. 850, do. do. With extension rib fastening 50 00 j 55 00 No. 855, do. do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 I fiO 00 All these guns have raised level ribs, ami the 1 ) b >res are made extra heavy and wide :it breoch, rstr.pinj; ;n weight from f in 10 U.>., mak ing an admirable gun for duck and trap shooting where heavy charges are 11 •: -.try. Any i • tin - ■ uin:- wi'l be ?et.t V. (). !>., with privilege of examination and trial on reeeint oi a remittance sufficient to cover express charge* t' your place and return. N:> i'.e\i«t."< 11 will be made from these prices under any circumstances. [•_'.">a'.u:7m : J. PALMI'It O'XK!L A CO. Planing Mill —AND- Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L O. PURVIS S. 6. Purvis & Co., H WUFACTI KTRS AND DEAI.EKb 1> Hough and Planed Lumber OF EVF.KY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULD INKS, SASH, OOOKS FLOORING, SIDING RATI ENS. Brackets, Gauged Corrsiee Boards PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE PALINGS, Ac , MICHIGAN SHINGLES. Barn Hoard*; Plastering Lath ; Ilem lock Bill Stuff, such as Joist Raf ters, Scantiing, &c.. all siz«!t< constantly on hand. All of which we will sell on reasonable terms tod guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD Krnr (Jeruiaii (liurolj j m7-KO-ly LIBERAL OFFERS FOR IHHI. Two Yeats for the Price of floe! THKIfEFRINTH OF TIIE BRITISH QUARTERLY ( Evangelical), LONDON QUARTERLY ( Conservative), EDINBURGH ( Whig), AND WESTMINSTER ( Liberal), ■ c W. Tl' EH w; W M, AND Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Present the beet foreign periodicals in a conven ient foiau and without abridgement or alteration. Terms of Subscription, Including Postage. Blackwood or arv one one Review i JOO per Blackwood and any one Review 7 00 annum Blael.wood and two Itevie'J'B JO 00 Blackwood and three Reviews 1300 Any two Reviews 7 Oil Any three Reviews The four Reviews 12 00 Blackwood and the four Reviews 15 00 These are about half fie prices charged bv the Enplixh Publishers. Circulars giving the Contents of the Periodi cals for the yesr 1881, and many other particu lars, liny be had on application. PItEMIUMS: New mibscribers may hare the numbers for 1880 an'enralKia, I-'emnle Weak iiesses and Irregularities, .Jaundice, A fleet ions of the IJver, I»> sp«p>da, ICiiiaclutlon, and <«eiieral Debility. By its and cleansing (ptalilier, i! purges out the foul corruptions which contaminate the blood and cause derange ment and decay. 11 stimulates ami c:»ii\ ens the vital functions, promotes cniT'V and strength, restores and preserves h< alth,;;iid infuses new life and vigor throughout the whole system. No sufferer inn i aay n - ease which arises from impurity of the blood need desp.ilr who will give Ait it's Sausai'AKlLLA a fair trial. It is folly to experiment with the numer ous low-pi iced mi x titles, of cheap n ate rial-', and without lliedi-iual \ii't,les. olTcivd as blool-pttnliers, while disease bei out* s i: 1 r firmly seated. Avns's Baiis.w'a:'.m.i v ; • ii medicine of such concentrated rurativ.' power, that it is by far the best, cheapest, and most reliable blood-purifier known. Physicians know its composition, and pre. scribe it. It has been widely used for fort.\ years, and has won the unqualified eonfi deuce of millions whom it has benellted. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., I'iarlkiil nml Analytical Chemist", Lowell, Mass. ■ BY ALL DliUUUtm ItVIJtVH III.IIE. a n ll<% WAFASH, INMAN.V. Tlie Padx rfllirj; well. Have ccvcrßl olil chronie ea»cn of K:«'i ov trcnl>!e Ufii ;; tlicir. ai il they revolt mi iiuprovement an 1 think n.tic!. of them. A. L. KOJJJiOCK & CO.. Diuggiete. corr.TSEY, irxAs. Tour Pud lifiM t'i i • iiio more j;>'< -d tliMi any llemtdy I tier u*?'!< IT. Yunr Tml lir c 'cdmoof I'»jn ir the Tack ami Kidney Ticul o Jl. J. IIOUOH. Aailreea DAY KIDNEY PAD CO., SOLE i ;:oniiEToii(*, TOLEDO, - - - OniO. .1. (' 1!KI)i< K Ajjc-l.t for Hniu-r ' - o. lSSMl|v•'<%- :^5^^85^5538 TTrliiF!} Q-RTiIAT KIDNEY KEGULATOR AND I-IU BE TIC. KIDXK'SKN I n mid ris en rn; - e i for tt I \ '■■ I (H I. lill»M<\>. s\. i!i;i< :n>: : : vsk, m».;••: ,i km rev. ni:i:\ ni's Di i n ri .. or ■. n\ i:i; 111 -1 AM s. Also foi VKI.I.OU I I.* ! 11, I'l.l <•!> ill:/a i' 11l the |it • UlvliiK I liein Ml< njrlh. inrainl «-:ii:-ii 1 * it I,•;»II |jy color and ivy I'.ov. iI ' r'nr II < n I.• li>i.i-i* iit all lime ;, m all c.iirai* h, ivltl.c nt iiijinto the syxleni. I iillf'.e ;.nv <>.!,. r pre|iai;illoti for Kidney dinii-li'll. .. il hi , \I I }.l •; lit iilal ill r. i .iliie tilKte iind I'm or. I, i on!.tins jio.sltlve dititeCe j io perlli s s.llll will 1.0 l I ; i.m-ale. I.sidles eM.iialll will iik• - it. and < ' nilc i n «ill lilid lill'Xl'iil.N the 1 >!-■-« I\ I-Tik". 'i oi, ■ i-i er leed ! NOTICK Kin ii !•' it e beat* !li<- nlgi.oture of LAW I! I-. ■' I «v 1.-lIN. al.'o a I'lonrii larv (ioieriiinrnl Maniji v I:i■ ll peririls l\ ID.NI «.I.N to lie-old m.'lhoiil I!< • el I r ilrtirtsi-ls. KH*-ei-.< mid of In r !>«■;• on « ie. •.< iirre. I'nl ns> In v I■■i v. I . (.K< silcr* lA. ii M.i iA ft KEN< E< M UtTIN.Ko. 6 Bjunlny f : i.. New Vwrk. oii-i'u-.1. ■x I. vv e.!lllni ol Dr. (,'ulv i WI'HV (' |cl>rati £|wiiiiat()i 11 a* t or r 11: itml Weaklier, Invol ui.l.iiy S< iiiin:!' I.«• *- lin| i;U'ucy, Mi-'il:il n:id l'liMMeal lir. ll| ai'iiv. I! •; < 'i - tl* !•> M r: i'l <', etc; uNo, C(i|i*iiii i' i'iii. mil Fits, ii d'.ecd fiy nil panel*. At'. 'I l.i' t»■ .!: »iu a ilili ty }' 1 f- MliecCKrflul |<7lil til e, t I :>t I'll- l'.':l! !!■ lIIJX 1..11M-- (|Ucnern of M'll-ul itv M.:iy in* latil ally eiiie'l ; |iolM'liltr outn III' !:<••• simple, cert ii an I ,- ll< el nil. 1 v im iiii '"I which every i-uflerer, I O natter « I.W «•• 1101 l liny lie, III: y enrc I im-el! chi-al I;. ,pi ivali Ij and radu /illi/. ttsf I 111- l.ectuiv ■ i.ld I!• In the l ill every youth and n -iv mail In the hn;d. t-'ctil under mil, n i plain envelope, to nnjr addrcnH, j;o*l-p€Utl 1 on tecciplH of feix tenia or two poi-i re Hani; ». Addict (! I lie l'ul' is' O»h, THE CULVERWELL MFftICAL CO , 41 AN* ST., Ni W VOUK, N. Y ; k-UI-ly Post Office l!ox, -I.'.SG. Rheumatic Cu?e, 3DO>T I- J"3?!JI.X J , .=S IUIEIMATIC COMPOI'M) hn* ciircil \h< r.WiA'i ui t.Utf tl.c; of fourteen clortrrn 1»:*'l and after ho lutd UM»CI cintclicn for r xt«« a y IIH. It \*:IH #•!< «1 I v {' I). a. wnu ji, nov2 JLJIII-I^ll, I*A# fv B-'M Port Grape Wine lisi (! :.i the priuc:; ; ! t'L relies fei Coinmuiikui pur; i es. >_xc.' fiii Far X. ; «51cs ami i\ea kly l r ci soiis «n:l the 4|, d. its, P :t%M ■ r '' H v iv i v '.A. vm € rSTi ■ j STEER'S FORT GRAPE WINE! I'orn \ OLD. T!-.:I Cclelirsilril Native \\l:ie is made from the » juice of ti:c rloCr:UM*,raisei by any oth< r Native Wine. Benin !ie j.i:ie juice ot tln' pnMiuced under Mr. Specr's owir priM nal suiH'ivis!«ir, its pniety anil w nun ene: « :•!(■ rautecd. The youngest child j may purl. I.e ol it. 1 . j'.er.< reus i|iia!il;es, mid the weal i-t invalid i eit toi'.t'vnulage. It ispartieu laiiiy l eiieliei:il to the aired and debilitated, and | suited to th«' various aliments that el the I wi .fkei r ex. It is lucvt ry respc.ct A WINETO BK ! I'l l il l) (!.N. JSl* i : Eiß'M IP. J". SFER :R, Y, Tile r. .1. SJIKKP.Y i ; a wir.ool Superior aeter. an.l p. i.• 1.• il the cojden i;i:a.ili< -. of the M i - from v.liieh it is nuu'e. For purity. i;:clines.s. Fi;'.v<.r 'tip McehanlCitl i'loperiles, it mil hctcuud i r.nexeeiled. W l' 10 Ell's IP. vT. B A. IT JO Y- I Till;!T A NDY stand.' uiiri\;'.i il in this Country, 11 log mu SHIM rlor for medielnhtl pmaxv. i'i |s \ rt I.'K tlisiila ,Jl>ii fnni the gra| e a'.d e. : ins v:i!i :i!>!e i>:eiiieii!i!ll propertii I: hr.s a !'• ii aie i;..v«v. • •mtlar to tin t cf the ! jrr:-;-' s from uhieii ii i- inu is in great i';l»• If :-llli'l'<: Hist ci;:-.s f.imllx I See the 'pi.' A 1.1 tilil) Sl'liFli. l'lUS ssiic, N. 4., i:» overtl'.c cork of each '.ottle. S«l«l by l>. 11. WI ii'ii2slyr Urlcn Woolen Mills. I v> >uld desire to call tl.o attention cf the public to the Union Woolen Hill. Butler, Fa.. v.biro I have new and improved machinery for the inanufactnie of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Wearinpr Yarns, and I can recommend t! cm r.s being very dura ble, as tiny are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They arc beautiful in color, su perior in texture. and will bo sold at voiy low prices. For samples and priccc. cddrc.'s. H. FiJI.l .KB TON. jnlV4.'7"-trl Bntler. Pa rr - I.;"?:'-- ... J- Arr » ~i. ... f N K'.-;:'.i r y c"",. ■ . ■ ; if > - i: Ifalc..:t.-lT 1 [liilj.'i.v'.j!.. » It ven; .;u- ci» \ »«ir >, * > you 1;.. v• ; . . • » ' " '-.tS-.. I m ... .• i ■. 'A, :u. «nnd tn.tny » t rr : • |ihc (io .i Hoali.i n •.» S». . • » Itiiad. nnu i iir ti l i . !'• ' ! . »i o:L r I , . it «. - " - ' 'jtul <»•:,.! iif • lit *l. f • i r ' ;'f. r : It lI4M i: -• !r 's !.:•;< . - s.nv r-j. • Hiy a '. ?» ' J> " i «!.•»• v ' »at« »be 4 : « • i :it . • i-» «t it • j *ide WM;H ' \ J Parker's H:i'r r ; V The li lt A M.i-i I I .11 r«»r 1r- .s>i» Co. tail i't • V i ." • •t' ■ ' to r. '.... i .r-i • v.;.i i- 1 s fir - -..11. • , '!• ■■ ' ; I i It »rer l'i. :s ! ' rv C:-f or ...! • «!i Wt!* orijiiiil pwMiil clumil k■> . i ■' o» ti tlx hiir. A ry -•• •.. • - ..'i ft s • I.TIf-ROVi TtiF I'OUR. Smk TRADE C^MARX. GUE7ITHEITS L'JMG »:F.AinR CURE 3 COH3UMFTIO2T, '• Avenue, PinSSURCH, P,'.. Aili i ,\. l:. e.;| iM m il F*pc i.dittoes of Worth Mutual Fire liiiurancc Co., for IsHO : Picmintn ® Ai-k ssment 1.088 OC Ualanceof 1879 140 (0. (1,439 8(5 j rxfi.Ni iTi nis. Salsries. comniissioiitm $ S3 Postage, piiiiting, interest 110 *'•« j.of,-rcs paid M>o4 W fi,l9» 11 B*l. Jan. lit, 1881 MO 75 il.lS'J 8(5 . W. K. TAYLOR, I \VM. SL'COY. ) Auditors. ! MILL FOR SALE. A tiller (f ) I Uil ( il-tom Mill lor sale, rltuate lie. i Whilestown, llutier, Co , I'n , both stenin mid » uti r pi.vvll ; I; 5 ;*eivs o! land, jiood d well lilt', oi ell lid. coal liat k, Ac , if a deflinble loea lion and mill doinu a t:ood t etioeaa. VMII ho ..'lit t a I'll ualn, tieoi-_ the piOperty of Win Aliill dee'd II not M.:.! lit foil April Ist, wll. I re an e.\] i il.ii. Ed Millet u! o can luinlah toed tel. rente For | ai!i. u!iir-. addict* iiltri. P. C. ALL FN, Whitfitown, l'a I TRAVELERS' GUIDE. V.-TI.BR, KA R\f CITT AND PARKER RAILROAD Trains Bntler for Sit. Joe, Milleratows Karns City, I'etrolia, Parker, etc., at 7.27 a. m. and 3.25 and ".Sii p. m. Trains arrive at Butler from the abore named poii.;? :it 7. 7 a. in., and 2.15, and 7.15 p. re. Tbe 2.15 connects with train on the West feus roiil through to Fittsburijh. SUENANGO AMI AI.LKCnCNY KAILKOAB. Trains leave Milliard's Mill, Butler eoonty, tor Harrisvilic, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m. md 2.25 p. in. Tr;i!i:« arrive at liilliud's Mills at 1:45 A. m., and 5 51 p. M. Hacks tr. itbd from Petrolia, Mr rtinabnrff, Faiiview, Modocaud, connect at Hll i.ud with i ;r.ins on tbe S& A road. I ENNSTLYABIA UAILKOAD. l'rain- haw Bntler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time.) Mariti it ." (■<'. a. in , jr«j., and Ex; r. ss east arriving at Blairsrllle u 10 55 a. m. railroad time. Mail at 2.20 p. m . Co r.i lectin u at Butler Juno lion without charge ot cars, with F.xpress west, arriving: in Allegheny at 501 p. in., and Ex pre*~ easi arriving at Biairsvii'-e Intcrseclioß at 5 55 p. m. r.iiioad tiuie, which connects with Philadelphia lexprc.s east, when on time. Tbe 7.21 a. m. train connects at Biairsville it 11.05 a. in with the Mail cast, and tbe 2.3# p. m. train a: H..VJ with the Philadelphia Kx pr.>ss eai-t. Trains arrlvg at Bniler on Woft Peun R. R at a. ra , •».:>>< a id 7.01 p. in., Bntler time. The », r G and 4.08 trains «mimi with trains on the Eutler & father R. R. Main I.ine. Ti.rousrb trains leave I'lMaburgl) tor the East a? 2.5# and B.2<> ». in. and 12 51, 4 21 ar.d B.o# p. tn., anivinir at fhila.lelphia at 8.40 and 7.20 p. m ar.d o.CO, 7.0 and 7.40 a. nj.; at Baltimore I'iout the same t'ine. at New Yoik throe bonra ..:er, and at Washington about otic and a hall bours later. * i line of Il summoned tor the tiret week of (lie seveial terms. ATTOILN EYS AT LAW* BUTLFR, PA* A. M. CORN KLIUS, Oiflee with W. D. Brandon, Btig Building, Main Klrtet, Fut.'cr. fa. J. F. liRITTAIN, Cftice with L Z- Mitchell, Diamond. A. M. CUNNINGHAM" Otr.ce iii Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. ~ tr. H. PIER SOL. Office on N. K. corner Diamond, Riddle bnild ing. ;novl3 JOIIN M. GREER. OfHi e on N. E. corner Diamond. BOYII \VM. 11. LUSK, Office with W IT. H. Fiddle, Esq. NEWTON BLACK, Office on Diamond, near Court Houee, south lido. E. I. JiRUGII, Office In Riddle's Law Building. S. F. BOW bEli. Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'79 J7 B. McJUNKIN. Special attcr.tbin elveu to collections Office oppotriie VV 111:11 d lion^e. JOSEPH li. BREDIN, Olßi '- 1 north-Ciu t comer of Diamoud. Butlef 11. H. GOUCHER, Office in Kciineideman'i bnilding. up slaita. J. T. DONLY Office Bear Cunrt House. r • 74 V, . 1). BUAN HON, ebl7-75 Office in Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brodai bnilding- marl7—t FEUD REIBER, Office in Bern's new building, Main strcet.apOl) F. M. FASTtVAN, Office in Brediu bnilding. ~LE V, M. QUIST ION, Office Main i-trect, 1 dcor ronlh of Coort Bonw JOtS. C. VANDERLIN, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court Honae. Wni A. FORQUER, ♦ST Office on Main street, opposite Yogeley House. "TTeoll WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond FRANCIS S PUKViANCE, Otlice with Ocn. J N. Purviance, Main street, south of Court House. J. IX M cJFNKIN, Office In Hchnrideinan's l>uiidluir, west side ol Main street, 2nd square from Court House. A. G. WILLIAMS, Office on Diamond, two doors weit of CITIZM office. ap36 1 C. CAMPBEIiL. Office in Berg's new building, 2d door, east side Main st., a few doors south of Lowrj IJOHKO. mar3—tf C A. AN. SI'LLIVAN, may? Office S. W. cor. cf Diamond. BLACK & BRO., Office on Main street, oue door south oi llrr.dy Block, Bniler. Pa. (oep. 2, 1874. JOHN M MILLER & BRO. Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street, ► outh of Court House. ECGKNE O. MILI EU, Notary Public. jun4 ly THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER, PA. JOHN JI. NEGLEV, CsTOivcx particnlai attention to transactlona it; real ontate throughout tbe county. OKKK'K "X I>IAMOHII, MCAH COURT HoUSX, IV Oimrs RciiJ>mo E. li. ECKLI-t, KENNEDY MAMSBALU (Late of Ohlo.)J ECKLEY & MARSHALL. Office in Brady'* I.nw Hnildlnir. 5ept.9,74 C (J CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully transacted. Collections made and promptly remitted. Business correspondence piomplly attended ti> and answered. Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, inv-M-ly] BUTI.ER, PA. DENTISTS. JD EISTTXS TRY." OM WALDRON, Hmdunte ol the Phil- H ndelpbla Dental College,!* prepared ■ Is •to do aii)thiiif; in tbe Hue of hie profession In a satlsfi.ctory manner. Office on Main street, llutier, Union Block, up stairs, To Ihe CrciiUn Of A. N. Fnlk* mnn—Tnkc Xollfc. Benjamin Peareon having made application to the C< ui t of Common Pleas of Butler county for diseharj'o a* - assi ;neo fur benellt of creditore of eni! A. s V' Ikin in N< w January 19, 1881. the Court on due co isid*rstion, grant prayer of 14-titii ner and <: rcc ari-iKiico to be dinobarßed ii.h.l, givu un< e. .V.- Iyli e Court. Applica tion lor lit »1 !• rof discharge will be made to Ccmt on the liMh o' Match mil. 1 FNJAMIM PEAIWON. fcb23 3t Assignee.