BUTLER CITIZEN^, JOHN H 74 If. C. NEG'.EV. PROP'RS, Entered at the Postojfice at Butler or Bccond-cla»sß matter. EEGLAND and the Boers hare ar-. ranged terms of peace. THE murdered Czar has been interred at St Petersburg with great ceremony and pomp. THE President has nominated Hon. Levi P. Morton, of New York, for Minister to France. THE correct name of tbe post master ftt the re-established office of Holyoke, this county, is Henry L \ oung. ACCORDING to Vennor there will be one cold dip yet and this month end With rain and slush, when all will be over of winter. THE Republican primaries of Bea ver county for this year will lie held on the 26th of May, for nominating county ticket, etc. UNDER the new constitution just passed, tbe general election in Indiana will be held hereafter In November, in stead of October as formerly. KINO of Ashantee, in Africa, will make war on England.' The kings of several thousand shanties in Ireland are anxious to do the same thing.— Ex. STATE TREASUBEE Butler, says be will obey the opinion of Attorney General Palmer and not pay any member of the Legislature a cent over the salary of SI,OOO. THE Harris burg Patriot suggests that the Standard Oil Company, in stead of the State of Pennsylvania, . 4fect a monument to Colonel Drake, tbe discoverer of petroleum. THE effect of the recent opinion of the law officer of tbe State will be to keep Senators and Representatives uioie closely at work. There will now be less running home and elsewhere by tbe members. It bad become notori ous that many members did no', put in balf the time they were sworn to do at Harrisburg. the other half beiog spent traveling on the railroads with free passes and away from their public duties to attened to their private in terest . PBTITIONS are being forwarded to the Legislature from Lawrence colinty praying for the erection of that county into a separate Judicial district, with a President Judge of its own. If this can be done there should be no objec tion from any quarter. But it is thought a direct constitutional difficulty is in tbe way, she not having 40,000 o • population. Lawrence naturaHy should be joined with Beaver county for a district, neither of which under tbe recent census: have the requisite population for a separate district. Be- sides, they are closely connected geo graphically, and hnvo railroad connec tion that gives convenient communi cation between them, which is not the case as regards this county. Whet'-or the present Legislature will act in the premises, which it is necessary it must do, is now very doubtful. If it does not Butler aud Lawrence will still re al :in a district. DKATII OF WiLtiAM J. CAMPBELL. —lt was with more than ordinary re gret tbat the citizens of this place, and doubtless of all who knew him in this county, heard of the death of Mr. Wil liam J. Campbell, at Millerstown, on last Wednesday evening. Mr. Camp hell lived at the Glade Mills, Middle sex township, this county for many years past and no man was more re spected or had more iufluence with all his neighbors. lie removed to Millers town about four years ago where he was engaged in mercantile business. Three years ago he was a candidate for the Republican nomination for Reg ister and Recorder of the county and only failed by 17 votes of being suc cessful. He was announced as a can didate again this year and his friends bad great hopes of his success. But death has removed him from the list and we take bis name out of the same sharing the common regret of all who knew him. He was aged about 55 years. Ilis remains passed through here on Friday last for interment in Middlesex township. .RAILROAD MOVEMENTS. A corp.* of engineers, representing the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, we understand are to be in this place (his week. Their work is reported to be the survey iuga route from here to Home wood, Beaver county, on the Fort Wayne and Chicago r»ad, with the ob ject of a shorter freight line from the west than that by Pittsburg now af fords. This would pass down the Con noquenessing from here and give litt ler the much desired outlet. In the meantime the Narrow Gauge interests are m itrinj ia tbo aim-: direction, and it looks now as if we would have one road certainly made down the creek thi# summer. This is now the general belief of our pco,»!e. An lat tbo sums timo the pros|>ects appear good for a speedy connection with the Shenango and Hilliards Mill road. The Presi dent and Su|>crintendcnt of this road were in this place last wwk and spoke • onfidently of the present road they are making down into Slippery Rock, Cherry and Clay Tps., beingcootinued to Butler. The coal is the great ob ject, and the branch leaves the Shenan go road at or near New Hope Station, dL'Wrv township. This would devel •<•*) tfce very heart of our county ond •give us a direct outlet Northward. That it would lie a great paying road PALM SUNDAY comes on April 10, Good Friday April 15, and Easter Sun day April 17, this year. WE arc indebted to our friend Mr. Robert R. McClung, now of Jewell City, Kansas, lor a well gotten op and finely bound copy of the "First Bien nial Report of tbe State Board of Ag riculture of Kansas, for 1877-9." THE BALD RIDGE WE: L. The new oil well near here, and which for tbe past week or more has created a new and lively intere*t in oil matters, is located on what is known as the Bald Ridge, about five and a half miles south west from Butler, on a direct line towards Evansburg, and about six and a half miles from the latter place. That oil, in promising quantity, has been obtained is now fully established. The rock or sand appears to be better than at any well heretofore drilled in this vicinity. At 1,620 feet the third sand rock was struck and the oil appeared. The tubing for the well passed through here last week and this week it is said will demonstrate the amount of the production. In our next issue we hope to give a more re liable and particular account of tbe PD. terprise. The depth, 1,620 feet, at which the oil rock was struck at this well, proves that all the wells formerly put dowu hereabout were not drilled deep enough. We remember that lor the first oue drilled here, near the Wal ter SL Boos mill in this place, in 1862, the contract was but for 600 feet in depth. Other wells drilled nearheresince did not doned. This all indicates that they were not sunk to the oil rock. The tubing at the new Bald Ridge well commenced yesterday. THE ATTORNEY OBNERA.II ON THE PAY MEMBER.) OF THE LEGISLATURE. Attorney General Palmer, the law officers of the Commonwealth, rendered a decision last week to the effect that tbe pay of members of our Legislature is limited by the Constitution of the State to a salary, and that any per di em or other pay is therefore unconsti tutional. The Constitution says "the members shall receive such salary," per session "as shall be fixed by law aud no other compensation whatever.'' This would seem to be a plain provi sion of the new State Constitution. But the Legislature of 1874, whose duty it was to carry it out, and have said salary "fixed by law," seems to have done so in a very peculiar manner. For the act of 1874, after fix ing tbe compensation or salary of mem bers at one thousand dollars per ses sion, undertook to say in effect, thnt one hundred and fifty days should compose a session; and that if tbe Legislature continued in session more than "one hundred days," that tbeu "ten dollars per diem," should l>e al lowed each member for a period "not to exceed fifty days at any one 3ession." The most singular thing about this, and that waa noticed at the time, was that ten dollars a day waa just the same amount, in proportion, that one thou sand dollars bad been for the hundred days. So that if they continued in session more than tbe hundred days they received just the same amount of pay daily for the following fifty days that they in fact received for any of the previous hundred days. And the ef feet of this clearly unconstitutional law of 1874, has been what every one who had any knowledge of our Legislature knew H would be, to wit, equivalent to fixing tbe salary of each member at fifteen hundred dollars. For it could not be hoped that a majority of mem bers of any Legislature would forego the opportunity of extending the scs aion beyond the "hundred days" aod into ond very probably through tbe re maining "fifty days," thus provided for. And thus another effect WUH to always lengthen a session to or near to one hundred and fifty day*. But Attorney General Palmer's de cision is confined to the single point, that the act of 1874 could not give any per diem pay, and that in giv ing that, in addition to the "salary" it fixed nt SI,OOO, it exceeded the pro vision of the constitution on the sub ject. That be is right, every disinter, ested person must see acd admit. The only wonder is thi t the constitution has been permitted to be violated so long. The evil effects of tbe act of 1874 have been to the extent of mak ing members careless of their duties. The members of the present Senate and House will now likely go to work and at least stay at their post , and endeavor to complete all necessary legislation within the hundred days, as beyond that timo they can receive no extra per dirm pai. Afraid to Swoar Alono. Tho wicked practice of swearing, which i» HO common as to offend the car in every hotel, and almost in evury street, is often mere bravado. Hoy* think it sound* manly to be profane, and men think it gives force and cbar | acter to their sayings. Unlike most i other vices, it is done openly, and is in tended by the swearer for other f*>o- I pleV ears. It is a public sin n«nin.-t (lot], and a public insult to all good men The boldest blasphemers are of ten the greatest cowards. I 'I will give j-ou ten doUnfH,'said a man to • profane swearer, 'if you will go ioto the village graveyard at 12 o'clock to-night and swear the fame oaths you bait! uttered, when you are alone withgod.' 'Agreed!' soid the man; 'ap easy way to make ten dollars.' 'Well, come to-morrow and say you have done it, and you shall have the money.' M idnight came. It was a night of great darkness. As he entered the cemetery, not a sound was beard; all was still a.) death, Then caine the QlJfjft PttlLee Citttwn: ftltitier, 3H&txly 30» 1881. alone with God ! rang in his ears. He did not dar«' to utter an oath, but fled from the place crying, 'God, be merciful to me a sinner.' ONE HUNDRED DAYS. That is the Limit of a r egislative Session—-Because the Members of the Legislature Will Not Receive ray for a Longer Period—The Decision of Attorney General Palmer—The Con stitution Quoted. Some time ago Representative La Touche of Lackawanna county, becom ing tired of the ceaseless talk in the House, to the great hindrance of legis lation, and fully impressed with the idea that it is the mission of sonn- peo ple on earth to talk others to the verge of distraction, and that these people get into ihe Legislature through the over weening confidence of their constituents fully impressed with this, and more, too. Representative LaT >uche be thought hini of some manner bv which an end could be put to the talk, and the Legislature, could l»e compelled to get down to hard work. Nothing will touch an average member's heart so quick as a raid on his pocket-book, and Mr. LaToucbc had a very brilliant thought when be wrote to the State Treasurer and Auditor General, mak ing inquiries in regard to the construc tion of the law providing for the pay ment of the salaries of the members of the Legislature, with the more practi cal view of ascertaining whether they drew the extra pay of $lO per day for the extra days served over a hundred by authority. The State Treasurer aud Auditor General, on receipt of Mr. LaTouche's letter, conferred and decid ed that as this was a grave question of law, they would submit it to the Attor ney General, and be governed by hi* opinion. They accordingly sent him a copy of Mr. LaTout he's ietter with the remark that "as the law officer of the Commonwealth we feel confident that your opinion in tbe premises will be in accordance with the law and the Con stitution." • Tbe Attorney General, after consid ering the matter, rendered a decision -which virtually reduces the Legislative session to one hundred days, inasmuch as he says in it that no compensation of ten dollars per day can be received by any member after serving one hundred days, and if the session is prolonged the compensation is included in the sal ary of one thousand dollars. Attorney General Palmer enters upon his opinion, as follows: "Tbe Bth section if tbe Vnd article of the Constitution provides that "the members of the General Assembly sbal ; receive such salary and milage fop reg ular and special session as shall be fix ed by law and no other compensation whatever for servi es cn committees or otherwise. No member of either house shall, during the term for which he may have been elected, receive any increase of salary or milage under any law passed during such term." On the 11th of May, 1-574 (P. LI 29). the General Assembly "fixed by law" the salary and milege to be received by members. The act, so far as material, Is as fol. lows: "The compensation of mem bers of tbe General Assembly shall be one thousand dollars for each regular and each adjourned annual sessson not exceeding one hundred days, anil ten dollars per diem (or time necessarily s|>ent after tha iixpir&tiop of the hun dred days: Provided, H owe IT? , Tht»t such time shall not exceed fifty days at any one session." "The question to be resolved is whether ibis art is in conformity or in conflict with the provisions oftliv Con stitution. and its determination involves a construction of the section quoted." Decisions of tbe Supreme Court in volving the construction of tbe Consti tution are quoted, and then the intent of the farmers of the instrument as gathered from the consideration of the circumstances attending the formation are commented upon, and the Attorney General concludes as iollows : Therefore we may certainly conclude as well from tbe unambiguous longunge of the Constitution as from considera tion of the circumstances attending its formation and the mischief to be reme died, that the convention intended to provide a saiary for the members of the General Assembly, and that by a sal ary they meant a "stimulated periodi cal recompense," as distinguished from a per diem compensation. Does the act of 1874 effectuate th's constitutional reform '( It first provides a salary of #I,OOO I for a session not exceeding one hundred days. If the session continued but half a hundrid daj'S, the salarv of #I,OOO would be earned, nnd doubtless would not be declined. It then allows a per diem compensation of ten dollars lor such additional time as may 1M? nec essarily spen , I not exceeding fifty days, thus conferring both a salary and daily pay. The time is limited to fifty days, but the right to provide additional compensation beyond the salary for fifty days implies the right to confer it for three hundred days, or as long as the General Assembly may choose to sit and take it; and it further implies therijihtto fix a per diem compensa tion for as many days as the General Assembly may choose to hold its ses sions without reference to a salary, thus perpetuating the very evil sought to be remedied by the convention. If this part of the act is not in irreconcila ble conflict u ith the provision that members shall rcce've "no other com pensation whatever" betides a salary, then for this ease, all established rules of construction fail, and all common un. derstandingo f plain words is «« fault. The Constitution commands that the members of the Qeueral Assembly shall be compensated for their services by a salary, and salary only. AH oth er kinds of compensation are expressly forbidden. No man will say that, in face of these provisions of the organic law, the General Assembly could pro vide for paying its members exclusively by the da}'. To pay partly by a salary ai'd partly by the day is as palpable an evasion nud transgression of the Con stitution as to pay them a pi r diem alone, and the violation is worse be cause it tends to aggravate the misi hief which the farmers of the Constitution meant to prevent. I am of opinion, for the reasons stnt pd. th#' so much of the act of as provides dally pay of ten dollars for lifty days or less, is unconstitutional, and that payments made by the Wt#tp Treasurer under it, would be (inwar ranted and unauthorized. In this be lief 1 am confirmed by an abb; opinion of my predecessor, J lon. (Jeorpe f-f ar, given on ihe {Mb of December, to s o&aaytteo ot tfa Id-pi Mmx/ iQ t | which, after an exhaustive discussion : ol this section of the Constitution and act of Assembly, this language occurs : "A salary is defined to lie an annual or periodical payment for services—a stipulated periodical recompense. This is not only the established definition and popular understanding of the term, but the Constitution, in the use of it, so qualified it as to exclude any other conclusion than that it is a stipulated recompense or compensation for a ses sion. The per diem allowance in the salary act was doubtless an oversight, but it is nevertheless unconstitutional." And if further confirmation were needed, if may be found in "A Com mentary on tbe Constitution," a work bv the Hon. Charles R. Buck alow. Construing t l e section under consider ation, he says: "This section was agreed toby the convention upon the distinct under standing it would exclude the allow ance of daily pay to members at any session." I may observe, in conclusion, that the session of the General Assembly will be in no wise necessarily abridged by this decision. There is nothing in the Constitution or law limiting their ses sions to one hundred or oue hundred and fifty days. Its length must be de termined by the sense of public duty of its members, and thecharacterof the la bor they are called to perform. The compensation for a session, long or short, is as fixed at this time SI,OOO and no more. HB.VRV W PALMER, Attoru ey General. llarri&burg Telegraph. A Brutal Outrage. A brutal outrage and heavy robbery wa< enacted on Thursday night last 24 inst., a few miles from Ea*t Brady. About 9 o'clock four masked robbers gained an entrance into the house oc cupied bv John Connor an aged farmer living alone with his wife two miles from Catfish station, on the A. V. 11 It The robbers bound and gagged the old people and tortued the old mau, who is eighty-one years old, until he gave up the key to his safe, shooting him once in the head. They secured between six and seven thousand dollars worth of Allegheny Valley railroad and Brady's Bend Bridge Company's bonds and between four and five thousand dollars in cash. It is supposed to have been the work of some one knowing all about the premises aud that no profes sionals were engaged in the job on re count of the bugling marine- they went about it, The reports of the effair are some what conflicting as to the exact amount of money taken. Some estimate the amount of cash at as high a figure as SIO,OOO, and say that among the bonds were Goverment coupons, unregister ed. The injuries inflicted upon \lr. Connor by the shot and beating he endured, before delivering up the kej and revealing th:; combination of the safe, are considered quite serious, and may, considering bis extreme old age, prove fatal 'l'he shock produced on the nervous system of the old lady has completely unstrung her, and it is feared she may not survive it. The affair has created intense excitement in ihe vicinity for miles around, and should the perpetrator# of tbp oytragp be captured they will be severely dealt with. The Connors are among our moat ri'sprelab'e people aud have the sympathy of the community. There ia no due as yet to the prepetrators of this high-handed outrage. FURTHER riRTICILARS. EAST BRADY, l'i., March gp -= —Tl l ** exeitim nt in the neighborhood of Cat fish station over the Connors robbery ir. still intense. Full particulars of the outrage develop the fact that the old lady apd gentleman were brutally tor turee by the four picked robbers. When the front door of the house fcnp suddenly burst open the old couple were quietly sitting at their fireside talking. Before the inmates realised fully what had taken place revolvers were leveled at them and four gruff voices demanded their surrender. Op position was out of the question, and lhe robbers proceeded to bind the old folks hand and foot, after which they requested the old man to tell them where the key of the safe, which is a heavy, old-fashioned affair, was. This he persistently refused to do, notwith standing their terrib'e threats of viol ence. Finally one of the rascals placed his revolver close to Conner®' head and discharged it probably with no inten tion to injure blm, but to intimidate him, but so close was the murderous weapon, that the bullet tore a furrow in the scalp extending from the fore head to the back of the head, from which the blood flowed in streams. Stunned and frightened, the old nmn at last told them where the key was, which they procured, but they after many attempts failed to open the door. They then returned to their victim and carried him to the safe, and by awful threats of torture to the old lady com pelled him to open it, and they secured the contents, amounting to about sls - in money und negotiable bouda. The villains then carried Mr. Con ners and wife to a bedroom, anil, after gagging them so that they could not make an outcry, bound them as they thought securely to the bedposts and left. During the night Connors sue. ceedir.g in loosing himself, atid imme diately proceeded to free his wife, who was suffering much pain from the thongs that bound her lie then pro ceeded to the house of a married son, who resides a short distance away, and made km wn his less The soti says that he heard the report of the pistol the night pri vious, but paid no partieu, lar intention to it, as revolvers werc fired at all times of night by the mi ners, who abound in the neighborhood No other suspieii us sounds were heard by him. From the systematic manner in which the affair was conducted it is the general opinion that the robbers are residents of the vjciuUy and thor oughly conversant with the old man Conners* house and business affairs. The victims are well known in Rutler, Armstrong aud Clarion counties. De tectives from the city of Pittsburgh and other points are prowling about the neighborhood, and the belief is general that the robbers will socn be run down. Of the bonds taken four were 7,30'5. of the Allegheny Railroad, of SI,OOO eaeh, numbered as follows : 2,7X2, 2,- 7W3, 2,7X4 and 2,785: A. V. R. R. income 7s of SIOO each. Nos. 3.507 3 <573 and 3,574. bight bonds, of $250 papb, were Hradj'V Rrpd bridge bond.-, Nog. 14. Js,'|*>, 101 Ip 2, Jpif, and JO4 The balance Mr.Conners wag nnable to give th«" numbers of. Of the (Cash talci 11 there were four $ ,000 na tional banks notes and the balance was aud Wtou RAILROAD NEWS. PROBABLE CONSOLIDATION OF SEVERAL RAILROADS IN THE OIL OOCKTBY. FOXBIRG, PA., March 15.—Some days ago an order was issued for a meeting of the stockholders of the sev eral narrow guage railroads iu this county, to be held at this place to-day. A proposition was favorably considered for the consolidation of the Foxburg, St. Petersburg and Clarion, the Emlen- Shippensville aud Clarion and tbe Fox burg, Kane and Bradford Railroads. The latter road is the line contemplated from a point in this county to Bradford via Kane. Another conference will be held Thursday next when final action will be taken. The several companies agreed to the consolidation to-day, and iu view of this fact there is little doubt as to the result. Should the merger be effected it is stated on good utbori tv that the work on tbe connecting link between Kane and this place will be commenced in a very short time. Not withstanding reports to the contrary it is stated on good authority that the sale of the I'arker, Karns City and Butler road has been made to persons in the interest of tbe Baltimore aud Ohio. From ButU r tbe connection with the narrow gauge line to Pitts burgh will te made via Harmony. This will be followed by closing the gap be tween Park< r a;.d Foxburg. The com pletion of a continuous narrow guage line from Bradford to Pittsburgh will then l>e perfected without difficulty. ON TO KASK—PITTSBURGH. BRADFORD 4 BUFFALO RAILWAY. The E. S & C., F. St. P A C., and the Foxburg, Kane & Bradford rail roads haviDg been consolidated, are now merged in the new company to be known as the Pittsburg. Bradford & Buffalo Railway. On Tuesday last the officers, consisting of President Marcus Huiings, General Manager, J. M. Dick ey, Secretary, W. J. Welsh, and Supt. Mandeville, arrived here in a special train, and after taking dinner, proceed ed to the terminus of the road at Ar thur, on a business visit to Gen. Mix, Superintendent of Bagalev's Mill, and then returned home. The building of the extension to Kane will be commenced as soon as the weather will permit, and be pushed through as fast as men, money and en ergy can do it, to completion. It is expected to have the new road in run ning order by September Ist Clarion llep nil ica n-Oa telle. THE CONTINENTAL RAILWAY COMPANY. A circular, received from headquar ters, says : The Continental Railway Co. was organized 4>v Special Acts of the States of New Jersey, Penii vlva nia and Illinois, and under the general laws of lowa, Indiana and Ohio, mak ing a doyble.track line frojn the city of New York to Chicago, St. Louis and the Missouri river It crosses the Del aware at Belvidere, 04 miles west, and and reaches the anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania at Summit, 104 miles from New Vork. The line crosses the Susquehanna river and the Philadel phia aud Beading railroad at Milton, Pa., !64 miles distant; and then passes through the bituminous coal fields and oil regions of Western Pennsylvania, crossing the Allegheny river at Mahon ing, Pa, 312 miles from New York It passes through the canncl coal field, and then runs west through Akron, Ohio, crossing the Maumce river just south of Fort Wayne, Indiana, (>3{ miles from New York. From thence it proceeds direct to Chicago, distant 7S(J miles, having a branch to St. Louis tbri u"h|the great coal fields of Illinois. The line crosses tbp Mississippi rlvpr at Rock Island, Illinois, and the Mis souri river near Council Bluffs, lowa. The grades for the east-bound trans portation will not exceed three-quarters of one per cent , and foi west-hound transportation they *wi|l bo equally light to balance dead weight against paying weight, find all curves will be avoided. The cost of operating twenty feet of ascending grade, or thp over, coping of K2O degrees of curvature, are either of them equal to the cost of o»er ating one mile of the (lead level road. The location of the Continental Rail way was made so as to accommodate the through business, as it is well known the local business naturally grows up along short lines between commercial centres. The line crosses more than fifty ex isting railroads, which are natural feed ers to the Continental Railway system. It also affords unusual facilities for New Juiglund business, besides fur nishing cheap coal to New York and the Eastern States. Contracts have been let for building 4t.0 miles of the Hue west from Akron, Ohio, to Wisconsin, Illinois, with a branch to Bureau Junction. The road is bonded at $40,000 per mile, for doublc.track, which bonds eau be issued only on comp'cted road. Limited express passenger trains will be run between New York Chica go in twenty hours. No freight delays can possibly occur on this road.— Lock Haven Journal. Pork Killing in Chloago POSKNDALB, ANDREW CO. MO., > March 24, 1881. ) Mkskrs. Et>iTOKS:-Wishinga'change' I concluded to try the west and accord ingly str.rted some days since for Mis souri. I spent one day in Chicago. While there I thought I would visit the slaughter yards of Norman fc Co., and some others. They do not kill every day, hut in winter when they do kill they kill 3,000 per day, and in sum mer about 1,600. They can kill from i2oo to 350 per hour. Kach man has his work, o: e shakles the hogs, another raises them up, another bleeds them, another drops them into the scalding vat, 2 or 3 scald ihem, then they are scraped l>v machinery, then a man lie heads then), another disposes of the heads, another opens them and extracts the colon, another removes the entrails, one washes the stomach, another the intestines, which are simply cut open | and thrown into the vats for rendering lard, another cuts off waste portions from the carcass, another rolls them away,— they a**c swung tin as soon as beheaded, —another raises them an i inch or two and rolls them back to cool, I and in about ten minutes from the time ; a hog is shokled he is hung up to cool before he is cut up and packed. Chicago is the greatest pork packing city in the world and is also the great est grain market and one of the great est lumber markets. Sometime, per haps, 1 will tell you how they kill beeves and what the animals look like*. H. N. A. Mr. Win. Cruikshank wijl havo hi* celebrated grain and seed H-ijl, the Farmer's Favorite, on exhibition on the Diamond in It u tier, during the April Cvurf wwfcw i Death cf Col. Roberts of Titus- ' viile. Col. E A. L. Roberts, of Titus.ille brother of State Senator Roberts. died Friday morning last in that city. Col Roberts was not quite fifiv-tw o years old. Altbouph bis health was bad, his death was sudden and unexjxeied. He was the inventor ofthe oil well torpedo, and grew immensely rich in the manu facture and sale of the torpedo. lie was Lieutenant Colonel of the Twenty-1 eighth New Jersey Volunteers. At} the battle of Fredericksburg he saw a shell fall into a mill-race and burst, i almost emptying the race of water at ' that point. Although on the way to j battle, the inventor was strong withiu j him, and he was seized with theideathat this bursting force might be utilized to i blast the way to the buried seas of oil. In ISG4 be took out his first patent on the torpedo, and soon follow ed it with improvements which made it a graud success. He obtained heavy damages from many oil'producers who used infringements on his patents in their wells. He and his brother Dr. W. B. Roberts, who was his partner in the patent and in the banking business, become enoriuonslv rich, aud the new dead man spent large sums to advance the interests of Titusville. lie was a heavy owner of real estate in Titusville and owned some oil territory. The hulk of his wealth, however, was in his patent, aud it is difficult to estimate its value exactly. His income was sever al hundred thousand dollars annually, He was a director in the Pittsburgh, Titusville and Buffalo railroad, ami ran for Auditor General on the Greenback ticket at the last election. He was a genial, open-hearted gentleman, a pub lic-spirited citizen, and will be greatly missed in the community where he has made and spent so much monny. —According to the telegraphic re ports in the dailies of Monday the two York State U. S. Senators, w-11 oppose the confirmation of Judge Robertson who has been uouiinated by the Pres ident for the Collectorship of customs at New York city. Judge Robertson is said to be an able and honest man. He served several terms with Garfield in Congress, is now a member of the York State Senate and has been unani mously indorsed by the York State Legislature, both Senate and Assembly. The Custom House at New York is the great national toll gate, more goods are imported into the country through the port of New York, and pay duties there, thep at all the other pons and custom houses of the country, and it seems to us a very great presumption for the U. S. Senators from any one State to to attempt to control it, in aid of their own political interests. It ui-llilo** Si iiti'. Not s) fast my frieni ; if you could see the strong, healthy blooming men, women and children that have been raised from beds of sickness, suf fering and almost death, by the uso of llop Bitters, you would say 'Glorious an«l invaluable remedy.' See other cob- Din.— Fh iladdphia Press. —The mountain climbers seem to have become dissatisfied with the nar row limits of the Alps. They arp scattering over the globe in search of m.w peaks to conquer. The recent ex ploits ol Mr. Whymper and his com panions among tbegiantsof the Andes have just been followed by a still more hazardous performance in Guatemala, where some fearless explorers clamber ed to the top of the active volcano El- Fuego, boldly penetrating the curtain of death vapors about its summit under protection of a favoring wind. This volcano and its neighbor, El Augua, have a curious history. The city of Guatemala was fir-t placed near El- Agua, and 1541 was destroyed by an earthquake and inundation, The Inundation ascribed to the moun tain, and so the city was rebuilt fur ther to the north. This brought it nearer to El Fucgo, which proved to be as formidable an enemy as the other mountain. Ii shook up the inhabitants with a earll.q lakes and terrified them with eruptions of lava, until in despair they moved thi ir town a second time, and, going still further north, founded the presedt ciul t.il city of Guat-mala upon a high plain. No Extra 8 jusloii—President Gar field b tt es tfce Quetticn. WASHINGTON, March 2fi.—At yester day's Cabinet meeting the question of an extra sefsiou of Congress was con sidered. Pre-idt ut Garfield read a pa. per prepared by him on the subject, in which lie took strong ground against an extra fcs.don. The President chiiniec., in the first place, that any new funding bill which would be proposed at an extra session would lie substan tially sinrl.it hi that vetoed by Presi dent Hayes, and any change in it would pi ce the administration in the position of defending the National Ranks, against which there exists a strong popular feelii g. Again, the agitation of refunding now would lead to disturb ance in the maikets at the tiuie when farmers would be trjiug to sell their crops. The President says he is informed by Mr. Windoni that with the results of he sale of $140,000,- 000 of either 4sor 4 (whichever would prove most ad\ .:ntageous) and the sur plus revenues, he #."> <*> iter tiny 'ln- year round. Hood profll* ami ri|itd H:II*4. Capital not iwrsvuv If T you f in furnish good r< i.-mn-c". at onrc j J'A'il, I'AKrKI SWKKI'KK I'll. Toll do. O. ! Rheumatic Cure, IDOJNI TsT.H r.X 'F? RHEUMATIC lOMPOlNI) lian curid rlii uonMitm *ft«r the trnnfufnt ol fourteen doofotr in.d fniUid and niter lio had lined crntclien for wixftcn year*. It discovered ly K Donne)). in the treat ment of liimeelf H<*ld I y i>. ii. n ri.i r.et. nor]4|Hiii UVTl.l'lV J\\. i Cfi 4a oni« r l ' av at li'inc. Sample* worth &U IU 4 friOco.-^ ILVJbKY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD SHOUI.D I'SK IT. Herbal ine Syrup, THE GKKAT M KMC AX REMEDY. T! t nlv " i. in \\ ? < V::ip;:n«le*lfrom the Natural Koots aivl Herbs of Mexico. I I E H H A L I N K S Y RXJ P. . S<'rro;»sv, Heart Disease, Ner vous Afleelu :,s ;oitl Chronic Ilinjuw-N K E K B A L I N E SYR IT P. (NO \IN !-..) The pureM m.d bent Medicine in the v.orid for delicate , renii.w, whj'.hcr youuc or el*!. married or anijt'e, at t!»p dawn of womanhood or thetutu Of 11.p, relieving ami curing tiieir compliant!! a If by M: For the air -1 ami the feeble this ionic Svruti has UJ equal. b\ R H A LINE S Y H U P, iN<> MINKKAI. roiSON.i A swift and surf relief in Mental and Phvsical Prostration caused :.y ovi-r-laxiuu she raiiul and bodv *uh bcslnr.vi aud professional care* H E R 13 A L I IST E H Y R U P, (A\ iTAI.I.'.IXG TONl*\t I'ne.ji-.aieu as medicine lor Children.being easy of adnun -I*lration, i-.ca~.itii .-.nd ivfn sh ns» to take, prompt m it-; action ; certain in it* results, and a.wavs v .fc an 1 reUab,". NY, Yertr.lfitp , Lozenges. <>r oilier medicine* will free I lie sys tem from Worms like tills wonderful Wild Herb Tonic. H K R B \ T. I IST E S Y R U P, iTfl K Lit• E 01\ IX(i HUNt'IPI.E.) Skin tuseases of whatever name or nuture.sueh as Lruptnms, Blo«caes. i imp.***. UinnworniN. Scrofula, &c., are literally dug up and carried out of the system b** this grc;U Tome and Alternative, while the complexion is rendered clear and beautiful. j H E R B A I, I TsT E S Y R U P, (PI RhIA HKKBAIO A K« n»liiL' medicine warranted free from <'a!oniel. Arsenic. Opium, Qmnlne. and Alcohol in all its forma. The uiosi valuable Family Medicine In the world. •■ . «»«»•» ■* »C IK B9 is offered f«.r a case of ( lironic Disease tUa. this (creal ionic Syrup will fail to cure or greatly benefit. U the directions are strictly foll'iwea. TRY IT. PRICE SI.OO PER BOTTLE. PREPARED BY THE STANDARD MEDICINE COMPANY, PITTSBURGH, PA. FOT SALE BY Al.(- DRUGGISTS.. ■o^ii ]>X ARC II Ist, 1881. Special Bargain, One Lot, 10 Pieces LIGHT BLUE SILKS, Extra quality and delicate shades, clear and fresh, at the Remarkable price of 45 cts- worth 75c to $1 per yard. NEW FOHKir.N SUITINGS. Cliolif New Plnlrts. Choice N.tw Home Spun Checks. Choice New Stockinettes, All 12 to -iii inch goods :st 70c to $1 l'.'i per yard. One case Extra Value anil Kxtia With*, 46-iucli COI/HtKI) CASHMKBES, at SRc, Special Ba!v:«tnoc and 02'ic up. On Sate To-day, 100 pieces lllnek Cadimere, at &Ji,c up an t'niiMial Bargain, 40-lnch Black Cashmeres, at !V»c and SI.OO. NEW FANCY BI.ACK GOODS. <}: adrilles, ;>akk:i Clone*. '• rinares.Jctrov Cords Br.W adcil Silk Citsliuu lO*. Choice Lilies Be it Mo; : Wing Goods. Cri-p,--; i r.oi Veils, Shaw Is. *. e. Gnu f.aso Motib'e !"II (1 American Blr.ck Itepps, at , |sc, lor School Siu;s, Wrapper*. i* a great bargain and ri-al valiw'i'e. ROGGS & BUHL, 118 and 120 Federal Street, A.ll^t?lienv. N. 8.-Special close prices at retail or by the piece or package on Domestic r.nd Housekeeping Dry Goods. Line lis. Toweis and Napkins. Very special bargains in <}iult-. and Blankets. .Aim* unccinentSt We are authorised to announce the following ISOIIS as candidates for nomination for tlic of fices under which their litmus r.|.|>ear, at the coming Republican Primary lor Putlerconuty A'otc.—The names r,rc arranged alphabetical ly. Jiulgo. lUiAXDON, J. W., t'oiißoquenewdng twp. CHRISTY, JOHN G., Concord township. GRANT, W. P., Mlegl.eny township. WEIR, A. D., Buffalo township. ShcriH. RITRTOX, W. J., Petiti township. BAUDER, JOIIN, Mnddycreek township. KRAMER, PETER. Middlesex township. MITCHELL, JOIIN, Butler. QUIGLEY, I>A V 11), Fatrview BTORJSY, JAIIGB 0 . BtitUr, l'u. SIIIRA, FERGUS M., Parker township. THOMPSON JOHN P., Brady township. Protlioiio'nry. CAMTBKLL, J. K., Fairview township. GREEK, M. N.. Buffalo towrahJp. M'CLYMONDS, SAMUEL, Butler. SIIIRA, WILLIAM M., Washington twp. Tr«'»tMir<»r. BIPPUS, JOHN G., Oakland township. CROUP, JACOB ('., Butler, lute of Butler township GIRSON, WILLIAM, P.trolio borough. I MILLER. J HARVEY, Spriugdale, liutler. NORRIS, JAMES 11., Clinton township. SNIDER, PHILIP, Clinton township. ItceNfcr il Hccnnlrr CHRISTIE, HENDERSON W., Butler Pa. FINDI.KY, JOHN, I'arkcr township. GALLAGHER, 11. 11, Butler; formerly of Krunklin township. IIENItY, JAMES L., Butler, formerly of Earns City WILSON, JAMES, Centre township. ( Icrlt oj CoiirfN. DODDS, W. 8., Muddyereek township. SHRYOCK, SAMUEL P., Parker Iwp. WRIGHT, W. A., Fairview township. Co ii ri(y «n*hi|). M AI'ItHOFF, [) K , Clinton township, McGREW, WILLIAM Franklin twp. SHANNON, J A MFS 11.. Frimklin twp. ('Ollllll Nll|>«lll»lOII«l< 111. |KI.K. F., F«irview homngli. MI'RTLANI», J. 11., Pctrolia hnrnuub. RITSSFLL, W. (1., Hunbnry, formerly of l'< |icoril t< w ii-li i|». .4 SIO.OO Itihlirul Prize. J!iitledyr's Monthly lor April in on our table, mi'l we liml it mi intorcKtint; little magazine- Its publisher* idler the following easy wuy for someone to make £10.00: To the permm telling us how many turns the woril "lii tliiehem" is found in tin- New Te*ta ineut Seripttmn, liy April loth I. W M, we will ijive idtMM in gold it* n prize. The money will lie forwarded to the winner April 1">, I!»M. Those nlm try for the pr.ie must semi Hi oont* with their nn»«er, lor which they will reeeivc tlie May nuinl>erot the Monthly, u handsome Magazine of :y> I in which lie puldislied the name find uihirevi of the winner of the nriw, with ttie correct answer thereto. In uritini;to say you »uw thi* notice in the Ilt ltKlt t'lTI- J'i'n.* Address, Rtri i bin I'l ILlnhi.m; Com l'ANY, Knit. ill, I'a. Ailvortiw in I CITIZFN fW liiU ClfViW Two lot-i Kvtra Choice Black Satin Damassea, taigc elegant designs, at ta 25 and J2 30 per vard, that are fully .".0 cents per vard less than iuual maiket value. 1-aiße line Satin Da musses, at st.oo, $t.2S and SILKS AND SATINS, Blacks and Crlon. Colored Silks, 37Hc cents up. Black Silks, of best known makes, including the celebrated Bonnet Goods. Large lot ljulies' Muslin I'nrterwear, ol superior I style and finish, and al bargain prices, j ]*ndic>' CnlP'indried Muslin Chemises, on coun- I ler at 30 c uts each. • Choice llue Bridal Sets, $4.00 to JW.OO each. I New HIM.'I 'I or Irish Point FmbroiderieH. New VeMenia il.ace Edge) Knibroidenes. ■ New llnriihuirrs—great bergams. I New Swiss am! Nainsook Embroideries. New White Goods and Figiued Swtves. MABIIEP. HI SELTON HIiNSIIKW.On the 17th inst., at the residence of Eli Miller, E*q., ia t> lUitler, by Rev. W. P. Turner, Mr. George D. I!< nshtw. of Petrolio, and Miss Jennie M. Hua elton, of Penn township, Rutler count*. STOREY—STOREY—On March 19th, 1881, by Rev. A. R. C. McFnr.'and, Mr T. K. Storey, of Petr>dia, and Miss E. O. Storey, of Martina burg, this county. i»r,« T ii«». Mi LrUE.-On the 30th instant, in New I Castle, Pa., AbJiel MeLure, in the 67th year of his age. Dee a*ed was born in Connoqueneasing tp„ thss county, but has been a resident of New Castle for about ten yeurs. Hi* remains were laid to rest at Mt. Nebo churchyard on the 22d in-t. He leaves many friends and relatives. DIPPNER.—On March 18th, Iuntv, aged 3 years and 21 days. "Bereaved mother! mourning o'er the loss Of thy departed child— a flower soon plucked! (But not too MM in tor glory,) which distilled Crystal fragrance on thy |mth below. Weep no»; but let thy tffivied Ixuist be this: "1 am the parent m a Sheijff*n >.ale of tiie pei-sonal pro ! petty of d< f"iidant to and among those entitled, will attAxd to tha duties of said appoiutmeul at the office of O. A. A A. 'P. Black in Bntler, ■ on Tue day the 2f;*h day of April A. D 1881, at 10 o'clock A. M , of which all ier ons inter ested will take notice A. T. BI.ACK, Hi 3t Auditor. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE!! I Lcok to Y(. ( ur Own Interest i The Celebrated Clydesdale Stallion PLEASANT LADDIE, ] Will sianl for service the ei.suing season, oom mrncing A| ril 11th and ending August 14th, | lbßl, at tho followiug places, viz : Bt'TLER At the stable of Walter .1 Poo«, in tho l>or ' ouuh of Butler. <•!' April lltb. 12th. 13th. Mth, Ittli. lrt'li. .2*l h. 20th. 271h. 2rtth. 2Wh and SOth. Mav'J.h, 10th. Htli, 12th. 13th, 14th, 23rd, j villi. 25th 2fith. 27th and 2Sth. Juii' flth. 7th. Mb, «wh, loth, lltb, 20tb, 21at, 2 el. S.trd. l ltb and stb. Jill- lib. 6lt. 1 tli, 7lh. nth and !)th LEASUBEVILI.E. At the hUble of Jotin Lawtkll, in Le.ianievilla, Wind Id township, on April 18th, 19th. 20th, 22d ami 23d. v kV 2d 3d. 4th. ."tli, 6th. 7'li, 10th 17th, 18th, ■9t It, 20th. 2Ut. 30th and 31 tit Jnni Ist 21. 3,1 4th 1 tli. 14th, 15th, 17th, 18th, '.7ih, 2Mh. 29tii and SOtli Jal.r Ist ai.d 2d. and so alternately, the sia days of .>aili alt»riihte week at the alßivo places. PEDinilEE.—'This splendid Stallion wan im portest competent fudges to ba th" I est Draught Horse in the St»te. He is a da k bay, tiino years old ; without bloaii- b. and mu'Cle cannot ba excelled. II" was got by Clyde wbi gainel m\oy p.-a ni'iims, it eluding the Sterling preiriura : <*hea on-- and two years old ho gained tho premium of the Collier farmers' Sltow «Ve He is nearly connected with the great Sir Walter Sco t. who Is v.ell known and who obtained the Glasgow premium of £OO. two years In sue. ession ; b< ttlso won the first pifze at the lioval Snow belcj at Bittb'sea, London. His ()abi was a p<4r Clydesdale Mate who won many first piUas % Kiikuituliock Sin w. He is known to b» the bea ! toal gettei in this part of the Ktalo. TTRMH: Fifteen Dollars for insurance. t< : lie paid when the maio is knoan to bo with foal Irregular attendance, or |t ac iilents Be OS. LAWAI.L A OO . I to t.I3C: I'm owiiem A f To all who arc stlltcilni! from the errors am : iiidlacretioun of ymrli, i.eivous weskuesa, curl ' decay, 10-s of m nhood. A' 1 .. I will scud ara eijir linit will turc you, r KKE (>K CIIAKGE Tills tr«-*t remedy ». us ili-covered ly a mla -lonary in South Alrlea. Send a svlt-addrcsaei ei.vdui it lo liev. JOM pb Iniunu, Stullou D New Y..tk City. I'l'.ltltlS VltMOIl, JuHtico oi Peace Maiu sirv«i, t>ppo-ite PoaiotUcv. w\o iJßUfiNVl'ire, PA*