Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 16, 1881, Image 4
LIABILITY OF TO WSSHIPS. There are numerous instances throughout the county of public roads running close to the edges of some em bank nent or declivity without being properly enclosed by fence or even with out any barrier at all on the side of the road nearest the decliv'tv. At these points common prudence r< q iires extra precaution in order to ensure the safe ty of travelli rs, and it would be well to call the attention of townships through which such roads run to their liability for accidents that mav occur from the unsafe condition of said hiarh and without any negligence on the part of the driver. A recent decision of the Supreme Court of this Stite fixes the liabilities on townships. The facts an the case decided were as follows: On July sth, 1872. the plaintiff was driving in a bugiry along the public road in Scott township, Allegheny* county, when his horse shied from some unknown and ran off the road down the Iti'ls de, taking the buggy and its occupants along :>nd permanently injuring the driver. Ihe road at the piace where the accident occurred runs along the side ot a hill and is bounded on one side by a #nce enclosing a cultivated field ; on the other side where the accident occurred, is a precipitous descent of about 40 feet; and it was admitted there wns no fence or barrier of any kind along the edge of this side of the road. The road had been opened as a public road under an order of court of 1836, and at the time of the accident was otherwise in good condition. It did not appear t hat it had ever been fenced at this point, and there wa evidence that no accident hnd ever before happened there. The jurv rendered a verdict in f.ivor of the plaintiff for S7OOO, and judgment was entered against Scott township, subject however, to a point reserved as to the liability of the township. Oil this point, interalio. the case was taken to the Supreme Court, which decided that if a public road, running tLrough a township, is so dangerous by reason of its proximity to a precipice that common prudence requires extra pre caution in order to secure safety to travellers, the township is bound to use such precaution, and the omission to do so is negligence. Townships, a* well as other rautilcipa'iti^s—a- a city or borough—are bound to erect walls or barriers along the sides of its roads, if that is necessary to the safety of travellers, The judgment of the court below was affirmed. In another case the Supreme court also decided that where the plaintiff wa driving over an unrai ed township bridge, and the horse took fright at a plank nailed over a hole in the bridge, and before he could be prevented, backed over the bridge into the creek, by which the horse, carriage and har ness were injured, judgment was properly enteied upon a verdict for SB3 in favor of the plaintiff and against the township, who should have kept the bridge in a safe condition. Supervisors and townships should take heed and put their roals and bridges in a condition so as ensure the safety of travelers and S3ve dam ages '•Made Ifew .Igsiin." ST CATHARINES, ONT. R V. Pierce, M. D. I have used your Favorite Prescrip tion, Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purgative Pellets, for the last llree months and find myself— (what shall I say)— "made new again," are the only words that express it. I was reduced to a skeleton, could not walk across the floor without fainting, could keep nothing in the shape o f food on my stomach. Myself and friends had given up all hope, tny immediate death seemed certain. I can never be too thankful to thos* who recommend ed your medicines, for I now live (to the surprise pf every body) and am able to do my own work. I desire to make this statement in order that those suffering may not despair until they have given your remedies a trial Yours resp'y MRS Wat. D. RYCKMAN. They are snowed in fearfully over in Scotland - The wife bosses the husband uutil the baby conies along, and then the baby bosses the whole family. "Shet dat do', Sam" "Why, it ain't cold, marm.'' "You shet dat do', you brat, ob course it ain't cold, it's me dat's cold. Tink I care wedder do do's cold or not ?" Mirrors are frequently spoiled by being huug where the sun will shine upon them. It does seem to be gen erally understood that the amalgam of tinfoil with mercury, which is spread on glass plates to make miirors, is readily crystalized by solar rays causing a granulated appearance in the looking » glass, Neither should mirrors lie hung near a stove or fire, nor too near a gas get, as the heat will often bring about the same injurious crystalization. On the night of the 23d of January, 1881, a freight engine on the Philadel phia and Reading road was seut out from Palo Alto, Pa., to bring in a train or loaded coal cars from a siding. An hou' la'er the engine was found a mile beyond the siding with all the crew—engineer, conductor, and two brakemen—dead and terribly multila ted. The boiler bad exploded, tearing the engiue to pieces and killing all the men. As the explosion occurred in a very lonely place and all the men were killed, no details are known.— Railway Oazetlc. Messrs. Robert F. Dobson, of Dar ington, Wis., and Isaac Dobson of Lincoln, Neb., have invented a pro cess ; or tanning hides which is claimed to involve comparatively little labor, time, and expense, and which injures the fiber of the leather less than pro cesses heretofore employed, and by which the leather produced is made stronger and more durable than that heretofore produced. They place the hides for ten days, or thereabout, in a bath of strong brine and tanning ex tract, and then subject the hides to the fumes of sulphur in an air-tight com partment for from twelve to twenty four hours or more. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, hav ing had placed in his hands, by an Kast India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable reraedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of rases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated bv this motive andadesiieto relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to nil who desire it, this rec r, in German, French or English, Willi full ections for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this E'4£;(?y. 8W " w WM'J IS CHICAGO, ROCK IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WEST! lis main line runs from Chicago to Council BluffH passinc through Joliet. Ottawa. I.a Salle, GoiiMeoM-linc. Uoek Wand. Davenport. West 1 tliertv lowaCity.Marengo. Brooklyn. Gnni ell, Dcs Moines itlie capital of lowa 1 . Stuart. Atlan ta 'indAVoca ; with branches from Bureau Junction to I'corla: Wilton Junction to Musca £ IWiWon, I'airtlcM. Eld«n. .Belknap. Centreville. Princeton. Trenton. Gallatin. Canie r-.ii Leavenworth. Atchison and Kansas City, Washington to Slßourney. iwkaloosa. anil Knox- Tille; Keokuk to Karmington. Bonaparte, Ben tousport. independent. Eldon. Ottumwa. Edily vlllf!Uskaloosa. Pclla. Monroe, and Des Moines; Newton to Monroe; bos Moines to Indianola and V/interset: Atlantic to Lewis and Auauhon; and A*oca to Harlan. This is positively the only ltatlroad. which owns and operates a through line from Chicago Into the State of Kansas. Through Express Passenger 1 rains, with Pull man I'alace' ars attached, are run aach way dally between CHICAGO and PKOIIIA. KANSAS CITY, COCNCIL BUTO LEAVKNWORTH and ATCHI SON Throughcars areaisorun between Milwau kee and K n«w» City, via the "Milwaukee and Rock Island Snort L'no." - , The "Great Itock Island" is magnificently equipped. Its road bed is simply perfect, and its track is laid with steel rails. Willi' will please you most will be the pleasure of enjoying your meals, while passing over the beautiful prairies of Illinois and lowa. In one of oar mugnUicent Dining Cars that accompany all Through Express Trains. \ oeget an entire meal, as good as Is served in any flrc'-class hotel, for seventy-five cent®. _ Appreciating the fact that a majority of the DCople prefer separate apartment- for different uurposes mnd the Immense passenger business of this line warranting it., we are pleased to an nounce that this Company runs PuAm in 1.• .If« Slffl'i'W Curs lor sleeping purposes, jind Piunce ' «.«* * v p \ 1.14 r \ R.S ure ru a throuuh to I*EORIA ( HES MOIXE8» Jr? ; M n 11-PPH k \h\h CITY, ITC'III*O*. and LE A VE> WORTH. Ticw"i "» Ihl-Lint known ». the "Oiwt Bock Island Route," are told by nil Ticket In the t'Mltcrt State* 01 d Canada# . . For lSrormat:-u not obtainable at yo.ir home tUket offlee, add 4 TZ| \iri \i,T .. li*. Nl, A Cenl Su; ertnteud*at. Uea'i Tkt and m A FECT STfiENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, Lygpepsia, Inter mittent Fcvcr3, T Vant cf Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack (f Lnerrpj, etc. Lnnches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. 1 hey act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such ?s Tu'hi Hie Food, Belching, licet in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Book, 3- pp. of useful and amusing reading— tent free. BHOWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. " VEGETABLE §<p>l " A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY c/i For Internal and External Use, / ' ' "*. V Ir a SUHE CURE for a!l the Diseases for which it Is recommandeJ, . X\ anJ is ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE h the hands of /£""£'* * "\ even tiw nest Inexperienced persons. r . f'/ ltrf3nc= flt i* a n:;rc and rcsnedy fe:* CCT*(«IIS SORE L - m si'"? TIIIiOAT. t'llll.l.rti and rimiJrr troubles; affordfl in.tani rrlitf | \ if '» in the mo*t naliffnani j'onia of I> I T'i ITI.I-1M A, end ia tlic 1)1 fit '■l' I 'i'®? ij v l '. known rcmcily fcr liIIUUiJIATISM tad NEUitAIiOIA. & THE OLDEST, CEST, AND MOST WIDELY KNOWN ; ! | " U FAMILY BSEOISSHE IN THE WORLD. 3 & \\ vA r r vfev v DYSKNTEUY, ml ::1I SOWF.L CO3IPLAINT«, that ti is sll ®I &■ ?f/ considered an v./ailu j cvre /or xUws dtserz.es. | 1 j§ iH® g HAS STOCD THE TEST CF 40 YEARS'CONSTANT ml nf l ij,i fM uss m ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. A; tj§. Hi' I J Tm " i- 1 KECOSttIEN'tiED by Fhycfclnnm Mbmioßarir* £" 3t*l\#S ISi «■ ?Miniß?=r3 v - Managers cf Plantations, \\ ork-Hliopu, cr:d fe ; in fc :ir? Factcrlort, Sanw Ist Ilcspitnls-in Bhoit, by Evcrybcay •1 II W§\ 11 IT 53 WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. i' 1 Ss? 'ISII ft It fhntild n'waj-a to t:»?l f>r rain in the Kork acd EMe, HtJ S// f"- «!•'? or' &.-.>.•« V«fy •••<! ;>'rn*nnfnt nlief ill «-'l Ctteg cf l#ru.^CO, fiS* nSl' If *i'- Cat-, Hrr#-c r«rom KeaMm etc. MI" 'II K '* *. ::o f r- TV KACTY re WITHOUT IT. it v.m » ■>% / rr~n r ■ v l : nios it l ; cort In doctors* hiHa, end its prlco b**-'" —?t ii! r hof all. It Is sol' at-20c, oOc.and gI.OO PEKEIY DAVSS & Pu'ovSdence, R. I. Proprietors. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! GPAN.D DISPLAY THIS WEEK AT Rosenbaum Co.'s, IIS, 114, 116, Market Street, Car. Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. POR PRESENTS. PRESENTS. 1 PRESENTS. PRESENTS. PRESENTS. PRESENT S. PRESENTS. And 1,000 other useful Pr^ VIA-SANO THE GREAT A compound of tli<*activeprincfi't— I ■ >9f ■» M Enralvptns. Snrnap.irilla. Mtn lrak ■ lif|w RJ Dandelion, Kidney-Wort. Huchu. |r I v kfiiA AC., wlu-h act* F romptlj on mm m m■mm 1 § the K.'ln"vi lil'VKi. Sto'ca-'h K lull LI sreir _A.N"X> become nH.rc . r lui aiTeoteJ. II n.-e It i hn I) th ® K"' 01 ,ll " e , '" 1 »'it-erinriiv of U I II II II <H » compound, which n«orf« thfta D li U U U ill to liealltiv action, and a, a tonic, Tj ri Ti/rTPT»V t>»iw» u e n.iir, it is XVijl-'-t Ti I / X al»<* a iuu*t valuable r-tucdy f-.r 11-aH* A Anti-Bilious i»'i »«»»» « Omti -1 alio,l. Gr»>H. Female U calcn-.., a.l ~ u fM Skin l>i*eaaea. S:r fulou* a ..l S\ j. i 'itlc offeotions.old i-tr''- ind ulcets. Pleasant t-» taice. 'Triul botilci. i»c:e. l*arj.'c bottica. 50ct*. A 1 in i rou :ITV at • r.-a j M <t »t. or will #pvt it tor yon. ir-ti in *-iz-.r --euatad l„.la, and fl-ailed tr -a K«.x A .I.WH \V ' . 'O. liOME MKUICtNt CO.. Ph.lu'lelj'bia. fa. (CC:'. week iii your own town. Terms and s."> in-c;. Address 11. lIALLETI' & Co., < Portland, Mai no. Advertise in the Citizen. CifeisseK: ©titles, pa., SH&Jrete 18, 1&8 L Dining Cart for eat Ina purpose only, pother treat feature of our Palace Cars is a BMOKINO i SALOON where you can eDjoy your Havana at all hours of the day. Mnenitlcent Iron Bridges span the Mississippi 1 anil Missouri rivers nt all points crossed by this line, and transfers are avoided at Council Blurrs. i Kansas < ity. Leavenworth, and Atchison, con nections beinc made in Union Depou. THE PUINI IPAL K. K. CONNECTIONS OF THIS GREAT THROUGH LINK ARE A 9 : AV'' HICAGO. with all diverginK lines for the ! East and South. , t . ...... . _ At KNGLEWOOIJ. with the L. 8. 4 M. 3., and P., ; Ft. W. 4C. K. Rds. _ . At WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, with P., C. & St. i SALLE. with 111. Cent. R. R. ! At PEORIA, with P. P. 4 J-: P. I>. frE.; I. B. 4 W.: 111. Mid.: andT. 1». 4 W. Rds. At ROCK ISLAND, with "Milwaukee 4 Rock ' Island Short Line." and Rock lsl'd & Peo. Kd». ! At DAVENPOHr, with the Davenport Division | '"At wtst LIIiERTV. with theß., C. R. 4 N.R.R. i At GHINNEI.I., with < entrnl lowa 11. 11. At DES MOINES, with D. M. 4 K. I>. R. R. At COUNCIL BLl'rn. with l'nion PaciHo R. R. At OMAHA, with B. 4 Mo. It. 11. It. In Neb.) At COLCMBFS JtN'CTlO.N.with 8..C. K. 4 N. ICR At OTTL'MWA. with Central lowa 11. R. ; W., ' St. L. 4 Pat:., and C. B. 4 Q. It. Rds. At with Tol., Peo. 4 War.: Wab.. SL Louis 4 PRO., and St. L.. Iveo. 4 N.-W. It. Rds. At < AJIEItuN. with 11. St. J It. R. I At ATCHISON, with Atcli., Topeka & Santa Je; Atoll. 4 Net>. and <"en. Br. U. P. R. Rds. At LEAVENWORTH, with Kan. Pac., and Kan. 1 ARKANSAS CITY, with all lines for the West j and Southwest. BUY KID OLOVES. SILK UMBRELLAS, ALPACA I'MBRELLAB, LEATHER SATCHELS, PORTMONNIES. GENT'S CARD CASES, SILK MI'KKLERS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LI XEN 11A NI >K E ll< Mil; IS. 11E MSTI Tt 11EI) 11A NI > K ER( 111EFS, EMBROIDERED IIAN I >K EKCH I EFS, MOTTO 11A M>K E UCIII EFS, JEWELRY BOXES, BREAST PINS, CI'FF BUTTONS, SCARF PINS, UNDERWEAR, SiLK SUSPENDERS, CARDIGAN JACKETS, LACE SCARFS, GENT'S SCARFS, SCISSORS, KNIVES, LADIES' FANCY SETS, FUR SETS, M R CAPS, TRIMMED IIATS AND BONNETS. at Immense LOW PRIOtS. A«!ini ii l*i ral op'n ft'otfce. Ennle ot Sarah Jane Maliin, l ite of Middle sex t»w si Ip, Butler county, I'm, l.etiers ol ; (luiinistratioti on t lie a I ove e-tile hnvinir been K antec to the ftiderxii.'ni (I, nil pcraniiK know ing tliemselven indebted to above estate will pli'iine m:i 1 c iu:mrrlia!e piyiiM'iii, and »n\ bav in;.* <1 .i 1■ r- • t;;»j 11 -1 M.id eHate will , re.-ent thein dul) mitlicnti' iiUd lor |i i\incut JOHN It. M.MIAN. A«'in'r, lel6 Gl ide Mitte, P. 0,, Butter county, Pa. I'xrciiltir'M Xotife. Letter* testamentary bavintr been granted to the u det>ijriied on lite e-inic ol Simon guilth, late ol Allegheny townxhip Butler county, fa., deceased, thin it> to srive imtte mail per inw, knowing themselves to • e indebted to *;iid cs taie I hut iimuediiti' payment h required, and 1 h*t!-e t in:: elaiiiix nunln-t til" frame l« pre.B nt tbeiiibclves duly iititliemieaied I *r -ettleinent. L ABH.MAM SMITH, let) IB B4MVBI* oMITU; < A. Haffner, sr< fl BSOB T > H. E AUEFUBROS., IDTI.KK, I'A., PLANING MILL AND Lumber "Yard, MAJiUI- ACTURKR AXD DEALER IN Hough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, DOORS, SASH, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, Brcckets, Gaugd Goin'ce Board?, poiicii tosts, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL POSTS & BALUSTERS, FENCE PALINGS, &c„ &c. MICHIGAN SHiKGLES Barn Boards, Plasterinjr Lath, Hem lock Bill Stufl', of all kinds, constantly on hand, All of which I will sell on reasonable terms and guarantee satisfaction. Planing Mill and Lumber Yard on Jefferson street, Butler, Pa. 1 dec I v A. il \ FFNEIt. Battle Creek, Michigan, HANOTAOTUEEKS OF THE OKLT GENUINE Traction and Plain Engines and Hcrso-Powers. Most Complete Thresher Factory} Established lii the World. 3 1C43 Iff" A DO of continuous and successful burl* ■c S • u6\it& >icss, without cliararo of raine, ■Hg J_ management, or location, to "back up" the 2r *ff broad warranty given on all our goods. STEA3I-POWER SEPARATORS anl Comp!(-n> Srcani OatUV§ of matchless qualities. Fine d Traction Engines and Plain LDginei {ver Been in th«; American market. A multitude of fpe. al features and improvements for 18SI, to-.*fi ber with superior qualities in construe tion and ma'erials not dreamed of bycthf r makers. Four size* of Separator*. from 6 to J 2 norse capacity, fir Steaul cr horse jxneer. Two style* " Mounted" H^r^Powew. 7KAfI Oflrt Feet of Selected J.nmber yl/VVfV <J\J (from three to six years air-drxea. constant'y on h£n<i, from which ii* built the in comparable wood-work of our machinery- TRA3TIOH ENGIHES rottfje.'. mo ft durable, and efficient ever -•** / -jAe 8, lU, 13 lior*e Power. |ffl/ Farmers nnd Thresberu:en are in-itod t •nvoßtii-'utfi th:« matchUss Threshing Machinery. Circulars ent free. Address NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO. Rattle Creek. M!cht«*»lW 0 PHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Butler county, tho nnden-igned Executor of the tact will and testamen' of David Reed late of Mercer township, said county dee'd, will ex pose to pnMie sale on the premise*. on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30th, I*Bl, at O' e o'clo -1 , r. M., all that curtain tract of land situate in Mercer township. Bntler county, bounded on tlie north by land of K. K. Wick, east l>y lands of William Johnston. ct il . south bv landß of James KO»T and west by lands of Mrs. K. Black ; containing eighty acres, more >:r all cleared and enclosed. Frame dw-.1-ling ling hotis % frame barn, good springs a-id well watered. ALSO on the promise i in the borough of Fairview. said ourity, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6th, 1881, at one o'clock, p. M.. all that ceitain lot of around, bounded on tlio north by E. Kelly, east by Mayville tract, south by lot of W. 0. Adams and"wett by Main ttrcet, being sixty leet. morn or less in front on Mam street and extending back by 1 arallel lines one hundred and sixty feet, more or le*". eastward. Frame or plank dwelling hoine ther«ou. TER MS ! One-tliird of tlie purchase mmey at confirma tion of sa'o and the balance in two equal itn i;ual instalments fro'ii that (late in ;tt lawful interest, to be secured by bond and mortgage, embracing attorneys' COIL mission of tivo |>er rjent in ca»e the sa" e should have to be collect ed by legal process. CHARLES M. BHOWN, Executor of David lteo l. "BUTLER C()UNTY~" Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. G. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. M. CAMl'bljiliL, I KbA»l llhK 11. C. lIKINEMAN. SKCKETAKY DIKEt roiJS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Ilelroboldi, vVillisitu Campbell, |J. \V. Kuikhait, A. Troulma i, .laeob Selioene, U. C. Roessinjr, John Caldwell, Dr. VV. lrvin, •' J Croll J. W.Chrlstv H. C. Heineman. IAS. T3 M'JUNKIN. Qen- Ae't- BUTLER FA. Notice Extixoidinary. Persons dei-inni: to have their Old Furniture repair, d or New Work made to order, such as Music Stands. Rook Cases. Wardrobes, Ottice Desks. Office Tables. .Vc. would do well to call on A. 13. WILSON, Practical Cabinet Maker. I hold that a piece of furniture made by hand worth two made by machinery, and will cost out little more, il any. Then wliv not have hand made ? All work made in the latest styles and of the best material I guarantee en'ire sat isfaction 111 stvle, workmanship and price. Give me a call. Shop on Mifflin street lour doors west of Main street, a id opposite A. Troutman'e store, Butler. Pa. sepl7-ly 11. Bickel, LIVKKYSKKKII STABLE JKI'FEItSON STREET, WEST OF LOWRY HOUSE. BUTLER, PA. Ilnviiijr removed nil my stock *<• the above SiuU<\ the public are r. specl fully invited to call. The best Horses, Carriages, Bug gies, &c. kept constantly for hire. Open all hours, day and night. oi DKN IM\VN or Light on tlie (ileal Future in this Life tliro' the D ik Valley and in the Lite Kternal. ILLUS TRATED. Sol >- last. Pays over MONTH qpJLwU F uR AGkmvs Send for eirenlar and terms. AIBO send address of two or u ' re hook agent" and ten cents for cost of mailing, and rec>ive tl.e Peoplt 'n Maga zine of choice literature tree for (i months. Ad dresn P W. ZIEULE'i A i.'J.. n'S Arch t. iliiladelphia. Pa {j-^AUVt-rlitre iu lift) UlxntiiW; TAM&SCU3 J. PALMER O'NEIL & CO. r 03 Fim AVMU3 « PITTSBURGH,PA. ! \ : :' • 12 " 3 ° r e' To meet th,' <lem iu«l for a reliable ha d close sh >otiug breech 1 >ad er, at a moderate price, we ii jvv oiler a liueol Kln K (jUN S, \j| at tl>e billowing % Greatly Reduced Prices: 12-bore. 10-bore. No 845 C. G. BONEIIILL, Top lever, double holt, bar rebounding locks, low set hammers, solid stri kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, skeleton butt plate, tine Damascus barrels, choke bored, finely engraved anil tinish d - -- -- -- -- - 00 ] sr>o 00 850 do. " do. With extension rib fastening f>o 00 | . r >s 00 No 855* do. do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 I CO 00 Ali'these puns have raised level ribs. and the 111 !»• .<e~ an- made exirrt heavy and wide at breech, rant: ng m weight troni !i t<« In nm'.i in2 an admirable gun tor duck and trap shooting where heavy . hurge- are ne.vssnry. Any of these mm- u ill he sent C. O. 11., with pr vil.ge of examination and trial on receipt o a remittance sufficient to cover express chutes to your place and rc:u«.. Node™*:y"*' l , l , l \ "''J'''' ,r ' m these prices under any -ciren instances. L.)anj<nij .1. i AL.Ii'.K >.vhli,i Planing Mill —AND— _Liiiiil>er # A ard. J. L. PL'UVIS. 1. o. PURVIS S.G. Purvis & Co., *\»iI)FACTI HFRS AMI DKALBIiS '.*• Rough and Plansd Lumber OF KVF.KY DEs« Kil'Hol*. FRAMES MOULDING, -A.-H r>< <»h> FLOORING, SIDING. HAT' ENS Brcclitls, Gaipd Cornice (fords I'ORCII POS'l>, STAIU KAILi- Newell Posts <iiiri Btilusteifc FENCE PALINGS, Ac.,«Sro, MICHIG AN SI iIN G L KS, liiirn Boartit-; Plastering Lath; Hem lock Bill Stuff, Mirh as Joist Hat tern, Sranliintz. &c.. all sizos constantly on hand. Vll ol which we will sell od reasonable tertxf md guar antee watisl action. PLANING MIL], AND YAIJD Vear (icriiiaii OOiolW* I'luirt'L J.?-M)-'y LIBERAL OFFERS Fon i^hi. Two Yeais for the Price of One! 1 THK REI HINTS OF THE BRITISH QUARTERLY ( Evangelical), LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative), EDINBURGH ( Whig), AVD WESTMINSTER ( Liberal), ■«. mc v ■ ma mw AND Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Present the best foi'ign periodicals in a conven ient form and without abridgement or alteration. Terms of Subscr'ption, Including Postage. Blackwood or any one one Review i 4 00 per Blackwood and any one lleview *< 00 annum Hlnc wood and two Re vie-is 1000 Blackwood and three Reviews 13 00 Any two Reviews 7 On Any three. Reviews 10 'io The four Review a 12 00 Blackwood and the four Reviews 15 00 Tliet-o are about half t'je price* charged by the English Publishers. Circulars giving the Contents of the Periodi cals for the year ISBI, and many other paiticu lars, may be had on application. I»REMIUMS: New subscribers may have the numbers for 1880 and 1881 at the price of one year's subbcrip tion only. To any subscriber, new or old, we will furuisli the periodicals for 187" «t half price. All orders to be scut to the publication office. To secure preiniurcs applv promptly. The Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 41 Bar* Ihj St., Sew York Ja' J ftEN EWE? >Has been In constant \V t\ use by Hi • juMie ./, i . '"-j /• i ! I for over twenty yearn, \ | . and is the l>est preparation ever invented for IIESTOIi- V; j INO GRAY HAIII TO IT Ci"'.) j YOUTHFUL COLOIt Al<l> /'I 'U ' Vh- r: ;L'U; ( It supplies tl»«» natural (' j . f j food and color to the hair i'• C. glaadn without staining the * ( , ... f skin. It will Incrcas • m;:l • t " thicken the growth «>l t* ' " hair, prevent its I Jai *i. • 1 and tailing oil, and ti-. *■ \ AVEKT KAi.DM.SH. I It cure® I telling Tiv- . * j tiom PTH! DandrnlV. ; . I IIAIR DRESSING it is\< . ' i desirable, giving: the hai. . i . | silken softness which R. i | ! admire. It lieepn the h<::d , ' clean, sweet ami healthy. I 1 r ; i V'-AIS "f •" ■ ©UCWNGHAMS 0v . £ . I WHISKERS will rhange the Ix-aril to a lIKOMS or | BLACIi at discretion. Bellicr In < n«; ' preparation It is easily applied, rrxl produces a permanent color thr.i v. I'.l not wash off. i*i{Er.u::.i> i.v R. P. HALL & CO., mm., k. H. Sold by all Dca.ers in Medicine. tn day al home. Samples worth *** ***** * *' IC (1 Jti 1 jt£ li, DEALEH IN FINK Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KlfliTDo A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET (North ol Lowr> tlouse,) BUTLER, PA. falu PAD Op iiiiouN ol llie I'ublic, WABASH. INDIANA. The Tads are selling well. Have several oltl chronic of Kidney trouble lining them, a/id thev report mi improvement ami think much of thein. A. L. ROHBOCK & CO.. Druggists. COURTNEY. TEXAS. Your Pad Ir s done me mine pood thin any Remedy I ever i.sed. J AS. U. CALLAWAY. MT. CLEMENS Mil H. Your Phu has c-.it-d me of Pain ii the Rack and Kidney Ticub.e M. J. HODOII. Address DAY KIDNEY PAd CO., SOLE I'KOI RIETOIIS. TOLEDO, - - - OHIO. .1. c. liFDH l\. Agei t lor Butler »'o. r - • \ A; SUKK CURE FOB Coughs, Colds, Sure Throat. Bronchitis, Asthma, Const nipiion a< d All Diseases ot THROAT and LUNGS. I'ut ui> in Quart-si/e Unities for Family Csc. Scientifically prepared of Ha I saw Tolu. Crystal lizt-il Rock Cainly. oiil Kye, and other tonics. The Formula Is known to oar best physicians, is nlgli iy recommended by them, and the analysis of our most prominent (•!:« ; '.si. Frof. <». A. MARINLR, in Chicago, is on the '::lw*l of every bottle. It is well known to the na il'cal pi of ession that TOLL l(0( K at <1 KYI. will : lloid the r realm lehef lor Coughs. ( olds, lnllt •• i:/.a. I lonehills, Sore Throat, Weak Lungs, aiso < onsuniption, in the incipient and advanced stage.-. t'sed a.s a 1 kvhiauk and Aitktizk.R. it makes a delightful tonic for family use. Is pleasant to take; if weak or deli.lated. It gives tone, activity anil stiength to the r.1.01e human frame. Ct » < |/ v v Don't hi: DF.OKIVFD V /-\ I |( ' % »liy liiiprincipiled denl- \ I ers who trv to palm t II i.'peii you Rock & Rye | in place ot'onr T< i i Lock am» Kvk. winch I \ is the onlv nicillcait d article made, the genu- / ine having a g« veil mint stamp on each bottle / LAWKLNCK & MARTIN, Proprietors, 111 Madi isou Street,* liieago. far- Ask your llrt ;-gi>t for it ! {v~ A k your tSiocer for it ! Ask vour Wine Merchant for it! i*"" Children, ask viur Mamma for it ! svr- Sold l»v DRI'OOIsTS.C.IKM'ERSand WINK MLRi 'IIAM'S evervv.lu re, and by I.AWRENCK X MARTIN, No. n II:;relay St., New York. How Lost, How ilebtored ! Just punlislied, a new edition ol Dr. Culv e well's Cs Icbrnted Em-uv on the radical curt o Spertnatorrl <B'i or M tninal Weakness, In vol untaiy Seminal Losses, lnipoicuejr. Mental and Physical Incapaeiiv, Impediments to Marri.ise, etc; also, L'onsuuiplioii. Epilepsy and Fits, i< duced liy sell-Indulgence or sexual extrava gance. &c. The celebrated author, in 'his admirable Kst-av, clearly demonstrates, trotu a thirty years successful practice, that the aiannmg conac- ] qnences ol m 11-abusc mav he radically cured ; j pointing oui a mode ot cure at once simple, cert in and etleelual, by means ol which every fUtlerer, no matter whit lii> condition may In*, m -y "lire hiiusclfcheaply,ptivalelv and radically. (fcfi 111 is Lecture -hoi.ld l>e in the bauds of every \outh and every man in the land. Sent under »eal, in a plain envelope, to any i addiess, post-paid, on icceiplo ol six cents or two post ue stamps. Add I ers the Publishers, THE CULVERWELL KITDICAL CO , 41 ANN ST., Yokk. N Y : fcbil-ly Post Ollice Box. 458«. Rheumatic Cure. X)Q>J NT£ T KIIEUMATIC i (MTOIM) ■ has cuied r! i utnhtipm ntiir the ni> tun-it of j t fourteen doetors i <i tiiUd ai.d alter be h.rd ' j UH d el inciter for PiMi < n y<- •'>. It wits discovered l y K Lini.ell, in the treat- ment of himself- hold i y I I>. 11. H I 1.1 KK. j BUiLERi PA* lpr>r% ?.• p e ' pe V- ii e t*>«d ii! the piincij).i! ( ! h-1m s for (mum won pitrjK '*s. }_sc ! •!»• Ko J dir.* unit ' n k s y IN mill ili*- .g <l. J f- V *.';>■• y: i v 'T> o pj[sS/ C , N. J. c* 4|i | -4^, : % ■" ' ' V'- 'i t -.v. ■ ' .' r *' -■>'■. ' % SkC? v»' "3 • tv r V' /t " H. '*'" ' ■ :' S EER'S FORT GRAPE WISE! FOUR YEAItK OLD. Tins Celebrated Native Wll' is 111:1 Y Iroin tlic juicejjf ti:cO|iorto(;mj>e,i:UNoU in luis country. Its lvakmOle Tonic and Strur.gthmg ; ropertiot. arc unsurpassed by any other Native Wine. lionm llie pure juice ot flie urai'e. proonccd under Mr. Sjieer's own personal supervision, its puiety ami Kcnnineness arc ciinniutced. The youngest eliilii nwv partake ot its generous <jualiiies. aucl the weakest invalid use it to advantage, ltispaitieu larily beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that affect the weaker sex. It is in every respect A WINK TO UK RELIED ON. HI'I'I KH'S IP. vJ. SHERRY. The T'. .1. SHERRY is a wine of Superior Char acter, and partakes ot tlie golden qualities of the giape from which it is made. For purity, liictaness, Flavor .inn Mechanical Properties, it will belonnd unexcelled. IP. J-. BRANDY. This r.R ANDY stands unrivaled in this Country, being jar superior for medicinial pur|>oscs. IT IS A l*rRE distllation from the grape a\d contains valuable medicinial proi»erties. It lias a delicate flavor, similar to that of the gr;i|ies from which it is distilled, and is in great favor among first-class families. See that the signature of ALFRED BPEER. Pas saic. N. J., is over the cork of each bottle. Sold I>V D. 11. WIILLER. apr2fe-iyr Unicn Woolen Mills. I would decire to call the attention of tl:«- puhlic to the Union Woolen Mill. Untler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery fi.i the manufacture ol Burred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, ami I can tecoiuDiend them as beii g very dura ble. Hi- they aie manufactured of pire But lei county wool. They are heaiitilul in l olor, hii perior in texture, and will bo n'ld nt veiy le v prices. Foi and pucet* i/ddicrt*. II KCII.H, iON, jii!94 *7« I*\ r> pw - . , ■ oiiu!oi<3 ti'" ! :n.-r! it by the oiii'.ta it : il ;■ ,-J»n't ri.-ink intu.vi :k: t \ Arc \ >a s u,ci. .i . i .tism, or with 1« uv,. . .. 'Urinary voti rj ' • If you arc wasting away wit.. I r.t.»i»4ni 'male weakness or any sickness ; i \» u have ; i»' "• »ful <n bid cold, v •: v. • 1 f ' -tine r*r\' . * iJMMmztFyiiZz™:. ' > If you arc eufcenied !•> ui -c.i>c. old t;«.- M pat ion; and your system nce;l uivi-.-aratu :. [if you have pi in pics anrt blotches, and your l>J«v .needs purifying, yen • .-.. i y•' - ' [Made from Ginger, Hu.hu. ftlar. r»k<>, Mud many other o t'le best in-.licines known ir i* 'the Da-t Ktalin o id Stre*n 4 h Restorer Pv<? - \ I'Jsed. ant! is far tol. trrrs. Essences .(iincer and other Tunica, as it rev / 'and combine-tbe !»*st rvr live pn r»erti «f M. I It Han sared llnndr c-f Uvea; if 21ay j , Vnurs. z » Htiy a *oc. boltl? ot your dr i.'cist, and t » avoi \ Counterfeits be oi»r r n .r; rc i> tiih • < .side wrapper. II < :iV ( C'er.ii. t.* . V. I Parker's Hair Bak . The B:.<t * .'ln.t I'rc J'.::jlral I'.ilr ! r ■ Ins o.. y ingrc. c ■* !'• t■> l> • .i to the huir > I • t'.- I: wi'l !■• ( .. I far pi. re i..ti • c.-.iv «!• .1 .: ' or f • " It Sever Fj:' .t. : : )or : '. 'r 15 :'-e I ;it' ':| i'.r in ii; v.. ■ dlO r.:. .;!!. i vr?:lt I ' ' iailß of I.< !i r. • ' .*■/._ • A»" *it % re>.:\. iv.?nov: t « ou.i, TRADE (g^MARK. GUENTHEr/3 L'JiJS r EA PR CURS 3 COITiUMPTIXT. Spitting of Tloo.l, Bronchit s Axthmi, C"'" Us, L i.t a 1 dise-scs of tjo 1' 11.ill. I. y yrj;u .* I*r ec ."50 Cent* r.ml One Poll I■. 39 Filth Avenue. PITTS3bRGH, PA. Isk fori). Worlli JIII In til Firo luwur nn«*e < onipauy. Rec iptw and Expenditures of Worth Mu'ual Fire lin-urance <,'o , for ISBO : Premium S 1 Wl 80 Malauceof 1879.... 'lO 10 •t 1,419 86 rXI'KNI ITt'UFH -al irien. conmii«rioner« 83 9"i Fort | Milling. iiitcrc»-t.. . 110 Mi l.osotcn paid 1.004 00 il 109 11 Bal./an. let, ISSI 240 75 \y. E. TAYi.Oli, I \\ .M. M'CuY ) Auflito'-s. MILL FOR SALE. A I II <* \ 1 ' Uli 11 **ll 'til Mill Inr *>•!»*, rilu.itil lit* 1 »i « hi.»w 11, Phi t*i, . I'a . luiih «m wtiiir |" r; <» l. n in»fi tlwril il l , <»k I r<l. it nl l» • k. «V«" % if *t d«*-Isai'*!* '« <.» turn i»- h.l' «!• »li»l; L!»»oil ii iin— i 1 ' K ' • m|! it i 1.1 ti.*, hi i.i •t •• |-r->i»• ri \ of V\ i!i Ai • ii. die' il M»l -o'ii l» Ii n* A ril wil« I) •V t* ;«11 i X|H'»i« |i< i(I \tllli* U ||* •i HI llllulpll aouU ifli r«-i to F«»r \ sir u uf»ir-. udit*i- i» I 1; ALLL>, tm. i TRAVELERS' QUIDS. V-TI EH, K*K\- CITT AND PA HKKH KAILROAD I rain* lt*.>ve Kntler tor 81. Joe, Millerntowii, Kuril- * ii>, tviniiui, Parker, etc., al 7.J{7 *. m., % u: 2.2"> .iiid 7.A5 p. in. 1 mn> auive ai Uuller from ihe above named , «>h ir. .it 7. 7 it. m.. and -.15, tuid 7.15 p. m. 1 he 2.15 uu.u connects «iili tmlu on the Weat (Vim null -hrouicb to Pittsburgh. SMEVASOO AM) ALLEGHENY HAILKOAD Trains leave Hilliard's Mill, Butler county, lor Mm rieville, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m. aurt 25 p. IU. Tialns arrive at Milliard's Mills fit 1:45 a, M. t •in! 5.55 p M. Ii cko to »iid trom Peirolia, Mr.rt»n»hor(r. Kainit-rt, .Mooocaml T'ouiiuitu, connect at Hll nid with II I nhiH <>n ibe .-» & A road. ■'■MISTLVAMA HAILKOAD. Trains leave butler (Butler or Pittshnrgb Time.) Marktt at 5 (Hi a. m., iroe* through to Alle gUeiij, uii vint at UOl * in Tins train eon- Lccts al Freeporl with Fret-pot t Accommoda tion, wh'eb arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. m., I railroad tinn*. biprtti at 7.21 a. in , connecting at But Irr luncti 11, without change ol cars, at 8.2# with Mp.e*s west, arnviug In Alleutienj at W.s# j. iu., ami Ex; ri »- east arriving at Blairsville it 10 55 a. in. railroad time. Mail ai 2 26 p. hi , comiectinc at Butler Junc tion without change ol cars, with Express west, in Allegheny al 501 p. hi., and Ex pre*- cut-1 arriving at Blairsville Inu-rseciion it 5 55 p. m railroad tinif. which ecnuecta wHh Philadelphia Kxpre.s en»t, when on time. I lie 7.21 a. in train connects at Blairaville ■ t 11.05 a tn wish ibe M ill eiu-l, and the 2.3 A in. train al ti.5V with Ibe Philailelpbia Ex pM»W«. Trail;.- arrive nt Hntbr «>ti tti*l Penn R R. at ' VV a. in , 4.5s a il 7.01 p. in.. Bmbr lime. Tbe ■,"ti ai d J f.h imill.- ctni.ett Willi liaius on the Bullet tV Pari er H. 1!. Main / hie. ■ iijii trail-- lean I'llisbnr<;b loi the Biifi i ."ii iiitt - a. in. .ml 12 51. 421 in d p. , ai'livini; al Pliliade'pLia al 5.40 and 7.20 ni :i.l-'. To and 7.4!' i«. in.;-I Baltimore « II ie • ■ >■ i me. al Ni » York time hours ■ . .ii >1 U.i hii.i 101 l alioul one and a bait tciiit <•' It- UilttK < unriH. I'ln- feveml rmti- nl tlic comity of Puller • , • u ii «-!.<•• tin tli. Ii i-t il nday tl March, June, s v |tiui:ier ai.d l>w-< mi»T. anil continue two we. K-, or MI tony as n cessary to disptise ot the 1 mi ni nehit. No causes are put down for trial or traverse jtnor>* summoned for tbe tirst week of : tb«i si -venal terms. A RUNINEYT? AT [JAW. BUTLER. PA. ~ A. M.- CORNELIUS, Office witb A. I>. Biandou, Berg Building. Mala Stitfct. Butler, Pa. J. F BRITTAIN, Office witb L Z Mitchell, Diamond. A. M CUNNINGHAM, Udice in Brady's LUIT Building. Butler, Pa. ~S. 11. RIEKSOL. Office oti N. t. cottier Diau-ond, Riddle build up. .noTll JOHN M. GREER. Office on N. E. corner Diau.oud. noTll _____ Office witb YV 11. il Riddle, Euq. NEWTON BLACK, Office on Diiuiuud, near Court Honee, «eutt» biile. E7L BKUOH, Office in Kiddle's Law Buildiuft. t> F. BOUSEU. Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'7< .r B. iMcJUNKIN. Speti-U attention jfiven to collections Olllc* oj posut Millard House. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office nortb-eat-t corner of Diamond, Butler Pa. H. H. GOUCHER, Office in Scbueidemau's building, np mails. JTT. DONLY Office near Court Honae. * " 74 W. D~ BRANDON, ebl7-75 Office in Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Bredin building- marl7—t FEUD KEIBER, Office in Berg's new building, Main street.apWl> F M. EAST AN, Office in Bredin building. LEV, Alcylis'llON, Cfi ct iiaiii stiect, l dooi touib oi Court House jutv C. VANDERLIN, Olbcr Man. slieet, 1 dooi noutb of Couit iioase. \\ in A. FORQUER, 6S ou Sliui Btrett, oppusi;e Vogeley house. (7F<7 TIT WHITE, Office N. E. ccruer of Oiamoud _ FliANCls" S I'UUVTANCE, Omce with Gen. J N. Purviauce, Main street, soulb ot Court House. 7. I) M C.J UN KIN, Office in Schuridciiiairs bulldiiii;, weat side ot Main street, 2nd square trom Court House, A. G. WILLIAMS, Office on Diamond, two doors west of CmzßM office, •p36 T C. CA v FBEI.L. Ofl;ce in Bern's new building, 2d door, east ; side Mam at., a few doors south of Lown | llouso. mar!)—tf •; A. & M. SULLIVAN, ■ tna} 7 Uttict* !5. W. cor cl Diamond. BLACK A BRO., * OlUct on Main street, one door south o> Hreil \ Ulot k, Buiier. Pa. (eep. 2, 1874. JUIiNM MILLER JB BRO. omce in Brady's Law Building, Main street, -oi.tii of Court House. ECOEMC O. MILLER, ! Ni.ti.ij Public. jun4 ly THOMAS ROBINSON, liUTLEh, PA. JOHN U. NEGLKY, ©fl-Givei- paruculai attention to transaction* ih roal estate throughout the county. OFKICKON DIAMOND, NEAR COCHT Hoots, t» I'ITIZE.N RI7IW>IJ»O E. IT. KCKI.KY, KENNED* MAKSHALX. (Laicul Ohio.) fcXKLKY & MARSHALL. OUiit- iu Bniuy'e Law Buildimr. Bept.V,74 <J O CHRISTIE, Attorney »t Law. Legal business carefully transacted Collectioiiß made and promptly remitted. Busines* correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowrv House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, myal-ly] HUTI-EK. L'A. DENTLs 18. ID luisJ X'lrf'X Y. 01/ WALDKON.Or ot 'be Ptall- K adelplda Dental College,U prepared • r:• to do :tli>lhniu 111 the line of hi* g 1011-- ion 11: a sali-l.ictoij manner Olliei- i•'11 Main >lreei. Uutler. Union Block, lip flairs, apll 'I o ih«> < r«*«liior* nl A. S. Fnlk -111:111—Ttik<» Volii't'. IVnjainiii Pearoi n having made application to the Ci-uit of <'o" mon Pleas of Butter county for fhwl,»rxe »- asMfjneo for of c r edi»on» ol Mi A ii Fnikiu iii Now January 19. iB9l. tin' Coii't on due coiii-icWniion. grant pray <r of 11 titioiiei at d direct a-sijjin-e to dl-cliarired Hl•< II G.VU.X noiicx. it.!., by the OoU't Appiica ti n fur ttnai or ier of will b'> made to Com t on the 19lU of March ne*t. BENJAMIN PEARSON, ft>l>23-8t Senifcuete.